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KIMOXH, M.A.; PINAYEV, G.P*; KOVALEVAp Ye.A. Effect of cryolysis and ultrasonic vibrations on actomyosin. Sbor. rab. Inst. tsit. n0-4:6-13 163 WIM 17 -.3) AccEssim mi AM21976 8/0D73/64/63o/ooe/6132/013T AV11HOR.- Kovalevip Yee Is; Vinarov#....I;'Vs tiwOw W UM TITLE: Determining the refractive index of zirconium and hafnium sulfate solutions in water and in dilute sulfuric said. SOURCE: Ukrainakiy khimicheskiy zhurnal$ v. 30, no. 21 1964, 132-13T TOPIC TAGS: refractive index, zirconium isulfatep haftium sulfatep temperature effect, hydrolysis, quantitative analysis. ABSTRACT: The refractive indices of zirconium and hafnium sulfates in water and dilute sulfuric acid were determined and tabulated to provide a rapid method for determining the concentration of pure zirconium and hafnium salts in these solu- tions. Determinations were made at 25C with 0.01 to 1.0 M zirconium and hafnium P sulfate in water and in 3 and 4 N U2604. Determinations made at 35C indicated temperature has little effect on the refractive index. The effect of hydrolysis on the refractive index values was audied (+e enclosure). At,equal molar concentrations of Zr and Hf the refractive indices of their solution at the start of hydrolysis (within 15 minutes after vreparation of the solution) we apyrox- ~C~urd' 1 3 ~ ACCESSION NR: AP4021976 11imately equal. Periodic dAerminationa (from several hours to several days after -preparation) indicated that hydrolysis is stronger at the low Zr and Hf concen- trations, vith the effect being more pronounced for Ef than for Zr. Orig. art. has:, 5 tables and 3. figure. ASSOCATION: Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN bkrSSR,Laboratorii v Odesse (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistr*AN UkrSSR, Odessa LalooratoryY Sunarm: MjenO MM ACO,: 09Apr64 ENCL; 01 am COM Mw. &N, 1001 001 PH NO* 21.3 IINCLOSURS t 01' A=SBION MRs AP4021976, C, 1/1. fig. 1 Relationship of nD to the initial concentration of zirconium and hafnium sulfates in solutions- 1--solutions of zirconium and hafnium prior to hydrolysis 2--solutions of zirconium after hydrolysis 3--solutions of hafnium. after hydrolysis .3/3 VINAROV. I.V.; KOVAIEVA, Ye.I.; MR01,DVA, N.P. Preparation of hafnium tetrabromide and tatraiodide. UY-r. Yhim. zhur. 31 no.10:1107-1109 165. (lflRA 19:1) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii All UI=SSR, Laboratorii v Odesae. Submitted June 11, 1964. QLAGO13VA-IMALIKOVA, U.N.; KOVALIVA, E.J. Te.c,haique of nitrogen determinations in extensive investigations. latvijas PSR Zinitau Akad. Vistle 149. Noa7'1 67-9,, (MMA 4-1) (CA'47 no.21:1000,7,53) ,,AOVALLVA, ye,L,-; ISONDEROV, I-Sh. Experiments in studying the effect of river waters on changes in the filtration properties and microaggregate composition of some soils of the Hura-Aras Lowland. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. naik no.10:97-101"61. OURA 15: 1) (KURA-ARAS LOWLAND-IRRIGATION RESEARCH) NOVAISVA YO V SWENOVA, V. N. Some results of the work of the Department of Pediatrics of the First Moscow Sechanov Medical Institute. Vop.okh.mat. i det. 2 no-5:85-87 S-0 '57. (MMA 10:12) 1. Iz kafedr7 detakikh bolezney I HoBkovskogo ordens Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova (zav. - prof, Yu*F* Dombrovskaya) (PEDIATRICS) J~'V- t,ij ~e PA , )",C - D, KOVAISTA Te*D , Computation of vaiter vapor distribution in the determination of the effective radiation and counter-radiation of the atmosphere. Trudy GGO no.37:40-46 152. (MIRA 11:1) (Solar radiation) (Humidity) I KOVALEVA, Ye.l.; VINAROV, I.V. Determination of the refractive indices of solutions of zirconium aid hafnium sulfates in water and diluted sulfuric acid. Ukr. khim,shur. 30 no.2-132-137 164. (WRA 17:4) 1. Institut obahchey i noorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR, Laboratorii v Odessa. 0.2 XC.,NRi~'AP5 ~'U- T*H'O'-R- -.----'--Vin-arov I v XOVALRVA, Te.L. Changes in the pH, oxidation-reduction.potential, and available iron of soils of the Lenkoran zone as related to different degrees of soil moisture. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 16 no.4:371-376 160., 1. Institut pochvovedeniya i agrokhimit AN AzerSSR. Predstavleno akad. AN AzerSSR R.V. Volobuyevym* (Lenk.oran region-Soil chemistry) KOVALEVA, Ye..2-.?-RY?ALTOV',)Kiyv O.V.; IVANOVA, M.A.; BUROVA, M T Res,-,' ts of examining animals for toxoplasiposis wing the oomplement fixation reaction. Veterinariia 42 no.5t70-7111 Illy 165. (MIRA 1&0 KOVALEVA, Ye. P. Cand 'led Sci -- (diss) "Frequency and conditions of the transition from acute i0to chronic -IaWoWW dysentery in children under three." Mos, 1957. 15 pp (Min of Health USSR. Central Inst for the AdTamed Training of Physicians), NO copies (KL, 6-58, 102) -37- KOVAIZVA, Ye.P. Method for studying the frequency of the transition of acute dysentery into the chronic stage. Zhur.milcroblol.epid. i immun. 28 no-5:50-53 Yf 157. WRA 1017) 1, Is kafedry epidemlologii TSentrallnogo institute usovershenstvo- vaniya vrachey. (DYSANTERY. statist. transition from acute into chronic stage. incidence. study method) kt,VALEVA, Conditions fcr t~ie conversion of acute dytentery intc~ r:hronlr!- Zhur.mikrobiol.---~Id. i i=un. 25 no-7:121-1-(: JI 157. 10:10) 1. Iz knfedry ;-,"llaniologii TSentrallnogo U~~Iltuta -a..,.,vOrFhO!)qtv(j- vaniya vrac~ey. (DYSEN,--..'~Y, ;iACIIIARY, of artite foms to chronic ~Ais))