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KOVANIKO, G.H. ion of needs and abilities in the creative activity of production innovators. Uch.zap.LGU no.265:145-153 159- (MIRA 12:6) (lestov, Petr Gerastmovich, 1910- ) (Ershov, Viktor Grigorlevich, 1916- ) (Psychology. Industrial) KOVANIKO. G,N., Fiftieth annivereaz7 of the discovery of X-ray diffraction In crystals; correspondence between G.V.Vullf and U.L.Brdgg, Za 91 no.6426.730 162. (MIRA 1676 (X-ray crystallography) YIMIMIKO, I'T. D. 2. TJS,-,;P, (6W) 4. Krasnckamsk Re.gion - Hallo-vens 7. Hydrogeological characteri sties and the su,:),)ly of ic-dine-brc-,i,ne waters of the Paleonc-i C 4- asnokwisk region ('11010tov 7'rovince) as raw i.-mtcrials for the chemic&l industry. ZIhstracit. Izv. Olav. uor. ceol. fon. no.3 1047 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March -1953, Uncl. _ 21, 1 ,, / f ~, f-,) /I i/If 4/ /C ;- , - v MAN I ED, N. D. MRIMMOSIM20--a Lower T6rmian deposits In the eastern part of the Ibissian Platform. Ti-ady M no.19:54-112 157. (VIRA lltl) (Russian Platform-GeologyO Stratigraphio) KOVANIKO. N.D Geology and gaB potential of the southeastern part of the Russian Platform. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.16/24:3-55 62. (MIRA 1518) (Kuybyshev Province--Gas, Natural--Geology) (Orenburg Province--Gas, Natural-Geology) IVANCHENIKO, A.I.I.; KOVAN"K0, I%M,.; -- ---- ~ - -11 Unit Ifor measuring the ttiz.],on ~Ilm,.: c-l' -,'i z.* =-,;. . ~ . 1 4- - - ~-, - -1 In. tekh. no.4:51-52 Ap P P NIKO, S.K., ONELICHENKO S.I.; VIDENINA N.G.; BELAYA, E.S.; LINOKp S.V.;-KQXA I I NEPONNYASHCHAYA, I.R. Obtaining epoxy resins with the method of direct epoxidation of unsaturated polyAers and their use as"film-forming agents. Lakakrae.mat.i ikh prim. no.6-.15-19 162.. (MIRA 16:1) (Epoxy resins) yf'.A. p "IfIN t F r il),A.; ~~,: 0 Yu.K., Jn,!.h. 'If,w w, I noden ningle-polv 35 kv. Fg.~,c7, jj~-jo . lick. -(+,;it. .15 no.l.:88-89 ru 164, (Vlf~A 17.6) 1 KOVANIKOVSKIY, P L NOVANt',KOVSKIY., PL FINANSY SSSR POSLE VTOROY MTPOVOY VOYNY ( FINANCES OF MF USSR AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR ) MY-NKHFN, 1954. 76 P. (INSTITUT PO IZUCHVNIYU TSTORII I RUMMY SM. SERIYA 2, NO. 16) RESUMES TN ENGLISH, FRENCH AIM GERIM. N15 771 X KOVANIKOVSKIY, P. L. N15 771.1 . M BYUDZHET SSSR (ISTORIKO-KRITICHESKIY OBZOR) (THE BUDGET OF ME USSS (A BRIEF HISTORICAL CRITICISIQ) MYUNKHEN, 1956. 151 P. PORT., TABLES (INSTITUT PO IZUCl-fd-dYU ISTORII I KULITURY SSSR. ISSLEDOVANIYA I MATEUALY, SER. i-YA, IIYP. 33) SIJI-~% IS IN ENGLISH, GERT!AN 11M FiUt-.'Cff. BIBLIOGRAPHIC."ll, FuCTNOTES. UVAROVA, V.M.; SUKHODREV, N.K.; PANKOVA, A.A.; SHPOLISKIY, M.R.; KOVANOVA, A.N. Now photographic materials of the Motion Picture and Photography Scientific Research Institute for spectrum analysis in the region of short-wave ultraviolet radiation. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.7:967-968 J1 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Photographic emulsions) (Spectrum analysis) KOT*Nov. K.V. i t Irtphatic system &* a regular of blood pressure. Tr. Vsesoius. obeh. fiziol, no. 1:52-54 1952.- (CLUL 24:11) 1. DeliTered 15 May 1950, Ufa. KOVANOVD K.V. Center of the lymphatic vessels. Trucly Vees.ob-va fiziol.biokhim. i farm. 2:77-80 254. (KLRA 8.17) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fisiologii Bashkirskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta. (BLOOD PRMSSURM. pbysiology. eff. of lymphatic vessel center stimulation) (LYMPHATIG VESS=, physiology. eff. of stimulation on blood pressure) n is a x 11 N a M a Is P 30 Is a a a a 41 a N 0 V y__ The mobw tmal~dm of -dw iiftwiii- fta durim mar- tin, Otb".) V. V. Kovanqv. (Sousa, awn Iled to =t;:lNSnnal 00 a a the tustul of the. filintinal Ilavt, Avertin uarcosis. incrtales the tomus; the PCristsiltic Wave iskirgubt.wfbytbmkwWdccremWias=piitude. Av. /beigbi of the coatracum; in bezroal and ether narcosis resuaim unchanged &fter natcowis. Ether narcosis pro- - i d d d i i th i b uce a becoo rm t me n e ssum m ncrtwest etonus. The amplitude topthernarcogadpVs to I/rl/, Its orilinal value ; during other periods It is s4ightly in- "= crew Rod awrlin decruse tht Amplittuic 00 after administrmition. and during the skep stage It becoom tero. Come given does not - ,y 0 affect the actiom of bexcust) on the ml; az Narrotic :0 4om cd bntjW and of amfin do not affect the bkwd 00 am 11AU'llmoul in)"tion. itthcr hm DO 00 on bWW prtmte. C. S. %*Dim J. -8. AA I I V fW 0 -1 - I It Of 5 A 4 2 8 7 U r':"O slit 019 "net It ?twn I JlA 0 0 Or Its w Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . a 0 6i o a o o 0 0 * o 6 0 o 0 00 00000-0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .40 -00 all 0 to 0 Ce 0 see iwo too to 0 wo 0 KOVANOV, V.V. Prof. Burdeako's Dept of Surgery, Universit.,, of Moscow mea -~'-he Per~~itY of the hemato-encephalle barrier to penicillin under normal and pathological conditions. Khirurgiya 1947, 1 (12-18) Baraenko has developed a method for intra arterial injection into the carotid arteries of sulfonamides, for the treatment of intra cerebral infections following injuries to the head. Experiments by Paramonov demonstrated tnat the introduction of a ten percent oolution of sulphidine (0.~s Gm per kg body-welght) into the carotid artery results in a concentration of 28 mgm per cent of the sulphidine in the blood of the brain vessels and a concentration of 20 mGn, per cent in the cerebrospinal fluid. When the drug is given intravenously, the concentration in the blood in onlAY 5 mgm per cent ana In the CSY 2 mgn percent. Burdenko gave penicillin t) this route to patients duffering from meningitis, meningo-encepralitis, cerebral abscesses, etc. following cerebral injuries. The penicillin was given in doses of 10,00(YU into the carotid artery each day, 4000U being given intramancularly at the same time. Korniansky, in 16 patients treated in this way, had only two deaths. The others recovered completely and permanently. Yegorov in Moscow was able, by the introduction of tre intracarotid method, to lower the percentrge of deaths from infected carnial injuries from 37.5119 to 12.4% In order to ascertain the done of penicillin that was optimal for tnis pur~poss, ex- periments were carried out on dogs. Ei-:hts dogs were fiven doses of penicillin varying from1O,OOO to 100,000. It was found that with intra-arterial doses ranging from 10,000 to 3b,OOOU the penicillin concentration in the CSF was only Oa to 0.4 U, while at the same time tiie concentration in the venous 'blood was 6 to 12 U. With doses of 60,000 to %00400 U the CS? concentrations of penicillin rose to 1.6 - 3 U Thus, the hemoencephalic er - ar er of these normal dogs was impassable for much of the -oenicillin. The blood OVER YOVArov, v. V. L ~ - .1 36789 C. rc,-,t tonograficheskoy anatomll v svelte zu-Jach - - I ~'j I -, Tc. 11 , ~'. 7-' ~~ pared sovetcldm zad-avookhran--miymi. fOi I rur -- ya. i ,, , N - I S": " tofis' Zhu-mi" Inykh "futcy, 11--). L" - - 4, , 4., KOVANOV, V.V.; LTIBOTSXIT, D.N. N.I.Pirogov, great Rassian clinicist and experimentator. Klin. mad., Moskva 28 no.12:5-14 Doc 50- (CLML 20:5) 1. Of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographical Ana- tozW (Head--Pr'of.V.V.Kovanov). First Moscow order of Lenin Medi- cal Institute, Moscow. KCIVANOV, V. V. "Sciont:Lfia Recoaroh Work by Students In I*dical Institutes" Klinicheska,va fjBd1taina,, Vol 219, No 6, 1951 OTS 35p p69 CTS 38,, p73 KoVIINOV, VA1- SKLIVOSOVSIIY. Hilrolvq Vacillyevich. 1836-1904; KOVANOV, V.V., professor. [Selected workal Isbrannye trudy. Vvodnala atatlia i primechuniia VJ. Kovanovk. Monkya, Madgiz, 1953. 430 P. (MIJU 6:8 ) (Surgery) Ik/ Y, ~4 All 10 V, PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanoviah, 1810-1881; KOVANOV, V.V.; LUBOTSKIY, D.N. [Selected tables on topographical anatosq] lzbrannye tablitsy po topografichookol anatomii. Sostavitell: V.V.Kovanov, D.N.Iubotskii. Moskva. Neduchpooobie,'1953 MRA 7:11) (Anatonv, Human-Atlases) Kc, V R iv 0 V, V POKROVSKIY, G.A.; KOVANOT, Y.Y., professor, zaveduyushchiy. vftmohia~~ 150th anniversary of the birth of F.I.Inozemtsev, professor at Moscow University. 34 no.4:87-92 Ap '53. (MI-RA 6:7) 1. Kafedra topograficheakoy anatomli i operativnoy khirargii I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinakogo inatituta. (Inozomtsev, Yedor Iyanovich, 1802- ) KOVANOV, V.V.,professor From Hoecow to London. Zdorovle 2 no.3:20-22 Mr 156 (MLRA 9:6) (GRFAT 13RITAIII-DRSORIPTION AND TRAVILY ) KOVANOV, V.V., professor; BOGOMOLOTA, L.G., doktor meditsinskikh nauk Certain impressions from our trip to Bngland. Vest.khir- 77 n0-5; 116-123 MY #56. (HLRA 9:8) (SURGERY, in Gt.Brit. (Rus)) MIMIN, M.4., luiuaidat meditsinskikh..aeuk, aasiqte~t; -XOVAZIU-. V.v- -nrofessor, radaktor*-,'.~i~kOVA. A'.7I.jiek6icheakiy redaktor Inew [The I.M.Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute: short manual] Pervyi ordens lenias meditsineldy institut imoul spravochnik. Pod red. Y.V.Kovanova. Mask-va, Gos.lz4-vo med.lit-r7, 1957. ("r 11 , I n: 10 1. Soccov, e-Urvyj instil.,"t. 2. Xafe'--~ra ista.-*U meditsiqy,TKosko'vskoi~o ni-eana LenIna neditsinakago insti- tut!i IneiU I.M.Sichenova Uor Kuzlmin) (MWCOW-JODICAL COLISM) 40VANOV, Vladimir Vaall'yovich;_ANIKINA, Tamara Ivanovna [History of the Department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy at Moscow University ana the I.M.Sechenov Medical Institute at Moscow, 1755-19551 Istoriis kafedry operativnoi khirurgii i topografichookoi nantomii.1 Moskovskago ordena Lenin@ maditainskogo instituta Imeni I.M.Sechenova, 1755-1955. Moskva. Medgiz, 1957. 330 P. (MIRA 12:2) (MOSCOW--SURGERY--STUDY AND TXACHING) KOVANOV, V.V. %,~ -, A great aurgeon and experimenter. Asp. Air, 2 no.1:3-7 Ja-7 '57 (MLRA 10:4) (PIROGOV, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH, 1810-1881) SkUl-PTA Sac.0 Vol.11/r, Surgei7 11-1-1.y 1c"5 7 ROVA NOV V-L 2728. KOYVAA~Nj~OV~Sch. of Operational Surg. and Topograph. Anat., First 'M-oscow Order of Lenin Med, Inst. *Mechanical and hand suture of blood ve s s cl a BRIT. MED.J. 1956, 4974 ( 1003-1005) Technical achievements and methods of blood vessel anastomosiu are reviewed. In addition, a new method of end-to-end blood vessel anastomosis is presented. This comprises the use of a mechanical apparatus by which the anastomosis is accomplished by means of fine tantalum clips. Removable bushes from 1.3 to 15 mm., to suit various sizes of vessels, are utilized. The advantages are rapidity, better inosculation of the vessel ends and placement of the suture material outside the lumen. The method has proved satisfactory in extensive animal experiments. It has been used in 23 operations for aneurysm with 18 good and 5 satisfactory --? ? 2 e 46. C 0 /V W, results. Apparatus also exists for end-to-side and lateral anastomosis. A flew method of manually suturing blbod vessels is also described. It is a modification of the circular invaginating suture. Yeager - Baltimore, Md. USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and Patho- S-5 logical). Blood-Vascular System, Vessels. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, 79138. Author : Lo#anov, _V. *-r- Inst : Not given. Title : Collateral Blood Circulation in Systems of the Large Arteries. Orig Pub: Khirutgiyat 19571 No 10, 63-71. Abstract: By methods oflartetiorahtgenography and stereo- roentgenography With subsequent micro-dissec- tion, the collaterals in the systems of epig- astric popliteal, carotid and subclavian art- eries were studied in human corpses, by expos- ing the connections between the systems of the separate vessels and the interior of these sys- tems. The degree of the participation of the Card 1/3 USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and Patho- S-5 logical). Blood-Vascular System. Vessels. Abs JTour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, 79138. Abstract: main trunks and their larger branches in the com- pensatory processes was studied by means of a divided ligature of the vessels at different levels, with subsequent introduction of masses injected above the place where the ligature had been put. In all of the arterial systems stud- ied there were well-developed collaterals, anat- omically sufficient for compensation of the im- pairment of blood circulation. The greatest number of collaterals appeared in the muscles, in the subcutaneous cellular tissue and in the mass of the organs; anastomoses located around the vessel and nerves, inside the skin and in the dense connective tissue are of lesser conse- quence. Comparison of the anatomical data with Card 2/3 41 KWANOV, International CongreaseB of Angtologlets in the U.S.A. Ikeper;khir 3 no.4:54-58 J1-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:9) ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.-CARDIOLOGY-CONGRSSSES) ITM STATES-)MDICM) K KOVANOV, V.V., prof. fascia and cellular spnces of the extremities And their significance. Ehirurgia 34 no-5:94-101 My 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz knfedry operAtivnoy khirurgii i topogrnficheakoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.V. lovanov) I Moskovukogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo institute, imeni I.M. Sechenova. (IMIMMITIES. fascia & cellular spaces of extremities, physiol, importance Ous)) KOVATIOV, V.V. "la chirugle plastique experimentale aes vaiessaux." report presented at the l8th Congress of the Intl Society of Surgery, Munich, 13-20 SeD '5S NOVANOV, V.V., prof. reople who save bearts. Zdorovle 6 no.617-8 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Oblen-korrespoudent AMNSSSR. (MUM-SURGIRY) KOVANOV, V.V., prof. ()bEdm) Urgent tasks in medioal eduoation. Klinemed. 38 no.lgf2lre-3~ Ag 160. (MIRA 13311) lo Iz Moskovskogo ordena, lanina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Me -%ohenova (dir. - ableti-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. VT., Kovanov). (MZDICIN&-ZTUDT AND TEACHING) KOVANOVg V.V.; ANIKINA, T.I. Some features of the otruoturo,af the fasciae and cellular spaces in vAn. A--kho anat, gist. embr. 30 no. lOtl4-23 0 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1, Kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii (zav. chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof, V.V. Kovanov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinokogo institute. imeni I.M. Sechenova. Adres avtora: Moskvap u1. Chkaloval 14/16,, kv. 158. (FASCIAE (ANATOMY)) (CONNECTIVE TISSUES) KOVANOVj _Ylll~~ir VaoiLlPlievilohni ANIXINA, Tamara Ivanovna; MIASHt BU JDtJU Yu.M., red.; BULI tV p V.A.; tekbn. red. (&L-gical anatoqr of the fasciae and fascial spaces in man] Khirargicheakaia anatomiia fastsii i kletchatochrykh pro- stranstv choloveka. 1,18~kvs, Medgiz, 19619~209 Pe (MIRA 15:3) (FASCIAE (ANATOVY)) (ANAT%lY, SURGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL) KOVANOV, V.V.--(Moskva) N.V.Sklifosovskii'as soientist and pedagogue. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 no.9:28-32 S 161. (MIRA 149) (SKLIFOSOVSKII, NIKOIAI VASILIEVICH, 1836-1904) KOVANIOV, V.V.; KOVSTINTINOV, B.A. Pxperimental studies on bypothemia.. cavo-pulmonary anastomosis and extraporporeal circulation in open heart syrgery. Eksp.khir. i anest. 6 no.102-18 161. (MIRA 14:10) (HEART-SURGERY) (HYPOTHEEMIA) KOVANOVI V.V. Anesthesia in opeKations on the large vessels of the thoracic cavity, Mcsp.khirA anest. 6 mc-3t43-46 161. (MM 14:10) (CHMT--SURGMY) (XWTHMIA) TDIAKOV, V.D.; LETAVET, A.A.; KOVANOV, V.V. . All in the n=e of mankindp for the good of mankindJ Zdorovle 7 no.9t2-4 S 161. (ZURA 140) 1. Vitso-prozident Akademii meditsinskikh n4ulc SSSR (for Timakov), 2. Deysivitellnyy chlen Akademii moditsinakikh naWc SSSR (for Letavet). 3. Clilen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Komanov). (IEDICINE) KOVANOV, V.V., prof. Soviet medical personnel in Indonesia. Zdorovle 7 no.11:25 N 161. 04IF1 14111) 1. Chlen-korrespondent MO SSSR- (INDONMIA-PUBLIC HEALTH) ,,,-KOVANOV -Prof. (Moskva) Education and training of medical personnel. Sov. zd-.av. 20 no.20: 18-22 161. (MEDICINE__STUDY AND TEACIUNG) (MIRA 14;9) KOVANOVY V.V., prof. (Moskva) Our friend Indonesia. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.11:50-55 161. (MRA 14:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR. (INDONESIA-PUBLIC HEALTH) .. I KOVANOV., V.V. Fmdred and twenty-fifth annivereary of the birth of F.Ve -, Sk.lifosovskii (1836-1963.). Mdrurgiia 37 no.5:139-142 My 161.- - (MM 14:5) (smumvsm, Numu VASILIEVICH., 1836-1904.) KOVANOV VV-., prof.; ZUBOVSKIY, G.A., red.; KOKIN, I-I.M., tekhn. red. [Nurse's handbook on patient care]Spravochnik meditsinskoi se- stry po ukhodu. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 419 p. (~MU 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil, meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kovanov). (NURSES AND IRWHIG) ANIKINA, T.I., dots.; BOGUSLAVSKAYA, T.B., ass.; BOMASH, Yu.M., dots.; GEYW, D.V., ass.; GRENADEROV, Yu.V., ass.; DDBROVA, P.B., ass.; KLEPIKOV, V.A., ass.; ZUBRILOVA, A.V., ass.; KULIK, V.P., mlad. nauchn. sotr.; NIKOLAYEV, F.D., dota. [deceased]; SYCHENIKOV, I.A., dots.; TRAVIV, LA., ispoln. obyazannosti prof.; RYBALKIN, P.Ye., ass.; KOVANOV,,_y#V*,, prof.,red.; PROKOFIYEV, V.P., red.; "M Ir , ia.l... tekhn. red. [.',')pecial methodology for practical work in topographic anatomy and operative surgery) Chastnaia netodika praktiche_ skikh zaniatii po, topograficheskoi anatomii i operativnoi khirurgii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Pod red. V.V.Kovanova. Moskva, 1963. 224 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Moscow. Pervyy meditsinskiy institut. 2. Kollektiv pre- podavateley kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii 1-go Moskovskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (for all except Prokoflyev, Zagorellskiy). 3. Zaveduyushchi:7 ka- fedroy operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii 1-go Moskovskogo institute. imeni I.M.Sechenova , chlena-korrespon- dent AMN SSSR (for Kovanov). (ANATOMY, SURGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) V.~'.,_prof., red.; ZUBOVSKIY, G.A., red.; BUKOVSKAYA, -* - N.,A., tekbn. red. Nurse's T-mal on nursing] 4ravocbnik meditsinskoi sestry po ukhodu. Izd.2. Moskva, Izd-vo "Meditsina," 1964. 420 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Cblen-korrespondent MIN SSSR (for Kovanov) \1/ -T-.. KOVANOV, V.V. ,,, Introducing the results of studies on cardiovascular surgery into practice. Trudy 1-go MI 1625-11162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy operativnoy khirurgii i topogra- ficheskoy anatomii Pervogo Moskovskogo ordena Lenina. medi- tsirskogo instituta, imeni Seohenova. (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSM4--SURGERY) KOVANdV,, V.V.; KBILIKI14, A.M. Plastic surgery in experimental aortic insufficiency. Eksper. khir. J. anest. 8 no,304-40 My-ja 163 (MIRA 17t1) l.-Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topografichaskoy anatomii I Moskovskogo ordena lanina nieditsinskogo instituta. ,KCLXARQX,-UQAim~R. VOsil'YOvicht f.jBOW#,'Yu1Iy Makeikoiich,dotB.; -6-- 'i. I .- BOGUSLOVSKAYA,T'. ""k"a'!nfd.medamuk;:GEYMAN,; ZUE~IL(*A,,A.V.,kar,d.ned.niiubI IMNOV,S.V.,)zandwdmaukj IIXOLAYEV.,F.D;,,.,aoto.[dooeased]; VAVILOV,G.S., [Practical manual on topographical anatomy] Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po topograficheakoi anatomii; d1in studentov i vrachei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Meditsina," 1964. 388 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Prepodavateli kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topografi- cheskoy anatomii Pervogo Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. imeni I.M.Sechenova (for Boguslavskaya, Geyman, Zubrilova, Leonov)- 2. DeystvitelInyy chlen MIN SSSR (for Kovanov). KOVATIOVI V.V., prof., red.; REZNIKOV, S.M., red. [Calendar of the subprofessional medical worker for 1964) Kalendar? srednego meditsinskogo rabotnika na 1964 g. Pod red. V.V.Kovanova. Yloskva.. Medgizt 1963. 535 P. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent fiNN SSSR (for Kovanov). KP-WIOV,S,V ; PAV-IMKOp S.K.t ME=7ANOVSKIY, AsN.1 BOGDANOVA, Ye.V.; KISEWOO.I.; KHILIKIN, A.M.; FALIKOV8KIY, Method of phasic control of the blood circulation. Trudy po nov. app. i metod.noolt86-92 163 (MnU 16:12) GRASHCHENKOV, N.I., prof., akademik, otv. red.; BAIISHCHIKOV, V.M., zasl. deyatell nauki,, prof.., red.; KASSILI, G.N.) prof., red.~ KOYAJ~_Qyj V*,V,o, prof., red.; MOISHIKOV, V.V.y kand. ined. nauk, red.; SHREYBERG, G,L,p ved. red. [Adrenaline and noradrenaline; reports) Adrenalin i norad- renalin; doklady. Moskva$ Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 310 p. WIRA 17:6) lo Nauchnaya konferentsiya "Katekholaminy i ikh roll v re- gulyatsii funktsiy organizans (biokhimiya, fiziologiya, klinika)" Moscow, 1962. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR i Akadeii:iya nauk Belorusskoy SSSR (for Grashchenkov). 3. Dey- stvitellWy chlen ANN SSSR (for Kovanov). 4o Laboratoriya neyro-g=oraltnay regulyatsii AV SSSR (for Kassill). KQV~UIOV, VI-dimir Vasillyevich; TRAVIN, Anatol-ly Afunaslytavich; - . --.1 -.1 1LU30TSKIY, D.U., red. [Surgical anatony of the lower extreadties] KlArurgich-3- sklaia anatorriia nizhnil-h kcnechnostei. 1..oskva, Yedgiz, MtA 17:9) 1963. 565 p. W ~j 'or rhF ~ulbp-rc~fes~!--rl halendgr siedrego neditz3"r-kf~g;o 1-abotnika na 19-5 196,14.. Z4 7. S Ovlil(A 1-11:.-Li) KOVAN prof.; BIITlr lov - ~V-V- KO, ,,1.V., kand. med, T2auk Study on mechanical angiorrhaphy in auto-homo--and hetero- transplw,~-Aion. Khirurgiia 40 no-070-77 Ap f64 (mim isti) 1. KafedrR operativnoy khirurgii i topograficlioskoy anato- mii (zav. - doystvitellnyy chlen AM SSSR. prof. V.V. Kovanov) I lloskovskogo ordena Lenina medits'inskogo i-notituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. 39298 S/048 62/026/007/029/OjO B117YB144 AUTHORS: Uvarova, V. M., Sukhodrev, N. K., Pankova, A. A.0 Shpol'skiy, M. R.,.and Kovanova, A.'N. TITLE-. New photomaterial of the NIKFI for spectrum analyses in the short-wave region of ultraviolet radiation PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26,; no. -968 ,7, 1962, 967 TEXT: This report given at the XIV Soveshchaniye po spektroskopii. (XIV Conference on Spectroscopy) deals with new films.for vacuum ultra- violet radiation. The TH-10 (R11-1L) film with highly sensitive emulsion sensitized with luminohpores had been developed by the XIKFI (A. 0. Xondakhchan) and the Shostkinakiy khimichaskiy zavod (Shostka Chemical Plant). The ~0-bAK4M (UP-NIYFI) film little sensitive to visible light., with an emulsion consisting of 'highly concentrated silver halide and small amounts of gelatin '~ae produced by a method (thin-layer separatJ'on) developed by X. S. bogomolovi 14. Yu. Deberdeyev, A.A.Sirotinskiy and members of the NIIKhI?MASh. The new films, especially UF-NIKFI Card 1/2 ACCESSNE-HRs - AP4043038 VOM7/64/009/004/0286/W88 AYJMGMt Kalinkina., T. A.; Ymmnovas A* 5*1 ParJwn, A. As; Sukhodrovp N, Ks; it. Uvnrova, V. M.; Shpollskiyj ff. TITLE: NIFSI photographic materials for the vacuum ultraviolet region of the spectrum and their characteristics SOLUCE: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotog'rafii i kinematografiij vo 9p no* 4,, 1964p 286-288 TOPIC TAGS: ultraviolet photographic filmp film characteristic, film sensitivity,,- silver halide,, / ISP 22 spoctrograph.. DFS.6 vacuum spoctrograph ABSTRAM -The solution of many problems has boon hampered by the lack of to- 0 graphic film sensitive to the vacuum ultraviolet (UF) spoetrun, (,%