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KOZLOV, L.F,, kand. tekhn. nauk
Use of wire turbulators in testing ship models. Sudostroanie
28 no.1:15-16 Ja 162. (MIRA 16:7)
(Ship models-Testing)
.ACCESSION NR: AP4012796 S/0170/64/000/002/0071/0074
ATMOR: Kozlov,' L. F.
TITLE: Calculation of an axirymmatric 1xiinar bomdary layer on a porbus body in
an inconpressible fluid
SOURCE: Inzhenorno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, no. 2, 1964, 71-74
TOPIC TAGS: laminar boundary layer, porous surface, incompressible flow
ABSTRAM A body within a moving fluid is called porous if in general the normal
component of fluid velocity at the body's surface is different from zero* Start-
ing from the integral momentum relationship equation the author obtains
dU dU
210 1)0-'ffl ro' d t + C dx
f W
j [A Q) un
where f is the form parameter of the boundary layer; V, the velocity on thd outer
i3o3itica of the bdundary layer; B 5.43; ro is'tho radial coordinate of the
Card 1/3
Ar, C M, S I MI NR :Ap4ol2796
axisy=etric body; and t** is the parameter of bleed and is described, by v~
)odyj ** is the
-where vo is the normal velocity canpcnent at the surface of the II
thielmass of mcmentun losses, anaAs Uic Idnematic viscosity coefficient of the
fluid. For nmporous bodies (t** = 0), Equatioa (1) coincides with the solutica
given earlier by L. G. Loytsyanakiy (DAII SSSR, 36, No. 6, 1942). For known
pax=eters f and t*-* axe fomd by succosiv fl(O) is
obtained from
fl Q vo, 2
and then a first-apprcximatim value of t** is agraph shcrwing t+*
versus fl(O). This graph was established ca the basis of experimental data by 11,
Emmons add Do Leigh'(Aerona Res* Can., C, Po 147, 1954), Such a t+* in (1) yieldsi
f (x) in the tirst apprmcimatioa, and this in t+* -svo (f (x)/mdU)1/2 gives t** in
the 5000n(% C6MV=i=tICAx OtO* Giif;ftCIQQtIY Qcgurutft VaIUAO Of t** and f -permit
calculation.of.all the pert 'inent cliaracteristica of th'a axiWymm'a 'tric
bouh-dary layer. Carcul'ations s-howed that'a third-order approximatton
Card 2/3
is sufficient for elongated axially symmetric bodies (a/b > 6). Orig. art. has
formulas and 2 figures*
Z7410va 1
ASSOCIATIONt Tsentrallny*y nauchno-insledovateliskiy institut im. A. N. I
(Central Scientific-Ressarch Inatituto)
SUE41TTED: 18.Dec62 DATE ACQi -26Feb64 RNM a 00
SUB COM Al, PH NO REF SOVI 002 02=1 001
KOZLOV, .~J. - -;
Optimum suction of a boundary layer on a porous plate in an
incomprcssible liquid. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 6 no.10:88-92 0 163.
(IUWi 16:11 )
L 152-6
Fig. I Distribution of the optirawni ratb.,
of fluid auction from the'b oundary lay'er-'.~
of a porous plate as a function of Re,,~ tot
-0 66
number:: 1 0.2; 2 - op
2- 5-516 accor Pretach
ding tq
a LuftfArifbrsiqhungj-::UA
829 66 ETIM)LM
_(i0/76i~0AWAM: WW
F5026649 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/65/009/004/043310437
A UTHO?R-_ff oz L F.
atitute of HydromechWrdc'
ORG: In a AN UkrSSR Kiev (Institut gidromekhaniv
TITLE: Calculation of the Incompressible laminar boundary layer on a plate with
,suction through slits
SOURCE: Inzhenerno-nzicheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 4, 1966, 433-437
TOPIC TAGS: boundary -layer theo!X, incompressible flow, Prandfl. equations
Reynolds number
ABSTRACT: The article gives, a.theordtic al- calculation, based on literature datav,
the laminar boundary layer fbimed by the flow of a viscuous incompressible nuid
past a flat plate with transverse
large Reynolds numbers. , The analysis is
based on the momentum equation.which, -for an element of the boundary layer on a
plane plate, has the followingform:
+ ZJ_
This statement of'the problem uses a rectangular coordinate system, the origin of
which is located at the forward edg
e of the plate; the x axis to directed along the our,
Card 1/2 UDC: 532.517.2
L 7829-66
ACC NR: AP5026849
face of the plate, and the y axis is normal to the plate. For the given flow velocity,
the second term of the above equation is* assumed constant in the region of the slits
and equal to zero outside the slits. The article first determines.the characteristics
of, the laminar boundary layer with homogeneous suction of the boundary layer over
the whole surface of the plate. - After intro Iduction of new variables, the characteris.
tics of the boundary layer withhomogeneous suction on the surface of a porous
plate are determined by numerical, integration of the Trandtl differential equations,
The results of the calculat -ion are given in graphic form, and are compared with
results of Lachmann and.Colemann. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas and 2 figures
SUB CODE: ME, GC/ SUBM DATE: 020ct64/ ORIG REF- 002/ OTH REF: 004
Cqrd 22*
-RT'-AP6007571. -SOURCE CODE: I)R/0198/661002/002/01 Oii~
AUVOR: Kozlov L. F. (Kiev)
ORG: Institute of Fluid MechanicsPAN ITktSSR (Tnstftut gidroriekhankl AN UkrSSP)
TITLE: Integration of three-dimensional boundary layer equations In the presence ofat
suction or injection
SOURCE: Prikladnayn meklinnika, Y. 2, no. 2, 1966, 110-1.16
TOPIC TACS:, fluid mechanics, three dimensional boundary layer, boundary layer
equationA integration, secondary flow, secondary flow reduction
ABSTRACT: The possibility of utilizing the suction of a liquid through a'penetrable
surface of a body to reduce the secondary flows in the three-dimensional boundary 41-594
___layc~r is analyzed. To obtain a general picture of the effect of suction or Injectioi.
of a liquid upon the secondary -flows in the boundary layer, the Prandtl system. of 1
partial differential equations.for the three-dimensional laminarboundary layer onal
penetrable plate are integrated. It is considered that the plate Is semi-lnfinite;~
and the flow past the plate is parabolic. Using certain simplifying assumptions and
substitut'ions containing alcertain function F(n), the Prandtl equations.are reduced.
to ordinary differential equations (second-*and third-order) with corresponding.
boundary conditions. It Is indicated that the first of these equations was already
Card 1/2
~'L 22652-66
ACC NRt AP6007571
integrated by H. W. Emmons,and D. C. Leigh (Aeronautic. Res. Com. Current Paper,:
no. 147, 1954) on a high-speed electronic computer. Exact solutions of the other
equations were obtained by 'the author~on the-Minsk-I electronic computer for the
following values of the function F(O): -1.2, -1, -0.8, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.5, and-2.
Integration results are presented in tables. On the basis of the obtained solutions,
the distributions of the ratios of boundary layer velocity components t,n taken in
the direction 'of the tangent and the~normal to the local direction of the exterior
flow and the local velocity of thd exterior flow T(ratiPs t/T and v./T) for'the cases
of suction and injection of liquid,through a penetrableplate are calculated and.
presented in-graphs. It is concluded from.these results that suction of a liquid
through a penetrable-surface can beconsidered as an effective means of reducing or
even eliminating secondary flows in three-dimensional boundary layers. Orig. art.
has- 26 formulast, 5 figures, and 3 tables. [LKI
SUB CODE: 2,-1 04/ ATD PRESS:'/~_~' 160
,% SUBM DATE: 17Nov64/ OTH~REF:- 0
Car 212
7 77
/M(1) lzlr~( a) AWIYO/Edr (m) /EWA (I IV-AW/WH
L gU22-66
ACC'NR: AF6011335 SOURCE CODE! UH/0198/66/002/003/0119/0121
AWHOR: Kozlov., L.- F. (XievY.
ORG. Institute of ~Zdromechanics,'AN McrSSR (Institut gid.romekhaniki'
TITIZ: Integration of:equations.of the laminar boundary layer on a,
porous surface
.SOURCE: Prikladnaya meikhanika, v. 2p no. 3s 1966, 119-123
TOPIC TAGS: laminar boundary layer, flow distribution, differential
equation, integration
ABVIRACT: Equations of a laminar boundary layer in partial derivatives exponential.distribution of speeds in an external flow are reduced
to an ordinary differential third-order equation The results are
presented of intcgratinethls~.equation on an electronic-comRater fror
permeable sUrrace or a body Inthe presence or boundary-layer
suction. Orig art. has: 4 figuress,11 formulass and 2 tables. Based -7A
:on author's ab;tract] NT
ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001/
SUS CODE. 20/ SUBM. DATE 17.Ta,n65/
L 38273-66 )/Eva (1)/EY1P W/eKTW/F~IP M/F~V (v)/EWP (k) IJP(C)' WW/F-M/GD
Eva (d
ACC NRt AT016730 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0167/0175
AUTHOR: Kozlov, L, F.
1ORG: laztltute of Hydromechanics AN Ukro'Sh (Inatitul g1droinekbaniki
TITLE: Connection between the resistance proper and the critical
diameter of an isolated cylindrical element of roughness
SOURCE: Ali UkrSSR. Gidrodinamika bolfsbikh skorostey (Higb speed
hydrodynamics), no. 1. Kiev, Izd-vo Naukovo dumke, 1965, 167-175
TOPIC TAGS,., hydraulic resistance, surface roughness
ABSTRACT: The bydrgdZ[DamJc roalstance of a body moving at high
velocities depends to a large degree on the. extent of the laminar sectl
in the boundary layer. One of the basic factors determining the
transition from a laminar boundary layer to a turbulent boundary layer
is the roughness of the surface of the body. The present treatment of
the problem is*based oil the application of the momentum law to control
cross-sections 1 and 2. (See Fig. 1)
L 382734)6
ACC NRi AT6016730
Fig. 1. Diagram of the position of the cylindrical
element of roughness in the laminar boundary layer
of a plate.
The problem is stated as follows:
where is the thickness of the momentum loss iR*theboundary layer
directly In front of the element of roughness; 9 is the thickness of
the momenti~kn loss in the boundary layer directly a?ter the element of
roughness; T is the force of the hydrodynamic resistance acting on the
element of roughness (the resistance proper); p is the density of the
L 1827.1-66
ACC NRi AT6016730
liquid. Applying this principle, actual experiments were carried out
using a specially built very sensitive dynamometer, which is illustrntqd
in the article, along witfi a diaCram of tlio --:-'0CtriC5I 111e~iLMI'in~-
used. Results are shown in graphic form. Orig. art. bas: 12 formulas,
6 figures and 1 table.
SUB CODE., 20/ SUBM DATE: 30Sep65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003
AUTHOR: Kozlov, L. F. (Candidate of Technical Sciences)
ORG: None
TITLE: Boundary layer control
SOURCE: Morskoy abornik, no. 5, 1966, 74-80
TOPIC TAGS: boundary layer control, boundary layer theory, surface boundary layer,
turbulent boundary layer, combatant ship, cargo shl.p, submarine, torpedo, laminar
boundary layer, flow research
ABSTRACT: The wide-ranging theoretical and experimental research recently engaged
in by shipbuilders in many countries concerned with the possibility of reducing the
resistance of water to the movement of warships is discussed and its tremendous
practical significance pointed Out, since in most slow-speed non-combatant ships
and submarines the major share of the total resistance is viscous drag, which in-
cludes the resistance caused by surface roughness, friction, and form reGistance.
Since it is evident that reducing the roughness of the hull's surface will result in.
reducing the ship's resistance, scientific workers and naval shipbuilders in many
countries are making an intensive study of how this may be done. Three trends have
been noted: lamination of the boundary layer, by pumping out small quantities of
water through a uniformly porous sheathing; damping the speed and pressure pulsations
Card 112
in the boundary layer by using rubber, or synthetic, coatings of special design;
reduction in resistance of the turbulent function of the ship using air, vapor-
vater or non-Newtonian liquid envelopes, or gasification of the boundary layer.
The first and the third of the above appear to have the greatest future prospects
..I.-fo r.submarines and torpedoes.
SUB CODE: 20,13/SUBX DAM: None
AP6036461 SOURCE CODE: UR/0198/66/002/011/0112/0117i
AUTHORSt Koz1ov, L. F. (Kiev); Tayganyuk, A. 1. (Kiev)
ORG: Institute of Hydromechanics, AN UkrSSR (Institut gidromekhaniki AN UkrSSR)
Using sixth degree polynomials for calculating a boundary layer in the
~iesence of auction
SOURCE: Prikladnaya, mekhanika, v. 2, no. 11, 1966t 112-117
TOPIC TAGSs laminar boundary layer, approximation method, incompressible flow, fluid
ABSTRACT: The Karman-Pohlhausen momentum integral method is used to analyze the
laminar viscous flow of an incompressible fluid in the presence of arbitrary pressure
gradients and small suction. The velocity profile is doacribod by a sixth degree
polynomial. The integrated form of the momentum equation is given by
"df ---du A
a . -dx- U dU
where t is the suction velocity (nondimens'lonai) and Fis the pressure parameter given
. *dU 6003 -
by =+I: where f ie given by Plots of f versus ~ and of f
.ACC NRs AP6036461
versus H indicate that P can be approximated by the almost linear relationship
Substituting this in the momentum integral equation, a quadrature is obtained for f.
and the various boundary layer parameters calculated for different values of the
auction velocity. Orig. art. has: 18 equations and 6 figures.
SUB CODEs 20/ SUBM DATE 1 02Sep66/ ORIG REFs 003/ OTH RM 001
Card 2/2
KOZLOV, L.~~_ IVAWOV, I.G. (Hoskva)
Hearing in riveters. i prof.zab. no.11135-38 361*
(MIRA 14:11)
1. Institut gigiyony truda i profzabolevaniY MO WSR.
rod.; PROKOPYEIVA, L.11.1 tol-lin. rod.
[Handbook on practical exercise in the mechanization of
production processes in animal husbandry] Praktilcum po
mekhanizatsii proizvodstvennykh protse:,sov v zhivotnovod-
stva. Moskwo Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 271 p.
(MIRA 17:1)
(Stock and stockbreeding~-Equipment and supplies)
(Farm mechanization-Study and teaching)
1. a IL 1 6 It 1 11,
00 a!
09 j.
ISO.; Nil-
1,3" U I a) it ti, it 0
a III b J6 I, is ji, a of U
1111111, 111
$ ton"
A 0, allill,
U k 0 a U a 0 it
AA a (z 0 it I
Coirroshm of alloy vivets under the conditions of nueth - .00
4AGI syntlieds. R. N. IV nov slut L. 1. Xoth.j.
&him. it, an III ItxtA,:, rhf*ie' &
61-1 .1%
itinji it.. viitIu,,,, -
,f McOlf fritillil Mainly Ill the in-lurfum of Ve carIxinyl 06
Vile "itisk aikiyt%f with the strel can trIluce mm"wo,
elippless it "111114r(ely. Thi, lilo.t ImmAtst st"N
fir Ifu,,mr with hish Ct mutent (13-1fic',l: Ificir mtriKswi
14 praelk-ally nit 14P tit 100* slut alm,vr 31111% Cf.v .1"I,
'm the othrT hmind, 1% Unsuitable. To Wesire plactir'lliv '00
,144. retislamr, the steel Should he crivem) With a pro. =00
tertirr lining such am a mirlace lay" 4 a high-Cc Fr-cf
Alitly A 11 -V
ij- -0,
it a It it n I
4 0 0 0 4
69 0 0,
0 0 00 a 0 0
. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r
0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 6?
Is v 30 #1
A A-r- -I- JL-
The P014ttles of zinc-titrondum caujYM for the a"-
thegis of WSOMMI. K. N. lvanov, t~j&j ~jv aittl M.
A. S-f,f. J. Chent. Ind. jNloft-ow) 4410 P4 1W);
cl. C. .4. 3o, 1.5360. The presence of Ph and Cu in the
rataly-t Iniarrik it- ",*juvov0y *xnewbat. Atore than
1% ~j m ujl.%t% S towet% the pT1Wl1KtiVi1Y and
in"ra%v% the amt. n! rsters in the M,011. ANWt 44W.
thle effect is not in important. Tht pre%etwe of even
0. 1 % nf Fe IA very harmful, thouch PcO does fiat show this
cff~t. It. N(. L*keqtef
.i' '6 4 " 1 kq L N
U Is It
a rv rp bI? W A or a ff -W13 1,
0 0 010 0 0 * 0 0
0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 * 0 4 0 4 6 0 0
W, zx,
1W 1) As 0 1
0 * 0 9 0 0
%, 0 * 0 0 0
1 1 f x 11 it " 14 a 4it a V 11
zi m is h 10 9 11 11 U 0 1
0 a
f 11 It 0 a 4 0 a 4s of a go
A- j_L__I_tff LAI LL,&_N_FQ 0 U,_T I.-A.-L-LAA OLCINDA --1 .1 1- A. 1.
L 4_j_
Ths WWWAM* of Ult CMPWtka of altrogen -hydimps
00 gas mutme in the "Utheds of amwAmu. Va. A. Fel'.
Arm, lad.
s no
cm. syntbt%6, an eurru td Ng over ibc umAd
1:3 r4W will 9!vY lwttrr virkis ot Nil.. It.
I L .
AT 00 is' t 1 It IN 0 a 4 1 1
U_ o IT pr a if It A K it 09 9 K a It It a n 1 14 .01
: 0.0 4p 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 of# 0 0 0 0
: : : : 1: : : : : : 00 00 *Is 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 0
Utilizing the heat of compressed gas to heat boiler food water.
Suggestion by A.V.Krasotskii and others.-From.energ. 11 no*4:23-25
AP '56. (Waste heat) (HotLwater supply) (MIRA 9:7)
AUTHORS: Panchenkov, G. M., Yakovlev, V. I., Kozlov, L. L., Zhuravlev.
G. 1. t Gol I din , V. A. , Ryabukhin,
TITLE: Radiation thermal cracking of gas-oil from Romashki petroleum
PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Neft' i gaz, no. 12,
ig6i, 99 - lol
TEXT: The effect of gamma radiation on the cracking of gas-oil, F. B. P.
500 - 3450C, from Romashki petroleum has been studied. For the experiments
a gamma unit, k -18000 (K-18000), was used, and the dose 0was maintained
constant at 100 r/sec.; the temperatures were 400 and 425 C, the maximum
dose was 5 Mr', and the experiment took 14 hr. It was established that
Co 6o gamma.rays intensifies the cracking process considerably, and that the
feed is converted twice as rapidly as in thermal cracking. The yield of
the lightest fraction, I. B. P 2000C, exceeds that of all other fractions Vill,'
from a dose of 3.5 Mr upward and reaches 30 to 35~ of the feed at a dose
of 5 Mr. However, the olefin content of this ftaction is lower than that
of the corres.nonding fraction in thermal cracking. There are 6 figures and
Card 112
Radiation thermal crackingof gas-oil ...
5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet.
langua-e publications read as follows: Lucchesi
Long R. B., Baeder D. L., Longwell J. P.,
195B.; Pat. USA no. 2516848, 1950-
The two references to English-
P. j., Tarmy B. L.,
"Ind. Enr,. Chem". 50 no. 6, 876.
ASSOCIATIONs MoskovsViy institut neft(Ahimicheskoy i Fazovoy prompililanmU
i.m. akad. I. M. Gubkina (Moscow Institute of the Petro'chemicall
and Gas Industry imeni kcademician I. M. Gubkin)
SUB.',=TED: August 14, 1961
Card 2/2
KOZLOV,__Lav_Ivana3d,abj inzh.; LEVITAIII, Solomon Solomonovich, inzh.;
KUROCHKIV, Boris Nikolqevichj kand. tekhn.nauk; CIEWIEMO,
Mikhail Avksentlyevich, inzh.; KUDRIN, Viktor Aleksandrovichl
kand.tekhn. nauk; TARSHIS, D.M.., red. izd-va; ATTOPOVICH, M.K.,
tekhn. red.
[Use of naturnl gas in open-hearth furnaces]Primenenie pri-
rodnogo gaza v martenovokikh pechakh [By] L.I.Kozlov i dr.
Moskva, Metallurgizdat. 1962. 158 P: (MIRA 15:8)
1. Vseso),uzriyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut metallurgi-
cheskoy teplotekhniki (for Kurochkin). 2. Gosudarstvennyy
soyuznyy proyektnyy institut Ministerstva chernoy metallurgii
(for Kozlov, Levitan, Ghernenko, Kudrin).
(Open-hearth furnaces) (Gas, Natural)
Activation of an aluminosilicate catalyst by protons and gamma
rays of Co6O. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no-5:1113 MY 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti.
(Aluminosilicates) (Catalysis) (Radiation)
L 41364-66 EWT(rn)/EWP(j )/EWP(tj
W_(0_2248__?_ (A)
SOURCE CO ~0: URJ_ 004[CO3?100407
AUTHOR: Somenova, T. A.; 'Markina, M, I.; Shteynberg, B. I.; irozlov, T_. I.; Mayorov,
02G: none
TIT12: Iz-,,r-temnerature for the carbon monoxide conversion process
SOURCE: Xhirdeheskaya T)roVshlenno st', no. 4, 1966, 37-40
TOPIC TAGS: carbon monoxide, industrial catalyst.) ~vy0ov6GV.,j,, w/grc/F Vj9PbR
ABSTRACT: The paper discusses the -properties of a lcrT-temperature catalyst, developed
at, GIAP, for the conversion of carbon monoxide and water vaDor into hydrogen. The
main co=.onents of the catalyst are comnounds of zinc, chromium, and copper. The pres-
ence of sulfur comaounds in the gas rapidly reduces the catalyst's activity. Long-
term tests showed ~he operation of the catalyst to be stable over a Deriod of one year.
A gradual decrease in activIty is due not only to poisoning with su3hr co=oundst but
also, as indicatod by x-ray diffraction analysis, to a gradual recrystalliz~tion of tht
catalyst. The catalyst was then tested in a nilot plant unit with a capacity of 1 000
m3 of gas ner hour. The results permit the authors to recommend the i~dustriai use 01
the low-termerature catalyst studied. Orig. art. has: ? tables.
SUB COM -* 07/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG PSF: 006/ OTH RSF; 007
uDr.,: 661,961.5:66.097.3-974
L 01 9-)
06 4;-
A-CC NRs APW~j'Y4...
'SMKOLMDES UW04UI&510607aflOO9 009
AUTHORS i %Mroys V. F j Kozloxo Le TApjAbURx I It I M*arevich, 09
ORGt none
TITLE: A device for the automatic* control of mass fl class 42, No-D 177648
,~~nnounced by Scientific Tesearch institute - or The"r~iower Engineering Instrument
Manufacture (Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut teploonargaticheakogo.
SOURM Izobreteniya.. promyshlennyys obraztsy, tovarnyye anaki, no-, 1,1966, 94-95
TOPIC TAGS i flow regulatorp flow measurement, flow control, fluid flow aHom,4,'C1
Covi+"l d es t*% h
A B STM T This Author Gertificate.presents a device for automatic control of mass.
flows. The device containea.'sensitive element made in the form of a-single-impeller.
rotating with a speed proportional to the volume flow., capable of being.displaced
along the axis by an amount proportional to the velocity head'of the flow. The devA*#
also has a measuring instrument (see.Fig*, 1). The design increases the precision f-.1
of the measurement accuraoy in operation-and provides the capabiliti-oUmeasu Ir
ing %4~,
reversible flows, The axes of the'impeller are kinematically connected iwith a pcuei
converter. !This power oonverter creates a force' which compensates the axial, movecuent),--
of the impeller. The ratio Of the sipal3 (proportional to-the compensating force
Card 1/2
UDC: 681,121.531.751*3 Lj
hcc NR% AF7001364 lk*MMCE cou's UH/0413/66/06,)/021 311
or 'I.; Semenova, T. A.; Yar~ina, it. 107
IN'T0TORSt IvanovsKiyj F. P.1 Shteynb 691
Kqzlov~. L. I. Shutov, Yu. M.
O!iG: none
TITU: A catalyst for gas purification. Class 12,, No. 187736 Cannownced by State
Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Vitrogen Industry and of Organic
Synthesis Produots (Go"ud&rntvenrq7 nau0ma-1-soludovatellaki i
sxsotnoy j!ro.-,W9h1cnnvvti i produktov orouniebookoco vintesa
SOUIRCE: Izobreteniya, proMrahleruWe ooraztsy, tova-VTe znakd, no. .2i. 1~ 0 jt
TOPIC TAGS- catalysis, ihdustrial catalyst, gas, zinc oxide, chromium oxide, CODPer
oxide, magnesium oxide, manganese oxide, aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, acetylene,
oxygen, nitrogen oxide
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a catalyst for gas purification. The
catalyst contains hydrogen and consists of oxides of zinc, chromium, and copper with
admixtures of oxides of magnesium, manganese, aluminum, and titanium. TO 2ncrease
its stability and its activity in freeing gaaes from acetylene, oxygen, and nitrogen*
oxidesp the oxiden or zinol chromium, and copper are taken in the proportiono
ZnO : Cr 0 1 NO a 1.0 to 0.05 1 10.0 to 0,03 : 10.0. Each admixture of the oxides~,
2 3
1/2 UDCs 66.097.3s66.
A-.C NR, AP7001364
of magnesiump wwganesel aluxinump and titanium may conatitute 0-05-154 of the
baaic catalyst composition. Prior to its use, the catOynt my be treated with a
hydrogen-nontainbig gao at a temporature of 225--275C.
M, CODEt 07/ SMI DATEt 14Apr64
Radio-thermal cracking of ga8 oil of Romashkino petrolewn. Izv.
vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.12:99-101 161. (MA 16:12)
Polymerization of amylenes under the action of high-energy
electrons. IzT. vys. ucheb. zav,; neft' i gaz 5 no.1:57-58
162, (MIRA 16:3.1)
1. Moska7ski3r institut neftekbimicheskoy i gazovoy
promyshlennosti imeni akademika I.M. Gubkina.
ACCESSION NR: AT4008703t I S/2982/63/000/044/0210/0213
AUTHOR: Panchenkov, G. M.; Yakoviev, V. I.; Kozlov, L. L.; Zhuravlev, G. 1.
TITLE: Radiation thermal cracking of petroleum fractions
SOUVE: Moscow. Institut neftekhimicheskoy I gazovoy promr~5hlennosti. Trudy*,
no. 44, 1963. Neftekhimiya, pererabotka neftl I gaza, 210-213
TOPhC TAGS: cracking, petroleum product cracking, thermal cracking, radiation
cracking, radiation thermal cracking, gamma irradiation, gas oil radiation crack-
ing, petroleum product irradiation, gasoline fraction irradiation, petroleum
refining, petroleum cracking, radiation cracking
ABSTRACT: Gas oil from Romashkinskaya petroleum (fraction 300-345C),was irradiat-
ed (100 r/sec) at temperatures of 400 and 425C. Another series of experiments em-
ployed the 350-500C fraction of the same petroleum, a radiation dosage of 92 r/sec
and temperatures of 375 and 390C. The designations 1111TV and "HC' are used here
to indicate heat cracking processes with and without the use of radiation, respect-
ively. The authors found that radiation accelerates the decomposition of the
original gas oi I by 50 to 100% (see Figs. I and 4 in the Enclosure). The yield of
gasoline fractions showed preferrable. patterns for the 300-345C fraction at 425C
and radiation levels above 3500 r, as well as for the other fraction at 390C and
levels above 3000 r (see Figs. 2 and 3 in the Enclosure). The content of olefins
in gasoline fractions is lower for RTC than in corresponding fractions for HC.
Orig. art. has; 4 graph3.
(institute for petroleum chemistry and the gas Industry)
SUBM3TTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16jan64 ENCL: 04
FANCHF.t~",~'.Oll , G M. ; D, i',- jUL '-,I " . i . -1 J '. ~~ I', ~. I . ~ I - i j~.!! I,'-, A. -1~1 I IF f~ :
Radiation-tharj-~--l cracking of oil fruc~,ions. fru-nY
no.44;210-21) 16j. 1~0)
KOZLOV, L.M.; PINK, E.y. (Kazan')
Condensation of nitroparaffins with olefins containing an activating
group. Report Wo.2. Trudy KKHTI no.21:163-166 156. (MIRA 12:11)
(Paraffins) (Olefins)
LUTHORS% Kozlov L. M., Voskre5en5kiy V. A., Burmistrov V. I.
TITLE:, Problem of p*mer plastification by means of some
nitrocompounds of the aliphatic and alicyclic series
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1961, 616,
abstract 14TT 33 (Tr. Kazansk. khiin.-tekhnol. in-ta,
1959,.,vyp. 26, 42 - 47)
TEXT: The investigation of the plasticizing effect of the nitrocompounds
of the aliphatic and alicyclic series on polyvinyl chloride showed that
only substances with ring structure, especially with 6-membered ring,
proved efficient. Compounds with open chaine either do not combine at all
or produce only weak effects. The authors obtained better results with
1-nitromethyl-l-cyclohexanol (I) and with acetyl-l-nitromethyl-l-eyelo-
hexanol (II). The study of the physicochemical properties of the foils
which were producedby means of I and II showed a temporary tearing
strength of 101.5 and 105.5 kg/CM2, a relative elongation of 168.0 and
Card 112
Problem of polymer plastification ...
175.0 %, a hardness of 9.0 and 8-5 kg/cM 2, determined byTIM-2-tI
(TSM-2-m) (Johns). Foils that had been plasticized by means of I and II
are more stable than foils with dibutyl phthalate benzene; their water
resistance is, however, lower. Test samples were produced by carefully
stirring polyvinyl chloride of the type n -1 (PB-1) and a plasticizer
in a weight ratio of 1 1 1. Subsequently the mixture was subjected to
aging at 30 - 400 C during one day. The mass was then heated up to
1000 - 1550 C (as depending on the type of the plasticizer) and pressed
in metal molds at 150 - 1550 C at a pressure of 40 - 50 kglCM2. 2.2 -
2-3-mm thick foils were obtained. rAbstracter's notes Complete trans-
Card 2/2
Action of ketenes on some o(--nitro alcohols. Trudy KKHTI
no.26:48,-52 159. OURA 15:5)
(Ketene) (Alcohols)
Condensation of nitro paraffins with 2-chlorocyclohexanone and
with 2.6-dibenzaloyclohexanone. Trudy KKHTI no.26353-58 159.
(MMA 15:5)
(Paraffins) (Cyclohexanone)
S 61,/000/012/006/028
/08 ~B'
B117 B203
AUTHORS: Khannanov, T. M, Kozlov, L. MI., Burmistrov, V.. I,
TITLE: Production of nitro-olefins
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no, 12, 1961, 197, abstract
12~i(67 (12Zh87). (11 T r. Kazan,9 k kh i ri, -kh n 01 . i 11 - t a,'
no. 26, 1959, 59-62)
TEXT: The authors studied the dehydration of nitro-alcohols (I) with forma-
tion of nitro-olefins. They found that primary (I) are more easily
dehydrated then secondary ones. With increasing number of C atoms in the
(I) molecule, dehydration is rendered difficult, and the yield in nitro-
olefins reduced. A mixture of 1 mole of (I) and 1 mole c.1 phthalic
anhydride (may be used repeatedly) is heated in a low vacuum (80-30 mm Hg)
at 1400-150r'C, and subsequently at 1750-1800C, with simultaneous expulsion
of the nitro-olefin by water. In a continuous proce3s, (I) is added in
portions during dehydration. The following nitro-olefine were obtained
(substance, boiling point in OC/mm, n20D). nitro-ethylene, 116-39/80, 1-r-dtro-
propylene-1, 54/28, 1.4559; 2-nitro-propylene, 58/90, 1,4506; 2-nitro-
Card 1/2
8/08'. 61,1000/012100811C28
Production of nitro-olefins B! X3203
butylene-2, 70/30, 1.4585; 2-nitro-butylene-1. 47/1.7. 1.4325; ',;020H-C(CH 3
55-56/11, 1.4680; i-nitro-amylene-1, 69-70/12, 1,4518; :102 3)2'
75/23, 1.4487; 3-n4tro-amylene-2, 58/10, 11,4534; 1102 1) 3
81-82 112, 1.4515; 2-nitro-flexylene-2, 82-5/10'. 1., 530; '02 3 3)21
4 11 C(CH )-CIiC(CH
57/1, 1.4524. [Abstracter's note: complete translation,j
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kozlov,1Y.M., Burminstrov, V.I. and Khannanov, T.14.'
TITLE: The effect of ultrasound on nitro-paraffin-carbonyl
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Alitomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 7, 1961, 12, abstract 7 E70 (Tr. Kazansk. kbim.-
tekhnol. in-ta, 1959, no. 26, 63-66)
TEXT: The effect has been investigated of ultrasound on the con-
densation reaction of nitro-paraffins with ketones with aldehydes.
The mixture in a flat-bottomed beaker was subjected to ultrasonic
waves at a frequency of 21.3 kc/s and US intensity`6 14/cm2. The
experiments were carried out with binary mixtures of nitromethane
with cyclohexane, acetone and acetaldehyde and 2-nitro propane with
cyclohexane. It has been established that the US increases consid-
erably the speed of condensation reaction of aldehydes and ketones
with nitroparaffins in the presence of small quantities of bases. 6/r/
Card 1/2
The effect of ultrasound ... D201/D305
No spontaneous reaction of conde-naation occurs with the US effect.
Mixtures of nitro-paraffins and ketones and aldehydes have the out-
put of nitro-alcohols increased when subjected to US. 7 references.
Z-Abstracter's note; Complete translatio~2 VK
Card 2/2
S/08 61/000/013/036/085
B1 1OYB1 38
AUTHORS: Kozlov, L. M., Burmistrov, V. I~, Solodov, A. V.
TITLE: Synthesis of chlorine ethers of nitro alcohols
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 19, 19619 152, abstract
19Zh75 (Tr. Kazansk. khim.-tekhnol. in-ta, no. 29, 1960, 18-19)
TEXT: RRIC(NO)2CRIIRIIIOCH(CH20H)CH2C1 (II) is formed by eDichlorohydrine
(I) with nitro alcohols (molar ratio 3:1) in the presence of H 2s0 4* The
following data are presented: R, R', R", R"',reaction temperature in OC
reaction time, yield of II in %, boiling temperature in OC/mm Hg, n 20 , d20
D 4
H, H, H, H, 5, 2, 68, 144/3, 1.4710, 1.2591; CH3v H, H, H9 5, 2, 60,
138/3, 1.4656, 1-3000; C2H5 q H, H~ H, 70, 29 22, 151/3, 1,4652, 1.2365;
H, H, H, C2H 57 90, 3, 18, 133/2; 1.4663, %2306; H, H, 11, CH 31 70, 2, 24,
125/4, 1.4670, 1.2920; H, H, CH 3' CH , (molar ratio 2:1), 100, 4, 10,
Card 1/2
Synthesis of chlorine ethers of ...
128/5, 1.4708, 1.2390. Primary alcohols react with I more readily
secondary ones. Tertiary alcohols react less readily. Reactivity
decreases as the molecular weight increases. II are good solvents
alkydal resins. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation,j
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Koz1ov, L. M., Markovich, Ye. A., and Liorber, B. G.
TITLE; 0a the Reaction of Nitro-olefinAWith Acyl Halides~
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 6,
pp. 1937 - 1941
TEXT: Basing on the publications Refs. 1-5~ the authors investigated
the reactions of a-nitro--olefine with aoyl halides. Unexpectedly, a
nitroso-oxim rearrangement of the a-.nitro-.olefins takes place in this
reaction., leading to the acid halides of a-halo-N-acyl hydroxamic acids
and separation of the corresponding organic acids according to the
general Scheme ' NOCORI
RCH CHN02 + 2RICOX RCHX - C + RICOOH. This exo-
thermic reaction occurs readily and gives good yields. It is accelerat-
ed by the acid catalysts ZnC12) ZnBr 2" and H2SO 4' The formation of
Card 1/3
On the Reaction of Nitro-olefins With S/079/60/030/006/022/033/XX
Acyl Halides BOO1/BO55
nitroso compounds as intermediates is indicated by the blue-green color
of the reaction mixture which disappears towards the end of the reac-
tion. It is assumed that the first step is an addition in the 1,4-Posi-
tion of (CH 3)2C - CHN02 (Ref-3) and is followed by addition to the
C - N bond and splitting off of the acid. The structure of the acid
halides of the a-halo-N-acyl hydroxamic acids was established by hydro-
lysis of the acid bromide of a-bromo-N-propionyl hydroxamic acid? which
gave hydroxylamine hydrobromide, a-hydroxy-isobutyric acidg propionic
acid, and hydrobromic acid. All the acid halides of the a-bromo-N-acyl
hydroxamic acids turn red on addition of a solution of iron chloride in
aqueous alcoholic solution. Tertiary nitro-olefins reacted under
similar conditions only with one molecule of acid halideq but the reac-
tion products could not be obtained in analytical purity, since they
evidently distill off together with the initial nitro--olefins. The con-
stants and yields of the compounds synthesized are tabulated. There
are 1 table and 8 references: 1 Soviet, 2 USo 3 British, 5 German, and
I French.
Card 2/3
On the Reaction of Nitro-olefins With S/079/60/030/006/022/033/XX
Acyl Halides BOOI/BO55
ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut imeni
S. M. Kirova, (Kazan' Institute of Chemical Technology
imeni S. M. KirOV7
SUBMITTED: February 23, 1959
Card 3/3
sov .0
TiTLL- colice I'll ot, P.JlYi11;-.r..~
PERIODICAL: Z'1LW1-I.--11 prikladricoy 1,,himil, lc)'O, Vol 33, Nr 1, Pp
191-195 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Trio ef'fect ot' tile C!WITIICq-1 compo,.~I,L-.Ion and stmicture
of plajtlciz;~rj on the pla~3tlclv.!,ttion of poly (vinyl
Chloride) wa:~ Btudiod by determinin- some of the
mechanical arid cheiillcal constants and a.,,Iri.,- resistance
of the pla~3tiol-.,,,ed p,)1,,, (vinyi (thlorlde). A L3hort
review of.previous work In thl~3 fleld Is given. Tne
author,,i propose a new method for calculating the
co,11poi3itio'n of tile jiil-,,mire by takin7
Into accourit the lerv,,th or Iffolecular chain.; of'
polymer and plastieizev. exlample: it was found
(Vrceii the actual distance !;,---tween the atoms in
the polymer chain and ill tht-~ PILWLII-iZer iii:)lecule),
Card that tWO FrQlCCLIlC-S 01' Lz,ibutyl p'iosphate (TBF) block
Con(: t., I'll II l.": ol, Poly1fle,1%;
3 0 VA" 3 3 - 1 -3) It/it 9
a j),,-)vL1on of p.-)lymer c~!iatn -or ~.) linl~z; oil,~ molecule
of TBF olocks a portion of polymer chain of average
m:)Iecidar, welLfht of -181.25; thus, an elementary
calculation 1~--d tu thu followl'u,,; i,atio between
the polymer and plasticlz(-:~P, 100:92).8 parts by weight,,
Calculated elemental of' the compoaent.~
d. ne, A 4- f,d/L/
.f bl
/t, e- v e-
r. e- i i
4f 1:
;D J.% /
S 0 Yo
~ M 9
CaPd 2/7
- - -
- 107.(Y)- - -
100 - - 175.9 - -
4 100 - - 77.5 -
r) wo
Concernincr Pla,,~tlclzation :X Polyfners
130me, of thc~ reoult:, oL' expc-riment.., are shown In Table
Table 2.
Hardness of C11m.; made from poly (vinyl chlovide)
and equimolar partS of different plasticizers
a conditional Nr of thC 0-
b plasticizer
c ratio of polymer,
.Hiql m() 98 8 1 5
t 00 '11' 1'7.65 1.5 5.0
PIC13ticizer and .1 Conon 100 175.2 : 1.5 !).' i
stabilizer' 4
jtl;r 100: 77.5 : 1.5
f (M: !0.5: 1.5 11A
d harness of films
The har dneso(-.; f.) C 80 part,.; by
of difVorer Ac
it plaut, -r~
aml 100 of
polymer are:
Card 3/7
Concerning Plasticization of Polymerj 7752-~~'
Composition Nr 1 2 3 1 4
Hardness (kg/cm2) 4
41 - T
Equal volumes of different plasticizers affect the
hardness of films similarly (as shown above). To
show the dependence of plasticization on the chemical
composition and structur of plasticizers, the compounds
shown in Table 3 wcre tested as plasticizers.
Card 4/~
Concerninl- Plastick-ALIon :-,f 77`2-5 o V,/'5 r, -, -~, - j
card 5/(
7 CII-Cif
119 - 12 )-c -clj,
c i I,
c 11,
\1 -):1, 13
14 3 ,
S4.0. 20
N1)3 "1l
LNI In 11*111,
M, ull'-c -1) c ell,
M fi I 1111%,
8 8, 11 5
CI[, Cli. No.
c 1-1, 11 c1 o
i; M 12 1 W: C'
4:11, kl. 11,
(is -94.5, 3 Ani
1',0, 11-1 mm
Conctirning, Pla.,;tlcization of Pol.,Ymc.,ro 'T'T 52 5
0 11/61 r
AccordinT to their degree of compatibility With P01~/
(vinyl. chloride), lk..Jhe~ ab,)ve compounds Porm tile,
followln--), series: lit, 12, Nr 2, Ili, 1, Nr b, 11r 11,
Mr. 8. Nr 12 has the hif~hest and tic 8 the lowe~,t
compatibility. It was found that only cyclic: ,'compounds
with si.--, membered rin-0 are comp-atible with poly
(vinyl chloride) arid Jbrm f i I m '~ w 141i1) 1P?,
and chemical characte'ristics (see- Table 4).
Table 4. Physical and chemical chara~,,terL~tlco o-C
pla.uticizers 12, 2, 1
b ratio of. polv, (J--)
(vinyl chloride)) 'd elongatl.on
pluoticizer and 5 66.8 _,,tyj.t)
I )I ; (Ox)) (0)01 J, -51 1.5.55 175.0
r 10) 1.5 10t.50 168.01,
Card 6/7
concernin-, pl,-1.3ticl-,ation of Polymer,13 77525
j?re,j(,jj, 11 Soviet. The U.S. rei'n-rencei- are: Stay
Kney, J. polymer Scj..j 2 237 D:)ollttle, J.
Polymer Sci-, 2, 1211 (19117); Ga.;h, Mod. plastles, 21,
119 (1c--A4) -
API'll 13, 1959
Card 7/7
Koz~gj_ ".Vo; KURASHEV V.V..
- 0
On the boixndarr, between two phases. Priroda 50 no.7:99--201 J3.
161e (=A 14:6)
lo Institut elementoo 9- g icheskikh, soyedineniy AN SSSR, Mookvao
(r0 rs and polymerization)
Synthesis'of monosubstituted 2-nitroalkyl ethers of ethylene
glycol. Trudy KKHTI no.30:92-95 162. (MIRA 16:10)
Synthesis of nitroalkyl ethers of propylene glycol. Tmdy KKHTI
no.3006-100 162. (KRA 16: 10)
Plasticization of rubber compounds with nitroparaffins and their
derivatives. Trudy KKHTI no.30:101-108 162. (KMA 16slo)
Polymerization of 1-nitro-l-propylene. Trudy KXHT1 no.30:109-115
,62. (KIRA 16:10)
Nitroalkyd resins. Report No.l: Condensation polymerization of
adipic acid with nitrodiols and nitrotriols. Trudy KKHTI no.30:
12&135 162.
Nitroalkyd resins. Report No.3: Condensation polymerization of
glutaric and pimelic acids with nitrodiols and nitrotriols.
1U~--147 (MIRA 16:10)
Nitroalkyd resins. Report No.2: Synthesis of resins based on
polyhydric nitro alcohols in malele acid. Trudy KKHTI no.30:
136-143 162. (MIRA i6:1o)
Nitroalkyd resins. Report No.4-- Polynitroesters based on
terephthalic and isophthalic acids. Trudy KKHTI no.30%148-154
162. (MM 16:10)
Nitroalkyd resins. Report NO.5t Synthesis of n1troalkyd resins
based on phthalic and 3-nitrophthalle acids. Trudy KYHTI no.30%
155-160 162. (MIRA 16%10)
Nitroalkyd resins. Report No.6: Condensation polymerization of
nitrodiols and nitrotriols with oxalic, malonic, and succinic acids.
Trudy XKHTI no.30sl6l-169 162. (MIRA 16:10
:AUTHQ x U*i
7~~' A
1.71 Nit rilmiiiz
IWROU~_ZhUnlf .63'
a3kyl-~ th., tko4oc Is t or
rosUanLqa!, 131;;~m ures P*D&c
rati6a' - - - - atabii -`id hydrol.
hers':,obM vi*d;-- than-, bbitlo;
- . p'' ___ -' ilw~ , _ "~: .'""
ej, _~O" Aout-. 2wl?i hiet-4m
w W, a sized
t r "iiil~
iir he
:441, 4
ev% Mi V*'
1963, 13N-1303:
~olyvivylch loride of, slose
At d~ V d* d 'wai 'th
h6w ~ifiii $a, no spell on
si_~ o- nly 4fterivaching a do
6s axio ~--bm shown that 6 Pusti.~;
1caht,side-fticatione and plaotiloiser-of y
-well -~-Idth rx7vinylobloAde I
A, tve mduis
-orep and &
KOZLOV, Leonid Mikhaylovich; BURNISTROV, Vasiliy ivanovich;
uVrou) -jo r. ." pr6p _' red.
(Nitrated alcohols and their derivatives] Nitrospirty i
ikh proizvodnye. KazanIx Kazanskii khimiko-tekbnologiche-
skii in-t im. S.M.Kirova, 1960. 179 p. (MIRA 17:4)
AUTHORS: Solodova, No L.; Kozlovp Le Mej Bundstrov, V, Ie
TITLE: Catalytic synthesis of nitropolyurethanes by copolymerization of
diisocyanates with nitrodiols and aitrotriols
SOURCEt Vy*sokomolek, soyedinej v* 6. no* 41 19641 722-725
TOPIC TAGS: polymerizationp polymer.. copolymerization,, copolymrj urethane
nitrourethane,, isocyanate, polyol, nitropolyol, sulfonic acid catalyst,,
toluenesulfonic acid, zinc chloride catalyst
ARSTRACT: The present investigation de:als with copolymerization of hexamethy-l-
onediisocyanate ODDIC) and 2A-toluilenedilsocyanate (TDIG) with 2-mothyl-2-
nitropropanediol-1,3 (I-ND)s 2-othyl-2-nitropropanediol-10 (EM)jq nitroisobutyl-
glycerine (NIBG), and 2-oxymthyl-2-nitrohexandiol-1.,3 (ONW) in the presence of
various catalysts. In view of the negative results obtained in ethyl acetate.
solution without, a catallats and a poor yield (30-35%) and poor polymer quality
obtained with triethy2smins, the authors performed tests with acid oatalystse
In the presence of 1% zinc cUorlde the yield of nitropolyurethane from HMDM and
124PD at 500 increased in 4 hours to 95%# A substantial catalytic effect was
also obtained from HMIC and TDIC with SM., from HMIC with NIDG, producing a ?0%
yield at 25C. ffowever,, isinc chloride produced a reaction mass of low uniformity,
with some of the catalyst remaining in the polymer, In this respectj p-toluene-
sulfonic acid proved superior to zinc chloridej it produced a polymer with a
molecular weight of 5730 (a 98% yield). The copolymerization products of
diisocyanates with nitrodiols yielded mostly colorless or slightly yellowish
products, soluble in acetone,, cyclohexane,, dimethy1formamide, nitrobenzene, and
ethanol, and insoluble in water, benzine, and carbon tetrachloride. It was
found that copolymerization of NIDG with equivalent amounts of diisocyanates may
produce either linear or. ^tridimensional polymers,, while'ORM yielded only tri-
dimensional products. Orig. arts bass 1 table.
ASSOCIATIONi Kazanskiy khimiko-takhnologicheskiy institut ime S, Ho Kirova (Kazan
Chomicotechnological Institute)
WBMnTM: 22ma763
DATE AGQ1 llMsy64
uo REF sovs oo4
E21CM 00
; "
OTERR 1 002
ri s. r .i e r-w-.
LA0294-66 .-',',7 (M)1'-'NP (j )/T 1JP(C) RM/.7
' ARC-014586 A) SOURCE COME: UR/0081/65/000/021/SO46/804~~'
AUTIFO-RS: Kozlov, L. M.; Solodova, N. L.; Burmistrov, V. I.
TITI-l-',: Hitro group-containiz4-, polyurethanesfy 1. Synthesiz;jof nitropolyurethanosAbi
polymerizing 221+-toluylonodiisocyanatelA with nitrodiols and nitrotriols
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 21S282
RUF SOURCE: Tr. Kazansk. khim.-tehhnol. in-ta 33p 1964, 198-205
~ vyP
TOPIC TAGS: polyurethane, polycondensation, polymer cross linking, polymerization
ABSTRACT: Polymorizationlof toliqlonodiisocyanate with 2-nitromothylpropanediol-
1,3; 2-nitro~2-triol-1,2,3; 2-nitroO-o--,mothylbtitaAdiol-1,3; and 2-nitro-2-oV-
nothylho.Qinotriol was investigated. Reaction was conducted at temperatures from 18
to 112C in chlorobenzene, dioxano, ethyl acetate, or butyl acetate solution. Optimal
ratio of rea-ents to each other is 1:1. ratio of reagents i solvent = 1:2. It was
found that the rate and general course of the polycondonsation reaction is analogous
to those of t1riols not substituted with nitro groups, however, the molecular weight
of the obtained polymera is lower. Polymers produced by nitrodiols at low tempera-
tures arc soluble in acetone and ethyl acetate and are precipitated from solutions
with benzene and petroleum other. Increase of the reaction temperature leads to an
increase of molecular weight from 1500 to 10 000. In thetcaso of triols, this is
accompanied by formation of three-dimensional cross-l;nked polymers. Soluble poly-
nitrouret~ianos f orm, transparent fil= highly aSjesiye*.o wood, glass, and zotal. V.
Kopylov LTranslation of abstraeV
Card 1/1/&,~SUB CODE: 11,01
ACC NRt MR40201f
AUTHOR: Solo-'ova 14. L.;.,.,11,'oz1oy,. 11 7
TITIS: Atro-containing vo11yiAr&tha-,ag.\ Part 2. Synthesis of nitropolyurethane!. by
polymerizationP,of hexamethylone diisocYanate with nitrodiols and ~itrotriols.
.SOURCE: Ref zh. Khim, Part II, Xbs- 3325,
REF SOURCE: Tr. Kazansk. khim.-tekhnol. in-ta-,_Typ. ~~, 196)4, 20i~1-213
TOPIC TAGS: polyurethane, organic nitro compound, or.-anlc isocya~-,ate cor,130!-,rd
of !u,~~nco c' -,onrl'
polycondensation of h xamethylene diisocyanatd1,.` tt-, a series of n` rod',' ar-
triols has shown that the y--eld and nolecular weight of the polyner increase in the
series of solvents chlorobenzeno - othyl acetate - dioxane; iho outimum ratio of tho
mixture of roagents to the solvent is 1 :11-, a dilution loads to a docroas-0 in
the molecular iroight and a decrease in the Tield of the nolymor -, ;i-. a < 50 0,
the reaction does not take n1aca, and although t1ar,~ to '>ICO` incraa:,-
es the vield, --it causes tho formation o' inrolulbi-j rli'16,3rlike
reaction time is 6 hr, the roac-ent ratio b ri i n ~~ 1 1.'-: t r C, 6 i C, 1 r, f 0 --..1 sal~'I, ~ 1ir,~,al- no-,-
ymers under mild conditions, and undar Tcoro dr.~:~tic onus; 100)'t d--'-
isocyanate, hi-h concentration of rea-ents or abzenco of so!-,,entN, rub!Ccr-
like products or friable oowdors inso-1folo in organic solvents and decomDosj
I L I ---- hoat-
L 4oiO7-66
I ACC NRs AR6020539
ing above 130-1"01. The stability and !,.43~t rz~z3istar,,,_"of the
,lihat on multiple purification or re-pricinitation or ex-traction wit- bo!_lin~- Zol-~or.41s.
Tor Renort No. 1, see Ref. zh. :Iim., 1965, 21`2_92. V. Koo-
I I ylov. [I~-ans -lion Of a,--
SUB CODE; 07,11
ACC NR- AP6014263 SOURCE CODE: UR/O153/66/O09/OOi/oo63/oo64
AMMOR., Kozlov, L. M.; Burmistrov, V. I.; Telkova, T.-
ORG: Denart-ment of Chemistry and Petroleum and Gas Technology, Kazan Chemical Engin-.
eerin 1~stitute im. S. M. Kirov (Kafedra khimii i tekhnologii nefti i. gaza, KazansRY4
khimilco-tokhnologicheskiy institut)
TIT!,Et Synthesis of 2ators of borIc acid
SGURCEI IIAJZ. Khimiya i khimichoskaya tekhnologiya, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 63-64
TOPIC TAGS: berate, boric acid, alcohol, organic nitro compound
A:~SMAGT: The reaction of boric anhydride with a series of primary, secondary, and
k.o-.,tiary nit-ro alcohols was studied for the first time. The alcohols used were 2-
ni-'k'.roet,hanol, 2-nitro-i-propanol, 1-nitro-2-pronanol, 2-nitro-2-mothyl-l-propanol, 2-1
nitro-1-1-butanol, 1-nitro-2-pentanol, 2-nitro-2-raothyl-3-butanol,.3-nitro-2-pentanol ,
1-ni','-ir,ethyl-2-Dentanol, and 1-nitromethyl-1-cyclohaxanol. 11-1rin--y alcohols re-
acted wit'h boric anhydride more readily than secondary ones. The reaction of ter-
Iliary alcohols was the most difficult. Under the same conditions, the yield of nitro- I
alkyl boralues decreases with increasing nolecular weight of the nitro alcohol. The
~ris-nitroal'cyl boratos obtained are vory sensitive to hydrolysis ard hyd--o3,-fze in
moist air, 'out are stable when heated to 200-2200C. Orig. art. has: 2 tables.
SUB COLE: 07/ SUP,-, DATZI 09Doc63/ ORIG REF: 002
Card i/1 UDC: S1,7.434:542.951.3
ACC NR& AR6015912 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/65/000/022/SO27/SO27
1,,; Purmi3trov, V. I.; Drabkina, L. S.
TIME': On the polymeri zation lof 3-nitro-10-pentadlenO
SOURVE: Ref. zh. Khimiyap Abs. 22S160
REF SOURCE: Tr. Kazansk. khim,-tekhnol. in-ta, vYP. 33, 1964, 227-231
TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, organic nitro compound, pontadiene
ABSTRACT: The bulk polymerization of 3-nitro-1,3-pentadion6 (I) was studied in the
presence of saturated solutions of KOH -and-KHC __TiCl41 )4Fbs, AlCl CH3014a'
dinethylaniline, triethylamineg pyridine, and lo in the e2sion of a ;9.5% aqueous
solution of polyvinyl alcohol in the pr---ence of 0.5% benzoyl peroxide. Pure I is
stable during storage in the dark for 3-6 months, and polymerizes in sunlight, form-
ing a viscous brown resin of molecular weight 300-800. Under.tho influence of admix-
turos of mineral bases, metal halides, or C2H5)4Pb, I converts in 30-5056' Yield into
dark-colored resins of molecular weight 400-900. 1 polymerizes neither in emulsion
nor in bulk in the presence of dimethylaniline. Triethylanine and pyridine in the
amount of 0.5-2.0% catalyze the polymerization of 1, forming in 10 days at about 20*
a mix-Lure of 40-50% of an ether-soluble liquid dark-brown resin of mol. wt. 600-800
and 30-415% of a light-brown solid product with m. p. 130-1450 and mol. wt. 2000-2100.
Card 1/2
ACC NRs AR6015912
The moat effective catalyst for the polymerization of I of those studied was Na
mothoxide, which causes an exothermic reaction and leads to the formation, in 3 days
at 0-5* or in 10-12 hr at 50-700, of a mixture of 30-40% of a liquid rosin with mol.
wt. 500-800 and 40-60% of a solid product with m. p. 130-i6oo and moi.wt- 2500-30,00-
Whon the reaction Is carried out at a low temperature, a more weakly colored polymer
is obtained. V. Kopylov. (Translation of abstract)
15909 (A)
SOMCECODS: UR/O081/65/OOO/O22/S014/SO14
AUTHORi Kozl2Xl-.;4,, ,;,Durm1strovj V. I.; Sharnina, A. P.
Tl'rIi,-': NitroaljaLxa_sjngL~-0 Report No. 7. Polycondensationlof 2-nitro-1,3-
proDanediol with dibasic acids
SOURCES Ref, zh. Khimiya, Abs. 22S85
RLF SOURCE: Tr. Kazansk. khim.-tekhnol. in-ta, vyp. 33, 1964, 232-235
'TOPIC TAGS1 organic nitro compound, dicarboxylic acid, polycondensation
ABSTRACT; The polycondensation of 2-nitro-i,3-propandiol (I) with chlorides (C) of
seven alinhatic and three aromatic dibasic acids was studied. An equimolar mixture
of I and b (0.1 mole each) was heated to 40-50* for aliphatic and to 600 for aromatic
C until the start of the reaction, which was kent at 25-300 for 8-10 hr and at 60-70*
for 1.5 hr. The polyesters]APE) were purified -by multiple reprecipitation with
notroloum, other from an acetone solution. The PE obtained were (t6 initial acid,
Yiold in %, m. p., molecular weighty and general aDDearance of the PE are indicated)l
~aionic, 41, 45 1
-480, 1020p dark; succinic, 79, 84--~ 94-97~
1 70, 909, dark; glutaric, 80,
i413, browrn; adiT)ic, 77y 28-300, 2605, brown; pimelic, 71, 32-3409 1163, clear;
aze!aA-c, 80, 47-~10, 2250, brown; sebacics 65, 47-500, 2563, brown; phthalic, 52,
6co, waxy: 3-nitrophthalic, 55P 29-320, 1320, waV; terephthalict 50j 6o-620,
tzansparont. PE ;btained from aliphatic acids with an odd number of C atoms melt at
-- L, '1901-66
ACC NR, AR6ol5gog
number of C atoms. For repo
,.I&Iinr te=eratures than those with an even rt No. 6, seol
zh. nimiyao i963l Abs. vs55, L. Andreyov. [Translation of abstract] I
TYURMOREZOV, Viktor Yevgrafovich, itzh.; KIRIIDV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich,
kande tekbn. nauk; KOZWV, lev Nikolayevich inzh.; LM-IIN, Te.A.,
iand, tekhne nauk., retsenzent; POZDNYAKOV, ., inzh.p retsenzent;
FELIDMAN, A.B.,, inzh.., retsenzent; KAZAKOV, A.A.# kand. tekhn,
nauk) red.1 MEDVEDEVA, M.A.j tekhn. red.
[Electric power supply to railroad communications, apparatus and
automatic. control, and remote control systems) Elektropitanie
uStroistv sviazi, avtoratiki i telemekbaniki na zheleznodorozhnom.
tra~s~orte. MoaWa, Vse,s. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va
putei soobshcheniias 19610' 215 P. (MIRA 14: 1-1)
(Electric power supply to apparatus)
(Railroads--Electric equipment)
GUTKOVSKIT, Vladimir Antonovich, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; KDZIOL. LaoiLu
,Sqrge7 red~Wtior;'
e7pTich, inzhener; TSTGANWV, A.Z., fiLzhener,
A.Te'.'_,'tekh*ichoskiy redaktor
Iraq, 1 economy for locomotives; experience of locomotive brigades on
the Pechora rairoad] Ekonomiia topliva, ua paroyozakh; opyt parovosufth
brigad Fachorskoi shelesnoi dorogi. Moskva, Goa. transp. zhelesno-
dorozhnoe izd-yo, 1955. 25 p. (mutA 9: 6)
1.Zamestitell nachallnika Pechorskoy 2holesnoy dorogi (for Gutkovskiy)
2.Nachallnik topliyno-toplotekhnichookogo otdola Pechorskojr zheleznoy
dorogi (for Kozlov).
(Locomotives--Fuel consumption)
' f~A 7r Mixed pbon-pborue-con-
Phoepborous organic polymers,
taininp polyamidoa. Vysokom.sond. 1 no.5:677-681 My '59.
(14IIIA 12: 10)
1. Institut elomentoorganichpakikh soyedinenjy All SSSR.
(A,ja "g )
AUTHORS: Prunze, T. M., Kcrshak, S07/62-501-7-23/37
Kozlov,_L, V.
TITLE: Investigat ions in th., th Ketoro~-!,Clnp-oua
Chains (I Z Dbl a S tj cation q-.
Production -~f PcIyorf, -1r.: 7 4
Oxazolones (Soobshch~~ri, do v i
poliamidoeflrov i,- "... ~1-
Izvestiya Akadp-m-,'L-- n-i--,J1- SZ S:-.. u1-
1 na
1959, Nr 3, Pp 535-57c~ tl;SS.
ABSTRACT: In the present paper "'ere
synthesized. U
products. In
order ~o obtain these b--*s-o-cazo 1(;t,,es dir-.vbo;--.r!_ic acids such as
the tereDhtliali-:1 9,).d w-IT, 117.,-~d. 2'ie-o acids are
t--,,ansfcrm,~~d under the ntar~hlo ride or
thiony'. chloride intc th-~ 3 -.C. a,~ 4ellor-Ides. In
the react_iz)n of -,h,3 7-attnr a 3olul-',)n of alkali or amino
acid N- IT'
1 -acyl-bis-(W-amin~
ic formed. By
heating these acids with a-~etlc. arLhydrid-- --c--ording to the
method described in reference ' bis-cxazolones were obtained
Card 1/3 (Table 1). Polyamides and polya-mido esters formed duo to