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Thfaction by plerocercoid tapwoms in various species of fish
frm the lower course of the Yenisey River and Munduisk Iake.
Wdoparairii parazebols no*5259-556 161. (MIRA 14:10)
1. 17, gelhdntologicheskogo otdela Institute. meditsinskoy parazito-
logit i tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni YeJe Martainovskogo Ministerst7a
zdra-iookhranoniya SSSH (dir. inatituta. - prof. P.G. Sergiyev,
nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty - prof., N.N,. Plotnikov).
Distribution of diphyllobothriasis in the lower reaches of
the Yenisey River and the role of lake fish in tapeworm in-
fections in man. Mod. paraz. i paraz. bol. 33 no.1:82-86
Ja-F 164 (MIRA 1S.-1)
1. Gellmintologicheskiy otdel Instituta meditainakoy parazito-
logil I tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni Ye.l. Martsinovskogo
(direktor -- prof. P.G. Sergiyev) Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya
SSSR, Moskva.
Infesi~aticn of f1sh with Diphyllokthr-ita latim la-van in the
bc, of water of Moscou Province. Med. para,(. I Ptiroly, be!. 3"?
no.2,-229-230 Mr-,Ap 165. (mui-4 MIA)
1. B5razitclogicherskiy of'.del Moshovskoy r:,blrjst-rov sanitarn~.-
epidc,m-'clogicheskoy stantsU.
Transplantation of tapeworms by surgical method. Med.parazei
paraz.bol. 30 no.2:157-158 Mr-Ap 161. (MMA 14W
1. Iz gellmintologicheakogo otdela, Inatituta. meditsinskoy para-
zitologii i, tropicbeskoy meditsiny imeni Ye*I. Martsinovskogo
kinisterstva, zdravookhranenlya SSSR (dir. instituta, - prof. P.G.
6ergiyev, zav. otdelom - prof. V.P; Pod*yapollskaya, nauohn~7
rukovoditel - prof. N N. Plotnikov
Helminthiases in the population of the Far North. Frobl. Sev.
no.6:141-149 162. (MMA 16:8)
1. Institut meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny
imeni Martsianovskogo Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
P,-, vabaittd for the 10th Poofte 3at- Consross, 8 ... 1.1%. 0-ail 21 A*&-
r A., "4. XMi'07k Yz
Omi-roity, Factulty, Cheir of Marine Phy.Le. ood
-ty .;r
jCu tte aicu:.-,-= or rate of mdica-til- -!L:Z In
'Lnao-tute c,f Zoology . "The me-hod of
and Possibilities of Ito -T In yaloce-L-Phicftl stu,!L*s =f '-he
P-- IriCOcean- (5-ti.m. -.,-I.C)
to or Geology of s,-es =4
f pll-t. I. bttm -dirent. a, t!,,c ?m*-flt"
r-LlaeZ 0 1
_ .-G.=tft-Are,ctcr, rrsttnte of Oceanclce_, - ~Mw heat e=t~-we
ue- the A.-~-tlz -t- .4 the adjacent oc.-I.
C$.-%I- nr.m.,Q
F;M-,;DtW-? or O-lcgy - *An e=;Ic of t~~
;!Z-:r~atlco of -bo dee; t-ents in the no-thnastem r=llf--~ Omct-.,:.~
jpztv~~:,, M~Y-, In.tLtItt o f c --1- a
=ot Int.-Lot-1- bet- t-bidity, -d ;-7
;ZT., 1-%s tt,:ticof Oce=a.Ic th, relmt,.r. bvt-m
, -Y an~.-.zo, 11-- t.r f C~..ntc 1. =t -- of the
?=--fie Co.=,
GAV -FV,. 3:11:: In.tit.-.c f Earth r:1.1tS
tur. 0, the ..rth c-t 1-1 t- t-Mon
sce,v from %be =e-b- ge~~ of t. e P`acIf1c to tLe Aalt..~ continent"
K~WC-377AR. M., ona Trav~ S. M., In,-Itutv of
5.~.Idt - -spclft. f..t-eo of tb,.
layer in the M--twx Sea anz, 1. .1. adjacent ;-to of Facific"
(Sectl. M.C.2) i=73F~V 0. 13.
U4 stt.., of Ccc-,"a - C. the
rwla,ilco bat-va *,mi bottm topoers;hy In
the Pacific Oe~ (Section VII.C.1)
P- ., ImstitutA of Civoloa - ~The tvctamit cap of the ftetri"
Ocean and -be ciXtnan Paelfc while b*lt (scaas 1:10,00C,000)" (S"tiOn
d -f~ --X_ The Siberian of
-1A Academy thv re-It. f in-ti.--loz-6 of
A 1,
in the V.D . 1)
Z=vtLtota of Oce%ooLoa - 'E~j~oloclcal data lo,clTtd
Ltt ove-10 U-Ch. 1. Uoa Pacific and a- p-ble=3 co-=%cd kith
;=*Pact rosetreh" VIT-3)
M-t- X_Q., In$11tute of Zttmoloa - ~Dmca core on the AL= pmblm*
tf Oce-loCy -"Tha z: =rrtmi. eu-
pan"d zaterl;a in the 71-ific in connecticn with the ;roh-l=s of sedt-
rmstituta of Oc-lo[7 - "Wtt= aedimenti I-- ttc
A---tLe (Sectilon
In t1w.'. or Oc...olcor - "Crclcnic activity and
CVf:-vot: In t"- ==rthem part of the Pacific 0-,
j4;~~ All-Ltti= 7--entific r-arch Zn;titute of Plirize
and G-Cmphy.- *rcca ram-Ats of lcthyolvZIcK* I.-tiLnt1,nz
1. the L%af of A-L..W (3ecti.. 111.C)
]~~1.734T TOL., Pflo.c~v Stat,e U.1,:rsity, F-Ity, rf
3-t Crust 4!%--u =4 -he ;roU,o of the o-!rtn of tbn
fit Ocesno (Section 7=.C.2)
V!,S., 1~st--utc of or-lciv "nettfic r-t=cx of
t-- ft-4-Lom in tia.1 -.." (r-tto. VII.C.1)
:nStitirte, of Ccm~lca - "Quul1tatL.:e-j-tlt,ti-
n of th, r-,-xo &,I fl1ra -In t1te p-L
or the Pul 'I ---'C)
T" cr,40-1-,I~C~y - '-,ne procc.. ~f ~~rl
to the of -h-: K-Ll 1.1c a..' (Sectic,.
m4MMEAD Trj- P- Thatttale of 1bysics of the Earth imeml 0. To SchmiAt.
In 2yrpcolum on The Earth's Crust In the Pacific
KoLluiisi~~, T.F. ,
RT-106 (Thc --ynthesis of organo-bismuth coripounds of the R33i tjTa b the m3thod
of doiYole diazonoizi salts). Sinte7,'visniutoorganichcsltz-ii soedinenii tipa R3r3i -,Ie'odcl;
dvoinyllch diazoniavykh solei.
Zhumal Oloshchal 'hinii, 16(6): 891-396, 1946.
KC22111,:S'~I!A, T.K.
RT-105 (Aromatic bismuth co-nipounds contaiming a halogen atuorm iii tulic nucleus). Alroin-
atichoskie visrautoorCanicho--k-ic soodinonli,--t --odor,-.h-tshcIdo --aloid v Ladro.
Zhurnal, Obshchoi, Kh:h-.ij., 16(6): 897-900, 1946.
J~roratlc (ri7
,anobivnAh cc,:-.rc-,znds cor" a:-, Atls;-~ of'
C JOUM-~ Sl of ic, ra-l e:wo z:t
K02301SKAYA T K.
Inst. No;maf & Pattiol. Morphology, AUS USSR
Synthesis of poly2yclic C omologs of 1, 2
'8;. Tew preparation of h 2
benzanthracene. B, M. Mj ai ov. cf-T, X, Nozmskaya. Doklady, 1 kad.
Nauk 5-8-5-R. 599 509-11 (1.948) ci. C.A. 42, 6 Li (0.05 g.), 0.25 g.
BuCI, and 7ml, abs, E120 are shaken 2 hrs, in a Schlenk flask filled with N,
the BuLi soln.. under N treated with 0.5 g. 10-bromo-1.2-benzanthracene in dry
-Pure C6116,shaken 7-10 min., poured on Dry Ice, and treated with water, giving
60% 1,2 benzanthracene-10-carboxylic acid, M. 218-200i the neutral products
contain 23% l..2 benzanthracene. If in the above expt. the mixt. is treated with
an excess of Mel in Et20 instead of CO and heated 2 hrs* at 400 in a closed flask,
treatment with water and evapn, give 8U l0-mcthyl-l,,2-benzathrQosne,, m.140-10
(from benzene-ale.). Etl instead of Mel similarly gave 47.5% 10-ethyl-1,2-
benzanthracene, m. 113.5-140 (from EtOH).
G. H. Kosolapoff
USS,H/Chemistry Pharmaceuticals
Organic Lithium Compounds
"Organic Lithium Compounds of 1, 2-Benzanthracene
and Their Conversion," B. M. Mikhaylov, T. K.
Kozminskaya, Inst Vormal and Pathol Morphol, Acad
Med,Sci U-SR
"Zjiur Obshch Khijxe' Vol XXI, No 7, pp 1276-1283
Org Li compds of 1, 2-benzanthracene (not obtain-
able by action of Li on halogen derivs) are
smoothly prepd by action of n-BuLi or PhLion halo-
gen derivs and can be used successfully for synthe-
sis of homologues and 0 derivs of 1, 2-
USSR/Chemistry - Pharmaceuticals Jul 51.
(Contd) -
benzanthracene. Synthesis of 10-ethyl-1, 2-ben-
mithracene and higher homologues requires use of
1, 2-benzanthryl-10-lithium obtained with aid of
7- m /'
KOO AVRISKIA~A'40;~ Dec . 51
U~Z--R/Cheviistry - renzanthracene Derivatives
"Action of Phosphorus Pentabalides on 1, 2-Fenzir-thracen-~ rnd Itr, Derivatives,t' P. M.
I cylov, T. K. Kwminskaya, Inst of Norm and Pathol Morphol, tcad Med Sci USS~
11~lhur Obshch Khin" Vol XXI, NIo 12, r-p 218)i-218F
Found that -Cl and PDr. halogenate compds of 1, 2-benzanthracene serics. Action of
Pcir~ on 1, , thradene (I) and 3,,)Il-ace-1, 2-benzanthracene
(11) yielded correspomding 10-chloro-derivs * PPr had the Same action as Pr 2 on 1, 11
and 9-methyl-and 10-riethyl-1,2-benzanthracenev &tter conversion occurs in like Manner
under action of Pr2 in presence of pyridine.
m ighT64
Action of pentahaloid compounds of phosphorus upon 1, 2-benzanthracene and its
derivatives. Zhur. ob. khim., 21, ~o. 12, 1951.
Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aprll 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
uwwu' om;;N~ds qw and um,
r9acdow. H. U. Ulkhagov iml T. K x0m.1,1nomys,
J. 6#w. Cieme. V.S.S.R. U. 1393-140)(19sivEnel. tra"Qs-
o0a) -sm C.A. 40" "vs. , . H. R.
"Synthesis of derivatives of 3. 41-ace-1, 2-benzanthracene with the aid of lithium
reagents." Mikhailov, B. M., Kozminskaia, T. K, (P.509)
SO; J21MAI of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1953'. No-3.
Synthesis in the benzanthracene series with the aid of lithium reagents,
2bar.ob.khim. 23 no.7:1220-1224 JI 153. MU 6:7)
1. Institut normallnoy i patologicheakoy morfologii Akademii meditainakikh
nauk SSSR. .(Benzanthracene series) (Lithium)
Boron organic compounds. Part 10. Complex mature of salts of boron-
-organic acids. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.zauk ne.6:692-695 Je '56.
(HIBA 9:9)
l.Institut organicheakoy khimii imeni N.D.Zelinakege Akademii nank
(Borozium salts)
5(3) SOV/62-59-1-13/38
AUTH02S: Vikhaylov, B. M., Kozmin9kaya, T. K.
TITLE: Organo-Boron Compounds (Bororganiclipskiye soyedineniya)
Communication XXX. Organo-Boron Compounds of the Pyridine
Series(Soobshcheniye 30. Boror-=icheskiye soyedineniya piri-
dinovo.-o r'yada)
PERIODICAL: Tzve at iya Alcad eni i nRU I, SSF)'? . 0 t,,J~, I or, 4 ye
1959, Nr I , Pi) 80 - 84 (ITS-H)
ABSTRACT: Among the organo-boron compounds contuining heterocyclic
radicals only the a-thiophene boron and a-fur,-,l boric acid
are known. They were obtained by the effect of Griggnardls
ents upon methyl bortte (Ref 1). The authors investi:-~ited
reaF 1,
the influence of a-pyridyl lithium and u-picolyl lithium
upon triisobutyl borate in order to obtain orj-7ano-boron
compounds of the pyridine series. It was found that by the
vfi'(?ct of a-pyridyl lithium or cA-picolyl lithium upon tri-
inobutyl borate corresponding lithium salts of the a-pyri,-,yl
triinobutoxy boric acid nnd a-picolyl triisobutoxy boric
acid fire formod. By tho influenc,~ of hy~lrochlloric acid upon
Card 1/2 the compounds obtained pyrieline or cpicoline and boric
Organo-Boron Compoundo. Comnunic,ition XXX.0r.,,-ano-Boron SOV/62-1~9-1-13/31,63
Compounds of the Pyridine Series
acid or their enters are obtained accordin.-ly. 'By the in-
fluence of water upon u-pyridyl- antl u-picolyl triiso-
butoxy boric acid the isobutoxyl ester groups are saponified.
Corresponding a-pyridyl- or a-picolyl boric acids alle
formed thereby. On boilini,, a-pyridyl or u-picolyl boric
acids with alcohol an esterification of the hydroxyl groups
in the complex anion takes place. Corresponding salts of
the u-pyridyl- or a-picolyl triisobutoxy boric acids are
formed. There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut or--anicheskoy khimii im. N. D. ""elinskogo Akademii
nauk S33R (Institute of Or-anic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelins-
kiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTEM: April 27, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., Kozminskaya, T. K. SOV/2o-121-4-23/54
TITL,E: The Effects of Amines and Ammonia on Boron Isoamyl'Dichloride
(0 deystvii aminov i ammiaka na izoamilbordikhlorid)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol. 121, Nr 4,
pp. 656 - 659 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The process of the reactions taking place between boron
phenyl dichloride and amines depends on the nature of the
amine. It was therefore of interest to investigate the
behaviour of boron alkyl dichlorides towards amines and
ammonia. In the case of an
action of ethylamine isoamyl
borodichloride is chan.-ed to isoamyl-bis(ethylamino) boron (I)
and B-tri-isoamyl-N-triethyl borazole (II). The reaction
with isobutyl amine proceeds in an analogue way; a) iso-
amyl-bis (isobutylamino) boron (I) and b) B-tri-isoamyl-N-
isobutyl borazole (II) are formed. In the first stage
apparently alkyl alkylamino chloric boron (M) which then
enters the reaction with a further amine molecule; it forms
(I) and is condensed to borazole (II). in the case of
aniline action boron isoamyl dichloride forms boron (IV)
Card 1/2 isoamyl-bis (phenylamine). In a good yield the latter
The Effects of Amines and Ammonia on Boron Isoamyl SOV120-121-4-23154
is changed to B-tri-isoamyl-N-p1henyl borazole (V) which is
a representative of the up to now unknown B-trialkyl-N-
triaryl borazoles. The reaction between boron isoamyl
dichloride and diethylamine proceeds under formation
of boron (VI) isoamyl-bis (diethyl amine). When ammonia
is flown through an ether solution of boron isoa-myl boro-
dichloride B-tri-isoamyl borazole (VII) is formed. An ex-
perimental part containing the usual data follows. There are
~ references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organiche3koy khi-ii im.N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute of OrJanic Chemistry imeni 11.D.Zelinskiy,
PRESENTED: April 4, 1958, by B.A.Arbuzov, Member, Academy of Sciences,
SUBMITTFD: March 25, 1958
Card 2/2
5(20) SOV/20-127-5-25/58
AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., Kozminakaya, T. K" Fedotov, N. S.,Dorokhov, V. A.
MIX; Esters of Organothioboric Acids and Some of Their Transformations
PEPIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 5, PP 1023-1026
ABSTRACT: Since the c6ters of dialkyl thieboric acids (Refs 10 2) proved
to be very reactive compounds which -!a.,,, be used for the synthesis
of various or.-anoboric compounds tho authors were interested in
the producti 0n of the acids mentioned in the title and in their
behaviour. The known aliphatic monosubstituted and the aromatic
substituted eaters of the thioboric acids are enumerated
(Refs 3-5) and their production methcda are mentioned. The
authors found that the n-butyl estors of the ilkyl thioboric
acids (Ref 1) are produced in good y-1-oldo in the lociling of the
alkyl boron dichlorides and -dibror-ides with n-butyl mereaptan,
(see Scheme). By the same method n-butyl ester of the phenyl
thioboric acid (II) was produced. Diphenyl boron chloride and
di-oo-l-naphthyl-boron chloride react in 8imilar way with n-butyl
mercaptan and form n-butyl eaters of diphonyl thioboric sold
Card 1/3 (111. Ar - C 6H5) and of di-o(,-naphthyl thioboric acid
Estdrs of Organothioborio Acids and Some of SOV/20-127-5-25/58
Their Transformations
(III. Ar - o6-C 10 117). All eaters produced are highly reactive.
This permits their transformation into other organoboric
compounds. By the action of ethvl-~ne diamine the mentioned esters
are smoothly transformed into cyclic compounds, under the
separation of n-butyl-mercaptan i.e. into 2-alkyl-2-boron-1,3-
diazolidine (IV). In the action of a=onia on the esters of
alkyl- and aryl thioboric acids at low temperatures the two
latter were transformed into the corres
V ponding boron trialkyl-
and boron triaryl borazoles (V). The reaction between the ester
and the phenyl thioboric acid and diethyl amine takes place in
one direction under the formation of phenyl-di(diethyl amino)boron
with a yield of 80%, whereas the amino compound (VI) is produced
from the phenyl boron dichloride only in a 14j4j yield (Ref 8).
Under the action of n-butyl ester of diphenyl thioboric acid
is transformed into diphonyl butyl amino boron (VII) in the
action of n-butyl amino in a 80% yield. The eaters of
Card 2/3
Est~rs of Oreanothioboric,Aclide and Some of SOV/20-127-5-25/58
Their Transformations
diphenyl thioborio and di-of--nallithyl-thioboric acid react with
ammonia at low temperatures. In this connection diphenyl amino
boron (VIII. Ar = C 6H5 see Scheme) are formed or di-oc-naphthyl-
amino-boron (VIII. Ar = M-C, H ). There are 9 references,
go 7
5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut oraanicheskoy khimii inig, N.D. Zelinskoeo Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imoni N. D. Zelinskiy of the
Academy of Sciences, ussn)
PRESENTED: April 20, 1959, by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 18, 1959
Card 3/3
3/06 60/000/0-12/01'/020
B01 3X054
AUTHORSa Mikhaylev, B. M. and Ko
-- .-_Am
TITLE: Synthesis of B-Trialkyl Borazoles From Alkyl Thioboric
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdelpniya khImich-a3kik1h
nauk, 1960, No- 12, pp. 2247-2248
TEXTA The authcrs briefly report on a study of the roa-:-tion of n-butyl
esters of alkyl thioboric acids with ammonia. The rpaction proce~-ds at
room temperature to giv:-- B-trialkyl borazoles in 80-06~- yi"Ids~ In the
first reaction stage, amincthioester is formed which later on prC3urrably
condenses to borazole. The used n-butyl esters of n-propyl and n-butyl
thicboric acid were synt'hesized by the action of n-butyl mercaptan to 'the
corresponding alkyl boron dibromides (Ref. !)~ D-1-n-butyl ester of iso--
propyl thioboric acid was obtained for the first time, also by the action
of n-butyl mercaptan on isopropyl boron dibromide- The latter was
synthesized from ;sopropyl boric anhydride and boron tribromide by the
method described in Ref. 2. B-trialkyl derivativos of borazole,
Card -1/2
Synthesis of B-Trialkyl Barazoles From S/062/60/000/012/017/020
Alkyl Thioboric Esters B013/BO54
B-trimethyl borazole (Ref. 3), and B.-trialkyl borazoici (Ref,, 1), were
formerly obtained by heating the corresponding boron trialkylswith ammon-:a\/
in an autoclave at 3300-4500C. All operations were zarried cut with
organoboron compounds in a dry nitrogen medium, There are ij r.)fprer.,~es-
3 Soviet and 1 German.
ASSOCIATIOIT: Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zqlinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemiz~try imeni
N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Scicnces USSR)
SUBMITTED~ May 6~ 1960
Card 2/2
7--7 C) 1-211, 12.6Z, z7-D9 S/079/60/030/011/008/026
AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M. and Kozminskaya, 1. K.
TITLE: Organoboron Compounds. LXIII. Reactions of Esters of Alkyl
Thioborio Acids With Amines
PERIODICALi Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 11, pp.3619-3624
TEXTs It was earlier found by the authors (Ref.1) that alkyl thioborates
react with ammonia to give B-trialkyl derivatives of borazol, and are con
verted to alkyl borodiazolidines on reaction with ethylene amine. In the
present paper, the above esters were reacted with amines. On the action
of two moles of primary aliphatic amines, alkyl-amino groups were found
to be substituted for the two alkyl-mercapto groups in esters of alkyl
thioboric acids. In this connection, N-alkyl-subBtituted alkyl boron
diamines (I) were formed according to the scheme
RB(SC 4H9)2 + 2H 2NRI )'RB(NHR' )2 + 2n - C 4H9 SH
(R - n - C 3H79 n - C 4E91 iso - C 5Hil; R, - C2H 59 n - C 4H9).
The reaction proceeded via complex compounds of amines with esters, which
Card 1/3
Organoboron Compounds. LXIII. Reactions of S/07~/60/030/011/008/026
Esters of Alkyl Thioboric Acids With Amines B001 B066
is supported by the fact that when mixing the components at -30 0C in an
isopentane solution, a precipitate is formed which gradually disappears.
Owing to the separation of the proton from the nitrogen atom and of the
anion of the alkyl-mercapto group from the boron atom, the complex com-
pounds are converted to amino thioethers which, in turn, form complexes
which decompose to mercaptane and the end product (I). On reaction of
equimolecular quantities of alkyl thioborate with primary amine, probably
a mixture of N-alkyl-substituted alkyl boron diamine(I), amino thioether,
and the initial thioether, the separation of which was not possible, is
formed. With secondary aliphatic amines, however, only one alkyl-mercapto
group is substituted by the alkyl-amine radical to give organoboron com-
pounds hitherto unknown, i.e., esters of alkyl-dialkyl-amino-thioboric
acids. These compounds are stable to diethyl amine, react, however, with
ethyl aminet
RB + 2H2NC2H5 )RB(NHC 2H5)2 + n-C4H 9SH + HN(C2H5)2
1 2 5 2 R - n-C 3H70 iso-C5Hil
Card 2/3
Or6anoboron Compounds. LXIII. Reactions of S/079/60/030/011/008/026
Esters of Alkyl Thioboric Acids With Amines BOO1/B066
This different behavior with respect to the two amine:3 is obviously due
to the fact that ethyl amine forms complex compounds with the esters,
which are not obtained wiA diethyl amine. The above reamination also
takes place in the reaction of ethyl amine with isoamyl-di(diethyl-amino)-
boron. There are 6 references: 5 Soviet and I US.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute
of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTEDs January 3, 1960
Card 3/3
S/00"2/62/000 '/002/002/0-3
.2 0 B1,7/B138
AUTHORS: Mikhaylov,. B. M., and Kozminskaya, T.
TITLE: Organoboron compounds, 90. Organohal-4t--n thicbor'lc. acid
PER10DICAL: Akadmlya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Ozdt-l,?niye khimlcheskikh
nauk, no. 2, 19062, 256-26o
TEXT: This is in continuation of a study of the rea.-tion of alkyl boron
ha-- - -1
ie.3 w44-h mercaptans (Communication 89 had been published Jri the
Izz'-w AN SSSR, Otd,. khim. n. 1961, 2101). If a mixture- of alkyl boron,
di!,hlorides and ethyl- mercaptan excess is heated to lboiling pifn4. , -~Thyl
es"ers cf alkyl chlorc thioboric acid will be obtained in addiTion to
dietbyl eaters of alkyl thioboric acid. The former are products of an
substitution of chlorine atoms and represent a hitherto uiikn-lqn
typ,E- of !-c,zron compounds: RBCl2 30 RB(SC 2H5)g i RB(SC 2H
R--ri-C H i-C H'; n-C H The yields of alkyl chloro thioboric ac--',i
3 4 9-
O-rganob~lror. oompounds. B117/B138
o -,' tc -ar ratic, of reagents,
.. L~,-:3 ur-~ lovi even -in the case of an equimol- j'
b,:Gxase these e3ters are thermally unstable. When disti-Iled in vacuC 1'heV
ar- fr-iquently decomposed into alkyl thioboric. acid e9ters and alkyl
I,- D rr, n I 'A chl o r i d e s -Alky! boron dibromides and e-~.hy.' mercaptan in a 1:1
ral. i ~ yLeld ethyl esters of alkyl bromo thioboric acid (65-,75 yield)
wlni:~h are far mare stable than chlorine thioesters and do not --hs-nge whpn
dl-Lstiiled ir vai-,uum, A similar reaction takes place between phenyl horr-n
d,,brcmide and e',Iiyl mercaptan, resulting in ethyl ester of pb-~-nyl brome.
thioboris a,,.id. The second way of' synthesizine alkyl chlorine thlcbori:
a-:A ester is the r-xchange reaction between alky", boron di-chlorides an,i v/
-y r~Lt,~boric acA esters. In uhJs way ethyl ostor of n-propy! chloro
.nioboric arald (yield 50 %) was obtained from an equimol~~,-ular ia:.xture cli
n--T,:7c,py-! boron dichlcride and diethyl ester of n--propyl thicborlc a,:id
af~or ~O hr at room temperature. The third vay of syntriesi Ing allryl
11a'-ogPD thioborto aeld ester is based on the effect of boron halides on
alkv~ T.!,i-,)bor---c acud ester at room temperature, B u t y I e s t e r o f n. -am y
.oroco I;n:oI~16ric aeld (yield BO %) was synthesized in -h"Is ?,,,ay f-r;-~m
r-ater .-f n-isoamyl rhioborlc acid and boron tr-,brom~~dr- T~"-
na',ege'll th-4---esters toward diethyl amine indicates thaL the hal--wen atom .,n.
C a rd 211' 5
Ozrg-a,noboron compounds... B117/B138
-rgano-ior-3n compoun-Is of the type RB(SR') has a higher mobility than the
---' k i
a yl mercapto Lroup. All reactions were performed in dry nitroEen
a-mosphere. There are 9 references: 6 Soviet and 3 non-Sov4et. The
thrc7e references to English-language publications read as follows:
P BrJ..ndley et al- J.- Chem, Soo. 1956, 1540, 824; P. McCusker et al,
T Amer C'nem Soo, '!~,
e 51,82 (1957); E Abel et al. J, Ch~zq- Soc. '957,
ASSOCIATION: Inst:.tut organicheskoy khimi-i im, N. D. Z,---,inak,)gc. Akadem----i
na-ak SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imer-i
N. D- Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciense-z USSR)
SUBMITTED: Augis-k 18, 1961
Card 30/5
Boroxium salts from 1-chloroboracycloheptane. Izv. AN SSSR.
Ser.khim. no.9s1703 S 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Boron salts) (Boron organic compounds)
'It P
i n.,
~Pml, 11 ;~Rj
4, ~ lvmm;lgel
On the problems of outbreaks of tonsillitis. Voen.-med. zhur. no.9:
57-60 S 151. (KUU 9:9)
Etiological and epidemiological imDortance of dysentery pnthogens nnd
certain Snlmonelln In so-cnlled nonspecific colitis. Zhur.mikrobiol.
epid. I immun.,eupplement for 1956:16-17 '57 (MIRA 11:3)
1. Is Rostovskogo-aa-Donu institute epidemiologii, mikrobiologit i
gigiyony J Rostovskoy 1-y gorodskoy bol'nitay.
Comparative sensitivity of freshly isolated dysenterial cultures
to antibiotics and bacteriophage. Antibiotiki 9 no.9:861-862
s 64. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu nauchno-isaledovatellskiy protivochumnyy
institut i 1-ya Rostovskaya-na-Donu gorodskaya bollnitsa.
Critical and experimental studies on the detormination of
instruments used from the appearance of the wound.
zad.,Warazawa 6:112-148 1955.
1. Z Zakladu Medycytq Sadowej AM w Krakowie. Kierownik: prof.
dr J. Olbrycht.
cranium, wound shape as basis for determ. of instru-
ment used, in forensic testimony.)
(CRANIUM, wounds and Injuries.
wound shape as basis for determ. of instrument used,
in forensic teatimorq)
KOZMINSKIJI C. Hail in Lower 6i-lesia in the years 1946-1950. p-11
Vol. 9, no. 5, Yay1956
Warszawa, Poland
ot East 1:' uropean Acce.3sion, Vol. 6, no. 2, Ileb. 1957
------- 7-
Now imtrument for the masurmut of precipitatiom and haiL
Wosechaviat no.1:18-19 Za 163.
L 27241a)6 FCC
A_P6027826 SOURCE CODE: GE/0064/66/018/05-/0286/0289'
AUTHOR: Kozminjki,._G.-(Doctor; Szczecin); Plech, M. (Doctor; Szczecin)
ORO: Higher School of Agriculture, Szczecin, Poland (Wyzsza Szkola Rolnicza)
TITLE: Considerations on the frequency of hailStOM5 and hailstorm damage in Poland;
SOURCE: Zeitschrift fur meteorologie, v. 18, no- 5-7, 1966, 286-289
TOPIC TAGS: hail, atmospheric phenomenon, sunspot, long range forecasting
ABSTRACT: Data pertaining to the quarter-yearly frequency averages of hail-
s,torm3 and damages caused by these hailstorms in Poland between 1925 and
1?64 were presented in charts and tables on the basis of data from16 state
.-,mqteorological-hydrological institutes and Insurance company records. The
da~nages were mainly damages to*sgrLcultural crops. Correlations between
hailstorm characteristics and damages, and between hailstorm incidence and
some other meteorological phenomena such as sunspot activity were calcu-
a -range forecastin of
lated. The significance of theseanalyies in the long .9
hailstorm damages-for practical purposes was discussed. Orig. art. has: 3 figures
and 1 table. 1JPRS: 36#8441
SUB CODE: 04, 03 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH REF: 001
KCZMINSKI, Czeslaw, mgr.
An attempt of drafting an Isogram on the territory of Poland
for 191+7-1958. Czasopismo geograficzne 32 no.3:325-335 161.
1. Wyzsza Szkola RoInicza, Szczecin.
PIECH, Marian; KOZMINSKI, Czeslaw
Uoefulness of certain statistioal methods for the evaluation
of the effectiveness of hail suppression under Poland's climatic
conditions. Postepy nauk roln 11 no.6t93-96 N-D 164.
1. School of Agriculture, Szczecin.
~ ~ ~;
Hail precipitations on Polish territories during the yeara
1946-1955- Prace przyrod roln Szczecin 17 no. 2: 1-1,6 163.
KOZMINSKI Czeslaw; RYTEL, Marek (Szczecin)
Drawing of isorithm contourB of hailstorm probability in Poland
based on occurrences in.117-1960. Czasop geograf 34 no.lt5l-60
KOMNSKI, Czeslaw
Tentative evaluation of methods of distributing chemical
substances on the field or in the air and their suitability
for the conditions in Poland. Postepy nauk roln 11 no. 2;
35-40 Ar-Ap 164.
1'. iiiod,t School of Agriculture, Szczecin.
0 D216/D3o4
AUTHORSi Bouiyk Jacek, D*bek Wac-?aw, Dabrowsk! Cyryl, J69efcwicz
Krystyna,,_Koimi~skL_Jerzy, Suwalski Witold, Topa Jerzy,
and Weiss Zbigniew
TITLE: Experimental analysis of the use of the "EWA" reactor for
some pile-oscill.ator measurements
PERIODICAL; Nukleonika, v. 6, no. 11, 1961, 717 --- 734
TEXT- This paper investigates the sensitivity of moderator puri.-
ty determInations in the WWR-S "EWA" reactor of the Polish Academy of Sci-
4- 0
ences at Swierk using various methods., A priliminary repor. f the work
has already been published (Ref, 63 W. D~bek Vukleon-1ka, 5, 415, 196o),, The
periodic change in neutron density caused by harmonic oscillation of an
absorbing sample causing small reactivity changes may be written
n(t) - n av 00 (m)
- E G(m)ej(mr"t + q)
av m=1 m=1
Card 1/ 7 ,y X
Experimental analysis of D216/D3o4
C3 t + 0(m)
R(m),.j(m (2)
whe re n Find n V are the time dependent and average neutr--)n,
G(m) L(m) R(M) are the relative amplitudes of the m-th hprTaonics of ! h A,
global (general reactor), local and resultant signals, ~m,.D( and 5
I t sJgrajs- and the
are the phase angles of the global, local and resultany
period of oscillation of the Bample T - 211'/W . Fundamental harmcni C on
1y are considered, the other being eliminated by the a~ppara-t-us or, by --omp-
utatAon. G and L deDend. 1.ipon the absorber content -.)f the 5ample., and ~'he
global w-A 1-~cal signal sensitivIties g and I may be etpre~ised
X o
Card 21,7
Experimental analysis of ... D216/D304
where x = equivalent number of boron nuclei per million moderator nuclel~
and the subscripts x and o refer to signals for samples with and without
absorbing impurities respectively. Similarly, the sensitivity of the re--
sultant signal, may be defined in terms of the phase angle
( ex - a ) (80
x 0
Measurements were made at 300 W reactor power with as low xenon poisoning
as Possible. The sample was oscillated in the core in an empty fuel chan-
nel with one detector in an adjacent fuel channel and one in the thermal
column (detecting the resultant and global signals respectively), For re-
actor stability, the cooling system is not operated. Samples were made of
200 - 250 ccs. of moderator with varying contents of boric acid (100-1000
ppm of boron)# and were contained in aluminum or plexiglass, The large
amounts of poison were necessary due to the low sensitivities of signals
and apparatus. The detectors were differential ionization chambers, used
with mirror galvanometerst electrometric dc amplifiers with 100 % feedback
and a constant current compensating circuit. 1. Static methods Eq. (8a)
Card 3/7 q
P/04 61/006/011/003/004
Experimental analysis of D216YD3o4
may bealso expressed in terms of the fundamental harmonics of the k eff
change for samples with and without impurities, and these may be computed
from statically measured characteristics of the change in k eff obtained
during the sample oscillation. Simultaneously, the adjacent detector deter-
mines the characteristics of the local change in neutron density and 1 may
be found trom Eq. (8b). Pinally,,I~ may be obtained from Eq. (8c) by
d0 (g sin If
-dx 1 +
IXUO + a2 ~ 2 cos
where a - L0/G0 and the upper and lower signs refer to 0 andIFI (tn
phase and counter-phase oscillations) respectively.4? and the relation
between G and the change in k eff may be computed or determined experimen-
tally. The sample was positioned at the required point, and the reactor
was balanced by a fine control rod which gave the appropriate value of k eff
2. Kinetic methods Global and resultant signals are recorded on escillo-
grams during oscillations of the sample. Parasitic phase shtfts and
Card 4/7.
Experimental analysis of ... D216/D304
of the global and resultant signals occur, and are eliminated by perform-
ing two oscillations, one witht4 - 0 and one with b(-Jr, of the same sam-
ple. Since the parasitic effects are the same for both oscillationsy they
may be removed by combining the observations.Cp is determined from this
by a method of successive approximations, and the correct L and 6 values
and hence I andIV are computed. The analysis becomes even simpler for small
T and (L/0),X qr > 2. The sample was mechanically oscillated with T var-
iable from 1 -022 Beoonds and amplitude from 50 - 430 mms. The reactor was
balanced before and during the oscillations and once the oscillations were
constant, a set of about 10 was recorded on oscillograms. At least 5 per-
iods of the R and G signals were harmonically analyzed with accuracy up
to the third harmonic. For measurements in the core with graphite samples,
the signal aensitivilies are, to an accuracy of 20%, - g and 1 both -~ 0.8
%o/ppm, and q~rvO-3 '/PPm - all for optimum experimental conditions.' These
are lower by two orders of magnitude than those obtainable in thermal re-
actors, and similar results are found for other moderators. They are due
to the high contribution of the Blowing-down process to G and L, in com-
parison with which the absorption contribution is hardly observed. The
self-shielding effect of boron is a factor 0.5 for samples containing 500-
Card 5/ 7
Experimental analysis of ... D216/D304
-1000 ppm of boron. Measurements in a horizontal channel in the water re-
flector gave slightly lower sensitivities, but were not pursued due to ex-
perimental difficulties and unpromising results. Static method measure-
ments in the horizontal thermal column channel gave promising results for
1. The results indicate a considerable increase in the effective delayed.
neutron fraction in comparison with the data of Keepin, Wimett and Ze.ig-
ler (Ref. 79 Phys. Rev., 1070o44, 1957)- Preliminary estimates give this
as 0.0081 + 0.0009, and the mean prompt neutron lifetime as 100 * 30 sec.
The static and kinetic methods give consistent sensitivities. The authors
acknowledge W. Frankowski, Head of Reactor Engineering Division IBJ, P.
Szulc and L. Labno, in charge of teams of Reactor Operation Division IBJ,
Dobrski, Kulman and Kwiatek for cooperation in reactor measurements, Post
for elaborating the oscillator mechanical drive, Miss Brozyna and Miss Ma-
niecka for scanning the oscillograms, and Mrs. Sawicka, leader of the com.-
puter team from the Applied Mathematics Division IBJ. There are 8 figur-
es and 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Boviet-bloc. The references
to the English-language publications read as follow8t D. Breton, First
Geneva Conferences Paper P/356, 1955; G.R. Keepin, T.F. Wimett, R.K. Zeig-
ler, Phys, Rev., 107, 1o44, 1957
Card 6/7
P/o4 61 06/011/003/004
Experimental analysis of ... D216%30~0
ASSOCIATION: Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Nuclear Re-
searohl Warsaw. Reactor Engineering Department
SUBMITTEDs July, 1961
Card 7/7
Zagleble Staropolside w Kieleckiem; opis krajoznawczy. Warszawa, Sport i
Turystyka, 19,51'. 110 p.
(The Old Polish Basin in Kielce Voivodeship; a tourist description. illus.,
port., maps, bibl., footnotes)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl.
Sudeck's atrophy. Chir. nars. Yuchu 20 no-1157-64 1955.
1. Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgiesnej A.H. we Wroclawiu. Kierownlk:
prof. dr W.Broso.
Sudeck's atrophy)
Operative treatment of fracturea base of the skull in the
fronto-orbital region. Polski przegl. chir. 28 no.2:121-
128 Yeb 56.
1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. we Wroclawiu Kierownik:
prof. dr. W. Bross,Wroclaw, u1. Curia-Sklodowskiej 66.
(CRANIUM. fractures
fronto-orbital, eurg.
cranium, fronto-orbital, surg.
K 0 z M I NSK 1, 5.
EXCORPTA IMTCA Sec,9 Vol.U/9 SurgorY SO:A 1957
4925..KOtMIT'qSKl S. and BADER 0. 11. Klin. Chir. A. M., Wroclaw. !-Odleglc
wyniki P-czenta chlorkiem czte roe tyloamonowym chorilb zw~Iaj~cyel, naczyn-
iakodezyn. Distant results of occlusive arterial diseases
treateu with tetraethylammonium chloride 130L.PIIZEGL.
C11111. 1056, 2817 (609-702) Graphs 2
Report on 23 cases of occlusive arterial (jisease (11 cases of thromboangiitis
obliterans and 12 of arteriosclerosis). Sympathectomy was pet-formed in 6 cases
with positive results in 4 (beparon test positive), and negative results in ?
( beparon test negative). The positive beparon test was eviocneed by a temporary
increase in temperature of at least I*C. in the peripheral parts of extremity in-
volved. Beparon was administered Lv. in the remaining 17 cases with favourable
results in 14 lasting for about 2-5 yr. ( 9 cases of thromboangiitis obliterans, 5
cases of arteriosclerosis). The 3 unsuccessful cases were complicated by gangrene
before the beginning of treatment. Koimidski - Wroctaw
CISEK, Tomasz; KOZHINSKI, Stefsa,.,
The so-called simple ulcer of the small intestine.. Polski
tygod. lek. 12 no.7:249-251 11 Fab 57.
1. (Z. I Kliniki ChirurgiC2nej A.M. we Wroclawiu; kierownik!
prof. dr. Wiktor Bross). Adres: Wroclaw, u1. Curia-Sklodowskiej
surgo (POW
1,.'OZMDTSKI, Stefan
Preo,)erative preparation of the largo intestine. Poloki przegl. chir.
30 no.5:589-592 May 58.
preop. disinfect. (Pol))
preop. prep. of large intestine (Pol))
'COMINSU, Stefan
New obnervations on sterilization of large intestinal bacterial
flora. Polskie tygod. Isk. 14 no.1:17-21 5 Jan 59.
1. (Z II Kliniki Chirargiasuej Akad. Med. we Wrocl"iu; kierownik:
prof. dr W. Broos i x Instytutu Immunologii I Terapil. Doswiadozaluej
PAN im, bm&ika Hiroxfolda we Wroclawiu; dvrektor: prof. dr Stefe
qlopok). Adres: Wroclaw, ul. Curie-Sklodowaktai 66, 11 Klin. Ch4-urg.
A, )L
(COLON, eurg.
preop. sterilization of bact. flora in large intestim
ming antibiotics (Pbl))
(IFMTDM, LkRGA, microbiol.
bant. flora. nreop. sterilization using anUidotics (Pdl))
KOZMINSKI9 Stqf~]~ _
Organization of a blood vessel bankc. Polski t7god. lek. 14 no.3:
103-106 19 Jan 59.
1. Z II Kliniki ChirurgiC2nej Akad. Med. we Wroclawiu: kierownik:
Prof. dr W. Broes. Adren Wroclaw, u1. Curia-Sklodowskisi 66, 11 Klin.
Chirurg. A.M.
(BLOOD VESSEIS, transpl.
organiz. of vessel bank (Pol))
--- - ------ :-- .".1- -.111- .
Diagnostic value of arteriograpky of the peripheral vessels in
the light of own experiences. Polski prezegl.radiol. 23 no.6:
427-438 N-D '59.
1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. we Wroclawtu Kierownik:
prof. dr W. Bross i z Kliniki Hadiologicznej A.M. we Wroclawiu
Kierownik; doc. dr Z. Xubrakiewicz.
CZEREDA, Tadousz, and CISEK, Tomasz, Se-
cond Surgical Clinic (II Klinika Chirurgiczna), AM (Akademia
Medyczna, Medical Academy] in Wroclaw (Director: Prof. Dr.
Wiktor BROSS)
"Reasons for Failure in Surgical Treatment of the Varicose
Veins of the Logs."
War~aw, Polski_Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 23, 3 Jun 63,
PP 813-875-
Abstracti [Authors' English summary modified] Authors offer
as the reason for the many relapses following surgery of
varicose veins of the legs the incorrectness of the performed
operations. Ihey recommend the method of Linton, consisting
in complete removal of the vena tibialis maior and minor, and
cutting and ligaturing the communicating rami'between the su-
perficial and profound veins, and cite the success they had
with this method. Ihere are eight (8) references, of which
three (3) are Polish, one Soviet, and four (4) English.
Remote results of the restoration of patency in the femoral
artery with the aid of a prosthesis following an injury.
Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.2:147-150 163-
1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik:
prof. dr W. Bross.
BROSS, IAktor; NOMINSKI., Stefan
Arterioplasty- in ischemia of the lower extremitiers due to
arteriosclerosis, -Pal. przegl. -chir. -35 no.10/llsI112-1134
1. Z II Kliniki ChinLrglcznej AM we Wroclawiu F-terownik: prof.
KO,,~M!IiSF I, ~, '*/-If ur. !A, Tadeusz
I:- *- IT-- ~I o ..-.
Tru.atm(~nt of late c-bot-uction of a vasculm- graft. ir-na.
lek. 19 no.4-11-1.578-1580 12 0 164
I. Z 1.1 gliniki. Chirurgiczne,4, Akadernil Medyc=iej we Vroc2,ivit,
(K-Icro,wnik: Prof. dr. '~~Iktor Bross).
"An experiment with the cross-seeding of potatoes.0 p. 27
"A map of soils. " p. 28
(Plon, Vol 4 110 4 Apr 53 Warszawa)
SO% Mon "hl Ust of Zapt g2rorgan Acceagions, Vol 2 No 9 Lilwary of Congress SePt 53 Uncl,
14-sit-allization of plastic materia.1s. Rat sionalizat-3 Jk ia 14 no.6.,
22 164
AUTHM KozlminykJa, A. A., Engineer 94-58-6-7/19
TITLE: A Spring-Pneumatic Electrode Clamp (Pruzhinno-
pnevmaticheskiye zazhimy elektrodov)
PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika,, 1958, Nr 6. pp 13-14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article describes the construction of electrode
clamps for electric steel melting furnaces that are held
on by a spring and released by compressed air. A
sectional drawing is given. The cltunps can bo operated
from the furnace control panel and are much quicker to
operate than the usual mechanical clamps, the time of
each melt has been reduced by 5 minutes by tb~-ir use
and heavy work has been cut out, they are simple and
reliable. The clamps were made of available materials
and were installed during a normal maintenance period.
There is one figure.
Card 1/1 1. Electrode holdars - Dasign 2. Electrode holders - Operation
3. Clamps - Applications 4. Electric furnaces - Equipment
OA-,~ .1
A. V. : JA~91,4-lv Tech Sci stability
o' a aviin ijl,-ID DJ.,:,G(_il w1l I L, c;p,,o(.'
pp (jDn!neiad A,~mil:al S. C,. ~41iauov),
103 c u-,o i e GO C, 19 -9, Y 3
KOZIMrsyn, A.A..
Air-actuated spring clamps for electrodes. Prom. energ. 13 no. 6:13-
14 Je 158. (HIRA 11:8)
(Electric furnaces)
?, e
- XOZIMINM, A., mlad-ebiy naucbjWy sotrudnik
Regulator for powerful marine diesel engines for all
operating conditions. Mor.flot. 20 no.8;23-24
Ag 160. 04IHA 13:8)
1. Odoeskoye vyssbeye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche,
(Marine diesel engines)
KCZIMINYKH, A., assistent,
Evaluating the quality of transient conditions in main
marine diesel engines with an all-conditions governor.
Mor. flot 22 no.3:26-28 Mr 162i (MIRA 15:2)
1. Kafedra sudovykh dvigateley vnutrennego egoraniya Odesskogo
vysshego inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha.
(Marine diesel engines)
(Transients (Dynamics))
KOZIMINYKH A.V., assistent; SOKOLOV, V.I.P inzh.
Testing the system of heavy fuel preparation on the motorship "Kura*"
Biul. tekh.-okon, inform. Tekh. upr. Min. mor. flota 7 no.3t
36-40 162. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Odeaskoye vyssheye Inzhenernoye morokoye uchilishche (for
P P~lokhoda "Kura" (for Sokolov).
Kozlminykh)' 2. Starshly makhanik te
(Kura (Motorshi -Fuel systems)
Operating conditions of type MAN 6V 23p5/33 diesel generators.
Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Tekh. ul=. Miyr. mor. flota 7 no.4:
35-39 '62. (MIRA 1634)
1 Od k vyosbaye inzhenernole morskoye uchilisbahe (for
;z 088k-7e 2 Starshiy mekhanik teplokhoda "Kura" (for
(MarIna diesel enoinea)
(Electric generators)
KOZIMIN'MI, A.V., mladshiy nauchnyy notrudnik
Effect of the degree of irregularity of a controllec on the transient
proceanes in main marine diesel engines, Sud. sil. ust. no.200-85 163.
(MIRA 171l)
1. Odesskoye vys3heye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 9. p 67 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Koz'minykh, 1). V., Zotov, V. P.
TITLE: E c ric Braking of Hydroelectric Generators for Increased Stability
(Elektricheskoye tormozheniye gidrogeneratorov a tsel'yu povysheniya
ustoychivosti raboty)
PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. tr. Kuybyshevsk. industr. in-t, 1956, Vol 1, Nr 6,
pp 87 -89
A-BSTRACT: A system of artificial electric braking of hydroelectric generators is
considered. If the three-phase stator winding and the excitation winding of a
synchronous generator are made of two parallel branches placed at the double
pole pitch apart, then two independent electrical systems will be formed in the
generator and their currents will be superimposed. If the currents in both
parallel branches of the rotor are equal, the generator will operate under nor -
mal conditions. If the current in one of the excitation branches decreases and
the other correspondingly increases, difference ENIFs will be introduced in the
Card 1/2
Electric Braking of Hydroelectric Generators for Increased Stability
parallel stator branches and equalizing currents will appear. The EMF differ-
ence and the equalizing currents in stator windings will have the frequency of
25 cps. Since at 25 cps the equalizing -current phase shift in the phase wind-
ings will be 600, the sum of the three equalizing phase curr;.-nts will not be
equal to zero but will be approximately twice the value of one phase current.
If a resistor is connected between the star points of two parallel stator wind-
ings, braking power will be released in it. To control the braking, field-pole
coils can be connected in a bridge circuit with the conventional exciter con-
nected to one diagonal and with an additional DC generator, acting as a braking
controller, connected to the other diagonal.
D. V. Kh.
Card 2/2
Courses for the improvement of the qualifications of pharmacists,
instructors in pharmaceutical schools. Apt. delo 12 no-5:64-66
S-Of63 (MIRA .16211)
1. Permsko-ye farmatsevticheskoye uchi-lishche.
flighei al,alifications for tearl-sri in z~-,.`,-~-
- " '0
tpt. de:61, llnc..5:55-56 S-0 162.
1. P6rmskoye farmatsevtlcheskoye
PECHENENKO,, V.v kand.tekbn.nauko dotsent; KOZIMINYKH9 G., assistent
Efficiency of the automatized boiler system on ships of the type of
the "S.Botkin"steamboat. Mor.flot 21 no.1:24-Z8 Ja 161.
011RA 14: 6)
1. Odeaskoye vyasheye inzhenernoye morskVe uchilishche (for
(Boilers, Marine)
1 1, - 7 - ~ - ~ I I ~ I
_-I i. I" ~11;,~ I %II, Nt, Cl p v . i I kit it -I. naA.-., K(;: NY "I Ir. ,, 1, 1: -
-fj'ocl,. of an aridCona" loadirig- on of '~P.
A, - - I
Q - - .. / I
KVG-25 bn~ler level. regrvial-lill. `adostrcel-do " -, 16.,,..
4. PA 17: 1 L)
VA t--;
240) SOV/48-23-8-21/25
AUTHORS: Mitsuk, V. Ye., Kozlminykh, M. D., Talalayeva, 1. V.
TITLE: Measurement of an Electric Field in Plasma of Ultrahigh
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959,
Vol 23, Nr 8, PP 1031-1035 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the introduction it is pointed out that the linear Stark
effect cannot be investigated in the space of the positive
column of a plasma since then fields within the range of
103 Y/cm would be necessary for a noticeable effect. In the
plasma of microwaves, however, such electric fields occur, and
the amplitude of the electric field iB reported to be
104 v/cm for a frequency of 1010 cycles. Conditions are de-
scribed for a Holzmark effect so small that the contours of the
Balmer lines represent the Stark effect. It is further shown
that measurement of the electric field in microwave plasma is
possible by the quantum mechanic theory of the Stark effect
introduced by D. I. Blokhintsev. In part I of this article the
Card 1/2 Stark contour in the alternating field Is investigated, and
Measurement of an Electric Field in Plasma of Ultrahigh Frequency
formula (1) by Epstein-Schwarzachild is given for line split-
ting. The line splitting in a static and alternating field is
discussed and exemplified in the diagrams of figure 1. The
theoretical structure of the alternating field is shown in the
diagram of figure 2, and it is indicated that the voltage
amplitude of the electric field may be determined by measuring
the half width. The methods of measurement are discussed in
part II. The results obtained by means of an arrangement, which
has already been discussed in a previous paper (Ref 3) where
the half width was found by photography, are compared to results
determined by means of a photoelectronic multiplier. The dia-
gram of figure 3 shows the comparison. In part III of the pre-
sent paper the measurement of the electric field is described,
and the above methods of measurement and the block scheme of
the experimental arrangement are discussed. The measurement of
the half width is explained by figure 5. The experimentally de-
termined function of the electric field of high-frequency dis-
charge in deuterium is shown in the diagram of figure 6. There
are 6 figures and 3 Soviet references.
Card 2/2
21 (7 ) , :~.4
AUTHORS: Ylitsuk, V. Ye., Kozlminykh M. D. SOV/56-36-5-67/76
TITLE: The Electric Field in the Microwave Plasma as a
Time Function (Elektricheskoye pole v mikrovolnovoy
plazme kak funktsiya vremeni)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 5, pp 1603-1604 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present 1IL3tter to the Editor" the authors give a
report on experimental investigations of the course with
respect to time of the electric field voltage during the
adjustment of a steady state in a pulsed superhigh frequency
discharge (9400 megacycles). The amplitudes of the field
were measured optically by using the Stark effect on the
Balmer lines in the variable external field. The microwave
plasma was obtained in a thin capillary (2 mm diameter),
which was in a waveguide section of 23-10 mm2. The
transversal emission which is invariant with respect to
the electric field voltage vector was investigated by means
of the diffraction grating DFS-2 (theoretical resolving
puwer 80,000) as as spectral apparatus. Recording and
Card 1/2 analysis of the spectra was carried out by means of a
The Electric Field in the Microwave Plasma as a SOV/56-36-5-67/76
Time Function
photoelectric scanning unit on the photomultiplier FEU-191
separation of lines was effected by means of a time selection
signal. Measurements were carried out on deuterium at
pressures of several torr, The figure shows the course with
respect to time of the electric field voltage within tile
plasma during a superhigh frequency impulse, namely the
power diagram P(t) and the intensity diagram I(t) within
2.5 usec (abscissa ) j the ordinates are the half-width cr
of the Stark lines and the electric field amplitude E['~Cv/cml
There are 1 figure and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATIOV: Moskovskiy Cosudarstvannyy universitet (Iroscow State
SUBMITTED3 February 13, 1959
Card 2/2
KOZ'141NYKE, 0. K. , Cand o-f Them Bel -- (dies) "Catalytic synthesis of
nitroEarl, amino- and sulfamide produclng 2-phonylquiroline Ond 2-phenyl-
n, 6-benzoquinoline." Sverdlovsk, 1957, b pp (Ural Polytechnical
Inctitute lin 5. M. Kirov) , lUQ coplet, (KL, 35-5157, 106)
- ---- ----- -
AUNORS: Kozlov, 11. S., KozIminykh, 0. K. 9- /56
TITLE: Catalytic Condensation of Acetylono Nith Ar"Iratic Araine3.
XXX. Catalytic S-,'Irithesio of m-Nitro-, Amino- wad Sulfamido-
Derivatives of 2-Phenylquinollne and 2'-Phen~d-~,6-Benzo-
quinoline (Kataliticheskaya koridens"tsiya atsetilena
s aromaticheskimi aminami. XXX. Ka~aliticheskiy sintez
m - nitro-, amino - i sullfamidoproizvodrLykh 2 - fenil-
khinolina 1 2 - fenil - 5,6 - bezizokhiitolina).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 11,
Pp. 3122-3127 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Nitro- and amino-derivatives of 2-phen~iquirioiine and
2-phenyl-5,6-benzoquinoliae are very little
In the present work tha authors continued "he iiivast.ij,-tion
of the reaction of the joint condQnsation of acetylene
with aromatic amines and arcriiatic z,ldehydeo, They quccueded
in workinE out a new a,)pl".cation of this reaction for the
synthesis of the nitro-derivativus of 2-ph-~nyl-
quinoline and in obtainixi,: new amino- and sulfami-tc-
derivatives of 2-~,henylqxiinoline from 0term. In the C, ,,nthesis
of the nitro-derivative.- 1.11'i~., author-) usc(l droinutic iullir.e.,I,
Card 1/2 aniline, m- and p-toluidine, p-ani3idire, P-PhellEtidille PLI'd