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The amount of radiation amanating from a
source filled with an absorbing substance,
633 160.
hollow cylindrical
Biofizika 5 io. 5-.630-
(MIRA 13:10)
AUTHORS: Osanovj Do P,olKovalev, YGO YOG
TITLEs Radiation of a Cylindrical Source Behind a Plans Shield
PERIODICAL: ktomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 8,11o. 4, pp. 374-376
TEXTs The traditional description of radiation absorption of a
cylindrical source is not satisfactory. A better solution of the problem
of gamma radiation absorption is obtained by using-the formula for the
dose rate P - 2PTqR S(ppkqLjRj/A2d) B(pl) where Pa. is a constant, q the
specific activity, z,R,k,p the geometrical dimensions of the cylinder,
/11 is the coefficient of radiation absorption in the s6urce,/L. that of
the protective shield, B the dosage build-up factor for a point BOUrCe.
The integral 5 was computed by means of the electronic computer "Strela".
The values of the integral 5 at p, R - 1 for p - 1-5 Ll 5P,"2 d - 0-5 1. 10
and k - 0.5 and 1.0 are given in the table. In Fig, 2 the computed and
experimental attenuation factors are compared as functions of /2d of
Card 1/2
nauchnyy red.; KOKOSOV, L.V., red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekbn. red.
[Shiolding against radiation Prom axtendod souroes] Zachchita. ot
izlucheniia protiazhewqkh intochnikov. Moskvaj Gc)s.izd-vo lit-
v oblasti atomnoi nauki i-tekbniki., 1961. 287 p.- (MIRA 15:21
(Shielding (Radiation))
Integral dose absorbed by a cylindircal object from a hollow
cylindrica-I emitter. Radiobiologiia I no.5:807-812 141
(;aU 14: 11)
W ssion from a volume source in the presence of surface activity.
Atom.energ. 10 no.5:515-517 MY 161. (MIR& 14:5)
(Ga- rays)
AUTHORS: Osanov, D. P., Kovaley, Xe. Te.
TITLE: Determinaiion.oUthe build-up faotore bf the scattered
-radiation of*.extended sources
SOURCEt Noecowl. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Voproey'doximetrii
, 7.ashbhity ot.izlucheniyp- no'. It 1962t 53-54
TEXTs A method is proposed forcaloulating the build-upjactors of the
radiation, scattered in th6'shield of. av arbitrary. extendZd qource,
It is simp~ier than the us ual'point-source' integration me hod and applicalb
if the. dependence of the attenuation multiplicity on the shield'thicitness,
is known. It is 'based on the determination of the-equivalent
absorption length jil defined by the condition X (lix) '. K (Pl) .e$Ll; 'J
Go ps
es and ps refer to extended. source and point ource,_ I > x. The build-up
factor is then determined by'D B ft ; (in K ). .-Since
pe6a) pe 'so.:.
self-absorption hae*little effoott and only theangle 0.1 inoidenod of the
radiation on the shield is-of importance, this method-yielas.good:rssuits.
Card 1/2.
-zl 000/01-2/001W - Joe
ctill, -
via f
0 dj~tx
011. T.10,11 10"N 0 r a
f),-Ib to % C. 0, 0 a 0.0
J, 0 d,0513
T t ~.Ovl r ec.~ of
*ts I J~o r 81CL Oretj-r O~s ot as
-dv a dL a 11.,r, . a q (3 t sef
t~xa ~.o I tteot .0
a OT R Va.
a the
-0-1 * Ir
V,-noa AerLc 1"'15 e t
at OT,
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VISGIV a 0 ( El~
ter, Ne
ov~ 0 tio-a '01
Vr old
Ot -Cvd,~B,
sa "0
5 0\~t-
80000 st-I evoll S 01 ~tvxo 5
0141 O.VS I
r.0 99,1P
0 ve ~s se,5
1 0 4,0 t %I -
r, 0 5 -aro ep-1. 50 430 06 dosas oil
. 0 r
e'r St , ,
0 0 01%
a vLr ~o 0 5
.000 0 S, 0 05 P, 06
sr 510 t '066 0-1 a age's as
00 VI
a a OT
Cosmic radiation doso3
'The "biological do3all of each component of th-o primary cosmic raclia-
tion is calculated or, the basis of data on the linear density of
energy loss of this radintion in Nal tVernov, S.N.., Chudakov
% v A*Ye.
-ak SISR, 125, 304,, 1959.)
at al., Rep. Akadeniyn na
*.The pover of the ponetrating, radiation of solar-outbursts is cal-
...culatod according to the.formula:
~-.-Pion 2" 1.60 X 10-8.3600 f, ~.D (R + R 1 ) S(RAH(rad/hour-l)
where P = power of the absorption dose conneo-ted with ionization
losses o tons,, (R)dR = proton flux %vith path from R to R.+dR
(, S(R) = ionization loss of protons with path R, R.1
thiokness of tho absorber*
Assuming an exponon'tial function for the energetic spectrum of pro-
tons and using an approximate relation.between E and R. the maximal
-biological doses an organism within a spaoe-ship-are
'determined for different thicknesses of the protective shell.- A
similar formula Is used for the poiver of the.-internal radiation belt
Card 2/15
Cosmic radiation doies
a P
surroundinG the eprth. Here the dose. re.qalcUlatod.,also outside
the spRcr-tthip where nlectrons and, low-onerp protons nust be talcen
Into account.
A protective shell of I g*cm,-2 . a libnInIum' Is 3" uf f Ic I en't* aga ins t tb e
electrons of the external radiat;ion bolt, but a Bremsstrahliing is
produced at the walls of the ship. Its .-intensit-y in the center of a
contninor is calculated theoretically and -the results are compared
with direct moasiarezaont3 performed b7 rnean3 of a scintillator in tho~
first Soviet rocket (Vernov, S.N., Chlidedcov, A.Ye.,, U.F,N. 701 585.,
1960)o A antisfnotory agroement is obtained If the energies of the
high-energy electrons In the external 3~adihtion belt are more than 2
MeV. There are 2 tables, The most ImDbrtant English 'language re-
ierences are:
J.A. Van Allen, L.A. 'Frank, N"aturo, 183, 430, 1959.
J.A. Van Allen., L.A. Fretink, Nature, 184, 219', 1959.
D.D. Kerloe, O.N. Nxienke, Ph7soRov, 115, 137, 1959.
E.P.. Ne7, J.R. Vlinckler,, F.s. Freier, Phys Rev* Lott. 3, 1830 1959~
SUBMITTED: May 30, 1961
0 ard 3A
S/50OJ62/000/012/005/01 4
AWHORS: Keirim-Mnrkus, I.B.,, 'rovalev,, Ye.Yes, and Uspenskiy, L.N&
TITIX: Mnr.3urbments of the radiation doses In the second, fourth;
and fifth GOSTriO Sbip Satellites
SOURCE: Alkademlya nauk 133SR. lakunstvennyyo Bputniki Zortli, nool2,,
tl v 5 cp%-Jj N C, 2.) 117 - 5 0
T-67,T: The orbits of th 'ose ship satellites passed below the asrth's
~radiation belts, at a distance of 180 to 340 kme from its slirfaco.
Tho on17 sn%irces of p)netratinr rndirtion wore therefore: 1) tho
primarv cosmic rncllation; -2) the radiation- of. the solar outbursta,
The Integral rndintion doses were tneasurod-vith luminescent dose-
motors (I.P.Bolov, 1K.C.Kal--igin, J.B.12,'e*Im-1.1Arcus ot al., Pribory I
tekhnika e"
ksnerimenta, no.4, 74, 1959), photodosemeters (J.B. Keirim -
Maricus, A.?.Pesotskaya, Sbornik radiometrichoskilch i dozimetrichos-
kikh metodik, Medgizo 1959, p#311) and others,' A component analyals
of the radiation wns performed b7 means of lead and aluminium fil-
....,-tars* A mean daily dose of 6-10 m rad was recorded. Thia,result is
L Card V2
easixremen4*3 of the radigttown doses,..
in Dill awordance with 'Ghe palculated vnlue of the primar-y noornip.
rtidistion (V,. 1. ivanov, r.B.Koirlm-Markus, Ye.~C'Xovalev, IsIusstvennyyo
sputniki 'Lem*li, no.12, p.3.9), No solar outilurst radiation wa3' ob-
.served,, but P- Bremsstrahlung of about 1000 k4V was registerod in the
second ship, apparentlZr duo to a flight within the external radiat-
ion.belt of the enrth. There is I tRble,
SUBMITTED: 14a7 ~7, Nral
Distribution of absorbed doses produced by a hollow cylindric
irradiator. Radiobiologiia 2 no.3:502-507 162. (NIRk 15:7)
Osanov, D. P., Kovalev) Ye. Ye.
Absorption dose factor for a cylindrical source in the
presence of u shield
Atomnaya energiya, v~ !2, no. 6t 1962, 528
TEXT- The results of previous work (Atomnaya energiya, 10, no. 5t 515,
1961j-#are extended to a cylindrical source located behind a plane shield a thickness of p1d. Using the denotations from the previous work, t fhe
absorption dose factor is obtained as
S - 1 + 1 + 0-75 yR (1-5 + 1/P)f(lild)F-. The function f(ji,d) is tabulated
for VR - 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, P - 1-5, 2, 3, 51,10,, and p,d - 0, 1, 3, 5P 7,
10. 1t is virtually independent of the relative height of the cylinder.
The relation obtained for S is valid for single scattering of radiaiion.
scattering can be taken into account,by using the method of
equivalent absorption length. The factor B(p,l)/~(plt) has to be introduce4
6ard 1/2- ;)r POT Ab9-rRAc--r9D
Absorption dose factor for B102/B104
where B is the dose accumulation factor, and g1l and p1t are the equivalent
absorption lengths for a hollow and a solid cylinder, respectively. There
is 1 table.
SUBMITTED: November 25, 1961
card 2/2
Kovalev, Ye. Ye., Oeanov, D. P.
The volume radiation of a gas-filled source behind a plane
PE,RIODICAL. Atomnaya energiya, v. 13, no. lt 1962, 68-- 76
TI~XT: The attenuation factor of the gamma radiation emitted by a cylindri
cal gas-filled source was calculated under the assumption that the self-
Lbsorption in -the source could be-neglected. The calculations were made
using the formulas P=2P-VqRS(P,k,pjR,pd)B(p,I) (1) for the dose rate in
the source plane behind the shield" K= S(p, k, ItIft, Itsd=0) KI (p, k. tisd) (2)
S (p, k, pIA4, p3d) B (psi) B (psi)
for the attenuation factor in the shield, and
P(p. k, ~t2d)=Aet,035PO+(I-A) -,6'185112d.'
as an approximate relation holding for the attenuation factor KI if
multiDle scattering in the shield is neglected. B is the build-up factor
of the scattered radiation for a point source; /A2 - 1n KI. The remaining
Card 1/2
The volume radi.dtion B102/B104
definitions are Eiven in "Atomnaya energiya", v. 8, no-4, 374, 1961.
The coefficient A, which depends only on source parameters, is tabulated.
The accuracy of Eq.0) is 10-15~. There 4a 1 table.
SUBMITTEDt December 18, 1961
%lard 2/2
BOB KOV V-G. V,P, K E 1?11 1 j ~YUJ' A I _71V
1, A i"t 'P'! IF VA.
I i v
A, Cl I I Kov , I'l. A. IF. A.. I red .
[Railqtilon safay -111 space
~7 kva 1% z" a-,
3 !,,D p
ACCESSION NR: AT4021 257 5/2892/63/000/002/0100/0108
AUTHOR: Kovalev, Ye. Ye.; Larichev, A. V.
TITLE: The problem of protection against electrons and bremsstrahlung from the
outer radiation belt of the Earth
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzh.-fiz. institut. Voprosy* doximetril I zashchity* ot
izIucheniy (Problems of dosimetry and radiation protection), no. 2, 1963, 100-108
TOPIC TAGS:. radiation belt, cosmi.c radiation, radiation protection, beta ray,
bremsstrahlung, space flight, electron stream
ABSTRACT; The aufhors note't~at in .recent times information on full electron
streams and spectrum in the Ehrth's outer radiation belt has undergone considerable
modification. It has been found that previous estimates of the full electron
streams in the outer radiation belt, based on radiation-counter tests, were ap-
proximately 1,000 times too high. The purpose of the present article Is to re-
view problems of protection against the electrons and bremsstrahlung of' the outer
radiation belt in the light of the new information available with respect to the
streams and the spectrum of the electrons. The authors consider the radiation
hazard to the astronaut (and, concomitantly, the shielding requirements of the
capsule) in terms of the now dati and analyze the contribution of the olectrons
Card 1/3
and the bremsstrahlung, respectively, to the over-all dose past the shielding. A
model is proposed for this purpose, based on several simplifying assumptions (an
isotropic spherical source of bremsstrahlung), and an equation is written for the
Intensity of the dose in the center of the cabin. Tables are given, showing the
relative contributions of various spectral components of the bremsstrahlun '9 and
other parameters as well. it is established that the greatest contributions to
the dose intensity of outer belt electron bremisstrahlung are made by electrons
with energies of 0.05-0.3 Mev. The data presented refer to a space-capsule wall
constructed of a material with thickness d - 0.1-10 9/cmz and atomic number Z (in
the particular case of carbon Z = 6, but the data may easily be extrapolated to
other light substances by multiplying the values given by Zeff/6). in the pecond
section of the article, the estimates derived for the bremsstrahlung doses are
supplemented by a calculation of the doses of penetrAting electrons of the outer
belt. The author establishes the fact that the intensity of the electron dose
decays very rapidly as the thickness of the shielding increases. With a shielding
thickness of d < 1.0 9/cm2l by far the greatest part of the dose I due to
olectrons which7panetrate through the shielding; at d > I - 2 g/cm the dose is
determ1nod entiroly by bromistrahlung. In conclusion, the luthoro offer certain
practical considerations with respect to radiation protection In the outer belt,
emphasizing two fundamental -requirements: 1) for reduced bremsstrahlung genera-
tign, the shielding must be manufactured of a material with-a low atomic number;
Card 2/3
ZY for increased bremsstrahlung absorption, the shielding must be manufactured of
a material with a high atomic number. The authors note that these conditions are
satisfied by a combined shielding, consisting, for example, of a layer of low-Z
material (outer layer) and a layer of-high-Z material (inner layer)* Orige art*
has: 7 formulas and 7 tables*
ASSOCIATION: INZH.-FIZ, INSTITUT, MOSCOW (Engineering Physics Institute)
SUB CODE: 5V, LS NO REF SOV; 009 0 -RER: 903
Card 3/3
(t) 5 1)~EWP(q)/K,.ri(m)/rCC(Cw)/FDS~v)-2P..CS/BDS/M(a)/I~i(j)/~jc)/
_2N(v 4
0;~V RD J~DD
Pi )P ~h h/ -h/Pq-h A
~AUTHOR: Keirim~-Mark~s, 1. B.; K
~j~lev~Ye. ~Ye.; Sergeyeva, N. A.;
Uspenskiy, L, N,
TITLE: Measurement of doses of radiation r6ceived by Yu. A. Gagari
and C. S. Titov during the first space f ights
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Iskusst. sputni~i Zemli, no. 15, 1963, 102-103
TOPIC 'LAGS: radiation dosimeter, ILK dosimeter, IFKN photodosimeter'
proton, neutron, Gamma radiationp thermoluminescent glass
/ABSTRACT: Cosmonauts Gfj,&4riiR and Titov~carried ILK luminescent.
dosimeters in the'breast pockets of tl~eir oversuits. Ea
ch cosmonaut
carried three dosimeters with 302-mm Al filters, three with 1.3-mm
Pb filters, ~nd'o~e without a filter. The dosimeter readings for
Cagarin were: 2.9, 2.4', and 1.3 mrad for Al,filters; 0'.8; 2.2, --nd
3.0 mrad for-Pb,fiiters; and 1.6-mrad -o_u" f-i-1-ten -The readings
for Titov weret- .12-iO----1-2v4-,-and'_l5.O mrad for Al filters; 8.0,
10.0,.and 6*..0 mrad for Pb-filters; and 12.0 mrad without a filter.
Control dosimeters on,the ground registered 0.'5-0.6 mrad per diem.
Card ~-/2..
L 1940-63
The.two cosmonauts a .lso carried IFKN photodosimeters for the detec-
tion of neutron and y-radiation in special pockets located on the
belt of the inner suit. In addition, Titov"carried a thermoluminea-
cent lass for the registration of y-rayspand high-enor_~ protons
9- - 9
_-Tfrom 0-.1--to' with an
energy of 105 ev was recorded for,Titov. The dose of primary c'osmic
radiation for the two cosmonauts wa-s 0.4-0.6 mrad per orbit. The
similarity of results in the two flights indicates-that primarily
cosmic radiation was received and that solar flares had little effect.
Assuming the RBE to be 7, the absorbed dose received by Titov did
not exceed 60 mber. Orig. art. has: 1 table.
SUBMITTED: 14Jul62 DATE ACQ: 293ul63 Elict: 0
SUB CODE: AM --N(5_REP SOV: 007 OTHER:-- 001
Card 2/2
Acassiou NR: Ar4o36528 S/0089/64/016/005/d43T/0440
AUTHOR: Afanavlyev),v P4;.Kyeirim-Mar1us.,,. 1*'B*; Kbva~ev,_Ye. Ye.; Sakovichy
V. A.; Smirenny*y, L. No; SY*chkovj Me Ae
TITIZ: Methods for experimental studies of the protecting properties
!~.'of materials by using the proton beam of the Dubna-synchrocyclotron
j! SOURCE: Atomnayd energiya.. v6 16., nb*'5p lg&$ 43T-W
TOPIC TAGS: space flight,irradiation proteictionj high energy proton., secondary
neutron, proton absorption., cosmonaut protection
ABSTRACT: In connection with the problem of protecting cosmonauts from peqotratIng
radiation during s ceflLghts the absorption of protons frm the Dubna, s chro,
pa ya
cyclotron of 66D i~3 Mev was investigated* In the space problem., one has to
consider a wide beam of protons., whereas experimentally one ae*als with narrow
beamse The authors show that-by proper distribution of radiation detectors and
bY su=ation of their readirngs, the problem Is equivalent, to recording by a
single detector of radiation produced by a wide p~voton beam. The proton energy
Acamicti im: AM36528
behind the shielding was measured by magnetic analysis andby ~ha energ.y-
range relationship in lead and .-.i,luminum;- Orijz. art, hvint 1 figure.
SUMTM): 2&1=63 -ATD PRESS: 3056 ENCL. 00
i so coo: PHI* NP 'no 1W SOV.-- .004 OMER: 004
-ACCESSION KR: -AT5023157 .-.-
NateriU_'.: Dei
.6 ity
of, eie~~
/Cms, Mentst ~ft
Polyethylene ......
(CH -94
0 ~C=65j 6; H 14.4--'-1
luminum.,..* ...........
:_~267 Al 100
Mixture of polyethylene
nd - tit inium hydt de.
i I
CH Ti-111 fis:
n.~ . - .6'. _ (CH2)
Lead ...............
'_:~11*3 1W
MxWr6. ~t - ~~Iyethybinld
nd ~Iead
CHj) 't,Pb--~
(CH 75~,P =25
2 b~
(CH2) r.50; Pb-56.
26 Pb_7W
~CaH 5
. - ~
ACC NR. AT606470. SOL,= Coast ulpiccoo/66/000/000/00,~t,/OO.L.6
AUT11ORt Alcatov, Yu. A. I Yovalov, Yo. Ye.; Petrovo V. M.; S!C%~o
Smirernunyy, L. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: Analysis of the results-of measurements of cosrAc-'radLat1on_dosoD_1n
circumterrostrial space [Papor*presontbd at the Conference on Problems of Space
Nedicina held In ~bscov from 24-27 May 1966J
SOURCE: Lonferentslya'po problemam kosmichealtoy moditsiny, 1966. Problomy
kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); matorialy konferentaii,
lbscow, 1966, 15-16
TOPIC TAGS: radiation do6imetry, cosmic radlationp solar flarep thermoluminescent
dosimeter, radiation shielding, manned spaceflightv photodosimater, ILK dosimeter
The res'ul'ts of me .asurb me.ntsIof. ra.di.aItion in s.pace- t.ake n at altitud6s.
.of 200-400 km hav'e been-analyzed. Dosimetry was performed by means
L 08274-67-
of itiermol uniine scent integral do-'s'imeters, ILK plat tes, and photodosirrf;~---
etem. The compositi.on of radiation was studied using a set of nuclear
photoemulsions. Dose measurement and stu;~~ of the Fompos-_:tion of
radiation was performed behind p2jygjhylcp~~IshieldinAf varying thick-
ness. In addition, some of the therm6lumines cent. dosimeters were
located behind lead, tin, and tadmium filters.
Polyethylene shielding blocks were spherical, I wilh wall thicknesses
:of 5, 10, and 15 cm. Sets of aosimeters ~nd photoemulsions were placed
anside the shielding blocks as well as outside of them at four different
points inside the cabin of the satellite.
The experiments established that the average cosmic -radiation dose
:amounted to between 16 and *20 mrad/diem. It was found that the thickness'!
,of shielding and the filters did not have a significant effect on the Bize of
Ithe dose. The doses obtained are in general.agrgqTptq~_with doses ob-__.._l
tained eA)~Iier on the V stok sy)aceships../
L 08274-67
ACC NR. At66)aj
i The consistency of t~e doses'obtnined .during the 1961-19G5 period'.
can be explained by the fact that on the trajectories in question the
rfiagnetic field of the Earth shields practically all of the low-energy
,spectrum of galactic radiation. Consequently, the main part of the dose
was composed of high-energy particle* whose intensity dodo not depend
xon solar activity to any great degree. 'This fact also explains the small
Yes in dose behind various thicknesses of shielding/154#Ao No. .2
chanL 2; ATD
Report 66-1167
SUB CODES 22018006 SUBm DATES -.0014ay66
3/3 vmb
C-4CC NR,- --AT" SOURCE CODIS: URIOF0016'61M-~166616601olob I
A u -Mau Vildirov, A,, It; Duikin, V. Yoo,~aj~evp jes Lee_; Kumotsove Vo Go;
Sruronnyy, L, No
ORG: none
TITIL: Evaluation of radiation hazard during a flight to tho moon fP-aper prosontcd
at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine hold in Noscow from 24 to 27 lHay 1966~-7
500GO: Konforontsiya po problemam kosruchoulcoy miditsiny, 1~66. Problow 1cosmichos-i
1coy mditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konforentaii, moscow, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS. lunar spaceflight, cosmic radiation biologic effect, radiation dosimetryl,
radiation protection, solar flare, radiation permissible doso
ABSTRAMDuring lunar and lunar landiny cosmonauts will be exposed to
1he'Earth's radiation belts, galactic space radiation, corpuscular radiation'
frora solar flares, and lunar radiation itself. It has been calculated that
,during passage tKrough the Earth's radiation belts, which will take approxi-':
rnately 30 min, the mean tissue dose will not exceed 3-5 rem. On the
I:30-day lunar flight the dose from galactic space radiation will amount to
:approximately 4-8 rem. Solar flares represent the greatest radiation
Card 1/2
7kCC___N_R_,A_-"O '521
hazard f'or 'Lunar flight. With shielding of '-I g/cIn, the surface dose- can
reach ^_ 10 4rem from a high-intensity flare. If the cosmonaut stays. in a
radiation shelter durin- a solar flare, the obtained dose can be lowered to
50 rem or less. The probability of an intense solar flare during a period
of maximurn solar activity is around 101o (for a 30-day period). Doses
from galactic space radiation-and corpuscular radiation are determining
factors on the lunar surface. The contribution to the total dose from natural
.and induced radiation is no more than several percent. However, doses
xroin galactic space radiation and corpuscular radiation on the lunar surface
are two times less than in space, due to-shieldi~g_byjk~~99n.. it.s elf.
fv A . N Rep~A- 66-il67
o. 22
suB com;-. o6, 18, 22 / SUBM DATE: 0011ay66
ACC NR, AT6036542 S &J CS CCDi.- UR/0666/&/
AUTHOR: Grigorlyevp Yu. G.; Kovalev, Ye. Ye.
ORG: none
TITIE -. S ceflight radiat'on hazards [ Paper presented at the. Conference on Probl=s
of Space Irledicifie held in Moscow from 24 to 27 may 19661
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemem kosmicbeekay "tainy, 1966. ProbleriW
kosmicheskoy meditsinyo (Problems of space medic e),- materisly konferentsii,
Moscow) 1966, 137-138
TOPIC TAGS: radiation protection, radiation doeimetryp solar flare, cosmic radiation.
biologic effeetp proton radiation biologic effects, radiation ihielding, space
4BSTRACT: Cosmic radiation is made up q galactic coamic.radiation, radiation
irom the Earth's radiation belts and from other planets, and corpuscular' ' 'I
radiation from solar flares. - Doses from galactic cosmic radiation in inter-
planetary space can reach 190-250 rem/day, an obviously serious hazard
,both for cosmanauts.and for the life-support system on a spacecraft. Mean
tissue doses from protons in the inner radiation belt can a m o u nt t o
0. 16 rem/day with an orbit of 500 Ian (orbital inclination 650). However,
electrons in the outer radiation belt have a low penetrating capacity-afid
act chiefly on the skin.- Corpudcular radiation from solar flares consists
mostly of alpha particles and protons, the latter with energieb ranging from
several Mev to dozens of bev., This wide ranste of prqton, energy produces
'Card- 2
L lo959-67 SGTB PYGD - S-0-6 R- C. E-C 0'- DEE, ---U 16~1 9-7/0i971
-K(f riZR --A T 6 03 6 5 7 7
AU-1iOR: Karpov, 0. N.; Kovalev, Ye. Ye.; Nevskaya, C. F.; Smirennyy, L. N.
ORG: none
TI'iM-: Problems of designing local radioprotective shielding for cosmonauts (Paper
presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine hold in Moscow from 24 to
27 'may 19661
SOURCE; Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy
Ikosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentaiip
.Aos cowp
1966, 197
TOPIC TAGS: radiation shielding, cosmonaut radiation shielding, radiation protection,
solar flare., spacecraft shielding
ABSTRACT: Economy of weight in spacecraft best achieved by placing
the shielding as close as possible to the cosmonaut. Local shielding is
designed taldng into account the varying radios ensitivity of different body
organs and the considerable unevenness of the radiation field inside the
spacecraft cabin. Calculation of local shielding is based on determination
of the effectiveness of shielding of an organ by parts of the ship and by
other parts of the Pody. A model of a so-called (with typical.
L lo959-67
placement of organs) was used to facilitate dose calculations for individual
vital organs. Spatial distributions of tissue thicImesses with respect to
the vital organs were determined using this model. On the basis of data
obtained, calculations were made of doses from a solar flare for various
critical organs, assuming a hypothetical spacecraft hull. Calculations
utiUzed dependences of dose on tissue depth for given shielding thicImesbuo.
Results of these calculations show the definite possibility of weight economy
with the use of local shielding. [W.A. No, 226 ATD Report 66-1161
SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 00,xzy66
ACC NR: AT~~036583 SOURCE CODE: UIZ/G,-~-)0/66/000/000/02-07/0208.
*K`.U.~ :1, po , V t j
Howilov, Ye. Y(".; Po v Sychkov
M. A .
0R10; none
- _f
1 7~' Basic problems of modeling 'he effect of the radiations of 5pace on
Ij I U - _.L -6 i~f jl~; - __ - _- - - - - - ____ * __ - - -
"Zolog-cal ob4cots [?;ipar presented at ti4 0 nce on Problems of Space
'.-,old --z,. 4oscow from 24 to 27 Ifly 19663
SOZ2%'Zc.": Konforent-s3ya po problemam kosmicheskoy medit-siny, 19L. Problemy
koo,-,achc3ko~y ;;,.Cd_-t3iny.Pi7oblems of space inedicine
inaterialy konferentsii,
..',cscow, 10/66, _237-203
TOPIC 7AGS: c,.)s;-..ic radiation biologic effect, proton radiation biologic effect,
Kologic mode!, cos;iLic radiation
AESZRACT: There are --Uwo main components of cosidic radiation: primry commic
-adiation, wi-acri iias a c1hro,iic effect on flae cosmonaut during ti.,c entire
and solar cosi-nic radiation (corpuscular radiation from solar flares),
w nich has an acuLe, periodic effect varyi n- with the character and intensity
i.of the flares. Primary cosi-nic radiation consists of protons, alpha parti-
eles and raulticharge ions, many of which lie in the energ rangc of 0.5-1.0
bev/nucleon. Flowever, tne maxinium energy of these particles reaches
109bev. The proton constituent of cosmic radiation can be partially repro-
Card 1/2
L lo965_67
- 17
ACC INR: AT6036583
-lowever, multicharge ions of
duced as a narrow beam on an accelerator. I
these energies cannot be so reproduced. Thus the problem arises of model,
ing radiation effects applicable to concrete flight conditions.
Tinne parameters and the magnitude of the cosmic radiation effect
are modele6 using gainina rays. In this manner equality of depth distribu-
tions of the absorbed dose in irradiated objects is maintained. Specially
developc6 gamma irradiators permit considerable variations in the level
and time of acute irradiation (on a background of chronic irradiation) of
f lar"e laboratory animals. An OIYAI synchro cyclotron, creating
groups o-
a flux in a wide anercry range down to 50 Mev, was) used to model the radi-
ation cf-Lect of solar flare protons, On long spaceflights the chief hazard will'
be multicharre ions of primary cosmic radiation. In order to model the
ra6'zLt-'on el y
A A 'fect o' these heav charged particles, an apparatus was created
which 41,rradiates cell and tisslae cultures, yeast, bacteria, etc. The biologi-
cal objects were placed at-the end of the particle path. It is possible that
tine radiation eflect.of heavy ions on large biological objects can be mode.1e.d.
i coilina-Led microbewns of high-energy electrons. [W.A. No. 22; ATD.
Repor'u 66-!!63
SUB CODZ: 00' / SUBM, DATE: C0,VLy66
Ca,-d 2/111-
!ACC NR, AT6o3652:~ Soulics C66t,
AUT11OR: Vilchrov, A. I.; Kolomnskiy, A. V.; Smironnyy, Lo N.; Dudldn, V. Yo.;
Kovai2X.,._Yk&_D-_; Xuznotsov, V. 0.
ORG: none
TrIL13: Principles of calculating shielding from cosmic radiation CPapor prosontod
at the Conforonce on Problems of Space Hledicino hold in lloscoii from 2.4 to 27 1~ay 1966j.
SOMCZ: Konforontsiya po problomam kosmichoskoy moditsiny, i966. ProblarV kosmiches-i
key rieditsiny. (Problem of space medicine); mz#erialy konforentsii, Floscovi, 1966, 10P
TOPIC TAGS: spacecraft shielding, radiation protection, solar flare, cosmic radiation
biologic effect, radiation shielding
ABSUUICT: The problem of shielding the cosmonaut fro M'* high-energy corpuscular
radiations is formulated in the following manner: for given conditions
(trajectory, flight duration, etc.), the main-shielding requirements must,
:be determined (Ilype and thiclmess of material, arrangement of shielding
ielsx..) in order to protect cosmonauts from irradiation in greater than'per-
:rnissible doses with minimum additional weight of the shielding. This
.article describes a paper in which: 1) Chief aspects of methods of calcu-
lat ting shielding- were examined. 2) Mean tissue doses for monoenergetic
ACC NRs AT6036554 SOURCE CODE: U )/66/000/000/0157/0158'
IAUTHOR: Dudkinp V. Ye.; Kovalev. Ye. Yo.; Kuznetsqvp V. G.; Smirennyyp L. N.
ORG: none
TITLEs The spatial distribution of doses of high-energy protons absorbed behind
shielding (Paper presented at-the Conference on Problems of Space IS~dioine
Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19661
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy
kosridcheakoy-m6ditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsill)
Moscow, 1966, 157-158
TOPIC TAGS: radiation shielding, radiation dosimstry, solar flare, cosmic radiation
biologic effect, radiation protection
ABSTRACT: Measurements were made of dose distributions by depth behind a shield
in a plane -p-ai~allel phantom d0inj irradiation with 126-, 250-, 415-, and
i: 660m.-Mev protons. from an 01YAI synchrocyclotron. Measuremints7ofab-
sorbed doses were made* with a spherical tissue -equivalent ionization chamber!
2 cm in diameter equipped with a ree.ordingdeVice permitting measurement
of currents to 10 amp. Depth dose distributionsk ij~ the phantom were
eatained with "narrow" and "wide" pro-toir, beams normaUy incident on.
C..rd 1/2
JII)VW.'V yu.
tipeciali9ts. Avt.dor. 28 ",
j.: .
I - 11 )~
.A~ -.1-Cil)
Y..,,.o inzh, 4he bitumen punn of a notor r,-,-r, oilnr. `.-v?,.dcr. 25!
11 . 11
Mr 165. (MIRA .18.5)
Drilling hole5 with flushing. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no.6t25 Je 161.
(FaA 14:6)
1. Moskovskiy gornyy institut.
(Hydraulic mining)
KOVALEV, YU,D,,-,--. I
Scientific technical conference on standardization In enterprises
of the Moscow Province Economic Council. Standartizatslia 26
no.6-59-60 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7)
(Moscow Province--Standardization)
-- -- - I-------
Rare case of penetrating wound of the chest. Xhirurgiia 35 n0-10:
121-122 0 159. (MIRA 12:12)
(THOR,kX wounds and injuries)
KOVAIZV, ya.p. (Leningracip 95y pr. Stachek, d.n, kv.45)
Diagnosis of closed injuries to the heart. Vest.khir. no.1&136-
138 162. (MMT--WOUVDS AWD IN.TURIES) (HIn 15: 1)
FRESKIIN'. '. .01.9 inzh~?, KOVALFVA, Yu.F., -'nzh.
EeEilgn of the frame and body of 271-OL diesel lo'!Ometives.
Trudy VN'T-, Tio.19255-65 164. (v,:RA,
KOVALEV, Yu.G., inzh.
Using mazut for bitumen heating. Avt. dor. 28 no.4:26 Ap 165.
(141 RA 18: 5)
New procedure for casting stator plates for turbodrills. Lit.
proizv. no.4-.42-44 Ap '624 (KIR~h 15-4)
(Molding (Founding)) (Turbodrills)
EOVALEV, Y'.-I,ra,, J-nzh.
Roads dre a national noncern. Avt. dor. 27 no.7~.32 il 164.
KOVALEV, Yu.I., inzh.
Processes of the formation and realization of the forces of
friction along tho lateral surface of a separate foundation
in sandy soil. Trudy TSNIIS nc-56:99-104 161,5-
(MIRA 18:5)
N&W trough developed by the MoBoow Institute of Railroad EngineerB.
Oan, fund. i mekh. grun. 5 no.l122-23 163. (MIRA 16:5)
KOVALI-A) 111,~.P j-.i:,,h.
;'ormatlon and manifestation of friction forces along the lateral
face of deep founcations in sandy acil. Trudy MIIT no,1971
14~-154 t65o
Construction of small dynamometers. lbid,055-160
(MIRA 180)
n'RMAKOV, D. A., Ene.; KOVAMW, YtT. N., EnE.
Kashira Hydroelectric Power Station
Kashira electric power station is 30 years old. Eng.s D. A. Yermakov, Yu. N. Kovalev,
Elek. sta. no. 7, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
Odabashyan, Gv V.p Ponomarenkol V. A.,.Kovalev, Yu. N. and
Petrov, A. D. Corresponding Member AS U
Organo-silicon monomers with oyalobutyl rings containing
Doklady Akademii nauk MR, v. 137, no. 2, 1961, 338-340
TEXT: Following British and US papers on the synthesis of organosilicon
monomers with cyclobutyl rings containing fluorine (Scheme A, at 2100C,
for 24-36 hr),
CF, = CFC1 + CHI = CHSICIJ g7- C1jS1&CFC1CF,6,-;
210- 1-
CF, - Us + Clis = CHS1 (CHI) Cis 30 CHI (Cis) SjCHCFtCFj&3 H T. A.
the authors studied a new method of synthesis (Scheme B: (I), (N)).
Card 1/4
Organo-silicon monomers with... B103/B215
F, - CF, CHI
libria, Rn 3-R .
R"C131-11S111 + CHI = CZCF.U.61 C1 S1CHCHA"CFTF;&': (11)
They found that butaaiene can easily be condensed by ethylene tetrafluoride
(1). The yield of CH 2--. C H C'E 2F. _6H26H2was 90% (Ref. 5-,. .D. D. Goffman,
F. L. Barrik et al., J. Am.-Chem. Boo. 71, 490 (1948)). Prom Table I it
follows that high yields of the silicon hydrides used by the authors are
added to vinyltetrafluorocyclobutane in the presence of chloroplatinic acid.
The authors succeeded in adding dichlorosilane to two molecules of vinyl-
tetrafluorocyolobutane under harder conditions (in the autoolave at 130 0 C
and in the presence of the above acid. -The corresponding monomer (no- 7)
was obtained in a yield of 46~. It is noted that the polymers produced from
the above monomers show valuable properties according to non-Soviet publioa-
tions. There are 1 table and 5 non-Soviet-bloo references. The reference
Card 2/4
Organo-silicon monomers vrith.;. B103/B215
to English language publications reads as followsi J. D. Park, J. D. Groves,
J. R. Lache~r, J. Org Chem., a, no. 9, 1628 (1960).
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelin-
skiy, Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBIMITTEDi December 7, 1960
Card 3/4
KOVALEV, Yu.N.; BARANOVSKIY, N,V., k4nd. tekhn. nauk
Studying the beat transmission-of plate-type exchangers. Trakt. i
sellkhozmash. no.709-41 JI 165. (MIRA 18j7)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektrifikatsii
sellskogo khozyaystva, Moskva (for-Kovalev). 2. Moskovskiy tekhnologi-
cheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti (for Baranovskiy).
~Oz*j nm.-.E.V-AL ~Tu-xf. z
Usim tbD liquid extmattion mthod ror the mtraoticn or
Wabw alooho3m fim Umir muturea with WdrocarbDna;
roviow of litarAturos 'Almdy MMI no.4otl22-127 163.
1 (MOU ISt22)
1CACIA-11, S.Z. v il(~,VJ,71.-v I ~ L) ~ N . 1- K-At' P N : I L; ~ Do!' '~R . IN . P -
.%, I
Ttl- c.-f 131,--uhol-9 R---xt,.7ra9
' 'I ri, - 11 .
,~-! th hy~ii u ~,.q r bin.;3 . T ,:,ay MK IIT T 11 , . ~,n. -,,2 t3 -4,j lc-~ -
- - " _.; r,
(MITIA l8t--,.2)
the blood
'i ol ~ ~ es 1 e e
Some clinical biouhe,- .41CE, pa ra 1 1 e I , ~ i n 1, e --- -, I It,,t ; - vi w
- - . 1~ ~- -
of foreign literature. Wop. V 164.
1 18:7)
MELIKUMOV, Lev Georgiyevich; BOGOPOLISKIY, Beko Khaimovich;
BERLOVSKIY, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich- KOVALEV Yuri~
'~u Y lu
Sergeyevich; KOZIN, Yuriy Vladimiro;ich~;NAV~, J;tji~r
Te-H-m'o-v1-c*S;' FELIDMAN, Yelizar Samoylovich; SHUVAYEV,
Anatoliy Andreyevich (deceased]; KORENDYAYEV, G.V., otv.
red.; BELOV, V.S., red. izd-vii; LOMILINA, L.N., tekhn~
red.; IL'INSKAYA, G.M., teMn. red.
[Automatic control of mine compressor stations] Avtomati-
zatsiia shakhtnykh kompressornykh atantaii. Moskva, Gosgor-
tekhizdat, 1963. 151 p. (MIRA 16:8)
(Auto*tic control) (Air compressors)
Standardize the apparatus for automatifally controlling drainage
units. Gor. zhure no*3:75-76 Mr 163, (MIRA 16:4)
1. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut avtomatizatsii
rabot v ugollnoy promyshlennosti.
AUTHORS: Chernyayev, V.N., Povedskaya, L.G. and
Kovalev, Yn, T.
TITLE: Rectification of metals
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal priklndnoy khimii, v. 36, no. 1,
1963, 56 - 62
TEXT: The-rectification of Hg (at atm. pressure
and under vacuum) and of Cd and Zn (vocuum only) was atixdied
in an effort to develop a suitable apparntus for this purpose
and to assess the possibilities of this method for the produc-
tion of very pure metals. A transparent silica column of 18
bubbler-type plates was used for Hg. The apparatus is shown
in Fig. 1.. Both this, and a similar 10-pl-tte column allowed
suf:cessful rectification to be cnrried out; the collecting
rates varied. e.g. from 3.7 to 28.0 g distilled Hg per minute.
Regulation of the amount of reflux was difficult. Apparatus of
basically the same construction was used for Cd and Za, with a
10-plate column, with equally successful')results. It is concluded
Card 1/4
Rectification of metals D226/D307
that for columns up to 80 mm in dia, the plate separation, 5, is
sufficient when S = (3 + 5) h [6ic*] where h is the thickness of
metal on each plate. Changes in the linear velocity of the vapor
along the column are calculated and found to increase from 1.44
at plate 1 to 11.4 m/sec on rAnte 9. The velocity increased sharply
from plate to plate, tbo increments becoming greater towards the
top of the column. bubbling on the plates is an essential though
not the only condition for successful purification on,columne of
this type. There are 5 figures and 2 tables'.
SUBMITTED: September 19, 1961
Fig. 1: Diagram of the apparatus for the rectification of mercury,
with an 18-plate column and a device for the measurement
of the amount of reflux.
Legend: 1 - container, 2 - thermometer housing, 3 - column,
4 - heating jacket, transformer, 6 - reflux measuring
device, ? needle, dephlegmator, 9 - cooling jackets,
10 -'tkap, 11 manometer, 12 Tishchenko flask, 1 3
Card 2/4
k G61~c
Rectification of metals D226/D307
vacuum pump, 14 - clip, 15 - receiver.
A - air
B - argon
C - point of detachment
Card 3/4
Rectification of metals
S/090/63/036/001/005/026 .
- M
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Slutskaya, T. M.; Kovalev, Yu. Ya.
TITLE: l7Kh3G1dFA steel for products fabric.ited by electro-slag
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 1, 1962i 1-6
TEXT: Information is given on a new steel grade, 170_Mq~A WKh-GVEFA),
suggested as a substitute for 25X3HM (25Kh31M) steel used for columns of
chemical apparatus working at up to 320 atm steam pressure at 150-3000C.
Such columns are fabricated from 90-150 mm thick forged steel by electro-
slag welding. The 25Kh3NM steel contains up to 2% nickel, and the required
hardening with subsequent high tempering to sorbite is not possible at most
Soviet plants. The 17Kh3GMFA steel is nickelfree, has a low cooper content,
and is easier to weld because of its low carbon content. The composition
of l7Xh3GMFA is as follows (in %):- 0-14-0.20 C, 0.17-0-37 Si, 1-5-1-6 lLnt
2.75-3.25 Cr, 0.40-0.6o mo, 0-15-0-30 VP 0.30 Cu, 4 0.04 Si 4 0.04 P.
Steel was melted in an electric furnace af the Zhdanovskiy metallurgiche-
skiy zavod (Zhdanov Metallurgical Plant), rolled, heat treated by over-
Card 1/3
l7Kh3G11FA steel for products DON/D113
heating to 1,3000C,ete, and rolldd. Details of the heat treatment proces-
ses and the results of mechanical tests and metallographic investiL,-ations
are given. Clear manganese banding and less expressed chromium banding
was seen in metal overheated to 1,30000 prior to rolling, but prolonged
holding at 4700C practically did not affect the carbide structure. The
steel is recommended for service at not over 400'C- It was not tested for
cre,., and long-term durability. Conclusions: (1) 17Kh3GAM! steel molted
i, diectric furnace and rolled into 150 mm thick sheet is fully sufficient
r steel used for chemical equipment. (2) The mechanical Properties after
.~,rmalization and tempering with postcooling in the furnace are as Tollowe,;
2 6-, g/mm2, 2
T200C > 51 kg/mm T3000C > 44 k *000 > 66 kg/mlla
5 > k200C > 6kG-w/cm LAbstracter's notet The oymbols are
not definej. (3) The mechanical properties of l7Kh3GMPA steel art, inlaf-
fected by prolonged holding at 370-47000, and the steel has no tendency to
Card 2/3
l7Kh3GMFA steel for -Droducts D036/Dll3
hot brittleness. There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 11 references: 10
Soviet and 1 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im.
Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of
the Red Banner of Labor" im. Ye. 0. Paton of the AS UkrSSR).
SU13MITTED: March 10, 1961
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Slutskaya, T-MtKovalev Yu-La._
TITLE: Electro-slag welding technology for l7GKh3MFA steel
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no.2, 1962, 44-48
TEXT: Recommendations are given for electro-slag welding 150 mm thick
l7rX3H*l7Gh13MFA) steel sections for hot columns used in the chemical
industry. Information on the l7GKh3MFA steel and requirements as to the base
and weld mtal of hot columns were given in a previous article by the authors
(Ref.l: "Avton-iticheska)-a svarka",No.1, 1962). The process stages are:
(1) Assembling and electro-slag welding the elements of preliminarily annealed
17GKh3MFA steel; -(2) Intermediate annealing of the welded column, and finally
heat treatment as prescribed for the base metal. The chemical composition of
the l7GKh3MFA steel and recommended X5 ?j (Kh5M) welding wire is (Table 1):
Card 1/4
Electro-slag welding ...
Content in %
C Si Mn Cr Mo V S P
17MUMM base metal 0.18 0.26 1.57 2.95 0,45 0.37 0.031 0.016
Kh5M electrode wire 0.15 0.10 0.48 4.20 0.58 - 0,03 0.027
Weld metal ......... 0.14 0.28 1-01 3.94 OA9 0.16 0.014 0.016
Additional alloying of welds was achieved by increasing the portion of base
metal in the welds. The following process details are recommended for 150 mm
thick metal: 26-30 mm gap between edges; alternating current; 45-50 Mn deep
slag Pool; AN-8 (AN-8) ilux; two electrodes; 60-70 nmi long dry electrode throat;
welding wire feed of 220 m/hr (at 450-475 amp current); voltage of 48-50 v;
70 mm space between the electrodes; transverse motion of electrodes at 39 m1hr.
Card 2/4
Electro-slag welding ... D040/D113
Welded specimens of 100 x 150 x 190 mm size were subjected to the following
heat treatment: normalization with heating to 9 0- O*C, holding for 4 hrs and
cooling at 1000/hr, tempering by heating to 700- O*C, holding for 4h~s and
furnace cooling at 50*Ar. The cooling technique after normalization and high
tempering corresponds to the recomendations of TsNIITmash. Conclusions:
(1) The recommended technique (Kh5M wire, AN-8 flux, 50-55% of base metal in
the weld metal) ensures sound welded joints without flaws. (2) The weld metal
and the heat-affected metal at the welds in the as-welded state have an
acicular tmostite structure with a hardness of 380-400HV. Therefore,high
tempering or annealing must be used directly after welding, before the metal
cools-down completely, and this must be done regardless of the final heat
treatment. (3) After normalization and tempering, the strength, plasticity
and toughness of the weld metal and heat-affected zone fully meet the technical
requirements. (4) The weld metal has no tendency to hot embrittlement in long
holding at up to 3700C. (5) Normalization and high tempering ensure a
sufficiently uniform metal structure in welded joints, and this in combination
with high Cr content in the weld and base metal seems to result in a high
Card 3/4
Electro-slag welding ...
resistance to hydrogen corrosion.
test for hydrogen corrosion. There
Special specimens are presently under
are 4 figures, 3 tables and 6 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im.
Ye.O.Patona AN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the
Red Banner of Labor" im. Ye.O.Paton AS,UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: April 19, 1961
Card 4/4
Possibility of using in high pressure vessels joints made by
electric slag welding without further normalizing. Avtom. avar,
16 no.11:31-39 N 163. (MIRA 17t1)
1. Institut elektrosvarki imeni Patona AN UkrSSR.
Electrode wire for the mechanized welding of carbon steel
without a protective atmosphere. Avtom. svar. 16 no.8tl3-25
Ag 163. (KMA 160)
1. Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR.
(Steel--Welding) Wectrodes)
ACCESSION NR: A3~4029*255
AUTHOR: K .,Yu.-Y&*- (Engineer)
TITLE: Eliminating weld -aff(icted -zone overheating in: 2OKh3MVF- and
30GKhZNIF- steel joints made by electroslag we Iding
SOURCE: Avtornaticheskaya svarka, no. 4, 1964, 27-31
TqPIC TAGS: welding, weld affected zone, electroslag welding, 2OKh3MVF
steel, 30GKhZMF steel
ABSTRACT: The peculiarities of re crystallization were studied and a thermal
treatment was developed for the purpose of restoring the properties of the weld-
affected metal in electroslag welds. The weld-affected zone within 1. 5-2 mm
from the metal-fusion border in welds between 2OKh3MVF 240-mm-thick plate
and 30GKh2MF 285-mm--thick plate was investigated. It was found that a single'-
time thermal treatment at 930C. i. a. , higher by 40C than the critical point Ac.,
COM 1/2
did not produce any substantial change in the overheated zone of 20Kh3MVF. A
double thermal treatment, at 930 and 980C, resulted in much better toughness in
both steels; this treatment is recommended for electroslag-%ielded parts made
from the above steels. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 5 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye. 0. Patona AN UkrSSR (Institute of
Electric Welding, AN. UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED.- 18ju163 DATE ACQ: VA&64 ENCL. '00
SUB CODE:-M Nb REF SOV: 007 1~ 6THER: 000
Card 2/2.
Kamination of overheating of the veld-affected zone of
20Xh3MVF -nd 30GKh2MF'steel joints made by electric slag _
welding. Artom,--Yar,17 no*4127-31 4 164 (MMA 18 2 1)
1. Institut elektroavarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN UkrWP,
9.1 W. T IAfA
.~f,r cl ure
Trees and shrubs of ti',c Lower Volga Valley. Saratov, Cblastroc izd-vo. !~;~O.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -194, Uncl.
KOVALE.VA,,,.A.A..; V.V.
?roblems of all and gnn prospectIngi Fifth AII.-Unin Scientific
and TechnJeal Geophysical Conferonce. Geol. nefti. i gaza 8
rio.3,,,51-55 Mr '64. ("1 A 17-,6)
1. Gosadars"vemnvy gcologic~heskly kom.1tet SSSR.
04 6 0*00000 fog
*I* go 0 0 0 # 0 900000 fee
01 00&000000000000000 & 41 ~
Rol. ~
II list 7 1 twilililmillatill Ila amb 211113J.1 Lil LIU lam it SY is J4 4, .1
-A-L a"* P_ 2 V PP 9(.4 4
"M III I ..v 19, '1 1
uAin and A. A.-KiAvalem Kkim. Mashistosirnemie A. _41110
*;.k 1939'
No. IV. 14- , --lite c~uro~icin rmimarice of stain- -00
2 Ir"Alls alml Cc Nit-CIS wdi inwtisated to det. their
%inplibility as m1lo%tituivs for 18-8 steels in epipmew Ittletcryst. cort."m after having limit heated to ".1 -00
T 1"( 11N.Cli 1R.IR0. Tile effecis of Ti And Cb upon the When tile TIV I'Atio is lelf, than 5 thril Alm %t%Vl
90 I)M?Cl trIA of 174,, Ct Pilrelt octe alims mudiptil. The limunts sensill,ic An intemi)st. ,xio,ion after viclifing -0 0
Oil 411, 141lovii.9 Merls imerr lesled: (a) C q it heating Ad W-141W. CiAln..Ni Iii-Ili-m stivis wit),
I A 1.00
9 1, '114S bill 6.0-18.0. Cr ls.211-100%'. W C OX-0.23. "I'd will"I T! Ole Mil%idt"I'd suitable fAkF IkPI3. in JIM I,
liss ,I Nin Ct 'S.9. Ni 3.14-3.08, 1114411d. Witlategsid it, thvit larch. and
k~-O.m ,ii U-48-2.10, %fit 0-11- of" Properties the Cr-.Ni stvvis coutic. Ch di(TrtC,l lil,14
Ti 0. 1 (1) C 0.(
0.111. Cr 16.4-17.7. Ni 8.1l-9.47, Ti OJ2-4).77, Ch 1.24%. Iurn 114-8 fileri.. Tile Clectiode Imotiliak u( The vaill.
I I he &I"I slircinorm weir subjected to a Arfinite heat - 1.- .1rel. in II.N(I. W..r, ..N, &I'l. Ily im.I~ANinx Ali,
II.N(N covi:11. limn li.a to tile value *If file clectu-1. so
111'arnicut afics %hich their coittakin rrsistailm was iness- I=
1111rd IJY J09. their " 1. loss in IiWing M and (91% IM(h 11"Ifulials int-tram-il at fitst atid then Ix-vante uvail~
of fict'245-hi.1tilvivak. Tile resulto ate JivvA in tables =11 An incirt-AW III fraill'. laid mmilAt 1-ult, bill to a h -1 9
in CIITYV.. 011 111C WAS Of thdf "WMdi= reAMAMe in ilviltre. The (utsivation of the fidni, in rold NW; voo
09 1 IIN(h was due to the Cr and not to Mn or Ni. 1:~,r
wilitts W7C 1 UNth the steels "tg, 18% Cr and 91-1
so z Nin air con-itivrrd of little value for use in &pp. for 11%th welded aPp. the following tittr1% should lie tried: CA 1* 14
i0 Infiniti, AIM. of about 3% Ni to Cr-&Ift (18-9) isteel'A Mn Cf 18. \i 3q and five linirs; as much Ti 1114 C.
Freaft imptoi-til their corrosion frNista"m Addn. of For welded app. which can lie Itrat treated at I 1 01)* awl
00 1 Cr-Nlii..Ni it, IS-3) ttvk did not sfiect the cut. A lien Iquenched in water the fullvAing Niml i% tugg"Ird:
so 11 reNislatirv. but When file 11 content is fivC times .. C 0. 4. Mn 0. Cr 1.4 and Ni 2-4%. F- ivCtCd pp.
little as that 0 C. The steels will Alow a tendency to the Steel COMg, I Vii Cr and 0.121,-c C is trcurninvittird.
so Z. Kamich M10111 41
to 0
so 0
Nit I % At W
n 0 V 04 91 '1 it 9 it If H m rLa ;
if 0 ll;I %.
0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
103, 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 Allf 0 0 0 0 & 0 we 00 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000906 0 4
KOVAIEVA A.A. (Candidate of Vet Sci, Kharlkov)
"Methods of Cultivating Trichomones"
Report given at 13th Inter-VUZ (Higher Educational Insts.) Scientific-InduBtrial
Conference, held February, 1956 at Kiev Vet Inst.
Testing the "Kintzlem wire filter. Bum.prom. 35 no-8:22-23 Ag
16o. (MIRA 13:8)
1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut tsellyuloznoy
i bumazhnoy prom7ohlennosti.
(Woodpulp) (Filters and filtration)
MAZING, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; GURICHEVA, Z.G., nauchnyy sotrudnik;
YFIVILEVICHP M.A., nauchnyy aotrudnik; LOWVA, M.A., nsuchxVy
sotrudnik; KOVALEVA A A , nauchriyy sotrudnik
Methods of sewage purification. Bum.Prom. 37 zio.9:7-10 S
162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tsellyulozno-
bumazhnoy promyahlennosti.
Results of a conference on the direct radiometric and
radiogeochemical methods for oil and gas prospecting.
Sovegeols 5 no.6;243-147 Je 162-a (MIRA 15;11)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instiltut
yadernoy geofiziki i geokhimiis
(Radioactive prospecting-Congresses)
3MSHT3YN, M.L., kand.tekhn-nauk;- ~VALX~VA.A.~Dnzh.
Change in the structure of cold-worked lKhl8HqT and Kh25T steels
under the effect of heating. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.8:
25-30 Ag 160. (HIU 13:9)
1, Hoskovskiy institut stali.
(Steel, Stainless--Metallography)
(Metals, Wfect of temperature on)
AUTHORS: Bernsht;2p, ML. (Candidate of Technical Sciences)
anY-Kovaleva, A.D. (Engineer)
TITLE: Chan es in the Structure of the Cold Worked Steels
lKhl NqT andjKh25T during Heating
PERIODICALt Metallovedeniye i. tormichaskaya obrabotka metallov,
1960, No 8,,pp 25-30 (+ 1 plate)
ABSTRACT: The steals referred to are used extensively d~ie to
their resistance to the effect of acids, scale resistancelvand als4D
heat resistance. During the process of manufacture of cold rolled
or drawn tubes made of austenitia and ferritic steels, difficulties
arise which are due to changes in the structure and properties of
the metal and which are not always-fully explained. For
elucidating the nature of some of these changes, investigations
were carried out which are described in this paper. The chemical
compositions of the investipted steels were as follows:
Steel Kh25T; 0.1510o C; 0.9% Si; 0.77% Mn; 26.7% Cr; 0.1+% Ni;
0.73% Ti.
Steel MlMTS 0.11% C; 0.62% Si; 0.17% Mn; 17% Cr; 8.7% Ni;
0.64% Ti. X
Changes in the Structure of Cold Worked Steels lKhl8N9T and
Kh25T during Heating
Prior to cold rolling and cold drawing the blanks were pierced
and rolled in hot rolling stands and subjected to preliminary
tests. After hot rolling the tubes were quenched in water from
1100 and 950 OC respectively. Following that, the tubes were cold
rolled or cold drawn with maximum degrees of deformation so as to
obtain clearly pronounced textures. The reductions were 75% for
the steel IKhl8N9T and 95% for the steel Kh25T. From the tubes
20 x 20 mm specimens were-cut which were heated to 400, 5oo, 6oo,
700 and 800 OC and held at each temperature for durations of 1,
5~ 25, 50 and 1.00 hours. The structural transformations were
studied by hardness measurements, microstructure study with an
optical microscope, static metallography and X-ray structural
anal7sis,. The results of the changes in hardness and stretching
of the grains in cold drawn and cold rolled tubes from the two
steels are entered in Figs 1 and 2, and 3 and )+, respectively.
The results show that quenched and cold worked austenite of the
steel lKhl8N9T is more inclined to develop phase transformations
leading to an increase in hardness than annealed and cold deformed
austenite which is characterised by a greater stability.
Card 2/4
Changes in the Structure of Cold Worked Steels lKhl8N9T and
Kh25T during Heating
Although the general relations remain the same, comparison of the
graphs in Figs 39 4 with those in Figs 1, 2, lead to the
conclusion that In the steel Kh25T the transformations are
considerably slower than in the steel lKhl8N9T. It is possible
that this is due not only to the differing nature of the forming
phases, but also to a generally lower level of type II distortions
in the ferritic steel than in the more strongly work-hardened
austenitic steel. The experimentally established martensitic
transformation in the steel lKhl8N9T and the formation of a
a phase in the steel Kh25T during repeated heating of cold worked
specimens lead to a further conclusion relating to the influence
of the accumulated deformation energy on the distribution of the
individual elements in the solid solution. The determined
transformations in both these steels could not occur in the
equilibrium state. Such occurrence is made possible in the
temperature range 44D0-600 OC by a redistribution of the elements
which leads to a lowering of the solid solution and formation of
Card 3/1r
Changes in the Structure of Cold
Kh25'T during Heating
Worked Steels lKhl8NqT and
islands which are poor in nickel. Apparently such lowering
leads In many cases to the formation of thermodynamically more
stable alloys.
There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATIONS. Moskovskiy institut stali
(Moscow Steel Institute)
Card 4/1+
VOLKOVITSKIY, G.I., dotsentp kand. tekhn. nauk; PISMV-IKOV, G.P., inzh,:
YUFEROV, V.M., dotsentp kand. tekhn. nauk; DZYUBA, M.I., inzh,;
SAY., N.F.,, inzh,; Prinimali uchastiYe.- SURZHIKOVj V.A,, inzh.;
ME-.,---MMKH, D.V.,, Inzb.; YESAULOV, A.T., inzh.
Characteristics of producing large-diameter pipe of Khl8N12M2T
steel. Stall 22 no.6:532-535 Je 162. (MIRA 16:7)
1,, Yuzhnotrudnyy zavod (for Surzhikov, Kovaleva, Tkachenko,
Kirvalidze Gladkikh Yesaulov),
(Pi"pe., Stesl~ (Rolling(Motalwork))