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KOVRIZHNYKH, L. M., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Kinetics of plasma under external fields." Moscow, 1960. 7 pp; (Physics Inst im P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR); 150 copies; free; (KL, 17-60, 139) 84726 S/057 60/030/010/006/019 J-1 6. *131!~ -zro'7, 2307,,240-7 BOI 3YBo63 / 0. JD 0 0 0 Ll~ AUTHOR: Kovri~hnykh, L. M. TITLE. Instability of Longitudinal Oscillations of an-Electron - Ton P ma.Located in an External Electric Field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikiq 1960. Vol- 30, No. 109 pp. 1186 - 1192 TEXT: The instability of longitudinal oscillations of an electron - ion plasma located in an external electric field was studied for the case of adiabatic variations of its parameters. Stability criteria and formulas for the growth increment were determined. The following results were ob- tained: Application of an external electric field to the plasma leads to a drift of electrons with respect to the ions. On the other hand, fluc- tuations of the charge density cause plasma oscillations. At sufficient- ly small relative velocities, the existence of a drift has practically no effect onvthe character of oscillations. As soon as this velocity exceeds a certain value determined by the plasma parameters, the oscilla- tion amplitude starts increasing with a -wavelength that is larger than CaTt-l-/5 84726 Instability of Longitudinal. Oscillations of S/057/60/030/010/006/019 an Electron - Ion Plasma Located in an B013/BO63 External Electric Field the Debye ionic radius. The :energy of the orientated particle motion passes over into the oscillation energy. The period-of time during which the oscillation amplitude of the harmonic increases with the proper wavelength, is determined by -the law of the change in time of the mean orientated velocity of the electrons with respect to the ions, and increases with a decrease of the wave number k. The greatest danger is caused by disturbances whose wavelengths are larger than the Debye ionic radius, and for whibh the duration of instability is sufficiently long. The instabilities under consideration may occur in the case of an apparatus for which an external electric field is used to heat the plas- ma or for other purposes (e.g.9 "gas betatron" - Ref.9). The anomalously short lifetime of plasma in a stellarator (Refs. 10 and 11) is obviously also related to such instabilities. The author thanks M. S. Rabinovich for his interest in this work. G. V. Gordeyev is mentioned. There are 2 figures and 11 references: 8 Soviet. A-I CafP_" KOVRIZMMM, L.M. -. RUKUMS. A.A. Instability of longitudinal oncillAtions of an electron- ion plaama. Zhur.ekep.i teor.fiz, 38 n0-3:850-853 Mr 160. (MM 13:7) 1. Fizicbeskiy Institut, im. P.H.Lebodova Akademii nauk SSSR. (Plasma (Ionized"gases)) ~2 S/056/60/039/004/027/048 'f f B006/BO63 AUTHOR: -Kovrizhnykh, L. M. TITLE: Shock WavesIin Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 400), pp. 1042 - 1045 TEXT: As equation for a relativistic StoBadiabate shook adiabatic was given by Hoffman and Teller in their magnetohydrodynamics studies (Ref.1). The properties of this shock adiabatic are studied more exactly by the author of the present paper, and a relation between the various thermo- dynamic quantities holding on both sides of the diecontinuit- are obtained for the case where the shock wave propagates perpendicular to the field direction, and so the magnetic field vector lies parallel to the plane of discontinuity. First, the continuity equations are written down, wherefrom equations for the front velocities are derived and the V following relation is obtained for the shock adiabatic: 2 g 2 It 2 2 n - w_~//n + (p, - P*)FW n + W~/n 0 (w - thermal function, 1 2 ? 2 1 1/ 1 Card 1/3 644W Shock Waves in Relativistic Magnetohydro- S/056/60/039/004/027/048 dynamics B006/BO63 p - pressure, n - particle density; the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the regions*in front of and behind the wave front, respectively; P~'= P+HI/8K' W& = 6~ + pW - e + H2/8n + p + H2/an ; e - internal energy per unit volume). The general equations (4) obtained for vi and (5) obtained for the shook adiabatic are then studied for various limiting cases: a) Non- relativistic equation of state, p