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OSTRETSOV, L.A.; KOVRIGIN, O.D.; JATrSIW, G.D.; LRDNOV, V.D., V.D.; SMSWV, N.M. Measuring the lifetime of the 279 Kev level of T1203 by the delayed coincidence method. Vest. AN KIft2akh. SSR 16 no.9:72-78 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Thallium--Isotopes) (Scintillation counters) 22852 S/031/61/000/001/002/003 A161/A129 AUTHORS: Ostretsov, L.A., KovriRin. O.D.I., Latyahev, G.D., Academician of the Academy of-S-c-i-e-n-ces &USSR; Leonov, V.D.,Shirshov,N.M. TITLE: Practical measurements of delay line parameters PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy SSR, no. 1, 1961, 29-33 TEXT: Delay lines are coming Jinto extensive use in modern radio engineering. The'authors used an alternating delay line for operation in a quick-slow coincidence circuit thalowas employed for measurement of time intervals in the range of 10-7 1 10- see. A brief description of the design and methods of measuring the wave resistance, delay and attenuation in the line is presented in this article. The design is illustrated V~ (Fig. 1). Its main element is a hollow mobile brass drum with a surface in the form of a square-section spiral of the type suggested by Bell (Ref.1), The square is 18 x 18 mm. A copper conductor 4 mm in diameter is laid along this spiral axis on rings from fluoroplastic. This conductor is the inner conductor of a high-frequency cable. The spiral diameter is 220 mm, the turns number 22. The drum rotates on plain journal bearings on posts. Card l/ 11 22852 S10311611000100110021003 Practical measurements of ... A161/A129 Minimum and constant contact resistance of the mobile part with the station- ary part is important. In this case it was 0.05 ohm. The transition. from the mobile part to the immobile part is also a coaxial line with the same wave resistance. A slip collector takes the signal from the open cylinder surface. The collector is a cathode follower circuit with a diode. The drum may be rotated by hand or by motor (a drive pulley is provided). The wave resistance was determined in two ways (Fig. 2). Voltage from the out- put of a 102 -14(102-1) sweep generator is transmitted to the delay line, the other end of which is loaded with alternating resistance (R). A reverse reflected wave which can occur in the case of load mismatch is transmitted to the'generator input. As seen in the diagram, the direct wave from the Output arrives simultaneously. The carrier frequency is to be selected on the most even portion of the frequency characteristic of the generator. A maximum approach of the frequency characteristic watched on the screen to the natural frequency of the generator is to be achieved gradually by changing the resistance. The absence of reflections from the line end shows that the line is loaded with wave resistance that can be determined by measuring the resistance R. In our case it was 9~+10 ohms. Wave resistance Card 2/11 22652 S/031/61/000/001/002/003 Practical measurements of ... A161/A129 can be measured in the same way with the use of an Onx-i (inh-l) transi- tion characteristic meter. The front of then -pulse will be seen oil the screen. It grows in (1-5t 0.2)-10-8sec (Fig. 3,a). This oscillogram appears at full match of the load and wave resistance. In the case of disconnected line, the oscillogram will be as in Fig. 3 b . and in the case of short-circuit as in Fig. 3c. The second method is more accurate, the measured resistance was 100� 5 ohms. The double delay time may be deter- mined by oscillograms (Fig. 3) using the time division marks on the IPKh-1. In Fig. 3 it is indicated by 2,r, and it is in our case (10� 2)-10-8 see. More accurate measurement is possible with the circuit in Fig. 4. A signal from a rC(,-l (GSS-1) sinusoidal oscillator is modulated in amplitude with 400 cycles frequency and fed to the line. The line is connected to a high-ohmic measurement circuit and works nearly as in the case of a line opened at the end. An. 30-7 (E0-7) 03Cillograph is used as an indicator. The work frequencies are reaching far beyond the pass band of the EO-7 and a crystal diode amplitude detector must be used, then the senusoidal oscillations of 400 cycles frequency will be seen on the EO-7 screen. Measurements con3ist in the smooth variation of the generator carrier frequency. When the generator frequency is such that an uneven number of Card 3/11 22852 S/031/61/000/001/002/003 Practical measurements of ... A161/AI29 wave quarters can be placed on the line length, the voltage on the line end will bulge. Obviously, there will be a maximum sinusoid amplitude on the screen. This case is described by the formula 2n - I ;L 4 t f, 4 2n - I where v is the wave propagation velocity in the line; t- the line length; 2L- the generator wave length; f - generator frequency. Substituting n = 3; 23.1 megacycle frequency, and 14.2 m line lengtht v = 2.63- 10- 10 m/sec. k Knowing the line length and the signal propagation velocity the delay time is founda T (5-40t 0.15)&10-8 see. del ~ V_ Measurement can also be carried out when the line is short-circuited at the end. The oscillograph must then be connected through the detector to the line input. Attenuation was determined by the following procedure: Card 4/11 Practical measurements of ... 2285? S/031/61/000/001/002/003 A161/A129 The Q-factor of the circuit with the line is measured by a Q-meter at parallel and series resonance. The calculation formula is (Ref. 2) d, t I- Q 1 0 2 0 where G~ is the attenuation factor; Q1 - the circuit quality at parallel resonance, Q 2 - at series resonance, Q - of circuit proper, t- line length. The measured attenuation was '~tO-004 decibel. A different method can also be used. First, the resonance frequency in the line is calculatei using the formula (Ref. 3) f(megacycle) . 1440 where relative signal ~ ~Iocity in the line; t - line length in ft. n the Q-factor and capacitance are determined with the Q-meter. Th"_Zh value is determined by the formula 2'ir M - 10-6 f C 77 (megacycle) (pf) -"c(ohm) Card 5/11 22852 S/031/61/000/001/002/003 Practical measurements of A161/AJ29 The S value is found from the graph in Ref. 3 and the line attenuation will be found by the formula N S decibel/100 ft. In our case it was 0.037� 0.004 decibel. The design of the delay line proved convenient in use, and the accuracy of measurements proved suffi- cient,for the error in the determination of the excitation life time was not exceeded. There are 4 figures and 3 references (2 in English langua- ge and 1 a translation into Russian). The references are reading: (Ref.1) Bell, Graham, Petch. Canadian J. of Physics, 1952, 30, 35; (Ref. 2) Termen and Pettit (Russian spelling); "Measurement in electronics". Izdatellstvo inostrannoy literatury, Moscow, 1955; (Ref- 3) Stewart, C.Z., Trans. AIEE, 1945, 64, 616, 938. Card 6111 22393' S/120/61/000/002/003/042 E032/Ell4 AUTHORS% Kovrigin, O.D., Kolesnikov, N.V., and Latyshev, G.D. TITLE: lar ge beta-spectrometer with double focussing PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.2, pp. 19-25 TEXT: (First read at the 10th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscow, January 19-27 1960). A description is given of a double-focussing spectrometer having an equilibrium orbit radius of 500 mm. The momentum resolution varies between 0.5 and 0.08% when the relative solid angle is varied between 0.65 and 0.15%. The design of the magnet is illustrated in Fig.l. The magnet is made of "steel-10". In Fig.1, 1 is the electro- magnet, 2 is the vacuum chamber, 3 is the receiving slit, 4 is the diffusion-pump inlet, 5 is a stilbene crystal, 6 is a light pipe, 7 is a photomultiplier, 8 is a magnetic field meter, 9 is a lead screen, 10 is the source, 11 is a vacuum gauge, 12 is a slit and 13 are auxiliary coils. The diameter of the pole pieces is 1300 mm and the gap at r = 650 mm is 246.3 mm. The profile of the pole pieces and the corresponding radial magnetic field distribution are shown in Fig.2. The Pavinskiy Card 11 22393 S/12o/61/000/002/003/042 E032/El-14 A large beta-spectrometer with double focussing field (P.P. Pavinskiy, Izv.AN SSSR, seriya fiz., 19~4, 18, No.2, 175t Ref.2) in reproduced to an ancuracy of 5 x 10-4 (curve 2). The final pole profile is given by Table 1. The source and the detector alit can be replaced without releasing the vacuum. The magnetic field can be varied between 10 and 200 oe which corres- ponds to the focussing of electrons with energies between 20 kV and 2.5 Mev. The magnetic field is stabilized to within 1 10-4. Fig.6 shows the conversion spectrum of Ba137 obtained with the spectrometert a - solid angle 0.36%; 9 - solid angle 0.51% (K line). The main experimental results obtained with this spectrometer are compared with those obtained by other workers in Table 2. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 17 references: 9 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet. Acknowledgements are expressed to L.N. Fedulov, A.V. Zolotavin and Ye.P. Grigorlyev for collaboration and technical assIstance. ASSOCIATION3 Institut yadernoy fiziki, AN KazSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics, AS Kaz.SSR) Card 2/f4 I;i -, I S/707 ,/62/005/000/008/014 D290/D308 MTHORS: Kovrigin, O.D., Kolesnikov, N.V. and Latyshev, G.D. TITLE:- The preservation of the topography of the magnetic field in a P-spectrometer SOURCE:- ,'ilcademiya nauk Kazalchskoy SSR.. Institut. yadernoy fiziki. Trudy, v. 5. Alma-Ata, 1962. Fizika chastits vysokilch energiy. Struktura yadra, 107-110 TEXT:- The.auth~ors give a method of preserving the theoret-, ically required topography of the magnetic field in a double-focus sing; P -spectrometer While HO (the magnetic field in the e quilib- riun, orbit) changes from 10 to 200 oersted (equivalent to P - a ti- cle energies of 20-2, 500 hev). The quantity D . I - He(300) lit(300) was measured over the working range of Ho (Ht(300) and H 9 (300) are Ids at respectively the theoretical and experimental magnetic fie - a radius of 300 mm;(the equilibrium orbit has a radius of 500 mm), and was fouiid to be about 2 x 10-2; such values of D would cause consid- erable instrumental broadening of the lines in S-ray spectra. D Card 1/2 ...... A7 Tt-Oz_-5. T. A T I T ME i Multiplioi ties of the Er 167 nualear I'-transitio nswi tth ene-Vgi1c's Ot, 20,q &Ud 5J2 key, Aklademmiya nauk no. 8, 1962, 1028 - 1030 Vi, aA To, tarFvt was irradiated with 0'80-Mi~,~v prcitQnn and *,hc T,'A -spec ter -~~ubtle "Ised to study the -TUlv67 conversion electron spectr-"-of th-p- %-, frac,:--:c-m. I) were se-aaz-atez ty the The lines Lj- and ~"T-T I ne L- vas separated Eraphically. 'Ahe ratios of th-e 00afficlonts determined for Z - 68 and S - 208.3 keT "OC,kev tranzition is assumed to be of the iscaeric '~he'L_ an! lines 6f the 532-ki?v transition are very weak. Type SI or E2 is ascrib--2- +0 the 32-kav transiton. There are 7 figures &=d I ta",%Ie. Card KOVRIGIN, O.D.1 LATMEV. G,D. Use o.-:' -- Vpe IFEU-12 photAce-lezt-riz --- a spect"-mtar and for the Iyarposas of 7'n.-~.: Irst. iad. fis. AN Kazakh. M 5:102-106 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Photoelectric multipliers) (Scintillaticn spectrometry) (Gamma-ray spectrometry) KOVRIGIM,_G.D,.; KOLESNIKOVp N.V.; LATYSHEV, G.D. Conservation of the magnetic field topography in a beta-ray spectrometer. Trudy Inst. iad. fiz. AN Kazakh. SSR 5:107-110 162. (~9RA 15:4) (YAgnetic fields) (Beta-ray spectrometer) KCVRIGIN. Orest Dmitriyevir.4; LATYSHEV, Georgiy Dmitriyevich; SEIIENOi," M.N., red.; ROROKINA, Z.P., tekhn. red. [Double-focusing spectrometer]Spektrometr a dvoinoi fokusi- rovkoi. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SFR, 1962. 45 P. (MIRA 16.2) (Spectrometer) KOVRIGIN O.D ; ANDREYEV, Yu.A.; KARTASHOV, V.M.; LATYSHEV, G.D.; SYCHIKOV, = .; TROITSKAYA, A.G. - Multipole r-transitions at energies of 209 and 532 kev. in the Erl67 nucleus. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.8:1028-1030 Ag 162. (MIRA 15'.11) (Erbium) (Quantum theory) WTASHOV, V.M.1 IATYSHEVV G.D.; WNDARE11KOp G.A,; NOVGORODOVP A.F.; SYCHIKOVp G.I.; SHAPOVALENKOP VDVO Study of the internal, conrervion electron spectrum of &1147o InY.AN SSSRoSer.ft's. 27 no.2sZ-6,1-266 F 163. OUFA (Internal conversion (Nuclear physics)) (Europium isotopes-Spratra) SYC" G. I.; KOVRIGIrij, 0. D.; L4TYSHEV,, G. LONDARMO, G. A.; NOVGORODOV~ A- F- New Data on Conversion Electrons of Lon~- --ived Isotopes of Lutetluz. report. submitted for All-Union Conf on Nu,-,Iear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. IYaF AN KazSSR (Inst Nuclear Physics,, AS KazSSR) .1 ~1~q9c-`5 E7v~Vn) DLU? ----------- iACCESSION NH: AP5004537 S/0046/65/029/001/0144/0150*~a 931 IA~110R: Bj=jRjr2Y_LY~L; ARft2XovjYu.A.; Vangay,A.D.; Karetokaya,S, .; lAtyahev, 1G.D.; Kovrigin, O.D. TITLE: Investigation of the g2j!~-jt!11344~n"4 'decay chain jj!eport, 14th Annual Conference on Nuclear Physics hold in Tbilisi 14-22 Feb 196Y SOURCE- AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakayn, v,29, no.1, 1965, 144-150 TOPIC TAGS: nucleus, energy level, bota decay, positron, gamma spectrum, cerium, lanthanum, barium ABSTR ACT: The Ce 134_Lal34-Bal34 decay chain was investigated by direct measurement of the positron, 7 ray and internal conversion spectra and by observation of the 7-y and pogitron-y coincidences. The source was prepared by 2 hour bombardment of 9! tantalum targat with 660 MaV protons and subsequent chromntographic separation of the cerium fraction. The positron spectra were observed with a double focusing beta,-- spectrometer having a resolution of 9% and also, in coincidence with 7 rays j with al 3 cm diameter stilbene scintillstor. The energy analysis of the coinciding radia- tions was performed by the usual fast-slow coincidence technique with a resolving 17 Cardl/2 _T,r'UEr-~ t SDw fit.* Z. n thtv,p with wA&1qR;x 4mlvrvlt~w cf 1-VI, 1-f &W 2.3f art 'rive 10c'nAtty Of 04 i.s vvv r~%slttva oatissim v*P Yvry lQw, &.-*I tUx ik-A#fV#A i~Akly il~ W~14 0,0 Moy Y rays, no lawaiAly a za-1 1~01 16ey positron componont weka~ ift i~r 60 k0tal, yte-" twi*e "moh 7 transitions of 0.605 and 1.47 VeV energy are attributed to the decay of IA,1*V110 accord with the work of B.Stover (Pbys.Rev.81,8,1951) and R.K.Girgis and R.Liesbout, (N'ucl.Ph)s.l2,672.l959). The 1.47 U*V 7 tra.Laition is associated with a level ex- cited by the 1.01 MOV positron decay. The possibility of a 10% systematic error in the positron energy peasuremento is mentioned in a note added in proof. "The au- ithors thank A.FY.Novf:orodov for performing the chemical separation of the cerium fraction." 7 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none W/--JAnob XxLt "M RR REF SOVi 003 01HERt 002 SM cml~ I'M 1"I, O.D. Recent data on conversion electrors in long lived h~otcpe-- 0' tl:-C or. "iz. 29 no.':159-162- Ja 165. iutetium fraction. Izv. All SSSR S L - -j 2) - . I - L) - -1, , - - - - AIi-,D.R:FYE'i , Yu A,; GORI -TOV y - - ; K;, ~..I 11 !-~ . - .~ . '. -- , A -;.. . Apparatub "or study ng ~ I(- coj..,IC3 tit.rf:P5 u.,31m, !I p Iccusing spectrometer. Ali' SSSP Sar. fiz. 29 n 0- . I : I '., -7 - I S 0 1 -- Ta -~ , ., ~~ -, P. ~: , J 5. --.-; L 07156-67 , ENT I ACC NR- tjR/O046/66/03o/6oi/d!62/b!66-i i S, fCRIKOV. G- IATYS HEV _G,, D, 0 L0NDAFjM0 , Go A*# and n ion Electron spectrum of an Iridium Fraction" (Paper presented at All-Union Symposium on.tho.Physica of Thin- Ferromagnetic Film) "Co VFk 10-15 July 1964) [th Izvostiya Akadcmii Nauk SSSRj Soriya Mzicheokaiya (Bulletin of the AcadonV of Sciences USSR: Physics Sories)j Vol A No 1. ion 1966, pp 162-166 Abstract: A largo double-focussing ma&netic bota spectrometer was used to study the iridium fraction of a gold target irradiatcd with 66-0 Hov protons at the Joint InstitiAto of Nuclear Studies. The cnargieu and relative inten- sities of the conversion lines of 1r189 and Ir190 are tabulated. Lines were ,188 Jr,189 Jr190 '193 but not for Irl92.,: whir observed for Ix and Ir h fact is explained as due to!the wealMess of the source. The offocte on the spectrum of traces of R0,83 an& h188 are discussed. The multipolarity of transitions 180.5., 141---d, 185-9,-i97, and 233-5 kev was determinede ..Reouitej, in Renera3, agree with available data- I Orig. art. bas: 4 figures and 4 tables. ,6~M,9: 35,43Y ORG; none TOPIC TAGS: conversion electron spectrum, iridium BUD CODE: 20p18 / GUM DATE: none ORIO Rut 004 OMI ]REFt 002 1 Car . d V~ 0 t MR it it 1) 14 to it it so x JUJI Aluids all All 0 a 41 L. tj a a A "-- t - 1, j- A- cc 0 .'. 2.0 Psi I A, of I .f I irvi tion betwren the pmpettes cd the /'~' lit iia met vtIttRetatim. A, soil land e We 1. 1- lit Will ablurn do 11"t m lilt'll alid omv lit lilt- org. Illull, 1 1114% a fligh cimill-fil valple up 4v I-1101 I, bmml~ ",III it 1401A tul~- 1) Irplur Fell list'atm 11., 1-1 pill" rt... ~' w. I r vvith a litsh IIII.Aill. ,I Ilic m mall'.1 a 00 :iw zoo A S 4 - S L A afTALL%JP.GKAL_%,ITf0&jljMj CLASSiftCAVON Z_ ISO 0 lid., ill -*III- All v_r ; 6 u t% a Nil LS I,'. I " " 0 A An -W 'W "Pip list Nil list It It lit mw n I ~14 L % It two 3 9 v 0 0 Is 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 9 e 0 Ole 0 0 0 90 a 00 00 t .0081 ~vNecloul Alm Peoplevits M011 KOWISUIP"Cloa, 1939a Noe $a 3&--62).-4wpwtLSS of sons viver-IYEW-6-holk ~ and Abe rolatim of the depth mW &p of the son to the PYODW Olt _~. cu"t Immediscussod. Other soils in- an flurloglaeba deposits. S. and P vestUated were - ASS14LA bIULU*6IM&MUTWCL'WM?IW_ so" Vines&" slow ILM-Mv lee .*4 -66 00 goo =*o goo goo Moo We$ I N I I S a 0 jq~ S 0. PA 61TL03 Um/soil 'Saim.- 08 Nor 1948 Sand -. Stratification "Features of the Genesis and Mechanical Compositien of Soils in the Deep Sandy Deposits of the Betaria Ter- race of the River Vyatka," S. A. Kavrigin, 10 pp "Pochvovedeniye" No 3 Material for article gathered in Suvod forest dacha which Is situated on left bank of Vyatka River In a pine woods which has developed an fluvioglaoial sands. Gives emplete analyses of aoil of these deposits in tabular form with description of area. PDB 61TIO3 KOVRIGIN, S. A. Soils - Analysis Dynamics of nitrates, ammonia, and mon-fixed forms of phosphorus and calcium in soils planted with different varieties of trees. Pachvovedenie i1o. 7, 1952. Q 'IFIED. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. MICLASS KOVRIGIN, S. D. KOVRICEN, S. D.:' "The battle against industrial noise in idministrative, cq.mmut;qtqr, 4Lnd automatic shops of the ATS". Moscow, 1955. Min Higher Education USSR.' Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineering Inst imeni V. V. Kuybyshev. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of TECPIJICAL Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 51, 10 December 1955 GORIANOV, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk;~ MYRIGIN. S.D., red. [&feet of thawing on the strength of masonry laid under winter conditions in the Maritime Territory] Viiianis ottepelei na prochnostl zimnikh kladok v Primorle. 1957. 17 P. (Vladivostok. Dallnevostochnyi politekhnicheakii institut. Trudy, vol.47, no.6). (MIRA 13:32) (Maritime Territor~--Masonry--Cold weather conditions) KOVRIGIN, S., kand. tekhm. nauk; BORISOV, L., in2h. Controlling the noise of pumping units. Ila stroi. Moak. 2 no.9:20-21 S 159. (HIRA 13:2) (1"umping machinery-Noise) OSIFOVV G,L.p kand'.teldm.nauk; KOVRIGIN, S.D., kand.tokhn.nauk Problem of establishing norms for noise in automotive transportation. Gig.j san. 25 no.9199-102 S 160o (MM 13:9) (NOISE) (AUTOMOBILES) NIKOLISKIYP V.N.; KOVRIGIN S D.: LUKANIN, V.N.; KOVRIGIN, S.D. Studies on the soundproofing capacity of partitions of vibration- rolled concrete panels. Gig.j san. 25 no.9:114-116 S 160. (MMA 13:9) (SOUNDPROOFING) (CONCRETE SLABS) YELIZAROV., Yu., in2h.; KOVRIGIN S. kand.tekhn.nauk; OSIPOV, G.J kand.tekhnonauk JAmit the noise at reinforced concrete product plants. Stroitell no.7:26-428 JI 161, (1111RA 14:8) (Concrete plantE)(Noise) KOVRIGIN S.D. kand.tekhn.nauk; OSIPOV, G.L., kand.tekhnnauk; MVEDEV, Ye-K., iL-=!-* inzh. Studying the noise of urban passenger transportation. Gor.khoz. Mosk. 35 no.5:31-32 My 161. (MIRA U: 6) (moscou-Noise) MARGOLIS, A.M., promyshlenno-sanitarnyy vrach, YUVZHENKO, F.I.; GUSLITS, I.G., zasluzbennyy vrach RSFSR; ISAVNIN, L.S., inzh.; KOVRIGIN S D. SHISHKIN., I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOLKER, R.M., inzt:.-'~eni*n:~~rad) Noise is our enemy. tdorovle 8 no.10:22-24 0 162. (MIP.-A 15-10) 1. Glavnyy sanitarnyy vrach Kiyeva (for Yuvzhenko). 2. Nachallnik Moskovskoy shumometricheskoy stantsii (for Isavnin). (NOISE CONTROL) KOVRIGIN, S.D., kand.tekhn.nauk Method of measuring noise from city pixonengor transportation. Gig. i oan. 27 no-3:55-59 Mr 162. (MULk 15:4) 1. Iz Moskovskogo irizhenerno-stroitellnogo instituta imeni V.V. Kuybysheva. (NOISE-MWUFMM7,NT) (TRANSPORTATION) KOVRIGIN, Sergey Dmitriyevich; ARIUVIM, Eleazar Moiseyevich; OSIPOV, G.L., red.; DOILOVA, K.N., red. izd-va; MAYOROV., V.V., tekhn. red. [Soundproofing apartment houses] Ustranenie shumov v zhilykh domakh. Moskva., lzd-vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 87 p. (MIRA 16:10) (ApaAment houses--Soundproofing) Is"NIN, L.S.; KOVRIGIN, S-,.D. Practice in controlling industrial noise and vibrations, Mashinostroitell no.8.-22-34 Ag 063. (MA 16:10) YUDIN, Ye.Ya.j doktor teklm. nauk, prof., S.D*J% kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; BOLOTINA, A.V... red.; ZUBKOVA, M.S., red. [Noise control] Bor'ba s shumom. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 700 p. (VIIRA 17:7) KOVRIGIN, V., inzh. (g.Novosibirsk) Capacitance relay. Radio no.2:23 F 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Electric relays) VOTNIKONIS, A.L.; KOMGIN, V.A. Cantilever bracket for attaching supports of the T-41 hoist to ,winaow openings, Rate. i izobr. preal. v atroi. no.2:54-55 157. (14IRA 11: 1) (Hoistirkg machinery) 4 AVIGDCR, G.A., inzh.,, KOVRIGINI V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Comparison of work to hoist soil in excavating a working face in horizontal and vertical chipso Izvo v7so uchebo zavo; gor, zhur. 6 no.4.'61-67 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy ordeiia Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni inzhenerno- stroi-teltnyy institut imeni Kuybysheva,, Rekomendovana kafedroy stroitelInykh mashin. (Excavating machinery) KOVR-IGINbV D ; LEVIKOV, G.A.; MKSHANTSEVv F.R,.q TREPENENKOVp I.I., d. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; BUDIXOp V.A., inzh., red.; TIKHANOV, A.Ya., tekhn. [Tractors of capitalist countries] Traktory skikh stran; spravochnik. Moskva, Masbgi-a, (Tractors) kapitalistichat 1963. 421 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. KOVRIGINP V.D.., inzh. Gharacteristics of the development of industrial tractors abroad. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no.9t4.3-45 3 163. (MMA 16tlO) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soy-uznyy iiauchro-issledovatellskiy traktornyy institut. (Tractor3'1 40129 6/1. 0. ~-,162101 7/rT:'./Cl C !..:cmbcr o"-' t','c S)oc~;.Ct,. ( -zccC2-1-- -UT it Kovricrir., VJ On-)- .7 c 'on TITIS: correc-64or. of~ crror, -;.-I c0- -7-0- cn 11a6iotchlinil-m, v. "17 7 Tic. ID:T: Ectliods c.-.c cor.--icie-zed -for rcel-ucirZ phn-c C--.-rors nn higli-frequmic-, resmance amli-~Eicr-- auto~~Iz--I-ic -".2.n co-Ot.-C)"L. 'ZInc rcasoi,.s arc arialyzed ~.fri-;ch lcacl to LlIc errorS III Such 'molifiers. Thux-, the v::n-j.at2k.c,!l 02E, -,t.!LIC Ln-occ of-' thin tubes lci~ds to L.0 crror as a fwaction C-f thc c- "17C.11-Ics OfF 0. 1~rom thc f-'i,'Urn it is, tllal: t'Lic L> O.Or- OZ. rcnsc 1,72. t., -_ _ c 7 :1. nr,CC TIC, C ~1,1: ~Mwfnituetc of lie orror i" nr..c 100) micl cloe" not "'IlliCh j,". Care. 1/..~ . 3/10-3/62/017/0N, Correction of errors ... D409/D301 .Lble.. This circunic-tance can be usccl for scicct-i-ar", thr, J acit.-race after the tu.bc h-s sclect-cel. _xo~`-cr --ourcc ezror is ivaccv=r_tc resonance-tuning. if '2 i.'; rcox-ccd to 5'u. t' U nc crror the -nii-cr-ma-ch ellocs -no- e:-ccce-I 0.01, thn G.lo. The dc-ocnd-_Pcc of tnc inn.-ut cnpvc-..t~~-tlcc 0-.,-I t"'.C mz;l."-".-_*-L:-l"Cl LLic nc,~-ativ_-. shi_-Ft at. the cort-rol -vid, in ),Ol-tc(,- -Fol- .C. j- I c~ 0 - .- I 0-' L110CS.- I'll this casc, the phasc cr-or cc.-a _)c ccrrcctc~` iwc; rceativc curreiat-rccdbael~: _'-n t'he is cho-cer. so that .Ca-hodc resista-ncc A-Cl + ~L, C I Ito , ,~hcre Z_\ 0, s the inimat-ca-r.)a-z--tance 'CO 'C"C' nc': Acl I j- .,c - c.-tcx-c, and the lr.CrCUqCrw 4:. ule-hod of Correction ma~.Cs it ca~~;I'_ crrox- to 0.1 The inser-tilon of fcrron=.'--ctl'C ccrCZ the 1-cs 0 nance c ircuil, tIc and S t 0 ac2d it il Ona-i 1)" c rror c 4 -t- n3co- 'C4 - Z,, _haac cr r o -i rcso ancc -.)h rectcd by raeans o-27 currcitt - f'c c e.. b C_;rcvdt capacit'l-acc. Thc 0-'. band - I i c :1 c ;a.d 2/_3 correctiOZI 0 )h-,sc Orroz-3 2101 7/C. C~"3 , - I V c0 'i1plic"too the dc,iUn :E5 cr ~i, . --, _ 'lc I~c - 'ic OJ- - CL e,.-r-! te- S, ivc- " , [10.,]d , -- S C' c t L ectri - - L)c L C), C !,c n - --,- c cs, ri,-Ic,, f 'I -, "U.-Oc. S. -roll CIC7-t "-c O-c 0 0-3 , , .") - - -- L VtD Oc ct,- " O~ c 0- zic C 1'z Mc -0-OV) .-CC L!7~ 1961 NEYMIOLCFV, A.F. Input circuits of wide-band phase meters. Xzm.tekh. no.12:29-33 D 162. (Electronic instruments) I (MIRA 15:12) SANKIN, D.I., kand. ekon. nauk;SEMINCY,S.I., kand. ekon. nauk; BEREZNDY, N.I., kand. ekon. nauk; ZHDANGV, A.I.j, kand. ekon. nauk; GORCHAKOV, A.A., inzh.; ZAKRAROV, V.V., inzh.; YUNOVICH, I.M., inzh.; RYVKIN, A.S., inzh.; QQ~VjU.GIN,,-VV., ekonomist; DIDENKO, S.I., kand. ekon. nauk; SANDOMIRSKIY, A.T., ekonomist; GONGIIMNKO, B.L., kand. ekon. nauk; KOTOV, V.F., inzh.; EYDELIMAN, B.I.9 red. Nandbook for the economist and planner in an industrial enterprise) Spravochnik ekonomista i planovika promyshlen- nogo predpriiatiia. Moskva, Ekonomika, 1964. 698 p. (MIRA 17:6) ZHELTUKHIN, P.V., lnzhi; LYU.TIN M.Y., i-nzh.;,KOVRIGIN, Ye.N.9 inzh. 1 Forest management machines. Trakt. i Sellkhozmash. no.7:36-37 Jl 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Gosudarstvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro pq proyektirovanlyu lesckhozyaystvennykh mashin Volgo-Vyatakogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. a 1 0,64 4P 0 1 :0 iiiiiiii;;O, ; ; ; ; ; 110111.1 111& tin 0 fit ~ Ok 0: c i 0 00 0000 ~61*6028. I Al OT4 U9 00 90 0 A I A - I L A 1111TALLURGICAL LITj*Aj&;2t CL-IMFKATOON .01ST. 090 -A SNIONO , - - ; -r -.. -T to It list old 199 It tict tfICKWn a K a I W IN 5 a a '00 0 0 00 1*9 00 00 it a 41 a a a 0 z 0 0 -00 Ififf 4,,.04601 M 1W41k1b11AI.4k&b W . . N11,1114.1114 "Ild 1. 1. ISVIDIIIII. I I Lelkaws Prom. T. Na. It. th-16(1047). 1111re It" Of formulas are Xi%,cn for j*rwils for the mra-urrinrut of trmp. of caleffilers (11). and 4 vulcanixat~~ Pfc~r of toll- fl). -00 (M). Tyr3ral formulas are ill p2rdffin. m. 58 id, m, 150% 57.425c;, 1,evswax. in. 711% 3..V,%. " 1 R Be 6 ~d awtbylinae blue. 0.441%~jiving a I%-n - , 9 to it, C11 M. at , M, W, 6g_Z)'j, twTswax. m. 1191, S..'PIPJ, ZnO. malachitc t#)'C.; (111) Iller".1111". 1 to 0 Vul. h 27.1111,i, S. 402W,. lKvsvnix. 7.70 hentol ' Iicil Ill. 1.1,(I'C. NI: S. call M.11xv. M.M%-giving it IK p&cFiNfj!% I.". too KC'qR I(, I to), &.I - /,)I, T Rubber Abst. 4679. Rapid method of free 2alpLuie termination. E. S. vol. 31 KHOROSHAYA and G. 1. KOVRIGINAi Legk. Prom., 1952, 12, No, Nov. 1953 8, 2-4-51 Taut. u. Gumird, 1953, 6, Wrl66. The basis of this Vulannioad method Is the convorsAnn of the free sulphur, by means Natural Rubber of sodium sulphite, Into sodium thiosulphate, the combination of the surplus sodium sulphite with formaldehyde, and the titration of the mixturo, ne"tralised with acetic or hydrochloric sold, witb Iodine. The length of the determina- tion is reduced for rubber from 2 hr. to 30 min. 642624 K'*VKIC-I IVA C- 1. IMOIR&UYA, U.S.; KOVILMMIA, G.I.; KDROUVA, Z.A. Refractometric rapid method of analyzing a mixture of solvents. leg.prom. 14 no.9:32-34 5 154. (MLRA 7:9) (Refractometer) (Solvents) KHOROSHAYA, Ye.S.; KOVRIIGINA. G.I.; SMETKIN, Yu.A.; MMMSOV, YU.I. Rapid electrometrLe method of determining potassium chloride content in artificial leather. Leg.prom. 16 no-9:30-32 S '56. (MLBA 9:11) (Leather, Artificial--Testing) (Potassium chloride) (Electrochemical analysis) Yj~ j (~', 1 IXII ) (7 - 1 KHOROSHAYA, Ye.S.; KOVRIGINAj,,,G,.-I-: GORDDNOVA, R.D.. MTROVA, A.P.; MITROFANOVA, U.N. 0 Rapid metood for determining the percentage ratio of the low polymer fraction in polyvinyl chloride resins* Legoprom. [161 n0.1109-40 N 1560* (MLRA 10:1) (Resinst Synthetic) A-0 t~, G-7- KHCROSHAYA, Ye.S.; KDVRIGINA, G.I.; ZATONCHKOVSKIT, A.D. Rapid method of determining wool, capron, and viscose nnd cotton content in mixture yarns. Leg.prom.17 no-9:33-34 S '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Yarn--Testing) (Textile chemistry) KHOROSHATAV U.S., kand.tekh-p- n&uk--~_X_()VRIGIHA,_G.I.., pauchnyy sotrudnik; ,9, KOROLEVA, Z.A., naucl~~ sotrildnik; ABOLTVI~, E.M., nauchnyy sotrudrAk; YEGOROVA, N.L,,-nauehnyy sotrudnik ' Microchemical,bethod of detormi" the-degree of vulcaniza- tion of rainwbar fabrics. Nauch."issl.trudy VNIIPIK no.123105- 107 160. (MIRA 16:2) KHOROSHATA, U.S.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; LrKOVA, A.N.,, nauchnyy sotradnik; -_ _KQYRIGIfi"_L... hauchriyy sotrudnik; GORDONDVA, R.D., nauchrO7 -7~7--- sotrudnik; SHUVALOVA, L.S.v inzh.,- OBUDOVSJ~YA, YU,'M., inzh.;- SOKOLOVA, ZIV., inzhs; BMIMVA) V,I*# inzb, Now drop method of determining the resistance to heat of polyvinyl resins. Nauch.-isol.trudy VMIIPI~ no.12UM-109 %0. -TV (MIRA l6s2) (Leather, Artificial) (Resins, Synthetic-Testing) k KHOROSHATA, Ye.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; PVRIGINA, G.I.J. nauchny]r sotrudnik; LYKOVA, A.N., nauchnyy inzh. Rapid refractometric method of determining the high-boiling fraction content of nitromastic. Sauch.-isel.trady VNIIPIK no.122112-114 160. ' (MM 16t2) (oil cloth) (Hexanoic*a6ld) KHORO.SHAYA, Ye~Soj, KOVRIGIKA., G.I.; GORDONOVA, R,D.; ZAYONCHKOVSKIY, A-Do Rapid method for controlling the ripening process in a PD1YVinYl chloride mass. Plast.massy no.5:56-57 161. (MA 24:4) (Ethylene) KITOROSHAYA, Ye.3.; KOVRIORNA, G.I.; ALEKSFYENYO, V.I. New rapid method for determining tFe specific gravity of film materials. Plast.maLsy no.10:60-62 '61. (MIRA 15:1) (Films (Chemistry)) (Specific gravity) t 1MOROSHAAX Z~~.S. LKOMGINAO G.I. NARINSKAYA, A.R.; PISARFNKO, A.P. Rapid sulfite miermethod for detormining the degree of latex film vulcanization. Uuch. i rez. 20 no.12:40L-42 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) l..Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelld(dy institut plepo'chnykh materialov _i Iskupstfrennqq I-abi - Uatex)- (Vul(;~nization) S/032/61/027/002/012/026 B 1 34/B206 AUTHORS: Khoroahaya, Ye. S., Kovrigina, G. I., and Avilov, A. A. TITLE: Use of the refractometrio method for the quick determination of latex concentration PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 2, 1961, 181 TEXT: The dependence of the refractive index on the concentration of the following latex types was studied: ABXB-70 (DVKhB-70), nairit L 3Y C-BX(SVKh), methyl acrylate latex, and GKC-30 (SKS-30). The studies were made with a universal ?A~(RLU) refractometer. A linear dependence having been established, the concentration of latex solutions carL be well determined refractometrioally. The refractometric method was compared with the gravi- metric one, and it was established that within 2 min the latex content can be determined refractometrioally with an accuracy of + Ic'I.. The deviations of the determination results between the two methods mentioned lie between + 0.4 and - 0.3%. There are 1 figure and 1 table. Card 1/2 S/032/61/027/002/012/026 Use of the refractometrio ... B 134/B206 ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut plenochnykh materialov i iskusetvennoy kozhi (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Film MateriAls and Synthetic Leather) Card 2/2 KHOROSHAYA, Ye.S.; KOVRIGINA, G.I.- ALEKSEYFMO., V.I. -ZLZ.:j Rapid method for determining the specific gravity of film mater W a. Zav.1ab. 28 no.2:205 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut plenochnykh materialov i isk-asstvennoy khozhi. (Films (Chemistry)) (Specific gravity) KHOROSHAYA, Ye.S.; KOVRIGINA, 0.1.; LIFSHITS, I.D.; ZAYONCITOVSKIY, A.D. Photometric rapid method for determining the degree of readiness of poly(vinyl chloride) films in Lhe process of plasticization on rolls. Plast.massy no.5:59-6o ~62. (MIRA 15:4) (Vinyl compound Polymers) (Plasticization) KHOROSHAYA, Ye.S.- KOFIRMNA, G.I.; DINZBURG, B.N.; SAFRAY, B.A. Rapid method for the chemical analvsitl of rubbers reinforced witl I)hanol-.aLnil-i--o-fonaaldc-hyLle resl-n---. Plast.massy no.2:67-68 162. kYI.RA 15:2) (Rubber, Synthetic) (Resins, Synthetic) KHOROSHAYAP 1o*SQ;'KO gglaft-Q84,; KOSTRYUKOVA, L.I.; MUSATOVAY M.D.1 KOPYL, A.N~,---Fr-1n-imala uchastiye: KRASNERp Ye.Ya. Rapid method for determining rubber content of shoo cardboard made from leather fibers bonded with latex. Kozh.-obuv. omo 5 no.6:31-32 Je 163. (MIRA 16:67 (Rubber, Artificial-Analysis) KHOROSHAYA, Ye.S.; KOVRIGINAI G.I.; YELISEYEVA, L.I# Rapid method 4for determining chlorine in polvvinvyl chloride. Zav.lab. 30 no.12s1450 164. (MIRA 18~1) 1. Veesoyuzny)r nauchnr-*-issIedovateI'skiy institut plenochnykh mateilalov i iskusstvennoy kozhi. KHOROSHAYA, Ya.S.,-kand.1him. nauk; EOVRI=Ap G.I.v mladshiy nauchnyy L., takhn. nauk; MUSATOVA, M.D., sotrudnik; KOSTRIKOVAY 1J., starshiy nauohnyy sotrudnik; KOPYL, A.N., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Rapid.zethod.for determining rubber content of the leather mass prior to its feeding to the long-shot screening machine. Nauch, issl. trudy VNIIPIK no.14:164-167 163. (MIRA 18:12) 6(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV1963 Kov -42yj~~ ~~ir Pavlovich, and Viktor Petrovich Chernyshov Te.levideniye I televizory (T-el-e-VTs-i7o~-and Television Receivers) /Novosibirsk/ Novosibirskoye knizhnoye izd-vo, 1958. 61 p. 20,000 copies printed. Ed.: P. N. Men'shikov; Tech. Ed.: N. M. Pototskaya. PURPOSE: The book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The book presents in popular form the fundamentals of television and of microwave propagation. Several types of television antennas. are described and advice is given on their selection according to conditions of reception. The book describes television receivers, a test pattern and its use, and thq procedure for locating, switching-on and tuning various types of receivers Typical simple faults occuring in television sets are described, with info;_~ mation on how to correct them without the help of a repairman. Also given aie measures for the suppression of interference. The book provides essential diagrams and other illustrations, and offers a list of recommended reading (3 Soviet works). No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 1/3 Television and Television Receivers SDV/1963 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Fundamentals of Television 5 Ch. 2. Microwave Propagation 7 Cho 3. Antennas for the Reception of Television Signals 24 Common types of antennas 25 1. Symetrical dipole 25 2. Folded dipole ~q 3. Two-element antenna 31 4. Multielement antennas n 5. Rhombic antenna 32 Selection of antenna type for television 34 Ch. 4. Television Receiver 36 Ch. 5. Television Test Pattern 43 Locating the television receiver 54 Initial switching-on of the receiver 54 Card 2/3 KOVRIGINA, Hariya Dmitriyevna [State's concern for mother and child] Zabota gonudaretva o materi i rebenke. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1946. 43 p. (MIU _14:1) - - (HATERNA AND INFANT WFMARE) - -. . - IV. i .KOVRIGINA, i [State care of mother and child] Zabota gosudarstva o materi i rebenka. [Moskva] Gospolitizdat, 1946. 53 P. (MLU 8:1) (Maternal and infant welfare) KOVRIMNA. X". D. Tronsactions of the Plenums of the Council on Soviet Therapeutic and Preventive Aid for Children under the q-,ispices of the Ministries of Public health of the LISSR and the R.SFSR n. o. Gos. izd-vo med. lit-rj medgiz, -L948. 239 P- 1. Children - Care and hygiene. 2. Eygiene, Public - Russia. 114. D. tiCor,O',t4o,js llovri-ina, D L Union, " Trucl, VI Vsc~WTuZ- i,'ila~',ova, ~"OSCOW) p. and problems of cl,~jjd sanitation in O"evda -JeL. Ch, T-)arr (Letopis 'Murnal Invich Stat,a-.r, S )4, 10 A SO: U-326 N IGI.NA. M. h1)-1 L~.V I j Children-Care And Hygiene "We value the health of every child. Sov. zhen. 9, No. 3. 1952 Monthl- Lirt of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Angust 1952. UNCLPSSIFFEED. KOVRIGINA, M.D.. samestitellnitse, ministra. Improving medical service to workers and employees in industrial enterprises. Sov.zdrav. 12 no-5:9-18 S-0 153. (MLPA 6:10) 1. Hinisterstvo sdravockhruneniya SSSR. (Industrial medicine) ' NoVR%cm), tq).D. USSR/Medicine - Five -fear Plan FD-2182 Card 1/2 Nb 102-2/15 Author Kovrigina M D Minister of Health USSR Title Immediate problems of health service in the USSR (Report read at the scientific session of the Institute for Organization of Prublic Health and History of Medicine imeni N. A. Sema DN shko, Acad. Med. Sci. USSR, Periodical Sov. zdrav., 3, 5-9, May-June, 1955 Abstract 1955 is the last year of the 5th Five-Year Plan. It is evident now that most production goals will be met and many public health re- quirements will be overfulfilled. It is expected that by the end of 1955 hospital cots in USSR will increase by 40,000; the number of physicians under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health USSR will be 22% higher and production of medical equipment instrivnents, and drugs is expected to be 2 1/2 times greater than it was in 1950. In formulating the 6th Five-Year Plan the Ministry of Health USSR and the local health agencies should consider further expansion to meet the gtowing needs of the Soviet population. Time has come to Card 2/2 FD-2182 change the methods and approach in preventive medical practice: it must be carried out on a wide front with active participation of trade union organizations, red cross and red crescent societies, and Soviet intelli- gentsia. Institution :. - Submitted - KOVRIGIM., M. D. ."Current Public Health-Usks in -Providing'the People Service." a report presented at the 13th All-Union Congress Microbiologists., and Infectionists, Leningrad~ 1956 (June). i Imunobiol., pp. 3-5., 1956 with Sanitary Epidemiological of Hygienists, Epidemiologists., Zhur, Mikrobiol., Epidemiol. Sun. 1003, 20 Jul 56 KOVRIGIRA, M.D. ~. - Public health on the eve of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. SOV. 2drav. 15 no.1:3-8 Ja-Y 156. (MIRA 9:6) 1. Ministr zdrevookhraneniya SSSR (PUBLIC HHALTH' - in Russia) KOVRIGINA, H.D& . , , :,~ Yor iurGi-r improvemento in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular dineases. 34 no.12:3-6 D '56. (HIRA 10:2) 1. Kinistr zdravookhrananiye SSSR. (CARDIOVASCUIAR DISIASES, prev. and control in RuBaia) .4-1 1~ Ili, "i , . 1.1 _~'\ "I r, ~ , 1- - 1 .1 ' ; f'- ." . , I ) I . . _" 1, KOVRIGINA, M.D., glavnyy red. -IF-orty years of the Soviet public health service] Sorok lot Sovetskogo zdravookhraneniia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1957. 661 p jMIRA 11:1) (PUBLIC HEALTH--HISTORY) Tqgether with the whole nation. Zdorovle 3 no.1:1-2 Ja 157. (MIRA 10:2) 1. Ministr sdravookhraneniya SSSR. (PUBLIC HSAICH) leech at 'he cleventh session of the g- nera! meer~rl,,, of tria of vltiiical Sciences of tne SSSR V 1. 'liaii-y- 7.d.-avockhranerdya Scyliza SSR. -4vil,lplell?d, /,2/"0, KOVRIGINA. M.D. ..wWwwwo"Mm"M Achievements Of Soviet public health during 40 years of the 6ovet regime. Vest. AMN SBSR 12 no.6:3-15 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1, Ministraizavookhranoniya Soyuza SSR. (PUBLIC HKAWH in Russia) 16 1/ rl I / '.It/ :~, .11 /)--/ XOVRIG , M.D. - )~- --,r,"_,- - . i!, - Memorable date. Sovadrav. 16 no.10:3-9 0 157. (MIU 10:12) 1. Hinistr zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (PUBLIC HKAIMH in Russia) GUM&ROVA, F.G.; GOSTIVA, A.G.; TULEGBITOV, Z.K.; M&MSHRVA, S.U.; POLOSMIN, A.P.; 14UW3EKOV, A.M.; BUTILOV, Yu.S.; ITIGH&TULIN, N.A.; UJOUtROV, F-G.; LTJZIIUt, Z.T.; IUWZSOV, T.I.; STASYMLkS, I.P.; I-WICKOV, 0.1.; &LR-S-AIBA*f,?!VA, K.; YATS"YLTBA, V.T.; IMIOVSKIY, A.S.; AEHMEDOV, K.Yu.; SOXHUBIMIN, S.Kh.; KISLITSI11h, II.P.; POLIKARPOV, S.V.; ZAIROIF' K.S.; APSATAIZOV, A.A.; NOVOSELIN-EV, V.11.; PETROV, N.N.; KHOMMOV, M.V.; G&WSTYJQI, A.S.; ARTYKOV, A.Ye. -, DZILUTDIL'DIN, IT.D.; KOVRIGINk, M.D. - Discussion on the report of S.R.Karynbaev, Minister of Public Health of the Kazaldi S.S.R., on the status and improvement of medical care. Zdrav.Kazakh. 17 no.4/5 '57. '(IIIRA 12:6) 1. Zav. Alna-Atinskim oblastnvn zdravotdelom (for Gumarova). 2. Vrach bol'nitsy g.Leninogornka VoBtochno-Kazakhstanskogo oblzdravotdela (for Gosteva). 3. Zav. Karagandinskim oblastnym otdelom zdravookhraneniya (for Tulegenov). 4. Zav.Kzvl-Ordin- skim oblastnvn otdelom zdravookhraneniya (for Hakasheva). 5. Vitae-prozident All KazS,'a (for Polosuk-him). 6. Zav.Ak-tvubinskin oblastaym otdelom zdravookhraneniya (for Musabelcov) 7. Ministr Kirgizii (for Danilov). (Continued on next card) GUMAROVA, F.G.-(continued) Card 2. 8. Zav.Vostochno-Kazakhatani3kin oblantnym otdelon zdravooldira- neniva, (for Higmatulin). 9. Chlen kollegii Ministerstva -Zdravookhraneniya SSSR (for Zakharov). 10. Zav.Kustanayskim oblastrkyn otdelom zdravookhranenivit (for Luzina). 11. Ministr zdravookhranoniva Turkmenskoy SS11 (for Ilepesov). 12. Zav.selL. skim vrachobn.7m uchastkom Priirtyshokogo rayons, PavlDdarskoy oblasti, (for Stasn=s)- 13. Glavnyv vrach Kapallskoy rayonnoy bol'nitsy Taldy.-Knrganskoy oblasti. (for Isabekov). 14. Zav. zhenotdelom Yuzhno-Kazalchstanskopo obkona -Dartii (for Sarsenbayeva). 15. Zav. Dzhambulskim oblastnym otdelorl zdravooldiranoniya (for Katavuba). 16. Glavnvv vrach Alma- Atinskor-o oblixotnogo tuborlaileznogo dispaneara (for Lanov- skiy). 17. Hinistr zdravookhraneniva Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Aldmedov). 18. Ilachallnik Kazaptekoupravleniva (for Subkhanberdin). (Continned on next card) GUMAROVA, P.G.---(continued) Card 3- 19. Zav. Senipalatinaltim oblastny: otdelom zdravookhraneniya (for Kielitsina). 20. Predsedatell respublikanakogo komiteta so.,niza mod--abotnikov (for Polikn-rl)ov). 21. Zam. ministra zdravooldiraneniya Uzbekskoy SSR (for Zairov). 22. Zav.Alma- Atinskim gorodakim otdelom zdravookhraneniya (for Apsatarov). 23. Zav. Severo-Yazakhatanakim oblastnym otdelOTI zdravookhra- neniya (for Novoaeltteev). 24. Zav.rayzdravotdolom Shortandin- ahogo rayona Akmolinskoy oblasti (for Petrov). 25. Zav. ministra zdravoold-iraneni,va Soy~iza SSR (for Khomitov). 26. Zav.ministra %dravoold=aneniya ArmSMI (for GaluBtyan). 27. Predendatel' Nomitota fizichoalcoy laillhiry i aporta pri Soveto Ministrov KazSS11 (for Artykov). 28. Sekretarl TSentrallnogo Eoniteta Kommmisticheakov, partii Kazakhatana (for Dzhandilldin). 29. Hintatr zdravoo)diranentyn Sovetakogo Soynza (for Kovrigina). )0. Pervyy zameatitel' predsedatelva Soveta Ministrov KazSSR (for Beysebayev). 31. UchaBtkovyy vrach Kustanavskoy oblast! (for Bublik). 32. Zam.predeedatelva Obshchestva Krasnogo Kresta Ka7alchstana (for Chernysh) (KAZAKHSTAIT--FOLIC IMIRH) KOVRIGINk, M. ~'. , Order of the Minister of Public Health of the U.S.S.R. regarding measures for improving stomatological services. Stomatologiia 36 no.5:75-78 S-0 157. (MIRA 11:1) (MOUTH-DISEASRS) KO VRI GI ITA, M. Public healtb In the next seven years. Okhr.truda I note.strakb. no.IP:14-18 0 158. (MIRA 1211) 1. 14inistr zdravookhrananiya SSSR. (FOLIC HFALTH) KOVRIGINA, H.D. Current statun and future development of Soviet public health. Sov.zdrav. 17 no.5:3-11 Ry 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Ministr zdravookhrnneniya SSSR. (PUBLIC RMTH, in Russin (Rus)) XMIGINI, M. Deoree No*443 of the Minstry of ftblic Health of the 'U.S.S&R., dated 20 September 1958; Oupplementa,27 measures for reducing the Incidence of acute intestinal diseases in infants# Pediat- riia 37 no-1:86-95 Ja 159. (MMA 12-1) (IWMSTrKBS,-,DISEAS3S)