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KOZLOVSKAYA, L.S.~ kand. biol. muk, otv. red. (Fauna of cedar forests of Siberia and its exploitation] Fauna kedrovykh lesov Sibiri i ee ispoltzovanie. Moskvap Naukas 1965. 161 p. (MIRA 18-2) 1. Akadewdya nauk SSSR. flibirskoye otdelerdye. Institut lesa i drevesiny. IZ4-11-13Z66 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhan1ka, 1957, Nr 11. p. 141 (USSR) AUTHOR: Koz1ovskaya, M.A. TITLE- On the Calculation of the Deformation of Arches. (0 radchete uprugikh arok po deformirovannomu sostoyaniyu. PERIODICAL: V. sb. : 15-ya nauchn, konferentsiya Leningr. inzh. -stroit. in-ta. Leningrad, 1957, Vp ABSTRACT: The paper investigates a method for the calculation of the deform- ation of arches based on a solution of Euler's equation set up to express functionally the potential energy of the system. Inaccuracies and unjustifiable simplifications rob the work of any scientific signi- ficance. The ample existing literature on the subject is ignored. (A. A. Pikovskiy) Card 1/1 Z_ L 6 Y -S /I'*-/t Ll -f~ , /~o~ - iV AUTHOR BOOORODITUKIY., N.P.~, BOYS~ O.V., Ph - 2792 -KOZWVS-KAYA, U.N., NXXW9 M.1ev TITLE Mechanical st-r-e-Ight-.of Radisceranics in Connection with Heat Treatuent. (Mekhanickeskaya procknoatt radiakeramiki v svyazi B termicheskay abrabotkoy - Russian) FMIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhu. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 4, pp 671~-661, (U.S.u.R.) Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 AB6TRACT The following three materials mainly used in radio industry were inve- Btigated. 1) Ultra porcelain UF-46 on a corundum basis. 2) Ticond T-Bo an a rutile basis. 3) Ceramic material an a zirconium-titanate basis TK-2o. Crystal sizes were 4 and from 2 to 4o and from le to 15 re- spectively. Measurements of tke temperature coefficients of capacity ris carried out at a temperature of from 3o-7*0 C aad a frequency of 2.1o kc. The mechanical strength of radicceramics is closely conxetted with the foraing of a boundary 1&yer between the crystals. Tkis layer has the capability of further crystallization, which leads to the forming of mi- crogaps. Hardening of ceramics at temperatures above the critical tom- parature for forming gaps in of special importance for the purpose of iscroaaing the mechanical streagtx. Meckaxieal and electric strength are cleanly connected with each other. On the account of the forming of micragaps the electric strength of the ceramics decreases by one order of magnitude. The ceramic materials investigated have a certain cri- Card 1/2 tical temperature for tke forming of gaps which has to be taken into kechanical Strength of Radioceramics in PA - 2792 Connectiez with Heat Treatment. account in the case of technological processes. In three chapters the influences exercised by temperature in annealing and cooling down on the properties of the samples are dealt with. (16 illustrations and 4 citations from Slav publications). Az=CIATION PFIZXNTIM BY SUBMITTED 1-11-1956 AVAIUM Library of Coisgrass Card 2/2 KOZLOVSKAYA, M. P., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "Hypotension and hypotonic states (Clinical-experimental investigation)". KharIkov, 1959. 27 pp (Min Health Ukr SSRI KharIkov State Med Inat), 300 copies (KL~ No 25, 1959, 140) KOZL(YVSKAYA. M.P.. dotsent Hypotonia. Trudy Khar med. inst. no.52;124-.132 159. (MM .14:11) iHUOTEIZION) ko Z_ t- 0 V~5 K'q V /i)H. M. USSR/Microbiology - Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics. F-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 7, 1957, 26310 Author : Kozlovskaya, N.M. Inst Title A Study of the Combined Effect of Syntomycin, Streptomycin and Penicillin on the Sensitivity and Resistance to Antiobiotics of a Strain of Staphylococcus. Orig Pub Zh. mikrobiol., epidemiol. i immunibiologii, 1956, No 2, 24-28 Abst In vitro tests, syntomycin acts synergetically with peni- cullin and streptomycin. The activity of penicillin re- lative to staphylococcus in vitro is substantially increa- sed through the addition of subbacteriostatic doses of streptomycin and somewhat less through the addition of syntomycin. The activity of streptomycin increases when the same doses of penicillin and syntomycin are added, penicillin being the more effective. The activity of Card 1/2 USSR/141crobiology - Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics. F-2 Abs J,:)ur : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 7, 1957, 26310 syntomycin upon addition of penicillin and streptomy- cin in subbacteriostatic doses hardly varies. Card 2/2 AVPMURG, A.L., studentka V kursa; XOZLMXAYA, N.V., studentka V kursa. . __ WANAWAWW-4 The formation of undergroud waters and the reclamation of IMA in southern Khoresm. bbor.stud.rab. SAGU ao.12:26-32 '55. (MA 9:5) (Khoresm--Water, Underground) KOZLOVSKAYA, IT. V. "Genus Elaear, s in the USSR and Its Pract'cal Us.:!:3.11 Cand Biol SC; gnu Leningrad State U, Leningrad, 1953, (RZhBiol, 1,41, Sep 54) SO: Six, 432, 29 Mar 55 101LOYMYL N.V. . vv~- New species of the genus Maeagms In the U.S.S.R. Bot.mat. Garb. 16:258-259 '54. (KM 8:9) (Oleaster) Jonovaim, N. V. '", i! Two little-known plants of Xola flora, Bot.mat.Gerb. 17:30-42 ' 55. (HLRA 9:5) (Kola I?aninsula,-Botany) KOZIOVSKAYA, it. " Discovery of Miuilum guttatus DO in the vicinity of Minsk. Vestai AN BSSR Sar.biial.aav. no.1:159 156. (MLRA 9:9) (White Russia--Yigwqrt) KMLOVSK&YA, W.V. Now and rare plants collected In White Rmssia In the summer of 1957. Biul.lust.biol.AW BSSR no,3:64-67 158. (MMA 13:7) (WHITIg Russik-BMANY) USSE, Foreztry.- Dendrology. i'J r. Xazlovokaya, N. V. a MTM-M"" Acadoxy of Sciences. USSR Review of Species ef the Genus Blae~-gu" L. Found In the USSIR J. A i A, 12, 84-131 -3. Tr. Botau. in-tv. JUi MR, 1959, ner. 1, vyp. On the baaie of literature date. and also herbarii= materialal frow the Ootanical Institute of the Academy of Sciencee, USSR, Botaulcal Institutes of the Aca&emy of Sciences, Gaorgian SSR, Academy of Sciences, Arzenian SSR, Academy of Scietces, Azerbaijan SSR, Stats UuAeum of Georgia and personal observations (1991-lq52) in Turkmen and Tranocau- casta, the apecieu composition and. range of the genus Elaep&zjus have been critically reviewed. Data are presented on the morphology, anatomical structure, biology, and ecologyi of oleaster; also the economic use of the deacribed eVecies 1/2 13 --;G C r, I 2-'~ 1958, Nn. lu4521 is characterized. A detailed clasalfi-cation of 'the genus and a key to determination of thr~ speclon of oleaster found In the USSPI and naighborlnC couztriea are given, with Indication of the boundaries of their ranges. The origin of species growing in the USSR is described. BiblloCraphy of 146 titlea.--L. V. Nesmeloy 2/2 TOMIN, M.P.., skademik;JOZLOVSKAYA, N.V,,; KRUGANOVA, Te.A.; MIKHAYLOVSKATA, V.A. ; B.K. , glavnyy red. ; BULAT, 0. , red.izd-va; VOLOKHANOTICH, I.g EFloia of the White Russian S.S.R.] FloraBSSR. Minsk. Vol.5. 1959.,. 266 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Akademlia navak Belaruskoi SSR. Minsk. Instytut biialogii. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom flory i gerbariya Inatituta biologgii AN BSSR (for Tomiu). 3. Inatitut biologii AN BSSR (for all excert Shishkin,.Bulat, Volokhanovich). (White Russia--Compositse) KOZLOVSKAYA, 11. [Nazlonskaia, 14-1 - Frykamw Phytogoog-aphical worke of Humboldt. Vestai AN BSSR.Ser.biial. mv. no.2;1?1-125 159. (MI-M 12:9) (19114BOLMT, AIZWWM YRINDRICII, 1769-1859) (PIMOVINOGRAPHY) 'XOZLOVSKAU., N.V. Natural herbaceous plants in the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the White Russiah S.S.R. Sbor. bot. rab. Bel. otd. VBO no.2;196~201, 160. (MIRA 15: 1) (White Ruosia-Grasses) KOZIDMAYA N V Floristic observatims in the Mogilev-Streshin section of the %ieper Vaney. Bijil. Inst. biol.,.AN BSSR no.5137-41 160o (MIRA 14: 7) GaUMI PMVILTCE-~~BOTZY) KOZLOVSKAYA Natal' a ta ;-SHALKOVSKAYA, A.0 red.; GESI, N.p =J-=:~ red.; BELENIKAYA, 1.0 tekhn. red. [Spring plants in the Mimsk region] Vesennie ranteniia okrest- nostei Minska. Minsky Izd-vo M-va vyashegop srednego spetsiall- nogo 41 professionallnogg obrazovaniia BSSR, 1961, 50 P. (KIRA 15:1) (Minsk region-Botany) BORKHVAIU)Tp V.S.j VASILIYEV, I.V.; XOZLOVSKAYAI N.V.) MARKOVSKAYA, L.A.; HMAYEV, N.A.j MMVIYEVk,---O-.-A-.-;.-SE--R-G~ffWgK&Ay Ye.V.; SOKOLOV- MWA, A.P.; FLOROVSKAYA, Ye.F.,- SHISHKIN., B.K.,prof.; YUZEPCHUK, S,V. prof. [deceased); YARMA, L.A., red.; ZNKOVA, Ye.G., tekhn. red. (Flora of Leningrad Province) Flora Leningradskoi oblasti. Otv. red. B.K.Shisbkin. Leningrad# INO.3. 1961. 266 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Loningrad. Univeroitet. 2# Chlen-korrespondent AN &SSR (Shishkin). 3. Kafedra botaniki Leningradskogo Ordena Lenina gosudarptvennogo uni- versiteta im. A.A.Zhdanova (for Sergiyevskaya) Yuze~chuk). (Leningrad Province-Dicotyledons) r,QZ40VSKAYA, N.V. Materials on the geography of hawkweods in White Russia. Sbor. nauch. rab. Bal. otd. VBO no.3:23.-31 161. (MIRA 14:12) (White Russia---Hawlcweed) KOZLOVSKAXA~ N.V. ,,- Notes on rare plants found on the Minsk Upland. Biul. Inst. biol. AN BSSR no.6:100-102 (MIM 15:3) i - KOZWVSKAYA2 NCV*t- FROTASEVICHS R.T. I------------- - Bear is onion Al:Livm ursinura L. in Whitf RusslA. Biul. Inst. biol. AV BSSR noi6:103-104 161. (mm 15:3) (WHITE RUSSIA-ALLIUM.) MIKHAYIDVSKAYA~ Vera Arsewyevna; KOZWVSKAYA.,~ GONCJURIK~ M.N.,, doktof-bT6I-.-n-a-uk, zed.; ZAYTSEVA, T., red. izd-va; TURTSEVICH, L..,, tekhn. red. (Poisonous and hamftl plants] ladovitye i vrefte rasteniia. Minsk., Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1962). 116 p. OURA 15.9) (White Russia-Poisonous plants) YURKEVICH., I.D.; SM)LYAK, L.P. [Smaliak, L.P.]; KOZLOVSKAYA N.V. (Kazlouskaia., N.V.] j Developmert of botanical science in White RustiAL in the light of the resolutions of the 22d Congress of the GPSU. Vesti AN BSSR.Ser.biial.nav. no.3;5-19 162. (MIRA 15:12) (WHITE RUSSIA_-BOTANICAL RESEARCH) KOZWVSKAY-Af N.Y. Some ecdemic plants in VbIt-e Russia. Bot.zhur. 47 no.llsl684- 1686 N-162. (KM 16d) 1. Institut biologii AN-BSSRq Minsk. (White Russia.-Botany) 141KHAYLOV I V.A. CMikhaiIous4ia,, V.A.]; K03LOVSKAYA, N.V. [1=44ap N.V.) Ecology.And g6O$rv-phy of the medicinal flora of White Russia. Vestsi AN BMR Ser. biial. nav. no.1:13-20163. (MIRA 16:9) (WHITE RUSSIA-BOTAMPNEDICAL) GESIP D.K.; ~~VSK~~, N.V. First find of Oxytropis pillosa L. in White Russia. Dokl. AN ESSR 7 no.8t552-553 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut biologii AN BSSRe Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR V.F. Kuprevichem. kDUTISKAYA, N.V. Harb&rium of the Institute of Biology of the Academy of 1,ciences of the White Russian S.S.R. Bot.; issl. Bel. otd. VEX) no.5t236-237 163. (SERA 17; 5) KOZLOVSKAYA, N.V. [Kazalouskaia, N.V.) Southern species in the flora of White Russia. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. btial nav. no.la27-32 165. (MIRA 18-.5) BORKHVARDT, V.S.; DROZDOVA, I.N.; ZAKIIAREVICH, S.F.;- VSKMA. _N..'![,; MARKOVSKAYA, L.A. [deceased]; 101AYEV, I MURAVIYEVA, O.A.; SERGIYEVSKAYA, Ye.V.; SOKOLOVSKAYA, A.P.; STANISHCHEVA, O.N.; TAKHTADZBYAN, A.L.; FLOROVSKAYA, Ye.F.; TSVELEV, N.N.; SHISHKIN, B.K.,, prof.fdeceased); SHMIDT, V.M.; DUBROVSKAYA, I.P.,, red. [Flora of Leningrad Province] Flora Leningradskoi oblasti. Leningrad. No.4. 1965. 356 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Leningrad. Universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Shishkin). 1. POLYAK, A.; KOZLOVSKAYA 0 L= 2. USSR (600) 4. Combines (Agricultural Machinery) 7. Reconstruction of parts and assemblies of the engine of a self-propelled combine S-4. Tekhsov. HTS. 13 no. 41/42, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. KOZLOVSKAYA, -,Os ;I* ~ - Biologlcal Chemistry Dissertation: "Experimental Data Acid." Caud Med Sci, Kiev Medical Xhimiya. Moscow. No 3, Feb 54) in the Pharmacology of Para-Aminosalicylic Inet, Kiev, 1953- (Referativayy Zhurnal-- SO: SUM 213, 20 Sept 1954 KOZLOVSKAYA, 0.1..; STRIZHEVA, N.Y. Effect of the sodium slat of para-aminosslic7lic acid on some vascular reflexogenic zones. Fiziol.shur. [Ui=.] 2 no-5-118-122 S-0 '56. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Kiivalkiv medichniy inetitnt imeni akademika O.O.Bogomolitaya, kafedra farmakologit. (SALICYLIC ACID) (RESPIRATION) (BLOOD PRESSMM) KOZLOVSKAYA, 0. 1. Absorption, circulation in thablood, distribution in various organs, and excretion of paraamiaosalicylic acid. Yarm. I toks. 19 no.2: 42-45 Mr-Ap 156. (MLR& 9:7) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. -ohlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Cherkes) Xiyevekogo meditainskogo instituta. (PARAAMINOSALICTLIC ACID, metabolism. (Rus)) K 0 1 ) 1) v 5' k)q M.) C) - --4- KOZLOVSKAYA, 0. I. Ili. .. ___~~sff`act of .phthivazid on blood coagulation. Vrach.delo no.12:1349 D '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - chlea-korrespondent AMN SSSR. prof. A.I.Cherkes) Kiyevskogo meditainskogo Instituta. (ISONICOTINIC ACID) (BLOOD--COAGULATION) KOZLOVSKAYA 0010 Pharmacology of substances with an anticholesterinemic action. Vrach. delo no o 3:32-1-4 Mr l6i. (KM 14:4) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - deystvitelInyy chlen A14F SSSR. profo A.I. Cherkes) Ki k ditsinskogo instituta. (AMTIC A,Ifva(oCg,OOLmFSOTROL METABOLISM) KOZ,-,OVSKAYA, O.L.; lOtIDOVA, A.D. Species sind seasonal chnnges of flens parnsitic on field mice. Tez.1 dokl.konf.Irk.gog.nauch.-isal.t)rotivochum.inst. no.1:18 (KRABAROVSKT=ITORY--FW:AS) (Muu (PARASITTS-FIELD MICE) zKoym, I.p.,; TzMITANOVA, N,D,,; YMBOTA, L.V, [deceased]; RTZHUX, T.1,; LIONOV, Tu.A,; WOEVSKIT. P.T.; MOSXkL=O. V.V.; KOZLO O*L.,- IMMIDOVA, A.A.,[Aeceanedj; ANIXITICY, I.X.; rPIZ307A, P.A,; PROLIPITIV, V.N,. Materials for a study of the trombioulid mites of Siberia and the Far East, Izv,,nauch.-ioul.protivochum.inst. 16t 156-172 157. (MIRA 13:7) (SBIRU, IUSTXRN--HITBS) KMLOVSKAYA, 0,L*1 MIDOU. AsA, [deceased] Wterials on the ecology of field mouse fleas in Zhabarovsk Territory. 4Y.Irk.gon,usualh.-imaliprotivochum.insi. 17r59- 64 '58. (KMA 13 :7) (muEmm =RrToRy-nus) (PARAsins--Pim xiii) ~WMVSKAYA, 04.1 GAMMOT, N~A, lumber of gray ratsA ad the fleas paresitio on them In Zhabarovsk, Izv.lrk.gos.nAuch.-I.os,l,protivoohum,inst, 17t65-73 158, - (MMA 13 M ~ (MUBAROVSK-ILUS) (PAUSMS--RATS) Typee of fleas (AAwdyter0among rodents from districts located alous the. Ussul RIver in Xhabarovsk Territory, Isv,,-Iselopioti*oohim.iiast. I?tIO9-115 158. (MUMOTM TWITORY--nnS) (PARASITIS-IROMMS) rl~Fcrintion o,' th-, ilYiphrono-nco'britts in tl,e r!ity of Kht-b-irov.-k -Lt~: ot!t,! no Oktif,~I~rwl 191~17 r. o.-, t nric' lniseaf~es ~-nil., U'aturpl !"ori Acri,!.-~,-:y o'L' ',,~r,~o4cpj ]rALNMVA, A.D.; ANTIPOYIVA, OA,; TIMOPITIVA, A.A.. IOZLOVSKATA. -O.L.; BIMUYVA, N. S. 9 lpidemiology of infectious hemorrhagic usphrosonsphritis in Khabarovsk. 20v 161-169 159. (MBA 13:7) (EUMOYM-Kinaills-DIMUSES) Y&AWYANOVA, N.D.; MKOP2YEV, V.N.; GORDEYWA, LA7,4M:F.U,, L.P. BUBI,IY121KO, A.V.; KQZLOV51rAYA, O.L. Materials on the study of the tieke of -the genrs bcodea (family xoiiae) of northeastern Asia. Dokl. 1rk. gos. nauch. Issl. pro- tivochum. inst. no.5a188_19Y t63 (MIRA 1W) PEREPELM, K.Ye.; KOZLOVSKAYAf ON. Electric conductivity of.viscose. Khim.volok. no.6:36-39 161. (14IRA l4sl2) 1. Leningradskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'&kogo instituta iskusstvennogo volokna (Viscose-:Eleotric properties) h2823 3/169/62/000/010/036/071 D228/D307 C)RS lWrbatova, A.V,, K~QY_O:ay zurin, W.I. AL_1~ Ila, TITM: Some spatial characteristics of upper layer clouds over the north-western territory of the USSR !~ZaIODIC.Q,: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizikal no. 10, 19 *62, 16-17, abstract 10397 (Tr. Leningr. gidrocieteorol. in-ta, no. 12, 1961, 145-162) ' =T: Using the data of aircraft observations of cirri over the Leningrad region, those of atmospheric radio sounding by Stn. Voycykovo, aro-1 tropopiuse charts for 1955-1960, tho authors analyze 561 cases of observation of upper layer clouds that were carried out in order to determine their wind and heat characteristics, vertical spread, and probability of appearance. The data obtained indicate'that there is a seasonal trend in the frequency of differ- cnt vertical cloud sDreads. The most probability falls on the grad- ation 1-2 I= in spring, 2-4 lai in summer, 1-3 1cm in autumn and 2-3 1,_n in i-rinter. The average vertical spread of clouds in each season Card 1/3 C' S/169/62/000/010/036/071 .3ome spatial characteristics ... D228/0307 .Lncreases with increasing cloud pointage. Thus, with up to 5 points of cloud the vertical sDread constitutes 1000 n, and at 6-10 points it "rows by 2- to 3-fola. The vertical cloud spread depends on the LI.'O_L30'DaUGC tyT,)C: the most rprcad is noted-when -here is an inversion distribution of the temperaturc in the tropopause layer; the least G73read is -noted if there is a retarded fall of the temperature with aititude, xincn the clotid thickness is praiortional to that of the tro-.-.)o-,)aur;e. The frequency of 10-point cloud decreases on the transi- tion from an invcrsi~ri tropopausc to one T-rith a retarded temperature drop, but the frequency of appearance of 1-7 point cloud increases in this case. The frequency of the appearance of any gradations in the amount of cloud x-incti th2 tropopause has this latter form is al- moot identical, wliiLz the inversion and isotherm al tropopauses it grows as the amount of cloud increases. As a result of analyzing the observational data it was established that the maxim= xvind lev- el is usually disposed either in the upper part of the cloud layer or a little hizsner. In most cases north-westerly, viesterly, and "south-westerly maximum -vriiid directions were obtserved in all season$ of the year when cirri were present. The greatest cloud thicknc8n Card 2/3 SlL69j6nlOO0101010361071 3omc spatial characteristics ... D228/D307 is observed when the irinds have prevalent directions both for the year on an avcraga and seasonally, there being more vertically thick clouds if the vrindr, are from the western part of the horison. The maximum wind speed at the time of cirrus is much higher in autumn and winte; than in sprin~,r and surrmer. The greatest vertical u~)per layer cloud sprcad is observed in winter and spring months,. whcn. the ma.,.-irrmm wind speeds are from 60-100 lan/hr, and in summer and autumn, periods if thc_speeds are more than 140 16/hr. Positive wind speed .-radiants of 0 10 lzn/hr/im prevail when cirri are'present in all seasons of the year; their frequency, however, is higher in spring and summer than in autumn and winter. At maximum trind speeds of more than 100 lp/hr the upper boundary of cirri is often disposed above the minimum temperature level. Z_,'Lbstracter's note: Complete translation-7 Card 3/3 KOZLOVSKAYA, S.F. Quaternary glaciation of the northern part of the Central Siberian Plateau. Trudy VSEGEI 64tlO2-113 161. NIRA l516) (Central Siberian Plateau-Glacial epoxh) KOMOVSKAYA, S.F.; KRASNOV, I.I. Dces peneplanation exist in the Central Siberian Plateau? Izv. AN SSSR..Ser. geog. no.2t8-17 Mr-Ap '62. (KUU 15:3) .1. (Central Siberian Plateau-Erosion) X0Zwv8KIiY.'~' 8-., t'.' Central lab., BTsZh, Central Inst. Epidemiol., and ldcrobiol., (-1944-). Central Tuberculosis Inst., (-19944-) "Cultivation of BCG cultures on the 1-dycocoll synthetic medium VKL,II Zhur. 14#robiol., Epidemiol., i Immunobiol., No. 6, 1944. SO: Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl. KOZLOVSKAYA, S.V. (Moskva) 2cological types of the atmospheres of planets. Priroda 45 no.2: 82-84 F '56. (HIJU 9:5) (Planets) K 0 '~ z 0 1, 6 tr)"l r~-11 5 - v - LEVIN, B.yu.; .!2ZL,V.911ATA~S-V.; STARKOVA, A.G. a~aq~ Mean chemical composition of meteoritese Mateoritilm no.24:38-53 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Meteorites) SWIDT, Otto Yullyevich, akademik Ldeceasedj; MOSH, A.G., doktor fiz.-matem. nauk,; GRIGORIYEV. A.A., skndemik, red.; EMNE, B,N., red.; KALASH91KOV, A.G.. doktor fis.-matem.nauk, red.; KOZLOVSKAYA, _q,V,..,red.; IMEDINSKIY. A.L. doktor f iz.-matem.nauk, 'red6T LEVIC B.Tu., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; KALITSEV, I.I., red.; KHILIKI, G.F.. doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; SIM7ELEV, M.I., general-leyte- nant, red.; POLENOVA, T.P., (Selected works; mathematical Isbrannye trudy; matematika. Mockwa, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1939. 313 P. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent M SSSR (for Delona, Malltsev). (Groups, Theory of) KOGIN, Ya.B., red.-sostavitell; AIASANDROV, akademik,; KALASMKOVp A.G., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; GRIGORIYAT, A.A., akademik, red.; DEWY&, B.N., red.; 'KOZIoOVSKATA, S.Y., red.; KUROSH, A.G., doktor fiz,-mat.nauk, red.; LIR =77-=., doktor fiz.-mat.nouk, red.; "'YIN, B.Tu,, doktor fiz.-mat.nauk# redo; KALITSM, A.L. skademik. red.; KHILIMI, G.F., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, redo; SHWMV, Met geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza, red.; PROKOF'YRVA, N.B.. red.izd-va: POLENOVA, T.P., [Otto IUllevich Shmidt; his life and works. A collection devoted to a hero of the Soviet Union, Acadenician Otto IUVevich Shmidt, 1891-19361 Otto IUllevich S'hmidt; zhiznl i daiatellnost'. Sbornik, posviashchennyi geroiu Sovetskou Soiuza skademiku Otto IUllevichn Shmidtu. 1891-1956. Moskva, 1959. 9 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. 1kademiya nmik SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Delone). (Shmidt, Otto IUllevich, 1891-1956) SHMILVA Otto Yullyevich (deceased]; 1-10 INSKIYq A.I.# doktor fiza-matem, nauk,; LEVIN, B.Yu., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, toma; KHILIMI, G.F., doictor fiz.-matem.nauk,; KAUSHNIKOV, A.G., doktor fis.-matem.nauk, red.; GRIGORIYEV, A.A., skademik, red.; DICLO10, B.N., red.; KOZLOVSKATA, S.V., red.; KUROSH. A.G., doktor; ~TSRV-,-A.L, akademike red.; SUVWXY, H.I., general-leytenant, Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuse, red.; NOVICHKOVA, N.D.,; KaSHINA, P.S., [Selected works; geophysics and cosmogony] Izbrannye trudy; geo- fizika i koemogoniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Aked.nauk SSSR, 1960. 209 p. (KERA 14:1) (cosmogony) (Geophysics) (Schmidt, Otto IUllevich, 1891-1956) SHMIX. Otto Yullyevich, skademik (deceased. 1891-19561; GRIGORIYET. A.A., skademik, otveredstoma; SEMVELEV, H.I., gone ral-leytenant, Geroy Sovetzkogo Soyuza,; MCKE, B.N., red.; ICAT-ASHNIKOV, A.G., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.;_KOZLOVSKAYA, .Z.3E,,_red.; KUROSH, A.G.. doktor fiz.-matem.nouk, red.--.-- T-M0 INSKIY, A.I., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; LEVIN, B.Tu., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk. red.; KALITSET, A.L. akademik. red.; KHILIMI, G.F., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; MRYIROVICH, O.V., red.izd-va; KASHINA, P.S.. (Selected geographical works] Izbrannys trudy; geograficheskie raboty. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 212 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Delone). (Schmidt, Otto IUl'qvich, 1891-1956) Urctic regions) 42o6o 3/555/62/008/000/003/003 1023/1242 AUTHOR: Kozlovskaya, S.V. TITLE: The inner structure of the moon son,C.E: Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Voprosy*Kosmogonii. V& 86 Moscow, 1962, 145-149 - -' TEXT: The present paper infer the inner structure of the moon from available data. The pressure inside the moon is ^/50000 atm, and many data are available on the com- pressibility and thermal expansion of various minerals and ro6ks under such pressure. The dimensions of the moon used in the cal- -culations were: mass - 7-32xlO25 gm, radius - 1738 Km and average Card 1/2 S/555/62/008/000/003/003 The inner structure of the moon 1023/1242 density - 3.33 gm/cm3. Sever;,.1 models of the moon were calculated by numerical integration of the hydrostatic equilibrium equation. 2or the isothermal one - layer model the cRlculation was performed. for two values of compressibility: ~, = l.OxlO-l2cP'F/4,,, and (J~,-O*5x10-12 elm,,jdjn.?_ (this is the range of minerals which the moon is supposedly composed of). -The density is given by:j? = Y,, (1 +VP) where F is the pressure and Y, is 3.26 gm/=3 for q, and 3-30 gm/=3 for N. In the isothermal two-layer model a crust with a density of 2.89M/QM3 (Poual to that of Earth's crust) contains 5, 10, or 1% of the total lunar mass. A constant ~3 is assumed in both layers. In the third model the temperature varies with the distance from the center: the density is both temperature and pressure dependent: P = P, I +PF11 1+,,4 t' Models of the moon can1be built from roc*ks which a'bund on Earth. There is 1 figgire and 2 tables. Card 2/2 KOZLOVSKAYA. S.V. Masses and radii of planets and satellites. Biul.Inst.teor.astron. 9 no.5030-376 163. ' (HIRA 17:4) "M aw ACC NRs AP6033174 SOURCE CODE: UR/0033/66/o43/005/1081/109T 13 AUT11OR. Kozlovskaya, _S_.__V. 9 ORG: Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut fiziki I Zemli Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Models of the internal structure of Earti~, Venus", and Mars\-/ SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 43, no. 5, 1966, 1081-1097 TOPIC TAGS: terrestrial planet, Earth planet, Venus planet, planet interior, Mars interior, Venus interior, Mars planet . eoamo 60,V(f 9 CPOPq (f -S1 dS 9F o Ulf M/ 5 7R It ABSTRACT: The internal structures of the terrestrial or Earth-like planets (Venus and Mars) are examined on the basis of data obtained from studies of the interior of the Earth, and the results obtained are checked against the cosmogonic theory of 0. Y. Shmidt. It is assumed in these studies that the Earth's core consists of metal silicates which are the result of the transition of mantle material into a denser phase under high pressures. The densitj distribution inside the Earth is computed and plotted graphically on the basis of recent seismic data and the more precise values of its moment of inertia, obtained from the works of Bullen, Birch, Pan1kov, Zharkov, Landisman, and Kozlovskaya. Models of Mars and Venus, computed on the BESM-2, are derived by analogy and extension from various models of the Earth. Cord .424 T. o2996-67 ACC NR: AP6033-174 Comparison of models shows that the material composing Mars and Venus is somewhat denser than that comprising the Earth. The matter of which Mars is composed contains 5-8% more iron than does Earth, while Venus contains 1.5-2% more iron. Shmidt's cosmogonic theory attributes auch differences in the composition of planetary interiors to the different temperature conditions prevailing at various distances from the Sun. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 4 tables, and 14 formulas. SUB CODE: 08, 03/ SUBM DATE: 1lJan66/ ORIG REF: 014/ OTH REF: 033/ ATD PRESS: 5099 .awm Card .4, XOZWVSKAYA, T, I.; VISHNEVSKAYA, 1. 1. Public Health - Gongresses Conference of medical workers of the R.S.F.S.R. Sov. zdrav.p 11, No. 2, 1952. Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. UIELASSIFIED. Qj 2300 23 (5) AUTHOR: Lyalikov. K.S. TITLE: successes of Soviet Electrophotogrsph7 (UsPekhl ~Ovsts- koy slektrofoto-rat'LL) A Sciezrific and Tachric-I Con- ference on 4utsilons or Zlectrographl (Vauebao-t4khat- Zb cheakaya konfertntsils, po voprosax a ektroE:rafil) PZRIODICALt Zhurnal ft&uchnoy i prIk:sdo X fotcgrafli I kimemxtoZ;raM. 1959, Vol 4, 11r 2. pp 149-152 Ma4a) LBZTRICT: This Is an account or a scientific and technical con- ferenct on alectrogra2hy. the fire, to be held in the Soviet Union and evideot'-Y != the world. It was organ- ized in Vil-Ayus an December 116~19. 1958 by the Soviet narodmop kh*zTaystva tito!skoy zaa (Council for xatIoAa2 Economy of th Ll.husnjaz =)s the Gosu4mrst. TwoA77 nAutbmo_t*1rh~Acheskjy komitet Soveta ministrov Litovakoy an (State SeientLfLC and T41ChMI0AI CollaittO* -of tile Council of Mir-tstera or tbe L-Ithuanian Z.M) and 04 IftuCEmo-12416dovatel'skly icatttut elaktrocrarit (Scientific Research Institute of Zl*ctrograpb4j. The conference, attended by over 300 scientific wor- kers, was ope. d by ths Deputy Chairm" Of the COuntil for National ~:caoay of the Lithuania= a;R P.A Xul-vets, after which the director of the Institute for Blectrography, I.I.Zhilevich, reviewed the state, and prospects for development of eloctrogr&phy in tho USM. He stated that research in this field shoull be carried out long the following lizess a) a search for new phot:-actIve materials with high dark rojitanc*; b) physical r*3*4Lrch into tb& internal phatuarrect; a) development or phatosealconduct or layers; d) do- volopusAt of the theory or the olectropbotograpme process. E.2. Lyft Ikov (speaking also for O.G. lopova) a report In which he su,:Zestall dete -=jnj'E;7-re iZht sensitivity of W1&ctrOphotoZra;h1c layers In WZT unit*- I"Z- Pl'vi= 5'.90 for I.I.ZhileVich. 1-1- ':."rkewich B.z. rsl.t--zksn3-"A a.m. SW -,ror. som, Ir!Zzdis) report* e researtL7bz the senalti.-mtjon Or 1 somicom-luctor in el-ctrPhQtoCrap~ic layers. F dkI 6- we 4 report on a1Z_11y o.zoltive qI trophoto- 1:;ers and &A electrophototopyinZ deecics, And reviewed the formation process of t.,,* latent glectr, ghoto6raphLe 1m3-q ca t:~e has., of tte zonal tj,d &I o describel the desigt csf so electrosenaltOng for determining :umsjtjv,.ty by "r7;.r a chargs on the '?-.* relaxation PvrLod of rface of tn. lay.., and the circuit Of &A 4l~ct-OPhotoCra;rIc rt,pylog levIce. LmWov finished 4*:a r anl them spoke on the xQc!.4AIcs nribing theclatte 41 1 kinetics f rh& ev* o;=*nt of t!,# latent slectrophotoeraphic im3ev It' 11juld Covelopers. Card 3/10 BU COSS08 Of SQTidt EltctrophotoGraphy; A Scientific and Tech"c&l CC:;Orezc* On questionA of Zlectrography 11,.M. V!a:gadow described SO=@ of the features of the . M liquid nothods of else tropbotorraphIc do- veloMnt.,Tu.Y*. Karpaahko devoted his report to the Grit on f light sensitivity of the alctrophoto~-raphlc proctos. After the reports, a discussion took place on methods of Witerc%ining the 11,mht sensitivity of elactrophotq~tWILLC layers. A.N. Cheray3hav spoke on the Prospects of developing polygr&T=c processes using electric and nag.-Atic forces. 0.V. Gromov (spealzinC also for 1.1. ZhIlevich. A.Aukukhiyq~s A. 22!:~eyevaw A.S. Pautba and Yu. 1. Kevalayt14 ) reported an the develop- Manit of alatrophotoiFa-phic reproducing equipment. 1.3. Pauzha (speaking also for I.!. Zhilevicht A.S. Bortso- vich, r.U. Gal9vidiks and U.I.Rautkauskas) rtporteT- On the UMO Of 0MCtrogra;hLe metV*3s in reccordinG and Other recording lZatrum=tS. V.P. _LuVhenko (speaking also for L.UJI_Ln) spoke on the pozalbility of e1tctroph3WgraphiCallY recording inag*s from electron-beas. tutev. L.S. Wall (Speaking also for Z ", Orkevich, Till yki a,_B.I. Kallnxuak a ~Pe t. 1. and S.A. Re descriptioi2 of labor- .Swnas) gave a d*r&ilPe story AW machine methods of producing phOtOs*=icOaduc- tor papers (zinc oxide was used). A.A. Suk!LLY (Apeaktn~; also for I.I. Zhilevich, O.V. Gromov 7 *I S.A. Gordayew R.T. Fej2tOY Lad T.N. Ger) dtacrib laboratory and Inrustria.1 machine for prodw:InG ph-cmen'-ductor papers. T.A. Shishkina. Csp~aklrg also for Ta..;L. Ckc=ln) reported on al=-efhod of ex-ining *Iectro;h*togr&;T1-C materials UBinZ SM a/c bridge. S.I. Khot~=*vicb (speaking also for I.T. Glkens and *-S. ~ ".Ykens) 02oke an developina mattr-Z-als for alectro;hc ct;raphy - - - - - - and ferrooagaitorraphy, includiza deVelo;er* ZiTing a 'reverse' imag*. B.1. TiXhomov reviewed zet!~Ods of Reasurinis the *lectroafa-Mc pots--tlals of olectrophoto- graphic Layers, stressing Mat tta oscillazinZ electrode should not be plac*d above a layer with va-71ZZ pot*jj- tlal as this causes self-d1sc-'xrge. Z.V. 11--ukov3kis (speakinz also for R.3.,j2ZtvCY. A.,;.03ipOF -&=4 r.. S. P.Tjfets) spoke on the ;ractice or,-;rOducinr, Tel- v#te*n papers in &Z eI*czr*a%atjc fle'd. ar-1 show*4 mazples produced by the Grielahsk-'Ya P'Ptr factory. T then CaTs a historical r:vie. of "a ,:;.,10,plz7t--'"tr-oovaf":Ylroctrogrn;;c;:* tto IaIn -Ich he paid h. tribute to the o k of the Scientific Research Institute of Klectregraphy in Villojua &=4 -he !n=tituthPollerafl- cheskogo saishinostroyenlyn ('-%sk7a)-cro ly6ra; It Machine- sullditW Institute (M,.~sccw) Zetata$- were then hold Card 6/10 an metheds of =oamming -he p-.,eatia of charged ei*ctro- phct*Cra;hlc lay&rsi the vitratior. pick-up rost-used WAS show= in B.I. Tikhanoy's r-port to be not always accurate. 5.0.3r1r4shin etated that the bad Influence Of the Oscill&tin,- elestrod, can te eliminated if the electrode probe above its s-.r.'Ace is fixed and the pick- up is connected to it by a j:,ielded cable. In the de- bate an U.I.. Remirovskly's report -it was stated that the research of Academicians A.11. Tortola azd Ye.K. Puts*,ka should be considt-ed as the basis of all work an electrophatographic papers With ZZ*0, as they Were the first to show the Poslibilirytof ORtical sen3iti- motion of the Internal phtooffec in W. N.-I.Goll v1dis t!~*= gave a report on the depositing of ctar-as r by a or*" discharge. A.I. Raziaskas and ~.P. T!%~Lx reviewed ooze a! tte 777M-5 of the ~~~~IZtrogrsphic methods -in 'riddography. L I. Njum1ko (spe-Irin also for I.I. ZhIlevich. I.Z. Ravin, Yu.K. Vishch&I-A and Yu.A.Zibuts) reported on relaxation pro- c*iz-es in s*mdcondCcT3r layers, unizz a vibration electro- motor. Tu.X.Vishavas gave a report on research on some physical ;roportiesof the polTerystalline layers of selealous cadmium. .F. Vjkpj.):yavichyus spoke an *one or the photoelectric properties of 5b23 and Sb S th aboorytims sAxicum of the latter is abou? goo a 3.X.JjffZpa= reported on methods of obtaining MelanIUR light-wousitive layers, Including sublimation and ther- mal treatment; it was sas* found that the sensitivity of the layers increased after storage for 1.5 to 2 months at room temperature. P.M. Polwalkin (speaking also for Z.G.Grazishim) spoke on reseamh into the elec- trical piU&-Fties or electrophotographic layers of _aao6Eousr selenium and powdered zinc oxide. N.K. 3~11a*rov (s2eaU, also for L.0 T tis) discussed tfie production Of 4014nium layer; some of their properties. Finally the followiW_ "ports on forro- sagnotography were delivered; 1) 9.1a. lazaacheyev, I.N.Zhogina, 'Electrodepo3ition of Ita-zet-o--ard Alloys wICE-Tiver. Xxgnetic Characteristics' ) -,,.r Atnitrumov, .Visualization Of UaZnetic Oscill~rra by iho Torro- graphic Me-h=_- 5) V.T.Patr.Lnov '?ermgraphic R.c~rding Of FIRCSI.M110 IVAgG#* I.I. Gtxis. B. Y$..,%Mhwk. 11.11. 9 A.K In VB=-Pr.. ure Farro=aZzetIr.- ,rinrl . here Was ISO an exhibition shcwir.6 the woric of the Electro. IC Institute. The most important conclusion of M the conference was that a solid approach had been =Ad* to the possibility of wide tec!.r.1c3l. use of tLa zethois __.__'~iof-olectrograpay. It was considered that <hou.-.a work In this field sestally started only Is 1955-56 It lag eavond " Such V~Md se the U= In 10 years. Zhile ad_-Itti=4, taal it was easier to repro4uce results already achieved than to be the first to arrive at thou, the conferemce observed that the Americans took good cars that to Important Information appeared In the literature avalable. Card 10/10 84636 I D $93 3/07 60/034/010/018/022 5~."q 00 ZZ01 I B01 5YB064 AUTHORS: Golutvin, Yu., M,, and Kozlovskaya_,__T.__M_, TITLE: Formation Heats of Vanadium Silicides PERIODICAL: Zhurnal f-'zicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol, 34, No. 10, pp, 2350 - 2354 TEXT: Since zi~~ exaot published data are available. the authors &7t,:-_1_"ined the standard formation heats for the vanadium silici.des V3S_._ ~ VS 11 3, and VSi.2(Refs. 17 2) as w~~11 as for metallic vanadl-.-,m. A method given for tita:nium silicides in Ref- 7 was applied, and the formation heats were determined by combustion in a bomb calorimeter, Monosrystalline silicon used for the preduction of sem~oonductors. and 95,05% vanadium served as initial substances fo_~ the above sii--cides../ The sili-ides were mol.tPn in zirconium oxide cr-acibles with barium ch!2~ride serving as fl-zxing malk-.erial, and thpn si)bjected to chemical and X--:ay phase-shift analyses. Tn, check the :~=pleten,~ss of the camb..istl'on of silioldea ~n the bomb ca"Lorime"Pr th- au'-hcrs Card 113 Fcrmation Heats of Vanadium. S'41;.cideo, 84636 3/07 60/054/010/018/022 B015YE064 exper-'mer.tally &'termined the :xidllzabill ty cf the pr-parati-ons to be. 1- -1 di -:- -1, and established the amoint C'f O;Ygen nespasary fror cccmp';.e~e ,xilation. Th~ val-ae rI the calo--imeter was checkei vr!lh a staadard (benzoic acid) of the VNIIM Im. D,. I. Mende I eyeva(All -union Scien- tific Research Inst-'tute of Metvzol;~gy). To exclude the effect of possible Incomplete combustion upon the values -~f measurement, the values of the combustion heats were extrapoLated. Tabs.- 3 gives the resialtIng value3 of measurement. Herefrom and from th,~ extrapolated values'L respectively, the authors determined the formatior heats of the vanadium silicides from the elementsj'as foll3wE': J C Sz nH Si -27~9 kcal/mole; 6.Ho V - 96-46 kcal/molej 298~1 V3 298~1 5 3 -21 kcaI/MoIe;,a HL' V 0 37041 kcal/mole. 298,. VS42 29a.., 9 5 I - The formati7n heat. obtained for V 20 5 is in good agreemert with the data of RoSS4nj et %I,, ~Ref- 5) and the data from the handbook by Kubashevskiy and Evans ~Rpf-4) Card 20 Formation Heats of Vanadium Silicides 84636 S/076 60/034/010/018/022 B015YB064 There are 2 figuresi 3 tables$ and 8 references: 5 Soviet, 1 Us~ and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk . SSSR Iwtitut metaLLurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Acadenv of ScienceB USSRp Institute of Metallurgy SUEMITTEU: FebruarY 7., 1959 Card 3/3 KOZLOVSKAYA, V.A. (Moskva); MESHKOVA, O.V. (Moskva); YELKINA, A.G. (Moskva) Effect of the composition of D20-type alloys on their properties and weldability. Avtom. svar. 15 no.9:57-62 S 162. (WRA 1519) (Aluminum alloys-Welding) -KOZLOVSXAYA, V-F., assistent Effect of the wstication act on intragastric temperature in patienta with anacidio gastritise Teors i prak. atom, no,5tll7-M 161 (MM l6zl2) 1. Xafedry vnutrennikh bolezno) (zav. - prof. D.F. Preanyakov) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo institutas KCGLOVSKAYAJ V. F. KOZLOVSKAYA, V. F.: "Therapeutic physical culture in initr--al defects." Min Health RSFSR. Moscow Medical Stomatological In3t. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences). SO: Knizhnays Letopist o. 22.9 1956 28 -.-ACC Nlh AP6016587 iochanidal~ pr e i:( i;+ I - OAjfi6 k6i tensile,stren th 90 atid :14 oper a - .9 yiaa :'78 'g' trength, .2 2 toughrl~813,46~, qp9qtic!*., .0.,: ~amd, 26Z, and notc k+ -Icd `66~~1506~4ith~ 15 n&,a brong t'~ abou t-'; h them imot6-10-14 t 8-.1 0 bles. --P j., SUB -'COD9 PRESS ATD. 'e- M" 7j "IR N - N wok S A - -w4~6t !Z4.7700 66248 AUTHOR: Kozlovskayat V. M. SOV/181-1-7-4/21- TITLE: Determination of the Quantity and Composition of Gases Adsorbed on the Surface of Germanium and Silicon Single Crystals by Means of a Mass Spectrometric Method PERIODICAL: Fizika tvardogo tela,1959,vdl,Nr 7, pp 1027-1034 (USSR) ABSTRACT:' Gases adsorbed on the surface of crystals were analyzed by means of the mass spectrometer MS-2. Before insertion into the experimental apparatus the samples were corroded by different chemicals. The experimental apparatus (Fig 1) consists mainly of a container of large volume, which is jointed on .the one hand to the ampules for the samples, on the other hand to the diffusion pump over a standard capillary tube. The container is also jointed to the mass spectrometer over a cooling trap and a diaphragm. The diameter of the diaphragm is of such size that the intensity of the spectral lines of each gas is proportional to its own pressure in the collecting vessel in the pressure range of 10- 10-5 Hg#:. The sensitivity of the method applied amounts to 1 .10-3 1u Card 1/3 -ec 66248 Determination of the Quantity and Composition of Gases SOV/181-1-7-4/21 Adsorbed on the Surface of Germanium and Silicon Single Crystals by Means of a Mass Spectrometric Method The measuring error in the determination of the gas quantity is less than 10%. Before making the experiment germanium was treated in the following way: The surface was first cleaned by mechanical ways, as well as degreased and washed and was subsequently corroded in a 301/a H 202- solution. The silicon samples (trademark lal-7) were prepared as follows: mechanically cleaned, degreased, ground and washed, then corroded in a mixture of one part HF and two parts HNO 39 and finally corroded in a 30o RaOH-solution for 5 minutes at a temperature of 1000. The gas quantities of N2 + CO, CO 2' ~2 which were adsorbed in the germanium and silicon and became free during the experiment at 8000C, were separately measured for the different kinds of etchings and are listed in tables. The measuring results led to the following conclusion:The gases adsorbed in the standard samples originate only on the surface of the germanium and silicon standard sample. If Card 2/3 germanium is corroded by H 202 only the effective surface is 4--" 66248 Determination of the quantity and Composition of Gasea SOV/181-1-7-4/21 Adsorbed on the Surface of Germanium and Silicon Single Crystals by Means of a Mass Spectrometric Method changed and the adsorbed quantity of gas changes correspond- ingly. Therefore it is possible to conclude from the measured quantity of the generated gas upon the surface treatment of germanium. If silicon is corroded, not only its effective surface is changed but also a certain selection of adsorptive properties of the silicon surface against different gases occurs. There are 5 figures, 4 tables, and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. LK SUBMITTED: May 6, 1958 Card 3/3 181/61/003/011/017/056 AUTHORS: Kozlovskaya, V. M., and Rubinrilit i-in, R. N. TITLE: 'Calculation of solubility and va por pressure for systeme semiconductor - impurity PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, no. 11, 1961, 3354-3362 TEXT: The authors calculated the solidus curves, vapor pressure and solubility for binary systems of a semiconductor (Si, Ge) plus impurity. Since the solubility of impurities in solid Ge or Si is very low (0.01 -0.001 %) published experimental data diverge and need verification. For the liquidus curves of regular solutions with low mutual solubility the following relation is derived: T- M + A1(1 -N12]/ [(Lmj/Tmj) - R ln N m IL 1 1 L1 denotes the melting heat of the pure component, N the atomic fraction of the main component (Ge, Si, subscript 1), Tm is the melting temperature and X a constant which is independent of concentration. The following X1values were found (given in cal/mole): Card 1/0 '1'07 8 2 S/181/61/003/011/017/056 Calculation of solubility and... B102//B138 Ge Si The impurity vapor preauure above the liquid Al -2600 -3000 solution was found to be Sb 820 6000 1 1 1 n 1 1 21 Ge -160 2000 P2 .0 P20 (N 2) exp 1(n A /RT) - (I - N2) and above the In 700 5800 solid solution p8 -ps0(N21"oxp(nAs/RT); N'0,1. Bi 3900 - 2 2 9/ 2 TI 3640 The subscript 2 refers to the impurity component. PS(l) is the vapor pressiire above the pure s,"id 20 (or liquid) im urity, n the number of atoms per vapor molecule, NS(l 1 - N 8(13. In the following the maximum .9olLtbiiity of the impurit.,..- 2 1 in solid solutions is determined for temperatures above eutectic poinL 1 - exp L'/R) (I /T - 1,/Tlrl) for p I . Ds and the (solidus curves). P201p2BO 1( 2 2 -2 segregation coefficient is given by 1 2 K -exp L m/nR) 1 1 ) .. k2 (1 - N2) 2 -M RT T 2 Card 2/4, ,, .~_~'I'Ib_j/61/003/011/017/056 Calculation of solubility and... p102/B138 m m ort at TI, by X on Ko a exp L nA) + The xe values are 2/ (Tm T m RT m 1 2 1 given in Table 2. Finally the Authors determined the solubility in solid solutions at tomperatures'above euteotio point, and the vapor pressure, for the systemst Al-Get Al-Siq Sb-Gef Sb-Sit Ga-Ge, Ga-Si, In-Ge, In-Si, Bi-Ge and Tl-Ge., From the solidus curves of these systems it can be seen that in.moit of them solubility passes through a maximum. The absolute solubility values are always very small. There are 12 figures, 2 tables, and 16 references: I Soviet and 15 non-Soviet. The four moat recent references to Engliah-language publications read as follows: Re A, Gudmundeen A. J, Maeerjian, J, Apple Phys.0 26j 13081 1957; Re No Halle Jo Phys. Chem. Sol*, 3t 63, 19571 F. A. Trumbore. Bell. Syst. Techn. J., XXXIXI It 205t 19601 J. J. Rohan, No E. Pickering a. .J. Kennedy. J, Electroohem. Scoot 106, 705t 1959. SUBMITTED: June 5, 1961 C a r d. VLiLDYCBEHSKIY, S.A.; XOZLOVSKAYA, T.N. " -, " - Water retaining capacity of some soil types in the region of the future Lower Kama Wdroelectric Power Station. Nauch.dokl-v7s. ahkol,v;biolonauki no*4:174-178 158, (MIRA ll:X2) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy fiziki J mellorataii pochy Mookovskogo gosudaretyannogo universitets, imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (Lower Kam Hydroelectric Power Station region--'Soil moisture) KOZWTBKAYA V.P. 1:.-:--_.!n;L-~-,-'~-- Iffect of pressure In aluminum allorso Isol.splav.tevet.asto no.2t57-" 160. (MM 1335) (Aluminum allors.-Ketalloqraphy) (Def ornations (Viechanics)) 3 7 980 S/137/62/000/005/106/150 A006/;,101 'p, j C; 1/ C;~' AUTHORS: Kozlovskaya, V. P., Vasillyeva, N. I., Karpovich, Yu. '01. TITLE: Conditions for obtaining A 10" (D16) aluminum-alloy e-xtruded art1cles offering high strength properties at room and elevated temperatures PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no - 5, 1962, 72, abstract 51435 (V sb. "Deformiruyemyye alyumin. splavy", Oborongiz, 1961, 64 - 75) The authors studied extruded D16-alloy sections cont'aining alloying elements in a low range (3.9% Cu, 1.2% r4g, 0.36% Mn), a high range (4.VGCu, I.Ey,ft, 0.8% Yin) and a medium range (4 .5%Cu, 1.5% P19, 0.55YIn). Under industrial conditions sections of three types were manufactured: A - a corner with a 2 mm thick shelve; B a corner with 15.8 and 4.5 mm thick shelves, and C - a large. section with 30 40 mm thick shelves. The following technique was used: homo- genizing of ingots at 4900C for 8 hours, extrusion of ingots at 390 - 430OC; quenching of sections at 5000C; tension-straightening with 1.5 - 2% residual deformation. Tests of mechanical properties at room temperature were made after heating at 200, 250 and 3000C during 1 -~ 100 hours. The mechanical properties Card 1/3 S/137/62/000/005/106/150 Conditions for... A006/A101 at high temperatures were determined after holding at the test temperature for 0.5, 20 and 100 hours. Extruded D16-alloy parts having a non-crystallized struc- ture show high strength at room temperature. The difference in the strength of extruded articles, determined by the structure (recrystallized or non-crystal- lized) decreases or vanishes entirely after heating up to'temperatures > 1500C. Highest strEngth in the 20 - 3000C temperature range is attained at a content in alloy D16 of 4.2 - 4.9 Cu; 1.5 - 1.9 ~% and 0.6 - 0.9% Mn. An increase in the strength is accompanied by a reduced ductility. It is recom,,ended to extrude the nrticles from a non-homogenized blank at 4oo - 400c. The minimum proper- ties at room temperature are: - 00 The dif- Gb Ji8 kg/mm2; .2 34 kg/mm2; (S 7~. ference in the strength determined by the extrusion effect and connected with the ex1trusion. technique, decreases sharply after artificial aging (1900C - 6 hours). Repeated heat treatment (quenching and natural aging) reestablishes the difference in the strength. The mechanical properties of extruded parts in artificially aged state do almost not depend on the extrusion techntque. it is assumed that one of the causes of the.extrusion effect is the arising of slip obstacles along the planes, oriented along the extrusion direction; this is Card 2/3 Conditions for... S11 ---')7/62/000/0()5/!06/150 A006IA101 connected with the predominant grouping of atoms in these planes when heated for quenching and in natural aging. Experimental data confirm V. 1. Dobatkinfs opinion that structure refining is the cause of the extrusion effect. E. Kadaner [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 5/68