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April 12, 1979
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t~~JIV~'IL~~~~~ d f~L Approved For Rele~2001/07/12 : CIA-RDP84-004668000 AE~`yTRY FILE-~,~ ~~ 1 2 APR ~]~ ~[ORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Robert ~P. Gambino Dir?ctor of Security SUBJECT: Office of Security Significant Activities Week of S April 1979 (U) REFSR$NCE: DDA Ada~inistratfve Instruction X74-5 1. This ~aemorandu~a iffi far information only. (U) ~. The activities of the Office of Security during the week of S - ll April 1979 were highlighted by the following items: a. Dn S April, a representative of the office briefed the Director of the National Photographic Interpretation Center on personnel protection measures to follow during hie forthcoAing trip tv Hurope. (C) c. On 6 April, Ms, Betsy ~vyes, a uembsr of the staff of tho Hnuse Permanent Select Coauitteo on Inte111gence, ran afforded detailed briefings by Office of Security representatives oa various aspects of Ageaey applicant processing including the polygraph progras- and the functions and makeup of the Applitaat Review Parcel. (U) 25X1 Distribution: Orig ~ 2 - Adse 1 - D/S ? - QS Reg 1 - PPG chrono Q~i1NAL GL BY "'~O /a Y ~~~ ? DEC1. t~f i;IrV1fV CN /~ Arr i / 1 ~$~ ~XT BYi~~ B YES BY _ . - R#p5~[D~s __ 25X1A OS/PF~M/PPG : sw (12Apr79) Approved or a ease Q~j ~! ~QQ466R00010~~7C~0~-~Z Robert W. Gammbino Approved For Rele~ 2001/07/~~~~RDP84-00466R00~070003-2 11 April 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security (PyM) 25X1A PROM: 2. On 9 April, representatives of the Office joined a ~,, . ,25~1A briefing on the new protection system given ~,,"-r for Operations Directorate records management officers by ~ ~ Office of Technical Service personnel who developed the 25X1A system. This _ protection system, now in use between the European Diviszon and its field facilities, will be implemented in the rest of the waxld in August. (S) 3. On 5 April, a xepresentative of the Office briefed ,' the Director of the National Photographic Interpretation Centex on personnel protection measuxes to follow Buring his forthcoming trip to Europe. (C) 25X1A 6. Dr. Edwin A. Speakman, Science Advzsor to the Com- manding General, U. S. Army Intelligence and Security _.. i r Security (PTOS) Entries for the DDA Lag 5 - 11 April 1979 (U) DERI-VATIVE CL BY Ob3774 RVW ON 11 APRIL 1999 DERIVED FROM A9c(2.20) Approved For Release 2001/07/~~~~~~'P84-004668000100070003-2 Approved For Rele~ 2001/07/1~''Ct'A`RDP84-00466R00~070003-2 Command ( INSCOM), visited the 1A from 1000 to 1.300 hours an 10 pry r. Spea man and his party were briefed on the functions of the - in A1A training programs and state-of-the-art technalagy relative to technical listening devices. The Army's technical re- source program and the problems that are encountered were discussed. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/OQI~'![~~~tDP84-004668000100070003-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : DIA-RDP84-004668000100070003-2 pprove o~re~s~~20~1/U7112 : C1A=RDPB'4~-U0~ - Approved For Rele~ 200.1/0.7112 'CIA-RDP84-00466R00~0070003-2 ' I~IEP~IORA.NDUi~1 FOR: Deputy Director of Security, PSI 25X1 AFROIvI Chief, Staf# and Operations Branch SUBJECT: Briefing for Iv1s. Betsy Keyes, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Staff 10 _~pril 1979 25X1A 1. On 5 April 1979, the OLC 25X1A. e a.m? rie zn~ by a ours; 25X1A comprehensive monologue covering undersigned escorted Ivls. Reyes to the Polygraph Branch for a .~rnaLely one and one h lf h e the overall security processing. g oo in Z? To the best recollection of the undersigned, i?Is. Keyes availed herself of the opportunity to ask questions only once during the briefing. At one point, she inquired as to s~rho received waivers from the polygraph process. 25X1A responded by pointing out that Presidential appointees are not required to be polygraphed but most, if not all, have volunteered for testing. He also, discussed at some length the fact that waivers have been Granted on medical grounds but in Coto we are talking about a ti-ery sma11 percentage of applicants. r-is. Keyes did not pursue the matter any further. For approx- conducted a mast present day utilization of the polygraph. He noted~theuchecks and balances in effect to preclude misuse of the device; the training requirement for Agency examiners, the techniques utilized to elicit information and very carefully painted out the role of the polygraph as an investi ativ t 1 ' Approved For Release 2001/07/12: CIA-RDP84-00466R000100~7`Ofl0.3-~2~: '. }~~'~~~_~.--?9~ Approvect~ForRelease~1/07/.1x" CI~'P'8~0466R0001~00070003-2 25X1A 3. Following gave leis. Keyes a b e briefxnb the undersigned the Applicant Review Paneldow~henhad~prevQOUSlydbeenfbrng of on this process and simply wanted to fill in the a iefed recollection of the Panel's flanrt,,,~_.-.--. ~ g Ps in her All portions of this document are classified CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07/12: CIA-RDP84-004668000100070003-2