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Pulmonary edema in heart surgery. Grudn. khir. 5 no. 3:85-89
MY-Je 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Iz Instituts, serdechro-sosudistoy chirurgii (dir. - prof.
S.A.Kolesnikov, nauchnyj, rukavoditell - akademik A.N.Bakulev)
AMN SSSR. Adres avtorov: Moskva V-49, Leninskly prosp., d. 81
Institut serddchno-sosudistoy khirurgii AMN SSSR.
KOVA14EVI,_V.A.;kand. mod. nauk; NEZHLUKTO,. A.Ya.
--, - I-.- I - I
Pneumonectomy in ohronic suppuration of the lung in a patient
with adrenal gland insufficiency. Eh rurglia no.1:129-132 163.
(MIRA 17:5)
1. Iz Instituta grudnoy khirurgii ~dr. - prof. S.A, Kolesnikov,
naucluiyy rukovoditell - akadealk A.N. Bakixlev) ARN SSSR.
FINEELI, I.I. [deceased); KOVANEV, V.A. (Moskva)
Role of the stress reaction in postoperative mortality
in acquired heart defects. Arkh. pat. 25 no-5:19-26 163.
(MIRA 17:2)
1. Iz laboratoriy patomorfologii (zav. - prof. Ya.L.
Rapoport) i anesteziologii (zav. - dotsent Ye.A. Damir)
Institute. serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.
Kolesnikovp nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik A.N. Bakulev)
A cat a adren al e,,,,r tillx i I I-,; ilff liciency a I.' te rI C a'. i nterve zit-i on on
the heart and Vest. AM 18 no,g.,50--~17 lf*)3,. (MIRA 17~9)
1. Institnt khir,irpil 10,21
"Llinfluence des differentes substances anesthesiques sur !a transmission neuro-
musculaire et son interaction avec les myorelaxants nedepolarisants."
reDort submitted to 3rd World Cong on Anesthesiology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 20-20"
Sep 64.
In5t of Cardiovascular Surgery) Moscow,
KOVANEV V.4.1 d-,-)ktor med.nauk
S,..,,,n';.fj -ance of adrenor-or
foal hormonon (gjyr-ovortiroldn) in
modern anestheola in vome htrathoraci:~ interventionr,. Khlr-urgiia
110.10:88-95 1646 (MIRA 18:8)
1. Izboratoriya anesteziologli (zav. - doktor mod.mitak V.A.Kovanev)
Instituta serdef,-hno-zosudistoy khlrurgii (dir. - orof. S.A.Kolesnikov,
nuuchnyy rukovoditell - akademik A,N.Bakulev') AMN SSSR, Mosk-va.
Some data on the mechanism of the occurrence of the so-called
recurari7ation. Eksper. Uir. i anest. 9 n0.4:80-88 JI-Ag 164.
(1-TIPUI 18:3)
1. Laboratoriya anesteziologii (zav. - doktor med. nauk V.A.
Fovanev) Instituta serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof.
S.A. Kolesnikov,, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akadeiiLik A.N. Bakulev)
AWI SSSR, Moskva.
RAVNOV, A.S., prof.; KOVATIEV, V.A., kand. med. nauk; JoiliffEll-EVSKIY, Ya.j'-!.;
VOYNOW, I.1; ---- - --
Comparative evaluation of the action of dopolarizing and noridepo-
larizing muscle relaxants In heart surgery. Khirurgiia 140 no.7:
18-23 Jl 164. ~'iIRA 18:2)
1. Institut serdechno-soaudistoy khirurgii (dir. - zasluzhenny.7
deyatell nauki RSFSR prof. S.A. Kolesnikov, naLchnyy rukovoditell
- akademik A.N. Bakulev) AMI SSSR, Moskva.
KOVANEV, V.A., doktor mod. nauk; YFZIIOV, Tu.S., k-and. med.nauk (Mo5kva)
Role of adrenal cortex hormones (glueocorticoids) in the
pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of pulmonary edema
in mitral stenosis. Sov. med. 27 no.801-36 Ag 164.
(MI-RA 18: 3)
1. Laboratoriya. anesteziologii (zav.- doktor med. nauk V.A.
Kovanev) Instituta sardechno-noaud is toy Rhirurgit (dir.- prof.
S.A. Kolesnikov) AMN SSSR, nauchnyy rukovodJ-tell - akademik
A.N. Bakulev.
ROV4 P v- KH%,S !EVSKIY, Ya.M.
&Xfect of aneBthetics and smo hen, odymmic digorders during
anesthesia on the neuramscular transfer of excitation and
the action of muscle relaxants. Vest. kMN SSSR no.4:78-86
165. (11 IRA 18: 10)
1. Institut seidechno-%gosudistoy khlrurgli AAN SSSR, Moskm.
KOVAIZV, V.A., doktor med.nauk (Moskva)
Current Droblems of practical anes, esiology.
28 no.ll:lU,-?-48 14 165.
("IHA JES-12)
Effect of hydrocortisone on vascular tone in operattons on the
heart. Vest. AM SM 15 no. 1D46-54 160. (NIRA 13:12)
1. Institut grudnoy khirurgii AMN SWRo
Disorders in the nervous system in aortic coarctation. Camdn.
khir. 5 no.3:34-40 My-Jel63 (MIRA 17:1)
1. Iz otdoleniya khirurgii sosudov (zav. - prof. Yu.Ye. Berezov)
Instituta serdeelino--sosudistoy khirurgii ( dir, - prof. -0.A.
Kolesnikov) nauchnyy rukovoditell - skademik AX.Bakulav) AMN
SSSR i kafedry nervnykh bolezney II Moskovskogo medit sinskogo
instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova ( zave - prof* N.K.Bogolepor).
Adres Avtorov: Moskva T-49, Leninskiy prosp., d.8, Institut
serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii ANN SSSR.
XOVAI,UCIJ. va ap, , S .
A constant-pressure timegear and the unification of the central heatinC, pipes. 1:.154
(Pozemni Stavb,,-, Vol.",', no.3, Ear. 1957) Praha
Monthly List of East European Accession (FE ) LC, Vol.6, no.7, Jul.- 1957. ncl.
k. , L.
peric.dicals: ISD`RI.MK' T 1)1-.C',IYC;l PlIAG Vol. 2, 1957
11,11-VII"dc, L. Nethods of spacc projection in mininl- enginecring. 1).1.1/0
t-lonthly List of East European Accessiciis LC Vol. 8, no.5
"a I'nclass.
1. y 1~59,
~~-a ~ '~,
,-- --,
Initial data for dosigning the V-D20 critical setting control.
Jadema energie 9 no.6:201 Jo 163.
1. Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu, Ceskoslovenska. akademie ved, Rez u
"W" M211! 11415') FHME I BOOK EXPI41TATION CZECH/2579
22 2 1
Sbarafk vedecl4ch prac vyaok.j skoly toohnickaj v Kc%lclach,
11, 1957 (Collection oS Scientific Works or the Higher
To hnical School In Kabloe, 11, 1957) Bratislava. 3Vr-,
1.9;. 298 ". 1,300 copies printed'
loop. Zgor Wkoj Tech. Ed. s F.;i. Blalco; Chief Zd.i
Pavol Rol4czX. Englover.
FURPOSEt This collection or articles Is Intended for scientists
and engineers Interested In the subjects discussed.
COVERAG t This collection of 23 articles written by members of
the Ity of the Xohoe Higher Technical School cove" a
variety of Subjects, Including mathemazica, metallurgy,
mining, engineering. FAch artl I* is accompanied by a
rosum& In Slovak, Ru:.'c;., and Germen. References a--*
listed at the and of eAch article, the majority Of listings
Collection of Scientific Works (Cont. ) CZWV/'PIST9
Znglneer. Methods of Plotting Under-
1. Porsp*ativo ~oprtsentatlon
oAxonometric [
ictorial s
stem of] re 119
(nonort,hogonal) system Of representation
Affin; .
to space reprosentation
UV1 125
. 127
References L2T
%pa1422,-jT:ant&ak, Professor, Doctor, Mr)gineer (Department
'&r-Ore and Coal Benericistion). Mathematical and Grftphic
xvaiuation or the Technological Effectiveness of Dressing
Froc oases
and Bon efla=tIon
1. Cons tra lon 129
2. Sorting 137
D"Ydration and thickening
upie 149
forenoon 149
Cxr~ 7/B
KQVANIC, ludwl~) do~:. Jtr.
ldentifl~!ation of the pc,511,-Ln ef lost IM7 12
no. 7/8'-245--2.,.!,4 (~'IIRA TI:S)
1. Higher Scho.-A ;-.4t' Te!~haology, Foeftcza
-.,-KOVANIC, Ludovit, inz.
Use of artificial,magnatic field in the mine survey.
Sbor VST Kosice 2:159-163 162.
1. Katedra banskeho meracstva a geofyziky, Vysoka skola
technicka, Kosice.
DUDRAJI'k.~ ~17
no aca&mic degree L-idicated
StonAtmiogic~ Jli.-Ac, Modical Faculty, P.J. SaYarik
klin4 Lek. ~k. Univerzity P.j. Safarika), Kosice; Director: doce-nt RUZICr~AA
MD, and 43par ent for Ognupational Diseases Internal Clinic, getUcall
P.j. Safamk 'uAversity ~Oddelenie pre choroLy z povolania 111temej klirmiky
Lek. fak. Univ. P.J. Safarlkm), Kosice; Director: 113. GOM-1,0S, LID.
BratIslava, Bratialavske Lw--karske U3 , INO 9, Nov 62, p-.' 35-5.151.
"The Otu-m of -Hercury Excreted in the Urine as halated to Lhe Lonl-'th of Occupation
in Merciu7 Factory Workers"
KOVLNqC -I,- same as Above
DUDRA, A. (deceased); KOVANIC L.; RIMAROVA, A.
The curve of urinary merc*y excretio4 and its relation to the duration
of the occupational exposirp to mercuiy by factory workers. Bratisl.
Lek. Listy 42 no.9035-539 162.
l.'Zo Stomatologickej kliniky Lek. fak..Univerzity P.J. Safarika v
Kosiciach, veduci doe. MUDr. A. Ruzicka, a z oddelenia pre choroby
z povolania Interne~ leliniky Lek..Iak. Univ. P.J. Safarika v Kosiciach,
prednosta MUDr. B Ppmbose
Contribution to heterotopic ossification (so-called tumor-like
ossifying myositia). Acta chir. orthop.traum.cech. 30 no.5:
406-408 0163.
1. I.Iclinika pro ortopedickou a detskou chirurgii fakulty
vseobacneho lekarstvi XU v Praze(prednosta prof* dr. M*Jaros);
Tram.atologicke oddeleni detske chirurgicke kliniky fakulty
detnkeho iekaratvi KU v Prazo (vedouci doc.dr.V.Tosovsky) a
ILINAtologichoaratomicky ustav fakulty .-seobeeneho lekarstvi
KU v Praze (precinosta prof. dr. V.Jedlicka).
Pressure artefacts in the rat myocardium. Cas. Lek. Cesk.
103 no.l7t462-465 Ap 24 164,
1. 11 patdlogickoanatomicky ustav fakulty fesobecneho lekspetvi
KU [Karlova University) v Praze, (prednosta~prof. Br. V. Jedlicka,
DrSc.) a Histologicks. laborator 11. gynekologicko-porodnicke
kliniky fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi KU [Karlova University] v
Praze, (vedouci prof. dr. J. Lukas, DrSc).
Some results of nuolear research in Czechoslovakia.
Vestnik CSAV 73 no. 1: 6044 164.
KOVAMC, P., i-riz. '18c.
Gontrulled thermonutlear reactions, increasing optimism. isi
tech obzor 53 no.8:453-454 Ag 164.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Pover and TechnDloar. C
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 11, 1959, 24622
Author : Kovanic.Pavcl) KUM, Milan
Title ILII Crut AutoLutization of the Control of Nuclear Reactors
with the Aid of an Automatically-Controlled Detector.
Orig Pub Jaderna enerGie) 1959, 5, lio 1, 6-11
Abstract The authDrs report the results of experiments carried out
with the research reactor of the Czechoslovak Academy of
Sciences with new systeris--of measurement and contral of
atomic reactors. The purpose of these experiments was a
qualitative verification of the possibility of using ser-
voiaechanisns in the automatization of control and protec-
tion of reactors. The results of the experii-mants have
e)diibited favorable properties of the new systems.
Card 1/1
- 31 -
"Solution -)f the kinetic prcblems of reactors.?
JADW-~A FLNF.RGIE, Praha, Cz~--choslovakia, Vol. 5, No. 6S, Junf, -191' %
Monthly L--'~:t of Fast Eurape,-n A(,cercions ( 'AT), '~C, Vol.. ;', i1o. 9, -Ieptemlm r 191-',9.
01,1141VIC I-Pl~ell~Z
dl~ w
00 Ptoductlon of ra IWO 9 &Ulu
7W it
Met .'2avel I
n vs can e pro it Hn. Cither1aternally.
hey t 16111 it Lne~ Utifavombli. Or extannIly.
Otell ic have I ffff ~ on (lie ficutran ballincei -Differcot.
prolinctiolk III the 2 casus.-
ncto a t the monomics of
The effect (it tile exteitt. cif btA6-up~ which III turn,&p6da
oil the reactor ninterials nod dintensions, is wnsidered, and
It I cujichuted thAt-Imiductirm of radloisotopm in reactors
~imhlg Curiched Ittel is cconatuically-more. favorabiLk than In
reactors using tintural U, Otherhavorable factors are:
a rcmiLivable relloctur' a p6ssibility of chmigitig thil shripe
.1 tor core, alarge mqave
()I the re, c teacti0ty. and n lirge
free splice l4rallud tile Lure, eittict empty Dr filled with
watec-. Tlie aist (it prmlacing- 1019 available nentrous:
(b~ wk-ing 111to accon"t fuel, omortization, aml. productimi
coaslis millpared for varlom typt-sof reactors. JUN..
Z103 62/000/007/001/006
Xovanic, Pavel and Haniger, Ladislav
1 T L. E. '-L~he use of a nulse fission ahariber for automatic
control of.reactor power and ppriod
jZTODIC_.'I: Jadernd energie, no. 7, 1962, 221 - 224
The article describes test results wh4ch prove the
applicability and advantages of a plilse fission chamber for the auto-
matic control of reactor power afid-%,period. The tests, described in P.
.Kovanic and L. Haniger (Ref. 2: VyAum regulace reaktoru pohyblivou
impulsni 5tbpnou komorou (Research on reactor contrdl with a moving
r,ulse fission chamber) tJV Paper No. 446 and ZVIL No. Ae 79/Dok), were
performed in 1960 on a Czechoslovak VVR-S reactor controlled by a mov-
InL,, Pulse fission chamber of the following design: A moving probe - con-
sistin,3 of a pulse chamber (sensitivity 0.12 pulses/sec/neutron-flux
unit) and a p~e-amplifier - was suspended in the vertical reactor c-han-
nel; pulses derived from the pre-aLi.plifier were amplified further by
an 60 dB broad-band amplifier, and,"their frequency measured by a liftear
Card, 1/ 3
The use Of a pulse fission chamber ... D409/D301
integ_rato_37.,,._with an adjustable time constant; the.integrator output
was connected to the comparator of a regular reactor control system,
and the output voltage of the latter was again amplified (amplidyne).
and fed to the*control-rod drive. The applicability of this control
F.vstem was tested and verified at constant reactor power which could
De maintained with sufficient accuracy, especially when integrator-
time condtani < 0.5 sec were chosen. The influence of gamma radia-
zior, on the control-system operation could reliably and completely be
su-ppressed qver, under most unfavorable conditions; also tAe` pperating
range Of reactor power and period control could considerably be expand-
ed.-A further expansion can be expected by using a more sensitive pulse
chamber. An actual, fully automatic reactor control system, using a
movin- rulse fission chamber, has already been developed with the aid
u -
of the described tests.' The,author gives credit to Milan Pospi'sil of
the ZVIL Works and to Milan Capek of the NV in kei. There are-4.figures.
(Technical Editor: K. wagner)
ASSOCIATION: tstav jadern6ho v~zkumu CSAV Rez (Nuclear Research
Institute, Czechoslovak A$, kei), (,-. Xo~aijic);
Card 2/13
l; RMIMER, Ladislav
Use Of the IPU160 figolon chamber for automatic control of reactor
power and period. Jaderna energie 8 no.7:221-224 jyj 162.
Is Ustav jaderneho vyzkumup Ce8koslavenska akademie ved), Rez
(for Kovanic). 2. Zavody V.I.Leninao Plzen (for Haniger).
AUTHORS Kovanic, Pavel and Rygl, Jaroslav
TITLE: Neutron probe with pulsed fission chamber and
ferrite transformer
PI-MIODICAL: Jaderna' Energie, no. 12, 1962, 427-428
1 4
T D-Cf The probe was developed- at the UJV US'%V, f or fully
automated control of the reactor. The basic principles of the probe
were previously described by V. Kovanic and E.. Kullca, (Atomnaya
energiya, v. 5, no. 10, 1958, 403~. The fission chambers operate at
constant neutron flow of 2.7 x 10~' n/cM2 st indeDendent of the reac-
tor performance. The sensitivity of the chamber is 0.15 pulses per
unit of neutron flow, its diameter is 44 imn. There are 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Ustav jaderne'ho 'zhumu CSAV (Institute of Nuclear
Research, Czechoslovak AS)
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Kovanic, Pave'
3 3 2_3 31
TITLE-: Conditions of application for the transfer functions of a
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 2, 1962, 123 - 128
TEYT: From the kinetic reactor equations
Ak(t)- J_M
dN N+Y, rj%j+Q, (1)
-dl To i=1 11~/
dri I LI N - r,X,, (2)
dF To
1,. 2,
the equivalent transfer function'ie derived, which is valid for any
Card 1/7
Conditions of application for the ... B102/B138
given change of the output function,6n(t) - a sin,.!t.
6n(t) = N(t) - Noex (Oct), a and Li are constants. For the input function
N 0 exp(at)
6k(t) = A k(t) ~,k
Itilltd, a Sir, (at+
bk(t)=fj (Xj+a)3+wI(Xj+u) J+ a shi tot
NXI(O I a cos cat QTO exp (-at) (7)
Oi+cx),+(Ozj !-+asijjwt -IF. _!_+asInwI
lirinTO tLd,_L agi 7LIED I exp (-al-7.;t)
a+ ki (?,I+(L) +wIj I+asinwt
is obtained;~~-ko a(T gi/(Ai + a)), rio = ~r An
0 _T_ I- i(t)-t=01
equivalent transfer function should be introduced if the purely periodic
components play a main role in (7). Four cases in vhich this occurs are
Card 2/7
Conditions of application for the ... 11102/11138
Source Time Alain power component State of reactor
0 0 t t const. subcritical
ia 0
0 t
21 const'. critical
ia >0 small t t exponentially in-
creasing supercritical
a 10 Q small t t ..-t exponentially de- suberitical
a+ X > 0 4 5 creasing
ifor all
If such a condition is fulfilled, Sk
(t) for the periodic component
can be expanded into a Fourier seriea and the first harmonic bk,(t) and
the con stant component 6k can be determined;
Card 3/7
"wi.litions of application for the ...
hk~w (a+kl),+w2 (a+XI)
Cos at+
+ wT,+Yj (a+Xj),+w,]
'/2 1
+ -i)QT.Iinlt\
\7( 1/4-_o 0
8k.= I- t Q7~o\
),1)3+.% F), U !--ali Iva
The amplification factor-A a/( 6k,/It), with g 1Y fQr the first
harmonic is.found to be
Card 4/7
Conditions of application for the ... B102/B13B
A, + I L"
as IL (X1+a)'+(O,
-IQT 2. (13)
as + \,,~F
and the phase of the equivalent complex amplification factor is given by
!!T0+ wxi
(P1 arotg 1/1 -.a Tn 0 4) LAI
I i~- + /QTo\I
t& (a+),j)s+(o*(ct+%j) \jk-1V-O/)
16k is the amplitude of 6k,(t). The distortion of the input func tion
curve can be determined from the root-inean-square deviation of the first
harmonic and the consthnt component from the exact input function:
Card 5/7
(;onditions of application for the ... B102/B138
(1) dt
A ~
which can be written as a function of a and tanS only. This method of
determining the equivalent complex amplification coofficieht*has several
advantages : the ranges of applicability of the elementary transfer functions
can be given more accurately and the method can be phyaically interpreted.
An ideal programming reactor period and power controller should vary
reactivity in accordance with Eq. (7). Thb equivalent amplification
factor drops as the amplitude of t'he output function rises. Analytical
determination of the parameters of the aimplified transfer functions and
comparison;of the resulting amplitude-frequency characteristics (for
To = 10-4 9 r~ = 0) with the precise one calculated in multi-group theory
and the approximate one obtained by Skinner and Cohen, show that the
characteristic obtained with the formulas in this paper very nearly fit
the precise one. A similar result is found fur the phase-fr'equency
Card 6/7
S1089/62.10121002100,1110 13
Conditions of aDDlication for the- B102/B136
characteristics, There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 references: I Soviet
and A non-Soviet. The three references to En&1ish--IanVu,,ge publil c a I - Ai c 1 n s.
read as follo-wst Z. Akcasu, Nucl. Sci. Engng., 3, No, Ij P~G, H,
Sandme'Ler, Nucl. Sci. Engng., 6, 85, 1959; R. STinner, E., Cohen, Nnol.
Sci. Engne,., 5, 291, 1959~
Institut yadernykh issledovaniy ChSAN, Praga
of Nuclear Research of the Czechoslovak AS, Prague)
May 30, 1961
Card 7/7
KOVANITS, Pavel [J~ovanic, Pavel]; RYGL, Yaroslav; VAGNER, Karel (Wagner,
Karell; TESKA, Yosif [Teska, Josef]
Now automatic control and safety system of the VVR,-S reactor.
Atom . energ. 33 no.4:350-359 0 162. (M3RA 15:9)
1. Institut yadernykh issledovaniy, Chekhoslovatokaya Akademiya
nauk, Praga (for Kovanits., Rygl). 2. Zavody im. V.1. Lenina.,
PlIzen'. ChekhoslmdWa)a Sotsialisticheakaya Respublika (for
Vagner.. Teska)e
(Nuclear reactors)
Z/01 62/051/002/003/004
D2 9 1 YI)3 01
AUTHOR: Kovanic, Pavel, Engineer, Candidate of Technical
-ERi-ieh_d_es -_ -
TITLE: The nuclear reactor as a controlled system
PERIODICAL: Elektrotechnicky' obzor, v. 51, no. 2, 1962, 70-75
TEXT: The article, largely based on Western sources, deals with
problems of reactor control physics. Reactor kinetics, reactor
dynamics depending on the reactor state, and special characteri-
stics of the reactor as a controlled system are listed as basic
prerequisites for calculating and designing reactoi- control sys-
tems. Simplified expressions are derived for the reactor kinetic
equation and the transfer functions of a critical reactor. The La-
place - Wagner transform is used to formulate reactivity-power
transfers, and the dependence of these transfers on the reactor
sta 4- e and on the amplitude of deviation from the quasi-steady sia-
te are determined as well as their correlations with the initial
neutron-power transfer. The reactor is considered a linear system
for mere reproduction of neutrons and infringed by feedback, and
Card 1/3
The nuclear reactor ... D291/D301
the output of the reactor is controlled by a variation of this
feedback. Based on the derived relations, the author discusses the
chara-teristics of a reactor as a controlled system, i.e. possibi-
liti-es for increasing and reducing the reactor output by varying
the reactivity (feedback), and explains some concepts such as re-
actor period, reactor shut-down, etc. He finally states that the
nature of reactor-output changes does not only depend on the re-
activity magnitude (position of the control element '), but also or.
the rate of reactivity variation (the speed at which the position
of the control element is changed), a fact which facilitates the
design of a rapid and precise reactor control system. (Technical
Editor; Professor, Engineer, Doctor J. Nekoln~, Corresdonding Mer...-
ber of the Czechoslovak AS). There are 2 figures and 6 refereri,,-e;,~,:
3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the Eng-
lish-lan '-uage publications read as follows: M. A. Schultz: Contrcl
of nuclear reactors and power plants. McGraw-Hill, New Yorr", Lon-
don, 1955; S. Barabaschi: Delayed neutrons importens in reactor
transfer functions. Energia nucleare, v. 4, no~ 5; Z. Akcaou,-
Card 2/3
The nuclear reactor ...
General solution of the reactor kinetic equations without ~eed-
back. Nuclear Science and Engineering (1958), no. 4, pp. 456-4E.-
AV (Czechoslovak AS)
November 15, 1960
Card 3/3
Short survey of properties of system with movable detectors
and their development. Jaderna energie 9 no.7:233 J1 163.
1. Ustav jaderneho, vyzk=u, Ceskoslovenaka akademie ved, Rez
u Prahy (for Kovanic). 2. Zavody V.I. Imnina, Plzen (for Wagner).
KOVANIC, Pavel, inz., kandidat.tachniclqch ved
Swiss experimental nuclear power station. 91 tech obzor 52
no.7:382-383 JI 163.
KOVAI,71C) Pavel; RYGL, Jaroslav
I-..-.,."--,. ~ -. ........
Calculation of the new automatic control and protection
system of the VVR-S reactor. Jaderna energie 9 no.6:201
Je 163.
1. Ustav haderneho vyzkwriu, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved,
Rez u Prahy.
ROVANIC Pavel; RYGL, Jaroslav; 11-111GIIE11, Karel; 72SU., Josef
New system of t1io VVR-S reactcr axitomatic c-ontrol. Jaderna
8110.1,gic 9 11c).6:;,03. JO 1030
1. Ustav haderneho vyzkumu, Ces1coslovenska akademie ved, Rez u
Prahy (for Kovanic and Rygl)
2. Zavody V.I. Lenina, Plzen (for Wagner and Teska).
Basic equation of systems with movable detectors for reactor
automatic control. Jaderna, energie 9 no.6:201 Je 163.
1. Ustav jaderneho vpkwaii, Ceskoslovenska a~cAdomla ved,
Rez ii Prahy.
Symposium of International Atomic- Energy Agency on the physiC3
and material of control rods of' wiclear reactor.,i. jaderna
energle 10 no. 5088-100 Pb, 164.
Glant-cell tumors of the spine. Acta chJr. orthop. traum. cech.
31. no.1:29-33 F 164.
1. 1. Klinika pro ortopedickou a detakou chirurgii fakulty
vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze, (prednosta
prof. dr. M. Jaros); Traumatologicke oddolvni detske chirurgicke
klinlk.y fakulty detakeho lekarstvi Knrlovy University v Praze,
(prMnosta prof. dr. V. Kafka, DrSc., vedouci odd. dr. V.
Tosovsky, DrSc.) a 11. patologickoanatomicky ustav fakulty
vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta
prof. dr. V. Jedlicka, DrSc.
AqEA delivered its first nuclear reactor. El tech obzor 53
no. 2:105-107 F 164.
37255-66 E-Wrr ( d 1j"', c)
ACC NRt AP6027880 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0038/66/000/003/0101/0102
AUTHOR: Kovanic, Pavel--Kovanits, P.
ORG: Nuclear Research Institute, CSAV, Rez (Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu CSAV)
TITIE: Generalized discrete analogy of the.Zade-Ragazzini problem
SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 3, !966, 101-102
TOPIC TAGS: mathematic matrix, statistics, Zado-Ragazzini problem
ABSTRACT: NRI Report No. 1028/65. The paper presents a matrix :3olution of a
generalized discrete analogy of the Zade-Ragazzini problem, and its interrelation
with the problem of statistical evaluation of linear forms and with the making of
indirect observations is pointed out. The extremal properties of the solution and
the equivalence of the two possible approaches to calculation of the required results
are demonstrated. The matrix form of solution permits not repeating a large part
of the calculations in related problems. The solution is general in the sense that
the intervals between the values of the independent variables cannot be constant.
The nonrandom. component of the input signal ran be not only a polynomial but even a
more general function. Noncorrelatability of the input random values is not assumed~
[JPRS-. 36,8453
SUB CODE: 12# 20 / SUBM DATE: none
Card 1/1 UDC: 519.2: 539.12.0-75:62-5: 681.324:
L 4500-66 T/EWP(l) JJP(c)
ACC NR- AP6022421 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0088166/000/002/0157/0173
AUTHOR: Kovanic, Pavel, (Engineer; Candidate of Sciences)
ORG: Institute of Nuclear Research CSAV. Rez near Prague (Ustav jaderneho
vyzkumu CZAV)
TITLE: Static programming of-dpLta handling
SOURCE: Kybernetiya, no. 2, 1966, 157-173
TOPIC TAGS: data handling, static programming
ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the numerical handling of data. It discusses
the method of static programming which consist in splitting the handling process
into two stages. In the first stage the digital operators are prepared; in the second
stage the operators are applied in the calculation of the scalar product into which
the vector-operator and vector of measured values enter. Often a multiple repeat
of data processing is necessary. In such instances only the second state is repeat-
ed and a minimal number of numerical operations are needed. The method makes
KuB.AIPCVA, A., X,,;BA*2, K. , and''Q1J.KA.I'iC I Pwith techn4=11 co-
operation of II(;i'-I,:,NI0VA, R., and 0., Second of
Pathological I%natomy (Ii. patologickoanatomicIlry u--tav), -',:,-ic-,;!Iy of
Gencral -edicinc ('.,Ia';.,ulta vseobecneho lckarstvi), Charles Uni-
versity, PraCnie, Prof. Dr. V. JB'DL!CKA,'Dr of Scierces, d:.-rcctor;
and Eit3tological Laboratory (Hit3tologicka labOrator), Second
Clinic of Gynecolog-j tuid ~ Obstetrics (11. gynekologicko-porod-
nicka klinika), Faculty of General 14edicine (Pakulta vseobecneho
lekarstvi, Charles Univeraity, Prague, Prof. Dr J. LuXAS, Dr of
Sciences, director.
"!-Torpholoc,ical Findinas in the Heart Muscle of Rats Following a
Ilypercannic an(~, i~ypoxic Hypothermia to a Rectal TemPerature of
I.o Degree Centigrade"
Prap-,uc, Casopis Lekaru Ceshyah, Vol CII, No 32/33, 16 AupLA
Abstract [Authors' English summaryl: Female rats (Wistar, own
breed T re subject to a hypercapnic and hypoxic hypothermia.
Cardiac arrests lasted for at least 25 ininutes. Ninety percent
of the animals were resuscitated. Small multiple necroses were
found in the heart muscle in rats killed after different time
intervals. lt was found that the severity of charges was pro-
Pathological finding on a reindeer bono. Gas min geol
8 no.2:220 Ap 163.
1. Geologicko-paleontologielce oddeleni Narodniho musea, Praba;
II. patologicko-anatomicky usta-v, lekarska fakulta, Karlova
universita, Praha.
AUTHORS: Slancar, Fr., Engineer and Kovanicova', Vera, Engineer
TITLE., High-vacuum furnace for metallographic investigations
PERIODICAL: Hutnick6 listy, 1961, No.8, pp.582-583
TEXT: There is generally a shortage of satisfactory designs
of laboratory vacuum furnaces permitting the following: rapid
achievement of a vacuum of the order of 10~5 mm Hgv high accuracy
of the temperature setting, possibility of controllingthe speed of
the temperature rise of the specimen, possibility of choosing
various methods of cooling the specimens, reliability in operation
and easy maintenance. The authors describe a tubular tilting
furnace. It consists of a tilting heating jacket (quartz tube),
a furnace,avacuum distribution system,acontrol system and a
metering system. Fig.2 shows a sketch of the tilting heating
jacket which consists of a quartz tube of 30 mm inner diameter 1,
which is sealed on one side, whilst on the other side it is
conically ground. A maximum temperature of 11000C can be achieved.
The temperature in the quartz tube is monitored by a chromel-alumel
thermocouple 3. The specimens are placed onto a molybdenum
Card 1/6
High-vacuum furnace for Z/034/61/000/008/005/005
trough 2, the smooth surface of which also forms a slide-way for
moving the specimens into the cooling medium. On the open end
the quartz tube is connected to a brass tilting head 5. A cooling
jacket with circulating water 4 is placed near the open end of
the quartz tube so as to prevent untightness caused by the high
temperature of the quartz tube. The tilting head has several
functions, namely, it interconnects the silicon tube, the container
with the cooling medium and the vacuum system. The tapered
connection between the head and the vacuum system permits tilting
the entire heating jacket about its horizontal axis and making the
specimen 6 slide into the cooling medium. The thermocouple for
measuring the temperature in the active space of the furnace also
passes through the tilting head. The glass container for -the
cooling medium 7 is also co-Anected to the head by means of a
tapered ground joint. As a cooling medium substances can be used
which have a lower vapour tension than 10-5 mm Hg. In the given
case silicon oil was used. A sketch of the vacuum system is shown
in Fig.3. The active space of the tilting furnace can be
connected with the outside atmosphere or with an inert medium by
Card 2/6
High-vacuum furnace for ... z/o34/61/000/008/005/005
means of the cock 5. During preliminary evacuation, the rotary
pump 2 is connected with the active space by means of the cock 7
and, after reaching a high vacuum, further evacuation is by means
of a diffusion oil pump I opening the cock 6 and closing the
cock 7. This arrangement permits changing the metallographic
specimen without interrupting the operation of the vacuum pum S.
The combination of the rotary oil pump with a delivery of 7 m3/hour
with a diffusion oil pump with a delivery of 30 litre/sec permits
attaining a vacuum of 2 x 1o-5 mm Hg. Fig.3 also shows the
tilting heating jacket 3 and the ionization tube 4. The
tubular resistance furnace of a maximum output of 1 kW is
provided with rollers which rest on guides; this permits moving
the heating jacket neafer or further away from the furnace, The
furnace can be fixed into any position by means of a push handle.
The output of the furnace is semi-automatically controlled by
means of a compensation regulator, the circuit diagram of which
is shown in Fig.4 (I - resistance furnace of 1 W, 2 - thermocouple
of the control system, 3 -"compensation drop controllei~lwith
holding contacts, 4 and 4a - regulating transformers, 5 and 5a -
Card 3/6
High-vacuum furnace for ... Z/034/61/000/008/005/005
voltage relays, 6 - ammeter). The control pick-up is a Pt-Rh-Pt
thermocouple placed as close as possible to the heater filament
so that the thermal inertia of the system is as low as possible.
On connecting the furnace, the regulation transformer 4 is set
to pass a current which is required for the given speed of heating
of the specimen or is set to a maximum. Switching off and
switching on of large current causes considerable thermal fluctua-
tions. Therefore, by connecting the regulating transformer 4a
the controlled current'is reduced to a value which is just
sufficient to compensate thermal losses. As a result of this
the temperature fluctuations of the furnace are reduced very
effectively. Due to the fact that the heat has to flow through
a thermal resistance, a layer of air and the silicon tube, the
thermal fluctuations are equalized so that the specimen temperature
remains practically constant. The temperature in thl active space
is recorded by means of a millivoltmeter. Up to 10- mm Hg a high
voltage discharge vacuum meter is used, higher vacuum values are
measured by means of an ionization vacuum meter, The description
of the apparatus issupplemented by practical instructions on its
Card 4/6
High-vacuum furnace for Z/034/6 60 008/005/005
1/0 F
operation.. By means of this equipment it is possible to carry out
the following: 1) Annealing in vacuum or in an inert atmosphere;
2) quenching from a certain temperature by tilting the heating
jacket about the horizontal axis; 3) thermal etching of metallo-
graphic specimens; 4) oxiding polished cuts by feeding 0 or air
into the chamber. Compared to Soviet equipment describeg by
M. Q. Lozinskiy, the here described furnace has a number of
advantages; it permits quenching directly in vacuum and the furnace
can be taken apart very quickly. There are 4 figures and
1 Soviet reference*
ASSOCIATION: CSAV, Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu (Institute for Nuclear
Research, 6SAV)
Card 5/6
t12 ~34
AUTHOR: Kovanicova', VK-ra. D2c9l/D301
T IT LFA Dimensional stability of uranium inthf-~rma
PERIODICAL; Jaderna' ener6ie, no. 12, 19611,
TEXT: Samples of metallic uranium exposed to repeated ther-
mal changes have shown considerable dimensional changes,
characteristically similar to those caused when they are
irradiated by neutrons. A closer comparison shows that., aside
from effecting dimensional changes, thermal oycll.nE; and i~r'ra--
diation of semicrystallic uranium increase the roughness of
its surface and decrease its density. Some changes e.g. the
varied behavior of monocrystals and varied temepra!~ure -,,eve'
at which the actual damage of the semicrystallic metal occurs,
are of a different nature. The mechanism of depreciati-on IS
Card 1A
2 -126L
Dimensional stability ... D291/D301
likewise different. Anumber of tests revealed that Jimer-
sional stability is a necessity at repeated thermal :,hanges,
even though it is insufficient prerequisite for Tile radlkat-.I.oL
stability of the metallic uranilam sample. A pre
tion- of material preceding the irradiatlion tests
fore., be made applying the method of repeated
thiis accelerating the entire research. and 4t
costly. The author then. describes the method of thorro;---tl ~-.yc-
ling aa well. as the effect of various fa~-t:crs upc-n tlie iiji)er-
sional changes of uranium samples during thermal. cyr,].I-a,~g 11.n
the alpha phase region. He. points out that the magn--t-i-,Jle ef
the changes depends on the characteristics of +Iie material
(aniaotropic properties, texture, size of grain) as as
the method of cycling. The size of the -rain of ran--tez~ured
samples should not affect the rate of materiall. pxpaDsicn. So
far, however, this assumption has not been suoepssf-,~Ily
Card 2/4
'28 264
Dimensional stability ... D2911/D301
confirmed in experiments. Soviet research sources have apparent-
ly observecl during thermal cycling - especially on coarse
grained samples - a refinement of the grains is caused by re-
crystallLizationin the areas of largest deformation. The ali-
thor cone 'ludes that'research on thermal stability of uranium
was with the aim of finding a practical
dependence on various factors. A uniform test method has so
far not been arrived at2. thus making it difficult to ~-ompare
the test results of the various laboratories. The theory of
thermal stability has. no-k be.en refined since the quaritifati-Ire
evaluation of the diverse influences is still lacking. The
importance of this.problem is underlined by -151he papers of
Soviet authors who have proven that not only purelly anisotro-
pio materials are subject to dimensional changes under thermal
cycling, but under certain conditions,. metals with. cubic-cen-
tered- la'k-Itice as well.. (Technical editor8 V. KJ~ivan). There
Card 3/4
AUTHORS: Kovaniti, P., Kulka, M. SOV/69-5-4-2/24
TITLE. Complex Automation of the Control of Nuclear Reactors
(Kompleksnaya witomatizatsiya upravleniya yadernymi r(eaktorami)
PERIODICAL: Atumnaya energiya. 1q58. Vol ':,, Nr 4, Pr AOA-411
ABSTRACT: This is a Partial rendering of -.he probl,~ms given in the Gen-~:va
report Nr 2104, ex. 1~58 in English, especia.,ly with r-,~spi~ct
9),cpi~riipents. Tranalator not given. There are 6 farz,.m-o, and
r-?ferences, 0 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: In stitit yadernoy fiziki Chei~hoslovatskoy ;,kademi-L nauk, Fraga
(Inatitate of Nuclear Physics of the Czechoslovakian !,S, Prq,?uc-)
SUBMITTED: March '14, 1958
Card 1/ 1
KOVANITS, P. (Kovanic, P.] (Pragh)
Equations of servosystbms with movable detectors for the control of
nuclear reactors. Avtoih. i telem. 24 no.12:1660-1671 D 163.
(WRA 17:1)
T, 101114~7
ACC NRt 49
A11602 799 1201
E CODE: UR/0089/66/o2l/002/0116/0
AUTHOR: Kovanits, P,; jVgI, ya.
!OilG: ~~);;Ufmtlu of lillc~le-'Ir Czeeho:--Iovai, Ar:i(1cnV of Sciences, Rez (Institut
jynderny~ji i531cdo'V'11)iY Cheldiorlovatukoy alvidemii nauk)
TITLE: Digital servomcchanis-m. for nuclear technology
SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. ~A 21~ no. 2, 1966,, 116-12o
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor technology, nuclear reactor contrpl equipment, servo-
mechanism, digital system
MISTYUICT: 'llic authors describe a digital unit Intended for the measurement of the
relative deviation of the IniLn-c countinr rate from a specified vnNe and consisting
of two binary accumulating adderz., a scalvr uni'L, rLYA a ront-1-01 device (Fig. 1). Dif-
ferent, operating conditiono, can be Get up by (I.Iffc-rciiL uwi;ching combinations of the
input gates. Tile construction and operating principles of the equipment are described,
It is shown that by introducing suitable feedback loops it is possible to construct
from such devices digital servomechanisms operating 'with pulse detectors. The use of
this digital servomechanism for the measurement and automatic control of the power and
the period of a nuclear reactor is described by way of an example. Possible variants
of the application are systems for the control of the deviation of the reactor power
from a specified value, or systems for automatic regulation of both the power and the
period of the reactor., Origo art. has: 2 figures, 3 formulas, and 2 tables.,
Card 1/2 uDc: 621.039-564
L 10333~~67
sc Cu
Fig. 1. Generalized block diagram
i iiSign of,
of digital meter. --JII nifiber
I AKi II [Ad
A - Adder, SC scalerp CU - 4 A
control unit. A-1
I t
A -3
A-2 [AZ]
!SUB CODE: 18, Oq/ suBm DATE: i8rebM/ OM REF.- 005
.,Cord 2'
Sur une generalis;ition des f,--)nctions prnsque poriodiqucs. C. It. Acad. Sci.,
1P/, (192,9), 354-Y':.
Sur VapproArrtion des fonctions prosque perioii-ities ge-leralisees. 1~atem, SB.,
36 (192a) 'top-416.
Sur l'apDroximation des fonctions presque periodiaiies reneralisees.. C. R. Acad.
Sci., 188 (1929), 142-145.
Sur une classe de forictions presque periodiques qui en!7endre des cinsses de
X-onctions p. D. de W. Stepanof-, 11. ',-Ievj e' -4. Dezicovitch. C. R. Acaj. Sci.,
189 (1-029)
, 363-396.
Sur une classe des f'onctions -oreaue ueriodiolies reneralisees. DXN CAL- (1930),
Sur les classe lee fonctions presque periodiques Ceneralisees. Ann. de Kath.,
9 (1',)31), 24.
Sur la st-ucture des 'onctions presque periolil.ues generalisees. C. 1. Acad.
Sci., 190~(193~_!-), 792-794.
Sur la structure des fonctions nresque periodiques generalisees. -atem. SB.,
W, (1935), 3-18-
Sur les systemes compactes des fonctions presque periodinues genc-plisees de
W. Ste-Danof;. 1-117tem. SJB., 9 (51), (1941), 389-.!-:020'
07 komT),-,ktnos'ui sis+en ob.-)bshchennykh -.pochti perio(licheskikh funktsiv bezikovicha.
-',-tem. SSB., 16 (5c"), (19:!5), !~;5-332.
SO: Kathematics in the TJSsr, 191--!947
edited by Kurosh, A. G.,
M4irlo3shcvich, A. I.,
Rashevskiy, P. K.
Zscow-Lonin-rod, 19-48
SADOV, A.I.; XqyW~,KQ, A.~A., dol-,tor matematichaqIrik-h nauk. profesnor, redaktor.
[Theory of--probabilitiesl Teoriia veroiatnostei. Moskva. Upravlenie
voenno-morskogo izd. ITKW Saiuza SSR, 1945. 115 -D. (YJMkL 6:5
(biadrability of certain special-type surfaces based on Lebesgue's
method. Nauk.zap. Liviv. un. no.5:34-52 147. (MLRA 8:11)
(Integrnla, Generalized) (Surfaces)
sense almost
of generalized function systems which are in Weylls
periodic. Hauk.zap. Vviv. un. no-5:53-67 147-
(Functions, Periodic) (MT"RA 8.11)
Transformations (Mathematics)
Certain continuoui; tran.&,formvtions of plancs into a plane tind dimensional computtition
of the surface. Nauk. zap. Llviv. 12 no. 3, 1949.
Monthl List of Rassian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
KOVAIP XO, A.S. ; LQPATINSYLIY, Ta.B., otvetstvenW redaktor
*,,.- ",;.'14~r'x,-,4
[Lebeeguele integral] Integral Lebega. Vvov. Knizhno-zhurnallnoe
izd.-vo, 1951, 198 p. (MIRA 9-7)
1. Chlea-korrespondent AN USSR (for Lopatinekiy)
Mathematical Revlevg Kovarilko A so 'N coriverRnnoe of iegizarces of functions
I a OMP6
-the sense ofN%yl1P
matr1c P-6f
Dec' 1953 .
1,, 465-47A (195-1).; (Russion)
na~vais T
or OW for all re;1
tT a. x and of,, Lwdeffned
numbers D Sa ~enotevi f distance and
the Stepanor
w is: the W6yj distance. The
S:w 'a
space ~cf fun tion ith I finite We norm in not complete.
A sequence P,,(x)j is called uniformly Dw.,fundamental
~>O, such that
when therfi-exists a functlon TOW, e
l1m_aupnVY*,:!:OODTs.(Sn ~m)%(e). It is called uni-
ormlv D -convergent to f(x).If there exists a fungtion
w C
'O~ such Viet lim su
The -autb!~r proves -+bnt a sequence is un
formly Dwroonvergent
if' ane only V' it is -uniformly bw"furdamenfal. He further
rr *ov6s 11~i exAmples thpt 6-r-pauence cen be uniformly Dw"
-converp Ceconlre,
, and that it can be
,ant .,without-Ireing DT,
1, .
Pww-!onverfjent. A final qxanrle, rrovinq th-t asequence
can e. T1WwJCunAanqn+91 -itlicut I-eirr, D%j,,rc6nv-rgentt-Is
verv ri-VR4 +o vn,~ Hven Irr 11. Poh -nn(I vs. Filner /Acta
'7169 355:0-04r)j t1h '7, 15A7.
If. Torneh,
. m
USSR/Matheimatics - Schools I_TU.I/AU9 51
"The Mathematical OrIMiad at LIvav During the
1950-51 School Year.." A. S Kovan-I-ko
"bspekh Matemat Nauk!'-Vol VI., No 4 (44), pp 221-
The math olympiad of students belonging to the
7th-1.0th grades of schools in LIvov and its en-
virons ended 15 Apr 51. It had been organized
as-in past years by the L'voV State U and b~ the
Soc for the Dissemination of Pol and Sci Know-
ledge, GORONO (City Soc for Sci Olympiad) and
OBLONO (Oblast Soc for Sci Olympiad).
maticli Son-ftelidean NOV/Dec,51:
G. eometry
. I.entifit Conference at. the City of L vov
D6dicated to the 12,th Year of the Discovery
'by ~; 3, 1. Lobachevskiy of Non-Euclidean Geo-
iiatry., A.- '. S.. Koian I ko
kh Matemat ravY Vol VI, No 6 (46), p 192
On-24 Feb 51 the Physicomth Faculty, LIvov
BUte U,:-n6ted'the 125th year of the discov-
ary",of non-Euclidean geometry by the great
ftaxian mathematician (23 Feb 1826), by organ-
izing scientific ponference vhere 4 lecturqs
us ematic a.. - Non-Buclidean 5~1
"ametry ontd),
VeM Docent G. L. Buy=la, The
4ii~~Itic Activiti a of Lobachevskiy";
"Lobachevskiy'aA M_
d nt A Vol'
'--T~' i-ar an~ Adpinistrator!'; Instructor (man
rof . :a.- &V='ko,
P k
de" Oeometry =d Ita Present State and
4MNI~KO, A.S., professor.
Convergence of sequences of functions in certain metric spaces.
Dop.ta pov.Llviv.un. n0-3 pt.2:47-48 '52. (MLRA 9:11)
(Spaces, Generalized)
[~~R-/Ylatheaatics - Pedagogy Jul/Aug 52
"Mathematical Olympiad in City of LIvov During the
1951/52 School Year," A. S. KovanIko
"Uspekh Matemat Nauk" Vol VII, No 4 (50)s pp 188, 189
Subject olympiad (7-10 classes of middle schools) vas
completed 16 Mar 52, which had been organized by the
L*vov State U, the Soc for the Propagation of Fol and
Sci.Knowledge, and the City Div of Pub Educ. Prof L. 1.
Volkovyskiy headed the organizing committee. Gives
examples of 6 problems (e. g., how many ciphers are in
the number 21007).
-- - 225T71-
1 . Kr- A. S.
2. U~-IQR ((,00)
4. ~'cnv. er:rc~nce
7. Ccnveraence c,l' qequ,~mces cf functicmg in thf,~ sense (-, ':.IevI',- metr*c, r,-t, Z~.Ur.
3 No. 4, 29,53.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress' June 1953. Unclassified.
KOVANIKO, A.B., professor.
, . ~
ompact,name ~f systems of B.Lavitan's almost"p~.,riodic functions.
Dop.ta pov*Llvivouno'no.4, Pt-2:57 '53* (MWU 9:11)
(Functions', Periodic)
(Levitam, B.)
Compactness of systems of generalized, almost periodic Weyl functions.
UI=.MRt.2hur- 5 no.2:185-195 153. (MLRA 6:6)
Generalized) (Functions)
Mathematical olympiad for the students of the city of Lvov in 1953. Usp.
mat.nauk. 8 no.4:199-200 JI-Ag 153. WaA 6:8)
(Lvov--Mathematics) (Kathematics--Lvov)
KO, A*S*
ContinouB-1-ransformation of a plane Into a plane and dimensio-
nality of the surface. Nauk.zap.L1viv.un. 22:17-26 '53. (MLILA 10:5)
(Transformations (Mathematics)) (Surfaces)
- - I 'AYMi.Aws
Applicability of the Fischer-Rieez theorem to almost periodic
Wayl Nnctions. Dop, ta pov, LIvive un. no-5 Pt,2-$93 '55.
(MMA q.-IO)
(Functions, Periodic)
Note on one property of Bp - uniformly functions. Dop. ta pov.
no.6 pt.2.'74-78 '55. (MIBA 10:3)
(Functions, Continuous)
Xathemat1cal olympiad for students of the city of Lvov during
the 1953/54 school year. Usp.mat.uauk. 10 no.11.227-228 '55
(brov--Kathematies) Oau 8:6)
IOVAN I ", A. S.
r--- - _- I I -
Vladimir Semenovich Fedorov; forty years as a teacher-scientist.
Usp.mat.nauk 10 no.4:193-196 155. (MLRA 9:1)
(Fedorov, Vladi4mir Semenovich) (Bibliography--Mathematics)
L/,-, vl~
Call Nr: AF 1108825
Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont.6scaw
Jun-Jul '56, Trudy 6 s Sect. Rpts., Izdatellstvo Ali SS "Mc ow, 1956, 237 PP.
c 'd.L. New space Types of a Ba
Gurevi h, B. L. eo Me' an
Generalized Functions and the Uniqueness Classes of
Generalized Cauchy Problem. 114
K-o-va-nlko, A. S. (LIvov). On the Compactness of Systems
o~R;~~s ctions. 114
Mukminov, B. R. (Odessa). Expansions in Eigen-functions
of Dissipative Kernels. 114-116
Mention is made of Iivshits, M. S.
Nayshu-11, A. B. (Moscow). Functional Problem for
Ordinary Differential Equations. 116-22.7
There are 8 references, 2 of which are USSR, 2 French,
3 English, and I is a translation into Russian.
Nikol'skiy, V. N. (Kalinin). Operator Prope'rties of
.Polynomials of the Best Approximation. 117-118
Card 37/60
Corrections to the article 'Method of least squares and its
extr6mal properties " (U.M.N. 9 n0-1, 1954, p.41-62). Usp.mats
nauk 11 no.2:250-251 Mr-Ap '56. (NLRk 9:8)
(Least squares)
Kathematical contests for students of Lvov in 1955 and 1956. Usp.
mat.nauk 11 no-5:255-256 S-0 156. ()U.U 10:2)
Compactness of a system of continuous functionals. Nauk zap. Vviv.
un. 44 no.8:82-85 157. (Ym 11:6)
(Functional analysis)
KOVANKO, A.S. (Lvov)
On a periodic property of B almost-Deriodic functicns. Annales pol
math 8 n0-3;271-275 160. (aa 10:1)
(Functions) (Series)
,,or e eviah;SDKOIDV, Ivan Georgiyevich; KOSTOVSKI7, A.N.,
KOVAV-FJKO ~-k:rdr,= evl'ch,8
otv 4, Fr
red., LLER,, M. red.; MAIYAVKO, A.V., tekbn. red.
[Tbeory of the ftinction of a real variable and fundamentals of
functional analysis] Teoriia, funktsii deistvitellnogo peremen-
nogo i osnovy fuiaktsionallnogo analiza. L'vov, Izd-vo LIvovskogo
univ-, 1961. 401 P- (MIRA 14:11.)
(Functions of real variables) (Functional analysis)
Expansibility of S and W. nearly periodic functions into finite
sums of such funcUono. V Ukr.mat.zhur. 13 no,2;226-231 161.
(MA 14--8)
(Functions,, Periodic)
VASILEM-,, Yu.K. (Beo3go:rod); KOVANflOs A.S. (Llvov)
- Reports on mathematics ol7mpinds for students. Mat.pros no.6032-
314 161.. - RM 150)
LISEVICH, L.I.I. [Lisevych, L.M.]
Certain properties of indefinite integrals and the derivative
of an almost periodic Sp-function. Dop. AN URSR no.6z7O5-706163.
(ITIRA 17:7)
1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Ukrainskiy poligra-
ficheskiy institut. Predstavl(mo akademikom All UkrSSR I.Z.
B.S. Fedorov on the teaching of mineralogy in secondary technical
schools. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv..2 no.2:146--151 F-'59.
(MIRA 12:10)
(Mineralogy-Study and teaching)