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KOZLIKOVP V.P. In the Technical-Economic Committee of the Kaluga Province Economic Gouncil. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst. nauch.i tekh.inform. no.5:90-91 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Kaluga Province-Economic councils) KOZLIKOV, V.P. Introduction of welding equipment in eriterprises of the Kaluga Economic Council. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-issl. irwt.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.9:8243 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Kaluga Province-Electric welding-Technological innovations) KOZLINSKI, Andrzej-, SLOITIM, Dimitrij Effect of endotoric complexes of Salmonolla typhosa on viral hmlag- glutination. Cas.lek.cosk. 91 no.37:1054-1056 12 Sept 52. 1. Panstwowy Zaklwl Hi,-,ienV w Vlarazawie (for Kozlinrki). 2. Ustav ~ro lekarskou m1krobiologii a imunolor,11 r.U. v ?raze (for Slonim). Z Ustavu pro lakarokou mikrobiologii a imunologii K.U. v Praze. Prodnosta prof. dr. Yr. Patocka. (SLAMOIMLIA TYPHOSA, endoto-,Tin, off.'on viral hnmagplut.) (HEMAGGLUTIONATION, by viruses, off. of Salmonella typhosa endotoxin) (VIRUSICS, hemagglut., off. of Salnonolla typhosa endotoxin) XOZLIIISKL-2~. A new method for a quicker increase in production capacities of breweries. P. 408, Vol- 9v no- 10, Oct. 1955 PRZE14YSL SM)MI'lly Warszawa SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL#'IJC., Vol. 5, no. 3, Mar. 1956 ZTLM, S.A., inzh.. Prinimali uchastiye: R?MNSU'r, N.A., inzh.; XffHONIN, A.N., inzh.; KMETSOT, T.T.; POLTAKOT, T.F.. GURKIN, T.I., kand. takhnonauk, nsuchnyy red.; PAKHOHOTA, M.A., red.izd-va; TBWINA, Te L., [Pipeline construction] Montazh naruzhnykh truboprovodov. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry pa stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam# 1959. 233 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Akademiya stroitel'atva I arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organi- zataii. makhanizataii i t9khnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. 2. Brigadiry tresta Ho.4 Mospodzemstroya (for Kuzneteov, Polyakov). (Pipelines) CREPNICHKIN, D.S., BORISiNKO, N.J.; MESHCHERYAYKOV, K.N.; KOMa, Ya.G.; FEDUIDV, LjN.;_KpZLINSKIYt V.A.) RAKSIMOV, A.S.j GELIPERIN, B.B. Professor D, V. Efremov; obituray. Elektrichestvo no.2:95-96 F 161, (MIRA 14:3) (Efremovq Dmitrii Vasiltevichy 1900-1961) AUTHOR: KOZLITIN,G.I., and KOLYBALOVJ~N-, engineers. YA - 2413 TITLE: Design of the Mould for Continuous Casting of Steel. (Ratsionalinaya konstruktsiya kristallizatora dlya nepreryvnoy razlivki stali, Russian). PERIODICAL: Stall, 1957# Vol 17, Nr 3, pp 209 -213 (U.S.S.R.) Receivedt 5 1/ 1957 Reviewedt 5 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The first industrial test plant for semi-continuous casting of steel in the U.S.S.R. is installed at the factory "Krasnyy Oktyabrl". Non-corrosive steel of a diameter of 150 x 600 mm, and a length of up to 6 m is cast. After the crystallizer is filled with metal up to from 200 - 300 mm from the upper edge, the ex- tracting device is automatically switched in and the block with a liquid core leaving the crystallizer reaches the zone of intense cooling. Since 1951, when the plant was put into operation, several constructional improvements were introduced, the most important of which was the replacement of the immobile crystallizer by a lighter one which could move backwards and forwards. The three constructions at present in use are compared: the immobile one, the constructions on springs, and the one with a backwards, and for- wards motion. Immobile crystallizers are being used by Babkock & Wilkor in the U.S.A., Bdhler in Austria, and "Krasnoye Sormovoll. The latter type was an effective means of preventing thehardened ex- Card 1/2 terior layer from getting stuck in the crystallizer as frequently A - 2413 The Rational Design of the Mould for Continuous Casting of Steel. happens in the case of the immobile crystallizer because the ex- terior layer of the ingot when being lowered is immobile with re- spect to the walls of the crystallizer. The new crystallizer allowing a backwards- and forwards motion, which has been in use since 1956, wdighs only 1400 kg, is considerably more Bimple~ and less expensive. The elimination of "getting stuck" makes it pos- Bible to arrange remote control and automatization of the pro- cess of continuous pouring. Besides, the new crystallizer has greater strength. (7 illustrations). ASSOCIATIONt Not given. PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTED: AVAILLBLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 TIMOITYEV, N,N.; ANOKIIINA,.A.D.; SOROKIN, S.F.; DROZIUVE"UY, N.F.; GUISHTSW, M.V.; LARIONOV, G.f. Block lining of the upper structure of open-hearth furnaces. Ogneupory 30 no.11:8-10 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut ognouporov (for Timofeyev, Anokhina). 2. Volgogradskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabr'O (for Soroldn, Drozlievskiy, Gluihtsav, Larionov, Kozlitln). KOZLITI.N., G.I. New design of water-cooled slide gates. Sbor. rats. predl. vnedr. v proizv. no.2:33-34 161. (IMU 14-7) 1. Metallurgicheskiy zavod "Krasnyy Oktye7br'u-. (Furnaces, floating) KOZLITINOV, K.L., kapitan tekhnichesko7 sluzhbY Device for parachute jump control. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.5:85 M7 160- (MIU 13:7) (rarachuting) KOZLIWSKI., J. P., mgr,, inz, Containers from plastic materials for refrigerated general cargo. Tech gosp morska 12 no.1:21 '62. (Cargo handling) (Plastics) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) KOZLO) F.G. (Kazlo, P.H. Materials on feeding habits of wild boar in the Bvalovezhska Pushcha. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. blial. nnv. no.2:6'0-94 '65. (MIRA 18:12) K0,16110Y V.K~; S,,S, Ghoice of n drivro for &n und~-xf;r:)und -~'SR. Sar. gor. dala nc.1,54-63 '61. kExcalratling oxcavator. machi-nory) Izv, Ali Kazakh. (1-11IR-i-I 15:2) ~OZLO, T.K., inzh. Transient phenomena in an excavator electric 4r~ve with an electro- magnetic slip coupling. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhur* 5 no.10:131-136 162. (KRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy obshchey i gornoy elektrotekhniki. (Excavating machinery--Electric driving) KOZ1,01 V.K., kand. tekhn. nauk E"ficient driva for underground excavator,,. (I-r. 110.01-55-56 J e 164. (MIA 17:11) I. KILraf~!aIldinIlkly polituldinIcho-skly ffi97- L 0,5 K S1'A Iv 1 St tim ROMANOWSKI'. Wieslaw; KOZLOWSXI, Stanislaw Effect of work of one group of muscles on work of other group of muscles irritated with electric current. Acta physiol. polon. 5 no.3:321-326 1954. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjologii Fracy Akademil Ued7cznoj w Warozawle. Kierowr,Lik- prof. dr Wl.Missiuro i z Zakladu Fizjologit Czlovie)m AkAdemii Medvcznej w Warazavie. Tierownik: prof. dr Fr.Canbalski. (MUSCUS. pYqeiology. eff. of work of muse. on work of other muse. stimulated with electric current) KOZLOV) A. Contact is close. Voen.-znan. 41 no.12:20 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Nachallnik Karellskoy respublikanskoy shkoly grazhdanskoy oboronym Petrozavodsk. Mechanized cleanlig of bodias of wator. Zhol.dor.tran"pe 6 no.5:R6-87 14Y '55. (MIRA 12:51 1. Harhallnik tnklinicbeakogo briro Uzhurakogo otdoleniya. KrasnodarBicoy dorogi, atantsiya Uzhur. (Dredging mAebinery) 1OU117 5/264/62/000/00e/002/002 UTY')',, Kozlov. A. T ITr-F: Tan'< for :-,rolonCs,-cl otollnge of' ox,.-gon ?F 7", T XA T, Refornttviii,ty zhurnal, 'lo;,,d,,,shnyv transport-, ivo(Inyy tom., n ()4 p 962, 32, nbstrnct SA245. "AviPtslyR i komnonav- tl Ica ~o.2, 3.962, 50 TEXT Tim n1rport Lan!, (Ah',".M-l) dostc-ned for prolont-,nd .13tnrnj-,-~ :)f r,!-)')0 Ivir of ll(piid oxyCvm conil3U of an air-tl ht ca3ing ;111(1 )n Ir)tr)ri;nl containor. The cnalng Is rrUCov(,ml bl! 3 stool ,,-~,IJSF . ",J1() lpj,r0nnL trmmoa aro f,,j tho fv!~rvj ,jervos ii:i q, h-vi,7~ fnr thn tnn,c and haa almlig-i.-3 for. to-,vl.n 'r- ()',I l,'Irl' -I'OIITld ',)I) b,,N,'ri ftvnporntoro 3rc att9chod to*Wio frs-in to l.m~ron.-In lubc pt,winli-i In thc lntorn~!. contn1nor whon tho liquid o%,Tgtln ts (11 S- ohar~-,!rl fvo;it it. Loa,-ics on atorago ,vove oininishad c~llsldcrably -1)"'o,ruma of tlio vacumn. Thn working pressitro Is 115 Im/ ,/ v m- . Thn 4;r~rk can bu tvanaporL,.-d onA,\3 (vn A 'VI) nnd MA,-3 (M A 2,') carnA Ilh"r~ tim- to fill tho "vtp.M' trnlc at an Initial pressure of 2.4 lcg/cm~-, 1.,i ",C) %,,,1n. There 13 1 fig-urn. [Abotractor Ili noto: Compl.,,itc Lvan.-ilation KMNIIENKO, A., inzh.-podpoUovnik; KOZLOV, A., inzli.-mayor Determining the humidity of the air and oxygen. Av. i kosm. "45 no.3.1;82-83 162. (MM 15:11) (Humidity-Measurement) KORNrMKO, A., in"-podpolkovnik, KOZLOV A. ino-h.-mayor L~ Degreasing containers for liquid ox-ygen. Avi "cosm, 45 no.2& 83-84 F 163. (MIRA 16s2) (Liquid oxygen-Transporation) CHATSKIY, P.; KOZLOV, A. Take care of your dwellings. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 13 no.4310 AP 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Predsedatell postoyannoy zhilishchnoy kamissii Priokskogo rayonnogo Soveta deputatov lvrudyashchikhsya (for Koz1ov). (Apartment houses-Maintenance and repair) IVASHCHENKO, G.; KOZLOV, A.; KIRSANOV, G., vospitatell Hometown of heroes. Prof.-tekh. obr. 20 no.7:7 Jl 1. Direktor gorodskogo professionallno-tekhnicheskogo No.87 g.Krasnodona (for Ivashchenko). 2. Zamestitel* gorodskogo professionaltno-tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha g. Krasnodona (for Kozlov). 163. (MM 16:10) uchilishcha direktora No.87 S/182/60/000/002/011/012 A161/AO29 AUTHOR: Kozlov, A.A. TITLE.- Scientific-Technical Seminar on the Technology of Cold Stamping PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 2, p. 45 TEXT: The seminar was convened in December 1959 at Lystva, Permskaya Ob- last', by Urallskiy dom tekhniki (Ural House of Technique), Sverdlovskoye oblast- noye pravleniye NTO Mashproma (Sverdlovsk Oblast' Board of the Scientific-Tech- nical Society of the Machine Industry), and Sverlovskoye oblastnoye pravleniye NTO Chermeta (Sverdlovsk Oblastt Board of the Scientific-Technical Society of tin Iron Industry); 137 participants came from 20 towns including Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Irbit and Perm'. Representatives from different indus- tries were present: of automobile industry, aviation, electrical engineering, instrument industry, radio engineering, consumer goods and other industries. The following reports were heard: Engineer V.A. Koblov, "Group Working Technology of Parts in Sheet Stamping Dies"; Engineer E.E. Tsegender, "Blonk Dies WithEle- ments From Stirakril"; Engineer V.M. Kozyrev, "Stamping in Lead-Zinc Dies"; 1~ki- gineer P.G. Kovtun, "Basic Factor-s Affecting Durability of Dies and the Qual- Card 1/3 s/182/6o/ooo/oo2/oi1/012 A161/AO29 Scientific-Technical Seminar on the Technology of Cold Stamping Ity of Extrusion". Data of these four reports were recommended by the seminar participants for extensive practical use. The "group metho a"developed by ViA. Koblov makes possible to obtain 5,145 extruded cylindrical parts of different types and dimensions with a set of 51 dies, reduces labor consumption and cuts time needed by production engineers for designing and calculating the production process. Besides, the method prevents errors that are possible in designing and making dies. E.E. Tsegender demonstrated the advantages of "stirakril" and the possibility of wide-scale applicati 'in of it in die making. The causes of delay of normal progress in cold stampinp~production were pointed out in discussions: the quality of the presses; insufficient systematization and popularization of the practical experience; absence of special institutes with a production and experiment center; insufficient use of hard alloys and special die steel; lack of specialization and concentration of production and other factors. The follow- ing recommendations were included into the seminar decisions: 1) A planning- -technological or a scientific-research institute must be made a leading organi- zation in cold stamping. 2) Periodicals must publish more information on the practice of the Soviet and foreign industry, and more special literature must be Card 2/3 3/182/60/000/002/011/012 A161/AO29 Scientific-Technical Seminar on the Technology of Cold Stamping made available. A handbook on cold stamping must be published including all its varieties and all latest information, for the existing manuals contain contradic- tory or obviously obsolete data- 3) Production of similar parts by cold stamp- Ing must be concentrated to make an extensive mechanization and automation of production possible. 4) A standard and convenient technological chart form must be developed for all cold stamping shops. 5) The safety level in cold stamping shops must be radically raised. Card 3/3 AUTHORS: D'Yakov) G~ P. and K,.,zlov, j1. A~ - SOV/126-6-3-72/32 TIMN': On Calculatink; thi- ';'i~.~,uetostriction in Stron',, Magnetic Fields (K raschet-a !:i~:,--nitorstriktoii v sillnykh iaa,~nitnykla polyal-ji) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i 11,,let ~~ llovedeniye , 19587 Vol 6, Nr3, p 576 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the viork of one of ~he authors of this paner (Refs,l and 2) relating; t,) the ilivesti-ation of the ma~-neto- b U striction in the of stron,-- Ia~;Lnetic fields, the law is derived of Lpproach to saturation 1-11au--r-otostriction and other even effects. These calculations show that in the ~;iven range the mal~netostrictior. fields can be expressed thus: X = X A S - 'R (1 In the case of materials which are isotro-oic from the ma.,.---netostriction point of vied-,; and for 1,.,hich Card 1/4 X100 ~ X1111 Eq.(l) czin be written thuo,: SOV/126-6-3-32/32 On Calculatin!~ the Ma6aetustriction in Stron,,, Ma,'rictic Fields 32 X2 _1 X - T_ (2) is H Similar calculations were effected b5 Lee (Ref 3) which a6ain resulted in the Eqs.(l) and (2 In further investiE;ations of this problem, the internal elastic stresses (Ref 4), the mat.1netic interaction between the crystallites (Ref 5) and the paraprocess (Ref 6) were taken into consideration. However, in all the above enuiaerated papers the lww of approEtih to saVrat'-on vias limited to the terins containing; H- and H--. The authors of this paper considered it of interest to investiGate to -%~,hab extant it is justified to disregard the term containing H- in Eq.(l). Applying the method -.-itiich'was desciL~ibed in earlier viork (Ref 1), the authors obtained,for materi~;Js which are isotropic from the maErietostriction point of vievi, a law of approach to Card 2/4 sbturat~on which can be written thus: SOV/126-6-3-32/32 On Calculating the Magnetostriction in Stron.- Magnetic Fields X N B (3) s B 32 2 (4) is 0 4608 x3 (5) 50-0-5 -17 is The carried out calculatigns permit determining the uiaEnitude of the term c/H--) which was disregarded without any justification in earlier work as beinZ of small value. It will now be evaluated how much la.rGer the second term of Eq.(3) is than the third teria, %."hich is usually disregarded: -.B 16H Card 3/4- ~5 , 7T H-- H SOV/126-6-3-32/32 On Calculating the Magnetostriction in Strong Magnetic Fields It can be seen from Eq.(6) that if 1 5H x, then the third term of the series, Eq.(3) is really small and e;.~n be disrega-T-ded. Knowing the value of I. zand x for art investiSated material, it is possible in each concrete case to determine the importance of the term containing H 3 in the law of approach to saturation. There aki"' 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 2 English. (Note: This is a full translation) ASSOCIATIOR: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Y1. V. Loniono-sova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) STINITTED: March 18, 1957 1. Ma~etic fields-Analysis 2. Magpetostrictiop-Mathematical Card 4/4 USCONIM-DG-55798 IGNATOK, A.I., red.; SHAYKEVICH, A.S., red.; VOLKOV, Yu.N., red.; ELITERMAN, Ye.M., red.,- PERWVA, S.A., red.; NIKOLAYEV, N.A., red.; ERENBURG, G.S., red,; BUTKOVSKAYA, Z.M., red.; CHERNILOVSKAYA, F.M., red.; YANKOVSKIY, V.F., red.;MALYGIN, O.P., red.; BOGO14OLOV, I.G., red.; _~O2~LOV,_A.A_,,_ red.; SMIRNOV, 1, 1, inzh,,,red.; ROGOV, B.A., red.; PETRUKHOVA, G.N., red. izd-va; DEMKINAI N.F., tekhn. red, (Safety and industrial smitation regulations for making boilers and metal constructions]Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti i proiz- vadstvennoi sanitarii pri proizvodstve kotellnykh rabot i metallo- konstraktsii. Utverzhdeny 29 avgusta 1961 gods. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 28 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyenlya SSSR. 2. Glavnyy tekh- nicheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh mashinostroye.niya (for IgnatoIC). 3. Starshiye nauchnyye sotrud- niki Leningradskogo instituta okhrany truda Vsesoyuznogo tsentrall- nogo soveta prof'soyuzov (for Shaykevich, Volko,~, Ellterman,Perlova). 4. Nachallnik otdela Vsesoyuznogo proyektno-tekhnologicheskogo in- atituta tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (for Nikolayev). 5. Starshiye nauchnyye sotrudniki Leningradskogo instituta gigiyeny truda. i profzabolevaniy (for Erenburg, Butkovskaya, Chernilovskaya). (Continued on neit card) VOLKOV, Yu.N.; OSMINKIR, Ya.M.9 inzh., retsenzent; KOZLOV, A.A.0 inzh., retsenzent (Prevention of industrial traumatism] Preduprezbdenie proiz- vodstvennogo travmatizma. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1964. 93 p. (MIRA 18:2) KUFAREV, G.L., kand.tekhri.nauk, dotsent; KOZLOV, 4.A., inzh. Machinahility of nonferrous metal.:, subjected ~o face milling. Vest.mashinostr. 45 no.3:68-72 Mr 4o:). (MIRA 18:4) KOZLOV, A.A.;, KOTLYAREVSKIY, D.I.; ROYNISHVILI, U.N.; TATjUAASHVILI, N.G.; 1- 1 -1114 , I, N.I.; TSINTSBADZIC. A.I.; TSINTSAIM39. V.D.; DZIDZIGURI. T SAGAM R11, Method of studying tracks in the Wilson Wnetic chamber. Soob. AN druz. SSR 19 no.2.*143-150 Ag 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Institut fiziki AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom X.L. Andronikashvili. (Cloud chamber) lq42 S/627/60/002/000/027/027 D299/D304 AUTHORS: Mandzhavidze, Z. Sh., Roynishvili, N. N., Chukovani, G. Ye., Kotlyarevskiy, D. M., Tatalash- y vili, N. G., and Taintsibadze, A. I. TITLE: Study of penetrating showers at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level SOURCE: international Conference on Cosmic Radiation. Moscow, 1959. Trudy. v. 2. Shirokiye atmosfernyye livni i kas- kadnyye protsessy, 338-341 TEXTg The properties of unstable heavy particles were studied by means of a magnetic cloud chamber with lead absorbers. Among 8700 nuclear interactions, 139 cases of decay of neutral particles were observed, as well as 29 decay processes of charged strange parti- cles. In addition, 11 decay processes, described by the authors in an earlier work, are also included in the study. As a result of the inve9tigation of neutral particles, 45 V 0-shaped tracks were iden- Card 1/ 4 31542 S/62 60 002/000/027/027 Study of penetrating ... D299YD304 tified as decays ofl\o-hyperons, and 38 - as go-mesons. Fifty-six of the remaining V 0- shaped tracks could not be identified. Out of 40 'Tt-particles, I was interpreted as r-meson decay, 7 could be interpreted as K-meson decay and 2 - as 2-hyperons. The other par- ticles could not be interpreted by decay-dynamics only; for their lnterpre-~-ation considerations had to be employed which proceed from +he ,-;on9-'Lderable difference in the lifetime of hyperons and K-me- sons respectively. In Solov'yev's work (Ref. 3t preprint O.I.Ya. I.) it is shown that for strong interactions iylvolving strange par- ticlps,, there are no obvious theoretical assumptions which would require conservation of parity. If suoh interactions are not inva- rl.qnt with respect to space inversion, one should expect the ap- pearance of hyperon polarization in the plane of generation. These consi.derations were used as a basis for constructing the angular diotrlbutic-n protons of the decay ofZ\O-.particles with momenta be- 'Low 800 Mev./c. Further, the authors investigated the lifetime of Ca r d' 2 / 4 31542 S/627/60/002/000/027/027 Study of penetrating ... D299/D304 no- parl-licles by 2 methods. By the fir st method, they obtained for the mean lifetime the value C = (2,83 2,32 )-10- 10 sec 0199 The second method yielded V-0 = (3,02 + 1914).10-10 sec, n 7- 0,72 Further, an attempt was made to determine the lifetime of 2-hype- rons. Earlier results in this respect are in disagreement. It was round that 13 of the decay processes of charged particles can be considered aq'?--1- -hyperons. The lifetime of 9 of these particles is Card 3/4 Sld2l 0/002/000/027/027 Study of penetrating D299PD!O4 99 ltr_ _~(O,57 ' 0,36).10- 10 sec Y, 0,16 There are 1 table and 9 references% 3 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet- bloe. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: S. Hayakawa. Phys. Rev., 108, 1533, 1957; D. A. Glaser. Ann. International! Conference on High Energy Physics at CERN, 195P~, I. Snayder, W. Y. Chang and I. G. Gupta.. Phys. Rev., 1061- i499 1.957. ASSOCIATION-, Institut fiziki AN Gruz.SSR (Physics Institute AS Georgian SSR) C ar d 4,"1 MANDZRAVIDZE,9 Z.Sh.,- ROYNISHVILI, N.N.,- GERSAMIYA, D.V.; KOZWV) A.A.;, nrlw 161.--'w-l , KOTLYAREVSKIY, D.M.; PURTSEIADZE, T.D.; TATALASHV , . .1 SHTEMANETYAN, G,Z. Lifetime of charge Et byperons. Trudy Inst.fiz.AN Gruz.SSR 8t125-129 162. (MIRA l6s2) (Hyperone) ANMMNA, M~. Kh. D. M."-LT)!~toy, A, A., NMzt~-WZVA, M. f;., V1U1Tk"!!AVTT','.3F.' S. M., MMOMTRISHVIELZI A. 11A(1,U, T,. V., U. T. R',Y/AMWA'2 A. M., Plnt&V, V. A. OMNOV, E. 0. CHIMEITZE, L. 13. "A!rny Properties of KO-IMcoons" Pr.,port pr-nented at the Intl. Conference on 111g)i Energy Mynica, Geneva. 11-11 Ally 1062. Joint Inst. for Nuclear 1:~,semrch Lab. of High Energies, Dubna, 1,062 L 19639-6 EW'r W /BDS AFFTCIASD - ACCESSION NR: AP3007064 S/0056/63/045/003/0469/0473 AUTHORS: Anikina, M. MY Vogitidie, 0. Nq Zhuravleva, M. S.I_ 010 Kozlov, A. A.1 Kotlyarevskiy, D. M.; Mandzhavidze, Z. Sh.; Mestvir- ishvili, A. k.; Nyagu (NeaM!), D.i Okonov, E. 0.; Petrov, q. 1.i Rozanova, A. M.; Rusakov, V. A.; Talchtamyshev, G. G.; Chkhaid'z-e, L. V.; Wu Tsung-fa ; Tserelov, A. A. 0 TITLE: Observation of the _~,a q.0 + 7T + 7r 2 SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teoret. fiziki, v. 45, no. 3, 1963, 469-473 TOPIC TAGS: neutral kaon decay, four charged particle decay, decay probability, proton synchrotron, cloud chamber 0 ABSTRACT: Four decays of long-lived K mesons with concomitant emis-- sion of four charged particles have been observed in a cloud chamber bombarded by a neutral particle beam from the OIYaN (Joint Inst. of Nuc. Research) proton synchrotron. All four events are identified Card 1/3 L 19639-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007064 as the decays KO 70