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FRANTSEVICHO I.N. (Frantaevych, I.M.); KALINaVICH,. D.F. [Kal~movych, D.F.); KOVENSKIY. I.I. [Kovenolkyi, I.I.); SMOLIN, M.D. Studying the diffusion of the components of a malrbdenum- tungsten alloy over a wide temperature range. Ukr. fiz. zhur, 6 no.9sIO20-1025 S 163. (MIRA 17;8) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN UArSSR, Kiyev. f r, OM .A MUM,! canacitvi~.,- KALINOVICH, D.F..; KOVENSKIY, I.I.; SMDLIX, M.D. Investigating electron transfer in binary metal alloys. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.2-.232-235 Ag 163. (KM 16:8) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN UkrSSR. (Iron-aluminum alloys) (Electrons)' KOVENSKIY, I.I. .1-1 .. . ..... I - Diffusion of carbon in Its solid oolutions on an iron group metal base. Fiz. met. I metalloved. 16 no.4:613-614 0 163. (KRA 16:12) 1. Institut metallokeramiki I spetsiallnykh splavov AN UkrSSR. KALINOVICH) D.F.; KOVENSKIY, I.I.; SMOLIN, M.D. Diffusion of the components of an i-ron-chromium alloy in a broad range of composition. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.0619-620 0 163. (KIRA 16:12) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsialInykh splavov AN UkrSSR. XCESSTMI F F: AF1-CK1Q?P1, S/OIP6/63/016/006/0904/0907 AITT)ICRSt Somsonor) Go Vo; "6nehyp- 1, 1. 'PITLEs The stete of carbon in the carbides of transition Petals SCURCE1 FiYdIM. metr1lov'i.natenoved9ViyeVv. l6v no. 6#1963p 904-007 TOPIC TAGS: .titaniiing titanium carbide, tantalimp tantalum carbids, tunestenp. tingsten carbide, iront iron carbidef cobalts, cobalt carbide$ nickelt' nickel carbide, transitlon metal, carbide physical property ARSIPIRPOTt The magnitude PM the siFn of the charges an carbon ions in solid alloys (on-Tit Tal W, Feq Go end Vi base) were calculpted from the experimental data. It uns desired to find. the correlation between these values and certain p1waical T--opertles of the correspoiiding corbides,, It.was deterrd.ne6 thnt 0 at-oms in these meUls rere ionized positivelyj ioeot the metallic bonds prevailed betreen the met9l and C atoms. It was also establlshad~thvts 1) the magnitude of C chprge In r was mich snaller than that in 71 and Ta, This was explained by the nature of statis- tical electron redistribution; 2) in the series Fe-Go-Ki the C chdrp decreased with the increased filling of the vacancies in the atomic 3d-levele of these metals; 3) the arount of beat genersted during the formation of carbides decreased from Ti to Card 1/2 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4045011 0/0000/64/000/000/0171/0176 iAUTHOR: Frantse'vich, 1. N., D. F. , Kalinovich, 1. 1. Kovenskly; M. D. Smolin TITLE: Study of the passage of electricity through metallic solid solutions SOURCE: Soveshchanlye po probleme Izpol'Zoyaniye dtomnoy energii, Kiev, 1961. I Radiatsionnaya avtomatika, 1zoto0y* i yaderny*ye izluchentya v nauke I tekhnike (Radiation automation control systems, isotopes, and nuclear radiation in science and technology); 4 doklady* soveshchantya. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1964, 171-176 TOPIC TAGS: electroconductivity, solid solution, solid solution conductivity, metal solid solution, ton migration, electron density, electron vacancy, hole ABSTRACT: The Institut metallokeramiki I spetsialIny*kh splavov AN USSR (Institute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys, AN Ukr. SSR) has worked out a method for studying the passage of electricity through solids by means of radioactive Isotopes. This method makes It pDooible to study such passage not only in extrinsic elements but also in basic alloys. Some of the binary systems studied Were: iron-carbon, nickel-chromium, cobalt- ttungstep., -nickel-tungsten, molybdenum-chromium, silver-palladium, etc. The radio- I lactive Isotopes used included carbon-14, Iron-55, nickel-63, silver-110, etc. The experL- mental'method has been discussed in an earlier paper by the 'same authors. Accordingto C5rd-j/Zr I I KALINOVICII, D.F. [Kalynovycli, D.Ii.j; K(yI,::I,3KIy~ I.J. (Kovans",.-~,,, T,I.J; SMOLIJI~ I.D. Partial raid total niaos transfer in the nickol-clu-o!.ijuni sv tem. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 3 no.11:1255-1260 1! 161,. 's WIHA 17 -.9) 1. Institut inetalloireramiki i spetsiallnylkh splavov AII UkrSSA, Kiyev. RALINOVICH, D.F.; MENSKIYj SMOLIN) M.D. Electrolysis in the systern timpsten .. molvhdr-nun. Elcktrokhimila 1 no.NiI488-1490 D 165. . (14TRA 19~~l) 1. Tngtltiit problem materialovedenipi All UkrSiM. Fmbm~ "Acd March 30., 1965. =7777 , --ACC W6'- -A~502 9 gut COD9 -- SUBM WED. SUB.--CODE:: SUB, DATE 64/ --ORIG,REF:-- 006/ OTH REF: 003 b 4, .F, Card.. .4cc-N-RN SOURCE CDDEt .-UR/fi364/65/001/012/1480/1490 AUTHORt ~!linovich, D. F.1 Xovensk!X' 1. 1.; Smolin. Ms Do OR(;: Ini:titute of Problems of HateriA1s__6qjeLnce.,_~adaq SLtclences U~L!~~]K (Insti- problem materialovedeniya Akademli nauk SSSR) TITLE: Electrolysiellin the j!Tjstenk2o bdenunk jj__ Item SOURCE: Elektrokhimiya, Y. 1, no. 12, 1965, 1480-1490 ITOPIC TAGS: tungsten containing alloy, molybdenum containing alloy ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of partial and total transport of matter in tungs ten alloys containing 0.1, 15, 20, 25, 35 and 50 atm % of No. Specimens in the form of wire segments 0.5 un in diameter and about 70 sim lonj were electroplated in their central part with a thin film of radiotracer Mo99 or W1 *5. The length of the deposit- ed layer was 2-3 mm. A special homogenizing annealing of the specimens insured uni- form distribution of atoms along the crass section. The starting position of the tag- ged zone was measured with respect to the end of the specimen.' A marker was made in order to measure the total transport in the center of the specimen. Constant current was passed through specimens in an inert atmosphere. The magnitude of current was re- guilated by rheostats and the temperature was controlled by an optical pyrometer. Af- ter -completion of the beating, the distribution of tagged atoms was again measwed Card UDC: $41.13 ACC NRs along the length of the wire. On the basis of these measurements It was possible to calculate the rate of transport V*, where the total rate of transport V consists of two components V--V* - W where W is the rate of displacement of the central part. In all the investigated al- loys, molybdenum migrated to the anode and tungsten to the cathode. In tungsten al- loys containing 15, 20 and 25% Mo the latter is predominantly involved in transport. In the first alloy (0.1% Ho) almost all of the material transport occurs due to tungs- ten. In tungsten alloys containing 35 and 50% Ho at 20000C, inversion of the sign of the overall transport takes place* Below this temperature transport of molybdenum predominates and above it the transport of tungsten becomes predominant. In the first of these two alloys, transport of both components in practically equal to 2200OCo Orig. art, hasr 6 tables. SUB CODE: 11, 07/ SUBM DATEt 30Xar65/ ORIG REFs 004/ OTH REFs 005 C,rd 2/2 ACC NRt AI>6036901 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/000/011/0057/0061 AUTHOR: Kalinovich, D. M. D. j ORG: Institute for Problems in Science of Materials, AN UkrSSR (Institut problem ! i. materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR) TITLE. High -t emp erature mobility of atoms of components in a molybdenum- tungsten system SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metaUurgiya. no. 11, 1966, 57-61 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, tungsten, high temperature effect ABSTRACT: An investigation was rhade of the diffusion of two components in eleven alloys of the molybdenum~-tungsten system, containing 0. 1, 15, 20, 25, 35, -of tungsten. The temperature range of 50, 65, 75, 80, 85, and 99. 9 at and W185 tracers, was 600-1000C. experiments, carried out with, the aid of Mo99 The values of Do and E (in cal/mol) were calculated for all the alloys used for the 41 investigation. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 3 tables. (Based on authorst. [NT] abstract] SUB CODE: ll/SUBM DATE: 03Mar66/ORIG REF: 006/OTH REF: 002/ -KOVMKIY. Ye. I .Utilization of State Bank loans ip an important lover in technical progress. Rech. transp.;21 no.12;47 D 162.. .I* . (MM 15:12) 1. Inzhener po novoy tekhnike sb4zhby promyshlennykh predpriyatiy Volzhskogo ob"yediq4ogo rechnogo parokhodstva. (Crecilt) KOVENSKIY, Yes Develop a power supply network for ship repair enterprises. Re-ch. transp. 22 no*5%53 My 63. (MIRA 16:8) 1,- Starshij inzhe tekhnicheskogo otdela Volzhekogo oblt~edinennogo rechnogo parokhodstva. (Ships-Maintenace and repair) (Electric power) KOVETIZ, A. Wetit, I.; Varga, E.; ~,~Oqr,_A. "Blood Bist-unine Contents of Chronic Dogs." p. '02. (Ac-~n iologica. Snpplement to v. 4, 1953, Budapest) _JI)y-.~.- I - i, SOt Vol. 3 3o 6 Lllirni-'~ or COIWrt-SS, Jun 54, Uncl. 9ZENTIVANYI, Matyas; KOVER, Andras Influence of gangllotrople substances on the biv-pbasic effect of acetylcholine and epinephrine. Kiserletes orvostud. 8 no.2*. 140-148 March 56. 1. Debreconi Orvost. Egyetem Blettant Intezete. (HEART. off. of drugs on acetylcholine & epinephrine, antag. of inverted secondary off. in isolated rabbit heart by cre9oxycboline & bexamethonium bromide. (Hun)) ACETYLCHOLINE, antag. cresoxycboline & bexametbonium bromide. Inhib. of inverted secondary off. of acetylcholine & epinephrine In isolated rabbit heart. (Hun)) (EPINEPHRINE, antag. same.) (MLTSCLE RELAXANTS, off. cresoxycboline & bexametbonium bromide, antag. of inverted secondary eff. of acetylcholine & epinephrine in isolated rabbit heart. (Hun)) HU.1GARY/Hunan and Animal MysioloGy - Met"abolism. Foments. T-1 ii'_'z: Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, 8~,947 Author Varga, E., Kover, A., Kovacs, T., Retenyi, E. Inst Hunprian Academy o Sciencea. Title Chan3cs of Cholinesterase Activity in Striated Muscles after Donervation, OriG Yab : Acta physiol. Acad. sci. hunG., 1957, 11, No 3-4, 235-242 Abstract : At various times after unilateral severance of sciatic ner- ves in dogs and rabbits, quantity of myosin, activity (.,A,) of myosincholine-steraso (I), ioe., ability of myosin to hyCxolize acety1cholin into the sum total of A cholineste- rase (II) of mmcles, were determined in intact and dcner- vated Cpstrocnemius muscles. According to the difference between the last two measurements, A of true cholinestear- so (III) was inferred. It was shwon that it is Card 1/2 COUNT-V )Iunwary 13-) f OATZORY ABS'. JOUR. i-.RZBiol., No. 195.9, No. 281 AUTHOR :,Varga, h;.; Kover Kovacs, T.i hetenyj5f~. E"~T. 4 I iT L~ (;jIM190S in t1je Cholinestera~ie Activity of 6keletal I-juscies in the Course of Ontogenesis. ORIG. PUB. : Acta physiol. Acad. sci. hung., 1957, 117 No 3-41 243-251 A'~' 3 T aA f", T:During the first days of posteijbryonic life the actilrity of ace tyl-choline sterase JI) al" striated. skeletal muscles of rabbit is considerably increascd, reacbing a maximum by the 7tb day$ after whicb Is drops gradually, ulthough on the Vtb day it excecds by about 3 times the rorm which bas been determined in adult anima-1Q. Relatively lesser charges are eydi-ibited b-. the L,-yosin-cholinesterase (II); its activity exceeds by ab'out 3 times the norm during the first days following birth, iti reacAhc.,s a relatively constant level, without a sharply manifested maximum, then decreases gradjally. however, on the 4(th day it still exceeds the norm. Total activity of KECMnA =CA S3*.2 'Tol,11/4 Fk7aU-b1oehC=-PhaM APr58 1495. PROPERTIES OF MYOSINCHOLINESTERASE - K 5 v e r A. , K o v d c s T. and K 6 n i g T. Inst. of Physiol., Med. Univ. --DebTFc-en - ACTA PHYSIOL. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1957, 11/3-4 (253-258) Graphs 4 The optimum conditions for myosin-ChE action are a pH of 8.5. ACh substrate con- centration of 1.5 X 10-3 M and an ionic strength of 0.02. Enzyme activity in en- hanced by K ions in concentrations of 1.0 to 0.2 M and inhibited by higher K Lon concentrations. Ca. Mg and Mn tons have no influence, KOVER, A. *, BAIZA, L.B.; PUSZTAI, L. ......... Antomatto apparatne for biologinal titration. Acts. physiol. hung. 11 nlo-3-4:363-370 1957. Is Physiologisches institut der melizinischen universitat, Debrecen. (BIOCHEMISTRY. appar. & instruments automatic appar. for titration of substances on qurface of isolated organs (Ger)) K 0 KOVACS, T.; KO A. Changes of cholinesterase activity of cross-striated miscles after motor denervation. Acts, physiol. hung. ll(suD-Pl):14-15 1957. 1. Physiologischas Institut der Medizinischan UniverBitat, Debrecen. (MUSCLES, pbysiol. off. of motor donervation on cholineBterase activity in cross-striated musc. (Gar)) in cross-striated muse., off. of motor donervation on activity (Ger)) KOVIR, A.; KOVACS, T. M"Weem Snecificity of myosin-cholinesterase. Acta Dhysiol. hung. ll(Suppl): 1~-17 1957. 1. Pl%vsiologischez Institut der Medizinischen Universitat, Debrecen, (CHOUIRSTEMN n7osin-cholineaterano inhibitors & specificity (Gar)) (MUSCLIC PROTEIVS, metab. same) Fi_iCERPTA MICA See 2 Vol 12/9 PhyslologY SePt 59 3899. FACTORS INFLUENCIING MYOSM-CHOLINESTERASF ACTIVITY A miozinkolineszteriz aktivitAsit befolyi(so]6 tdnyezak vlzsg&lata - Kov Err A, Kovfics T. and Minig T. DebreceniOrvostud. Egyet. glefraniint. ds Budapest Orvostud. Egyet. Biok6m. Int. - KIStRL. ORVOSTUD. 1958. 10/6 (654-658) Graphs 4 Experimental studies have demonstrated the following characteristics of myosin- ChE, p1l optimum 8.5; optimal substrate concentration 1.5 x 10-3 ACh at pli 7.4 and ionit; strength 0.02; K ion enhances activity at concentrations of 0.1-0.2 M but in- hibits activity at higher concentrations. At higher pH values the activability be- cornea less and the tendency to inhibition greater. The effect of K ion is specific and Is not due to a change in Ionic strength. Unlike other cholinesterases. myosin- ChE to not influenced by bivalent cations (Ca, Mg, Mn). SZIIAGYI, Tibor; OVER, An4FAA; CSABA, Bela Effect of hypothermia, on histamine liberation under the influence of adrenalin. Kiserletes Orvostudomany 12 no.1:26-29 7 16o. 1. Debreceni Orvootudomanyi 3gyetem Xorelettani es Alettani Int82etei. (HISTAXIIII physiol) (HYPOTHMMIA INIUC:KD eff (APINA M INZ pharmacol) . . KOVER, A.; BEREGSZASZY, Gy.; MOLM, Oy;; WZNT, 1. Preseor-depressor counterregulation in experimental hypertension induced by various methods. Act& physiol.hung. 18 no-1:37-45 160. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Debrecen. . (BMRTENSION exper) (BLOOD PIMSSMM, physiol) CSABA, Bela; BEREGSZASZI, Gyula; KOVER, Andras; GIONGOR, Jozoef; SZIL&MI, Tibor The histamine content of guinea pig ileum in Sohultz-Dale reaction. Acts. physiol Hung 20 no.21165-170 161. 1. Institute of Pathophysiology and Institute of Physiology, Medical 'University, Debrecen. 4 HIUY-~ARY vApr,A, 7 I --A.!; XOVACS, T.; JOKAY, I.; .121-ILAGIv-1, T.; Xr--dical Uni- vim-;Ity ;f Jf-3lo-re,~cm, ImAittxte, of Physiology and Pathology (Dabrec-p-ni Dr, -,~.yeten El --ttan! e5 Noreletta-vii Intezete) of Ilyo.,)Ins Extracted From Tonic and Tetanic Muscle!; ,ase6 on Their Propc-rtie!~." 5,~udazpssT, Xlperletes Orvo.-tudomany, Vol XIV, No 6, 1962, pp 59~-'- q99 Lbs=ct: FAiffnors' sumary] Based on imwnologlucal doterwinaUmv., the Rut.hors concluded 'that .1. myossin -15 a class-!F-,ecific ant-igen, ~. the myosin which exhibits a relatively high oholineaterase End a low adenosinetrirhos-ohatase activity and iz obtained from torn-c muscl,'-s had a sti-acture ~iffe'rent from that of the myosin obtained frc:,~ teUanla ~-,uscles. f 211; references, about 9 are Soviet-bloc, 16 Western] VARGA, E.; LOVE~.A.; KOVACS, T.; JOKAY, I.; SZILAGYI, T. Differentiation of myosins extracted from tonic and tetanic muscles on the basis of their antigenic properties. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung. 22 no.1:21-28 162. 1. Institute of Physiology and Institute of Pathophysiology, Medical University, Debrecen. (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATASE) (ANTIGENS) (MUSCLES) VARGAp KOVACS, T.; SZABOLCSI M.j JOKAY, I. The myooin structure of the different types of muscle. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung. 22 no.2:119-123 162. 1. I.Institute of Physiology, Central Rosearch Laboratory, Institute of Pathophysiology, Medical University Debrecen. (ADENOSINL TRIPHOSPHATF,~ (MUSCLES) KOVER, A.; KONYA, L.; KOVACS, L.; SZOOR, A. Positive inotropic action of cholineuterase on the hypodynamic frog heart. Aota physiol. acad. sci. hung. 22 no.2:145-153 162. 1. Institute of Physiologyp Medical University, Debrecen. (CHOLIIWTEWE) (HMT) -- I-- I . I1 !3, - - Y - - I . I dSABA, tela; SZILAGYI, Tibor; KOVER, Andras;.,,.C,SONGOR, Jozsef Data on the mqchanism of action of 48/80. KiBerl. orvostud. 15 no.5t457-461, 0 163. 1. D6breceni Orvostudomanyl Egyetem K6relottani 9s Elettani Intezete, (SYMPATHOMIKETICS) (BLOOD PRESSURE DETERMINATION) (HISTAMINE LIBERATION) (ACETYLCHOLINE) (HYPOTENSION, CONTROT.T. ) CSABA, Bela; SZILAGYI, Tibor,- DAMJANOVICHy Sandor; KOVER, Andras The role of histamine in anaphylactic aback in the dog. Kiserl. orvostud, 15 no-5Z465-47O 0 163. 1. Debm-cenl Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korelettani es Elettani Intezete. (ANAPHYL.4,XIS) (HISTAMINE LIBERATION) (LIM FUNCTION) (BLOOD CHE14ICAL ANALYSIS) (LUNG) (HYPOTENSION, CONTROM ) 7 , ": 'I , ~-, V L 17 0: i IJ 3z 1u 1-_:i,~Y :~I` ;J:~'~_,-C,.~ _-I, T, Y ~a tho-~ i C, 1 0 L, y n i ~ I L U0 1 1 %, V J %----ptrm El e an - es ',,.Dr~-lG-anjL ta on, tn~-- Action Vechanism of' NO I ITho _V(;ot !~f I;' A"O h:I:., I r, t 1,51rr arian J."od if DI w1viou"." alid ;cino clata obtain~_,d oji it~j of acticn. On fro,- heart, 14-3/80 iS ineffective by it.-elf but adht~~r(ts fin-ily to ~_!Cetyl choline receptors. 7.he decreaso of acetylcholin(.. ~;ensitiv-_'ty "to- rt, PI ore-t %-,tment with 451"0 c"in bo. nq _iinod by /30! is 0 0,71. t~i ,;i%r(,-n after the acetyleholinf.,, the offect of 'he latter cuas r -, y. Cn t`~e lntestinr;z; of rabbits, 48/80 has an effect _~irlilar to ac(;-~yicholine. T-here is a commetitive inhibition between the e-ff ect of and acewl- choline. Previous treatment with hexamathonivum bromide- or atropine inhibits the of fect of both com-,.)ounds. Guirea pig ileii-ii, with added _11LEV80, exhibits an *ncreased motor activity. Thi) Schul-.-Dalla reaction of tlne na.-~.-`Lvely sL~nsitized intestine is not influenced by an incubation -~,:`Lth 4S/Sc). in do7s, J.v. infusion of 48 ,/80 causes a severe drop of blood T)ressure which is catsed by the 11 1Derated histamine lubat enters the blood stream. 2 Hungarian, 20 Western references. 1/1 6SABA, Bela; SZILAGYI, Tibor; DAMJANOVIGH, Sandor; COVER, Andras The role of histamine in peptone shock in tho dog. Kizarl. orvostud. 15 no.5:471-477 0 163. 1. Debraceni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem KoTelettani as Elettani Intezete. (SHOOK, TOXIC) (RPTONES) (HISTAMM LIBERATION) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) (LIM FUNCTION TESTS) (BLOOD PRESSURE. DETERMINATION) (ANAPHYLAXIS) (HYPOTENSION, CONTROLLED) CSABA, Bela; SZILAGYI, Tibor; DAMJANOVICH, Sandor; KOVER, Andras Effect of 1+8/80 on anaphylactic and peptone shock in the dog. Kiserl, orvostudo 15 no.5t478-484 0 163, 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korelettani en Elettani Intezete. (HISTAMI.N-LIBERATION) (ANAPHYLAXIS) (SHOCK, TOXIC) (PEPTONES) (ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) (LIM FaNCTION TESTS) (ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS) (SYMPATHOMIKETICS) (HYPOTENSION, CONTROLLED) CSABA, Bela; SZILAGYI, Tibor; DAMJANOVIGHI Sandor; KOVER., Andras Effect of hypothermia on anaphylactic and peptone shock in the dog. Kiserl. orvostud. 15 no-5:485-491 0 163. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Kerelettani as Elettani Intezete. (HYPOTHERMIA, INDUCED) (ANAPHYLAXIS) (SHOCXP TOXIC) (PEPTONES) (CHLORPRCMAZINE) (HISTAMINE LIBERATION) KOVER A .'SZABOLCS. M.;_BENKO, K. -Studies of the physicochemioal and enzymochenjica.1 properties of struotlaral proteibs extracted from fish muscle, L Lability, enzymochemical and structural properties of fish myosin. Acw --physiol. acad. sci. hung. 23 no.3:229-237 163. I - 1. Institute of Physiology and Central Laboratory, Medical Univqrsity, Debrecen. (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSP4TASE) (CHOLINESTEFLkSE) (MUSCLE PROTEINS) SZ&BOLGSI BF14KOO K. Studios of tho 1-4hysicochomioa'I and enzymoohomical properties of structural proteins extracted from fish muscle. II. The effect of changes in,the conditions of extraction of the Jqomogeneity and enzymatic activity of fish myosin preparations. -Acta physiol. acad. sci, hung. 23 no.3t239-245 163. 1. Central Laboratory and Institute of Physiology,,Medical University, Debrecen. (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATASE) (.MqSCLE P*EINS) (CHOLINEMEBASE) (MAPNESILIM) HUNGARY SZOOR, Arpad, _rOYER,-&i2dras, KOVACS, Tibor; Medical University of Debrecen, Tnstittute of (Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Elettani Intezet). "Preparation of True Cholinesterase From the Striated Muscle of the Rabbit." 'Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarwm Hungaricae, Vol YYIII, No 4, 1963, pages 333-337. Abst'ract: FEnglish article, authors' English stramary] Myosin-free cholin- esterase has been prepared from the,striated muscle of rabbits. The overall purification was about 20-fold. As regards substrate specificity and sub- strate inhibition, the purified preparation belongs to the group of true cholinesterases. 12 Western, 5 Eastern European references. 1/1 CSABA, B.; SZILAGYI, T.; DAMJANOVICH, S.; KOVER, A. Anaphylactic shock and peptone shock in the dog. I. The role of histamine i?T anaphylactic shock. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung. 23 no,4:363-369 963. 1. Institute of PathopVsiology and Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Debrecen. (ANAPHYLAXIS) (PEPTONES) (HISTAMINE LIBMUTION) (HISTAMINE) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (KYMOGRAPHY) (LIVER CIRCULATION) (LUNG) (BLOOD CHE14ICAL ANALYSIS) CSABA, B.; SZILAGYI, T.; DAMXANOVICH, S.; EOVER., A. Anapbylactio shock and paptone shock in the dog. III. Effect of compound 1#9/80 on anaphylactic shock and peptone shock. Acta pbysiol'v acad. sci. hung. 23 no.4.,379-385 163. 1. Institute of Pathopbysiology and Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Debrecen. (ANAPHYLAXIS) (PEPTONES) (ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS) (HISTAMINE LIBERATION) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (LIVER CIRCULATION) (HEPATIC ARTERY) (DAMUNE SERUM) (HISTAMINE) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) CSABA, B.; SZILAGYI, T.; DAMJANOVICH, S.; KOVER, A. Anapbjr:Lactic shock and peptone shock of the dog. IV. Effect of bypothermin on anaphylactic shock and peptone shock. Acts, physiol. acad. sci. hung. 23 no-4:387-395 163. 1. Institute of Pathopbysiology and Institute of Physiology, Medical Univers ty, Debrecen. (ANAPHTLAXIS) (PEPTONES) (HTPOTHE11MIA, IMUCED) (HISTAMINE LIBERATION) (ANTIGENS) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (LUNG) (CHLORPRMaINE) (BODY TEMPERATUREJ (IMMUNE SERUM) (LIVER) (HISTAMINE) (BUOD C104ICA1 ANALYSIS) HUNGARY CSABA, Bela, SZIIkGYI, Tibor KOVER Andras, CSONGOR, Jozsef; Medical University of Debrecen, gy ituies of ~ao~physiology and Physiolo (Debre- cer-i Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Korelettani es Elettani Intezetei). "Data on the Mode of Action of 48/80." Budapest, Acta Phmsiolop:ica Academiae Scientiarm Hungaricae, Vol XXIII, No 4, 1~63, pages 397-405. Abstract; [English article, authors' English summary]-The effqcts of 48/80 have been examined in various tests and information has been obtained as to its mode of action. It has been shown that, in the frog's heart, 48/80 by itself is inactive, but it is linked firmly to the acetylcholine receptors. This property may explain the decrease of sensitivity to acetylcholine after pretreatment with 48/80. Given after the administration of acetylcholine, 48/80 promptly suspends its effect. The compound acts on the rabbit's in- 4. estine like acetyicholine. 48/80 and acetylcholine inhibit each other's actions competitively. Pretreatment with hexamethonium bromide or atropine blocks the effect of 48/80 and of acetylcholine. Added to the guinea pig ileum, 48/8-0 increases motor activity, presumably by dual action: by causing a release of hist-anine from the intestinal wall, a small parit of which es- capes into the bath, and by stimulating the intramural ganglia of the in- 6estline. After incubation with 48/80, the Schultz-Dale reaction takes place in 'the -oassively sensitized intestine. After the Schultz-Dale reaction or incubation with 48/80, as well as after incubation with 48/80 and the spe- cific antigen, tho histamine content of the passively sensitized ileum seg-- 1/2 .Rr.~.a Hy Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hunraricae, Vol XXIII, No 4, 196" pa-es 397-405. :i,ents 'is significantly more than in the control segments. Dogs anaesthetized with chloralose respond to the intravenous administration of 1 mg/kg of 48/80 with a considerable fall of blood pressure. This hypotension is produced by the histamine released in large quantities by 48/80 and entering the blood stream. 2 Hungariang 20 Western references. 2/2 SZOM, A.; KOVER, A.; POHAW, 0. Studies of the specificity of muscle. Cholinesterases. 1. The role of active anionic sites. Acta physiol. acad. sci. Hung. 24 no.2:157-163 163. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University) Debrecen# CHOLrNESTEWE) CAMETHONILIM COMPOUNDS) M (PENTAMETHONIUM COMPOUNDS) (CHEMISTRY) (MUSCLE PROTEINS) (HYDROGEN-ION CONCENMATION) (MUSCLES) CSABA, B.; SZILAGYII T.; DAWANOVICH, S.; KOVIER, A. Anapbylactic abook and peptone shock in the dog. II, The role of histamine-in peptone shock. Acta physiol. acad. sai. bung. 23 no-4:371-378 163, 1. Institute of Patbophyt4iology and institute of Physiology, Medical University, Debrecen. ANAPHrLAXIS) (PEPTONES) (HISTAMINE LIBERATION) LIM CIRCULATION) (BLOOD PRESSURE) HISTAMINE) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) (TISSUE CULTURE) 1HEPATIC ARTERY) (LUNG) (IMMUNE SERUM) SZOORY A.; KOVER, A.; KOVACS, T. Studies of the specificity of muscle cholinestorases. Acta physiol. acad. sci. flung. 24 no. 2t165-169 163. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Debrecen. 2: to 4 1964 1, TZ777777 .-SOMP. A c~fie P, neie"'itiark ,1965 IT-11 VOYEO: TAGS-f. calciunj enzym :,phy6ioloo_ ni 2 _q ~WVW4 U466AIj . WW ard-. ACC NR, AT6022817 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/028/003/0217/0223 AUTHOR: Szoor, Arpad--Sor, As; Szabolcs, Marton-Sabollch, M.; K Mor, as-7-Kover,As ORG: Institute of Physiology, Nedical. Univorsity, Debrecen (Orvostudomar%3d Bigyotom Blettani, Intozoto); Central Laboratory, Iledical University, Dobrocen.jOrvostudonarori Sgyotoiri Kozponti Laboratoriwiia) TITL-]-. Mfect of hoat troatmnt on t1he cholinesterase activity of actonvosin SOURCE: Acador-da sciontiarum, hungaricao. Aota p)Wsiologica, v, 28, no- 3, 1965, 217-225 TOPIC TAGS: onzyme, protein ABSTIIET: The effect of heat treatment has boon studied on the cholinestaraso ac ty of actonyosLi and of actor7osin digested briofly with trypsin. 1) On heat trea In 'dio p11 range 5-0-8-0, a higher proportion of the total cholineateraso activity re- nainad in solution at the higher pff values. Supernatant solixtions vrit-li the highost specific activity were obtained at f1i 6.o-6.2. 2) The fractions with chol-Inestoraso activity which were liberated from actor7osin solutions can bo.soparatod bDr dialysis into a fraction precipitated at 0*05-0.07 )1 (P) and another which remains in solution (D). Fractions P aixl D have about the saw ehoUiiesterase activity. Ultracentrifugal studies inidicate that fraction P shows a tendency for aggregation;.this is attributed to tho presence of actin, 3) The properties of the oholinostoraso fractions libaratod by heat treatmnt woro groatly altered by trypsin digestion. When the Ionic strane% of the supernatai-it liquid was reduced, alm-st 80 per cont of the total cholinesteraso activit, rerzmied in solution at 0905-0o07 -4. The authors thank Dre Bo Varga for his interest and helpful suggestionse Origt'arts' has: 3 figures and 3 tables* forig. art. in Enaj fP M R-p, Cqq~: _ M / & DATP,.: 25Nov64 / ORIG REF: oo6 / OTH REF.: 013 KUPER, B. 1948 (Pediatric Clinic, IJ. of Debrecen) "Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver in Childhood." Annalles Paedritrici, Basle, 1948 170/6(299-303) Abst: Exc. Med. V. Vol. 11, No. A. p. 602 SZEMY, Katalin, dr.; KOMv Bela 4pariencoo In Interstitial pneumonia in newborn and atropMe infante, Oyarmekgyogyassat 5 no.4:122-129 Ap 154. (UAL 318) 1. A Debraceni Oryostudomanyi Raetem Gyarmakklinikajanak (Igasgato: Kulin Iaszlo dr. egy. Win ) koolemenyo, (PNE M NIA9 in inf. & child *interstitial, plasma call in newborn & atrophic inf.) (INFANT, NEWBMN, din. *pneumonia, interstitial plasma call) XOVBR, Bela, dr.; KROBIRS, Jozeef, dr. Gerebrospinal fluid diagnosis in tuberculous meningitis. Gyarmekgyogyassat 5 n0-10:303-308 Oct 54. 1. A debraceni Oryostudomaniu Eg3retem Gyemekklinikajanel kozlemezWe (igasgato: dr. Kulin Iesslo egyetemi tanar) (TUMMOUTMIS, MININGM, CSF in diage value) (GAMR03PIM FLUID, in various die. tuber,,.;., meningeal, diag. value) KULIN, laszlo, dr.; Bfga, dr.; LENGYXL. 4renc, dr.; LUDYM, Konrad, dr.; NIMA.4ymlre, dr.; SZXMY, Katalin, dr. Cyclic penicillin therapy of scarlet favor as a prophylaxis against complications due to superinfection. Orv hatil 95 no.17:44-453 Ap '54s (EM 3:8) ,,yotem Gyermakklinikajanak (igazgato: 1. A Debreconi Orvostudomanyi Xg Kalin Laszlo dr. egyetemi tanar) koslamenve. (PANICILLIN, ther. use *scarlet favor. cyclic ther. in prev. of compl. (SCARLET FXVXR, ther. .*Penicillin, cyclic ther. in prov. of compl.) NOM, Bela, Dr. .-,. - . 1. 9"i6eff t atrophic and dystrophic infants. Gyermekgyogyiszat 9 no.4-6s 158-161 Apr-J6e 58. 1. A Debrecenl Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Oyermakklinikajanak (igazgato., Kulin Ia9zlo dr. egyetemi tams * kozlemenye. (INYANT NUTRITION DISORDXRS nutrition of atrophic & dystrophic inf. (Ekm)) KOVER, B.; BEREGSZASZI, Gy. 1- - On the 24-hour rhythm of hegt production in premature infants. Acta pediat. .4-no.1:23-31 163. 1. Kinderklinik (Direictor: Prof. Dr. L. Kulin) der Medizinischen Universitat Debrecen. (BODY TE14PERATURE) (INFANT ) PREIAAW,-) (PERIODICITY) KOVER,'~~._j KISS-~ZABO, A. ------- Contribution to the question of the specific dynamic action of -~glycocoll loading in premature infants. Acts, pediat. 4 no.l: 33-40 163. 1. Kinderklinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. L. Kulin) der Medizini cherL Universitat Dabrecen. (GLYCINT) (KETABOLISM) (INFANT, PREMATURE) KOVES, Bela; KISSjjal,~ dr.; MIGSEPETI, Jeno Questions ielating to the settlement of meat industry plantt. Elelm ipar 17 no.12061-367 D 1. Husipari Ig4zgatos-de-ffor Koves). 2. Elelmiszeripari Ipargazdasagi es Uzemazervesesi, Intezet (for Kiss). 3. Orszagos Husipari Nutatointezet (for tencsspeti). SZEKELY, Katalin; KOUR, B.; ZOLNAI, V. CytomegaloviruD: Clinical. ob9prvation of newborn and in'Lantile oxcreters. Acta pasdiat. acad. sci. flung. 6 no.3/4-:313-322 165. 1. Department of Faediatrics, University Medical School, Debrecen. Submitted March 11, 1965. RUMMIA Chemical Tochnology, Chemical Prolucts and Their E-17 Application. Pharmcouticals, Vitamins a Antibiotics. Abs Joiu7 Author Inst Title Or!--, Pub : Rof Zhur - 1[himiya, No 5., 1959) No. 16475 : Schreiber, Ko7or 0 : Not gi,,vn : Calculation Forrmila fcr Pharmacists : Farmacia NoLdn)., 1957., 5y No 4) 353-356 Abstract : Presented aro examples in tho use of the "cross" formLla for solvinG probloms related to dilutions or concontra- tiona of dinig woparations. -- E. Natkhan Coa-d 1/1 H -17 RUWJdA / Chemical Technol%yj Chemical Products and Their Application. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamtna- AntibioticEr. Abs J01W Ref zhur - Khudya, No 51 1959) No. 16535 Author Schreiber., L.; Kover, C, In9t Not given Title Use of Standard Control Mothods Discussed in the Now Issue of the Romanian Pharmacopoeia Orig Pub Farmacia (Romin), 1958, 6) No 2, 171-175 Abstract Evaluation of the improved testing and anal"ie stardards imposed on pharnaciats by the VII issue of the Ronanian pharmacopoeia is presentedo -- E. Natkhan C ard 1A 4-0 MANDACHE, F.; PRODESCUtIV-; GONSTANTINESOU, S.; KOVER, G.; STANCIULESOU, P. Sympathectomy associated with adrenalo-omentopoxy. A method for portal derivation of the circulation of the adrenal glands. Rimanian med. rev. no.2:63-70 162. (SWATHECTMY) (ADREIJAL GI.ViDs) (pORTAL SySTaj) TUR&I, I.; MAMICHI, 71., Assistant Prof.; KOUR, Gh Dr. ia~bar nympathoctoov ioaaciated with medullosclerosis of the adrenal p,lands in the treatment of arteritis: long-term results. Rumanian K. Rev. 3 iio.1:45-48 Jan-Mar 59. 1. Correspondent member of the R.P.R, Academy (for Handache), (AMRITIS, evrg. lumber sympathectooWdombined with chem.-induced adrenal madulloselerosis) (SYMPATHECTOff, in various dis. lumbar, in arteritis, with chem-induced adrenal medullo- sclerosis) (AMENAL MIWLIA, eff. of drugs on chem.-inducad sclerosis in ther. of arteritis, with lumbar sympatheatomy) u r-t-cn: Scurco: Tiraj-~O,-r, T- I v p a 0 un- Tornainal Coijans, sta~.-O rjgcna4.,*Gd 31:11100d. I*wo th Tr--ntsfj,,ion~ of U"h 'rtiHeiai ~ N Hoar&-L,-,n-s. Au t h o rs C ji,:;, T ZSCU D. LTJTr-SCu 0 10 -,pY L CAN T.,'%.RGIU Sof i a KO on' ca CO lus TANTIM,, s c us PO"-fOr-mod at tho QU"r,10al Clinic of "Brincovonooc" Hospital (Clinica do Chirux-gi MAI. AN' D ALL C H EE o a Sp a B n co:L.-- c. r0 3D 11,0 c to r . F . 10 MANDACHE, FI.; MATEESCU, D.; KOVERY Gh.; POPESCU, M. Role of the adrenal glands in hemodynamic disorders in shock patients. Stud. cercet. andocr. 15 no-3:233-240 164. VEGMTI, Peter, dr.; HAMIRG, Laszlo, dr.; KABAT, Maria; KOVIM, Gyorgy; YONTODY, Lajoene, dr., tecbnlkai segitsegovel. 1--o"WWANAW. Hypothermia and hibernation. III. Ronal function in hypothermia. Orv. hatil. 96 no.1:14-15 2 Jan 55. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyt 3gyetem I. Oyarmekklinikajanak Ugasgato: Gagesi-Xies, Pal dr. egyateml tanar) es Ilettani Intesetensk (igazgato: Balint, Peter dr. agyatemi tanar) kozlemenye. (BODY TWPMW' URE, hypothermia, kidney funct. tests in dogs.) 4FDNST YUNCTION'TESTS, in bypotbermia In dogs.) HARSING, Lassi-o-i JILLINEX, Harry; .gg; LASZW, Katalin; 'Y- VBGMTI,, Peter; FORTODI, Effects of hypothermia on ischemic kidney lesions. Kiserletes orvostud. 8 no.l::85-92 1956. 1. Rudapesti Orrostudomanyi IgVetem Ilettani Intezete, II. as. Korbonctani Intezete so 1. as. Gyermakklinikaja. (KIDESYS, blood supply ischemia, exper., prev. of consequent fatal lesions by hypothermia in dogs (Hun)) (BODT TMCPMTURB hyp6thermia, controlled, in prey. of fatal kidney lesions after exper. inchemia of kidney@ in dogs (Hun)) HARSING, L.; JELLINEK, H.; ~4ASZW, K.; VF.GHMYI, P.; MNYODY, S. The affect of hypotbarmia on isebaemic changes in the kidney. Acts. pbysiol. hung. 10 no.2-4:429-436 1956. 1. Institute of Physiology 2nd Institute of Patholo&v and Ist Department of Pediatrics, University Medical School, Budapest. (HYPOTMV-41A, exper. aff. on axper. ischemic changes in dog kidneys.) (KIDIMYS, blo'od supply Ischemia, exper.., off. of exper. hypothermia on ischomic changes in dogs) HA XG, L.; YONYODI, S.; KABATs M.; NDVIR,.,O Effect of phlorizin and of mercurial diuretics on renal hemodyn-mics. Acts. physiol. hung. 12 no.4:363-371 1957- 1. Institute of Physiology. Medical University, Budapest. (PHIORIZIN, eff. on renal hemodynamics in dogs) (DIURETICS, MERCURIAL, off. some) (KIDN37S. off. of drugs on mercurial diuretics & phlorizin on hemodynamice in dogs) HARSING, Laszlo; DUBBCZ, Erseebet;_IKOVER. 93roru.- NAGY, Janos; as dEREL*R, Katalin; TAKACS, Eva, tachnikai segaidletevel Effect of bypothermia on the level of substituted Na. Kioarlates orvostud. 13 no.41373-380 Ag 161. 1. Budapasti Orvootudomnyi EUetem Blettani as Orvonfizikai Intezets. (BODY TEKPFMTURS) (SODIUM metab) HARSING, Laszlo;,KOVER, Gyorgy; DUBEGZ, Erseebet; NENES, Byorgy Effect of hypothermia on the inulin space. Kiserletes orvostud. 13 no-4:381-384 Ag 161. 1. Budapesti Or7ostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezete. (BODY TEMPERATURE) (INULIN metab) RARSING, Laszlo; NAGI, Janos; KOVER, Ckmrgy; DUBSCZ, grosebetl as GBRBMJI Natalln; TAXAGS, Eva Effeet of hypothermia on transcapillary Na substitution. Kiserleten orvostud. 13 no-4:385-391 Ag '61. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi 99yetem Elettani es OrvOsfisilmi IntezOts- (BODY TEUERATURE) (SODIUM blood) -:,I eor, t e f ~v n n a pi:v jA .4 Oar, C. 'ns -% I tu te of pl),yj opy., u,11 j- c L , ~ "]. .1 .1 KOVER, G.; MALYUSZ, M.; EI10, Erzaebet; SZOCS, Eva The effect of antlotensin on renal circulation. Acta physiol. acad, soi* Hung* 28 no.103-57 165. 1. Institute of Physiology, University dical School., Badapest. Submitted November 24, 1964. ~1- r-~ Cent: While the' Ih- the' r,,-'cent the-,-r 06: -b- 1--ol- ry. bied'-,, d ~;.th4i__rhob iie"s In- ~.jdth:, P.ompar som eareased'- y FAHAl d -30 -_cent's`: per ' the - decregs6d.,bj.A0., ~p _~CpAH, creat o " meed b abb cent.~ AU -th ese these -are -th;, cines- constr,j6teA -'_- - Ih A the is-aa, Can 7ff ~7 g, ACC NRt AT6025180 AUTHOR., Kover, 2n-r --Kever, D. (Budapost)l Malyusz, Hiklos--X23,Tuat M. (BudQP0-qQ: Eno, Ex~steb (Budapest); Szocs. Eva-Sech. E. (Bidapest) ORGs Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Budapest SBudapesti 01~vost domarqi Evet~M-.Elettala-i~t~ezet 7~ TIM: Effect of angiotensin on renal circulation SOURCE: Academia acientiarum hungaricae. Acts, physiologic& , v. 28, no. 1, 1965, 53-57 TOPIC TAGS: hormone, endocrinology, animal physiology ABSTRACT: The effect of angiotensin 3:1 on "in situ" and "isolated" kidneys has been studied. 1) When infused into the renal artery of the in-s~tu kidney, angiotensin increased the renal resistance and decreased the RBFd!Lre CpAH and Cereate There was a significant increase in Ecreat and EpAH. 2) In the isolated kidney, renal resistan 'was increased and RBFd:Lr was diminished by angiotensin. There was no change in the CpAH and Ccreato whereas Ecreat and EpAH increased significant3'T- 3) The increase in EpAH in response to anglotensin may be ascribed to an improvement in the PAH-secretl activity of the tubular cells. Another possibility is the presence of shunts in the kidney which may be constricted by angiotensin more than the blood vessels of the fu, tioning renal substance am. Orig. art. hast 2 tables. /Orig. art. in &~&J/2"PRS1 33000 SUB CO ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 007 . ).A:, SUBM DATEs 24Nov64 L SOURCE CODE: HU/2305/65/027/001/005 /0063 ACC NRI AT6032348 .19 AUTHOR: Wyusz, IbJcl s; ~qnr, r ORG: Institute of P iolo Medical University of Budapest, MMst (Budapesti Orvosfu-J6-m-aM-Y2 Elettard Intezet) TITM: Effect of papaverine on the function of the renal tubularicells SOURCE.t Academia sciont-larum hungaricao. Acts, physiologica, v, 27, no. 1, 1965, TOPIC TAGS: pharmacology, animal physiology ABSTRACT; The PAII transport and oxygen consumption by rat kidnV cortex slices was d,tudied at 280 and 3r C. At 280, the oxygen uptake was 2.96 14-1h1mg ar4_the SIM ratio, was 18.34. At 370, the oxygen consumption averaged 4.~6 p /h/mg with an S/M value of 6.89. The release of PAH froin the tubular."cells Into the tubular lumen was inhibited at 280. unchanged FAHu ke, t , pta_ fts fact resulted in an increased PAH accumulation and an increased S/M ratio*. Papaverine decraased the PAH accumulation and the oxygen uptake at both 'temperatures. The oxygen consumption sheved a linear decrease while the ,S/H ratio detreased exponentially, Thils effeat of papaverine can be !osPh'rV1ation# accotinted for by..the drug-induced unuoupling of oxidative ph 7 11; Origo art* has: 3 figures arA'l talile~** COjig. art* in_En~j LJPR-Si So CODEz 06 / SUBM DATEt Zftov63 / OM REFt 012 Card 1/1 LS 0 W7 , -WYV1. HUNGARY ___XQvFR.,__Gyorgyj. and PUSKOPI., Gabriellay Institute of Physiology at the Medical University (orvostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezete) in Budapest. "Effect of Antidiuretic Hormone on Cell Membrane Permeability" Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum 11ungaricae, Vol 29, No 3-4, 8 Jun 1966, pp 219-223. Abstract: [English article] The purpose of these studies is the investiga- tion of the permeability-increasing action of vasopressin on inulin trans- port in rats. Any inulin introduced into the organism is supposed to remain in the extracellular compartment. In the tests describedthe amount of in- ulin introduced into rats increased in the kidneys and in the urinary tract if antidiuretic hormone was introduced. Since inulin is not secreted in the kidney, the introduced antidiuretic hormone must have either reduced glomerular filtratiorY or caused a reabsorption of inulin at some point of the nephron or in the renal pelvis, owing to increased permeability. 15 references., including 2 Hungarian, 1 German, and 12 Western. (Manuscript received 10 Jul 1965). 1/1 - 68 - HUNGARY K0,J-r,.'j, !Iyon,y, HATTU, Tibor. nabriolla; Yedical UniversiLy Of aIp-est, Institute of Physiolovy 'Budapesti Orvostudomanyi E~'yetem, EleL- -6-11 k ~j t tani Intezet) . "R,=6nal Frunction in the Rat During Obstruction of t'.ne Ureter." 0 66 pa., J Budapest, Orvos'udomanv, Vol XVIII, No 5, ct e-- , V I ~10 11 Abstract; EAuthors' HunCarian summary] 1) The extent of rFR was studied in the dellrePs of' rat Juring ureteral obstruction in the presence of va~ - Y'; n irated (control) animals had a '1,7:t h 'ration. 2) It W33 found that oil_nyc he -17R value was value of 0.131 ril/min; in physiological salt diure5is, U 0.129 ml/rin and in water diuresis it was o.lo6 mi/min. 3) in osmotic -;-ley w;' obstructed diuresis produced with 1,.1annit, the GFR, value in the kJ-, _Lh ureter droD3 to 7-8 per cent of t1he normal value (0.023? ml/min). 4) The mechanisms are di5cussed which may insure glomerular filtration during ited for the ureteral obstruction. 5) A sitriple method ;_5 described which is su. V study of glomerular filtration during ureteral obstruction and the nature of garian, 12 lk4esLern refer- the necessary calculations is also presented. 3 Hun ence5. [manuscript received 17 Nov 65.1 1/1