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~ACCESSIOX XR: AP4012089 S/0020/64/154/002/0369/0371 :AUTHORS: Akutin, M.S.; Kovarskaya, B.M.; Shabadash, A.N..; Konovalova, B.Y#V;--~'l, ,TITLE: Pyrolytio method of block copolymer, synthesis SOURCE: AN SSSA.' Doklady*, v.154, no.2, 1964, 369-371 :TO?10 TAGS: pyrolytio synthesis, block copolymer,'froo radical Inter- abtion, block copolymer synthesis, SKX 26, ED 15, nitrile rubber- epoxide tar, polyethylene-polyisobutylene mixture 'A BSTRACT: The authors have used the Interaction of radicals formed during thermal destruction of two or more polymers for the synthesis of block copolymers. It was expected that new types of polymer mater- ials would be formed by recombination of radicals at moderate heating. Tne interaction of polymers with reactive oligomers and Interaction of two polymers had been studied, specifically, the mixture (1:1) of nitrile rubber S*rW 26 with epoxide tar ED 15, low pressure polyethy leno and tar ED 15, and polyethylene and polylsobutylene (mol. wailf4t 200,000). Por thermal destruction.,temperaturesof 2500 and 2200 were 'Cdrcr. 1/2 !AOOESSION NR: AP4012089 i used for 1 hour. The solubility of one of the components of the mix- .ture before and after,heating is given In a table. Infrared sPGOtM of the components and of the product after heating are reproduced in ,-two figures.- These data indicate that heating of mixed polymers (in Ithe absence of oxygen) actually res4ts in the production of block loopolymers owing to recombination of radicals. Orig. art. has: 4 ifigares and 2 tables. 'ASSOCILTION: Gosudarstvanny*y nauchno-lusledovatel'skly Institut plasticheskikh mass (State Research Institute for Plastio Materials). SUB141ITTED: 24Jul63 DOE ACQ: 14Feb64 EXCL: 00 SUB CODE: OR,, RL n nP sov: oo3 OTHER: 003 2/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol3332 3/002o/64/154/03/0631/0633 Le rskayai Be M' AUTIHOR: Blyumenfeltdp A* Be; Noyman, Me Be; Kova TITLE: Thermal degradation of polyformaldehyde :SOURCE:'AN SSSR; Doklady*, v 154, no. 3' 1964, 631-633 al degra4ations decompositiono ~~"TOPIC TAGS: polyformaldehyde., them ree radical IR spectrum, mass q~ectrometry, chromatogra-, mechanism,, phy ~ABSTRACT: A study was determine if4either of the following :,free radicals were the thermal'decomposition of poly ~fomaldehyde: ~A-C-CJJI-0-011-ot -C-CHI-0 Hs. Fomaldehyde was separated at 300C from the themal decomposition products andthe remaining products were analyzed chromatographically-~. by their IR spectra and on the mass spectrometqr~ Methanol, methyl t-~O 1/2 Car LIMNENFO, L.V. [Lytvyronko,, L.V-,I,, KOVAR3,YMA, kand, te~ n. nauk, KORNIEV. K.A. Kornlev, K.A.I, do~tf:-r nauk iieohan'Lcal propertIns of epoxy re~llns -bav-A or. ester2,1 d'LE_ ~ 'lo ethers and phthal.L: anhydrIde, Kn_.m. O.-T-) 1641. FEBBEKHONOVA, A.L.; KA14ENSKIY, LV.; KORSHAK, V.V.; KOVARSKAYA, B.M.; BELOVA, A.A. Study of the conditions of the formation of spatial structures in furfurole hexamethylenetetramine polymers. Plast. massy no#12: 9-13 164. (MIRA 18:3) Card A - 7~ I, , , N,)VOQT,: I LEVANIAICIIYS~,Alli ROYAP" ~ -ALm.---,jL - LOVA, LL FNTILIIN~ A-A- I. , , ~,Zrrlx ~rp",O, G"-qkcjj'svA_ 'n ACVA, N-V. B.4s')? K , S. ~ Ai,6?1 , Stab'i.l."),zatior of polyethylp,;~tn irreplithalat,5. Plast, massy 110.2R15-17 '65. WTIRA 18-;7'~ -13818-66 'ACC' NRs Ap smi r 2 tm No onco~Aof theinduction on riod g ir )EW concentrition of ant . :V I OW, one 2-xiatbyleue"l 2 -mothyl tart-butyl on t abb pyrolm!o rt~-butyl-4-methylpheno Pno on _ 3 061 1*t te'6 ij~iionolphe wrl 4 s -T 2M` pldt9*- 604rWd) 900 Oncen -on 0 b1t o r o j rao 17 be h9i4,:,-rj-: -and:;_ arp. .0 T, im-i md 700D respective4p.-an a and b are OrA ~arta Ono gra, -SUB -GOER I' _6D6/ O'TH, REFs OW+ W994C uiVoiqo/65/007/009/'51$A519:. lmlcck~SION 11hu- AP5022593 vanoya, N ne.H. sot's AUTHORS Gtir". V, D' Hij'.Krinituk~ym# 07-M ntoov, Ei. Ui TITLEz: _Oni the, -9hain oxidation 4f polmore b7 Alp-, nitrgggp oxido radicalol.: SOURCEt Vyookom6l kul 7 - 0 yarWo soyedinoniya,.,v. no. 9,, 1965p 1515-1519 TAGSs free radic6l' SPR -pol*9iftatio% hydraroboozone, free radical pol~mrization ABSTRACT: The kinotiw,,a6tivation onorp r six _,ios and proexponontial facto a for tuoon, six diftorent-:LAno';ql radicula.and hydrc mobonzonollhavo boon Ont - --a4ablo info - dotorutuod. .. Tho invostiaiLt.1011 %rao"undortak o oxtond currentTf r av taition on - thw iAbdtra~dtiou - of,- atro wbo hydr gon atow by-nitrogen, do geu und 0 oxi radicals discussed by is,.` be, 'Noymant TOO- G', Mamodova~ P. Blemkos'and A. Le budbachemko-001a, AN, MR U4.-392i 1062L, Thoi radleale., atudied. uaro t. rj ~1/4' i 'ACCIM1611 APS 022 93:,, elf, C Its, Clio ./cit cit cll. 6u Cl Ila. Cli, a i-CIT CIT oil , f Clio C - Clio c Its IV 0. coil -IIC=C CIT' Clio Cc rd 2/4 i'37~15-'66 EWP(J)/EWT(m)/T 1JP(e) Py,/Ww ACC NR. Ap6o18127 SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/ooo/oo6/0040/0042' AUTHOR*,KgxarakaXa, B,-&; KolesniXov, Q. S_ Levantovskala, 1. lei Smirnova, G. V. Poletakhina, 92 ORO: none TITLE: Themo-oxidative de da ~~f polycarbonates, SOURCEz. Plasticheakiye massy, no. 6, 1966, 4o-42 :'J.:TOPIC TAGS: polycarbonate plastic, heat resistance, oxidative 46graddtion, oxidation kinetics, reaction mechanism ..',:'ABSTRAC,T:'Polyearbonates, molecular weigpt of about 0,000, based on .-2p2-di-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propane (PK-1) on 1 l-di-0 hydro henyl)- cyclohexane (PK-2) and on di-(4-hyaroxyphenyl~-phenylmethanxeyyPK-3) ~Were subjected to thermal oxidation in vacuum.1 Kinetic curves of the thermal oxidations showed PK-l was most stable and PK-3 the least stable. Energies of activation for the oxidations were calculated: 21.0, 17.6 and 13.0 kcal/mol, respectively. Reaction mechanisms are discussed. Auto-accelerated processes are Indicated in the initial period of thermal oxidation of PK-l and FK-2, Radical-chain oxidation .1/2 uDc: 678.6704115-01:620.192.424 APG011=2 (A) SOURCE CODEj Ult/0413166/000/008/007410074 INVENTOR: - Gurvicb, Ta. A.;. -ja"LqhgjWZ. Zignin. yu. B.; x9y" A ORG: none ,TITLZ: Method of stabilizing Epkamides. Chas 39, No. 179912 SOURCE: Isobretentya, promyshlevaM obrastay. tovarapye snaki, no. 4, 1966, 74 C TAGS:. polyamide. chemical stabilizer., ~ttrkilixr- ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for.% method of stabilizing polyamides by introducing plrg~~Bph-o stabilike thim.~. N-alkylated 'Luilides of arylphomphorous acids are used. to elipand the variety of organophosphorus stabilizers. tTr&n*Wioni INT) SUB CODE: Card I I I af SUBM DATE: llJun64/ UDC: 678. 676. 048:547. 55. 41 --- _(p)ZE- a (j): ' L b8799-67 EWT ~~Ajr_W ,I ACC NRt AP6030852 SOURCE CODEs. UR/0191/66/000/009/0042/0045 AUTHOR: Chibisova. Ye. I.; Kqvars ayal B. M.; P~henitsynas V. P.; Puzakova, Z. A.; Kaganova, Ye. L. l ORG: none TITLE: ~ ~dation of unsaturated polyesters SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1966, 42-45 TOPIC TAGS: polyester resin, pyrolysis, oxidation, polyester plastic, phthalic anhydride, synthetic material ABSTRACT: The kinetics of %h2rmal an4 oxidative degr~~!~AtAc!~n Of polyesters based on ethylene glycol and maleic anhydride and on dicblorohydrinpontaerythrite and maleic- and phthalic anhydrides were studied. The kinetics of thermal degradation were studie in the 200-4000C range by following the pressure drop in the.system and by IR spectros copy. Oxidative degradation was studied in the 180-2400C range and at an initial oxy- gen pressure of 200-500 mm Hg. The low values of the activation energy of thernal degradation in all polyesters indicate that the process proceeds via a complex mecha- nism. The involvement of the free radical,type intermediates in the thermal degradati is suggested. The IR spectra indicate that thermal degradation in polyesters involves the cleavage of the C-0 bonds of the estergroups. The IR spectra showed that the UDC: 678.019.3 : [678.67416415221448t Card i 4-s7 a - n7u I qq9tnu A I LL,>n L 08799-67 NR. AP6030852 0 products of the oxidative degradation of the polyesters contain acetaldehyde, formalde- hyde, benzaldehyde, and maleic anhydride. It is concluded that the oxidative degrada- tion mechanism in polyesters involves an attack of oxygen on the a-carbon of the styrene-group and the subsequent formation of hydroperoxide-type'intermediates. Un- saturated compounds were also detected in the products of oxidative degredation, of the polyesters. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 1 table. I SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATIE: DO/ ORIG mr: 003/ OTH REr: 005 Card 2/2 n'Bt SMIMOVA, 1. M.; RA7KOVA, T. V.; BROWN 1. 1.; MY ... L. B. Effect of the dispersity of filler and its grinding time on the phys~comsohanical properti" of polymers. Koji. zhur. 24 no.6t742.,748 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1, Institut fizicheskoy khimli AN SSSR, Moskva. (Polymers) (Colloids) I L1,50 2`57 SKI '62/000/001/001/006 Z) Mo B1 45XB1 1 0 AUTHORS: Losev, I. F-1 Smirnovaq Oo V., Kovarskaya, L. B., Poyenaruj V. TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of copolymerization products of salts of a-chloro acrylic acid with other acryl derivatives PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1, 1962, 3-8 TEXT: The Pb, Ni, Co, and Cd salts of a-chloro acrylic acid (I) as well as polymers on this basis were synthesized. The lead salt was produced from Pb~OH)2 and I in aqueous solution (1000C yield 89.1yo) and by reaction of Fb Ac)2 with I in ethereal solution (300~ W~6)- It is insoluble in water, acetone, benzene, diohloro ethane, ether, and alcohol but soluble in diox- ane and hot I, and has a crystalline structure. The Co, Ni, and Cd salts were prepared from the corresponding diacetates and from I in yields of 96, 97-5, and 96%,respectively. All four salts have no melting point, but start decomposing at 200-2200C. Elementary analysis provided the formula C6H4C1204Me (Me - JWi, Co, Cd). Addition of 0.2% Pb salt and 0.2% 1 during the polymerization of the isobutyl ester of I in the presence of benzoyl peroxide at 700C increases the thermal stability from go to 1600C. The Card 1/3 32357 S/19 62/000/001/ool/oo6 Synthesis and investigation ... B145YB110 copolymerizate is transparent and colorless, has a comparatively small low-molecular portion and a low polydispersity. Copolymerizates obtained from 95% methyl methacrylates 4.2% It 0-3% Me salt (Me - Ni, Co, Cd) of I, and 0.5% benzoyl peroxide at 60 to 650C and by ultraviolet irradiation are glassy materials which do not melts begin to decompose at 200-2600C, and the thermal stability of which is higher by 70-900C than that of polymethyl methacrylate alone. The polymerizates are soluble in most organic solvents and concentrated acids, swell in dilute acids and lyes and also in concentrated HN03 , and partially hydrolyze in boiling water. For Me - Co, Brinell hardness and specific gravity are 17.7 and 1-04 g/cm39 respectivelyl for Me Nit 18-7 and 1-044 9/cm3, respectively; and for Me - Cd, 22.7 and 1.3; g/cm3, respectively. The infrared spectrum of the copolymerizate with Cc has bands which are characteristic of CH3 and COOE groups. The Debye pattern indicated an amorphous structured 1~5 mm, thick samples of the polymerizate are impermeable to ultraviolet light of 240-400 mv- If the reaction mixture is not irradiated with ultraviolet light during the polymerization process, impermeability to ultraviolet light only exists from 240 to 300 mv~ Consequently, the copolymerizate with Cc salt of I is suitable for the production of ultraviolet filters. Card 2/3 AUTHORS: 5gk~rnova, A..-~69 Raykova, T. V., Brodovaq E. I-# ~O_yare~-kaZ-aj 08,03 8/069/62/024/006/008/009 B101/B180 TITLE: Effect of filler dispersity and grinding time on the physicomeohanioal properties of polymers ,PERIODICAL: Kolloianyy zhurnalt v. 24, no.. 6% 1962, 742-748 TEXT; Thermomechanical curves were plotted for Novolac phenol f ormaldehycfii~- resin K-18 (K-18), polystyrene, and polyethylene mixed with arious quantities of iron powder with disperaity between I and 17 ;a g. Results: Even small additions (3o%) of coarse iron powder accelerate the setting of Novolac. With large additions (70%) the material loses its plasticity, becoming elastically solid and thermally stable as a result of structuralization. The effect of the filler increases with dispersity, In polyethylene the flow point is only raised by large additions (8o%). Structuralized polyethylene remains highly elastic above the melting point of pure polyethylene. With 90% addition the material loses its. plasticity and the structure is more ordered. Increased dispersity has Card 1/2 SMIRNOVA.A.M.; KOVARSKAYA~ L.B.; RAYKOVA, T.V.; TOPOROV, Yu.P. ~4 Effect of the shape of iron powder tural and mechanical properties of no.6-.683-688 N-D 163. particles es fillers on the struc- filled polyethylene. Koll.zhur. 25 (MIRA 17:1) 1 1. Institut, fizicheskoy khimii, AN SSSR, Moskva. KOVARSXAYA, M, I. - leningrad scieatific and practical conference of teachers of chemistry. Kh!Lm.,r shkole no.4:78-79 JI-Ag '53. (MLRA 6:8) (Leningrad-Chemistry-Study and teaching) (Study and teaching- Chemistry-laningrad) KOVARSUYA, M.I.; SHATUNOVA, T.T.; VANCHMIKO, A.S. ... Scientific and applied conference of the Leningrad teachers of che- mistry. Khim.v shkole 9 no.5:78-79 S-0 154. (MM 7;91 (Chemistry-*-Study and teaching) KOVARSKAYA. M.I. (Imeningrad); FILATOV, I.G. (Moskva). "A scientific and popular book on halogens" by -B. Rozen. Reviewed by M.I. Kovarskaia and I.G. Filatov. Xhim.v shkole 12 no.4:72-73 Jl-A 157. - (MLRA 10:81 (Halogens) (Aozen, B.) LIFSHITS, I.I.; KOURSKAYA, N.Ye. Method of determining fibrous dust in the air bv Kouzov's dust extractor. Gig. i san. 21 no.9:92-93 B 156. (MLRA 9;10) le Iz promyshlonnogo otdolonlyalaboratorti sanitarno-epidemiologi- cheskoy stantsil Nevskogo rayona. laningrada. (AIR--POLUITIOB) (DUST) SLOBODSKOY, V.R., student V kurea (Leningrad); KOVARSXAYA, R.L.. student V kursa (Leningrad) Changes in some indexes of water-salt metabolism in the body under the influence of the adreaocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Probl. endokr. i gorms 2 no.2:67-71 Mr-Ap 156. (MLU 9-10) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheakoy kliniki I Loningradkeogo medl- tainskogo institute. imeni eked. I.P.Pavlova (zav. kafedr7 - prof. T.B.Istamanova) (ACTH, eff. on water & mineral metab.) (WATER, metab. eff. of AGTH) BARANGHUK, Yo.I.,- KOVARSKAYAI, Ye.L. Moment of a biphase asynchronous motor controlled by empli- tude modulated voltage, Izvq vys, ucheb. zav.; prib. 6 no.5: 41-50 163. (WRA 16-11) 1. LaningradBkiy mekhanichaskiy institut. BARANCHUK, Yefim.Isaakovich,, kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; KOVARSKAYA, Yevgeniy-a Llvovna Characteristics of two-phase asynchronous motors with a magnetic amplifier feed. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.10: 1230-1234 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Leningradskiy mekbanicheskiy institut (for Baranchuk). A`CCESSION NR: AP4041646 0146/64/067/003/0025/0032~ S/ AUTHOR: Baranchuk, Ye. I.; Kovarskaya, Ye. L. TITLE, Application of a method of Plow-varying amplitudes to an investigation of a-c servo systems SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 7, no. 3, 1964, Z5-32 TOPIC TAGS: servo, ac servo, transfer function, ac servo transfer function ABSTRACT: A method for determing the transfer functions of a-c servo systems by envelope transforms is developed. - The differential equations of the envelopes 'of AM signals serve as fundamental equations of the servo system. These advantages of the method are claimed: (1) no periodic coefficients in the equations; (2) the simplification of the equations is well substantiated; (3) the differential equations are reduced to linear or linearized equations with constant coefficients. The equations are set up for an a-c system comprising a 2-phade Card I/Z ~AGGESSION NR: AP404*1646 ~hollow-rotor induction motor, two modulators, carrier -frequency stabilizing ;circtxite, and an inertial amplifier. V. .1 formula developed for the transfer 0'"'. (P) am IF, (p) + b.,f W2 1P) 1,function of the system is% k(p) --.-*,'for the transfer 012 tP) I I I (P) + bm WI(P) (P) A. Junction of,the error signal: It, (p) Stability conditions IVI(P) + bm W, (P ;-:1for the case of supplying the motor control winding from a transistorized power ;amplifier are determined; the effect of the amplifier internal impe'dance and is illustrated by '!other system parameters is studied. Application of the method 1: an example with an ADP - I 23B motor. Orig. art. has 2 figures and 20 formulas. ASSOCIATION; Leningradekiy mekhanicheskly institut (Leningrad Mechanical Institute) ~SUBMITTED-. ISMayO.' ENCL: 00 ;SUB CODE:.. NO REV SOV--~ 008 OTHER:. 001 Cord ACC-'HR Nd. 14 ~tn on:'coeffl8eri .,-,6, n4eoa"i4 b4l it 7 7 -.7 2; Depefi etwe Lih n 6h ration.""" melt, pdd, Souft Eb~.."-zhu-rn-al---..ek,, -v-.-- .KOVARSKIX,A.fz...,-KMOKSj T).S.; ZBDANOV, V-1-1.j, prof., red.; KHRISTOV., L.No. red.; ZAKHAROVAp A*I*-;-tekhn* redo (Col2ection of oificial materials relating to laboratory work] Sbornik ofitaiallrWkb mater4alov po laboratornomu delu. Moskva, Medgiz. Book 2. (Manual for technicians' in laboratories and sanitation and epidemiological stations) and for sanitation doctors and epidemiologists.] V pomoshchl rabotnikam laboratorii., sanitemc~-opidemiologioh,!~skikh stantsli.. sanitarnomu vraebu,, vrachu-epidemiologu. 1961. 967 p., (YMU.15:2) (MEDICAL WORATORIES) (BIOLOGICAL LAWRATORIES) (CHEMICAL LGORATORIES) KOVARSKIYJ A G.- 14EDOKS, T.S.; Prinimali ucbastlye: GIXBOVA, L.F.; .1 OV, S.M.; YK1111, L.V.; ZHDANOV, V.M., prof., red.; IGRISTOVp L,N.p red.; IaIAKNIF, M.T.0 tekba. red. [Collection of official materials relating to laboratory work] Sbornik ofitsialtrykh materialov po laboratornomu del.' Mo- skva, Medgiz. Book 1. [Manual for laboratory doctors.. sanita- tion doctors, and epidemiologists] V pomoshch' vracham- laborantam, sanitarnym vracham i vracham-epidemiologam. 1961. 462 P. (MIRA 15:2) (1WICAL LABORATORIES) (BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES) (CIMUCAL LABORATORIES) YCOVAEL"M I IIIIIICH POLYAKOV, Ueo;-gltj Yavgnn'yevIch; KO I. IV Iich: KORTATI-4,1T, D.Yr., rebktnr; KUZIMIN. G., tokbn chaakI7 re . r 1-Practi-tal manual for training electricians in the inotallation OnA Bervl,-ing of industrial alactrical equipment] Metodicheekne pourbl'3 dlis obuchentis v remeslannyth uchillabohakh slaktromonterov or montazhn I o"Isplustataii pronyshlennogo elektrooborudovadia. Vseq. uchobno-peclagog.i%d-vo TruElrazervizdat, 1957. 115 P. (~;Ientric engineering) (MLRA 10:10) o POLYAKOV. Georgiy Yevgenlyevich; KOVARSKIYI,,Al RE NBF Y M. kA".O_jl! ic h; Yuriy Llvovich, nauchny7 -mtr.; OPTEVSKIY, D.Ya., red.; SUSMVICH, .V.1., [Assembling and operating industrial electric equipment] Montazh i ekspluatatsita promyehlennogo alektrooborudovaniia. Moskva, Vass. uchobno-podagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat. 1957. 253 P. (Electric engineering) (MIRA 11:3) BRAYNIN, Teodor Llvovichi insh.;-ITANOT, Tiktor Yiktorovich, insh.; KOYARSKIT, A.I., nauchnyy red.; DEHINA, G.A., red.; RAKOT, (Installation and assembly of lighting and power networks3 Ustroistvo i montazh osvetitel'nykh i silovykh setei. Moskva, Tses.uchebno-pedagog,izd-vo Trudrozervi2dat, 1959. 253 p. (KIRA 13:3) (Blectric networks) BRISKIN, Leonid Yakovlevich- KOVARSKIY A nauchn~y red.; DE-11111A, EIUZOV S KL~. G.A., red.; B , red.., ZOV, S.I., tekhn.. red. [Assembly and operation of electric equipment for use in construc- tion] Montazh i ekspluatatsiia elektrooborudovaniia na stroitell- stve. Moskva., Vses.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Trudorezervizdat, 1958. 307 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Building--Electric equipment) KIRRYEV, Mikbail Ivanovich;'J;~~~nd~rIlli~ch- yzGOROy, G*Peg nauchnyy redo; RYCHHK, T.I., red,; PIUMN, X,V,, [Construction and operation of electric power plants, electric substations, and electric power transmission lines] Montazh i ekspluatataiia alektrichookikh stantaii, podBtantaii i linii peredach. Moskva, Vses.uchebno-pedsgog.izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 196o. 422 p. wu 14a) (Blectric power plants) (Blectric power distribution) YEGMOV, Grigoriy Pavlovich; KOVARSKIY dr T11j-h- MASANOV, N.F.., naucbryy red.; Y ICH, I.L., red.; TOKM, A.M.2 tekhn. red. I (Design) installationj, operation2 and repair of industrial electric units] Ustroistvo, montazh, ekspluatatsiia i remopt prouqsblenrykh elektroustanovok. )4oskva2 Proftekhizdat, 1961. 526 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Electric engineering) POLYAKOV, Georgiy Yevgonlyovich; KOVARSKIY, Aleksandr Illich; REITBMG, Yu.L., nauchnyy red., Mnff -L-.A-- W WIXOM, red.; P&iSOV, M.N., tekhn. red. (A-methodological manual for training electricians in instal- lation operations and use of the electrical equipment of industrial enterprises]llotodicheskoe posobie dlia obucheniia elektror.onterov po rontazhu i ekspluatatsii elektrooborudoya- niia promyshlennykh predpriiatii. 2., parer. izd. Moskva) Proftekhizdat, 1961. 158 p. (Electric wiring) (MIRA 15:11) KIREYEV, MikhRil Ivanovich; KOVARSKIY,,~~&.q,njKjllich; 14USAELYAN, __Y_ . re .; SHUMILOVA, E.S., nauchn. red.; L AUER, S.G., Te.M., red.; TOKER, A. M., [InBtallation and operation of the electrical equipment of electric-power plants, substations, and electric power transmission lines) Montazh i ekspluatatsiia elektrooborudo- vaniia stantsii, podstantsii i linii elektroperedachi. 2. i2d. perer. i dop. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 414 p. (MIRA 16:1d) (Electric power distribution) POLYAKOV, Georgiy Yevgenlyevich; I K-OVARS&U-, Aleksandr Illich; REYNBERG, Yu.L., nauchn. red.; MUPKIv ) ea- " . r . [Industiral training of electricians ii.tlhein:Aallation and operation of electrical equipment of industrial enterprises] Proizvodstvennoe obuchenie elektromonterov po montazhu i ekspluatataii elektrooborudovaniia pro- uWshlenrorkh predpriiatii. Izd.3. Moskva,, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 132 p. (MIRA 17:5) POLYAKOV, Georgiy Yovgonlyevich; KOVARSKIY, Aleksandr, 11lich; MASADOV, N.F., nauchn. red.; SHUM11DVA,-'Ye.1-1.., red. [Installation and operation of industrial electrical equipment] Montazh i ekspluatatsiia promyshlennogo elek- trooborudovaniia. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Vys- shaia shkola, 1964. 339 P. (MIRA 17:6) r 4, KOVARSKIY,, A.L.., tekhnik Self-start network of 380 v. electric motors. no.5:11-12 Yq 162. (Electric motors) Prom.energ. 17 (mA 15:5) KUVARSKIY, AN4,, aspirant c- '-Use of semiautomatic flat knitting machines for the mamifacture, of krittwear. Tekzt,,prom. 2-2 no.802-54 Ag 162. (IMIA 15:8) 1. Kafedra "Tekhnologiya trikotazhnogo proizvodstvall Moskovskogo telwtillaogo imtituta. (Knitting machines) - KOVARSKIY, A.V., aspirant Modern fashioning mechanisms for the automatic flat rib knitting machines. Teks~.Prom. 23 no.5:16-20 My 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Xafedra "Tekhnologiya trikotazhnogo proizvodstva" Moskovskogo tekstillnogo inBtituta. (Knitting machines) KOVARSKIY, A.V., aspirant Increase of labor productivity in the operation of flat rib-stitch knitting machines. Tekst.prom. 23 no.8:15-20 Ag '63. (~IIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut. (Knitting machinqs) I KOVARSKIY,-.A.V.,,,.inzh. Modern designs of mechanisms for automatic increasing and decreasing of the number of needles on flat rib knitting machines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. log. prom no.2- 119-129 163, 41IRA 16:10) 1. Moskovskiy tekstilInyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy tekhnologii trikotazha, KOVARSKIY, A*Vo., inzh., aspirant Possibility of a complete automation of flat purl knitting machines. Tekst. prom. 24 no.10:57-460 0 164. (MITM !71!2) 1. Kafodra trl-kotazhnogo proizvodstva Moskovskogo tekstillrogo instituta. POTEMKIN, D.M., kand. tekhn. nauk;-EQIA~(P.~J~,.A.V., inzh. [Development of the design of knitting machines) Razvitie konstruktsii trikotazhnykh mash1n. Moskva, AN SSSR, 1965. 128 p. (MiRA 18:5) KOVARSKIY,,,A, UCHKOVSKIY, V.G. ji!!~~. For high yields of maize in Moldavia. Gosizdat ~Ioldavii, 1954. KOVARSRIY, A.Ye , rof.doktor sell skokhozyarstvonnykh nmik; GULYAYEVA, Yo.M., " rol * ,-~~~strt'~.en-Am-f o dry darviniZma Mentor effect of alien pollen In aelf-polliDated corn. Trud7 Kiah. Sallkhoz. inst. 3:127-135 155. (MIRA 11:7) (Corn breading) KOVARSKIY-'. A.Y9.0 prof., doktor sell skokhozy-avi3tvennykh nauk; KDGIN, F.D., --- - ,siirshiy spetsialist Role of cotyledons in interspecific and intergeneric v'egetative hybridization of pulse crops. Trudy Kish. -Sellkhoz. inst. 3:141-162 155. (MIRA 11:7) (Legumes) (Grafting) 07ii` n S. TS ~riv A.Ya. c t iun and Hvhritiiza- 4 L; In ns Corn SiAt tion Accordiytg to Findir.,:5 ot t Y. i- E. j. s ~"Xpf~rimen tal S t f, -1 if-w T Lurpi kuic,ri; naukWl 81-ILIO A new method i~; rlropaat~d, C.F.1 11-0 Lht~ iiev" "Ve)chniijiAo ot' corn i,'4ich ctpnvi.qty; Of liphtly tWi,~-41,iiie tbt- ~sl-ftr, of 01v parxicle base and bringing it closc,,- thm pi-til.late- 0-bers whi~:h hal.,:- ittA vet emerged. T' meth,,,d wa.5 hi i l lfe,-tive ir. 19~15: eliciitly briosting Uc of 1:~ 1,,-,r of iscilotin- pat-bsj~,: bv dl-q- t,Amt---- Ere discussed in re. hybrid It i:i L"y plant 111i, il C!unca of ,;unfloviers ai. -ifiort. Yo speed up the liispv~ntiorn of nybrit! c umb i naiiorls a me-thrid fats be-om 1"Ininary ilispoctio-':) an tho liam;lS 01. tht- and ~Ojoots co.,r, n d e t i e s ar e c- va io,,,',a d dl~,.-i ii gi -ter period by !iproisting and the -qhoots) Da t a on findxngs of investigations C~,RD 21-1 Cul L'-.ivat(A C- No. 5 1"' R 0 R TITLE S' CT bearing on the following problems: the pollIon! mentor in the self-pollination of corn and its value in aelection and hybridization, the p-inciple of nelaction of 5euds and ita significamee in awlection axid hybrJdizatiort, vogetative hybridization, tht u"O.Azation of local Moldavian varicties for sel ection and hybridization, the production of hybrids which do not t-equire pinching of the panicles! w1ion obtaining hybrid seed, the hybridization' 0: 3111, ~,to. 01 - 110 0 r Ts ",Ir. "S171 vl -icT V tXle Seler e 0~ '%eto IA -t CIP-5 1311 'J~, -CS 0 L, I Y,0*4 etilo -~,o , je T tale va 00'r 0 0l ?do te& ..,glves .~,Ccep A, 0t OT t Utt's -CO - :),e te tvi s 01- -tXle E e5l C:OSO the -tile -~-0-9e& C~,l o t~-,e O-fl tj-,es - %41. -tee ,-4 e, -,0 tvoc u c C'acwm 1-,cXs 0v.. ose s . typ'r --N4 110t ID.I.. - & 0.~ s '5~,e , A. C-Le ofit - 04 - .4 SN~~IjNt1l tNI C6 USSR/Caltivatdd Plants - Grains. ,,'Lbs Jo, r Ref Zhur Biol.., No 18, 1958, 82305 M pistil filanents which have ~ot yet emerged. The panicle a~-.-d the fenale racame are placed vaider a parchr,,-e,.it i.~sLi- lator having the shape of a short arm (50 x 15 cei,time- ters). According to the data presented the i-.iethod indica- ted permitted an increase in the perceiitage of seed set- ting from 58.7 to 961%, under the coi,ditions of 1955, and an increase in labor efficiency durina self -pollination. Instead of the zually pricticed isolation of corn by dista-.1ce (200 meters), the atthor recommends the separa- tion of corn plots frobi each other by sheltering plant- ings of tall varieties of sumflower or hemp at the dis- tances of 15-25 meters. For the purpose of a quicker re- Jectioii of the w-s ccessf:,,l combinations of cori', cross- breedinG, a method of preliminary rejection from the spro ts is recommended. A description of this raethod is given. This permits eval,,.atioi-. of the obtained naterial a year earlier. In prospect is also the evaluatio.2 of C--rd 2/3 - 31 - USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bioi., No 18, 1958, 82305 m cor;,hybrids by the i-Aensity aid the degree of differen- tiatiol. &xilig the 5-'( leaves plinse of the growth co;Ie of the main ste,.'..l al.,d of axi.L bcds Li plants grow in thc autum-winter pdriod lider artificial co.Aitions. The problem of a pollen mentor ii, corn self -pollillation ard its significance in the selectioi; and hybridizatio-.: of corn is exai,daied. -- YuIL. Guzhev Card 3/3 Country : USSR Category t Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Leguminous Plants. Tropical Cereals. 11 Abs Jour : RZhBiol,j No 6, 1959, No 24827 Author I Kovarskis5._4,,_ Inst s Kishliev Agricultural Institute. Title i New In Biology Pollination and Fecundation of Corn and Perspectives of Its Selection and Hy- bridization. Orig Pub : Zemledeliye I zhivotnovodstvo Moldaviiq 19577 No 12, 2-18 Abstract : A review of the literature on corn biology and genetics; a brief resume of Kishinev Agricultu- ral Institute's Investigation on self-pollina- tion of corn conducted in 1955-1957; recommen- dations for the raising of high-yield varieties and hybrids of corn. Card t 1/1 30 -doktor sel'skokhosmstvannykh nauk; LYSIXOV, TeNt, kand, sel'skokhonyvatvann7kh nauk. Met oollsotion of articles ("Research work in agricultural college** by Ail. Golikov and A-,X, Litvinenko. Reviewed by *.I, Xovarekil md T.N. Irsikov). 29mledelie 5 no.1103-96 N 157. (NLR& 1011) 11 Kishinevskiy sel'skokhosysyetvennyy Inotitut, (Agrioulluml research) (Golikov, Ail,) (Lityinthko, A.K.) 9,- doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; KATSYUK, L.S,, kand. Bel'skokhozyaystyanafth nauk. A good handbook on plat culture ("Plant oulturen by P.I. Podgornyi. Reviewed by A.3. Kovarskii, L.S. Hatsiuk). Zemledelle 6 no* 7:93-94 11 158. NIRA lltQ (Yield crops) (Podgornyi, P.I.) A'o ~/L,? ~-, ki / q, C:e 30-1 -33/39 AIJTHOR: Kosenko, I. Ye. , Candidate of A,~ricultural Sciences TITLE: The Tasks of Biolo~;ical Research in the Moldavian SSR (Zadachi Mologicheskilch J.szlcJovaniy v Moldavskoy SSR) Out-of-Town Session of the Department of Biolo3,ic- al Sciences (Vyyezdnaya sessiya otdoleniya biologicheskikh naul~-.) PERIODICAL: Vestnik All' SSSR, 1958, Vol. 20, Yr 1, pp. 125 - 126 (USSR) ABSTRACTt From September 16, to Septc-,-.iber 21, 1957 the congress took place in the branch of the ATT in the Joldavian SSR, vhich was orrl--arized toeether with VASKh]1JIL. The conGress was intended to di3CUSS t'hC results of bido6ical research in this field and to Give precise informatLon concerning the tasks to be performed in future. It was attended by q1O0 representatives of the branch of the AN and other scientific factory institutions, as well as by representatives of the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes. The following reports were delivered, 1) L. S. I-latsyuk: The principal results and problems in the develop- ment of the Biolojical Sciences in the Moldavian SSR. 2) A. Ye. Kovarokiy: Innovation in the selection and the hybrid-i- Card 1/3 zation of maize. 3C-1-72; / ;-"; The Tasks of 73ioloLs-ical Recearch in thc 31101davian SSR. Odt-of-Town Session of the Department of Sciencco soils, and to take mzeasurei for tl,u fuvt~ier tending to explain the or-JL;in o.L' tlic ::oi'.'j uf to find new ways of increasin.- the yield of soiI3 and to aLainat erosion, etc. Furthermore, the necej:jit.- of tlae research of the flora was stressed, as well as of vorIc conrocicd v,-J_';I-It intr.,Aocticn and acclimatization, on the investi~;ation of srore pi-anto ard viith experimental botanics. The follonrir C,,trthar mado: to map a6rocliernical charto of the Sooilz; Of field_' 'j~lcc"3.13111rc crops and many years of plantina; the _JnVC3ti__'I;.tic)n ),-' the orUanisms of var-Jous types of soil, U.c. vith and mineral fertilizers and microelement3, '.',IL i-I Of thk2'Z;!'0ti0al invcsitZ;ations on plant physiology and bic)-_~Iinmi.,try; t!ic deteraina- tion of neasures for the stru.-Gle aj~ainct di3case~, an,_' pla-111- ver- mins, the increased treatment of physiolo,,;J -cal pro'bicras ir. order to increase the productivity of ani,7iaI--,, and, IastlY a~, an increased introduction of scientific. in pra_-~icc. AVAILABLE: Library of Conaress Card 3/3 1. Biology research-USSR 2. Biology reports-USSR GENKEL'Y P.A., prof., otv. red.; MATMIK, L.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk.. zam. red.; DIMOI I.I.A., red. (deceased); DIKUSA~?, I.G., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; TAROSHENRO, M.F., doktor biol. nauk, red.; KCW-.-RSYJY,-A-Y,--.,-doktor sellkhoz. nauks red.; ZUBKOV, A.A., doktor --i-e-d. nauk,, red.; PRIFTS, Ya.L., doktor biol. nauk, red.; GEYDEVAN, T.S., hand. biol. naukp red.; IVANOV, S.M.~ hand. bil. nauk, red.; USPENSKIY, G.A., hand. biol. nauk-, red.; GMGELEZIIIU, A.K.,, hand. tekbn. neuk.. red.; FITOVA., L., red.; KARYAKINA, I., red.; KOCHANOVA, N.p red.; TELIPIS, V., takhn. red. (Papers of the United Scientific Session of the Department of Biological Sciences of the AcaderW of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. the Department of Agriculture of the V.I.Lenin A114nion Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Moldavian Section of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Trudy ob"edinennoi nauchnoi sesaii: Otdelenie biologicheskikh nauk AN SSSR, Otdelenie zemledeliia VASKhNIL, Moldavskii filial AN SSSR. Kishinev, Kartia Moldoveniaske. Vol.2. 1959. /+83 p. (MIRA 15:5) 1. ObIledinennaya nauchnnya scasiya., Kishenev, 1957. Zamestitell akadenika-sekretarya Otdeleniya biologicheskikh nauh. Akaderii nauk SSSR (for Genkell). 2. DeystvitelInyy chlen Vseso5-uzno aka- demii sellskokhozyaystveraWIch nauk im. V.1.1enina. (for D= (Violdavia-Agricultural research-Congressesi MATSYUKI L.S.p Otv. red.; VARTICHMI, I.Kel red.; WYDEW T.S., red.; DINUSAR, I.G., red.; ZUByoV I j A.A., red.; ij~AiTGWK KOVARsKIY A.Ye., red,* K0jFMUK0V , P.K., red. P S.M., reZ; KONSTANTINOV, M.K. re~ OV, N.A.) red.,-- ay'ANOVP V.S., red.; TABUNSHCIIIK, F.Zoj red6; CHEBoTARt, A.Am, red. [Transactions of the First Conference Of Young Moldavian rSjycih- entists] Trudy Pervoi nauchnoi konferentsii molodykh uche Moldavii, 1958. Kishinev, Gos. izd-vo "Kartia Noldoveniaske 1960. 390 p. (MIU 15:31 1e Nauchnaya konforentsiya molodykh uchenykh Moldavii Ist, 1958. 2. Institut biologli Nloldavskogo filiala Akademili nauk SM (for Kolesnikovo Chebotar.0). 3. Inatitut geologii i po- leznykh iskopay%T~kh Moldavskogo filiala Akadenii nauk SSSR (for Sayanov). (Moldavla-science-Congresses) KOVARSUY, A.Y2._j-p.rof., doktor seltk-hoz. nauk, zasl. deyatell i tekhniki, otv. red.; YAROSFOIYO, M.F., doktor biol. n-a..zk, zam. otv. red.; VLIRDERnUr~, D.D.,, doktor sellkhoz. nauk.,, red.; IRIKIMIOITICH, A.L., dokfor biol. nauk, red.; KOLESNIKOVI S.M., k-and. biol. nauk, red.; PRUTS, Ya.I.y doktor biol. nauk~ red.; RYBIN, V.A.,, doktor biol. nauk., red.; USPEEVSKIY, G.A.) kand. biol. nauk, rod.; YO.M., kand. biol. nauk, oty. red.; MYAKn!A, 1.1.2 red.; HAIZELIBA13M, M.Ye., tekhn. red. (Transactions of the Darwin Anniversary Conferance3Trudy iubileinoi Darvinovskoi konferentsii. Kishinev, Izd.-vo "Shtiintsaill 1960. 389 P. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Yubileynaya. Darvinovskaya konforentsiyap 1960. 2. Ins-titut biologii Holdavskogo filiala Alcadenii nauk SSSR i Kishinev- skiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut L7. I-I.V.Frunze (for Rovarskiy). 3. Yishinevskiy sellskokhoz7aystvemyy institut Im. II.V.Frunze (for Verderevskiy). /+. Institut biologii Moldavskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kolesnikov, Prints; Uspenskiy., Irikhimovich). 5. Botanicheskiy sad Moldavskogo filiala Akade-,rdi nauk SSSR (for Rybin). (Evolution-Congresses) GRIMALISKIY, V.L., prof.; CHETYRKIN, V.S.9 prof., red.tomaj RUDI, G.Ya., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; SUBBDTOVICH, A.S., kand.sellskokhoz. nauk, red.; KOLESNIK, L.V., doktor sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; SEME- NOV, A.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, red. doktor sell- skokhoz.nauk, red.; FROLOV, N.P., doktor ekonom.nauk, red.; MATSYUK, L.S., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; GUSAK, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; URSUL, D.T., kand.filos.nauk. red.; LEGASI, I.Ye., kand. istor.nauk, red.; SHFVCHUK, I.P., kaMiekonoa.nauk, red.; KACHAhIO- VAP N., red.; TIMOSHENKO, A.G., kaM.seI'skQkbos.nauk, zamestitell red.; SHPANER, V., (Bodies of water of the Reut Basin, their hydrobiological conditions and the outlook for their utilization in commercial fishing.) Vodoemy basseina reki Reuta.. ikh gidrobio;pgicheakii rezhJm i per- spektivy rybokhoziaistvennogo ispolIzovaniia. Kishinev, Izd-vo sel'skokhoz. lit-ry, 1962. 191 p. (Kishi-nev.Sel'skokhoziaistvennyi institut im. M.V.Frunze. Trudy, vol.29). (MIRA 17:2) KOV $4ZK,_A.Ye.p red.; YAROSHENKO, M.F., red.; GEYMUN, T.S.p reJ__'-__bTXUSAR I.G.,, red.; DOROKHOV, L.M., red.; ZUBKOV, A.A:: red.; PE'LYAKH, M.A... red.; FURDUY, F.I., red.; C11EBOTAR,1,1 A.A., red.; CHORIK, F.P.p red.; BOLIYEVA, L., red. [Trarsactions of the Third Conference of Young Moldavian Sci- entists) Trudy III nauchnoi konferentsii molodykh uchenykh Moldavii. Kishinev~ Kartia moldoveniaske. Do.2.[Biological and agricultural sciences) Biologicheskic i sellskokhoziai- stvennye nauki. 1964. 273 p. (Y.LtA 17:8) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh Moldavii, 3d. .KOVARSKIY. A.Ye. ,.KARYAKINA, Lt red. [Pollination with foreign pollen (mentor effect of the pollen) as a new breading method] Chuzheopylenie (mento- rallnoe vliisnie pylltsy) kak novyi priem selektsii. Kishinev, Hartia moldoveniaskep 1963. 51 P. (MIRA 18:7) Dissymetry of morpbologJ eal charaoters in crop plants and possible ways of using this phenomanon in brreuding. liv. AN Mold. SSR no.60-5 163. (MM l7sl2) 5 _R6015631- 09/6638/003 j MY ~7- _'4 K 'ten 21 6- AMP t t _'N OPW" 08'" 'V'7_.'Ma've guide ion aveg ~WSTP -Ahe figure cons ist's-of-li- ti&6le': '-`c*r4ndii tel.- H t 3a tie -wave or.e enclo ed-,tbe'- e "apli er uh 0 tt ich for v- I iesonator preliminar. tuning; 2 - vave&ide aplitte .3 detecto' plin r; -cou g die- V- 9-4 Oragm; 5 vi ..resonitor fo e r A i t n c se uni g. or .'VDC-: 621.317-76j: -C d 4_ ,6 NR,`AP6aI5631,_Ponjun6tion icith: a a4 resona=6 Indicator voik, a: detectok., gh res urement, accuracy be 11011 qnator~to,anotber:olindr -on'-, he~.~ n ~O ~'."GkarASV6",e~,i ans f The second resonatoi, operites -a I ide -d~i~xy -tiliodi ;0k . t,- h 'l JBDJ DATE 288ep63/ , ' ' KOV SKIY. F-N-,mavor meditsinskoy sluzhby; PATROV, P.P.,podpolkovnik Eme ~s~ sluzbby HE oy Electric model for studying the etiology of infectious disease. Voen-med. zhur. no.1:87 A '56 (MLRA 10:5) (COMMUNICABLE DISEASES, model for investigation of appearance & transm. of infect. die.) (Rae) S/194/61/000/002/022/039 D216/D302 AUTHORS: Kovarskiy, G.Ya. and Tel'Xsnis, L.A. TITLE: The evaluation of accuracy with which a random function can be separated by a finite part of a canonical series PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelelaronika, no. 2, 1961, 35, abstract 2 V271 (V sb. jkvtomat, upravleniye, M., AN SSSR, 1960, 307-311) TEXT: A finite part of a canonical series is used to evaluate the accuracy of dispersion of the output coordinate of any linear system of automatic control under the influence of either a stat- ionary or a non-stationary random disturbance. a nomogram is given which permits the initial evaluation of the number of terms of canonical distribution of random disturbance which would secure a Dre-determined accuracy (in the terms of average dispersion of the kinal term) of representation of the random function. I bloc-dia- Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/002/022/039 The evaluation of accuracy... D216/D302 gram of the calculating arrangement is given as used for deter.- mining the dispersion of a sharply cut-off random disturbance, 3 references. V C Card 2/2 KOVAP,S-KI.Y.,,-I..I.--,-.inzh.; NOVIKOV, Yu.N., inzh. Vibrated reinforopa concrete poles for 110 kilovolt overhead electric lines. Bet. tzhels-bet, no,10.470-473 0 161. (MIFA 34:12) (Electric lines.-Poles) (Vibrated concrete) KOVARSKIY, I.Te., inzhener. Using electric metallization techniques Mashinostroitall no.3:39 Mr 157, (Metal spraying) (Bolts in manufacturing nuts. (MLHA 10:5) and nuts) KOVARSKIY, K.Ye., inzh.; GOLINKINj S.L.; VOLYNSKIY, M.M. Special features in the construction of a thrust bearing with swaying mounts and experience in its operation. Teploenergetika 11 no.5:57-62 My'64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye po mekhanizatsii stroitel'stva Gosudarstvennogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta po energetike elektrifikatsii SSSR. KOVARSKIY, L. Selecting a labor productivity index for an industrial branch with the aid of correlation coefficients. Biul.naucb.inform.: trud i zar.plata 3 no.9:7-12 16o. (MIN 13:9) (Electric machinery industry--Iabor productivity) (Correlation (Statistics) 8(6) SOV/91-59-10-3/29 AUTHORS: Kovarskiy L.G. and Gol'dberg A.E., Engineers TITLE: Application of Gas Vaporizers and Heat Economizers PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr, 10, pp 7-10, (UjSD&) ABSTRACT: At the electric power stations, where the turbines are fully utilized, as well as in industrial boiler instal- lations, it is often expedient to use gas vaporizers or heat economizers for the purpose of lowering down tem- peratures of outgoing gases. At the present time, there are in Leningrad over 20 electric power stations using such installations; experience has shown that it is prac- tically possible to lower the outgoing gas temperature down to 1050 - 1300C. The most moderate working parame- ters of gas evaporizers (pressure 0.7 at., and temperature 1150 - 2000C), and heat economizers (pressure 2-5 at, and temperature 1050 - 2000C) do not make any particular claims of materials for manufacturing them. Their buil- ding is 2 - 2.5 times less expensive than the construc- tion of increased tail heating surface of boilers. The Card 1/3 work of gas vaporizers and heat economizers has been ve- x-. SOV/91-59--10-3/29 Application of Gas Vaporizers and Heat Economizers rified by using different brands of coals, peat, schist and natural gas. In Figs. 1 and 2, diagrams of gas vaporizer are given, The following is a short out-, line of the advantages of gas vaporizers, a) A relative- ly small consumption of feeding water (20 to 30 times Jess than in beat ec o nomizers); as a result, less con- sumption of electric energy required to feed the instal- lation; possibility of using feed pipe lines of a small diameter without applying special pum s; b) Possibility of automation and level regulation-, c~ Possibility of feeding by chemically pure water; d) Possibility of blow- ing off the low-potential media from the gas vaporizer, thus decreasing the blowing off rate of the boiler,- e) Loss working pressure, and, consequently, smaller requi- rements as regards material. In Figs. 3 and 4, diagrams of the heat economizer are given. Its advantages are: a) Compactness of installation; b) A comparatively small diameter of the heated water pipe line; c) Possibility of a more efficient (by 50 - 100C) cooling of gases. Gas Card 2/3 vaporizers and heat economizers are usually located be- SOV/91-59-10-3/29 Application of Gas Vaporizers and Heat Economizers bind the boilers; no special bearing constructions are required, and the whole installation is mounted direct- ly on boiler seat, The simplest and most reliable in- stallation for the utilization of outgoin gas heat con- sists of the following components (Pig, 2~-~ A gas vapo- rizer in the form of a horizontal barrel with fire-.~tubes, which is fed by turbine condensation heated in a regene- rator above the daw-point,, Experience, accumulated in the course of several years, has shown the optimum speed of gases passing through gas vaporizers and heat econo- mizers should amount to 15-22 m/sec. The volume of gas that has passed throgh the vaporizer is decreased, due to its cooling, by 10 - 20%. Maintenance of gas vapori- zers and heat etonomizers means on the whole, their pe- riodical cleaning and blowing off, There are I table and 5 diagrams, Card 3/3 KOVARSKIT, L.G., insb.; GOLILRUG, Aj., inzh. Cutting openings in the walls of drum boilers and collectors. Inergetik 8 no-7tl3-14 J1 160. (MIR& 13:8) (Gas welding and cutting) (Boilers) xOVAR,!!1'y' insh. Proper installation of steara-blast a-leaning equipment In boilers. Elek, sta. 36 no.6slc)--,~20 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) KOVAILS)K Y *G~6,0-iWAIS ,,al(nalution of deflection of blast streamo. Energomashinostroeftie D nr-,.9,e44-4D' 9 165. (MIRA 18%10) KMARSKIY, L.G.,. inzh.,- MAKAROV,, Ye.Ya... tekhnik Improved metal scaffolding for boilers. Energetik 9 no.8:8-32 Ag 161. (MM 14:8) (Boilers) (Scaffolding) KOVARSKIY, L.G.J. inzh.; ANDREYEV,, A.N.., tekbni I Pneumatic ash removal in boiler cleaning operations. Energetik 10 m.2:10-13 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Boilers--Cleaning) KOVIRSKIY, Lev Girshevich; ZENKEVICH, Yu.V.) red. [Protection of boileru from incruatations and coot accuimlation] Zashchita, parovykh kotlov ot shlako- vaniia i zanosa. zoloi. Moskva, lzd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 270 p. (MIRA 17:6) YOVARSKlY, L.Z., ekonomist Evaluation of activity and comparison of the levels of labor productivity at different types of enterprises. Vests elektroprom. 32 no.9:2(~-23 S 161~ (MIRA 14:8) (Electric industries--Accounting) i II. 36453. KOVARSKIY, M. , 12SITOVSKAYA, S., KOROL-NIGH, 14. 1 Y12~KHOVA, V. Kariyes i B-eremennostl.-Avt: 14. Kovarsldy, S. Tsitovskaya, M. Korolevich I V. Yer'kbova. StollatoloFiYa, 19149, No. 4, S. 25-29, SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnvkh Statey, Vol. 49, lL.!osl,-va 1949