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KOZHI.IIAJ T.K. (deceased]-------.----.-
Geological &nd p-ineralogical characteristics of a standard sample
for systematic studies of absoulte age determination. Biul.Kom.
po opr.aba.vozr.geol.form. no.4:8-19 161. (MIRA l5ill)
- (Mineralogy, Determinative)
(Geological timo)
KOZHINA. V.G., studentka; YAKOVLEVA, G.K.; N"ALKOV, P.N., professor. zaveduyu-
Effect of the patient's position on the operating table upon the activity
of the heart and lungs. Vest.khir. 73 no-3:50-55 Yq-Je '53. (W-RA, 6:6)
1. Falmlltetskaya khirurgicheakaya klinika Leningradskogo sanitarno-
gigi.yenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (Surgery, Operative)
HOZEINA, V. G. (Leningrad, nab. kanala Griboyedava, d. 34, kv. 4)
Late results of osteoplastic hip amputations. Vest. khir. no.4:
78-84 '62. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Iz Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta pro-
tezirovan,ya (dr. - dotsent M. V. Strukov, naiichnyy rukovod. -
prof. S.T. Godunov)
USSR/Ifur,an and AnLmal Morphology - Blood Discat;ct; R-4
Abs, Jour Referat Zhur - Bioloj~ii, 11o 16, 1957, (c633
Author Kozhina, V.K,
Title Blood BiEru-bin and the Osmotic Resistance of
Erythroci,tes in Subbropical Anaemias.
Orig Pub Tr. Stalinab. gos. med. in-ta, 1955, 16, 113-118
Abstract In 15 out of 24 anemia patients with Para and me~axala-
rial hepatoleneal syndrome increased b;.lir,,,.bi-n was noted
(B) in the blood and lowering of the uiniiuil &3rDtic
resistance of er,,throcytes (ORE). Serum, B of 30 Pati-
ents vith enterocolitic ar-emia, without heratosplenome-
galy wao lowered and ORE increased. The B in the blood
of pregnant patient with pernicious-~ype anejda was in-
creased and ORE normal or olij~htly elevated..
Card 1/1 - 119 -
" i: i.*
7o,4ilmu, 11. 7'.
it Changes in the protein composition of blood nerun in
(electrophoretic investigation)." Stalinabad 5tate Yedical
Ibn-Sino (Avitsenna). Stalinabad, 1956. (Dissertation For
Candidate in Medical Sciences).
liver diseases
Inst. imeni Abulai-
the Degree of
Knizhnaya letopig'
No 34, 1956, Moscow.
Prinimali uchastiye: 19JUDENOVSKAYA, T.S., laborant;
ROMDESMETISKAYA Z.S., laborant; KOZIIIU~.' V.M., laborant;
YEODOTOYEV, K.M., otv.rod.; 811UPOV, V. , rod-, "z-va; Ia%TJT,
Aftaaiea~of experimental and technical petrography and mineralogy]
isoledovaniia po eks rimentallnoi i tekhnicheskoi petrografii i
mineralogii. 1-10.4: rstudias on oxidation of sulfides] Eksperi-
montallnye isaledovaniia po okialeniiu sullfidov. 11-loskvu,
Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1961. 130 p. (Akademiia nauk SSR.
Institut geologii rudynkh n-astorozhdenii, petrografii, mineral-
ogii i geokhimii. Trudy, no.59) (14IM 14: 7)
Morphological features of fish gills as related totheir mods of
feeding. Trudv Kar.fil.All SSSR no.13:6:L-69 '58. (MRA 13:5)
(Gills) (Fishes--Food)
POPOV, Igor' Vladimirovich; KONDRATOYEVA, N.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk,
red.; KOZHINA, Z.M., red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red.
(Methodological principles for Btudying river channel proces-
ses]Metodicheskie osnovy issledovanii ruslovogo protsessa. Pod
red. N.E.Kondratteva. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1961. 204 p.
(MIRA 16:2)
Mikhail Andrevevirh (decea:3ed]; KALINIE, CIJ..
red,; KGRINA, Z,11,1., red.
[Land hydroloirjj Gidrologiia sus'll. 5, izd., d,~I- i -
Loningrad., Gairomcteoizd't, 4C2 p'. ('L 11 !'A I ~,? ~ ' "
RUDNEV, G.V., red.; ~QZU A red.; VOLKOV, N.V., tekhn. red.
[Concise psychrometric charts for agrometeorological sta-
tions] Kratkie psikhrometricheskie tablitsy dlia agromete-
orologiche5kikh postov; po dannym nabliudenli. psikhrometrom
aspiratsionnym. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1962. 77 p.
(MIRA 16:7)
(Meteorology, Agricultural-Charts, diagrams, etc.)
IVMIOV, K.Ye., doktor geogr. nauk,. prof.; ROMANOV, V.V., kand. tokhn.
nauk; SIDORKINA, L.M... kand.geogr. nauk; SHiMM, P.M.) :Lnzh.;
BAVINA, L.G., inzh.; GALINOVSKAYA, I.A., inzh.; XOZHINA.,_,4.M '.1
red.; CREPELKINA, L.A., red.; SHATILINA, M.K., red.; BRAYNINA,
M.I.j tekhn. red.
(Hydrologicnl calculation in the drainage of bogs and svampy
soils] Gidrologicheskie raschety pri osushenii bolot i zabolochen-
rqkh zemell. Pod red. K.E.Ivanova. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdatj
-[Supplement no.9. Maps] Prilozhenie No.'s. Karty.
1963. "7 P. I
(MIRA 16:12)
1. Leningrad. Gidrologicbeskiy institut.
BEFAN 1. Nenila Fecfanovna; KALININ, Gennadiy Favlovich, FrV.~JROV,
V,D., otv. red.; KOURIA, Z.M.9 red,
(F-xercises and mathodologlcal developments on b7drologic
foreca3tal, Uprazhnanila I metodicheskie razrabotkI po digrc-
logi,~hesklm prop
,nozam. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, '1965.
1,3~ P. (NURA 18: 5)
ZjjEL~ZIIYAK, I or if Aronovich; PYSHKITT A. oi-;.
KOZIIINA, Z.1.1,., red.
[Hegulation of flood flowl
otoka. Leninurad, Gidrometcoi,.,nat.
325 P.
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN (If~v
'111.. ""PIROBIT:We 11, tv. red.
deform,-. and jr. -rl
g e rul CIA,
and mcrpix L~ gn -ft' the rof
y ), I
L iit~V 0, L) ',Ii S U o C, I De f--Ma 3 i i r e -~ Imy k h ru s e
if! r rn t ro J ~.e 1.3 l7id:-Q I
AUTHORS: Kosterin, S.I.., Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Engineer and
leontlyev, A.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences
~.-ITL,w~: Pressure Pulsations in the Flow of Gas and Their Effect
on Convective Heat-Exchange (Vliyaniye pul'satsly
davleniya v potoke gaza na konvektivnyy teploobmen)
P.-C,,ld0i)ICAL:T-iploenergetika, 19593 Nr 3, pp 66-72 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article gives the results of theoretical and
experimental investigations of convective heat-exchange
in the presence of prolonged pressure pulsations in -.-he
gas flow.. Very little theoretical or pract-Leal work has
been done on the connection between extemal disturbances
in the flow and the characteristics of the turbulent
boundary layer. The first case to be considered
theoretically is that of a turbulent boundary layer on
a flat plate in the prezence of periodic pulsations in
the velocity of the Laaia flow of Gas. An integral
equation for this case is first written, whence equation
(15) is derived for the ratio of the resist,ance
Card 1/5 coefficient in the presence and absence of periodic
pressure Pulsations in the Plow of Gas and Their Effect on
Convective Heat-Exchange
velocity pulsations in the gas flows. The same
equation can also be used to calculate the coefficients
of heat- and mass-exchange under the same conditions.
The case of a turbulent boundary layer in -the initial
section of a cylindrical tube is then considered in a
similar manner. Formula (22) is derived for local
values of the coefficients of friction in -bhe initial
section of the cylindricul tube: equations 23 and 24
are formulated for local and mean values of the Nusselt
criterion. An experimental investigation is then
described. This is particularly necessary because the
semi-empirical method of calculation given above is
based on assumptions that need verification. The
experimental equipment is illustrated diagrammatically
in FiE.l. Compressed air is heated to 4000C in an
electric furnace and then passes through tlie experimental
section of the equipment, after which it is discharged to
atmosphere. Pulsations of pressure and velocity in the
main flow of air were set up by means of a rotating
Card 2/5 disc which, together with the experimental section of the
Pressure Pulsations in the Flow of Gas and Their Effect on
Convective Heat-Exchange
equipment, is illustrated in Vig.2. The e---~perimental
section consisted of a short cylindrical b-rass tube of
60 mm. diameter fitted with calorimeter rings to measure
heat flows,. The first scries of tosts was iuade on u short
tube. Temperature measurement from a number of the tests
are presented graphically in Fig.3.. It Ydil be seen
that the experimental points fall close to the theoretical
straight lines. In addition to the measurement of the
temperature distribution at the radius of the rings,
measurements were made of the tube wall temperature under
each ring; also of the profile of velocity and
temperature at the inlet to and outlet froin the
experimental sections. Pressure variations were recorded
oscillographically: some typical traces are reproduced
in Fig.4. Drawings of the rotating disc used in these
tests are given in Fig.5,, The experimental figures
obtained in the tests are tabulated: the ran e of
Reynolds numbers was from 6.5 x. 104 to 1 x 1T the air
Card 3/5 temperature was up to 4000C, the pressure -,:pulsation
Pressure Pulsations in the Flow of Gas and Their Effect on
Convective Heat-Exchange
frequency was 900 c/S and the relative amplitude up
to 0.536. It will be seen that there is an appreciable
increase in the heat-transfer coefficients vitien pressure
pulsations are present. In Fig.6 the test 3.,esults are
plotted to show the change of heat-transfer coefficient
and wall temperature along the length of the model.
These graphs also give the results of calculations of
the distribution of heat-transfer coefficient by the
procedure earlier described. It will be seen that
there is satisfactory agreement between theory and
experiment. The results of an experimental verification
of the final criterial design formulae are Eiven in
Fig.7. This graph includes all the experiml~ntal points
obtained in the tests. It follows that, wi~thin the
range. of the criteria obtained in the first part of the
article and covered by the tests, the formulae offered
for calculating convective heat-exchange in the
Card 4/5
Pressure Pulsations in the Flow of Gas and Their Effect on
Convective Heat-Bxchange
presence of pressure pulsations in the gas flow are in
good agreement with the experimental data. There are
? figures, 1 table and 6 references of Vnich 2 are Soviet,
3 English and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy institut AN SSSR (The Power Institute
Card 5/5
Experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer d-,iring
the condensation of water vapor from humid air on a vertical
surface under natural convection conditions. Inzh.-fiz zhur.
8 no.2:243-246 F 165. (,mm 18: 5)
1. Institut stroitellnoy fiziki, Mloskva.
Water supply for small settlements under arctic conditions.
Vod.i san.tekb, no,3-.33-34 Rr 162. (MM 15:8)
(Aluka--Water-supply engineering, Low temperaturo)
New York's water supply, Gor.khoz.Mosk. 36 no.l: 50-51 JEL 162.
(Now York (City)-yator supply)
1, V.
Scientists contribute to municipal economy. Zhil.-kom.khoz.
4 no.7:4-7 154. (MLRL 8:1)
1. Ihmestitell direktora Akademii kommunallnogo khozyayatva
im. K.D.Pamfiloya.
(Municipal services)
X07111VOV, Valorlian Fe%dorovieh.
Reference book on water supply and sewer systems Moskva, Cos. izd-vo stroit. lit-ry, 1947
406 p. (Spravochniki po, stroitell-nyzn i rantazhnvm rabotam)
. K8
Avtomatizatsiya stantsiy ochistki i obrabotki vody (Automatization of
stations for the purification and processing of water) Moakcva, Leningrad,
Izd-vo lKlinisterstva Kommunal'nogo Khozyayztva RSFSR, 19.48.
(197) n. illus., diagrs., tables.
Bibliography: P. 193-(197)
T F.
ABRAMOT, Hikolay RIS21~yevich. professor, doktor tekhnich6Bkikh nauk;
19ZARAQ1040.7'..'Mandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; KONIUSEN07,
A.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy red,-J-.tor; PROSTOSEIMOV,
A.P., redaktor; DArMOV. V.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
(Fundamentals of water-supply engineering] Oanov-,r vodoenabzhenita.
Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-r7 po stroit. i arkhitekture. 19559 120 p.
[Microfilm) (MLRA 8:3)
(Water-supply engineering)
tekbnicbeBkikh nauk, retsenzent; KONTUF)HKOY,A.M.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SMIRHOV,A.P., redaktor;
PERSON, M.N., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
[Automation In the work of water supply and sewage disposal
installations] Avtomatizataiia raboty vodoprovodno-kanalizatsion-
nykh sooruzhenil. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu I
arkhitekture, 1955. 257 P. 04LRA 9:1)
(Automation--Water-5upply engineering)
KOZHINOV, V.F.,.kand,tekhn'.nauk- -red.; ZASOV, I.A., kPnd.tekhn.uauk,red.;
red.izd-va; #OLKOV, S.V.;
[New engineering equiDMent for municipal services] Rovaia
tekhnika v gorodskom khozinistve. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.
khoz.RSFSR, 1957. 215 P. (MIRA 11:1)
1. Akademiya kommunalnogo khozyaystva, Moscow.
(Municipal engineering--Equipment nnd Pupplies)
K02MNOV. Valerian FedQjqvkpha d.9tsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; SALAZKOV. N.P.,
(Theory of the free submersion of pipelines and its use in
constructing subaqueous crossings] Teoriia Bvobodnogo pogruzheniia
truboprovods i as primenenie v praktike ustroistva 7DOdvodnykh pere-
khodov; nauchnoe soobshchenie. Moskva, Izd-vo K-va kommun.khos.
RSFSR, 1959. 53 P. (HMA 13:4)
''KOZHINOV, V.F.. dote., kand.tekhn.nauk-, TERENIN, M.P.
Laying subaqueous gas mains under winter conditions. Gor.khoz.Mosk.
33 no.2:19-22 F '59. (MIRA 12:3)
1. Zamestitell komdndira 3-9o otryada podvodno-tekhnichaskikh rabot
Ministerstva rechnogo flota.
Resistance of underwater pipelines to tile
of the crossed stream* Tod. i san.tekh.
hydrodynamic pressure
no.4:27-30 AP '59.
(MIRA 12:5)
e r r i r r o rLd r a t e i r f- 11 e ,i orwov,) i2liAll el, 7.,
KOZEINOV., Valerlyan Fp-d-orovlch;-,.XOITYUSROVj A.M.,, red.; KOROGODIN, A.Se.
- --f6d. .. i-zd-va; LELYUKRIN, A.A., tekhn. red.
(Ozonization of drinking water] Ozonlrovanie pitlevoi vody. Moskvap
Izd--vo M-va kommin. khoz. RSFSR, 1961. 85 P. (MIRA 14'.11)
KOZHINOV, V.F., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk
Ozonization of water. Gor.khoz.Koak. 36 no.M,20-22 Ag 162.
(miu 16a)
KOZHINOV, Valorian Fedorovicho prof.$ doktor tekhn. naiik;
Y'Az'mIN--BAtASNbvII *A",,I,p inzho, nauchn, red,
[Drinking water and feedwater purificationj examples and
calculations] Ochietka pittevoi i tekbnichesl:oi vody; pri-
mery i raschety. 2. izd. Moskvas Stroiizdati, 1964. 271 p.
(HIRA 17: 11)
VAKHLER, Boris LIvovich, kand. tekhn, nau1c; SOLINAINGIV, P.A., -'r.~,,r.,
retsenzent; MATVEYEV, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; KOZHINOV, V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent - -,- - ~ :,
[Ozonization of the water of the Northern Done L.:-Dont~ t,.1
Basin Canal for drinking purposes] Ozonirovan.le vody R,i-
nala Severrrjri Donets-Donbass dlia pitlewy1ch tseloi. P:-
sk-va, Stroiizdat,, 1965. 83' P. (MIRA 18-12)
Ala J/,j
Sell-piuMcation of city mail. I., A. ~kq&"wj- 4 " g,ml
i.%Jalj: 19SI. So. 4. 10 ~.-l I be surrAr'. %oil ill rill, i, runts.
apprecuble aint%~ of Aa,lt tuallivr uml bnalding rej~
;mIlltz a mediunt in N%hiclk bi(whan. decompis.
noce"I rithrr t.tpidlv. The -sanit.Lry no." and the oli
liter at, safe ifulexe, I( the C011(litioll of the 361. hile
mulu-S RIM lumilt-N indicalc the C(Alfsed th, d""'nim
,4 -.rg. nwtcrLik, Imh rwrtlitell well "ith the
J.'pulAtim "'U'll (A 4 %fliple A IYPI(.11
4 Ity Al, howevur. 1. .-1 "Huplete % ithin a 1 5 moill h', C11,11
J-io,l. C. M. Ko-1.11"Al
USSR / Microbioloay. HyGionic Microbiology. F-4
Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol-) No 20, 1958, No. 90881
Author :Khlebnikov., N. I.* Kozhinova L. A.; Lebedova, M. V.;
Kichorika, 11.G. -L~~ --
!not :NOt-ai"n x/ Ce.,itaeo4 ,c i4iiq4- 41ype~,
Titlo :The Problem of Vaing Sewage Water for Fortilizer on
Farm Land
OriC, hib :Gigiyona i oanitarlye, 1957, No 2) 31-35 (res. Mg.)
Abstract :A study was i~ade of the influence of norl-vegetativo and
vegetative irriGation of podzolic sandy ani loam soils
by sewage waters (clarified and eedimented) on the sanitary
condition of the soil and the vegetables cultivated in it.
The sanitary atate of the soil and tegetablea was determined
by a coli indox and by the munber of egEo of the helmint1w.,
and a sanitary count was also done on the soil. In Vie
voeetativo Doriol accoyapanied by the use of clarified
Card 1/2
,-KOZHINOVAP L.Act kand.meditsinskikh nauk (Moskva)
Efficient methods for cleaning populated arqap and the prevention
of helminthic diseases. Felld. i-akush. 25 no.6:51-54 Je 160. ,
(MIRA 132-9)
Experimental investigation of self-modulation in self-controlled
electron-tube oscillators. Trudy NIIGMP no.6:121--128 '58.
(MIRA 12:2)
(Oacillators, ]Clectron-tube) (Radiosondes)
Ivanov, Aleksandr Petrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
Viktor Dmitriyevich Lisitsyn, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Modernizaisiya kuzncchno-shtampovochnogo oborudovaniya (Moderni-
zation of Die-Forging Equipment) 1,11oscow, Mashgiz, 1961. L)26 p.
Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed.
Reviewer: V. Ye. Nedorezov, Candidate of Technical Science3; Ed.
of Publishing House T. L. Leykina; Tech. Ed.: A. A. Bardina;
Managing Ed. for Liieraturo on Machino-Building Technology
(Leningrad Department, Maohgiz): Ye. P. Naumov, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for foremen, machinists, designers,
and process engineers concerned with the modernization and de-
signing of die-forging equipment. It may also be used by students
at schools of higher education.
COVERAGE: The book contains material presented at the Conference
Card 1/8
Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658
on Problems in the Modernization and Operation of Die-Forging
Equipment, held in November 1958 in Leningrad. The Conferance
aas called by Leningradakiy Sovet narodnoZo khozyaystva , -3ktsiya
obrabbtki metallov davleniyem Leningradskogo oblastnogo p:~avleniya
NTO Mashprotn (Leningrad Council of the National Economy, Section
of Matal Presznorking at the Leningrad O'klast Board of the Sei-
entific and Technical Society of the Machine Indu3try) and Len-
ingradakly mckhanicheskiy institut (Leningrad Mechanical Engi-
neering Institute). Actual problems in the modernization, oper-
ation, and repair of die-forging equipment are described. Ana-
1y3cs are provided for problems Involved in the mechanization and
automation of die-forging and atamping operations. Also in-
cluded are practical data to be used In the modernization of equip-
ment. No personalities are mentioned. There are 59 references:
56 Soviet, 2 German, and I English.
Card 2/8
Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658
ch. I. General Problems in the Modernization of Die-Forging
Equipment 5
1. Banic trends in the modernization of die-forging equipment
(V. B. Gordin, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 5
2, The requiirements for die-forgin~ equipment (A. P, Ivanov,
Candidate of Technical Sciences)
Ch. 11. Modernization of Forging and Die-Forging Steam Hammers 18
1. Hammers and their role in modern die-forging equipment
(Z. 14. Ginzburg, Engineer) 18
2. The modernization of steam-distributing devices of hanters
(A.L. AshklAw~j, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
lzhln_?Iy, Engineer)
I h 19
3. M~d. zation of hammer control and drive (A. L.
A3hkinazi, Z. I. Ginzburg, and K. K. Ye4clmo~,__Englneer', 26
4. 14646iohii-ation and repair of foundations and anvil bloc~.s
of hammers (Yu, V. Belyavev, Candidate of Tecbnlcal Sol-
ences, Z. M. Ginzburg, and 1. 1. Kozhinskiy) 31
Card 3/8
Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658
5. Modernization and repair. of hammer frames and guides (V. A.
Zhivehilcov, Engineer, and 1. 1. Kozhinsitly) 38
6. Modernization and repair oF -harri-croylifidern and piston
rods (Z. M. Ginzburg, V. A. Zbivehilcov 1. 1. Kozhinskly,
A. M. Kaznacheyev, and M. V. Tilinskiy) 41
T. Modernization and repair of rams ( I, I.-I Kozhinskiy) 50
B. Lubrication of harnmers (I. A. Gorbun-o-v--, I. Kozhinskiy,
and A. I. Kaznacheyev) 53
Ch. III. Modernization of Stearn-Hydraulic and Hydraulic Presses 56
1. Modern trends and the outlook for modernization of hy-
draulic presses (A, L. Ashkinazi and V. B. Oordin) 56
2. The ways for decreasing the weight and overall dimensions
of hydraulic presses (Yu. P. Kyzlko, Engineer) 58
3. Modernization of steam-hydraulic "United" 2,000-ton for'l-,
ing press (B. P. Vasillyev and V. A. Yelezov, Enj 63
4. Automation of steam-hydraulic "United" presses (S. P.
Moiseyev, Engineer) 71
Card 4/8
Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658
Ch. IV. Modernization of Mechanical Crankshaft Presses 78
1. Basic methods for the complete modernization of cranks'-aft
presses (M. A. Goncharenko, Engineer, and V. D. Lisits~n,
Candidate of Technical Sciences) 76
2. Modernization of the drives of mechanical presses (A. P.
Ivanov and V. B. Gordin, Candidates of Technical Sciences) 87
3. Modernization of en&aging and disengaging mechanisms of
crankshaft presses (V, A. Zhivchikov, A. M. Kaznacheyev,.
and V. D. Lisitsyn) 89
4. Modernizatinn of control system of mechanical presses
(V. D. Lisitsyn) loc
5. 'Modernization and repair of individual subassemblies ajid
parts of mechanical presses (I. I._KozhIn,3kIy, and V. D.
L13itayn) 108
6. Modernization of mechanical presses for the purpose of
protecting them against overloading (Yu. M. Buzikov, En-
gineerY 115
.7. Safety technique in the modernization of mechanical
presses (V. D. Lisitsyn) 125
Card W8
Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5655
Ch. V. Modernization of Horizontal-Forging Machines (Up3etters],
Perou3slon Presve3, and Shears 133
1. Modernization of horizontal-forging machine3 (V. P..
ZhIvchIkov and I I Kozhinskiy) 133
2. r0odernization of power-bcrew percussion pretwon
kozhinskly and A, M. Kaznacheyev) 141
3. Modernization of eccentric ahears for blani(Ing 0 erati-,n,
(I. I. Kozhinskiy and V. N. Cherkasov, Enginecr~ 144
Ch. VI. Mechanization of Forging and Hot Die-ForginC Operations
in the Modernization of Hammers and Hydraulic Presses 1119
1. Nechanisms and equipment for forcing and die forging on
ha=mers (K. K. Yekimov, Engineer)
2. Imechanizemz and equipment for preos-forging (K. K. Yeklmov,
and S. P, Moloeyev) 153
Ch. VII. Mechanization and Automation of Stamping Operations in
The Modernization of Crankshaft Presses 160
Card 6/8
Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658
1. Trends in application of mechanizing and automatizing devices
in the modernization of presses (V. D. Lisitsyn and M. A.
Goncharenko) 16o
2. Plechanical devices for feeding band and strip stock (M. A.
Gutnik, Engineer, V. D. Lisitsyn, and Ye. S. Nazaranko,
Engineer) 163
3. Mechanical devices for fcodln~ piece-blanks (V. D.
Lisitsyn.and Ye, S. Nazarenko) 177
4. Fully automated (production] linea (E. E. Royter3hteyn,
Engineer) 186
Ch. VIII. Experimental Investigation of Die-Forging Equipment 191
1. General sequence for the calculation and design of ma-
chines in the modernization of die-forging equipment
(A. P. Iyancy) 191
2. Basic problems of the drive-system dynamics and of the
automatic feed of stock in the modernization of presses
(A. P. Ivanov -and Ye. S. Nazarenko) 193
Card 7/8
Modornization of Die-Forging Equipment
3. Methods and means for the experlmental Investigation of
die-f-irging equipment (V. 1. Zavtsev and 14. P. Pavlov,
Candidates of Tacbnical Sciences) 203
BiblioGraphy 223
AVAILABLE- Library of Congress
Card 8/B
GUTSA-.v-',JF,, V,G,- YATSEX,~~.. -,'~ V. Vj 19 KOZF; I N T -- -T -
- - I ~ ~ , -- ,
0.~ 1dation of 4,h~) ~, rl,y r~, i.
_1 ~ ter,,, .f patrc,.'Pum, Trudy Tris',, khLrn.
nauk AN Kazakh. S5R Il. il.22-129 161, (,NqRA 1'7..,,1-1)
USSR/Metals - Malleable Iron, Casting Feb 52
"Technological Adaptability of Machine Parts Cast
of Malleable Iron," L. 1. Kozhinskiy, Engr, Gorl
kiy Automobile Plant imeni Molotov
"Litey Proizvod" No 2, pp 7-9
Discusses requirements for proper design of cast-
ings out of malleable iron and gives several ex-
amples of automobile parts, analyzes defects oc-
curring in their castings wad suggests measures
for improvement, such as elimination of hot cracks
by modification of design or constructional
changes which permit forming of casting cavity in
one half of mold.
Combined send cores, and the making of cores without pasting. Lit.Droizv.
no.6:7-9 JO 153. MRi 6:7)
"Inve-Al --'Ition
of, ".1ailt;1"lle Casf
C,) r
o:, ~""-)J(j
e s
1 a Lr
i,w) I I~o ()~p 19C6
KOZHINSM, L.I.j kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
,I .. I
- "', . .--
Effect of the design of automobile castibgs on the appearahce of
cold cracks. Avt. i trakt. prom. no.2:35-40 F '57. WAL 10:3)
l.Gortkovokiy politekhnicheakiy institut.
(Iron founding)
37-1q57- '2-24067
Tr.m.,lation from, Referat.0myy zhurn--I, Met--ii-iurpiya. 1957, Nr 12, p 166 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Kozhinskiy, L. L
TITLE: -rde-.-tifying and D:.:Jingui~:hing Cold Crack~; (Opredeleniye i
PERIODICAL- V sb. -, Novoye v li'Leyn. proiz--ve. Nr -2. Gorlkiy, Knigoizdat,
1957., pp 107-109
ABSTRACT: From many year5 of experience at the GAZ ma-11ca,b]-c
foundry an objective sign in distingui~,hing between a hot and a
cold crack (CK) in wrought iron i7, found in the (act (i'f the
antie'.Jing i:; carried out in a neutral atmoophere) that the surface
of the vial!s of a hot CK is dendritic, while "hat of a cold CK is
cryfjtalline. If, after annealing. the surface of the wall of a cracl.
is so damaged that % vinual ins-,pection fails to yield any clues on
;AI; rt--:~ure, use is made of microscopic inve:~,tigation. A micro-
..tructural sample, taken perpendicularly to the surface of the GK~
.Iio%v---. that in a cold CK the number of anneal- inclusions of C is
greater in it,~ vicinity than the average over the remainder of the
-,ection, in the of a hot CK it is the same a:~ in the
Card 10 rern iinder of 'he -ection. Th~~ exp`ani~tinn `;e5 in the fact that ,~.
1'17-1957-1? A067
lderAifying -ind Di.-,finguir;hing Cold Cracks
cold CK, at; a proce~,_-. of _;eparzition ~tong the crystals of a
fr-gile meta!, repre--ent--, coid-hardening for which, as is known,
the rumber of anneal inclu,-,ion-, of C i_-~ increa_~ed.
L. D.
1 . GRst Aron-Failure Z. Cast iron-Fracture 3. Cast iron-
C-ird 212
.- I - - ~ ~..... . .
Factors contributing to the appearance of graphitization. Lit. proizv.
no. 4:31-35 Ap 161, (MIRA U: 1,)
(Cast iron--Metallography) (Annealing of metals)
KOZHINSKIY, L.I., kand.,tekhn.nauk
Nucleation of centers of graphitization following plastic deformation
of white cast iroh. Xeta-Uoved. i term. obr. met. no.5~26-28 14Y
161. (MM 14:5)
1. Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
(Cast iron--Metallograp4y) (Metal crystals-Growth)
Obtaining iron castings with a chilling layer in heated molds.
Lit.proizv. no.907-38 3 162. (MIRA 15:11)
. (Iron founding)
Chilling of castings by the method of local internal annealing.
Izv. vys. uchabe zav.; chern. met. 5 no.12:146-152 162.
(MIRA 1.6:1)
1. Gorikovskiy politekbnichooki-y inatitut.
(Iran founding) (Tellurium)
' ACC NR- AT7004924
SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/00010028/0034
'AUTHOR: KozhiinetiLy'_'O,"S. (Moscow)
,ORG: none
TITLE. Statistical methods of determining characteristics of distributed-parameter
SOURCE: Vaes. konf. po avtomatich. kontrol i metodam elektrich. izmereniy, 6th,
;1964. Avtomatich. kontrol' i metody elektrich. izmereniy. tr. konf. , t. 1: Teoriya
Azmciit. info. sistcm (Automatic control and electrical measuring techniques;
transactions of the conference, v. 1: Theory of measuring information systems).
Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 28-34
I -
TOPIC TAGS: automatic control system, automatic control theory
BSTRACT,. As statistical methods of determining distributed -parameter -plant
Iicharacteristics have been insufficiently developed and as such plants are widely used
in practice (metallurgical, chemical processes), the present article examines a
;randorn field as a mathematical model of the distributed-parameter process. The
distributed parameter UOL , 0 is a random function of time t and spatial coordinate
1A . If U is distributed in a multidimensional space, \ is a vector of the corre-
:sponding number of measurements. The plant output, In the general case, is a
Card_ I /Z
ACC NRt AT7004924
random vector function Y, (t) with k w 1, p , (see
114") Y&MI figure). An optimal prediction of Y, (t) from the results
field measurements U( ;k , t) is sought. This problem is
equivalent to finding the plant operator between the field
tj~ [e) -YX H-) U( )k , t) and the output Y,, (t). 'A widely used practical case!
YM is considered when both U( t) and Y(t) are stationary
Gaussian random functions with normal joint probability
-~'T Aa densit 'ies. Three practical cases are considered:
VIM Y At) (1) Arguments t and A are discrete; W t is continuous,
X is discrete; (3) Both t and A are continuous.
Formulas for the plant operator are derived. It is proven
that in order to find the optimal system and to evaluate its accuracy, it is sufficient to
know the moments of random functions Ux (t) with A . 1, . . . , n and Y,, (t) of the first
two orders, the autocorrelation function Yk (t) being defined by its value in the origin
of coordinates; the latter value can be determined experimentally during the normal
operation of the plant in question. "The author wishes to thank N. S. Raybman for
his advice. Orig. art. has: I figure and 26 formulas.
SUB CODE: 09, 12 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REFt 007
Lcard. 212
ACC- M14- AP6C29547 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/000/008/0085/0092
AM-ULMs Koz;~kiy,, 0. S. (Mbscow)
OM 3 n0no
TITIZ; Statistical methods for mathematical description of systems with distributed
SOURCEz Avtomatika i tolomoWianilm, no. 8. 1966, 85-92
TOPIC TAGS: optimal control, control statistics, paramotor, correlation fwiction,
appro.-dmation error, mean square error, mathomatic model, rmthonatic oporator
ABSIMICT.- Statistical methods for mathematical description of systens wilu-h diiztrib-
uted parameters based on data on the normal functioning of factories are examined.
A model of a factory with distributed parameters is used (soo Firr. 1). The relation
operator between the field and the input variable is determined by axtondi-,4-, the con-
cept of multiple linear regression to the case of an infinitely large num1ber of in-
dependent variables:
in T
JIIUI(71,,t)IX(t-V)]=17.ux(%)+Z Wn;'UX (X, -r) X;, (I -,r) d-c
ji-I C
Card 1/2 UDC: 62-505
Fig. 1. Model of factory with distrib-
uted parameters (f)
x W
W U(A, 0 Y(t,
(A' U, (A, up (A, o
-r) is the relative mathematical oxpoc ta tion of U,~( t)!
Q for the values of X(t) observed in intorval't
for X(t), which is tho bound of UIr (x ) i
UX (X) is a froo function; and Ux( A, t) is the multiple rogrossion fwic'u.-Lon.
T; air lv~
The relation operators between tho components of tho fiold and botwoon tho output
variable and the field are determined. Examples of the use of these operators in
optimal control problems are given. The author thanks N. S. Rayl=n for advice.
Orig. art. hass .25 formulas and 2 diagrams.
SUB CODEt 12tia./ SUBM DAM 16,Tul65/ ORIG REF: 012
Autorvitic line for machln.flng the flaton of a telesccpAc shock
abborbgr. Biul. tekh. -ekon. infona. Goa. much. -issI. ir--'U. nauch. I
takh.inform. 18 no-W?-28 My 165, (mIRA 1816)
DADABAYP'V, A.Yu.; KORMY011A, P.I.; K07,1111,01VA, S.Ye.
Sorption of certain metals by KB-4 carboxylic reo-in. Trudy Inst.
wt. i obog. Ali KazaRh. SSH 9:51-55 161 ( J~.j j, A17 - 9)
+ . W~
L _;OXe, ,
Using a KU-2 industrial oatiorLite for the absorption of metals
from solutions. Trudy Inst. met. I obog. AN Kazitkh. SSII 9:116-120
164. (MIRA 17:9)
L 39815-66 EVIT.(m-)AM- (~~(t) Ijp(c) RD'W/JD/GI'-2
ACC NR: AP6011011 SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/66/039/003/0528/0537
AUTHOR: Chernyaev, V. N.; Kozhitov, L. V.; Pobedskayj. L. G.
ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moskovskiy insti-tut stali i splavov)
TITIX: Study of high-purification of tellurium oxide by fractional distillation
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khi V. 39, no. 3, 1966, 528-537
.~"~'-ITOPIC TAGS: tellurium, vacuum'distillation, fractional distillation, metal purifi-
ABSTRACT: Fractional distillation of technical tellurium was carried out in appara
tus used earlier for the distillation of mercury, cadmium, and zinc. The residual
pressure at the exit from the bubble plate column was no higher than 1 x 10-5 mm Hg.
'.','IA tellurium bar 1-1.5 m long was obtained after the experiment. Analyses of speci-
imens taken from this bar at 5-10- cm intervals determined the composition of the var-
ious fractions and the behavior.of the impurities-during distillation. The metal
obtained was spectroscoplc&14~.pure with respect to the content of the impurities.
studied (Se~ S, Fe, Mg, AI'qA3ij,Sbj', Au, Pb~ As, STi, Cu, Si). Results of t
Card 1/2 UDC:.-66.048.+ 546.24
L 39815-66
ACC MR: AP60110lk
analysis permit the re tonmindailon of vacuum distillation far the preparation of
high-purity.tallurium. Wad refining was fbund to be Ineffective In removing sale-
ALw and sulfur from to3lurium.0' A~rig, art, has% 4 figures and 4 tabless
1 x
, -
d V2 1
D G., DANLL-260, E-I-, V.V.)
scheme for an A. 7 CeV nu.-,,,-hLnc
on Hi~~h Ene-r-y Acceleraters rn, L
pj.D!, pl,,y,,-4(,C;
. ,L ,
,~en(iva 11-23 JtLnc 56
KOZHIAYF,V, H.D., prof.
.. t-. -
Hypertrophy of the lingual tonail. Vest.otorin. 21 no.3:
90-91 14Y-Je '59. (MIRA 12:9)
1. Iz Iclinilci bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa Azerbayd2hanakogo
instituta vti;ovaraheni3tvovaniya,vrachey, Baku.
(TONSILS, die.
lingual, hypertrophy (Rua))
1. 2&~C "'~d
0l T
ACC Nk~'AR6027500 COD;::
AUTHOR: Kozhogulov 0. Cb.
'*57 steel
TITLE: Analysis of the nickel
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, i~~bs - 41376
1710UI~a: )o1if-eki-jil. in-La, 1,yp-
TOPIC TAGS: heat resistant steel, x ray analy~;is stco-,
-TRANSLATION: The dititribution of 11-i was in fr,-ictur~~s o~
IlKhlGN9T stainless stc(--l by mno-ans of x-ray spectral analysis. 71-1c: Ni corcentration was:
etermined relative to Fe, the content of w"ich was assumed to bi- saime In a frac-
ture and in a micror,-.ction and to h,2 equal to 70.3j. Four szir., had been pre-
Iviously tested in te"AL;ian z0v the heat Wei"! 1) 11500C,
water quenched; 2) 115611C, air quenchcd--i--pact te3z~,d for a k; 3) 10500C, water quench-
ed; 4) 10000C, water The Ni cG;-j--~rz
;from its averaZe or, a
'Ni contents (wt 11b) in tests on lch,~ four
i--9.1 1 0.24, tteatment 3-7.4 1 0.37,
~SUB CODE: 11,13
-i ho-,h was i ound to be different
dtuza were obtained for
1, treatment 2--
4-0-.~ 0.16. V. Olenicheva.
Lqard 1/1
PCIPOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, prof., STOROI",qENKO, Vyacheslav
Petrovich, inzh.; SIVIDT, Leonid Moiseyevich, kand. tekhn.
nauk~ CHERKINSKIY, Yuriy Samoylovich, kand. tekhn.natik;
za vypusk, NOVOCHADUA, LA., red.
(flew building materialsi facts and figures] Novye
stroitelInye materialy; tsifry i fakty. floskva, Izd-vo
"Znanie," 1963. 44 p. NIRA 16:11)
1. Deystvitel-Inyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhi-
tektury SSSR (for Popov), 2. Starshiy referent Pravleniya
Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva I'Znanieyell (for Kozhokhin).
(Building materials)
Leonid ~'--Iki.avj .;4
KOZfi')KJ!i ria
Moisey Iosifovich, 7ill-1.
.Lvan Illikitich, sT. nau,~!Itin. crtr.,; T711. T A
Lubb an--, thr, t.
e farr"ll t tie Ta I
Licr, in Vcrc;mzI.
A PeliM."t'd
u p n -1, i a V c r1,-7. Z hk o i-I,i
eul-Isti. Vi 1 1
naya fzlantsiya (f,jr-
LAVROVA, N.N., prof., red.; ZUBOK, Ya.Z., tekhr-. red.
[Itead this, thio io usefull Prochitai, cto polezno. Frunze,
1962. 10 nos. (Botkin's diseasel BoleznI Botkina. 19 P.
[Gonmiunicable (infectious) diseases in children] Detskie
zaraznye (infektsionnye) bolezni. 18 p. (Helrdnths and the
harm they cause to human health] Gellminty i ikh vred dlia
zdorovlia cheloveka. 26 p. [Work hygiene of the b,-et grower]
Gigiena truda sveklovoda. 12 p. [Hygienic revime,.-i of the
schoolchild] Gigienicheskii rezhim shkollnika. 24 P. (Fungus
diseases of the skin] Gribkovye zabolevaniia kozhi. 24 p.
[Prevention and treatment of cardiac and vascular diseases]
Predupi-ezhdenie i lechenie boleznei serdtsa i sosudov. 19 p.
[Prevention and treatment of rickets] Rakhit, ego predu-
prezhdenie i lechenie. 8 p. [Old age and longevity] Starost'
i dolgoletie. 14 p. [Vitamins and their significance for
human health] Vitaminy i ikh znachenie dlia zdorovIin chelo-
veka. 22 p. (I-IIIIA 17:3)
Chemical c6mposition and antlba