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USSR UDO 621.~65.62'1-1~iUU72.2~1 DErfATY07, M.N. PIRCOCV, YU. A. , ROYANT",1K , S.1i "Investifetion Cf Reflex Klystrone In Perimoe CC Rectiricijition 1~nd Sius" Elektron. tekhniki. Dluuchno-tekhn. ob. Slaktron 5VGh (Elcit.roniu TeL:hnolo,~,y. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave ilactronita), 1,970, 110 9, PP ef"-50 (from R_"h--31aktronika i yeye primeneniye, rjo 12, Decemb(pr :15701 Abotract No 12AI65) Tranalationi Reflex klyetrons for th* ;-cm, 8-amt and 4-min bund wero invustiKItsd in regimes of rectification and signal hiss. Their nensit!LvLty itq a rectification regime ie not lower, and in a number of cosee is higher, tjisn the asnsitivi-ty of crystal rectifiers for corresponding wave bonds. Author's jit)striict. -4 z UDC: 378. 661 (477.62+470. 45) 1977. wue~-tt.d 24 S.;,tc-.:-r 1971 pp 42-471 :~It-tlves of the 74rh ro"rr-as alf the CP5,J r~rtalninj. to the -;-*- of dc-.c'-,-.t pr the vaticnal accno--7 IIS71-1.975) set forth -n-gtZf Olld UlC-,MZJr-r 11TYCLIAl L-d-Ztl-l ifi Cltbrd-ga Z~,~ C~t,vle a! prn;r;wl, Ce 4=;-Inr thr AZ-- z' ;~lltl~jjl. zt 1"r4rw ~4 :hm prztltw- ~' Eai.,sr-2. pnriclans hA4 tio~r. ro&4vel t n 1. f,& A IA th& Pr.Kt-4111LU fbf , !,IfL tward tralnln~ 6f 5-1.1 t"O'lU !,e.ltb c.,., .d In n. zi t:10 lbAt ralpu 1.1r".. the q lit,, ;,I 'n I.Tz. Y.- A"... r-'. th~ .1 w1-, In m-ll-l o, =z 1. pntli:lvg7, and Vvdfa!r!r. otir-,ery vr. :~,e p"Intrtc 1A. i rr!r-rv to a v?ry car~,lvx OrFanl7ati-al pr"blem. 1~ --l z-TT'--.m r.-.[-rtr ar! fa-it:- u;rt. '.-r.Tlrct Ol t!-~ ti.i ;,, r 6.- ix,rG 41. nt In paA Vnder- P i_1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIE TITLE--DISTRIBUTION OF BOUND LIPIDS IN REGENERATENG OF RATS -U- UTHOR--KOSTKINi VoB. /0 .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~ SOURCE-BIOL. NAUKE 1970, (1), 50-3 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS-- B I OLOGACAL AND -ME-DI-CAi. SCI-E-NCES ESSM DATE- 16OCT70 KELE-1*AL FAJSCLE FIBERS TOPIC TAGS--MUSCLE TISSUE, TRAUNAt LIPOPROTEIN, FlIST0C'HElli.s'rpy, rlscjuE REGENERATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNICLASSIFIED PROXY kEEL/FkAAF--I996l0n2l STEP CIRC Arrp~Sjf'vu N(,--AP0117b,'47 C-if 2/2 021 UNCL AS Sl F I ED! PRcliz:.ns.11ING DATE--16-)CT70 ,C IR CACCESSIUN NO-AP0117847 ~ ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- 4BSTRACT. 114 TRAUMATILF0 MJ,~(*,L.,'~ FIIIEPIS f)l: RATS A HIGHER AMT. OF LIPOPROTEINS WAS Uff-TECTELl HISTCOCH1,4. I'HAti P,4 THE INTACT FIBERS. WITH OEEPENING NKRUSIS, T14E ~1- Tvit 'tUSCLE FIBERS INCREASED. DW.UNG THE REG-ENEPMUN PROCESS A ilklhi~k CONTE.,lT OF BOUND LIPIDS WAS UdSD. oilTH FURIKER CELL 0IFFL-9~---Nl'loflf:JN TH!-l SUDANUPHILIA OF THE kEGENEKATING KUSCLE~FLOERS OEC~~IEASED ANU LIPOPROTEINS WERE LOCATED MOSTLY IN TH&14YOFIGRILLA~R APP. FACILITY: LENINGRAD. MED, INST,s LENINGRAOr U$SR* 112 020 UNCLASSIFIED PRI)CES.~ING 0ATE--30CjCT?0 TITLE-TERPERATURE FUNCTION OF THE FLUORC-SCENCE POL,&AILATION OF PHTHALIMIDE SOLUTICNS ACCORDING TO THE~AD$ORPtIGN $PFCTRUM -u- AUTHOR-103)-RUDIKP Kel.v PIKULI.Kr LwG-v AOSTKOv M.YA!, CCUNTRY OF INFCr--USSR SOURCE-IZV. VYSSHo UCHE8* ZAVED.r FIZ. 1970t L313)w 16-61 DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS ''TOPIC TAGS-IMIDE, FLUORESCENCE* GLYCEROL. BUTANOL# PROPA1101., ABSUR.PILUN SPECTRUM* THERMAL EFFECTe EXCITED STATE CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,PRJXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0847 STEP NO--UR/OL'.39/1'Clj'Ol3i/ClO3/0076/00aI -cl-RCACCESSIC-N ING-AP01245-12 '212 020 UNC;LAS$lf[ED P1%(1f;FS$1NG 0ATE--30OCT?O .CIRC AC.CESSION NO--AP0124512 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EfFECT ov mif; 'ilAVELLNG11t OF THE EXCITATION RADIATION ON THE DEGREE OF POLARIZAVION 1:19: rHE FLUORESCENCE OF SULNS. OF 3 AND 4tAmIN0PHTlJALIH1DC-p "'NO 3tMCNDMETHYLAMINO,N*10.ETHYLP~iTHALIMIDE IN GLYCEROLts Pi~DH WAS STUDIED BY MEASURING ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF THE: AT NEGA11VE 80 TO 700ECREES, VARIOUS CONCNS. 01: THE PHTHALIMIDES# ANJ YARIOUS OURATIONS AND WAVELENGTH OF THE EXCITATION AADIATION. A,r Ht.~,Ili 11:111PS, THE EXCITATION RADIATION FREQUENCY DEPENDEN.C.E ON THE- CIL-:GRE1- OF POLARLiATION IS NEGLIGIBLE. IN THE LCNGWAVE EXCITATION REGIUN* FHE PEGREE OF PULARIZATLON INCREASES WITH DECAASING TEMP. TO A MAX. Gf: SIMILAR TO 50PERCENT. THE FREQUENLY DEPENDeNCE OF THE PULARIZATION IS ALSO DFT0. dY THE DURATION OF THE EXLfTATION RADIATION. 01F, RESJI.TS, ARE UISCUSSED .IN TERMS OF THE SUPERPOSITION OF THE IS'T AND 2N0 4AN0 IN THE SPECTRUM. FACILITY: BELORUSS. TEKHNUL. INST. 101~ KIRGY114t KNUv USSR. 112 029 w1r. L A S.S IF I E() PRI)CEilING 0ATE--27lq'JV70 TITLE--FLUOROMETRIC ANALYSIS W.' VIBRATORY ENERGV IAAW.)FE4 PURING MULF-C-ULAA IMPACTS -U- AUTH0R-(04)-P [KUL IK, L.G., SEVCHENKOp A.N., YAK0Vf:4,i0,j V-4-P K(3SfKt)p ili,YA, 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. PRIKLAO. SPEKTROSK (USSR) VOL. 12o NO. P. 682-90v lpR,,c,,c- 1970 DATE PUSL I SHED--- --APR 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-- FLUORE SE. ENC EA3SORPTION SPECTRUM, GAS $VATEj MOLECULAR PHYSICS 'CONTROL MARKENG-140 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1114 STEP 'W'fR-_ ACCESSION NO--AP0136534 UNCLASSEF[F-0 2/2 029 UNCL ASS IF I ED PPOICE51114G DATE--217~~Ov7o CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136534 aBSrRACT/~XTRACT--(U) GP-0- 48STRACTi. THE OF E~lri:! FLUORESCENT VAPORS Al'-IPLfFiES THE RAOIATION DUE TO 1.0rJER f'RGBA3lLtlv k.'A- NONRADIATIVE TRANSITIONS. THE PH04CIMENON tS CXPL.404C-0-,~3V Vfc~-Ivros'f ENERGY TRANSFER FROM EXCIT~~7D MOLECULES TO THE IN'rw!)j)ucF:,o ',;A~, PARTICLES. THE INFLUENCE OF THE OUr'SIDE GASES UPON THE LIFE Oil: PHT11,1-LillIDE TAPJR EXCITED STATE, SPECTRA AND -4t)ANTUM 15 OESCR18E-0. IME fliARACTERH,TICS PERMIT THE EVALUATI[IN OF ENERGY TRANSPER BY 0ERECIF ~lWo'RUMETRIC MEASUREMENTS TO BE MA0E. CONSTANCY OF OUTPUT 4ND 0i:- OV-1,ATION OF FLUORESCENCE WITHIN A BROAD ABSORPTION SPECTRUM Pr)jjtq'r I'll ESTABLISHMENT OF THERMODYNAMIC BALANCE OF MOLECULE IN THE MEOWMI. Sr-46ILIZATION OF FLUORESCENT MOLECULES IS QUITE EFFECTIVE IN BOT14 S1*0KEV AND ANIL STOKES REGIONS OF THE EXCITATION SPECTRUM* - - ------ ----- Will y I. 11/2 048 UNCL ASS I P I ED PR(jiCFSSj(NG 0AT'c--2.1,,lCT70 TITLE--POSSIBILITY OF STUDYING THE COMPOSITION 01: THE~ UPPER, ATMOSPHERE T WITH THE AID OF RESONANCE SCATTERING EFFECFS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-SHVIUKOVSKIYP YE-G-s KOSTKO# OsKoo CHAYANOVAt E.A. A ~ COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR C ISSLEOOVANIIAt VOL* 8, MAR.-APR. L970, P. 310, 311 S ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 D SUBJECT AREAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, PHYSICS ,..,TOPIC TAGS--UPPER ATMOSPHERE, RESONANCE SCATrERING, BASER RADIATION, 'ATMOSPHERE COMPOSITION CONTROL MARKING--PiD RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/1761 STEP t]O--Ult/0293/*tQ!l~)CdIOOOO/L)310/031L ATE-23OCT70 2/2 048 -UNCLASSIFIED PR0l:;:*SSING D CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115590 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, CONSIDERATION -%*)F TH~: POSSIBILITY OF USING RESONANCE BACKSCATTERING OF LASER RAUIATION Pr%VJPs'%GArING rHkOUGli THE EARTHIS AT140SPHERE AS A MEANS OF STUI)YING THE C014pJSITION UF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE. ON THE BASIS OF AN ANALYSIS OF 'THE RADIATIVE TRANSITIONS CHARACTERISTIC Of CERTAIN STATES OF NITR(1,11LO mOLECULEs, tT IS SHOWN THAT THIS BACKSCATTERtNG EFFECTI A.LTHOUGH 10',-~RFUL FOR PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATION ANU INFORMATION TRANSMISSION, IS LISFFUL. FOR STUOYING THE FINE STRUCTURE OF THE COMPOSITION OF THF ArMOSPIAE;~E. AN ESTIMATE IS MADE OF THE EFFECT OF RESONANCE BA;K5CATTE-RING DUE !r 0 All-Sl)kSING N!TRI)GEN MOLECULES-ANO IONS IN THE EARTHS ATMOSPHERE ON THE:ENERGY ENTERING THE RECEIVER OF AN OPTICAL RADAR* Mic t A Acc. N Abstracting Service: lef. Code: 4~0367%540" CHEMICAL ABST. tt/7o (p A 78824C Separation of z,4-lutidint by azL a*40trOpic re0i;-ficA- hinskii. Y% 'ka, tionmethod. QuZinaoil-R,; S -1 LAW" NJ (USSR). KO-ki Khms. 197 LuOditie (L) of UV'%, lWity was!squd- frot 70.61"'; azil, tr PI xeld s distu. of 617.5 g crude I 05-W%' I 15q-, J~kfine, I.; 3TO j 2,3-lutidiuc, aad a-, 0., and -y-pi~,oline, 2,6-lutidint. wid C013"K in lesser amts.) with HIO to make;3 I and dehydr.1flom of the dis- tillutebyauot-ropiedism. with Wi6- The rcrluxinipg "ecjtr*Pes had close which retidered st-Im. irlIV0831ble. Lucilti S. Daviscm A L:S R F EL/ F"ME -4 9*104 uss R UDC 60?$.74Jf.')-13 V7 NMIAYEV, V K., A. V.1 JAZAfWV# R. A.@ ChiLvash State University imeni. 1. 11. heyanov "A Method of Making Polymers Containing Phosphorus arA Nitrogen" Moscow# Ctkrytiyat Izobretisniyaj ftomyshlenn"a Ob=vtwy, Tovarn)-ye " rWtd, No 17, 1971, Author's Certificate No 304260, J)ivision 1% Mad 20 Jan 11)70. published 25 May 1971, PP 86-87 Translations This Author's Certificate Introduces a mothod of naking polymers containing phosphorus and,nitrogen, As a dlattinguishing feature of the patento the variety of the resultant polyurs is inczessed by co- polymerizing alkyl, eaters of the general,fornula R R I 0 01.1- where H arA RI are alkylp and Irl Is H2CH 31 with an 1sooy&nat* selected from the group consisting of 2p4-toluylene d#aocX*=t* and phosFihcxus-conta1nJn polyisacyanates of tho general fornula 1/2 USSR NIKOJAYEV, V. N., et al., Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, ?x*ii~vshlizmriyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znakip No 17, 1971, Author's cortMeate Na N4260pnivision 0 C.0 ~01 ~ C,HO-tv,piQcSHl), where n-7-8. The copolymerization Is do4a Jji the Restue oLll 2,4-diLzo. bicyclo-212,2-mtane as a cata4st. 2/2 35 112 015 W-CLASSIFIEI') P:OOCESSING DATE --02'.',CT70 TITLE--FGLECULAk. MOTI"N IN CELLULOSE NITRATES STUIMij r3Y 14U:LEAR MAGNETIC RES6.411%cc _U_ AUTHJR-i05)-KJST0CHXtl* A,V,, C111100RISOVAt L,YA.t )40L-%V')Vt A.I., *iA,(C'.VEYEVA,'t.'17.-,--Pr'JKTISTOVA, 0.13. COUNTRY CP INFO--USSR SOURCE--VYS0KJ.4UL* Si)E:)I.'q,i Sh4* 6 1970v 12(l)o ?2-4- DATE PUBt ISHEJ ------- 70 ,'SU3JFCT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CELLULOSE, NITRATEo NUCLEAR MAGNMC RES:~NANCEV PLASTICIZERI PHTHALATEt ORGANIC PHOSPHATE, GLUCOSIDEt SPIN RELOATIM CONTACL t4ARKING--N(3 RESTRICTIC14S, ~-.00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FkA4k--199Z/0314 STEP CIAC ACCESSION NO--AP0111508 UNCLASSIFIFO .. .. ......... 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-02OCT70 C I RC ACCESSION NU-AP0111508 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE MUL. mao(IN r:q CkLLULIME NtTRA7E (1) PLASTICILED WITH 35-55PIERCENT Of OJ-041 0HTHAL4itEt TRI:RESYL PHOSPHATE9 UR GLYLEROL TRINITRATE WAS INVESTIGATM BY NKLq SPECTRA AT MINUS 140 50 MINUS 20DEGREES* A PLOT OF 2ND MOHFN'I' l0L,LrA H SU32 PRIME21 VS. TEMP. FOR THE PLASTICIZED I SAMPLES INIII)KCATED.rHAT DELTA, H SUB2 PRIME2 WAS INVERSELY PROPORTIONALJO tfiMPs IN'THL kANSE OF 4140 10 TO.PLUS 200EGREES, PRESUMABLY DUE TO THE FLEXIBILITY DF THE PYRA40SE RING AND HINDERED MONTIONS ABOUT THE GLUCCISIDE BOND CtOv(:* THE HIGH MAGNITUDE OF DELTA H SUB2 PRIME2 WAS ACCOUNTED FOR RY A HYPOTHESIS THAT THE CP SUB2 ONO SUB2 GROUP REVOLVES ABOUT THE RING AT MINUS 140DI-GIEES AT A FREQUENCY OF 10 PRIME-4s WHICH WAS CONSISTENT hltTH THE EXPTLI, OXTA* MCKEASED PLASTICIZER CONTENT CAU$ED A CONTRACTION- V4 IrliC -op BM'10 A%40 AN INCREASE IN THE-SPIN SPIN RELA XT ikrl'l[)N TIME- -I*CHA'RihCTfP.'I$-r"IC*OF'MOL.I PLASTICIZATION). THE SPIN SPIN KELAXATIUN T14E FOR I (ILASTICIZED WITH EQUAL AMTS* OF EACH UF THE 3 PLASTICIZERS WERE SIMILAR. &14 uzz TITLE--KINETIC ENERGIES AND SPONTANEOUS FISSION -U- AUTHOR-(05)-ALKHAZOVt 1,0.t 11 L.Z.t PETRZHAK9 K*A. ..COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S-OURCE--YAD. aCEi [N' UNCLAMI Fita, G OAT MASS OISTRIO~;UTIONS UF FFLAGME)ITS OF CURIUM-244 KOSTOCK.KtNv 0..141 FIZ. 1970, 11(339 501-7 ;,OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 K0VALF,)'JXO# S.S.v MALKIN, 3UBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--CURIUM# ENERGY SPECTRUlkit PARTICLE Ol$TRIBUT1041t FI:SS10"s PRODUCTY SEMICONDUCTOR DETECTORt COINCIDENCE COUNTING -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '-DOCUMENT CLAS5--UNCLASSIFIED --1991/105t --UP PROXY REEL/FRAME STEP Na /0367/ 70,101110() 3/05) 1/05,:~ 7 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL10747 UNCLASSIFIED ---2/2 022 UNCL ASS IF I EO PRlli^~-. !,I It, 7, DATC- 1 -ICCT7,-' .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110747 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- AESTNACT A S t lik F A C E~W,.RIER S, UEIECT:~R SYSTEM OF 4 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE7 SK, AESOLN. WKS CALN-~IITCD 13Y TriE ,j ~ ALPHA LINE OF PRIHE239 PU A'N'D THERMAL 14 IRRADIATED 1) fil MFISLI-F. THE FISSION DATA OF PRIME2,44 CM ELf-.,CT-WL?EP,'MIEZj UN 60 RV G=C~A AL; SMALLER THAN IPEPCENT OF THE FISSION EVLNTS C01INC WITH AlPHA EMISSIONS. THE KINETIL EINCKGY AYCRAGED 188.6 PLU5 Or, Alliliti~ 1.6 NEV; THAT OF THE LIGHT WT. FISSIGN Pkij,)uc,rs (AV. MJL. 1#11'. 104.6, PLJS OR Mi,'.US 1.0) 107.5 PLUS OR MINUS 1.2 ME'V; THAT OF THE 14EAVY PRJ0NUCTS (AV. MOL, WT. L39.0 PLUS OR -MINUS 1.'t) 81.1. PLUS CK "lNUS 1.0 -m~':.V. TI,:: STD. INCLINATIUNS WERE 11.5 MEV AND 5.9, AAU. IN A111"--N.r Sli ABLE MASSES L~F 146, 140, 1371 136, AND 134 AMU wEAE ASSOCO. Wrl 196-21--l.?, 202-6, AND 208-16 MEV. UNCLASSIFIEW USSR K., C t, f, 9. SIDORIN, I. I., Doctor of Technical 'Sciences, XCILVAI,~C'.1A, A. I., Assistant; KUEKIN, S. A., Doctor of Techaical sci'falce~,:, V. G., Engineer, Moscow Higher Technical School imeni 11. E. Ilatizann, ConVlodl 13"I,Pntific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy "On the Effect of Plastic Defonnation Under Biaxlal Stvotichinv. at Liquld gen Temperatures on the Stmcture uid Properties of lP.h:LVN1GT !;tet~!" Moscow, Izvestiya vysshikh ucheh)ny,,h zavedeniy, MasI-Jna0xoy,t7nfye, 2,2, 1971, pp 105-109 Abstract: The plastic deformation was determined and 0-.E: a:ll nical properties of .111,16!110T s*_eel were studied. Tbe I;IeeL 'W.Is the fabrication of vessels and various welded rsorvoiri; c(-n- ditions of biaxial stretching at low temperatures. It .1Q7,et) t.-wA stainless steels are very impartant rt:ruct,,ira) in c:,ryci~!cic t:er`~cdsc~-.- and a basic feature of their behav;or under deep coolin;j: is ii H~e in while maintaining sufficient plastlciry. Experimc!ntal il!ii,a -iia.,i a-vaillit'111-- X. the mechanical properties of many steel.s of the austenite cL;isli unic." 1/2 SIDORIN, I. I., et al, Izvestiya vysshikh uc~ebnykh za-;~edr-nilf, No. 12, 1971, pp 105-109 stretching at low temperatures, but there has not been lata .4or, stri-tch- ing and therefore the effect of plastic deformatR)n uri(Lav cc)ndi-~-Ions cf tf.axizil stretching on the structure and properties of Siamptle" of JK:118P-101' stee-, were studied at liquid nitrogen temperatures. ComparD,;on -11-e vesults cblainuJ under biaxial stretching conditions with published data. ffor iiniamial stv(--tchirlz shows that the martensite is considerably greater than un"Ier L111.1aX.1a]. conducted at a temperature of -1960C. This is in good agreelietit wilth the results of strength tests showing a, considerably greatew efzri~ct of under biaxial stretching than under axial stretching. vO: a k=m2rature c" 200C both biaxial and uniaxial stretching did not lead to a formal-`= of martensite. It in concluded that the transformation of austenitf~ into martensite under biaxial stretching of M181410T steel iat: !--"t-,.--Ufd ni-cgen t-:!17,,- peratures occurs considerably more intensively than unli-r unh-xial ,:trerchirig- This is attributed to the greater Intensity of strengtlw-ri i nit, of Lhe steel tinder biaxial stretching unAer low temperature conditions thav. und,tr uniaxial stretching. 2/2 Nor- Ace. Nr: pf 0041316' Ref. Code: UR 0422 KaXes 1970, Nr 1, PRIWY SOURCE; Standarty i Typizatioti Accelerates Developrntnt of Manufacturing Procedures in. Tool Prudavion. . Kostol Gorbunov, Yu._ N. OMOV The article descrihe.; prj1dic.11 ilppJicjt;Olls Cif j%-31ifitJ manufacturing proces-ics in, the op6ratlan of a tml T- 4 , o(pization is verb QfEcent here, as frequent relmlitorls objects, specific ior 1111 ihe tool shopi, briiig ;ihotlt favourable condiUnr~ for hilrodLJJ11W fte typified 174iru- facturing processei E 4E :19T'NIMI USSR D14ESTROVSKIY, Yu. N., and KOSTOMROV, D. P. "E.nergy Balance in 'Tokamak' Plasmas" UDC.' 621.Q19.626 Moscow, Atomnaya energiva, Vol 29, No 6, Dee 70, pp 434-438 Abstract: Plasma energy ballance in t'ie Tok4im;-.k rCaLt:'C,,- !if,' CUM:)U.Lt~d on 014- assumption Lilat the lc)L;sL~s are claiiijieal in natUrU. 'Inio paixx givea me results of a numerical solutien for ion anti el(~ctran heal: Coll(--'.1(:,L'-ViLv equations and the equations for the nagnet,,c f.Lteld of tho plawu~L coluMn current with the classical transfor 11-1cLors tiett!n Lmt.o ai:count. Througil these computations, investi~latioris are viade of the :Loa aud eilu,c:troa tei:ipeva- titze and energy liz~'o-rimc as fullCft~MS Of L4e Of LhU PlLSU-la C011MMI, LhL! Pla.S111a d0r,-;J.Ly, Clic! iriti-,114.5fty of t1le. mag- netic field, and the discharge curre.-at power. Results ul~ z1he ~-x-mpuzzstivns are found to be in good agreement with the avaLlablea expo rime atl 1 data. In the analysis, it is assumed that for the Toka=k system, Uie tdftusion lile timie i6 much larger Lhan the. ener;;-y li~fe time; as a coni3wuLncl-1., bia plawlia diffusion ctin be naglucted Ja coi.,iparison with Lhe the=al, cond%i~:tJvity, tiad the plasnia aent;ity can be considered indepc-adovt of t1wo, 1/1 112 020 UNCLASSir-reo PRO&ESSING OATE--040F-IC70 TITLE--AUTORADInGRAPHIC STUDY OF THE SYNTHESIS OF NUCL!EAR ANA IN INTACT EMBRYOS AND ISOLATED CELLS CF MISGURNUS FOSSILIS -U- AUTHOR-(OZI-KOSTOMAROVAt A*A.t KGROVS0VAt N-So COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--QOKL. AKAO, NAUK SSR 19-rd, L91(2)v 493-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES1 METH1,105 AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS--AUTORAUIOGRAPHY, RNA, EMORYOLOGYt MUCLEIA CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO----FD70/6050O6/F02 STEP NOI-UR/0020/?Ojll.,91,rOi)2/04')314)4,?5 CIPC ACCESSION NO--AT0139814 UNC LASS I F I E9 i;7Tom.- Pit -:SSIN~Gp DATE-04-DEC70 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED ocl- CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0139814 ABSTRACTi'EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 114 THE TITLE SYSTEMS ~NCUBATEO WITH UKIDINE PRIME3 Hy ACTIVATfON OF NUCLEAR RN,-4 SYNTHESIS APPEARS FROM THE STAGE OF MID BLASTULA ONWARD AND INCREA$ES rN IN11ENSI.TY WITH DEVELOPMENT OF EITHER THE NUCLEI OF ISOLATEU CELLS (lift INI'ACT ISOLATES. HOWEVER* INCLUSION OF PRIME3 H IS NORE INTEpisE wirH Nucqt ai: ISOLATED CELLS THAN WITH INTACT ISOLATES OF SAME AGEo- FAC M I TY: LNST. 810L. RAZY., MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASS IF 1r,.0 USSR M=OVA, T. N., KO-STOME-TOVA Ya. M. RYBAKOVA, Yu. V. "On ~~ing Calculations in the PRORAB Mode" fil"C' 8.7-1 Zap. nauch. seminsrov Leningr. otd. Mat. Tn-ta ATI SSSR (Ifates of Scientif-4c Seminars of the Leningrad Department of the Mathemati" Institutj!, AcadeI7 of Sciences of the USSR), 1971, 23, pp 132-137 (from No 5, May 72. Abstract No 5V518) Translation: A report is rAde an the results of vhollu.-numbjr cotiptater cal- culations in the mode of a special- program of interpreting t:fpe -- PPO:M. Fbr this purpose, the PRORAB library of the 14-20 compater ta suplOemr--nted In ti2c division of programs of polynomW operations by a jir1:)Frtqt. of "di- vision" of polynomials which enables transition Trom polynoidal c!peratior-z to oyerations with rational functions. When this trat isitk~ir_ is ftla/le, tile elimination of all co= n multiples in the denominator and aLmermtor of each rational function is found to be non-trivial. It in x1oted that a. generalized version of Euclid's algorithm cab be realized fin the! T-WRAB "CUViSion" Or polynoM mode on the basis of the program of ils. .1, brief presentation is given of an approach to realization of proll-,rar= ,)I' arith- metic operations on large whole numbers. V. bliklieyev. USSR U--)I": DOM3POLOV, V. N. , BOVKUNEINKO, 0. A., VCHKONOGOV, A. S. V. F. , Taganrog Radio Fngineerirag Institute lamom "A Device for Stubilizing- the Average Frequency in Hamdam V`ulse ~ktw.,ratars" USSR Author's Certificate No 291213, filed 22 Sey 69, pubLil.ahed 21) Mar 711 (from M-Avtoratika, Telemekbanika i VXal-lislitelInaya Akt:;, Ho TI, Abstract No 10B223 11 i Translation: The device can be used for stabilizing tte ilitensity Of a::y random pulse train varying ove-r a wide range. Strews of randwri pulses wJt;h stabilized intensity are used in studying various queuir1jr, deterrin- ing the interference suppressiaii of data trusm113-f3i0il ond rou;elinq various technical systems. Devices are ~nowi for stitbilizini, the aYVMIC~(- frequency in randoin. pulse gerieratarq. These devices are or-, t-11r:- principiq of autor.-,atic control of the noise discrininatioii level and con- tain converteru, filters, a corrparlson circiiit,and ai anp!lLfier. The rur- Pose of the Invention if-,. to fliq~lify the clectri-cal ctrcu-'!f, of the stabili- zation device, to Inprove itc reliabl.11ty Iq reducitir, the w-Unib,,it- a~ 1/2 USSR DOLGOPOLOV, V - N. et al Soy:% et Mtent 11o 29,1213 parts in the circuit, and to provide stabilil'ation of Clnr~ avll.rva~-~'e throughout the entire rar.E,-e of variation without i--dditf.or-aj. 1111itclin- I- '~.~e feedback circuit, while msintaining effective and simple cont:rol c- "he hverage frequency of the randora pulse (,-,everator. In Ow which is constructed on the principle of it closed aut(Illa:fic 1:(;nLrol 1." contain s a random pulse generator, a device for conircrti.111; the averall"! frequency of the random pulses to DC voltage, a DC iuipli:Vier,,L filter and a aevice for regulating tLe alreraj.,-,~!i frctju~!ncy, the mentioned purpose is achieved by combining the cainparisiun ar.13-li- fier,vaid device for controlling the aver4ilre frequinveV of tilt! rim--c-111 r'UlErcc. into a bridgcs-type balanced DC iunplifier. Thira il:Lui3trIjIA--.)nr- 2/2 Ij USSR DOLWPOLOV, V. !1., G0,;0,WLV, V. P.. Pk:0V, D. "Generator of Notual Discrete Random Proces.,ij,,~, I:JtJI n r,,i-m-a CrorrolaLicii tion" V Sb. ser.17"ar I;t,,)t 1111a IA kontrolva cbvel,tov Technical Sordnar on Statistical Aaalyoi5o .;~vulativri MI,.i Control of Objects with Structurally Covin'lex Strixturq or. vyp. 3, Ta.ganrog, 1971, pp 13-21 (frola Jul X-