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210) AUTHORS: Kovallskjy, N._G., Podgornyy, I. M., SOV/56-35-4-1' E-vashchevskiy, S. -1 Z_-- TITLE- The o-1 X-Ray iaedi~tion Enl"Ete-' Disc---ar,~e in rentgenovsk.Li;-~; 1-acheniya, ispuskayemogo moshic-, v vodorode) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksDerimentallnoy i teoretichesl:oy f i Z 4 1: i Vol 35, Nr 49 pp 940 - 946 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Already in 1953, after the discovery of hr1rd X-rady radiation accompanyirig an extensive dischar.;e in hydrogen or deuterium, tests were carried out for the purpose of estimating the livdts of this ener,--.-Y, spectrum. For this purpose the filtering method, the method of measuring the len,3th of recoil oloctron. tracks in thick nuclear emulsions, the m-2thod of tl-,.c shielded recorder, and the method of the nuclear photoeffect (reaction (y,n) on Be) we= emplo~'ed. In the present papor tho :,.utlhors employo(] the Card 1/4 of the track lenr-th of recoil electrons in a cloud The Enerjy of X-Roy Ra(lintion Evlittod by n Stron- Ptililvd IS01V DiocharL,I-c in llydro6on chamber. For the purpose of determinin- the eneT.,;y o, I X-ray quanta according to electron enerGy it is necessary to knoxy -whether the eloctron-3 orii;ii-I,-_te from a photo- or a Compton effect. Conditions are illustrated by figure 1 in form of a '%Vithin the ran.-e of 200 - 1400 keV the photoeffect in air may bo neglected as a,~ainst the Com ,.,ton eff'cct, bilt thi_~- not the case with the formation of photoelecfvonc on the glass vialls of the chamber. For tln~ of the pulsed disc,-,ar.-e a battery cont:i-tinj of 12 condensers of the type 3~1-3/50 (30' VP) -,,.-as ur-.ed; t.e disc'har.-e took place in a porcelain tube of 1 ,.' lent;th ~.nd 17 cm 03ai~~,eter; hydro-en pre.,oure in no t to 6.10-2 torr. Wit), a voltrt.'-e of 40 I~V (200 kA) on t'he condenser battery, this precsure per.nitlt.--u maximum Oisc"arge ampera-e. FiCtire 2 a bloc'., scheme of the test device which is descri'ned, -rith all details. Measuring results are shown b,,' 3 diL,~rams Card 2/4 (Figs 4-6):Figure 4 shows the eneray distrJlb-_ztion The Ere!,L.-y o-f X-H%y E:;iitI:ed 'by a V D i i-i'luc-co of X-ray fiL~-,,re 4 on -11 s t r; b U of :?7cctrons r-ji,-.tion in the t,,!'be for UID-r = 240 J:V, 161 shov:s the for U =001 - kV. T!,,e follo- ax sum.~,rlry of ilivestiL~r~lon re C-,,, 1 1 r 4 1) T', t _4 U I of L11-n formation of noutron- ~2.,d t ion in thc )roce--r coinici,,~e. 2) T-c -'ei~ternn.,~3 re:-DO`~Sible fo2 the occurrence o--:' in (!i.:,c':~,-.'r.--c.s are r.ccolerated in t1le of thc, G P. ~'- ; 'he int,~nsity m~.-..ximum of X-ra~T o d L rca"L-tio- is in the zoi;e -.,e-_r thc I's observed in one t'~.e ZOI_~O Of th-_~ j)I_j_"I'Y ~,Lrl jJrC.:SII!'C in the 8 cI I- tul.e. 4) By osti:~,;-'Ition of v"I"i-o of 250 kev i,; obti'Lilli'd; thi:'. V~_! A . I I L; ~,, 1.~ 1;_ qualital ive a freement (wi thin t.,,,c limits o 'L Measuring e:L.rors) with tho ener -,, li '-*` t o " t X - Card V4 spc-ctrum (320 kV). The int'horz; 111L.A. Art ~; imovi and S.Yu. Luklyanov f,)r vjlu_,-ble :.-,"d T.L.Asatianj for his help in clDud c", There are 6 figures and 0 :)f vi,-'~` Soviet. SUBMITI'ED: May 27, 1958 9(3) SOV/20-123-5-15' /50 AUTHORS: Podgornyy, 1. Jul., Kovallskiy~ F. G., Pallchikov, V. Ye. TITLE. 111gh Power Pulse Dis6hatge Elect ns Gen.--rating Harl X-Radietidn (Blektrony vyzyvs3ush64ye zhestkoye rent genovskoye izlucheniye moshchnykh impul'snyl:h razryadov) PERIODICAL: Dolclady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1953, Vol 123, Ur 5, Pp 825-827 (USSR) AJ33TIlACT: The present paper -reports on of electrons generatin" hard x-radiation. . The discharge vas produced in a porcelain chamber of 175 mm diameter and 1000 mn height. The discharge battery consisted of a condenser battery of 36 VF capacity. The experiments were carried out in h:~dro- gen at an initial presoure of 6.10-2 torr which corresponds to the maximum yield of hard X-ray quanta. The presence of X-ray pulses was controlled by a scintillation recording system with pulse oscillograph. This apparatus is described in short. In order to find the dispersion curve of the spectrograph, the electron trajectories had to be constructed graphically. It is not difficult to find the maximum value of the energy which had to be acquired by the electrons vhen moving along Card 1/2 the discharge axis. The experimental data available proved SOV/20-123-5-151/50 Higb Power Pulse Dischazge Electrons G-_:aeratting Hrzrrl X-Racklat ion that the Liaximum energy of the electrons amounts to 300 hov. A beam of 100 kev electrons was used for the control of the calculated electron trajectories. Thus, the following facts were rroved by direct experiments: The electrons which cause tho nard X-radiation in a powerful pulte discharEe in hydro- gen are accelerated along the axis of the discharge chamber. The recorded maximum energy of the elcctrons amounted to 300+20 kev Which agrees well Nvith the result.- obtained by measurements of the maximum energy of the X-ray spectrum. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. PRESENTED: Jul~[ 31, 1958, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician SUBMITTED: July 25, 1958 Card 2/2 66702 BOV/10;-4-8-22/3 AVMORSt Granovskir, T.L.. Luk~yanov, . u., SpiM. G.T. and Urotenko, I.G. TXTLZi Report an the Saco ad All-Uni.e Ca.f.,-. a. Ga. slectrol.. PLSUODXCAL. Rdiat.khaik- I I.ktro.1k.. 1959, V.I 4. Xr 8. pp 1339 - 1358 (U33R) 3.x__ft4&._rnX7 and N.G. Kowov.kty - *.,(a. Data am X-ray Radiation Burl., PU4.. Y~A~Xhrabrar_and m.K,_spXk~,,aj, .. dealt with the I ... ti- Cation of the ueut7ron radiation in powerful Cos discharges Im basab.ra with conducting wAl:s. P.A.-Boauaar- at al. - "l-w-tig-ti-n or the Ga. Ot..b.r,. I- - C..L--l Ch-b.r-. 3,MI__O-q~tt* at al. - 'A Turn of pi..- 1. Tr-.v.r.. Magnet 4 Field*. .A. G_K! .4X&X_ Bt. u. the DivL.1 f3pt an Mercury In a Low-pr...c.r. A,-:,(:.r.,PCt.2t81,;d: the Journal). 11 tZ_ZA"&ej_. (Z.11-d) - 'A New Theory or the CAth.d. Spot" ... p 1295 f the jo-nal). -L.X._Dra A g-^ - ,Positive Caluma, in . lfyd~cg.. Discharge -I.. Mtultanary and P ~- Lc.d.-, -G. Y.,akraaharl h -1. A.A_I_%Ljd-"C~rs.t Distribution an the Surfs of ;1&C Nr as in zlztr a ic props -t I .. at. . ..har . in -h a-Riy --CciparL.o. of OW lttiia' Da-La.L.a`CKL-a`m1_.rAntb. X-Rup.- of Hyd~.zac (H axwl D)-. L.A. A"],!ZApa communicated so- results an the pro-broakdown -vwrtht pul-*s at low preasurve. X.TA. Vasil$vev and A.A. Zaytev - "ChArgo-donsity -.s_~Trr.-ficm -.. In Plaamas. Czechoslovakia, -unic,xted a.. Information like pb."..- I. C.-di-harg. pl.ems. D.r--jirjIsha~ dealt with the p~ablam of the determination of the onarly of fast I.- I. pulse discharges ~=..Conv..tLa. I..t.bility or . ;1... StrL.&-. "d VP, Sh.franow - "Theory of a High- I-P.r;,t-. Ploo.. 3 tric't 4- The ft b aaction was presided over by N.A. Xaptsov and dealt Lth hish-trequ4m cy currouts In Cases. The following papers were r..da Lou of Ultra-hLrh frequency Pulse n r:Yormatfis art Ga I fluonce of tho bound&" conditions an t &ad nan.. of HL, Discharge.-. ol or a U2tr.t""L,LO,;!q-;. "M OL!:h!,.. and the of , P', Us ovej'apant .q=tack.r o'd Ga._.Sa4m&~- "Sam. Results cc the Investigation of the Forspation of Low-pr*ssur. High- c~roquancy Discharges*. _IPA) - FConductLrity of Weakly Iomi.od A.A oa.. *The Conditions of Transition From jffj~_ ra.a Bi. ih&rXaat AtniospheriCcbPrassuraso. r.,ri-a-iont . oTh: relat onship Between the aract*r- Lotlas :r.-rh* Ultr -high Frequency Current end the Direct Current in Gas DL.ah.rg..'. D.B. LAsov,yer analysed t~.*.o-o,c !i1ity of the di.La- C.SratLng plan,se I. the-a.f--c. d1a.hrg. tube. J~XLr~y and Xp,-SbaahurAn dealt with the ....,,j,,,applIcobiL1ty or the probe method to high-froquaucY 41:6b"go. (me* p 123B of the J--nal)- Th paper by V. I*. Hitsu d:' t*d-.t.* I be r.1 I "jrq. y*pL. by An, tigatL.. of the ult _,*~t,,h rl he S1, of t n .9'.rd:alt; with the problem of electric -frequency d!,,hrg,.,tL.I* 1 -18, in ahigh *11 h- d.r.U_af Runmis, r.:d t t frequency OX6ChArges In M th .. tic. devoted to the problems The work of the it: Lx!hL at a r"1 4 the section was presided aI.brik. tThe followinr PaP-r- or. read-. :f.,Plb;`;.A , -A.J~r.b. ~J.thod. or Places Yu.M. K-;.A ?Lg N 1-a.U.0 V.I. Drot jo, - 0., , . .1 V._A. z'd,-~ ;;i~ - .1",-tiC~tl.n .1 the H.wam-t ~or P_.,.11 " ~,_ r 83579 S/05 60/038/005/012/050 A'I B006YB070 "':U 10 AUTHORSs Kovallskiy, N. G., Podgornyy, I. M., Stepanenko, M. M. TITLE: Investigation of Past Electrons in Strong Pulse Discharges PERIODICAM Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No. 5, PP- 1439-1445 TEXT: At first, the authors describe the experimental arrangement and the method of measurement. The apparatus used was essentially similar to the pulse,generator used for earlier investigations. The condenser bank consisted of 12 condensers of the type ~M -3/50 (IM-3/50) with a total capacity of 36,mF. The discharge chamb'gr was of porcelain, and had a length of 1 m and a diameter of 17 am. During one discharge, the condenser bank supplied up to 45 kv. The discharge chamber was evacuated after each discharge and filled anew with gas (hydrogen, deuterium, or spectrally pure inert gases). The authors (partly in collaboration with others) had observed in earlier studies (Refs. 1-4) the appearance of a hard X-radiation and an acceleration of electrons (UP to (300t2O)kev for an initial discharge voltage of 40 kv) while investigating controlled Card 1/4 8357 Investigation of Past Electrons in Strong S/ 7C038/005/012/050 Pulse Discharges Boo6/BO70 thermonuclear reactions. Following these studies,'the authors investigated the dependence of the maximum electron energy on the parameters of the discharge. The dependence of the limiting energy in the electron spectrum on the pressure of hydrogen in the discharge chamber (in the range 34_p !66.10_1 4-10 - 0 torr) was determined by means of a magnetic spectro- graph, and is shown in Fig. 1. In the range 2.10- 24p o-'-1.3'10-1torr the curve shows a high maximum; the peak value of the electron energy is 295kev. The pressure dependence of the electron energies is analogous to the pressure dependence of neutron yield in discharges in deuterium, but deviates somewhat from the pressure dependence of the intensity of the hard X-radiation. The dependence of the limiting electron energy (E0) on the initial voltage Uo was also investigated (for po - 7,10-2torr , in H2). Fig. 2 shows E 0(U0) in the range 30< UO 4_ 45 kv. E0 steeply rises with U 0 UP to Uo - 40 kv, and then falls. Further, Eo was determined as a function of the strength of an external magnetic field in the range O< R e knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 151 P. (143RA 15:3) (Diarnonds) KOVALISKIY, V.V. - Classification of certain characteristic types of kimberlites of Yakutia. Gdol. i geofiz. no.2:61-76 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Yakutia-Kimberlite-Classification) , KOVALISKIY, V.V. Composition of kinberlite bodies as revealed by the studies of the Mana and Olenek diamond regions. Trudy IAFAN SSSR. Ser.geol. no.8:39-73 162, (MIRA 15:7) (Yakutia-Kimberlite) KOMLL I 3.,IY V. V. `~j Dissertation defended for thei degree of Candidate of Geologo-Aineralogical, Sciences at the Joint Academic Council on Geologo-'--lineralogical, Geophysical, and Geographical Sciences; Siberian Branch q& 21 "Kimberlite Rbcks of Yakutiya and Main Principles of Their Petrographic Classification." Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4, 1-963, pp 1.19-145 KOVALISKIYI, V.V. Interrelation of vent and vein facies of kimberlite rocks as reve4led by tht Olenek diamon&-bearing region. Nauch.ooob. WAN SSA no.7:84-98 162. 16:3) (Yakutia,-Kimberlite) (MMA VINO*MA, Z. A.; KOVALISUY, Y., Yq..- On the chemical arlmwntary composition of',r4ok Sea planktollo Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.621458-3460 D 1621, (MIRA 16:3.) 1. Odeaskaya biologiabaskays. stantaiya InBtituta gidrobiologii AN UkrSSR i Institut geokhlzdi i ans-Utiabeekoy kbi-ii im. V. I. VernaAikogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A. P. Vinogradovym. (Black Sea-Plankton) KOVALISKI ,, P I.A. - ~ --- x -SHUMKOVA Adaptive changes in the enzymes of the mammary gland in cows. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no-511243-1246 0 163. (MIRA 16;12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issj'edovatellskiy institut zhivotnovodstva. Predstavlono akademikom A.I.Oparinym. KOVALISKIY, V.V.; SHUMKOVA, I.A. Adaptive variations in lactic phosphatases and the mammary glAnelg-in.cows. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6:1467-1470 0, 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuzrirf nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zhivotnovodstva. Predstavleno akademikom A.I. Oparinym. KOVALISKIY, V.V. Role of trace elements in animal husbandry and urgent tasks in study- ing them. Zhur. VKHO 8 no.6s646-654 163. (KRA 17:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Veasoyiftnoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk imeni Lenina. GOLOLOBOV, A.D., kand. biol. nauk-, KOIJALISKIY, V.V.,, prof.p red.; DARDYRENKO, A.Ir'.., red. [Methodological recomneridations on the deter-liration of trace elements in soils., plant and wiimal organisms) Me- todicheskie rekomendatsii po opredeIGniiu mikroelementov v pochvakh, rastiteltnykh i zhivotrykh organimakh. [n.p.] Otdel nauchno-tekhn. informatsii VIZhaP 1963. 61 P. (MI RA 17: 8) 1. Mo.9cow. Vses(ryuznyy nauch-no-i sslpd ovate I I skiy :Lnstitut zhivotnovodstva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent, IV-esoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imen-11 V.I.Lenina (for Kovallskiy). KOIVALISKIYP V.Vo; HASLYANAYA, M.N. Cvpper ftfldenoy In cereal plants grown on pirat no./.,.F'4--95 Ap 164. om 1 iiii -,,,I ~ -~ o) 1. Institut geokhimii I analiticheakay khimii ~mmi Verr-&Oskog-:- AN SSSR, L 4 50~- ACC NRi"11*034078 SOURCE C*O'DE: 11 e;~ ., AUTHOR: Kova skiy, V. V. , '-Io--c(:TA 1; 4ezayeva, L. T. (Moscow) ORG: Institute of Geochcmistr.,, L;ie Analytical Chemistry im. V. I. Vernadskiy, AN kh':-.'i' AN SSSR)' TITLE: Biological role of vanadium in Ascidians SOURCE: U8pekhi rrivremennoy biologil, v. 60, no. 1, 1965, 45-61 TOPIC TAGS: vana6iurn, physioloD ABSTRACT: Ascid' -in-. are (,.-panisms thil. selecti.,.(.',~ con~f-titr,--e vanadium from sea water and food (microorganisms, deti"llus, and plankk.n and as such are of special interest in tile --....(!y cf tho biological role of %;madium. The authcrs survey the litim, 'ure ar..; their ord,. -in the d2-namics of vanadium in the blood of Ascidians, it. which thi-s eleme-nL .;aUzed -'.-.iefly in the blood cells. The observed oxidation-reduction conversiom, of hemalysates of Ascidian blood cello are evidently related to a transfer of eloctrons with the :Ad of a vanadium system. It is proposed tht.. the physiological role of vanadium in Lix Ascidian organism is related to oxi(ation-reduation processes. Orig. art. has,. 9 iigures, 5 tables and 1 formula. (JiW4 34,1861 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / URIG RFr: 019 / Cr.H REF: 055 Y,(fV,,L IS KIT ?,T IJOV OV': KOVAL'SK-IYI V..V.O_prof. (Moskva) Most outstanding Soviet biochemist. Priroda 54 no.12:116-117 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) Krj V I !, I OF T- , -~ i . ~,. , ,,!, ~, i'. ;I ~('!, ~, i TSIKAYA , 1. Ye. h, , 1 1 " t . ~ v M 'C r a n iira --I*r, thr~ 31it of Lake Issykkull, Prircda 54 rjo.~,:79-10c~ A,, 165. ( VIIIIA I F : " ) 1. Institut geoklidmi-I J. analitichoskoy khimi-i im. %f,1. Vern---d- All SS~'~R, I. " L.T. (~Moskva) A01"A I"! SE IYJ ~. ; . ; I - , 1-1. ~ Dio2og,lcal rolp of vanadium Jn ascidians. Usp. sovr. biol. 60 no.1:45-61 11-Ag 165. (1,1111A 18:81 1. Institut reckhinii i analitiche3koy khimii im. V.1. Vernad- 3kogo AN 5MR. NO War a A f U I'll a It 9 U be A it 0 as a 0 41 a a a 4"90 I A U Y4 - A _A, 0 1 A 1: U4. A I A A. j 00 I Yv A~k to vivo and Its fumdoass Varieties%. V. _V_XuWaL%ki1 Ukrain, 144hrm. 14mr. 9. :U) V 00 Ititiainit 949 tit, to Vtt-twh:N11 71)(1WHO-11tv ow- :00 uW value of oxids".trductiun potential drtd. its tnuwh~ 0 o( rabbits and of p4pons to 14tv and in isulstrd muscles of frog% was highest in rabbits, 2W-473 MY.; 3M Mv. av. :106 0 00 for the nutecks of rabbit psds, For the pigeon Pectoral and claw muselts it varied from 49 to 130 mv.. and frum -00 00 48 to 13D mv., rrap. 10 surviving frog muscle it Varied *0 bet"Ven 172 WA 190 mv. ficaUts const. fluctuations of 00 the potratial there are always tret-ade of a slow increaw or 00 a deffraw Oat foWw oner "other regularly. This process, A =00 goo emy wave o1which takes from 60 to 3W min.. expresses the rbythn3k course of the oxidation-reduction processes ago 00 and reprrsents probably orst of the manifestations of =00 410 Thythlb chamettrixing vital phenomena. A ron%lik-rabir L* 0 *0 '11 A,Ysometry of this promses was disclost4l by investigations 00 S with the eight and [tit pads. In difftrent .wgtnrnts Otis I'Vinfurtry tnanift~ts itwif to a difrerrrit Wcut and can be goo 00 invtm-ly The total oxiditM and reduecd gluts. tw.,n,, t, ically distributed in the mu-,cles of zoo 0*. 1 =c U 1~! right and left limbs of rabbits, white rate and imp; the same is true of catalaw distribution in sym. limits of frogs. Fatigue decreases the oxidation-reduction po- trntial. E. E. Stelanow"T Sri.. sonata -A I SN)GS4 .11 a.. 0-1 U U AV so A I a Chol 0 a 0 1 Ar 0 0 v 0 11, IN I W a 11 1 Or 0 it 44 kus A a. '04W N : OU W- AN lpiii met il I It I k if 1, U Is It x! Is 1, 44 All -.A I V (X a "T 4t O.X~ ! 0 013datim-teductift POMP& iA 'At"mm"tory fod 00 X vatskil, U. G. Busay- of Moto" ambm"'. 00 ova and O.M.0tai". Olt all! (in KnIfimth. sm)(10A.-The Imthod in -00 PPPIICGIAC to file study of dVly'='. C:rtUh6tW;= quite Womss. The inflammatory PrOL - a- of the gnucous mcmbrane of rabbit lip is character- 00 iled by a conAdemble shift of the oxidation -mduction goo prommsexpeemadbyEavotetitial. Application of mull- =00 00 tard g&S to the mucou% membrattv caucs a rapid fall of 00 31 'Elt. jAjowtd by FA glow r6e &ad approach tu nomal. A diveflena between the clinical picture and the EA value, is 0 observed. staAmowsky. roe 00 ZI -00 00 91 A 0, 00 ;zoo 0- '800 0 0 U00 A I it. I L A OTALLUO!"KAL LITIrItATIAt Ct.ASIWKAT$CP ~Ioo 1116 -11 . I-. . - - - - .1 - -... - -.- I Z.- -.1 1 1boo 4 i0 U is AV to it! Its, a An A s a tw o 900000 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 .0 a 0 to 0 Z sees 0 0 0 0 to e 'V: 0 io 0 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 010 0 0 a 0 0 0 000 0 0 000000 to ij 4~p 431F A II 1#$ 6 141 1 ullulilsolollmlox 4 x NJ it u u R a it At a v 4 It a to at* R' HAI A if r 2_ a. 0 0 Mmenu metabatism in the Stan: use" of testa. 1, T:Zompbk asymmetry of the minend OMPOSItion of 00 V. 111stau%kil. Cl. Kogan. eo 811 chh'Ilkina. MMI". $Whew. Zkodr. 9. till Wtin Rill- 41411, -via W3. in Ftleach M-IMMI).-A tol-vravit"I myttirrietry of the dilictributim of water and of Uir totad 00 81. Aont. (if nAnecid matter XMI o1 K. NA, Ca Rod MR ill thr 00 F. Ivtth Of guinelt FUS hall be" Fick A-Vill curtly I%vutt betarr" kit Grill fight "IntAt in-Ill, Idt and *0 al~ Iocht i1wiVot terlb. saWouixtk, treth ill t1w ul-Ill i tod klwrr jaw, lind between WC601% alul loo[At.. Cln%v. A 06 %howinS the relation in the disb4bution of wp. vation% in ro 0 00 the uprA-r and lower jaws cut rate another. indicating Itir rl;strnre of croamwier synnnetsks. Thr a-voint"tw- 00 r Malmd for X, No. CA and 1#14 911411 flit C', .06 o6 a t,7t&7nli=1 ns&ttrr. 11W lunetionlit (Nurfl. lilac 111411 A, 00 rates the functlitua! state of niluetid turtalAuJimu in tilt '00 Polid tissues of Uvt 9 + No 4- Mg i or CA i K 4 h 00 el NMI, equaUSCR the ;lf,~J4111ust pecutialiti- W diNttitntlunt ::o 0 oldiffittrntraticive". These funcrt mitt tivill, airaNta,vin *Wu In'trilwUr Ati.ldlwi"S in I h. AIMIAI WE S 00 'Woo Igo -.09 4: 0#0 7' udlo I L (L.SUPICAM. 0 sail] 100 11 It or al a A 0 ff if -_-- .- _-__ -_ I ~~!!_.All 1% AV W3 It hn I v ow o a i~ I a it 7 It v d" 0 0 0 oi eyes:, to a 0 0 01A 1 4 S 6 1 It 4 10 IlUtIfAISIL if 16 tOultuannAvxpo Mit vu 14 a III It aaM a 14 W Oze A scarf a, I Jx4a L It factilln AND 1( ~!T'O ~M~! - '.0. ---- -- - - -.' Scaftuat variations in We cafftucal composition -1 1-00 vertebratt tissues. V, V. J I 00 j1iairw) U(trt l(timlAtt, 3NI'01 hijililt, :i621%) .00 es OWN).-Ancutlintuf (lie biul. tilt Ill-villicill i-00 A wrautt'Al varia I itwill; it$ I lie nuittild'x gaitimil 1, folh)w'd I'N a ivvivw tif 1twal-VII ill Ilik fitill fillm 11111; Io ill., tilt Ili roe oew 00 a go ;Z:oo IL100 fjAitjX1kA( 4tIj..1k-Nf It AMPKATill. J6 43 T a ow 0 w it Ol Ala If It I A 00 0 009 0 a 0 9 to 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 of 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 S 0 41P 0 0 i.* A e 41111 .4 1440 .0 :1 00 11) 0 00 00 so 0, 0 Go '31 1 1 00 96 0 :0 A bisi4heJMJW eye on Te demon. if A. 1. KGtnitalsif, 0. V. Bo- P!IYFCIIU F. - ame va, S. D. and E. 0. KUS. Alrd. (U. S. S. R.) 16 The ncxm&l K level of 19.2--22.4 tug. v In the wrum of donoss begins to riw I day after blood MnGval, and tvischeS a inju, of IQ-"-25.2 mg. % on the 7th-];~ In the vint Miod the K lc%-cl cif the r4axna Its (tom W.6 to , in&. %. No changes in Ca. Na at Mg w~c observed, so the changes in K camtot be due to an incTea-;cd tissue pernicability but must be due to erythro. cyte destruction. The K/CA ratio increasics from the tionnal of approx. 0 to 2A. Blood suSar falh 5-M.517(, (av. 18.470) after blood removal, and begins to incTeasr only at ubout the Mh day. This dcaea&c in sugar is c,misidered to be due directly to the liscrease in K. The ~tythtmyiv cmnt tali* Immediately after blood ttino-val I-tilikcsontlicl4th-16thday. It then falls again on the (lay anti begins to rise only IM"ne4inle after the X01 thly. '111c lictiluglubill Content fall% also on the 2tid Oils day. riws alowly and (allit again on thr 14th- 'AnIt day, the trythroLyte count. The protcin conicnt of the plasma falls from 1000-1086 to StW- 9 NO rug. % N an the 3rd-10th day after blood removal. rises to P-M-ICKO on the Iltb-20tb day. and falls again to ,419-P78 tug. % IN on the 21st-27th day. -she rcsidual N of the plasma increaws from the normal 33 to 36 mg. % J; an the Ist-Oth day, then iftcmases; to 20 mg. 70 on the Oth-22nd day, followed by an iwcase to 32 mg. % by theo-9thday. The amino add content of the pt-s:n- shows finctuation, simila to thoGe of the residual N. S. A. W-jak A$a.%LA t7ALLU*(. . ......... OT U 5 AV 00 It, u I VITAAAL 180d0 Kul W 61 5 'a a ;i. a 11 1 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 j 0 is 0 0 0 *is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 10 6~09 000000000 00101 000000000060000006 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 * 0 0 * # a 0 0!0 all J38 Jim kvxjpo 41 squ 045;~C* 9-Z.- -00 .00 -00 -00 -09 see 1.00 1300 ago 9 coo coo go 1300 ttoo rsoo tool 0 0a : 1 If to 11 It It If Mi ll 7) n A a )s V Ar N . x it V If Id a as 1? V 4~ #I a 41 of a It L L-1 -11 -&-l-I A, 'N R I -T , i l AA It -3 90 U It It A ~ ~ I Nil 0. 00 - -- .41 -~llt 0 00 if,*, Mlcm- and tiltra-slesnects In the brain. S. A 00 . ;tyld X~,V, Vinfil'skil- J. Phylial. M S, S. R. 26.4 A 4 % (III Rng~~)W), -A review willi L'I fv!rcrtk4 so .-Go 00 09 -00 -00 of., x00 00 3 kzoo goo 00 0 ow goo 00 a Joe 00 -rj roe 00 00 00 I L A tit It 61TALLLWOLAI, LiffIR&IL-df Ltk%%IPKAIICk -- - - -- ' , - 4 too 0. 0u vi 4V K) I% a, 14 1111140 mil lt Vx a a m a W a I W to i If 64 I M' a 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN 0 0 IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 6,0 0 0 0 e 0 0 00 0 , 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 94 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &1 i(Mnxy" V*:V': ' I Oconferance on comDarative chemistry" b. 364) by XovalskY, V-'V- SO: Advanges ~n 114'odern BiOjcWy.(Uspekhi Sovremonnoi Biologio) Vol. XII, No. 2, 1940 0: of 00 -a Von it 0 JI 11RIPAS" Iflow 41 dfourLo MCI Cil COM113MM" UMbOMbby Of UM DifthWAItIl 1410ftft Dim", J. (Virmint) 117,374341YAMm k.,-. Z),A motok," "d mmmwy of the wek.1 the 4-yr.- I al dh-6km ob the occ%4m of the llkh jul"mr-arY tit tile 1wtitute. luta am siven on N%Cl clitivit. and it, WA.Mml vada" In loeveral Patti; of (tic nkWthorst evi-ner of the 11brk Sea. limm Oulull =00 'lag* Is-ILA NITALLUPICKAL LITERAIM CLAISWKAYICN Tit u is AV 00 41 p 0.1 0 it 10 M roo WOO Cm 0 is* :10 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 *-*A 4,1 jl-os~ ir I i a v $4 41 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4-0 *is 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 a 0 0 * 0