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KOZIK, S. (Tashkent)
Solar eclipse of June 30, 1954. Astron.tuir. no.151:23 Jl '54.
(Eclipses, Solar-1954) (MLRA 8:3)
- -KOZIL,�g_ATashkent).
OcclitationB of stars b7 the moon. Astron.tair. no-151:29 J1 '54.
(Occultations) (MLRA 8:3)
Contour of the earth's umbra during lunar eclipses. Doki. AN
SSSR 104 no.6:628-829 0 '55. (KLRA 9:3)
1. Tashkentskays, geofizichaskaya observatoriaya. Predstavlano
akademikom V.G. Iresenkovym.
(zelipses, Lunar)
KOZIK, S. (Tashkent)
Observations of occultations. Astron.tair. no.,'62:14 Ag '55.
(M-RA 9:5)
(Uccultat ions)
TI-wq I WRWIPP.6 1.01, 1
Reduction of series. Trudy Tashk.geofiz.obser. no.11/12:71-74 '56.
(Y.LRA 10:8)
I.Tashkentskaya nauchno-isoledovatel skaya eofizicheskaya obeervatoriya.
(Series) (Atmosphere: Up_ ~
Lunar occultation of stare observed in Tashkent. Astron.'
29-30 F 156. (Ocultations) (K12A 9: 9)
KOZIK, S. (Tashkent).
Eclipses of Jupiter0a satellites. 0 056.
(Eclipses) (Jupiter (I'lant)-Satellites) KRA 10:1)
,, KOO I K, -,L 3,9 J~~T 0
--a4-ex., i.,,F 11.
A 7
Determining the volume occupied by nontransparent particles in a
layer with known transparency coefficient. Thidy Tashk. geofis.
obser. no.13:138-142 157. (MIRA 10:8)
(Atmospheric transparancy)
Lunar occultation of gtamoboarved in Tashkent. Istron. teir. no,177:
22 1 157. (Occultation$) (xLRA 1o:6)
Eclipses of Jupiter's satellites. Blul. VAGO no.21:37-40
(MIRA 11:6)
(Satellites--Jupiter) (Eclipses)
Kozik. S.M.
Katalog i skhematicheskaya k2wta izbrannykh lunnykh ob"yektov dlya polnoluniya
(Catalog and Schematic Map of Selected Lunar Objects for a Full Moon) Moscow,
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960- 30 p. 2j,200 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk WSR. Astronomicheskiy sovet.
Resp. Ed.: V.A. Bronshten
PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for astronomers and other specialists concerned
with lunar nomenclature and mapping.
COVERAGE: The author describes a numerical coordinate system to locate lunar
objects during the fuLU moon phase. Orthogonal., rather than spherical, coordi-
nates are used. The booklet lists 385 lunar objects together with their number
(based upon enclosed grid map), x., y., and z. orthogonal coordinatesj diameter
of crater or cirquet landform type, traditional designation, and scrirce from
which data bave been borrowed. The map and catalog are useful in observations
of the contacts of lunar objects with the shadow of the earth during lunar eclipses.
C ard 112
Catalog and Schematic Map (Cont.)
A listing of spherical selenographIc coordinates is also provided. The author
refers to the work of N.N. Sytinrkaya, Luna i yeye nablyudeniye (Ob~,~rv-atllnn C-"
the Moon). There are 7 references: 4 German, 2 English, and I Fr--n-:!h.
A71AELABLE: Library of Congress
C ard 2/2 JA/dwm/inas
RALASHOVA, Yelena Nikolayevna; ZHITOUTRIOrAYA, 011ge Hoiseyevna;
SWNOVA, 011ga Aleksandrovna; KOZIK, S.M., red.; ZHDANOVA,
L.P., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G.,
(Climatic characteristics of the republics of Central Asia]
Klimatichaskoe opisanie respublik Srednei Azii. Leningrad,
Gidrometeor.izd-yo, 1960. 240 p. (MIRA 13:7)
(Soviet Central Asia--Climate)
The technique of ccmputing dJurnal pressure variations in
cyc~lones and anticyclones, T~udy Sred.-Az. nauch.-issl.
gidrometeor. inst. no.4:129-137 161. (MIRA 15:1)
BALASHEVA, Yelona Nikolayevna; KARAIMISECHIKOVA, Vina Nikolayevna;
SABIVIIIA Irina Georgiyevna; SE2~11110VA, 011ga Aleksandlrovna;
Ar red.; VAYM-Wl, A.I., red.; SD,GE7d:A, A.N.p
tckhn. red
[Climatological description of Surldmn-Darya ProvincejKli-
maticheskoe opisanie Surklmn-Darlianskoi oblasti. [By)E.N.
Balasheva i dr. Leningrad, Gidroneteoizdat 10,62. 134 P.
IMILA 15:10)
(Surkhan.-Darya Province-Cliviate)
-N_OjUX.,--.p~efan Mikhaylovicb; IIASMTKOV,, P.M.p kand. fi-.-mat. nauk,
. .....
re .; VANM red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red.
(Calculation of tho wvemont of awlancheslitanchet dvizheniia
snezhnykh lavin. Pod red. P.M.Mashukova. Lenin ad, Gidro-
meteoizdat, 1962. 74 p. fmrIRA .5:9)
Ilk "'IF,
"Nomograr. for the Determination of the Comprnent, of the ','Ird in
Vertical Cro,-,r, "ectiona," Tr. In-ta Piter. i i:el~~,m. AN U,, S),S,1%, llc D, 10-,-10p,
:3crotimcs one, mays onto Vp wrtical erons sections of tho atrospj-~erf, the
lines of v,irlous velocitles of t~e wind norml. to U!p cross scetion W,e ISO-
t'icl-. or isokinetic lines). One of the methods for t~e constructinn of iso-
kinetics, i.?hich ,-is T-rovosed by A. 1'attleuman 0-'Pteorol. 1-0501 79, Mo 93-2)
is based cn the derendence of the variations in wind velocity !.,itl-. alLitud- on
the incline of t~,im, rmr-icps eqLul to virtual tori-or-iture. TI-e !mt1w,s I ncrrc~,~-U% (h'iHirl c.1 , Oc I
SO: Sur. No. '~36, 10 'Tun 55
7 "07:
I 5L 1 ill., 2 T 2,' f'la,!. J-
1~ O',F "L , T T S ~I~y 'IJY 0
'~Oo DKZ. 1?1 n 0.;
10 (11).
BI L~ 10 1 R. 77 G,-W`;r, SSTAI~"-Y. -- 55-955 -,,:l 5"~ I
So: Fni.zhna,,,a Leto,pis gyaf~e 1? 1955
Aerosynoptic conditions of the formation of flash floods in streams
of Central Asia and their short-range forecast. Trudy Tashk.geofiz.
obser. no.10:3-76 154. (MLRA 8:11)
(Soviet Central Asia--Floods)
2 fv i
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 1,
P. 77 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Kozik, Ye.M.
TITLE: Aerosynoptic conditions in the formation of floods on
the Chlrohik, Yjaz-a-Darlya and Zeravshan rivers during the
period*of July - September (Aerosinopticheakiye usloviya
obrazovaniya pmYcdk1a,/ v period iTal sentyabr I na :-ekakh
Chirchik, Kara-i)arlya i Zeravshan)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tashkentsk. geofiz. obzer-i., 1954, Nr 10, pp. 7
ABSTRACT: The floods occuring during the peiiod of July - September
at such rivers as the Chirchik, Kara-Darlya and Zeiavshan,
whose waters are fed to a considerable extent with snow
and ice, may be caused by four types of synoptic condi-
tions (according to a classification established by
Tashkent synopticists: 1) a westerly irruption (type 10);
2) a northwesterly irruption (type 5); 3 a norther'
irruption (type 6); 4) a thermal dep.e3sion (type M.
When northwesterly, northerly, and particularly westerly
Card 1/3 irruptions come before a front, an expulsion of tropical
Aerosynoptic conditions in the formation of floods on the Chirchik,
Kara-Darlya and Zeravshan rivers during the period of July - September
Card 2/3,
air from the Southwest, causing Intense snow melting and
a corresponding rise in the rivers, viater level is usually
observed. In July and August, an important faator In
flood formation is the oeourrance of a thermal depression
during which a gradual and sometimes rather significant
rise in temperature in the lower half of the troposphere
takes place. The extent of the floods depends on several
aerological phenomena within the air masses, but mainly
on the highest air temperature 2 km in front of the cold
front or during a period of thermal depression (based on
morning observations made at the Tashkent, Ashkhabad,
Stalinabad, Chardzhou and Tashauz stations) and on the
number of days preceding the flood, whose mo " temper-
ature taken in Tashkent at a height of 2 km is I *C or
higher. Graphs showing the relationship between the size
of the flood and the main and se--ondary factors are given
for all four types, though only those graphs should be
used for forecasting which guarantee sufficient accuz-acy.
Certain relationships obtained are recommended for short-
Aerosynoptic conditions in the formation of flocds on the Chir3hik, ,
K"a-Darlya and Zeravahan rivers during the period of July - September
range, 1-2 day forecasting of flood dimensions in the
Chirchik and Kara-Darlya rivers.
N. Zverev
Card 3/3
14- 57-6-122 69
Tran3lation Reft3rativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6,
pp 8C-81 (USSR)
AUTHCR: Koziks, Y6. Vi.
TITLE; The Finction of Sn3w Pack in Supplying Central Asian
Mountain Rivort.. (K voprosu o roli snezhnikov v pi-
tanii gorny'v-h rak Sredney Azii)
PERIODICAL, Tr. T_-~iiilir. gaofiz. observ. 1954, Nr 10, pp 176-191
ABSTRACT: T~aG attempted to make an approximate quanti-
tative estimate of the importance of snow pack on the
mi-'s-,immEs-~- flow of the Kzy1cha River (the Syr-Darya
Basi--J. 53 basad his work on the extremely limited
data gath9red by the expedition of June - August,
5 3.
119 inea3ured the snow pack areas at the head
-,,f 'h9 Saye valley and water discharge
',-no 3now racks with surficial runoffs, determined
approx'_niataly !he absorption of water from the Kzylcha
Gard R4var by tho sola,, and estimated the rate of ground
The Funo t I,,.n --f Snow Pao k (Cont - )
14- 57-6-122 69
wat6r loss in '.h,) rivar basin. He also made an estimate of the
amount of tali~~ vv~'.ter sjpplied to the upper Kzylcha and determined
that to6-ard the end ~-,f the s-om-nar the importance of snow in sup-
plying tho rivey, dimi"niah6s. His observations of runoff below the
snow pack ostablIshod thO 3XtOnt to which snow melted at one degree
temperatura both during tha day and at night. He found that the
amount of snow wz~tqr suprly to the Angran and Chirchik Rivers also
decroases to"vird The reverse process (increase
of snow water Hupply) cocurb only in three rivers with high water-
sheds-in which snow pa~.-.k araaE! diminish much more slowly than the
ground water 8upply ii exhausted.
Card 21112 G. A.
~ ~\Oz_i Y~, L(C IN-1 .
USSR/Geophysics. General Divisfon - Snow Cover. Glaciers,, L-9
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 36q~q
Author: Kozik, Ye. M.
Institution: None
Title: ftmograms frr Determination of the Speed of Avalanches
Periodical: In bcok: Mateorol. il gidrol. v Uzbekistane, Tashkent, AN UzSSR,
1955, 263-274
Abstracts The authr-ir simplifies the equation obtained by G.-K. Tushinskiy
(I,avLrsy,, vcznLknovewniye i zashchita ot nikh CAvalanches, Their
Occurrence and Protection Agains4 TheET, Geografgiz, 1949)
a a - kvo v - v0
3 2,3=,-z1.g- - --r-Y where 8 is the length of the slope)
k2 a - kv
a 9.81 cosc((tanC(- f), is the angle of inclination of the
pa.rtisn of the locality, (2 0.3 J, the coefficient, of friction
ef the snow against the snow, assumed to equal 0.30, and k is the
ccefficient depending on the area of the avalanche reservoir, 4
Card 112 and v. ara the speeds of the avalanche at the beginning of the'
USSR/Geophysics. General Division - Sncrw Cover. Glaciers, L-9
Abst Te--,jrnalt Referat Viur - Fizika,- No 12, 1956, 36039
A-bq'I-,xacts sectto-no, and v **-Ooed of the avalanche at the end of the
gentic-n. This 6 'uat'inn is then derived to the form
S 2.3191 -Y+16)., where 'Y r. v/vn and
2 ( - 1 16 = vo/n,
whereby vn Is the limiting speed of the avalanche at the given
slope. The last equatim is readily presented in the f orm of a
ricu-,gram. NumerouB nomograns and tables are appended.
Card 2/2
[Long-range discharge forecasts for the rivers of Central Asia]
Opyt dolpoarochnykh prognozov stoka rek Srednei Azii. Tashkent,
Izd-vo SAGU, 1957. 201 p, (Tashkent. Univeraitet. Trudy
Brodneaziatskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta, no.107)
NUA 12:1)
(Soviet Central Asia--Rivers)
akedemik. red.; GORIKOVOY. P.I., red.izd-va; GGRIKOVAYA, Z.P.,
[Synaptic procesens of Central Asia] Sinoutichaskie Drotsessy
Srfidnoi Azii. T~anhkent, Izd--vo Akad. nauk Uzhekskoi SSR, 1957.
477 p. (MMA 11:7)
1. Akodemiya nauk UzSSR (for Sarymsakov)
(Soviet Central Asia--Climate)
Absolute pyrgeometer. frady Thshk. goof iz. obser. no-13:133-137 15?.
(Geophysical instruments) (MI-11A 100)
. (RadiationY
1 ,- i i
Using aerological data for short-term hydrological foracnsting
based on the exam-ole of the Kara Darya and Naryn Rivers. Trudy 157. (MIRA 10:11)
(Kara Darya River--Hydrology) (Naryn River--Hydrology)
L-,", z i'~ Y N,
/\ U" 4?
".. , "
- -. -A .
Streamflow foreensting for the Syr Darya River at the Kall station.
Trudy '5?. (MIILA 10:11)
(Syr Darya Tliver--Hy6rology)
~, -A, ?. _Tl~ - , tl
, I-
KOZ.IK , Te.M.
- - =7_ - ,
Some observational data on the flow of mountain streams. Trudy 157. (MMA 10:11)
(Kzylcha River--Hydrology)
-----KOZIK, le.M.
Comments on V.N. Parshin's replies to P.M. Vashukav's article.
Izv.AN Uz.SSR.Ser.tekh.nauk no.4:84-86 161. (MIRA 15:1)
(ParBhin, V.N.) (Mashukavs P.M.)
SHULITS, Vik-tor Livovich; KOZIK, Ye.14., otv. red.; CHEPELKINA,
L.A., red.; NIKOLAYEVA, G.S., tekhn. red.
[Rivers of Central Asia) Rek-i Srednei Azii. Leningrad,
Gidrometeoizdat. Pt.l. 1963. 301 p. (MIRA 16:10)
(Soviet Central Asift-Rivers)
KOZIK, Ye.M., kand. fiz.-matem. nauk
Freazing In the upper reaches of muntain rivers and its
role in the variations of water discharges. Meteor i gidrol.
no.7-.20-21 J1 164 (116A 17-.9)
1. Sredneaziatokiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy gidrometaorolc-
gicheskiy institut.
W.1or for deturialning gradient wlnd5,, "Fl--,hOU nc,.;~.25
-J.OC---'04 164. j
Flz,, nauki. no.22. - (MIR"k
SIIUL7TS, Viktor Llvovlch.;_,~Pg~, ~e.M., atv. red.; CnPELKII;A, L.A.,
[Rivers of Central Asia] Reki Srednel Azli. Leningrad,
Gidrcimetaol.zdat. Pts. I - 2. 1965. 691 p.
(MIRA 18: 5)
L 40281-66 EWT(I)/FCC GY
-ACC NRs AR6014563 SOURCE CODE: UR/0l69/65/0OO/01l/B037/b037
AUTHORS: Kozik, Ye. 119; NeLhklLn. A- I-
TITLE: Industrial smoke and the impairment of visibility at the Tashkent airport
SOURCE: Ref. zh..Geofizika, Abs. 11B266
REF SOURCE: Nauchn. tr. Tashkentsk un-t., vyp. 259, 1964, 147-157
TOPIC TAGS. smoke, atmospheric visibility, atmospheric humidity, fog, anticyclono,,
air temperature, wind direction,, wind velocity, atmospheric stratification
ABSTRACT: An increased number of days with poor ~y in the area of the
Tashkent airport due to the influence of industrial smoke is established. The visi-
bility was studied with data for 1958--1961. The impairment of visibility was
assumed to be due to industrial smoke at a relative humidity of not over 70% (for
distinction from fog or haze). Visibility of 3 km and less in 3W,,, of the cases Ws
due to industrial smoke; such smoke i:--s observed on 25'. of all the days examined for
.f the number of cases with industrial smoke
the period of Ootober-March. On
and poor visibility (1-3 km) is nuch lower than on working days. Poor visibility
is most often observed on the southwestern poriphory of the anticyclone (4%). There
are two peaks in the daily variation of smoke content: a princiml peak between
0300 and 0600 (Moscow time) and a secondary one between 1500 and 1800; indu trial
smoke in observed least often between 1800 and.0300 (4%). The probability of the
Card 1/2 UDC: 551.510.42:551.591.656.7
L 40281-66
ACC NR: AR6014563
aDpearance of industrial smoke as a function of air temperatm-G, the wind direction
and velocity near the earth, a complex of ground meteorological elements, and the
recurrence period of ground inversions was examined. It was established that the
impairment of visibility due to industrial smoke is a function of the following main
factors: wind direction and velocity, the state of the sky, and the atmospheric
stratification, which must be taken into account in the s . Recommendations
for the prediction of impairment of visibility due to industrial smoke are given.
Z. Makhover ffranslation of abstract7
L oo693-67
ACC N.Ro iToie246 SOURCE CODEs UR/3021/64/000/20/0147/0157
AMORSt Kozik, Ye-. Vs;,Vewhkin9- A. 1.
Ge none
TITLEs Industrial smoke and the deterioration of visibility at the Tashkent airport
SOURCE: Tashkent. Universitet. Naucbn"s tru4y, no. 259. Fizicheskiye naukit no. 23,
1964. Fizika atmoefery i aviatsionnays, meteorologiya (Physics of the atmosphere and
aviation moteorolomr),:147-157
TOPIC TAGS: air pollutiont industrial wastep smoke, airport
ABSTRACT: Smoke from industrial plants frequently reduces the visibility at the.
Tashkent airport below the minimum required for the landing of high-speed aircraft.
During the period 1958--1961 extensive studies were made of meteorological and other
conditions in the area. No overall basis for forecasting smoke accumulation was
uncoveredg but deterioration Iin visibility due to industrial smoke could be correlated
with the direction and velocity of the wind, the condition of the ekv# and the
stratification of the atmosphere. Tabulated results are included for studies on the
frequency of poor visibility and its causes (see Table 09 relation of poor visibility
to specific days of the week (see Pigs 1), times of the day and months of theyeart
.wind direction and velocity$ temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric
Card 1/2
L oo693-67
ACC .NRs AT601V Table 1. Frequency and causes of poor visibility e9
and causes for its deterioration- Total numberof,
Total 10002 1 "3 ka 3--7 km days wt
number of and lose -
test days fog Haze -industrial Haze Industrial 3km and 3-7 km
smoke woke less
698 166 -242 172 1 157 110. .582 267
to 41
Fig. 1. Relation of visibility
haziness oC atmosphere on various
days of the week. I - visibility
of 1-3 kmt 2 - visibility of 3
km, 3 visibility of 3--7 kmo
Orig. art. bast 10 tables and 2 graphs*. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Card 2/2 mJs M COM13.04/ S= DAM none/ CHIG HM 002,
ApPw' for rrf,,asuring th- ~ollesion chnm,,P!-; of cemen', nlurry.
Nnl'ta 1`0 no.ll:Suppl:13iiii inst naf,' 11, ric.7/8:13-14 164,
mnc~hine tool for profilinp carbon
for uzie iii nwAl.0~Is. 1 hi ci. : 1!.-15
SHPILIBBRG, G.I.,; YUSHKIN. Yu.I.,, zaaluzhennyy
vrach RSFSR; KOZIKA, Y.G. (Odessa)
Timely probl-e-N-rnothe "=ave~opment of local bealth resorts. Yrach.
delo no.12;1329-1331 D '57- (HIRA 11:2)
1. Otdaleniye orgenizataii kurortov (zav. - G.1-5hpillberg)
Ukrainskogo Instituta kurortologii.
Organization and work of the receiving department of a sanatorium.
Vop.kur.,fiziot9r.i lech.fiz.kallt. 25 no.1:67-69 160.
(MIRA 13:5)
1. Iz Ukrainskogo institute, karortologii (dir. A.V..Sokolov).
ZUB, Dmitriy Ivanovich [Zub, Dmytroj; KOZIKO, L., red.; LUGHKIV, H.,
(Romantics; a story about the young enthusiasts of the seven-
year plan from Olena Teliha's brigade of comminist labor]
Romantyky; pro molodykh entuziastiv, peredovykiv somyrichky
z bryhady komuniBtychnoi pratai Cleny Telihy rozpovidaie tsia
knyzhka. Uzhhorod, Zakarpatelke obl.vyd-vo, 1959. 22 p.
(MIRA 13:2)
(Uzhgorod--Furniture industry)
(Efficiency, Industrial)
KOZIKO, L.,- red.; LUCHKIV, M., tekhn. red.
[Through Transcarpa~hia vith gun and fishing rod]Z rushnytoAu
i vudochkoiu po Zakarpattiu. Uzhhorod, Zakarpatslke obl.vyd-
VOP 1958. 86 p. (MIRA 16:2)
LAVRMO, Yakov Hironovich; XOZIKO, L., red.; LUCHKIV, M.,
(The Transcarpathian village of Bilkil 2okarpatalke selo
Bilky. Ushhorod, ZakarpatB'ke obl.vyd-vo, 1959. 75 P.
(MIRA 13:1)
(Bilki--Rural conditions)
ALECHKO., Mariya Mikhaylovna, Go'i9~ Sotsialisticheskogo truda,
doyarka; KOZIKO, L.U., red.; LUCHKIV, M.R., tekhn. red.
[Not by hand but by machine] Ne rukaW, a mashynamy. Uzh-
horod, Zakarpatslke obl. knizlikovo-gazetne vyd-vo, 1963. 18 P.
(MIlU 17:4)
1. Kolkhoz ir.eni Lenina Tyachivskogo rayona, Zakarpatskaya
oblast' (for Alechko).
KHUDIK, Yakov Grigorlyeyich (Khudyk, IA.H.]; KOZIKO, L.U., red.;
LUCHKIV, M.R.J. tekhn. red.
[Forage beans in the highlands] Kormovi boby na verkhovyni.
Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ke obl. knyzhkovo-gazetne vyd-vo, 1963.
23 p. (MIRA 17:3)
KOZIKO, Petr Denisovich;-KRIVIN, F., red.; LUCHKOV, M. LLuchkiv, It.],
LFish culture on collective farms] Kolhospne, rybnytstvo.
Uzhhorod, Zakarpatalke obl.vyd-vo, 1958. 28 p. (MIRA 13:1)
(Transcarpathia-Fish culture)
Automating ground levaling operationa. Vop. g1drotakh. no.25s77-89
163. (MIRA 1812)
KOZIKOWSKA, Z. (Wroclaw)
Crustacean parasites 1,i f1sh im the Y-out)v nf Oder. Wiadonosci
parazyt., Warsz. 2 no-5 Suppl:249-250 1956..
1. Muzeum Zoologiczne.
(FISH, diseases,
crustacean parasites (Pol))
(PARASITIC DISEASES, epidemiology,
crustacean parasites of fish (Pol))
I 9010n.) Of N .,rch and
rig pub% Zoo analys's , pe
.(J f ro rko es5erl-
.or.pjjolOF2'-ca Ilecte. veals a Cl -1 n
copo-land re n -rent
,etaji,ed ,,rcarxxm , Tnale 5 (jiff e
to N (I(, and A - ~le stern noes
pLbstra oa percl, froul I dLiffere and re've
p,.,,,,e o lo s'-O , de v e lopment itorplllarval.
stages of
other vara ites
'Loopalrasitology 110 1958, 3B&~6.
5011r. zhxl r-.Biol I) Z.) Grabdas e
. fLef jaral h and n shil) 5
Nb 6 in perc t4,o
Ca lJor la
d1n. nterre
Y~o 7, no ify
~~n. ~or'c ~a-'
9 j e,sperc Clar drae).
10'a Ve
t ere NttemPt to
arklm wad San
T-Itle ercyl (Nnof peVc
'go 1,
Crustacea parasitiu of Polaid. IL Results of the mmlysis of
fish in the bays of GcfanBk and. Pack. Vladomosei parazyt. 7 mo.2:
183-185 161.
1. Mazeum Zoologiczae Ualwersytetu we 'Wroclawiu.
(FISH parasitol) (CRUSTACEA)
Crustacea parasitica of fish in some basins and rivers of lower
Silesia. Wiadomosci parazyt. 7 no.21187-190 161.
1. Muzeum Zoologiczne Ukiwersytetu we Wroclawiu.
(CRUSTACEA) (FISH paraaitol)
5th Congress of the Polish Hydrobiologista. Przegl zoolog
6 no.2:197-198 162.
1110-L'007.-ta -ca -o-:].czjj- HI -P' C-
List, Vol
Outline of the geology of the Rabka reffion. P. 381.
(ACTA GFOLOGICA Vol. 6, no. 1~',56, Foland).
SO: IMonth],y List of East European Accessions (7iEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. IS, June 1957, Uncl.
Geologic and micropileontologic investlF~ations in the SlonLca valleL!. ~-,. 40".
(ACTA WE'~IOGICA POLOUICA. Vol. 1"), no. 4, lc)"-', Poland)
SO: Yonthly List of "uropean Accessions (EBAL) LC, Vol. 16, no. 6, June 1,057, Uncl.
A geoloeic sketch of the Gennan Democratic Heputilic; from a travelcr's
p. 61. (KOSMOS. SERIA B: PRZY1,ODA NIEOZ'fv:IONA.) (1,.-arszawa, Poland) Vol. 4,
no. 1, 1958
SO: Monthl-V Index of East European -ftccession (1L.EJU) W VOL. 7, No. 5, 1958
(,)C, 1 bk: i,,y 1 r ,y
FERTODICAIZ* A7TA '!lEOLfGT'A P(-,~j--U ICA Vol. b, n-.- 4, 1c-1 b
H. of tlv! on :"mi-tv"
and Sariok.% :P-, 477
Eonthly List of 'East "'llrope2n b-zessions (~r~Ai) 1,C.
MITUA, F., doe. mgr.; KOZIKOWSKI, H., dr
Works of the Petroleum Institute in the cis-Carpathians
and in the region of the city of Przemysl. 111afta Pol
19 no.2:Suppl.-. Biul inst naft 13 no.1!1-2 163.
MITURA, Feliks, doe. mgr.;~qTpWSKI., Henryk,, dr
Main trends of prospecting for petroleum and natural oil deposits in
the Carpathians. Nafta Pol 19 no.1:6-8 Ja 163.
1. Instytut Naftowy, Krakow.
KOZIKOWSKI, Henryk, dr.
- -, --- ' -~bearlng problems of the Magura region. Prace inst
naft no.83ti-16 163.
--KO.Z,IKOWSKI, Henryk, dr
The Politih petrulown induqtr,/ in the
and at the 4th Congress of the Polish
Nafta 20 no. 8;201-203 Ag '64.
precomn tion discussions
t"' n
Unite rkers Party.
, \
rOLV , .' ,
. ., - r.- .; i-*, f',- 7 rn - , ' .: .~ , - , - I ~ - . : ;, -- , " : ! : :. :. . - , - -~ -. - ;!~~- ~ , z ~ -j -, 'n -.
11 -1 '. '. , i , .-. . . I .; - ., 41 . .,- - . -, I . f i ;I i,,.:, ~ .1 1 , ',.') ~
. I : ~, !, to t .,
il i t. 418 r
KOZIKOWSKI, Henryk, dr
Geolegry of Rudawkn ftymanowaka in Lh(. light, of
Prace inst naft Special im3ue(.1-20 164~
KOKKOWSKI, 11cmIryk; f~f,
I....... 1-- .- . - .. I
,po, tof!~,!F, "', f,ii,!
L " 1. . I . I
Nafta 2,,'-,' no.11:2Tl--2;'.,14 N 164 .
I . pt! all I rll~-,!. , i W.- , KI 4. w.
Tim.9 of for-mation of crude oil depogits. Hafta 21 nn,4:!Cq--
109 Ap 165.
.KOZIrDWSK-Ijj.- -
Kozikowski, K. Damage occurring during the transportation of lumber. P. 7.
Vol. 29, no. 6, June 1956 Warszawa, Poland
SOt Monthly Idst of East FA=opean Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 56
Y('~7','C~ 'II, K.
The problem of roads in the forest cconom% P 56
DIICG(-) ;.,cucr,.c. ('~;yda-,nictwa Komunikacyjie) ; oland. Vol. 14, no. 3,
March. 1959
l,bnthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. i, no. 7, July 1959
- KOZIKOWSKI , Kztzimit - -
Productivit,y of lumber export in Poland. RoczrLki wyz
szkola rol Poznan 14 39-68 163.
1. Dapartmint of Forest Utilization, College of Agriculture,
KCZIKCWSKI., Mieczyslaw., mgr ins.; JASINSKI, Zdzis-lavp ins.
Manufacture and testing of machine tool units. Przegl mech
22 noo3l:334-335 10 Je '63o
BORKOWSKI, Witoldp inz.; PODGORSKIp Juliusz, inz.; KOZIKOWSKI,
Mieczyslaw, inz.
Lathe automatics. Mechanik 36 no.6:279 Je 163.
1. Fabryk-q Automatow Tokarskich, Bydgoszcz (for Borkowski and
Podgorski). 2. Henryk Cegielski, Poznan (for Kozikowski).
BORKOWSKI, Witold, inz.; PODGORSKI, Juliusz, inz.; KOZIKOWSKI,
Mieczyslaw, inz.
Lathe automatics. Mechanik 36 no.6:279 Je 163.
1. Fabryk-kL Automatow Tokarskich, Bydgoszcz (for Borkowski and
Podgorski). 2. Henryk Cegielski, Poznan (for Kozikowski).
Georgii Alekseevich Uarov. Muk.-elov.prom. 21 no.1:31 Ja '55.
(Uarov, Georgii Alekseavich, 1898-1954) (MUU 8:5)
KOZINI JI., inzh,
Working alertly in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Great October
RevoIntion. Muk.-elev. prom. 23 no.10:13-116 0 157. (MMA Ti.-I)
1. Direktor laningradekogo ord-ena T-enina meltnichnogo kombinata
imoni S,M. Kirova.
(leninerad-21our mIlls)
The Kirnv Combine Is getting ready to shift to a 7-hour day.
Muk.-elev. prom. 24 no.8:24-26 Ag '58. OCRA 11:10)
1. Direktor Loningradekogo mellnichnogo kombitata im. S.M. Kirova.
(Leningrad--Flour mills) (Hours of labor)
BELASHOV, G., kand. ekon. nauk; KOZIN, A.; LYASHENKO, P.; FIIIIPPOV, G., dots.
"Economics, organization, and planning of grain milling' b7 D.N.
Gavrichenkov. Reviewed b3r G. Belaahov and others. Muk. elev. prom.
24 no.11:31-32 N '58. (14IRA 11:12)
I.Moskovekiy tekhnologicheekir institut pishchevor promphlennogti
(for Belashov, Filippov). 2. Direktor leningradskogo malluichnogo
kombinata im. S.M. Kirova (for Kozin). 3.Nachallnik -Planovogo otdela
Mookovskogo mellnichnogo kombinata NO-3 (for Lyash4uko).
(Grain milling)
(Gavrichenkov, D.N.)
1.A. Dauilov; obituary. Kuk.-elev. prom. 26 no. 12:26 D l6o.
(MIRA 13-12)
(Danilov. Ivan Alaksandrovichi d. 1960)
KOZE11, Aleksey Ivanoviqy., inzh.; FEDOSOVA, N.I.) red.; GOLUBKOVAp K.A.p
_ f6ffil. r-e,6,-
(For communist labor; from socialist competition fTactice at the
S.M.Kirov Grain Milling Combine] Za kommunisticheekii trud; iz
opyta sotsialisticheskogo norevnovaniia na, mellkouibi~Ate im. S.M.
Kirova, Moskva, Zagotizdato 1961. 43 po (MIRA 15:1)
(Leningrad-Flow mills) (Socialist competition)
Composition of gases in oil-field waters in Kuybyshev Province.
Trudy Giprovostoknefti n0-1:94-109 158. (MIRA 13:9)
(Kuybyshev Province--Gas, Natural)
Studying acqueous solutions of original rocks squeezed out at
bigb pressures. Trudy Giprovostoknefti no.I:IiD-117 '58.
(MIRA 13: 1)
(Water, Underground)
Composition of absorbed rock bases in petroleum-producing horizons
of the Volga Valley portion of Kuybyshev Province and its relation
to petroleum content and theformation of reservoir waters of the
chlorocalcite type. 'Irudy Giprovostok, efti no.1:117-142 158.
IT (MIRA 13:9)
(Kuybyshev Province--Water, Underground--Analysis)
Processing water to be used in sustanining reservoir pressure
in fields of theKuyby9hev Petroleum Trust. Trudy Giprovostoknefti
no.1:403-416 158. (MIRA 13:9)
(Kuybyshev Province--Oil field flooding)
KOZIN, A.N.. kand.khim.nauk
Basic characteristics of the change in the mineralization and
composition of Devonian and Carboniferous formation waters in
Ullyanovsk, Kuybyshev, and Orenburg Provinces. Trudy VNIGNI
no.22:223-240 '59, (KIRA 13:11)
1. Giprovostokneft'.
(Orenburg Province--Oil field brines)
(Volga Valley-Oil field brines)
AUTPOR: Kozin An
TITLE: Geochemistry of Bromine and Iodine in Water Belo-~,; the
Petroleum Layer of the Kuybyshev-Volda Region
PERIODICAL: Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1960, No. 2i PP 41 - 45
TEXT: From the extensive material available it may be seen that chlorine
and bromine have a common geochemical history. The conditions are stated
that cause a change in the ratio Cl : Br - 300 : 1, and the deviating
behavior of iodine is mentioned. The author tested the water of the
petroleum deposits in the Palozoic zone of the Kuybyshev-Volga region for
bromine and iodine by the hypochlorite method. The results showed that
tne bromine content in this water does not depend on its mineralization as
long as this is not combined with an increase in alkaline-earth elements.
The different values of the chlorine-to-bromine ratio fcr the water in
question can be divided into three categories: 1) chlorine-tc-bromine
ra'-io which varies from 225 to 71 and less. This relate, -- to water horizons
of the terrigenous deposits of the Lower, Middle, and Upper Devonian.
Card 1/71
Gr:ochemistry of Bromine and Iodine in Water SInO91601000100219021002
Below the Petroleum Layer or the Kuybyshev- B027/BO76
Vol6a Region
Chlorine-to-bromine ratios which vary froyn 300 to 500 and
,he water in the Lower and Middle Carboniferous 3) Values which vary
from 500 to 2520 and above and relate to the water )f Permian horizoii:i-
The con~,entration and conversion of watr-r under the ground is thF result
of a complicated geological development, and is another geo:,,hemi,_a1
process that modifies the chlorine-to-bromine ratio. The bromine ccnten'~
~~hanges in relation to the calcium cation content, and is directly pro-
portional to the latter in the Kuybyshev-Volga region- The ~eochemical
ullgration of iodine is, with a few exceptions, similar to that of brominr.-
D-iring a lengthy concentration of water under the ground a numb,~-r of
reac'Elons occur which bring about an increase Of the cAlcluu and 'Dromine
1-.ontent, The scheme of these reactions reads-
ACa + 2Na' ~ANa2 + Ca' (1)
KB r2f 2C11 )KC10 i_ "'Br- (2
A K _- colloid micella of the anion ~)n(i rati~~n -ypt_
d ~ib-_--orb brominc, and iodine to a
~i; -.-:atr through exchange reaction'-- Thu:-, t1he d, ,-r;j,~rre of~* tl,.,-
C-ird 2/3
G"o---hemis-lry of Bromine and Iodine in Wa+;-r
Bolow the Petroleum, Layer of the Kuybyshev- BC1,27/BO76
Volga Region
brom:ne and iodine ~:ontent or the calcitim content in oil-fi~lld wa-r ~~f
region of the plateau type was determined; as regards z~~dlne there ai~~ a
few limitations, The linear interrelafion ~,,f the -,ubstances is --xp-lalned
oy th,7ir ommon migration during the con--entrat,.on cf water
under 'the ground, There are 2 figures and 1C. Soviet references
ASSOCILA TION: G i p r s t o kn o- f
C --- r d 3
- KOZ IN, A. N. ; MSHACHIXH, X. 1. -
Gases In waters of oil fields In Kuybyshev Province. GIdrokhIm.
mat. 30:156-163 16o. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Inatitut Giprovostokneft', g. Kuybyshev.
(Kuybyshev Provihee-Water, Underground-Composit ion)
(Gas, Natural)
Organization of measures decreasing the incidence of eye
diseases in village polyclinics. Zdravookhraneniyu 6 no.l:
20-23 J-F'63. OURA 16:8)
1. Iz Faleshtskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A.V.
T. UQ~1=66_ 9YIT(d)/FBD/Er~IT(I)/E7,-IP(e)/EWT(m)/EEC(k)-2/T/1,7elP(k) IJF(c) WGAM'
'*,kCC NR, AP6029519 SOURCE CODE: UR/0432/66/000/004/0040/0042
AUTHOR: Bayborodin, Yu. V. (Candidate of technical sciences); Kravcienko, V. I..,
Kabanov, E. .; KaERenko, A. S.*, Kozin, A. V.; Petrenko. R. A.; Shaposhnikov,_ B. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: A Q factor modulator for a ruby aser
SOURCE: liekbanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya upravleniya, no. 4, 1966, 40-42
TOPIC TAGS:.- solid state laser, laser modulation, laser pulsation
ABSTRACT: A Q factor,modulato that increases the output pulse power of a ruby laser
by 103 is described. The modulator is made up of an optical head and an electronic
unit. The optical head consists of a rotating prism with total internal reflection
that acts as one of the mirrors of the laser optical resonator; it is driven at
angular speeds up to 26 x 103 rpm by a dc motor, The electronic unit consists of a
square wave generator, a comparator circuit, two time delay networks, a trigger cir-
cuit, a dc motor, and a power supply. The modulator operates in the following manner:
at a given angular position of the prism with respect to the laser beam, light from a
lamp is focused through a lens and illuminates a photosensitive diode. The output
pulse of the photodiode is amplified and fed to the comparator. When the rotational
speeds of the motor and the prism are equal, the comparator initiates a pulse that
lightsthe laser pumping lamp and thus triggers the laser. At the same time, the
L 43o4l-66
ACC NR: AP6029519
motor is stopped and the laser is not triggered again until the motor builds up its
speed until it is equal to that of the prism. The motor has an automatic disconnect
relay which stops it in 5 to 7 seconds if a faulty condition occurs in the circuit.
As a result of work with the modulator, optimum parameters for the optical resonator,
rotation speed of the rO-flector, and pumping power have been determined in order to
obtain maximum output pulse power. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [IV]
SUB CODE: 20/ RMM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 A T.D P A F~c, 5
KOZIN, B.G.; TRETIYAKOV, V.B.; RABOT.M, A.N., inzh., retsenzent;
BELINICHER, I.Sh., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; GARANKINA,
S.P.., red.lzd-va; DEMKINA, II.F., toklin. red.
[Screw-thread machining; handbook) Rezlboobrabotka; spra-
vochnik. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. IOD p. (141RA 17:2)
L 44039-6G EWT(m_)/T _1-iP(t)/ZTI--_ ___IJ-P(_p). JD/M4
ACC NR: JV6032231 souRcE CODE: 6R/6367A6/0O3/OO5/O842/0848
'AUTHOR: Kashuba, I. Ye.; Kozin, B. G.; Pasechnik, M. V.; Pucherov, N. N.; Chirko, V. 1.
ORG! Institute of Phyrnics, N UkrSSR Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR)
TITLTIE: An;tly,;1s of the olastic 3cattering of 6.9 M(,,V protons by Ni isotopon and the
nuc I ear optic:il iiiicxiel
,SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 3, no. 5, 196j5, 81,2-848
1j'OPTC T' ~*,S! elastic scattering, proton pol;irization
;ABSTRItCT: Yhe differential cross-sections and polarizations of 6.9'MeV protons,
;elastically scattered by Ni isotopes, were calculated on the basis of the optical
model. It is shovm that the model parameters giving the beot agreement between
1~theory and experiment differ significantly for various NI isotopes. An uncertainty
exists in the choice of the depth and diffusion parameters b and W in the imaginary
'par' of the potential for Wb = const. It is shown that the uncertainty in the choice
lof the optimal set of optical model parameters is significantly decreased if the
:,analysis of the data on elastic scattering takes the angular de-pendence of the
.polarization as well as the differential crosB-section into aca)unt. The authors
;thank the staff of the Institute of Cybernetics AN UkrS311 for mriking possible the
:calculations of the electronic computers as well as for assuring the operation of
3 figures, 7 fonnulas and 1 table. [Based on authors
!the machdne3. Orig. art. has:
:,,Eng. abst.] [JPRS: 36,7121
SUB CODE: .10 / SUPM DATE: 26Feb65 ORIG ffW: 005 OTH REF: 003
Card 1/1
KOZI',Ii', Boris .,ergeyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KCZLI)V, Ivan
0 - c P and. tekhn. nauk. Frinimala uchastiye
KGZLOVA, S.B., inzh.; P.-'-EDE, 'V.Yu., red.
[:',electing the systems for a staged development Df rail-
road lines; mothods usinr, tolectronic digital compu-,ersl
Vybor 5khem etapnogo -,-azvitiia zhelezno,~orczhnykh linii;
3 primeneniem ETsW. 14o.Ava, Tramsport, 1~)64. 152 p.
(PIL,,A 17:7)