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YOVAR, J. SKLENTAR, 1. Welding metal valves. P. 393 (I'laboproudy O't-,zor. Pruh-n. Vol . I no. ;-uf,:. SO: Ilonthly List of East Europe-an Accessionz-, (MIL), Ik;, Vol. ?T June 1955, Uncl. 1~ .0. 03 Kovar, J. "Correlation. P. 656 (Cbemie, Vol. 9, no. 5, Nov. 1950 Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EKAI) I.C,Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1958 KO-VA-R, J Nomenclatu e andsymobols in sterochemistry. P. 104. (Cherme, Vol. 9, no. 1. Apr. 1957, Praha, Chexechoslovakia) Monthly Index of eact Furopean Accessions (EFAI) L.C. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 CZE%fIH03LOVAKIA / Organic Chemistry. Natural Substa- - G and Their Synethetic Analogues. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - Khimiya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50499 Author Lukes, R; Blaha, K.; Kovar, J. Inst Title Structure of Nitrogen-contail-ning Substances. III. Structure of Sedamine. OrIS Pub : Chem. Listy, 1957, 51, #5, 927-936 (Czech); Collect ozechool. chem. commun., 1958, 23, #2, 306-316 (Ger). Abstract : Stereoisomers of 2-(p-pheny1-p-oVet.V1)- piperldidine-nor-sedamine (I) and nor-01o- sedamine (II) form stereoisomeric 3,4-tetra- mothylone-6-phonyl-tetrahydro-1,3-oxazine (III) and allo-3,4-tetramethylone-6-phenyl-totrahydro- Card 1/ 7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Organic Chemistry. Natural Substances G and Their Synethetle Analogues. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - Khimiya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50499 1,3-oxazine (IV), upon reaction with HCOH. In a similar manner I and n-NO 0 H 9 CHO (V) gave -L/80% 2-n-iiitrophenyl-3,4-?~trgm'~thylone-6- phenyltetrahydro-1,3-Oxazine (VI). At the same conditions II and V gave only - 20%o of stereo- isomeric allo-2-n-nitrophonyl-,3-4-tetramothylene- 6-phenyltetrahydro-1,3-oxazine (VII). Mixture of I and 11 (1:1) with a mole of V yielded only V1. Compound VII may be hydrolized 60 times fnster than VI. only I led to the correspond- inS tetrahydrooxazine derivative, with piperonal (VIII), while II didn't react. with VIII at all. Compounds derived from I were therefore most stable. Based on structure analysis, I had an erithro, and II three structure. Thorefol-c, Card 21T OZEChOSIDVAKIA / organic Chemistry. Natural Substan, and Their Synethetic Analogues. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - Xhimiya, No, 15, 1958, No. 50499 upon methylation of I with CH20 and HCOOH sedamino (IX) (crithro) was formed while methylation of II yielded allo-sedamino (X) which is throo-l- mothyl-2-(B-phenyl-B-oxyotliyl)-piperidino. Re- actions of tel-ahydro dorivativet3 deacribcd above permit determination of the geno.ral struc- ture of corresponding B-aminoalcohols. Upon reduction of 2-phenacylpiperldine (XI) with LiAlH4 I and II (ratio 1:4) were formed. Upon reduction of XI-hydrochloride with Pt (from Pt02 In CH30H) (200) were obtained: 1 (30,:,:.-4 yield), 11 (25% yield). Methylation of 1 + 11 mixture with 37% HCOH and 95% HCOOH (12 hours 1100) led to the formation of a 75% mixture of Card 3/7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Organic Chomlatryb_ Natural Substancon G and Thoir Synothetic Analoguos. Abs jour Refa -If1hur. - Kh1miya, No, 15, 1958, No. j0499 IX and X. Reduction of XI (after Methylation of I and I! with a general yield of 4214) with UAlH4 yielded a mixture of IX and X (1:5.5) I m.p. 98-990 (from benzene etr. ether); M hydrochloride m.p. 158-159. Mom acetone CH-OH) M.P.of: 11-112-1130 (fr. benzene-betr.- etLr), !I chloride 153-1540 (fr. acetone). From 1, 37% aq. HGOH and 95% HOOOH (12 hours 1100) IX could be prepared, 75% yield, m.p. 69- 900 (from pet.-ether). By analogy II yielded X, 82% yield, m.p. 67-680. 0.3 g II in 4 ml e;laclal CH3COOH, 85 09 CrO In 3 W! CH COOH and 0.5 ml H20 (50-600, -;0 min) gave iL 34% yield. Melting points of XI and derivatives Gdrd 4/7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Organic Chemistry. Natural Substane. G and Their Syn(:,thetic Analogues. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - Xhimiya, No. 15, 1950'.., No. 50499 were; XI, B.F. 1650/8mm; p1crate, 161-1620, bromide 182-182.50 (from acetone-Ch-~OH). From 0.5 g I and 0.375 g V in C6H6 (3 hoqro of azeotropio digtillation of water) VI was pre- 9 pared (85% yield). M.P. of VI and derivatives; VI 118-1190 (fr. other-pat. othor), VI-picrato 208-2090, VI-chlorohydrate 212-213 (from acetone- CH30H)- From a mixture of 250 mg I and 250 mg II with 190 mg V were obtained 250 mg VI and 180 mg of regonerated 11. 200 mg VI In -0.5 n H01 (48 hours, 200) yielded 165 mg VI. At 100~J VI waa hydrolyzed to I and V in 1 hour. As do- cribed earlier II and V (upon chromatography) gave VII, 12.1% yield, m.p. of derivatives: VII - Card 5/ 7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / organic CheaLstry. Natural Substances G and Their Synethetic Analogues. Abe Jour Ref. Zhur. - Kh1miya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50499 125-1260 (fr. benzene pet. ether); picrato - 177.5-178-50. Boiling II and V in chlorobenzone lor 6 hours, lod to the formation of 42.5% VIIj which can be hydrolyzed In 3 hours t0 II and V (90%) by 0&5 n H01, at -"-~00 . From 0.25 9 1 and 0.15 9 VIII, In boiling chlorobenzenc, 2- (3,4-methylene-dioxyphenyl)-3,4-tetrameth~,lene- 6-phenyltetrahydro-1,3-Oxazine, 0.205 g yield, m-p- 117-1180 (fr. pet. ether); pIcratc m.p. 2090 (fr. acetone - CH3bH) was preperc(l. In bunzene this reaction could not be achieved. Il didn't react with VIII, even in chlorc-berize-e. upon reaction of I with an aq. solutft,~ii .2 HICOH in presence of K 00 (10 hours, 1;1 was formed, 90% yie1g, ;-?- 1750/12 mm or 165 /8mTa, C~rd 6/7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Organic Chemistry. Natural SubBtanv.--_ G and Their Synethetic Analogues. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - KhImiya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50499 m-P. 39-400, chlorohydrate's m.p. 184-1860 (fr. acetone), picrate'G m.p. 1400, ohlorohydrate's m.p. 184-1860 (fr. acetone), plorate's m.p. 3.400 (from alc'j. III could not be hydrolyzed appre- ciably upon 1-iling with an aqueous-alcoholic sol. of H101- -Upon reduction of III by LiAlH4 in other (1.5 hour boiling) IX vas formed, 87% yield. A similar reaction of 0 50~ II anO CH20 yielded 46 mg of IV, b.p. 160-1~5 8 mm, picrates m-P. 1550 (from water). Upon slov; distillation of 130 LIS IV with 10 ml alcohol and 1 ml 1n HOL, 95 mg II were prepared. CH20 was also formed. Upon reduction of IV by LiA1114 In ether X was ob- tained with a 66%j yield. Article II, see R. Z. KhIm, 1957, 51108. T. Card 7/7 X- CZECHOSLOVAKIA Organic Chemistry. General and G Theoretical Topics of Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyas No 18, 1958, 60814- Author Rudolf Lukeso.Jan Kovarp Jan Kloubekp Karel Blaha. Inst Title t Configuration of Nitrogen Containing Substances* IV9 Absolute Configuration of Optically Active P -Amino- P-4henylpropionic Acid** Orig Pub: ChemA listyp 1957, 51j No 8$ 1501-1509. Abstract: The absolute configuration of optically active substituted p-amino- 0-phenylproplonic acids was established by the correlation with :~ -aminophenyl- acetic acids, the configuration of which is known. Card 1/11 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Organic Chemistry. General and G Theoretical Topics of Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya., No 18, 19581 60814- Abstract: The lengthening of the racemate chain or of the optiually active 0(-aminophenylacetic acid according to Arndt-D-istert reaction did not succeed, because chlorides of corresponding N-formyl- or N-tosylsubstituted acids did not produce diazoketones. 3;2 g of 0(-phthalimi- dophenylacetic acid (I) hlorides melting oint 143 to 1440 (from benzene) is obtained of ~ g of I and 10 ml of S0012 (1 hour boiling), that acid chloridep interacting with ether solution of C112Njo produces c