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1 3. Accoq,,jto3ijacjjt3 O^L thL- activiots. ;cp.9:j.2 3 16~. (vil'", u-.1c) 1. 1'reclaadatoll ccr.-et~-, camode)-atellnor-O C. slav-,~W.S!C. Ozf~d-,,, c2uba) Y/Y AUTHOR: 40032 S/258/62/002/OD2/007/018 1028/1228 Kostcrin, S. I., Koshmarov, Yu. A. and Gorskaya, N. M. (Moscow) TITLE: Experimental investigation of the heat exchange of a plane plate in a supersonic rarefied gas stream PERIODICAL: lnzhcncrnyy 7hurna*., v. 2, no. 2, 1%2. 263-269 TEXT: The papeiprestnts the results of an experimental investigation of the heat transfer of a plane plate wetted by a S'Upersonic rarefied gas stream under a zero angle of attack. The investigation was designed in view of the fact that the intermediate region of flow of gases, lying between the continuum region and the ftec- molecular region, had not been studied sufficiently, and that the various approximation methods used to dcter- mine heat exchange in this region needed a careful experimental check. The supersonic stream was created by means of a nozzle of variable shape, and its plane isentropic nucleus, of dimensions 30 x 30 mm, was used in the experiments. (The air was heated before entering the nozzle in the experiments on heat exchange). Silver or copperplates of different dimensions were used, their thickness being such that the ratio of the thickness to the mean free path was 0.11-0.05. The temperature at the center of the plates was measured by a thermocouple. The parameters of the gas stream were also measured.Tho recovery factor, the temperature of recovery, and the coefficient of heat transfer were determined. The range of variation of the parameters during the experiments Card 1/2 Experimental investigation of .. S/258/62/002/002/007/018 1028/1228 was : M = 2.6 - 3.2, Re - 20 - 240. Results are compared with the results obtained from different theoretical formulas based on the continuum model. No theoretical solution is round to be satisfactory. There arc 5 figures. The most important English-language reference are as follows: Schaaf, S. A. Theoretical Considera- tions in Rarcfied Gas Dynamics. Heat transfer .. a Symposium, Univ. Michigan Engng. Res. Inst. Bull., 1953 SUBMITTED: November 22,1961 X Card 2/2 g�T&MW4-LL-,,- inah. Lxperimental inveotigatiowof wear resistance and operational features of the 6AFV-9xl2 submersible pump. Mekh. i elek. sots. selikhoz. 19 no.6:52-53 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1, Gosudaretvennyy voesoyuznyy nauchno-ii3sladovateltakiy tekhno- logichookiy inatituta remonta i ekspluatatsii mashinno-traktornogo parka. (PLmping maohinery) KOSITNKO, S.I.,_inzh. Methods for determining the optimum operating life of a loaded centrifugal pump. MekhA elak.sots.sellkhoz. 20 no.4:54 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy tekhnolo- gicheskiy institut remonta, i ekspluatatsii mashinnotraktornogo parka. (Pumping machinery) KOST-:-'IIKO I S. I. Doteriaining the optimal nerviteability of a submarnible centrifugal pump. Sbor. rab. GOSNITI no.17:61-68 162. (IIIIIA 17:9) SAVENKO, P.P.i, KOSOTMO, S.K. (Liyev); DoNIGRVICH, M.I. (Chernovts7) om"Moaft-MMW Outlook for the development of air-borne public health services in the Ukraine. Vrach.delo n0-8:851-853 Ag 159. (MIRA 12-12) 1. Kinisterstvo zdravookhraneniya USSR. (UKRAINS-MONAUTICS IN PUBLIC HFAITH) KOSTINKOP S.K.; DONIGLIVICII, H.I. Method for determining the main qualitative indices of-the work of stations of-aviation medioine in the Ukraine. Vrach. delo, no.3,1: 123-127 N 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Kiyevskaya respublikaukRya stantsiya sanitarnoy aviataii Ministerstva, zdravookhraneniya USSR i Stantsiya sanitarnoy aviatsii Chernovitskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy. (UKRAINE-4VIATION MEDICINE) KOSTENKO, S.N. Urea clearance as a function test in tuberculosis of the kidneys. Urologiia 28 no.2tlO-14 Yx-Ap'63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz urologichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.M*Gasparyan) I leningradskogo meditsinskogo Instituta, imeni I.P.Pavlova. (KIDNELS-TUBERGUIDSIS) KOSTENKOJ, S.N., assistent, Functional changes in diseases of a single kidney. Trudy KGMI no.10:383-385 163. (MIRA 18-.1) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khirurgil (zav. kafedroy zasluzhen- nyy deyatell nauki RSFSR - prof. V.S.Semenov) Kalininskogo gosu- dar.qtvennogr medits'nskogo instituta i kafedry urologii (zav. kafedroy - prof. A.M.Gasparyan) 1-go Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova. air wl's'=~ VAt ~'A -Meth-44. f at the F vomsy'). , R I ` 195stRz. coed (IW Was ezfA. vkh 4w Mi. d Cold los, ;Qtn,. d KQH I Im .85-U, .sk.-tbc mbrc vah akring.. Tha m4ed tmtAaidL*" MgENC- W- tv -025- t M__ md an Lukh; NO yal (1) TO- ~=W. with, 15G saL' lg;8.6~ Tb*. with, suctfu ~!Ia 3 for 10-1rug. diad UJ3 to- d I W- co~44 1% tm 24 -SY of !It d ' [ed. -Tof Co vu ; thm tai I hr. Pjm~!'Lwls b ddda.-fol, ".vab.! of addiFjA~Wfth CARO em and &rW-. Wke, With P=a ak.,ibm, e caku.. -.'find Ay.'. Vodtbd th4l EWT221KO, S.S. QLL~~~ Certain aspects of the p%nning of water purification processes for sugar factory boilers. Sakh.prom. 34 no.10:41-42 o ,6o. (MIRA'13 -. 10) !*A 1. KiyovenergonaladkR. (&agar industry--lqulpm,:jnt andeapplies) (Feed--Water purification) BRJAGINSKIY, L.P.; GRIN', V.G.-, WSTENKO, LAHEIN, 11,V.; ~iUFKOVA, L.V. Monumn and olmazine as algicides ueed agninEt filementous a1gue. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-,ra 14:52-65 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut gidrobiolog:li AN Ukrr--SR, Kiyev. VESNA,, V.S.; GRIBACHEV, A.A.; KOSTENKO, S.Vj Contact2e$3 signal unit. KokB i khim. no.7:33-33 J3. 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Konstruktorskoye byuro Mksokhi=asha Gosudarstvennogo Vsesoyuznogo instituta po proyaktirovaniyu predpriyatiy koksokhimicheskoy promyshlonnosti. (Coke industry-Equipment and supplies) (Signals and signaling) VESELOVA, T.P.; VOROBIYEV, M.A.; YMIKOVSKAYA, Yu.A.; NOSTONG, T.IFj DOROSMA, M.V. Toxicity of hexachloroathane for cattle. Vetarimril& Al nae4s56-57 Ap 164e - (MIRA 1728) 1. Voesoyuzrqy institdt gellmintologii imeni akadmdka KJ, Skryabim. T~5; 1,07A, T.P. , k-Ord. vot. w0r; VC~081IF-EV , M.A. , miadahiy nauckmyy sot-,vd1iik; DCPCSH'LXA, H.V.p miadshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; vat. vrar~h; YOGTEMO T*F. licheiri'y * zootakhnik 1--, 1.1-1- ~ I y Sj.gnifie-einca of the Injection of hex-tchloroethane In medicinal fc-rm to the ~~Exttle witb faz~cicliuzaia. Trudy VIGIS 11F20-1-206 9649 (Km~ 180-1) MARKOV, B.F.; PANCHMM, I.D.;a ,qSAWX.Q,-T.G. Diagrams of phase transitions for RbCl -- ZnCl2 and CsCl -- ZAC12- UkrAhim.zhur. 22 no*3:287-291 156. (KEBA 919) l.Instiut obshe7 i neorganicheskoy khimii AN USSR. (Chlorides) (Phase rule and ecrailibrium) AFONIN, A.G., KOS 0, T.P. Using metal molds In making ceramic pipen. Stek. I ker. 17 no.61 38-39 Je 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (pipe. clay) AUTHOR: Kostenkc, V. (Ullyanov3k) -107-58-7-38/43 TITLE: Ada`pTTTg-a__Guitar (Adaptarizatsiya gitary) PERIODICALi Radio, 1958, Nr-17 p 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two methods of converting an ordinary guitar into an guitar are described. In *the first, a piezo-element- frox. head- phones is fitted inside the guitar case. Because of 1"61!3 great sensitivity, however, acoustic feed-back may result. The second method consists in fitting el-ectro-magnets from head- phones uftderneath the strirg~,. With both these methcdc the pick-up is then connected by a --reened lead to the radio- receiver of AF amplifier. There.are 3 diagranis and I Soviet reference. 1. Stringed instruments--Modification 2. Radio receivers--Appli- cations Card 1/3. ,' KOSTXI~K~~Polkovnik I------- In a leading radio company. Voen. vest. 40 no. 1:99-jolija, 161. (MM 13:12) (Radio. Military) KOSTENKO, V. To scorea of foreIgn countrIes, Vnesh* torg, 43 no.10145 163, (MIRA 161l1) GOLEMBIOVSKIY, P.S.,--.,-KOSTENK09 V.A. Device for directional signaling of short circuits to grgund in noncompensated electric power distribution networks. Avtom. i prib. no.308-61 Jl-S 164. (MIRA 180) PEGIDVSKIY, V.L. [Pehlovs1kyip V.I,.j;_KQ3TENKO.,_,V,D.; VINNICHENROO S.A.; KOPYLOV, V.D. Technology of the manufacture of press-molds for plastics. Loh. prom. no.4:14.4-47 O-D 165. (MIRA 19: 1) TEIIIDVA p VOPO) KOSTUTimp V,604. - SoWation of pratoin from a ponicinitn cbrisopmim micelU and atudy of ito amIM acid ccinpoeitlon. Ucho zaps .1-brds groo une no*2.7&32-35 163, (IUPA 19ii) DOROZHOVSXlY, Ye.S. [Dorozhovslkyi, IE.S.]; KORDUBA, B.M.; KOSTENKO, V.G. [Kostenko, V.H.] - - M..,w The Dirichlet problem in plane electrostatics. Visnyk LIviv, un. Ser. makh.-"t. no.li9-15 165. (WRA l8s12) Computation of the potential field and trajectories of a plane electron-optical system. Ibid.t46-49 (KRA 18t12) KOSTENKO, V. G., Candidate Phys-Wth Sci (diss) -- "The integration of certain nonlinear differential equations In partial derivatives by the group method". L'VOVY 1959. 7 pp (Min Higher Eduo Ukr SERO Llvov State U im Ivan Franko), 150 copies (KL, No 23, 19590 160) ZOSTENKO, V.G. [Integration of oertain nonlinear partial-differential equations by the group mthod) Intergruvannis doialtykh nelinlinykh dyferentsimInykh rivniani v chastynnykh pokhld- nykh grupovin intodon. J6'viv, Vyd.Llvivnlkoho univ.. 1959* 20 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Differential equations. Partial) h' 361 S~644/62/000/01Z/019/049 A060/AOOO AUTHORS: Kostenko, V.G., Yevstaflyeva,,N.V. TITLE: Certain differential equations invariant with respect to groups of transformations PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 12, 1962, 62, abstract 12B276 (Zb. robit. aspirantiv Mekhan.-matem. ta. fiz. fak. Llviys'k. un-t,. 1961, no. 1, 100 - 104; Ukrainian~ TEXT: The authors consider nonlinear equations of the form 91 - A U - (P (x, Y) - P (U *) - 0 , (1) '' which are invariant with respect to infinite continuous groups of translations. Let Uf (x, yj U) af + I (Xi, Yi, u) *af + C (x, yp u) af (2) YX be an arbitrary operator, Ulf f af af af f af + + + + OL, + OL2 -+ P, af 2 a f+ 03 af (3) rx rv ru -FP- Tq zFt r Card 1/3 S/044/62/000/012./019/049 Certain differential equations invariant with .... A060/AOOO where doL, P A~ q'~M OL2-Al- PAL- An (g- - r dx dx OLl dx dx dx dy dy dy s do,, d0'2 ~'L2 P2 _ r 8 qa __ _ a t dy dy dy 'gdx 11ax 3 dy dy dy is a twice cqntinued operator from operator (2). As follows from the work (RZMe4 1962, M260)~'the differential equation (1) will be invariant with respect to translations if and only if U1, 0 (4) The set of translations which leaves the differential equation invariant always represents a Closed group. Investigating (4) with cp (x, y) - 1, the authors ob- tain for the transformation coefficients the system of differential equations: a , ag a., al a a 2C a2C a2r 0. LX - Y Ty- - -~-U - -Pu - 0; Tx--,J-u TY_TU_ =au 4 AE - F u)' a 2 at P~ + 2 (5) du 41U - -crx- =8x a U; i Card 2/3 MOT ~Ztec7r_o 8/044/62/000/012/019/049 Certain differential equations Invariant with .... A060/AOOO Then the authors restrict themselves to the case of nonlinear equations, which are invariant with respect to infinite continuous groups of transformations. (5) Implies that E and q, *are harmonic conjugate functions of the variables x and y and do not depend on u; ~ - cu + g (x' y)- substituting g in (5) and con- sidering (5) as an identity in u we obtain: ~heorem'l '. To have the equation 6u w F (u) be invariant with respectto an infinite continuous groups of trans- lations, it is necessary and sufficient that P (u) - p '- eku, where p* is de- fi,ned in (3), and k is a,~constant. Theorem 2. 'For the nonlinear equation (1) With y (x, y) ~ const to be invariant with respect to an infinite continuous group of translations, it is necessary and sufficient that y (x, y) - t e 4(x' Y), F (U') - eku where I (x, Y) is any harmonic function, and k is any constant. I.N. Vekua's hypothesis (RZhMat, 1962, 2B260) as *to the fact that, to find the general solu- tion of the equation A u -(x, y) eu, it is 'sufficient to know that one of its particular solutions is confirmed from the viewpoint of group sets only for the case when q7 (x, y) - � Jw (7,)l , where w (z) is any analytic function of the variable z - x + iy. [Abstracter's note: Complete trapslation] A.S. Fokht Card 3/3 7, PIGULIVSKIT, G.V.; XDZHIN. S.A.; KOSTRIZO, V.G. 4,-'- -2-1 --- ~ ~ - ~ Reduction of I-methyl-l-cyclohexens. Zhur.obekhim. 28 no,6: 1656-1658 A 158. (MMA ll:.8) I.Laningradekly gesudaretvanW universitst. (Cyclexexene) (Reduction, Chemical) iUTHORS: Pigulevskiy, G.V., Kostenko, V. G. SOV/54-59-1-23/25 . ....................... TITLE: ............................... ......... . . ., Investigation of Silver-fir (Abies Sibirica Ldb.) Gallipot (K issledovaniyu zhivitay sibirskoy pikhty (Abies sibirica Ldb.)) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimil, 1959, Nr 1, pp 454-156 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The bark of the Siberian f�rs contains in fine channels the gallipot which consists of. volatile flike terpene) and non- volatile substances. The object of this paper is the investiga- tion of the nonvolatile ingredients which hitherto have been to an only inconsiderable extent investigated, 2 acids were de- tected in them by the experiments described here; the neoabietic acid (I) and the abietic acid (Il), Their chemical structure formulas are given. Furthermore the alcohol abienol was separat- ed as a crystal hydrate from the neutral ingredient of the galli- pot, The investigation of the structure of abienol will be the object of another paper. The analysis yields first the abienol which is an achromatic resinous mass. Its quantitative formula is C H 0 its constants are n 20 1 5332, [a,20 +20.0', The ' D D 17 30 2 Card 1/2 most intensive bands of the infrared absorption spectrum and the S011/54-519-1-23/25 Investigation of Silver-fir (Abies Sibirica Ldb,) Gallipot ultraviolet absorption spectrum are given.The neoabietic acid was first obtained as salt of the diethyl amine. It was then ob- tained in pure form by means of boric acid. It has the 0formula C20H3002' its constants are; melting point 179 -- 179-5 [a],5 164.40. The infrared aboorption band and the ultraviolet D aboorption maximum are given. The abietic acid was obtained from the mother solution similarly to the neoab_Jetic acid. Its constants are; melting point 173 - 174 50, r---,16 -115,60, Infra- Lal D red absorption bands and ultraviolet absorption maximum are given. All data obtained are compared with data from publications. There are 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 10, 1958 Card 2/2 PIGULXVSKIT, G.V.; KOSTRZO, Y.G. Investigation of crude turpentine from Siberian fir (Abios Sibirica Idb ) Vest.LCAI 14 no.4:154-156 159. (MIRA 12:5) iFir) (Turpentine) 79-28-5-68/69 AUTHORS: Pigulevskiy, 0. V., Kozhin, S. A., Kostenko; V. G. TITLE: Reduction of the Monooxide Limonene With the Aluminumhydride of Lithium (vosstanovieniye monookisi limonena alyumogidridcm litiya ) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1958, Vol,. 28, 11r 5, PF,~ 1413 -- 1415 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The catalytic hydration of the a-oxides of the terpene series into the corresponding alcohols takes place very difficultly and only with side was stated already earlier by the authors (Re2rence 1). The reduction of the oxides Yrith the aluminumhydride of lithium (LiAlH 4) offers a more con.- venient method for tr&n9fR-,rmiY&g a-terpene oxidea into alcohols, if it is not accompanied by side processes, As a basis for the present investijation the monooxide of limonene (Oxyd- -1,2-p-menthen-8,9) was used which was first synthetized by 11~ A. Prilezhayov (Reference 2). In the re(luction of this oxide Card 1/2 with LiAlH 4 only alcohols formed, namely', d-noodihydrocarveol 79-28-5-68/69 Reduction of the 11onooxide Limonene With the Aluminumhydride of Lithium ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED of high symmetric purity, and P.-terpineol. Both alcohols were characterized by corresponding derivatives, Besides, additional combination diffusion spectra were taken. Thus it was found that the reduction of the monooxide of limonene with LiAlH4 with opening of the oxide ring into both directions takes place under the formation of a tertiary alcohol of P--terpincol and of a secondary one of d-.neodihydrocarveol. In the work by Holub, Herout, Sorm (Reference 6),these authors seem to have neglected this circumstance, namely that in the reduction of the monooxide of limenone ', besides 0-terpineol, also /the neodihydrocarveol had formed. There are lo references, 5 of which are Soviet. Leningradskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) May 69 1957 Card 2/2 sov/79-28-6-5o/63 AUTHORS: Pigulevskiy, G. V., Kozhinj S. A.,_E~ TITLE: On the Problem of the Reduction of 1-Methvlcyclohexene-l- -Oxide (K voprosu o voustanovlenii okisi 1-metiltaiklogeksena-1) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 19589 Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp. 1656-1658 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The reduction of the 1-methylcyclohexene-l-oxide by means of lithiumaluminum hydrate (1iAlH ) published by Mousseron and his collaborators (Musseron) (ief 1) attracted the atten- tion of the authors who carried out a reduction of I-limo- nene monoxide on the same conditions; on this occasion they also obtained a secondary alcohol# the d-neodihydrocarveol of high aeymmetric purity besides the only tertiary alcohol of 1-mothyloyclohexaftol-1 as menti6ne& by those authors. Both alcohols formed in the same quantities. This somehow unex- pected course of reaction caused the authors to check moot exactly the data supplied by Mouseeron and his collaboratorep 13 as they had in view the analogy of the two oxides. The re- Card 1 duction of the oxide of 1-methyloyclohexone-1 was repeated SOV/79-28-6-5o/63 On the Problem of the Reduction of 1-Methylcydlohexene-l-Oxide with special attention being paid to the purity of the initial products. The combination diffusion spectra were used for the characterization of the investigated products. The methyloyclohexens-1 necessary for thoroduotion of the oxide was produa-ed by the dehydration of the 1-methyleyelohexanol- -1 by means of the p-toluene sulfochloride in pyridine solu- tion; this had a favorable effect on the further course of the investigation (yield 66 %). The investigation of the spectra undoubtedly pointed to the similarity of the synthe- sized hexens. The oxide of this 1-mothyleyelohexene-19 ob- tained by oxidation with acetylhydrogen peroxide (CH CO-O-OH) was identical to that synthesized by Mousseron. The lesults of the reduction of 1:*methvlcyolohexene-l-oxide with LiAlH proved completely the'result mentioned in (Ref 1). The onlf reduction product is the tertiary alcohol of the 1-methyl- cyclohexanol-li this could also be supported by spectral analysis by the spectrum line characteristic for tertiary alcohols in contrast to that of secondary ones. Thus the de- hydration of 1-methyleyelohexanol-1 by means of p-toluene sulfochloride can be regarded as a convenient method for Card 2/3 the synthesis of the individual 1-methyleyelohexene-1. s0V 9-28-6-50/63 ~/7 On the Problem of-the Reduc.tion,of:I-Xetbvloyclohexene-I-O:kide There are 6 referanoesp 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradgkiy gosudaratvenW universitet (Loningrad*State'Universi-ty) SUBMITTED: May 6p 1957 1. Cyclohexane derivatives-Synthesis Card 3/3 5.3600 75701 SOV/80-32-10-50/511, AUTHORS: Pigulevskly, G. V., Kostenico, V. G,.,Andreyeva, L. F. TITLE. Brief Communications. Preparation of Discrete Linalyl Chloride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prilcladnoy Ichimil, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 10, pp 2067- 2370 (USSR) A13STRACT: Linalool In reaction with PC1 gave a mixture of 110% linalyl chloride and 60% geraAyl chloride. It is known that lithium aluminum hydride reacts with primary chlorides but does not reduce the tertiary chlorides. Lithium aluminum hydride reacts completely at room temperature with geranyl chloride, forming dihydromyrcene. LInalyl chloride Is not reduced In this reaction, and the obtained mixture of linalyl chloride and d1hydromyrcene was separated by distillation. Hydrogenation of linalyl chloride and di- hydromyrcene shows the presence of two double bonds in the above compounds. This is proof that upon r6duction of chlorl Card 1/2 with.lithium aluminum hydride the double bonds do not reduce Brief Communications. Preparation of Discrete 75701 Linalyl Chloride SOV/80--2-10-50/51 SUBMITTED: and that the cliloride does not contain an adnilxture of cYclic chlorides. In comparlson with greraliYl chloride, l1nalyl chloride has lower specific gravity and amaller refracti-ve index and is optically active, There are 2 f1gures; 1 table; 7 references) It Soviet, 1 U.S,, 1 German, 1 British. The U. S. and British references are: I, Frevet, a. Kon, J. Chem. Soc., 3131 (1950); E, Johnson, R. Bleiz:;ard, H. Carhart, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 70, 3664 (1948), December.20, 1958 Card 2/2 5W SOV/20-128-2-23/50, AUTHORS: Figulevskiy, G. Y., !Lo~ TITLE: Abienol, Its Production and Properties PERIODICAL-: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 2, PP 305-308 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An alcohol.with an empirical formula C 17H280 was isolated from the liquid resin of the silver fir (Abies pectinate. D.C.), and called gbienol (Ref 1). Its crystallohydrate with water melts at 62 . The authors isolated from among the nonvolatile components of the resin secretion of the Siberian fir (Ab. sibirica Ldb.) (Ref 2) an abienol in the form of abienol hydrate corresponding to the one mentioned in reference 1 (Table 1). It was different in the following points; it was crystalline, with a melting point at 40-42 0 , and had a higher optical rotation activity. Contrary to the data (Ref 1) abienol and abienol hydrate contain 2 double bonds each. Hydrating of the lot double bond proceeds much faster than that of the 2nd one. This points to their different character. The infra-red Card 1/3 spectra (Fig 1) of the abienol hydrate showed 2 bands cor- Abienol, Its Production and Propertieu SOV/20-128-2-23/59 responding to the valence vibrations of C.C: 1600 cm-1 and 1 1642 cm- . This can be explained by the presence of 2 conjugate double bonds. This is'also confirmed by the ultraviolet spec- trum. Both in abienol hydrate and in abienol, the groups CH 2 and CH3 were detected spectroscopically. It is very probable that abienol hydrate contains the group -CH.CH 2' The abienol hydrate isolated by the authors loses water at 90-950 on beating in the vacuum, and is transformed to abienol. When the latter is dissolved in-alcohol, a white precipitation-is form- ed. It is amorphous and melts at 115-1200. It is an abienol polymer (C H 0) . Visible light is also capable of effecting 'MRUL. With these results, the contradictory this polyme a data of reference 1 become evident: a partially polymerized --abienol- was present there. The statement saying that abienol hydrate cannot be obtained from abienol by treatment with 96% ethanol was also refuted by the authors. Thus, the transforma- tion of abienol hydrate to abienal, and vice versa, is not accompanied by any structural changes in the molecule (except Card 2/3 for polymerization), TheTe are 1 figure, 1 table, and 5 ref- Abienol, Its Production and Properties erences, 2 of which are Soviet. SOV/20-128-2-23/59 ASSOCIATION; Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) PRESENTED: Zday 11, 1959, by B. A. Arbuzov, Academician SUBMITTED: may 69 1959 Card 3/3 KOSTENKO, V. G., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Investigation of the resin of the Siberian fir Abies sibirica ldb." Leningrad, 1960. 18 pp; (Leningrad Order of Lenin State Univ im A. A. Zhdanov, Chemistry Faculty); 225 copies; price not given; (KL, 19-60, 141) -1 54- 3400 '(8 _~ L It SOV~iq-30-3-68/69 AUTHMQ: Pigulevskiy, G. V., Kostenko, V. G. T IT LE Letter* to the Editor. Concerning the EmpLrical For- mula of Abienol PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khImLi, 1960, vol 3o, Nr 3, P 105'r (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors report that the empirical. formula of ablenol, sug ested by H. Winhaus and R. Mucke (Ber., 75, 1830 0 )) is in disagreement with the results of analysis (19 of abienol and ItE, derivative,, separated fvom Abies sibirica Ldb. The authors suggest a new empirical formula for abienol and Its derivatives (see table) and consider ablenol to be a citterpenoid b1cyclic alcohol. There are 1 table; ,in(' 4 refovencos, 1 Cict,man, 1 Czecho- slovak, 2 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: LenIngrad State University go*udarstwennyy universitet) SUBMITTED: November 17, 19159 Card 1/2 EKE, -8-J)VI sov/79-3o-3-68/69 i - Table A. Data on elemental analyses of ablenol and its derivatives (in %) . (a) c ompound; (1)) found; (c) empiri- cal formula; (d) calculated; (e) ableriol hydrate; M abienol; (g) abienol polymer; (h) dihydroablenol (mp 92-940); (*) formula proposed by authors; (**) formula propond by 11. Winhauo and R. Mucke. I I - C C C 77.54 11.81 77.70, 1 1.1w Cl H3011 0 ~1.86 11.76 e 78.22 11.83 C' 1H3002 16.62 11.37 78.16 11.88 82.45 11.96 C24HNO,',, " 82.69 II.S() $2.58 11.83 , crmvu. 82.25 J1.37 82.51 11.78 F2.69 11.84) 82.44 11.76 (CIIH480). $2.25 11.37 Bt.98 12.38 1~ C HMO 82.13 12.40 81.73 12.3.1 C 7 H JOIJ 12.08 Card 2/2 5.3400 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card lX2 776.z, "D SOV/80--/--2-)1/52 Pigulevskiy., G. V., Kostenko, V. G. Neoabietic and Abietic Acids, Primary Rosin Acids of Siberian Fir (Abies Sibirica Ldb.) Resin Zhurnal prikladnoy khtmii, 196o, V'61 33, Nr 2, pp 439-444 (USSR) Siberian fir is used in USSA~ as a source of an bssential oil containing bornyl acetate; it is also used'in medicine. The resin is used for the preparation of Canada balsam substitutes. The authors found that, similarly to the resin of Abies pectinata D. C. (~er.' 1942, Vol 75, P 1830), the sil*rian fir resin contains abletic acid (2-.5%) and neoabletic acid (5%),. The physical constants of acids were close to those determined by other authors (ZhOn., 1958, Vol 28, p 543; ibid., 194o, Vol lo, p 1894; G. C.'Harris,,T. F. Sanderson, J. Am. CAem. Soc., 1948, Vol 70, P 339). The reduction of the acids with lithium aluminum hydride PIGULEVSKIYJ G.V.; KOSTENKO, V.G.- WRKUSHKIN, N.I. Uniformity of the abietinol of Ruzicka and Meyer. 7jIur.ob.khim,, 30 no.10:3489,-3492 0 161. (MM 14:4) Io lAningradakiy gomuiarstvennyy universitet. (Abietyl alcohol) PIGULEVSKIY, G.V.; XOSTENIO#N*G.; KOSTENKO, L.D. Ascertaining the structure of abletinol. Zhur.ob.khim- 31 no.01: 3143 S 161. (MBU 14:9) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imenj A.A.Zhdanova. (Abietyl alcohol) PIGUIZVSKIY, G.V.; KOSTEUKO, V.G.; KOSTENKOJI L.D. Elucidation of the otructure of.abienol. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.2:656 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Alco,bols) RIJMYANTSEV, V.I.; VE CHKANOVV G.k.; YEZHOVp V.A.; KOSTENKO, V.G. Nature of acids present in a second butyl acetate solution of penicillin. Uch. zap. Mord. goo. -an. no.27.25-31 163. (MIRA 19:1) T, o'19 ()-C,? som(cii (xion: &,vooom/o/ooo/616/6- A011lo-A. Dorozhovs _~O. S.; Kor(luba, 11. H. ; Kos teliko, V. 11. 0i' G: None TITLE: Computation of the field and trajectories of a flat electron optical system SOURCE; Ref. zh. Matematika, Abs. 1OB405 IIEF SOURCE: Visnyk Vvivs1k. un-tu. Ser. mekhan.-matem., vyp. 1, 1965, 46-49 TOPIC %%GS: electron optics, flat electron optics, electron notion, computer/EM M-20 computer AI-STRACT: An electron optical system consisting of three pairs of parallel electro- des is considered. On two pairs of equal length, the potential U-1 is given, on the third pair,&U=O. Field computation reduces to the Dirichlct problem for the Poisson equation U = q(x,y) (1) in a rectangle, under the condition U u 1 (2) (L - is the boundary of the rectangle). Now q(x,y) =0 everywhere inside the rectangle, except on the electrodes, where U(x,y) = u(x,y) (3) . For the solution of tile problem (1), (2), (3), - the mctliod of G.M. Poloz:hiy is used. Computational formulas for the calculation of the potential field, and an algorithm for a computerized calcuJ lation of the coefficients of the relevant system of algebraic equations are given. it is noted that the use of the extrapolation formula of Adams-Sturmer and of the compu- Card 1/2 UDC 518:517.944/.947 L 08939-67 ACC NRt AR6013768 ted potential field enables the determination of electron trajectories from differen-, tial equations of the type dil 2 Oy d3x I au (X, Wi. T ax Numeric results of solutions for the problem (1), (2), (3) on the M-2D computer are given. [Translation] SUB CODE; 090 12/ e7, not' A ACC 111R, AR6005182 SOUIrCE CODE- UR/O()55-8/65/OO0/009/M12/B012 SOMACE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs4 9B126 AUTHORS: Dorozhovalkyy, Ye. S.; Korduba, B. 14.;.Kostenko, V, H. TITLE: Dirichlet problem for planar electrostatrcs PM F SOURCE: Zadacha Dirikhle ploskayi elektrostntyky. Visnyk Kyyivslk. un-tu. Ser. matem. ta mekban., no. 6p 1964, 152-158 TOPIC TAG'-- electros".*atics, Dirichlet problem, Poisson equation. cqnp uter awlicati I TRANS IATION:- The autbors, s6lve-, the- externa,1 -Dirichle-b rrobiie.m for plamr- electro-~ -staticr, in an unbounded medium Iry reducipg the Ditter to the Interral problem in a rectangle, for the pojsson equation. Using the s~fmmetry of the problera, they solved with an elnctronic computer the resultant. system of algebraic equations for the de- ', of -the unlatown parameters, and also obtain the potential field in any of the 12-8,2103 J-Pternal Junction points of a rcc-tanG-u1&r Grid. SUB CODE: 20 L 20383-66 EW(d) IJP(c) ACC NRs A1,6003593 SOURCE COIE: UR/3185/65/000/001/0009/0015 AUIHORS: Dorozhovalkyyp Ye._5 Worozhovskiy, Ye. S.); Korduba, B. M.; Kosten1wo VA ORG: none T=: 7he Difichlet problem of planar electrostatics SOURCE: Lvov. Unive Visnyk. Seriya mekhaniko-matematychna, no. 19 19659 9-16 TOPIC TAGS: Dirichlet problem, electrostatics, matrix function, algebraic equations capputer calculations dipole antenna, slot antennas antenna array ABSTRACr: Ihe authors solve the external. Dirichlet problem for planar electrostatics b-I an unbounded region using the method of G. N. Polozhiy (Chislennoye rer-lbeniye dvumernykh i tm)dmrnykh krayevykh zadach matematicheskoy fixiki i funktsii disktretnogo argumenta [Numerical Solution of IW-Dimensional and 1hree-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics and Rmetions of Discrete Arguments], Kiev University Publication, 1952). The problems say, of the radiation from several pairs of dipole or slots situated between two long screens is reduoed by mans of sud a method to the internal problem in a rectangle for the Fbisscn equation. Ihe matrix equations and solutions are transformed into a resultant system of algebraic equaticM based on the symmetry of the problem, and solutions are obtained fbr a nunrber of screen lengths in a fom suitable for electronic conputer evaluation. - Ihe results am subsequently used to obtain the portential field. Orig. art. has: 2 -and 12 Cc,rd 112 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L 20383-66 AC ACC NR. AT6003593 t 0 0, f fOrmulas. F_ SUB COM:20, 12/SLraM DATI;: 0()/ ORIG RM ool/ _Cisrd 2/2 vmb gm "P" pi -M m ru! ; v ~L_32981t-66_ VUT I Pic)- _AT AtC MKI 2 1 SURCE CODE: UIRTOO-5876-5 7000 0~W5V1/ff5_'i AUTHOR: Dorozhovs1k7M Ye. S.; Korduba) B. M.; Kostenkoa TITLE: Calculation of the field and trajectories of one plane electron-ovtical syst SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fiz. Abs. llZh3;pv REF SOURCE: VisrWk Vvivs9k. un-tu. Ser. mekhan.-matem., vyp. 1, 1965p 46-49 TOPIC TAGS: electron optiesp electron motion, Dirichlet problem, Poisson equation.. electric potential, electrostatic field, computer calculation, algorithm ABSTRACT: The authors consider an electron-optical system consisting of three pairs of parallel electrodes, A potential U - 1 is applied to two pairs of electrodes of equal length, and U a 0 on the third. The calculation of the field of such a system reduces to the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation AU - q(x, y) in a rectangl under the condition that U = 1 on the boundary of the rectangle, and q(X, A = 0 everywhere inside the rectangle, with the exception of the electrodes, on which U(x, y) = u(x, y) is specified. Computation formulas are given to determine the potential field and an algorithm is presented for the computer calculation of the coefficients of the system of algebraic equations. It is indicated that by using the Adams-Stoermer extrapolation formula, and by assuming the potential field'that results from the calculation, it is possible to determine the flight trajectory of the electrons from the system of ordinary differential. equations of the form 1d9y I (x, V) d'x * I au (x, y) -.1 Card 112 L 32961-66 ACC NRt ARbO16261 Numerical results obtained with the M-20 electronic computer are presented. 1. Sheli- khcn,a. (Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20/ Card 11395-67 EWT(I)M-MIRY JLL 1"M AT/Mi .T-M& XP7003651 SOURCE CODES UR/60-f9[600300084368AST AUTHOR: Dzhldzholava, A. V.t Xonovalovap H. Yn.; Vbstanko, V. I.; Dy4= H* He 2V _ jL ORGs 'All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Single Cryatalsq Scintilla- 319 tion Mat-a-rFaTs, -and aFec-lally Pur Chemical SubaE&nco-s7(VWciiW nauc 0. =s,,Sl*a6~iE-e~ff'igi7i-^Ii~iEfai'*r;;ri~k~fii~1'1*~v-','--B'i;ii~~l-ffi~tnionnykh materisloy I osbbo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchostv) TITLCt Roacarch In tho field of orga ic-_a1ec- to. H. Syntheals of NI-acylsubstltuted aglsulfohydrazides and their electret effect SOURCE: Zhurnal obahchoy khImil v. 3601no. 8, 1966p 1*368-1372 TOPIC TAGS: electret, organic synthetic process, hydrazine derivativep aliphatic carboxylic acid A13STRACT: .By the react-ion of ary-Isuirohydrazidos with acylehloride3 in dioxane _- floylhydrazidos of benzene-, at room temperature, NI-acryloyl- and NI-methacr, p-';o1)ieno-, p-nitrobenzone-, and an four p-lialobonzonesulfonic acids, as won as the NI-acety1hydrazides of p-toluene-I p-ohloro-) p-bromo-I and p-iodo- bonzeiievulfonic acids., were synthesized and characterized. All the N- ti acylsubstituted arylsulfohydrazidoo exhibited an ability to pass into the electre Istato. Foi. an the NI-aaryloyl-O, mathaoryloyl-, and acetylnubgtituted aryl- 'aulfohydrazidea 0, the aurfaao charge of tho cloutret and ita atability with time '(111ifetime"'0 wer_qjw(LtoAevend upon the method Pf preparation.- . In addition..- Card 1/2 UDCt 621.319.2047.583.6047.583.2 ACC NRs AP7003651 Bub3tantial differences between electrets of NO ArYl,sulfohydrazides were observed -acryloyl- and 111-acetyloubstitaed determined by the nature of the.acyl radical. For the NF-acryloyl derivatives, the highest charge was obtained in eloctrate prepared from HO-acr7loyl derivatives of p-nitroL and p-iod1obenzonesulfohydrazides,,' wbilo for the aovlaubstitutod derivatives, the Wheat charge was observed in the electrots prepared from NI-~acetylbenzenosulfohvdrix-ide, unDubstituted in'the -aromatic ring, The best mechanical proportioq" 'heated 3.0-1$0 above the Me.1ting point, (ab-11!tY for ~tri-ication when high mechanical strend*.r.)'and the longest "lifOtimO" were manifested by eleatrets Of ar7lSillfohydrazidea containing un- flaturated.aliphatic carboxyUo_4 3 tables. ..380.Og - - - oid-residues AnAbo W-DositionA, Orig. art* hass SUB CODES 07 SUBH DATES .24APr65'/.ORIG REFS 004 oTH REF g 004 2/2 jb UWR I Cultivated Flants - Cereal Crope. 14-3 Alis Jour Ref Zhur - 73iologiya, No 13; 1958, No- 58584 Author KoStenko Inat a ent-Researoh Tadzhik P4gTlcultural Institute Title Promising Pea Variety G-3 Orig Pub Byul. muchn.-tekhn. informs Ta4zh- n.-i. In-ta zenled., 1957, NO 1, 16-17 Abstract The hy-tricl variety of pea G-3., raised at the Tadzbik select station is described. Its yielding capacity exceeds the local varieties by 2.5 cwt/ha. The agro. techny a,A me&w of pea veevil (Bruchus pisorum) control are describedo Card 1/1 57 GAZIZ0Vj M.S,j,kand. gool.-miner. nauk; LEBEDYANSKAYAO Z.P.,,'inzh.; UNKOVSKAYAp N.F.p lnzh.;. W5TENK0, V.1 I inzh.;,-PA0Z0PDV, L.B., kand. takhn.nauk; BESpAWv, p.M., inSh.;- KRAVCHUX, S.V., insh.; KRUPKIN, L.V.) insk.;-KRUPKIN, L,V., inzh*; BF.ZPAWVA, S.I., insh.; SHCHERBATEHO, A.p., "sh.; KCNMOV-; G.V., kand. gibl.-mineral. - nauk, r6ts6nxeRt; VASIL'YR*-F.V:,, doktor geol.-minera'l. nauk~ retsenzent; SHEVYAKOV,L.D.,akad. tv.rm.; MAN #KOVSKITIG. 1. IotIV-s todf; STOLYAR0V,A.G,,red.iZd-vs; GUSEVA,A.P. t'; RyLINA,yu.V.. red. 0 tak*. (Experience in l0w9rlsg~ Ow-water table in mfoe"I deposits under complex hYdrOgeological conditions] Opyt vodoponiahenija na mestorozhdaniiakh pol~wWkh iskopawVkh so Sloshayni gidrogeole- gicheakimi uslovij&ni~.. Moskva, 411 P. Izd-vo Akad.,"uk SSSR, 1963. (MIM 16:5) lo Akademiya Itauk sSSR. Ingt .itut $0=090 d~la. 2.,'Cklen- korrespondent Akademij nauk SSSR saveduyuthchiy-jo jatoriy spetsialinykh sposobov prokhodki bo ey zheniya Nauchno 90rn#h TYrabotok i vodoponi- -iseledovateliskogo instituta Kurvkoy magaitnoy anomalii (for Manlkoy3kiy). O&ter, Underground) (Ore deposits) ACS,E,%UM NJU AP4041336 510119/641000/0041001410016 AUTSIORS Kostembe, V. 1. TITLIC: Nghgsagitiwity jewperaftre regulator sOURCz: rroer"treyodye, ". 6# 1964* 14-16 TOPIC TAGS: regulators temperature regulator, high sensitivity ten*srature regulator, crystal growing ABSTRACT: The sensitivity of existing AM-carrier temperature regulator* is inadequate for precise temperature control in large-mine furnaces. A phase- modulation (PM) temperature regulator is suggested whose principle of operation ensures: (1) Upon a deviation of the controlled temperature, the controlling- voltage phase varies gradually and (Z) With any value of the controlled tempera- ture, the value of the control voltage remain* constant.' The regulator sensitivity is determined by the phase transfer factor of tbA measuring scheme and is CWd _111 W-01 I _1811N1F ~111_ ACCUSION MR: AP4041339 independent of the control voltage or the amplifier gain. A static continams pU experimental model ad a ten"rature regulator is described which consists of a phase modUl&t0we an 0=91ifter-linliter, a phase-spneitive element, OW a final control unito As conventional carrier-envelope correction methods are inapplicable to this r6gWAtOro the PU control volt&#* is once more phase. umdul&t*d by the voltage derived from a correction circuit. A madel with a 30-SOOC range was mood for coocolling the temperature oj & crygt&l.growing electriz furnace; it is reported that the temperature deviation wastO.O&SC St do' 300C point. "G. L. Siburyayev took part in building sad aligning the re gda"r. Orig- art. bas: 3 figures and it jerawl". ASSOCIATWK: SUB14TTZD: 00 ZNGL: 00 'BUD CODZ: 0,9, SO NO Rzr soy; oos OTMR: 001 Z/2 I D211INHE11M, A.B., KONOVALOVA, M.Ya.-, KOSTIENKO,~L.%, EMITIMOV, N.N. Study of organic. electrets. Part lit Hydrazides of aromatile sulforile acids. Zhur. ob. khim. M no.5~-831-833 My 165. (MJRA 18:6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchnc--~ssledovatellakly Anstitut, manokristallov, itsintul Ilya tvionnykh mate:-ialov I osobo chlatykh khImicheskikh veshchestvp qlar"kov. UR/0286/055/000/olo/004T/0047 R: AP5a16T35 621.113.07 AUTHOR: _1~ostenlko V. I. TITLE: High-sensitivity thermoregulator. Class 21, No. 171040 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarWkh znakov, no. 1-0, 1965, 47 7,7IC' TAOS: thermoregulator, bridge converter a voltage k:~-:~,',~'T: The propose,1 thermoregulator contains a bridge converter, "fier, a phase-sensitire rectifier, which ~,)ntrols the voltage choke, and a va, -orrective circuit. The first two arms of the converter consist 1 7-~- fl-rd P-nd ',)urth arms t:~ermameter and a variabIe n t ~1 " n _- a P a Ci~-~ r e a ce el,~-ainatc ellminate th- _-,mp,)ne.-)*' _r the Pr-duced by the c~Dnvertar, tl-~ of two diodes -,~i;_,h slF - the ircijit vt! feelba! ~-~ni 'cute of the amplifier. The a neki~' --ircuit which loops the power amplifier amd cor.':s.~ns a 1- mie Is applied from a separate potentiometer. iCard ASSOCIATIOIL: none SUBMI=D; 2imay62 ENCL; 00 ,NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 I i , B- C~l Card 21?__-- SUB CODE: EC ATD PIMS: 4044 .. F."up-I , i IM - , ~" 2 , '04 KOSTMOf V.i.2 inzli. ,31mr,je de7i" for the input of Fgnal c.~,rrowtion. Y~-Ib:rostroenle no.6-.23 -Te 10'5- (MIRA 18:7) MPEYNOV!KIY, V.M.;,KOSTEM V-K- .L__ Drying mechanism for sunflower seeds rich in oil. Izv.vys.uchob. zav.; pishch. tekh. no.6:66-72 161. (MIRA 1512) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti., kafedra tekhnologii zhirov. (Sunflower neog-Drying) KOPEYKOVSKIY, V.M.D kand.tekhn.nauk; KOSTENKO, V.K., inzh. Changes occuring in the acid mimber of sunflower seed oils from high oil content spocies in connection with drying. Masl.-zhir. porom. 28 no.3sl2-17 Hr 262. (KM 15:4) I 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchavoy proEphlennosti. (Sunflower seed oil-Testing) KOFMOVSKIY, V.M.-, Icand.- takhn.. nauk; KOSTENKO, V.K., inzh. Effect,of.the.Iflov.rate-af"the.heat ca=ier on the rate of drying of slinflower ss~dIs,,.' Meal.-zhir. proin. 28 no.10t 13t..16 0 -1,62., (WRA 16:12) 2. 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchavoy pronyahlennosti. KOPEYKOVSCIY, V.M.; KOSTWQ,_Y-.x., Effect of the vitality of the sunflower seeds with high oil content on their keeping quality in storage. Izv.vys.vcheb.zav. *pishch.tekh. no.5:14-18 163. MRA 16:32) 1. Krasnodarskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, kafedra tekhnologii zhirov. SWdying the dryink p~~sii high-oil o6nteA'VjsuqfIOW.--'.qO6dA pinder induatrial condhions.1kal.-2hir. prom Ag .1 62. (MM 17s2) 1. Krasnoda~akiy institutleptlMdhevoy promyshlaninosti., KOSTENKOI V.K.; KOFEYKCVSKIY,, V*M. St the stepped eystem for drying Bunflower seeds, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekho no.6:14-15 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Kraanodarskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, katedra tekbno- logii zhirov. KOPEYKOVSKIYO VA, kand.tekhn.nauk,; KOSTEMKO, V.K., kand.tekhn.nauk Changes in the acid number of oil and losses of dry matter during the drying of sunflower seeds with high oil content. Masl.-zhir.prom. 29 no.9t7-13 3 163. (MM 16:10) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut poshchevoy promyshlennosti. KOPEIKOVSKIY, V.M.,- 1CMITIMM, 34K. Modification of protein substances of higb-oil sunflower seeds under different drying conditions. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch. takh. no.301-54 062. (MIU 15:7) 19 Krasnodarskiy institut pishchavoy pronyablennosti., kafedra takhnologii zhirov. (Sunflover seed-Drying) (Proteins) KOPEYKOVSKIY, VA; KOSTEKKO, V.K. Effect of the conditions of the thermal drying of sunflower oilseeds on the oil quality. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.4:72-76 162. (MRA 15:11) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti, kafedra takhnologii zhirov. (Sunflower seed oil-Testing) KOSTENKO., V.L., inzh. I Colorimetric methods of determdning the amount of phosphor-containing substances in oil. Mul.Lshir.prom, 28 no,11:9-12 N 162, (HIRA 15 -.12) 1. Krasnodarokiy institut piohchevoy promyohlemosti. (Oils and fats-Analysio) KOSTENKOP V. K. Effect of the thickness of ttm blown lAyer on the drying rate of high oil content omflower seedes Izvo v1s, uchebe zavej: pishch. tekh. no.5:68-72 162. (MI4 15.-10) 1. Kraonodarskiy inatitut pishchavoy promyshlennosti, kafedra, takhnologii shlrov. (sunflover seed-Drfing) RUSTMOP V. K.; KOPEYK(YVSKIY, V. 9. Iffoct. of thermal drying on the modification of the pbyaio- logical and biacbesical-charseterisitics of high oil content mmf1mmr,Zedm,,1sv'.. vys. uebeb. 2av.; pishch. tekh. no.5: 103-108 0 (MIRA 15:10) 1. Krasnodarskly institut pisbobevoy promyshlonnosti, kafedre. t*Wmlogii shirove (Sunflower seed-ah7ing) KOPEYKOVSKIY, V.M.; KOSTENKOA.YOKO Effect of the conditions of thermal drying on the mold microflora of sunflower seeds. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.,- pishch. tekh. no.2: 26-28 163j. Oun 16:5) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologii zhirov. , (Sunflower seedi-Drying) (Molds (Botany)) KOPEYKGVSKI1 9 V . M. ~ -~, 0, V'? Changes occurring in some biochemical properties of Idt, oil-content s).nflower seeds during var-1-us methods -f' gh thermal drying. Biokhim. zer. i khlebopech. no.7~2333- 2" 164. (MIRA 17,,9) 1. Krasnodarsk--'y Institut p1shchavoy prorr yshlonnos" KCSTENKO, VO Mo. akusherka (aelo Blagoveohohenskoye Zaporozhokoy Gynecological massage of the uterus. Felld. i akush. 27 no.5: 4&49 My 162. (MIRA .15:7) (UTERUS) (MASSAGE) KOSTIMO, Vladimir Pliyovktavich, korabelInyy inzhener; RAXOFSrrY,L.I.0 ~?Vwl -f Cff.A.L. tekhnicheakiy redaktor (On board the *Orel" at Tsushima; recollections of a participant in the Faxaso-Japonese war at sea during 1904-19051 Na "Orls" v Toustme; vosposinaniia uchastnika. ruesko-iaponskoi voiny us more v 1904-1905 g.g. Leningrod. Gon.solusuos isd-vo audoetroltellnot promyshl.. 1955. 542 p. (MRA 9 -. 1) (Tsushima, Battle of, 1905) A Fact f J!! 'v: :41 :18 0t# 5001, ARRANGEWNT OF FURNACH FOR ffFICIM COMBUIMON OF' BLAM FVRNACE GAS. Kos.~S". Ya. D. (Za Ekon. Topliva (Fuel Econ.) 1950, (2), An account of the complete reconstruction of a boiler installation utilizing blast furnace gas and coke screenings. (L). 81 L A Mill lid. 004011 intom) "it Do- cat ailail 4w .3-V all U16 ato III; IF It J na UI$ t a 00 000000000641000000049ooooeeoeof-0*06060000 a ooooooeoo*oooooo*ooo00**O*oO*O*Oeo*OOOOOOO o ;so Coo KOSTMEO, Ta.D., inchener. Louverod fly ash collectors. Alek.sta. 25 no.7:12-17 Jl 154. (Ash disposal) (HLRL 7:8) 40 It _X e UMIN, A,V., inzh., rcLSenzent; IMAKOVSKY, - - -F. ; 8-~ G.1M., inzh., red.; topevation of piston compressors] Ekspluatatsila porsh- nevykh kompressorov. MoE-.Yva, lzd-vo lq-ashinootroenie," 1964. 105 P. (MIR.,', 17:6) DEGTYARI, A,K,; KOSTENKO, Ye.S. Parenteral forms of epidemic hepatitis. Zhur. mikrobiol.; epid. i immun. 41 no.6:11336 Je 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Poltavskaya oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya i Semenovskaya rayonnays, bollnitsa. KOSTENKO, Yu.G., aspirant Adenomatosis in sheep. Veterinariia 41 no.11:34-36 N 064. (MM 180-1) 1. Moskovskiy telthnologicheskly institut noaBnoy i molochnoy pronVahlennosti. FURTSEV, Mikbail Yegorovich; KOSTENKO, Tu.I., red. [Laboratory work on electric drive systems in mines]Labo- ratornye raboty po rudnichnomu elektroprivodu evt Izd- vo Kievskogo univ.y 1965. 109 p. (MIRAK1'6:9) FYASKOVSKIY, Dmitriy Vladimirovich; YAKOVKRI, A.A., retsenzent; PLUZIUIIKOV, V.D., dots., retserizent; ., red. [Course of spherical attronomq] Kure sfericheskoi astronomii. Kiev, Izd-vo Kievskogo univ., 1964. 135 P. (MIRA 1715) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSII(for Yakovkin). MARTYNENKO, Vladimir Semenovich; MOSEYENKOV, B.I., dots., retsenzent; TIMESHCMIKO, 11.1.1 dots., retsenzent; KOSTENKO, YU.I., red. (operational calculus] Operats'lonnoe ischislenle. Kiev, Izd-vo Kievskogo univ.j, 1965. 184 P. (MIRA 18:3) VLASOVAJ K.N.; ANTROPOVA, A.N.; IMATKOV,"MY, AIN.; MST -1,11KO) ! 1- ". ; 1. ? VASLAVSKIY, N.H.; SAMIC11VALW, A.V.; SOY110,111, F.7.; NT-.CITFMV, V.A. [deceased) Rapid polymerization of caprolactam. Plast. massy no.8:18-19 164. 17:12) ZASLAVSKIY, N.N. [Zaslavstkyi, N.M.]; KOSTFNKOt YU!IN ; KPIKUNOV, N.I. [Krykunov, M.I.]; NIKHALICHENKT,--n-r.-t;Fk-hallchenko, H.S.]; YAZON M.G. [IAzon M.H.] Use of furan plastics in the manufacture of continuous neutral- ization apparatus. Xhim, prom. no.4:31 O-D 164. (MIRA 180) Tj 55867..65-, --a! -ACCESSIUS-HR: AR51 499 65/000/00-0/S063/SO63 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kbimiya. Abe. SS35S AUTHOR: Kostenko, Yu~, N.~_ TITLE: High-molecular polycaproamide, a valuable material in machine I CITED SOURCE: Sb. tr. Kafedry fiz. Luganshy mashinostroit. in-t, v. 4, 1964, 16-21 TOPIC TAGS: polyeaproamide, caprolactam polymerization, machine part, alkaline polymerization, poly-mer crystal linity / capron TRMSLATION- A description is gLven Gf the alkaline polymerization of,,copralac. tam and of the chief advantages of such a capro over ordinary c1pron qn the -manufacture of parts used in machine building. It is shown that alkaline poly- merization produces a polymer of higher molecular weight with a tower Mnomer c,-ntent 1'6.9% instead of 10.12%), having a high degree of crystallinity that Is uniform throughout its mass. Tho process is accelerated by a factor of 5 to 6', and the cost of the mold is cut 10 ta 50-fold. The method makes it posaLble Card 112 0, U-_21M L 55867--65 ACCESSION NR: AEL5014992 to obtain articles of unlimited size without internal stresses. The chief charazteristics of the high-molecular-weight polycaproamide are given. T. Sheyn. -SUB CODE: MT, OC FINCL., 00 MASOVSKIY, Yevgcniy Fetrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SWLMNALEMKO, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich) kand. tekhn. nauk; KOSTEI;KO, Yu,!.V.., retsenzent; POLYANSKIY, N.A.) inzh., red. [Automatic control of asynchronous motors] Avtomaticheskoe upravlenie asinkhronnymi dvigateliami. Kiev, "Tekhnika 11 1964. 170 p. ~IIIRA 17-.71 '-~Wn~t Z ~.A. Significance of meteorological factors in hypertension under the conditions of St&linabad. Zdrav. Tadzh. 7 nos 3:29-32 My-Je 160* (MIRA, 14:4) 1. 1z kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - dotsent Kh.Kh. Mansuraw) Stalinabadekogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Abuali ibni Sina, (STALINABAD-WEATHER-41ENTAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS) (HYPERTENSION) KOSTENKO, Z. VO KOSTERO, Z. V.: "The Elimination of Psychic DisoMers Following Serious Forms of Typhus." Acad Med Sci USSR. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Medical Science) So2 Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 19, 1956. 1. KOSTENKOV, V. I.~ TAKOVLEV, YE. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Marine Engineers 7. P. D. Kuziminskii, scientist, engineer and innovator. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd, tekh. nauk no. 2, 152, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, januar,,r .1953. Unclassified. FKYGINI Ya.G.., doktor ekon. nmik; YANITSKIYp N.F., doktor geogr. nauk; ZNMIAISKIY, M.M.., doktor geogr. nauk; AI&TIYEV, M.P., doktor ekon. nauk~-~~JXOV-r-V-.K.-y-kand.ekon. nauk; BUYANOVSKIY, M.S., kand. geogr. nauk; SHISHKIN, N.I., doktor geogr. nauk; MOSKVIN, D.D.; kand.ekon. nEuk;.GURARI., Ye.L., kand.ekon.nauk; VETROV, A.S., kand.geogr. nauk; LISETSKAYA, A.P., red.~ PONMULVA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Methodological problems of economic geograplW] Metodo- logicheskie voprosy ekonomicheskoi geografii. Moskva, Eko- nomizdat, 1962. Z78 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR i Institut ekono- miki Akademii nauk SM (for Feygin). 2. Institut geografii Akademii nauk SSSR (for Yanitsklyj, Zhirmunskiy; Buyanovskiy). 3. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialisticheskoy sistemy Akademli nauk SSSR (for Alampiyev). 4. Gosudarstvennyy na- uchno-ekonomicheskly sovet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for Kostennikov ). 5. Naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut truda Gosudarstvennogo komiteta SoN-ata Ministrov SSSR (for Shishkin). 6. Institut ekonomiki Akademii nauk SSSR (for Moskvin). 7. Oren- burgskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (for Vetrov). (GeograpIV, Economic-4fethodology) XDSTWIZDV, Tasilly NIMmil6vich [31conomic regions of the U.S.S.R.] Ob skonoutcheskom ralonlroyanil SSSR. Moskva, Gospolltisdat, 1957. 61 p. (MIU 10: 5) (Russia-3conostic policy) KOSTMWIKOV, VASTLIT MTKMYLOVTCH Ekanomicheakiye Rayony SSSR. Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo Geogr. Lit-ry, 1958. 167 P. maps (1 fold) 20 cm. Bibliography: p. 163-166 IMILOV. A.D.; XMIN, G.I.; LINOV,,N*;-KISTANOV, T.; KCPMOV, N.; Jr(k4VZm'IKrJT- V-; MOSEMOVA. N.; LISOV, V,Te,, red.; KHCLIN~ I.A., red.; PONOKARWA, A.A., [Distribution of branches of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.) Razmeshchenie otreelei narodnogo khoslaistva SSBR. Pod red. A.D. Denilova i G.I.Nalthins. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1960. 331 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy ekonomicheekly institut. 2. Kafedra ekonomichaskoy geogrefii Noskovskogo gosudarstvannogo ekonoul- cheskogo Institute (for all, except Kholin, Ponomereve). (Geography. Iconomic)