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C A Regubsiogy role of cations in the respiratory function of eirytistrocytos. V. V. Koval**O, L. V. R~IinA. and Z. S Chtilkova IA,kladv Jkdd Saki S'S.S.R, $6, 499.,*M'(l947).--IIic arli%~ilv Aj, stud" of cArbotAc anhydruse sit affeciftl by K. Cis, d"d Mg ion, its the b1h,od in children and in adults. 'rhe. eszy,ne ,clivitv riwi; steMily wish increAsed conco. of K, CA acti. viat" slit enzyww of adults Istst caums once inigr rtults in troting chih] "0" ; Mg lowers the activity Of the enrytt". )lr%-thnwytcfi of new-biwis freouently contain mom Ca and Mg.andat times K. t han is present in n3ot her *a crythrmy tes. (I.. M. Kotrilapoff The dally rhythm of blood auvor. V. V. K~.I %kit n,i L A. I'letrootvi. ~(1917). -lot pmrant wown wvrlw types of cyc" am Ob- ~-rvcd. The toujorify %how nux. Icrels at abcout 0 A.M. .1%0 3 PANI " a glulit'r Itu. Shaw ma%. at IM11 AtO 7 ju,f,t f,-,v how Inji. at al.mif it A.Mand 7 P.M. rbydm In the carbobydrg* Ismedoo of the Over, V Kmid'skH ad 1. A, PIclerAva. PA14dy Ak". l(k"19,14-Parl"S the daytime periods normal wasom yield blood sugar vulues that we always show those shown during the night-. the night curve drqo to normal level ,, 2 hours after sugar Imiling. while the day curre reausins abwrt the night curve by some 25 ing. % at that time. Both drop below normal after 3 hrs. In pregnut women, 3 types of curves am found which cory"Pond to those with the daytitne pmlomInAnrr of qrnpathic-otonic neural and humoral adjustment. tfi~ with daytime predominance of parasympathirotonic ncural and humoral adjustment, and those in which both day and night periods am governed by elements of symj%%thtco- and Parmympathkotottic regulation. G. M. K, KOVALISKIY2- V.' V.' PA 36T5 Lr% UM/Nedlolna Glycogens MELr/Apr 48 Chemistry Chromtography 0% wStudy of Glycogens by the Method of ChromatograpMe AdsocrptUn," V. V. Kdyallskiy, Physiol Chem r" Lob, Acad' soi usm, 6 pp *WokhImIya" Vol =1, No 2 Reports examination of various glycogens by subject nothod, using fresh-Ij- precipitated potassium carbonate as an adsorbent, Mwomtograms obtained v=7-.considershly, even for liver and muscle of animl; they also alter with seasons. Cmelders S),Ycogaa =V be regarded as biological concept edwacing mixtu" of separate substances v2%Ich 3/4qT75-- UM/Nbdioine - dlycogens (Contd) YgwIApr 48 fam a grotxp of glycogan-type polyaaccharld6e SW=Itted 12 Jul 47. ' ~ J - 444 44i 004 - - oo ,0-. 00 -.Kovd'*U and V. S. ask. im.. L in coumteutts prowd vay bencileW to the git"11wrld btaltb of tbt aw o0spring. am inctmw 'At.. MAY" data =Wt 11vM on tb9 Co content of dincrult ~"Is and of The 11m, War 0. blow, and Iwo of &hap lod witb Co. The glad$ In $beep we th. $a." in c0 content. I'S' )00c Jim MYRROO VON 0 WALLUR61CAL LIVISA16411 CIASIPkAfom- ink, I" 710- hi 4,0 If f TTO of or I,$ s 466600 &6 0 a 6 6 6 el 0 kAj., -A A-6:41 0, 0. 6 6. 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0,0 0 -00 loo -00 lot ;00 ago coo see $00 100 too 0 tool voo .2 The siplaiance of cations in respirative funtlion of trythmytos In infant maphyxis. V. V. Koval'%kil and Yu. I. RartskmyA (Ministry Ilealth, j Giarkol. 1931, -No. 5, infant amphyxia the cation r-tent of erythrocytes changes; K, Ca, and Xfg drop by vi-&)%. Ripts. witb INO and Kts showed that erythro- cytes, are twmeablit to then ions. 9. Ca, and Mg display daily individual YariatIms III normid preguant women. t-bimp-A being poo. or nq. deliending on indivkluals. These :4 ion. are sornewhat lower in venous bloM of rabbit than itttheartesialbluod. Carboukanhydr&wactis-ityiiiritised by K C-nemily while Mg lowers its activity; in women CA 11,ually lowers the aclivity but nmy cause a rise of wtivity in infimis, Ile mutts aft Interpretable in tcms of mionic ixrntril-Ility of erythrocytes x% a regulatory ruechattion ,u,v-pirution, both nomal and abnornial (asphyxia). G. M. xomlla"ff V.'r lxn(na Akisdo-mil 44-48. al J)'j, Wimbled AM, Tt-%I% wt'TC )t, Cl# on ma pen amz Prot Clive 31. 41:1 NOW, (includilix It'. t IfIlly .1 1, tcv.111%,11141 ill*ccis) t1l'O'ki'lilig Ilt, nImIl"'I 1'. CA PenneAllity of tryWocytes to catiou V. V KMAI'All and Z. S. Chulkliva. 17oklady Akjd~ Nam& K45-9(1951 )---To follow the periodic Y"tims in C011011, 4 t%-fiutis svithin "luncytell ai. a proo( of their cutionic ;1sclint-Ability Me conru, of X, Cis, and Mit .,re drid rv!-ral tim;~ 1,rs day in human%. %%ldir very t,otmilletalth 4 indwidual var6litm, ssric fmind in 08% of folill ri-, here slerr av. differrric" in vessels between ttir dAy usti 1 hi, In curb mw Vmp3 of subjectis wrrv found that has] 119tanthilly reciprocal rrvult~ in comptirison with c4ch_ ,iffirr (I r , In w"ne the high vidursturical night,in Pthrrssin I he day I The inalt, in m1n. fuc K t%Tttt% at Am inisinighi and at 3 4 P NI., Ca ar noon 3 P M. and oft abotil 111i'1, 168111; 31111 MI ishowed a Several drelille I in lit in tippswof 1, group) during evening hs,. with a mitu (ur mAx.) at atimit midnight I A.M. and a unaliff max. csr min. 3-4 hr. hairt. C. NI. KOWAptsff PADUCHEVA, A. L.; KOVALISKIY. V, V, Karakul Sheep - Ukraine Seasonal anemia of kvra~ul breeding owes as they are raised in southern Ukraine, Mar. i zver, 5, no, 3, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. 1. XOVALISKII~' v6- V. 2. USSR (600) 4o Physicological Chemistry 7. Contemporary achievements in studying the physicological role of microelements. Trudy VIZh 20: 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, . March -1953, Uncl. KOVAL'Sr,IY. V. V-.CMEATRYSKATA, V. S. -_ Distrilmam of cobalt In blood. Usp. savrem biol. 33 no-2:317- 318 Mar-Apr 1952. .(CLML 22.62) 1. Moscow. KOVALISKIY, V.V.. professor. Chemistry of life. Znan.aila no.10:11-14 0 '53. (MLHA 6:10) (3iochemistry) USSE/Biology - Biogeochemistry NcrlrlDec 53 td itileview of A.0. Voynar's Book 'Biologicheskaya J Rollmikroelementov v Organizme Zhivotnykh I Chelovekal (The Biological 'Role of Trace Elements in.Animal and Human Organisms)," (V.V. Kovallskiy, reviewer) Usp Sov Biol, Val 36, No 3(6), pp 395-398, The reviewer first briefly surveys. the If Le Id of biogeochemistry, then gives a short s ummary of the book and, f inally, criticizes the author Is treatment of several incidental matters. He says tbat the author gives a true picture of the 273% present state and development of the biochemimtry and physiology of trace elements and of their significance in agriculture and biology. The book is divided into 18 chapters. The first and last are on theory and the remainder on the bio- geochemistry of the various trace elements. Ace to the reviewer, the book is well written and cap be used as a handbook on the subject., 273T6 VIL' K ly, VIK7-,IL Vt,;i.P1-5L4VV'Vb-1ty KOVALISKIY Viktor Vj d h; STAROS".WKOVA; H.M., redaktor; GOBIN, M.I., or. OW [The role of microalements in the life of animals In different zones of the U.S.S.R.] Roll m1kroelementov v zhizni zhivotnvkh v razlich- nykh zonakh SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1957. 39 P. (Vaesoiuznoa obshchestvo Do rasprostraneniiu politicheskikh I nauchnykh znnnii. Ser.8, no.,39) (MIRA 10:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Yeesoyusnoy akademii sellskokhozyAystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina. (for Kovallskiy). (Trace elements) (Stock and stockbreeding) Ale j11q 4 .s 1,,r 26-10-7/44 AUTHORS; Alimaring I.P# and Saukovt A.A.$ Curespondiq Members of the USSR Academy of Science and Baranov, V.I. and Koval'skiy, V.V., Professors a/ TITLE; Problems of Contemporary Geochemistry (Problemy sovremennoy geo- khimii) PERIODICAL: Priroda, October 1957, No 10, PP 53-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the activities of the Institute of Geo- chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Imeni V.I. Vernadakiy of the AN.USSR (Moscow). Contemporary geochemistry researches the distribution and reactions of chemical elements in the various strata of our planet, the origin and absolute age of rocks and deposits and the migration and concentration of elements under the influence of organisms. This young science is closely related to its initiators, Academicians V.I. Ver- nadakiy and A.E. Fersman. The Institute has 12 laboratories in isotopes I radiochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeochemist- ry., rare elementaf geochemistry of single elements, magma- togenic proceesee, mineralogical structures, organic reagents, Card 1/2 spectral analyses, sedimentary rocks and crystallo-chemistry. KOVAL, SKJX~j.'~'.Y. "UCH14VA, A.L., kandidat b1ologichaskikh nauk; SMUYJMv Water metabolism in Urakul sheep ana its seasonal characteristics. DokloAkad.sellkhoz.22 no.1:31-37 ~37- (MLU 10:2) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Vaeaoyuznoy akadsmil eal'okokhozMetv ed"kh nauk iment. Lenins, (for Kovallskiy). 2. Vessoyusnvy nauchno~-Issledo- Tatal'skly institut shivotnovodstva. (Karakul sheep) KOVALISKIY, V.V.; KAPNIH, RoG. xg,07' -"t;Aff=i changes observed In certain dehydrases and argin"s in animle following mmious types of feeding. DAL AN SSSR 112 no.3:905-908 7 157. (Km io:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-Ismaodovatelskly institut shivatnoyodetva. Predetayleno Wumdemikou7L.A. Orbell. (Arginase) (Dehydrogensees) AUTHOR VINOGRADOVP VNember o1' the Academy and KOVAL 1SK1Yj?23=M%7 T ITLE The Biological R81o of the K40 Radioact vitY__in_Mdmait_r- 2D-2-M/67 (Biologicheakaya,roll radioaktivnostl K10 u zhivotnykh - Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSRf 19579 Vol 113P Nr 2, PP 315-318, (U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT In a former paper of the first mentioned author it was shown that the radioactivity of K40 does not play any part in the develop- ment and growth of a mould specimen Aspergillus niger. Only its chemical properties and concentration are of Importance, It waa generally concluded from this that this situation is also valid for all living organiSMB under normal conditions. But for animals this was still to be demonstrated. Thp i;olated heart of a frog was used for a perfusion with Ringer's tion, that is first with normal K, then concentrated W or * The number of con- centraotions of the heart per minute and the deflection were re-, gistered. The results showed that only'.the potash as such led---~ to some variations of the excitability of the heart, independedt of the application of K, K39or Y.40. Solutiono with normal K and Whout K served as controls. T he results were correspondent to the former .experiment. It follows from the experiment that the radioactivity of K40 is not responsible for the biological pro- oesses and chemical reactions, neither in the organism of the ani- Card 1/2 mals (especially in muscles) nor of the plants. 20-4-5 61 AUTHOR: PADUCHEVA,A.L., KOVAL'SKIY,V.V., BHRAYER,B-~_ -819- TITLE: The Changes of Water 1_oe_s_e`e-Du-R~ to Adaption in the Case oi Karakul Sheep at Various Tmperatures and Scarce Watering. (Prisposobitellnyye izmeneniya. "nechuvstvitellnykh poter vody" u Karakullskikh ovets v razlichnykh temperaturnykh usloviyakh i pri pazrezhenii vodopoya, Russian) ftRIODICALt Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 4, pp 923 - 926 (U.S.S.R.) 11 ANSTRACTt The biochemical reactions and processes which develop in the organisms as a response to the influences of the environments and which guarantee its adaptation to these influences are an important physiological characteristic. They determine its viability under different conditions of existence. The water transformation by water evaporisation from the skin surface and from the respiratory organs is directly connected with the processes which are indispensable for the balance of heat econo- my, that is, for securing a certain boundary area of temperature fluctuations in the interior of the body, characteristic of every kind of animals, which harmonize with the development of the vitally important processes. In the case of some kinds of animals which have only hardly developed sudiferous glands heat regulation at high temperatures is realized by fast breathing which intensi- fies water evaporation from the surface of the respiratory organs. Card 1/3 For these animals the occurrence of a heat edema is typical. OD-4,56/61 The Changes of Water Losses Due to Adaption in the Case oi Karakul Sheep at Various Temperatures and Scarce Watering. kocording to data, sheep are able to evaporate up to 100 g water per hour on a hot summary dayp which secures about 50% loss of heat. In the region of Kherson the authors investigated the adaptation reactions of sheep to scarcity of water which was effected by scarce watering (once every three days~. This quest-ion is of interest in connection with the organization of the water- and pasture-household in scarcely irrigated pastures. The seasonall ,particularities in the course of a few phases of the water trans- formation were investigated, their relation to air temperature and the physiologioal.oonditi.on of the sheep was ascertained, and a number of reactions of the organism on the restriction of water absorption was characterized. The determination of the quantity of exhaled water in the case of sheep on the pasture was.earried out according to two methods: 1) Determination of exhaled,water according to the volume ot the breathing ventilation. A detailed formula is given for this purpose. 2) Determination of water secretion by its absorption from the exhaled air. This method makes it necessary to put on a gasmask which the sheep do not stand very well, and therefore mainly the first method was employed. Th~eeults of both methods are shown in the schedules 1 and 2. In he case of sheep which are watered as us ual eve day, the Card 2/3 average exhaled quantity of water amounts 18 - 49 g7hour at ZOVALISKIY, Viktor Vladialevovich; KMASHEVA, W.M., red.; ANTOROVA, (Using tagged atoms in studying metabolism in farm animals] Machanye atomy v izuchenii obwna veshchestv u sel'sko- khoziaistvannykh zhivotnykh. MOBkva, Isd-vo, H-va sell. khoz. SSSR. 1958. 38 P. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent V8880yu2noy akademii sellskokhozyaystvoWkh nank im. V.I.Lanina (for Koval'skiy). (Radioactive tracers) (Metabolism) (Veterinary research) STIPAILWOf, B.N., prof., otvetstvennyy red.; HEYSELI, M.N.. prof.. otvotatveunyy red.; KOVALISKI.Y. V.V., prof., otvatBtvennyy red.; BAYEV. A.A.,'A.- AWLTEVA, G.A, kand.biol nauk, red.; TURPAYEV,.T.M,,,kand.biol.nauk,.rodaktor; I PASHKOVSKIY, Yu.A.,.redaktor izd-va; FRVSAKGVA, T.Ai, tekhn. red., [Study of the animal organism; Fish cultural Food industry; proceedings of a conference] Izuchenie zhivotnogo organizma, Rybnoe khozialetvo, Pishchevaia promyshlennost'; trudy konverentaii. HoBkva. Izd-vo Aked. bauk SSSR, 1958. 263 P- (MIRA 11:5) 1. VseBoymnays nauchno-takhnicheak-aya konferentsiya po primenenivu. radioaktivkvkh i stabilInykh izotopov i izlucheniy v narodnom khozyaystva i nauke, 1957. (Radioactive tracers) XOVAVSKIY, V.V.. prof. "N"I Significance of trace elements for the nutrition of man and farm animals. Biol. v shkole 6:70-77 N-D 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Trace elements) (Minerals in the body) AUTHOR: Kovallskiy, V.V,, Professor (Moscow) 26-58-6-37/56 ---------------------- TITLEQ A Conference on the Biageochemical Provinces of the USSR (Konferentsiya po biogeokhimicheskim provintsiyam SSSR) PERIODICALt Priroda, 1958, Nr 6, p 111-112 (USSR) ABSTRACTt A conference on problems of biogeochemistry was convened at the Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni V.I. Vernnd- skogo AXademii nauk SSISR (Tnstituto of Geochemistry and Ana- lytical Chemistry imeni V.I, Vernadskiy of the USSR Academy of Sciences). There were 329 Soviet participants plus scientists from China, Poland and Rumania. The audience heard reports dealing with research on the variability of metabolism in organisms located in different biogeochemical provinces, i.e. abounding in microelements or lacking them. New facts were re.- vealed about the content of microelements in soils, waters, Card 1/1 plants and animal tissues in different zones of the USSR. 1. Biogeochemicalq-Conference KOVALISKrY. V.V. - wvw~~ OjNr'ence on the biogeochemical provinceo of the USBOBORS Biokhimiia 23 no.6:924-925 N-D 158 (MIRA 11:12) (BIOCHEMISTRY) KOVALISKIT. Y. IDL H.I. Effect of cobalt on carbohydrate metabolism in sheep. Dokl. Akad.sel'khoz. 23 no.11:29-33 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Vaesoyuzr4y7 nanchno-iseledovatellskiy institut zhivotnovodstva. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Vaesoyuznoy akadeinii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni VoI#Lenina (for Koval-'skiy). (Sheep) (Carbohydrate metabolism) AUTHOR: Kovallskiy, V.V., ProfesRor ','OV-26-110P-q-P0/4? TITLE: Geochemical Ecology (Geokhimicheskaya ekoloeiya), LN PERTODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 9, pp 1C0-101 (US7,R) ABSTRACT: When A.P. Vinogradov - basing his work on "he biochemicnl ex- plorations of V.I. Vernadskiy - coined the term "biochemical provinces" in 1936, he founded a new branch of ecology, that of geochemical ecology. Between 194A and 1957, the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V.I. Vernadskiy of the AS USSR in Moscow was engaged in investigating bio- chemical provinces. Azerbaijan is rich in cobalt which is also expressed in the vitamin B12 content of grazing food. Molybdenum-enriched soils were studied in Armenia in the mountain districts. Nickel contents in the soil were studied in North Kazakhstan. The decreasing copper content in fodder crops in the Dagestan province of the North Caucasus was studied together with an increase in the lead contents and expanding animal diseases. Card 112 Geochemical Ecology SOV-26-al,7-9-2C/~2 ASSOCIATION! Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. -~.7, --Ternadskogo v t, AN SSSR, Moskva (The Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V.I. Vernadskiy AS USS3, li,,oscow) 1, Geocheridstry 2. Ecolop:Y-Appl-ications Card 212 KOVALISKIT V.V.- G(ILCLCEBOV. A.D. I [Methods for determininp, trace elements in soils, plant and animal organisms] Netody opredeleniia mikroalementov v pochvakh, rastitelInykh i zhivotnvkh organizmakh. Hookva, Redaktaionno- izdateliskii otdol VIZH, 1959. 137 p. (HIELA 13:3) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iaeledovateliskiy institut zhivotno- vodetva. (Trace elomants) "I KOVAL'-SKIY, ,V.V.;RAYSTSNATA, Yu.I. Investigating thgosynthesiB of vitamin B12 with the help of radio- active cobalt Go . Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. 24 no.11:31-36 159 (MIRk 13:3) 1. Vaesoyu2nyy muchno-ioaledovatellskiy institut shivotnovodstva. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Ysesovuznoy akademii aellakokhozMstvennykh nauk imeni lenina (for Koval'skiy). (Gyanocabalamine) (Cobalt--Isotopes) 3 (5) f 17 (2) -A'UVbRS: Koval'skiy, V. V., Letunova, S. V. SOV/20-126-1-46/62 TITLE: On the R^ole of Silt Microflora in the Cobalt Migration and the Adaptation of Mioroorganisms to the Medium in Biogeochemical Provinoes With Different Cobalt Content (Znacheniye ilovoy mikroflory v migratsii kobal'ta i prisposobleniye mikroorganizmov k srede v biogookhimicheakikh provintsiyakh s razlichnym sodwzhaniyem kobal"ta) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 1, pp 167-170 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is known that Co forms an ingredient of the vitamin B,2 which is synthesized only by microorganisms. It-is therefore possible to observe from the cobalt content and from that of the mentioned vitamin in silts the extent of the cobalt participation in the biogenic migration. The aim of the present'paper was the investigation of the r8ole of the microflora of various natural waters in the cobalt migration in the biogeochemical provinces which have a) an excess of Co (the districts of Dastafyurekiy and Stepanakertskiy of the Azerbaydzhan. SSR), b) with a Co-content which satisfies the Card 1/5 demand of the organisms (central czernozem region: Kursk), I -On the Rke of Silt Microflora in the Cobalt SOV/20-126-1-46/62 Migration and the Adaptation of Microorganisms to the Medium in Biogeoohemical Provinces With Different Cobalt Content and c) with an insufficient Co-content (zone without black earth: regions of Yaroslavl' ana Kostroma) (Ref 1). The authors determined the cobalt- and vitamin B 2-content in the silt deposits of 96 stagnant waters in the three mentioned provinces. This made it possible to calculate the quantity of silt cobalt related to this vitamin, furthermore the consumption percentage of the silt cobalt for the synthesis of the vitamin. This gives the degree of participation of the silt microflora in the cobalt migration. Table I shows that the role of this microflora (by means of a Co-inclusion in the vitamin B12) is inconsiderable in all three biogeochemical provinces. The r6le of the silt microflora is not equal in the individual provinces. The participation of -the microorganisms which live in silt poor in cobalt in the Co migration is double as active as that of microorganisms living in silt rich in cobalt. In silts poor in cobalt the latter is better Card 2/5 exploited for the vitamin synthesis. Table I shows the r6le On ttie RO^le of Silt Mioroflora in the Cobalt SOV/20-126-1-46/62 Migration and the Adaptation of Microorganisms to the Medium in Biogeochemical Provinces With Different Cobalt Content of the aforesaid microflora in the cobalt migration in individual provinces. Table 2 gives the effect of different concentrations of cobalt chloride on the growth of micro- organisms from silts of various provinces. Table 3 shows the effect of the same salt on the growth and on the formation of vitamin B 12 in the same provinces. The investigations showed that the 'silt microflora of the waters in the biogeochemical provinces with a differently high Co-enrichment has consider- ably varying physiological characteristics like the growth- and synthesis capacity of the vitamin B 12* These properties depend under the given conditions on the Co-concentration. This variability is the basis of their adaptation to v3xious Co-concentrations in the medium. The microorganisms living in the silts rich in cobalt are resistant to a high.Co- concentration and develop well under such conditions', their synthesis of the vitamin B 12 is, however, inhibited in Card 3/5 consequence of the supprqssion of this biochemical function .;~Grr-the R61e of Silt Microflora in the Cobalt SOV/20-126-1-46/62 Migration and the Adaptation of Microorganisms to the Medium in Biogeochemical Provinces With Different Cobalt Content by the Co-excess. This was proved experimentally in air by the artificial manuring with Cc in small waters. The microorganisms living in silts poor in cobalt are not resistant to high Co- concentrations, synthesize, however, vitamin B 12 well in the case of a reduced Co-content since they have a higher exploitation capacity of cobalt for these purposes. Thus corresponding physiological forms exist in different biogeo- chemical provinces which are adapted to the growth and the synthesis of vitamin B12 in a different way. There are 3 tables and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 4/5 On the R81e of Silt Microflora in the Cobalt SOV/20-126-1-46/62 Migration and the Adaptation of Microorganisms to the Medium in Biogeo- chemical Provinces With Different Cobalt Content PRESENTED: January 10, 1959, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician SUBMITTED: January 5, 1959 Card 5/5 PEM, Ya.V., glav. red.; AUYEV, G A 0, akademik, red.; ABUTALYDOV, I.I.G., prof., red.; BERZIN, YA.M. 5erzinsj.), akademik, red.; VIHOGRA- DOV, A.P., akademik, red.; VLAMK, P.A., akademik, red.; VOYNAR, A.O., prof.,, red.; DROBKGV, A.A., prof.p red.; KATALM40V, M.V., prof., red.; KOVALIS-KaY, V.V.., red.; KOVDA, V.A., red.; KEDROV- - ~ -a-demik ZIKIDWI,O.Ke~ C , red.; LEONOV, V.A., akademik, red.; PETEER- BURGSKIY~ A.V., prof., red.; SINYAGD, I.I., red.; CHEMOV, V.A.p prof., red.; CM-IISHVILI, Sh.F., red.; SIIKOLINIK, N.Ya., prof., redej SHGMIBAKOV, A.P.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, re%- VENGIWOVICH, A., reA.,- DM.=SIUYA, 0., red.; KLYAVINYA,A lKlavina, .], tekhn. red. (Use of trace elements in agriculture and medicine; transactions) Primenenie mikroelementov v sel'skom khoziaistve i meditsine; trudy. Riga, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Latviiskoi &IM, 1959. 706 p. (111HA 14:12) 1. Vaesoyuznoye soveshebaniya po mikroelementam. 3d, Baku, 1958. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akedemii nauk SSSM (for Peyve, Kovda). 3. AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (for Aliyev). /+. A14 lat-riyskoy SSR (for Berzin). 5. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Vlasyukj Kedrov-Zikhman). 6. Pli Belorusskay SSR (for Leonov). 7. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademil sel'skoI,-hozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Ioenina (for Sinyagin, Kovallskiy). 8. Chlen-korrespondent A14 Gruzinskoy SSR (for Chanishvili). (Trace elements) (Biochemistry) (Aericulture) KOVALISKIY. V.V. Biogooohemical pravinces of the U.S.S.R. and methods of studying them. Trudy ~iogeokhim. lab. no,11;8-~2 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut geokbimii i anAliticheakoy khimli imeni V.I.Vernadskqgo AN SSSR. (GEOCHEMTRY) (DIOGHEMSTRY) MUMMY* V.V.; RAYETSKAYA, Yu.1. Vitamin E~2 synthesis In the organs of fam animals in biogeochemical provinces ijiith different cobalt concentrations. Trudy Biogeokhim. lab. no.11:102-108 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni V.I.Vernadskago AN SSSR. (CYANCOULAMINE) (COBALT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY) KOVALISKIY, V.V. a Biogeochemical province of the Terek.-Sulak-K=a Lowland. Trad Biogookhim. lab. no.11:134-143 160. (KM 147 1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni V.I.Vemadskogo AN SSSR. (DAGHESTAN-DEFICIENGY DISFMES IN SHM) (ATAXIA) (COPPER-PHYSIOLOGIGAL EFFECT) V . I !q , skiy, V.V.) wKO/Aw.- 11, - -n-L /1, i Chemistry of life. Met tud 15 .no.24:747-75,0 3-2 Je 160* T KOVAL-SKY, V.V., (USSR) a - "Geochemical Ecology of 11ninals." Report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry ConFresss) Moscow., 10-16 Au.- 1961. i--~ KOVAISKIY) V.V.l RMSYMA, YLI.I. (USSR) "Alteration of Purine Metabolism in Animuls and Man in Holybdenum-Rich B-ioLcochemical Areas." Repart presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry Coni-ress., Moscow, 10-16 AuC 1961. KOV.ALS~f' V. V., Ryn-Tsnyl, Yu. I. , (tjSSR) Synthesis of Vitamin B 12 in AnixuLls in Various B:Logeochemical Areas of the U5.'2. re,r.ort nr~sented at the ~th Int'l. Biocheastry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug. 1961 KOVALPSKIY, V.V.; YA.FMAYA, G.A.; S11MAVONIAN,, D.M. Changes in the purine meiUbolism of mr and animalinu!6r conditions prevailing in molydenum biogeochemical provinces.- Zhur. ob. biol. 22 no',3:179-191 My-Je 161. (MIRA,24:5) 1. V.I.Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, U.S.S.R. Academy of Scieacea~. (PURINE METABOLISM), (MOLYBDEMI.-PHYSIOLOGICAL EM.CT) (ARMENIA-GOUT) KOVALISKIY, V.V.; LETUVOVA, S.V. Hole of phyto- and zooplankton in the migration of cobalt in bodien of water. Zool. zhur. 1+0 no.6:809-817 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institute of Geochemistri and Analytical Chemistry, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences,, Moscov. (Plankton) (Cobalt) --x a- Biogeochemistry. Prixoda 51 no.6:54-59 Je 162. Offyd 15 *- 6) I* Chlen-korrespondent Voesoyuznoy sellskokhozyaystvemoy akademii ime VoLLeninao (Trace elements) (Feeds) KOVALISKIYI V V " prof., rod.; VMITROC1XHYX, A.P... prof,,, red.; WUS'RVA, N.M.p rod.1 MOKOPYEVA, L.11.# [Trace elements in stockbreedinglllikroelementy v zhivotno- vodstve. Pod obshehei red. V.V.Kovallakogo i A.P.Dmitro- chenko. Moskva, Selikhozizdat.. 1962. 143. pjMIRA 15:11) 1. Vsesoyum-wya akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina. Otdeleniye zhivotnovodstva. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Voesoyumoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina i Biogeokhiricheskaya laboratoriya Instituts. geokhimii i analiticheakay khimii imerli V.I. Vernadskogo, Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kovallskiy). (Trace elements-Pbysiological effect) (Feeding) KOVALISK Y- (Mskva) Geochemical ecology. Vop. ekol. 407-38 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Ecology) (Trace elements) KOVALIMY, V V.; SHAKHOVA, I.K. Activity of the digestive enzymes of sheep under conditions of a biogeochemioal boron province in northwestern Kazakhstan. Dok1. AN SSSR 146 no.4:967-970 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut geokbimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V.I. Vernadskogo AV SWR. Fredstavleno akademikom A.I. Oparinym. (Kazakhstan--Sheop-Physiology) (Boron-Physiological effect) (Digestive enzymes) KOVALISKIY, V.V.; REZAYEVA, L.T.; KOWTSOV, G.V. Traw elemqnt content in the organism and blood cells of aecid4w. DAL AN SSSR 147 no.5o.1215-1217 D 162. (MIBA 16Q) 1. Institut geokhimii i analitichesko-y khimii im. V.I. Ternadskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.P. Vinogradovym. (Trace elements in the body) (Tunicata) KOVALISKIY, T.V. UKOSI-Ma) Origin and e7olution of the biosphere.. Uspsovr.biol. 55 n0-19 45-67 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:3) (BIOMMUSTRY) (LIn (BIOLOGY)) (ODGMEISTRY) KGYALISM~ Y.V.; WMAYEVA, L.T. Vanadium emtent in the Mood of Ascidiella aspersa. Dokl, AN SSSR 148 to.lt238-240 Ja 163. (MIRA ~W) 1, lpotitut geokhimil i analiticheskoy khizii im. V.I. Vernadukogo AN SBSR. Pkedotavleno akadmikom A.P* Vinogradovym. (Vanadium in the body) (Tunicata) KOVALIS V,,-prof. "Biochemistry of lactation" by V.G. Moviev. Reviewed by V.V. Kovallskii. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.11C137-139 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) OPARIN, A.Ly akade-mik; STUDITSKIY, A.N., prof.; NAUMOV, N.P., prof.; KOVAL YUROVA, I.L., dots.; PLAT-ONOV,G.V., prof.;IaSWO , V.Yl.; EUP1491, A.Ye., dots.; MDATEDEV, N.V. , prof.; YAKII!OV, V.P., kand. biol. nauk; ZHUNOV-VE'REZIMIKOV, N.N.; BONDARENK0, P.P., prof.,- MAYSM, I.N., prof.; TRIBULEV, G.P., dots.; TSAREGOROTSM-7, G.I.) dots.; DOBROKHVALOV, V.P., kand. biol. nauk; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I., prof.,- VIrTOROVA, Y... red.; CHMIMM, I., m1ad. red.; WRIOVA, L., (Studies on the dialectic of living nature] Ocherk dia- lektiki zhivoi prirody. Moskva) Sotsekgiz, 1963. 527 p. (mRA :L6.- i P) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Vseso5,uznoy akademii sellskokho- zyaystvermykh naWc imeni V.I.Lenina (for Kovallskiy). 2. Deystviteltnyy chlen MiN SSSR (for Zhukov-Verezhnikov). (Biology-Philosophy) KOVALISKIY V V - ROZHKOV, I.S., prof., otv. red.; DOROXHINA, I.N., -vj ---'-'Ve-kt-n. red. [Kimberlites of Yakutia and the basic principles of their petrogenetic classifloation] Kimberlitovye porody lakutii i osnovnye printsipy ikh petrogeneticheskoi klassifikatsii. Moskva, Izd-vo P14 SSSR, 1963. 182 p. (14IRA 17:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Rozhkov). KOVALISKIY,.V,V. . I , ---.- - .1 -1 Geochemical ecology and its evolutionary trends. Izv~ All SSSR. Ser. biol. no.6g830-851 14~-D 163. (MIRA 17.-2) 1. Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Acadeky of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. KOVAL SKJY ~ V, V. ; LETUNOVA p , S. V. Adaptation of silt microflora to &,i artificial increase of the cobalt content of the natural habitat. Mikrociolo iia 32 no*5: 850-855 S-Ot63 PRA 17-.2-) 1. Institut geolchimii i analiticheakoy khimii imeni V.I. Vemadskogo AN SSSR. KOVALISKIY, V.V.; LETUNOVA, S.V. (Moskva) Effect of cobalt on miaro-orpnism and their concentrations of cobalt in the environment. Usp. sovr-biol. 57 no. lt7l-89 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:5) ;KOTLISYM, V.V.; 11,1011JIMAI R.I. (Mockvu) ,!1f;nj-fJcp-nce of cobalt in the pathogeresis of endemic enlargemont .1 of the thyroid gland in a biogeoche-mical area deficient in iodine mid cobulL. Probl. endok. i gorm. Q no.6:42-46 N-D 163, (',AM-',A 1. Tz 1--boratorii biogookhimii Inat-Ituta geokbimil I analiticheskoy Yhlmili Lmeni V.I. VernELdskogo AN SKIM. KOVALISKIY V.V.- PETRUNINA, N.S. 11 1 Geochemical ecology and evol-uticrary -variability of D61,1. AD SSSR 159 no.5t1175-1178 D 164 Wifu 18:5) 1. Institut geokhinii i analiticheskoy khimii ix. V.I. Va-madskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno -akademikom A.1, Opari-nym.. KOVALISKJY, V.V.; YEGOROV, O.S. Quantity of xenoliths in explosive kimberlite breccias and methods for their calculation. Geol. i geofiz. no.11:1~0-1`43 164. (M-1 RA -i 8 e J 1. Yakutskiy filial SIbirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. KOVALtSKIY,-~,V.; VOROTNITSKAYA, I.Ye. Biogenin migration of uranivin, in Issyk-Kul' . Gnokhimiia no.6:724- 732 Je 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Vernadsky Instituttof Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, AcadeDW of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. KOVAL'SlKlY, V.V., prof.; LETH1110VA, ~17).V.; 1MY101A, !?,V,; FARBEROVY V.G. Cobalt:in fish culture'zbiogenic mip ration of ~chemidtd element13 iu-,Zpondq,.-'lrirodu 54 no.5:69-70 My t65. (,MIRA 18: 5) 1. Iristitilt geokhimU. i lldlimii im. V.!. Vernadskogo AN SSSR (Mosl:va,). K SVAL'~1Y-LY,.V.V.; LUMSEY, D.Yu. Constitutive and adaptive variations in the arginase of the liver of sheep showing different meat productivity. DAL AN SSSR 161 nc).2~4175-1+78 Mr 165. (MIRA 1894) 1. Listitut geokhimil -i anaaiLicheskoy khimii V.T.Vern.-adskogo Alt' SSSR i Institut fiziolo~7ii i biokhimii zhivotnykb Vsesoyuznoy Rkadem-ii aellskokhozyayst-venitykh nauk im. V.I.Lenirvi. Submitted Septe~,.qbcr 21, Ic)64. H, n+-ents cf glhitAm'c aild frc.T, OL-ketoglutarIc acid and ammonlum Z'.,Y I aa.-bonat~i in !"Nor hemogonates of sheep showing different vrtat proda~-,tivity and koilt andar different protein ~7ontent in ::-ati-ons. ,76P 165. 'MIRA 18,7) Dr,kl. LN SSSR 163 1. Institjt gookhimill. i analtric-.heskoy khimil ~Im. V.I.Vernadakcgo AN SSSR I :Pm~Atul, Ir" 21 o 1c.) y i i I bl-:~khlmii sell akok.hoayayst,vennj,kh zMvc1.nykh aksdcima~ aa1'akokhozyayitvenn;ykh nauk im. V.I. Sul L.Led Z1, 1964 V.*,,,'.; L~VTSKIX', D.Yu. Ad!-, Ll. V in Aaeep of different -11L content in r rood ra i~ I ont; Do" AN W '-I* Ag 165o (TMIR!~ 18:8) C DY 11! 1E -1,. i 'Vre~,-vuznY7 17. KOVAMSKIT, V.V.~ BOROVIF.RMINOVA, T.F.- I-l-TUNOVA, S.V.IA GIMBURG$ ye.o. .