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KOSTIN. M-I.. inshener. Use of earthnowlng mehinery In construction enterprises of the coal industry. Mokh.stroi. 11 no.5:13-16 My 154. (KLRA 7:5) (Parthmoving mchinery) SOKOWT, r.H.; YEVSTAYSYXV. 3.T.; ROSTOTSKIY, V.K.; GRECHIN. U.K.; STANKOVSKIY. A.P.; BAUMAN, V.A.; BXHKW, I.L.: BORODACLW. I.P.; BOYXO, A.G.; VAZMSKIY, I.I.; VATSSLAVSKAYA, L.Ta.; VOLIFSON, A.T.; DOMBROVSKIY, N.G.; YNGNUS, H.Ta.; YHYMMKICO, V.P.; ZIHIN, P.A.;. IVANOV, V.A.; KOZWTSKIY. A.A.- KOSTI& X.I.; KRlMN16M, M.N.; LMVA, H.S.; H3MINKOV, A,S.-..HIROPOLISKAYA, N.K.; PICTROV, G.D.; RXBROT. A.S.; ROGOVSKIY, L.T.; SHIRNOV. G.Ya.; SHAYWSKIY, V.N.; SHIKAIIOVICH, S.T.; SMMMM, V.A. Iftenii Richardovich Peters; obituary; Hekh. stroi. 15 no.1:3 of cover JE, 10. (MIR& 11:1) (Peters, Dwgenll Richardovich, 1892-1957) 14(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV12862 Kostin, Mikhail ivanovich,, and Stanislav Vladimirovich Shimanovich Ekskavatory; spravocbnik (Excavatoral Manual) 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Moscow., masbgiz.. 1959. 523 P. 16,000 copies printed. Reviewer: A,M, Verzhitskiy., Engineer; Ed.: R.M. Korableva, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: k.F.' Uvarova; Managing Ed. for Literature on General Technical and Transport Machinery Construction: V.I. Kubarev., Engineer. PURPOSE: This manual is intended for construction workers,.workers in repair and maintenance shops,, tractor mechasics, and excavating-machinery operators, It may also be useful to students of courses and schools which train con- struction workers and machine operators. COVEILAGE: -The book contains a brief description of the mechanical characteristics - of Soviet excavating machinery,, Types of wheeled and crawler-tread tractors and self-propelled machinery are listed. The equipment Is listed according to bucket capacity, Excavating machines are divided into the folloiring categories: machinery., trench-digging and land-improvement machineryj, and Card 116 Excavators; Manual SOV/2862 transverse-action and walking-type excavators. Performance data and cost estimates are presented. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Introduction 3 Single-bucket Construction Excavators Excavator., 1-153.9 for MTZ-2 **elarus'" wheel tractor. Bucket capacity, 0.15 cubic meters 9 Excavators .,E-252 and E-351, on crawler tracks. Bucket capacities, 0.25 and 0.35 cubic meters 14 Excavators., E-257 and E-352,, on crawler tracks, Bucket capacity., 0.25 cubic meters. ExcaVator, E-301( E-258 ). on wheels. Bucket capacity, 0.25 cubic meters 34 Excavator, E-353 (E-255), an wheels. Bucket capacity, 0.35 cubic meters 68 Excavators,, universal E-302., E-303., and E-304. Bucket capacity, 0.3 cubic meters 85 Excavators., E-504s E-505,, and E-505A. Bucket capacity, 0-5 cubic meters. Excavators.. E-651 and E-652. Bucket capacity., 0.65 cubic meters 101 Card 2/6 Excavators; Manual SOV/2862 Excavator,,'EVG-6, on crawler tracks. Bucket capacity, 6 cubic meters 264 Excavator,EGL-15, on crawler tracks, Bucket capacity, 15 cubic meters 2T6 WalIdng.Excavators Excavator 3.4 cubic meters ., ESh-l. Bucket capacity 2�~ Excavator,, ESh 4/40. Bucket capacityO 4 cubic meters 305 ExcavatorMh 4/40 M, Bucket capacity, 4 cubic meters 316 Excavator,Esh-6/6q. Bucket capacity, 6 cubic meters 320 Excavator, Esh-14/75.- Bucket capacity, 14 cubic meters 326 Excavator.. ESh-25/100. Bucket capacity, 25 cubic meters Experimental model ) 345 MUltibuckit Excavators With Transverse Action Excavator, EK-182 353 Excavator, ER-201 36o Excavator., EM-302 369 Trencbing Excavators., Chain-type Excavator, ET-la 385 Card V 6 Excavators; Manual SGV/2862 Excavator) M-1102 393 ExcavatorsEM-141 and EM -14 2 395 . Excavator, VW-251 410 Excavators., EM-351 and EM-352 420 Excavator, EM-353 437 Rotary Trench Excavators Excavators ER-2., ERA, ER-5.- and ER-6 451 Excavator7 ER-2 453 Excatstor,, ER-4 462 Excavator., ER-5 472 Excavator.0 ER-6 479 'Excavator,ETR-152 489 Appendix Work quotas for excavators 501 Indicative figures of costs for 8-hour operation of excavators 507 Work quotas for excavators 513 Reference material 516 Card 5/6 E05TIN, Mi?hail Ivinuvich and SHIMPUIOVIC1,11, S.V. Soviet Excavators; excerpts by M.I.Kostin and S.V.Sbimanovich. New York, Joint Publications Research Service, 1960- (31) P (JPRS: 3004) Trans. from the Original Thissian: Ekskavatory: Spravochnik, Moskva, 1050.- wK419r-rN.----- blau I Miti-al i IvRnr,-,-I(.h1 -, - III " of [Ln;.i 1,101';~.; 1-11 Lhu ~;()Vltl, Union. butjowL i bllrl Nlimszk 36 0 16/,. A I RFLTROI~ - Ye.N.; KCISTJN, M.T. Uranch mline conveyor lines as an objec of remote Control, Nauch. trudy KNIUI no.15W3-83 164. (MIR-A 1W) XOSTIN, Mikhail londratlyevich; AN=Y8T,,ff.A..; ANMYNT, K.A., red. ;--ZMWCTT7.-T.-,rid.; IGNATOYET. V.I., red.; VILICHINKO, B.D., red,; KIMSOVA, A.M., [Ruselarb-Chavesh dictionary of agricultural terms] Russko-chn- vashakil slovarl sel'skokhosiaistvenufth terminov. Cheboksary, Quvashgosisdat. 1959* 91 p. (KIRA 14:1) (Agriculture-Dictionaries) (Russian lanqiage-Pictionaries-Chuyanh) BERKMAN, Iosif Llvovich, inzh.; RANNEV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; REYSH), A.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; A90TIN, M.N.,; BEREZOVSKAYA,A.L.p ved, red*; PERSON, H.N., [Siz~gle-bucket construction excavators] Odnokovshme stroitelInye ekskavatory. Izd.3.1 parer, i dop. Moskva, Proftekhizdat,, 1964. 642 p. (MIRA 17t2) KCSTIN, 1. V. and APALEV., E. M. "Chlorophos Cor !arl)l,? fly control in reinf!~,cr breelinZ.11 Veterirariya, Vol 38 5 1961 Kort.- r,,. V. - Director of Karagin Reinklecrbrer-Ung Sovkhoz, Penzhina %lion) Kamc~latk~a~ Cblist' . GALKIN, Rostislav Nikolayevich, inzh.; SHMERLING Iosif Yefiwvich, inzh.,- KOSTIN, ketsenzent; GRIGORITEV, S.N., retsenaw"MORKIN, M.P., red.; LOBANOV, Te.M., red.izd-va; RIDNAYA, I.V., tekhn. red. (Automatic devices for beacons and buoys] Avtomaticheskie ustroisiva v sudokhodnoi obstanovke. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1963. 91 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Aids to navigation) (Automatic control) 85-58-4-17/36 AUTMRS: Kostin, N.., Captain~ and Grachav, Yu., Senior Lieutenant TITLE: For Young People-Life in the Military Air Forces (Ifolodezhi - o zhizni voye=o-vozdushnykh ail); Distant Airways (Na dallnilch marshratakh) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 4. py, 16-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors relate inAividual incidents inihe life and operatims of various air force unit@. Mte following personalities are shown in photo- graphs appearing on the instxt foUwing pW 1( maj 11). Ustyushin., Military Pilot lat clus, a bomber pilot; Capt A. Shlyapin, Navigator lst class; Pvt F. Po*m, radio gunner; Pvt V. Goncharenko, aerial gumer; V. Gordilovskiy, Military Pilot lot aWs;Sen ItrWaytoev, receiving his Party card from Lt Col I. Dombrovskiy; Sen Lt G. 10.,anetsov, navigator; Ben Lt M. BObOkha, Pilot; Sen Sgt I. Korobeynikov, radio gunno-Maj M. Rudenko, bomber pilot; Maj G. Dushanov, Navigator lot clasr ft ItL.b..Ayapin; Ben Lt V- Mazeyev, Navigator; Sea- Lt R. Bakirov, Navigator; 6en Tee V. Polukhin; Capt A. Kkilibaba, recently designated navigator 1st class and Party member; Capt Vasiliy Ivanovich Romanov, Hilitar:, Pilot lot class, with wife Yuliya IVan0VW and son Sasha. Other personalities mentioned include: Capt Pavel Fedorovich VWov, bolder of 3 Slavs Orders, vho ccmpleted 204 combat mis- SiOnS during the War and participated in the bcmbing of Berlin; Ursh=tsov, Card 1/2 For Young People-Life in the Military _U-t. Forces 85-58-4-17/36 Hero of the Soviet Union; maj Gatu&, bomber pilot; Capt Stolyarov, recently designated Navigator Ist class, and Maj Sayenko, cutstanding unit commuder. AVAILAKE! Library of Congress la Air Force U33R Card 2/2 KOSTIN, N.; KUZIN, A., tekbntk-stroitelf. Slag concrete foundations. Sell.stroi. 11 no.12:29 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Nachallnik Yurlovskogo rayonnogo otdela po stroltellstvu v kolkhozakh Tambovskoy oblasti. (For Ilostin) 2. Yurlovskly rayonrqy otdel po strottelletyu kolkhosakh Tambovskoy oblasti. (for luzin). (Slac concrete) KOSTIN, N.; KARPUKHIN, S. Valuable initiative. Don. i kred. 19 no.11:1+0-/+3 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Kursk Province-Collective farms-Accounting) (Kursk Province-Banks and banking) - KOSTIN, N.,-P-Olkovnik P~j4tical organizations inform the Communists on their vork. K6mm.Vooruzh.Sil 3 no.22:68-71 N 162. (MMA 15:12) 1, Nachallnik partiyno-organizatsionnogo otdela politicheskogo upravleniya Yuzhnoy gruppy voyak. (Russia--Army-Political aotivillt) SPTEM, V.P.; KOSTIII, N.A. - Static charge system of the series K electric locomotive. Elek. i tepl.tiaga no.7:37-40 JI 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Nachallnik depo Kavkazskaya Severo-Kavkazskoy dorogi (for Slitern). 2. Staroldy inzh. depb Kavkaukaya Severo-Kavkazskoy dorogi (for Kos- tin). (Eloctric loco-motives-Datteries) ZVYAGIVITSEVA, Klavdiya Mikhaylovna; KOSTIN, 14.A., retsenzent [Coal industry as a raw material base of the chemical industry] Ugoltnaia promyshlennost' kak syrtevaia baza khimicheskoi industrii. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 48 P. (MIRA 18:7) KOSTINY N.A.; SHTERN, V.P. Advantages of the high-voltage regulation of a.c.locomotives. Zhel.dor.transp. 45 no,10:69-70 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Starshiy inzh.depo Kavkazskaya Severo-Kavkazskoy dorogi, (for Kostin). 2. Nachallnik lokomotivnogo depo Kavkazskaya Severo-Kav- kazskoy dorogi (for Shtern). < 1U)STIN, IIIA., Anvable supT)r)rts itsed in British mines. Blul. tekhn.-alron. inform. no.809-91 158. (WRA 11:10) (Great Bril"nin-Minn timbering) /A -- - - --- L- ACC NRi ~-To& 67 - E~d'Tj Radchenko, Viktor Dan1lovich; Radionov,, Hikolay 1111ch; Kostin, Nikolay Aleksandrovicl -Protection df semiconductor rectifiers of electric rolling stock ~ (Za-ahthita poluproyodnikovykh vypryamiteley elektropodvizhnogo oostava) Moscow, Izd-vo "Transport", 65. OU4 p. illus., biblio., fold. diagr. 2,500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: railway equipment, railway rolling stock, locomotive engineering, electr6n1c equipment, semiconductor rectifier., electronic rectifier, electronic test equipmentl electvonic signal, electronic switch .PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book describes the design and structure of instruments used for the protec#on of semiconductor rectifiers of electric rolling stock of type Mk, Ep9, n6oK and VL80k and K. Operating and repair instructions are given based on their usage as they were tooted in train depo of Gorkiy and North Caucasus Idne. The book is intended for workers at train.. depos., which deal with the apemtion and-repaIr of electric rolling stock vith semiconductor rectifiers. TABLE OF CONZEMS (abridged): Frm authors --- 3 Ch. I. Basic network or electric rolling stock with Ch. II. Protective devices of electric rolling stock EP9 --- 35 Card ~12 UD semiconductor rectifiers --16 xr-vtifiers of type Ep7k and ACC NRi C) Ch. III. Protection of semiconductor rectigiero of eloctric rolUag sotcks of M7k and EP9 types with high speed conctactora --56 Ch. M Protective devices of semiconductor rectifiers of rolling stock type K -89 Ch. V. Protective devices of semiconductor rectifiers of rolling stock type W60k and VIBOk '-- 113 SUB CODE: r3,o?/SUB4 DATE: 25Feb65/ MM P"I 0091 KOSTIN, N.A. Improved ventilation In abield mining. Ugol' 33 no.12:16-19 D 158. (14IRA llt12) '(Mine ventilation) KOSTIN9 N. A. Cand Tee Scis Diss -- "Investigation and means of improving ventillation conditions as per the dust factor in mining stopes of steep seams". Moscow, 1961. 14 pp, 22 am (Min of Higher and Inter Spec Edue RSPSR. Moscow Mining Inst imeni I. V. Stalin), 200 copies, Not for sale (KL, No 9., 1961,, p182, No 24346). LT1-5231-V RADCHENKO, Viktor Danilovichy kand. tekhn. nauk; RADIONOV, Nikolay Iltich, inzh.,- KOSTIN, flikolay Aleksandrovich, inzh. ; KUCHKO, E. A. . .. ... - . [Protection of semiconductor rectifiers of electric roll- ling stock] Zashchita poluprovodnikovykh vypriamitelei elektropodvizhnogo sostava. Moskvap Transport, 1965. 114 P. (MIRA 18:3) VE21ERP R.A., red.; SPELLMISKAYA, G.V.., red.; AKOFOV, M.G., red.; KOSTII~,',N.A., red.; MIRONOVA, T.A., ved. red. (Preparation and complete utilization of fuel] Oboga- shchenie i kompleksnoe ispol*zovanie topliva. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 255 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Moscow. Institut goryuchikh iskopayenqkh. NM: A111017356 S/0126/64/017/002/0237/0242 AVV1J11,S: Talashkevich,, I. P.; Kostin, N. F.; Aleksandrov,, K. S. TITLE- Elastic properties of fiber textured cubic; metals SOURCE: Flzika metallov i metallbvedeniye,, v. 17, no, 2,, 1964" 237-242 .TOPIC TAGS: modulus of elasticity, shear modulus, polycrystalline materiali single. :crystal, elastic constant., Poisson coefficient, elastic, anisotropy :ABSTRACT: Expressions have been derived to determine the average value of Young's modulus E and the shear modulus G of isotropic polycrystalli material from the :elastic constants of fiber-toxtured cubic metals. In a single axis grain (compoied! ~of a cubic system) the various grain elastic constants are determined by means of i i the elastic constants sik of single crystals. These lead to the expressions for Ei and 2 2 ed-ol Card 1/3 I ACCESS ION XR: AP4017356 ~where a-d - dispersion Poi3son coefficieni and S I T 'Ii3 IThese are verified experimentally for 10-mm copper specimens-of type M1 and'XS# 'annealed at 600C for three hours and drawd through a the at room temperature down Ito 0.4-1.0 mm diameter. A qualitative analysis is made of the texture of the !copper specimens from the change in E and G moduli, based on the fact that in face- icentered cubic metals two 1e ures are created upon drawing the S-11151 ;specimen with -.00 0=entuatxitons. The ralationship between the sign of! f-U-17and f 00 Ithe elastic anisotropy and texture coefficient C 4 is given by :.?33* C'. ST44 S- C". .70 + 7 1 1where n4 - -0*64636. Orig." art. has: 8 f6MUla3j 1 table, and 1 figure F !ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki. SO AN SSSR (Institute of Physics SO AN SSSR) ;C d 2/3 AP4017356 ACCESSION NR: DATE ACQ: 1&ar64 ;SUBIiITTED: 27Xar63 SUB CODE: ME NO REF BOVS 008 C93,d 3/3 McLs 00 OTHERs KOSTIN., N.F..;-XUDINA, K.A. X-ray Xiffractlon analysis of alum inclusion ccmpounds. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.11:2575-2576 N 165. fiZ4 (NIRA 18s12) 1. Institut Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR i. Krasnoyarskiy inatitut tevetnykh matallov. Submitted Dec9mber 1. 1964- so-A-Is I., I .--~ KOSTIN N.F. - LUBENEIS., S.V.; AT A ) K.S * Selective etching of sodium chloride cMtals. Kristallograf iia 6 no.5:737-7" S-0 161. (KML 14:10) 1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya M SSSR. (Salt) (Crystallography) LUBENETS, S.V.; KOSTINk,_O,,Z.-,. Selective etching of potassium halides. Kristallograftia 7 no.2:328-330 Mr-Ap '62. (MIM 15:4) 1. Kras-poyarskiy institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Potassium halide crystals) (Etching) KOSTIN, N. M. Cand Tech Sci -- (di8s) "Study of the Hydrodynamics of the Process of the MINIX" Mixing of Suspensions by Flotation Mixtures." Len, 1957. 16 pp with graphs, 20 cm. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Len Order of Labor Red Banner Inst im, Lensovets Chair of Processes and Apparata), 100 copies M, 27-57, 107) 35 - I j S;a,,,l and a 'Fe --trloutb .-P-~ AUTHORS: Pavlushenko, I.S., Kostin, N.M. 32-24-4-60/67 TITLE: Construction of a Sample-Taking Device (Konstruktsiya probootborni W PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya. Laboratoriya., 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 4. pp. 501-502 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following device is reca=ended for taking samples of sus- pensions: Two rubber plates are fastened to a holding ring; they are re-enforced by two metal disks each which fit tightly into a cylinder in which they can be moved up and down, so that a sort of pumping affect is attained. The axis of the holding ring to which the plates are fastened, passes through aL sealed tube at the upper end of th+ylinder bottom, while the lower plate pro- trudes into the suspension so that in this way the sWce between the plates is filled with the suspension. After a short period (5-10 seconds) the space between the plates is closed by quickly moving down the cylinder and the device is taken out. The sus- pension located between the plates in the cylinder can then be taken out. Before using the sample-taking aevice calibration can Card 1/2 be carried out by measuring the interspace with water or by Construction of a Sample-Taking Device 32-24-4-60/67 weighing the device when full or empty respectively. It was found in practice that the error limit of this method of taking samples does not exceed 3% (relative). Laboratory mechanic I. V. Povarov assisted in working out the construction. There is I figare. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy tekbnologicheskiy institut im. Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) 1. ,solutions" cling 2. Solutions--Testing 6quipment, CaM 2/2 vN.Mi, kand.tekhn.nauk Highly qualified engineering personnel for the woodpulp, and paper industries. B=. prom. 36 no.8:4-6 Ag 161. (14IRA 32- 8) 1. Rektor Leningrad3kOgO takhnologicheakogo institute tseUrAomo-bumathnoy promyehlennosti. (Paper inftstry) (Woodpulp industry) KOSTIN N M kand.tekhn.nauk I New reinforcement of the engineer staff in the woodpulp and paper industry. Bum.prom. 37 no-9:29-30 S 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Rektor Leningradskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta tselWozno-bumazhnoy promyshlennosti. (Technical education) (Woodpalp industry) L FBD/EW(1)jEWP(i)/~WT 1) C(k)-_2APF(n)-2 /EWP(k)/9WA.(z)-2LEY~(h !E _/~~ _ACC NR, AP6001660 FTcW, -scTB /IJP(a) SOURCE- CODE: - UR/0,351/65/019/006/0982/0984 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Ye. B.: Bonch-Hruy~vich, 'A. M. Kostin N.; A. none TITLE: Stimulated Raman scattering-in a selective resonator SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 6, 1965, 982-984 TOPIC TAGS: laser, Raman scattering, stimulated emission, laser cavity, Raman .laser ABSTRACT: The stimulated Raman scatterina was investigated at an excitation power just above the threshold using the following three different sebips: 1) a Raman cell In the resonator of a laser; 2) a lon;itudina.1 selective resonator (the term used by the authors for the case when the Raman laser r Pator is in the direction of the ruby laser resonator); Erd 3)a transverse selecti%q ,, sonator (the term used for the case when the/Raman laser resonator is'rotated 90* from the direction of the axis of the rubyl%-Iaser, i.e., a 90' off-axis Raman laser resonator). In the first setup the gi-ant pulses were produced by a ruby crystal. Using two variable-trans- mission-coefficient filters (transmission coefficient 30-50% at A - 694 mu) the effective intensity.of the 30-300 nsec-duration pulses in the resonator reached 100 Mwt/CM2. The maximum energy per pulse was 3-4 J. Two dielectric mirrors with a transmission coefficient of 0.4% at A - 694 mv, 0.8% at A 745 mp (the fundamental L 10789-66 ACC NR: AP6001660 SRS line in benzene), 40% at A 805 mv (first harmonic) and 70% at A 875 m (second harmonic) were used in the experiments. The SRS in benzene had thresholds for a specified length of the Raman cell (1) and the laser input power. No SRS was observed at I < 2; however, SRS was stable for 5 < 1 < 60 cm. The threshold power decreased almost linearly with increasing 1. At 1 - 60 cm the efficiency of energy conversion reached 10% of the power in the cavity. It was observedthat an increase in the energy of the pulses from the ruby 1.5-2 times above the threshold resulted in a three-order increase in SRS, In the longitudinal selective setup the additional reflector between the ruby rod and the Raman cell had a trans- mission coefficient of 90% at A - 694 mv, 10% at A - 745 v, and 1% at A - 805 and 875 mV. In this mode of operation the efficiency of energy conversion was at least as'high as that in the previous case. Two higher harmonics at A = 745 and 805 mil which reached saturation at ,,10% of the input power were observed. Results similar, to those of the longiulinaLsetup: Fere achieved Wilh a transverse selective setup. HO"Mver, SRS was achieved in a Raman cell the length of which along the laser beam was only 1 cm. Stimulated Brillouin scattering in benzene was also observed in this setup. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (CS) SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 15Apr65/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRESS: //1/49W Card 7/21 W - i SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/003/002/0065/OOE3i J;~ACC NR- AP70076811 AUTHORt Aleksandt9vp Ye. B.; Bonch-Bryovich, A. M.;~Kostins No; Khodovoys V.-A. -ORG: State IfOrde of Lenin" Institute of Optics im. So I. Vavilov (Gosudarstvennyy A' 6~dena Lenina Opt che8kiy institut) TITLE-. Frequency shift of optical transition in the,field of a light wave '10. - SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentalln6y i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Fistma v redaktsiyu, v. 3, no. 2, 1966, 85-84 TOPIC TAGS: optic transition,-ruby' lasers photomultiplier, optic filter, resonance ,line, laser pulsations magnetic field intensity, light absorption/FS-7 filter, KS-19 ibleaching filter ABSTRACT., The authors experimentally investigated the frequency shift of the optical resonant transitiqn 4S1 2 - 4P]./2 J/2 of potassium (principal doublet). It can be be~, shown that the frequency shift of this transition is connected principallyl ,wiWvirtual tranqition induced by the laser pulse from the gr ound level (01/2 A 4pl~,20A) and the excited level UP3/2 - 6S,(,,2). The first pair of transitions is sti lsitfficiently far from the resonances (t e transition wavelengths are 7665 and 7699 A. that of the laser is 6943 1). The 4P3/? - 6S1/2 transition is much closer to resonance VL = '16939 A). In spite of thisy iLll these transitions make comparable contributions to the sought frequency shift of the investigated transitions owing -to the difference in the oscillator strengths. It is important that the ground and UDC: none LC_R_r4_J ACC NRt AP7007681 excited levels are shifted here by the ruby-laser light in opposite directions. In the- experiment Ught from potassium lamp 1 was passed through vessel 2 with potassium vapor saturated at 100*C (see the figure). At the selected temperature, the vapor absorbed about 80% of the lamp's resonant radiation. Transmission of light by vessel 2 was expected to increase during the action of the pulse from laser 3, provided the resultant transition frequency shift is commensurate with the line width of the lamp ~radiation (it was assumed that this line was broader than the absorption line of I the vapor). The transmission of the resonant light was recorded with a hotomultip4er whose output was fed to a pulsed oscilloscope (4 glass filters~. tanult. 40ult Ir I r 214 ACC,NR: AP7007681, The scattered las r light in the registration channel*was reliably cut out with FS-7 filters. Prelimilary experiments have shownp ~howevero that the laser pulse is accompanied by scittered radiation with spectral components lying in the region of the registered po;assiwn line. The authors used a special method of filtering the rresonant line witi the aid of the Faraday effect to'combat the mechanism of radiation ~j occurrence Afte~ passing through vessel 2, the light beam of the potassium lamp was made to pass through an,auxiliary cuvette 6 filled with potassium vapor and placed between crossed polaroids 5. A local magnetic field of approximately 2 kOe was 'applied to cuvettr' 6. The magnetic field produced, besides splitting of the absorp- tion 'Line, strongiradiation of the plane of polarization of the light, but only in.' the nearest viciAty of optical resonance. By magnetic field intensity selection, the system was ma0e to transmit almost all the resonant line, and to absorb the extraneous light.l. The entire apparatus behaves like a high-transmission optical -filter with a bandwidth on the,order of 0.1 cm- - Under the conditions describedj, 'a'distinct signal was recorded, evidencing a decrease in the absorption of the resonant light by. the potassium atoms in vessel 2 during the time of action of the 'laser pulse .(20 n0c); the laser operated in the monopulse mode by using bleaching filters KS-19. Tb verify that the change in the light absorption was not connected vi~un some exper3line'ntal, errors the authors checked: (1) that the signal vanished when.the pot~kssiuift light was turned of tas-,! If (2) that the signal vanished when the po sium vapor was frozen out in vessel 2 (with the illumination on the photomultiplier .maintained at the previous level); and (3) that the signal vanished when the operating mode of lamp 1 wa rced so as to broaden the emission line (the broadening was confirmed by the Pba'Oervationo). The minim= laser radiation power density. at which Card 3A_ ACC NRt AP70076EIl the bleaching A 1 wa produced was -10 Nd/cm2, corresponding to an electric field g tk.~ght intensity (in Of 105 Vem. The half-width of the spectral emission line A is estimated at - x 10 cps, so.that the observed shift was of the same order. The authors thank P.A. Godina for providing the high grade polaroids. Orig. art. has: 1'formula ar4l 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20 fM DATE: 30UO-#65 ORIG IIW 1 001 OTH REF: 003 card IA L '10242-66 FED/EWT(l) V1P(k)ja'JA /EV1P(eVEV1TW/EEC(k)-2 T E ACC N% Ap6oooiw MOM SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/0119/005/lh35/1444 5 '; 0 e . _ - ~/ 11. AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Ye. B.; Boncb-Bru K yevich 't~. ostinit. 11. Khodovoy, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering in selective resonators SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 5,1965, 1435-1444. 1 t \tilt TOPIC TAGS: laser, second harmonic nonlinear, optics, Raman scattering, Brillouin scattering, A"411~144~ ABSTRACT: The stimulated Raman scattering was investigated at an excitation power just above the threshold using the following three different setups: 1) a Raman cell in the resonator of a laser; 2) a longitudi al s ive resonator [the term used by the. tgrs fd,,-.the case when the Raman donator is in the direction of the rubXJ1u6Ve' .reaon'itorl; and 3) a.traneverse selective resonator (the- .term used; for the case vhen the Raman laser resonator is rotated 900 from the direction of the axis of the ruby laser, i.e., -a 900 off-axis Raman laser resonator) (see Fig. 1). In the first setup (Fig. la) the giant pulses were produced by a ruby crystal 10'to 12 cm long and 12-16 mm in diameter. With two variable-tranamission-coefficient filters (transmission coefficient 10-80% at A = 6943 X) the effective intensity of 1/4 L 10242-66 ACC NRt AP6oOOl9T L 7 00-00' 000 ~0000 0000: ~jI b. 0000 10. 0000, J 2/4 Fig. 1. The-experimental setup a - SES in the ruby laser resonator; b - SRS in the longitudinal selec- tive resonator; c - SRS in the trans verse selective resonator L - resonator length for scattered radiation; 1 - length of the "ac- tive".path for the scattered radia- tion in the resonator; 0 - mirrors; r -'coefficient of reflection; F - viriable coefficient of aboorp- tion filters. L 10242-66 ACC NRs AP600019T the 20-200 nsec-duration pulses in the resonator reached 100 Hwt/CM21. The maximum energy per pulse was 5-6 J. Two dielectric mirrors 01 and 02 with a transmission coefficient of 0.4% at A 694 mu, 0.8% at X = 745 mv (the fundamental SRS line in benzene), and 40% at A = 805 mv (the first harmonic) were used in the experiments. The sensitivity of the detectors was sufficient to register 10-4 of the energy of the laser pulse. The setup shown in Fig. la was used to investigate SRS in benzene. It was observed that an increase in the energy of the pulses from the ruby laser 1.5-2 times above the threshold resulted in a three-order increase in SRS at the funda- mental frequency. Saturation was reached when the intensity of SRS was about 1o% or the energy Input, at which time the second harmonic whose energy output quickly reached the level of SRS at the fundamental frequency (at saturation), appeared. When the second harmonic reached saturation the duration and the intensity of the laser pulses decreased sharply due to the reverse effect of SRS on the ruby laser pulses. When the length of the Raman cell (1) was increased, the threshold power and the pulse energy required to achieve SRS decreased. Also, the larger the cell, the smaller the energy above the threshold at which second harmonics were generated. The SRS was stable when I was between 5 and 60 cm. In the longitudinal selective setup (Fig. lb) reflector 02 replaced 04 and the transmission coefficient Of 03 was very high at A = 694 mp and a minimum at A = 7h5 mo. The gain of SRS at 1 = 5, 20, and 60 cm was at least as high as In the previous case, although the pump power and the pulse energy required were considerably smaller. For example, when the output of a ruby laser pulse of 30 nsec duration was 40 Mv (1 = 20 cm) three 10 Mw SRS pulses of 20 neec duration were observed in the Raman laser cell. Similar re- AV ACC NRs AP6000197 sults were obtained using the selectiviD transverse setup shown in Fig. 1c. The authors also observed stimulated'BriUouin scattering in benzene, carbon disulfide, and nitrobenzene (the angle of the exciting beam wa's 900). Use of the 900 off-axis Raman laser made it possible to obtaintatimulated B.rillouin scattering at lover pump power. Orig. art. hae! 5 figures and 1 table. (CS] SUB CODE: -?0/ SUBM DATE:. 15jun65/ ORIG REF: 003/ MR REF: 015/ ATD PRESS: it/4 W251a,- -1 -ODE: UWO386166T0_03T01V1 M~869 SOUiCE C, i~9 AUTHOR: Bonch-Bruyevich, A, M Kostinj N._ N,; Khodovoyy V, A. ORG: none TIT12: Resonant birefringence in the electric field of a light wave SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental4noy i teoieticheskay MAL Pistma v redaktalyu. Prilozheniye, v- 3., no. 11, 1966j,-425_429~ TOPIC TAGS: potassium, double refraction, laser application, resonance absorption,, light absorption ABSTRACT: The authors observed the occurrence of birefringence in potassium vapo Ir under the influence of the electric field of ruby laser emission by passing simul-. tanecyusly light from a portassium*,Iamp and from a ruby laser through a vessel con- taining saturated potassium vapor at 1500. At this temperature, the vapor absorbed approximate3zy 50% of the resonant light from the lamp. When the laser pulse was applied (20 nsec durat 'ion)) a clear-cut signal was observed) indicating an increase in the resonant radiation from the lamp passin6 through the vessel. At a laser emission power density of the order of 5 Nw/ce the amplitude of the signal corres- ponded to transmission of several times ten per cent of the intensity of the light from the lamp. The greatest signal was observed when the lw* radiation and laser emission electric fields were at a 45* angle. There was no signal when this angle was 0 or 90% There was likewise no signal when the potassium vapor in the vessel Card 1/2 277 ACC NRt AP6018698 was frozen out., when the Potassium lamp wad turned offj, or when the filters used to polarize the light were removed. The latterj, together with the dependence of the signal on the angle between the electric vectors,, proves that the observed.effect in due to birefringence induced by the laser pulse because the shift of the absorp- tion line in the laser-emission electric field has different values when the elee- tric vector of the light is parallel and perpendicular to the vector of the laser. The value of this line shift is calculated and the wavelength dependence of the laser emission intensity required to obtain a signal of prescribed magnitude is mead sured and found to be linear In the wavelength difference between the resonant transi- tion and the laser emission. This agrees with the theoretical calculations. The authors thank,V. M. Zakharava'and,?I. A. Voroblyeva of IGU for the opportunity to measure the I a - ine.contour with their apParaTu , and Ye. B. Aleknandrov for help and a discussion. Orig, artu bas'.- 3 figures and I for=aa. SUB CCDE. 20/ SUBM DATE: 28Mu,66/. ORIG REFi 0031 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 its 0 OA 4 a 11 ij it 14 ') it it is ~q 11 ua ;4 jt ..., ".,. Aa L , J; 1-1- -1- Vi 1--L_ A 1. q a I1-14 11 v XI. _-I PA 69 CA 0if 00 KOSTIrq, 00 (2-A of 94 C7 00 a 00 a 00 00 00 Z 00 90 j: 00 J! 00 00 00 4 4 It e 00 1]0 '00 _*9 -00 Rapid detend"tim of let In Itiattitt, 11. K,.tin. -00 it. 14. kyll4kov and P. K. Iucv. 40 11posm. S. S. S. N. U. No. 4. 1111(1940'. le-if Z"I.-The tuctliml PCUW~l I'T Wi4irr"u, 'o 9 C. A. J3,:MVJ) lot thcQuAlYsisof CV81,W-1,0c, 1! is reasinmended bw the detts. of fat in k-jitirf, 1hr trditit condenser d with I k i t l l i a% a actil n a t cqu e unip s p ppe thmish which a thread is pa%~l otily sit the liclCmisinK o( POO The Wing of the ether. The thrml is rvinuvrit After the i1 with the ,in,lcn%tte piss. I ill l is tins 4 th d . so v e ng atu en in$ throuth the condenser. The "boiling" tinic i-limitnt ' is 0 lie r~uk% 11 to If' min. and the "rivisina" time to Ot in ii. I agrev satislactorily with thime of The Soshil, 111CIII.W1, Q00 A. A. 11,v1stlitsitk &40 9 17 sib GO AS-11 L A61TALLURGKAL LITIMPATUMIC CLASUPKATIC^ 00 8 be it! got u&v so Up It it 0of 0 0 0 0 it 09 r0, e leii 0 00000000 food 0 000 ;AD* 00 too! too All IP40 i?XO 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 KMIDII, N. 1. Technology (General technology of leather; part 1). (Moskva), Gizleprom, 1951. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1955, Uncl. 1KC6 Tj ILI . P . US ne s Minin!~ IiAhods Bauxi to Jul h a "Rapid Cutting of Drifts at the North Ural Bauxite I-lines," B. I. Nifontov, IN. P. Kostin, N. A. Alekseyevs~dy, Engineers, 5 PP "Gor Zhur" NO 7 Refers to success in decreasing time required for rapid cutting of driftz. Rapid cutt]ng of 39 drifts wasmrried out in :1943-1947 at subject location. Describes cutting at various times, disclosing technical operations, speed, etc. Gives three tables with data on cuttimc, , operations. PA 33/49T82_ - ~Srf MOSIM, N P V/5 729.61 . N8 Obahchaya tekbnologiya koshi (General t0chnology of hides) Izd- 3, lop. i dop. Hookwal Gislagpron, 1951 - v. diagra., tables. Lib. has: v. I (1B 520559) KOSTIN. N.P., goi*7 inshener; GUSAROV. H.I., gornyy inshener; ALMUMMSKIT, gorn;y7 Inihener; STAMICHEM, A.P., gorrq7 Inshener. Drift mining at a speed of 302 meters per month. Gor,zhur no,9:12-15 S 156. illm,9:10) l.Severouralleklys bokeitonTe rudniki. (Ural Mountain region-Bauxite) (Xining engineering) KOSTIN, N.P.; MIKHAYLOV, A.L. retsensent; VOLKOV, V.A., retBenzent; ----~YANTOVSKAYA, P.A., red.; SMDLIYAJKOVA, M.V., tekhn. red. [General technology of leather] Obshchala tekhnologiia koshi. jsd.3., ispr. i dop. Moskya, Gislegprom, Pt.l. 1951. 334 P. (MIRA 160) (Imather) zl~ ROSTIN, N,P4,v e-gronom Mmure-soil composts and*crop, .'yieldB. Zemledelie 24 no.Us 72-76 N 162. (MM 16sl) 1. Oporno-pokazatellnoye khozymystvo "Belogorka"v Laningradakay obl. (Compost) KOSTIN, N. Diseases of the Circulatory System Dias ertation: "Recognit ion and Treatment of '~`hdarteristia Ubliterans and Tromboangiitia.11 Cand ked Sci,, Central Inst for the Advanced -Training of Physicians, 16 Uar 54. kVecher- naya. Moskva, 4 liar 54). SO: SUM 213,,,20 * 54 "On a Modified Method for Packing ITsnIK' Ampoules With Blood," by N. S. Kostin Lt Col of Medical Service, Candidate of Medi- 41-7' - - ~ Cal S-c iences, , No 10, Oct 56, p 7k The author describes a method used at the blood transfusion base of ble hospital for packing ampoules with blood, using plastic clamps and swially designed pliers. The technique of packing is simplified, and considerable time is saved. (U) KOSTIN. U.S.. kandidat maditainskikh nauk (Toroshilov-Ussuriyakiy) Iate results fron repairing defects of the tibia. Ortop.travm. L protos. 17 no.6:88 N-D 156. (KLRA 10:2) (TIBA-SURGUY) KOSTIN, N. S.. Icandidat meditainakikh nauk. Significance of general axaminations In the early diagnosis of mndarteritis obliterans. Sov. mad. 20 no.4:n5O Ap '50. MLRA 9:8) (MOARTERITIS OBLITEWS, diagnosis, complex technic (Rae)) KOSTIN. U.S. (Toroshiloy-Use) ~otenslv'e syndromes 21 no.1:51-52 Ja-F 057. (BRAIN--CONCUSSIONS) in broin concussions. Top neirokhir. iKLRA 10:3) (EV07INSION) XOSTIN, N.S., kandidat mditainskikh nauk Significance of the hydrophilis test in the diagnosis of andarteritis abliterans. Say.sed. 21 no.1:106-110 Ja '57- (KM 10:6) (ARMLOSCIUOSLS, (OLITIMMS, compl. water vietabe disord., diag., hydrophilia skin test) (VATAR. me tab. d1sorde, In arteriosclerosis obliterans, diag., hydrophills sklim test) KOSTIN, M.S., IRAVCHMO, M.S.. stnrohaya mod. sentra ,.,~~~Imorskljv kray) lit for determining human blood groups. Med.sestra 17 no.5127-28 vqI58 (MIRA lls6) (MICAL USTRUMIMS AND APPARATUS) (BIDOD GROUPS) GINZBURG, N.B*p podpolkovnik meditainskoy sluzbby; KOSTIN,--N.S,,-- podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhbyp kand.meditsinakikh nauk Diagnosis of hemorrhage into the pericardium in a closed injury of the thorax. Voen.--afed. zhur. no* 6:50-62 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (CHF.ST-'6'OUVDS AND INJMES) (HEMORRHAGE) KOSTINI IfeSep --------------------- Successful therapy for a patient vith postoperative thromboambollam. Khirurgiia 36 no.9t123-1U 8 160. (MIRA 13111) (SMOLISM) KOSTIN N S , (Lieutenant Colonel of the Mdical Service and Candidate of Yedical Sciences~ "Segmental Pulmonary Resection for a Gunshot Wound" Voyenno-Meditsinskiv Zhurnal, No. 12, December 1961, pp 62-73 KOSTIN, N.S.,, Compound treatment of endarteritis obliterans. Nov. khir. arkh. no.9t4l-45 S 161. (MIRA W10) (ARTERIES-DISFASES) NOSTIN) N. S., podpolkevnik maditoinakay slushbjr, kand. nod. nauk Segmntal ressation of the lung in gunshot wounds. Voen.-aed. shur. no.vtU D 161. (MM 1517) (LUNGS-SURGERT) (GUNSHOT WOUNDS) KOSTINt N.S.9 kand. med. nauk Evalwtion of arteriographic data in open fractures of the bones of the extramtties. Vestn. rent. i rad. 38 no-3:35-39 My-.Te 163. (MM 17:7) L V273-06 EPF(n)-2/EWT(m) WW/JD/JG ACC NRt AP6016873 SOURCE CODE: UR/018976-5/000/0031W45~1C AUTHOR#, Kostin, N. V.; Varginaj R. V. ORG: Department of Anal~tical ChemistEx. Moscow State University (KaNei analiticheskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta~ TITLE: 'Method of quantitative determination of thorium and scandium when present together SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. VestnSk. Seriya II. Xhimiya, no- 3, 1965, 45-46 TOPIC TAGS: thorium, scandium, chemical precipitation, aromatic carboxylio acidp fluorinated organic compound ABSTRACT: The authors investigated fluoro-derivatives of benzoic acid and found that m-fluorobenzoic acid precipitates thorium and scandium quantitatively from neutral and weakly acidic solutions of a salt mixture without reprecipitation and does not interfere with subsequent complexometric determination in the scandium filtrate. The reagents used included: 1) Th(SO4j2-8H2O, aqueous, 1.2-10~-N solution; 2) Sc2(S0.4)3-2H2O, 3.3 - 10-3M solution weakly acidic; 3) M + FC6H4C00H# O.M M aqueous solution; 4) Trilon B, 0.25 M aqueous solution. Orig. art. hass. 'I tables (JPRSI SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 14Dec64 OTH REF: 005 Card 1A C/ __.~WTLhj, - V=A-hA, R.V8 , Comz)lexome-tric determination of scandium in the presence of magnssium. Vest. Mosk. un, Ser, WhIm. 20 no.4,.78..79 n--qlg 165, (ww, 18:10) 1. Kafedra analiiicheskoy khimii Moskavskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. KOSTIN, N.V.; VARGINA, R.V. Quantitative determination P1 thorium and sa~andilm when pres5nt. together. Vest.Mcak.un.Sei 2.11Mm. 20 no.3:45-46 M7--;m 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. KOSTIN, N.V. Photometric method for determining small amounts of zinc in babbitts. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser. 2: Xhim. 15 no.1:49-53 160. . (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra analitichaskoy khimii Mos1rovskogo universiteta. (Babbitt metal) (Zinc-Analysis) KOSTIN, N.V.- PASHINKINy A*S. Colorimetric determination or small amounts of zinc in babbitts. Report No.2. Vest. Mosk. uh. Ser. 2: Khim. 16 no.1:64-66 la-F 161. - (MIRA W,4) 1. Aafedra analitichesko~ khimii Moskt)vokogo universiteta. (Zino--Analysis (Babbitt metal) SKOROBOGATOVA, N.V..;_KOSTIN, N.Ye.; SIDOR-PNKO, G.A.; STOLYAROVA, T.I. Thalanite from albites of Eastern Siberia. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no.1slOO-103 Mr '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo syrlya. Predstavleno akademikom D.I.Shcherbakovym. Hij NYti~; VULZHENKOVA, A.Ye, -affect of aricloging rocks on thp compoattirn of rarr---Par--~h mimralt- zation. Geol. rud. matorozh. 7 no.l,,95-1~8 Jn--'r' 105. (MIRA ISsO -L. Vseaoyiizriyy nauclinr.-,1.9.~il,~(lf,,vatt)11,5k.Ly tnntit-ut n7tmjr,allnogo s.~rtya, Moskva, EDSTIN, O.S., asaistent ~ .. . r ---1--1----- -- 31ti cholesterol content and changes in bile PH In children with anglocholacystitio. Pad., akush. I gin. 20 no.3:16-19 158. (NIPA 13:1) 1. Wedra gospitallnoy pediatrii (sav. - chlen-korrespondeut AX9 SSSM~ prof. O.K. Ihokhol) Kiyevskogo ordena Trudo-vogo Krasnogo Znament meditsinstogo instituta im. akad. A.A. Bogomol'tea (direktor - dots. I.P. Alakneyenko). (Cmmmm) (BILE) (GALL-BIJUMIR-DISEASIS) Catamiestic data on children with diseases of the biliary tract. Ped., akush. i gin. 22 no.5:23-25 160. (MMA 15:6) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy pediatril (zav. - chlen-korrespondent MiN SSSR prof. 0.M. Khokhol) Kiyevskogo ordena Trudovo o Krasnogo Znameni meditsinskogo instituta im. akad, Bogomoiltsa ~direktor - dotsent I.P. Alekseyenko [Aleksieienko, I.P.1). (DILIARY TRACT-DISELSES) Acassim Nn: AVio3o3go - 8/0021/6~/000/004/0462/0464 AMICH: lCoutin, 0. V. (ICcotin, A. V.) ITIME: On asymptotic aeries In the theory of noulln ar systams of cxft~U7 di=erential equations SaMCE: AN UlaSSR9 Dapovidi., no. 4, 1964, 461-464 AWMAM: The amllnear system dy, q, (1) + Pk (9) + PA46: ... 0.8 MY41. is considered. The coefficients of thia.systen can., in- a certain sense,, be ex- panCed into an asymptotic series of the type. .. Ifl-oft~0 a L5;c- ACCESSICK NR: AP4030390 It is sho;m that under certain conditims & fonal special solution of this system can be found. The conponents Of such & 601utica an &100 at the fc= of tba lwt mentioned series - The connection between the true wA the dA&jned famal solu- tion in discussed. Orig, wt, ban: 2 famu3m. ASSOCIATICK: Odes 11wey. darishawV*y u~i4erayO tot (Odessa State University) summm: ogklw63 DAMS ACQ: 30kpr& MML: 00 80 CODE t NA NO MW SOV: 002 Crd 2/2 AUTHOR: TITLE: .PERIODICAL: S/021/62/000/06/60VOO D25T/D308 Kostin, O.V. Asymptotic formulas for. the solutions of linear sys- tems of ordinar y dif f erential equations Ak d 8mi fi'auk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. Dopovidip no. 100 1962 j 12 .1-296, a Y�5 .-TELT: The author studies linear systems of the form M V L) dyi n n), _t Pik(t)yk (1) k=14 It is'assumed that t is real, t >,, T const; Pik(t) are bounded, in the general case complex functions, with continuous derivatives p (a) ik (ij* k = 19 a... no a 19 .... m); and the equatiou'det/pik(t)- Card 1/2 S/021/62/000/010/003/008 Asymptotic formulas for the ... D251/D308 _'t6k/ = Op.), where i 0'1~ is i Kronecker's symbol, has at least one root A 1(t) such that /,tl(t) - ;Lk(t a -;;, 0, a = const for all t > > T, k = 2t ... , n, where ;~k(t) is another root of the equation. By means of a riethod analog ous to that of S.F Feshchenko and L D . . . Nikolenko (MM, v. 13P no. 3, 109P 1961) and using a special matrix transformation, it is possible to.find asymptotic formulas for the fundamental solutions of (1) which correspond to the roots of the type ~ 1(t). ASSOCIATION: Odes kyy derzhavnyy universytet (Odessa State Univer- sity; PRESENTED: by Y.Z. Shtokalov Academician SUBMITTED: April 6, 1962 Card 2/2 KOSTIN, P. 4: Contribution of Kasakhotan to foreign trade. Vnesh. torg. 43. no.6:36-37 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Upolnomochennyy Ministerstva, vneshney torgovIi SS-SR pri Sovete Ministrov Kankhokoy SSR. (Kazakhotan,;-4omeres) EAGAN, S.Z.; TRUKRAHOVI KUDRYAVTSEV, Ye.N. Use of industrial rotary disk extractors for the two-stage - extraction of caprolactame. Khim. prom. no.2s94-101 F 164. (MIRA 170) HOST11-1 5~'t : 0 ~ttrst of the northern slope of the Skallstyy Range in the taba-Zelenohuka interfluve (Northern Caucasus). Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geols i razv. 8 no.9t42-46 S 165, (MIRA 18t9) 1. Stavropollskiy pedagogichoskiy institut, KAGAN, 3'.Z.; TRUKHANOV, V.G.1 KTIDRYAVTSFV, Ya.N. Extraction of caprolactam from sulfate liqtors in rotary disk extractors. Xhim. prom. 41 no.3tI84-186 Mr 165. (KRA 1817) LWR/Chemistr7 L Reagents Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 22/44 'Authors Levina, R. Ya., and Kostin, R. R. TiUe I Reaction of cyclopropans hydrocarbons with mercuric salts PerlodIcal Dok. AN SSSR. 97/60 1027-1030, Aug 21s 1954 Abstract The derivation of mercuri-organic compounds from l,lj2-tr1mb- thylcyclopropane during the reaotion of the latter with mercuric acetate, is described. The splitting of the three- membered'cycle.9 which takes place between the alkylated and non-alkylated carbon atoms, is explained. Tho mercuri-orgazdc compounds, described for the first time in this report, were found to be gamma-mercurated alcohol* and their ethers of crystalline structure ani bigh-melting point. Nine referencest 6-USSR; 2-USA and I-German (1911-1953). Table. Institution The H. V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow -Presented by: Academician A. N. Nesmeyanov, April 14, 1954, 1, KOSTIIT, S. 2, ussR (6oo) 4. Agricultural Machinery 7. Tdaks in mechanizing heavy work on state farms. Mias.Ind.SSSR 23-no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Acc-essions, LIbrary of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. r&a*Tw a Inshemer, Now agricultural machintry, Was.Iind, SM 28 no,3:45-0 05?, (AgrIcultuml mahlaory) (KrIA lOt6) KOSTINq S,A,, inzh.; KIRICHENKO, A.V., itzh. Design of a continuous-action filter press for dewatering coagulated middlings and flotation products. Nauch. trudy XuzNIIUgloobog. no.lt46-52 162. (MM 16s8) (Filter presses) ~9,STI.N, S.A., inzh.; KAZAKOV, A.T., inzh.; KIRICHENKO, D.I., inzh. Using polyacrylamide in laboratory and industrial studies on settling sludge and clarifying backwater at the Urov preparation plant. Nauch. trudy KuzNIlUgleobog. no.1:62-72 162. (MIRA 16:'8) (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal preparation) (Acrylamide) .KOSTIN, S.A inah.; KIRICHENKO,, A.V., inzh.; KAZAKOV-, A.T., inzh. Laboratory studies of using compressed air in dowatering coal middlings which have already been coagulated. Naruch. trudy XuzNIIUgleobog. no-IS33-45 162. (MIRA 160) (Filters and filtration) KOSTIN, S.A., inzh. [deceased] Method of studying the filtrability of coal slurry and determining the optimal parameteis of vacuum filter operating conditions. Nauch.trudy KuzNI.fUgleobog. no.2.'35-55 164. (MIRA 27:10) KCSTIN, S.A., iazh. Mechanism of dewatering sludge in a screw-type settling centrifuge (for discussion). Hauch. trudy KuzNIIUgleobog. no.1:52-62 162. (MIRA 16:8) (CentriCuges-Te sting) A, , r%L~:) 11ia19 "Procedure for Studying the Influence of Fore st-Protec ted Scientific Notes of Voronezh Porest-EcononV Institute, Vol (Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No 6 Nov/Dee 1947) Zones on Micro-climate," IX, 19h6 (18-23). SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 XOSTIN. Si'.RGI;Y IOSTFOVICH N15 623.4 .K8 Oenovy Meteorologil I Klimatologli (Foundations of Meteorology and ClInatology) Moskva, Gidrometeoizdat. 1949- V. Illus., Maps, Tables, Diagrs. Includes Bibllographies. Lib. Has: 1951 1955 TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 216 - I BOOK Call No.t QC86l.K64 r: KOSTj4,_6A_I., Doctor of Geographical Sciences Autho ROLOGY ANL CLIMATOLOGY (2nd Edition) Full Titl-e T-PA-INCIFUES OF ME Transliterated Title: Osnovy meteorologii i klimatologii (2-ye isdaniye) Publishing Data._ Originating Agencys None Publishing Houses Hydrometeorologioal Publishing House Was 1951 No. ppot 372 No..of copieat 8,600 Editorial Staff Editors None Tech. Ed.s None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None Text Data Coverages The book is divided in two partes the first on the fundamentals m6toorologS and the second on the tuhdamentals of climatology. It covers the usual description 6f the composition of the atzbopphere,, prqssure, aolar radiation, soil and air temperatures, water vapor, evaporation, condensation, precipitation and weather. In the climatological part, the climate, the distribution of climatic elements, climatic zones, and the climates of U&%t are defined. Atextbook primarily adapted to agriculture and the needs of soil 1/2 Osnovy meteorologii i klimatologli (2-ye isdanlye) AID 21~ - I conservation and forestation as measures to improve climatic con- ditions. A practical plan followed in the tayga in the Amur basin, which resulted in raising the soil temperatur. and the water supply,, i.9 given as an example. This is compared to the deforestation and erosion of the American prairies. The book is of a certain interest. in its description of the endeavors to change the nature of the soil, the results already attained, and in general the climates of the USSR, especially of the arctic regions. Purposet A textbook for students of aLzricultural colleges. Facilitiess None No. of Russian and Slavie'Referencest 33 (1931-1950) Aviilable: Library of Congress. 2/2 PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 485 - I BOOK Call No.: AF642509 Authors: KOSTIN. S. I. and POKROVSKAYA, T. V. Full Title: CLIMATOLOGY Transliterated Title: Klimatologlya PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: Hydrometeorological Publishing House (Gidrometeoizdat) Date: 1953 No. pp.: 427 No. of copies: 11,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Drozdov, 0. A., Dr. Geogr. Sci. TEXT DATA Coverage: This work deals with the systematic aspects of climatology, the processes of climate formation, the microclimatic conditions of natural landscapes, and with regional features as revealed in the world pattern of climates. It gives a brief description of climates in different parts of the world and a more detailed account of climates in the USSR (p. 194-254). Special attention is given to problems of climatic changes and to methods of climatological evaluation of ob- servations. The authors consider this work to be not only as a text- book but as useful also for scientific workers. The text is illus- trated by examples from the USSR. 1/7 .Klimatologiya AID 485 - I Part I (except paragraph 12 and 13) Is written by Prof. S. I. Kost1n, Dr. of Geogr. Sci.; Part II - by T. V. PokroV8kaya, Kand. of Geogr. Sci., Senior scientific worker at the Main Geophysical Observatory. Part II deals with methods of climatological evaluation used in the USSR. Therefore this "Coverage" gives a full translation (with sub- titles) of the Table of Contents of Part II and also of Ch. XIV of Part I, which describes the climates of the Soviet Union. In the rest, only the titles of chapters are translated. The book contains illustrations, maps, weather charts, tables, diagrams. Table of Contents Pages Foreword 3-4 PART I GENERAL CLIMATOLOGY. CLIMATES OF THE WORLD AND OF THE USSR Ch. I Introduction (par. 1-3) 5-15 Ch. II Climatic Radiation Factors (par. 4-12) 15- 2 Ch. III Climatic Circulation Factors (par. 13-16) 3M9 Ch. IV Effect of Land and Sea on Clima Marine and Continental Climates) (par. 17-1 %~ 49- 8 Ch. V Effect of Relief on Climate (par. 20-23) g 58- 7 Ch. VI Effect of Soil and Vegetation Covers on Climate (par. 24-30) 67-88 2/7