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Ai'aCES31ON NR: AP4005020 suboutaneous bullae fc)rm., their temperature cnd pressure are measured wid their gas composilion can be analyzed at any time by taking gas swnples. Simultaneouzt~ investigation of all three factors in tho sixbcutaneous bullae of animals shows that, although the temperature docreases, the gas pressure remains at a constant level. The e;cpeeted decrease in japor pressixros and partial gas pressures does not ta3ce place in tha bullae because now gas enters constantly from the tissues. This a1so contributes to intensified tissue stratifica-: tion. The -described apparatus can be used in various altitude inves- tigations of laboratory animals. Orig, axt, has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: None 'SUB* MITTED: 1ONov62 1 SUB CODE: k4 DATE ACQ: 20.Tan64 NO REF SOV: 001 ENCL: 00 i i OTHER: 000 Cat d 2/2 KOVALENKO, Ye.A.; POPKOV, V.L.; CHERNYAKOV, I.N. (,'4oskva) Effect of inerea;-,ed carbon dioxide concentra,lion on hypoxia of cerebral tissues. Pat. f:.ziol. i eksp. terap. no.2:50-54 164. (WRA 17:9) :ACCESSION Mt: AP4037624 S/0216/64/000/003/0376/0387 ALIMOR: Ko-vulenko, Ye, A,; Popltov,, V* L.1 Cherayakovp 1. No TITLE: Application of po3arograpby for detemining vqrgen tension in brain t1sauea undar the influence of factors of high altitxule flight SOURCE; AN IMSR. XzY* Sariya b1ologichookaya, ao- 3, 1964., 376-387 IX)PIC TAGS: polarograpb7p o)Wgen tension,, brain oxygein tension.. cortex oxygen unsioa., dog brain oxygea-,';ensio:-a,, brain polarography, hypoxim, height induced hypoxia, carbon dioxide briathingp o)WgetL breathing, rapid ascent bypozia,, lung pressure, lung coxmter preosure; overload Induced hypaxla AB3TRACT. The basic vorllm on po)A=SraAy are listed. For this study the hercury dr)p electrode was replaced. by a solid platinum one. 'rho method consists basically'. in plactng 2 e-lectrodea In the tissues of the living o.rganism and applying a 0.6-0.8 voltAuje. At the cathode a reduction of the amiilable oxygen with initial foi:=atic= of 2Waro&cnperoxI1e and ita aubsequent reduc,"lon to water will occur, ar4 thic creates a current Ln the circuit proportloz:ka to oxygea concentration in Uui solmUou, The theory ot the solid platium alectnkle has not been couplately 1/3 -kcassioN im: AM37624 .-developed as yet, It offere the advantage of measurements in loca3ized parts of -the 3-1ving organism to Ix- usea for studying hypoxia states under certain flight ,onditions. The tests vere conducted in dogs,- the set-up is figured and the mater-, lal described. The resu3ts of tests for 02 tension am figured for certain brain -41asuca Wan breathing gas mixtures irith a varying 02 content and upon keeping the logo In pressure cbambtrfi for 2 minutes to simulate various height conditions with jmd without additional o.4ygens 'The effects of acceleration were also studied. and .;he n*sults are given In % of 02 tension (p0 Upaa breathing air these values -were rather constant. The correct working 0i t*his set-up showed the p02 to be proportional to the %content of oxygen In the breath-.d air. In the first series cX experiments on gas mixtures p addition of COo vas Tound to increase p02 in the brain under normal condittons and in byroxia. Rapid exceat to en altitude of 3.2,=i m without oxygen r~,duced P02 to 1/2 the init:Uil level, with accompanying E-ido effecto of bypoxia; md with oxygen to 2/3 that level without side effects. The differezLce in breathiag amplitude under these conditions is brieflv touched upon. Almovt the oam obi3ervations vere made at 3.6 ana 4 km heipte. In rapid a.sceat, to lfop 17 and 20 bla (simulating leaking of the space cabin) the speed of air rarefication determined Umin deoVgmatlon and the reserve time (30-50 sec.) after, -which respij*atorv arreat mt In, Upon repeating tba testap a certain adaptation P, arc I ~Acmssiw nR: AM37621, to hypoxic conditions was observed. In a third series. P02 Vas studied upon breath- Ing oxygen under excess prussure in the limgs on the ground as vell as in simulated heights. An excess pressuj-,e of 300-400 =a on the grolund increased pO2 in the brain... while 500-800 and 1100 lim (vater colmm) decreased p02. The effect of c Isating =pen such luag pressure by extorior counter pressure vas found to depend upon degree and quality of tbis; compensation., on the ground and more so at altitudes to 36-38 kme Oxygenbreathing at these Leights togetber vith effective counter pressure will keap pop in the brain at, &-70% of the initial value. The effect of acceleration war, depindent upon the sizi,, diniction and duration, of the overload. A twofold ovarload,in the direction polvia-head had only a slight affect, while an 8-12 told ov,:~rloasl caused a pO~, pressime contribute to the serious effects of overload, he exxthors consider this- PoWogmphie metbo& higUy promising for high altitude ph~7siolt-)gy. Orig. art. hw 1 10 f1gures. i;1=OCIJA=CK*, None SMMTM-M. 00 ME AOQ,-. (15jun64 ENCL: 00 iM CODE: "U'1 No MW am 024 OZM. 017 Card 3/3 KOZINERp V.13.; KO'VALFJWO: Ye.A. Oxygen tensior In brain tiBsues in aclite hemorrhage and its therapy with blood substitutes and blood. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.1:56-58 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18:21) 1. Laboratoriya patologicheskoy fiziologi:L (-,,av. - deystvietlinyy Ohlen AMN N.A.Fedc,rov) TSentra'Linogo instituta gematologii I perelivaniyE, la-ovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev), Mosk-va. A IAM~w WVALENKO, Ye.A.; KO)OLAW, V.I. (Ploslrva) Method of detwiiining axygen tension in the cardiac muscle in a i.-hronic expwAment. Pat. fiziol. i ekop. terap. 8 no.6:82-84 N-D 164. MRA 18:6) L(:0973-66 ACCESSION NE AP50190TO *02'86I65/000/;0l2/oo96/009T 535.568a AIM OR: Kovale a,.~Xg, At; Tinogradov, ~e.:,V. -ITITIS: A- for d erml ning oxygen tension in gases and liquids, Class h2, .0paratus et N). :172111) SOUECE: e 'Byullet n' izobre-.e,,TLy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 12, 1965, 96-97 TOPI 1" TAG3: oxygen tensio-i i'blood, sensor. ANSTA.ACT An Author CertiWate has been issued for an :apparatus to determine oxy- gen~tension in gases q~ 0 _and 1-1 ids,consisting of. a thennostErb,a v ltmeter, agal- vanoteter and a d-c curren'.. i ource.. This apparatus has a sensor consisting of a plat Lnum ..Iieedle and a silv?r~vjleeve, separated by a glass capillary and-arranged coaxially in a, cylindrical ploxiglass-housing. The end of the sensor, which comes in Ontact with the gas or liquid, is hermetically sealed vith a teflon membrane and ev gela-~ine* The. d ice ig u3e~. to measure o)qrgen 4%-.ension.ih a continuous flow of spi rato t7 gas mixture or ii a lic id, such as blood (Bee 'Fig. 1 of Enclosure).- lu Orig, 1~ hit baso, 'I figuret pal 1/3. LC W~a KOVILLENKOr Ye.A., K0',',lL-NEFRq V.B. Oxygen supp:.y of the brain j-n circulatory hypoxin. F-*LzJol. zhur. -RA 18. 51 no.5s54'-553 W 165. (MI -6) 1. Laboratmiya patologicheskoy fizialogA"I rrintrallnogo inatituta gematologii i perelivanijA krovi, Moskva. 00980-w66 jy,-i~.(j *vT ? Y) x, -D AtzmyrV AP5615190'. lM/0Z;9/65/05l/0C6/0966/o9T3 6.12.273+612-17 AIBNOR: Kovalenko, Ye, 16. No'sccnr) KorolLkov (j4oscow) riw: Change in oxygen tension In the heart miAcle at high altitude and during ac'Celeration ;3011RCE:i Fiziologicheski~ zhurnal SSSR,.v.,51, no..8, 3. S; 6 5' ,960-5-973 TOTICTAGS: "heart muscle 0 ension, acceleratiot, high altitude, biological xygen t effect, dog, pressure chamber, centrifuge UBETRACT: The effect of higb altitude and acceleraticn ton the oxygen tension in tb~ heart muscle of dogs vas~,studied in chronic experiments. Polarographic elec- 1~- trc aes had been implanted iw~the heart Muscle. Experinents took place 10-12 days after the animals had beea operated on. klong with a continuous record of oxygen tensionjin relative unit3 ~-~rLth 1005 as a lase under control conditions) EKG's and, lthe~depth and frequency or respiration were studied be fore and during the tests. A 1polaxographic determinati,on of O)Wgen tension in the heart muscle during chronic ~fxperimeats necessitates ~i sl~udy of how the myocardium is supplied with oxygen during:~" geldevelopment of variou-i types of hypoxia* During short exposures to simulated .112 L 00980-66 AP5610100- 1,0MSSION NA: la-Atudos of 2- 11, and.6,kmi, the oxygen tonsion in them huart muscle was 85-22 *3. 1'21 98 *;I.j. 8 and 63.68 t11 5% S respectively. However,, no severe hypoxic disruptions d EKG's clim-gle-d: little in character. During brief exposure to altitude~l. e::,d noted, an qered at 1$8.15 of;8 and 12 km, oxygen tmalon in the heart muscle was: lcji 8 and 1112,15 ~'-t,4% respectivel-f. Hypoxic disruptions and EKG variations wre ver Y Ith-fise conditions. When--.Iogp wem-exposed to accelerationi3, there was an initiaV in- 1-;r::'ase i.n P02 followed by . a'decrease.- Trwisverse accelerelons of 2 and h g for 3 idn brought pO2 back.t.).its original level Uhile at acceierations.of 6, 8, 10, and `A2 g, P02 fell to 87, - 85 4 6 Md 63% % respectively. flead to tail accelerations !of 6 an(CI 12 :g for 3 min 31id4ly ~decreased to.78.0 and 56.5% .-respectively.; ibrl,g'. art. has: (CD] .5 figur!s.~ -AS'SOCIA91ON: none ~SMWTTE'D: an Ent; 00 21J 64:~ SUB CODE: LS 068 7.10 REF 'ESM, 008 OTHER! 00 1 ATD PRESS:4 L) 2/"t _2278~ 66 Eff I C(, C C NRI 008035- SOURCE CODE: ~UR10239/66/052/002/0172/0178 ~orollkov, V. 1. (Moscow) AUT30R: Kovalenko; Ye.. ~Aoscow ORG: na:ie Qxygen and carbaA di6xide tension in the blood during hypoxia, hypereapnia .and -hypoaapnia SOURCE: Fiziologicheskkf zhurnal SSSR, v. 52, no.. 2, 1966, 172-178 TOKC TAGS: hypoxia, hypercapnia, hypocapnia ABS,'RACT.,, Blood samples, were: extracted from the femoral artery.and atrium dextrum of! dog.-;: undcr barbamyl narcosis"while blood from the brain was extracted from thevena Jugulariv externa. In a number of experiments, the concentration of C02 in the ex- :bal(!d air, was continuously recorded.with an optico-acoustic C02 analyzer. Oxygen teMT, siori. in the cerebral corl ex- and -in ~ the- subcortex was also measured by a previously "described, method (Kovaleuko 11961). It was found that~oxygen tension in venous blood'it fl6v ing from the brain the ~ external jugular veRn is higher than in mixed ven- ..Ous blood of the atrium ci!extrum under nomal conditiono as well as during hypoxia. During hypoxia, in addition to a lowering of 02 in the blood and tissues of the braifi, 'de in the arterial and veni ' ~-J 'there is also a lowering in the tension of carbon dioxi. Dus )Aood from the brain. Wen krpoxia gas mixtures are inhaled, the addition of carbon UDC: 612.235 + 612.127 1/2 Card KOVALEN-KO,_~e.A. (Mosirva); POFKOV, V.L. (11,oskva); CHEILIYAKOV, I.N. (1405kva) Oxygenation o~' brain tissue during the inspiration of air and oxygen with an achiixture of CO;2. Fiziol. 50 no.2:177-18,1 F 164. (MIRA 18:2) !.:.F~'7: 77-i: 7 7 77~ 7. -,~reb.*.~',rp4uc ng-, PVT- - d- t~~Tvas~~- oun 0 't Alittle-beh n bb~_"l I't) YR~ VC) :b' .d ; V T f(I :brain: tissue: is' t %.a ion -6ti-U~Xbr'e- ~1'ck4 -was - renoved path _o -_o~x c6ndtict6 V er pe -vr~odeb`scs- of -bra- fin, 4' t~ , -1 -een -1 is. "t -be -ILL ~.irepsoralt. LC)n,017~ :4 *_. - - - ': , - ~ MAIN 01. 1 . . a SIDORA, V.F., ptichnJtsa, Geroy Sotaialistichaskogo Truda;_KOVAIMO, Ye.I., red.; 7HROSIMIKO, T.G., (We hBve onc million but will have two million eggs] Not' 1 - budet 2 milliona iaits. Kiev, Goo.i3id-vo selikhoz.lit-ry USM, 196o. z5 o. (HIRA 14;1) 1. Eksperin*ntallnoye khozyaystvo "Borki" Ulcrainskogo nauchno- issledavate)IBkogo instituta ptitsevodstvB. Uor Sidora). (Khai-kav Province-Eggs-Productior.) ik KOVALINKO, Ter%enly.1yamwich; VAKULMO. V.P.. red.aktor; HAKAROVA, A.B., ." -! I., I I., iskiiiiehaskiy"'i Idakt*r. [labor organi.sation and discipline on collective fame] Orgamisatalia i dietelplium tntda Y kolkhose. Hooky&, Goo,izd-vo iurld. lit-ry, 1955. 62 p. (Collective fams) (um 9--5) KOVALWO, Yevgenty Ivanovicb,; GREBTSOV. P.P., red.1 D16"fWA, V.M., tekhn. red. - [Management of the collective farm] Uoravlonin delami kolkboze. Moskva. Goa. lzd..vo sallkhos. lit-ry, 1958. 6-1 p. (MIRA 11:11) (Collective farms) TEB,SHCHENXO,, V.I.; 3PIVAK, M.S., red.; AJOkLERyO'rZQ"j., red. [Economics and the organization of the production of broilers in `,he U.S.A.] Ekonomika i organi!sataiia proiz- vodstva broilerov v SS"hA. Kiev, Urozhai, 1965. 360 p. (KCRA 18:7) 0 0 17 0 41 IW 61 J1 k , A a At A-I I t 0 a .~jz A.0 4 1.,. CV!_& 1 IN A t'll '102A. 00(XIIIIII wd 7%9 ikodue con6at '4 wi~&40 600319~ M ICOVALUNK( Slatr Iml. Tobam, Inviestisal iolls SU S. & JL) BuU 61 77- When IAAw I .__ -co is bumt by an !L unintamitrd rcurmts"ti0i)Ptie Is kist. Rapidly bumins cisaretA (9-10 ndu agWrist 1 77-20 trAnUve twke as sit Ile smoke as dow bum. h Ilicoune III ills. The low" the Vatic Ott mw the higher is the nicutior virgent of the smokc. An Incrrw r of the mcistmembrut of totiam to 9-11% inctrovs thm nicotine content A in the sm kv; 4, furlbri L-Xlnw lit ItuRsturr &M&ws it, A n"ibk content c4 Irre .00 bases In t- bam hall no Influence, vn the nk-vtinc contrut of the xt-auke. Burnins to- .00 bam In g us tubes. Imseams the alootine content in the smoke loy 18-2or/t as ctunpaml with c4m ts. jorra '441 E 00 gas ::a* is 1.1 mrTAILURGIC.1, Ultm~luvl U4111FIC.&TICIII I I keg L a., Ali 14,30.4 9-3 a 3 -V- lop, i;Ia a 401113: r3 of & KO r, 1 .14 All I S 0 tw 0 0 K it *"I o Is goo a a 0 0 00 099 0 40a 0 0 0 1~ 0 a IS 0 0 0 6 go 0 0 0. 00 a 00 00 "t FM ~-Il 0-0 0-0 It if a 13 W is u tr Is 0 a 36 1, MI V a I POC-Cusills AND I'llrPrINS F!l It 11 1136mismume 4 A--I- L -3-11- J_ 1_1 IND AN 10 ~P aiiiiWitinswak, of Some, IM011MA SPIC41. N. KnVAhal'o. lnjf. I'dNIChany I*Opm, j I ~KhMbd Was"". 16-0- -'Ilt- driud kavvs,4 *)- 1(1934). d t m l i i l P N. .2ralls A fs u 4em o nu cu n sivit a r N.W 4 mmil VIA N. SyWskil, N. jlmlivss3,j and thrit ~iybrldo wi ths X. jd*iw obotAin imbs-ling ni,"- sine. All 6006as cautalil cwtAW olls and tcsinq. llic * V -- ic~xrjjxa is ut.t Arvv-W specks of arlbuLydratreontesit in lush anil is Um's than in Itut'W tolmm. In hybfid" ~W- twtcn tlwm 41mrks end V. icb&umm Ilte cattm,b)-iltate itpt Ls low, Isut thm of protein Is higli. N. jls~vm ton con ithis the bkgbcst asuount of citric 4cid mittl N. alala t of-tood ots. acilb. S. j"Ilr :-Ij I-SM-St-A UI AV t0 J. 0 10 041 * TOO & 0 4 1 4: is 40 a -~Tc--000 0 -00 P a$* 40 vo: AITALLIONICKAL LITIOATUlt CLWOKWOU it 11' WOr of J~ It K a n 11 of IN 14 0 a 4) 0 0 0 a 41 ON 4 0 00' 00 0 0 4f 10 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 ,30' oi *O.t 046.3 00 AA 6 ~16 00 =1 60 6 ~Sla 360 AtIsbimilAplam" #1 wit 444 - Qlfiiil~ Rabot, CUIL ' ,&.!445) Tbi AMWIt; - . to t6 *aq ~fat file, jL ILA uIAT IQM a 0 0 0 * Sovesol 1: 0 0 4 06009004 00 90 COO COO *90 Nix so NO *.119845Al 4 3 1 V r, 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 & a 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 a a000 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 41 0 *1 -.t-e "Jt _0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 4, a a 0 0 0 i 00000600060 0 0, 0 Rv If If 11 N It 4 v 4 " : IN A U v a it St a m a a v a * a &I a 21 44 ace a _A_t _11-1, A I -it A& 0 cc_=_ I -L-I _j - f -,JL-- - 4 I.P AID'I~T" T-60 '60 PROCISSIS ..LPIC41121.1% ..Of. 00 0, _71 I ;_ ;_*9 0u 411 *0 c 00 1.00 00 V Am num~m'h*_ 'jj!'_j'Darl- of tiII SILIOUIL Iurd 44d ATlikojid l;i. 7-WIt.- go 123.14 F- -00 K. Oubetitutra ty4t, 00 jr I the ukotiue N) "albollycitme-airtIltrcu (Iol r&"' f" file rallbollYdiatc. &I without .00 00 Compalinji the Iwo r,ji. 1401eirl ratio, N ratio JI'va gilt! 00 go 3 In 'U"a A so &6v, 3 a ratio left zoo u the latter. ago Wr fit 111811. W.Y. l.t1hpfrp ell ire o 90 mroo o *00 800 isoo !be* '00 boo 6tTALLURSKAL LIMAIIJ-1 U&SUPKATICIN 000 Iro 0 13 1- ~V ;o0 AV PO Ws- - -.4 Kx" to it 0 Or * K t W 11 of 91 t! It it RLD A 1 14 -0 0 doei 0 O'D 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 & 0 0 0 ~ 91 0 a a a 0 0 4 016 o o 0 0 o o o 00,0000,001900000,:Io-6000000001000000evosooo :00:1 6 0,01'a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 4~ 0 64-06) 0 0 qell 1 a I I IF 4 It It If k It if JA4 gal .... ... ...... .. :4 R g No. .-133.-W46(in 109filk 46)(1WIM.-Vue `okollue IT wlkoo" t4 'bttllka"' valkaw in cim1pankO by It It opwats That it ia W, gtt*m ADI sivWx 0 pk'mIe ,MONT bat a ralitt., %NmIX, R ww~wwisl`Y smi"r- 14 rlilll. With 1*14, tth" 01"'t9i a 1111161. 44 vb &PA 1wilpfrif, ip 0 0 s- 0 0' 0 a tv ty 4 000000000040 U P 9 YA I* iWk 41 M 4j Ad a 4 0 -00 00 -00 .0 .00 roe roe zoo Igo 0 .so@ boo A$&-SLA 1174LIUMC&L LIT111taltoft awiWicAlwo t4p 0 ~71~1 -g- ...... - ----- -- u w 0 bit ap" mill 11% Igo" IINNAD l" An& ;a two Dig IWIMIdl 0 *W" 14~ 0 00 0 *1 as 1 0 aaaaaa-~MWAM!MIII-M~MIC M MLI-JMMI~ RON = j% 0 41 a 0 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 09 0 4) 0 9 A 11 **go 0 go* 4) 0 0 Of Ibis i. h 1, , v It A I If kk tv tt ,- '96 00 If 00 a 0 A Itimber of wills of citric acid. H 1. Koval'.111,11. yus. ]air. 7*abach. i Abakkefech. )-rem, No. 133, I'leso , I I l(I(im. .-Th. nuum, di. and tri-Ca and III,- ' timline salts of citric skid WeIr pfrild and th, .1.1uhli'm "ID d 1. ate diwilt-rd lw%,Vlal pe"J.-W 4,, mAy. aml p,,, w.-ic at%? &.1.1. 00 ILL I AV so I * to 11 lp It Of U tt 11 ....... 1ji CW n I %.00 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 640 Vt 0 -07174: A -&--f A.--A --J-& A. A h"r v AA w it, It I S.. r scidinwAkitorks- '~hel*msoltittic j i 113 , l4w bw . 11212?41'W'~- is 114V A I rali,? ul 1141j, I " 111, -~V d C i . wl I v ilil e a 10 wa wusti-wil. Addim 4111 1'. Zoe o: roe of * * ~ 0 * Go 0 * g ~eo Zoe S L A u is AV to it: 1( 9 1% I It it l4 K 1 0 ct 0 0,0 0 0000 Effect of Vowth substaucts and alkal;ids on the tie vilopaml of cuttlotge and *n the spouting of satils -?I the ,!Ikpe. A. F~ Flm)v and H. 1, Kovalviko (ki~wv si,o, I niv.). Pakkd Al4d. 677 !R 19 17. I 0~01%'Cfmcm- for 48 firs. aaum~~, "t"j, 1414d tOOt formation by cuttings Of lClIrraf Sralw V.1 jul 1, - 'Aftl M-sults we obtained with cuttinp in the vesitAit%, !tAxr of dc%-tl(!pmeut. Morphine (u.111%) c.4usc, -mw -tumuktiml of toot (arnimion, uhtle synilwimounctim IL4, no,lemtetffect. ,,.ttt,e udaik-revu colttratkm -J (fie plAut and mwesze,isi- ,f foliAize than the coutrol, ~)Illg Of IIIC 31M%C 3 %Ul'StAtlCCS MXVItlAtC Nji(OUIIAg M.1 l4i~ the pertviltage of vubility of Ille wols. T.twit", Ine-lit in the,4mil apiwar tt)tct.rd sprinning, C. NI )~ CO S.S.R. 89. 221--4(1 rj3&.:- cf. C.A. 46, 4 ?%;owr'.A atilt testit 12,V flayl after exprourr for total fultar at"I Owch, Iptwtvl a W% fw C"trr kirrmw Anve Cm. lot lf~r 1214wit parlool Ifies-11111"14 rvm In 124ays, at. wk" time all March had been hydrolyzed, ated fl-rchtti, vNienion of am vapts to lottger petbods (.It day,') Atmkofl cimlintudims at 01-a vuligratimi Irma the t, ~w folow ri u is bile Orloavirpaxt~brawt rtur thee Mom the riowtion at The site of the cut c= In 32 days the aspir cotiteut of upper and lower parts it tOSCUt:ally equalized. Tbus. naphthylamic " causes it Bow ai suvas from upper to lo"t parts of The cultinS whtvr they tic utilized for wow h paTpo" " a3 soua as rout kignuiom winmencts, tbtxv ks a definitv witivatkm of vrowl~:i at The up;wr parts til Oc cutting. The tffkVt il ~KMIAJ~J;~ --- - C '100 Arinfaw.W vim& COIKINP undor 16* in- itAl. A. 11. FIrrivy and ~ H. .1. (I"Pto of 1=1661711= ~Cv"lmko(NovacbrrknsnkZoo-Vet.Itist.i. PoklaIZAked. 13. 03AIMI): d. C.A. 46, 4,Ztb.-- ;~clivn of 1W ing.A, soln%. of 1-tuipb1hylacetic a6d 4ni tut- wxx of pope vast inmm=!d in them 1-*ds to furnustion .( untsuatily thin-waLlod and extradvc! cclls, with intruse for- ;natkm of a callus " with eliminatim or destrwian ol. be cark-like dowt.. 71mar changes facilitate 0 supply :ind stimulate root 1, It. Better rt=ilt3 Are otivinkA Irith planting of such cuttings in loose %oil than in luckcil oil. C., M. Kaols-polf USSR/Cultivated PlantE - Fruits. Borrieso bi-6 Abe Zrour Ref Zhur - Diole; No 7, 1958,, 30064 Author Ko-raleni.,o; YeJ, k- - ___- Inst Stavropol Agricultural Institute. Title The Effcot of Several 4UkoloJ.(Is on the Germination of Grape Soeda and the Subi3equent Seedling Growth. Orig Pub Tr. Stavro~ollsk. s.-Idi. in-ta, 1956, vn- 7, i73-18o. Abstract Seeds f)-,om*the free polination of the Puldilyakovskiy, Mo1davs],ziy, white Muscatel and Vengerokiy varieties warp, soaked tafter stratification until they showed a ne(ptive reaction to tannic acid contmit in wai3h water. The washed off see(--'.s were kept for 48,, ~%20 and 1158 hours each in aqueous solutions of nicotivic acid, micotine, caffeine, aphedri)te, phenamine, an extract from the tubers of Col- chisum iipeciosum and con-aine in conce:atrations of 25, 50, Card 1/2 311 m USSp/Cu_1.tivntad Plan-s. Fruits* BelTieS, Abs Jour . Ref 2hur - Mol., ITO 8, 1958, jio 34830 Author . 1,ovalerato E-1. Inst ~, ~c~urca Institute of Stav:ropol 0 S of i'dfa- Title Raising of Seedlincqs o- GrTer, with 1~ppjicati n Ijaphtyl ^%zetate Acid. ori.~.; PI;[b Tr. stn_vropc-11Bk. s. kh. in-ta. 1956, vy-.). 7, 181-194 J with '1fa- ~Lbstract Poduncles of9rapas woro troated Priorto Plnntilll) rw,phtyl icatite ia coacorLtrltiOnEl Of 1C0 "-nd 50 mL;/1 and soaked fcr 2111 and 10 ho=s. Bost indicritiol's -L-0:7 % large nimbor of r0Ot_,t0j:jjjg ,,.nd fox, Itho amOlult Of roots on thjin voro obtx%inad b.11 t11'0.,-ttMQUt 11ith t110 cOnc`o11tr'_'t'On of 100 1;i~' par jjto~: foj- 4t), boum. Undor hothouc;cj conditions, 94 to 10(- porcent of thu NdWIC100 tre,,.tc('- t001~ rOOt) whilo only 62 to 63 percent 0:0 ih,3 control pl.,%nts succoodud in so doing, :,-n open [;rounds -S-1- pox-cent (control 6o percent) tool, root and sh owud twico tho nwbar of roots cl6nparbd with :W,1 Card 1/2 control 1P7 t c-n F! s Y, n.1 n -w ~.-ne makl 'Ar Ma c - KOVALONKC), Ye,p- IAZHIV, Mikhail Mikhay::-.ovich; HIKHAYLOV, Vladimir VauilOyevich; MQUAW.20a. Yefim Pav BOSEDOV, 0.0., redaktor; PARPSEVSKIY, V.N., '~!=or izdate:`-Tstva; AVXNSOK, I.M., takhmichesIrty redaktor [)Rizw tunneling by iipead-up methods] Prokhodlai gornvkh vyrabotok skorostmymi met(dasd. -Hoskva, Gos. nauchno-tvkhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi t tovetnot me 'tallurg U, 1956. 99 p.. (MLRA 10:1) (Mining tngiaeoring) =NWIM -"n 69156 B/139/59/000/06/012/034 E032/R114 A JTEOR: Kovalenko, Y,2.,, l TITLE: A Synchrot-r~oft"UIT,tha Generalised High, Frequency Field Y'-M:,,ODIGAL: Izvestiya 4shikh uchebnykh zavede,niy7 Fizikaj 1959, Nr ~, pp 85-89 (USSR) ABWEIIACT: The author cfonsiders a synchrotron with a generalised high frequency field having N accelerating sectors --fith a high frequency voltage V applied to each of them. A synchrotron with a generalised high J ''requency field is defined as one in which there are other field components apart from Be. It is assumed that the sectors are disposed symmetrically with a period of 2WIN. The high frequency L-elds in the synchrotron chamber will be certain fun(Aions of R (r,z,O) sin Ot and A (r,z,O) coS wt which are periodic in 0 but, in general, arbitrary i)i r and z. The Fourier expansions of these functions a*Ve given by, Eqs (2) and (,3). Since sin kx and cos kx are linearly independent for different values Card of Jkl ~ it follows that terms corresponding to the same k in Bqs (2) and (3) separately satisfy Maxwell's equations for any k. Moreover, it follows from the 69156 S/139/ 59/oc;o/o6/ol2/O3)+ B03 2/Blll+ A S,rnahrotron with a Generalised High Frequency Field symetry of Maxwell's equations that to each k there correspond two independent solutions which separately satisfy these equations. The solut',*.ons a:i!e given by Eqs (1+) and (5). Each of the compononts in Eqs (2) and (3) corresponds to a travelling wave along the 0 axis. Of all the components the most effec-'ive one is that whose angular velocity is equal to the angular velocity of the part'.cle. The remaining components produce forced osci'..-.latior..S, and since the amplitude of these oscillation.-,. is swall, it can always be neglected (Ref 1). If the systo-m of ooordinates is chosan so that the unperturbed motion of equilibrium pwrticles takes place in the plan4 z=o, the Maxwell's equations admit of two solutions. The iirst solution is even in z for the functions .30p H. and Far~ and odd in z for the functions Hry Hg and R.. In that case %, H., and Er reach a maximum valae whi.31-e Zzq Hr and Ho vanish for z = o. Cc-.rd The second solution is odd in z for the functions EG7 2/5 Hz and Er and even for Ez, Hr and H9. In that case the first conponents vanish in the plane z=o and., 69156 B/139/59/000/0,5/012/03if 9032/X114 A Synchrotron with a Centralised High Frequency Field the second components assume their maximum value. Since in this casc 4=0 in the plane of motion of the particles, this field cannot be used for acceleration purposes. It is therefore assumed that for the component Ea the fie.ld. is even in z and the condition given by Eq (6) is Satisfied. It is then pos.sible to calculate the L Sofact of tae high frequency field oa the radial betatron and synchrotron oscillations. For this it is sufficient to solve the equations of motion for the particles in the plane z=o. An Independent determination of the motion of particles in the plane z=oj andL the motion relative to this plane, is possible if these motions are not coupled by the high frequency field., According to Eq (6) th's coupling is absent in the linear approximation. Under thesa assinptions the equations of motion for the particles are of the form given by *3q (7). A.11 the quantities referring to the equilibrium particles are indicated by the subscript s. Using the transformation Gard r = rs +.(~j 0 = OB + k?, and retaining only terms linear V5 in e and 1-?jq (7) can be rewritten in the form of 6 9156' S/139/59/ooo/o6/012/034 3032/3114 A S3mchrotron with a Centralised High Frequency Field Eq (8), where n is the fall-off exponent of the magnetic field and a is given by Eq (9). The solution of these equations has been given by Mitropol'skiy in Ref 5. The solutions are given by Rqs (10) and (11) of the present paper, wherc k.c. denotes a complex conjugate. As can be seen from these solutions, the effect of the structure of the high frequency field on the oacillations is determined by the parameter cr. This effect leads to the result that when 33r = H2; = 0 then a = nV where nv is defined by Bq (1). This result was obtained by Kolomenskiy and Lebedev in Ref 2. However, the assumption that R~ = 0 and at the same time RZ = 0 is erroneous. This follow-s from the fact that since Er, Hz and F.9 J* are the k-th components in the sums given by Eqs (2) and (3) and satisfy Maxwell's equations) they must also satisfy Eq (12). &ssumiDg that at the same time Er = Hz = 07 one-finds that nV = 0. It is therefore impossible to Cai d consider the effecto of 3av on the motion of particles )+/!, without taling into account the effect of Er and liz. If the effect of Er and Hz is taken into account, one 91,q) SOV/20-128-2-15/59 AliTHORi Kovale;tko, Ye. S. ECTLE: A Gyrotropic Elliptical Wave Guide PERIODICAL: Doklad 'j Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 2, pp 276-279 (USSR) ABSTRACT: che pr:)blem of the propagation of electromagnetic waves within a wave guide filled with a longitudinally magnetized ferrite has hitherto been solved only for a wave guide with circular sectioa. In this case, a transcendental equation is obtained which determines the constants of the propagation of all kindB;' of waves withJn the wave guide. For wave guides with other sections, these problems are more complicated in the general case, and have! not yet been solved though some of them are of great interest. These problems are characterized by the fact that they canrot be solved in cloned analytical form, but only' in the form of infinite series. The author first investigates a wave guide vith elliptical seot!Lon, which is filled with a ferrile magnetized along the axis of the wave guide. The OZ-axis of the elliptical coordinate system (f, ~, z) is also Card V4 assumed to be directed along the axie of the wave guide. The Gyro--,,ropic Elliptict.1 Wave Guide SOV/20-128-2-15/59 equation of th,3 limiting ellipse is assumed to have the form and ita eccentricity to be equal to e. The great semi-- axis of this ellipse is denoted a. From Maxwell's equation for the conponent S z of the wave TE(I,))e ioz-iwt the equation 2 2 2 2 tj:d) _ P2(1 "3), 16 Ez + a I &Ez + a 2Ez = 0 with a 1 Lj F-(e3 + 64, IA1. 6,; 2 2 2 4 &2~Z2 a2 = - 1 - is obtained. & denoteB the (Q,~ I(W 1~1 2] Laplaco operator in the elliptical coordinate system.The solu- tion o;..' this e:juation, for waves with odd variation concerning the az::.muth reads: CX.) 00 E D1 Cc 1(j,q),e (j,q z Y 2m+1 2m+ 2m+1(~'q1)+ 7- '2m+l"2m+l 2) m,7-O M.O. 3 ce 2m+1 ~,~ 'q2 D2m+1 Se 2m+1 (1,qj)se 2m,1 (~,q,)+ IT'.0 Card 2/4 A Gyrotropic Elliptic!tl Wave Guide SOV/20-128-2-15/59 CIO4 +E D2ja+1 Se 2m~l (1,q 2)"2m+1(~"d . A similar solution is ob- M-0 tained for waves with even variation. After the determination of E., also ti4e other field components are obtained from Maxwell's eqwItion. Four homogeneous infinite sete. of equaticnil for tha hithe,:~to arbitrary coefficients DiM+1 (i - 1) 2P 39 4.) 2 follow from the boundary conditions. These sets of equations are then disciissed in detail. An equation accurate up to members of tht) order e4 for the determination of P is then de- duced and wri'lten down. For e . 0, this equation passes over into the equation for the circula3' wave guide and decomposes into two equations for waves with different rotational direc- tions of the polarization plane. This is the very equation tha', holds (with the, aforo-mentioned a(scuracy with re8pect to e 2 ) for any Yalue3 OfP,2 . But its solution in a simple way can be deterained only for a weakly gyro-tropic medium, i.e. for the 1. The tvio corresponding values k 2 of the critical Card 5/4 case # 2 , System of an Eloctron Synchrotron i*o0'/Bo63 0:1 curvature upon the field atructure in the waveguide cross section. N)xt, explicit formulas are -given for these parameters without deri,,ratior- Fig. I shows a, Q, R , v , and r as functions wf A for V C. c gr sh ph 6cm, a = 5.85 cm, ar,d D - ~114 (period of the sys-;em). Fig. 2 illustrates 4n the dependence of R , rS119 Ead v on 2g(for cm)~ r R QV /C c gr sh-7 c gr is the shvnt resistance per unit length of the accelerator; k)/2av gr 10is the cyclic frequoncy. P. sh ;~ 47"aRcQeff vgr1c, where Qeff the effec- tive quality factor o::' the waveguJde, with all losses being taken int.,,, E.ccol)nt. Finally, a compari~.Ion is made between a b-f system in the form of E. closed waveguide wi-I-h a d-iaphragm and one of the best and most up-to.- date resoaator system3, For R. = 50 011111a, Qeff ~ 104, and v gr . 0.1c, the applJoation of a wave.,,-uide like the one used in i;l-.,e Gorman 6-Bev synchre.- -;ron DESY, A- 10 cir, would entail a shunt resisl-&nce of 2000 megohms. MI., would be impossible with the use of a conventional resonator. Professc-r .1. A. Voroblyev is thanlk.ed for interest and discasiions. There are 3 figuzes and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 CERN, n1ard 2/3 t 1 A. ot) 1 0. 1 4 A .II -. t~ ~ j I~jj. 11 tit V ;It t I I . f I I I IiletI J..,v 'A is is odill I i'liz 11 1 14 111 I'li 0 'j 2~ 11 1 ti )11411ts 4 . i -tj 71 - :1 tit- I I A i r) ;I I is I k 4 1) Is Is 0 1 f f! t If i 11 I it i 1,0 'o I i It %J v ,i. t, 1 11 t, Cf 10/ va Vi 1 4 1 ~lo ir Ilk hn 't 2. KOVA7,ENKOv Ye.S.; KOVAUNKO, V.S.; TSIKINP B.G. CalcUllLtiOA of speoe haruonice in septate wave guides. Izv. TPI 12200-79 162o (KM l7t9) j / .' -1 ; - 4, i_~?" r,-,-; S/057/63/1)33/001/005/017 B1 25/B1 8;5 AUTHoRSt Didenko, A. N., and Kovalenko, Ye. S. TI TL:~ t The problem of solooting the frequency for an accelerating field of cyclic high-energy electron ac-oalerators PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekh-nicheskoy fizlki, v. 33, fio.. 1,'~1~963f 28 - 53 TEXTt The difference between the frequency dependence of the shunt re- sistance It sh in the resonator ayotems(R h"-f~') and I,i the wave guide sys- 2 3/2 tems (R sh- v /P -f* is reported in this paper. At sufficiently large frequencies, wave guide E:ystems produce higber shunt resistances. This was shown by A. N. Didenko, end Ye. i. Kovalenko (Atomnaja energiya, 10, no. 1, 69, '961). The solution to the problem is approached in several ways: by changing -,.he dimensions of resonators and the wave guide system with in- creaoing frequencies, by fixatinj'; the final electron energy and the radius of the accelerator. TME necessitates so changing the coefficient alpha that the optimum frequency equal.,~ fundamental oscillation type of the wave Card 1/2 S/0 57/6 3/03 3/001/003/017 The proble-m of solecting ... B1 2 5/B1 86 gulde syslem. Taking the quantum fluctuations of radiation into account, it was found that the optimum fri-.)quencies of wave guide systems are greater than those! of resonator systems. Numerical results are given for the Cambridge synchrotron. The most important English-lariguage reference is' hi. Sanda (Phys. Rev. 97, 470, 1955). SUBMITTEDs January 29, 1962 (initially) May 21, 1962 (after revision) Card :-1//2 k RX T SSX(V M',- AP3001071- 01091631(icol( AlYMMi ~~A~ YOR -6ys Lenko' S. gal i ;Cf A~3 qm -7 Oil Im V r ! 10 IC TI ZS maser lItt'x asei? tilsve METFAM, tqiressicirts ire.-,t l6ri*14d-for--i~tivera3.--I*i-amiters, ~whldb-gcvern the-bpera- tii n of a TW lamiser* Ma DarUculwy' attimtlan Is. givez, to.& emb-type vaveguidee ecmr 1~-_de:.ny ement ca ta ialwh imse geizietry Jp; shmn in Fig* I bf tbe, Eniloswee (:Vi tie-Uxitl i tbi6 ii0ael. -ustl 0i for the to MW aw-V evalol*d vave dis- ~W 'BIM fiel and ;pqjwlwUux- inversion probaiUV, &11' as functicus of comb., stratture -Aau-4miinto Por f"al~g wave. dispersiort a 1'... TP: mould is -080 e4 O~mt th mm 4) i1 tas:41 Imlir. is ecL II.Or 06: wy prapagating vertie&Uy brous -Owil tckft. 16 up ard I :or thi-ciiivi -A coiblu tion -of three effects 12 iai-IjO , ~-_ui ~'Ilht urfi6l) it, on 1, -ldmple'. reflecti -fc~li 46w. tti~ IMU traims rellecti. bli-AWA ieq~'--Mm in i: tin, aga w-'portica' -bl4t - I ~ 3*80 - or e.wavulnt the opli vl" illli~ the vol=. above elemeft In, a refracted form. !:P d . 77~~ T ~T %U~. eqldiaien;~ ai; th6- to -;*Ta~a the'vIm"t, g"Sars as a e gin ti ca~l~iltan ceil, lzus s~i U6; perAw equ Shun Ation- 116~ Be in bygm ed jzeu, 1emet.10J.'se 7ho jo,obihm Miefa expresgions for U-thenzabeeUto flnalhg, 1,be cond~Lctawo,and inpadtailirk, We U'doae uiider the isimplIfying assumpl. ion that. the genei.,atim od!.: the W~Sher wave mades noted- above imed not be tWwn into 4m ~~Mt. .-Mith:sProper, Jai orv'46* Ue 4S.'sultant expreei~Lcao can also be applied ,o other vari=ts of,com r(6 ],)Bing inetryu.-Se, ral ouch arrqyvF&rq exeminea, Ine one~,!~ith doab:itii ron with a -martial filling of dielectric natf-dal"In tlw~ Vi 1,1 -'tbt:-expressi(ms--cbt4kined:a~ie applietible :for: -alvalattag rwAangulita. c risc4stm. sectlimB c(xtaining al'ub. cer more rod elements some jwwer.,.i e1lhe~ ~ WOUdity 6f the eqpi%tiolis derived is chealm d -alcOAtiontr of di Ica with experimental by ~Mpallzxg .[~:,!e results- of t, v. cL VAve Is" izlue ~ "hey qL:ie lolarlz at S, -in gCK4 :%9V!=eDt* Pit) U1 4wdtjie.,ykcaihb~1:Lty of. 1z s 3ati on tiversfxa , Are Cis tuomed. as functlcos of, Mru~bjJ1.4tion Vith respect to the- ccmb struo-ture, =4, 1'~* It, shca that rMId '11am oalcio 4et to reduc6_ tbi Inver- prd3,,_%bilJt)r and kencia talltin into account ~ lin calculating the opem. :preasiw~; Ut ra both more' I tioz.~cf auch giliztemae- Th. wived accurate and -date, awing.1jo the use of- the'. O~all~j app-13cable titan thcae elvanced. to. ar'd to acdotmt.b4ngtaloit of the, higher- ~harmmics foxinaAs* J" IMENKO, A.N.;.'KOVA'LENXO...'Ye.&._ Selecting the frequenay -of an accelerating fiD:Ld in high-ener,v electron cyclic accelerators, Zhur.tekh.fiz. 33 no.1:28-33 J.. ,6.3. - (MIRA 16:2) (particle acceleratoris) Mill I- ~ -.11600&10,10 im N I '', 011~~~Hwl WVALI.341(010 Yells, One method for designing periodically lclae~ed wave guides. Izv.vyf3.uc)jeb.zav,; radioteRh. 8 no.4Z467-471 JI-Ag 165, (KIRA 18: 11) 1. Submittod November 23, 1964- KOWMIKO) Ye.V.; PETIUSTENI, V.I. ~~:~"(1.-4X-:11-;-1-1 ~ - Nt.ture of 61phc!nylcar~~azide reaction for liexBvalent chromium. Zhur. ai-Lal.khim. 18 i-o.O" -.74.3-749 Je 163. (~11M 16:9) 1. Novocherkasilk Polytx-chnical. institute. (Carb3hydrazidF) MISHOMMEO, V. I.; KOWINIM0, Ye.V. %afs wig., W&O*Mwd I vw"&W- , the IjepA of aiudliary workers. Calculations for determining Trairt.1 sall1hozmash. no-8:47-48 Ag 159. (14IIU, 12'.11) (1gricultural machinery induatry) ftaDAFSKlY.N.A.; RMHKINA, r.A. Semiccmductor therma2 rc'mitterp based on Zhur.pLvikl.khi'm. 34 noXtI880-1883 Ag 161. (MM 14:8) (Copper oxide) (Marganese oxide) KOVA)SNKO., Ye.V., gor;iyy inA,; KUMITSOV, F.V., gornyy inzh. Sr.iteme of min--'ng thick.flat seams of the Ncn-Jlsk deposit. Ugol 1 37 no. 5 1:.,7-,'!4 MY 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Norillskiy gornometallurgicheskiy kombinxt~,. (Au-,guska B-:tsin-Coal mines and mJ.rdng) KOVALPINYOP Yp.,V.; KU: IMTSOV, F.V. I *~) I-, -cr~t~on of all effif-iont :iYatem of ID1.1111.)f" I'llick, 1,10, r~eamn - 'I . '11). otd. Art t'he Nor, 9k coal depoolt, Trudy Inst. gor. dola L AN SSSR no-5 62-111 164. (I-11RA. 17:11) Mil KOVALENKO, Ye.V. Extraction of' a colored product o~ the reaction of chromium ('TV'- with diph!3ny1carbaziie. Trudy Kom. anal. khim. 15:101-103 165. MIRA 18:7) YqMKO, Yevgeniy, lau'llygyj'ch; UDOV11RO, flikolay Antonovich; ZARUDNYY, N., red. [Une of calcultiting nachines In tho standard method of ec count ing I! Primenenie schetnykh miasl-dn Fri norTnativ- nom metode ucheta. Hoolwa, Finansy, 1965. 50 p. (MIRA 18:8) f 'A IIOVIKj, Yekatarina Osipi.wni; FM-ffAKOVt Vadim Vasil lyavich;, KOVALENKQ,_Dka- ter',:'na Yelifer-wm; RODIONOV, S.F., doktor g,3ologo-mineralogicheskikh naU, otv. red.; 3EREDEMO, M.P.p doktor ekonomicheskikh nauk, otv. red.; ZAV.(IIYUKHINAp V.N., red. izd-va; SKLYAROVA, IT.Ye., tekhn. red. [H4-i:.tory of geological --tudies of the Donets coal basin, 1700-19171 Istoriia geoloi,,icheskik."a iseledovanii Donetskogo kwennougollnogo 2 S basmeinal 1700-1917. Lkevp Izd-vo Akad. naulc USSEIj 1960. 530 p. j, (YURA 14:7) 1. Chlen-korre,3pandent AN USSR (for Rodionov) (Donsts Basin--Geology) K(Zk~ fekatgrina teltferovna~ ULIYANOVA, Wts (;(Tfrymwr7Uww f-ml `"~ t . , ,karlr,r~i*~nnauk, red.; izd-va; RAKHI.DA, N.P., tekhn. red, [Natural fuel gases of the Ukrainina a, bibliograplic indw: for 1917-19611 koi RSR ta vfkcirystamia (1917-1961 21a red, I.M.-W-pa. ~,yiv, Vyd-vo AN AntonimL Dmitriyevne; LEVBER,,,Z.M,(Lt;vberh,Z.M. ],red. S.S.R, and their uses; Pryrodni horiucbi gazy Ukrainal- rr); bibliografichnyi-pokazchuk.. Ukr.RS.R, 1963. 287 p, (MIPA 16:9) (Bibli)gi*aphy--.Ukraine-.-,Gas, Natural) (Ulcrai-ie.--Gas, Natuml-Bibliograph7) ,-.K-O-ILArIO14AO-L-Y-U-'I_gvardii mayov, letchik I-go klassa No captains. Tryl.rod. .14 no.1:3 Ja 163. (MM 16:1) (Air pilot)o) L(Tio, kiiatolky MikhfW:Lbvicl,; KANIVETS, Ivan Danil),rich [Hanivets', I.D..); ,1.'OVAIMI',O Y)r:* G I exich (Kovalanko IU.11]; OIETIRENKO, G.A. v1 re..'MUIZNKO, 0.1. Hubmko~ 0.1.1, tekhn. red. Dlef irenko r~-sd. (Dver-all mechenizaVlon of corn growing] Kcaplakena mekhanizataiia vyroahchu,rawle. kukul-adzy. Kyiv, Derzh. v3-d-vo sellskohospodarslkoi Ut-ry URSR, IS-61. 248 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Corn(14ai-, e', ) (Agricultural machinery) KOVULNKO, Yuriy Nikolay,-vich.; VOROEEOVA, L.V., red. (&onomics of' d3signing industrial stimctures] Ekonomika proektirovaniia promyshlennykh zdanii. Kiev, Budivell- r3k, 1961,. 309 p. (1.,,.IRA 17:8) BILTAKOV, Hikolay Fedor,fvich JBielimkov, K.YJ:,k9YAL3IJKO, Tu.S., doteent,; ALM'Ylff, H.Z. (Aliablie -red.; Inytelka, I.T.1, tekhn MJDNITSKATA 1Y. (Ru... red. [Collection of problems in foundation engineering] Zbirnyk zodaoh z oanov, '-a funlwlentiv. Kharkiv, Vyd-vo Kharkivelkoho dorzh.univ.iv.,.O.M.Gor'kogo, 1960. 183 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Foundations) J'LOVALENI't~, Yu.T.,_inzh. Surface tens:'.on of' micelles. Mael.-zhir. prom. 28 no.2:8-12 F '62. (MIRA 150) 1. Vsesoy-uzvr,v nauchno-isaledovatellskiy- institut, zhirov. (Micelles) (Surface tension) DDIS,'iCHIKOV Mikhail '-ri)ihgngrtch kand.takhn.nauk; SJUN, P.M., prof., rud.; VESELOV, ..Pya,, prof., red.; SMIRNOV, '7.A., prof., red.; FV,HEKHIN, V.P., red.; LEBEDEN', P.P., 'Pod.; KOVA I 6LE#++ red.; KUPCHINSKIY, O.D., red.; BENIN, G.S. red.1' I G.1 red.; SHNAYDMAN, L.~)., red.; MOREV, N.Ye., red.; 133MAIN, M.M., red.; BIJLGAKOV, N.I., redo,; MAYOROV, V.S.,, red.; T:;,RNOVSKIY, N.S., red.; RAZUVAYEV, N.I., red.; 0GOWDNIKOV, S.T., rel.; BUBMAN, M.Ye., red.; KHOLOSTOV, V.A., red.; NAMESTNIKOV, A.F., red.; NASAKIN, T.N., red.; KI)VALEVSKAYA, A.I., red.; KISINA, Ye.I., tekhn. red. [W&stes from the food industry and their utilization] Otkhody pishchevoi pi-omyshlemosti i ikh ispollzovenie. Izd. 2.,, dop. i perer. Moskva, Pishcthepromiisdat, 1963. 63.5 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Fcrod indwitry-By-products) CHRIN, Lev Aleksandiovich; LIVER , fe.L., dots., otv. red-, KOVALENKO I u I vid.; PAVI"ICffFNKO, M.I., t4akhn. red. [Programming for eloctronic digital computers] Program- miravanie dlia elek'%.ronnykh tsifrovykh vych:Lslitellnykh mashin; spravo,,hno-vietodicheskoe posobie. lbstov-na- Donu, Izd-vo R)stovr;kogo univ., 1963. 64 P. ('1111RA 16: 11) (F-ro ~rar=Jng (Electronic computen3)) JSDRIJ!,NOVg Y.I., )mrd-i oivot. red.; KUJjJNKO Yu V rod'; PAIAMARCHUN' A,B red.; PAVIXCHMMOp M.I.v te=h~ore (Studies on tbr wonomlb dev'O.opment-of the Pong 1861-19171 Ocherki ekonomicheblOgo razvitlia Mwip'1861-1917, Rmtov-na-Donu; Izd-vo R-ostoirs1cogo unJ-*-* 1 19606- (KUU 24:8) 1. Rostovon-DCU, xlnivw~bitet. (Don VA.Uey-Economic conditioris) L1151 S/li5,9/62/000/009/025/120 D223/D307 AVTHORS: Gushchin, N. L., Klugman, I. Yu.# Kovalenko, Yu..V. and Lei-ne,r, B. Le ------------ VITIA3 Seismic record converter R C3-4 (PSZ-1 P33RIODICAL: Refera--;I*'lrnyy zhurn(Ll, Geofizika., no. 9, 1962, 28, ab-: stract 9AI83 (Inaipllection: Roaxed. i promysl. geo- fiz. no. 41, M., 196,19 98-103) TEM The-authors describe of a J?SZ-1 analog computer for katerpreting seismic oxploration data. X': is intended for auto- natically processing seismograma, qbtainedby the continuous pro- filing r 'eflection method when up to 26 gioupe of seismic detectors axe spaced symmetrically relative to the detonation point. The ori- j;inal data for proceesing are 'seismic recorda, obtained with a .%rido-band channel on maretic film. The maa,hine accomplishes the J~ollowing, operatioral, 1 introducing static.corrections for the inhamogeneity of tk;e section's upper part into the seismic records; -2) introducing dynulm,"Lo corrections for the normal time increment (Iard 1/2 S/169/62/000/009/025/120 Seismic record converter D228/D307 along the profile; 3) shifting vibrations with different routes ac- cording to the law chosen; 4) frequency filtration by means of high- and low-frequeacy filters or by changing the tape-winding rate; and 5) automatically regulating the amplification. The final results aria recorded simultaneously in two forms: by the -usual method of variable amplitude on writing paper, and by'means of va- riable density on ph:)togra~)hic paper in the form of time sections. The first results of testiag the PSZ-1 give grounds for reckoning that computers of this type will find wide application and will allow -the effectiven-ass of seismic exploration to Ve increased markedly. ,~_Abstractar's note: Complete trants.-Lation--7' Card 2/2 :N&D)ZEROV, Semen Yefimwiah~ A.VDEYEV, N.Ya., dote., otv. red.; - KOVALENKO, Yu.'/., red.; P.AVLICHENKO, M.I., teldm. red. (PrIncipal stages of the development of the goneral theor7 of analytic fwtctions'10snovnye etapy razviti:Lit obshchei teorii anitlitichesidkii funktsii. Rostov-na-Donu, Izd--vo Rostov4kogo un:Lv., 1962. 311 p. (MIRA ~6:3) (Ftmetiono, Analytic) :16005~147 SOURCE CODE: !,Jlt/0413/66/000/001/0092/0092 AUTNOILS: Barrshnikov 0. P.; Guthchin, N, L.; Kovalenko, Yu. V.; Lerner B. L.; Sar!L~scLy, S. S.; Shelditer _ffi-, f-k(tia: I. '-f T ORG: no-,ie TIT.'D-': )evico for automa-4c processing of primary q~~oqq~~S_aata. Class 42, No. 177D'39 SOURCE: Izob,,.-eteniya, prnr~,shlornyyo obraztsy, tovarikyyq znaki, 1, 1966, 92 TOPIC TAJS: seismograph, automatic data processing i IMTRACT: This Author Ce7tifica-z-e presents a device for automatic processing of primarf seismic data. Th:) devico consists of drums for recording saismograms, magnetic heads, and a magaetic hoad transport unit. Tc simplify the design and to increase the efficiency oC iieismogram Drocessing, the iragne~ic head trarsport unit 'Ls in the form of a c-j! sjstem connec',od to a stop drivz- and mounted or, a ccommon shaft (see Fig. 1). 'J-Inla 3haft in turnod quasi-discrotely tit the r d of each rota- ticn of the rec,)r%-':*.,P, iro-m. To ',,ary the center of the oummvlon 1 re line, the middle cam of V is mounted opposite the magnetic hear' ;-.'b;-ted ap the conter: of the Eummaticy iire. UDC: 550.340.8 z L h2068-,k, ACC NRt AP6005347 Fig. 1. 1 - drums for n4cording soismo-rams: 2 - magnetic heads; 3 - cam sys"em; 4 - shaft; 5 - niddle cam of system; 6 ~ magnetic hei-id 3olected as center of summation ba:te line; a-a' - summa- tion base line KOVAUNKC, Yu. Ye., Cai.d Tech. Sci -- (diss) "Research into the rolling. of seamIESS railroad wl:e(-Is.11 Dnepropetrovsk, 1'~OEO. 14 pp; (Academy of Science.s Ukrainian SSR, Inst of Ferrous Metallur,~y); 100 copieo; price not, E;iver.; (K.L, 26-60, 15") S/'182/60/000/011/003/016 A]61/A029 LUTH0113, S-hifrin, M,Yu., Kovalanko, Yu.Ye,, F:clesnik, B.P., Polyakova, N.K., Khir~thorlii, Alr- '~'ITLE Developmant, of Technology for Manuf"xlk-lure of Hollow Axles PERIODICAL KuznechnD-jhtam~povochn.oye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 11, PP-11-15 IMT~ The problen of nollow axles for stock on railroads could not be solved up to noN.. The authors have suggested to manufacture hollo-Y axles from hollov rolled blanks and the Vralvagonzavod plant has dxsvel~red axle designs Ln cooperation with the Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledo- iratellskiy trubnyy institut (Ukrainian Scientific Tube Research Institute) i,Fia:. 1, axle for plain bearings, Fig. 2, for ro' bearings). Experi- nents were carr_~.ed out ivith billets rolled n an automatic tube rolling mill. from "45' steel per (GOST 1050--5'?,! 3tandard of the follow- AfIg c)mpositiont (.Q~ 0~44 C; 0.63 h1n; 0,.25 Si; 0.28 S; 0,021 P; 0.13 Cr. Blanks of 230 mm diauetr~r were pierced in a pler(.:,nE mill, rolled in an ;tutcomatic ~1220* or 3'400' mill w-;th three passes, then reheated and forged on that ends in an es] ecially de:igned three -i mpro.-s s ion die (Fig. 4), or in ('ard 1/8 S'/182/60/000/011/003/016 A161/AO29 Tevelopment of TechnoLojjy fo~- Manufacture of Axles a sinjr,le-impression. die (Fig. 5) for plain or roller bearings, respectively (Fig, 7 and 8),, Ends wvre forged with a mandrel to maintain the hole in the a;:le trunnions, Phi! axl1t wall thickness was uneven on account of the of the metal ii, tht piercing process, bt.t this helical line of h'ghe:- or Lower wall th:ckne;~s did riot disbalance! the entire axle too much. As ~va'_l unaveness can increaae on account of bucl 'ling of rough axles, straif;htenLng of the rovgh rolled axle must be obligatory in the manu- factu:.-ing process, Tqe axle;3 were normalized in a. continuous furnace 'With 840 1* 1000' for 5 h 3D iiin a-nd cooled in the air, The macrostructure of the t::-unni:)ns metal wis densit and sound with fibers followin- the axle out- viithout interruptions wid with insignificant segregation of sulfur towarcts the inner surfa(.e. The mechanical properties were above the stand- a t-d roquiraments and pEtrtly .!ven higher than the mechanicai properties of solid axles.. The weighl of the axles varied betvie-en 328 and 348 kg compar- ed %i,i,;h 423 kg of a rol:-d stindard axle. When techniques will be impruved, the w,:tight of the ho.,loii axla for roller bear-.ngfi may be further reduced to Card. Va !41 S/182/60/00~-/1011/003/016 A161/iO29 Development of Technology f or I'anufacture of Hollow Axles :510-218 ke. The oonclu3ion is drawn that manufacture of hollow axles from rolled bl=ks by rollin,5 anti subsequent forging of the ends is feasible. 04, PatiBue tests of hol2ow axles are necessary, but fL rolling shop proje v for manufacturing hollo-I axles may be developed vith~'Jut waiting for the test results, for holloit axle blanks can be produced by existing equipment. The recommended product:-on equipment includes a machine for making hollow Uank. .1, a three-high he~'.ical cross rolling mill ("stan poperechno-vintovoy Irokatki") and hydrauli(;'presses for forging the axle ends. Card karld L r: j: ": T:1 kanA. ll;'*,,ri. riauk; ~-i . from contrifugaLly ousu r cz v tr,ib no. 12 133-1 CH f-t~ ~'J V ui-ln-"l-'&r ~1~;' -'r- drizf _jjyj.'17~ "1'Y0 G. F illji z' ~-i G T ~.'J*~ f'. H! P L--atilw ti'e P:-eci~ris --c'! I ing ---itee lo a-,. the Lr: iv Tal-~t 1 ir;j.Ajt !It x:, ~ !:a 1 combin S t,~.-,1 1 2~, JUGHURO, I.H.; red.; KOYAUINKO, Z.G., red.; TMMIIA)Y, Y.M., tekhn. red. EMoncitary wages ca co'lleotive forms of the White Russian S.S.R.1 Donezbzaia oplate truda 7 kolkhozakh BSSR. Pod obahchei red. I.M.Kachuro. Mimak, Izd-vo Akad. sellkhoz. na-uk BSSR. 1960. 97 P. (MIRA 14:5) 1. M!~nsk. Inatitrt okonomiki i orpanizatniy sel'skokhozvoyetven- nogo proizvodstvE . 2. Chlen-korres-pondent All BSSR (for Kachuro) (WUte Rusaia-Collective forma-Incomo distribution) 1"1 3 L-j rult. Barry. 14.1ciferouss. M Tait R'~IrlBiol 3, 1959, IM. 11:-43 Z. 4. 1-11,3 Mid ati.c. VAL-Lotic":4 L-X -,dnograd!irvt,,.,c, 'n,;!;Rj 11o. 4, 42-44. AWTIACT T-1.3 %O.d grappe viriotlea ljiijw.-~%rg, aud Tayfi Ro- 110-lryy h~c;,j brsen cultivated ,s1nce 1913 mad j Lrice 1955 W.,.bekintanskij, Fe~l yj and Kare Mlalli i'l pla,t of eaoh varlr;sty). Ths; were r.)pnd b:~ V!a ra,3tbc~,,! t.-al 1-13-- 0f SUCKel7s. ?oz- --he wlntnr, t,,- p1lants L;om cove,-~sd in . th~.,?2- layers - ~ 0 44 ta an o_:-gan~ a Lit ir, ayer of lerr, s. The . L irst orcp obtiliol i-it 1955. :'A RT 1A KCfVP..IE~Xl,'JL~KAZi',176T--'V-, G.T . AID P 2590 Subject USSR/Hy.-Iraulic Engineering C&M 1/1. Pub. 35 - 13/20 Authors Kovalen!co-Kazantsev, G. 1. and Kazakov, V. A., Engs. Title Operation of the drain age suction system lowering the .level oV underground water at construction sites Perlodi3al Gidr stooi, 4, 38-39, Ap 1955 Abstract Experiments made with a certain type of the pumping installation at the Gorskilt Hydr-_-Power Plant con- struction project in 1953 are renarted. The capacity of this LIU-3 type pump with a 2.10 kw motor is 60-70 cu. m per hr. Two diagrams. Institution None 0 SubinitV,W No date