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L 15975-66
ACC VR: AT5027128
placement of the meteor was I order smaller than its linear size even at the
moteor rate of speed of 60-70 km/sec., The meteor ima,", in photogaphs was then in
the 17orm of a bright head ani relatively weak tail. The instantaneous exposition
of lo-3-10-4see. could tbus'provile for:an imagle of the meteor in pure form. In
:additionj the use of instantaneous exposition permitted the separation of the
images of inlividual meteor frapentsp a separate stuly of the movement
of each fr%7.entj ani meanuring the mass of each frapent. Two factors
,should be tgkqn into constieration when designing a device for inst-intaneous
exposition: (1) the time of meteor appearance is not known (device should operate
.for a prolonged time)) and (2) the Instantaneous image is situated alon-7 the meteor
flijit (separate images should be.spacpd on thq film so that thet do n Iot overlap.).
~Three,methods were offered for the instantaneous photographing of meteors:'. . (1) A
~.sufflciently large disk havingr winlows sli%htly wider than the diametar of the
'front lense ani rotating at the rate of A -revolutions pqr sec. r/;C Rjk
where I' is the effective .,exposition p, R 16, the distance of the Ught winiow fr6m
Ahe center of theAisk, ani r ie'the raftus,of,tho winAov); (2) 2 mobile latticesp
each havi .ng-intemittent transpar*4nt'an, 'I opAque bands; and (3) a special near- film
obturator. The.-latter was.devised4nd,isAn use now at the Giessa Astronomical
Card 2/3
L 1597 -6
ACC VR: AT5027128
Observatory. In this ieviae the disk, having I or 2 narrow winlows of 5* or 10*
Ror -!Ocni aistances of the camsras of 250 or 750 rm) rotat~is near the focal plane
of the oojective. The angular speei of the obturator is 1500 rim. The devics is
calculatai for~exposures of I/QW- ani 1/1800 sea. At the present research Is ~ I
bein-, conductei in the Giessa. Astronomical Observatory for destping of apparatuses
art. has: 2 fi;ures,
with use of electronic-optical converters. Crig
SUB COD741 03 UBM DATEs 25J=65/ ORIG REF1 0031 OTH MFt 001
Card 313
L, 5312-66 EW(I)IEWA(d), G51W.
NRt AT5024193 VR/0000/65/000/000/0067/0104~'
TITLEt Some problems of a theory and now methods of meteor-observation
SOURCE. AN UkrSSR. Fizika komet i meteorov (Physics of comets and 'meteors) Kiev9
Izd-vo Nauiova dumka, 1965t 87-104
TOPIC TAGS: meteorp ~----ateor observation, comett astronomic camera
ABSMACT: Observed decelerations and luminovities of meteors are compared with the
,theoretical values as applied to a single nonfragmented meteor body. The work was
'done to illumin to the problem of the nature and distribution of meteor material
connected in its ~origln with Formulas,obtained. earlier by B. Yu. Levin
:(Fizicheskqa ieoriya meteorov. Isd-vo AN SSSR9 1956) were used, and the obtained
,values were compared with data from observations at Odessa and Harvard University.
It was found that the observed and theoretical decei-eiiiiin-ilificii, aj~ssjiii its-
tively, but the observed value is almost always somewhat higher. The observed
,:luminosities (visual radiation energy) are lower than,the theoretical. It is con-
.oluded, that the present photographic methods do not provide a final solution to the
problem of the nature of meteor fraguentatione A method of instantaneous exposure
4o proposed to help In removing s=e of these defects. The Odessa Aatranomi 1
to 9010.5
T, 5312-&
~Obsmmt= uses cameras mith speow GbAtters (diWw with gas or two slits of 5 or
100 that rotate n to fdoal pbsne at 25-50 rpa) providing an exposure of 11900-
I/IBM sea. Tabulated hellooentria olUptical coordinates of the nodal points of
.coast orbits are givets. for aid In studyke the relationship between meteor showers
and comets. Orle. art. bass 2 tables and 17 forxul"-
q MR ODs 21Vq65 ENCLt -00 M 0019 Ak
i10 REP Wrt 009 P; ills 000
' Irl R J& M
01-M-P-PlY I
law o
't �R -Z,
~iW -7 W
r4 W-1
OAb kio~~ - -
Wk Ww-v- 7~7
KRAMER U.N.; l7ft"O.: O.A.
0 F
- " - ~ I ~ 1. 1 ~ -
Photographic observations of the Perseids. Astron.zhur. 42
no.2:416-1+23 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Odesskaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya.
PrelimLnary ro3ults ot' photogrf~phing rrftteor,,i 'r,.f i.~.e l-,n!:T.&ntanecnn
exposure method. Astron. zhur, 42 nc.,.3.66f,,-664 ~V-e '(115. (MIRA l8i 5)
1. Jnstitut antrofiziki AN Tadmikskoy SSq I C~~is5kly
universitet im. I.I.Mechnlikova.
ACC NRI A117008916
SOURCE CODEZ UR/0033/66/043/006/1306/U312
AUVHOR: Babadzhanov, P. B.; Kramer,
OPZG: Astrophysics Institute- AM_T_a___- nstitut astrofiziki All TadzhSSR);
dzIUSSR (I '
Odessa State University (Odeaskiy go&.' univarnitot)
TITLE: Orbits of bright meteors from photographic observations at
Dushanbe and Odessa
SIYJRC-',7: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v, 43, no. 6, 1966, 1306-1312
TOPIC TAGS: meteor observation, comet
rvations of motcr6rs whose results are pro-
7ro photographic obso
o during the period 1957-1963 using C=Orls
sontod in his paper were mad viv.4 40 X 500-
with bj,)ctivos D = 100 =9 ri = 250 Mm and a field of
?archroaa Itic fila was used (width 19 cm)- Exposures wore from 30 to 60
minute. Oburvations wore at Dushanbe and Odessa. The following infor-
is r n -for about 500 motogr ob3ervatjonas detolvLination of tilno
flight; distribuVion of orbital Ucmont3; sa4inajor axis; orbital in-
.clination; eccentricity; ate. Particular attention is given to Mateor
associations, O.,,pecially the Perseids. Tho photographic observations of
brig~ht mciteors confimod their relationship to comets. The meteor bodies
and comets have that namo kinematic properties. According to Whipplo's F.
crit;3rion most orbits of bright metoors are of the comotary clasa. 7ho
itification of meteors. for which X > 0 with astaroids has no adequal-o -
oasis becaaso __ no single kinanatic. criterion can be used in drawinr reli-
L_g_qrd 1/2 UDCt__ 521.75.15
7XCC NR~ Ai,7008916
able concluBions concerning tho gone4c ral.-Alont;hip of ri!~tcora to
'astoroid3 or
comots. The distributioa of Uio orbital olwc,.w'~z for
bri&hl motoor~ diffora in aomo ro'Gpeots from thoso for "ra:Lnt" meteors.
On tlia" avorage the bright moteors move alonG viore elongated orbits and
the inclinations of those orbits aro-Aroater on the average than thono
of fvint mutoors. Orig. arts hast 6 figurosp 1 fomula and 2 tablen.
iCard 2/2
Energy calculation of a beta spectrometer containing no iron
and a-tranaverse magnetic fibld. Sbor. nauch. rab. MIFI no.2:121-
125 160. (MIRA 14:3)
(Beta-ray spectrometer)
-26, .2 ~2
AUTHORS: Stolyarova, Ye.L., Kramer-Ageyev, Ye.A. and
Fedorov, G.A.
TITLE: A Scintillation Spectrometer for Past Neutrons with
a Boron-containing Organic Scintillator
PERIODICAL: Pribory i takhnika skaperimenta, 1961, No. 3,
pp. 49 - 51
TEXT: The principle of the instrument is as
follows A fast neutron entering a scintillator may
produce a number of recoil protons as a regult of multiple
scattering ( in a time of the order of 10 see). Having been
slowed down to less than .10 keV,,it is captured by B 10 nuclej..
The capture is accompanied by the emission of an a-particle
which gives rise to a second pulse (on the average 2.2 jLs
after the first pulse). Using the delayed coincidence technique
and the amplitude analysis of the pulses, one can determine the
energy of the incident neutrons. In the arrangement employed
by the present authors, pulses from the anode of a photo-
Card 1/5
A Scintillation Spectrometer .... E032/E314
multiplier are amplified and then fad into the "alpha" and
11proton" channels. The pulses in the proton channel are, on
the average, delayed by 2.2 lis. Pulses from the output of the
coincidence circuit, which are due to coincidences between the
11alphall and "proton" channel pulses trigger a univibrator which
produces a 100 V output pulse. This pulse is-used as the gating
pulse for a kicksorter (AM-100-1 (AI-100-1)). At the same time,
the pulses taken from the eighth dynode of the photomultiplier
are amplified and amplitude-analyzed. The scintillators
employed were:
1) P-terphenyl plus o-xylol plus trimethylborate (d = 4 cm;
h 4 cm);
2) p-terphenyl plus tolmol. plus trimethylborate (d = h 8 cm).
The authors carried out a theoretical calculation of the
efficiency of the spectrometer, assuming that in each i-th
scattering the energy of the neutron in reduced to
Ei+1 ~, Eiexp(-V, where is the average logarithmic energy
loss. The neutron-slowing-down time was taken into
Card 2/5
A Scintillation Spectrometer E032/9314
12 1 7-1'
account (elastic scattering with C and H nuclei). In the':-.*.
calculation, the cylindrical scintillator was replaced by an'.~'
equal sphere, beginning with the second scattering. The
computed efficiency curves were found to be in good agreement
with experimental data (N.A. Vlasov - Neutrons, 1955,
Gostekhizdat). The major advantage of the spectrometer is the
relatively high efficiency. Fig. 1 shows the efficiency as a
function of neutron energy (MeV). The two curves refer to the
two phosphors mentioned above. The efficiency for Curve I is
multiplied in the figure by a factor of 3- The efficiency at
15, 8.65 and 4.65 MeV on this curve is 0.12, 0.60 and 2.2396.
A disadvantage of the spectrometer is the relatively low
resolution and a considerable spurious coincidence background.
A preliminary description of this apparatus was given by the
first of the present authors et al in Ref. 3 (PeredNoy nauchno-
tekhnicheskly i proizvodstvennyy opyt, No. P-58-i6l/7). It
was developed during the period 1957-1958 at the Moscow
Engineering Physics Institute.
Card 3/5
A Scintillation Spectrometer .... E032/E314
There are 4 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet and 3 non-
Soviet. The three English-language references quoted are:
Ref. 1 - R.C. Marshall - Phys. Rev., 1953, 79, 896;
Ref. 2 - W.H. Campbell, I.I. Kopkins - Phys. Rev., 1953, 91, 224;
Ref. 6 - F.D. Brooks - Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 1959, 4, 3.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut
(Moscow Engineering-physics Institute)
SUBMITTED: June 7, 1960
Card 4/5
AUTHORS: Ye. A Mashkovich, V. P.
TITLE: Done diatribution of fission neutrons in certain
protective materials
'SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut. Voprosy dozimetrii
i zashchity ot izlucheniy, no. 1, 1962, 57-65
TEXT: The neutron dose distribution characteri8tics were determined for
a series of materials, under the assumption that the followin four 'groups
contribute to the dose: (1) thermal neutrons with E) 1 ev; (21 1plow
neutrons with I ev < E < 100 ev; (3) intermediate neutrons with 100 ev < 9
< 0.5 Mev and (4) fast neutrons with E >0.~ Mev. The doses are
determined from flux measurements: D(r) (r,E).-j(E)dE with ~(r) 'X
~(r,E)dE (r,E) being the flux). For iater the dose spectral
distribution was determined from experimental data taken from US
Card 1/2
Dose distribution of fiad-ion ... B102[BI86
publications (Aronson, US'Al,;C, Rep.11YO-6267,1954; Beckurts, Nuol.Instrum.
and meth.,11,no.l 144,1961; Aronson at al. US AFO,Rcp.NYO-6269y1954)-
An analysis of the curves obtained shows that the fast neutrons oobtrI.-
bute most to the dose - e.g. at r-90 cm tile doge due to the fast flux
is ten times as great as the dose due to the intermediate flux, And 100
times that of the sloii neutrons., The dose spectra obtained similarly for.
carbon show that for thicknesses ',~ 50-6o g/c~2 virtually the whole dose
is due to thermal neutrons; in lebs thick ehielde fast neutrons also
make a significant contribution. The done speotra for concrete show
that concrete behaves more like water than like carbon. The low-energy
groups, however, differ leas from the fast component than in water. The
main groups are, therefore: for water - the fast, for carbon - the therm;
for concrete - the fast, intoxmediate and thermal, and for iron - tho-
intermediate group (D.*Wpod, NAol.Soi.Engng.,5,45,1959). Thare are'7
figures and I table.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kramer-Agoyev, Ye.__A., Tr.otihin, V. S.
TITLE: A time-of-flight microvooond apeatrometor
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fiziohookiy inatitut. Voproey dodinetril
i zaahohity at izluohaniy, no. 1, 1962, 131-136 -
TEXT: A time-of-flight spectrometer is described which Is designed for
investigating intermedi.ate-neutron apeotra in the ranges 1 - 25 Peso am
102 - 105 ev. Tke pulsed source used had a frequency of 100 ape. The
spectrometer can operate with two types of tranam'itterat withCHM-3
SITM-5) boron counters, and with a lithium glass acintillator or a T-I
-1) scintillator. The obunter pulseu nre fed via a cathode follower and
a cable to the docriminating amplifier "Siren'" and then to the time
analyzer. Whereas the pulses from the counters have amplitudes from
0.1 to 0.01 v, those from the acintillaborq plus &,-),] -29 (FEU-29) photo-
multipliers reach 12 v and have periodo of' 10-15 ;iaeo, due to parasitic
processes in the PEU. A reduction of the ao-celerating potential is not
sufficient for blankingi a barrier poten~iai has to be laid on the dynode
Card 1/2
ht microoe"cond ...
A time-of-flig
so that'the fast electrons are olowe d down nuffloiently and cannot cause
secondary emission. Considering the grent differonoe in pulse amplitudes,
the preamplifier's input and output were provided with dynode limiters.
The recording was emal.l. Start pulse and transmitter pulse are fed via
two channels and phaae-inverters to the dif f erentiating RC - circuit, then
to flip-flop oscillators- (140 v, 30 psec) and via a White cathode follower
to the mixer. The pulses going through the dynode discriminator and a VIf
cathode follower are integrated by an RCoirouit. The linearity of this
circuit is not below 5%. The subsequent differentiating chain determines
the time intervals between flip-flop oscillator period and time-of-flight
with's 5% accuracy. After having passed through an M -500(M-500)
amplifier the pulses are finally fed into anAVI-100 (AI-100) pulse-height
analyzer. The total e-rror of time analyzing does not exceed There
are 3 figures.
Card 2/2
:,4:A,scintillation y-~dosimeter. I S/796/62/060/603/001/019''"
the TIC -1p,6001PS-10,000) -instrument.: The.'. steel shell of the sensor. comprises, the
photomultiplier and the combine'd, aciniftiator paper- cover'ed frontal ap'ertur~,
'and two opaqued bide Iwindows serve ta admit low-enerev -f-q4anta without excessive
absorption - izi the shellm'aterial. Th6. divider of the OY-Z9 (FEU-129) photomulti,
-photomult OOO.instrumer The
plier is uniform. - The fedirom the~VS-10_,*
photomultiplier an .ode is ~conneeteid-diiectl :to,.the cabl6'biiWeen-the ser -wor and',the
console;' at tbe,console'end,ihe cabl6-4s. loaded with a 100 kohrri- resistance. The
general console' circuitry consists:of tw6l, independent por namelly, a d.
amplifier and a pulse- am4iude.. tia'u'afdriner. ' The gen .eral circuitry-is depictedin
'..a full-page schemat!'C': clrcuit'diagrarn~ and is discussedIn'-detail. The cha-racter-
istic of the dosimeter whichwai*;'ca: libiatea with,~ vw iadlitiorl from i':Ra standard
soureek waSL te sted in the- low.'ej~. i,th a sti 6 and.
ge W
correlated against 4n air-chamber staiidard. A se vier, ~6:' variation occurred only In
the energy range betweea 3 0 And 153 ~ke h near.c6fistancy 053 to
vs -wit 576) from , 0.
10 mev&o The instrument was. also teited for isotro~icity by exposure,, to,the -y- rays
of a Go source; an,8014 lower reading, was. obtai~~&~ with a glancing impingement
than wi?;h a normal impingement.: The anisotropyp,a be gieiter possibly at smaller.~;'-,
-y-ray energies. - Load (do#age~.rikiia).Ie'sts rni' 6-if.,an upper-limit of _5~,,rncurie1s_e_c,
for this dosimeter, with a`.serisitivity"VL -A -7 - 10 ~ pulses per r. In effect, the in-
stramentisacombinearoentge'nometer."andld,-b''~i'mete'r. 5liguress.5references
(Z Russian-language', Soviet, 2 Russiazi trianel.'vi U.S. compendia, I German paper)
Card Z/2 ASSOCIATIOM. None,egiven.
V, YE. A
AUTHORSe G. T. and M. R.
TITLEs Nauchnaya konferentaiya Moskovskogo inshenerno-fixichaskogo
Institute (Scientific Conference of the Moscow Engineering
Physics InstittIts) 1962
PERIODICALe Atommys en*rgiya, Y. 13, no. 6, 1962, 603 - 606
TEXTs The annual conference took place In May 1962 with more than 400
delegates participating. A review in given of these lectures that are
assumed to be of Internet for the readers of Itomnays anergiya. They are
followings A. I. Leypunskiy, future of feet rsaotoril A. A. Vasillyevp
design of accelerators for superhigh snergies'l 1. Ya. Pomeranohuk,
analytioity, unitarity, and asymptotic behavior of strong interactions at
high anirgieel A. B. Higdal, phenomenological theory for the &any-body
i probl. 00 1 Yu.'D. Fiveyekiy, deceleration of nediua-*norgy antiprotons in
matter, Yu-.-M-.Koganp Aa. A. Iosilevskiy, theory of the MOssbauer effeotj
M. I Ryananov, theory of Ionisation losses in nonhomogeneous mediump
Yu. i. Ivanov, A. A. Rukhadze, h-f conductivity of-subariti8al plasma;
L Card,1/4-
Nauohnaya konferentsiya... B102/B186
Ye. Yo. Lovetakiy. A. A. Rukh-idze, electromagnetic waves in nonhomogen.OUE
plaamal Yu. D. KotoTj I. L. Roxentallt the origin of fast cosmic muonal
Yu. M. Ivanov, muon depolarization in solids; V. G. Varlemov, Yu. M. Grashinp,
B. A. Doloonhein, V. G. Kirilloy-Ugryumov, V. S. Roganov, A. V. Samoylov,
p" capture by various nuclail V. S. Domidov, V. 0 Kirilloy-Ugryumov,
A. K. Ponosov, V. P. Protsaov, F. M. Bergeyev, scattering of R- m all one
5 . 15 Rey in a propane bubble chamberl S. Ya. Nikitin, U. S. Ayntdi # I
Ya. U. Selektor, S. Id. Zombkovskiy, A. F. Grashin, muon production In X-p
interactional B. A. Volgoahein, spark chamberal H. G. Volkov,
V. K. Lyapideyokly, 1. M. Obodovakiy, study of operation of a convection
ohamberl K. 0. Finogenov, production of square voltage pulses of high
amplitudeal G. N. Altkeakov, problems of color visionj V. K. Lyapidevskiyo
relation between number of receivers and number of independent oolorej
Ye. M. Kudrysvtssvj N. N. Sobolev, K. I. Tizengauxen, L. N. Tunitskiyj
F. S. Fayzulov, 'determination of the moment of electron transition of os-
'aillator forces and the widths of the Schuhnan-Rungs bands of molecular
oxygen; B. Yo. Gavrilov, L. V. Zharikov-,__T.,, 1. 1tajkq97 decomposition of the
volume charge of intense Lon beamorli. A. Kraner.1ge V. S. Troshin,
measurement of neutron spectral 0. n-ow-4% ods of fast-
neutro r*cordingj V. 1. Ivanovp dosimetry terminolojyj. R. M. Voronkov,
ACCESSION NR: AT4021256 S/2892/63/000/002/0091/0099
AUTHOR: Kramer-Ageyev, Ye. A., Mashkovich, V. P.
TITLE: Shielding of laboratory neutron sources
SOURCE: Voprosy* dozimetrii i xashchity* ot izlucheniy, no. 2, 1963, 91-99
TOPIC TAGS: neutron source, shield, attenuation, water shield, neutron radiation,
nomograph, energy distribution, radiometer, y radiation, paraffin shield
ABSnACT: The basic characteristirts of neutron sources in the (a,n) reaction are
given. Nomographs for calculating a water shield from isotropic neutron p8int
sources are drawn. Four types of nomographs are plotted according to the design
of a 7 radiation shield. The authors claim that the calculated nomographs are
correct for an infinite water medium. A paraffin shield can be of 1.2 times less
thickness than the water shield, defined by the nomographs. In conclusion, the
authors point out that neutron radiation accompanies the source 7 radiation. There-
fore, the suitability of the selected water or paraffin thidness must be checked
from the viewpoint of protection against 7 radiation. Analytic results dictate
the introduction of heavy components into the shielding contents orige art* has:
7 figures and 2 tables.
i:crd 1/1
--------------- .12
ACCESSION NR: AT4021262 S/2892/63/000/002/0137/0139
AUTHOR: Kramer-Ageyev, Ye. A.
TITLE: Calculation of the spectrum of neutrons reflected from a protective barrier
SOURCE: Voprosy* dozimetrii i zashchity* at izlucheniy, no. 2, 1963, 137-139
TOPIC TAGS: neutron, shield, albedo, fission neutron, neutron delay, delay density
ABSTRACT: The author claims that an analysis of the formula proposed by Prais,
Kharton, and Spinni (Zashchita ot yaderny*kh izlucheniy. M., Izd-vo inostr. lit.,
1959) for calculating the albedo of a delaying medium is only partially valid.
According to the author, it is no less important to obtain data on the spectrum of
neutrons reflected from a protective barrier. Assuming that a flat barrier is bom-
barded by a parallel, continuous flux of neutrons, the author arrived on a formula
which expresses the delay density at a point on the barrier boundary. The calcula-
tions are shown in graphs. The graphs are for three media, graphite, concrete, and
water. In conclusion, the author claims that graphite gives the least reflection,
but the spectrum is the hardesto The albedo spectrum in the intermediate region
is more rigid than the spectrum in the same region of the directly passed neutron
radiation. With an increase of lethargy, the thickness of the "Illuminating layer"
Card 1/2
increases. The error of this method by analogy with the directly passed radiation
does not exceed 30%. Orig. art. has: .2 figures and 2 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizichaskiy institut (Koscow Physics and
Engineering Institute)
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Kramer-Ageyev, Ye. A.
TITLE: Calculation of the spectral distribution of intermediate neutrons -exitibg
from protective barriers
SOURCE: Voprosy* dozimetrii i zashchity* ot izlucheniy, no. 2, 1963, 140-145
TOPIC TAGS: spectral distribution, neutron, graphite, water, concrete, shield,
age theory
ABSTRACT: An attempt is made in this paper to determine the amount of shielding
during the calculation of the spectrum of delayed neutrons, for protective means of
graphite, water, and concrete. Based on a mathematical argument derived from the
erf-function, the author constructed a formula for the calculation of apectral dis-
tribution of intermediate neutrons. A homogeneous medium with a constant scatter-.
ing croes section is assumed in the formula. Based on this formula, the author
plotted a graph showing the delay density of neutrons of a constant source (fig. 1).
The region from 0 to 9 on the lethargy Bcale is studied. In the case of large
shield thicknesses in the soft region of the spectrum, the age theory minimizes the
value of the flow by 30% (data was standardized at E 0.33 MeV). Orig. art. has:
/jes and 3 formulas.
5 flu
Card ;;L
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut (Moscow Physics and
Engineering Institute)
Card 2/1.4-
ACCESSION I~R: AR4o43993 S/0058/64/000/006/AO45/AO45
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abe. 6A415
AUTHOR: Stolyarova, Ye. L.; Kramer-Ageyev, Ye. A.; Fedcrov,'G. Aa
TITLE: A fact-neutron spectrometer with organic boron scintillator
CITED SOURCE! Sb. Staintillyatory* i otaintillyato. materialy'. Khar1kov,
Khar'kovsk. un-t, 1963, 167-169
TOPIC TAGS: fact neutron spectrometer, scintillator, organic boron acintillator
TRANSLATION: Examines the principle of operation of a fast-neutron spectrometer with
an organic boron scintillator. For two such ocintillatore, gives calculations of the
efficiency for various incident-neutron energies. The first scintillator is a
solution of 4 g/1 P-terphczWl in an equal mixture of trimethyl borate and o-,Vlene;
the second is a solution of 4 g/1 of p-tarphenyl in an equal mixture of toluene
and trifaet~hyl borate. Tho.4ameter and height of the containar of the fimt
Card 1/2
scintil-lator was 40 mmj, of the second-80 mm. The calculation results are given
in the form of graphs. Gives experimental neutron spectra of the Po-Be source
obtained usirg each of these ecintillators. Discusses the advantages of fast-
Ineutron spectrometers with organic boron scintiUator compared with other types
of spectrometers.
Card ?,/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4021270 5/2692/63/000/002/0185/0190
AUTHOR: Yrampr-Ageyev, Ye..A., Troallin, V. S.
TITLE: Response delay time in proportional counters
SOURCE: Voprosy* dozimetrii i zashchity* ot izlucheniy, no, 2, 1963, 185-190
TOPIC TAGS: proportional counter, response time, BF , neutron spectrum, SNM-5,
a particles, scintillation counter, differential analyzer, jitter
ABSTRACT: The use of proportional counters in installations connected with time
interval measurements can lead to substantial errors in the impulse delay at the
output of the counter relative to the moment of registration. In order to correct
this situation, the authors conducted a number of experiments using a counter of
the SNK-5 type filled with boron trifluoride to a pressure of 250 = Hg, cathode
diameter 3.5 cm, and an anode filament of 0.005 cm. The time necessary for the
electrons to drift to the filament also determines the delay time (Jitter). The
experimental installation is given in a block diagram. The width of the analyzer
window is selected so as to include the pulse amplitude region, which corresponds
to the photo peak and the Compton peak. The schematic of a single channel
differential analyzer with a stable response time is given. An increase in the
Cord 1/2
length of delay with the increase of voltage on the counter, as well as the change',
of the distribution shape are found. The authors determined magnitude of the
electron mobility in BF to be equal to 1.0 X 105. The obtained jitter pattern
determines the proper resolution of spectrometers in transit time with boron
counters and allows the corresponding processing of the spectra to be introduced.
Orig. art. has: 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut (Moscow Physics and
Engineering Institute)
Card 2/2
" SO
gr -k--
I Rl
W" 7- ~~5
E"w W'
gg- OEM
M-U v4A NA
�ka.,f4 I -P WO
9r uc
Mg-z--z~t,maasV w it W-V
cj.QW--z-- Egg
Angular distribrution of gamma bremostrahlung from a thick target. 11
Izv. AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tedi.i mat. nnuk no.3:131-134 164. 1'
(MIRA 17:12) 1
L U58-66 F-WTW/9TC/W(n)-2/bMW/EwP(t) W/94(h) IJP(c) JDAW/JG
i- ACCESSION NR- AT5023144 UR12892/65 0 004 0007/00141:1
AUTHOR: Kramer-Aggev, Ye, -A; MashkovichV. P.; Sakharov, V,
TITLE: Dosage composition of neutron radiation In shielding materials
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheaNX institut. Voprosy dozimetril I zaahchlt~ F.
ot IzIucheniy.'no. 4, 1965, 7-14
TOPIC TAGS: neutron radiation, fast neutron, radiation dosimetry. neutron
shielding, water, carbon, beryllium, concrete, iron
ABSTRACT- The objects of the presput work were to calculate the dosage distri-
bution for er, carbon, ber Mum ncrete, and Iron for the following assum-
wilt. y '10
ed limiting energies of the Intermediate and fast neutron groups: 0. 5; 1.00- 1.5
Mev, and compare the results with existing literature data, and evaluate the
accuracy of the measuring Instruments used, The calculated data (shown in fig-''
urea -and in tabular form) Indicate that with a change to the limiting energy of the
intermediate and fast groups, . the contribution of the neutrons of each of. these'
groups to the total dose can change.considerably. 71~ following conclusions are
L .1163-66 EwT(m)/EPF(n)-2/tWA,(h)
-ACCESSION NR.- AT5023149 VR/2892/65/000/004/0061/0067
AUTHOR: Kramer~-Ageyev, Ye. A., Troshin, V. S. Le
TITLE: Methodsof analyzing the spectra of intermediate neutrons obtained on a
spectroscope during flight time
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenemo-fizicheskiy institut. Voprosy dozimetrit I zash-
chity ot 1~1-ucheniy, no. 4, 1965, 61- 67
TOPIC TAGS: photonuclear reaction, neutron spectrum, uranium, radiation
ABSTRACT: Neutrons generated as a result of a photonuclear reaction in a urani-
um target and passing through a collimating channel 3 meters long and 20 cm. in
diameter came into contact with a shielding barrier in their path. The distance
from the bixrrier to the point of observation was 7. 2 meters. Types SNM- 0- 5
and SNM-8 counters were used as detectors. The time distribution of the impuls-
es was studied with a variation of a type Al- 100 analyzer. The flight'of the 1feu-'
trons had an equal probability *within the time Interval from 0 to 0. 5 microsec-
onds. The form in time of the lines of the boron counters is explained by the
L 1163 -66
finite nature of the diffusion time of the electrons toward the region of collision
1 ionization, and depends on the dimensions of the couriers, gas pressure, applied
z voltage, and level of discrimination, Since theoretical prediction of. the form of
the lines Is difficult, they were determined experimentally. The article derives
an integral equation for the instrument spectrum and goes on to give details of
three approximate methods for its solution. These methods are 1) the method
of polygonal expansions Involving the use of matrices;.2) a method analogous
to the method of counter efficiency; and, 3) a method of analyzing the instrument
spectrum based on complete resolution of the system. It is claimed that t 'he a-
bove methods are especially valuable for the case of radiation with neutrons* with
short flight times. Orig. art4 has:.. 7 formulas and 6 figures
NR REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 000
Card 22
7--, 77 -
s_~,~-66 w(m)/EPF(c)/8,TcAPF(n)-2/M.(M) WAM
ACCESMON NR: AP5019014- uR/oO8q/65/oiq/qoi/op46/oo48
AUTHOR: JCramgr-!geyev M~EtT!L V._Nl l0qhkovich, V. N; Sakharoy, NO Ke:
Sakharov, V. M.
TITIE: Neutron distribution in a straight cylindrical channel
SOURCE: Atomna*ya energiya, ve 19j, no, 1, 196% 46-48
TOPIC,TAGS: neutron distributiquj, nuQ~ar reactor shieldiLngpfapectral distribution#
neutron spectrometry# fast neutrim;,.
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the energy and spatial distribution of the
neutrons in a straight cylindrical channel 14.4 em in diameter and* long,
passing through a water shield. The -neutron source was a disclsatrople Po-c&-Be
source stimulating point-like Po-vo.-Be source emitting 2 X 107 neUt/see. The ex-
perimental setup was ouch that the source could be moved radially for each~fixed
position of the detector, so that the spectrum of the fast neutrons could be de-
termined Pcom a standard formulao The spectral distribution of the fast neutrons
was measured-with a alMle-ex7stal neutron spectrometerp and the Intermediate
neutrons were counted with a paraffin-imbedded fast-neutron counter. The results
show no deviations# within the 11mits of errors, from the spectrum of the Po-a#-Be
Card 3/2
L 6471-66
NR: APWi9814
cource. The spatial distribution.of the fast neutrons agrees within 15% vith the
calculations based on the beam analysis method. A atudy,of the dependence of the
.fast-neutron flux on the source radius showed that with increasing distance ffta.
the source to the.detector (z)p tbs- source diameter which can be regarded ar, in-
finitep decreases. The fast and intermediate neutrons exhibit approximately a
:dependence on z (--z3
with the fraction of the Intermediate neutrons becoming
-somewhat umaller with increasing ze "The authors thank 0. 1. laymmW
valuable advice and a discussion," Orige art. bass 5 figures and I forwmU*
SuRaMM: 15JU16k. Lt 00 am corst HP
HR REF SOV: 002 OTHM 006
L 223724& Bff (m)/EPF(n)-2/EWA(h)'
WG NRI 79P660TY57 ___UfVd0ft/66/02O/~*i/0X6Y/0l62
AUTHORS9 Kramer-Ageyev, Yeo,,A.,j Troshin. V. S.
ORG s. none
TIMES Angular distributionoif the doses of neutrons scattered by
SOURdEt Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 16l-M2
TOPIC TAM neutron scattering,, angular distribution, radiation
dosimet4l reactor shielding
ABSTAACT: The authors measured the angilar distribution of neutron
doses behind shields of cater (5 -- 15 cm thick), concrete (10 -- 60.-j
cm), and graohite'(20 cm). The neutron source was the- (-(, n) 'reacticn,
-in a uranium target in a linear 30-MeV electron accelerator. .*The
neutron.radiation was collimated through a channel in the accelerator
shield. '.-,-.The ahgular divergence, or the beam was close to 30 and the
diameter of the channel at the output was 20 cm, The neutron deteotoz~-
was the 1equal dose' dosimeter described by Kh. D. Androsenko, and
Card UDC 8 -5-39. l 2S. .52
L ~22379-66
ACC NR: AP6007957
!G's N. Smirenkin (Fribory i tekhnika eksperimenta No. 5, 4, 190~), -A'
lboric-acid solution shield was used -to eliminate the neutrons. scat-~ -
1,tered by the surrounding objects. The results in all three materials
are found to be independent of the thickness of the shield and sindla
:to the results obtained by others- for polyethylene., In additi6ni-
-the angular: distribution of slow neutrons was me4sured. 'All -angular
,distributions had a similar appearance and the curves differed esi.,
sentially only in the magnitude of the dose as a function of the
shield material. The authors thank 0. 1. LeZpunskiy and M., I...
iPevzner for. valuable hints and for a discussion or the resuTFs-.
'Orig. --has: 3 figures.
,SUB MDES 20/s/ SUBM DATE: 20Sep65/ ORIG REP: 004/
L-Pard 2/2d,.&.-
ov/~ o
AUTHORS: Kramurov, A. Ya., Fridman, B., Dvjno-w-, S. A.
TITLE: Thermal Stres3es in Reactor Strl~,ct,ure~;
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya enerS-iya, ic)6o, vtl-i ',3, IN'r 2, pp 101-1-L -1 (USSR1
ABSTRACT: Introd,,-iction. Spec"Lfic operaitin;lr of nuclear
reactors stimulated r,,,,any studit-~L; of St-ve oses and
their causes, in particular, studies- of: (a) int ensive
-/-radiatioris a'-
neutron and L'
1 ow
temperatures; (b) interna! :~ourck2.; cj-,, radila heat.,
generatLon; (C) hic-il hear 1'1-ow~;
b1*C1-1!21'a11-iori densiti,-,L; (109
L, (appi~oxir~,iatt2.y o0' C,,,/r-.rl
'-emperature gradients
applications of ne-v., little-kno,..;,11 miateri2l:~ and combina-
tions of material~3
those Co 1 loT..lim- sudden i)11.:o r--ea c t orz;n a,
of' d-amag,;'~); U111rd (f) of
llo'~. I-avi! -)IoEs in
I,,- anF o t I Io
Thurmal Stresses- in Reactor Structure_- 7 7 2
S OV/8 9 - 8 - 2 - 21,:~ 0
L,t ing lested durirlg contico cu- op4i:-ali uil. Est ir a~- r,
U -1 - - .
of the Magnitude of-' Tihermal Stre:;,,e~;. T~I._,
n 'acts in ~ `-ie of very
.3t revie-.~i the kno,,~,
high thermal stresses the bodly clu parts of it
ductile, causing thermoplasl.i(~ sfre,;se~; .,illilch depond
al.,3o on the "Prehioll-or,ly" of tfit2 hudy. Thev th~2-mo-
plastic stresseL; car-, be counputed ljy knuv:rl 'upproxi-
mat-e~ method3, In the ula:311ic. rc-~-*on ~fti-e.-3seJ fjut.3r-
niined at. any mor,~ient by the tomperati,;r,2 !'ield, arld the
temperature fields themselves, cari be obtained usingr
known 3y~Aem of e~quatLonzi l'or flhervil
and theory of elastl.,;.Ply. F"0 ~l C) d k2
,.1111th cylindrical :~ynuietry, in
r-lol-01- t,here exist Ir
a- , 0. a_ j
11h(,- (,-ase of7 no outlsl.d.2
vadial, and w~ial nor-mai t1lit~m;,,oolu~;'-l-,,~
of' the first order 0- P) I ~ 1'_l
Card 2/.'.P
Thermal Stresses In Reactor Structures 772"~ff
B'0718 9 - P, - 2 - 2/ 0 0
(To r2- ~al A 7' (r) r dr+
--v( r- L2--- -(I
+ uA1'(r)(1/- (IAT (r))
Or ,A 7(r) dr
v J~i 69-0
A 7'
9, Oe + Ur- (5)
where E is Young's inodl.11US (1Cj,,/Cm'); V is Foioson
coefficient; Le~ T = T r - T or, is the change in tempera-
Card ture, with- respect to the orIgInal temperature (T or)
Thermal Stresses in Reactor Structures 77237
of' the unstressed state; a, b are the Inner arid outer
radii of the tubing; CL is the coefficient of thermal
linear expansion. Th-,2 authors dIscuss some special
cases, and derive the known equation
where a jl~ T is the value of the mean free thermal
stretching, and c can take the values of 0, 1, and 2
for the uniaxial, biaxial, and volume stresses res-
pectively. This equation enables one to find the
largest stress in a cylindrical bar, thick-walled
tube, in a plate with fixed ends, arid a symmetrical
temperature distribution in some other cases when
principal deformations in every point are equal to
one another, or some of them are equal to zero (linear
and plane stress states), and also if they are con-
stant over any main surface. The authors note that
Card 4/1.9 little was done to develop methods for-evaluatIng
Thermal Stresses in Reactor Structures 77237
thermal stresses of the second order. Thermal stresses
of the first order and temiperature diotributions may
be'represented as a sum oV the particular solutlon of
the homogeneous equation (without Internal ';OL1.rCC3 Of
heat and actual boundary conditions-index Z\ T) and
the solution of the heat transfer equation with
internal heat sources and a zero boundary condition
(index q). This Is a consequence of the linearity
of the heat transfer equation. Each of these solu-
tiona can In turn be written as a product of three
term3, expressing re-3pectively th~~ InfIL10110-e of the
physical ropertie3, density of heat generation, and
the size P A Tb a nj siiape of' the bodies. The
authors obtained
aE I q,,j
Y- v1.11 1 B
Card 5/1k~'
Thermal Stresses in Reactor Structures
by using Eq. (2)
'I Q V q
AT= 11' . -1 r2, (2)
I. T T, WT.0
for the temperature difference across the cross section
of a more of less plastic body, in the presence of
internal heat sources. Here q is the dens2iVty of heat
generation rate (kcal/O-h); 1/2 r. = 1/2 - is the
quantity proportional to the mean diitance of travel
of heat in the body; V Is the volume of the body
(M3), qr = .9 is the heat flow (kca 1/m2.11); Q is the
I Fq
total heat transfer rate (kcal/h); F Is the surface of
the heat exchange; and T is the form factor, equal to
Card 6/1-9 the ratio of stresses (or temperature drops) on the
Thermal Stre3se3 in Reactor Structure~j '('[237
body of a given shape to tho3e In a cylindar (all
other conditions being equal). If we nefrlect. neutron
energy absorption, we have to take into account only
the average absorption of Y-rays, which Is propor-
tional to the specific gravity for elements In the
middle of the Atomic Table. We do th1s by modlfying
the first factor (expressing the influence of physical
factors) in Eq. B Into
-aE V_ C
I -V ). *
Introducing finally the ratio 0- / (T DY the term
accounting for physical properties becoms
al, -i-
Card 7/15
Thermal Stresses In Reactor Structures 77237
adjusted for the possibility that ~:h- tcJ-
pla,3tic I i; J. s d 1. ff.l. c 10 t ., o;7,vr)!d irarl:il.1.1,on to
the domain of' ItTeVE.'r31b1C' d~.f'W'Matlori when working
with materials of high CL and low X and (T D* Uraniu:m
and stainless steel in th13 rospect are poor. In spite
of their low a B and a- T value, thorlimn, graphite,
and, In a smaller degree, zirconium and alkwilnum are
less liable to produce permanent deformations. (Abstrac-
ter's Note: X , 0- D(uctile ) and O-B were never defined
in this article.) The authors point out that even with-
out touching the problems of cost, radiation stability,
and corrosion stability of materials, their comparison
concerning the thermal stress stability represents an
extremely complex and conditional problem. Appropriate
complex coefficients should contain reliability coeffi-
cients which are still vague for many ductile materials
subjected to thermal fatigues. The infl-uence of the
Card 8/.i_g. a- Dquantity Is not well defined since its Increase
Thermal Stresses in Reactor Structures 77237
sometimes turns out to be har,,nfLil (because of a slower
relief from the thermal stresses of the plasic defornia-
tioh), but can also have useful influences, such as a
reduction of accumulation of plastic deformations.
In addition, many properties depend on the preparation
and structure of the material. Comparison of heat-
generating elements of various shapes. The authors
require that for comparison purposes all the elements
have the same volume per unit of the heat-emitting
surface. They present an equation for maximuzm tempera-
ture drops and macrotemperature elastic stresses of
the first kind for four basic cross sections of heat-
producing elements (not taking into0account heat pro-
duction). The temperature drop qr o- along r 0 is
denoted by L T , and the maxim= hermoelastic stresses
1~ TO
in the cylinder a E
Is denoted by (T . These
1-1/ 2 0
equations were obtained after solving the equations for
Card 9/3)) stationary heat transfer T = q), assuming
Thermal Stresses In Reactor Structures 77237
appropriat.e boundary condItiono. The derivation of the
most complicated third caBe Is Presented In the Appendix.
In case 1 concerning a tube or cylinder cooled from the
= A 7'0'1'A"'r',l , (CFO),-b = (101
Case 2 represents represents a tube cooled from the
In the case 3 the tube 13 cooled both from the inside
and outside
AP~a,K= A TO
Card 10/1-9
Thermal Stresses in Reactor Structures 77237
U v") -1W
and R 13 the radius (a < R < b) of the circle where
T = Tmax and P = a/b, In case 4 concerning a plate
cooled from two sides
0+ 0-
where 1/2 To and 'X"'distance from the center of
the plate (of thickness 0 ) to the point of maximum
temperature (T( -x Tmax). The significance of
and G-L T 'a shown in
parameterj'b, Tqj NY C-q
Card 11/19L Table 1, and In Figs. 1, 2, and 3.
S 011/8 9 2 7 21 _-I 0
Dan, or From Thermal Stre:3se.,;. On,-, ..;ay of rt ~ d u C.i 11,-7.
these dangers is to reduce thermial stressez b.-Jr:
(a) utilizinc- materials !,-iith a Zmal I -:al;~e of "he
a Ew complex, and Joining toEet~hier matuerial-~I? with
similar ( CL AT); (b) choosing shapes permitting
ma.~ir,,,,um free expanjion; (c) 1A_i_'L_!Z_iN~-.- "mooth s.hapes and
homogerleous cooling conditions; and securin-cr
operating conditions ~.;hich exclude significant and
repeat-ed variations in temperatUre. The second ,.,,ay
is to increase the stability of materials by satisfy-
ing t,.,jo requirements contradictory in a sense: (2) aug-
r,,wntlng, the ductile 11mit to the pe-int* .~.,Iiere there is
iw.) jAlinG-up of dangero,,w r,-~oMlta]. deformati.on~;; and
(h) by improving -the plastic properties of the material,
their homogeneil-,r
"" , and fineness of' 1-Aheir
ture. The authors emphasize the importanc,~ of Lhe
use of smoothly machined surfaces. Concl,,ision~;. The
methods of the theol,r o" elastic`ty p-41,1f,lpal
limitations , e acco1:,,,*,- about t-he
they (a) cannot fri,;
microbehavior of the m~iterlals, arl(J
Thermal Strle-sses IrL Reactror Str-ir--':-11re:;
07, q 2 - -20
with mac are ,in import.ant Cacior
in the startin,,-- pha.,,us oC and dc
nolu , -11~c i nto acLo"mt 0
tile region. The uuthur,~3 ~2mphaL:iz(-! 11'hu,
for, appi-oxii,~iate estimates. They all.,;o empl,a~;ize t-1,e
need Cor further --D~-Id deter:-.ire
the irifluence of' the ril-;,m 1)er, ampl.itl.lde, and :3uddennes~--,'
of temmerature changes on pla:~ti-
viould be advantageo!.!S 'o nav~--~ a ic of ~--he
material deorribing lt~3 i,u~;Is-anc- t(, 'r,en:,al ;tres-es;
e . g, t he c ur-.1, e o f re, s -i d ua d e ~o -rm -!3 tri v e r --J, S "An e-
I- tic "I L -
n,,im b Q r o ff -rmal cye leek ,up to ti-ie ;qpi~~arance of mnlcvo-
cracks of preassigned size. Thez-~e il.- tai-11e;
and !8 references, 12 So7iiet, -1 Fre:-. and
U.S. The U.S. referenced are. B. T -an
ASME, 77, Nr 5 (19-58); K. M-rc-:~, Tr,-il,,:~. [,.-'-'ME,
Nr IY-- B B. Ga L ev,,ood,Ti ~ i , i : i iSt, iL; t-- L;.
io!l -. N-:c`eal,
R. Dent- AEC pz~,,611,,
Val IT (1957).
SUBMITTED: May -9, -19 5 9
AUTHOR: Kramerov, A. Ya.
TITLE: Choice of optimum parameters for a nuclear power station
naioDICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 3, 1961, 211-221
TEXT: In the present paper a system of equations is determined for the
optimum parameters providing minimum costs of electric energy from a
nuclear power plant. It is assumed that the scheme, the materials, and
the type of plant are chosen first, and that the problem is then reduced
to fihding the values of the optimum conditions for the structural and
workin6 parameters of the plant. The minimum costs of electric energy
are determined from the condition that the partial derivatives of the
costs with respect to the independent parameters xk have to vanish:
FA (xh)
0 In Xh
Y. Xj - (I + n) N6 + 0. (1) (1).
Card 1/10
Choice of optimum parameters ... B108/B209
In this expression, c denotes the costs of 1 kwh, N . Na - N
the effective electric power, N - the power consumed in operation,
C C the costs of cunstruction and operation during the period t of
normal working, including fuel costs, In the following,
Y1 In Y for any quantity Y. The relation between the costs C
-,.In xk i
and ihe parameters may be represented in the form of a polynomial of
G,-th order: C - T- k G nij '-, Ck+ k Gil where k and n are constant
i i ij i i i ij ij
coefficients (C i . kio; kil " ki; jo , 0; nil - 1). Assuming linear
dependence of costs on the weight of the plant, and considering that the
price of 1 kg of fuel depends linearly on the fuel enrichment X and on
the surface of I kg of fuel element, the following expression is obtained:
Card 2/10
Choice of optimum parameters B108/B209
a0' + ae.ldvc'.11 + Cr.MMx, + C17 F, --
a,,lq'+ epi, + c,,,P;, - cx, - ejj.,rrd-,,.D +
+ ens" + cn-L3 1, crf ST,,M,p ~ 0, (3)
P P L 7P
The notations are as follows: thermal power of the reactor;
gross power; 11,1, - qI + ;(11; gross efficiency;
n It
a n + c + c +.c 7. + c + c a, n + c a n + c-
q k p TE r Tp L C-H - n
coefficients describing the relative change in costs of i kwh due to the
relative change in unit' thermal energy, effi6iency, and energy consumed
during circulation, respectively; la/L - the fraction of overall length L
of thp reactor proportional to the length of the core, 1; the cls denote
the variable portion of costs due to size and design of the individual
Card 3/10
S/08 61/010/003/001/021
Choice of optimum parameters ... B108YI3209
units in the reactor. Some of the above quantities Y are "pri-narytt
variables changing with respect to geometry (reactor cross sections Soo
tubing cross'section STp t equivalent diameter of fuol-olemento dT.z
length of the core 1~, operational conditions (pressure of the first
(PI) and second (PII) circuit), or physical properties (enrichment X,
depth of burning 7). In this cane, all derivatives Y1 vanish, except
when Y = xk. The remaining quantities Y entering Eq. (3), viz. thermal
power (L, surface of the steam generator F, efficiency of the plant r,,
and power consumed during circulation N C.H are functions of the direbtly
chosen geometrical, schematical, and physical parameters, and are termed
"secondary" parameters of the nuclear poUr plant. The expression for Y1
which enters the condition F - 0 is suberituted in d In Y - >-
k T- Y'd 1n xk'
By introducing d ln Y into Eq. (3), one obtains the required system of
equations which interrelates the optimum parameters. This system is
obtained after calculating the quantities Q1, N' 'q" F1, and X1 and
substituting them into Eq. (3) in the form of the coefficiefits at the
Card 4/10
Choice of optimum parameters Plo'812209
respective differentials of the independent parameters G (consumed weight
of coolant), T 8 (boiling temperatui~e 'of the substance in the steam
'~Onerato.r), PHI Pl' xF F STP' S (cross Dection of tho'coolant lead to
the steam Generator), S I (S cross section of coolant passing
S 0
thruugh the core), E: cross section of fuel element
S (ST.3
in the core), d 1, and T' The system of equations for the optimum
condit.-ions is the followin-:
-r (I - ct') 0;
+ Ct') *G-,] 'C
2) 4Q +
7.2 cTx
+cP4 T, .0. (13)
Card 5/ 10
Choice of optimum parameters
dInT, I T,;-27
Pli =FT, 7. T, aQx
Y n ( c'T:tx (139
(3AOCY- it njime TOMT,(pil);
3) F,,-.! -aq_jT,(pj)-273
4 TO (p1) x
T. N- (14)
7',(pj)).'+C7l'-O' I
I Iny c1, - 2n,.. 0. (141)
FPI a In P,
Card 6/110
S/o~39/61/010/003/00 1 /f,21
r CUP- 0.
rt (15)
2a,.,,'bTp + c',',, (16)
6) Fs, 4
ICU (17)
+a Ur~O.
7) F,o
+ c,,..,p X,,, -,. cl.1 0;
8), P, .X., -~O., (19)
a Qy A - B (20)
+ac.utp(l-%,)+C,..MXI" =0:
Clioice of optimum parameters
3/08 61101010031-0011021
10) Fj.,.3 aQ% (I - B) -
ac.,&, + C?.x'nXdr.0 - Cnnrr 0:
11) Fj=aQy+ac.jjtp+CT.,An1Xi+
+ C-P L = 0;
L (22)
12) Fr = CT..MX~ - CT = 0' (23)-
follows from Eq. (13) through the relation P PII d ln p
T d In Ts. Here and below, T. . T S(p,j). For a gas coolant, Eq. (14')
9 - 'Pi'
~iolds, since for a perfect gas In p, In In
)In pI
DID. (18) - (23), the optimum conditions for the reactor parametera
de2end also on the logarith-nic derivative of the fuel enrichment with
reopect to these parameters: X ln X with the k's standing for the
ln k
ruspective parameters. The valuer, of the parameters of a nuclear power
Clard 8/10
Choice of optimum parameters B108/B209
plant may be calculated in sufficient approximation to the optimum for
two cases: 1) IF 1; 2) IF IF'I and IF (F+ accounts
k I