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9~! .j 4 ACCESSION NR- AP5019630 OR/0183/65/000/0011/0008/0009 678.742 or v AUTHORL_jUr,;3l. M. B.; or v TITLE: Preparation of polyphen flb~r from polytetrafluoroethylene7dispersions SOURCE: Khimicheskiy volokna, no. 4, 19.65, 8-9 TOPIC TAGS: polytetrafluoi~oethylene,.synthetic fiber/ polyphen synthetic fiber ~ABSTRACT: The charac Pis -tc -tic properties of polytetrafluoroethylene (insolubility, linfusibili-ty, and absence of flow at temperatur' above the melting point of the i,cr-jstalline phasti of tht, polymer) exclude the,usse of ordinary methods in the prepa- Iration of fiberr. From llji~j substance. The method employed in this work consisted in, ,pmparing, tbe Fib-,:,t- from an aqueous colloidal dispersion of poly tetrafluoroethylene JPTFE). A fibpr, Filled with 1ITMF Is fomed from the auxiliary fiber-forming polyme ipolyvinyl alcohol, th,~n t;Wbjected to a heat -treatment in order to decompose the :palyvirlyl alcohol. and to i.~ansform -the PTM filler into polyphen fiber via the coag- ulation o' its particlei. Varioug processes for forming the polyphen fiber by th wet methorl m-ere t_t~.t4ted, and ahorizorttal process was found to be the simplest and Card 1/2 porph~~. 41rs ,-nu ~n sub~e,ts e c s ed c) -.n-, L30r-Ul. iC;rl o f I t t, -j f.~~ c. u r i Po 1 -i " . , Fir 11% Ir., U-J wevf. e. I f r) W, r ;,n ~as ~d r(..Wll pr D JANIGA, Jan; KOZIOROWSKA, Aleksanclra Effect of artificial saline water Krynica prepared from water of the spring Zdroj-Glowny on secretory gastric function following gastric resection and on subacid and anacid iastric catarrha. Polskie arch. mad. wewn. 26 no-3:259-266 1956. 1. Z Sanatorium Specjalistycznego Hr III Lwigrod P.P.U. Krynica Kierornietwo naukowe: prof. dr. nauk mad. T. Tempka. Kierownik II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. w Krakowie Dyrektor Sanatorium: dr. mad. J. Huczynski, Krynica, Sanatorium Lwigrod. (GASTRIC JUICE, hypoacidity & secretion disord., eff. of mineral water (Pol)) (MINERAL WATER, therapeutic use, "acidity & postgastrectomy secretion disord. (Pol)) (STORACH, surgery, gastrectomy. postop. gastric juice secretion disord.(Pol)) ITDICA See 16 Vol- 5110 Cannccr 3733.~'VVISCOCKI S.and KOZIOROWSKAJ.-Pracowni Biol. Nowot%vor6iv Inst. Onkol.iiii.',NfariiSkiodo%vsticj-iCuric,VVarszaw.i. zialla i rzcsjrz6-.vScrratiajMir- cesccns na 'zdcgcncro,%-any' miqsak Crockera The actio trala, of Serratia tj 17,0 on the Vegeneraled' Crocker sarcorria Nowotwory 1956, 613 (183-186) Graphs 4 Tables I The terni 'degenerated' is applied to the tuniours that show a protongcd period of latent growth (30-60 days instead of 7-10 days) and a diniini2hed percentage of takes (5-60% instead of 100%). For this investigation filtrates of S. marccscens were used that induced petechiae in not degenerated tumours when used in a I - 100 dilution and in doses of 0.3 mi.; filtrates of higher concentration were also used. In 'degenerated' tumours petechiae were absent after injections of filtrates diluted I : 1,000, 1 : 100, and I : 10 or concentrated 5 : I and 10 : 1. Some inhibition of growth of 'deqcnerated' tumours, however, was observed. It is sup osed that this growth-inbibiting factor isdifferent from the haemorrha&fficlor....lux - -W arsaw 0-^t 57 EXCERPTA MEDI~',k See 1~ Vol 7/2 Cancer Feb 59 fi,io. Art' ii iff barlerial InAill.1 fill the vircarpia iflogmis-ii fill the chfirinallaidoic mcnibrane Dzialanir toksyn baktrryjn~,cll na rni(,snk Wo hodowany na blonle choiloallantoi. dalnei. Koziol(OWSKAJ. and (.ZARNO%hK,', A. Zakl. lliol. Nowot%%oulw [list. Onkol. i n marl, 50"Jims ler-Ouir, %Var%/.awt Natentirtirt, 19511, 8 1 11 15 5u) 'rallies 2 Hills. The cliorioallantoic membranes of o i i davs' old chick cinbr\cis were injected %%if I i fragiornts of sarcoma i8o along wit It a filtrate of Serralia m~arcesccriscult tire; if) a 211d scries the filtrate Ivas (0\*r" 5 days after the inoculation of tile. sarcoma, -and in a control series only neoplastic tissue was inoculated. After ill davs' incubation tile eggs were examined for the number and size of tunlours as wIll ~s for tile per- centage ordead clubryos. In both experimental series it was round that the injection or Serratia marcescens fi4rate had had no effect on the numher and size of tuniours nor (;it the mortality. The microscopical examinations revealed that, compared with tll(. controls, tile tiImours exposed to tile action of tile filtrate showed a considerably lower aniount of mitotic figures, necrotic lesions in tile neighhourhood of hae- morrhages and numerous aggregations of erythrocytes. The authors suggest that bacterial toxins exert their action by the intermediation ofthe host's organism, i.e. only after the formation of blood vessels. In view of the similarity of tile present results to those obtained in their previous experiments, the authors believe that the technique of inoculation of tumours on tile developing eggs ma~ be of value for testing anticancerous chemotherapeutical agents. lbert - Wroclaw t ixCERPT& YMICA Sec 16 Vol 7/9 Cancer SePt 5 3644, Mucous metaplasla, of chick's epithelium In tissue culture due to vitamin A iMetaplazja Jiuzowa nask6rka kurczqcia whodowli in vitro pod wplywem witaminu A. KoziwtowsKA J. and Dux K. Zakl. Diol. Nowot. Inst. Onkol. im. Marii SkIodoM!T-CU-rcI-.VI, ws it ahzawa Nouviuvry 195B, 813-4 237-242) Illus- I I The authors cultivated chick epithelium in vitro and coWmed the observation.% of Fell and Mellanby that in the presence of vit. A the cornification is inhibited and the epithelium is transformed to mucus-secrtting epithelium. Oestrogens have no influence on this transformation. Horst - Poznah KOZIOR0101U, Jadwiga The influence of ovarian hormones and Insulin on the mouse r,,a:,,mry glands cultivated in vitro. Acta madica polona 3 no-3:237-245 162. 1. Department of Biology of Tumors, The Mfaria Sklodowska-Curio Institute of Oncology, Warsaw Director: Prof. Dr. J. Laskows1d Director of the Department of Biology of Tumors: Prof. Dr. K. Dux. (WIRW-1) (INSULIN) (EST-tADIOL) (PRO=TEMONE) K0;'L_-7t0R1C-,\.,-z,Kt ~, __ - K6ZLOWSKI', S.; KOZIOROWSICI, A. k.:,- _: , ~: . '- " -., -, '. 7'. ,, ~' .- Effect of the position of the body on function of circulatory and respiratory systems. Acta physiol. polon. 3 no. 1:93-103 1952- (CLML 22-5) 1. Of the Institute of Physiology of Work of Warsaw Medical Academy and of the Institute of Physiology of Academy of Physical Education (Head--Prof. W. Riesturo, M. D.) In Warsaw. GORTA, Tadmusz; WASNIEWSKA, Maria; LAMINSKA-OONTOWA, Halina-, .EDZIOROWSXI..Antoni (Warszawa) Role and significance of cardiac cathstarization in stenosis of bicuspid valve. K&rdiol. polska I no-3-4:26-28 1955. (CATHL'T'RRIZATION, CARDIAC, in various diseases, mitral stenosis (Pol)) (MITRAL STENOSIS, diagnosis, catheterization (Pol)) POIAVD/Human and Animal Physiology (Norm.1 and Pathological). T-5 Respiration. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., 1,1o 16, 1958, 7482o Author -;_,Koziro,,7ski, Antoni Inst -WIk'-w-1~_ Title ConterVorary Methods of FLuictional Investigation of Respi- ratory Organs. Orig Pub Postepy ftyzjatr. i pneumonol., 1956,, 11 93-117- Abstract A description of the separate methods of investiCption of the respiratory function by probes with suppression of res- piration, of determination of the volume of the lungs, of lung ventilation in dormancy and after strers, of Laseous exchange, their mixing and diffusion in the lungs, of in- vestigation of gases of the blood.9 Evaluation 13 Civen of the clinical significance of separate methods. -- S.Ya. Marmorshteyn. Card 1/1 KLOTT, Maria; KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni; LACHOWICZ, Danuta Respiratory disorders in artificial pneumothorax. I. Respiratory disorders during formation of pneumothorax and after early interruption. Gruzlica 24 no.4:247-1164 Apr 56. 1. Z Instytutu Gruzlicy, Dyrektor: prof. dr. J. Misiewicz, Warszawa. Plocka 26. (PURIMOTHOR.AX, ARTIFICIAL, complications, reap. disord. (Pol)) (RESPIR&TION, disord. in artif. pneumothorax (Pol)) KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni; OSINSKA, Krystyna Respiratory disorders in artificial pneumothorax. II. Function of the respiratory tract following termination of complete successful pneumothorax. Gruzlica 24 no.4: 265-268 Apr 56. 1. Z Instytutu Gruzlicy v Warozawie. Dyraktor: prof. (1r. J. Misiewict, W-wa, ul. Plocka 26. (PNEUMOTHORAX, ARTITTCIAL, complications, reap. disord.i(Pol)) (RESPIRATION, disord. In artif. pneumothorax (Pol)) OSINSKA, Krystyna; KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni; BEDHARSK, Zbigniew Respiratory disorders In artificial pneumothorax. III. Fibrothorax. Gruzlica 24 no.4:269-286 Apr 56. 1. Z Instytutu Gvuzlicy. Dyrektor: prof. dr. J. Misiewicz. (PNMMTHORAX, ARTIFICIAL, complications, fibrothor&x. spontaneous (Pol)) (LUNGS, diseases, fibrothorax, spontaneous, in artif. pneumothorax. (Pol)) KMIOROWSKI, Antoni; WARDA, Barbara - --------- Falmonary function tests after Begmental resection. Postepy hig. Med. dosw. no.2:199-201 160. 1. Z Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie Dyrektor: Prof. dr Janina misiewicz. (PNEUMONECTM) KOZICROWSKI, A. Report of the Komisja fisjopatologii oddychania of the Inatytut grazlicy. Terminolo&7 in the field of resoiratory physioPatholo97 established by the Komisja do spraw fizjopatologii oddychania of the Instytut gruslicy. Gruzlica 28 no-3:229-234 mr.16o. (RESPIRATICN physiol.) KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni; RADWAN, Leszek Studies on the accuracy and application of Astrup's method in the evaluation of acid-base equilibrium in the blood. Gruzlica 30 no-4i 295-309 '62. 1. Z Zakladu Flzjopatologii Inetytutu Gruzlicy Rierownik: dr A. Koziorowski Dyrektor: prof. dr med. W. Jaroszewicz. (ACID BASE EQUILIBRIUM) HARTWIG, Walenty; GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor; KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni Attempted therapy of chronic respiratory insufficiency with radioactive iodine (1-131). Preliminary communication. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 no.6%549-554 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy 01 w Warszawi-c i z Osrodka Radioizotopowego SDL Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Hartwig. (IODINE radioactive) (RESPIRATORY SYSTEM dis) It WASYLKIEWICZ, Jjenryk; KOZIOROWSKII Antoni Studies on the clinical usefulness of radioplanimetric pulmonary fwiction tests. Gruzlica 30 no.11:989-998 162. 1~ Z Instytut-a Gruzlicy-Z Zakladu Radiologil-Kierownik: prof. dr med, K. Ossowska i Zakladu Fizjopatologii-Kierownik: lek. A. Koziorowski. Dy---oktor: prof. dr med. W. Jarorzowicz. (IIESPIRATORY 1-UNCTION TESTS) (THORACIC RADIOGRAM) KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni; RADWAN, Leszek Use of.the capnograph in the determination of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed venous and in arterial blood wi" the aid of repeated respiration. Pol. arch. mod. wown. 32 no.12:1543-1552 162. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjopatologii Instytutu GTuzlicy w Warszairie.Kierownik-. dr. med. A. Koziorowski.Dyrektor: prof. dr med, W. Jaroszewicz. (CARBON DIOXIDE) (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TIMS) KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni; RADWAN, Leszek Astrup's method in the diagnosis of acid-base equilibrium disorders in chronic respiratory insufficiency. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.5xl6l-164 28 Ja 063. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjopatologil Instytutu Gruzlicy; kierownik: dr medo A. Koziorowski i z Oddzialu Chorob Wownetrznych Instytutu Gruzlicy; kierownik: prof. dr B. Jochweds. (RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY) (ACID-BASE EQUILIBRIUM) BROMBERG-MEK, Sara; KOZIOR%ISKI,, Antoni; RADWAN, Leszek; LUSTIGY Stefania Hydrogen-.ion texcretion in chronic renal failure. Pol. arch. med. wewn. 33 no.'7,.-735-'145 '63. L Z Oddzialu Wevnetrznego Insty-tutu Gruzlicy Kierownik: prof. dr med,, B. Jochweds Z Zakladu Fizjopatologii Instytutu Gruzlicy Kierownik-i dr med. A. Koziorawski Z Pracowni Analitycznej Kierownik;: dr med, A. Wolancka, (KIDNEY DISH173ES) (.HYDROGEN,-ION CONCENTRATION) (URI,TITE) , Janus7 ; I, A-, Per~!ent ratir, tf and, -a: Kc z ou KOZIOROTWSKI, A., dr. med.; FUMWO, L. 111c. awemination of part, ial CCP- v-,-,:.Lus and erterial blood ui th the bloodle.91--i iiethod of "repeated rps-,ira- tiont~ in a closed circuit. Bratisi. lek. listy 45 no.9t~P-3- 522 15 My'65- 1. Oddelenia patof-jziologis Vysk-u--,reho ustavu tuberkulozy vo Varsave (veduci dr. med. A. Kozioro-wski). YOZIOROWSKI, Antoni; ZIELINSKI, Jan; RAMIAN, lp-szek The use of multergan In the diagnosis of generalized bronchial stenosis. Gruzlica 33 no.5:421-429 14Y 165. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjopatolngil Oddychanla Instytutu Gruzlicy (Kierownik: lek. A. KoLiorowBkl). KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni,; RADWAN, Leszek Carbon dioxide partial pressure gradient of the arterial blood and the end-tidal air sample in chronic bronchopulmonary dis- eases. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 35 no.4:483-490 165. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjopatologii Instytutu Gruzlilcy w Wrirszawie (Kiercwnik: dr. A. Koziorowski). IMBSKA-MAKOSA, Zuzanna; KLOTT, MLria; ROWINSKA, Ewa; Halina; KOZIOROWSKI, Antoni Diagnostic difficulties in the pulmonary fibrosis. Gruzilca 33 no.7:605-613 il t65- 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Plue (Kierownik: doe. dr. P. Yxakow-.a), z Zakladu Radiologii (Kierownik: prof. dr. K. Ossowska) i v, Zakladu Fizjopatologii (Kierownik: dr. A. Koziorowski) InstytutL Gruzlicy. OV Water. lCoilorovuhU D.-Bolirce K"4 Sewage. cdalolaliim OW dy I Jclik"~-. ptov de'llocculation bf the I Inesuipen ed jA A rti;Ies. and h. 9 brP4 ' ~ u Sor a laj ns 6UM"hanical water ancl itimic ~~iicado ! t'j1ijmssl6iej id- "of ih-eimount of coqu ator uW.- to i d a--' 441N112 Sivinp in tills' - adure. The* t4aslil e~~Cdrrea g to: the t must be correv 0 by mixing: sc. f ' -ftc Anga-Alf e!renl~ re actlon,: befom: th li lio f CQasWat4-1#;Wded' ImparbA ma a :1401gs can be d by r0turligAb . v - 09' to",ftono Ito me A tat! V~ v ~ , - - of, U to ta -wavu~pro~tfcw as Iron he t" In P":pf- vD" . , , a ovinvOor'lu - ce" :we psed hi N *htdi thi fers process. Inauri in - ators I N .. 4,t. ".-IZT ~ - - ' . - I -'.- .: 4. - , 3 . "?ur`f-,7inc se%;af,e fro.-: "I:e :nroclucti,)n of -,ntilciotics." G.~i~,, I Technika f:LnIItarf-.L,, Vol "o 4, -LY'4 1 , 1. 1-1 - -~: `~,.stern 7'urone-,~n cc.-,ssi-)Ps List, V-~' 1; 7 11, 1'1)14, Lib-. of Congress ~~' 11 - , - -L ~ :. 0 .'. -7 POLAIID/Chemical Technology. Chemir.-al Products 1-12 and Their Application-Vater Treatment. Sewa-e Water Abs Jovr: Ref Zhur-KhImlya, fir) 3, 1957., 9124 A"ttior Ko z i o ua DIC Ca:jejszclc, I., Malanowski, Z., nd I-I'lodek, S Inst. Nr)t Given Title Sanitary and 11-.-Cle.iic Characteristics of the BuLr,, River Orig Pub: Gaz, woda, techn. sanit., Vol 29, No 2, 51- 57 (in F~)lish) Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 KOZIOROWSKI, B. Recent opinions on the preparation of the oxyzen content of rivers. (To bp contd.) p. 315 Vol. 29, no. 9, Sept. 1955 GAZ, WODA I TECHNIKA SANTTARNA Warszawa SO: Monthly List. of East European Accesaions (EEAL), LC, VOL. 5, no. 2 Feb. 1956 Yozicnu"FSK13 D. KOZIORG;SKI, B. Radioactive sewage. p. 21. GAZA, WCDA I TEC1241KA SANIT ARNA. Warszawa, Poland. V01. 30, No. 1. Jan. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List WIL) LC Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956 POLAND/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their H-5 Application. Part 1. - Water Treatment, Sewage. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 218~8 Author Irena Cabejszek, Bohdan Koziorowski, SzbiEpiew Malanowski, Janina Stanislawska Inst Title Sanitary-Hygienic Characteristic of The Vistula Between Warsaw and Plotsk. Orig Pub Gaz, woda, techn. sanit., 1957, 31, No 5, 165-172 Abstract The research carried out in 1956 showed that from the hy- gienic point of view, the Vistula is polluted insignifi- cantly upstream of Warsaw. A strong pollution was revea- led in the section between the mouth of the main collec- tor in Warsaw and the mouth of the Bug. In consequence of the inflow of a great a unt of the Bug water, I+he Vis- tula water becomes considerably cleaner downstream. Card 1/1 CZYZI K.p mgr.;,KOZIOROWSPI-, B.j_ W.; MORACZEWSKI, J., mgr. Characteristics of the water pollution in the Wieprz River. Gosp wodna 21 no.11:510-512 N 161. KOZIOROWSKI, Bogdan, mgr., inz. Five years of activities of the Warsaw Branch of the Water Protection Office in Warsaw. Gosp wodna 21 no.12:543-544 D 161. 1. Zaklad Ochrony Wod, Oddzial v Warszawie. HIRSZFELDOWA, Hanna; BLOCHOWNA, Boguslawa; KOZIOROWSKI,,--~zeslaw; SASSOWA, Janina; WASIK, Renata ' Studies on the nature of urogen. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.2-1:381-383 13 Mr 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. we Wroclaviu; kierownik: prof. dr med. H. Hirszfeldowa. (POLYSACCHARIDES urine) (RHEUMATISM urine) KOZIOROWSKI, Czoslaw; PLOTNICKU, Ba~-,yili; ZAJAC, Jozcf A rapid method for paper chronatography of 17-1~~Luo~t'3rold isolated from urine. Endolcry. pol. 13 no.3:227-293 16,2. 1. 1 Klinil-a Pediatryezna X11 we Wroclavriu Kieroi-mik: pro". dr. It. Ilirszfeldowa Klini.ka Chorob Zalcanych Wickzu Dzir!ciecego X-1, we 11-froclawiti Kieromik: prof. dr. T. Vowakows"zi. (17-IC-MMIROIDS urine) (CHTIOCUTMIAT1,Y) NOZIOROWSE1, (,ze-slaw anti PLOTN'ICKI, Bazy1i; First Ped."atric 0111ric (I X-1 /Xkademla :-Iedyczr-a -- Medical SchOO17 in wro.-,law*, Dirsetor: Prof D-- H. "IRSZFELTDOWA and the Ohildren's Clinic of Infectious Dl!:ertses Nliniks Chorob Zakaznych Wielni Dziecleceg,)), A-M in Wrocla-,,, Dlrec- tor- Prof Dr T. NOWAYOWSKI, "A Qpantltatlve Method of Froperdin Deter7Anation bv Esti- nirttin,- lti3 Protein Content' ifarsaw, 11 zegilwi lezii ., Vol P,1!, NTo 4, 1r-62 T-,p--_7j61-46-D Abstract- CAuthors, Encrilsh nwi~--iary -,odifie vie cor, on .~7 rim mathade of rrw:rd1n det-rrAnatiort used to be very complex ard tcobn-loally difficult. The authors propo3e a -nodifination based on ptoperdin adsorr)tion by inulin end the est!7-iAtlon of the proteln content of the properdin-inulin complex using the trinin turbidimetric miaro-technique. Thia modification Is sasy and quick and might be Introduced at any clinical laboratory as c routine technique. 1 table; I thustration; 14 rceerGnces, mainly Western. L-1/1 J hG-710VA, 1'. A. , -_- L'. -7 - - 'E. 7 . , - ---V, ;,. 1 . _AIPL, - f "On thu nrcble!~: (if the ccr.,jb!,ied eff6ct , f I.oxins and hitgh atmospheric temIr.erature on the orfranis!-." report suLmItted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidenliologists and Itifectionists, 1959. KOZIa-,'SKI, L. POLAND 1114agnetic Methods of Testing of Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials,", by L. Prace Instytutow IfIninterstwa Ilutnictwa, ~Ilivrlve, Nos. 2-/~, 1955/. M RUMANIA/Optica - Spectroscopy. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, NJ 6, 1959, 14315 Author : Altsvler, S.A., Kizirev, B.M. Irst : - - ------ Title : Electronic Paramagietic Resonance. GriG Pub : An. Ron.-Sov. Ser. Mat-fiz., 1958, 12, No 3, 68-113 Abstract : Translated from the joirml "Uspeklii fiz muk" 1957, 63, 110 3, (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1958, No 5, 10849). Card 1/1 Yi"Zlpj,v, 1. ItUie i;.,Prove.-tent of the in Lpnnin!:r,LJ." Tr. fma Pr. D53. !l,jrjaje~jt,.) jualit '-I' of production; from +,h~-- expe-rien,--es -,f ulle fJie Russian. P. !Vll~. . .,Glul, 'CilC1114KA, VA. Us, of Eabt Eurooean Acces-sions, Vul. 2, Uhrary of Conf7rass uncl. 1953, INMEMTSEV, B.S., kando- tekhn, nauk; PROTSENKO, R.D., kand. tekhns nauk; KOZI.M. M.M. [Kozyriev, MAI, inzh. Attachment for protecting electric motors. Yekh. sill, hosp. 14 no.9:30 S 163. (MIRA 17-1) KOZIREV, M.M. [Kozyriev, M.M.1; mAKARLTK, I.F., inzh. Efficient aggregation of soil cultivating and sowing machines. Mekh. sill. hosp. 14 no.41ll-12 Ap 163. (K[RA 16:10) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii Ministerstva proizvodstva i zagotovok sallskokhozyaystvannyKh prodWktav UkrSSR (for Kozirev). cx D*C4iY Of thot d!COMP"ItIOU Of M1111011111119 12 thil dt" Vd sude* G. ' A. G, Lormik. Dooperds .4 kad' V4 formul., t, demogled lot the, rate of dmmnpn. col rsomartcasite in tbc 11m olface Pam arr Atidneff mo de,,milm 44 marttsmir lot W 11"I (W I C 1 10%1 .41 -At, 110f, all,j 1~4)' 1.11. K Ithotted aguill't 1, 1' 1. it 'I 1w evirtoty of Actmtloll of tile arturlipil. mittloll Iffi I.-Ijklif it. $w ~N'4911 CAI, IffloAr. MurTav Swilkil. Eff"t of silicon. virconium. calialt, and chrimmuni on the kinetic. of the second ntage of drconq~,%ifion of ninitrillift, I I I -, 1, .. ,, I I ; V., I, - - " - 1,0. 1 1 -, .,; d, I I '. f% " " I, I lo- N S; M 19,1111. 1P1'1 ft ill., 1, .-If ~~4. . -:~ ,,.j I I - '. 1. k", o I i I :, ~i II to O."j, Cl. 'I wit., .."d 01W,.O. L' wilv(l l`,1 %.Ele 1,-v 1 1.1 it .'dl' iweiv.di iIvrr the rullogir IN) "AW x 1.1%. III ni.irti-n%ile littler stnufutors ri-vi-salrol rable tO 2.1%%) C in the a-pbAse III the fine stirrii after Irynileritit A At 2MO, flit C drorififcof it, IIASI~~ in Co Ivl. 0. 17. in St. Zr, and Cr st"I., niod it, IE,,o III %feel cantor. C Emily. Orowth of Cirbide pliaw III C -Ird Ix-gins? at MW and in inarr rupit? at higher renip, (It-ols of nTbinle fit /r ti-rl Iovn, it AN,*. ,I So %wi,~ I if Cr -tE,l at 30". wl~l .11 %:" tr~l .1 1~oobjl~ N." SOV/1 17 - 51) -.'- ~880 Translation from- Reterativriyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2. p 2?4 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kozvrskiy, Kononctiko, Okraineis !Koz%'rs'k,.-v H. Ya.,Konorenkc, V A~ Okrainctsi, P.M.) TITLE: A Study ot Structural Change!s Dur'rig Creep or Nickel (Izucherive izmeneniy struktll.ry nikelya pri polzuchesti) in Ukrainian PERIODICAL- Ukr. fiz. zli., 1958, Vol ~. Nr 3 pp kc) I - ~1)u ABSTRACT: A report on a novel X-ray diitraction meihcj(! ot ztudying strucit.ral changes occurring in individual grairs of large L ry-Sta! ma!er ijl~ in the process of creep. It is shown that cru~ihlrTg or grains in the lira! stage begins almost immediately aiter if-x loactirig of the spec'men. The crushing of grains and an increase ~n he angies of heir grain structure is particularly intense in the beoinning of a test- These processes progress more rapidly in large grair.,~ than ir smal" grains. In the second stage, the deformation proceeds primarily by a mech- anism of viscous flow along the grain houndaries- In the process. the grains thernselves are rotated by - W w0h rc!5peci to each other. Owing to the movement of the grains the surtace of the specirrien Card 112 acquires a step-like appearance ttid cracks ~re iort-ned within .he A Study of Structural Changes During Creep of Nickel SOV/137-59- Z 3880 specimen; it is along these cracks that the failure of tile specimen occurs P, N. Card 212 2 5571 4'/185/60/005/002/006/022 D274/D304 AUTHORS: Danylenko, V.M. and Koz481kyy, G.Ya. TITLE: On the intensity of X-ray reflections PERIODICAL: Ukrayins'kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2, 1960, 190-201 TEXT: The intensity of X-ray scattering by a single crystal-grain is calculated. The width of the intensity distribution along and across the Debye ring is determined. The width is found to be dep- endent on the divergence of the X-ray beam, on the size of the grain and on the presence of misoriented beans of coherent scattering. The relationships given in the present article constitute a general- ization of those given by V. Kononenko, P. Okrainets and G.Ya. Kozy- rs'kyy (Ref. 4: UZhF, no. 3, 1958). For determining the width of the scattering, an ideal experiment is considered. The intensity of the scattering is found I (x, Y') a I (x') 12 (y') (4) Card 1/3 25571 S/18 60/005/002/006/022 On the intensity of X-ray reflections D274YD304 where +00 I (X dx"dx" 1~ bbo,~ ~c xb 1 ) . , ) ~ ( aby co 12 (y I dy Ahb~ h OM The functions(p, and correspond to the orientation of the beam, the size'of the grain, and the influence of the focal point, respectively. x, y are the coordinates of the focal point, ot, P - of the reflection center, A and B are constants, bx, b b0c bg b& and b' correspond to the values of the integrateX'width' of the respective functions These functions have to be experimentally determined. It is concluded that if the beam is reilected from a fixed grain onto a fixed plate, the width along the Debye ring is determined by the joint influence of the three above-mentioned factors (in a particular case, the width can be the sum of the terms due to each of these factors). The width across Card 2/ 3 25571 S/185J60/005/002/006/022 On the intensity of X-ray reflections D274/D304 the Debye ring depends mainly on the two factors which are respon- sible for the minor widths (as compared to the third). In particu- lar, for large values of misoriented beams, the transverse width is determined by the divergence of the beam and the grain size, whereas the longitudinal width by the values of the misoriented beams. If the crystal rotates and the plate moves along the axis of rotation, the width varies as a function of the misorientation of beams and of the ratio of velocity of rotation of crystal to velocity of plate. 'From the observed values of width for three different velocities of plate, the form and orientation-of the ell- ipsoid of reflection of a given crystal grain can be determined. There are 5 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sov- iet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: P.B. Hirsch, Kellar, Acta Cryst., 5, 162, 1952. ASSOCIATION: Instytut metalofizyky AN USSR (Institute of Metal- physics, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: July 4, 1959 Card 3/3 AFONCHIKOV, V.A.; KOZISq G.I. Reason for allowances in forgoings subjected to snagging prior to beat treatment. Kuz.-shtam. proiz% 2 no.5:7-9 My 160, (MIRA 14:3) (Steel forgings) AFOUCHIKOV, V.A.; KOZIS, G.I. ---- --- ----- ~. I - Specify allowances and tolerances for forgings. Standartizatsita 24 no,3:21 Mr "0;." (MIRA 13:6) (Toler ce(Engineering)) I,,, -2. 1. , C, I- r KUCHKIN, Mikhail Dmitriyevich; SPITSYN, Nikolay Andreyevich; BALAKIREV, V.P., rateenzent; retsenzent; LARIONOV, G.Ye., [Automatization of hydroelectric power stations] Avtomatizntsiia gidroelektricheakikh stAntaii. Pod obahchei red.M.D.Kuchkinn. Moskva. Gos.energ.izd-vo. 1957. 350 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Automatic control) 8(2) S01f I 112-59-2-2832 Tranqlation frem- Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekb-nika., 1959, Nr 2, pp 80-81 'USSR) AUTHOR-. Kozis V. L, TITLE; Lnvesztigaticn of Relal Protective De-vices on an IMEE! Dynamic Model '_"ssled(,;ariJve ustroystv releynoy zashcluty na din.arnicheekoy modeli ME1) PERIODTCAL-.. V sb. -. Mezh-,mF. kor-ferents-iya. po Prirneneniyu modelirovaniya v elektrotekkin, zadach-ikh i matem mcdel%rovardya.- M. , 1957, Pp 112-114 ABSTRACT- Mrthod advancement for invest1gating r e'~ ay -protective systems and Ene automatic de-vicee, "physical" and "mathernatical" models, and staging of exDeri m.. ents is r-ciAidered. 17y; estigat--ji.,._-, of tie foll:)wing protective aye,tems --arried rut cr- a_a ME! dy_rL-aT_nJ.c msdel rtported. phase -comparison, di' whase-sensitive, dista-r-ce -type 'fTE'r-11, :.rduction-relay directional. See alsc; the collection: Mezlh--vuz. konferentsiya po primenerdiyu modelirovaniya v elektrotekhr-, zadachakh i matem. modeli-rovaniya. M. , 1957, p 111. N~A A. Card 111 A' 0 Z/ 5. //,' F1?RIXANT,'Veniamin Livovich; KOZIS,, V.L., red.; FROKIN, A.M.,, [Theory of altemating current relay winding] Toorite obmotok role peremennogo toks. Moskva, Ooe. onerg. izd-vo, 1958. 263 P. (31ectrie relays) (MIRA 11:4) KC-77':-~ V-r.- ROK.'TY~04, rjt t-.C- I . (143tr!bution of a3tive ztowpr the 3tations of a heat and electfic power syster. -using the "Ura'.- I" d-',g-'tB! cz)mpi-,ter. Tmdy MES no.54~227-2502 164. 1" 12)" KOZISEK, J. "The Significance of Mining Archives in the Research on Minsral Resources." p. 38. (Rudy , Vol-1, No-2/3, Apr. 1953, Praha.) SO: honthly List of East h~xropepm Accessions, Vol.3, No.3, Library of Congress, Mardh 1954, unolt KOZISEK, J. - A working day on the Vysoke Veseli Collective Farm. p. 8. ROMICKE HUISY. (Ministerstvo zemedelstvi. 'Hiavni aprava jednotnych zemedelskych druzstev) Praha. Vol. 10, no. 6, June 1956. SCURCE: ELAL LC Vol. 5, No. 10, Oct. l)56 : . D- - IJT . OrLanizati-Dn of .,Tork -inl nroduction on .3 -7-11er CollectiVe f!~r!r; it ioes :. 11~i-,-,,".. :TLi'7y, not h~ 've the aivintages corpared to the big ones. T. 5. ~- ~. .. - Vt-,,, . ', 0, -0 - 7, J111Y Fr,~ihn, Cznchosl.ovqk 11 ) Y - .1 -1: ~Ionthly List of :-,ast v-urore.-in Accession3 (HAL) L,~, Vol . -'), ~ 0. 12, i~ec 1-',57- Uncl . mzisu' J. KOZISEK, J. OrIfanizatiori of production and 1.-iork on a larger collective farm. p- Vol. 10, no. 12, Dec. 1956 ROLICKE IILASY AGRICb IRE Czechoslovakia So: East &iropean Accession, Vol. 6, :0. 5, MaY 1-57 econo ~c ,-beans ol,* -,. col-Inctive farm. !'t. 1. p. no. 1, Tan. !rah,-,) Ti!:-t -)f 7r,--t '--,i-lropc?an ~ccessLon '~'Oj. r). 7, 'TU Y, - ZIS".1, I J. Labor productivity. IX. p. 26 (Rolnicke HInsy, Vol. 11, No. ~,, Sent. 19F)1, Frp)in, Yonthly Index cf -East Europemn Accessions (E;,-A1) LC. Vo2. 7, No. 2, Febmunry lgr'-,B KUZISEK, J. "Problems of transportation iii agricuiture." P. 143 (bbU161K. TAJA Z&AEJZ~SKA EKUNUAIKA Vol. 31, no. 213, Mar. 1958, Praha, 6zechoslovakia) Vionthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) ;,L;, Vol. 7, no. 7, 1958 5/169/62/000/008/089/090 E032/E114 AUTHOR: Kozisek, Josef TITLE: 'Paleomagnetism and the drift of continents PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no.8, 1962, 32, abstract 8 G 237. (Geol. pruzkum, v.4, no.3, 19b2, 68-70). (Czech, abstracts in Russian, English and German). TEXT: The extent to which palcomagnetic measurements have facilitated the explanation of the drift of continents is discussed. References are made to the current discussion in the world specialist literature between I'mobilists" and "fixists". '.Abstractor's note: Complete translation.' Card 1/1 KOZISHKURT,, P..?., klinicheskiy ordinator Preventive measures against Insecticides during work in fruit and vegetable gardens, Gig* I san, 23 no,6:77-79 Je 158 (MMA 11:7) 1, Is kafedry kothnykh i venericheskikh bolezney Kinhinevskogo mfqdi- tstnRkogo in3titUtDo (DMUSTRIAL HYGIM protection for workers with insecticides (RUB)) INSECTICIDES, inj. eff. prev. In agriculture (Rua)) 9. KOZISIDW , P.; KOSHCHUG,R. ---- Repablic conference of therapeutiets. Zdravookhranonie 2 no.6t 58 N-D 159. WRA 13:6) 1. ITachallulk lechprofapravlenia Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya Moldavskoy SSR (for Mozishkurt). 2. Glavny7 tprapert Ministerstva zdravookhraueniya Noldavskoy SSR (for Kbahchug). (MOLDAVIA--THERAPF,MICS) KOZISHKURT, P.P.; SHIROKOVA, N.V. Organizing control of'obild mortality in Kisbinev. Zdravookbra- nenie 5 no.3:3-6 My~e t62. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Ki~hinevskim gorodskim otdelom zdravookhra- neniya (for Kozishkurt). 2. Gla-vW pediatr gorioda Kishineva (for Shirokova). (KISHINEV-INFANTS-MORTALITY) KOZISHKURT~ P.P. Skin diseases of workers an the M.V. Frunze and "KopankaO State Fru.*.t and Vegetable Farms in the Moldavian SSR, Zdra.. voqkhranen1-.qe 6 no-1:11-15 J-F'63. (AURA 16:8) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh'i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. - dotsent L.G.Bogacheva) i kafedry organizatsii zdravookhra- nenlya i istorli meditsiny (zav. - dotsent M.Ya. Gekhtman) Kishinevskogo meditsinzkogo instituta; nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty prof. M.V.Borzov. (1,11OLDAVIA-AGRICUIAURAL WORKERS-DISUSES AND HYGIENE) (MOIDAVIA--SKIN DISIEASES) i PENKA, Mi-roslav, prof., Ph.Mr., RNDr. (Brno, Obrancu miru 10); KOZISKOVA, Blanka; MALKOVA, Vera; MANJkKOVA, Irena, Accumulation of essential oila in the plant Carum carvi L. Acta pharmac 5s17-49 161. -1.- Xpartment of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy,, Bratislava. KOZ13i"iVA, ?".; PICY, M. Ccntribution to deterT-.ining the form. of the geoid. P. 15. (C;HIJFY5IK,,',U7I SBORNIK, No. 20/35, 1955 (published 1956), Fmha, Czechoslovgkia) SO: Yonthly List of East "ur-,)pean Accessions LC, Voi. 6, No. 12, Dec 1957. llncl. BERRI, R.Ta., doteent; KOZYLTAYEV, P.A., doteent; LUNTS, G.L., doteent; LIBIN, M.L., starshiy prepodavatelf; ROZZYNTAL'. H.I., aaaistent. Prinimali uchastiye: FUKS, B.A., prof.; VOTEUOVA, S.V., doteent; ,.,FgZI-TSIN, V.I., doti3ent; TL RUSH, V.L., dotsent. ANOSHINA, K.I., reif,;xMT1411wo N.S., (Higher mathematics; instructions and control problems for students specializing in agriculture, fish culture, and forestry in upper- level correspondence schools (departments)] Vysshaia matematika; matodichoskde ukazaniia i kontrolInye zadanila dlia studentov sell- skokhoziaistvennykh. rybokhoziaistvennykh I lesokhoziaiastvennykh spetsiallnOBtOi zaochnykh VYBBhikh uchebnykh zavbdenii (fakalltetov). Pod red. G.L.Luntsa. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo *Sovetakaia nauka,' 1958. 90 P. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo vysahego obrazovaniya. Metodicheskoye upravleniye. (Mathematics) KOZITSKIY, Yu., mladBbiy nauchnyy sctrudnik Brown rot of apple. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.',: 36-37 165. (MIM 19: 1) 1. Sochint;kaya opytnaya stantsiya subtropicheskikh i yuzhnykh plodovykh kulttur. KOZISKOVA, Vlasta (Praha) Graphite and molybdenum dioulfide. Ropa a uhl1e 6 no. 3: 82-86 Mr 164. 1. KOZITSY"IYk, A. F. 2. ussit (6oo) 4. minet 7. Sowing nerennial legumes and grasses as companion crOD for Millet. Sbor stud rab Umansk sellkhoz inst. No 1 1951. 9. Monthly List 2_f Russinn Accessions, Library of Congress., -Anril 1953, Uncl. 1) Z" 1 Ts K A , .I,,~_ 1\,i - SHTARZ~G,IYa, A., KOZITMYAo K.N. Complex therapy of sclergma. Vast. orinolar. Xoskva 15 no.6,44-47 &,v.-Dva. 1953. (G ZML 25 ;5 ) 1; Professor for Shvartabarg. 2. Of the Cllzi6 for Diseases of the 1kr. Throats and Nose (Head --Prof. Ta. A. Shvartsbarg)g Kiev Medical Institute and the Division of the Municipal Clinical Hospital of 7irst Aid. KOZITSKAYA, K.N.; Primary6multiple lesion of the palatal tonsils with malignant tumors. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.4:76-77 JI-Ag 161. MRA 15:1) 1. Iz lainiki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - zasluzhennyr deyatell nauki prof. YaiA.Shvartsberg) Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo insUtut-.% i Otorinolaringologicheskogo otdeleniya bollnitsy imeni Oktyabrlskoy revolyutail. (TONSILS--TUMO?S) SHVIIMBP , Te.;KOZITSK&YA, K.P.;TMRIrA H,V.X.;ZATTSBYA, S.M. Treatment of sclaroma with streptomycin, Vest otorinolar., Moskia 14 no.2:65-67 Mar-Apr 1952, .. _ (CLA 22:1) 1. Honored Worker in Science, Professor for Shvartsberg; AssiBtamt for Kositakaya; Departmental Pb,7sician for Derkach; SeniorLaboratory Wofter for Zaytseva. 2. Of the Clinic for Dias"es of the Bar. Throat, and Nose (Director -- Honored Worker in Science Prof. Ta. A. Shvartsberg). Kiev Medical Institute. BRYUKHANOV, VA; KOZITSKAYA. M.T.; NEVYAZIfSKIY, I.I. Smbe problems in the theory of geological interpretation. VAGT no.8:109-123' 162. (Aerial photogrammetry) Trudy (MIRA 15:11) KOZITSKIY, N. I. PA 237T72 USSR/Greophysics - Hydrology Dee 52 "Some Problems of Marine Hydrological Observations;' G.S. Ivanov, State Inst of Oceanography, and N.I. Koziltzkiy, Admin of Observation Stations "Meteorol i Gidrol" Tio 12, pp 46-48 Advocate use of observations of water level at marine bydrolog stations, more uniform stds of observation, and increase in the network of sta- tiuns. 237T,72 LOIDIS, A.P.[doceasedlj PREOBRAZIMIKIY, Yu.V., kand. geogr. nauk; KORZUN; V.I., red.; KEDROLIVANSKIY, V.N... prof., red.; ZAvl-'()V, D.D.p doktor geogro nauk, red.; GRIMOV, N.N,,r kand. geogr. uaukp red.; SELKNEVA, kand. flzlke-watem. nauk, red.; UKHANOVI.V.V.p kand. teklm. uaukx-red.j-KUZlKM, L.D., red.; KOZTTSKIY? N.1.9 red.1 KONOMOVA.-L,Bop tekbn, red* (Instructions for bydrometeorological stations and posts]Nastav- lanie gidrore teorologiche skim stantsiiazi i postam. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.lzd-vo. No.2.[I~ydrometeorological observations at postal Gidrometeorologiclieskie nabliudeniia ra poBtakh [Fatitij~e hydro- meteorological observationall-lorksie gidronateo~ologicheskie nabliii- deniia. 1948. 114 p. (MIRA 150) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorolo- gicbeskoy sluzhby. (Meteorolog'y, Maritime) ZTJBOV N.N..;:49Z' ITS'KI' PODOL'SKIyo A.D., red.; WSIKOVA, O.M.,, [Participation of the Soviet Union in the Second International Polar Year, 19)2-19331 Uchastie Sovetskogo Soiuza v provedenU Vtorogo Mezhdunarodnogo poliarnogo goda, 1932-1933. koskva, Izd-vo Almd.nauk SSSR, 1959. 33 P. (MIRA 12:11) (International Polar Year, 2d, 1932-1933) KOZITSKIY V A - STANKOVSKIY, A.F. =.:t~ I P*tical use of radiometric methods in searching for rare metal ores. Sbor. st. MGiON no.1:47-60 162. (MIRA 160) (Radioactive prospecting) (Metals, Rare and minor) KOZITSKIY, YU.N., mladahly nauchnrf sotrudnik; KULIBABA) Yu.F., aspirant Peach diseaso8. Zashch. rust. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.0':23- 25 Xe 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Sochinskaya. opytnaya stantsiya subtropicheskikh i yuzhnykh plodovykh kulltur. (Black Sea region-Peach--Diseases and pests) (Black Sea region-Fruit, Phytopathogenic) KOZITSYNAJ, N.N. s an and - - - -hieign publications on mineral dressing. 5 no.2:58-61 160. (Bibliography-ore dressing) Obog.rud (ImA 14:8) IAZAREBED, A.S., redaktor; GZHITSIKIT. S.Z., redaktor; KIYAK, G.S., redaktor: EDZIT Gj, dektor bialegichnikh nauk, reda"r; RARA TSIKIT, Bar$, 1~atMa O.-g. nauk, redakt*r; STRAUTHAN, M., kandidat biel.uauk, redaktor; TATARINOV, K.A.. redaktor; POLYAKOV, H.I., redaktor; RAYR INA, N.P., takhnicheakiy redaktor. I ~ [Biochemistry of farm animalal Biekhimiia oillslkohospodaralkykh tvar7A. Kyiv, 1953. 58 p. [Microfilm]. (MIRA 9:6) l.Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Institut agrobielogii.2.Chlon-kerespon- dent AN URSR (for Lazarenko, Gzhitalkiy, Kiyak). (Ph.vsiological chemistry) (Veterinary phvaiologr) J111-V24KO, A.S., redaktor; GZRITSIKIY, S.Z., redaktor; KITAK, G.S., re- daktor: - KOZILY-LI , doktor biologichnikh nauk. redaktor; IIARA- MM'KIY, andidat sillake-goopodaralkikh nauk, redaktor; srw"- STRAUTMAN, F.I., kandidat biologichnikh nauk, redaktor; TATARINOV, K.A., redaktor;YMD(EYKO, 0.1., redaktor; RAKRLINA, N.P., tekh- redaktor. [Studying characteristics of the use of fertilizers in the western provinces of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Vyvchennia osoblybostel zasto- suvannia dobryv u zakhidnykh oblastiakh Ukrainalkoi M. ryiv. Vyd- vo Akademli nauk Ukrainsikoi RSR, 1953. 103 P. (KMA 8:2) 1. Chlea-korrespondent AN Ukrainskoy RSR (for Lazarenko, Gzhitslki~,, Klyak) 2. Akademiya nauk URSR. Kiyev. (Ukraine--Yertilizers and manures) KOZIY, G.V. [Komyl, H.V,] r-OW40 - Outlook for the improvement of mountain meadows and Daoturas In agrAiol. Drogobych and Stanislav Provinces* Fratei Inst. AN UM 1:37-63 153. (MIRA 11:7) (Drogob7oh Province--Pastures and'meado~.,rs) (Stanislav Province--Pastures and meadows) KOZIT, G.V.- Twinflowers (Linwwa borealis) in the Soviet. Carpathians. * L0v-Av.nauk,pryrod.muz. AN L2M 3:21-23 154. (K= 8:5) (Transaarpathia-Caprifoliaceae) KOZIT.G.V. 4, Now materials for the study of quaternary flora in Western Podolia* Nm*.zap.Liviv.uauk.,pr.vrod.mus. AN URSR 3:24-32 '54. (MLR& 8:5) (Podoli&-Paleobotan.v) 4jOZIY, G.V. [Kozil, II.V.] Mountain meadows of the Eastern Carpathians and their origin. PratBi Inst. agrobiol. AN URSR 6:25-46 155. OUTZA 112-7) (Carpathian flountains-Pastiu,os and meadows) F:OZIY, G.V. IKOZIL, IT.V.] Medicinal plants of the Eastern Carpathians. Fratal Inflt. aprobiol. AN URS'R 6:97-112 "35, (HIRA 11:7) (Carpathian Mountains-Botanyt Medical) KOZIYj G. V. 14-1-303 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, N, 1, p. 24 (USSR) AUTHOR: Koziy, q. V. ------------ TZME: Fossil Flora from the Dwelling sites of Prehistoric Man in Western Podollye (Iskopayemays flora so stoyanok pervobytnogo cheloveka na territorii Zapadnogo Podol'ya) PERIODICAL: Byul. Komis. po izuch. chetvertich. periods, AN SSSR, 1955, Nr 20, PP. 71-76 AB8TRAjCT- Fri= data yielded by a study of fossilized charcoal found at prehistoric dwelling sites discovered in the upper paleolithic strata of the Dnestr River basin, the author has drawn the preliminary conclusion that long ago in Podollye conditions favored the development of forests. Vegetation resistant to cold and represented mostly by the coniferous species predominated in the upper Pleistocene during the period of the "upper" loess sedimentations. Daciduous trees appeared and mingled with coniferous trees during the postglacial period. The following types of forests came into existence:mixed conifers and oak; oak forests; mixed forests which included oak, elm, maple, nut, hornbeam and linden Card 1/1 trees.