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UNCLASSIFIED PIACCESSUNQ 3ATE- L-~%IV70 TiTLE-STU~',Y OF TiiF TEMPERATUR~ CHAPACTF,.~ISTICS Or- ~IFS [$7 A-%CC: 1.1, STi0 Ui ATUKr-S -0- GAUGE-S UN!);-7K CUNDIT ILINS OF WAKPLY CHAAGING UNPER AUTfiQk-(02)-LIKHACHEV, YU.I., SHAKHMAT(Wr QT. -'r,0U.'4TRY JF UNFO-USSR ISOURCE-PROBLEMY PRCCHIOSTI, VOL. 2, MAR. 1970, Pe. 181-86 ~--O A~T EPU8LISHED ---- MAR 70 ~SURJECT AREAS-1AFTHODS AND E--~Llli-'MENT, KlYSICS, ~IECH-~4 CIVIL ANL) MAR 1,*'.E -ENGR ~.TGPIC TAGS--THERMAL-EFFECT, STRAIN GAGFy N I CK EL ALt'j%(, M-JLYI~'O'LNUM ALLOY, WIREMMOKHLUD ALLOY .~CGNTROL MARK ING-NO RESTR I CTIONS .:'DOCUMENr CLASS-UNCLASSIFfED ,PROXY kEEL/FRAME--2000/0109 STEP ..CIRC ACCESSION tIC-AP0123881 f) NUNN- 'ArAliaoibmwuman 212 028 UNCL ASS IF I ED P'llok'ESSING DATE-1310V70 ~CIRC ACCESSION ND--A~)0123881 .'.ABSTKACT/EXTRALT--M) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EVALUATION Of TViF 'i:Fr-i:CT OF HEATING kATE OtIl THF BEHAVIOR OF CERTA104 PARAMETJ:RS: ()F HESISTANCE .-STRAP1 GAUGES. EXPFRIMENTAL ANO THEORETICAL RESULIS AflP GIVEN F13R THE 'F N-I-MJ AND PLIOKULIJU BEHAVIOR OF RESISTANCE STRAIN GAUGES MAOE OF WIRES~l, ALLOYSt UNDER UNSTEADY THEI-~MAL CONDITION'S DURING H:EATING UP TO 551) DEG THE RESISTIVITY OF C- IT IS FOUND THAT : dIRES IS OF ~TEMPERATUkE CHAINGLS. FOR 06TAINIM; OETTER ACCUkAGY UhlJFR SHARPLf CHANGING TEMPERAfURES, IT IS NECESSARY TO,MAKE ALLIOWANCE FUR rHE DEPENUENCE OF THE METROLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS 01: :RESI!)fANCt-: STRAPI GAUGES ON ME TEMPEPATURE CHANGE RATE.:' f A61 I L I V( 1~0~- ~L .-INZHENERNO-FIZIC14ESKII INSTITUT, OBNINSKi USSR. R 0482 U 64 hemical, Derwent, Soviet Inventions Illustrated', Section I C 237668 �1,,,AG from steel production is prepared for use in structuralimaterials by coorsely comcinu ting the stag, removing the residuaL metal .P by means of a magnet; keeping the slag imdamp state for 3-5 days by moistening:it with water;,finely COMMunuting the material; and repeating the magoetic separatioa of the metal. The storage in the d=p state presents a subsequent self -diafncegration of the slag to powder, and thus improves its propertLes as a srructural material.1 2.10.67. as 11$8558/29-33. N OVCHINKIN et alia Chelyabinsk Metallurgica~ Plants Design Inst. (16.4.09.) BuL.9/i2l,~Z.69. Class 80c. Int.Cl. C04b. 1973145G L A4038342_ UR o482 Soviet inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derwent,% ';J. 237663 �'7,,g from steel production is prepared for use in structural materials by coarsely comrinu ting the slag, removing the res iduat metal by means of a magnet; keeping the slag in Oamp state for 3-5 days by moistening it with water; finely co=unutinp, the material; and repeating the magnttic tieparation of the metal. The storage in tho damp state presents a subsequent. self-disfntegracion of the slag to powder, -and thus improves Lts.propertits as a structural material. Z~10.67. as 1188$58/29-33. N N OVCHINKIN et alia Chelyabinou Metallur~ical Plants Design Inst. (16.6,60.) Bul.8112.2r69. Class 80c. Int.Cl. C04b. 13731456 USSR UDC 576. SKALA, L. Z., IL'YASHENKO, B. N., LIKHACHEVA and SKVORTSOVA, Ye. K., All Union Institute of Disinfection and SteriRzation. "A Study of the Mutagenic Action of Halide Containing Disinfectant" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i ImmunoblOogii, No 11, 1911, p JL46 Abstract: Four iodine compounds and four chlorine compounds were tested on bacteria and phages in concentrations causing 86-99% inmctivation of the microbes. 6x10-6 by iodopiron, The frequencies of mutation observed in E. coli were: U10-6 by iodonate, 3xlO-6 by iodolan, and 6xjO-6 by an.aqueous iodine solution. Chlorine compounds yielded similar results on E. coli: I.lxlO-7 mutations were observed after application of chlorsuccinamide, 5x.10-6-after KDKhTsK, 3.lx1O-6 after oulfochlorantine, and 3.4x,0-6 after chloramine. The frequency with which the bacteriophages reverted to wild type ranged from 5xjO-6 to 7xlO-6. Since the frequency of spontaneous mutations in'E. coli K12 (reversion from thr- to thr+) fo 7.6xio-6, it Is concluded that the strongly Inactivating iodine and chlorine compounds exert no mutagenic effect on the bacteria and bacterlophages investigated. USSR UDC 632-95 Y"NNOV, N. A. LURIK B. B. ,LT HACIMVA~ ~V.F. ,Central Scientific Research Institute of Disinfection "A Method of Making Piperonylic Acid" USSR Author's Certificate No 348556, filed 4 Jan 70j published 8 Sep 72 (fro], RZh-Khimlya, No 10, May 73, Abstract No m4564.~p by T. A. Belyayeva) Translationo In order to increase the yield of the goal p=duct and simplify the technology of the process of synthesis, sodiun hypocblorits is used as the oxidizer for making piperonylic acid by oxldizint~ piperonal. Examplet A mixture of 0.2 tole of sodium hypoebloxite and 40 ml:of wafAtr is brougtit to a boll, 199 ml of 10-11% solution of As= is addad by draps over a 1.5-2 hour periodo the reaction is continued until drops of the reaction mau.3 fail to produce any color when applied to indicator paper Impregnated with a 20%.7 solution of potassium iodide, the mixture is cooled to a temperature of 200C or less, filtered, acidified with concentrated hydroahloric acid, and piperonylic acid Is separated by a Nutech -0 lterg washed with mat-er, =1 dried at 110- fi 0 120 G with a yield of 80-85%. The Melting Point Of the acid is 225-70C. USSR uDc: 621.372.4.001.5 L.IKHARLT, K. K., Sualiov, V. K. "Concerning the Properties of a Superconducting Contact Enclosed in a Cavity" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 9, 4ep 72, pp l!;83-1(966 Abstract: A study is made of the peculiarities of Jo,,epht~on emission of a superconducting point contact within the,ftamevork of the Aslamazzov-Larkin model when the contact is enclosed in a cavity, This hool-.-up is the most convenient way to match contacts with 166, normal lmpi~dance of 0.01-3. chn to conventional electrodynamic microwave systems. It in fourd that a maximum power of approximately 10-8 W can be coup2ed otit of a Josepbson contac-t in a cavity resonator. The autbori thank V.; N. Gubankol,, L. 13. Kliz'min and V. V. Migulin for diecilssing the work.~ USSR UDC: 621-375'.7-001.5 VYSTAVKTN, A. N., GUBAUKOV, V. U., KUZ'HIN, L. S."JigWILI MIGUL11., V. V. "Concerning the Particulars of Parametric Regeneration in Surerconduct-ing Point Contacts" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 4, Apr 72, yp 896-899 Abstract: The authors analyze parametric interactio4is in a point contact for the microwave case of open-circuit combination P.(-eqm-ncies. 7he unal- ysis is based on tile equivalent circuit of the point qontr, -et proposed in a previous paper (A. N. Vystavkin et al. i Radiotek~nika i E2ektronika, Vol 15, No 11, 1970, p 24A). It is found that there iii a region of negutive resistance with a smooth transition to,a region of symchronization. The consequences and region of applicability of this effe'et are disc"-sed. 35 USSR 1JDC, 621-382.2.001.5 LIUMEV. K. K., SEMENOV, V. K. "Electrodynamic Properties of Supercondu cting Point Contacts" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronik , no 11, Nov 71, pp 2167-2172 ,Abstragt: The behavior of a superconducting point contact conformir.F3 to the Aslamazov-Larkin model in a nonresonance wave system is theoretically analyzed. It is shown that the pawers of Josephsan radiation frcr- point superconducting contacts -Achieved up to the present (-10-" W in the 3-cm band) are not nearly the lirriting values attainable. Lair-resistance electrodynamic systems must be used to reach highertpowers, i. e. the wa,re impedance of the line mist be much less.than the contact resistance. Cal- culations are presented for the maximum power radiat~pd by tLe contact, and for the behavior of the contact when subjected t4') em eyternal harmoric signal. The authors thank V. N. Cubank4v, 0. F. Lesj~chenko, if. 1Y. Margo- lin and V. V. Migulin for discussing the paper. Fowl' figures, bibliog- raphy of sixteen titles. 19 USSR UDC: 537.~:;12.62 LI]MIC-V, K-. "Nonlinear Electrodyntmics c-f Narrow Superco.~Oluctive Films" Gorlkiy Investiya V1P1L1--Radiofizi1:a, Vol 14j I'llo. 81 1971t pp 1232-12b: Abstract: This is the third in a series of articles puClished by No. 6, 1971, p al. T ,the author in this same joulm, Th 909) showed thnt if the cross-sectional area of a r.-arro;,, su,.-eroon- ducting film in an electromaLgnet'le field is loss thazi 'he squ.;ire -ho iilm, the linez-x of the depth to which the field renetrate.9 t superconducting inductance of th-e -1"ilm is coapa-abLe in za~,mitvu~e to the linear geometric inductence. The necond pal'ar in z-:v- ries (14, Ila. 6p 1971, p 919) explained -%at ,"or Lhe condition where 2 is the cross-sectional. area cff, filri ,nd ~ is the depth of field penetration, quantum eddiess~vvy for:.,i in the film vdth a current comparable with that for iO-,ich a re,..c-tilva Girmburg-Landau nonlinuar,ity a!~,-ears in the i'lle rxe-sent In.'7j paper investi-at-es the G` btirg-l-andall, llonliywl~r of such films, and their eifecto un the electrodvimt.lic character- istica of the filim carrying, current, and Ito re-sniits USSR LIMMVP K. K., Igvesti-ya VUZ--Radi;ofizikq, Vol 14, No 8, 1971, pp 1232-1241 with those of earlier vmrks on the same' subject. The author is connected with the Moscow State.Universityii 2/2 151 - UDC 537.312.62 USSR LIKHAREV, K. K. "Linear Electrodynamics of Superconducting Filns of Pinite Width" Gor'kiy, Izvestiy-a Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol XIV, No 6, 1971, pp 909-918 ~Abstract: A study is made of the linear clectrodynamics of strips of a thin superconducting film. The current distribution, in-such strips is found, and the energy relations and equivalent diagrams are obtained. It is demonstrated that when executing effective superconducting nonli-ae4r reactive elements for microwave systems it is necessary to use very narrow,film strips. In superconducting film strips there is a significant "transverse 1,11eiss- ner effect" even if the thickness of the strips is much less than the depth of penetration of the magnetic field. The sufficient cor%dition of uniform current and field distribution in cylindrical films is smallae~ss of the transverse cross section by comparison with the square of thedepth of Penetration. Sufficiently high.controllability of a superconducting film is achieved only when p--'= z -10 (Ii is the power, I is the running geometric (outside), inductarice of a strip) , that is, only for very thin and narrow strips. Very suall ftelds are required 1/2 USSR LIKWEV, K. K., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavederii7, Radiofizi]kta, Vol XVI, No 6, 1971, pp 909-918 to realize Ginzburg-Landau nonlinearity (ZhETF (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics), Vol M, No 5, 1064~2 19501 in a Wirrovy f ilm ring (11