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5 (3) AUTHORS: V. Vol Corresponding Member SOV/20-126-6-35/67 AS USSR, Frunse# To No, Kurashevt V. Vol Alybina'. A. Yu. TITLE: On Somt Characteristic Features of the Non-equilibrium Poly- conder4sation (0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh neravnovesnoy polikopdonsataii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Ak Iademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 6, pp 1270 - 12T3 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper, the experimental part of which was worked out with, the assistance o:t P. A. Aliyevakiy gives only part of the re- sults obtained. A detailed description will be published la-. term The equilibrium polycondensation (Ref 1) which taken place under the interaction of diamines (Ref 1) is characterized by l several characteristic features among them by the rev rsibilit T both of the main reaction of the polymer synthesis (*:a schen e f as well an the accompanying conversions (of the exchange re-, actions) which take place simultaneously (Ref 2). Such exchmW reactionev which have mostly destructive character, take place between the growing polyamide molecules at the expense of the Card 1/# end groups as well an of the amide bonds in the macromolecule On Some Characteristic Features of the Non-equilibrium SOY/20-126-6-35/67 Polycondeneation Car4 211 7 - _1> (Ref 3). They bring about a certain, rather close distribution of the forming polymer according to the specific weights (Ref 4). The exchange reactions lead to the fact that in the equi- librium polycondeneation a state occurs which is denoted as "polycondeneation equilibrium" (Ref 5). The excess of on* of the reaction products disturbs this equilibrium and influences the molecular weight of the formed product (Ref 6, Fig 2). The present investigation was carried out in order to determine whether these dependences change if the polycondeneation in carried out an a non-equilibrium process. As an example of such a reaction the interaction between dicarboxylic acid chlorides with diamines may be used (see scheme). If this reaction is carried out at the boundary between two phases by dissolving the initial substances'in two liquids which do not mix with each other (Ref T)9 then it takes place very rapidly.also at low temperatures i.e. under conditions at which no counter re- actions occur. The authors investigated the reaction between hexaaethylene diamine with alkali addition and adipinic acid chloride. It may be seen from figure 1 that the optimum con- centration,which leads to high yields in the production of On-Some Characteristic Features of the Non-equilibrium BOT/20-126-6-35/67 Polycondensation high-mol*oular products is the 0,15 mol/l solution. Both rea- gents were solutions of the same concentration. In order to" solve the problem of the effect of the ratio of the initial substance on the, molecular weight of the forming polymers a test series was carried.out in which either the one or the other initial substance formed an excess. In spite of large excesses the obtained polyamides had practically no equal mo- lecular weights (Table I). In the case of an equilibrium poly- condensation in the reaction of dicarboxylic acids with dia- mines (Fig 2~ this excess produces strong effects. In this - pasop the factor which interrupts t~e reaction and the growth, of the chain is the formation of a polyamide film on the sepa- ration surface of the phases through which the initial reagents. may not diffuse. An addition of butyric acid chloride to the solution of -the initial acid chloride in benzene considerably reduces the mole6ular weight of the forming polyamide (Figs-3 and 4)- 1 PolYmerp which has groups incapable of reaction, at the two ends, looses the capability of a further growth. There are 4 figures, I table, and 7 referencesp 6 of which are Soviet. Card 3/t - C-C X? 4? 66173 too SOV/2o-128-5-27/67. K=b 4)c Corresponding Member, AS USSR, Polyakoval A. M.4 AU;AORSI Vdovin, V. M.p Mironovt V. F-, petrov, A. D Corre ponding Member, AS USSR, TITLE: On the .Interaction of Tetraalkyldihydridedisiloxanes With Di- functional 'Unsaturated Compounds pERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 5, pp 960 963 (USSR), ABSTRACTs The disiiox6nes . menItioned in the title react with acetylene under atmos Ipherie pressure in the presence of small quantities solution of chloroplatinic acid in isoproPY1 al- of a 0.1 m under review cohol and form polymer products. In the paper the authors investigate a similar reaction (see Diagrams). The same catalyst*was used. PolYmers in the form Of viscous Oils in a yield,of UP to 60-A are formed due to the reaction of equimolar quantities of the two components. A diagram shows the structure of the links of these polymers according to the infra-red absorption spectra and the elementary analYsis. Tabled 1 shows the results obtained. Hence it appears that the ana- Card 1/2 lysis results are in good agreement with the results obtained LK UYCUCHKOVSKIY, Anton Denisovich; XORGHAK, V-V. ,; TYALM,', Ye.Kh., red.isd-va: pMj9O-TA-,,-T-.T.-. -tekhn. red. [Artificial leather] Iskusetvennals kozha. Moskva. lsd-.vo Akad.nauk SM,, 190. 48 p. 0MU " x4:2) (Zeather, Artificial) -M GIFTER, Tevgeniy Leonidovich; KABACEWK, K.I.# skademik,; K SH . V.T.. LOOKUTOTA. I.F., red.izd-,a; 9 [Organophosphorne monomers and polywral Fos *fororgenlebaskie monomery J polimary. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk s=. 196o. 287 P. (RU4 13:3) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Korshak). (Phosphorus omnic compounds) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4506 Kolesnikov, German.Sergeyevich Sintez vinil,hykh proizvodnykh aromaticheskikh i geterotaikliches- kikh soyedinenly (Synthesi's of Viny1Derivatives of Aromatic and Heterocyclic Compounds) 'Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 302 p. Errata slip inserted. .4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elementoorgani- cheakikh soyedinenly. Resp. Ed.: V. V. Kors Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ed7 -ofPubliabing House: D. A. Katrenko; Tech. Ed,*: 0. M. Gus1kova. PURPOSE- This book Is intended for organic and industrial chemists inte;ested in the synthesis of high polymer compounds. COVERAGE: The book is a comprehensive review of the initial chem- Idal compounds used in the synthesis of vinyl polymers. The author presents methods of preparation and the physicochemical properties of vinyl derivatives of aromatic and heterocyclic Synthesis of Vinyl Derivatives (Cont.) SOV/45o6 compounds. No personalities are mentioned. There are 391 references, mainly English, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Ch. I. Methods of Synthesizing Vinyl Derivatives of Aromatic Hydrocarbons 5 1. Dehydration of arylmethylea"inole 5 2. Dehydration of p-arylethyl alcohols 3. Decarboxylization of substitui~ed einnamic acids 4. Dehydrohalogenation ofc4-and A-ethyl halide derivatives of aromatic hydrooarbons 5. pyrolysis of complex and simple eaters of arylmethyl carbinols and P-arylethyl alcohols 15 6. other methods of preparing vinyl derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons 16 Ch. II. Vinyl Derivatives of Aromatic Hydrocarbons 17 1. Derivatives of styrene 17 V. V. ) SOSINI AL=E-aVA)-V.-P.----- - - - - - - - - "On the preparation of new types of linear polymers by polyrecombination." report presented at the International Polymer Symposium, (IOAC), Moscow., USSR, 14-18 june 196o. ................................. .... . 31457 Ef/6-PQ/60/000/003/003/011 D202;D305 AUTHORS: Korshak, V.'V.., Sosin,.S. L., and Chistyakova, V. M. TITLE: The polyreoombination reaction as a method for produc- ing polymers SOURCE: Vaesoyuznoye khimioheekoye obahchestvo imeni D. Io Mendeleyevao Uspekhi khimii i tekhnologii polimerov, ab. 3, Moscow, Gookhimizdat, 1960, 39-46. TEXT: A summary and discussion of results obtained by the authors in their previous investigations, published in,1957 and 1958 (-Izv. AN and DAN SBSR). It was found that for producing linear polymers from saturated compounds, it is necessary to use peroxides or oth- er free-radioal forming substances in the molar ratio at least - 11 : I to the saturated compound. The formation of aR-di-iso-pro- pyl benzene polymer with tert*.-butyl peroxide is discussed in de- tail. Three different products were obtained: a) A low molecular weight condeneation.product consisting of dimers and trimers; b) a high molecular weight product (up to 10,000) linearg soluble in Card 1/3 3:145 S/629/60 000/003/003/011 The polyrecombination reaction ... D202/D305 molecules into three-dimensional networks. The authors refer to their experiments with different solvents which were carried out in order to avoid the formation of insoluble products, but in that case only compounds of low molecular weight have been obtained. Ex- periments with the same peroxide yielded linear polymers from the following hydrocarbons: 2-dichlorobenzene, 2 -xylylendichl-oride, 4,41-di-iso-propyl diphenyl, acetic and trifluoroacetic acid ben- zyl esteFs-. /-Abstractor's note: It is not clear if in this article the authors escribe new work, or simply summarize their previous publications. 7There are 3 figures and 14 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-So7iiet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English- language references read as follows: H. McBsy, 0. Tucker and A. Milligan, J. Org. Chem., 19, 869, (1954); ibid " 19, 1003, (1954); L. Beckwith and W. Waters, J. Chem. Soc., 1008, (1956); 1. H. Brook, Trans. Faraday Soc., 53, 3279 (1957). Card 3/3 S/595/60/000/000/002/014 E075/E435 AUTHORS: Korshak, V.V, Sosin, S.L., Krichevtsev, B.K,, TITLE: Formation of terephthalic acid by catalytic oxidation of p-dialkyl substitute4f benzene hydrocarbons with molecular oxygen SOURCE: Vaesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po khimicheskoy pererabotke neftyanykh uglevodorodbv v poluprodukty dlya sinteza volokon i plasticheskikh mass. Baku, 1957- Baku, Izd~-vo AN Azerb. SSR, 1960- 119-130 TEXT: The work described began several years ago with the aim of finding means of producing terephthalic acid by oxidation with oxygen from the air. A review of the previous work leada to the conclusion that the oxidation of p-dialkylbenzenes in the- gaseous phase is not feasible due to relatively poor thermal stability of terephthalic acid. A new improved method'of producing terephthalle acid-1z described, whereby p-xylene:an& methyltoluate are oxidized simultaneously in the liquid state--, In this process each of the components oxidizes more-readily than the compounds taken separately, with 90% yield. The improvement is explained by the presence in the mixture,-of p-xylene which Car& 1/5 S/595/60/000/000/002/014 Formation of terephthalic acid ... E075/E435 helps to maintain the reacting mass liquid and~thus facilitates the absorption of oxygen. From the point of view of the chemistry of oxidation, the reaction of a compound difficult to oxidize Is- facilitate&in the prcsence of another compound which is easy to oxidize. This is in accordance with the radical-peroxide. mechanism of Semenov-Bach. TheLsimultaneous oxidation is carried out in a stainless steel reactor. It was noticed that certain . metals, such as copper, inhibit the oxidation process. Finally, a two-stage process for the production of dimethyl-terephthalate., was estallished. The first stage is the oxidation of p-.xylene (98% purity). The beat conditions for this process are as follows: Catalyst - salts of cobalt (oleate, resinate, mixtures of acids C7-C9,Cl4-CI6), 0.2%; Temperature: 140 to 1451C; Pressure% 5 to 10 atm; amount of air: 200 litres/h for I litre of p-xylene-,, time of oxidation: 4 to 5 h. Under these. conditions 40 to 45% of p-xylene is oxidized to p-toluic and. terephthalic acids. The second stage - oxidation of the mixture- of p-xylene (35%) and methyl p-toluate (65%) - shoul6be carried out at 140 to 190*C in the presence of cobalt salts. The y1eld: of acids is between 85 and'90% theoretical., Two methods of Card' 2/ 5 S/593/60/000/000/002/014, Formation of terephthalic acid ... -E075/E435 esterification of the acids with-methanol were employed., 1) esterification.catalyzed-by H2SO49, reagent ratios methanol: organic acids-H S04 equal to , 1031W,5 ; I the reaction was ' 94 to 65*,c at atmonp~eric pressure for 20 to 24 carried out at h; the Yield was 75 to 80%; 2) thermal esterification methods; no catalyst is used and th 0reaction is carried out in-a continuous reactor at '225 to 230*C under 50 to 100 atmV~ Yield 85%. This method gives methyl p--toluate c, P'ntaminated with resinous products. Esterifleation with cathion exchangers ns catalysts (types K-Y-1 (KU-1) KY-2 (KU-2) and others) Is of'great practical interest. At 1200~ 0 atm) and'a ratio,of methanol and acid's 9:1 V/ to 2-5:1 and catalyst and.acids ratio 2:1, 95% of the-acids are- esterified in one hour, -~ The reactioh'cAn be tarried out continuously with thecatalyst notlosing its activity for more than 500 h. The catalyst can be easily~regenerated by washing with HU or 1-12S04- The purification of.dim.ethylterephthalate was carried out by vacuum'llowed by recrystallization from methanol. The formation-of aromatic'dicarboxylic acids by oxidation of methyl eaters is of general applicability as shown below Card 3/5 ./000/000/002/014.1 Formation of terephthalic acid 9015/E435 ~CH 0~ J-1 CM, C0211 C02ch' CO? CH3 f ex J.. ~/ Chi .4080- COM Ain, CO' ^ / CH CHJ 3 CH3 714 cu~ COZH The work was carried out-at.the Laboratoriya vysolcomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy INEOS AN SSSR (Laboratory for high-molecular compounds INEOS AS USSR) and la ter at the MKhTI ini. Mendeleyeva. Card 4/5 Card 5/5 co AUTHORS: TITLE: 82075 S/190/60/002/01/01/021 B004JB061 Korshak$ V. V., P lZakoval A. M., Suchkova, M. D. Synthasie.of V inylqCompounds and a Study of Their Polymerization 4 PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedinenlya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 13 - 19 TEXT: The authors succeeded in synthetizing the following compounds, whic4 had previously not been described in publications: triethylvinyl lead'N(TEVL) and diethyldivinyl lead (DEDVL)~ The synthesis proceeded. according to the scheme: CH2-CHBr -- Mg CR2=CHNgBr (C2H9)3PbCl -)v- CH2-CH'-Pb(C2H5)3 tetrahyTr-ofurane- k C2H5)2PbCI2 r (CH2-CH)2Pb(C2H5)2 TEVL is a colorless liquid, with a boiling point nf- 57 - 57,50C at Card 113 Synthesis of Vinyl compounds Iand a Study of S/19o/60/002/01/01/021 Their Polymerization Po61 8 torr, and it is stable uO to 1200C. Complete decompo3ition with precipitation of lead occurs di i650C, DEDVL is alvi a I-iquid (boiling point 74 74-50C at 13 torr), and it is not ;ery swAble. Azoisobutyric acid dinitrile, tributylboron. tributylalumintim, tetra- ethyl lead, tert-butylperoxide and -hydraperoxide., and benzoylperoxide were used as initiators in the polymerization of these compounds, The results are given in Table 1. With tert-butylperoxide at 1200C and 6000 torr, TEVL gave 27.8% yellowish unstable oil with a molecular weight of 11M The other initiators and lower temperatures did not lead to polymerization. Under the action of the-..,pt3roxides at 120 - 1300C decomposition occurred, liberating lead, Attemptu at copolymerization were carried out with 1) styrol, 2) a-methylatyrol, and i) methyl- methacrylate at 6000 atm. Experiment 3) was not successful, Exp-c~rim-,nts 1) and 2) gave polymers with 4-5 - 6% Pb~ Table 2 gt---s the results. T,hese polymers had lower melting joints and visco-O-t,~s than the corresponding homopolymers (Fig. 1). DEDVL was even i-,-. Decomposition occurred on*the reaction with disiloxane in the presea-i of H2PW16 or platirilim on carbon (Table 3). Details of the reai~tioria carr,led Card 2/5 KORSHAK, V.V.; VINOGRADOVA., S.Y.; IMEDNVA, A.S. Haterochain polyesters. Part 26. Study of somo laws governing polyesterification at the interface. Tysokom.soods 2 no.l: 61-66 ja 160. (MIRL 13.5) 1. Inatitut alexentoorganIcheakikh eoyedineniy AN SSSR. (Esterification) (Polymerization) 81582 S/1 9016010021031(;5-j'f~ B020[BO66 AUTHORS: --Korshak 0 Gribovay I. A., krtamonovaL_T. V., Busumarina, A. N. TITLE: Synthesis and Polymerization of kryl Phosphonitryls and Alkyl Phosphonitryls PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No- 3, pp. 377-385 TEXT: The present paper deals with the reaction of diaryl and dialkyl phosphorus trichlorides with ammonium chloride in organic solvents with respect to a possible production of aryl and alkyl phosphonitryls. It is hardly believeable that all chlorine atoms in the molecules of dialkyl and diaryl phosphorus trichlorides be equally reactive and react at the same time With NH4GI. The author& also investigated the mechanism of thik; reaction, using diphenyl, dibutyl, and diethyl phosphorus trichlorides as initial products. The chloride of dibutyl thiophosphinic acid was obtained in a good yield by using M. I. Kabachnik's method (Ref. 7). The Card 1/3 81582 Synthesis and Polymerization of Aryl 3/190/60/001'/03/01,10-1 Phosphonitryle and Alkyl PhOsRhonitryle, B02o/bo66 conditions of reactions in organic solvents (chlorobenzene and dichloro- benzene) 1.6., mainly temperature, molar ratio of the reaction components, duration of the reactions etc. influenced the yield of the result,ant products and their'moleoular weight. The reactions of diaryl and dialkyl phosphorus trichlorides proceed by a step-by-step mechanism showing three principal stages; 1) starting growth of the chain; 2) growth of the chain; 3) chain interruption. It was shown that at 1750, a diphenyl phosphorus trichloride/ammonium chloride ratio of 1:5, and with a reaction time of 20 hours octaphenyl tetraphosphonitryl is obtained in a 70% yield.,Prom the experimental roaulte obtained new concepts on the reaction mechanism were outlined~ The polymerization of phosphonitryl derivatives in the temperature range 320 - 5000 was studied on octaphenyl tetra2hosphonitryl (Table). Under the present conditions (400 - 5000)t a mixture of tri-, penta-, and hexamers is obtained as well as a product insoluble in organic solvents with a softening point of 350 - 4500.. The preparation of diphenyl phosphorus trichloride, diethyl phosphorus trichloride, dibutyl phosphorus trichloride, octaphenyl totraphosphonitryll hexaphenyl triphosphonitryl, the compound HO-P(C6H5)2=N-P(C6H5)2'N-P(C6H5)2'N-P(C6H5)2'0, imido Card 2/3 673~ 3 0 1-157 JJPJ 0 AUTHORS: TITLE: 81586 3/190/60/002/03/or"l' B02O/BO66 Korshak, V._V., Gribovaq I* Aaq Andreyeva, M. A. IField of Organophos2horus Poly IX. Polycondenm lion of.the Dichlorides of Phosphinic Acids With Dioxy Compounds PERIODICAL; Vvookomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 427-432 TEXT: The objective of the present paper was an investigation of the influence of various factors upon the polycondensation of the di- chlorides of phosphinic acids with dioxy compounds as well as a ktnetic investigation of this reaction which proceeds according to the scheme 0 0 11 11 Cl - P - Cl + HOROR -.P ORO- + 2HC1. Card 1/4 45~6 Investigation in the Field of 3/19 60/00...: OrganOphOBphorus Polymers. IX. Poly- B020~BO66 condensation of the Dichlorides of Phosphinic Acids With Dioxy Compounds The authors studied thie reaction by the example of the interaction of equimolecular quantities of dichlorideg of methyl phosphinic acid with hydroquinone and nitro-benzene in the temperature range 140-1700 and with diethyl glycol and dichloro ethane at 40-800 . When studying the effect of the reaction time an the interaction of the dichloride of methyl phosphinic acid with dioxy compoundsi the degree of completeness of the reaction was found to increase especially rapidly within the first hours of reaction when mainly the initial components react with one another. The degree of completeness (P) of the reaction was all calculated from the equation P - X/al where x is the quantity of hydrogen chloride released until a certain inetantp and a the quantity of hydrogen chloride theoretically released by a 100% course of reaction. Fig. 1 shows a graph of the reaction kinetics of methyl phosphinic acid dichloride with hydroquinone and nitro-benzene, and Fig. 2 that of the degree of completeness of the reaction of methyl phosphinic acid dichloride. Table I illustrates the influence of glycols (hexamethylene Card 2/4 81586 I A Investigation in the Field of S1190J60100210-~l V Organophosphorus Polymers. IX. Poly- B020/BO66 condensation of the Diohlorides of Phosphinic Acids With Dioxy,Compounds glycol, diethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol) upon polycondensation with dichlorides of phosphinic acids. The polyester yield was found to increase. Fig. 3 shows the.influence of the reaction temperature of methyl phosphinio acid dichloride with:bydroquinone upon the yield and reduced viscosity of.the polyester. A considerable effect on the reaction' rate is exerted by the reaction temperature and the concentration of the initial reagents. Fig. a graphical representation of the degree of completeness of the reaction of.methyl phosphinic acid dichlorideq and Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of the reaction rate constants of methyl phosphinio acid dichloride with hydroquinone and diethylene glycol. The reaction rate constants are given in Table 2. The conditiono of the reaction of methyl phosphinic acid dichloride with hydroquinone and the results obtained from this reaction are represented in Table 3. There are 5 figures, 3 tables,and 9 references: 6 Soviet, 2 Britishq and I Dutch. Card 3/4 84503 f6i ILI S/190/60/002/004/003/020 B004/BO56 A ;'.~ 19 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., Artemova, V. S. TITLE- Investigation in the Field of the Coordination Chain Polymers. II. On Some Polymers of quinizarin With Metals PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 492-497 TEXT: The authors aimed at producing coordination polymers%f 1,4-dihydroxy-anthraquinoneA(quinizarin).-B-y--r-e-a-e7ti-on of quinizarin witL metallic acetylaoeto-na-f-eTor metallic acetate), at first in nitrogen current, and later in vacuum at 2200C, or by reaction in nitrogen current or dimethylformamide at 120 - 1400C the following was obtained:The coordination polymers of quinizarin with zinc, manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, and cadmium. On the basis of the analysis, the structural formula "0 0 X" -0 :~-0::;xe-1 Y.mH20 . was determined. X H.MeCH(COCH 3)2 (or n Vx Card 1/4 84503 Investigation in the Field of the S/190/60/002/004/003/020 Coordination Chain Polymers. II. On Some B004/BO56 Polymers of quinizarin With Metals MeOOCCH3), Me CH(COCH 3)2 2' orMe(OOCCH 3)2; Y is either a quinizarin radical, an acetyl radical, or an acetylacetonate radical. The analyses and structures of the substances obtained are given in Table 1; solubility, behavior during heating, molecular weight, and crystal structure are listed in Table 2. With the exception of nickel for which a decamer was obtained, the polymerization degree was low. The substances are black powders with a very low degree of solubility and high thermal stability. As an example, the authors in Fig. la show the behavior of the manganese compound (decomposition in the temperature range 300 - 3800C) and in Fig. 1b that of the nickel compound (thermal stability up to 4000C). Thermal stability decreases in the following order: Ni> Zn> Mn> Cd >Cu> Co. X-ray analysis showed that the cobalt compound is an amorphous substance, whereas the compounds with manganese, nickel (X-ray picture of the decamer Fig. 2) and copper form well-developed crystals and the other compounds form badly orientated crystals. The authors thank the collaborators of the laboratories headed by G. L. Slonimski and A. I. Kitaygorodskiy for the thermomechanical and X-ray Card 2/4 64504 ILI 2 1 TA 42- S/196/60/002/004/004/020 -BO04/BO56 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., Babahinitser, T. M. TITLE. Investigation in the Field ofleoordination Polymer III. Coordination Polymers on the Basis of Bis-(8-hydroxy- quinolyl)-methane PERIODICAl: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 498-507 TEXT: In the present paper, the authors give a report oil the synthesis of coordination polymers of bis-(8-hydroxyquinolyl)-methane (Oq) with zinc, nickel, cadmium, cobalt, manganese, and copper, as well as of mixed coordination polymers of Oq With quinizarin (Q). Oq was synthetized by reaction of o-hydroxyquinoline with formaldehyde in concentrated sulfuric acid. Polymerization was carried out with the acetylacetanate of the metal in nitrogen current, and finally in vacuum at 2200C, or in a nitrogen current or dimethy1formamide at 120 - 140oct or in dinyl at 2300C. Table 1 gives the analyses and structural formulas, Table 2 the Card 1/4 84504 Investigation in the Field of Coordination 8/190/60/002/004/004/020 Polymers. III. Coordination Polymers on the -BO04/BO56 ~Basis of Bis-(8-hydroxyquinolyl)-methane coloring, the results of the X-ray structural analysis, the molecular weight, and the behavior during heating for Oq polymers. The following structural formula is assumed.. X_'~ 0 H2 0__Me~Y.MH 0, (X,. H or MeCH(COCH MeOOCCH 2 3)21 39 Me CH(COCH 3)2 2' Me(OOCCE 3)2' Y Oq radical, CH(COCH3),, OOCCH 1 3 CH(COCH3)2 2 or (OOCCH 3)2' Polymeric coordination compoundalwere obtained. Low-molecular compqunds (trimer and dimer) were formed only with copper and nickel. Within'the temperature range 250 - 3200C decomposition sets in. Fig. I shows the thermomechanical curve of the zinc compound of Oq. The majority of polymers have a crystal structure. Fig. 2 shows the X-ray picture of the Oq compound with zinc and cadmium. The authors further produced mixed polymers: a) with Oq and two different MEItals (Zn + Cu; Zn + Cd); b) with Oq + Q and Co, Mn, Cu. Analyses, coloring, structural Card 2/4 . : 11 1 8383.1 220 9 S/190/60/002/005/001/015 B004 Bo67 AUTHORS: 'Lrshak, V. V., Frunze, To M., Kurashevj V. V. TITLE: From the Field of the Heterochain Polyamides. XXIII. Poly- condensation of the Oxide of Bis-(p-carboxyphenyl)phenyl- phosphiny1dichloride With Hexamethylenediamitie in the Interface PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol.. 2, No. 5, pp. 633-635 TEXT: In earlier papers (Refs.- -3) the authors studied the polyconden- sati of phosphorous polyamid 0a with aliphatic and aromatio diamines in the melt. The present paperd scribes the polycondensation of the oxide of bis-(p-oarboxyphenyl)phenylphosphinyldichloride in the i,,,Lterface* The authors f6und that by mixing a solution of the phosphorus compound in benzene with a solution of hexamethylenediamine and KOH in water, a poly- amide film is formed in the interface, which may be extracted as a con- tinuous twist. In mixing the solutions the polyamide was precipitated as a white powder, The yield was 72 - 92%. The relative viscosity was de termined at 20 C in tricresol. A figure shows the relative viscosit as Card 1/2 83832 From the Field of the Heterochain Polyamides. S/190/60/002/()05/001/015 XXIII. Polycondensation of the Oxide of B004/Bo67 Bis-(p-carbo'xyphenyl)phenylphosphinyldichloride With Hexamethylenediamine in the Interface a function of the initial concentration of the reagents. A maximum value of about 0.88 was attained at 0.01 mole/l. At higher concentrations vis- cosity increased. Table 1 compares the polymers obtained in the melt (relative viscosity = 0.42, tensile strength 530 kg/cm2) -ith those ob- tained in the interface (relative viscosity - 0.88., tensilve strength . 700 kg/cm2). Table 2 presents yields and viecosiiies of the polyamides as a function of the concentration of the reagents. The viscosity decrease *ith rising concentration is explained by a premature chain rupture due to hydrolysis of the terminal acid chloride groups. There ara 1 figure 2 tables, and 6 references: 5 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds ofthe AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 18, 1959 Card 2/2 83814 2114 A" 22 05 S/190/60/002/005/004/015 B004/Bo67 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Krongauz, Ye. S., Sheina, V,, Ye. TITLE: Investigation in the. Field of Cc IV. Production of Polymers on the Basis of Aromat Bis- diketonee)AWith Metals PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye 130yedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2. No. pp. 662-672 lv~ TEXT: The authors describe the synthesis of bis-(P-diketoneq) with:1) two directly connected benzene rings: 4,41-bis-(acetoacetyl),Jiphenyl (1); 2) benzene rings separated by an oxygen atom: 4,4--bis--(acetcacetyl)di- phenyloxide(2); 3) benzene rings separated by a methylene group: 4,4'- -bis-(acetoacetyl)diphenylmethane (3); 4) a single benzene ring and ramified structure: O,P,pl,pl-tetraacetyldiethylbenzene (4); and 5) the bis-(O-diketone)of isophthalyldiacetophenone (5), which is iscmeric to the terephthalyldiacetophenone (6) produced earlier. Coordinaticn polymers with the following structure were obtained from these compounds: Card 1/4 83824 Investigation in the Field of Coordination s/igo/60/002/005/004/015 Polymers. IV. Production of Polymers on the B000067 Basis of Aromatic Bia-(P-diketones) With Metals .0; , -CH3; Y . -C H-11 -CH C CH I--- ", - Y-J~O'--" R - -C6H5 6 40 2 6N 2'' Md:, -0- -0 --.M6, - C 6H4G6H 4- , -C 6H40C6H4-* - C6 H4CH2C 6H4 n The Claisen reaction which the authora used at the beginning gave orly poor yields of diketones (5%). Proceeding.from, Ref. 2 the authors devalcp ed a method of direct acetoacetylation of compounds containing several benzene rings by means of acetic anhydride and in the presence of boron trifluoride with a 20% yield. The reaction equation is written down for diphenyl. oxide: BF (CH3CO )20 C6H 5"0-1C6H5+ (CH 3C0)20 CH3CO-C6H4 -0-C6H4-COCH3 BF CH3COCH2CO-C611 4- 0---C 611 4- COCH2COCH 3* Thus, compounds (2) and (3) were obtained. (1) could not be produced in the same manner. The Card 2/4 83814 Investigation in the Field of Coordination S/190/60/002/005/004/015 Polymers. IV* Production of Polymers on the B004/BO67 Basis of Aromatic Bis-(O-diketones) With Metals P-diketone of diphenyl was formed: C6H 5-C6H4' COCH 2- COCH34 (1) was* syn.. thesized according to Priedel-Craftsl(4) from xylylenedibromide and sodium acetyl acetonate. (5) and (6) were obtained by a method described in Ref. 1. By reacting alcoholic solutions of acetates of bivalent metals (Be, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Cd, Mn) with these bis-(P-diketones), or by heating the bis-(P-diketones) with the acetylacetonates of these metals at a stoichiometric ratio in the vacuum to 200 - 2500C, the coordination chain polymers were obtained, whose properties are compiled in Tables 1-6. These are colored powders, partly insoluble, and partly soluble in few organic solvents. Fig. 1 shows the thermomechanical curve for (2), Fig. 2 that for (4). These curves are characteristic of crystalline polymers. The molecular weight of the polymers was betweer. 1000-2000. The authors found that the following rules govern the behavior of these polymers: With increasing content of phenyl groups, thermostability increases while solubility decreases. Solubility and meltability decrease when the ionic radius of the metal deviates too strongly from the radius of the chain-forming atoms. Beryllium compounds showed the highest and Card 3/4 83814 Investigation in the Field of Coordination S/190/60/002/005/004/015 Polymers. IV. Production-of Polymers on the B004/BO67 Basis of Aromatic B-js-(P-diketones) With Metals ccpper compounds the lowest solubility. Thermostability, however, de- creases in the series Cu ~>Be > Ni > Co> Zn > Mn > Cd. There are 2 figures, 6 tables, and 7 references: 2 Soviet, 4 US, and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy .de) (Institute of Elemental-organic Compour SUBMITTED: January 9, 1960 Card 4/4 S/190/60/002/005/005/015 B004/B067 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V. Frunze, T. M., Kozlov, L. V.j TITLE: From the Field of Heterochain Polyamides~ XXIV. Production of Mixed Polyamidee in the Interface PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 59 pp. 673-678 TEXT: The authors of the present paper wanted to synthesize mixed poly- amides by means of non-equillibrium polycondensation in the interface and to study the influence exerted by the reactivityof the initial substances on the composition of the polyamides. A mixture of 0.2 mole solutions of adipyl ohloridejand isophthalyl chloride in benzene was mixed with a 67-4 mole solution of hexamethylene diamine in aqueous KOH with 1000 rpm. For comparkson, the same polyamides were produced by equilibrium polycondeneation,'kby heating the initial substances to 210 - 2700C in nitrogen current. Table I g1ves viscosity, solubility in formic acid, flowing point, ands on the basis of the infrared spectra Card 1/3 83815 From the Field of Heterochain-Po Iyamid.sev-, S/190/60/002/005/005/01.5, XXIV. Production of Mixed Poly'amides in the B004/B067 Interface shown in Fig. 21 the degree of crystallization. While the polymer of hexame.thyleneisophthalimide is insoluble in formic acid, mixed polymers with a content of 60%.isophthalio acid were completely soluble in formic acid (Fig. 1). The formation of a single copolymer was proven by the infrared spectrum. The products obtained by equilibrium polycondensation had a higher flowing point than the products synthesized in the interface (Fig- 3), and had also a higher degree of crystallization. In the reaction of adipyl chloride and isot'erephthalyl chloride with hexamethylene diamine in the interface, with the polymer being'extraoted from the interface as a film, the individual film samples taken during the reaction showed a perfectly homogeneous structure (Table 2) inspite of different reactivity. The different reactivity of adipyl chloride, sebacyl chloride, and azelayl chloride had no influence on the physical properties of the copolymera with hexamethylene diamine (Table 3) obtained from varying mixtures of these acid chlorides. The authors thank the laboratory heads of their institute: I. V. Obreimov .(optical Laboratory), A. 1. Kitaygorodskiy (Laboratory for X-Ray Structural Analysis), and 6. L. 51ohimsicly (Laboratory for the Investigation of Polymers) f8r t9eir T-n-vestigations. Card 2/3 836ya s/igo/60/002/006/002/012, 0 B015/BO64 AUTHORS: Korshak V V Frunze, T. M., Kozlov, L. V. TITLEt On the Heterochain Polyamide6 XXV,. Synthesis of Polyamides Containing Piperazine Radicals on the Interface PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No~ 6v PP- 838-844 X TEXTs Simple and mixed polyami des were produced from piperazine with adipyl-, azelayl-I sebacyl-p-phthalyl-, isophthalyl-, and terephthalyl chlorideq as well as fromethylene-l hexamethylene-, and nonamethylene amine with sebacyl chloride by the method of interface polyoondensatl.on~ and their properties investigated. The chlorides were applied as 0.2 M solutions in benzene and the diamines as 0.2 M solutions in water (prepared from 0-4 M solutions in KOH). The polymer yield was 30-60%. Tables 1 and 2 givethe properties of the polyamides obtained and show that a reduction in length of the methylene chain of the dicarboxylie acids leads to an increase in the flow temperature Polyamides containlng piperazine (except for poly-piperazine terephthalamide) are better soluble Card 1/,&, 83699 S/190J60/002/006/003/012 1 01 011S 0 2 LO B015/BO64 AUTHORSs Korshak, V. Frunze~ T._M., Kozlov, L. V. TITLEt From the Field of the Reterochains PolyamideiK, XXVI. Mixed Polyamides of Pi2erazi e With Aliphatic and Aromatic Dicarboxylio Acids PERIODICAL: Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2,.No. 6, PP. 845-850 TEXTs In continuation of an-experimental series (Ref. 1) mixed polyamides were produced by the method of the interfacial polyoondensation.from piperazine and adipyl-, azelayl-, phthalyl-, isophtbalyl-, and terephthalyl chloride. The chlorides were used as 0.2 M solutions in benzene and piperazine as 0.2 X solution in water Groaueea from 0.4 M solution in KOH). For the copolymers obtainedo the specific viscosity of a 0.5% solution was determined in.95% H 2s04 at 2000, as well as the flow.tempera- ture and solubility-in organic solvents (results on Tables 1-3). The introduction of the aliphatic dicarboxylic acid radicals into the poly- amide reduced essentially the flow temperature of the polymer. The Card 1/2 83707 2 15'.21D7 2-ZOq B/igo/60/002/006/012/91.*, B015/B064 .2CA AUTHORSz V. V., Mozgova,.K. K., Shkolina~ It. A. TITLEs. ~.Letters to the Editor. Now Method of Producing Grafted Polymers~~ PERIODICALs Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedine,niyal 1960, Vol. 2, No,, 6, pp. 957-958 TEXTs In continuation of the experiments In the course of which already a new method of producing j;raft copolNmers has been developed (Refs. 1-5)9 it was observed that film-*and fiber-;S'amples of polyamides~and polyesterW obtain a higher amount or-active centers by sforag-e-1-n-ITe- air; OU's, grafting with monomers carried out also without a preliminary treatment with ozone. A new, simpler method of producing graft copolymers was developed on this basisq i.e. articles in the form of films and fibers are for some time heated in the air before copolymerization. This preliminary treatment loads to the'formation of active centers so that at a further heating with vinyl monomers copolymerization takes place. The graft copolymers obtained have a higher mechanical strength than the Card 1/2 Card 2/2 KCRSHLK, v.v.; VINOGROOVA, S.V.; LIBIWA, A.S. Heterocyclic polyesters. Part 27: Some correlations in the polyesterification taking place at the boundary between two phases. Vysokom.soed. 2 no-7:977-983 Jl 160. (MIRA 13;8) Osterif ication) (Polymerization) 87022 8/190/60/002/007/001/017 33020/BO52 AUTHORSs j~qrqhak,-Y--Vo,-Frunz9, T. M.9 Lu I-nan, TITLE: On Heterochain Polyamides. XXVII. The Production of Mixed Polyamides From Romopolyamides PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No- 79 pp. 984-988 TEXT: The formation kinetics of mixed polyamides by copolycondensation F of two or more initial a ubstances was investigated by V. M. Kharitonov and two of the authors (Ref- 4)- It was the purpose 6f the present paper to investigate the reaction course with time of the production of's, series of mixed polyamides from the homogeneous polyaiaides concerned. Table I gives the properties of the initial homopolymers which were produced by polycondensation of hexamethyiene diamine salts with adipic, azelaici or seba~cic acids in the meltq and also by polymerization of 6-caprolactam in the presence of 2% heiamethylene diammonium adipate (AH salt). The melting points and specific viscosity of 0.5% solutions of mixed polyamides in cresol at 2000 and the mechanical properties of some of the polymers Card 1/3 87022 On Heterochain Polyamides, WII. The Production 8/190/60/002/007/001/017 of Mixed Polyamides From Homopolyamides B020/BO52 were determined, X-ray pictures were taken and thermomechanical curves were plotted. Some of the data obtained are given in Tables 2 and 3. Heating of the polyamide melta changes their flowing point and the vis- co8ity of their solutions, Fig. 1 shows that the specific viscosity of the solutions and the molecular weight of the polymers are increased by heating. Table 3 gives some mechanical properties of the polyamides in the system polyhexamethylene adipamide - poly-E-capronamide. The data of this. table and Fig. 2 show that the tenacity of the polyamides decre4ses with the time of heatingg i.e., the development of block and mixed polymers causes a reduction of their tenacity, whereas the elongation at break is increased* Fig. 3 shows the shift of the flow point due to heatingi it becomes lower ao*the time of heating is increased. Fig- 4 gives the change in the reaction mass composition caused by heating. It was observed that the block polymer for a comparatively long period is the chief con- stituent of the reaction.mass.,There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 8 referencess 6 Soviet, 1 German# and 1 British. t) xmfux, va.; VIWGRADOVA, S-V-; LEBM)EVA, A.S. Heterachain P017esters. Part 28: Investigation of some correlations in interfacial polyesterification. Vysokom. soed. 2 no.8:1162-1166 Ag 160o (MIRA 13:9) 1. Inatitut elementoorganicheakikh soyediueni7 AN SSSR. (Polymer12ation) 86 299 S/190/60/002/008/01.3/017 BO04/BO54 AUTHORS: XE!_h~~ Polyakova, A. M., Suchkova, M. D. TITLE: Study of'Polymerization of Acetylene Compounds Under Pressure. 1. Polymerization of Phenyl Acetylene PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1246-1248 TEXT: The authors report on their attempts to polymerize phenyl acetylene 0 At normal pressure and 70-120 C, the yield in polymer was very low. At o' -Y 1000 atm and 80 C, 12-13% of.Polymer was obtained after 6 hours in the presence of benzoyl peroxide-or azoisobutyric acid dinitrile, 26-3% of polymer at 1200C, and full polymerization at 150 OC. At 6000 atm, 3Vo of polymer with a molecular weight of 1170 was already formed after 1.5 hours at 1100C. At 1200C, the yield was 67%, but carbonization.occurred in the case of fast temperature increase. The maximum polymerization coefficient was 10-12. The polymer was a yellow, brittle substance. The thermal curves were plotted with the aid of an apparatus designed by B. L. Tsetlin (Ref-5)- The authors mention.a.paper by A. A. Berlin and L. A. Blyumenfelld (Ref. 3). Card 1/2 863OZ -0 I r-8 11'4 S/19 /60/002/008/017/01.7 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Korehak, V V. Zamyatina, V. A., Bekasova, IT.. I., MWau~;-z~an ~1' TITLE: Copolymerization of Boron-subatituted Borazoles With Rexe.- methylene Dilsooyanate PERIODICAL: Vyeokbmolskulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 81 p...1287 TEXT: In this letter to 'the editor, the authors report on the successful copolymerization of box-on-subatituted borazoles with hexamethylene di- iaocyanate. Thqrobtained transparentt glassy, yellowish substances. The following reaction diagram is given: Card 1/2- ~. IS ME= 3477 3/19 60NO27009/008/019 5.111 Coe; 2,105, 22,09 B004YBo6o AUTHORS: Polyakova, At Meg Koishak. lj~ , Suchkovao M. D., Tdovin, V. X. , Chumaye_Ye_k_Fy_,7Y. A. TITLE: Production anj Structure Investigation of Polymers Contain- inic Siloxane-land Hydrocarbon the Principal Chain of Macromolecules. IV* PERIODICAL:. Vysokomolskulyarnyye soyedineniya, 196o, Vol. 2, No.`~), PP. 1360-1369 TEXT: -The authors had previously studied (Refs. 1-3) the reaction of aGetylene.with dihydro tetraalkyl disiloxanes, and determined the struc- ture of the polymers obtained on the 3trength of their infrared spectrum. In the present article, the authors report on the reaction of acetylene with dihydro siloxanes of varying molar ratios of the reagents. The reac- tion yields chain-like p lymersivith different terminal groups. The infra- red spectra'vere examined for the absorption bands of the stretching vibrations of the -hi-H terminal group (2100-2150 cm-1), of the C-C bond 1 1 (vinyl group 1595-1600 cm-', allyl group 1625-1635 cm- ), and the Card 1/4 83477 Production and Structure Investigation of s/igo/60/002/009/008/019 Polymers Containing Siloxane- and Hydrocarbon B004/BO60 Links in the Principal Chain of Nacromolecules. IV 1 asymmetric stretching vibrations ofthe -CE terminal group (3050 ca- 2 The s peotra shown in Fig. I reveal that the reaction of acetylene with '(I) having excess dihydro siloxane yields a polymerization product -Si-H terminal groups* In the case of an acetylene excess, howeveri poly- m:r (II) forms' with -CH-09 as terminal groups. This"could also be prove'n was heated to 130 0 chemically.-The oily polymerizate (II) C at 6000 atm and at atmospheric pressure with tert-butyl peroxide.. The product obtained was insoluble in-all solvents. If (II) is causod to react with tetraalkyl dihydro disiloxane in the presends of H Ptcl 96H 0, the chain is prolonged, 2 6 2 and the resulting new polymerizate has _Ai-H terminal gioups.,Bimilar re- actions were carried out with acetylene and the polymers (III) described V~ in Ref. 2 (with -SimH as terminal group), and (IV)(with -CF[-CH as termi- 1 2 nal group). The reaction of (III) with acetylene yielded a polymerization product with -CH-CH as terminal group; the reaction o (Dr) with tetra- ethyl dihydro disilhane yieldod a polymerizate with i-H as term Inal Card 2/4 83477 Production and Structure Investigation of Poly- S/190/60/002/009/008/019 mers Oontaining Siloxane- and E[ydrocarbon Links B004/BO6O in the Prin~~pal Chain of.Macromolecules. IV group (infrared spectra Fig; 2),i In both casesi the molecular-weight in- creased, and the chain grow-longer. Furthermore, dimethyl diphenyl dihydro disiloxane was caused to react with acetylene. The polymerizate, a viscous mass,'had the molecular weight 1670. Table 1 shows the results of the re- action of acetylene with tetramethyl- and dimethyl diethyl dihydro di- siloxane-,?at a pressure of 15 atzi The infrared spectra (Fig- 3) of the oily products revealed both the presence of C-C bonds and of CH as ter- 2 minal groups. Analyses and molecular weights of the fraction s distilled in vacuum are given in Table 2. Only addition products and dimers were obtain- ed on the reaction of phenyl acetylene and diphenyl acetylene with dihydro siloianes (Table 3)- With the exception of the reaction product from di- phenyl acetylene and tetraithyl dihydro disiloxans, whose structure is still unclear, the infrared spectra (Fig. 4) revealed -6i-H bands. The infrared spectra were taken with a I HKC M-3 'jVIKS N-3)IF%p'ectrop-hotometer. The au- rermo thore thank A.-D. Petrov and I. V. 0b v or interest displayed in the work. There are 4 figures, 3 tab rences: 4 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 German. Card 3/4 83477 Production and Structure Investigation of Poly- S/190/60/002/009/008/019 mers Containing Siloxane- and Hydrocarbon Links B004/BO6O in the Prinoipal Chain of Macromolecules* IV ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganioheskikh aoyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the AS USSR). Inslitu% organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the.AS USSR) SU13MITTED: April 4, ig6o Y/ Card 4/4 83478 05 8/190/60/002/009/009/019 SAI D b Co B004/BO60 AUTHORS: xambal- V V Polyakova, A. M.v Sakharova, A. A., Mironov, Va Fog -Chernyahevg Yee'A. TITLE., Polyconjensaiion-of Halogen Alkyll(Halogen Aryl) Halogen SilanedjUnder the 'Aciion of Metallic Sodium PERIODICAL: Jy9okomolekilyarnije soye-dinenlya, 1960, Vol:' 2, No. 9, pp. 1370-1374 TEXT: The authors carried 6ilt condensation reactions with the following five compounds! ClSi(CH )(C H )CH Cl; ClSi(CH 3)20#201; ClS'(CH3 -6 5 2 3 (C H )CH CH CH Cl; ClSi(CH and ClSi(CH )2OSi(CH ) Ca o 2 5 2 2 2 3)2C644C1 3 3 2 2CH2C' The rea&tiops took place in nitrog4h current with metallic sollium sus- pended in toluene as a catalyst. The molecular weight was cryDacop"loclly determined inben-zens.. A talile-~ufplies the molecular weights of the condensates, the polymerization,coeffioienti, yieldejand silicon content. The temp6rature dependence-of the viscosity of polymer Si(ca 3)2"2_1n Card 1/2 mw-; ff 88537 S/190/60/002/010/007/026 13004/13054 AUTHORS: Yegorovd Yu Ve Kat~k Leb ed ev , NN. TITLE: Heteroahain Polymers. XXIX. Some Rules Governing the Inter- facial Polycondensation of Acid Dichlorides With Hydro- quinone PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya,,,1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 1475-1480 TEXT: The authors studied the interfacial polycondensation of adipyl dichloride and terephthalyl dichloride with hydroqinone. The acid' chlorides were dissolved in toluene, the hydroquinone in alkaline writer, and the two solutIons werethoroughly mixed. The reaction with adipyl dichloride proceeded so fast that no chlorine was detected in the organic phase after 2-3 min. With terephthalyl dichloride, the yield was determined as a func- tion of the reaction time (Fig. 1). Further, the effect of te erature V~ 0 lap was determined for thiereaction; a maximum was found at 45 C (Fig. 2). The concentration of components has little effect on the yield. 0-5-1-0 moles/1 is indicated as optimum value. Fig. 3 shows that the yield is much dependent on the NaOH concentration. The optimum concentration of Card 1/2 86324 S/190/60/002/012/011/019 15.W4 d-v W44111LO 13017/B078 AUTHORSs -Korshak, V. V., Sladkov, A. M., KudryartseyYu. P., TITLE: Synthosis of Acetylide Polymers PERIODICAM Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedinaniya, 1960v Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 1824 - 1827 TEXT: The electrophyBical properties of acetylide polymers have been studied by means of spec-tra of electron paramagnetic resonance. The produc- tion of acetylide polymers of bivalent copper from acetylene and diethynyl benzene is described in detail. The spectra of the electron paramagnetic resonance of polyacetylides from P-diethynyl benzene and acetylene are shown in a figure.. The electron paramagnetic resonance ofteopper polyacety- lide is particularly strong. The epr spectra were evaluated by N. N. Bubnov. There are I figure and 8 references$ 5 ,Soviet, 1 US, 1 British, and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy At' SSSR (Institute of Organometallio Compounds of the Ao'ademy.of Sciences USSRI Card 1/10 KORSAK, V.V. [Korshak V V I- WZGOVA, K.K. Inorganic macromolecular compounds. Analele chimis 15 no.1:37-M ja/mr l6o. (EW 9: 8) (Macromolecular compounds) (Inorganic emipounds) KORSHAK Polyrecombination. Nauka i zhiznl 27 no.9:34-35 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSOTt. (polywrizat ion) KORSH", T.T. .... .. Nogress In the field of synthesis of high molecular weight compounds, Usp.kbim. 29 no.5s569-628 Ur 160~ (MM 13:7) 1. Institut elementoorpnichoskikh soyedinenly AN SSSR- Ncromolocular compounds) 5.~61o AUTHORS: ~~xkoEshak S. 1-1. t.,! Ye. Mi. TITLE: Preparation of AzoluLc, -Y-Kelwc,~elji(- ~tnc; Other Acids From Cyclohexmune :md NIJ-i~ilc of' Aci-yll.c A-.1-1 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obsticlicy klilmli, 1960, Vol Nr PP 907-912 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Azelaic and 7-1cetoazelaic ac-lds can be :iynthe-slzed fvoin cyclobexanone and ~'lCVYJ.0nlt;P'L-lC In V01.1v St~lgc-,,,. 0 /clWAW-.0-41 N I (A.-I I Lt I y) (I V) Card 1 /5 PI'Opavat i0 n Of Azelaic, 'Y-Ketoazel;lic and Other Acids 782~io Nitrile Acid From CYclohexanone ancl SOVA-9 -"11/69 The Yields Of azelaie acid, (TV), 0 of 'X-1cetoazelaic. m[) 10'--107 Wid -0 and 451%, repec flip L ) 'Ive 40 '3 tively, bL;:,,c?(l 50-)t5%' Card 2 /5 oil cyclo .1 based On acry-,Ojjjt,,Ij,. hex;-Inone, or -cYc ohexanonepro-- OxL(L'Ition Of- plonic acicl WIL yields 'y-IcetoazeIaLC acid (yj h cilpor,lic: 1A, up to Which can be readily shOW;7 ~.-jjj reactions t "duced to if' "IC Course 0 which ~'[(Jjjjct 11 -Ubjec ted Of this investigvition. Pre paratIon of Azelale, 'X-KetojzelaLe 78280 and Other Acids From Cyclohexanone and SOV/79 30-3-34/69 Nitrile Acid NC-(CHZ)t- C- 04-f- CO'N d 0 (VI 01) (IV) (Vill) Card 3/5 T-Ketoazelaic acid can be also prepared by catalytic oxidation of e-cyclohexanonepropionic_ac with air in glacial acetic acid. Oxidation of 2 ( '9 -cyanoethyl)- -cyclohexanone with chromic anhydride under mild Preparation of Azelaic, '/-Ketoazelaic 1-:, "DO and Other Acid5 From Cyclohexanone and SOV/79-30-3-34/69 Nitrile Acid conditions yields the nitrile of ketoazelaic acid, which can be readily converted into T-ketoazelaic and azelaic acid. Cyanoethylation of cyc loi t:!xanone in the presence of alkaline catalyut at 60-650 yields (65%) primarily 2- -cyanoethylcyclohexanone, In the course of this study the following compounds were also prepared: i.,-;-cyclohexylpropionic acid (II) mp 63-640; methyl ester of cyclohexanonepropionic acid 20 (VII), bp 142-1440 (12 mm), n 1.4650, and monomethyl D 0 ester of' Y-ketoazelalc 'acid (VIII), mp 191-192 There are 25 references, 8 Soviet, 2 U.K., 9 U.S 5 German, 1 Czechoslovak. The 5 most recent U.S:, references are: FrankB., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 724 1951 ; Johnso-,,W., Hurt., J. Am. Chem. Soc., C ard 4/5 '(2, 935 R950i; Bruson, 11., Reiner, T., J. Am. Chem. Preparation of Azelaic, Y-Ketoazelaic 78280 SOV/79-39-3-34/69 and Other Acids From Cyclohexanone and Nitrile Acid Soc., 64, 2850 (1942); Baumgarten, H., Eifert, R., J. Am. Chem, Soc., 75, 3015 (1953); American Patent 2625558 (1953). .SUBMITTED: March 10, 1959 Card 5/5 67 ?,3 0 AUTHORS3 TITLE: PERIODICAL% 8/020/60/132/02/32/06T B011/B002 Korjah-qk- V j,"" rresponding Member AS USSR, Sosin, ~. L., Alekseyevaj V'~--P. The Production of New Types of .Linear-Polymersiby Moans of the Reaction of Polyrecombination Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, ig6o, vol. 132, No. 2, pp. 360-363 TEXT: The authors treated diphenylmethane, some of its derivatives, methyl ester of phenyl acetic acid, and benzyl benzoate with tertiary butylperoxide (1.2 and more moles per 1 mole of the initial substances) at 2000, according to the methods described in Ref. 2. Thus they obtained polymers containing no noticeable amounts of tridimensional structures. In such cases hitherto it was only possible to obtain dimers (Refs. 3, 10). Now a linear polymer was obtained from diphenylmethane which the authors consider to be a polydiphanylmethylene (I) and which hitherto has not been known (see Scheme). 0It is a yellowish powder soluble in benzene, with a melting point of 205-220 . Its molecular weight varies between 10000 and 900000, according to the molar ratio between peroxide and hydrocarbon. Against all expectations, this polymer shows no inclination Card 1/3 The Production of Now Types of Linear Polymers by Means S/020/60/132/02/32/067 of the Reaction.of Polyrecombination BO11/BOO2 to decompose into free radioals,in--the presence of diphanylpiarylhydrazins. It is also largely stable towards RNO and chromium mixtures. It is very probable that the stability of"the polymer Is due to the fact that the firs t product of the polyrecombinati~6n reaction, namely the dimer tetraphe lethanej is a completely stable compound (Ref. 5). The structure of polydiphen;rl methylene (I) was also confirmed by IR-speotra. On the basis of their results, the authors concluded the followingt tertiary butylperoxide decomposes in such a way that I mole of peroxide develops only 1 mole of active radicals instead of 2. Hence the maximum of the molocular,weights 2 moles of peroxide consumption per 1 mole of hydrocarbon. Half of the liberated radicals which developed originally, are used for side reactions. From the above-mentioned compounds and others given in table I the authors in the same way produced linear polymers with a high molecular weight, soluble in benzene. If durenep ditolylmethane, p,pl-di-iso- propyl diphenyl, benzylacetate or other compounds are introduced into the reaction instead of diphanylmethane, large amounts of indissoluble polymers develop besides linear polymers. Their structure apparently is cross-linked by methyl groups. Polyreoombination allows the production of linear polymers with aromatic cycles not onlyin their side-, but also in their main chains. Finally the authors state that polyreoombination will only produce linear polymers of a Card 2/3 ARBUZOV, A.Ye.,, akad.; VAVILOV, S.I., akad.;-VOLIFKOVICH, S.I., aked.; KOCHINA, P.Ya.9 akad.; LANPS=G, G.S.,, akad.; LEYBENZCN, L.S.,, akad.; PORAY-KOSHITS, A.Ye., akad.; SMIRNOVj, V.I.., akad.; FESOKOV,, V.G., akad.; CHWYA7EV,'V.L, akad.; KAPUSTINSKIY, A.F.1,KORSHAKI_ V.V. KRAVKOV, S.V.; NIKIFOROV, P.M.; PETROV, A.D.; PREDVODITEIEV,, A.S.; FRISH, S.E.; CHETAYEV, N.G.; CBMUTOV, V K.;,SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M.Fip* KUZUTSOV, I.V... red.; MIKULINSKIY, S.R... red:; MMSHOVA, N.Ya." [Men of Russian science; essays on prominent persons in natural science and technology,. Mathematics, mecbanics,, astrononv.. p1wsica, chemistry] Liudi russkoi nauki; ocherki o vydaiushchi ia deiate- liakh estestvoznnniia i tekbniki: matematika, mekhanika" astronomiia, fizika., khimiia. Moskva, Goa-. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1961. 599 P. (KIRA 14:10) 1. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Kapustinskiy, KorshaJ4 Kravkov., Nikiforov, Petrov, Predvoditelevj Frish., Chetayev., Cbmutov, Shostakovskiy). (Scientists) IKORSHAK, V.V.; MIOGRADOVA, S.V.; FRUNZE, T.M.; GRIBOVA, I.A.; ZHDANOV, A.A.; MOZGOVA, K.K.; KRONGAIJZ, Ye.S., red.izd-va; TIKROMIROVA, S.G. . [Chomistry,and technology-of synthetic macromolecular compounds. ~Heterccycl.ic ~o;apcundsL.Kbimiiai takhnologiia sintetichaskikh vysok=olekalia3Mykh soedinenii. "-sterotsepnp soedineniia.- Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad.nauk MR. 194. 721 p. (Itogi nauki: Khimicheskie naule1j. no.7) (MIRA l/,-ll) 1. Chlen-korreispondent AN SSSR (for Korshak). ,(Macromolecular compounds) (Heterocyclic compounds) RCGCYI, KORSHAYj,,ILV---SLADKOV, A.F..,;. MONGAUZ, Ye.S,,; filF, S.V.; RODIOnOVAY Ye.F.; CHMMKOVA, G-H,; MAYAROVA, T,A.; SOSIN, S.L,; LOSKUTOVA, I.P., red,izd-va, POLYAKOVA; T.V,,, f Chemiotry P-M technology of oynthetic macromofecular comp(rind:7. -hook ~,kow:- -eI-u7,.1.a3m4v"A~k a :=,I ne nila , Hoe"Ti'a, rL-' ju-Mi0heakle 1. Chlen--korrespohdant AN SSSR (for Korshak), (Macromolecular compounda) (Cyo.'U.c ::ompa=da) I 37761 S/661/61/000/006/035/081 D205/D302 AUTHORS: Polyakova, A. M., . Sakharova, A A Korshak, V. 2-1 At. and Tambovtsevaq le. b. TITLE: Polymerization of silico-olefiries under pressure SOURCE: Khimiya i prakticheskoye primeneniye kre-mneorganiches- kikh soyedineniy; trudy konferentsii. no. 06: Doklady, diskussii, resheniye. II Vses. konfer. po khimi i prakt. prim. kremneorg. soyed., Len., 1958. Leninigrad, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961j 163-172 TEXT.: The polymerization of more than 100 silico-olefinic monomers has been investigated by the authors and a series of rules was es- tablished. The polymerizations were carried out under 6000 atm. (gauge) at 120 - 1300C in the presence of tertiary butyl peroxide. 2arallel experiments without pressure were also performed. Alkenyl silanes with double bonds in ot-, 3-, t- and E-positions with res- pect to the Si atom were investigated. a-alkenylsilanes polymerize into colorleseq viscous oils. Using 1~6 mole of initiator the poly- Card 1/4 S/661/61/000/006/035/081 Polymerization of silico- D205/D302 merization coefficient oftriethyl vinyl silane equals 18. On intro- ducing substituents'into the vinyl group the tendency to polymerize decreases, depending on the structure and nature of the substitu- ents. Regarding the compounds as substituted ehtylenes it can be said that 1,1-disubstituted ethylenes are polymerized easier than the 1,2-disubstituted. The introduction of a phenylic radical cre- ates steric hindrance to polymerization. B-alkyl silanes polymerize less than the corresponding C(-compounds, forming low-molecular oils., In order to verify the theory according to which the Si atom pas- sivates the double bond in polymerization, the polymerizations of (CH 3)3 CCH=CH2and (CH 3)3 OCH2CH=CH2were run parallel to the.polymeri- zation of the corresponding silico-olefines. It was found tha.t.the d-alkenes polymerize less readily than the silico-olefihest contra- ry to the theory of the negative influence of the trialkyl silyl group on polymerization. Comparing the polymerization of butadiene or styrene silico-derivatives with that of their LLnsubstituted anaL lo-ues it was found that the silico-derivatives polymerize easier, as was the case with olefines. Trialkyl silyl alkadienes with tri- Card 2/4 B/661/61/000/006/035/081 Polymerization of allioo_... D205/D302 zation of analogous compounds of Si, Ge and Sn it was established that the polymerizationability of vinylic compounds of the type R3DICH=CH2 (where M=Si, Ge and Sn) decreases in the Sories CH2 = Usin 3 > CH2=CHGeR 3> CH2=CHSnR 3' X. A. Andrianov (Moscow), D. N. Andreyev (IKhS AN SSSR, Leningrad), A. A. Zhdanov (INEOS AN SSSRI Moscow~, P. V. Davydov (Moscow, S. G. Durgarlyan (INKhS AN SSSR, Moscow) and.A. I. Dintzes (1-11oscow) took part in the discussion which -E'ollowed. Andrianov expressed the opinion that the conclu- sion cf the authors that the Si atom does not passivate the poly- merization mechanisms, observed by the authors, between the pro- cesses at '0000 atm. and atmospheric pressure, were of the utmost importance and may explain the disagreemaents between this work and earlier observat:bvis to which Andrianov referred. There are 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementloore-anicheski kh s o,' redineniy Akademii. nauk, SS"IR, ZIIIS t 4tute of E-'lemental Organic Compounds of the Acade,"-.y of Sciences USSR, Moscow) Card 414 21142 S/191/61/000/004/003/009 1!r-fov~ 72,0% 11JI/ B110/B208 AUTHORS: Kamenakiyt I. V., Komlev, V. K., Korshak, V. V. TITLE: Synthesis of eaters of 2-furyl acrylic acid PERIODICAL% Plasticheskiye massyw no- 4, 1961, 9-11 TEXT: Polyfunctional monomers with furan ring are used for the preparation of~heat-resistant polymers. It was found by the Departments of Plastics Technology of Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut OlKhTl)(Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology) and of nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut plastidheskikh mass(NIIPM) (Scientific Research Institute of Plastics) that plastics based on furfurol and also their condensation products with ketones (acetone) are highly resistant to heat and fire, and, with rein- forcing fillers, they have a high mechanical strength. The solidified polymeric condensation products (e.g., mono- and difurfurylidene acetones) are, howeveri brittle and not sufficiently adhesive in pure state. To obtain more elastic and more adhesive plastics, the authors synthesized polymer resins on the basis of 2-furyl acrylic esters and glyools (di- ethylene glycol and 194-butanediol). Cation exchangers (polystyrene sulfo Card 1/4 S/19 611000100410031009 Synthesis of esters of... BlIOYB208 acids) were used as catalysts for the preparation of monoesters which is difficult even with excess glycol (30-32 % yield). For the purpose of temperature control and removal of the formed water as an azeotropic mixture, esterifioation was carried out in toluene. The incomplete esters were obtained in melts at 180-2000C under standard pressure and with excess acid. Puryl acrylic acid was condensed from furfurol and malonivi acid. Diethylene glycol (melting point 11700 at 1 mm 11g; n20- 1.4471) d 20 1,4 butanediol (melting point 1080C at 2 mm Hg; nD - 1.4462~ were used 3.5 mg-equiv./g of'the C66-4 COE (SBS-1 BOYe) cation exchange resin wi 40 % swelling, which was converted to the H-form by treatment with 6 HL for 24 hr, was used as catalyst. It was then washed free from CIL' an* dried at 60-800C. To synthesize the monoesters, furyl acrylic acid -' I diethylene glycol were heated in a ratio of lt6 with 10-15 % cation e4- changer and 300-400 ml of toluene per mole of acid to 125-140OG for W 16-24 hr. Wh*e'n the reaction was completed (cessation of water format* on), it was filtered, neutralized with sodium bicarbonate, washed with so~ um chloride solution, and dried with annealed sodium sulfate. The end product obtained in a yield of 45-50 % is a transparent, light yellow, Card 2/4 21142 B/191/61/000/004/003/009 Synthesis of esters of... B110/B208 slightly mobile liquid boiling at 158-1590C, which is well soluble in ac6tone-p alcohol, and benzene, n20.,1-5555- Instead of diethylene glycol, also ls4-butanediol may be used. D The end product (60-70 % yield) is a light yellow, slightly mobile liquid boiling between 170 and 1720C, which is well soluble in acetone, benzene, Alcohol, and other n20- 1-5560. The ; D complete ester from 2-furyl acrylic acid and diethylene glycol was obtainbd by heating both substances to 180-2000C in a ratio of 2-511. The separated crystals were treated with NaHCO 39 repeatedly washed, and recrystallized from alcohol-and petroleum other. The light yellow dry6talsmelted at 83-850C, -dissolved-in acetone and ether, and, when heated, in alcohol. The yield was 46 %. The complete butanediol ester was obtained in a similar wayg.recrys.tallized twice from methyl alcohol, and treated with animal charcoal. The light yellow crystals (46-48 % yidld) were soluble in dioxane, benzene, acetone, and, when heated, in alcohol; they melt at 107-5-108-50C. Under the action of temperature and catalyst, the esters of 2-furyl acrylic acid give non-meltable and insoluble polymers of high chemical and beat resistance. A resistance to Card 3/4 21142 S/191/61/000/004/003/009 V Synthesis of esters of... B110/B208 250-3200C was obtained on Zhurkov's apparatus, depending on the curing temperatures The resins on the basis of the esters described may be combined with other polymers. There are 4 tables and 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The most recent reference to English-language publication reads as followst M. I. Astle, B. Schoeffer, C. Obenland, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, no. 13, 3643 (1955). 22737 2 I-o5 S/191/61/000/006/002/005 BIOI/B215 AUTHORS* Korshak, V. V., Strepikheyev, Yu. A., Moiseyev, A. F. TITLE: Synthesis of linear polyurethanes without solvents. Communication I. Synthesis of linear polyurethanes in the melt PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 6, 1961, 10-11 TEXT: Results are reported according to which the synthesis of poly, urethanes in the melt has considerable'advantages over the synthesis in inert solvents. The reaction of 1,4-butanediol with hexamethylene diisocyanate was examined. Mixing of equimolar amounts of the two reagents causes the destruction of the polymer due to a great increase in tempera- turej-\In a nitrogen atmosphere, colorless polymers were obtained at 2300C with;a molecularweight varying from 15,000 to 25,000. In a nitrogen atm It Nre free from oxygen, hexamethylene diisocyanate was therefore added dropw se to butanediol heated at 80-900C. After addition of 90% of the diisocyanate the strongly viscous mass was heated at 200-21000 for better stirring, and then, after adding the remaining diisocyanate, the abovp Card 1/4 22737 S/191/61/000/006/002/005 Synthesis of linear polyurethanes B101/B215 temperature was maintained for 1.5-2.0 hr. The polymer obtained is easily soluble in tricresol. Addition of l14-butanediol to the heated hexame- thylene diisocyanate yielded no linear polymers. An insoluble, rubber-like )< substance formed due to cross-linking. For the following reasons, this method is recommended for industrial application: (1) The reaction rate of resin formation is higher than in the presence of solvents; (2) the re- action can easily be regulated by varying the rate of diisocyanate addition; (3) polymers with the desired molecular weight can be obtained by varying the rate of diisocyanate addition and the intensity of mixing. There are 1 table and 14 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The most important reference to English-language publicationareads as follows: 0, Bauer, Mod. Plastics, gA, no. 10, 407, (1947). k:a ~-' ~'. "; 24745 S/191/61/000/007/003/010 j I t4b B101/B215 AUTHORS: Korshak. V Strepikheyev, Yu. A., Moiseyev, A. F. - 9 It TITLE: Synthesis of linear polyurethanes without solvents. Some rules governing the reaction of hexamethylene diisocyanate with 1,4-butanediol in the melt PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 7, 1961, 13-16 TEXT: This r-~!port is a continuation of a study on the synthesis of poly- urethanes without using solvents (Plast. massy, no. 6, 1961). The effect of the following factors upon the molecular weight was studied in the present paper: 1) presence of atmospheric oxygenj 2) ratio of the components; 3) addition of monofunotional reagents; 4) duration of heating. The synthesis of polyurethane was conducted by dropwise addition of hexamethyl diisooyanate to heated 1,4-butanediol. The temperature of the mass was not allowed to exceed a certain reaction temperature. The melt was kept at this temperature for a while, and,finally, the viscosity of a 0.5 % solution in tricresol was determined. In calculating the molecular Card 1/3 24745 S/191/61/000/007/003/010 Synthesis of linear polyurethanes ... BIOI/B215 weight,'the Staudinger constant was set equal to 11-10-4. 1) In the presence of oxygen, the molecular weight was considerably reduced. In nitrogen atmosph,ere, the molecular weight was only slightly reduced (from 36,ooo to 33,000) by an increase of the initial temperature of the reaction from 80 to 1800C. In the presence of air, the molecular weight was 25,000 at 800C and 14,000 at 1000C. An increase of the final reaction temperature from. 190 to 2300C reduced the molecular weight in nitrogen atmosphere from 36,000 to 23,000 and in air from 24,000 to 8000. Under optimum reaction.conditione (initial temperature: 80 to 900C; final temperature: 200-2100C) the duration of dropwise addition of diisocyanate in nitrogen atmosphere did not affect the molecular weight. By dropwise addition of 20 min, a maximum molecular weight of 25,000 was obtained in the presenoe of air. Slower addition reduced the molecular weight. After 5 hr the molecular weight was unchanged by heating the polymer in N 2 up to 2000C. Heating up to 2100C led to a slight decrease. The presence of air reduces the molecular weight by 50 ~o within 2 hr at 1900C or within 1 hr at 2000C. 2) An excess of 1,4-butanediol caused the following changes in the molecular weight: 0.0 % excess: 35,400; 1.0 %: 28,050; 10 %: 5100; Card 2/3 2474 8 ~ooo/007/003/010 Synthesis of linear polyurethanes ... BIOI/B215 V< 100 %: 1850. The brittleness of the polymer was thus increased. With an excess of hexamethylene diisocyanate, three-dimensional networks formed and the polymer became insoluble. Excess of 1 ~: molecular weight of 33,4001 the polymer is meltable and filamentous. With 10 %: molecular weight of 2741; the polymer is infusible and rubber-like. 3) Reptyl alcohol or piperidine were added as monofunctional reagents. Molecular weight with additions of heptyl alcohol: I %: 24,360; 2 %: 14,200; 10 %: 46801 40 ~-: 1850. The action of piperidine was the'same, 4) In nit:rogen atmosphere, the molecular weight was further increased by adding the total amount of diisocyanate. At 20000 the molecular weight increased rapidly during the first 1~1-5 hr and reached its maximum after 2.5 hr ( V.-V. Golubev and S. R. Rafikav are mentloned. There are 8 figures, 4 tables, and 3 Soviet-bloc references. Card 3/3 26992 S/1 9 1 /61 /000/009/002/007 ~;_.g ILI 0 B1 I O/B21 8 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Strepikheyev, Yu. A., Moiseyev, A. F. TITLE: Production of linear polyurethanes without solvents. Some physicomechanical indices of polyurethanes based on hexa- methylene diisocyanate and a number of glycols PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1961, 16 - 20 TEXT: The authors studied the change in physicomechanical properties of polyurethanes (PU) obtained on the basis of hexamethylene diisocyanate and some glycols. The PU were produced by adding the stoichiometric amount of diisocyanate to the heated diol. The method was developed by the authors (Plast. Massy, No. 6, ig6i, ibid., No, 7, 1961). The authors determined melting point, molecular weight (viscosimetrically), and other physico- mechanical indices. In PU on the basis of diols with different numbers of C atoms, the maximum melting point lies at 1830C for 1,4-butanediol PU. Melting points of PU on the basis of glycols with even numbers of C atoms are slightly higher than with odd numbers of C atoms. Pu on the basis of ethylene glycol, 1,4-butanediol, 1,6-hexanediol, and 1,10-decanediol are transparent or white, solid, horny substances which yield cold.-drawing Card 1/5 26992, S/191/61 1000A10910021007 Production of linear polyurethanes ... B'110/B218 threads in melting. They are soluble in tricresol or in a phenol-water mixture (90 : 10). PU based on diethylene glycol and 1,6-methylhexanediol are transparent colorless elastic substances; they are soluble in tricreso~ in phenol-water mixtures (90 : 10), and also in alcohol-chloroform mixtures (50 : 50). From the solutions# they form elastic films of high mechanical strength. Transparent, brittle products are obtainp-d on the basis of glycols with a secondary hydroxy group such as 1.2-propanediol and '1,3-butanediol. Pu hardness drops with rising molecular weight of diol. The side groups and the oxygen atom in diol increase the impact strength. PU on the basis of diethylene glycol (DE) have low strength and thermal stability, high water-absorbing capacity, and a large tangent Of the angle of dielectric losses. The authors found: The presence of a methyl side group or of ether oxygen in the glycol component reduces the melting temperature, hardness, thermal stability, and other physicomechanical indices. Elasticity and solubility in organics increase. PU on the basis of an ethylene-glycol (EG) - DE mixture are white, elastic, soluble in cresol, C2H5OH - CHM 3 mixtures (50 1 50), and C 2H5OH - C 2H4Cl I? mixtures. From melts, PU with high EG content produce strong threads and poorly elastic films, PU with high DE content, weak threads and solid elastic Card 2/5 26M S/191/61/000/'009/002/007 Production of linear polyurethanes... B110/B218 films. Melting point, thermal stability, Brinell hardness first drop with increasing RG content of the mixture, start rising at 35-40% of VEG and reach a maximum at 100% of EG. The water-abBorbing capacity drops to 0.23% with 100~ of EG. PU on the basis of an EG - 1,4-butanediol (BD) mixture are white, horny, but less solid, soluble only in cresol and a pheriol-water mixture (90 % 10). In melting, they yield strong threads and elastic films. Melting temperatures, thermal stabilities, and impact strengths are lower in glycol mixtures than in individual diols, the water-absorbing capacity is slightly higher. PU on the basis of DE - 1.4-BD mixtures are transparent elastic, and soluble in cresol only. The elasticity of threads and films from the melts decreases with increasing 1,4-BD content while the strength increases. PU on the basis of triethylene glycol - 1,4-BD mixtures are more elastic, and C 2H5OH_CHCl 3 and C2R5 OH-C2H4Cl 2' In the same aol- vents, also PU based on methylhexanediol- 1,4-BD mixtures are soluble. These PU are white or transparent elastic products. From the melt, they produce very strong threads and solid films. The impact-strength curve according to Dinstat of the DE - 1,4-BD mixture passes a minimum with increasing DE content, and reaches a maximum at about 75% of DE. The physicomechanical properties of PU are strongly and in a complicated manner Card 3/5 26WZ Production of linear po'lyurethanes ... affected by the diol ratio. There are 7 figures, 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The two references to publications read as followat Ref. 1: 0. Bayer, (1947); Ref, 5: R. Hill, E. Walker, J. Polymer S/19 61/000/009/002/007 B110XB216 3 tables, and 5 references English-langiiage Mod Plastics, 24, 149 Sci., J, 609 (1948). Table 3- Physicomechanical properties of PU obtained from heXiLmethylene diisocyanate and glycol mixtures. Legend: (1) glycol, (3) glycol ratio, moles, (3) impact strength according to Dinstat, kg-cm/cm. , (4) static bending according to Dinstat, kg*cm/cm2, (5) Brinell hardness kg/mM2, (6) water absorption, %, (7) thermal stability according to Vicat, C, (8) melting temperature, OC' (9) ethylene glycol, diethylene glycoa, (10) ethylene glycol, 1,47butanediol, (11) diethylene glycol, 1,4-butanediol, (12) triethylene glycol, 1,4-butanediol-, (13) 1,6-methyl hexanediol, 1P4- butanediol. Card 4/5 POLYAKOVAY A.M.; KORSHAKp V.V.; LIFATZKOV, ~-A. ,Investigation of the pol7mmrizs*on of isopropenyl arcmaTdo rompound6. Ionic pulperVation of p- and o;;-substitutad -W't*7styM=m and Ai--:,sOprOpe-nWlmmVhtjsa-9ns. -Nertekmmiia 1 no.2:2-24,229 Kr-mAp 161. (MI11A - 15:2) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedine~ndy AN SS&R. (Polymris~ation) (Naphthalem) (Styrene) S/190/61/003,/001/009/020 B119/B216 AUTHORS: _K2E V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., Valetskiy, P. M., _ ~ak I Mironov, Yu.-V.- TITLE: Heteroobain polyesters. XXX. A study on rules in poly- condensation of acid chlorides of dicarboxylic acids with dihydroxy phenols in high-boiling solvents PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 66-71 TEXT: This is a continuation of the publications on the subject mentioned in the title. The present work studies the influence of solvents, temperature, reaction time, concentration of initial substances -and their relative proportions, and the presence of other substances on the molecular weight of the condensation product. The acid dichloride of terephthalic acid (A) and 2,2-di(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propane (B) were used as initial substances. The polycondensation reactions were performed in special test tubes for condensation (heated in an aluminum block) or in round-bottomed flasks with mechanical stirrer (heating in silicone oil Card 1/3 S/190/61/003/001/009/020 Heterochain polyesters. XXX. A study on... B119/B216 bath) in a nitrogen stream. The molecular weight of the individual condensates was determined from the viscosity of a 5% solution of the condensate in cresol. The experiments were carried out at 2200 and 2400C, at reaction times of 10 hr and less. The solvents used were ditolyl methane, I'din-111. tetralin, dimethyl aniline, tetrachloro ethane and pyridine. The concentrations of the initial substances (in equimolar proportions) were varied between b.05 and 1.0 mol/l. The molax ratio of the initial substances varied from 0-5 to 2.5. The following substances were tested for catalytic activity by adding them to the reaction mixture: tetraethylammonium bromide, tetramethylammonium bromide, trimethyl-amine hydrochloride, triethyl amine, dimethyl aniline, pyridine, diethyl aniline, ammonium chloride, p-toluenesulfonic acid, ZnC12, Zn(OCOCH3)2, annealed PbO and A1203, and ZnC12, MgC129 CaC12, T102, anhydrous AlCl3j conditions mere ratio of 10, a ditolyl methane times and higher TiC14, metallic Na and Mg. The following reaction found to be optimum: 2200C, initial substanoea at a molar concentration in the reaction mixture of 0.6 mol/l, as solvent and a reaction time of,,.,5 hr. Longex reaction temperatures regulted in rather lower molecular weight. Card 2/3 S/190/61/003/001/009/020 Heterochain polyesters. XXX. A study on... B119/B216 None of the additives exhibited special catalytic activity. The beat results were obtained in presence of PbO, A120 and U02. Intrinsic viscositY: 0-59, 0-46, 0-58- Yield calculaM for initial substances: 82.0, 77.0, 79%. Among other publications, the authors mention a work by the first-mentioned author in collaboration with V. V. Golubev. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 17 references: 12 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Boviet- bloc. ASSOCTIATION: Ipstitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Chemistry, AS USSR). Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical-technological Institute imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: May 30, 1960 Card 3/3 88729 S/190/61/003/001/010/020 B119/B216 AUTHORS: K2.rshak, V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., Valetskiy, P. M.9 S a 1 a zlrn--, TITLE: Heterochain polyesters. XXXI. On the chemical properties of polyarylates PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 72-80 TEXT: The authors point out the scarcity of publications on the chemical properties of polyarylates. The present study was undertaken with a view to investigating the possibilities of chemical degradation of polyarylates of aromatic dicarbo.%3rlio acids, their gasoline and oil resistance, resistance to dilute and concentrated acids and bases, oxidating agents and various organic substances. Polyarylates of 2,2-di-(4-hyd-.roxyphenyl)- propane and terephthalic acid (TD) and isophthalic acid (ID), respectively, were used for the tests. TD and ID were prepared by 4~-141ilhriiiyn -no1vcond=r%nq+,inn in a high-boiling solvent. For comparison, Iii prepared by emulsion nolvmpriznfinn was also used. The fol2owing Card 1/3 Heterochain polyesters. XXXI. On the cheM4cal., S/190/61/003/001/010/020 B119/B216 tests were carried out; To tout the deatructive effect of isophthalio acid, its acid chloride and 2t2-di-(4-hydroxyl)henyl)-propane an ID and that of 2,2-di-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propane on TD, the substanoev were added to varying amounts of -the polymer in ditolyl methane and heated to 2200C for 3 hr in a stream of 112. The destructive effect of m-cresol on TD and ID was also tested (0.5% m-cresol solution of polyacrylate was heated to 85-18300). In further tests, TD and ID were heated for 3 hr at 1000C (or lover, if the boiling point was lower) in ethyl alcohol, iriethylethyl ketone, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, n-heptane, benzene, p-xylene, N,N-dimethyl formamide, methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetra- chloride, tetrachloro ethylene, tetrachloro ethane and chloro benzene. Gasoline and oil resistance was determined by the method described in Ref. 18. Results: TD and ID are degraded by 2,2-di-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- propane, isophthalic acid and m-cresol, but not by isophthalic acid chloride. Degradation in m-cresol proceeds according to the mechanism of alcoholysis. The authors calculated the rate constant of the pseudo- monomolecular degradation reaction. ID prepared by emnlsion -n.,)1vmP-r4-H- was affected much more severely than ID prepared by x).o.l rizati.on in a high-boiling solvent. TD and ID are resistant to Card 2/3 88729 3/190/61/00--1/001/010/020 Heterochain polyesters. On the chen, ical. . .81 19/B216 organic solvents, benzone and oil. D ic resictant to the xivual dilute and concentrated acids as .,,ell ac to and Concentrated H2S04 and concentrated and dilute 11740" c.-.,ioe decomoosilion. is made of a work by the firot-mentioned aut'ior in co llaboration with 11. 1. Bekasova and V. A. Za.,vatina. T"'ore av-! 5 fi.-ureo, 5 tables, and 18 "loc UM,,- ',ovie t -bloc. references- 14 2oviet-. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut zoyedinciUy AN SSSR (Institute of Or,atilc Con')ounds, A5 U:3,';R). IC'1CjI:iy in3titut iv. D. I. :-ondcleyeva -ocov-.- if Chei-Acal Technology imeni D. 7. :-endelo.,cv) SUBMITTED: Jtina 0, 1.`60 Card 3/3 KORSHAK,,3,V.; FRUNZEp T.M.j 4VWHEV) V.V.j SEROVA, K.L. Heteroohain polywildets. Part 28: Significance of acceptors of hydrochlorio acid in the syntheais of polyamidea by interfacial polycon'dennation. Vysokome soecilo3 no.2:205-207 F 161. OURA 14t 5) 1. Institut elementoorganichookikh aoyedineniy AN SSSR,, lpouamideB) M.), FRUNZE~ T.M.; VINOGRADOVA, S,V,.; KURASHEV, V.V.j ~EBMVAt A.S. Haterochain polyamideb, Part 29: Significance of the-hydrolysio of dichlorides.of dl#cArbaxylic acids during interphase policondensia- tion. Vysokom.sced.' 3 no*3~071-375 Mr 161. (KlU 146) le,,Inatitut elowntoorganichookikh soyedinaniy AN SWR,, (Polyamides) (Gondensation products (Chemistry)) XORSHAR, I&L GOWVAp D,F,i, SERGEUTj, V.A.; MMIS,, N.M.; SHKEM, R.Ta. Folyethero of levoglucoome. Phrt It P61yarization of loveglucosan .and its othem Vymokomesooda 3 no,3:477-485 Mr 1,61, (MM il+.-6) 1. Inatitut elemantoarpnichaskikh moyaditwWT ANSSSR. 21131 '2 )- C) I 'I, S/190/61/003/004/004/014 BIOI/B207 AUTHORS: Korshak, Vg V.., Bekasova) N,, I.. , Zamyat'tna, V, A, i-rf's-tarihova-, G.. I~ TITLE. Copolymerization of bis-(alkylamino-lalkyl- or aryl, boron with organto diisocyanates PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedinaniya, v. 3, no,. 4, 1961.. 521-524 TEXT: The papers by B~ M. Mikhaylov et al, (Ref, 1; Izv,. AN SSSRI Oid. khim. n., 1957, 11231 Ref. 2: ibid., 1958, 777; Ref,, 3. Dokl. AN SSSR; 121, 656, 1958) showed that polycondensation of alkyl- or aryl boron di- chlorides with primary amines does not lead to linear polymers, but to cyclic trimers. In the present study, the synthesis of linear polymers by copolymerization of bie-.(alkylamino)-alkyl- or aryl boron with hexamethylene diisocyanate or toluylene diisocyanate was carried out according to the following equation; R RJR_B1 R'HN-MHR1 + O-C-N-R"-N-C-O------~ M N-H-N-R -NH-C-: ZI Card 1/4 21131 Copolymerization of S/190/61/003/004/004/014 BiOl/B207 The following compounds were synthesized as initial substances: 1) bis- (methylamino)-butyl boronj 2) bis-(ethylamino)-butyl boron (according to Ref., 3)1 3) bis-(methylamino)-i 4) bis-(ethylamino)-, and 5) bis-(phenyl- amino)-phenyl boron (according to Ref. 1),, Copolymerization was carried out at a molar ratio of I : 1 and three-hr heating to 500C, then to '1001 150, 200, 250, anI 2750C (bis-(methylamino)-butyl boron) was only heated to 150co) The authors used ampoules which were evacuated after passing through of N 2' The monomer was obtained from the copolymersby means of benzene. and the copolymer composition was determined by means of elementary analysis. The Intrinsic viscosity of the 5% copolymer solution in tricresol was determined at 200C. Tables 1 and 2 give the data for the copolymers~ The J"igure shows the thermomechanical curve of the copolymer from bis-(phenylamino)-- phenyl boron with hexamethylene diisooyanate, The copolymers obtained con- tain B, N, and C atoms in the chain,. They are solid, brittle, transparent,. yellowish or reddish substances which are stable to air moisture and do not decompose,even when heated beyond the melting point. There are 11 figure, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet-bloc references.. ASSOCIATION: Institilt elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds, AS USSR) Card 2/4 ILI 2 9'0~1 131Z. s/igo/61/003/004/005/014 B101/3207 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V.,, V. A., Bekasovai-I. I., Ma Jui.-Jan TITLE:, CopolymerizatiQn of boron-substituted borazoles with .hbxa- jaethylene diisocyanate PERIODICAL: Vysokomolakulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 4, 1961, 525-529 TOM In the present study, the authors aimed at obta4,ninC heat resistant. polymers. They proceeded from boron-subatituted boiazoles which by way of migration copolymerization with hexametilylenediisocyanate, reacted accord- inf, to the following'equation: 0 B 0. RB Un B \N1 11LN N11 F.~ 11 +0 C N (C11')6'N_C=0 _!n RB BR R \V/ 0. Card 1/4 21132 S/190/61/003/00'L/005/014 Copolymerization ofl,,,,, _?4/%_C-NH(C1r2)GNH_C_ DIOI/B207 RB DR, \N1 0~_NH PlOs-' The molar rat-io of components was I : 1 or 1 1.5. The boron-substituted borazolez were synthesized according to the method proposed by B.-M. I ikhaylov, T. V. Kostroma (Ref. 8: Izv- AN SSSR, Otd. khim. n., 1957, 1125)- M A. F. Zhi_iach provided trimethyl borazole. The compound was copolymerized in ,~ s ampoules from which air had been displaced by means of N and which -lar 2 ubsequentl%, viere evacuated and sealed. 'The ampoules were heated for 3 hr to 1000C and 3 hr each to 1 50, 200, and 2500C. Table 1 gives the data of the polynters obtained. In the case of aliphatically substitut(-,d borazoles, thormomechunical testing yielded the highest softening temperature for tri- mathyl borazole T i h yl borazole yielded copolymers which melt only at rrAb:ntracter's note: The authors provide no data on high temperatuies. softening temperature and melting point-] The resistivity of the copolymer from B-trimethyl borazole with hexamethylene diisocyanate 1 : 1-5, was - 11 3 2-5-10 ohm-cm, tan 6 - 10 cps. at room temperature. At 1500C, Card 2/4 1132 S11 90/61 /O03/004/C()5/C1 4 Copolymerization of.... BIOI/B207 these values were 8-10 11 ohm-cml' and 1-.1, respectively. (This study wa3 made by T. S. Knyazeva and Z. V. Lyamkina). The experimeat. of copolymeriz-- ing,the components in dinyl solution (boiling point 2500C), resulted in a lower copolymer yield (60-~6VQ with only 25-33;/o of the calculated boron coritbnt, and, probably, consisted mainly of polyisocyanvric acid. The thermal properties of these copoiymers differed greatly from those of the copolymers obtained without solvent. There are 1 fi(,-ure, 2 tables, and 10 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The 2 rel"erences to En.-lish-language publications read as.follows: S. J. Gruszos, F. Stafiej, 4. Amer. Chem. Soc., 8-0, 1357, 1958; M. Lappert, _Proc. Cherii. Soc., 1959, no. 2, 59. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementooreanicheskikh soyedineniy A1,11 SSSR (Institute of Elemental Ort;anic Compounds, AS USS1.:) SUBMITTED; July 1 , 1960. Card 3/4 Pw I 11PI'Moll I [I! NY _R FPLIAKOVA, A.M.; KORSIAK V.Vt,. T9IBOVTSEVA, Ye.S. Polymerization under preornwe of OL-methylotyrenes substituted at the nucleus. F*rt 7t OC -Methylstyrens contsini Sup Pbj and Go * Vy6okomesoed, 3 no.5i662-664. H7 161. (iau 14:5) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyediumdy AN SSSR. (Styrene) (Tin organia compounds) (Lead organic coupcwads) (Germanium organic compounds) KORSHAKV V.V.; FRUNZEY T.M.; LU I-MAW (Lu I-Aan] Heterochain polyamides. Part 30: Pr6paration of n"ed P0.1yamideo-t by fusion of hompolymrs vith salts. VyB,okom.sood 3 no,,5:665-06 Yq 161, Oau i4:5) 1# Institut slowntoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Polyamides) KORSHAK V.V ; VINOGRADOVAp S,V-; FRUNZEN T.M*,* EVAN A.S.; KURUSHEV, V.V. Heterochain polyeaters. part 31: Rble played by the bj*rolyols of aromatic dicarboxylic: acid cUorld'eu in the procese of inter- facial polycondensation. Vysokom.soed. 3 n6jj:9W*,M i1 161. (MM 3,416) 1e Institut elementoorganioheal mtno7 (Ryd" lye is W y1 lbl:i'de) (Terephthaloyl chloride) (Polymerization) S/190J61/003/007/020/021-- B101/B230 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., Lebedevat A. S. TITLE: New method of synthesizing grafted and block copolymers~ PERIODICALs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya; no. 7-, 15161, 1117 TEXT: In this letter authors reDort to the editor that they fotind a possibility of applying the method of interfacial polycondensation to the synthesis of grafted and block copolymers. Synthesis of graftecl.and* block copolymers may be conducted in various alternatives of this method. Thus, copolymers may be obtained on the basis.of the reactions: (see below). In-particulart authors obtained grafted copolymers on the basis of phenol formaldehyde resin and polyarylates from than and isophthalic or sebacic acids. The grafted copolymer obtained on the basis of 'Plienol'-~ formaldehyde resin, chloride of isophthalic acid and than at a Molar ratio.. of 0.2 - 1.1 1 1 (as well as 2.2-moles of alkali) was a trystallin substance of a low d'egree of orderliness, with softening point 170 -2920c~'- capa~bl*el. to form a solid film out of the molten material. Tensile 2- strength of the non-oriented film of this polymer amounted to 660 kg/cm Card 1112 25 1.6 S/190J61/003/007/020/021". New method of synthesizing.... B101/B230 with a relativebreaking elongation of 12 Properties of grafted,coT'~* polymers obtained by interfacial polyoohdensation may be 'varied within-& wiae range by changing the ratio and chemical character of the initial.' substances. !Abstracter's note: Complete translationj SUBMITTED: January 3, 1961 4 I- R (0H)-],+ Cj0C(-R!-j .. Coef + NaO H~ I- R - (OOCJR']mCOCI)JU IR (OH)jx + NaCt, x + y - n; 2. HOI-~-R-I,OH+I-~,(COCI)-],,,+NaOH--t- R, (COCI) - ]" -VNaci, - + YM; R, (COO [Rj,~OH)J. 3. R (OH) + 11*011 + CIOCROCOCI + NAOJI R (OOCR-COORIO -)ql, - JR (OH))u +N&C1, x + Y - W. m. R (00A 4- R (OH) -)n + I- R, (COCI) -jm + N*C ),nix I a (OR,)),+ + NaC1, x+ymn; 5. CIOC R -),COCI + H6R1OH + CIOC I- R- -),COCI + NaOH Nal'i + + I- OC I- R -6COOR-000 I- R--),COR'O Card 2/2 141 POLYAXOVA, A.M.; XORSHAK, V.V.; LIPATNIKOV, N.A. Polymerization of isopropenyl heterocyclic compounds. Part 1: 2-isopropenylthiophene. Vysokom.soed. 3 no.8:1144-11419 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSH. (Thiophene) -KORSHAK.-M-a.; SERGEYEV, V.A.; XLEYZER, R.B. Polyesters of levoglucosan. Part 2: Alkyd resins based on levo- glucosan and dicarboxylic acids. Vysokom.soed. 3 no.8:1191-1196 Ag 16 q. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut elementoorpnicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Alkyd resins) (Levoglucosan) (Acids, Organic)