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'CSANADI, Gyorg7, dr. oegyetemi tanar; FASKMT, Sandor; SZABO, Dezoo, dr-., a kozlekedeqtudomanyok kandidatusa, okl.mernok; CSUHAY# Denes; TAKACS, Endre; OSABAI, Rudolf; JJAGY, Rudolf; NUTAS, Laszlo.*emok; VASARIMYI, Boldizoar, dr.,a muszaki tudomanyok doktora, tanazek- vezeto egyetemi tanar; KOLLERp Sandor, muegyetemi adjunktus,- KALROKI IM, Sandor; GGY-OMBER, Sandor; TALLO, Corula;KOZARY Istvan; SZILAGYI, Lajos; HEGYI, Kalman# ekt. mernok; BERCZIK, PALFI, HMIWSZXj, Endre; INAGY, Endre,okl.marnok; SZATMARY, Ferenc; MAGORI, Judit; CgIKHELYI, Bela; MESZLERI, Zoltan; VEROSZTA# Imre; ZSIGAp Sandor; TOROK, Istvan; KQHCZk Laszlo; WESSELY, Perenene; SZABO, Bela; KOMDROCZI, Lajos; GGINTL, Jozsef; CSONTOS, Dezso; JAKAB, Sandor; LOVASZ, Istvan, mernok; KISS, KarolyjH0DM10~,j*"1y The C~ty Transportlation Conference in Szeged. Kozl tud 9z 12 no.2: 49-54 F 062. 1. Akademiai levelazo tag# a kozlekedes- as postaugyi minisater slap helyettese, as "Malekedestudomanyi Szemle" szerkessto bizottsagi tagja (for Csanadi) 2. Kozlekedes- as Postaugyi Miniszterium Muszaki Felugyeleti Oestalyanak vezstoje (for Faskerti) 3. Fovarosi Tanaos V,egrehajto Bizottoaga VIII. Varoarendozesi as Epiteszeti kathroa, as "Kozlekedestudomanyi Szemleff omerkessto m un tagja (for Szs~bo) (Continied on next card) .-~QWAVU, GyorgX --- (Continued Card 2. 4. Fomemkp KozIekedes- es Postaugyi Miniszterium Kozlekedespoli- tikai Osztalyanak munkatarsa (for Csuhay) 30 Kozlekedes- as Fostaug7i Miniazterium Autoko2lekeftai Vezeriga2ppatosaganak szakosztalyvezetoje (for Takaeo) 6. MAV fointezo, a Kozlekedestudomanyi Egyesulet miskolci teruleti szervezetenek titkara (for Csabai) 7. Fomernok, a Fovarosi Tanics.Vegrphajto.BIzottsaga Kozlekedesi Igazgatosaga hnlyettes vez6t 'pje (for "Tagy) 8. Fovarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Koziekedeoi Igazgatosaganak fojlesztesi eloadoja (for Kutas) 9. "Koziekedestudamemyi Szemle" szorkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vasarhelyi) 10. Csoportyezeto fomornok, Debrecen m.j. Varosi. Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Ipari es Kozlekedesi Osztaly (for Kalnoki.Xiss) 11. RendorornaU# Csongrad Megyei Randorfokapitanysag Kozrendvedelml (for Gyomber) 12. Fomernok, Miskolc m.j. Varosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsagm Epite-si es Kozlekedesi Osztaly (for Tallo) 13. Fomernok# Kozlekedes-es- Po .stauai Miniszterium Utosztalya (for KozarY) 14. Fav6rosi Tatace Vegrahajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varosrendezo. O~i'Epites,zbtd Outalvanak vezetoje (for Szilagyi)15.Ut-V&sUtterv9zQ W"t Osztalva vezetoje (for Hegyi) 16. BUVATI Kozlekedesi es Kdlzh~us zakQ ,fitalyanak vezetoje, Budapest (for Berczik) 17. Peas M.J. varoa Taft.69a BV Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Oaztalyanak vezetoje (for Marki) (Continued on next card) GWADIp Gyorgy (Continued) Card 3. 18. Szeged m.j. Varos:L Tanacs EpiteBI es Kozlekedesi Osztalyanak fomemoke (for Palfi Budingaki) 29. Budapeat Fovarosi Tanace Melyepitesi Terveze Vallalat :Lranyito tervezoje (for Endre VaV) 20. Debreceni Kozlekedes-i Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szatmary) 21. Budapest Fovaroal Tanace Mel,yepitesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Magori) 22. Budapest Fovarosi Taracs Allelyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomer-noke (for Caikhelyi) 23. Midcolci Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for 14esaleri) 24.Kozlekedes- es Poitaugyi Miniszterium Autokozlekedesi Foosztalyanak. fomemoke (for Veroszta) 25. Szegedi Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomemoke , (for Zsiga) 26. Miskolci Kozlekedesi Vallalat fokonyveloje (for Torok) 27. Debreceni Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomemoke (for Koncz) 28. Penzugy- miniazterium foeloadoja (for Wessely) 29. Pecsi Kozlekedesi Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szabo) 30. Epitesu&vi Miniszterium Varoarendezesi Foomztalp~~tmernoke (for Komoromi) 31. Fovarosi Villamosvasut ""NNW Fcmu~~ke (rof-tAntl) (Continued on next card) iZANM Gyorgy - (Continued) Card J,. 32. 51-es Autokozlekedeoi Vallalat mmkatarsa (for Csontos). 33. Ut-Vaeuttervezo Vallalat irodavezeto fomernoke (for Jakab)o 34. Budapesti Helyierdeka Vasutak oaztalyvezetoje (for Lovasz). 35. Magyar Allawaoutek igazgatohelyettese (for Kiss, Karoly). 36. Magyar Allanvanutak vezerieazgathohelyettese (for Rodonyi.). -KOZARTO olmr'~ ---.U=sml-ly-long styloid process. Kioerletes Orvostud. 12 no.2: 220-221 Ap 060. 1. Szegedi Orvostuoom~nyi J&etem Igassagugyi Orvastani Intezete. (UMPORALB0111 abnorm.) KOZARZEWSKA, Magdalena A hypothesis of selective protection of homeostasis. Pediat. P01. 37 no.10:1041-1050 0 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Dzieci Szpitala Miejskiego w Nysie.Dyrektor: lek, mod. G. Burak.Ordynator: lek. med. M. Kozarzewska. (H%IEOSTASIS) (UREMIA) (CEREBROSPINAL FLUID) (NEPHRITIS) (HYPERTENSION) (CHLORIDES) MEDUSKI, J.1 HANDES. %.; ZABLOCKA, B.; K07,ARZBWSX&-SAPERI B. Hyperglycemic properties of Polish Insulin. Acta physiol. polon. 5 no.4:639-640 1954. 1i, 2 Oddzialu PrzemiwW Poaredniaj P.Z.H. 1 2 Zakladu Farmakologii Akademil. Medyezuej w Warazawie. (INSULIN, ) ACC4SSION NR: AP40403.63 P/004S/64/0!S/003/0437/0441 AUTHOR: Kozarzewski, Bohdan TITLE: A theorem concerning the nravitational field with shear- free, rotation-free, and expansion-free reod'esic4ays :SOURCE: Acta physica polonica, v. 25, no. 3, .1964, 437-441 TOPIC TAGS: gravitation, unified field theory, Newman Penrose method ABSTRACT: The gravitational field produced by the null electro- magnetic field is investigated by the Newman-Penrose method for the case of vanishing shear, rotation, and expansion of peodesic rays. It is proved from the added requirement of finiteness of the metric tensor along the rays that the gravitational field must'be of type N in this case. From earlier work by Kundt and Tamburino it follows that this gravitational field represents a plane gravitational wave. The author thanked Dr. A. Rislas for valuable comments. C.,d 1 / 2 ACCESSION NR: AP4040363 ASSOCIATION: Wyzsza Szkola Padagogiczna, Katowice (Higher Pledagogical School) SUBMITTED: 28Sep63 DATE ACQ: May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GP NO REF SOV: 000 OTHERi 004 Card 22 GODLEWSKI, Zbigrdew I./ Jan Wiktor Kozarzowski-obituary. Przegl odlew 14 no.7:223-224 Jl 164, KOZARZHEVSKATA, R.F. ~i the scale Insect Leucaspis japonica Ckll. (Homoptera, Coccoidea) In Abkhazia. Ent.oboz. 35 no.2:302-310 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Kafedra entomologii Moakovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Moskva. - (Abkhazia--Scale insects) j 0-,j kT T:I 1~ p J OT-JR RZBiol. , 110. 15 7 7 2 Gall-,"~Idges Dwf~agirig 6eEa Of Prborcal and 3hri;b ~~rxlcies. 1~1)5. Zool. zh., 3(,7 I'lo lu,~ -3. 3 T 3-A C T In Li olantings all- D*.,:rXI.,Ia (Voroshiiov~~rads~aya Oblast) and the neignOorin'.- fore s 1; growing --~n dry -aviric-s wc~rc Spe-cie" of (G). Contari.ria ri-,arshali m,at-,-Ire ' arva (L) in ",,.E ,j L Soll. j-,jpat4on .1. W n t r 3.,-1 Imalgo in, Miay. Lggs are cle-josited in pairs in fruit ()I' ash, The frult contains -- Ili-lfu (Sometimer, lip to 1~0'-) 1, 11:', a 1-c-sult, of Polycii.bryany. L start late in June. Fruit infested with G are duil-wh-it-E (the a1ae arc green), irregularly inflated, wither gradually iano- di-mr- off. L of Dasyneurc, sp. w,.~re encounte,-Ed in fruit lof co!"Imo'n dsh 2-11u, seldom 30, 7 -L e -er fruit. iriaFo was not 1 1/2 I ij P-101T 'E ITr,,j " I C,)p 1(~ ea r c d n Gi, w -rk~ E -a :IT f jJ o I o - -~Ci ur fit .1: E-, zs, c-.insk rt- 3 ilS(-S~ I L Cj"e;c-- r %r C- -r a r F r or -f -,j it ov.L, cn L~uc,- c) r L -:.s crl~era !~Osarz Le s C) o L w -a s r, c a e t a i, -, e J-~dr 1-- Eiocv 41 1 KCIZARZ:42~YA, F. F. : ~~,aXter Blol Scl . (dins) -- "Inso-c's, Posts Of tree i jodo anil fralt and bunhea in tho oti)ppr~, zon,~~ (On, 'In oxamplo of tho D-,~rhlll Experimontation Station for Protective Forostrr)". 7') , (Acadl Scl MEM, imt of ForoatU17), 150 coPien (KL, ITO 16, 1,959, 170) KOZARZfl3ffSUYA, I.?. Ineect damages to seeds and fruits of trees and shrubs in the ama nerved by the Derkull Shelterbelt Afforestation Station, Soob, Inst, lesa no.10:62-75 158. (mm 1116) (Voroshilovg-rad Province-Porest insects) _40Z&RZHEVSKAYA Ell a , VORONTSOV, A.I.v red.; KHMCH, Ye.D.P red, izd-va; LOBANKOVA; R.Ye,q takhn. red. (Mamml on injuries to tree-and shrubbery fruits and seeds in the steppe zone of the European S.S.R.] Opredelitell povrezhdenii plo- dov i semian derevIev i kustarnikov stepnoi zovy evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. Moskvaq Gosleobumizdat, 1961. 29 p. (KERA 14:8) (Forest insects) KOZARZI]EVSKEAt E.F. 0 kand.biol.rumk Sciara army worm, Priroda 50 no.1:110 Ja "61. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Institut lespL AN SSSRp Moskva* (&W Vo=s) KCZARZHEVSKAYA, E.F.; MANAYEV, B.M. Succession of insects and other invertebrates in spruce wood and their role in the decomposition of windfallen tress and fel-ling waste. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. biol. no.3:449-454 I-l,-V-Je 062 (ka 15: ~) 1. Institute of Animal Morphology, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) :1"0800w. (FCREST INSEGS ) (SPRUCE-DISEASES ~',?'D PESTS) USHATINSKAYA, R.S.; KOZARZHEVSKAYA, E.F. Diapause and hibernation of the first generation of the Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineats. Say.)In various soil types. Zool. zhur. 41 no.8:1166-1174 Ag t62. (MIPA 15:9) 1. Institute of Animal Morphology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (Transearpathia--Potato beetle) (Diapause) Aw a l .9 l KOZBAGAROT, A.A. Comparative rating of acme methods for treating powerless labor. ~Aruv..Kazakh. 16 no.12:30-35 156. (MIRA 10:2) 1. Iz rodillnogo doma No.1 goroda Samipalatinska i kafedry akusherstva I ginekologii lochabnogo fakullteta (zaveduyushchiy - professor Ta.S.Xlenitskiv) Kazakhskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinakogo institute im. Y.H.Holotova. (MGNANCY, PROMACTID) KOZBAGAROV, A. A. Cand Med Sci -- ~diss) "Clij)ical Appraisal of jf~~ I Certain Methods of Stimulating and Alma-Ata, 1957. 13 pp 22 cm. (Kazakh State Medical Inst im V. M. Molotov), 280 copies (KL, 27-57, 110) I - a - XOZBAGAROV. A.A. Ovarian apoplexy. Akuah. i gin- 34 no.1:107-110 J9-Y 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Imfedry skushorstva i ginakologii Socipalatinskogo moditainakogo inotituta (rodillnyy dom No.10 glavnv7 vrach A.A.Kozbagerov) (OVARM, hemorrh. apoplexy, case reports (Rue)) KOZBAGAROVI A.A., Surgical treatment of prolonged secondary sterility. TrWy Semipal. med. inst. 21338-341 159q" MRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii Semipalatinskogo gosudarstvennogo moditsinskogo instituta (roddom No.1, glawnyy vrach A.A.Kozbagarov). (STERILITY). DUAGAROV, A.A. Appendicitis and pregnancy [with su=ary in Ingliahl. Almah. i gin. 35 no.1:51-54 Jar-Ir 159. (MMA 3-2: 2) 1. Iz kafedx7 a)msheretva i ginekologii Semipalatinakogo meditailar okogo inatituta, (PM*NANff, compl. appei2dicitis (Rua)) (APPMICITIS, in prega. (RUB)) '. - K0ZBAGAR0V,_A.A,_ Etiology and prevention of atypical ruptures of the uterus and methods of treatment. Akush. i gin. 36 no.2s68-71 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA .13:12) (UTERUS--RUPTURE) (PREGNANCY, COMPLICATIONS OF) KOZBAGAROT, A.A. The mawgement of labor vith premature eseape of fluid. Akush.i gin. 36 ro.504,--38 S-0 160. (KIRA l3tll) 1, Iz rodilinogo doma No,l Somipalatinska (glavnyy vrach A,,A& Koxhagarov) i kafedry akusberstva i ginekologii Alma-Atinskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zavi Ilenitskiy). (LABOR MfQC;S)-) KOZ)AGAROV, A.A., Uterine tamponade in atonic hemorrhage. Akush.i gin. no,,4:57- 59 161. (MMA 15:5) 1, Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy ak-usherstva i ginekologii Semipala.- tinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MOOFMAGE', UTERM) KOZBAGAROV) Al.A.*_-- -, Mcdificatic-n cr the 1-1--twe 1r, i gin. 39 no.K,3131-132 ~~-n 163. 04,-- n-'. 17, s) 3. Iz kafedry al,,~u3h-arstva i gine~-2kq-1i (Z".lj,. - ~~% Kozbigarov) .2,,,;mlFalat-',nskcgc instit,,un. KOZBAUROV, S.G., anpirant g~w' Treatment of eczema at the renort of Aina-Araflan. Zdrav.Kazakh. 17 no-q-44-47 157. (MIRL 12:6) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnvkh i venericheskikh bolezney Kazakhokogo j,rosudarst,7ennogo meditninakogo instituta. (AUIA-AIUSMI-HIM" WATMI IS, SULMIOUS) (ECZEM) FiCERPTA MICA See 13 Vol 13/8 Dematology Aug 59 1991..SOME DATA ON THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PSORIASIS AND NEURODERMATITIS IN THE SPA ALMA-ARASAN (Russian text) K o z bb a a r o ~YS. G. Dept, of Dermatol. and Vener, Dis., Kazakh Med. Ms. -49) rasan ZDRAVOOKIIII.KAZ. 1958, 18/6(45 The treatment of patients with psoriasis and neurodermatitiR in the spa Alma- Arasan (Kazachatan), with mineral baths, gives better and more persistent results than various other drug therapies and physiotherapeutical methods. It in In par- ticular chronic forms of psoriasis and neurodermatitis that are suitable for spa treatment. The complex action of the spa therapy has a favourable influence not only on the clinical alterations but also on the disturbed function of the nervous system. Bielicky - Prague (XIII, 19) A MYASOIEDOV, M.; MOROZOV, N.; YOUAGAROV, Zh. State Bank's business and p2ople. Den. i kred. 19 no.P:112-57 (-MJRA 14:9) Ag '61. 1. Zamestitel' glavnogo buk'~paltera Kirgizokoy respublikanskoy kon- tory Gosbanka (for Hyasoyedov). 2. Upravlyayushchiy NavaFhinskim otdal.eniyem Cosbanka Gor'kovskoy oblasti (for Morozov). 3. Uprav- -T~ayu$MW.Iyyuz~no-Kazakhstanskoy kontoroy Gosbanka (for Kozbagarov). (Banks and banking) KOZBAGAROV, Zh. Increase the material self-interest of enterprises. Den. i kred. 21 no.903-55 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Upravlyayushchiy Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskoy krayevoy kontoroy Gosbanlca. GM IACREVA, Anna Ivanovna, GORITSKIY, Alekoandr Vavil'yevich; 0 Lo Yur~~y_)KM d. F~'IWVORYKIII'- _4iyojUb; nTOVSKIY, P.A., otvetstvennvy reiv, MA, L.M., red.izd-va; SABITOV, A., [Experience in drifting with a heading machine] Opyt provedentia shtrekov prokhodchookimi shchitami. Moskva. Ugletekhizdat, 1958. 57 P. (miRk 1i:6) (Coal mines and mining) 8983.8 12 106 S/193/60/000/'005/'001/012 AOO4/AOOl AUTHOR: Kozbenko. YuA . ~.-___-_-~' "'A TITLE: The Model B(Y- (BOS) Drilling Machine PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, 1960, No. 5, PP. 3-6 T EXT The Institut TsNIlPodzemshakhtostroy has developed the new BOS drilling machine intended for underground drilling of large-diameter boreholes., e.g. ventilation shafts, drain wells and advanced boreholes. The illustration shows that the machine is composed of: electromotor 1, reducer 2, spindle 3 with clamping chuck 4, terminal switch 5, swivel mechanism 6, lifting mechanism 7, underparriage 8, expanding props, electric start devices anddrilling tool 9. The drilling tool consists of a tapered helical or stepped drilling head 215 mm in diameter with 9k -8 (VK-8) carbide-tipped cutting blades, a spiral expansion reamer 500 mm in diameter for the reaming of boreholes in the reverse gear, drill rods and connecting couplings. The reducer of the drilling machine can be c swivelled through 3600C in the horizontal plane. and,with the aid of the lifting mechanism, the reducer can be lifted and lowered through + 150. The machine is controlled by a three-button control panel of the VM-60_13 A (Kuv-6ol3A) type. Card 1/5 89834 S/19)/60/000/005/001/012 The Model GOC(BOS) Drilling Machine A004#001 The spindle feed is effected owing to the difference in the number of revolutions of the spindle and reducer nut. A friction coupling, making it possible to cut the spindle feed magnitude from I mm/rev to 0 at a constant spindle speed, is mounted between spindle and reducer nut. Two drilling speeds, viz. _39.3 and 69.3 mm/miji are available. By switching,over the reducer gears the reversing movement of the spindle is actuated and the borehole is reamed at 36.2 and 63.5 mmlmin respectively. Since the machine is able tc produce during drilling an axial stress of 15 tons, it is possible to drill holes in rock with a hardness of class 8 ac- cording to the scale of Prof. Frotod'yakonov. The possible drilling depth of boreholes 215 mm in diameter in rock of the same hardness amounts to 50-60 m with subsequent expansion reaming to 500 mm. The electric equipment of the BOS drilling machine is explosion-proof, so that it can be used in gas and dust-contaminated mines. In 1959 two pilot models of the BOS machine were subjected to service tests. The machines were manufactured by the Skuratovskiy eksperimentallnyy zavod (Skuratov Experimental Plant) of the TsNIIPodzemshakhtortroy Institute. During service tests at the Nos. 22 and 2 mines "Churubay-Nurinskaya!' of the Karaganda Coal Fields eight boreholes with a total length of 355 r-.1nning meters were drilled in coal and rock of 3-6 Protodly&konov scale hardness. During the service tests at the "Shpshtalepskaya!' No. 1 mine in the Kuzbas six boreholes 215 mm in diameter Card 2/5 4N 89818 The Model 6 G C(BOS) Drilling Machine I S/193/60/000/005/001/012 A-,o4/Aooi with a total length of 215 running meters were drilled in class 5-6 rock accord- ing to the hardness scale of Protod'yakonov. One borehole was reamed to 500 mm in diameter to a depth of .35 m. During the service tests technical characteris- tics were obtained which hitherto could not be rea'--*zcd with any other type of drilling machine (see table). Table: 2 s L06/ 1) kind of operation; 2) - AH)Walp pe. K094 nOCTH nOPOA A=Hrnyme CKOpOCTR OYPO11MR, Ail'( borehole.,-diameter, mm; -3) Ha"meimaume onepaitHfi cKsa*m- no tullaxe rock hardness factor ac- npoo. nPo. exHnqe. - cpeA1199 cording to the scaleof 11U. WM TOAbXKO' CKaX XOUMepqe_ Protodtyakonov; 4) CICAR Prof Rosa . - attained drilling speed, V BYPCRHe 215 3 4.16 2.66 m1h; a) technical; b) .) Bypemse 215 6 2.36 1.85 mean commercial; 5() dril- l) P&36YpHBsuHe . . . . . 430 6 2.15 1.77 ling; 6) drilling; 7) ex- Pa3dYPJ1B8HHe . . . . . M3nAeqeUHe 6yposoro 500 8 2.15 1.4 pansion reaming; 8) expanL.;- H11CTPYMCHTa H3 CKHa- sion reaming; 9) with- XKHW . . . . . . . . 215 n 3-8 42 6,9 drawal of the drilling tool from the borehole. 500 -_ . As a result of the service tests It was found that advanced boreholes of 43o and I Card 3/ 5 89818 S/193/60/000/005/001/012 The Model 6C'C(BOS) Drilling Machine Ac)o4/Aool 215 mm in diameter made the blasthole utilization factor increase by 13-29%, labor consumption decrease by 12.5-21.5%, while the labor productivity of miners work- ing at development faces increased up to 33%, compared to horizontal workings without advanced boreholes. The tests at the "Shushtalepskaya!' No. 1 mine showed a reduction in the costs for the working of I running meter by 17% compared to working without advanced borehole. Analogous results were obtained at the No. 2 "Churubay-Nurinakaya" mine. The author points out, that in sp(tte of the positiv,~ results obtained, the BOS drilling machine has a number of deficiencies, e.g. ex- pansion reaming can only be effected with the reverse gear, insufficient drilling speed and resistance to wear of the drill bits, the necessity to dismantle the machine when being transported to the mine working*, etc. To eliminate these deficiencies the TsNIlPodzemshakhtostroy has developed a new BOS-type drilling machine with smaller overall dimensions, while the drilling and reaming speed has been increased 2-_3 times. The resistance to wear of the drill bits has been in- creased by using C~V, -6 (~ (VK-6V) carbide-tipped cutting tools. Besides, boreholes 400 mm In diameter up to a depth of 50-60 m can be drilled in rock of 6-8 Protod'- yakonov scale hardness. In 1960 the first pilot series of the new BOS drilling machine will be manufactured by the Novocherkasskiy mdshinostroitel'nyy zavod im. Nikol'skogo (Novocherkass'k Mechanical Engineering Plant lm.Nikol'skiy). There are 1 figure and I table. Card 4/5 The Model r5,'C (BOS) Drilling Machine v Figure: 6 Card 5/5 898V S119318010001005110011012 A004/AOOI 4 3' 9 A ZZ, J\I KOZBENKO, Yu,Ns) inzh,; GIADIJ14 I.N.,, inzh. The BOS machine for boring horizontal holes. Shakht. stroi. 4 no. 5:19-22 My 160. (MIRA 14:4) l.' TeMpodzemshakhtostroy. (Boring machinery) KODERYOVA, V. Microbiological problems In the rejuvenation of firs. P. 547, (Sbornik Rada Lesnictvi) Vol. 30, no. 7, July 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAi) Vol. 6, No. 11 tovember 1957 K07DERKOV1. ip v - ; SCIENCE Periodical CESKOS1,0024SKA MIKROBIOLOGIE. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1958. K07DERKOVA, V.; BZO~, U. A new mbthod of staining microorganisms in contact slide technique. P. 58. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) Wp Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959, Uncl. KAMIMSKIYj N.A. , kand.teldm.nauk; ARUTYIRIYAN, N.S., inzh 11 . KALININ, A.I.,, jnzh.;.jL0LrPBA, A A.,.,--inzh.; 114IMYEVA . N.A., iDA. YUDIMIV T.N., inzh. Neutralization of fate and oils in an alkali in neutralization chambers.' Masl. - zhir. prom. 27 no.12:37-40 D 161. OVIRN 14;12) 1. Zaporozhskiy maslozhirovoy kombinat. (Oils and fats KAMINSKIYj N.A., kand.tokbn.ramk; ARUTYUNYAN, N.S., inzh.; KALININp A.I., lnzh.; IQZDDUA A., lnzh.j DMITRIYEVA, N.A., inzh.; YUDINA, T.N., inzh. Neutralization of fats and oils in an alkaline medium. Masl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.7:13-14 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Zaporozhskiy maslozhiro-voy kombinat. (Oils and fats) A KOZDOBAq A.A.,, inzh. I Oils and Fats Combine of Zaporozhlye. Maol.-zhir, prom. 29 no-5:3 W 163* (MIRA 16:7) (Zaporoahlys-Oil industries) Y 4LOB~e,,eL, A., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of the "Ituat of the form and scheme of cooling of the gas turbine rotor upon its temperature field by means of electric-modeli Sa on theintegra ~r EG"-I", 1957. 101pp (min or I t Odessa ns of 150 copies M, 2-58, 113) -37- KOZWEA, L.A., inzh. --- - .... . I . , - .1. , Investigating temperature fields of turbine disks by means of the EGDA-6/53 Integrator under given boundary conditions of the third order. Izv. vys. ucheb. zave; energ. no&3:65-?l Mr 1513. (MIRA 11:5) l.Odeaskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota. (Gas-turbine disks) SOV/143-%-J-12/18 AUTHOR: Kozdoba, L.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences -- TITLE: ----------------- Investigation of the Effects of Apertures on the Temperature Field of a Disc (IsslEdovaniye vliyaniya otverptiy na temperaturnoye pole diska) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Energetika, 1958, Nr 9, pp 73-76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper examines the effects of apertures on the temperature field of h-aled discs, used in steam and gas-turbine constLIlCtion. The author discusses the results of determining temperature fields in discs of even thiclmess in the absence of heat emission from the disc faces. Tests were made with the help of an EGDA-6/53 electrointegrator. Limiting conditions of the type T . 0 were assumed on the surface of the n openings. For setting III degree limiting conditions, the method of modelling the disc's temperature iieias Card 1/3 can be used. The conversion of nominal to actual SOV/1,j3-5&0-lz/18 Investigation of the Effects of Apertures on the Temperature Field of a Disc temperatures is effected by the formula: t - tr * ty ) where.t = temperature in OC) TUO (tR - tr ty = temperature in nominal units, tR = temperature at the outer radius in OC and tr ~ temperature at the inner radius in OC. The use of eltetric mcdelling on the integrator allows not only a qualitative, but a quantitative picture of the temperature fielas in discs weakened by holes. Discs with holes of a radius less than (3.5_4.0~6)R and-up to 10 in number have practically,;~ the same temperature fields as discs with- out holes.- Changes in the temperature field become considerable as the diameter of the holes increases. In all cases, interesting from the viewpoint of' turbine construction,.an increased concentration of thermal currents w9t, .-found around the rim of the holes. An increase in the radius of the hole centers causes a decrease in temperature variations (less chainge in Card 2/3 thermal resistance) but the nature of the temperature SOV/143-58-0-12/18 Investigation of the Effects of Apertures on the Temperature Field of a Disc field variation remains the same as with smaller radii rz. There are 2 drawings, 3 graphs and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: K-afedra sudovykh silovykh ustanovok Odesskogo instituta inzhenerov morskogo flota (Chair of Ships' Power Flimto.0 Odessa Institute ft~ Marize Engineeis) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1958 Card 3/3 KDOMA, L.A., inzh. -- rnv ..e,itigating the temperature field of plates on an EGDA-6/53-type integrator. Nauch.trudy OID47 no.16:77-94 158- NEU 11: 3-1) (Plates, Iron wid steel) (Integrators) T.F;" p a i 0 F- Hu aM 9(6) S/143/60/000/02/014/018 D043/DO02 AUTHOR: Kozdoba, L.A,, Candidate of Technical Sciences - -------------------------"6 11A TITLE: Using Measuring Circuit: of "EGDA-�,~Z Integrators for Investigating Temperature J~ields Under Transient Conditions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Energetika, 1960, Nr 2, PP 103-110 (USSR) TITLE: The author discusses formulas for calculating the resistor network which is used as an electrical ana- log for solving three-dimensional heat conduction problems with unequal spatial intervals into which the part to be investigated is divided. P.F. Fil9chR- kov and V.I. Panchishin described the "EGDA-6/53" integrator L Ref. 1_/. In four previous Dapers ,CRef. 2 - 5 It the author reported on iivestigations of temperature fields of turbine rotors during Card l/ 4 S/143/60/000/02/014/018 D043/DO02 Using "Leasuring Circuits of "EGDA-6/53" Integrators for Investigat- ing Temperature Fields Under Transient Conditions steady-state operations using an anal made of electroconductive paper. G. Liebmann 2'Ref 6-7 explained the calculation of a resistor network for solving one- and two-dimensional heat conduct- ion problems. The circuit diagram of an "EGDA-6/53" integrator with a resistor network for solving one- dimensional problems is shown (Figure 1). The re- sistor network consists of equal resistors, for ex- ample, IIKMS-411 and IIKMS-611 resistance boxes may be used. The resistor network is very simple and in- expensive compared to the expensive and complicated ca acitor and resistor network of L.T. Gutenmakher -P Ref Capacitor and resistor networks do not provide sufficient accuracy for boundary conditions of the first and third order which are frequently Card 214 S/143/60/000/02/014/018 D043/DO02 Using Measuring Circuits of "EGDA-6/53" Integrators for Investigat- ing Temperature Fields Under Transient Conditions found in engineering problems. The "EGDA-6/53" with a resistor network (Figure 2) will produce results with an accuracy adequate for engineering purpose, but the calculation speed is considerably higher than with the more complicated analytical method. The author explains an equation in finite differences approximating the differential equation describing transient heat conduction phenomena with unequal spatial intervals. He gives two examples for using this method. A comparison of results ob- tained by the analog method with results obtained by A.V. Lykov's analytical method CRef. 11_7 is shown (Table 2). The accuracy of the method is said to be 2-3%. The author's investigations show that the accuracy of the solution increases with a Card 3/4 S/143/60/000/02/014/018 D043/DOO2 Using Measuring Circuits of "EGDA-6/53" libegrators for Investigat- ing Temperature Fields Under Transient conditions reduction of the time interval. The "EGDA-6/53" inte- grator was used with a resistor network analog for solving a number of problems for transient heat conduction with different boundary conditions of the first and third order, for determining tempera- ture fields of turbine rotors, internal combustion engine pistons, fire-proof walls, etc. There are 1 circuit diagram, 1 set of diagrams, 2 tables, 11 references, 10 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota r--4-.*4-. ite of Marine Engineers) SUBMITTED: September 22, 1959, by the Kafedra sudovykh silovykh ustanovok (Department of Ship Power Plants) Card 4/4 S/170/60/003/001/013/018/Xx; nig/B067 AUTHOR: Kozdoba, L. A. TITLE.: Application of Resistor Networks to Solve the Problem of Unsteady Heat Conduction PERIODICALi Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 72 - 79 TEXT: The author-describes the simulation of the three-dimensional problem of heat conduction by means of resistor networks, obtains a differential"equation for the three-dimensional equation of heat con- duction, and gives-formulas for the electrical simulation for calculating the individual resistors according to the scheme shown in Fig.l. The problem o4 axisymmetric heat conduction is discussed in particular. The applicabi~'ity of this method is demonstrated by three examples, the analytidal solutions of which are known. It was found that the method ...suggested is suitable for technical purposes. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 7 references: 5 Soviet and 2 US. Card. 1./.2-.-! Applica .tion of Resistor Networks to Solve the S/170/60/003/007/013/018/xx Problem of Unsteady Heat Conduction B019/BO67 ASSOCIATIO,N: Institut inzhenerov morskogo flota, g. Odessa (Institute of* Engineers of the Sea-going Fleet, Odessa) 6 x -IX *RS a x !A "I ' I x PHr- 1. Cxehta qjteKTpH4CCKoro NIOAC-111- p0BaHHR TpMepitoft 3aAa4I "eCT0LMG- 118PI10A TenAonpoBoA"ocTtt npit rio.%iotaii CeTOK C0np0TItBjieHHfl: KI 6-9JTCKTPIt4CCX3X UOAe.Mb 9TOrO 06UNa Card 2/2 88006 3/170/60/003/012/003/015 r1too B019/BO56 AUTHORS: Kozdo_b_&.,_~_A. Makhnenko, V. I. TI"11LE: The Electrical Simulation of Non-steady Temperature Fields in the Presence of Variable Beat Sources PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 24-28 TEXT: A survey is given of expressions for calculating the simulator parameters for the simulation of non-steady three-dimensional thermal conduction problems. First, the thermal conduction equation of a three- dimensional problem in finite differences with existence of heat sources at finite intervals in Cartesian coordinates is given, non-uniform spatial intervals being assumed. By means of the Kirchhoff laws, formulas are then obtained for the resistors of the simulator. Simulation at boundary con- ditions of the I ' II' III and IV kind is discussed. By means of an integrator of the type YAR -6/53 (MDA-6/53) and a resistor network worked out according to formulas obtained here, some temperature fields are calculated. Three examples are finally discussed more in detail. Card 1/2 88006 The Electrical Simulation of Non-steady S/170/60/003/012/003/015 Temperature Fields in the Presence of Variable B019/BO56 Heat Sources There are 3 figures and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut inzhenerov morskogo flota, g. Odessa (Institute for Engineers of the Ocean Fleet, Odessa) SUBMITTED: April 22, 1960 Card 2/2 XOZD013A; L.' A.)- find MAIMMM) V. 1. "Electrical Modelling of Temperature Fields at Welding and Soldering of Details Having Different Forms. Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, June 1961. KOZDOBA) L. A. "Application of the Method of Electrical Modelling in Ohnic Resistance for Solution of Non-stationary Thermal Conductivity Problems. Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, June 1961. KOZDOBA, L.A.; MUGIRMO, V.I. Electric modeling on ohmic resistance grids of mobile te=erature fields. Inzh.-fiz.zhur.- 4 no.3.1:94-98 11 161. (1dRA 14:10) 1. Odesskiy institut inzhenerov mrskogo flota. (Electromechanical analogies) (Heat,--Conduction) S/143/61/000/010/001/001 0 D269/D304 YOTHOR: Kozdg_b_a, L.A , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent TITLE: The influence of certain factors oii the temperature field in the solid rotor of a radial,, inward flow, gas turbine under steady conditions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh ucheb-nyl-ch zavedcniy. Energetika, no. 10, 1961, 98-103 TEXT: jV-t investicration of the temperature field in the rotor (a was carried out using a network of ohmic resistances and i-rith the assistance of 3Pt4A 6 53 (EGDA 6/53) integrator, supplemented with a voltage divider for 200 positions. Analytical calculations and re- sults of electrical simulation confirmed the validity of a formula for the coefficient of heat transfer from the gas to the bladed sur- face of the rotor as given by the author in his previous work (Ref. 8: Raschet uslovnykh hoeffitsientov teplootdachi at gaza k disku Card 1/3 S/143/61/000/010/001/001 The influence of certain factors... D269/D304 gazovoy turbiny pri analiticheskikh i opytnykh issledovaniyakh temperaturnykh poley. Nauchn. tr. OIDIF, vyp. 18, 1959). Results of the iiivestigation confirmed also that in the analytical formulae it is iiecessary to take into account the effect of intensification of heat transfer in the field of centrifugal forces when the flow is centrifugal. This effect was evident in the centrifugal compres- sor, but was absent in the centripetal turbine. The following fac- tors influenci the temperature field were investigated: a) Temper- ature of gas; b heating of air entering rotor clearance; c) varia- tion of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of rotor material with increasing temperature; temperature of sealing bush and rotor shaft. The follo,~Ang conclusions were reached; a) Temperature in- crease of the gas causes a considerable tem--)erature rise of the hot- test sections of the rotor in the region of the bladed surface and has little effect on the temperature in the region of attachment of the rotor to the shaft; b) heating of air eutering clearance affects the temperature field only at the rim of the rotor; c) variation of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of rotor material has Card 2/3 S/11,3/61/000/010/001/001 The influence of certain factors... D269/D304 only a slight effect on the temperature field; d) the influeace of tcmperaturc chz:_,Ige of the sealing bush on the temperature of the hottest parts of the rotor is negligible. The use of the method described allows a speedy and sufficiently accurate choice of the best rotor design and a selection of the most suitable conditions --or exploitation. There are 5 figrures and 14 Soviet-bloc refer- ences. .ASSOCIATION: Odesshiy institut inzhenerov morshogo flota (Odessa Institutc of Mari-Lie Enc-fineers) U 0-UMMITTED: October 3, 1960 Card 3/3 -r,_KOZDOBA,; L.As; MM=KO9 V.I. Electric modeling of-nonstationary temperature fields with variable sourceo of heat. Inzh.4iz. zhur. no.12:2,4Q8.D 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Inatitut inzherenov morskogo flotal g. Odesea. (7hermodynamics--Xectromechanleil-analogies) S/170/61/004/004/011/014 B125/13203 AUTHORS: Kozdoba, L. A., Makhnenko, V. I. TITLE: Solution of some problems of metallurgic heat engineering by means of an electric grid integrator PERIODICALs Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, V. 4, no. 4, 1961, 102-104 TEXTs The authors studied temperature fields in ingots and molds by the method described in the authors' previous papers (Kozdoba, L. A., IFZh, III, no. 7, 1960; Kozdoba, L. A., Makhnenko, V. I., IFZh, III, no. 12, 1960). The method concerns the solution of problems of unsteady heat conduction with available heat sources taking account of the dependence of metallo-physical properties of the material on temperature and coordinates by electric simulation with ohmic resistance grids. The temperature field of ingots and molds was simulated by an integrator circuit of the type 3r)IA-6153 (EGDA-6/53) (Fillchakov, P. P., Panchishin, V. I., Integratory EGDA-6/51 i EGDA-6/53, Izd.KGU im. Shevehenko, 1955) with additionally developed voltage dividers for 100 and 200 points. The resistances simulating the heat source are determined Card 1/6 S/170/61/004/004/011/014 Solution of some problems ... B125 B203 from the formula R. a VKcR TAP (1), where V is the voltage applied to resistance R q (it is chosen so that V M4\V o,n K is the scale factor for transition from voltage to temperature, c is the specific heat in kcal/kg.deg, R Ir is the temporary resistance depending on thermal diffusivity and on time and space integrals, q is the latent crystalliza- tion heat in kcal/kg, and P is a coefficient varying between 1 and 0 during the experiment. After calculating R q from (1) at P - 1, the energy VM is applied via R q to the given sites of the grid. If the voltage in the site is higher than the voltage corresponding to the crystallization temperature, R q is increased by reducing 13 until the voltage corresponds to the crystallization temperature. At the next instant, the resistance R q u V,,KcR,,/q(l-p) (2) is applied to this site. By this procedure, the fact can be taken into account that not the entire elementary volume corresponding to the given site can crystallize after the time interval 6T. The differential equation system describing the solidification of steel in the ingot with the respective boundary con- Card 2/6 S/170/61/004/004/011/014 Solution of some problems ... B125/B203 ditions is, in the absence of overheating of the melt, similar to the system of equations and boundary conditions for the voltages in the ohmic resistance grid. The following assumptions were made when solving this systemt (1) The heat conductivity I and the specific heat c are inde- pendent of temperature. (2) Steel solidifies at constant crystallization temperature. (3) The problem is one-dimensional. The solution can be found without these restrictions by the method of electric simulation. To check the accuracy of simulation, the authors determined the temperature field and the curve for the advance of the crystallization front for a problem with exact analytical solution, namely for the crystallization of an infinite plane body at constant temperature of its surface (Stefan's problem). In Fig. 1, Q k = q/c(t k -t0) denotes the dimensionless latent crystallization heat, tk and t0 the crystallization temperature and the temperature of the body surface, respectively. Pig 2 shows the advance of the crystallization front in a 7-ton casting, and compares the results of electric simulation with experimental results. The data of electric simulation agree satisfactorily with the data of the analytical calcula- tion and with the experimental results, the differences not exceeding 5%- Card 3/6 S/170/61/004/004/011/014 Solution of some problems... B125 B203 For the problems discussed here, the method of electric simulation is accurate to 1-2%; this accuracy may be even increased by a proper choice of space and time intervals. There are 2 figures and 6 Soviet-bloc refer- ences. ASSOCIATIONs Institut inzhenerov morskogo flota, g.Odessa (Institute of Sea-going Fleet Engineers, Odessa) SUBMITTEDi August 6, 1960 Card 4/6 ~OZDOSi,-L.,,.., kand.tekbn.nauk, dotsent Effect of certain factors on the temperature field --)f th.- -colic rotor of centrifugal rp,,;ial gas turbine under steady-state operatitq-- conditions. Izv. vys. uchel-I.. zav.-, encrL.. 4 iio.10:98-103 J '61. (I"diiit 1. WeszlAy institut inzhenerov norskoj,o flota. Frei.ta.l.e.,* kafedroy sudovykh silovykh ustanovok. (Gas turbines) S/196/63/000/001/021/035 E073/E435 AUTHORS: Kozdoba, L.A., Makhnonko, V.I. TITLE: "_Siolutlon of th problem of non-steady state heat conductivity with variable aources (s:Lnka)of heat for given boundary conditions type.1-4 on electric models resistance networks PERIODICALI Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.1, 1963, 5, abstract 1 G26. (Dokl. 4-y Mezhvuz. konferentsii po primeneniyu fiz. i matem. modelirovaniya v razlichn. otraslyakh tekhn. Sb. 1. (Reports of the 4th Intercollegiate Conference on the Application of Physical and Mathematical Modelling in Various Branches of Techno~logy. Collection 1) Moscow, 1962, 251-265) TEXT: There is an analogy between the equations of heat conductivity in the form of finite differences for given boundary conditions of type 1-4 with variable heat sources and variab i thermo-physical properties of the materials and the Kirchoff.: law. Therefore, many practipal problems of non-steady state heat Card 1/2 S/196/65/000/001/021/035 Solution of the problem E073/E435 conductivity with heat sources can be solved by the method of simulation on resistance networks. The parameters of the simulating resistance network are determined as a function of the, geometry and the thermo-physical properties~of the body under investigation. Solution examples are given,for: a) heat propagation during welding or facing of bodies of any arbitrary shape; b) on non-steady state heat conductivity in presence of latent heat sources; c) investigation of the influence of the accumulation capacity of buildings on their heating up (cooling down). 10 references. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.1 Card 2/2 S/124/63/000/001/014/080 D234/D308 AUMOR: Rozdoba, L.,a. T ITL Z Some results of an investigation of the temperature fields of rotors of gas turbines in stationary and -transitional operation, by the method oif electrical simulation on networks of ohmic resistances PERIODICAL: ll'keferativnyy zhurnal, Mokhanika, no. 1, 1963, 37, abstract IB217 'Dokl. 4-y Mezhvuz. honfercntsii po primcneniyu fiz. i matem. modelirovaniya v razlichn. otrasplyakh. Sb. 1. 11., 1962, 277-288) TEXT: Yor determining temperature fields of gas turbine trothermal ana_ rockets, electric simulation was used, based on eleck. logy, -uith a ti,.caGuring circuit ~rAA -6/53 (EGDA-6/53), ZGDA-9/60 mass-produced integr~,.tors with adclitionally manufactured voltage dividers having 100 and 200 points. 'Cho author investigated the effects of various factors (different heat transfer coefficients, g'as temperature in the section between inlet and outlet valve, heat Card 1/2 %J/124/63/000/001/014/080 Some results of an investigat-ion D234/D303 conduction coefficient, initial temperatures a-ad heatin.- of the cool- ing air, etc.) on temperature fields of disc and drum rotors of gas turbines, as well as compound and solid rotors 'Of a gas turbine inst- allation consisting of a centripptal turbine and a ccritrifugal com- pressor. Some results of these investigations for transitional add stationary operation arc given. -7 Z-,Wstracter's note. Complete translation_/ r"'Ird 0//') o-/114/62/000/004/008/008 E114/E454 AUTHOR: A~ Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent! TITLE: Steady state -temperature distribution in a built-up rotor of a radial, inward flow gas turbine PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, no.41 1962, 41-43 and 45 TEXT: Influence of boundary conditions and of variations in the assumed coefficients of heat transfer and heat conductivity on I:.- the temperature distribution in a built-up rotor were investigated by means of an electrical analogue machine comprising a rectangular mesh grid of variable resistances, having class 0.2 accuracy, fed from 200-point potential divider, of and with 91 points at which measurements were taken -by means of integrating -measuring equipment 3MA-6/53 (EGDA-6/53). Radial dimension of the mesh varied between 0.0216 and 0.078 m. Axial dimension of the mesh varied between 0.0025 and 0.033 Mo In optimum conditions the error did not exceed 1 to 3% which was checke checked against analytical solutions for easy configurations. The inlet gas temperature was taken as 650, 700 and 720*C t at 1-65 atm pressure. Values of heat transfer coefficients were Card 112 3/114/62/000/004/008/008 Steady state temperature ... E114/E454 assumed, based on previoua experiniontal data. Forty-eight different boundary conditions were tried. It was found that temperature distribution depended a great deal on the initial gas temperature and on the cooling air temperature: but variations in heat conduction and heat tran3fer coefficients had negligible eff.ect. It was concluded that heat transfer coefficient between the gas and the blading could vary by plus or minus 25% and coefficients of heat transfer between compressor blading and main air, and between the turbine blading and cooling air-could vary byi plus or minus 50'/'U' and still give a result within 25 to 35*0 of the~"_K original. Temperature of gas and of the cooling air could lead i to errors of 50 to 60*0. Whenever surfaces are rifled or ribbed,~, the assumptions normally made should be carefully examined. It is necessary to make allowance for the heating of the cooling air on its passage through the turbine before it reaches points ofi: its application. a Card 2/2 KOZDOBA, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SEMENOV, V.S., inzh. Use of electrical simulation for determining the temperature field of an internal combustion engine. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 5 no.2t79-84 F '62. 04IRA 15;3) 1. Odesskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota. Predstavlena kafedroy dvigateley vnutrennego agoraniya. (Gas and oil engines) (Heat-Transmission) 3/170/62/005/003/012/012 B108/B104 AUTHOR: Kozdoba, L. A. TITLE, Use of electric simulators in heat engineering problems PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 3, 1962, 118 - 131 TEXT; This article is a survey on methods of solving heat conduction problems, chiefly with electric simulators. There are 1 table and 230 references: 115 Soviet and 115 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows- Cima R. M_ London A. L. Trans. ASME, 80, 5, 1169, 1959; Horvay G. Trans. ASME, Ser, C~, j. of Heat Transfer, ~f_ NL, 37, 1960; Kayan C. F., McGague J. A~ ASHRAE Journal, -1, 3, 77, 1959; Paschkis V. Trans. ASME, 81, Ser. C. N 2, 144, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Institut inzhenerov morskogo flota, g. Odessa (Institute of the Engineers of the Ocean Fleet, Odessa) SUBMITTED: September 25, 1961 Card 1/1 KOZDOBA,-L.A...,-kand.tektin.naukp dotoont; MAIMIENKO., V.I., inzh. Calculation of the parameters of the resistance network of an electric model used for solving a nondimensioruil equation of transient heat conductance. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; energ. 5 no.6:98-103 Je t62. (MIRA 15-.6) 1. Odesskiy institut inzhenerov morakogo flota. Predstavlena kafedroy tormodinamiki i obshchey teplotakhniki. (Heat-transmission) (Thomodynamics-ElectromechanicaI analogies) KOZDOSA, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent Temperature fields of the composite rotor of a radial centripetal gas turbine operating under steady conditions. Energomashino- stroenie 8 no.4:41-43PO AP t62. (MIRA 15:4) (Heat--Traosmission) (Impellers-Electromea'hanical analogies) AUTHOR: Sd/170/63/006/002/009/618 B164/B102 Kozdoba, L. A. TITLE: simulation solution of a system of differential equations of the heat and mass transfer by means of ohmic resistance grids PERIODICAL: Inzhe'nerno-fizicheskiy,zhurnal, v. 6, no.,2, 1963, 69-74 TtXT: The system of differential equations for the heat and mass transfer set up by A. V. Lykov for the one-dimensional case (GITTLI 1954, Gosenergoizdat 1956) has the form at I a at ep Ou J-. CTO dt ax L, , J.-C ` du a a' L(' it, a a' T TV-( ax ax Card 1/3 S/1 7Y63/0006/002/OC9 /018 Simulation solution of A ... B164 B102 The boundary conditions for x R of a 2R thick wall having a temperature and moisture distribution symme4rical with the central plane x. 0 are: + a i (R, z)].* p (I q"(-.) - 0 (2) ax at To r3u +'a' T.a a' + q'(- )=O. ax )X--R ,-R (3) t is the temperature, u the moisture, k ~ X(t,u) and a' al(t,u) are the transfer coefficiL~,nts, T the time. Assuming a16,- 0, expressions are obtained for the parametersof an ohmic resistance grid which are analogou's to those given by the author (IFZh, no. 7, 1960; Enereetika, 2, 1960) for non-ntationary heat conduction and which Cive the solution for the temperature (1~t-net) and the moisture distribution (R~-net). The iteration process for the electrical grid parameters is described with whi,z` the distribution can later be determined if the boundary conditions and. the Initial distribution of t and u are known. As an.example the Card 2/3 S/170/63/006/002/0091018 Simulation solution of a ... B164/B102 o problem of a wall (thickness 9 cm, initial temperature t 10 C, initial moisture u - 0.27) treated numerically by P. P. Yu7shkov (Izd. 0 BSSR, cesS Minsk 1958) is solved in a medium of t - 900C using the iteration pro and both results are compared in tables. An agreement sufficiently good for practical use is obtained. Sources of error are discussed. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut inzhenerov morskogo flota, Odessa (Institute for-' Naval Engineers) Card 3/3 -POzA0PA,,__~. _!~.j MAMMNKOO V. I. Use of electric modeling on ol*ic resi tance grids for the investigation of heat distribution dur7ng welding and hard facing. Avtom. avar. 15 no.11:8-15 N '62. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Odeoskiy institut inzhenerov morzkogo flota. (Welding) (Heat-Transmission) bf, ~ " ' at-; orl7.-' bl' in s ti ana. dre a-an ~og~'-,-,dxp,46nd'tut .4pit d t ~VL fi -4e 0 'A ~X to ans., fonj, Abttamc r~ d2 :diff4 of Oreoisioif; olf -` the-A-eii agikn.g,- 4ilili- are -196Z t,=, 'fieU 4~ra I- ',A -.7 .ux -1. 7- ~~ -:~~ ~1~ VOKC VACA ths: MUBV, eri ..6111 a t led'. la~ '09 s%__ p can -be.:., succce- e( a -Of turb part JWcL.- 00 onw: 00( KOZDOBAP L.A. Use of grid resistors in electric modeling of the solution to a system of differential equations describing heat and mass transfer. Inzh.-fiz.2hur. 6 no.2369-74 F 163. (KMA 16:1) 1. Institut inzhenerov morskogo flotas Odessa. (Electric resistors) (Electromechanical analogies) (Differential equations) KOZDOBA, L,A*, kand.tekhn.nauk Investigating temperature fields in the rotors of marine gas turbine plants in transient conditions. Sudostroenie 29 no.5- 21-23 Yq 163. (MIRA 1.9) (Marine gas turbines) (Transients (Dynamics)) KOZMBA) L. A. (Odessa institute of naval engineers) -------- ---- "Application of electric models for resolution of certain nonlinear problems of non- stationary thermal and mass transfer." Report presented at the Section on Thermal-physical Properties and Non-stationary Thermal Capacity, Scientific Session, Council of Acad. Sci. Ukr SSR on High Temperature Physics, Kiev, 2-4 Apr 1963. Reported in Teplofizika Vysokikh temperatur, No. 2, Sep-Oct 1963, P. 321, JPRS 24,651. 19 May 1964. KOZDOBA, L.A., kand.tekhnnauk, dotsent; MAKHNENKO, V.I., inzh. Choice of the values of the magnitudes of thermal and physical characteristics of a material in a linearized network for solving a nonstationary heat transmission problem. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no. 1204-90 D 163. - (MIRA 17s1) 1. Odeankiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota. Prodstavlena kafodroy audovykh silavykh utitnnovok i kafedroy toklinologii Metallov.