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KWT, C,.':.p t'),-.11n. -a-vit.; M.A., kall-1. L.Afirl. nauk; KOLOYAROV, ---, , Inzh.; MUGRUMS, Yu.V., inzh. Exporimental testing of the KL,2 belt conveyer. Nauch. soob. IGD 26:4j)-48 165. (:MA 18:9) KOST, G.N.j, kand. tekhne nauk Determining the maximum loads of the traction chain of inclined multi- drive apron and belt-ohain conveyers. Nauch. soob. IGD 26,62-70 165. (MIRA 18:9) KCST, G.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; DIYAKOV, V.A., inn',h. Experimental testing of the elasticity of rubber rope belts in a the field. Nauch, soob. !GD 26t7l-74 165. (MIRA 18:9) KOSTO K.; VARTAPETYAN,, B.S. Diminished zobi2ity of vater in a parti&121 dehydrated cell. Fiziol. rast. 12 no.39390-393 My-Je 165* (MIRA 18:10) 1. Natsionallmyy taentr agranemicheskikh issledovaniy, Versall, Prantsiyap i Institut fiziologii rasteniy imeni N.A. Timiryaww AN SSSR, Moskva. SHEVCHUKp B.G.1 KOSTI,,L.L. ------I-------- 878tsm CM2804 - B*SO4-ff2O at 2553 N 063a 35OCo Zhur.nborg.khim, 10 no*Ut2551- (MIRA 18s22) 1, Poltavoki]r inzhonerno-stroitellrqy institut, Kafedra khiaii. Submitted May 50 19640 SHEVCHUK, V.G.; ~OST',.-L.L. Equilibria in the system Cs SO - MgSO - H20 and (NH4)2SO4 - moo 4 -H20 at 31o.4 Zhur. Aeorg. khim 9 no.2: 432-436 F164. iMIRA 17:2) 1. Poltavokiy inzhenerno-stroiteltnyy institut, kafedra khimii. SHEVCHUKI V.G.; KOSTI.,.L.L. System L12SO4 - K2SO4 - MgSO4 - k0 at 350C. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 ne.5:1242-1245 Vq 164. (MIRA 1719) 1. Poltavakiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut. KOST, M.Y". I ~- - 'r --~ CQ;A Cho;-" "^ j ,don p;;P,`ej-Wt6* of cerium hydrides. Zhur, neorg. khim. 2 U0*22' 2689-2693 D 157. (Cerium hydrides) (MIU 11:2i A057- A/ 41UT':OR/ M'IK_11EYEVA V.I.,KOST MI.-Te. 20-1-VI54 TITLE Interaction of Cerium v Hydrogen. (0 vzaimodeystvii tseriya s vodoro*dom -Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady kkad.Nauk SSSR,1957, Vol 115, Ur 1,pp loo-lo2W.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT Metal cerium begins to absorb the hydrogen in which it is heated at 250-3000 C and forms a hydride of varying composition.I.I.Zhukov asked whether there existed a cerium hydride of a stoicIdDmetrio coxt- position CeH2- It was confirmed by calorimetrio iavestigations by K.Kialer. On that occasion a hydride Ceff2was further obtained. Au initial aetal for the present work cerium with a 00ZLtent of 2,9 Nd and Pr was used. The determination of the hidro6en oonnected with cerium was performed in parallel bf three methods3 1) according to the amount of hydrogen absorbed (piescure drop in the system) 2) according to the increase in weight of the cerium-metal sgmple and 3) according to the hydrogen volume which escapes on solution of the hydride in diluted HC1. In the hydration it Arao found that, in contrast to published data,the hydration of ceriua, after care- ful purification of the initial products, takes place at room tem- perature without previous heat-treatment of the sample.The composi- tion of the product developing on this occasion varies between CeU3 and CeH3.16. This oomposition is independent of hydrogen pressures The folloiwng conclusion may further be drawn from the results ob- tained. The curve of dependence of the hydride composition on tem- Card 1/2 perature, and the curves of hydration npoed confirm the formation KOST, M.Ye., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Synthesis and study of certain properties of rhydrides 4 ceriu it Mos, 1958, 1h p!) (Acad Sci USSR. Inst of Ueneral and Inorganic -hemistry im N.S. Kurnakov) 110 conies (KL, 50-58, 120) - 17 - On Ceric Hydrides. 78-2-2/43 CeH2 melts at 10800 C with the beginning of decomposition. The synthesis of oeric aluminum hydride takes place according to the following reaction: LiCeBr4 + 3 LiAlH4 ---# Ce(A'24)3 + 4 LiBr. The synthelis of cerio-aluminum hydride confirms the existence of CeH3 me a chemical compound. There are 9 figures, 1 table, and 26 references, 6 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTEDs February 27, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 0 5(2) SOV/78-4-7-4/44 AUTHORS: Kost, No Ye., Gollder, G. Ae TITLE: The Crystal Structure and Density of Cerium-Hydrides (Kristal- licheskaya atruktura i plotnostl gidridov tseriya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7, pp 1488-1490 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Cerium hydrides with a composition of from GeH 0*2 to CeH3 were investigated. The trihydride was produced in an apparatus de- scribed in an earlier paper (Ref 5)o The samples poor in hydrogen were obtained by heating and by sucking off the liberated hydrogene The composition of the hydrides was do- termined-by measuring the hydrogen liberated in a solution of hydrochloric acid* The Debye powder patterns were recorded by means of the camera RKD. The values of the lattice perioCz are given by table lo Up to the composition CeR 105 two cubical face-oentered lattices exist# which correspond to the metal Ce and to the dihydride* The sample CeR -97 shows a phase in the period 5955 L A further increase of the hydrogen content leads Card 1/2 to a reduction of the period to 5-53 1 at GeH 2-73' If the com- SOT/78-4-T-4/44 The Crystal Structure and Density of Cerium Hydrides position GeH 3 is approached, the lines widen, so that exact calculation of the lattice period is rendered difficult. Because of the great sensitivity of cerium hydrides to vestiges of water, density was determined in an apparatus (Fig 1), in which argon was.used as a pyknometric substance, and in which the volume of the sample was determined on the basis of a variation of pressure aooording-to the Boyle-Mariotte law. The density of the various hydrides is given by table 2. It decreases up to the compound CeH.j after which it rises somewhat up to CeH Y Figure 2 givos a graphical comparison of density variations with the X-ray pictures, the curve of which shows the presence of two phases (metallic cerium and GeH 2) up to the compound GeH2' The lines of the metallic Ce then vanish. The phase with the periods 5.645 - 5.612 Xv which was observed by M. C. Auphas- sorho (Refs 30) could not be found. There are 2 figureal 2 tables, and 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet, SUBMITTED: April 4, 1958 Card 2/2 ov I BA tu, I 1! 1Ll ~81 -H 4-5 V -3 3i al It Hall AUTHORS: Mikheyevaq V.I.,, KoLt' M-Ye. S/OT4/60/029/01/003/005 BO08/Boo6 TITLE: Hydrides of Rare-sarth Metals PERIODICAL: Uspekhi khiaii, 1960, Vol 29, Nr 1, PP 55-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is attempted to generalize the existing material on the hydrides of the rare earth metals. A general method for pre- paring rare earth hydrides is the direct reaction between metal and hydrogen (Refs 5-8). Lately, exchange reactions in nonaqueout and.aqueous kt*dia have t1so been appl&ed (Refs 9- 17). The synthetic of binary bororYl and AlRaLnui0hydrides of numeroun transition metal@ nay be regarded an proof for the existence of their monovalent hydrides (Refs 18-22). The reaction between 1&nthanum'Und hydrogen is described in Werenow 23-42. Of the lanthanides, the most easily accessible is cerium. Therefore, the hydrides of the latter were investigated in greatest detail, the chemical and physical properties of the rare-earth metal hydrides being obtained by studying the reaction between them and hydrogen (Refs 5,23-25,28,33,44-47). Increasing research in this field after 1950 yielded new data. Aar %# d 1/4 The kinetics of the hydrogenation of oerium'~Vre discussed in H~drldee of itare-sarth Xetals 5/074 60/029/01/003/005 B008XO06 references 5,7,27,47P49-51, the composition of cerium hydrides is reported in references 7,8,20j25,270103,49,52, their dissociation pressure in roferenoss 5,2502tVP49, their structure in references 3105953-56o their physical and chemical properties in refereno*s 7,28031,49,53,57-59 and 20923,25o45# 60 respectively. Binary oerium- and aluminum hydrides are discussed in references 18-22. The reaction of other rare earth metals with hydrogen is treated in the following paperst grasood.ymiye'L references 28,31,32,35,41,61,621 neodymiunA references 24,31,32,61,521 samarium-41- references 23924,63-661 tMK2AW','L references 63,67; 9~ references 31,64# 68-701 y1terblumll references 60#63,67. Some special features of rare earth metal hydrides are discussed in references 2,3t 8,20932,56,58t7O-92. The investigation of the composition and proportion of theme hydrides revealed some of the rare earth metalep which are extremely &like in certain respects, but possess certain Individual peculiarities. Thus, eeg., a hex&- gonal structure is found for samarium- and gadolinium trihydride. furthermore, certain facts indicate the existence of a Gd 23 3' Card 2/4 compound. The properties of the europium- and ytterbium hydrides, *drides of Rare-earth Metals S/074/60/029/01/003/005 B008/BO06 which resemble those of the alkali earth elements, vary particularly from!the properties of the other rare earth hydrides. It is evident from experimental data that both compounds of constant compositiono and phases of variable composition are involved in the equilibrium of the rare earth metal - hydrogen systems. The solid MeH 2 MeH phases, investigated for cerium and lanthanum, ar; of ;articular interest for finding the rules which are followed by the chemical compounds when entering into-solution. According to N.S.Kurnakov's theory on berthollides, there exists a changing equilibrium between some valencies of the rare earth metals. Some properties of the rare earth hydrides, as e.g. the thermal stability of the dihydrides, and the change in the type of chemical bond occurring in the MeH 2 _MeH 3 region, indicate that their application in various fields of metallurgy, in hete'rogeneous catalytic synthesis, and in the technology of semiconductors will yield positive results. The following Soviet scientists are mentioned: V.I.Mikheyeva, M.Ye.Kostj I.I.Zhukov, and B.V.Nekrasov. There are 7 figureT, 8 tables, Card 3/4 and 92 rences, 20 or w are Soviet. 5/076/62,/007/007/001/013 B179 B101 A U T 11 OR'"' Inikheyeva, V. I., Kodt, M. TITLE-; 6ome properties of lanthanum and neodymium hydrides Zhurn&I ntjort-,aniche!iK-oy khimii, v. 7, no. 7, 1962, 1493-1499 T k, XT. The hydrogenation of La, It'd, and cerium misch metal MQ,~' Cc, 457-l' other HE, Z,4' Fe) and the properties of the hydrides were studied. La and lid react *- it'h H2 (PI,-650 mm Hc) even at room temperature. 'When La, Nd, 2 and misch metal were hydrogenated simultaneously the induction Period for. misch metal was 5 min and' for La 10 min whereas for. Nd it was longer than 1.1) hr~i. La forms a di- and trihydride (LaH 2 and LaH3), Nd forms a. hydride of the composition NO] 264�0-1' "d the composition of the mijch metal hydride is -MeH,. At 1-CO C the hydrogenation of La was unsuccussful 0 but at 2CO C hydrogenation starts %ithout induct on period. The ratu of hydToj;enhtion of La shows a minimum at 300 - 500 1C and a maximum at 700 0G. It was LaR, that reacted most intensely with H 20 whereas hydrides wi*th Card 112 1) 1 5/075/62/307/007/0C1/013 3ome properties of lanthanum... B179/B101 lower hydroLen content hydrolyzed more slowly. Thermal decompositiop of- all hydrides takes place in tvio phases. Transition from trihydride to _ 1 00 dihydride occurs at 150 02 C for misch metal, at 350 - 840'C for La. Dissociation of the dihydride sets in between 950 and 1300 C but is never complete. The density of NdH 2.~ wan found to be 6.00 � 0.04 . Since the density of NdH 2 is 5-91 t 0.03 this means that further hydrogenation has the effect of contracting the crystal lattice. There are 8 figures and 5 tables. SUMITTED: August 24, 1061 Card 2/2 5/020/62/143/001/021/030 '700 Bio6/Bi38 '1:1 J AUTHOR: Kost, M. Ye. ---------- TITLE: Yttrium hydride PERIODICAL: Akademiya -nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 1, 1962, 119 121: TEXT: The products of the hydration of yttrium were studied. Initial metallic yttrium was produced at Giredmet and contained the following impurities (in,/,): Fe Ca Cu. other rare earths Sample 1 0.04 0-05 0.03 Sample 11 0.04 0.004 0.02 The hydrides were produced by direct reaction of the metal with hydrogen. The hydrogen content was determined volumetrically. The impurities by other rare earths were taken into account by correeponding corrections when the hydrogen content was calculated. The experiments showed that pure yttrium sample 1) did not absorb hydrogen at room temperature. Less pure yttrium ~sample II) reacts with hydrogen at lower temperatures. The results, however, are invufficiently reproduceable, and in many cases Card 1/4 S/020/62/143/001/021/030 Yttrium hydride B106/B138 the induction period takes such a long time that the reaction practically does not occur. The induction period was lowered by preliminary thermal treatment of the metal. The optimal conditions for hydration are 0 obtained when the metal is vacuum heated at 400 C or 0 minutes, prior to hydration. In this case, the induction period takes only 40 - 60 min. In all cases except one yttrium absorbed hydrogen under these conditions up to the approximate Composition YH When the.purer metal was used 1.6' the results were readily reproduceable (atomic ratio H:Y - 1.59 � 0.02). 0 Increase in temDerature to 250 C did not influence the absorption. With sample II the results were less constantl the atomic ratio fluctuating between 1.51 and 1.84. The rise of temperature led to a marked decrease of sorption. Yttrium hydride is a blue gray brittle substance of stratified structure, which can easily be pulverized. Its density is 4.24 :t 0.15. Yttrium hydride is comparatively constant chemically. It does not change its composition in the air in the course of 1 hr and it reacts very slowly with water. Thermographic analyses showed that yttrium decomposition takes place in 2 stages. The first (at 360 _ 4100C) corresponds to the delivery of hydrogen, which_is exgessive in relation to the composition YH. The second step (at 1100 1300 C),corresponds to the. Card 2/4 - Yttrium hydride S/020/62/143/001/021/030 B106/B138 transition of the monohydride into metallic yttrium. This thermal decomposition differs fundamentally from that of hydrides of all other relevant rare earths so far investigated. A fundamental difference of yttrium hydride from the hydrides of other rare earths of the same composition can also be observed in X-ray analysis data. Whereas the hydrides of cerium, lanthanump neodymium, etc., constitute a mixture of the metal with the dihydride-in the Me-MeH 2 composition rangej no line characteristic of metallic yttrium was found in the Debye crystallogram of a sample of the composition YH,,6,,t There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 7 references: 4 Soviet and 3 non- v . The referencS to the English- language publication reads as follows: C. E. Holley, R. N. Mulford et al.,. J. Phys. Chem., 51, 1226 (1955). ASSOCIATION: Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 3/4 S/020/62/143/001/021/030 Yttrium hydride B106/B138 PRESENTED: October 12, 1961, by 1. 1. Chernyayev, Academician SUBMITTED: October 12, 1961 Card 4/4 L 18963 -63 EWP(q)/EWT(m)/BD& AFFTC/ASD,. JD/JG. ~ACCESSION NR: AP3006598 S/0'020tW15Y /6-66/ 13 60/13 63,/ AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye.; Brill, M. Iii.; Stary*)r. I. B. Kost, M, Ye TITLE: Some results of X-ray study of cerium and lanthanunk' hydrides SOURCE: AN SSSR, Doklady*, v. 151, no. 6, 1963, 1360-1363 TOPIC TAGS: electron bond, valence, hydrogen bond, metallic bond La,,Ce, X-ray spectra, hydride preparation, hydride storage ABSTRACT: Use of hydrides of rare earth elements in metallurgy, vacuum technique, and synthesis created interest for additional information concerning the physico-chemical properties of these compounds. Authors studied the hydrides LaH,.g,, LaH,.2 . LaH2.,,, qeH2, CeH2 24,and CeH2 by X-ray s Or spe&trometry. %ample investigatlon were prepared by icard L 18963-63 ACCESSION NR: AP30U6598 direct reaction of hydrogen and metals at room temperature. Hydrides with lower hydrogen content were prepared by heating high hydrogen-content hydrides. Hydrides were impregnated on silk cloth and sealed in polyethylene envelopes. Preparation was accomplished in a dry chamber, filled with C02 and oper- ated from outside. Prepared samples were kept in a container under vacuum. Results of investigation indicate that cerium and lanthanum in hydride form have three valefices and valence, energy only partly used in formation of ionic bonds with hydrogen, while the rest of it is used to produce metallic bonds. This fact has a direct bearing on decrease of electri- cal conductivity with an increase of hydrogen content, Orig.:' art. has: 4 figures, ASSOCIATION: Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya Ak~demii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemistry, Siberian Division, Academy of--Sciences. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (In-stitute of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy- of 2/Z Cord KOST9 M.Ye.; MALITSEVAp N.N.; MIKHEYEVAp V.I. concerning the existence of Iron hydride. Zhur. neorg. Min. 9 no.5tlO53-1059 Pq 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut obahchey I neorganicheskoy khimii imeni N.S. Kurnakova AN SSSR. ECSTL 'fe ',"i L 1, . N. Confemnce on the Chemistry jl' inor-glipl.c Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 ro.8:2048-2050 Ag 164. (11-IRA 17;11) ~ 'Alcc Mt~ AIIW312 smn com w/6413/6 t C10- 61boo10W1bw716)ZT AUTHOR: Korneyev, U.N.; ZhIgachA A.F.; -Kosto M. Yo., Korotkov, Ye. N. OR( 1: none TITIZ;. Method of preparing juminum SOURCE:',;, Izobiretwkiya., vrowshlemwe obraztay,,.tovarnyye znald, no.2 IW-27~.:-:~__.j TOPt..' TAGS: organic chemistry, cerium, neodymium, catalyst specific reaction AEbTRACT: A method of preparing triethylaluminun by direct synthesis via formation of diethylaluminun hydride in the gresence of a hydrogenation catalyst is presented; it is distinguished by the use of lanthan1des, such as lanthanum, ceriunj, neodymium, or theIr hydrides as catalystsjfor the p=pwe of increasing the ratd. of hydro- genation and the efffe-ieney of the process. SUB CODE: OT SUBM A_TD PRESS., ~wo .212'256s2.05 iou 1 .4,;u hylit -tlb 0 2 FIG, -1: 'It. ihlv~ -k.XA fmtt~f ai ~ ") g- N it " A' IU 1,A) " , fs h~ ? "n i's 001t E ' 4- 4ir, 5 ML tlO 1"14 4-3 W. EtOcl"C11.011 (11). Zo. 212-1r Otti-lum u--t~), 9r 1 (14 5 c~ ~ rcfluK,,J 15 1-- ~kli CA) ml Aco", 35 vil. mwl. ICl ."of 16 1 1 Ij 1, ,- 5 - m 4.1d lqa~ hydf-lc,~,t,d tu q'4", .''4 '161. ~j I It.- 1, MOW 1 1,Yt . ........ mle ~bict, hyd-lyl,,l L'. ";,t, 6 wn" %I K, FRIIYDLIKAO R,Kh.j KOST, T.A. The action of nucleophilic reagents on [01(GH2) C01 -12 tYPs compounds. Isv. AN SSSR. Otd, khfa, nauk no,5*W9Pt9 NY 157. (NIU 10te) 1. Institut 4lementoorganichaskikh soyedineniy Akademil fiauk SSM (Chemical tests and reagents) (Paraffins) -51 C)o 2 203 112(o, 12-8Z 86410 S/062/60/000/008/018/033/XX B013/B055 AUTHORS! Freyd-lina, R, Kh. and Kost-, T. At TITLE: Effect of Nucleophilic Reagents on Compounds of the Type [Cl(CH 2)nCC'1-12 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademli nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 8, pp. 1387-1390 TEXT: The present paper treats the effect of nucleophilic reagents on compounds with the structure IC I(CH 2)nCC'-12' These compounds are formed by direct catalytic hydrogenation of a,a,a '6)-tetrachloro alkane (Refs. 1, 2) or by the reaction of compounds of the type [Fl(CH2)n Cci 2 -j 2with zinc. a,co-disubstituted dichloro alkenes and monosubstituted trichloro alkenes were obtained. Contrary to saturated 1.3,3,4r4,6-hexachloro hexane and 1,1,1,3-tetrachloro propane, 1,3,,4,6-tetrachloro 3--hexene enters into exchange reactions with nucleophilic reagents, however, not as easily as higher compounds of this type. 1,1,1,9-tetrachloro nonane was also dimerized by hydrogenation. Starting from 1,9,9,10,10,18-hexa- Card 1/2 86 410 Effect of Nucleophilic Reagents on Compounds S/062/60/000/008/018/033/XX of the Type [Cl(CH 2)nCC'=12 BOI',z/BO55 chloro octadecane several compounds containing 16 or 20 carbon atoms in the chain were obtained: 199,10,16-tetrachloro 9--octadecene (C 18H 32 cl4); 9,10-dichloro 9-octadecetel,16-dicarboxylic acid (C 20 H32C12 02); 1-hydroxy- 9,10,18-trichloro 9-oc%adecene(C 18R33 C130). The following compounds were prepared-, 1,6-bisdiethylamino--3,4-dichloro hexene (C, 4H28 C1 2N2); I-acetoxy. 3,4,6-trichloro 3-hexane (C 8a11 Cl302); 5,6-dichloro 5-decene 1,10-bistri- ethyl-ammonium diiodida (C 22H46 Cl212N2); 1,10-diethoXY--5,6--dichloro-5-- decene (C 14H 26 Cl2 02); 1-acetoXY-,5,6,10-trichloro 5-decene (C12H19 Cl3 02); 1,14-diethoxy-7,8-dichloro 7--tetradecene (C 18 H34 Cl 20 2)t and 1,14-diethyl- amino-6,7-dichloro 7-tetradeoene (C 22H44 Cl 2N 2) . There are 5 Soviet referen- ceso ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii. nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: February 17, 1959 Card 2/2 FREYDLINA, R.Kh.j KOST, T.A. synthesis of symwtrical acetylenic hydrocarbons and their cc u)-di-derivatives starting from OCptktrichloro- and C410 0d) or,/ W -tetrachloroalkanes. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.9: 1583-1587 S 163. (MIRA 16%9) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbons) (Acetylene compounds) (Paraffins) .4 KWT, N.A., prof. Nobel Prizo for chcidnta-y in 1965, Fr1roda 55 no.1:114-115 Ja 166. (mlu 19 11) 1. Ifloskovskiy gosudarstveruVv. universitet. ZELINSKIY, N.D.; BONDARI, L.S.; KOST, V.N.; LIFSHITS, B.V. Higher ramified acids. Izv.Akad.nauk SSSR; IChim.otd. no.2:96-99 Mar-Apr 51. (CIML 20:7) 1. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskiy of Moscow State University. ......................... ~v Some rartions of- A l I d I IS- U:SS-R ede. fdcht and It. 101, emit 1 131111, Avid. &i. l l iv" chts". 56, ( at on). Hugh trans 7 .CHICIG (tOr3he-iledt-kh loc. in k1tolighrs. mt TZdtix M-XIMCiNF-4. b, G"'. ml~' IATM d* -0U13; It C7 We, tal. 13'~1- 40' sinallar miction of Cel'XI(elf,cl (11) k2.e 'Ml- of the arne sub~t-=Le (30 C.) added to the mixt. of ;;c2 t Cifr(CO~E( it 4nd 4 '1 .14 in 2b%. Ftoll C;4vr after I hr-.. cfluxinj AJ'7 CC1*;CffC'ff.C11(Ctj~R?h 0111, il". Is V ;.vm' dej 141-35. and 11.2 C. (CU.XHCII,~aco'Fj~. (IV), bts 133-40% in. lq-40*. SitudAr reaction of 21 c. I with 21 r. CIUCO~rt~. 3-5 g. Na, and 50 ml. EtOll gue aftcr 6 brs. Il$A g. Ht mui IOA C. IV I reduited with aq. afc. Na-S 4 Lim Cave 6253 (CCIj: Clitllit),V, ll, 101 -2'. at,* LW28, do 1.4450, which with 30% 11;Ci, in AeOR C-%ve die sufforre, as. 113-14'. Ifrating 15 1 ,ith 3 C Na M 'At all abs. MeOll 3 hrs. gm,e 50~' ~ 1f,001,CH b lJ2-3' al: 1.45SH, dt. 1.2111. SinuLls !,tmun d [I i. -,nv!e~, In I hr. and g-4ve the uunc prt~loct ti il~" ~) 131 1'. this with C1 in [tit Jack at W' gave 6157L b- W-81, %VjMN, d-1. 1.5749, the rom. 4! itr- . inn %vith I'm '-kg vatvtA 6A nall. and substitu, ~T, I nhimt- \1 41 "r) UW C-he!tdstry organic. chemistry Card 3 1A Pub. 40 - k/27. Authors Nesmayanow, A. ~N* Zakbarkin, L. lo., Kostj N, , and Freydlina., R. Kh, Title Allyl regrouping in polychlorobutenic adds and about Oertain 6rrore made by Auvers and Wissebach in their work regarding allyl regrouping Ptriodical Lm. AN SM OW -muk 4s 604 609, July 4gust 1954:".' khim. Abstract The relatioii'of CH012 OR CH 002H and CCL2 CH - GH2C02H aci ds and t4* corresponding relation of their derivatives to prototropic allyl' regrouping,, was investigated. The errors made by two Osrmandhemista,, K. A. Auvers and H. Wissebach, in two-stage reduction of gamrn,gania,, gamoatrichlorocrotonia acid into plain crotonio acid through douible isomerization,,are pointed cut. Seven references, 3 USSR; 2 USA and 2 German (1923 - 19543, Institution Acad. of So. USSR,, Institute of-Organic CheTrdstry Submitted i August 23, 1~~53 16WH/ Chemistry - Orianic chemlstry Card 1/1 Pubs 40 6/26 Authors i Freyd1ina, R. Kh.; Kost,,-V. N.;.and Nesmeyanov, A. 1q, Title i Chlorination and-dehydroohlorination of polyohloro derivatives containing reactive groups Periodical I Izv. PIT.-SSSR. Otd. khiM. nauk 2, 233 - 239, Mar-Apr 1955 Abstract I Investigations were made to determine the reaction of chlorine with comp'ounds containing the dichlorovinyl group and the reaction of dehydrocblorination : . cf the dichloro-derivatives obtained. The results obtained during the chlori- nation of polychloro derivatives in hydrochloric acid media and dehy-drochlo- rination under the effect -of an alcohol solution of caustic' potach are. der.- cribed. Eleven referencess 5 USA, 1 English, 1 Belgian and 4 USSR and R~s- sian W84-1954),. "Institution Acad. of Se.,,USSR, Inst.-of Organoelemental Com-ounds Submitted June 3, - 1954. &4 conwr4ag the MUCH 44 HIM, IV at$ U0. method of 11YOURN012.1 S)V. ILA - HHer., -I-1. 42 Mady Akad. Avamb S.S.S.R. 103, I I Urination of 1,1-dichloro-l-alkents in If:SO, at 0-20* results in fortnation of products, which after hydrillyAs )ield a-CI acids (b.p.jairn., *V, and J,$ Fiven ftyr the comptis. reported beloty)7 Presuibi*ttdy the tutcruittiLitc-fontitd is.11CMICCLOSOM. Pa Cl In te 00 g 5- OKCIIACMCC1. In 130 g. 93% 11%. etc, 20, Until I I evolution cewd. diln- %%-.tit 11.0; txtn. with CIICI,, e.-tu. of the latter with 10170 NaOll.'nnd acidifica- tiou, gave 7SI7,D CI(Cfl.)gCIICICOJI. 100-7*/1, 1.4&13, 1.3 till; - O.W 4#rido, ki*15. - 44M. 1.3,513; - amili4ev tit. M --V. Art , starting tuaterlat w4ig other ptadutb found were. and 10 je. CI(CllACIlCICCIi. SG-7 ~Chloriom~,n of 14 g. PrCILC -;(11 X. INSO. at 5-lu, si;inilarly gave after qq. treatimnst 71~j P,efiaco:11, m- 4*15, 1.4442, 1.14-15; acidek1witte, Ot-2 LINZ; anilide, tit. &"*, Cl(CHACII!CC4 SiMiLirly gave CI(CII3)sCIlCICWl. 1.4", 1.2,141 at 22-4.. acid chloride, 101*t-', Ij.JI7, U-NW, dudide, in:42'3*. it' CiIIuCIJCIC(VI.92,1'/I, 1. ITV), CIC:CIIGII:)r CWI gave 77~j 2-ehlaroadipic.acifl. tit. C!.C--- CII(Cll,),C(1611 gave -Mt", 2-ekloropimehe arid. ni. CtiC: I I(CII.hCOI I gave 09170 Z-chlorewberic acid, in. (%I - W. Cf. CA. 50, 47071. hl, Kosolaemfl If TY .1 r~ v d ED I i r4lid , fflM "Wit. At -51 -dju _ eyaiitrf~~ 6,4t-d by of the 2 A,-1)T. 47-10 Icid Ki ve w1 7 ~6 MV ~0,. Ll.i.-1 -111 10M - 2 ,i: `U41, 4-C EMI. CAP 4P. and a ill cifcf., much RCI is k i~kfcd .-- ~ I., - . . . I - ~~ T ~ - - -- ) - -- - - - - - - I - I - .. - ') I , ~ i . " ~' -1 . , I '~_: i ,". 't. , - - - , I ;~ l.- 1., ~~? - . . ". - '- -.:.- - i - . y . - , - "llomolytic Isomrisition in -- p-q.,,or at the 16th international Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Paris, 18-24 JulY 1957- 1 V L if-C,7114 at M', diet (f 'jl Tt TT. 7 1 i chiciruvalcmte at 120-44G* tit 3 hrs. jAve 4; --cLkyruenatithic a6t with 251, lili,,Itl I E It 4 'C:'M -1-11C zw~V�Dfml WIICIZ Zile IWM -ItIOU rv-m Wb~fzvcd ta b nw!,- pwrczit; with A", 141 110 vLl. M. CCf;CTI:CFr; and ilr jr, ol.Wl z, v N, AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. Ii., Kost, V. 1-'. , 62-2-4/2e Vasillyeva, T. T., Freyellina, R. Kh. TITLE;: The Synthesis of oL-Haloi-dcarboxylic Acids Containing Reactive Groups in the W-Position (5intezo(-Galoidkarbonovykh kislot, soderzhashchikh v 61-polozhenii reaktsionnosposobnyye gruppy). PERICDICAL: Izvestiya All 3SSR Otd clerd~m Nauk, 195at Nr 2, PP- 152-156 (U.'JSI?)- ABSTRACT: Au was,alroady shown (references 1,2)ot_-perchloric acids can easily be produced in a sulfate medium by the action of chlor- ine upor. comrounds containinC a CC12 ~CH-group. A similar reaction also takes place in perchloric acid. In the series of cases hitherto inveotiCated the experiment failed in the r-edium of phosplioric,acid and acetic acid (reference 2). The emplo~qiient of this method in compounds possessing no stable groups in a medium ef strong acids is therefore not possible. In the prosent- work it was found that the compounds of the type, CCI =--CX(CH ) Y (where X is a halide or 11,, and where 2 2 o r. Y represen.ts various Eroups) interact with acetic acid and the halide in the preoenc e of mercury acetate after treatment Card 1/2 with H20- On '.h-i3 occa9ion ot-haloidcarboxylic acids or . The Synthesis of oL-Haloid^~arboxylic Acids Containing Reactive 62-2-4/28 Groups in the Q-Position. aL,0,1dihaloidcarboxylic acids form. In this.manner the following acids were produced: Cl(C1103,001COOH" Cl(C112)3CHBrCOOH; CH3 VOO(CH2)3 CHClCOO11j Cu(CH 2)3 CHCICOOH; CH3COOCH2cliclcoocll; CH3OCH2CHClCOOHj C6H5CH2CHC1COOHj ci(CH 2)3 CC1 2CO011. Ther3 ar!:~ 6 referencen, 5 of ivhf~,h are Slavic. AS~OCIATIOM Institute for Element-Orpani:~ Compounds AN USSR (Institut elementoorCanicheolkikh, soyedineniY Akndemii nauk SSSR). SUB,'.,ITTED: Septeriber 25,. 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Cor-ress 1. Perchloric acids 2. (~.-Haloidcarbox:rlic acids-Synthesis Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Neemeyanov, A. N.p Freydlina, R. Kh., SOV/62-58-10-6/25 Kostj V.N. TITLE: ---'Homo y~tic I~aomerization of 1,111-Trichloro-2-Bromo Propene (Gomoliticheskaya izomerizatsiya 1,1,1-trikhlor-2-brompropena) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,- 1958, Nr 10, PP 1199-1204 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibility of regrouping the free radicals in solutions has been proved in several papers (Refs 4-9). In a number of other papers (Refs 9, 11, 12) it was shown that the neopentyl radical can be isomerized. Therefore in publications data are given that contradict each other with respect to the possibility of a regrouping of the radicals (at the expense of the migration of methyl groups). In the present paper the authors report on the homolytic isomerization of 1,1,1-trichloro-2-bro-opropene in 1,1,2-trichloro-3-bromo propene-1 according to the scheme CCl3CBr - CH2----~CC12 - CCl - CH2Br. Furthermore the authors deal with a case of homolytic Card 1/2 isomerization of CCl3CBr = CH2 discovered by themselves. They Homolytic Isomerization of 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-Bromo SOV/62-58-10-6/25 ~ropene show that 1,1,1-trichloro-2-bromo propene executes the allyl regrouping (under the action of antimony pentachloride or aluminum chloride). Then 1,1,3-trichloro-2-bromo propene-1 is formed. Under the action of caustic potash on lplpl-trichloro-2t3-dibromo propene in ethyl-cellosolve medium the 1,1,1-trichloro-2- bromo propene was obtained as the only product of the reaction. Its isomerization takes place in a homolytic way under the action of ultraviolet rays and with a simultaneous formation of 1,1,2-trichloro-3-bromo propene; 1,1,1-trichloro propene isomerizes according to the heterolytic way under the action of antimony pentachloride with the simultaneous formation of 1,1,3-trichloro-2-bromo propene. There are 22 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineriiy Akademii naukSSSR (Institute of Elementary Organic Compounds, AcadaW of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: March 7, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Nesmeyanovq A* N., Freydlina, R. Kh., sov/62-58-10-7/25 Kost, V. N. - ------- TITLE: --------- Bromination of 1,1,1-Trichloropropene (Bromirovaniye 1,1,1-trikhlorpropena) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauko 1958, Nr 10, pp 1205-1207 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two of the authors mentioned above together with Firstov described in an earlier paper the bromination of l,lyl-trichloropropene (Ref 1). In a later paper they found the regrouping of the intermediately forming free radical (Ref 2) when investigating the reaction of hydrogen bromide and bromo-trichloromethane with 1,1,1-trichloropropene in the presence of benzoyl peroxide. It was assumed that (dependent on the conditions of reactions) the bromination of 1,1,1-trichloropropene takes place without regrouping (electrophilic reaction) or with it (homolytic reaction). The authors of the present paper investigated the reaction of the bromination of J,l,1-trJeh1oroDroDene and obtained the following results; In hij;hly polar media the reaction takes place Card 1/2 well defined with the simultaneous formation of the normal Bromination of 1,1,1-Trichloropropens SOV/62-58-10-7/25 combination product of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,3-dibromopropane. If the reaction is carried out in unpolar media 1,1,2-trichloro-1,3-dibromo propane (due to the homolytic isomerization of the not intermediately formed free radical- CC138H - CH2Br---,o.6Cl2CHC1 - CH2Br) is formed. There are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementoorganichaskikh soyedinaniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elementary Orgwda Compounds, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: March 7, 1957 Card 2/2 5 (3) AUTHORS: Freydlina, R. Kh., Kos SOV/62-5,0-5-10/4C Vasillyeval T..T., Nesmeyanovp A. V. TITLE: Synthesis of D,L-a-aminocarboxylic Acids Fron Comipourds Con.- taining the Ccl2-CH Group (Sintez iz soyedineniy soda.-zhaahchikh CC1 2-CH-gruppu) PERIODICAL: Izvestilya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdzzleniyc 1959, lir 5, pp 826 - 830 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this work the ammonolysis of some a-chlorocarbox3,lic acido wasinvestigated which had been 6ynthetized from totrac1il,.).-,,o- alkanes by the effect of sulfuric acid or acdtic acid in tl-,c presence of mercury acetato. This investigation was carr!erl out in order to find a way of,syrithesizing amino acids and their analogues tetrachloroallcaneu. The synthesis I a rather difficult and, in the caso of chlo;:i,-.j derivatives, the yield is small according to data from publi- cations. Two authors of this work and Petrov (Ref 7) succeedtd In synthesizing D,L-proline and D,L-ornithine from and a-ohlaro-6-phthalimidavalarianic acid; they showed that tho yield does not depend on the nature of the halogen in a-poei- Card 1/3 tion. In this work the initial products a-chlorodipinic, a- Synthesis of D,L-a-aminocarboxylic Acids From sov/62-59-5-10/140 Compounds Containing the CC1 2=CH Group chloropimelic, and a-chlorosuberic acid were obtained (Ref 2)1 a-chloroglutaric acid and a-cliloro-p-(p-chlorophenyl)propionic acid (Ref 8) and a-chloro-E-phtlialimidohexanic acid were ob- tained under the same conditions from 1,1-dichloro-6:-phthali- midohexene-1 and 1,1-dichloro-3-(p-chlorophenyl propene. The, beat method was that of the synthesis of a-chloro-o-phenyl- propionic acid f2om chloropheny1diazonium and acrylonitrile according to the Merrwein reaction (Ref 10) with subsequent hydrolysis of.nitrilo of a-chloro-p-phenylpropionic acid. Start- ing from the a,ala,&f-tetrachloroalkane mentioned, the following scheme is valid for the synthesis of the a-amino acids (phenyl- alaline, p-chlorophenylalanine, glutamic acid, a-amino-adipic acid, a-aminopimelic acid, a-aminosuberic acidj and lysine) contained in this workl which appear in nature: Ccl3CH2 (CH2CH 2)nCH2Cl -4CC12-CH(CH2CH 2)n CH2CI --*CC12-CH(CH 2CH 2)nC'2"'OOCC'C'("2C'2 ) nCH,.,X --*HOOCCH.NH 2(CH2CH2)nCH2X Card 2/3 n = 0,1,2'*...'..; X-C 6H5' CIC6H49 COOH, C 2H 2COOH, C6H4(CO) 2 N Synthesis of DIL-a-aminocarboxylic-Acids',Fi~o~i SOV/62-59--;5-10/1,0 Compounds Containing the-CCl 2=CH-Group It was also shown-'that the synthesis of a--.h1oro-P-pheryl;!_-0-7 pionic acid can be carried out bly the effect of chlo=ine o.i 111-dichloro-3-phenylpropene-1 in a formic acid medium wit'l a yield of 63~ of the theoretical yield, that is, withoat. aadi- tion of mercury salts if anhydrous formic acid is used. Thire are 19 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademil. nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: August 2, 1957 Card 3/3 5.36oo 77o66 sov/62-59-12-10/113 AUTHORS: Sldot,ova, T. T., Freydlina, R. Kh., Nesmeyanov, A. N. TITLE: Synthesis of CL-Chlorocarboxylic Acids by Additlon of' Chlorine in Formic Acid to Compounds Containing the C12C=CH-Group PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 12, pp 2122-2125 (USSR) AB3TRACT: The reaction X (C112). C11 = CC12 + C12 11C0011 IX (Clio),, ClICICCISOC0111 11,0 X(Cll2),,CllClC00ll- is conducted by gradually passing chlorineothrough a solution of appropriate chloroolefin at 30 The follow- ing acids were prepared In t I P -dichloro- ,.~Is manner: a propionic a~~d; CL-chloro- lj-methoxyproplonic acid; CL-chloro _formoxypropion~ acid, yield 73%, mp 66-67 0 Card 1/2 (from benezene); CL-chloro- -formoxyvaleric acid, yield Synthesis of (I -Chlorocarboxylic Acids 77o66 by Addition of Chlorine In Formic Acid sov/62-59-12-10/43 to Compounds Containing the C12C=CH--..-- Group 82%, bp 1380 (1.5 mm), n20 1.4671; CL, 8 -dichlorovaleric D acid,CL W-dichloroenanthic acid; andCL W-dichloro- nonanoic acid, yield 71%, bp 1112-1430 (0-5 mm), n20 1.4768. There are 8 Soviet references. D ASSOCIATION: Institute of Element-Organic Compounds, Academy of Sciences, USSR,.(Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademli nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: March 25, 1958 Card 2/2 5 (2: 3) AUTHORS: Froydiina, R. Kh.7 Corresponding Member SOV/20-128-2-26/59 AS USSR Kost 'V. No, Khorlinal Me Yas, Neemeyanovp As No, Academic-Lan TITLE: Addition of Hydrogen Bromide to '1,191,2-Tetraohloropropens-2 and 1,1.2-Trichloropropene-2 in the Presence of Benz~pyl Peroxide PERIODICAL- Doklady Akademii naak SSSR, 1959- Vol *128, Nr 2, pp 316-319 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the above topic in continuationof their own previous papers (Refs 1, 2) as well as in cooperation with L. I. Zakharkin (Ref 3) and A. Be Balyavskiy (Ref 4) on rearrangements of free radicals. The interaction betveen HBr and the substance mentioned first in the title 1e,1 to a mixture of products. 1,122,2-Tetrachloro-3-bromopropane (II with a yield of approximately 30%6 lqas iaaated from the latter in addition to other compounds'(II) - (IV) (sae Scheme). The existence of (I) and (11) shows that the addition prooeeds here with a rearrangement of the type mentioned in references 1-4. The intermediate radicals are apparentl,- comparatively little stabls and decomposo under sapaxation of a chlorine atom. The yield of (I) is thorofore low.. and (n) .. (IV) occur Card 1/3 in the reaction products. With. respect tc its composition, Addition of Hydrcgen Bromide -to 1,1,1,2-Tetrachlorc- SOV120-120-2-26159 propene-2 and 121,2-Trichloropropene-.2 in the Presence of Benzoyl Peroxide conatantst and infrared spectrum. substance I is identical with the 1.1,2,2-tetrachloro-3-b~omopropans produced by the authors according to another scheme (see there), it differet however, from the ill~1,2-tetrachloro-3-bromopropane produced by the ohlorination of the CC12-0-02ft with respect to constants and infrared spectrum. Ethyl callosolve RCI is split off from substance I by treatment with alkalisp which results in the production of compound III, The latter was identified as hydrcohloride of the diethyl-amine derivative CCi 2--XCCl-CH2N(C2H 5)2'HC' (V). As far as Constants and infrared spectrum are concerned, compound II corresponds to 1.1,2,2,3-pentachloropropane. Tri,~.hlorcbromopropene III together with diethyl-amine and thiourea yields derivatives which were identified as hydrozhloride azid pierate respectively. When reacting with Rg, substance III yielded the trichloroallyl- mercury bromide which was identical with that produced by the usual mr-thod. (Ref 19. As to its properties, tetrachloropropene IV corresponds to ihe well-known 121;2,3-tetra,.~hloropropene, Card 2/3 and together with diethyl-amine it yields the corresponding Addition of Hydrogen Bromide to 1,1.1,2-Tat'rachloro- SOV/20-12e-2-26/59 propene-2 and 1.1,2-Trichlorepropene.-2 in thq Presenas of Benzcyl Peroxide derivative V. The addition o9 HBr to 19,1,2-trichloropropene-2 Droceeds without rearrangpment under formation of 1,1,2-tri- nhloro-3-brumopropan6 (see Scheme). This reacticn course is apparently .onnected with a greatoz stability of the radical A produced as against the radi-lal NMCS. 2CH213r wh1ch might be produced by a rearrangement. As to its constaznttl~ composition7 and infrared spectrum, subst&nce V1, i.e. HCCI~ - CHCl - CH2Br1 I which was produced in the last-mentioned reae.-tion, is identical vrith the !,I .2-tTichlom-;:~--~-nremepropane. The Isothiourea derivative furthermore obtained as Ficrate Is ident-in,al with the ecrresponding derivative ay~thesized from the well-known lp'l.2-triehloro--3-brom-Ilpropane. There are 8 references, 7 of which are Srnr~et. SUBMITTED: June 5, 1959 Card 3/3 '57J.") 00 k~� 7 ~_? 6 0 C) S/02o/60/132/03/32/o66 BO11/BOO8 AUTHORS: .jeg,__X,,j.4,,Aidorova, T. T., Prey line, R. Kh.p Corresponding Member AS USSR, Nesmeyanov, A. N.; Academician TITLE: Homolytic Addition of Hydrogen Bromide to 1-Fluoro-l,__ 1-Diobloropropene PERIODICAL-. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol..132, No..39 pp. 06-6oa TEXT: The authors determined in their paper the divergent behavior.of 1-fluoro-1, 1-diohloropropene in the reaction of the homolytic addition from that of 1,1,1-trichloropropene. Two fluoro-dichloro-bromopropanes were obtai-aed as a consequence of the ieaction of the-t-flvLoro-,l, 1-dichloropropene with HBr at an ultrkvi6let exposure: 1-fluoro-l*, 1-dichloro-3-bromopropane and 1-fluoro-1#2-dichloro-~-bromopropane at a ratio 2:1. The reaction proceeded ks ohain.reactioR-of free radicals. The addition of HBr to 191fl-trichloro-propene leads, under equal conditions, to a single product-.* 191,2-trichlord-3-bromopropane. pard 1/2 Romolytic Addition of Hydrogen Bromide S/02 6o/132/03/32/066 to 1-Fluoro-lp 1-Dichlorepropens B01 1 Y-33008 That means, the reaction takes its course unaer a regrouping in the free radicalideveloping in the mean-time '(similar to the case of the initiation of the reaction by bonsoyl,peroxide, Ref.' 4). The scheme M illustrates the reaction of the fluoro-dichloro;..Propene with HBr. Apparently, the rate of regrouping of the. radical CH-Br8HCC12F is reduced considerably due to the stabilizing action of the fluorine in it. Thus, this rate gets commensurable to that of this radical with HBr. This double mode of reaction'of the free radical (with or without regrOuRing) is observed here for the first time. The auihors proved the structure of the produced fluoro-dichloro-bromopropane on schemes (II) and (III) as well as by the production of the picrates aid other reactions. There are 11 references, 9 of which are Soviet.. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganiohookikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental organic Compounds of the Academy of SciencesPUSSR) SUBMITTED: February 24, 1960 Card 2/2 i'li:,,70LINA, KOST V It - l(,'lO'IILAf M.Yaq NLSl-',h-YAIICV, A.N.9 a!.ademik Rearrangements in the horzol~lu-lc addition of hydrogen bromide to J* poly(ha.lo alkenes). DoU. Ali SSSR 137 no.2:341-344 Mr(161. MIRA 14.3-2) 1. Inotitut clomentoorganic:icalcilch soyedineniy All SSSR. Chlor.-korres- pondent, AN S.3SR (for Frordlina). (Hydrogen bromide) (Umaturzated compounda) KHORLINA, M.Ya.,* KOST., V.N. w- Homolltic isomerization of 2-bromo-31 3-dichloro-l-butene. I)okl~IN SSSR 137 no.5:1133-1136 Ap 161. (KIRA 34:4) 1. Institut elemntoorpnicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. Pred- stavleno akademikon A.N.Nessayano (But a enT FREYDLINA,, R.Khq_pST, V.N.; VASIIIYEVA, T.T.; NESMEYANOV, A.N., akademik Homolytic ioomerization of 'l-fluoro-lp 1-kuchlov>-Z.-bromopropene. Dokl.AN SSSR 137 no*6:1385-1388 Ap 161-a Mu 14 W 1. lwtitut elemutoorganichookikh soyedineniy AN MR. 2. Chlen- korrespondeat AN SSSR (for Froydlim), (Propem), 3/081 62/000/014/009/039 Bi 66YBBI 44 AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. N., Freydlina, Re Kh.t Kost, V. No.-, Khorlina, Me Ya., Sidorova, T. T., Pe av'R. G-p Terentlyev, A. Be TITLE: Connection between the structure of polyalkylhalide radicals and their ability to regroup in solution PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1962,.178, abstract 14Zh41 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekbnol. LGor1kiy] I nov It 1961, 106-115) TEXT: A review of the authors''work on the homolytic'addition of HBr, Ccl 3' Br, Br 2' C6H5 SH and C6H5CH2SH to olefins XCC12CY - CH2 (I), where X - 91, F, H, CH 3 and Y - H, Cl, Br, CH 3s The results of the work show that the aforesaid reactions proceed according to the general scheme; I + HBr ---je HCClXCYC1CH2Br + CCIX - CYCH2Br + HCClXCYClCH2Cl, This indicates that the initially formed polyalkylbalide radicals (PR) are Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/014/009/039 I Connectiion between the structure ... B166/B144 rearranged and then stabilized either by adding an H or by dehalogenation; moreover the latter leads to the chain of reaction being continued. The exception is compounds with X - F, which along with rearranged products also give products which are not rearranged. It was found that the rearrangement of PR tends towards the formation of 'more stable radicals. A tabla of the relative stability of the PR is drawn up; dCl2CHClCH2X > Ccl3dHCH2X (when-X a Br, Cl, CU 39 C6H 5); dcl CCl (CH )CH2Br > CCl d((;H )CH BrI dCl C1%l CH Br > CU OUCH Br; 2 3 3 3 2 2 V 2 2 3 2 dHClCHClCH2Br ;>CHC1 2C,'HCH2 Br; CHC126ClCH2Br > 6HClCC12CH2Br; CH3dCl HClCH2Br > CH 3CC12 6HCH 2Brj CFC126HCH2Br f:~:tCFUCHUCH2Br; dFClCB ClCH2Br -, CFC CBrCH Br. 15 references* batracter's note: 12' 2 11, Comple~e translation. T Card 2/2 KOSTP V.N.,- VASILIIEVA, T.T.; IMILINA9 R,Xho I------- Rerrang"nt of radicals in the proceBe of dimerization of 3,3j.3-trichloroprenee Izv.AN SM.OtAAhim.nauk no.7:1254-1258 ii 162. (Hn 15:7) 1, Inatitut slextentoorganicheakilrb soyedineay AN SM. (Butedione) (Radicals (chemistry)) MiDijim) P.P. (Freydlinap P. Kh.]j KOST) VA; .HORLINA, M.I. [Khorlina, M.74.) Rearrangement of radicals in solutions. Analele chimie 17 no*3:131- 174 JI-S 162. FREYDLINA, P.Kh.; KOST, -V-N-; KHORLINA, M.Ya. Rearrangement of radicals in solution. Usp-kbim. 31, no.l: 3-38 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Radicals (Chemistry)) '-n - KOST. V VASILIYEVA, T.T.; FREYDLIHA, R.Kh. Rearrangement of radicals in the process of dimerization of 3-fluoro-3.,3-diabloropropene and 3-fluoro-2,3,3-trichloropropeneo Dok1. AN BSSR. 7 no.8:538-542 Ag 163. (MrRA 16:10) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy optiki i spektrokkopii AN SSSR. KOST.. V.N.; VASILIYEVA, T.T.; FREYDLINA, R.Kh. Homolytic transformations of polyhalopropenes containing the CF2Cl group. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.9t6l4-618 S 163. (NIRA 17:1) 1, Institut elementno-organichoskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR.. Moskva. BELYAVSKIY,, A.B.; KOSTp V.11. Interaction of othylene with trihalomethanes containing chlorine and bromine. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.8il5l4-1516 Ag 163. (MM 16s9) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Ethylene) (Methane) VASILIYEVAP T.T.;.KO.ST, V.N. Action of diethylamise on polychlor.ofluoropropenes of CH2=CXCFnCl3-a tyPe- Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.9:1587-1591 S 163. (MMA 16:9) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Diethylamine) (Propene) -PO-ST,-V.L.;-.,YASIL'YEVA, Ta.; zAmARxiN, i,.i., FREYDLINA, R.Kh. Introduction of the radical CC12~--, CHCH - into unsaturated molecules containing an of.,o~ -vinyl dichloride group Izv. All SSSR. Ser. khim. no-11:1992-1995 R 163. iMIRA 17i1) 1. Inatitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. KOST;' V;11.;, VISILIYEVA, T.T.; FREYDLINA, R.Kh. r(earrangement of polyhalo alkyl radicals containing fluorine in the trilialomethyl group. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no-2:300-307 165. (,%Ijrtk 18:2) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR- L 8153-66 E%,T(M)AWP(i) PM- ACC NRI AP5027687 /SOURCE CODE: UR 062/65/000/010/1788/1792 Kost, V. AUTHOR: F!reydlinag Ro Miorlina,-M. N. (Deceased)) ORG: Institute of Orizanometallio Comn=ds, Amidemy qt_qoienqos SSSR (Institut .elementoorganichoskikh soyedinenly Akademii nauk SSSR)" TITLE: Homolytic reactions of the dichlorovinylldroup SOURCE:-:. AN: SSSR.. Izvestlyae ~-,_.:eriya khimioheskayap no. 10# 1965o 1788'1792 TOPIC TAGS:. chemical reaction# halogenated organic compounds mixed halogenated organic compound, organic sulfur compound ABSTRACT: The radical addition of various reagents to compounds containing an u.ns-ymetrical dichlorovinyl grou was Investigated. The addition of HBr to 191*3-trichloropropene-1 (AT, to 1.1-dichloro-3- bromopropene-1 (B) and 191#5-trichloropenteno-lp and of' -butylmeroa t or thiophenol, to A was accomplished at low temperatures (-35 to 37 GT 'under ultraviolet illumination, Hydrobromination of 5 ave lpl-dichlo 20-dibromopropane. Reaction of A with the mercaptan or thiophenol yielded the sulfides CHC12-CH(SR)CH2Cl.. where R is butyl or phenyl. Homolytie addition of HBP and mercaptans to the dichlorovinyl. group resulted in the formation of compounds containing a termInal Card 1 /P FEW-- L 6153-66 ACC NR9 AP502.7687 dichloromethyl group. These radieal addition reaetions were hindered by introduetion of substituents In the beta-position to the double bond, Orig, art, has: 3 tables and 5 equations, SUB CODE: OC/ SUBM DATE: 17Jul63/ ORIG REF! OOl/ OTH REP., 000 nw Card 2/2 -7r---- K_- m.*i BROOM FREIDLIA, R.4h.; MET, T.A. --------- Aotion of nucleophWo reagents on the compounds of (Cl(CH2) nCCI= 12 type* Izv#AN SWR Otdokhim,nauk no,8:1387-1390 Ag 160. (MMA 15SO 1. Institut elementoorganichdakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Paraffins) (Hyd2*enation) KO-ST, Ye. A. KOST, Ye. A. -- "Flypoplastic and lil~m, creli.Aic Processer, in Diseane!:- of the *,&mmoictic A:-~Parntus.ll Sub 2; Feb 52, , C~-Ijtrnj Tn., L for th(- Aa- vanced TraininC of Ph, '-sicians. (DissertAion Vor the Dej-me of Docto~Ae in I-ledical Sciences). SO: Ve-hermqya 'L'A*oskva Januar7-December 1952 1. KOSTA, A., X. D. 2. US-2 (6CO) 4. Leucosis 7. Tumor-like leucosis. Terap. arkh. 24, No. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 14ay 1953, Unclassified. KOST, Te.A. ~ Drug allorgyin agranalocytomis, hemorrhagic Rleukia. and pan- myelophthisim. Klin. mod.. Moskva 30 no. 12:31-36 Doc 1952. (OIKL 24:1) 1' Doctor Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Clinical Order of Lenin H;spital iment, S. P. Botkin (Head Physician - S. A. Chasnokov). Moscow. SIVIROVA, To-,~T&.; KOST, Te.A.; RUWEV, G.P., I)rofessor; XTASNIKOT, A.L., professor. " - Favor resulting from medication. Torap.arkh. 25 no.2:82-83 Xr-4 15). (NLU 6:5 ) Wiergy) (Favor) NOST, Te.A. . .0 fl~po- and hyper- regenerative processes in hemopoietic diseases. Ter. arkh., Moskva 25 no.2:93-84 YAr-Apr 1953. (CIML 24--3) BAGDASARDY, A.A., professor; KOS?, Te.A.. professor (Moskva) Fifth International Congress of Hematology. no.?: 18-23 JI '55. (KLRA 8-12) 1. Chleri-korrespondent AMU SSSR (for Bagdasurov) (HVfATOLOCff , cong.) EMT, To oke OSpinal flui(loO D.A.Shouburov. no.5:30-31 8-0 056. (CMEROSPIM-L..VWID) lovieved by I.A.Kost. Isbadelo 2 (NI2A 9:11) (SHAKMOT, D.Ao) KO ~ -/~ ~9, If\ f . UKOST. Ye.A. (Moskva) -.WwOAw+,r- -10"- Development of laboratory services in 40 years. Iab.delo 3 no.5:3-4 S-0 157. (MIDIGAL IABORATORIPbS) the U.S.S.R. during the post (MIRA 11:2) I el CS 7- X~ - - A") - KOST, Ye.A., prof. (Moskva) ".. Improvement in the work of clinical laboratories under the Soviet regime. 35 no.10:89-91 0 157. (MIRA 11:2) (IABORATORINS in Russia, clin., develop. (Rum)) FBLIDW, T.W., (Moskva); FOKIN, V.P., pensioner (Moskva); KOST, Te.A. rof., red. (Moskva) IL~ (Transactions of the Yourth All-Union Conference of Laboratory Physicians] Trudy Tsesoiusnoi nauchnoi konferentsil vrachei- laborantov. Pod red. R.A.Kost. Sost.T.N.Yelldmn I V.P.Poklu. .Moskva, W.pravlenila Tses.nauchnogo ob-Ya Yrschei-laborantoy, 1959. 342 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Vsesoyuxnaya nauchnnya, konferentsiya vrachey-laborantov. 4th, Gorkly. 19.57. 2. Zoveduyushchly laboratorlysy bollnitsy In. Ostr4m- nova (for Felldman). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy Tgentrallnogo instituta usovershanstyovanlya vrachay. CLINICAL-CONGRISSBS) -.- XMT&,)k,-Aw"jWof-; STIMO, H.I* 1. -~ *Blood nicture and its Clinical eignific~nncel by D. 11. lAnovokii. 'Reviewed by N. A. Kost, 14.1. Stenko. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 4 no.6:59-61 Je 159. (MIRA 12:8) I (BLWD) (IANOVSIII I D.N. ) PREDTEGMSKIY, V.Yea; SHMNOVAI L*G,p red, ,1-1047,_je.l., red. [mamm:L for clwca:L 2aboratery studies) Rukovodstvo po klini- cheakim laboratornym issledovaMiam. Izd.5., parer. i dop. Pod red. L.G.Smirpovoi i E.A.Kost. Moskva, Medgiz, 1960. 962 p. (MIRA 3J,: 10) (PATHOIDa--IAWRATORr MMUALS) KOSTo Ye.A. Discussion of the article by Professor LA, Kassirskil and Professor G.A. Alekseev "On the nomenclature of blood cens". Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi, 5 no. 8:22-24 Ag 160. (MIRA 14:1) (BLOOD CELLS) XOST9,Yo.A..; BOKUNUYEVA, N.I.; IZRAILtSKAYA, N.M. ---- 'Handbook on laboratory methoda Of invustigation" by O.H.Udintsov, V.B BW9 I.S.Timenkov. Reviewed by EQ,A,Koetv N.I.BcJ=iaeva N.M:Izraillskaia. I&b. delo 7 no.3:62-63 Mr '63.. . (MIRAL 2-4t31 (MEDICAL L&BORATORIES-HANDBOOKSy MANUALS, zrc.) (UDINTS.EVO G.N.) (BWK~ V.B.) (TIMESKOV, I.S.) ALEK!EYEV, G.A., prof.; BAGDASAROV, A.A., prof..(deceased]; BEYYER, V.A., prof.; VOGRALIK, V.G., prof.; DEMEDOVA, A.Y., kand. med. nauk; DULITSI11, M.S., prof.; ZAY-RZEIEVSKIY, Ye.B., prof.; KONCHAIMSMA, N.M., prof.,- KASSIRSKIY, I.A., prof.; 11 Lo-s-K-2 Ye.A., prof.; LOGINOV, A.S.j, kand. med. nauk; NESTEROV, V.S.., 'ro SHMSHEVSKIY9 G.M.p prof.; YAHOVSKIY, D.N.., prof.; p WASNIKOV, A.L., prof., otv. red.; TAR=, Ye.M., Prof., am, otv. red.; SHAPIRO, Ya.Ye., red.; IXUDKOVSKAYA, IT.L., tekhn. red. (Multivolume manual on internal diseaseslMnogotomnoo rukc- vodstvo po vnutrennim bolozniair, A.L.Miasnihov. Moskvaj Nedgiz. Vol,6. (Diseases of the blocd system and hemopoietic organs]Bolezni sisteny krovi i krovotvornykh organov. 1962. 700 p. (M]RA 15:12) 1. Deystvitellryy chlen Akademii raeditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Bagdasarovj, 1~yasnikovj. Tareyev). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kassirskiy). (BLOOD-DISBASES) (HEMOPOIETIC SYSTEM-DISEASES) XOST, Ye.A.- KOZYREVA A.L. - -. - . . .0 Dopan; experimental investigations with Cl~ tagged dop'~O-no Fit-mo i toks. 26 no.6t729-j732 N-D t63 (14TR~ 18-.2) l.Kifedra laboratormoy diagnoBtll(i (zav. - X,53,t) -I ka-- fedra meditslnskoy radiologli ( zav. - prof. V.K. Mcdt2t,~v) TSentralInago Instituta usovershenstuvro-,ranlya T-ra,--'ne7, KOST, Ye*A*, pr.of. . Review of G.P.Burgmants book nCytology of the cerebeaspinal fluid in cerebral tumors." Lab. delo 10 no.4z254-255 164. (MIRA 17:5) , it " . A . "e,( ) K, t IN Ot Y, ..N , I . :, i-',~kvil li I--- -F ry -Al - -, ' r,3~1 L U nons. ~ ab. no. -ai)oi - J Ll~ a -C 11 i r, me I - ~~ ~ I "'. E , 17 -. 12 ~ 't,14~ KOSP,_Ye.A.; KOZYREVA, A.L. Some biochemical indices before and following the treatment of erythremia with radioactive phosphorus. lab. delo no-3:138-14Z t65. (MIRA 19:3) 1. Kafedre. laboratornoy diagnostiki (zaveduyushchly -prof. Ye.A. Kost) i kafedra, meditsinskoy radiologii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. V.K. Modestov) TSentrallnogo instituta tisoverslienstvovanlya vracheyj, Moskva. KOST, Ye.A.i prof.; MOROZOVA, V.T. So-called reticuloFf3 (reticuloondotbaliosis). Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.2:59-60 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. TSentrallnyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva.