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25X1A ti 0 THIS rOCU?..MT 19 A SQL Ck: fl I:ar,INCE 113 July 1940 IN OG HISTORICAL III !.IOiiANJDUM FOR ,TI== DIRECTOR, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE ?..DO NOT DESTROY-- Subjoott Conference at Fodoral Bureau of InvcatiGation, 10 July 104(3 ropranontod by Colonel Gallozway,t ~X1 A 1. Thorn follows a attrrirry of the nub joato and agroomonto covorod in a oonvoraation hold. this date by roprooontativon of the CIG and tho FDI on the oubjoot of the tran3for of ronponei- bility for intolliG,onco covoraGo in Latin Amorica. CIG was Tauun, , lA np3lEn ant. 29' Tho ' ronoral problem and the points of viow of tho ?Tho CIG oxprom3ed the following ontimato, or tho situations two agencies concerned wore dtaouaood by, all roprooontativoa... undortakingr in order to avoid lapses in operations and to that the tranafor of rosponaibility should boa coordinated parrying on the work now in pro-roaa. It was felt by CIG rAado much easier if CIO worn able to oapitalizo on tho aoconpliohiionto and aaaoto of the FBI and could count on the cooperation and anoiatanco of taking over and poroonnol and proper facilitioc; that the job would bo length of tiz:to to rocrult, train and introduoo compotont. that bvrinninr from scratch it would tako a roaaonablo Approved for e ai(e 2003/12/09/ CIA-RDP84-00499R000.700050007-8 a.That CIG was doairoun of taking ovor the intolligence covoVaGo in Latin America at tho oarlioct pooaiblo datoj, aoouro continuity in intelligence productiono in order to implomont ouch a coordinatod plan the operational dooko of CIG and FBI would nocoooarily work cloooly together. Colonol FBI^poroonnol without consultation and a ,rooment by C,IG, and o uootod that tho withdrawal of poroonnol from 25X:1 A ' r .*~ thirty days bo ro cone ore , '. wan agree ~.:_a oquo it would be oonvoyod to 1,110 Diroc;tor FBI. CIG roproeentativoa ntroanod the point that it was to tho corm-,ion advantage of both agonolos to tranafor to GIG all .would so far as poaeiblo rocoivo a oonparablo-amount or'OUah BuroauTand in the vont off' a tranufor of radio oquiplaont, FII its assets that could be tranoforrod o--& the ground. ( oO attached rlomo). To this proponitlon the rBI agrood but stated' material in the United . States. for tholr 'own aativatie8. Approved Fpr Ffelease 2003112/09 CIA-RDP84-OO499R0:0070OO50007-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 3. Mr. Tatum oxprossod several times tho gonoral attitude of tho Director of the F13I, I,ir. Iloovor. Ilo statod I,ir. Hoover felt that if the FBI vvoro to got out of Ls tin Amorica it should got out as quickly and as oxpoditiously as possible. This point of view was appreciated by the representatives of CIG who in- si:stcd,horrovor, that FBI coordinato its withdrawal with the CIG ontranco so that continuity might be preserved. LIr. Tarcmi agrood that F13I should not withdraw from a Given area without oonaulta.& tion and agreonoxkt by CIG. 4. The conforonco, resulted in the following arrangomonto. Tho FBI will appoint a working corniittoo which will meet with a wioricing con, ittoo dosignatod by CIG. This joint committee will determine tho FI3I assets in Latin America and what part of them may be transferred to the CIG, the desires and plans of FBI covering the witrdra:ral of their porsonnbl and facilities. Based upon the work of those two cony ittoos the Operations Branch will draw up a detailed plan for taking ovor the secret intelligonco coverage in Latin America. After the approval of this plan by the Director of CIG, it will than be submitted to the Director of FBI for his information . and consideration. After agroemont 4. by the two agoncioa this plan will bo the guide..for.acoordinatod, transfer of reaponoib'ility .from FBI to 01G. Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 THIS DOCUMENT IS A .O'-'"(E REFERENCE IN QC HI:;TORICAL J .7 August 1946 FAPLR NO. OC - U v L -DO NOT DESTROY- - ~I MEMORANDUM FOR THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY SUBJECT: ASSUMPTION OF INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES IN LATIN AMERICA In compliance with the instructions of the National Intelligence Authority as requested by the Department of State, a brief report on the negotiations and plans for. the assumption of intelligence functions in Latin America by personnel of the Central Intelligence Group is herewith submitted. Several communications on this subject have been exchanged by the Director of the. Federal Bureau of Investi- Brat nn and the' Director,of''the Central'Intelligence Group,. .and commencing 18 July 1946 representatives of both organi- zations have,conducted conferences resulting in.'the follow1ng, ].. The FBI has furnished, a. general' outline of existing coverage in Latin.`America,? including. the number of personnel `and' they capacities . and titles ,unde.r which The FBI has agreed: That FBI personnel in each field station will.turn over to representatives of CIG copies of all pertinent reports Of investigation current and closed. Specific reports in the Washington office of FBI will be made available whenever it is considered necessary. b. That all motor vehicles, office and technical equipment, except cameras- and certain photographic materiel, now held in field stations will be transferred to CIG on the withdrawal of FBI. Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 . ' Approved For Release 200311 h/Og : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8' c. That all radio equipment and com- munications in field stations will be preserved and trans- '.?t? forrod from FBI to CIG. 3. CIG has requested that FBI personnel remain at each field station for an adequate period, to be mutually agreed upon, : after. the arr.ival.'of'CIG representa- tives in order that the new organization can' profit by the: 25X Bureauts experience in each country, and continuity of operation may be. assured. to comply with a request to maintain its personnel in the fter August'16, 1946. 25X1 A be By withdrawing an operative.from a European post, the CIG has been able to submit to the immediately to He is awaiting only the necessary. State Department designation and clearances prior to his de- parture. It will be impossible for CIG to take over the coverage and responsibility in any other country in Latin America prior to the dates indicated in attached schedule (Inclosure A). ?. a. The attached tentative schedule (Inclosure A) indicates the dates by which CIG is-prepared to assume intelligence responsibility in the various countries of Latin America. This is based on a realistic consideration., .of the time needed to enlarge the CIG organization and to brief and train personnel for service in..this area. The-FBI has expressed its inability. .be This tentative. plan was verbally approved by'representatives of the,,State Department 6 August Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 State Department'th:'name`of a representative to be. assigned Approver Release 2003/12/09: CIA-RDP84- _ 3 Q 1946 and will this date be submitted to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for his consideration. 6. a. CIG has been informod that due to personnel shortage within the FBI, none of the agents or administrative personnel now assigned to field stations in Latin America can be made available for employment by CIG. b. FBI has been advised that CIG will not extend any offers-of employment to;any individual members but will . employ any. capable and Wpf the. FBI organization, , desirable. indivIdu'al:who'has.'terminated?his:FBX.'oonnections; In all negotiations'' and.conferenoes, the represen- tatives of PBX have. , exhibited: an. attitudeof full cooperation . and , helpfulneaa. special Operations Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 DONALD H...GALLOWA Acting Assistant Director ' 25X1 C Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 b Colonel Galloway: Miss. I 8. August 1946 this copy to me for your files,,, with the comment attached below. 25X1A THIS DOCUMENT IS A SOURCE REFERZNCE IN OC HISTORICA A '/ i)o RAPF,h Nu. d 1 -DO NOT 'DESTROY--, You might tell Col. Galloway that the last paragraph of the proposed letter was changed, as suggested by Admiral Leahy, Proms "I hereby direct that this be done in the national interest.", to read as, it does presently. Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 0 Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 S August 1914 Control Intollironco Group to ac,uro, by Juno 30, 191,7, the intol- Jamniry 191AG tho National Intollironco Authority has diroctod tho Pursuant to authority contained in the P'rocidont'a directive of 22 At torn.^.y Gonoral of the United Status -DO N07 DESTROY.. . Dcpartrcnt of Justice Unchinuton, D. C. Dour V:r. Attornoy Generals IN OC HISTORICAL Honorable Tom C. Clark pAI'In NU. l, Tuts DOCv:42.14T IS A SL~irs'C s I:wEi2I NcE ,' '; ?'',,,, l.rronco covoraro in Latin Anorica that is now porfornod by tho Fod- -"F.ny tovoor acLoa 3 vu--Y L7'~4'vt vViL1.w A%,%A .,.a? YJJ~.. .+a..... ..~ ... _-- - -' ? t _ .iti,.__ T ni. ~f .. A.a+n..i .~. a - - _ - _ .. - of to arrange an orderly transfor with a minimum or interruption. Pont of State and the Central Intolfgonco croup treat ztic reprouc-amt tfn^nvnr_ the Federal Buroau of Izrcoatigation haw' notified tho Depart- prior to the time that the Central InteLUgonce croup w:L i.a. oe uu.Le nay-~ r~~ stn rnnm-n-nntativoz from other Latin American countries by August 16, 194. The Dopartmont of State has also rocoivod int -. to replace thorn. h e The attached tentative schedule indicating the eaters Dy-which t After the arrival of the roprocontativ03 of tho Central Intelligence Approved For R tease 2003/12/09.. CIA k DP8A-0.0499ROODt0005D007- EGRET .,a .,"1., ..a......n Fes, rv+,?4 iA 4n nrtThr that the now organization can profit by the. operation may, be asouredd Approved For RLlease 200311.2/09 CIA=RDP84=00499R00070005'0007-8 icfactorily install thoir porsonnol. vo C.I.G. rorrcran a ran in in all othor instancon,'it is imporativo that no withdrawn o riado until tho C.I.0. has an opportunity to sat- Tho Dor._xtront of Stato in at pro^Ynt grocooninLg tho pgpors of a rho is now available to roplaco tho F.D.I. t ti t u a preciate th.o Windom of this'courae of th o p i t ident of the United States a n y a 17o taro cer action and fool cortain that it moots with the desire of the.Prea-: '. 59 q'Q 7On0 000 tt-8 25X1 C Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 Approved For.Release 20 PCTA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 A:? wot 1946 THIS AOC~JtdLNT ISM Mt R"GC;SD lT lfc:rctrrot Lett-^r to th ; Claw rxl tmta IISA cl~tt i3 1--~;; znt ly~~. rat 1t'~~a t1~3~c c'+Sto ~~lo ~ -r:~{ ~;~d t 1,1: 3'r. I`i~~~ it-u ~c ` wGrL, art Act -It, '!otter, t rr or at - }I? A-ttorn Cmnmrz i hax1 tnrormni Min "h^.t t*,,? '.z .a. tl:, -.A?d rots ~cl.`.~~Ixc~r fr' i T,raU i An ric?n coi?ntr-le).a v~st11 t' G~~,i'r:1. Zr Co11'!~ .nr:~ Group ??,vi I tiff t blo to furni~,, r,,nl;:cr.?;>?~,;. ~?4 t:rrr,r a can or,Alor1y tr i" `t'r. 5:R fir.,. r z;.-MA t.lmt --o unJ'S.f"Lttc0 no fol*n al x'or y to thr, r.- 'or4nC$ 1 tt'r n to bi r ,dry axirce tho tabCV dac{ pion or ihs~ &ttortln~" Gorn;. rtaq alron4y, knoino unA tin 4 ur0,zr!0Mn d +axArctould bianrnux tl 1.1int-tb,-. r3 q w z~Qac:~n~~.ry if -n /;.I.A. tho ror omnon ].otter would U-) hrnoro4 . Wiz'. i.oGrcjgor rca Mrrtod the taot that the Attu r oy Gonoral bud a read to thtsrot nt? 04e.- JA ot&1. Ir.I.Re ' -DO NOT. DESTROY-- PAPIL NO. OC-----i--~-? A sol P !E, REFJ RENCr%, ECT 25X1 C Approved For Release 2003/12/09 CIA-RDP84,.-004; GROOOT0.0050007-8. Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8 19 August 1946 Reference: Letter to the Attorney General from NIA dated 8 August 46. At 1045 this date the undersigned talked with Mr. Douglas McGregor, Acting Attorney General, concerning the reference letter. Mr. McGregor stated that the Attorney General had informed him that the F.B.I. would not withdraw from Latin American countries until the Central Intelligence Group had been able to furnish replacements and arrange an orderly transfer. Mr. McGregor said that he understood no formal reply to the reference letter was to be made since the above decision of the Attorney General was already known. The undersigned expressed the belief that no reply was necessary if the N.I.A. could be assured that the request in the reference letter would be honored. Mr. McGregor reaffirmed the fact that the Attorney General had agreed to this request. JAMES S. LAY, JR. Secretary, N.I.A.. Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000700050007-8