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Chemical Structure and Boilin,7 Temperatures of SCV/15.3-58-3-14/30
Acetylene and Diolefin Hydrocarbons
If there are two methyl groups on the first carbon, from the
one with a triple bz~nd, the boilinE ter,perature is lo-.,,-ererd by
330, if these two groups are on the secc-nd and onl further
C-atons, the boilin.- tezi-peratire is lowered by 28-. Two '-feth.1
groups on two nei,,-hborin,- C-atoms increase the boilinf-
temperature by 50. ThiAs, the uffect of the structural factors
has a strictl:~ regular character in the acetylene series. Tl,e
boiling temperatures of these hydrocarbrnE. can be determined
by the follo-wint; formula: T = T' 4- (A + Bp) (1), ,-.,here T' denotes
the boilinE; temperature of a saturated hydrocarbon of normal
structure with the same atomic number as in the acetylene
hydrocarbon, A the coefficient of the triple bond, B the
coefficient of the effect of the methyl 7roup as substituents
and p the number of the same structural factors. Thus, the
boilin:- temperature of acetylene hydrocarbons of moot various
chemical structure was calculAted (Table 1). The experimental
data were taken from the references 3 and 4. Althoqg~.the
accuracy of the calculation of these data is som-what inferior
Card 2/3 to that of the calculation of methane hydrocarbons, it still
'he ~ U 'J"j7/!
,, mical Structure and Boiling Temperatures of 15 4/'10
Acetylene and Diolef-in ifydrocarbons
demonstrated the usefulness of this method. From the
comparison of the data the author dra-,,.-s several concluSions.
This method might also be em2loYed for the acetyle--,e
hydrocarbons not yet, synthesized. In the diolefin hydro-
curbons the effect of the interaction of the doubie lborid, or,
the boiling te;.11j)-L!r~itUrV can be exprei-ied in tho farm of
certain coefficients. The effect of "he double bonds is
then clearest if these bonds are on two neighborin- C-atoms.
Then the boilin~r temperature is increased by 1,+'o. oslitli t!'.e
increase of the distance between the dou'~,lo, bonds t`,e effec-~,
mentioned above decreases and finally becomes insignificant.
The formula (1) may also be used for dicl,~-F-Jns in the sLme
sense as for acetylene. Some conclusions are drawn. The
calculation results together ;;ith the exp~,rimental dato
(according to Refs 6,7) are given in table 2. They ~i,,rree
.7e11. According to the author's opinion, the method proposed
IbY him may be used ,1for the evuluation oil some experimencul
dl-tta. -Examples are mentioned. There ar~? 2; t--.b-1--S and 8
Card 3/.,-l refere:~cest 4 of -.-, ich are Soviet.
Chemical Structure undi Boilint7 Temper;.Itures of S 0 V/ 1 ;z - 34//~7O
x.LcetYlene and Diolefin Hydrocarbons
A1-)'SfDCiATiQ:I: Pei-m3kiy sellskokliozv~~,~,., ins~titut
(Perm' A=icultural In.3titute)-Kafedra 1-him44
(Chair of Chemistry)
SU3,:AITTED: September 20, 1957
Card 4/,~
eo'- ~"aai~lytic smination of organic compounds. Part 7:Catalytic
conversions in butylamine series. Zhur.ob.khim. 28 no.q:
2384-2386 S 158. (MIRA 11:11)
Catalytic method of synthesizing vinyl eaters. Zhur. prikl. kh1m.
31 no.1:143-144 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:4)
I.Permakiy goaudaretvennyy univeraltet Im. A.M. Gor1kogo.
(Vinyl alcohol)
AUTHORSt Kozlov, N. S,, Shur, I. A. SOV120-123-1-27156
TITLE; Catalytic Synthesis of 4-Methyl-2-Phenyl-5,6-Benzoquinoline
and 2,4-Diphenyl-5,6-Benzoquinoline and Their'Derivatives
(Kataliticheskiy sintez 4-metil-2-fenil-5,6-benzokhinolina i
2,4-difenil-5,6-benzokhinolina i ikh proizvodnykh)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr,l, pp 102-104
ABSTRACT: It is known that 5.6-benzoquinoline and its derivatives are
produced by means of methods of synthesis commonly used for
quinoline compounds (Ref 1). But even the most simple compound
amongst them (Dbbner(Debner) method, Refs 2, 3) cannot be
regarded as perfect since the 2 steps of reaction reduce the
yield and complicate the operation. Some further, previously
developed methods (Refs 4-7) are insufficient as well. The
5,6-benzoquinoline nucleus is a constituent of the
physiologically active ergot alkaloid and other plants. It
might therefore be assumed that several derivatives of the
Card 113 5,6-benzoquinoline ought to possess bactericidal properties.
Catalytic Synthesis of 4-Methyl-2-Phenyl-5,6- SOV/20-123-1-27/56
Benzoquinoline and 2,4-Diphenyl-5,6-Benzoquinoline and Their Derivatives
For that reason, the synthesis under review is of scientific
and DraCtical interest. In performing the present study the
authors were led by theoretical conceptions which were alread.-
earlier reported by the first mentioned author (Ref 8). The
present tests have confirmed the correctness of the mentioned
assumptions. The Schiff bases from 2-naphthylamine and from
aromatic aldehydes (benzaldehyde, aubepi-ne, m- and p-nitro-
benzaldehyde, p-dimethyl-amino benzaldehyde) actually react
under adequate conditions with acetone and acetophenone and
produce the two compounds mentioned in the title and their
p-methoxy-, p-dimethylamino- as well as i- and p-nitro
derivatives. Most of these compounds were obtained by the
authors for the first time. As active catalyst 2-naphthyl-
amine hydrochloride was used. The mechanism of the reaction is
illustrated by schemes and equations. It was also experimentally
confirmed. For this purpose, the authors have elaborated a
modification of the synthesis of 0-2-naphthyl-amino-O-phenyl-
propiophenone. The latter was subjected to cyclization and
Card 2/3 formed 1,3-diphenyl-5,6-benzoauinoli-re. Finally the method
Catalytic Synthesis of 4-Methyl-2-Phenyl-5,6- SOV/20-123-1-27/56
Benzoquinoline and 2,4-Diphenyl-5,6-Benzoquinoline and Their DerivativeB
is described. There are 1 table and 10 references, 4 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Permskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut
(Perml Institute of Agriculture)
PRESENTED: June 14, 1958, by A. A. Balandin, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 24, 1958
Card 3/3
,)-j~) SOV/79-29-8-58/81
A.THORS: Kozlov, N, S., Shur,.I. k.
TITLE: Catalytic Condensation of the Schiff Bases With Organic
Compounds,, I. Synthesis of P-Arylamincketones and Their Hydra-
mine Cle-avage
PLI7.6LICkL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 2r1,, Nr 8,
pp 27o6 - 2709 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt Taking into consideration the inadequately worked out syntheses
and properties of the 0 -aminoketones according to references
1-5, the authors describe in the present paper a very convenient
method for the synthesis of the ~ -arylaminoketones which is
based on the reaction of the Schiff bases with aliphatic-aro-
ma-lic ketones in the presence of an acid catalyst(the hydro-
c.ilocide aminQ contained in the Schiff base):
ArN = CffAr' + RCOCH 3 A r NHTHArl
By this way a number of new compounds belonging to this class
Card 1/2 could be synthesized. The assumption repeatedly found in publi.-
Catalytic Condensation of the Schiff Bases With Organic SOV/79-29-8-58/81
Compounds.I. Synthesis of A -Arylaminoketones and Their Hydramine Cleavage
cations that the A-aminoketones easily cyclize into the
respective quinoline bases according to scheme 2 (Ref 1) holds
in the case of Ar -naphthylamine only. In the case of
Ar-phenyl the cyc:Pzation of the arylaminoketones in subjected
to a hydramine cleavage (Refs 4,P,7-). Attempts aiming at a
cyclization of the -.arylaminoketones synthesized by the
authors by means opmelting them down with zinc chloride and
heating them with hydrochloric acid did not succeed,since diring
the heating process a decomposition into the primary amine and
benzalacetophenone takes place (Scheme 3). This process is
interpreted and more thoroughly explained by means of formula
(A) as a consequence of a weakening of the -11H-CH-GO 8 bond in
the molecule of ~, -arylaminoketone due to polarization. There
are 2 tables, and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet,
Perriskiy gosudarstvennyy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Per'n~
State Agricultural Institute)
November 4, 1958
Card 2/2
5.( 3 )
AIJTIIORS: Kozlov., M_a__,_Qjaumak-ov, S.Ya.
TITLE: The Catalytic Condensation of Compressed Acetylene 'dith Aromatic Amines
in the Liquid Phase
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, pp 1149-1153 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Favorskiy and Shostakovskiy developed a safe method for using compressed
acetylene in the synthesis of vinyl ethers fRef 1_7. The reaction of
compressed acetylene with primary aromatic amines is investigated here.
There are three variants of the reaction: 1) condensation of acetylene
with the amines, the final products being quinaldine and its derivatives;
2) condensation with a mixture of aromatic amine and acetone, the final
product being 2,4-dimethylquinoline and its homologs; 3) condensation
with a mixture of primary aromatic amines with aromatic aldehyde, in
which c~,-phenylquir-ollne and its homologs are formed. Cuprou3 chloride,
mercury dichlorlde, copper acetylenide md the mercury salts of organic
acids were used as catalysts. The saturation of the reaction mass by
acetylene took formerly 30 hours, lait could be reduced to 2 - 3 hours
by the use of compressed acetylene. Mercury dichloride and the mercury
Card 1/2 salts of the acetic, propionic and butyric acid as catalysts produce
The Catalytic Condensation of Compressed A,~ety&.ene With Aromat-In Amines in the Liquid
quinaldine, cuprous chloride and coppe.-r., aoet-ylenide produce quinaldine
and indole. The pressure in the experiments was 10 - 12 atm.
There are 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Permskiy sell Ekokhozyajst-'veTMyy lnz~tltut (Permt Agricultural Insti-~ute)
SUEMI-W-ED: March 25, 1959
Card 2/2
Soveshchanlye po khliji. tekhnologlli I prtmenoniyu PMI--VOdn.VKh
PIrld1na I kh1nolina. -Itiga. 1957
Khlm--y&, tekhnologlya I pri=enenlyo proizvodnykh I
khinolina; materialy 8ovestchanlya (Chemistry, Tecnnology
and Utilization or Pyridine &nI QLL!nollne Derivattvas;
Katerlals.of the Conferente) RIga, lzd-vo AN Latviyakay
SSR, 1960. 299 p. Errat. slip Inserted. 1,0D0 copies
Spon3oring Agencies- AkAdamiya n&" Latv-4yskoy MR. jnstl~,jt
krLlAll ; Vsesoyu2noye cbshct-4ztvo.
14.1 S. Bazhanova; Tech. Ed.: A. x2y.vinya; viltorial
Board; Yu. A. B&nkovskiy. Candidate of Che~lstry I V
Vanaga, Candidate or Ch&=Lstry (R.3p . Ed.), I. P.'ZZai1;we"
Doctor of Chemistry, &W x. X. F-tlnyn'.
PURPOSE: This book to 1-ntonled for argLnIc chezist* and
ahomlc&l engineers.
COVERAGEt The collection contains 33 ar1tcleX on -thoda
of synthesizing or prod"-~~Z pyrI4 no, quimollno, arLI
their dorlvatlve3 from ~-~jj 6oes. No
are mentioned. -Fig4res, tables, and refcrsncG3 &=-c=p,,,r
the articles.
34dykav. A. S.. and 0. S.
Y "ni 'C~n"
A#!A Stato Urversity Izeni V. Z. Lentn)! .3,fnt!ietIz SltL~Ilen
Part- F. vjtk's!~zni..v' A. M. K~t-lq.
T~.- V~r~'Iva' wv! "O..
cf vn-,
Syntr~icts of
4~1 Ar-' Th-Ir
Intor& Akaler~,-.- naw<
-!A-~Iysk_QY SSR (In-titUte f.r ~f
A'.4eMy of S:je,1je3 W~IY3K~~A -&3rj)j. '!rA
Jrd&ndivne to Pyrt.-Line DerLv*-.Iv-3
M. M, [L"titut
r.,11C WSR (Instit-t- f:r H--1h
or ~h~ Alale-v Cf S71-ncc- L=R)l .37Wh-3t. a.~I'
2. ti on of Ursat~ateJ Cos,-PO~-!' Of t~ P`f.141~ and ;'i-
it jiliTeL.-
Lne Se
T- jMO5Tov%k1:- r~%"4a
. -rALty)]. cr
BA-A 12T
tr-t- t*t
543e& Frl~ PL11A.3
S,At~ Of
A171 of
N - A.1-
I j . St
jus< Irn.1 rrvttutl f~r Cht-~.*: I' -&-V If
Ky1rIKyqu1n-1l4n& Method Of 145
T*rtow. 13. A. IRIAt.V StX71 3"'t"S" Vr
-jy~~;I,,qttT73-of Q
5f -Ar,l A~V- 151
KOTI-, N. S., and 0. K. Ko=-.t-0, !?~~-Kly
Catalytic 3ynthmmo3 of 2 Ph-'rl- Dori-
vatt"o 159
krd~h~v~ V. 1. [xistov stato universt'll . Catalytit C~n-
virsl:c~n ot
0yTated Aryl OL%1~* to Q-Ilnsl'.-~x 171
Zal.Aayev, Cond.i,at'.Q~
Ity'.4-Alky! 4t'~M A:e-&'J~hy- '.n
S/15 60/003/004/022/040/YX
B 0 2 OX, 0 5, 4
AUTHORS: Shur, i. A,
TITLE: The Mechanism of Synthesis of 2--Pheny1-5,6-benzoqui1nroline
and Its Derivatives
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Khimiya
khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol. 3; No~ 44
pp- 675 - 679
TEXT: One of the authors developed (Refs-3y4) a new method of syn-
thesizing thp compound mentioned in the title and its derivatives by
means of co-condensation of 2-naphthyl amine with aromatic aldehydes
and acetylene. This synthesis is based on the concept of an interaction
of two Schiff's bases forming in the prccess, and on the cyclization of
the resulting intermediate into the a-position of the naphthalene
nucleus. On the basis of these concepts, the authors succeeded in syn-,
theoizing the compound mentioned in the title and its dArivatives by a
method developed by them in two variants. The first variant is based
on the condensation of Schiff's bases obtained from 2-naphthyl amine
Card 113
The Mechanism of Synthesis of S/15 60/003/004/022/040/XX
2-Phenyl-5,6-benzoquinoline and Its B020YB054
and aromatic aldehydes with ketones to form P.-aminoketones. The se-,ond
variant is based on the condensation of Schiff's bases with aldehydes
containing mobile hydrogen atoms to form P-amino aldehydes. Both re-
actions proceed in the presence of 2-naphthyl-,amine chlorohydrate. Very
different derivatives of 2-phenyl-5,6.-benzoquinolinol can be obtained
by introduction of homologs and derivatives of acetone and acetophenone
instead of the latter together with Schiff's basesi as well as other
aldehydes instead of acetaldehyde., Another possibility of synthesizing
the compound mentioned is based on the condensation of 2--naphthyl amino
with unsaturated ketones and diketones. The authors describe the prod-
ucts obtained in the condensation of 2-naphthyl amine with benzal
acetone, dibenzoyl methanol, and benzal acetophenone, and derive the
reaction mechanism. They describe the synthesis of the following com.-
pounds: 2-phenyl-5,6-benzoquinoline, 4-m-3thyl.z2.-phenyl-5,6-bar)zo-
quinoline, P-(2:naphthyI-amino)-P-pheny1 propiophenone, ^-;;4-di-
phenyl-5,6-ben7-iuinoline, 2-0-nitro-phenyl) 4--phenyl-5.6-benzc-
quinoline, and 2: (4-nitro-phenyl)-4-phenyl-5;6-benzoquinolins, as well
as the cyclization of P-(2-naphthyl-amino)-p-phenyl propiophenons: to
Card 2/3
The Mechanism of Synthesis of S/153/60/003/004/022/040/XX
2-Phenyl-5,6-benzoquinoline and Its B020/BO54
2,4-diphenyl-5,6-benzoquinoline. There are 7 referenfes: 3 Soviet and
4 German.
ASSOCIATION: Permskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut, kafedra khlmii
(Permt Agricultural Institute, Department of Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: December 25, 1958
Card 3/3
S/07 60/030/05/40/074
AUTHORS: Kozlov, N. S., Abramovaq Z. A.
TITLE: Catalytic Synthesis of P-Aryl-amino Ketoneal
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimiiv 1960, Vol. 30, No. 5, PP- 1595-1596
TEXT: One of the authors described in a previous paper (Ref. 1) a method
of synthesizing P-aryl-amino ketone by catalytic condensation of SchifVs
bases with aliphatic-aromatio keton:s (first variant), or by catalytic
condensation of primary aromatic amines with chalkones (second variant)l
in another paper (Ref. 2), the mechanism of this condensation was clari-
fied. The present communication continues these investigations. The
primary aromatic amines p-ethyl aniline and p-amino oymene, and the
aliphatic-aromatio ketone p-methoxy acetaphonons were used as initial
products. 7 P-aryl-amino ketones were synthesized from these compounds
by means of the two variants of the afore-mentioned method which have
not yet been described in publications. A table gives for each of these
7 ketones yield, melting point, and nitrogen content. The Schiff's bases
used in the first variant were obtained from the two mentioned primary
Card 1/2
Catalytic Synthesis of P-Aryl-amino Ketones S/07 60/030/05/40/074
B005Yj3O! 6
aromatic amines and different aromatic aldehydes. In both variants of the
above-mentioned methodg the hydrochloride of the amine condensed was used
as a catalyst (second variant), or the one which formed Schiff's base
(first variant), In agreement with the data in publications (Refs. 1-4),
the P-aryl-amino ketones synthesized are hydrolyzed on heating with con-
centrated hydrochloric acid, and are transformed to give the initial
products (primary amine and chalkone). In an experimental part, the two
variants of this method of synthesis, as well as the reaction conditions
of hydrolysis of the amino ketones, are described in detail. There are
I table and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Permskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Perm' Institute
of Agriculture)
SUBMITTED: May 29p 1959
Card 2/2
I -__AOZIDVI M.S. ~_ PAX, V. D.
Catalytic condensation of Schiff bases, synthesized from
p--aminobenzoates and aromatic aldebydes, with aromatic
ketones. Zhur.ob.khim- 30 no.7:2400-2402 Jl 160.
WRA 13:7)
1. Permskly eel'okokho%yuystvennyy institut.
(Schiff bases) (Condensation products)
KOZ14)V, II.S.;. SHTIR, I.A.
Cataly*tic condensation of Schiff bases vith methyl-p-tolyl ketone.
Part 6. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no.8:2492-2496 Ag '60. (HIRA 13:8)
1. Permski7 sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut.
(Schiff bases) (Ketone)
. AQUOYI-N.S.1- Smm, I.A.
Cataly-tic condensation of Schiff bases with organic substances.
Part 3: Mechanism of the s7nthesis of P-arylamino ketones.
Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no.8:2746-2748 Ag I6o. (MM 13:8)
1. PermaiskV sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut.
(Schiff bases) (Ketones)
Catalytic condensation of Schiff bases, synthesized from ~-
aminodiphenyl and aromatic aldehydea, vith aliphatic-aromatic
ketones. DokI.AW SSSR 132 no.4:8394M Je '60. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Permskiy gosudaretvennyy sel'skokho%yayutvennY7 institut im.
.D.N.Pryanishnikova. Predstableno akademikDm A.A.Balandinym.
(Schiff bases) (Ketones)
Citalytic condensation of Schiff' basr-, with nethyl-Onaphthyl ketone.
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 4 no.4:614-616 161.
(Ijuw~ 15.,l)
1. Permskiy sel'skokhozyAystvenriyy Institut, kafedm k):imii-
(Schiff bases) (Ketone)
KOZLOV9 H.S.; ~Uv V.D#
Catalytic condensation of Schiff bases obtained from eaters
of aromatic aldehydes with aliphatic-aromatic ketones. Zhur.
ob. khim. 31 no* 2:497-499 F 161. (MMA 14:2)
(Schiff bases) (Aldehydes) (Ketones)
Catalytic-synthesis of halogen derivatives of,4$-aryl amino
ketones. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2234-22)6 J1 -1~1. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Peimskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut.
Catalytic synthesis of ~-arylamino ketones. Zh=.ob.khim. 31
no.1293894-3896 D 161. (KMA 15:2)
1. Pemskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut imeni DaNoPryanishnikovae
X--- I.-
Synthesis of 11-arylamino ketones and their hydramine cleavage.
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 5 no.2.-342-345 '62.
(MA 15:8)
1. Permskiy pedagogicheskiy institut, kafedra khimii.
(Ketones) (Amines)
Synthesis of p-ethoxy and p-ethyl derivatives of p-arylamino
ketones. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.2:436-1+39 F 162. (MIM'15:2)
,__ ~1~ s
Action of piperidine on $-arylamino ketonea. Zhur.ob.khim.
32 no.8:2428-2431 Al '62. (HM 15:9)
(Piperidine (Ketone)
Synthesis of d-arylamino ketones and their hydramine
cleavage. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3386-3390 0 162.
(MIRA 15:11)
1. Permskiy sallskokhozynystvannyy institut.
(Ketones) (Schiff bases)
Synthesis of some derivatives of biphenyl. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.8t2426-
2428 Ag '62. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Permskiy sellskokhozyaystvepnyy institut.
__L_ _.* L.Yu.
Catalytic condensation of acetylene with aromatic amines. Part 299.
Reaction mechanism.* 33 no-4;1079-1081 Ap 163~
(MIRA 1940
1. Permskiy aeltakokhozyaystvannyy institut.
(Acetylene compounds) (Amines) (Catalysid)
Catalytic condensation of Schiff basds with malonic ester. Zhur.
ob.khim. 33 no.7t2387-2389 Jl 163. (HIRA 16:8)
1. Permskiy sellskakhozyaystvannyy institut izwni D.N.Pryanishnikova.
(Schiff bases) (Malonic acid)
Addition of piperidine and morpholine to chalcones. Zhur.ob.khim.
33 no.7:2184-2188 Tl 163. (MIRA 16:8)
(Piperidine) (Morpholine) (Chalcone)
Catalytic synthesis of antipyrine derivntives. DokI. AN S= 154 no.6;
1382-1384 F 164. (WRA 17:2)
1. Permskiy se1'skoJcbozyaystvennyy inatitut im. D.N.Pryanishnikova.
Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Balandinym.
K 0 f t V ;N~S.
i khirn. tr;kh.
(MIRA 17-4)
SyriLliesin of fLuoro derivativeo of para-widnoborizoic aclO.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav., khJ.m i khim. tekh. 7 no-5:787-79( 164
(MIRA 13tl)
1. Kafecira khLmil Permskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo instituta
imonl akadem-:Ika D.N. Pryanishnikova.
Catalyzed condensation of azomethines with aliphatuic-aromatic ketones.
Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:298-303 Ja '64. (MA 17:3)
1; ) N.S.; SONICH, I.P.
OC -Furyl-/3-aminoaryl ketones. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:927-929
Mr 164. QJIRA 17:6)
1. Permskiy peda.-ogicheakiy institut.
Preparation of 2-phenylbenzoxazole frova aromatic nitro
compounds. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.8:2811 Ag ',-)4.
17: c/1)
1. Permskiy pedagogichesiciy institut.
aynthaoizg of cerivativen of Synthesis
of quaternary .9alts of 4-styryl derivatives of 2-pheriyl-5,6-benzo-
quinoline. Izv.v-js.ucbeb.zav.; kbim. i khim.t,--kb. 7 no.2:347-349
164. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Permskiy pedagogicheskiy institut, kafedra b-him-ii.
Y,9. ucl-1). khjm. Z.'
- : : =- U- --'
Catalytic interaction of the ethers of phenolo with dimethyl ethers.
Izv*vye,ucheb.zavs; khimo i khim,tekh, 8 no.2:347-349 165-
1, Permskiy podagogichookiy InBtitut,, kafedra obshchey kbimii*
Catalytic synthesis of ~;-~laminoketone nitro derivatives.
Zhuro org. khIm, 1 no,9:i638-1640 S 165.
Activity of aliphatic aromatic ketones. Ibido:164.1-1642
OMIRA 18-12)
1. Permskiy sallskokhozyaystvenn)y institut. Submitted
ju-iy 16, 1964.
K021OV, 11. V. .1w.
UM/1160tricity Jan 1948
lAghtin$, Iudustrial
Muminatim - Standards
"New Standards," N. V. Kozlov., &,gr, 2~ pp
"Vest Lazher i Tekh" No 1
All-Union Camittee on Standards, 22 Jul 1947, Con.-
firmed series of standards on artificial lighting in
industrial enterprises. Recomendations have the
following sections: 1) fields in vhich these stand-
ards apply, 2) general status, 3) equipment for in-
side illumination, 4) equipment for outdoor illumi-
nation, and 5) constants in illinnination,
USSR/114-trioity mar 1948
LightlieJ Mistrial
"New Specifications for Artificial mumination in Til
dustrial Installations," N. V. Kozlov, &gr, All-Uhlo
Camittee for Standards, Council of Ministers USSR,,
3 pp
"XLektrichestvo" No 3
New standards.became effective an specifications for
artificial illumination of industrial installationi
22 Jun l947. Briefly describes ame points of new
specifications and standards.
low 47T26
AUTHORt KOZIOV, N.V.? Engine,)r~
TITLEt The Role of Standardization and Typification in Constructior
Must Be increased ( P-)ry9_i t I --al I standazt _Izatsil f tip,*.
zatsii V StTOiltell9t7e)
PERIODICALt Standartizataiya, 1958, PP '7-'0 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The author outlines the present state of standqrdization of
construction elements in the USSR and it5 tasks in connection
with the de3isicns ol" the Ali--Union ccnferenre on construction
which convened in April 1958. It is poiri+ed out that the ex.4-
sting organization cf types has n-yt stopped de-elopmen't, of
different specificatiQns by differen-, organizations. Some -in--
dustrial organizations prefer to manufacture by their own
(branch) specifications instead of by the state standards
which require higher quality. Construction parts produc9d by
plants are still too heavy ard expenqji~e,, :,ft,3n they are no~
interchangeable and require "f4.tting': at tt~e si-~e bqause of
inaccurate dimensions. The variety of exist-i.n~ parta J_s ii-
luztrated by an example of house constru:~ticn in Moscow in
1957. A total of 144 different type-sizes of flooring and
covering elements, 32 type-.sizes of stair flights and 'Landings
Card 1/2 were used. The plants of GI-a7zhelezobet-.)n prod-aced 500 differ-
The Role of Standardization and Typif_J~'aticr, in,~tion Dust Be In-
ent type-sizes of reinforced concrpte P.Iementp of
the 228 prescribed by Mosgoriepolkcm. The standard
gn charY4r%`-qriqt1.,;_'1 of ruial
of 1954 for the fundamen-,-al desir I
houses (spans, heAghts, is menti,,)ned aq an example to be
followed. The importarce of prospeotJva s-,andards is emphasLzed
and the lack of speGial literature on standardizat~.on 5,n the
field of construotion is poirted out.
Card 2/2 1. Construction--Equipme-it 2. Construction--Standards
3. Standardization
AUTHOIt. -Koziov, i~.V. , Engineer 228-58-2-21/41
'~1'TLE: lindo-as and Balcony Doovo for
btilkoriryyu diveri d1yo zhilykii
P21?,110i)IUAL 6tandartizatsiya, 1956, Iir 2, p 'j8 (U361i'
AbjTiIACT; The article contains information on the "GO.~T 8671-56" for
wooden windows and balcony doors of apartment houses with a
story height (from floor to floor) of 5 m. The nev: standard
has been approved by Gooctroy and replaces thi,; 1,L-rt Of
Lhe old "GOjT 6"30-1
Q The number of 3tandard %rpe-sizes for
window frames is reduced from 61~ tc 24, and that of balcony
doors from 65 to 7. Both windows and doors must br~ :3--,_lied
completely finished.
A660CIATION: Gosstroy 3S6R
iIV;~ILABLE: Library of ConUres3
,ard 1/1 1. Buildings-Standards 2. Standar-dization-USSR
AUTHOR: Kozlov, N.V.t Engineer
TITLE: Methods of Testing and Assessing Prefabricated Reinforced
Concrete Parts (Metody ispytaniyn i oto,~nki ,31bornykh
zhelezobetonnykh detn1ley)
PERIODICALt Standartizatsiya, 1959, Nr 2, PF 41-42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The "GOST 8829-58" for testing and evaluating prefabricated
reinforced concrete parts was approved by the USSR Gosstroy.
The COST coordinates and describes the testing of durabili-
ty, hardness and break resistance of ordinary or prestressed
prefabricated concrete parts. At present only small con-
Card 1/2
parts are regularly checked as tests of large com-
ponents such as girders and beams are both complicated and
expensive. The new COST does not require testing of large
parts if all technical and constructional specifications
are strictly adhered to. If this is not the case, then
break tests must be done. The new GOST also standardizes
indices for an objective assessing of these components
after testinL,
25(5) "DOV/28-59-2-l-' ~26
Methods of Testing and Assessing Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Parts
ASSOCIATIONs Gonatroy SSSR (The USSR Gountroy)
Card 2/2
Prestressed reinforced concrete constructions. Standartizatslia 24
no.11:41-43 11 160o (MIRA 13:11)
(F~-estreseed concrete construction-Standards)
KOZ inzh.,, red.; PETROVA, V.V.., red. J zd-va; MOCHALDIA, Z.,,
tekhn. red,
[Technical specifications MU 7-5-61 for devices for fastening
deeply corrugated asbestos cement sheets) Tekhnicheskie usloviia
na pribory dlia krepleniia asbestotsementnykh volnistykh listov
usilennogo profilia; KHTU 7-5-61. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po
stroit.., arkhit. i strolt. materialem, 1961. 20 p. (MIRA 14-.12)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy kmitet po delam
(Asbestos cement) (Fastenings)
Wooden windows and door3. Stanc rtizatsiia 27 no.1:48-50 ja
163. (MIRA 17:4)
ACC NR1 AP5023739 UR/0224/65/000/008/0044/0046
AUTHOR: Kozlov, N. V. (Engineer)
TITLE: Polymeric materialsAn construction N'
SOURCE: Byulleten, stroitellnoy tekhniki, no. 8, 1965, 4446
TOPIC TAGS: construction material,, polyethelene, plastic, solid mechanical property
ABSTRACT.i This article lists and discusses the basic characteristics of tubed,' made of low
denalty and high draity polyethylene by continuous worm screw extrusion, and.of glass-re-
, g Nn-_ -
inforced plastics.l. Data presented cover (for tubes) the resistance to pressure as actrom of
T_ Ft require-
size an We hickness,. material density, stability to cold, relative strain, and the
ments.imposed on the steel used, as the. outer shell of tubes and (for the plastics) the outline of
production technology, the tensile and bendin.g strength, Young's modulus, density, - light
transmission, and water absorption, The author lids various factories producing the poly
merle materials discussed.. Orig. art. has: 4 tables.
summrm:oo ENCL- 00, SUB CODE: -NIET
NO REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 000
Soviet measuring instrument-s at the exhibition in Sokollniki.
Izm. tekh. no.11:54-57 N 165. (MMA 18:12)
Civil aviation In people's China. Grazhd.av. 12 no.6:37-38 Je 155.
(W..RA 9:5)
(China--Aeronautics, Commercial)
-Aviation abroad. Grazhd. av. 12 no.7:35-39 Jl 155. (MIRA 11:6)
(Aeronautics, Commercial)
Commercial aeronautics in the Bulgarian People's ReFublic. Grazbd.
av. 12 no.8:37-38 Ag 155- 0 (MIRA 15:8)
(Bulgaria--Aeronautics, Commercial)
Air transportation of the United States in 1955. Grazhd.av.1-3
no.12:36 D 456. (HLRA 10:2)
(United States--Aeronautics. Commercial)
KOZLOV, n,-V..,-.jnzhener
Gigantic passenger airplanes. Nauka i tekh m1adezh
no.12:3-5 D 157.
KOZLOV, N.. inzhener.
Air exoresa. Tekh.mol, 25 no.8:16, 33 Ag '57. (IG2A 10: