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App ~ F - ~~7/12 : CQ~ -00466R000'1~70006-9 ~~ ~+ ~ 2 MAR 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROt~i: Robert ~. Gaabino Director of Security SUBJECT: Office of Secur ty Signific~n.t Act~titias Meek of 15 Marc 1979 (U) REFERENCE: DDA Adrinistratire Instruction No. 74-5 1. This nesorutdwr is for information only. (U) ~. Tha activities of the Office of S?curity during the seek of 15 - 21 March 1979 xere highlighted by the fol,l.aring items: a. At the request of th Division, Directorate for Operat ons, a representa- tive of this 8ffice provided bri.afings ee counter- terrori staffs 25X1A uc r e ngs x e con uc u ure n conjunction with regularly scheduled seeurit7r surveys of the rest of these uaiquel visible and vulaars~ble Agencg facilities< (A/~U4) 25X1A 25X1A b. This reek the Gffice of 5ecvritX received a glvwin consendation from the 25X1C 25X1A to the a ceaMaien on praise t ? xor o ro representatives of this dffice rho had provided much needed psrsonael protecti~fn and residential security support to 25X1A personnel (C) c. The Safety Assistant .al+tsnded three,:-~ important ~w-etings of the DDA ~ woa~sn' # Morkiag Group regarding the upco,i~tg l3QA Csrae= Arareness Day scheduled for 6 June 197'9. (U) OF~IG9J~~ ~"~ ~`p ~QOgoo3 EX"f BYP~~ ~ ~-~~~a ~1~ 8 a RYAS?t?d ~~_~ 7 ~ - a- , d 3 as ~ ~aa7 Approved For Release 2001/07/12~~P84-004668000100070006-9 Approved For Relea~001/07/1~P84-00466R000'~70006-9 d. On 19 March representatires of the Office began the rebadging of eeployees Mho hate been revalidated as Agency Component Docusent Control Officers. (U) , e. Safety Branch has begun preparation of the Agency's annual coeprehensive Occupational Safety and Health Report to the Secretary of Labor, as by the Occupational Safety and E~ealth Aet and Executive Order 11807. (U) f. The Security representative assigned 25X1A to rvvide defector su port 25X1A n t e case 25X1A een relieved to return to hi 1 duties. (S) g. A representative of the ?ethnical Security Division and the Commux-icati.ons Security Staff of they Office of Communications are planning a special joint trip to selected Blac countries. The Office of Security teen Mill perfor? normal audio eoa~ntermeasux~es inspoctivns and also assist the Office of Conuruaications representa- tives on a detailed inspection of selected items of cs~u~rications equipaeat. (S) 3. Fraject?d Office of Security activity of possible interest at the Directorate level includes: Preparatiems are being made to support the DCI's trip to Omaha, Nebraska, and Los Angeles and San Francisty, California, during the period Z7 - 31 March 1979. In Los Angeles, Security r?presentatives are in close liaison xith local police. Recent visits to Los Angeles by Government officials have be+sn marred by demonstrations staged by sovsral roups, most notably Iranian and Palestinian organizations. (C) 25X1A Distribution: Orig ~ 2 - Adse 1 d - D/Security - OS Registry 25X1ApS/PAM/PPG/ 1 - PPG Chcbto 22 March 19 Approved For Release 2001/07/1~~P84-004668000100070006-9 Approved For Relea~001/0~~~~DP84-00466R000'~70006~9 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security (PAM) 25X1~ROM: Deputy Director of Security (PTOS) SUBJECT: Entries fox the DDA Log 15 - 21 March 19'19 (U) ~'~~~ 0n 19 March, representatives of the Office began the rebadging of employees who have been revalidated as Agency Component Document Control Officers. (U) 7_ n71 7~ ~~a 'v`r'~ 7 ~^or~rocor~toti~ro .~-~ +~.n (1F~~r-.. .~. ..tea-.-.~ ~~^'r` the mai 25X1A 3. On 21 and 22 March, security support in connection with heaxings before the Senate Foreign Re1at"ions Committee was provided to senior Agency officials. (U) facilities were completed during the repoxtins? period: 4. Security audit reports on the following industrial preparation of the Agency's annual comprehensive Occupational Safety and Health Report to the Secretary of Labox, as re- v c{uired by.the Occupational Safety and Health. Act and Execixtive Order 11807. (U) 6, A representative of the Office is attending the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Training Institute course "OSHA for other Federal Agencies." This is the foundation course far those who will be involved in safety and health inspections. (U) `'_'P -~ Safety Branch h begun OEAIVA~ivE CL F3Y 4 6 3 7 7 4 ~LD~CL C~R~V~1~ Jid Z 1Mar9 9 ~~J~.F~ VEp i~ A9 c (5.1) Approved For Release 2001/07/ IW~ P84- 6RD~0"'~ - Approved For Relea~001/07H2-~`C~P~~RDP84-00466R000'~70006-9 7. In support of the Safety Educational. and Promo- tional Program overseas, 320 copies of ".Food and Drug Tnteractions" were provided to safety officers of AF, EA, EUR, NE and LA Divisions of the DDO; and OTS/DDSF~T for distribution to their overseas facilities. (C) ~'~?~ The Safety Assistant attended three important meetings of the DDA Women's Working Group regarding the up- coming DDA Career Awareness Day scheduled for 6 June 1979, (U) 9. On 13 and 14 March, a representative of the Office attended the Federal Office Systems Expo at the Sheraton Park Hotel. The areas of interest at this Expa were document copying, transmission and control. The most promising item displayed was the Access Corporation System 60 which can recall a single microfiche card from a file with a maximum capacity of 200,000 cards in 4 to 11 seconds. Another promising system is the PRC Telefiche which can transmit a microfiche card copy over noxmal telephone lines in 35 seconds. Other information on new copiers, electronic mail systems, document destruction, and anti-theft devices are on 25X1C the Engineering and Planning Branch of the Technical Security Division. (U) Y~. A representative of the Technical Security Division and the Communications Security Staff of the Office of Approved For Release 2001/0~~~1~1~DP84-004668000100070006-9 Approved For Relea 00~~~~1A-RDP84-004668000 70006-9 Communications are planning a special joint trip to selected Bloc countries. The Office of Security team will perfoxm normal audio countermeasures inspections and also assist the Office of Communications representatives on a detailed inspec- tion of selected items of communications equipment. (S) 14. On 21 March, a representative from the Office of Technical Service will meet with the Operations Branch of ~/ the Technical Security Division to plan a schedule for (~ specialized OTS training and briefings for TSD personnel, 1. During the week of 26 March, the Office will begin ,/ the electronic text editing process to put its "Standard X Security Procedures for Contractors" into final format for (\ printing by Printing Services Division, Office of Logistics. (C) 2. On 2'1 March, a representative of the Office will give a two-hour presentation on establishing a Safety and Health program at an overseas post to ten General Services officers at the Foreign Service Institute. (C) K 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/Q7~~:[~~A~RDP84-004668000100070006-9 Approved For Relea~001/07M~~Q~~RDP84-004ssR000~07000s-9 MEMORAN1lUM FOR: Chief, Policy and Plans Group 25X1 AFRDi~1: eputy erector of Security (PSI) SUBJECT: Weekly Log 25X1AC,~,~. The rovide defector support 25X1 in the case o 25X1C has been re ieve to return to his nornal duties. (S) 25X1A 2. The has been re nested to 25X1A have meet same serious concexns abou`~~-d~ugnstrations in the Los Angeles C;alitornia, during the-}~riod 27-31 March 1979. There are al we are in close touch witT-i~e~s Angeles police. (C) 5. Pre arations have been completed for ~Fe -~~~5X1A 25X1 to meet and assist the DDCI during his visit ~/ ew or ity on 21 March where he wi11 be delivering a (~ and assist a mem er o t e Payroll Section, Office of Finance. This individual arrived in Philadelphia on the morning of 21 March with sensitive computer tapes for delivexy to the Philadelphia office of the Tnternal Revenue Service. (C) 25X1A a,Q~``".. Preparations are being made to support the DCI's speech to the New York Counsel on Foreign Relations. (C)