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!,Mt~ USSR GRIN' I V. T., IVANOV, M. YA., �a4m, A. No 0941sicow) "Investigation of the Dynamlon of traking Flow of an Ideal Gaa With a Closing She-ok Wave" Moscow, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Oaza, No 4, Jul-Joig '?I*), pp 23-32 Abstract: The article deals with the problem qw!' uxusleady flow in an a ially sy=etrical ch&nnal with the ceuf1;*rbofd1r in suprpr- sonic flow at the inlet and a given pressure Uw:,nsbitnt with reupect to profile and vcriable with respect to tiinol in the plane of the outlet. Under stoadT oonditions tiae c;:Iosing shock wave io altuated below the minimwti profilo (th:11-O&O of the channol. The calaulaticna wero celirled out by 1k tPlo-dimonoWnal. variant of c difference method, i.o., the equwj~jonia or unstoady axially sy=otrical flow wore integrated. At 1,4be name time, thoi difference network was so selected (ono ool-1. 'botweqin the channel walls) that the obtained results arow oloser %Q IL UZj:id1A9n3iO11al approximation. Pop the explanation of a aarl*jo of *rjrects doteot- ad in the oalculation prooons (resonanas, qk%t,s(j3jA&t:Ao:ji or hilt)j- 1/2 7 USSR GRIN10 Ve T., &~ al, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Ga No 4, Jul-Aug 70, pp 23-32 xo,-fb frequency oscillation), use was made of solutioris obtalned on the basis of a linear approximation and a nonlicioax, approximation of the theory of small perturbations. 9 figurpot, 12 biblio. graphic entrieao USSR UDC 681.332.65 N- "Device for Multiplication of Binary and BCD Code-s by Factorti" USSR Author's Certificate No 27114, Filed 17/09/60, hibllshcil 19/08/70 (Translated from Referat:ivnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika. Tel-emekharrilka i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No 5BsIliV) Translation: There is a well-known device for multipltg~atioii of binary and BCD codes by a factor, containing binary and BCD coutit4irs, a cycle pulrie generator, a code input unit and coefficient input unit, a con.tral. unit, tubes and an operation flip-flop. The output of the 154:11 coumter is conrxete'.1 to the ones input of the operation flip-flop, the outpwIs of which are cor.- nected to the control inputs of the two tubes. The otber iti,puts of the*e tubes are connected to the output of the cycle pulse gonerat,or and the output of the coefficient input unit respectively, whi4c the OULPUES Of d-:0 tubes are connected to tht~ iaput of the BCD counter. 11he irnut of the binary cou:nter is connected to the cycle pul:5e gener-avir; t11."! OLItpUtS Cr each digit of this counter are connected to the coefficlIent i.c1put unit; and the busses of the unit for input of codes are conwicted through the tubes to the ones setting input of the BCD and binary i:.ounters; the control 1/2 USSR KRAYKOV, N. N., USSR Author's Certificate No 27114, Filed 17)09/68, IV)- lished 19/08/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhumal Air t omit itika, Tele- mekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 5, 1971, Abiirract Ho 5B22411) inputs of the tubes are connected to the control unit. The I)Llrpc-se of th~p_ invention is to allow multiplication by a binary c-ode. In order to achlev! this, the device contains a control flip-,flop and swit~;h, coittrolled by tbe "0" output of this flip-flop. The 'T' output of the cotitrol flip-flop is connected to the coefficient input unit. The input of the cj)ntrol flip,-flop is connected to the output of the operatton flip-41op, the di'.gits of tho factor register are connected through a svitcl-.i to the inputs of the coef-- ficient input unit, the high-order digit of the fjictor register is connected to the bus controlling the output of the first flip-M.,Ip of the binary counter, while each subsequent digit is connected to ;u bus controllLng t~he output of the next flip-flop in the direction of incremsing digit order. 1 fig. 2/2 Atc. Nr.: AP0046773- USS't KRAY.Ml, A. L., Ural Auto Plan", "A 114-leter for YeasUrt-rC Ralial Forces of Collar Seals" ~Z(: L j0 Moscow, Avtcr,~'.Illnaya FroryzhIenn--st' Veh-Ir.-le lnt-w,.Alv~. 2- Translatio-,. A st-l' T;-s of !h--t an-I fast measure7.ent :~' tliv 7f, -a~,ainst ti~a tac~e! shaft an.1 of th.3 mdial f~rce!i V-tlrt4~ty (2 illus'ra"17ns) Y, -MRm"- Or USSR I.W. V];'. 22)1'1~. KAWINA, L. S. , KRAYNIJK. N., GENE, V. V., and MYL'!C1T0VjV, L. Yt., Institute of Smi-co duccors, USSR AcadetrV of Scierces "Elasto-Optical Effect in Ferroelectric Materials With a Dtlftiscd Phivie Transition" Moscow, 17vesLiva Akadtt,.-iiii Nauk SSSIZ, Seriva Fizi.chesk.iv.,-a, 14o], 15, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1862-1864 Abstract: The authors inve*tlgate the. e1asto-oprical. ~n ferrok?.Iiaccric materials with diffused PhaSC LransiLio:l Nb2/303(PZN). I'hey detormine the tia~,nititde ng the half-w.-tv-.1 stresses in the wavelength band of 4000-7000 A and z:icaiiiire Lho varlatioil with temperature of the piezooptical coetfictents 711`112- ~Tluy L].Sj find the dependence of the slope of the double refractfi)n Dial on the sizi. of the mechartical load in the area of diffusion al tht-:! phaso tz%in~;it.ian. The authors find that a study of the e1apto-vpticifl, prwperric!t; Cif perovl;kitv Vjpe ferroelectric materials per-nits a better understatidLri~; :d' th., :! na tu re I - Lransition and emalb, and character of the. diffused phasL I.C!s d-le res,2.arch4!r to distinguish the true electro-optical offect in the Cot.11. lltfftxt; they 1/2 USSR KARZINA, L. S., et al., Izvestiva Akadeaft 341ult SSSR., Seriyjj F4zichcsI'1%--I. Vol 35, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1862- 864 feel that such inveSLigationi ar-2 of great practical s~'*;.Iiftccani-e. T~Ie show graphically the temperaLure boundary of diffusioa i-or PIT and PD1. The article contains 3 illustrations, 1 t4ible, and 4 blibliollra-pivic entrles. 2/2 77 USSR UDC 621.771.01 VYDRIN, V. N., FEDOSIYLIKO, A. S., and KRAYNOV, V. 1. "Protsess nepreryvnoy prokatiki" (CA_ti_nu`i~us Rolling Moscow, Izd-vo ",IIet&Uurgiya," 1970, 456 pp Abstract: Regularities of continuous rolling on a smoollt barxii]. and in -roll passes under conditions of cold and hot deformation are disctiaiied un the basis of a unique methodology. Special features of the aperatIon. of con-tin- uous mil.Is are considered and algorithms describing the procosa of contitluous rolling on equipment of various types are -presented. T~I!-~~hnological fo-.Inda- tionn for the automation of continuous mills are astabli.ahed. F3rticulex attention is given to processes taking pl4ce in the defo-vnat.Wa source -wkich. determine the operating conditions of continuous atills. The book is intended for engineers involved with the tetAinol.c3gy, equipalelit, and atitomation of rolling mills and also for scientific personnel and stu- dents at higher educational institutions. 130 figures, 31 t1bAes, 146 references. 1/5 USSR VYDM, V. N., et al., "Protsess nepreryvacy prokatiki" ~Cont~nuous RoIlIng Process), Moscow, Izd-vo "Metallurgiya," 1970, 456 pp Table of Contents From the PublIsher 5 Forevord 7 Symbols 9 Chapter 1. Distortion and Kinematics of the Deformatioiji Cente-v Geometry and kinematics of the deformation center 15 Area of contact surface 23 Velocity distribution in the deformation center. :114tape. of a critical line and surface 30 Slip an contact surface 38 Spread distzibution along the center of 4eformatio 41 Rolling radius and forward slip in rolling in rol.11 passics 45 Chapter 11. Basic Regularities of the RQUing Process Deformation resistance of a metal 53 Contact friction forces 58 215 Strength of internal forces 68 USSR VYDRIN, V. N., et al., "Frotsess nepreryvnoy prokatiki"' (Con.~ijiuous Rolling Process), Moscow, Izd-vo "Metallurogya," 1970, 456 pp Sliding friction strength on a contact surface Other strength aspects in rolling , Basic equations in the rollinS process Chapter III. Ro.Liing With Tension and Support in One Stand 79 86 88 Sy - trical rolling 95 Classification of rolling processes under couditloas of continuous rolling 105 Particular cases of rolling ill Interstand deformation 130 Chapter IV. General Regularities of the Continuous RoILIng Process Classification of continuous rolling mills 135 Special features of the continuous rolling process 137 Review of basic studies an the theory of continuouil; rolling 143 Mathematical description of the continuous rolling proccvs 157 General properties of a continuous mill 102 3/5 USSR WDRIN, V. N., et al., "Protsess nepreryvnoy prokatiki" (Contimuouts Rolling Process), Moscw, Izd-vo ".Hetaliurgiya," 1970, 456 pp Chapter V. Steady Process of Continotous Rolling of Siml,,11e Shapes Basic equations 206 Continuous cold rolling of sheets 213 Continuous rolling of thick strips 229 Chapter V1. Continuous Rolling in Roll Passes Rolling in diamond-shaped and square roll passes 248 Rolling in box---jhaped roll passes 255 Rolling of ovals in round and oval roll passett 261 Rolling of shaped roll passes 265 Steady process of continuous rolling In roll passes 267 chapter V11. Dynamics of the Process of Filling t"- [jefti,=tion Center Witb Metal I Basic regularities of the filling of t4e defoizatirn, cenrier with metal 294 Filling of the deformation center at coustant frictl,;~n folrees and deformation strength .305 4/5 USSR V. N., et al., "Protsess nepreryv*oy prokatiki" (ContInuous Rolling Process), Moscow, Izd-vo "Metallurgiya," 1970.1, 456 pp Experimental invest1jatinn of the process of fillim$ the deformation center with metal 315 Chapter VIII. Dynamic Processes in Continuous Mills Two-stand mill 331 Three-stand mill 347 Multi-stand mill 350 Dynamic properties of multi-stand continuous utill 355 Chapter IX. Experimental Investigation of the Operation of Continuous Hills Investigation of a continuous light section mill opiaration 398 Investigation of the operation of a laborAtont cont:Lnuowr, two-stand mill 413 Chapter X. Automation of Continuoum Hills Basic principles of automatic control of sorting MOIS o1jeratioll 424 Automation of continuous cold sheet rolling mills 430 References 45.1 PRMESSING DATE--23QCT7C 1/1 009 UNCLASSIFIE0 TITLE--SYNTHESIS OF 0 HIPPURY% DCLTA GUANJDI~tC ALI)NA C HY'OKOXYMERIC ACIC 0 HIPPURYL L AAGININIC V (D -U- AUTHOR-( 03 1 -KRAI NOVA *L.t KIPORENKO# S.Sto CHAMANt YE.~Se COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHs 08SHCH* KHIM. 07 ev,44'0131*9 708-9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-,-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ALIPHATIC HYOROXV CARBOXYL AC10o GUANIOINEw IIENZENE DERIVATIVEr AMINE DERIVATIVE CONTROL MAKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DdCUM61T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEU PRbXY REEL/FRAME--1997/2OL5 STEP NO--UR/00791*il'(',,1104r~)1003/070$/0109 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120658 UNCLASSIFIED 1".01, WIN flat USSR UDC 621.32.032.75 RODICHEIrp Yu.-M~Js CHE11.9iRIS, A. N1. , pERI:~uMMov, G. I. ) MEPYANOVICH, K. K. , PoMoiNYCI'. N. , KRAYNOVA, E. A. , (Kicv) "Supporting Power of Spherical Ceramic Shells Under Ext~!rnal Prc:1-,!;urL!" Kiev, Proble-.,n Prochnosti, No ,;, 1.9-2, pp ?6-29. Abstract: Results are presenteJ fro%] tests of sphel,C3 of 'Irl all,"llil"17n Under external pressure conditions. It is established tlu~ the "IniMll ~ tecl, geometric imilperfect ions of the sholls, characteristic for ~:C,ramit. '11olo"")" have just as great an iaflu-Ince oil tho slability of CO-romic On )i strength of thc 11111rd,11111a Cerx-,11C in ~.ile metallic spheres. The hif I evie,enced both wilh sin,lv.-cycle and rqncatcd-q,,,,Io appliciizion!; o!' c."J k, I'll" pressure, is noted. IL 1:5 thit an earlier vork "Design l1;IrU)!Ctcr:; for Glas-~ rind cerainic Onderviater Vol 81, No 6, 19631 reco:ivierids that k- tic tahnn .1!; 0.$' ill fIle zol].J for;-:11111 for critical prcs~,ure. The rcstilts of t1lis study show t1wil the vilitm, of k- for spheres with deviations typic-al for ce).1111lic tedlixdo", !Y 1,11IN, Cso follow-ini ior'nula i,~ recc-i-In-nded Car aluminwa ceramic Fq,;hnt.~vs of 40: 0.31"0. .10 2. cr 112 USSR DOC 621.32.032.7$ RODICHEV, Yu. M., CHBIERIS, A. N., PEREVORUKEOV, G. 1.~, NXIV,YANOVICII, K. K., PODGOWM, L. N., KRAYNIOVA, E. A., Kiev; Problemy Prodinosti, No 8, 1972, pp 26-29. The ceramic spheres are -Iound to be capable of wlt~sturidin- stresses of up to 701, of the ultimate strength wiLho t r si ual changes in shape or dimem;ions, as long as the walls of the iph(-.ras do not have signi- ficant thickness variations. 82 USSR UDC 621,32.032.7S RODICHEV, Yu. M. , CHEMITTS, A. M. , PrREVOMMOV, G. I A~_r PODGOP,'qYY, L. IN. , KRAY.NOVA E. A. (Kiev) "Supporting Po-~er of Spherical C-2ramic Shells Undcr PrCssare" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 8, 1972, pp 26-29. Abstract: Results are presented frwi tosLS of splieras t1,,- ari unJer external Prc'ssure cwiditioas. It is established Elie, iiiltial geometric inpcr[et:,,.:iuns of tfic slic.11s, chiracteristic for c,-r;u;6c have just as great an inflncnce on the stability o-," ci:rzwii~c as 0!l metallic spherez-, .The 5trength of the alumintmi co]1116," irl t?iv Sh"lls, evidenced b0th 1~illh 5ingIC-C)'ClO 4nd pressure, is notcd. it is v~! thal 3"1 Carlier work, "Design Para:.v~toi-s for Glass apd Cei-amic Widerwiter Corx:;Ac J~..Q." Vol S!, Nto 6, 1965] rcCOM,:~!L'iids that IL bi~ taken as 0,7 ira tho fori~,'_'11 ft-r critical prc.,~sure. The resulis of Lhis Study shoti thii-At *kllq- %'alue C.-I, 2; foz spheres With dclviati oils t:.Piczll for Ceramic techilology may be lower. 'Jjl~ foliowino rarmm;.t is for alumilim ceramic ,,,Iwhillores ~_Ijth NJO'~ r,ltios of 40: 0.35-0.40 cr Z Orl - 11 USSR UDC 621.32.032.75 RODICIIEV, Yu. M. , CHEMERIS, A. N., PERE VOR UII IOV, G. L, A-1-I-F.WYANO'-.ICIT, K. K., PODGOP,,'IYY, L. N', KRAYSQVA, E. A., Kiev, Problciity No US, 1972, pp 26-29. The ceramic spheres are found to be capable of withstamiling, camprossive stresses of ur to 701 of the ultimate strength without vesidual changes in shape or dimensions, as long as the waII5 of th! spheroi; do vat have sij,,Iii- ficant thickness variations. 2/2 LGSR LTC )WRIM-MARKIS, 1. B., 9011=WA, T. V., KRAYTOR, S. It',, an~.It MMII,SKIT, 1. N7. "The Characteristics of the DlAk Pernonal neutron Tzuolt L"M',metez` Moscow, Atomnaya Energlya, Vol 34j NO It Jan ?3s PP 13-15 Abstracti Zie cha:mcterlstics of the DIWN porsonad noitro.*.. con- sisting of t3-ack detectors of flulon frmg4-anta fxaii zmyrnd a 6.1 g/cn2 B10 filter and u235, are inveutIERted. They 1jqijtUa UIC aorxitlvity of the dosireter, Its reading dejvndences on the dAnt4mce flrui the hul-.aii body surface and the radiation incidenct iLnd tho IzJ",Lut,~nc-c Of tlt-~ neutron spectrum on the tmck level, The 01' tho .1-11,~A neutron track dozIL-oter axe shown for f1ve typos of iiotrozi alli dosimeter locLtions. The averagc value of -the ti*ach liwi,el, 2.3 vMd/LrtL:~%- mg nV- '23?, has a dispernion of 48% rixA is sihown to corriwipoY4 to the value of 2.2 arad/track.-mg, Up-P-37. Four figuxes, boo t.4~lilvuo~ nAx famul4z, fourteen bibliographic referorica4o USSR UX 539.--l-OT4-3 K*Yrmj S. N., KWnYEVA, K. K. "The Scintillition Characteristics of the FS-1 Zinc Bqlfide Lumiphore" Khar1kov, Moni*ristally, Stsintillayatory I Orgaxicheakiye L~uminofory Sbornik (Mono4,ryztals, Scintillators, and Origanit~ Lkodmophores -- Collection of Works), No 5, 1970, Pp 101-105 (from ftferativu" 43uxual, Metrologiya i IzermitelInayu Tekhn1k , No 12, 1970, Abstract No 12-3~-1501) Translation: The scintillation characteristics of the TS-1 1uzanoj)ho1-e in the case of e2zitation by a-particles were meavured vIth i-account ta,!ren of weakening of the scintillationn in the luninaphore lapLv,~. Xt is chm-n that In this care the relationship of the scintillation avp:j.:~tude to the ea~r7-y of the OC-particles is linear in -the rarw,,,e of 2.5-~,,-X' ilev, ourri that the. li(Sht output of thia range is constant. The rvlationship of the mcintillp-tion amplitude to the thickness of l=irxOrre FS-1 has been oalcvUated and exper- izentally measured for C(- partleles with an ener17 of 4,65 Puti 3,03 MV4 The obtained results are comrwed v1th the data of soM otheir works. 4 f1gureas 5 bibliographic entries. 1/1 OF V__ - 4/2 038 UNCLASSIFIEO PIROCE$SING UATE-23OCTIO tITLE--ELECTRICAL ANJ OPTICAL PROPERTIES VF STRONTIUM WANATE SEMICONDUCTOR SINGLE CRYSTALS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-RDZHDESTVENSKAYAP M*V*t SHEFTELt loT.o STOGOVA, V.A.s KO XaFU*.tj-j"ARAYUKHlNAs E*Kw COUNTRY OF SOURCE-FIZ. TVERO- TELA L970i 12(3)r ST3-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--SEMIC04Dl')CTOR SINGLE CRYSTALo STRONTIUM COMPOUNO, TITANATE, SEMICONDUCTOR CONDUCTIVITY# TE14PERATURE DEPENDENCEP ELKTRON M081LITYP PHASS TRANSITION, HALL EFFECTv IMPURITY LEVEL* C.ER,[UMw NZOGIUM* PEROVSKITEr AOSOAPTION SPECTRUM CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1981/1994 srep NO--UR/0101/?(D,fOIZ,/OO3/0873/0,378 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0105068 UNCLASStFIE0 2/2 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCCSSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL05068' ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS ARIZ G[YEN OF THE HEASUREMCNTS OF THE TEMPo DEPENDENCE OF ELEC, C0140. (SIGMA) AT 300-780EGREESK FOR SRTIO SUB3 CRYSTALS OOPED WITH VARIOUS AMTS. OF CE AND NO AND ALSO REDUCED IN 14. FOR CRYSTALS DOPEP WITH CEj THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF MOBILITY IS (MC-N. OECREASE IN 51GMA 1149TH. 114CREASING TEMP. IS A RESULT OF DECREASE0 M013fLiTY OF CHAROC CARIZI'ERS. tH rz sAIA 15 RELATEO TO THE PRESENCE OF BREAKS IN THE TEMP* OEPENOENCE OF SIC DISTORTION OF THE'LATTICE OF SRTIG SU83 ON COOL[W-Atio TO THE PHASE TRANSITION AT 110DEGREESK.' HEASWAEMENis OF THE HALL $FFECt Ar Ituapt TEMPe SHOWED THAT THE HALL CONCNv, 01F CHARGE CARRINNS IN CRYSTALS 141TH -:0INCIDES W[TH THE IMPURITY VARIOUS CONTENTS OF CE AND NO PRACTICALLY CONCN. 0ETD- BY SPECTRAL ANAL# iT IS ASSUMED TIIA,r CE PRIME37POSITIVE .:PLA;I*E REPLACES SR FitmEzrasirivi AND NO PRIME5POSITIVE IN' %--S TI PKIME4POSITIVE [N THEPEROVSKITE LATTICEs THUS CREWTING I FREE ELECTRON, FOR THIS SERIES OF CRYSTALSi ABSORPTION SPECTRA WCAE 114YESTIGATE0o IN THE CASE OF DOPING WITH CEo THE ABSORPTION COEFFe CIEPEA40S ON THE C014TENT OF THE DOPING IMPURITYa AT THE A3SORPTION MAX# 4T WW-LENGtHS Or OoS AND 192 N119 THE ABSORPTION COEFF# DEPENDS LINCARLY ON tHE CONCN4 1/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED 1111.01CEStING L)ATE---30OCT70 TITLE--SYNTHESIS A40 SOLVOLYSIS OF SOME DERIVATIVES OF I (IROAGNET"YL ADAMANTANE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DANILElYKQj G. I . i CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR AKADo NAUK SSS.Rp PUBLISHED--------70 .SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY KRAYUS~!~~.~W. s- SERI KHItlv.~~9709 SEVO$l*YAN0YAv VIVO 2) 1 1444-5 TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, 13ROMINArEO ORGANIC C.(1111POUNOt AOAAltNFANC-* HYDROXYL RADICALs SOLVENT ACTION -"~~_(;ONTROL MAkKING--NQ RESTRICTIONS :-DOCUMENT CLASS--IJNCLASSEFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--lS97/0849 STEP NU--Uil/Ot)~)2/'71)jrOOO/1)1)2/0444/01,(.5 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119i53 UNCLASSIFIED 008 UNCLASSIPIEU PROCI,":SSING DATE-300CITO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119753 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A3$TRArr. HGArtNG ltPHE,NYL#3*ADAMA,"4TAf,iECARaOXYLIC ACID WITH MEQH CONCI)o H SIJ132 So SIJ(34 4 HR GAVE 90PERCENT 4E ESTER, B SU61 14-9-700EGREES, WHH(;H L11ILH Suf3(#--ET SU82 0 1 HR GAVE 92PERCENT 1,PHENYLP3, (HYDROXYHLTH'f'j,~ AL)AMAiqrANE, 1M. 73-4DEGREES. THIS 45PERCENT HBR IN ACOH GAVE THE 3, tPRC14bViETHYLJ ANALOGI M. 72-3DEGREES- HEATING liBA08Ut3v (BRE)ROMEIrliYL) ACIAMANTANE I HR AT 100DEGREES WITH 85PERCENr HCO SU32 H GAVE 85PEILCENI I,HY0k()XVs3i- (RROMOMETHYL) ADAMANTANEt M 880EGREESo W141CH REFLUXEI) WITH WCL SU132 0.5 HR GAVE lrCHLOROO, (BROMOMETHYL) ADAMANTANEr 14 104DI::GREE.S. I , BROIAO, B, (BROMOPETHYL) AOAMANTANE~ IN COND. H S02 SO SUB4 wAS TREATED AT ODEGREES WITH CL SU82 C:CH SU32 AND KEPT I HR At R0014 TERP. TO GIVE 65PERCENT 1t (BROMCIMETHYL) 31 ADAHANTANEACErIC AC109 III IJ4-5DEGAEESv wHICki WAS CONVERTEE AS ABOVE INTO ME EST~Ftp 0 SV02 1,13-190EGkEES. KINETIC DATA ARE REPORTED ON THE SOLVOLYSIS OF 3 sjw3uNTED 1. (BROMOMETHYL) ADAMANTANES IN 80PEARCENT AIJ, 01OXANE AT 15C)DEGFEES ICF. K. ET AL*,t 1969); KATE CONSTS. (K TIMES 10 PRJME'.$ MIIN PRPQ~NEGATIVEIJ ~i WERE TABULATED FOR INDICATED SUBSTITUENTS." Ho ~.47,' PH., 2.34; Ofit 1.119; PvC SU02 NC SIJI36 H SU84t 1.43; CO SUI32 tij L*46, P'ALILIIY: I'%sf. ORG. KHTH. IM. Z'CLINSKOGOP MOSCOWip USSR* UNCLASSIFIED ....... . .... I H iz -~"ICAL CLI-PAR 1"W4 OF LI.ItV~E JILS "AYUSHA IN O-V V IF y f. COU,',4TRY OF 1,"Jil-OSSR SCURCE-03POV. AX-1j. "IAUs< OKR. l(S.Rv SEK, 8 1970o 320f I1 3 l?.'I DATE PU6L ISIHIE-L) - - - - - - -10 SUBJECT AALkhS--EAATH SCIENCi.S M49.) ~W~:A'WCJIRAPIJYt TOP(C ~,rt~y VAr4ADIU0, ICKE-11.1. CGi*1T;NCJL ejA:;XP146--!'j-) PkOXY t~~LL/FRA'A"l-30C5/Z005 140---Uill /04 (ill". 10i'k, i,! CIRC ACCESS1,),% 441C S '16 ,'1 A T i- - - 1 T-1 U V 7 0 -A" r --S '10-AT0133340 A8STkACr/I-':XT.RAZ-T--(U) 6P-0- A,ISTIRAC'411r. FI,6,11-1 rf:tlh,-. uvvi-:i~ A.*!~ PALLOCE-iF FORI-~T1*1JIP;~' IN THE NTLE EDC E t-4 I . HAVF A '-JEA~~LY SINIILA~-,, SFT Lli u. o,~Mi5r OF 0.4 ANU 0.-~j 9. Lff 1.,,-)707 ASH C'JNT-Lf',J 91-' 0,1c;6do AND 0,0107PLRC0111', ill! ,:1 1 M i ii OPTICAL ACTIVITY, THE MGHF-R, AS~i C-JNTi~tlf 114 EOLColia 01U. )I:V~ ATTAIIH-I'lED TO A 1),.)SSIBLF SFCO.NDARY ASNIqILAlINN 01- ASO ELFMf'hI'l'Ij I-Ri:jil FORMANOINS 0-LIKU-IG, 4164ATIjN UF c4l- dVf'H !A (A),kIGF'R DIIJAN't:J~. 1. L ~'f I INDICATF0 A SINGL~ OEEP St~AT~O StARCE FROM offICH 61.41-1 plIdI*,lAT-Is I I AC, I I I I y[ i T 141G(