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GOROKHOV. I.G., KARAVAYFV.A, Z.F., ISY'~ t..,.,.AjtTAMONOV, G.V.. red.; .jt~Lt SHAMOVA, T.A. aredvtzdva., ROKANOVA, V.Vq & telchn,rad, Napa tind htInses; a entn1oc] rarty i atlney: katalog. [Koekvnl Glarknigotorg M-va kulltury SSSR, 1958. 105 -p;'-[Order blanks for the entnlog "Hape and Atlases."] Zaknz po kntplogu "Karty i atlnsy." 1958. 42 p. (MIRA 11:9) (Bibliography--Maps) MWWROVA, G.H.,; SMWV. S.I., red.; BASHUYINA, G.N., red.; YOROKINA, A.N., red.; GURBVICH, I.Y., red.; ZASUVSKIY, I.I., red.; KOZLOV, P.M., red.; LARIN, D.A., red.; RAUSH, V.A.. red.; SAMOi6O-VTT.-r-; SINMnOVA, G.K., red.; SLADKOVA. Te.A.. red.; STROYEV, K.F., red.; SCHASTHXV, P.N., red.; TUTOCHKIM, V.A., red.; RRMT, V.G., red. [Geographical atlas for the fourth grade] Geograficheskii atlas dlia 4-go klassa. Moskva, Glav.uprav.geodez. i kartografii K-va geol. i okhrany nedr SSSR. 1960. 16 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Atlases) SURONQVA, V,A.,; SIMMY, S.I., red.; BASHLAVINA, G.H., red.; TORONINA, A.H., red.; GUMITICH, I.V., red.; ZAMAVSKIT, I.I., red.; _i~oy ~F_,- red.; LARIN, D.A., red.; RAUSH, V.A.. red.; SAMOTLOTA. I.I., red.; SLA OVA, Te.A., red,; SPROYET, K.F., red.; 3CEL=NEVp P.N.. red.; TUTOCHKINA, T.A., red,; IRDMI, T.G., red.; DYU22EYA, A.M., red.kart; POLTANSKATA, L.A., red.kart [Geographical atlas of the U.S.S.R. for the seventh grade] Geogra- fichaskii atlas SSSR dlia 7-go klasus. Moskva. 1960. 31 col WISPRO (miRA 14:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye geGdezii i karto- grafii. -C MFJWR, M.M.,; SHUROV, S.I., red.; BASHLAVINA, G.N., red.; VORONINA, A.N., red.; GUMICH, I.V., red.; ZASLAVSKIY, I.I., red.; .jKPg~OY,__F,.j4.i red.; LARIN, D.A.. red.; LYALIKOV, H.I., red.; HAMAYEV, I.I., red.; NIKISHOV, M.I., red.; RAUSH, V.A., red.; SAHOYLOV, I.I., red.-; SLAIKOVA, Ye.A., red.; STROYZV, X.F., red.; SCHASTIM7, P.N.. red.; TTJTOMINA, V.A., red.; ER I, V.G., red.o, BUSHUYEVA, M.P., red.kart; DYUZHNVA, A.M., red.kart; KROTKOV, B.S.9 red.kart: HNSYATSWA, L.H., red.kart; FMOVA, Z.P., red.kart; POLYiI3J.'k.,.YA, L.A., red.kart; SAFROHOVA, V.A., red.kart; YBDOTOVA, N.I., red.kart; FETISOVA, N.P., red.kart; CHEMiYSMA, L.N., red.kart; BUIaMIOVA, N.I.,; KU2NETSOV.A, O.L.,; NIKCLAUTA. I.11,p tekhneredo [Atlas of th3 U.S.S.R. for the secondary school; course in economic geo- \,gaphyl Atlas SSSR dlIa Brednei shkolyl kurs ekonomleheskol geogrefIl. oglcva Glav.uprav.geodez. i kartograf i M-va geol.i okhrany nedr SSSR, 19 0. 30 V* (Geography, Economic--MBpa) (KIRA 13:12) KOZLOV; F.M. A, Atlas of the Ukra4nign S.S.R. arul the Moldavian S.S.R. G*A. i kart. no-5:60-62 I~r 162. WIRA 15:7) (Uk~aine-Maps) (Moldavia-Maps) KOZLGL F.M. Atlas of the U.S.S.R. Geod.i kart. no.8:65-68 4 162. (KFA 15:8) (Ruseia-maps) KOZLOV, F,M, Now sellool atlases and maps. Geog. v shkole 25 no.1:0,3-94 Ja-F 62. (MIRA 15:1) (Atlases) BARANSKIY,, N.; KOZLOV, F.M.; POPOV, A.P. Bookshelf. Geog. v shkole 25 no-4:93-94 Jl-Ag '62, (KRA 15:8) (Bibliography-Geography) KOZLOV, F.M. Now mapa. Goog. v shkole 25 no.3:96 Ily-je 162. (14DUl 15:7) 1. Redaktor Glavnogo upravleniya goodezii i kartografii. (Bibliography-41aps) KOZLOVY F.M. New atlases and mapq, Geog, v shkole 25 no-5:91-92 S-0 162. (t-IIN, 15:9) (14aps) KO.". lvv , ". I 'Xi oal ea onomi c m;i ~- r of -(-f' 1 . (1;1~7'J' . ( .~ :;r,.'~:-/,`7 S 1~4. - -L 1'!: 12) KOZLOV,, F.M. Geographic atlas of Kalinin Province. Geod. i kart. no.11158-60 N 164, (MIRA 1882) PROKOPIYEVA, M.S.; FILYUSHENOK, S.V.; INIKOLAYEVA, R.I.; CHECFJWOVA, M.V.; MIKMYLOVA, A.A.1 STRMOVA, A.V.; IOPUKU, II.Ye; XOZW F.F., red.; - VOINOV,, K.F., red.; BABESHKINA,, K.v tekhn. red. [Economy of Pskov Province; statistical collection] Narodnoe kho- ziaistvo Pskovskoi oblasti; Btatisticheskii. sbornik. Leningrad Gosstatizdatp 1960. 175 p. (MIRA 14:61 1. Pskrv (Province) Statiatichesko-ye upravloniye.2. Rabot- niki ~tatisticheakogo upravleniya Pokovskay oblasti (for an except Kozlov, Vainav,-Babeshkina). 3. Va-b-11nik Statiatiahaskogo upravleniya Pskovskoy oblasti (for Kozlov). 4. Zamestitell nachall- nika Statisticheskogo upravleniya PskovskOT, o lasti (for Voinov) (Pskov Province-Statist s~ 1-0 KOZLOV, F.P. flew develoDmento in thm upgrowth of induatr-j and transportation. Gflo,q,. v Bilkole 21 no. 1:15-22 Ja-F '58. tHIRA 11:7) (Ks zaldista n-- Industries) (Ka zakheta n--Tra neportit Ion) KOZLOY, F.; SHISHMANTAN, Zh.; GAGARNIKOVA, T.; KOVAL', V. Ultra-ehortwave operators on the air. Radio no.11:17 N '56. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Predeadatel' korotkovolnovoy i ulltrakorotkovolnovoy saktoiy radlocluba. Tereven, Armentya (for Shishmanyan). (Radio, Shortwave) AUTHORS: Kozlov, F., Baganov, 3. 107-58-6-28/58 TITLE: More Attention to the Ult~ashort Wave Sport (Bol'she vnima- niya UKV sportu) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 6, p 24 (USSR) AL3TRACT: The constantly increasing number of ultrashort wave radio stations requires strict discipline from all radio amateurs. Receivers with poor or improper modulation should be restrict- ed from operation, since they disturb the work of other radio statiohs. Card 1/1 1. Radio-Amateur personnel 2. Radio-Operation 3. Radio- Restrictions AVMR: Kozlov, F. P. 86-58-6-30/34 TITLE: ~K Checkiftg"W-ii~ for Thyratrons (Prisposobleniye dlys, proverki tiratronov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 6, p 8o (USsR) AWMACT: The author gives a description of his device for checking the ef- ficiency of thyratrons of the TG2-0.VO.l type used in aircraft radio equipment. The device consists of the following parts: a metal or vx)oden frame, a tube socket, a double wire with plug, a high voltalp filter inductor, an HU-13AM motor-generator set, a potentiometer (250 ohm )., a variable resistor (200 ohms), and K-205 or K-204 type keys. The circuit is fed by the aircraft power plant at 22-28 v. There is one diagmm. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 SOV/86-59-30/39 AUTHORS: Kozlov, F.P. TITLE: A Portable Set (Perenosnaya ustanovka) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo, flota, 1959, Nj- 1, P 71 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author states that in his unit a portable set was built which permits the checking of the electric parameters of bomb racks, electric starter, and the electrically controlled valves of the pneumatic system. It also can be used as a circuit tester. There is one diagram. Card 1/1 NOZLPY,Z&IL, KOSYGIU. A.N. I ZASYAD'KO, A.E.; NESMKYANOV, 1-N.; AUTROPOV, F-Ya.; YXLYUTIN, V.P.; YaJDAKOV, A.P.; KIRILLIN, V.A. ; TOPCHrrAV, A2-dr V., BLAGONUVOV, A.A. ; SHWTAXOV, L.D.; MULIN, A.A. ; KELIHIKOV, If-V- ; KRASIJIKOVSK IY, G. V. ; TOPCHMV, A-y V. ; B OYKO, A. A. ; BRATCHFMO, B - F. GRAFOV, L-Ye.; KUZIMICH. A.S.; RRATM4KO, I.M.; MAITIKOVSKIY, G. I.; PLA S12T, I.N.; AGOSHKOV, M. I.; SPIVAKOVSKIv,, LO.; POC-MMOV, K. I.; KRASOZOV, I.P.; KOZHEVIN, G-V-; LIND7-.IAU, H.I.; KUZNETSOV, K.K. Academician A-A.Skochinskil; obituary. Bezov.truda, v prom. 4 no.11: 18-19 it '6o. (MIRA 13:11) (Skochinskii, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, 1873-1960) -KOSYGIN, A.N.; ZASYA-D'KO, A.F.; NESNEYANOV, A.N.; ANTROPOV, P.Ya.; YELYUTIN, V.P.; IWAKOV, A.P.; KIRILLIN, V.A.; TOPCHIUIV, Alck.san-Ir V. ; BLIGOIrAAVOV, A-jL ; SIMVYAKOV, L.D. ; SHILIN, A.A.; M2HILINIKOV, N.V.; KRASNIKOValY, G.V.; TOPCHITEV, Aleksey V.-, BDYKO, A.A. , B11ATC10TKO, 13-P.; GILUOV, L.Ye.,- KIJZIMICH, A..;.; KRATEKKO, I.M.; 1.!Ali'KOV.WIY, G.I.; PLAKSIN, I.N.; AGOM)OV, M-I.-, SPIVAKOVSKIY, A-O.; POCK-21KOV, K.I.; KRASOZOV, I.P.; KOZnVIII, G.V.-, LINIWAIJ, N.I.; KIJZNETSOV, K.K. Academician A-A.Skochinal,~li; obituary. Hast.ugl. 9 no.11:22 H (MIRA 1.3;12) (Skochluklt, Alekeandr AlaksarArovich, 1873-196o) KOZLOV, F.R.; KObIGIII, A.M.; 7,ASYADIKO, A.F.; NESMANOV, A.H.; ANTROPOV, P.i-a.; YELUTIN, V.P.; RUDAKOV, A.F.; KIRILLIN, V.A.; TUPCHPUEY, Aleksandr V.; BLAGONRAVOV, A.A.; SljEVYAKOV, L.D.; SHILIN, A?A?; RELINIKOV,ILV.; KHASNIKOVSKIY, G.V.; TOPCHIYEV, Aleksey Y.; BOrKO, A.A.; BRATCHENKO, B.F.: GRAFOV, L.Ye.-, KUZ114ICH, A.S.: KRATZNKO, I.M.; MANIKOVSKIY, G.I.; PJAKSIN, I.N.; AGOSHKOY, M.I. SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O.; POCiNIZOV, K.I.; KRASOZOV, I.F.; KOZHEVIN, G.V.; LINIMLAU, N.I.; KUZNETSOV, K.K. A.S.Skochinskii; obituary. Vest.AN BSSR 30 no-11:73-75 H 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Skochinskii, Aleksandr Alekaandrovich, 1874-1960.) BOKSHITSKIT, Ta.M.. inzhoner; PEWSBV, M.A.. in~oener: KOZLOV, F.Y.. Inzhener. Avoiding the formation of axial cracks in alloy steel i ots. ~ stall 16 no.7:602-608 JI 156. ~NLRA q.-9) 1. TSantr&llrqy nauchno-isuledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii i Zlatoustovskiy metallurgichookiy zavod. (Stael--Electrometallurgy) (Steel ingots) AUTHORS; L~~~,_,__Tenenbaurrj I. M. S/089/62/012/oo6/ol6/019 31C2/B104 TITLE: Systematic errors of gamma-ray assaying and possible means to eliminate them .'PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 6, 1962, 535-556 TIXT: The systematic errors occurring in the process of measuring the --amma-ray intensity (in gr/hr) of ores and its conversion to uranium equilibrium per cents (cf. Shashkin, Atomnaya ener_~iya, :1, No. 1, 48; No. 2, 157, 1957) are estimated. From a comparison of the results of gamma-ray and "groovo cosaying" for five uranium deposits, it can be oeen that the first yields values which are hiiher by 27-133'11'- For pay ores the valuee agre; within 3-9-', and for rich ores gamma-ray assaying shows a 6-53',a s's%enzatic depression of the values. In order to get reliable accurac . .1 vatimates such comparisons were made for 1166 different samples from fitt! iLines and for 46 samples from four mines of one deposit with impre6n_t.~d ore. The effects which leaud to the raised-values in gamma-ray assaying were analyzed. The actual content of uranium can be Card 1/2 8/089/621/012/006/016/019 SYstematic errors 3f Aamma-ray B102/B104 determined Irom nurvea of the above-mentioned comparison. There are 4 fi'ures- 3 jB;.. 1-2-1 ED: October. 28, 1961 Card 2/2 KOZLOV, F. V., Engineer, and B. I. SMIRNOV, Engineer "Methods of' Determining the Productive Capacity off Shipyards." (Determining Productive Capacities in Machinery Manufacturinf') Nl(,,scow, Nllash~,iz, 1957. 75 PP. KOKICHEV, Valentin Nikolavevich; KOZLOV, F,V., retsenzent; YERQ,',ITSKAYA., Ye.Ye., red. (Noncircular joints in marine engineering] Nakruglye soedinenLia v sudovom mashinostroenii. Leningrad, Sudo- stroenie, 1965. 116 p. (MiRl is: 5) YIOZILVR I ho Standard hydraulic equipment for macbIne-tool units and automatic lines. 1.1a-shinostroenie no.3:1/+-22 My-Je 162. (MIrU 15:7) (Machine tools-Hydraul-ic drive) Mum. G. ~, From conventional machine tools to tools with program control. Znan.nila 35 no.7:7-8 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Automatic control) (Machine tools) KOZLOV, -.. Building of communism and several methodological problems of economics. Vop. ekon. no.1:36-52 A 164. (MIRA 17:3) KOZLOV, Oenrikh Abramovich Kozlo-v, Genrikh Abramovich Economic calculation in a socialist society 2. izd. perer. Moskva Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry,1945. 89 p. V pomoshch 1-zuchaiushchim politicheskuhi ekonomiiu (51-22769) HC335-K872 1945 Abramovich Kozlov, Genrikh Abramovich 0 platiletnem plane vosstanovleniia i zszvitAa narodnogo khoziaistva. SSSR na, 1946-1950 9g. Materialy dlia lektorov -- propagandistov sbornik state! i lektsee concerning the Five-Year Plan for the reconstruction andcbvelopment of the national econoV. of the USSR for 1946-1950. Materials for lecturers and rronagandists Yoskva Izd-vo Vyssl~,el PartUnol S'nkoly-pri TSK VKP (b) a,946 183 p. KOZLOV, G. USSR/Govt Iconamle Policy 41JY2. and Doc 1947 3141.0205 Monetary Reform 4909. "Advantages of Soviet Monetary System and Monetary Ref orm.,(%, Koziov, 10 pp "Partiynaya Zhiznl" No 24 Discusses USSR monetary system., how it benefits .workers and how It.19 related to recent monetary refom, Comparlsone made between aftereffects of Var an USSR econooW:ana that, of capitalistic coun- tries. Monetary reform explained away, in part, by vast Increase of money In circulation during period .'of lesser consumer production. Cites military ex- penditures from 1940-1947 as factor. LC 16G" 16G35 KOUX07, D.M.; KOZUX, G.A., redaktor. lwam,31 Zarabotnaia plata. Moskva, Vyoahaia partilnnia ahkola pri TsK VSS* 1954. 28 p& (MIBA 8: 4) (WageE;) BUDARIN, V.A.: PAIMUM, U.A. KOZWV G A., otvetstveaW redEilctor; ~U*'Rnogo radaktors; RAGHKO, V., ZHDANOYA, Z.A., zameatite, 0 redaktor; UIROYN, A., tokhnicheekly, redAktor [Album of visual aide for studyiv, polttical economy; "capitalism" section] Allbom neglisdr7kh popobii po politicheakoi ekonomli; razdel "Kapitelizm." Clening*radl Goo.izd-vu polit.lit-ry. Pt.2. 1956. 38 Plates. (HLRA 10:10) 1. Kommunistichaskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysehaya partlynaya skola. (19conomic conditions) wC 2- L-C, .; , 67- r\ , KOZIOV, Genrikh.Abramovich; AROV, 0., red. [First steps in the development of commodity production; an Introduction to the theory of commodity production] Pervye stupeni v razvitii tovarnogo proizvodstva; vvedenie v teoriiu. tovarnogo proizvodetva. Mosj:v&, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-r-y. 1957. 134 p. (MIRA 11:2) O~conomicB) KOZLOV G ~~ -, rp. ~. I , 1' ~- - - The quantity of money circulation indispensable in a socialist economy. Vop.akon. no.2:34-48 F '57, (KM 10:5) (money) ABRAMOV, V.A.; ALLTSEYW, A.H.; ALOT~'R, L.B.- ARAKELYAll. A.A.- BAKUNOV, G.I.; BOWHOiDV, O.T.; 3CR, M.Z.; 3PYGEL'. BASOVA, I.A.; BLYU14111, I,G.' H.Ya.; VNYT811104, II.R.; VIKII)T'YXV, A.I,; GAL'TSOV. A.D.; GERTSOYST-ATA, II.R.; GLADKOV. I.A.; I)VOKIN. 1.N.; DRAGILE'll, H.S.; YMMOV, A.H.; ZHAIIIII, V~A., ZHUK, I.N.; ZAMY.ATIIIII, V.11., IGITATIYEV, D.I.; ILIIII. 14.A.; WIN, S.S.: 101TE, Ye.A.; KAYE, V.A.; KAKWITSER. S.Ye.; KATS, A,I.; KLIMOV, A.G.; KOZ-LIQY.. G.A.; KOLGANOV, N.V.; KOIITOROVICH$ V.G.; ]MAYEV. N.A.; KROIROD, Ys.A,-, DUMAN, I.L.; LIVANSXAYA. F.V.; LOGOVIIISKAYA. R. L. -, IjYUBOSHITS,, L. I. : KALYSH, A. I. : MJWHINSKlY, Ye.A.; IIIKHAYLOVii, P.Ya.; HOISETEV. M.I.-, IIOSXVIN. P.M.; IIOTKIN. A.I.; PARTIGUL. S.P.; P~RVUSHIII, S.P.; PETROV, A.I.; PETRUSHOV, A.M.; PODGORIT011A. V.M.; RkI31110111CH.JI.A.; RYVKIII, S.S.; RYIMIIIA, M.N.; SAKSAGAUSKlY, T.D.; SAIISONOV, LIT.; SMXUIOV, B.M.; SOKOLIMIN. S.1.-, SOLL'JtTINSKAYA, Ye.l.-, SUDARIKOV. A.&.; TATAR. 8.K.; TFaMITIYEV, P.V.; TYAGAY, Ye.Ya.; FITOIN. Ya.G.-, FIGURNOV, P.K.; YRUMICIN. II.B.; TSYRLIII, L.H.; SHAMBIRG, V.M.; SHAPIHO, A,L; SHCHMIKOV, S.A.; ll,"ONLIMAII. B.1.; EM1111. P.B.; MITROFAIJOVA, S., red.; TROYAIIOVSKAYA, N., tokhri.redo [Concine dictionar7 of economics] Kratkii ekonomicheskii slovarl, Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1958. 391 P. (MIRA 11:7) (Econoutics-Dictionaries) KOZLOV, Genrikh.Abramovich, prof.; SHIRINSKIY, Ivan Dmitriyevich. dotsent; KWAIKOV, Dmitriy Makelmovich, prof.; MOROZOV. Alaksandr Vesillyevich, doteent; BELYAYEVA, Zoya Hikolayevna. kand.ekonom.nauk; KORYAGIN, A.G.. red.-, PRCKOI?IYHV, S,P,j red.; NADMOV. )[.H., (Capitalist methods of production] Kapitalistichaskii sposob protzvodstva. Hoskya. lzd-vo VPM i 10H pri TsK KPSS. Pt.1, 1959. 237 P. (KIRa 12:6) 1. Kommmistichee6ya partiya Sovetskogo SoMa. Vysshaya partiynaya shkola. Kafedra politicheskoy ekonomij. Occonomics) (Capitalism) KOZLOV, G. Socialism and commodity-monetw7 relations. Vop. ekon. no.11; 13-27 N 6o. (MIRA 13:11) (Economics) Lm I ~J, V. 1. farazaguette re--onance sycctra of channel. 39 110.21:2,7 1-2778 N 165. g(;:3tlwirstvf!,nny-y urilverntUit A KOZL,Ovp G*A~ A chamber for microscopic examinations of biological objects at the temperatures ranging from +1000 to -500 C. TSitologiia 5 no.60M-704 N-D 163. (KM 17s10) 1. Radiologicheskaya laboratoriya Institute perelivaniya krovi, Leningrad. TE 'n Ko tra 6 -5 1 - t-,;- ~3 216 no.., wva muno: KOZLOV~ G.A.., naladchik konfaYtno--svarochnykh mashin (Yarcslavll) I --:-r,7ed hoisting Mechanism, Putt i. plt.khoz. 9 n,'.400 165. mp 1, (M I R.' A 18 z 5) KISEU,V, A.V.; XOZLOV, G.A.; LYGIN, V.I. Flectron paramagnetic resonance of modified Ukhti channe.. blacks. .1 hur, -Viz. kh1m. 39 no-5:1256-1263 "j 165. (M~P-k 18;81 1. Khimlcheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gc-nudarstAjrn,-iCF.O universiteta imeni YU. Lomonosova. ACCESSION NR: AR4ol5665 S/0081/63/000/021/0343/0343 SOURCE; RZh. Khimiya, Abs. 21MI22 AUTHOR: Teterin, P. K.; Vdovin, V. F.; Koz.l.ov,.,G. B.. TITLE: Selection of glass fluxes for hot pressing of steels and alloys CITED SOURCE: Steklo. Inform.-materialy'k Gos. n.-i,.,In-ta stekla, no. 1 (118), 1963, 57-61 TOPIC TAGS: glass flux, hot pressing glass flux, steel pressing flux, alloy press-, ing flux, flux identification, high temperature flux property ABSTRACT: Universal glass f] uxes for pressing steels at any temperature are not available. The authors suggest that the best flux to use in pressing steels and alloys for millable blanks Is a glass which exhibits the properties of 185V glass at 1150C at the temperature of ~rdissinq in a container. Glass flux exhibiting the properties 6f'491ass 269 at 1150C at dischar�e tdmperature can be used when pressing steel and alloys for glass collars. To insure proper use of glass tluxes in hot pressingi dach manufactured"Jot of glass should be tagged with a rating plate in the form of a viscosity-temperature graph. Authors' summary. 1/1 DATE.'ACQ: O9Dec63 SUB CODE: ML, MA ENCL: 00 o'llaervation of' Koll. ?hur. 2*1 or; 11 no.. (MrRA l8s6) jm;ititat imeni lensoveta. i-ce formi,tion 'In coolrd. inverf;e -,2;"!--288 Mr.-Avl 165. mm KOZLOV, Connadiy Domlyanovi ch; NEFEDOVA, V. 1. 1 rcd.; LIORIUNOV, N. 1. , tekhn. red. (Now contactleso magnetic components] Novye beskontaktnye riagnitnye elementy. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 79 p. (Biblioteka po avtomatike, no.92) (111RA 17:1,) ,~, " ~, --, /.-, C', ~/ 6. _/,), AUTHOR KozloyG.D. (Moscow) 103-9-7/9 g'- f TITLE Ma ne-f -c--ffelay with Ferritti Cores. (Magnitnoye rele na ferritakh Russian) PERIODICAL Avtomatika i Telemekhanika,1957,Vol 18,Nr 9,pp 847-851 (U-S,S-R-) ABSTRACT A magnetic amplfier,which works as a relay and in which the magne- tic relay is fitted with ferrite cores,is investigated in the case of a repeated modification of the current at the relay load(loo - 2oo).For the purpose of conserving the relay characteristic in the amplifier a positive feedback with a sufficiently high coefficient is introduced.The coefficient of the feedback is the ratio between the current field Yalue,which is generated by the feedback current in the same magnetic conduction domain where also the alternating field current is actiTe,and the average current value of the alter- nating field.One of the most important factors in computing a mag- netic relay is the selection of the magnetic modes of operation of the core both in the case of lacking and existing magnetizing fields It is shown that,in order to obtain a high degree of current modi- fication in the load,it is necessary to use a sufficiently great slope of' magnetic permeabilitj,which is created when the magneti- zing field changes from zero to its maximum value. A complete com- putation of a magnetic relay is here given as an example. There are j figures and 5 Slavic references. SUBMITTED August 31,1956 AVAILA3Li~ Library of Congress Card 1/1 BOYARGEMOT, N.A.; VOLODIN, V.Se; NIKOV, F.I.; KOZIOT, G.D.; SUBBOTDR, G.V.; TR31IWVA, I.S, All-Union vonferenae on magnetic elements of automatic and remote control and couqxter techniques. Avtom. i telem. 19 no.6:614-620 Je 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Automatic control-Congreases) (Magnetic amplifiers) ATJT110R: Kozlov, G. D. 7~0-2-43/49 TITLE: - ---------- Tz Use of 'I acnetic Elements (Is uol' zovaniye maenitnyk h f-, I ementov) All-Union Conference (Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye) PERIODICAL: N 1~ Vestnik Akademii flauk SSSR, 1958, pp 112-113 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This conferetice took place in laoscow from November 25 to 30. It was ori-lanized by the Institute for Autoi;iatic and Remote Control and the Board for Mal-iietic Amplifiers and Contactless Mali-netic Elements at the Presidential committee of the Akademii Nauk SSSR. Besides the Soviet scientists from variOU3 Cities Of the USSR, officials of scientific research and educational institutions, con- struction and desi(-;n ori~anisa t4 ors of different Jndu~ltrial branches, also representatives of the Academy o."' Sciences from Bulraria, China, Poland, aiid Czechoslovakia attended t.he conference. The discussions were divided into two groups: maenetic amplifiers and discrett ma.-netic elements. Furthermore, the author divided the reports into the Card 1/3 followint; sections: theory of mui.notic amplifira and discre The UBe of Ya,,rnetic Elementg. All Union Conference 30-2-43/49 machine elements; their computation and construction; their joint application. The author mentions the follorting reports: L. I. Gutenmakher reported on the --ork carried out by the Laboratory for Electrical Modellino Moreover, reports of foreien scientists were Civen: 1) Yu. Gashkovets reported on stq,-p- of the investications in the field of ma.-netic jimplifiers in Czechoslovakia. 2) S. Veridzhin reported on automation in Poland, 3) E. S. Dzhakov, Correspondine Membcr of the BulCarian Academy of Sciences reported on the development of a contactless maEriet relay; 4) Professor Min Nay-da, Representative of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported on the ti-leory of four poles (chetyreklipolyusnikov). It was found at this conf.-rence that the debelopment and the aiplication of various types of ma,,netic elements for automation is too slow. The lacking of a centralized production of the types and series of rores, maCnetic amplifiers, and other maCnetic eleL-.ents nee-ded miost was Card 2/3 described as bein,,- r:iain reason for this. The domestic TheUse of Maj;netic Elements. All Union Conference 30-2-43149 production of these products shorfs considerable short comines. The necessity of an extension of scientific research work in this f,'eld at the institutes for automation, remote control, pecision mechanics and computation technique and at the Laboratory for Electrical Ll'odelling was pointed out. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Magnets-Applications 2. Magnetic amplifiers-Theory Card 3/3 77484 L~'JOV/ I 0_3j - -2-1 - 1 - 15/22 AUTHORi Kozlov G D. (Mos~~o~,,) TITLE i The Influence oC Irregularity of Magnetization on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part I. PERIODICAL: Avtoinatika I telemek-hanika 1960, Vol 21, Nr 1, pp 119- 134 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the study the author considers the influence of 1rre[-,PUlarJ.ty of' magnetization on the static character- Istics of the core. The calculation of the core hysteresis loop is given for symmetrical, displaced, as i,,,eli as for "basic" magnetization looDs. The analysis is made on the axis B = f(F) v;h'ere F are marnetlzin~z amDere-ttirns instead of usually used B = f (H)'. The hysteresis loops of magnetic materials may be represented by tl~,,o simplified loops sho,...,n on Figs. 1 and 2. Here b 8 and bp are inductions at saturation and at the beClrnLnf~ of the reversal of magnetic field, Card 1/19 respecti-!ely. Yi0and hP are field intensities Thc- influencp of' Trregmlarlty of MaC;11(,,tJZntlorl 77484 o I ~ ") t, ~J. t, I c. (", i I' I T". I(! il- (~ i :I, j 1-1 1 i,.! I-,, of' t, ) jr. Co rt- , Pa r t. I . -,0v/ -I(-), -1 -2 1 -1. - I- Card P/j.9 I . Flfr. 2. The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part I. S0"1/103-21-1-15/22 corresponding to b S and bp, matical expressions for the Figo. 3,4,5 and 6 are given. shown on Fig. 3 the rising the curve are determined by respectively. The mathe- hysteresis loops shoim on For the hysteresis loop and descending branches of E(p. 1 and 2,re3pectivelyi b h, 2-h h,'+ h + il~= Card 3/19 Similarly, for the hysteresis Eqs.-3 and 4 are valid,. h, - h", b h - - 0. 1- hp "b! 2 h, + lip (2) loop shown on Fig. 4 Tne Influence of Irregularity of' Magnetization 77484 on Static Characterictics of the Core. Part I. SOV/103-21-1-15/22 FIr-'. 3. Family of symmetrIcal cyelt~!-, oC a !L//!() loop. The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part 1. SOV/103-21-1-15/2? Fig. 4. Family of symmetrical cycles of a hysteresis Card 5/19 loop. The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part 1. SOV/103-21-1-15/22 Fig. 5. Family of symmetrical cycles of a hysteresi3 Card 6/19 lo,op. The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization -177484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part I, SOV/103-21-1-15/22 Fig. 6. Family cf displaced cycles of a hysteresis Card 7/19 loop. The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part I. SOV1103-21-1-151A222 For the hysteresis loop shown on Fig. 5, Eq-Q. 5 and 6 are valid: b= b= 2b. i,~=h , where hmax is maximum value of the magnetizing field. For displaced hysteresis loop shown on Fig. 6, the rising part of the displaced cycle coincides with the rising part of the limiting magnetization curve. The descending part of the hysteresis loop is determined by equation: b=-b, (7) Card 8/19 The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part 1. U"01,1/103-21-1-15/22 I I where 11 h - h and h = h - h are the field max max intensities when the operating point Is at A In order to determine the magnetization loop of the core, the following expression for the average magnetic Induction is usedi r?)j Id ft, where RH and RB are external and internal radius of the core, respectively, and Ct =' RHAB' Function B = f(F) is determined from Eq. (8) and Eqs. 1-7. Magnetic characteristics of the core. (a) Reversal of magnetic polarity along the limiting loop. (F >- CL F ). On max ;~' s Fig. 7 the construction of the limiting loop of Card 9/19 remagnetization of the curve is shown, This magnetic The Influence of Irregulavity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part I. SOV/103-21-1-15/22 Card 10/19 Fig. V. The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of' the Core. Part 1. S"01,111 03) -21 -1 -15/22 loop is plotted on axe, B and F. Lines aa 1 and bb 1 represent rising and descending branches of the hysteresis loop corresponding to internal and external layers, respectively. F p and F5 are ampere-turns at the beginning of reversal of magnetic polarity and the ampere-turns of saturation for the internal layer of the core, respectively, a Fp and a F s determine the quantities for the external layer of the core. The characteristic B = f(F is calculated for each Bection of the looD using Eq. and Eqs. (1) and (2), trans- formed In the form: b# Rif kP "b, it F+ I.' F -"+ --- (10) Card 11/19 The Influence of Irregularity of Maj_?,netizatiori 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part 1. SOV110--DI-21-1-15122 On Fig. 8 the basic magneti--ation loops are shoi.,m for various values of CL . Curves I, II and III corres- pond to a = 0.75 h s1hp, a = h s /hQ; a = 1.5h s/hpJ respectively. (b) Reversal of magnetic polarity by symmetrical 1oop3 (F max ~~ a F.). The characteristic B = f(F) is determined in a similar manner as under (a), making use of Eq. (8) and of Eas. (5) and (6), transformed in the form: 1, (2F Un b , fp ft Card 12/19 The analysis Is made for three cases; case I i-,rhen F,, F F , case Il when a F F F and P1< max 3' max p The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part 1. SOV/103-21-1-15/22 -IT LJ Card 13/19 Fig. 8. The Influence of Irregularity of Magnetization 77484 n -21-1 'Static Characteriatics of the Core, Part 1. "011/103 -15/22 o case III when F. ~ F CL F The results of max -_ analysis are shown on Fig. 9. (c) Reversal of magnetic polarity displaced loops. (F= ~_>a F3 The characteristic B = f(F) is determined in a sinUlar manner as under (a) and (b)'. Equation 7 is trans- formed in the formi 2 b. b = --'bs- P (F'- F,,,, Here F F - F_ are ampere-turns F are constant ampere-turns the displacement of the loop Fig. 6), and F' = F - F Card 14/19 max max of magnetization, of magnetization causinc- (See notation -h 7 on The analysis is made 4-t % V4 Cl 7711811, -JOV/10':1-21-1-15/22 n --~ 5~4- Card 15/19 Fig. 9. (~Captlon on Card 16/19) The Influence of' Irregularity of Magnetization '77484 on Static Characteristics of the Core. Part I. SOV/10--~-21-1-15/22 Caption for Fig. 9. Fig. 9. Family of symmetrical loops of the reversal of' magnetic polarity and the it basic" magneti--ation loop, calculated for OL = 2; PP 0.2 ampere-turns, F0 = 0.8 ampere-turns. I,II,III on the loops of reversal of magnetic polarity of I,II and III type, respectively. for three casest case I when F F a F , case II I p Max p when a F F w n F F P max. F3, and case III he S X (a Fs The results of analysis are shown on Fig. 10. Assuming various magnetidues of F~~ F s the family of static characteristics B = f(F.-,F_) may be determined (See Fig. 11). In c onclusion, the nutho:- :3ays that the shape of magnetic loops of III-he core Card 16/19 depends on geome-tric relatlono of the core and on oc'OV/103-21-1 .77484, -15/22 -cl,i Card 1'(/19 Fig. 10 (Caption on Card 3.8/19 Th~~ lilt'luunce of Irregularity of' Magnetl7at-lon 77484 c j -21-1 )n St-atic Characteristics of the Core. Part I. SOV/103 -15/22 Caption for Fig. 10 Fig. 10. Family of displaced loops of reversal of magnetic polarity, calculated for a = 2, Fo = 0.2 ampere-turns, F. = 0.8 ampere-turns, F_ = Fs = 1.6 ampere-turns. the maximum value of magnetization ampere-turns. The method proposed may be used also when the hystereLis loop of the magnetic material is given in a different form. There are 12 figures; and 2 references, I Soviet, 1 U.S. The U.S. reference ist Roberts, R. W., Van Nice, R. J. Influence of ID '/OD Ratio on Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Toroidal Cores, Trans, AIEE, Vol.* 74 pt. 1, 1955. ~113%11T~ IED: June 4, 1959 ("; t I - (I I 1~3' / 19 ."--__KOZj~q ~,G.D~.Moskva) Effect of irregularitieu in the magnetization of a core on its static characteristics. Part 2. Lwith sumary in Englishj. Avtom. i telem. 21 no-7:1057-1072 J1160. OATFA 13:10) (Cores (Blectricity)--Magnel-~CiptQperties) J S/103/62/023/006/008/012 D288/ '308 Kozlov G..D ~.Iiaracteristics of magnetic devices vith bifurcated magnetic circuit. 1. Avtomatika i telemekharilca, V. 1.5 , no. 6, 1962, 786-794 :T The unit chosen for investigation is rectangular Wlith -unijforTiii cross-section, one of the sides being bifurcated bya circular a-.-)crture. The following assumptions are made: the hystere- sis loop is a parallelogram with horizontal upper and low~portions; thc cross-section of tile und4vided part is equal to the sum of cross- sections of the divided part; dimensions and electro-magnetic para- micters to be such as not to cause reciprocal effects between wind- ings and magrnctic states of opposite sides. One side carries a con- trol and a blocking, winding; the divided side, opposite to tile for- mer, has an ener-rizing winding on one leg and an output i-rinding on the other lejr. The control and energizing processes are not simul-~ Card 1/2 ,/62/013/006/008/012 S/103 Characteristics of magnetic ... D283/D308 tan~eous. Three magnetic states are considered: positive saturation, ~iegative saturation and an intermediate switch* Hysteresis ing zone. loops are plotted for the divided cross-sections and various states of all wi-ndings, the resulting curves having no longer horizontal 0 /J-~ init slopinr characteristics in + (Pmax and - 4DMax regions. The c-x:)crir,.ie-ntal investigation is described next. The 4 measuring cycles are; L) 3locking current pulse of 25 Amp turns is applied; 2) :~ner- ,-izincr current (1.2 Amp turns, 50 cps) is applied and the output 3 U I voltage is measured; 3) Energizing current is switched off and a reversed polarity control pulse is applied; 4) Energizing current is switched on and the output voltage is read. The exRerimental results are shown in a'graph and agree satisfactorily with the theoretical results. There are 8 figures. SUM.,ITTED: October 30, 1961 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4035079 S/0103/641025/004/0570/0577 AUTHOR: Koz1ov, G. D. (Moscow) TITLE: Characteristics of magnetic devices with branched magnetic circuits CReport at the Eighth Conference on Magnetic Elements Used in Automation, Telemechanics, Measuring and Computing Devices, L'vov, Sep67, SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 25, no. 4. 1964, 570-577 TOPIC TAGS: transfluxor, 3 hole transfluxor, branched magnetic circuit ABSTRACT: Magnetic flux reversal in a 3-hole magnetic circuit with*an allowance for peculiarities due to branching is considered. These assumptions are made: (1) idealized hysteresis loop; (2) flux reversal in a separate volume of the branched core can be represented as a reversal in a closed zone moving from inside out; (3) magnetic interaction between the isthmi is neglected; (4) controlling and exciting processes are separated by ti'me. Physical L 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4035079 phenomena are analyzed, and design steps recommended. It is recommended that these factors be taken into consideration in designing a transfluxor: control current, excitation current, pulse duration, pulse front, etc. Experimental verification with permalloy cores at 100 cps is mentioned. Orig. art. has:. 6 figures and 7 formulas. ASSOCIATION. none "SUBIvUTTED: z6jun62 ::SUB CODE: F-C.. EE Z Z DATE ACQ: 26May64 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 niv WOW id) W ZEWA i-6zMff(z-)/Ew( )/3WA(c) -L-.6912 6 AP5024863 A4JW/JD/HW_`_ SOI M-CE, CODE .12 /0l36/65/6W/0l0/0079/Q0 Zasukhai, P.' F. Kozlov - G. D o Niki forov a V v K. A WHOR Korshchikov V. D.; =~X- i Vt 5) ORG: none TITLE: Conditions,of rolling aluminum-clad steel plates SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. ~10, 1965 79-.83 ,TOPIC TAGS: steel, stainless steel, steel plate,,bimetallic plate, clad plate, aluminiun alloy clad plate, stainless steel plate, plate rolling, warm rolling/ lKhl8N9T steel, lKh2lN5T steel,.,3s, steel', SkhL4 steel, 45Gl7Yu3 steel, AMg3 allw i A~%W alloy, AMg6 alloy ABSTRACT: The technolog Of rollj!~g:bimetaliic pr.-fates'such aslKhle 9,T M2lN5T- 1