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Approved Fcelease 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-004000100100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF SECURITY WEEKLY STAFF MEETING (U) ROOM 4E64 16 June 1977 1. (C) Reassignments 3. (C) Awards On 23 April 1977, the DDA presented the "Certificate of Distinction for Courageous Performance" 25X1A for their role in dealing ath 25X1A They also receive t e Meritorious Unit Citation for this same service. The ceremony 25X1A was held 4. (C) Visits 1110 L11 LV 1 Ul JCt.U1 1 Ly d11U L/ Ur D/ 1JJJ/ x' 71 i e LU1 IICU esterday from visits Personnel at these locations and concern for the Office and Agency in the wake of recent publicity. Of particular concern were the Boyce/Lee and Moore cases and their E2 IMPDET CONFIDENTIAL CL BY 013744 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved *Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00#R000100100024-5 impact on the Office of Security. The Director of Security termed the visits personally productive 25X1A by virtue of the comments, observations and perspectives voiced by the respective office personnel. 5. (U/FOUO) Project Outreach The time table for initiation of public tours at Headquarters has been delayed. It now appears that 6 August is the target date for initiation of these 6. tours. (U/FOUO) Personnel Evaluation Board Consideration is under way to make the Personnel Evaluation Board permanent. In the past this body has met only on an ad hoc basis to address cases.- under review. Under the proposed new setup, the Board would be composed of the Directors of Security, OMS and OP and, as a new member a representative from the Office of General Counsel. (C) Reprogramming of Funds New requirements levied upon the Office could mean expenditure of funds not originally programmed into our FY 1977 budget. Although we have asked for additional funds to meet these requirements, the Office of Comptroller has indicated that all funds requested may not be forthcoming and that we may have to reprogram our existing budget in order to make up the difference. Additional Federal Protective Officers to guard newly acquired buildings, caller. service fees and cost of living differentials represent the kinds of new requirements for which additional funding must be obtained or reprogrammed from within. 8. (U/FOUO) Public Correspondence The External Activities Branch has received several requests from the public for tickets in connection with forthcoming tours at Headquarters. These requests are being referred to the office of the Assistant for Public Affairs/DCI for action. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved F?elease ~961/6&/b~T M-RDP84-004.000100100024-5 OFFICE OF SECURITY WEEKLY STAFF MEETING (U) ROOM 4E64 9 June 1977 3. (C) Security Review Report The DCI has reviewed the report of the Security Review Task Force and has approved selected recommenda- tions concerning aspects of our personnel, physical and compartmented security programs. 25X1A 4. (C) 25X1A 25X1A The Director of Security and.Chief, OPS/DD/PSI, will depart on 12 June to visit The purpose of these visits is to bring personnel at these locations up to date on matters of current interest. They are scheduled to return to Headquarters on 16 June. 5. (U/FOUO) Project Outreach On 13 June the DCI will be briefed on Project Outreach, and he will. then decide on specific details with res ect to its implementation. 25X1A Chief, HSB, presented a briefing on the security procedures involved in handling public tours CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved IRelease WRTl ~-RDP84-00?R000100100024-5 of the Headquarters Building.. It is estimated that a total of 28 Security Officers and 19 Federal Protective Officers must be available to provide added security during these tours. Costs associated with this additional security approximate $5,000 per visit. 6. (U/FOUO) DCI The Director of Security remarked that Office of Security responses to the DCI must be accurate. Mr. Gambino called upon all personnel to closely examine papers. prepared for the DCI to ensure that they are accurate and factual. 7. (U/FOUO) Safety Indoctrination Briefings The Safety Branch will. soon begin a safety indoctrina- tion briefing program for all Agency employees. Employees will be notified individually-when to attend these brief- ings which will be presented in the auditorium. 8. (i/FOUO) 'Off-Campus Educational Program The Office of.Training recently, concluded a survey concerning the Agency Off-Campus Educational. Program. The survey responses supported overwhelmingly the continu- ation of this program. The survey pointed out also a declining interest among participants in language studies. 9. (C) Personal Notes Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00?R000100100024-5 requirement for the Agency and that questions undoubtedly will surface as implementation progresses. Any substantive questions and/or problems that are surfaced with respect to implementation will be compiled and addressed collectively in the near future. 6. CIA Tours - Project Outreach (U) (U/AIUO) The Director of Security remarked that while there has been recent publicity and speculation regarding public tours of the CIA Headquarters Building, all details of this proposed activity are not yet resolved. At this juncture, the tours are scheduled to begin on 4 July and will probably continue each Saturday thereafter. Tourists will be provided special badges, escorted and appropriately controlled during their visit. It is anticipated that an initial briefing in the auditorium will be followed by guided tours, in groups of 25 persons, through the tunnel and first floor area surrounding the courtyard. Appropriate displays positioned along the tour path will give visitors a better insight into and understanding of intelligence work, 7. Media Coverage at Headquarters (U) (U/AIUO) CBS will return in the near future to conclude its filming in connection with a forthcoming presentation on CIA to be aired on "60 Minutes." Time Magazine representatives, who have been in Headquarters this week, will return next week for additional coverage. It is anticipated that other news media will request similar access and film coverage at Headquarters. The security procedures employed to date, i,e., escorts and the review of film prior to release, will be applied uniformly to any such future requests from media representatives. 8. The Office of Security Mission (U) (U/AIUO) The Director of Security commented that our mission has not changed during the past five years even though there have been four different 2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved- Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-0468000100100024-5 Directors. Admittedly, we have had to shift focus to accommodate emerging requirements such as FOIA/PA but our overall mission has remained intact. it is anticipated that our programs will remain essentially unchanged in the foreseeable future. 9. Personal Note (U) Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For lease 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP84-0046600100100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF SECURITY WEEKLY STAFF MEETING ROOM 4E64 26 May 1977 The Staff Meeting was chaired by the Director of Security. 3. Senior Seminar The D/Security advised that he had been a guest speaker at a Senior Seminar during the past week. He found the attendees attentive and sympathetic to the security problems facing the Agency in 1977. He noted that there were many questions and opinions concerning the security ramifications involved when an employee takes material from his office so that he can work on it at his home. There can be only one position on this matter. The practices are in violation of Agency rules. Violators are subject to penalty, and there is no doubt that the DCI would be very severe in adjudicating security breaches resulting from this practice. 4. Operation Outreach The public tours of the Headquarters Building will be called Operation Outreach. Tickets for the tours are to be distributed through members of Congress. Each tour will include a film and a viewing of exhibitions on the first floor. It is anticipated that the program, which is to start on 4 July, will be conducted twice a month on Saturdays and that the Office of Security will be called upon for support. E2 IMPDET CONFIDENTIAL CL BY: 013744 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved Fl2elease 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP84-00000100100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL 5. Congressional Committee on Assassinations The Deputy Director of Security advised that the Office of Security has been working with Representative Stokes and his staff concerning the application of DCID 1/14 in clearing staff members of the Committee for access to classified information. He noted that Congressman Stokes has shown himself to be very security conscious and attuned to our requirements. 6. "Q" Clearances The DD/PFM announced that at the request of the Office of Scientific Intelligence/DDI, the former control point for "Q" clearances within the Agency, the Office of Security is to become the focal point within the Agency for processing "Q" clearances. This will involve, some additional work for the Office, especially in regards to the "need to know" determinations which will be handled by the Special Security Center. 7. Clerical Promotions The Deputy Chief, AFTD announced that the deadline for submitting clerical promotion recommendations has been extended. Recom- mendations must be received in the Office of Security Personnel Branch by 3 June so that they can be considered within the 10 June promotion cycle. The Deputy Chief, Headquarters Security Branch gave an account of HSB's experiences working with Mr. Dan Rather and the CBS crew presently filming "60 Minutes" within the Headquarters Building. He has found them very professional, and their comments indicated they have been pleased and appreciative of the Agency's cooperation. The Director of Security noted that this has not been an easy exercise. Advance notice to all areas was absolutely necessary to protect employees under cover from being accidentally filmed. It has taken patience and time and exact attention to detail. HSB is to be commended. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved Is Release 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP84-00?R000100100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL The D/Security announced that in the near future, both Time and U.S. News and World Report will be at the Headquarters Building to acquire suitable footage for forthcoming articles on the Agency. 9. Personal Notes 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved Foolease 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00461600100100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL 4. Declassification Pro ram the Chief of the Information Systems Analysis Staff, presented a briefing on the work 25X1A requirements to be satisfied under the Thirty-Year Declassification Program prescribed by Executive Orders 11652 and 11905. The briefing graphically outlined both the scope of the tasks and the manpower requirements that will be needed. 5. Headquarters Tours The DCI has tasked the Agency to make suitable arrangements to allow public tours of some areas of the Headquarters Building. The tours will commence on 4 July and will continue to be given on a set schedule. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved *Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00IDR000100100024-5 6. Meetings with DCI The DCI has initiated a program that permits him to interface with small groups of Agency employees. He has been very pleased with the results and the give and take experienced in these meetings. During the week of 23 May, under this program, he will meet with the Management Advisory Group of the DDA. 7. Badge Check The Office of Security will be conducting a badge check in the immediate future to identify any badges that may have had magnetic data erased. Badges so identified will be repaired. As explained in a recent Agency Notice, the erasing of magnetic data can occur at the slightest brush touch between a badge and the magnetic "OPEN" "CLOSED" signs once used on Agency safes. These magnetic signs have now been replaced and this problem should not be significant in the future. 8. Honor Award Office of Security retiree will be 25X1A presented a Certificate of Merit on 24 May in the Office of Security's Conference Room. Friends of 25X1A re invited to attend. 9. Clerical Orientation Program The Office of Security's one day Orientation Program for new OS clerical employees will commence on 23 May. Twelve clerical employees are scheduled to attend. The program will be conducted once a month (as necessary) to present new clerical-employees assigned to OS a flavor of the clerical procedures unique to this Office. 10. Clerical Promotions Recommendations for clerical promotions, GS-.6 and above, must be submitted to the Chairman of the Clerical Career Board by Wednesday, 25 May, if they are to be considered in this promotion cycle. 3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved FSelease 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00000100100024-5 11. CBS "60 Minutes" Film crews will be in the Headquarters Building on 23, 24, 25 and 26 May shooting footage for the DCI's appearance on the "60 Minutes" program. 12, Personal Notice On 12 May 1977, DD/PSI announced the tragic death 25X1A 25X1A was killed in an automobile accident on 10 May 1977 in the vicinity of his home. The Director of Security, DD/PSI and Acting attended burial services. Approved For Release WHROT &M-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved Fo4blease 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-004600100100024-5 3. Suggestion Awards Officer David Seibel, Federal Protective Service, was presented a certificate and a check for $25 in connection with a suggestion to improve traffic safety in the Headquarters' visitor parking lot. HSB/Security Services Section, was.presente a certificate and a check for $50 in recognition of a suggestion to install plexiglass shields over the food service tables in the Rendezvous Room. 4. Agents 'In-Service Training Class The DD/PSI announced that the Agents In-Service Training Class would end today following a brief address by the DDA. Each participant in this program was invited to comment on the content and impact of the course. Their observations were positive and the consensus was that this type program has value and should be continued. 5. Unit Citation -- Information Review Group On 11 May the DDA presented a Unit Citation to the Information Review Group in recognition of its sustained high performance and responsiveness to requirements arising from the Freedom of Information and Privacy 25X1A Acts. Chief, IRG, accepted the Citation on behalf of all members of IRG, past and present. 6. CBS "60 Minutes" The DCI has agreed to appear on the CBS program "60 Minutes." Representatives of CBS will be in Headquarters during the period 18-20 May. An Employee Bulletin is forthcoming which will provide additional details. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For lease 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466&0100100024-5 7. Termination Secrecy Agreements Based upon a recent decision by the DDCI, Termination Secrecy Agreements will no longer be used. Instead, employees separating from the Agency will be asked to execute a Security Reminder form. This form will be used only to remind personnel of their obligation to protect from disclosure classified information and information involving intelligence sources and methods. 8. Visit by GSA Administrator Mr. Joel Solomon, the recently appointed Administrator, GSA, will visit Headquarters Building in the near future to tour our facilities and meet with selected Agency officials. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 d F 2CCpO1NFFgI~D07ENT~IgAL R~4 0046 ~~ Qp-1D Approve8 fpq SeopeSECURITY: WEEKLYPBSTAFF6` 111J 0024-5 ROOM 4E-64 5 May _ 1 9 7 7 3. Securit Review Task Force Reiterating comments made last week by the Acting Director of Security, the Director of Security today remarked that the Report of the Security Review Task Force was a well prepared, comprehensive document addressing essential security issues. In summarizing the performance of the Task Force, the Chief/OPS/PSI stated that Task Force members and those personnel whom they consulted,represented a wide body of knowledge and independent view points. He noted further that the findings, conclusions and recommendations contained in the Report represent the consensus of all Task Force members. The recommendations as set forth in the Report will be presented to the DCI in the near future. E2 IMPDET CL BY 013744 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved FO&Iease V/bROT b'A-RDP84-004600100100024-5 4. Recent Publicit The Director of Security commented that recent instances of adverse publicity must not dampen our spirit. We will continue to have challenges and requirements and each must be met with the sustained high performance for which we are known. 25X1A S. 111111 Securit Anofficer for the Directorate for Operations recently acknowledged to the Director of Security the improved 25X1A security posture of our facilities The Director of Security remarked that security of Agency facilities and personnel 6. Special Agents In-Service Training Course The Special Agents In-Service Training class will be conducted from 9 - 13 May irst four days of the course will be presented On 13 May participants will return to Headquarters 'P fa final session and an address by the DDA. Agency TDY Lieutenant USN, will begin shortly a four-month TDY in the NIO prior to an assignment to the Naval Intelligence School on the West Coast. 8. Security Management Advisory Group (SMAG) Morale Survey SMAG is currently distributing a morale survey to randomly selected Office of Security employees in Headquarters and the field in Grades 03-14. The survey is completely confidential with respect to the identity of the participants all of whom are urged to respond to ensure survey validity. When tabulated, the results of the survey will be published and disseminated to all OS employees. 9. Rotational Assignment The Director of Security announced that 25X1A will end his three-year rotational tour in Technical Security Division in the near future and will return to DDS&T/OTS. The valuable contribution of Mr. 25X1A to TSD and the Office of Security is greatly apRgrcovc~or Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved Foolease IZO .VTCL%RDP84-0046.00100100024-5 4. Papers of Significant Import Three papers of significant import were prepared this week by the office of Security. The first was a report to the DDCI in response to recommendations by the IG concerning the Office of Security. The second, an Office of Security Directive addressing the impoundment of selected Office of Security files, is being coordinated with the DDA and OGC prior to its publication and dissemination. The third paper was a request to the Chief, Information System Analysis Staff, DDA, to set in motion prescribed approval procedures to permit the destruction of so called "dissident" files held by the Office of Security. 5. Security Review Task Force The Acting Director of Security commended members of the Security Review Task Force for their excellent report. The recommendations contained therein are sound and meaningful and will be presented to the DCI in the near future. 6. Relocation of IC Staff The IC Staff has begun moving i t s and it is anticipated that their relocation will be completed by this weekend. As a result,--adjustments in space allocation within the Headquarters Building will permit the Information Review Group to move to improved facilities on the Ground Floor. 7. RFD Seminar 25X1A Technical Security Division, 25X1A summarize a recen RFD Seminar hosted by the DDSFT and DDO which was attended b thirteen 25X1A scientists in the RFD field. thirt terme e mutual exchange of information very en ig tening. Based upon critiques prepared by the attendees, the Seminar appears to have been highly successful. 8. OSCCAR/CAPER The Chief, Security Records Division reported that the Office of Security Case Control and Reporting (OSCCAR) System is being discontinued at the end of April. It will Approved For Release 2O fPMM B. iA44DP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For sase 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP84-00466 0100100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL be replaced by the Case Processing Evaluation Report (CAPER) System, a much simpler and inexpensive program. The CAPER System will produce monthly production reports and reports on the status of cases. Input to this system will be controlled by Security Records Division. 10. Upcoming Security Training Courses announced that the next Management 25X1A 25X1A by Objectives Seminar will be conducted - on 2 and 3 June and that the Physical Security E uipment Course will be presented from 25X1 9 - 19 May. Interested personnel should contact Training Branch for further details. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved FoloIeaseGM /OBQT t 1A-RDP84-004600100100024-5 OFFICE OF SECURITY WEEKLY STAFF MEETING ROOM 4E-64 8 April 1977 1. The Staff meeting was chaired by the Deputy Director of Security. 2. Special Awards Ceremony In a ceremony held on 4 April 1977, the DDA presented Certificates ese awards were in recognition of their efforts in October 1976, in the location and removal of a hostile audio penetration device installed in the residence of a U. S. State Department Official. E2 IMPDET CL BY 013744 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For Re a 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP84-00466R0 00100024-5 CONFIDENTIAL S. Director of Security Leave It was announced that the Director of Security would be on military leave for two weeks commencing 18 April 1977. 6. TV Coverage of CIA CBS has requested that their program Who's Who be allowed to do a "Day in the Life of the DCI". The Office of Security has prepared a paper on the security ramifications involved in such an enterprise and the CBS request with the Office of Security position has been forwarded to the DCI for his decision. 7. Program Call On 7 April.,. the Director of Security met with the DDA concerning this year's Program Call, FY 1979 budget. It is anticipated that the Office of Security, as every other office within the Directorate, will now be required to produce a series of impact papers relative to how the Office of Security would be affected by the various budget levels that must be considered by the DDA. 8. Demonstrations at Headquarters Building On Thursday, 7 April, thirteen demonstrators representing "Christians Against Torture"came to the Route 123 Headquarters Entrance. Their purpose was to give testimony against United States Government support to any foreign government which uses terrorism to silence its people. Their spokesman noted that the policy in such a matter is not made by the Agency and that the demonstrators simply wanted to show Agency employees that there are groups in the United States who are openly opposed to terrorism. The DD/PTOS in giving an account of the incident showed how the Agency working with the Assistant United States Attorney, the Park Police and the Fairfax County Police could prepare itself to handle such demonstrations with the least possible inconvenience to the Agency and its employees. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5 Approved For?ease ?C08A07NM ,LRDP84-004660100100024-5 25X1A 25X1A 9. Office of Security Presentations of Information Systems Security Group of Polygraph Branch gave brief presentations on their component activities as they relate to the Agency today. , in statistics showing the tremendous growth spurt experienced by computer sciences, noted that the field of computer security is very much in need of officers willing to interest themselves in this specialty. 10. Briefcase Checks As a routine matter, briefcase checks will be scheduled to insure that Agency employees are complying with Agency rules relative to the handling and safeguarding of classified information. 11. Commendation Chief, Physical Security Division read excerpts from a cable sent by the Chief of Station, as a special Fitness Report on Office of Security employee 25X1A has just returned from an 25X1A extended TDY where he provided security support to the COS who had received a threat on his life. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP84-00466R000100100024-5