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USSR UDC 536.722:536-63 SHEYNDLIN, A. Ye. , BELEVICII, 1. S., 0 "M "Study of the Enthalpy and fleat Capacity of Materiols Ba-sed oil Niobitim Carbide at High Temperatures" Wscow, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatmr, Vol 11, No L, Jasi-Feb 73, pp 88-92. Abstract: Resulti are presented from studies of the entluilp), and licat conduc- tivity of niobium carbide with various relationships of Nlj and C. Measurements were performed by the method of mixing in the 300-350,,T~ K temperatut,e interval. Equations are given for description of the depondenci., oC anthalp), and heat calla- city on temperature. The error in measurement of e0hall)), is Ihe authors explain the divergence of thpir data with thi,.~ data of carlier author-s primarily as a result of differences in frea-ca:rbon :content of the speciriells tested. 1/1 USSR imC, 5,,jS.630536.?-2? SHEYNDLIN, A. YE., DELEVICH, I* S., 4111d. RMOV Irm.till'u-1--it of' Fl!,h Temperatures* Academy of Sciences VSSR "Enthalpy and Specific lla&t of Boron Carbide in tho 2113-111,000 K Tcmpar3Wra Ranges$ Moscow# Teplofizika Vysokllch Tempersturo No 2, 17?P, I-,ip 1111.1-1,21 Abstracts The articlo describes resultn of' rl litUdy 01' th1l, 111rilthl"Ll-Y IVI'l ST,L-- it cif ic heat of boincii carbide ky Jlho ri-xing method, W~i) ird tiial It 1,~m of the boron carbide 6(mplea vaa 76,,4 piurc(,,,nt 214 26 0jj 1 3.32 Percent Cfree and 2.29 percent impurities (0.71 perolint Ca 41- 0.39 Mk- + 0.2a Si + 0.91 percent 11203)' An walysin of expartmontal &t.,i Wirwa that lY)jlYa carbide Is characterfted. by a complex t4wiptimilwo d;('11tilulerwa of' lx.~~t and enthalpy. The iaezn specific heat Mcrowjea ra tilly with a change fron zoom temperatuxe to --- 11000 Y.,cr4 Its diipinndixirm on T in th7 1300-190DO ran-so in clo;ae to linp-=., At T> 21060 1'. thet vio.inAlot) of th~,~ie properties can be dasarlb-LkI by an exNtiont, An v4,1(M;:l 48. The critical points for EP378 steel, determined d1liatomotrically, are: Acl - 750*C- Ac - 820*C, IN - 220'C. The steel has nuiximuin hardness when hardened fr;m 1840-1060-C. The influence of temperiag un machunical prop- erties is studied. The mechanical properties of the stmel aret tensile strength 168-175 kg/mn2, a0. 140-145 kglmm2, 6 - 8-10t, V - 15-17%, an - 1.0-1.8 ksm/cm2, HRC P- 48-~52. Beat treatment modett are discussed. ... .... - ---------- 112 019 UNCLASSIFT6 D: PRill:ESIING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--DENSITY JUMP %ALUE AND THE RATE OF PHASE TRAN~SITIUON IN OCTAWOROANTHRACENE., HEXACHLOROETHANEt!AND GLVTARO~ ACID -U-- AUTHOR-(02)-TSENEVA, M.A., KOZHINs VvM* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(6)t 1556-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~ SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ANTHRACENE9 CHLOROETHANEf PHASE TRANSITIONP SPI'CIFIC DENSETY9 SUPERCOOLING CONTROL HARKING--NO kESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605012IF03 STEP NG--UR/00'76/*10/04,ftili,'106/1556/1557 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140330 .-7-- 7~11- 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIEG PROCESSEW; I)ATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140330 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* THE 06 OF PCNIOERS OF THE 3 TITLE SUBSTANCES WAS MEASURED AT TEMPo INTERVALS NEAR THEi PHASE TRANSITIO4 POINT* THE D. JUMPS OF THE TITLE COMPDS.v WHICH A~IISE FROM THE PHASE TRANSITION, OCCURRED BETWEEN 64-60EGREES FOR H SM! C(CH SUBZ CC) SUaZ H) -7DEGREES FOR C SUB2 CL SUB6v AND OETWEEN 63-5DEGREES SUB2t BETWEEN 45 FOR OCTAHYDROANTHRACENE. THE RATE OF THE PHASE TRAJASITION IN THE TITLE COMPDSs WAS MEASURED AS A FUNCTION OF SUPERCOOLING~ FACILITY: ELEMENTOORGo SOEDINe.r MOSCOW1 USSR. USSR *MC 51a.49:546-791 VDUIEMKO, V. M., ILOZHn, %, 1. 1., -SUGLOBOVA: I. G., and OUIUMT, D. E. "Formation of Complexes in the Systems Uranium Halide - Alleall MeUtl Halide, Preparation and Structure of Rb2VBr6 and %Ub%" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 15, NO 1, 1973i, P.P 54-57 2 o 21) Abstract: Rb2UBrG- (I; m. 7220, 14 () 4.45�0.02.) and Cs9$V6 (11:; n. '(36, d4l 4-74 + 0.01) were prerared by nelting HbBr and CsBr, msj~ectivt:-Ij, with a stoicRiometric amouzit of UBr4 in a s-ealed, evacuated quavLz tu~,a. I and 11 were green compounds. Just like Uffij,, they hy~Lrolizedt mrijiflly in th'; air with the formation of HLIr, ao that 0_1 opurations vLth the-in hul to 1:0 carried out in an Ar atmosphere. X-ray diffraction measurements showed that I pd II cry.stallized in tile cubic systeri within tile spatial Erouj;i I'm3li-q, and with a structure of the K~^C16 t~Te. The elementary call contmWed 4 V'orruula units. The densities of r-and II that followed from X-ray meaurcraents corresporAcd to the picnometrically detenained values of d440. iwl- MIR- .1 Q 1-i"MaIll, Inorsudo Compounds USSR UDC 542-61:546-791-31 BLINOV'A,, N. 1.) KOZHINIA, I. I., RODIONOVA,, L. P., and DHI=V, V. M. "Solution of Some Uranium Oxides in Sulfu ric Acid" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 15) 110 3) 1973) PP 391-397 Abstract: Chang ges in the composition and structure of tutral.-,:)nal ana cubic uranium oxides during solution at 900 in 2.0, 10.0, ani 15.0 .11 11"S01, WL~re studied. Solution was carried out in an Ar atmspliere. S0luLi0--I Of U41-119 r--nd beta_U~~ proceeded with an insignificant chan,?,e in the chericti.1 composition. Other de phases did not forn in the process. The coiicentrmtian of HvEO~. had no effect on the limiting corposition of the two oxides. 'I'he Ij,.Ter linit of the existence of the Uj,O9 phace was at a coiqvrtition in tkie v1cinity of U0 and that of the beta-U 0, phaso at a comNsItion In the vLcirilty 2.231�9-005 3 ( of U02-287+0,005. For Garua-U 3(~ and tetraConal and poi~i4docublkc OxWes IvWh the compositions U02-37 to U02.40, the limiting compositionfi varivrt with th(~. con- centration of H- ,SO4 and with the method by which the initial oxide had been 1/2 USSR BLINOVA., N. I., et al... PhdiolchitiLtya, vol 15, No 3t 1973, Pr, 391-397 prepared. As shown by the cotipositions on solutIon first in 2 It K SOI~ V_nd P then in 10 N IV04, the changes in coumosition were revertUbIqt for these oxides. The lower linit of existence of the gwmna-U~O~t I-Amse at 9,),) was at a coniposition in the vicinity of U02-3116i-0-005# 111 t)'O "Se E~r talc "'des the behavior of which varied with the ine:Ehod of pre-onration, ane could assume a lack of unifonaity in the phatse cojqmsition of -the aturj~les, which were apparently inhomogeneous in that respact. 'The autlwrs thijaik Prof. U. M. Thlmachev for his help bi the investigation. 2/2 - 1.4 - USSR LUC VDGVEZ,1(0, V. N., XO.Z!a,%k, I. I., SUGLO.30VAs 1. G.# and MURX'J'"L, D. E. "Complex Formution in the Systena Urani= Italide -- Alkiial -~it,-a HtLlilfa. Forms of the Compoundo in the Syztomz Uranium Tetrabz=kle -- AIJ:a1i 11-11etal Bromide and Their Structural Characteristics" Leningrad, Radickhimiya, Vol 15, Ito 2s 19739 PP 1712-177 Abstractt Fialbility diagrams axe reported for the syt;Lea and conclusions reached from roentgenographic and thermogralibic studle* concerning the forns of the coordination compounds. obtained in the-iia aysto=. It has been established that the :3,%lt sy.,Aema UBri,-Ur (11 r, 1b., Kj 42h, Cs) forn complexes with only a aingle composition 1-~Uar6 , which a,ppeavu to be zzeltin6 congruently, the moltin, points of lWividual complexes fiicrei)zinil Idth the Increasing atomic number of the alkali metal. With daexlo~iassirq ihtondc n=ber of the alkali netal the cubic face-centered ..lattice shown, by ~s 2L3r6 and Rb LrDre undergoes deforakationp changing -to the tetragonal. lattlen Of 2 6 Y~Ubr6. Ha2UBr6 has a hexagonal atructuro, Ion Exe ange TJSSR MCI 541-183-12 .My" lilt,_ KAZAKOV, YE. V., KA1RPOVA, 1. P., (Do-ceased) "Ion-Exchsnge Capacity of Copper Farrocyanides" Leningrad, Vestni!-: LeninRradslcogo universiteta, No 10, Pizilui i khimiya, No 2, May 71, PP 131-137 Abstract: The purnose of this investli-7ation vas to deternine the theoreticvl total ion-exchange capacity of' vario-as couper ferrocypnide ccmnounds Es a function of composition bind str"Ict-Qre and to comn2re the theoretically rated total exchant-a caDacity with the experimental values derived for each Ln.dividuptl comnoiLnd. Chemical and X-ray nhase analyses indicate that both the conmosi- tion And structure closely depend orn the method and conditions of synthesis. CoDper ferrocyanides are semi-functional weal,:1y acid cationites with P rather low exchr-nge capacity. The theoretical total exchnnge caracity of the emoerimental. conr)ounds was caa- culated on the basis of the chemical anelytical data iind the enuivrlent wein-Ints of ferrocysnide sorbents. Via cciii-parison cy1f the theoretical total exchange capacity with thej expf1,,.,,-Lnental 112 USSR KAZAKOV, YEE. V., et al, Vestnilc Leningradsl-cogo universiteta, No 10, Fiziks i khimiya, No 2, May 71, PP 131-137 results indicate thnt the experimental values tare much lower then the theoretically rated canacities and cannot be avnroximated to the upper limit without significant structural changes in the ferrocyanide compounds. 2/2 --'112 - -026 UNCLASSIFIFO QAfF--,'l?0CTTn T-ITLE-EFI-ECT OF THE CQUIDITIX6 UF AL1041INU4 OXIDE PROAGAvIDN 3% Its POILYMORPHOUS TRANSUORMATIONS -U- AVTHUk-fU3)-KYA8UVq A.N., Kijbili4A KtitL()V* I.L. COUNTRY OF INFG--USSR SOURCE--ZH. f.EDRG. KHlm. 1973, 15(3)t 602-6 DATE PUf,LISHED-----70 ,SVi3JECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY9 MATERIALS TOPIC TA(;S--GXIDE, ALUMINUM OXIOE, HYORUXIDE, X RAY OIFFk4CTION STUOY, CHE MI CAL SYNTHE S IS, PHASE Tl,A,'qSfTI0N CL14TROL RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CtASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE~L/FRANF--1993/0557 STEP ,CIRC ACCFSSIGN NO--AP0113448 U,,r ttL.LAM F HD 212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCIF SING OATE--O?,ICT70 CIRC ACCESSItiN NO-AP-1113448 ABSTPACT/EXTRALT-(U) GP-0- ALB ~ TRACT FROM AN X RAY ;)I~FPA~TIPN 5TJOY, THF NATURE OF THE STARTING F-ArERIALS AFFECTS THE 9()LYfllt'.J0PH(,US TRANSITIUNS OF THE RESULTING Al SUBZ fl SUB3 UALPHA GA'0!A J#'I TriET4 MUOIFICAJICN). WHEN PREPD. Al HYDROXIDE# litE P~W't I*RANSITJO~., 1:1!'),* GAMMA TO ALPHA Al SUB2 U SUB3 PRJCEEDS VIA THE INTERM1`01ATE T-4(TA NUDIFICATION, WHICH 15 MORE ORDERED THAN THE GAMRA MU01FICAtl'.)N. THIS 18ANSITI(A 114TbRMEI)IATE WAS NOT OBSO. WHFN THE GAMMA YILLoS ALP11A TRANSITICN OCCURRED IN Al SUBZ 0 SUB3 PREPOs FROM ALUMS. UNCLASSIFIED TWI Nr: V0044020-4 Raf. Code: UR 024D PRIMARY SOURCE: Gigiyena i Swatariyat 1970, 4ir 2, PP 74,0, URGENT PROBLEKS OF SOIL HYGIENE G.-I. Sidorenap, L. A. Koxhingua, A.,4. Diner.-vi-, The paper carries information concerned with sanitary prolection of -Al. rts historicill development In the USSR is expounded and In conclusion main tren4 of scloulific re5earch In this field are outlined. REEL/FRAME 1:9770457 USSR UDC 621.383.292 AYNBUND, M. R., GUSAKOVA, N. G., KOZHINSKAY4, E'. V., SYNEIMA, V, B. "Production Technology and Linearity of the CharacteristLca of Mniature Ch.-nel Emitters" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-teHin. sb. Elekt-ronnoluch. i Lotoelektr. pribory (Klectronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Eltn~.rron Beam and Photoelectric Devices), 1970, Issue 2(16), pp 11-15 (from IM--Ftektronika i yeye primenenive, No 5, May 1971, Abstract No 5A194) Translation: The paper describes an improvement of the production. technalogy for spiral channel emitters of lead glass. The productLam proc-ess consists of winding of the spirals in an electrical furnace, orientatioa of the spiral ends on an axial line, polishing of the ends of the capi3larivt~,, frosting, washing, annealing in hydrogen, and depositLon of the coaductive contacts. The technology developed makes it possible to increase tho output of suitable channels with an internal diameter of 1 mm (with an ampliiication > 105) fro-i 20 to 40 percent. The magnitudes of the channel resistanr.,.us, avd the per- missible power dissipation are presented, and also the dil!pendinice of the, output channels on the input, linear to 10-8 - 10-(~ imp. 5 1.111. 6 ref. N. S. 1/1 HPAUM 7_~ USSR UDC 8.74 KOZHOKMU, N. YA., VEREMENSKIY, A. R. "Program of the Four-Factor Function ar-d Set Correlation Coefficient" Tr. Kishinev, s.-kh. in-ta (Works of the Kishinev Agricultural Lnstitute), 197z, No 86, pp 68-71, 76 (from RZIi-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 1ZV49b) Translation: A program is proposed for the Nairi computer vIlen determining the coefficient of the coupling equation for a four-factor fu-=tion and the set correlation coefficient by the model developod by A. A. Matiiarin. The progranni is allocated with 600 ready-access memory cells and takes 347 calls. Standard routines are used in the program to solve the system of alge- braic equations and calculate the determinan t. The program is ielf-restor-ing, and the initial data are not retained. USSR UDC 8.74 VEREZHENSKIY, A. R., DZERO, 0. 1., KOZHOMU, N. YA,, 'omputer', "Some Experimental Data Processing Programs on the Hairi V Tr. Kishinev. s.-kh. in-ta (Works of the Kishinev Agricultural Institute), 1972, No 86, pp 57-68, 75 (from M-Kibarnetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstvact No 12V495) Translation: A study was made of the programs and their block diagraus for cer- tain problems frequently encountered for procesBing on tha blairi. computer: 1) the equation for a straight line of the type y - ax + b; 2) the, equation of a hyperbola of the tpe y = a + b/x; 3) the equation of a p4irabola of the type y = a + a x + a~x ; 4) the correlation coefficient for two varlables; 5) the methog of vlariatIon 6eries; 6) the solution of polynomials. USSR MC 547-86.3-15-070PA2.933 TITIM, V. V. , KCC.FCXILU. Scientific Rasearc Institute of Or&mlc Intermediate Products and Pl-g-ae--nrff~tToscow "Acylquinoxalines. II. Synthesis of 2-phenyl wA 3-z*thy1-2p2'-b1qu1nox&lines" Rigal Khlaiya Geteroteiklicheskikh Boyedinentyt No 9, 1972, pp 1269-1290 Abstracts In order to synthesize asymotric biquinoxalixesp derivativen; of 22-acetylquinaxalire were used which on nitrosation give monowdme of qui-noxalyl-2-glyoxals (IIa-4). By the reaction with o-qheny3Aae-JJamAns the latter were reduced to 3-H-?-R'-2,21,-d.LquLzqxglLn*;s (Illa-d), IV COCII N~- it I a P-C,11 R'-11,, 6 R-CJI,. 9-11: e lk-P-Cll, J it -Cti,. R-S"COCII The lnitW 1c,d were describoa previously (V. V, Titov, Ot a2., XhCS, 11423, 1971), and the Ia,b were, synthesized by a previously demadbed nothod 1/2 USSR TITOVt Y. V., KO.-HOKINA, KhWya Geterotaiklicheskilkh Soyodinenlyt No 9# 1972, pp 1289-1290 (F. Sachs, Ber.s No 14, 3047, 19011 No 35, 3307P 1902) where ths reaction of I-pheny,lbutanetrione-1,2,3 with o-phenylenediamine leads to the forzatio& of a mixture of two isomers - 3-phenyl-2-acetylquinoxaline (U) Wnd 3-benspyl- -2methylquinoxaline (IV). The isoners were sepaxated chz%)m&togT&phic&l1y. In their infrared spectra 1,670 cz-1 and lt?16 corl bands were detected respectively which correspord. to the oscillatloias of the aaxboi~yl group of the benzoyl and acetyl substitutions. According to the P=wmapetic resonance spectral data the product formed in the reaction comprisos a mixture of la and IV (2t3). The synthesis procedures and results axe outliOd fo:r the indicated compounds. 2/2 HINOMM USSR )1yd=bdb1iq7. UDC-5??-40j2(28) MZMTA, 0. K.,, Txkutak State University -iteni. A. A. Mduav ,Cxo,-a and. Net Production of Periphyton. and ~ Plwfton Algae" )kmeovi, Doklz-ul~- Akademil Nauk SSSTU, Vol' 195, No 4* Dee 700 *p:p 96.~;-968 Abstractt In an attemut to obtaln solid data on total pro~4txc~tion arA des- truction of pbytopLankton, observations were; conducted at the bmtzkziy water zeservoir for saveral years. In those years the pkytoplw*:ton con-sisted of Helnsl= islandica, Stephanodiscus hantzschlit Asterionena form-sa, Crypto- monadacea, Aphanizorenon floz-aquacp and Ceratium hirurd1nolla. Phyto- plankton production was doterminad by the ox7gen method and related to the weight of the bicrxisa. Average production of I g of cnrle periphyton varies in the above species and is due to their specific phatosytyl;hesis. When re- calculated to dry weight of alCae, the variation is decreased but still sub.- stantial. Net daily production of perlphytm algw Is aboid 74(, of Gross productIna. Average net produc-Lion of p~~toplankton is lar4t,:)r IV aa order of nagaltude ti-Aant that of reri_ol~q ithich nay be due to the Zwt that becanm of a Laxger specific surface azeat, tbe plankton algae ajx- capable of more intensive production. 11 oil AA IM401ni uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Seotion I Chemicaa, Derwent, 243217 INTENSIacAnox OF VYAT- ZXMLAXGZ Ater* tim heat c&efter used to off emlsi-pu of am-! conducting (dielectric) liquids i4th a conduct,1116 dispersed phase. The unequal cop6sativity icj"4~43es the forces arising by pass.'.ng a ;.iarrmht, vhich A;ft its turn leads to a greater h"t'~isxchmaae, 19.6.67 as 1169857126-25. M. Wilt" & 0THVN APPLIED PHYSICS rNST. Ac", SC7EZNCZS MI-DAY10,Sim. (18.9.69) Sul 16/5-5-69. C;mm4 42L Int-C14 Qtk~ AUTHORS: Bologa t M. K. . K0zhukhar'-,-j - A. and Grosti, ir - P - institut Prikia 19750348 USSR 1JDC 576.851.48.083.3:615.33 Kiev Inst: CRERNOMORDIK, A. B., and KOZ itute (if Infectiout; Diseases "Media With Antibiotics for Isolating the Agents of Colientaritis" Moscow, Laboratornove Delo, No 9, .1971, pp 555-557 Abstract: Three elective nutrient --iedi4 with varfous combinations of anti- biotic-s (A - streptomycin and penicillin; B - neomycii% and lienicillin; C - neomycin, streptomycin, and penicillin) were, added to lactotici aear wiUk eosin and methylene blue in order to isolate the agejit;i~ of colLeateritis. The ordinary agar medium and the three media with asittbioti,cq were cumpared by simultaneciusly incoulating them with stqols from c1lildren vith colifm- teritis or suspected of having it. Enturopnthogeaic mftrobc-~--l W(!I,e 180~.ated in 90 of 243 specimens examined. All 90 bacterta carrierq vcre deLected oil the media with antibiotics coiryared with only 41 on the agar r-,ediurn. greater effectiveness of the media with antiblotics ii; due. to tho fa(:L that the drugs stippress foreign intestinal microffora, inclmdin;t, ihonp,~athoge-nic Intestinal bacilli which are generally sen3itivu- to sti-c-ptOzycin and lleuaiycin- 1/1 USSR IJDC-. 621.391.8 and RT?J[0Vp Ir. P. ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z.,.)JQ&W "Optimal Bandwidth for FM Pulse Reception on a Heverbera tional Noise Background Kiev, Izvestiva VUZ -- Radi2elektroliika, Vol. 3.3, ](13. 9, 1970, pp 1156-1158 Abstract: Since the real-Ization of optimal filtern D4 technicall~y difficult, nonoptimal systems for processing cozplax sigmale in the form of a "band filter, detector, and low-iCrequei.-icy filter" strip are often used. The width of the band VILIter Is then Lisual- ly chosen equal to the width of the signal spectrun. This article, however, demonstrates that Iii this ty.,I)e of receiver, the optimal bandwidth should be less than the signal apectri= vidth. Tho au.- thors taket as the index of the noise immOnity, th* lmprove~ment in signal-to-noise ratio with the passage of sip*1 and noise through theband filter. The signal at the receiver taken to be 1/2 a pulse of rectangular envelope with a definitti., am4itude, dura- tion, and a linearly varying,filling frequency having, a specAfied deviation. For a oignal in which the product hif the pulse dura- tion and the frequency deviation is greater thaLn one, it may be assumed that the envelope of the signal spectrum is i3quare-ehaped and the spectral width is equal to the frequenoy deviatic'n. It is assumed also that the band filter is in the rorm of a single -oscillatory circuit. The authors derive an ex.14,essit)a for the change in the ratio of the maximum signal amp'litude 'to the effec- tive noise value when the signal and noise paao through the filter circuit. Since this expri3saion is also the Value of thr~ improve- ment in the signal-to-noise ratio noted above, it Ar-, Investioated for an extremum and Ivound to have a maxim=. The optimum band width is thus derived. This result wns experilatant-9:1.1y verified using an FM pulse oncillator with a pulse duration of about I to 20 microseconds and a frequency deviation of up to 10 Oft for &n average filling frequency of 50 kf(z. The 114 inionlinx-arity vao nQ more then %, and the band filter oscillatory Circit1t had a re- sonant frequency of 50 kHz axkd a Q of 120, 919 Receivers und;Tr4nscdttar1P USSR ZAVADOVSKiY, A. Z., K0ZHUMAR', S. V., RYZHOV, V. 1% "Optimal Passband of a Linear-M Pulse Receiver In the Presence of Reverberation Noise" Kiev, Izvestiva VUZ Radicelektranika, No 9, 9(,p 70, p1) Translation: Tht~- use of complex signals not only improve.-i ti-In resolut -.*~_,~n ,:-iLacity Ot a SViLt!m but also increases its :[".munity to reverberation noise 111. Howt.3ver, great technical difficulties are involved in the use of optimal filters for complex signals. Nonoptimal systems, in tbe form of a tjand-1*:i1ter--d(,tcctor-- 1,F-filLer ch;winel, are hence often used for procesi;ing (lompliv,;t signals. T~ik! passband of the band filter is then selected usually equal to tile width of the signal spectrum 12). We will show that with this recativer stiticture and with the use of linear-EM pulses, the optimal passband inust lie narTower than the width of the signal spectrum. We will take an improved signal-to-noise ratio an the milann of noise uuppresnion in the passage of a signal and noise throijgh -a band fi1tar. 1/8 ...... ...... ...... ...... USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al, Izvestiya VUZ J(adloelektromj~,a, No 9, Sep 70. pp 1156-1158 44 41 Fig.1 We will examine the signal at the receiver output in J~he form of a plAile with a rectangular envelope with an amplitude Uc, duration T, a3iLd a linearly varying occupant frequency vith deviation F. WI tit a signal biu.e n - Fr ~- 1; wle may consider that the signal spectrum envelope iis ribetadigMIar and that the width of the spectrum is equal to the frequency deviation, 2/8 - 240 - USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., at al, izvestiya VU.'L Radioelektronikia, No 9, Sep 70. pp 1156-1158 We will assurme that the band filter is in the form of a otnglti. ias(Allatton net- work with an energy bandpass A f. To determine the maximum amplitude value of the signal at the filter output, we will use the dependcmey of the maximum of the network dynamic transfer factor xA on the value ... __2_ cited in [3]. 7 Because the function -KA(y) is very complex, we will appro;4matt. It With the following expression: The function computed with precise formulas 1:1] and I.ts approximate cu r.?e are given in figure 1. If we regard reverberation interference as -the result of superimposition of signals reflected from a multitude of diffusers, we can i.-onside:r [1) its random process with a distribution close to the normal and with a poWICT spectral den- sity of p.:actically rectangular shape (with m 'pl) and'equal to: 3/8 USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al, Izvestlya VUZ Radioelektconika, No 9, Sep 70, pp 11.56-1158 S. where p - const. (2) Problems connected with the instability of reverberation noiso aru nat ditscussed in this article. We will use the following formula to determine the noise, voltoge -it the network output: V U.-K, VY.--j -&U. (3) Using (1), (2), and (3), we will find the change in the. -relat~anship of the maximum signal amplitude to the effective value of the wAse 41uring the passage of the signal and the noise through the circuit (bettering of the signal-to- noise ratio) (4) 4/8 VM USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al, Izvestiya VUZ Radiaelektronika, No 9, Scp 70, Pp The results of calculation with formula (4) are shown In, figure 2 for n 50, 100, and 200. Investigating expression (4) at the extremum reveals thAt n. has a maximum in the region 0.6G F Vw, (5) equal to 4 r- V, nt. (6) Let us compare the signal-to-noise ratio at the circuit output witli the cor- responding ratio at the output of the optimal filter 7 " V ) (7) 5/8 USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al,,Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektron.111-q, No 9, Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 We will now determine the relation between the duration of the signal at tile input of the circuit using the principle of frequency equivalency and the Litle changes in the signal as it passes through tlia linear c,,I.rcuit [41 where A/A is the dynamic passband of the circuit; (4, Is the output pulst! duration determined at the s4ze level (0.707) an tho paomband. -A(!~ I. - ro 00 adduced in [3), In determining A/A we will use the dependencies where A TA.". - 0.8 P-1 IF III Calculated vith formulas (8) and (9), the dependency of At oil -1"-- Is denorl- strated in figure 3 for m - 50, 100, and 200. The.mialmum value for chi! duration of the output pulse is equal to ~L I lind t" located in the fit region of the maximum of the curves 6/8 USSR ZAVA.DOVSKIY, A. Z. , et al, Izvesti a VUZ Radiaelektronikfli, No 1), Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 For an experimental check of the derived reLation, a pul.!ie gulienitor was used with controlled pulse duration (froM one to 20 111BOI-) and with a 1're- quency deviation of up to 10 kitz, with the center frequer-IVY Q^-CtIpylng 5C IJIz, and with FM nonlinearity riot exceeding 5%. The InvesLigliced O.,;cillating- circuit hPd a resonance frequency of 50 kliz and a Q factor of 1.21,'). T'he dynarnic transfer factor of the network and the duration of the pulse at th-i: outpot wLth a constant Passband (for m - 100) was investigated. An oscilloscopt., was uaed to do the measurements. The experimental values are shown in figures I and 3 with crosses. --T t 7 s- FIg. 2 41 Al 40 J44 Fig. 3 7 FT; USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al, Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektronik. 9, Sep 70, pp ,!I, NL 1156-1158 Thus, using formula (5) to select tile circuit passband, mirimal duration of tile output pulse and a maximum signal-to-noise ratio are provided. In this case, the signal-to-noise ratio and the duration of the outpuC UIso are worse than when using the optimal filter approximating the factor ',?M- 11owever, thQ dis- cussed system is designed considerably simpler than the optimlil. Biblio~raRLiv: 1. 01'shevskiy, V. V., Statistical Properties of Sea RoverbeTaLion. !;-d-vo "Nauka," 1966. 2. Italyarevskiy, N. If., Krukovskiy-Sinevich, K. B., Couparatl.v-e 1110ise 111muni.ty of a Nonoptimal Detection System in the Presence of Htgnab; with Noi3ie and FM Content, Izvestiya VUZ SSSR RadioaLtktronika, 1969, VaL 12, No 1, p 5k .MLc ReceiVitre and Spectrun Analyzers, 3. 14artynov, V. A., Selikhovp Yu. I., Lajj:tr Izd-vo, "Sovetakoye riadio," 1964, 4. Tikhonov, V. L, Statistical RAdio Engineering, lzd,,.uo "Sovetaskoye Tildio," 1966. 8/8 -------- -- 1/2 017 UNCLASSI FIED 011OUSSING DATE--;?31']CT70 rITLE--SYSTFM FOR BASE LINE CORRECTIONS DURING THE RCCORDING OF DIFFERENTIAL SPECTRA -U- AU t HO R- (0 3) - A KS ENO V, S . IVE R KHO WRO V, VNKOZ HI;15 ~11 AJ~ YU. 14 COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-PRIB. TEKH. EKSP. 19701 It 184-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAG S--SPECT ROPHOTOMETER, SPECTRAL LINE, ERROR COURFCTION, ABSORPrION SPECTRUM CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME:4T CLAS~--ONCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/1476 STEP r4O--UR/01,)D/'IO/OUI/OOO/Olrilil/01,1', ClQ( ACCF'ISION N.-1--Al)(1101,214 2 / 22 017 -UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23()CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106234 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A sysTEA 15 OFSCRrOED FOR CORRECTION FO THE BASE LINE WITH A4 ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS 2 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 FOR HIGH SENSITIVITY DIFFERENYlAiL DUAL REAM SPECTROPHOTOMETER. THE SYSTEM USES THE RECORD OF THE BASE LINE ON AN AUXILIARY RECORDER, ITS kEPRODUCTION WITH THE AID OF A FOLLOW UP SYSTEti LEASED ON PHOTODIOUES# ANO THE RECORD OF THE DIFFERENIIAL CURVE WITH SEQUEtjTUAL SWITCHING ON OF SLIDE WIRES OF 2 TAPE~ REEECGRD~RS, ONE REPRODUCING THE BASE LINE, THE OTHER RECORDING IHE DIFFERE-NCE SPECT~,UM. THE INITIAL BASE LINE IN THE 500-600 N4 SPECTRUM SEFOOR J~ SHOWN DURING RECORDING OF THE ABSORPTION SPECTRUM FRO14 A 2.6 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE7 4 SOLN. OF CYTOCHROME C. THE SENSITIVITY OF THE APPo EwUALA 1.7 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 UNITS OF ABSORBANCE PER ONE SCALE GIVISION- FACILITY: BIOL.-POCHV. FAK.l MUSK. GOS, UNIVer MOSCOWY USSR, 01Y" T,j V. 2. Y- --I -- V- ICHULAPI G. !).I imeni A~nirai 13. U. nistrat-ion itExperience ill Dctcnain,~tio- of t,.;Cl J111*vc j, 71jeV ill.', .1~71y op 22-1,",,6 ro:p Abstr~~ctu "10 V1. OU11,12.11 fr I)I,III,iI fAI,-r,-, of r., Onvol(r:l "o I col-st-al "ont, thn PJ 0-le 9 of ~-,. r.-,(7-ar Clear 'r.-i motion con?-- USSR YEVIVENTOV, V. F., ct al., Gidr-,)=%ha-ntkj, Tjo 18, :L(yj"J., vclocit- le, b.t, rolw-:-ical 2".!o I'llip"a., th biblio. refs. one 21/2 USSR *UX: 378.1:681.31 ZjUZkMLV, V. D., Candidate of the Technical Sciences, FROLOV, 3. D., and MYSHXO, Ye. I., Engineer "Automatic Subsystem for Controlling Attendani,.* and Grading of Students in the Technical VUZ Schools" Kiev, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Upravleniya, No 6, 1973, PP 36-39 Abstract: A description is given of an autooa1,*ed system for con- trolling study processes in a VUZ subsystem. This -system tins been in operation since 10 November 1970 in the Kharkov Aviation Insti- tute and since 20 December 1971 in the Kharkov Automobile Jfif,-hway Institute. The purpose of the subsystem is to acquire and store information regarding the application of the tiducaticnal process to.and the performance of,each student individualIV; to process and systematize it; and distribute it to the vnriowo departments, deans, directors, and societies in the form oT special blanks. Samples of the blanks used are given. The eloctronic computer BESDI-4 is the central equipment of the inztitutionls control equip- ment. A description of the various cards and blanks and their functions is provided. USSR LOC 5~Q, 91 + 547. 42 -1 Zi)l. Ida. i - IIDIDTKOVSKIY. Yul. G.,- KOLHUXHDV#: V., 1. 0. a7d- BMELISON, L. D., Instituto of Natural Produatz Chemiet4-3-,IMIftmy of Sciences USSR ISynthesis of Phosphatidia Dials" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademid. Nauk SSSR, 30riya Khimioheol~aya, No 1, Jan, 71, pp 194-196 Abstract: The synthesis of phosphatidic dials (1) is hised on -,..he condensi- tion of the sj-lver salt of benzyl-(l-lauroyl-2-olcoyl.-sLigl3,ror~rl) phosphatej with trityl et.~crs of glycol iodohydrinea. Removal of the benzyl group fro.-.1 the thiophosphates with sudim-, iodide in acetone fol.1cti;Lk b1i removal of the, trItyl group by acid IWdrolysis yielded,;n-glyearo-j-pi-los- phorylethylene glycol, and 1-lauroyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycera-l-phosphorylbutaned:Lol. The plhOsphatidic dials obtained are soluble in most common organic solvents 4tni can be stored In the fom of calcium salts. 1/1 112 022 UNC L'A.~S'S I F I E DPIRDCE~'S,ING DATE--3()OCT70 TITLE-INFRAREC 5PE%rTRCSCQPtC. STUDY OF THE HY0R,()GE;N bXiCtING OF SOME . CAR13INULS -U- AUTHOR- 104)-USMANOY s A.# K0ZHUKHOVA, A.N,., HAR,'0131J, ll.o KALUNFARUVr 4.YA. COL'UNTRY OF INFL&--USSR SOURCE-COKL. AKAD. NAUK TA0ZH. SSR 1970p 13(3)v 31-ri DATE PUBLISHEO---70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMLSTRY TOPIC TAGS-IR SPECTRUM, HYDROGEN EONDING# HYDKOX~1.. NITROGEN COMPOUND CCNTROL HAkKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REkL/FRAMF--2000/1086 STEP CIRC ACCF-ISICit' N-0'--AT0l24743 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFiEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0124743 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSIRACT. 1R SPECTRA 0000-313,30 CM Pill4Z NEGATIVEl) OF I (AS SOLID AND 1 AND ZPIRCENT 501-45. IN ~"U SUB2 C:CHC TRIPLE BOND CCME SUt3i? 0H (AS LIQ. AND 0.5, 1., 2, AN-ii SOLNS. IN CCL SUB4) INDICATE THE A6SENCE OF IN'MAHOL., H LJ"40S. A 3AND AT 3600 CM PRIME NEGATIVEL 14AS ASCRIBED TO FREE (th GROUPS. FACILITY: FIZ.-TEKH. INST. IM. UMAROVA# DUSHAN61j., Usi~,,. 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROGESSPiG DA.TE--30GCT7( TITLE-COPOLYMERIZAT ION OF ALLYTRIMETHYL OR ALL Ya.0 I METHYL PHENYL. 51 LANES WITH ACRYt.CNITRILES -U- AUTHOR-1041-NAMETKIN9 N*S.o KOblUKHOV,At I.N.* Fjt4IPPOlvj4, V-G-j OURGARYAN, S.G. COUNTRY CF INFO-USSR SOURCE-vYSOKGMCL. SOEDIN., SER. 8 L970, 12(3)9480-2 OATE PUBL ISHED 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-COPOLYMERIZATION* ORGANIC SILANE* ACRYLONITRILE, CHEMICAL KINETICS9 BENZENE DERIVATIVE CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PkOXY Ri-_EL/FRAMt--200U/06Yj SUP tit)--Ul'i G1 60) 61 e32 CIRC ACCE5SICN NG--AP0124343 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PR0.ES5l;iG UATc---3UCjCf7, CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0124343 ABSTAACTIEXTRALT-W) GP-0- AOSTRACT., IHE CUPOL'itili- KINH ILS Ji h ~)032 C:CHCH (1) WITH ME SU63 SICH SUB2 CH; Cki SU62 (11) *41*114 ME 5UbZ PH Sl(,m SUB2 CH:Lh SUB2 (1111 WAS STUDIEU IN BULK OR KLUNHE SUd? SULN. 114 THE PRESENCE OF 8Z SU62 0 SUB2. THE DEPENUFNLE OF UHL 1:-,UPGLVML-R tomlDN. 01*4 THE COMPNe OF THE STARTING MONOMER MIXTS. WAS ESIABLISHEU. THE REACTIVITY RATIOS (RI IN THE THE 1-11 CUPOLYMN. WEM: 3o96 FOR I ANO 0.1; FOR II AND IN THE 1-111 CGPOLYMNo 21.24 FOR I ANO 0oZO FOR Ill. THE REACTIVITY FACTORS (Q) ANOr POLARITY,FACTORS (EYWERE 0.036 AND 02.7 FOR Ilt AND 0.070 AND 0.30 FOR Ill# RESP4 FACILITY: INST. NEFTEKhIM. SIN. IM,, TOPCHIEVAr MOSCOWP USSR* 1 010 UNC LA S S I F I F 0 TITLc--(UN.'GITIiJNS FOR THE JSF CsF CAROJXYL CONTA131116 LATEX S:0-1 i)l)ql%i5 THE PPFPAVATIGN OF SYNTHFTIC LEArliFft _U_ AUT-,,.L-(05)-YERKjVAv L.N.i 01FAESNEVP V*'J.v T I%tfjmlcl4v D.S. (IF P00--USSR SOU!,CZ--Lli. PRlrL. KHIM. (LLNINGRAO) 1970v 4312)v 4k8-22 ..DATF PM-LISHED - ----- 70 :SUC4jFCT AkEAS-MATERIALS -TOPIC T4GS--CARBOXYLATE RUBBER, LEATHER, RUBBER ADNESIVEv HYDROGEN WiNUING/1U)SK01 SYNTlikTIC RUBBER MORCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIO14S oocu4rNi CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRUXY K~I-L/Fr~AME-1992/0337 STE-P rlp.r ACCESSION !"U--AP0111531 .212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0111531 ABSTf~ACT/EXlRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE CAUSES J-OR INCRFASED PIGIDITY JF-ARTIFICIAL LEATHER (1) BONDED WITH SKD-1 LATEX (11) WERE srjaiED. ThE PIGIVITY OF I IUCaCASaD WITH THE CHARGE CARREL-n 11Y THE CATISN OF THE COAGULATING ELECTAOLYTE (MOST RIGID I WAS 0PAINE-1.) 4HEN Il WAS CUAGULATED WITH AL SUB2(SrJ SU94)SUB31, AND AT HIGH Pit (AT PH 4.5 THE RIGIDITY WAS 10,000-5,000 GI., PRESUMABLY DUE Tn THE CLJPPTN. [* 11 WITH AL(OH)SUB3. RIGID POLYMERS RESULTED FOLLLIWI14G CIIAGULATION WITH -qACL (AT .HIGH PH), APPARENTLY DUE TU THE FORMATIUN OF H BIV405 fi[TriCEN THE UH 4NJ THE CO SU62 H GROUPS OF 11. LEAST RIGID I WERE U13TAINED AT Prq IS LESS THAN 4e5 AND WITH NACL COAGULANT, Trl-=l USSR UDC 612,123.015-3s615-092 BITS', YU. V., I. I ir of Fathologiciii Ph3-siology, Kiev Medical Institute and Laborato of Pathological Pfwsiology Instituto of Geronotologyj Academy of Scienceso Ukrainian SSR, Kiev "Some Disturbances in Upid Metabolism Resulting F'rom M-postmD to Some Toxic Agents" Kiev, Fiziologichesky ZhuxTalj No 69 1970j pp 745-749 Abstracti Some indices of lipid metabolism were studled in the blood &erum of adult rabbits after subacuteg acute# and chronic poisoning viLlh proF y1 gallate, sodium fluoride, monoiodoacetic acidg a:d gxmzosan~ Clumes in cholesterol and cholesterol fractions, total lipidoo wid beta lipoprotoins tended to increase, the extent varying both with the paxticuliz compotuid administered and with the dose wA duration of the polsoninit. The mechanisla of the resulting obaaiges in lipid metabollax are conc-4dered ii,. relation to the accompatrying d1sturbances in carbohydrate netabolism, The:oj Ira also a brief discussion of the part played by intoxication in the origin of degenerative vascular changes. USSR UDC: 8.74 XQ&JU&TN_ P- n-, ANTONEIrK0, N. G., and OHVI~T,13, 11. Ya. "Organization of Memory for Searching by Sijr Moscow, V sb. Tsifr. vvchisl. tethnika tr!,am~l ir (D' ital Computer Techniques and 11 --co ork's rograinraing ion 6- w "Sov. Radio," No 7p 1972, pp 68-75 (from RZh-blateit!atika, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 8V622) Translation: This article is devoted to probli!ms in the organiza- tion of memory with a subsequent beginning irt searching for an ob- ject from signs. A method of "eagnents" U found through which thoi i3earch cui be nade from a maximum possible group of signs. It is shoom that the p--:)posed method is quite convenlentl an syaluatlon of the vsViDd. U i2ado through the use of a redundancy factor proposed by the autho.1-. The tothod of segments is advantageouisly used In cases in whIch thip volium of data rogtirding the object that can be presemd in such greater thao the-volume of aign Information regarding the object. Authozsl abstmet. USSR UDC: 8.74 KOZHURIN,_ F. D.1 ANTONENKOF M. G., SHVETS, N. Ya. "Organization of a Memory for Access by Distinctive Features" V sb. Tsifr. vychisl. tekhnikainrocrramrdr~ -(Digital COM- tcofl ~Etibj of ;;orks), N,),p. puter Technology and Prograirining- 7, Moscow, "Sov. radio", 1972, pp 68-7S (frem R"h-Kibernt~tika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No BV622) Translation: The article deals with problems of organizing a memory with sequential access for retrieving an object by dis- tinctive features. The method of "segments" is proposed wfiich cnables re- trieval in accordance with the most possible grokip of features. It is shown that the proposed method is quite convenient; an evaluation of this method is given by meant; of a coefficient of redundancy proposed by the author. It i.-i advisable to use the method of segments in cases where the volume of the stored data on objects appreciably exceeds the voltme of distinctive feature information on these objects. Authors' abstract, H1fV!!1-"4,JTH_ UtHAPPM 101 T111,11TIVIT11 'Iff-T ~yir If USSR UD~ 681.3.06:51 N. Ya., -Krvarsm)-, 1-1. A., ANTONENKO, M. G.,,IQ~IIRI 4. BALANDINA, Zh. 1. SHVETF "One Method for Inppt of Information Files to Data Proces-sing Systems" Tsifr. Vychisl. Tekhnika i Progr-w-mir. [Digital Computer liquil;riient and Prograrining -- Collection of Works], No 6, Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio Pxess, 3971, pp 161-168, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kiberneti1a, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V603 by the authors). Translation: Problems are analyzed, related to the organ:l-.ation and input of information files to modern data processing systems. One riethad of external sorting is presented -- the method of characteristic phra-ies. Two algorithms are presented, based on the utilization of the ideas of the method of charac- teristic phrases. Formulas are produced for calculation of the number of' runs through a file being sorted. The area of effective utili.,iation of the algorithms is defined. USSR mid 11't- "Dynamics of I rctei- z-"-` Exposed to Varyinc, Dazrs of ultra'.-Jolent Sb. rabot and TcclhiioL,,~-ical lint4 of 1~,--.iltn- _2, (froin oic 'r,5 OW, 71, Translatioi;: d-iil.v to uV per rdnute sq cm) ,mn am Increurc irl th'!! r, r) n Ca, total plrotcin rr!i HT, nnd a decline in t1he n . A doSe 0 Dhatase t% f micravz:Lt'~c inhibit's protein an-L c;:Ii7,I;0,IIf'--"iiLt! mtabolism- ),/I USSR WC 54?.260R8 SHOICOL, V. A. KOZHVSHKO, Be Net DOFLCSjMMp V., Tep az(h MisAlloVe A. V. "Reaction of Dichloromethyl Isopywate with Triethyllphosphite" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XL1n (CV), NO 1, 1973, pp 1245 Abstracti It was fourAi previously that on interactiam of chlororethyl isocyanate with trialkyl phosphitesp dialko:qphoaphon:1.1 matliyllsocyanates are obtained fV. -A. Shokol, et &I., ZbOn, No 40, 14�6. 19e2d. In tho current experiment on Interaction of diohloromethylisocyanaUti vith triethyl- phosphlteg depending on the ratio of tho reagents diotthoV. phouphonyl chloromethyl isocyanate or bis~diethoxjptiosphonyl;zetliyLiarj(.-yanate is fo=nd. The reactions and views described for five or these conpoundst i) diethoV phosphonylehloramethyl isocyanate, 2) b1s(d1eth=yphomphony1)mcthy1 iisocynnate, 3) H-cUethoxyphosphonylmethylene- /PI- a-ch1orophen,,r1 uxea, 4) IN-b1s(die- thoxyphosphonylmethyl-P I-phonyl Ursa, 5) N-bis(dietho3Vrbosphotul)methylw ff'-n-chlorophenyl urea, 1/1 USSR 4 UDC ~47.26-118 SHOKOL, V. A.t andjCOZHLJSHKOj,B. N,g institute of OrpAlo Chemistry of the Academy of Science s-WiirfiVEii'`SSR "Sthoxyfluorophosphonylchlormathyl- and Bis(othoxvfluorol)ho,.9robonyl)mettyl Isocyanates" i Leningrad, Zhurnal Obsbchey KbImIll Yol 42 (104), Vyp 10, 191e2, pp 2346-2347 Abstracti The reaction of diethyl fluoraphosphite with dichIaLzethyl iso- cyanate without a catalyst yielded either ethoxyfluoropbotioplimiylchlor*- *ethyl isocyanate (I) or bia(ethoxynuorophosphonyl)mothyl Ivocyanate (II) depending of the ratio of reagentel The yield of (I) was 2?%, b.p. J;6-48*C (0.05 ox) d 20 1-3Mo 4.0 1.4-328, 4 20 nD 20 The yield of (II) was 30%, b.p. 81-83'OC (0-0.5 ma)p d4 1."13, nL 1,4250. Impirical. formulas for (1) and (II) ant 0411601"103 P a,nd CJI I F21105P, respectively. 1/1 USSW DOROSHMO, V. V., KOZ1WSHKO. B. N., STUKALO, Ye. A., lmd S11011OL, V. A., Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the 1-?kTSSR "Dihalophosphonylchloromethylisocyanates" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(103), No 2, Feb 12p pp 484-485 Abstract: Dichloromethyl isocyanate reacts with alkyl difluaro- and dichloraphosphites to form difluorophosphonylehloromethyl isocyatiate (1) and dichlorophosphonylclil.oromethy1 isocyanate (11). 2X C-0 (HL)n + P(OC2H5)3 VISC20JOC-012 CH2OAc (11LAc) UYJAC IT JIF 1/2 (1) X~Cl, n =4, D-Salacto; (11) X=Br, -n=3, L-arabino. USSR DOROSHENKO, V. V., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Volt 42(103), No 2, Feb 72, pp 484-485 Isocyanate (11) is synthesized by chlorination of dichlorophospholly1methyl isocyanate (III) in the presence of W-radiation. C1, C1,P(O)CJ1,NCO -* C1,P(O)C11(C1)N11r-oC1 The structure of compounds (1, 11, IV) was confirmed bir IR-spectroscopy. 212 112 026 uNCLASSIFIR) 4).4ocos,~, i,,x oATl:--Z7?10V70 TITLE--ON THE THEORY OF ELECTRON EXCITATION TRANSFI'-,*~~ VIA PHONGNS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-GURARit M.L*t KOVIUSHNER, M.A. _CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHURNAL EKSPEPY"FINTAL4NOY I TEORET(CHESK0Y.FfZ[K.[t V)70t VOL 5,'it NR 6v PP 1967-1971 DATE PUZRISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-PHONON, ELECTRON ENERGY LEVELt PERWRriAliON THEORY %CONTROL MARKlt4G--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CU16NT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIFI) PPOXY REEL/FRAME--?000/2233 S I'E 1) N 0 - - UR ')(15 6 / 1""i / 01~ tj %;I 'C[RC ACCESSION IMU'- APO 12 5A 11. 7 2/2 026 UN'CLASSIFIED 1111 LIC E 'S 1; 11 i(; 0A I CIRC ACCESSION Nfl-AP0125811 Ar3STF%'ACT/EXTRACT--(U) G11-0- A!I!; TRACT ME k) -311. 1 T ~ ELECTRON EXCITATIW-41 BETWEEN IMPUKIIII:S IN A w0i)'( T.M.- VIRTUAL PHONONS IS CALCULUE-0. THE CALCAJUMON IS Udll-~AHJ 001 1 hi I;. THE FRA41EWORK OF PFRTlJRt3Ariw4 rME-Olty. IT 15 5W'1~11,11 THill' rML- PROBABILITY 'd STU41LAR TO (DELTA-DELTA) N Is T'rf~-. NUMBER OF LATTICE CONSTWITS BETWFEP~l ME 1,4pulkIlAl%S, 1:11:LfA IS rHE ZONE 1410TH ANO DELTA THE ENERGY OIFFE RFINCE HUMiDl I'lol' PHONION LEVELS. THE MECHANIS14 MAY BE IMPDRTA~J f'(:IR OF LOW LYING ELECTRON AND ELECTRON VIBRATIONAL ExcliTATIONS, FACILITY: IP4STITUT KtilMIC.1-iESKUY FIZIKI AN SSSR.!. USSR UDO 621.282.2 14ARTIROSCV, I.M. , Az2DUBOV V.E. 14-~M.a *W 'Effect Of Higher Harmonics On The Power Of A Generator Using, An IMPATT Diode" V ob. Poluprovodn. pribory I ikh primanentya (Semiconduator Davlcaa And Their Application-Gollection Of Works), No 24, Yoscov, "Sov. radio," 1970, pp 2C'1-212 (from Rq"h--Elaktronike i yeya primenonlyap No .11, Novetali*r lq?.10, Abetratt No 1181%) Translation: 7ne dependence is considered of the power o:V a gonerator uning an 1YPATT dio at the fundamental frequency,on the pairew-Lare o4' the circtait of a mesh (kontur] at the n-th harmonic. The analysis 141 Conducted vkthout toking into account the leading parameters. It in shovn thot at a cortuin rionve CIO"& to resonance of a circuit at the n-th harmonic, the amplitwio and lphsee of the volt- are of t~e first harmonic (and convoquently also the poor at tbs besia frequancy) are abruptly changed. Distant from the ramonands, the afroat 4f the n-th harmonic in negligibly small. The conclusions ore confirmed by exi"rimont. 7 ill- I ref. Summo ry. 1/1 USSR UDC 547,752.+5112-94-3)'95 4Lrid sir.,rceiv, ~i. i- RUSINOVA, V. N., SI.USFMVICH, YLI. I.., Xr Moscow Chemical Teclmologic,--l Institute Iment 1). 1. 1-4,-nleileyev "Indole Derivatives. TAM. Norel 0"xidative Rearran:'rement in the Itilob, Se-rie,Tr Leningrad, Zhurnal Organiclieskoy- Milmii, Vol 8, Ito 8, Al;Lr, Abstract: A new oxidntive rea vranire r~e tit was stidied. in thli, indole serlLz on th--, exmTle of the reaction Of wit'-- KCI: in 1, 0 .1 dol.-., indol") of atmospheric ox,,--en. 2-Cyano-3-~he,'ZOA-illdol~!, 3-1-1 it! phenylacetonitrile 0 A as roaction to 2-CYfUl0-3-berZ0Yli!,d0lc d(MG lot occur in an int~rt i!~+;j,m~jl!av-re. It i~; an molemlar rearran,-,ur:ni". It has been filimm that reacts wit"li various nucleophilic reagents l'orminig 2--illbstit"te" indoles. 1/1 VIU-5a. Mir, STIUMU OF IV= CALUUM APSENTOX CAYSTALS 004d M." A MELT jArticlo bv V. A. lolivwwvs. M. V. Sori-, ~- v U-1111 T~kj MovsibLr.k. X.Vt4 I 51"togs-11c, Eli w" A stv-11 #f tht xtructuri* of *I.Xis crystals of gollium stsenide ton watall:1traphic. cliv:tical and m*tiko49, The presence .00, the Or.* tr~ctur4 of virst typ4s, vew 6meemstrate,1- A cmp"4-" of tne !In* stS=.-X- -6*4 t~m mor"41"y of the armtsilitat-4= 1s==4 V~S lt=stb~ p==za Jhpwnig Oca ii"tice a" sequaftism at 'Vy~ 901lisattem. T"- tistusban" *f the amitt" 04fiedicitv at the singla %W?Otfa 1A caused, 1A a" apl-10-0. by the p"'allarittee Of trostrA fc." a aelt. lot USSR UDC: 51P.21 F. KOZINI "Stability of Stochastic Systems With Randomly Varyirg Coefficientsl' V sb. Nelineyr. i optimalln. sistem (Nonlinear and Optim= Systems- collection of works), Moscow, "Nauka", 1971, pp 31?0'-335, discussion p 335 (from 'RZh-Kibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 1XV11C.) Translation: The author considers the system X. where x is a vector from n-dimensional Euclidean slia,:e A, Gj arc- constant matrices, A being stable f-W are stationary and ergod:lc, rrc~2er~s. Frocfs are given for theorems on Ue asymptotic stabIlity az a 14bole Witt. bility 1 for a trivial solution of this aystem. In addition, sufficient conditions are presented under which the inequality 1/2 USSR KOZIN, F., Nelineyn. i optimalln. sisteiky, Moscow, ".Naukw.", 1971, J)P 326-335 t 01, !J(Oidt D)f 0 0, Me 0. is satisfied, where f(T) is a Gaussian process. Tri conclusion, the aurhcr discusses the problem of the relation between stability with probability 1 and stability of moments. M. Nevellson. 212