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USSR VARNAVSR=, 1. If., et al., Izvestiya Uchebnj-kh Vysshilca Zavedeniy-Chernaya Metallurgi)-a, No 6, Jun 73, PP 53-56 particles and oxide fiLms,. then the heterogeneous nucleation of refractory oxides and nitrides of titanium in.the molten steel is poszible urder speci- fied conditions- 3 figatres, 1 t;q:ble., 9 bibliographic references. 2/2 50 USSR UDC 621.791.14!669.14.018.44 TRMEV, V. V., Candidate of Technica1Sciences, SHEVA G. P.0 Engineer, and GODIN, V. M., Candidate of Technica Lences "Friction Welding of EP56 Steel With EP202 Alloy" Svarochnoye Proizvods Moscow, tvo, No 10, Oct 70, pp 3.7-18 Abstract: Welding of EP56 steel with EP202 nickel alloy in the solid phase by friction was studied; the diffusion processes in this instance occur significantly more slowly than in the solid-liquid phase during fusion welding. It is demonstrated that the embrittlement of the welded joint between the two metals produced In the;solid state occurs after heat treatment as a result of formation of a narrow,.softetied zr.~ne in the 'Joint. Embrittlement of these joints can he eliminatad by increasing the thickness of the softened zone by introduciug an intermediate layer simi- lar in composition to, for example) by using an Interlayer of austesitic Khl2N22T2,5.steel. USSR UDC 537.226-33 BIMMEMA, H. A., ZOLOTOTMWV, YU. S., ZHLIKOV, 0. K., and KOVIaENKO, A. N., Voronezh State University iffme-nV+14"ninskLy Komsomol "Dielectric Losses in Triglycinesulfate.Crystals Subjecte(i to Various Effects" Moscow Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Beriya Fizicheekaya, Vol 35, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1943-1946 Abstract: The influence of gamma and x-radiation has been studied previously as it concerns the ferroelectric properties of a triglycine sulfate crystal (TGS). Since the parameter most sensitive to radiation is the tangent of the angle of dielectric losses tan it,can be expected that even small radia- tion doses vill significantly change both the value of tan 5 &nd the func- tion tan 8 (T) for the '-MS. In this work the authors studir the effect of the amplitude of the measuring field on these same functions. They first study the influence of annealing on the dielectric properties and find that orierr- tation polarization makes a significant contribution to the dielectric per--e- ability of the TOS as a result of heat annealing. The next section is devoted to the influence of the amplitude of the measuring field on samples having different thickness, which is probably determined by the characteristics of the domain structure. Preliminary investigations confirm that the degree of 1/2 USSR "MANINA, N. A., Izvestiya Akademii Ifauk SSSR, Seriva Fi7icheskaya, Vol 35, No 9. 43-1946 Bep 71, pp 19 unipolarity in the samples increases as their thickness decreases. The authors then look at the influence.of irradiation on the dielectric properties and find that there is a decrease in the dielectric losses in the TGS crystal Irradiated with comparatively srw11 radiation doses., The article contains 4 illustrations and 9 bibliographic entries-. USSR UDC: 582.-616-001.4 '01 V. M., and Bfi-tYASU.[KGV V. I., All Union Institute )~~~OL-9 LESHCFMIIh of Plant Protection, Leningrad, and Central lbxmato-Venereological Taistitute, 'Pbscow, and Leningrad Scientific Research Instit-ate of Juitibilotics Wcoflora Would" Leningrad, Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya, Vol 4, No 6, 1970, PP 5-23-524 Abstract: A patient wns observed Aio had rVi ulcer of the chAzi for 220 years follow- ing a traumatic injury. Aspergillus, clavatus, A. niger, ~ Flenirilliun chx-7sogeniua, Scopulariopois broviciulis, a-4 PJAzopus ware isolattid. frain the ulcer and tho bandages. The culture:5 of all of thooe upecias eycept ffd:~opon --p. had a [trong proteolytic. activity, completely liquifying. gelatin 1-h-thJ11 7 -it 240C. Inca-I application of fungicide& expedited healing, of the ulcero 'us iin-wid. The lacting presence of fLargi in the i-mand in this case and in simillar cases Cannot be, ex- plained by saprophytim on dead tissue, aie mst asswrie t;bat the fungi bring ,--,cou% death of living cells through the action of enz.,~mes) toxirw, and other sulbstarces and that they thus function as parasites. Fun may become adapted to Parasitism 1/2 USSR KAMMIBKOJI 0. P., et al, Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya, Vol No 6, 1970, PP 523-52,14 of this sort and should then be regarded as infectious age-its. Therapeutic meas- Ures for the treatment of slowly healing:wounds should be devised an the basis of A consideration of the composition of aycoflora preseivb in them. 2/2 and. Its: A.1loys UDC 069.018.295 USSR 1. N. KM YS.HLOV A.S. BABINJU. A., FRIDLYANDERl "Thermal Stability of Sintered Aluminum -Powder" Tr. Mosh. avints. in-ta. (Works of Moscow Aviation Institute collection of works) 1971, vyp. 228, pp 156-165 (from M-MetAllursziya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41676) Translation: A study was made of the thermal stability of SAP-1 [sintered aluminum powder-11 sheets 2.0 and 2.5 mm thick. Tile sheets were obtained from a flat briquette undergoing de.-assing annealing at a temperature of 625+5' for 72 hours and cladded with. &Mts alloy 4-5%: of the side thick. The A1203 content in the Initial powder is -8.3%. The total gas content in the sheets was _3c_-.1 /100g. A study was made of the effect of long-term continuous.heating at tempelatures to 600* and also short-term heatin& at temperatures exceeding the melting point of the pure aluminum on the structure and properties of the material: in spite of the tbsence of a strict law, the tvtidency toward a r(.\-Imutinn in strength wh('11 testing at a temperature of 350 and 500*: after 1000 hours at the same temperature is observed. The data on the material strength at 500* after an- nealing at 600* connected with polymorphic, transfoi-nation of the Al 0, at 5500 2 from amorphous to the brittle crystal vei6ion deserves special attention. USSR WABIN,YU. A., et al. Tr. Mostc.avia-ts.innta., 1971, vy-p. 228, pp 156-165 The test strength at increased termeratures; varies little, and after holding at 600% it even increases. The short-term holding of the alloy in the temperature range close to the melting point of aluminuta leads to very perceptible increase in the heat resistance. Four illustrations, four tabims, and a 6-ent-xy bibliography. 2/2 i7j-M.1q EZU 3~~1041 I Mmk_~911T I Mz I It lull M I P (it I I dH 112 025 UNCLASSIFIED'. !iROCESStNG DATE--230CT70 -ITLE--THE STATE OF THE 31OGENIC AMINO METAaOLISM IN,PATIENTS RITH ACUTE -iuu.COS I S-U- V.S.t IVANOVP YEoP.t BANDARINI V.A. ji .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :~.SDURCE-ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYE BELORUSSII# 1970f NR 3, PP-48-51 ~~AATE PUBLISHED------10 --SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--AMINO ACID METABOLISM, NORADRENALINEr AURENALIPIEt SEROTONIN, WHO L EBLOOD,-BLOOD DISEASE .'CONTROL MAP.KING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ..,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1982/1551 STEP NO--UR/0477/70/000/003/0048/0051 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0052755 E D ---------- 2fZ 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSLNG DATE--230CT70 CI'RC*ACCESSION NO--AP0052755' ..-ABSTRA'-T/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KATECHOLAMIN, TIRAMIN AND SEZROTIN METABOLISM HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE LEUCC-S[S IN THE ;AMICS OF THE DISEASE. AT THE LEVEL OF EXPRESSIVE CLINICAL YN D INDICATIONS A DE-CREASE0 EXCRETION GF NORADRENALINUM, OF D. EN LINUM, VANILIN ALMOND AND 5,UXYINDOL,ACETIC ACIDS, A DECREASE OF THE SEROTONIN LEVEL IN THE WHOLE BLOOD AND AN INCkE4SE,OF THE TIROSIN CONTENT IN THE PLASMA HAVE BEEN MARKED. AN EXCRETION OF11RAMIN, DIOXYPIlENILALANINUM AND DOPHAMINE IN THE PATIENTS WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE STATE OF CLINICO HAEMOTOLOGIC REMISSION HAS NOT DIFFERED FROM THE USUAL NORM, IN THE COURSE OF TREATM~NT, ENOEO BY REMISSION A TENDENCY TOWARDS NORMALIZING THE KATECHOLAMINOUS AND SEROTINOUS METABOLISM HAS BEEN FOUND, UNILASStf,IED- URI 04,82 Soviet'Iyq~ions Illustrated, Section III Mechanical and GenerAl, -Derwent.: ~6 HEU SJIELD on the hot plate spot of thd exhaust manifold of ship or locomo- tivo diesel an& in is improved by coating the me n- ifold I with &sba:to:z.sheet:2:'.and, an outer "ating C ~ of insulating and heat resistinS material 5;whi h, -co"ists of :solidified mixture of soluble glass, white heat reoistfng play and~asbestos flbr~. The material 5 La hold round the.manifold I by a steel net held by wires 4 and hookiv.3 (See. A.A.). Them heat shield 6 is moui#ad ovej the.asbescos'cover- ings and cansists of,intern4 ~perforated sff~et 9 and plain sheets 7 and 8 werdidInsida the qarcasi of 6 and having airspaces, (Sqct, as 1.133258/24-6 A.I. MYS110V Ot all. ;V.v. Xubishev Kolomenski Locamotive'Plant 0.10.69) Bul. 18/28.5.69. Class 46c, Int. C1-. F,02f. 19821397, .................. . . .... AA0052657 Kamyshov, A. I.; Vorozhikin, V. A.; Shiryayev, V. M.; Pakhomov,- V. V.;.Kolomenskiy Teplovo~ostroitelnXy Zavod im. V., V. Kuy byshdVa ...Oscow. Av4tsiYa',i iosmonavtika,.No. 1, 70, pp 37-38 7. Abst-ract: The seciion. of the above-named journal in which this article appears is titled ".Zlight and Psychology. The article itself deals ~~.ith sensory illusionsof the flier, a consequence, according too the authors, of the transition from the ground of two dimensions to the air space of three, where -man I a sense organs are better adaDted to tile former than to the latter. At the pre- sent time, -phe point of view of vestibular ii-lusions is most wide- spread. According to this point of view, man is orientad in space zhrough his sense of vision, through the vestibular apparatus, by kinaesthetic, vascular, and internal organ signallng4 In Illight, Reel/Fra'me AFOO'41291 to distortions in howeTer, the action of aerodynamic forces leads the sense of gravitation direction; that, in turn, leads to the formation-of a new complex of the senses in which vision is the most important factor. Where the pilot cannotsee the horizon, his vigual,sense loses its predominating position to the vesti- bular sense,among others, and the result is such sensory illusions as Mistakj4ag the direction. of bankine, cir pitchi",W,. At the same time, the experimental evidence indioates.that the occurrence of lllusipns does not depend on the sensitivity of the vestibular ap- paTat us-. The author describes an experiment, inwhich he partici- ~'."testing t e ability of a student pilot to maintain horizon-. 'pated, h tal ght., In most cases, the plane took on a bank angle of 300 a -15 and var~eclzin speed by 10 meters per second afto, r, .1y 10 seconds-,, - wita the instrument panel covered. The author suggests that-th'" beat way to cope with illusions of thiii kind is to pub- licize them thoroughly;- he compla-ins that althotigh pilots note the apnearance of these illusions and how they overcame them in answering their questionnaires, they-do'not always report them. k true report, he continues, will make it possible to clear up the cause of loss of control of the,horizon, determine the source thod for overcoming illu- of.false informaticn, and work out acme sions so that other fliers in a similar situation can -cake advan-, ta-e o-"' the experience. He also recomends that. fliers be trained with a curtain over the instrument panel. to learn to de- ""he purpose of termine their position after being disoriented. this is to present the student with,a perfectly new situation a-fter the instru,~tor has gone through some evolution ~. so that he will learn to cope with it when the panel is u=askad again. 1975JL128 USSR uDe 621.762e660,,018.95 Sverdlovsk Inst5tute of the Hation-al GORMTOV, A. G., and _Wf.,y Economy "Electrical Conductivity of Miytures of Aluminum Nitride and Silicon Nitride" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 11j Nov 70# pp 61-65 Abstracti A possible diagram of aluminum nitride disordering is proposed which is based on the reasurement of the eoncentration deper&rice of elec- trIcal conductivity arA thermoelectric power of aluminun niU-ide and its mixtures with silicon nitride. in order to establish a rpozaible mechanism, of conductivity in aluninun rdtriele, a study is made of the electrical conduc- tivity of pure AlN and its miyttuxes with silicon nitride at different tem- peratures and. partial lprl_~zsures of nitrogen in the. raseaus pha_--e. Poly- crystall-ine cylirArical syecimens 18 rm in.diameter, produced from Douders by hot pressing- in t= f 197'~-22730K and a ,phit2 press-molds at -temperature o PXessurre of 1-47 10 n/n , are used in tests. The poxosity of articles was less than 5,"',. After pressing, the specimens were mc-chariva"Lly treated for the removal of carbon from the surfaca and annealeA In a flow of dvr rat 1273-1373o K. nmm ni_-i for a period of 10 hrs at tempe ures ;'~_112 032 UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 I tLE--R AD I CAL ADDITIUN OF METHYL DIPOMOACETATE TO ETHYLENE AND I HEXEtIE _U_ ',.,AUTHOR-(02)-FREYDLINA, R.KH.t KAMYSHOVA, A.A. .._,.~COUNTRY OF lNFO--USSR AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. KHIM. 1970,,(3)r T21-3 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~'_~:~TOPIC TAGS--BROMINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, ETHYLENEr ACETATE, HEXENE, POLYMERt LACTONEi NMR SPECTRUM* IR SPECTRUM CONTROL NARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSfFfED -1-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1907 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/000/003/0721/0723 CIRC- ACCESSION NO--APOI,23691 UNCLASS IF IFO -2/2 032 UNCLASSIFiEb-~ PROCESS114G DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01236191 .-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. TELOMERIZATION OF C SUB2 H SUB4 WITH CHBR SUB2 GO SUB2 ME (1) WITH PEROXIDIC INITIATION WAS OESCRIBED. IN AN AUTOCLAVC 42.5 G I AND 2 G 6Z 5UB2 0 SUB2 FLUSHED WITH N, PRESSURIZED WITH 100 ATM C SUB2 H SUR4,.AND THE VHOLE HEATEO I HR AT 100DEGREES (MAX. PRESSURE 320 ATM)q GAVE 66PERCENT CONVERSIGN PRODUCTS WHICH YIELDFD 35PERCENT OF THIS MATERIAL AS HED SU82 CCHBR(CH SUB2 CH SU62) SUBX HR (11) (X EQUALS Ili B SU35 71DEGREESi N PRIME20 SUBD .1.50841 0 PRIME20 1.8446, AND 42PERCENT,11 (X EQUALS 2), B SU52 113DEGRE ES, 1.5056p 1.6555 ALONG WITH-TELOMER I11X cWALS 3) 23PERCENTI WHICH WAS NOT DESCRIBED FURTHER. 11 (X EQUALS 1),HEAtED 8 HR WITH FE (CU) SUR5 AT 135DEGREES GAVE 83PERCEN T',2PBORMOBUTYROLACTONEt B SUB5 96-7DEGREESs 1.50839 1,7640. 1 AND 1-HEXENE IN T14E PRESENCE OF GICYCLOHEXYLPEKOX'Y DICARBUIVATE-INIT"TATOR GAVE' IN' T'HR AT 55DEGREES 80PERCENT CONVERSION PRODUCTS WHICH YIELDED ON DISTN. 70.6PERCENT 1,3,t3lBRO40iliCARB!JMETHOXYHEPTANEv 8 SUB4 10-18DEGREESi 1.492BP 1.5002t AND THIS AFTER REPEATED FRACTIONATION GAVE THE 2 RACE41C FORMSt B SU83 113DEGREESt AND B SUB3 117DEGREESP RESP, WHICH WERE CHARACTERIZED BY NMR AND IR SPECTRA, FACILITY: INST, ELEMENTOORG. SOEDIN.t MOSCOWt USSR& UNCLASSIFIED ~~IRRI "M ffilffil ffi~", UDC 537.226.33:535.551 KAMZIXA--I- S.. KRONIK, 11. N., GENFE, V. V., and HYL',111KOVA, I. Ye., n-stitute M =emiconriuctors, USSR Academy of Sciences "Elasto-Optical Effect in Ferroelectric Materials With a Diffused Phase Transition" Moscow, Izvestiva Akademii Naulk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya Vol 35, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1862-1864 Abstract: Ilie authors investigate the elasto-optical effect in ferroelectric materials with diffused phase transition PbMgl/3,N 2/303(P'-L'\) and PbZnl/. Nb2/303(PZN). They determine the magnitude oE the- half-wave mechanical stresses in the wavelength band of 4000-7000 A and measure the variation -ical coefficients 711-1112. They also with temperature of the piezoopt, find the dependence of the slope of the double refraction An on the size of the mechanical load in the area of diffusion of the phase transition. The authors find that a study of the elasto-optical properties of perovskite type ferroelectric materials permits a better understanding or the- nature and character of the diffused phase transition and enables t*.e researcher to distinguish the true electro-optical effect in the total efrect; they 1/2 US SR MIMNA, L. S., et al., Iz-vestiva Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriva Fizicheskaya, Y Vol 35, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1862-1864 feel that such investigations are of great practical signilficance. They show graphically the temperature boundary;of diffusion for and PZN. The article contains 3 illustrations, I table, and 4 bibliographic entries. ItomunclOOV USSR UDC 615.372:576.851.49(SlilGELLA).015.46 KAMZOUgA, N. B., Moscow Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology "Immunogenic Properties of Sh. sonnei Neurotoxin" Hoscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 7, 1973, -75 pp 71 Abstract: Twenty three series of neurotoxin were obtained from stock cultures and fresh isolates of Sh. sonnei autolysates; each of,the 14 cultures was in the S phase, with the exception of one. Studies on immunogenicity and toxi- city were conducted with the neurotoxins or toxoids prepared by heat or forma- lin treatment. The neurotoxins were demonstrated to be toxic. for white mice. Further experiments with white mice showed that neurotOxins, their toxoids, and endotoxin (prepared either by the method of Boivin or ethanol precipi- tation) would render mice immune against Sh.. sonnei. However, the immuno- geaicity of the neurotoxirLs depended on.the strain from which they were iso- lated and the toxoids were less imunogenic. The role of neurotoxins in infectious processes was demonstrated by the fact that under certain condi- tions their instillation into the eyes of guinea pigs uould prevent develop- ment of keratoconjunctivitis on subsequent challenge with Sh. sonnei organisms, following development of immunity. MKcrobioXdgY:. USSR UDC 576.851. KAHZOLKINA, N. B., Moscow Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology "Antigens of E. coli Neurotoxins" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologil, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 11, 1971, pp 49-54 Abstract: E. coli neurotoxins (exotoxins) are of a complex antigenic structure since they contain components present in homologous endotaxins as well as com- ponents characteristic of the neurotoxins~of Shigella and Salmonella. -1be latter are quite different from the specific antigens of endotoxins and contain no haptene polysaccharides. However, like endotoxins, E, coli neurotoxins administered parenterally to rabbits induce the formation of two types of antibodies -- to proteins (or lipoproteins) and to polysuccharides. They also yield sitailar.though not always identical diffuse precipitation reactions in agar for haptene polysaccharides. It remains to be elucidated whether or not the polysaccharide and protein complexes of the neurotoxins are identical with those of endotoxins. 576.851.1~8-097.25 USSIR, UDC: 0 VIWHANSKAYA, R. L., KAI and EPSHTEY-N-LITIVAK, R. V., Mloscow Insti- tute of Epidemiologi.R4.1i i"1", 'Weurotoxin as One of the Factors Determining the Toxicity of Escherichia coli" Moscow, Zhumall YUkrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immobiolog-i-L, Vol 48, No 1, Jan 71., pp 137-138 Translation: No preparations were obtained froin autolysates of freshly iso- lated cultures of E. coli: ncurotoxin by precipitation -6rith trich-loroacetic Buavin and Mesrobyanin acid at pH _3-5 ( 1937) and endotaxin fronm the mother Ii-quor remalning after centrifugation of the prec * taut;d autolysates, sub- jected to diz-ilysis and precipitation by alcohol (9 proof). Moreover, part of the series of neurotoxins obtained from hemolysis of ' E, coli cultures posses- sed also hemolAic canabJ-1ify; hm~exer, other series did not cont-ain any deter- minable hemolysin. The preparations inveitigated in sk-in tasts on rabbit-- possessed a mari'ved 5ensitiv-ity to neurotoxin!;. Similar, prept-wations of nc-uro- toxin and endotoxin viere tested sintiltancousl-i on 2-1. rabbitz. The toxins uere -uced intracutaneous" in doses of 0 1 ml of seri - 1 double cultures. Ile- introd ly actions within I and 2 days after tho test with an etyk~hezraa (liameter of not less 1/4 USSR U VILSHMSKAYA, F. L., & al., Diurnal Mikrobiologii Loldemiologii i Irmiunobiolo- gii, Vol 48, No 1, Jan 71, PP 137-138 than 5 mm at the site of introduction of the toxins were t*-ken into account.. The geometric mean dose hannful to the rabbit skin (SLD,,,, ) was determined by the method of Larsen and coworkerzi (1960). The maxinwn-~~daily dose .,Yas expreos- ed in gamnas of dry amounts of toxins. All of the seven ne-aro- and endotomin series were tested. It was established that the rabbit skin is more sensitive to the action of neurotoxins, on introduction of which the. SLD, valu-s wpxe con-iderablv lower than on the introduction of endotoxins., andomronizau'r, reaction uas obsenred during the first 24 hours, whereas following the intrcd-a--tion of endotoxLn the above reaction occurred on the second day after the beginnimg of the test. The difference between the SLD values for the neurotoxins and eadotoxins was sta- 50 tistically significant. Since the live cultures of E. col-'Lp ftoru vhich neurotoxins and endotoxins are obtained, produced necrosi3 on the riabbit sk3n when introduced in an arriount of 100 million inicrobial colls (mi.nimm ziocro:3is-produi~ling do,,ie)) the question 2/4 USSR VIISILANSKAYA, F. L., et al., Zhurnal Nikrobiologii Epider-iologii i Lrununobiolo- gii, Vol 48, No 1, Jan 71, pp 137-138 arose as to whether the necrotic effect of the live cultures was related to the toxins resulting from thera. Knowing in each case the yield of one or the other toxin from the microbial cells (neurotoxin,6.8-19.7, endotoxin 0.4-17.1 per cent of dry weight), the probable content of each of them in 100 million microbial ceJls was calculated. For neurotoxins this value exceeded several times the corresponding SLD and the probable amount of toxin in 100 million microbial cells was either ~2ry smzLI1 or did not exist. The data obtained made it possible to consider doubtful the role of en- dotoxins in.the emergence of the necrotic reaction folloving the introduction of Live cultures. However, even neurotoxins in the amounts supposedly present in live cultures 0 .7-49.3 Y in 100 million microbes) cannot by themsel-Ires cause necrosis on the rabbit skin (necrosis sets in with the introduction of 200-300 y or neurotaxins). This prcmpted us to deternane whether the necrosing effect of the live cultures was not a synergistic effect of nearotoxin and endotoxin. To test this hypothesis, 0.2 ml of a mixture consisting of equal volumes of A USSR VILSHANSKAYA, F. L., et al., Zhuarmal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Impunobiolo- giii Vol 48, No 1, Jaii 71, PP 137-138 diluted analogous neurotoxins and endotoxins was introduced subcutanecusly to the rabbits. Nine Mi-xtures in all were tested. No exacerbation of the skin reaction was observed in any of the cases. The results obtained did not exclude, however, the possible participation of part of the neurotoxirAs in the emergence, of the dermonecrotic reaction. The fact that not aLl neuroto.-d-ns obtained from hemolysis of E. coli culture5 pos- sessed a hemolyzing capacity indicated the lability of hemolysin and its possi- ble breakdown during extraction from microbial cells. Apparently, the toxicity oflive E. coli is due more to the neurotoxins than 'to the endotoxins. This is ed for part of the neu- indicated by the hemolyzing capability tib-Ich we establIa4 rutoxins,. by the great sensitivity of the rabbit skin to thevi, and by the fact that the speed of the reaction to the neurotoxins doesmat differ from the speed of the reaction to live cultures. 4A Microbiology USSR UDC 576-315-48/.49-097.29 B.. EPSHTEIN-LIWAK, R. V., and KOKORDUA, T. A., Microbiology 6partment, Moscow Scientific Research Institute of 4idemiology and Hicro- biology- ONeurotoxins of Intestinal Bacterial' Moscow, Byulleten Eksperimentalnoy Biologii J. Meditsiny. Vol 71, No 2, Feb 71, PP 70-73 Abstract: The antigenic structure of neurotoxins obtained from dysentery bacteria was studied. Some biological properties of naurota)zins which dis- tinguish them from the corresponding endotoxins were also studied. Intra- venous injection of the neurotoxins arA. of sorologically nontypable cultures of E. coli produced hy-pothermia symptoms in laboratory 'anima-Ls (guinea pigs and. rabbits) and. pareses and paralyses of the extremities (itp-inly in rabbits). Injection of E. coli neurotorims into the luman of an isolatled lcop of the -all intestine in a fasting rabbit-- produced dilatatiom of the .5egment with reduced serous-hemorrhagic effusion as well as numerous hemorrhages in the mucous membranes of the segment. The complex antigenic structure of the neurotoxins was demonstrated in a serological study. All nourotoxins of M5SR =4ZOLKIM, N. B., et al, ByuUeten Eksperimentalnoy Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol .71, No 2, Feb 71, PP 70-73 dysentery and typhoid bacteria contained specific components of the correspond- ing endotoxins in their structure. as was demonstrated J_,n the agar precipita- tion reacUon of corrospanding anti sera with homologous Boivin er--Iotoxjns or endotorin obtained from autolysate cultures. The neux*oro=s also contained the antigens usually found with Shigel-la, Salmonella, and Escherichia. Vi- and 11-antiggens were found in the neLTotoxins of typhoid strains. Several neurotoxins obtained from fre-sh hemol,ysing strains contained henolysin, which was recognized by its action on human ery-thropytes. 2/2 MR.", USSR UDC 533.697.4:S32.55 WIZO V. N., MASLOV, B. N., PIRUMOV., U. G. Moscoii "Study of the Trajectories of Particles in Lavale Nozzles" Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No 5, 1971, pp 136-143. Abstract: A method is presented for calculating the trajectories and para- meters of liquid or solid particles during flow of two phase streams through Lavale nozzles, allowing the number of~particles precipitating onto the wall of the nozzle to be determined and the momentum loss phenomena related to this to be evaluated. A method is suggested allowinl',the known gas parameters to be used to produce an approximate determination of the t)-!;.iectories and parameters of particles in the sub- and.supersonic portions of the nozzles and to determine the number of particles striking the nozzle wall, to deter- mine approximately the density, velocity and temperature of particles, to establish certain qualitative specifics of flow, in-particular.the formation near the nozzle walls of closed and open zones in which particles of a given size are absent. one defect of the method is that when calculating the move- ment.of particles, changes in gas parameters caused by delay of particles are not considered. 1/1 ago== C TO 112 ot UNCLAs~rkEb PA61CESSING OATE-040E~lf :-T-lTLE--A.MYLGLYTIC ACTIVITY OF THE APHIDS#~ APHIS CRACCIVORA, HEIMITRAMA UZBEKISTANICA -U- _~AdTHOR.-KANu ASA. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _.s0URCE-UZB. BIOL. ZH. 1970v 14(1)v 46-8 (RUSS) -PATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT- AREAS--BI(ILOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--INSECTA# PLANT PARASITE? AMYLASEo ENZYME ACTIVITY 60,NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'P.ROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605002/EO9 STEP NO--UR/9079/70/014/001/0046?0048 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139482 USSR UL)C:621.565:629.12 A~_, IONOV, A. G. "Description of the Cooling Installation with Screw Compres6ors on Amurskiy Zaliv-Class Ships" KholodilInaya Teklinika, No 9, Sep, 1972, pp 19-21. Abstract: The Amurskiy zaliv is the first of a series of 18,900 ton refri- gerated transport ships constructed for the Soviet Union in France. The I.o;a. is 164.S m, bcam 22 m, speed 17.3 knots, There is particular in- terest in the automated refrigeration equipment, planned to operate without human control 16 hours per day. The installation.consists of 5 independent machines (I reserve), each including a type S 54-2E screw compressor. The cold,productivity of the machine is 110,0010 kcal/hr at t 0 = -38'CJ t f 3SOC. Each electric motor is rated at 160 kw. The machine includes an oil separator, condensor with a surface of .69 M2 with receiver capacity 480 1, 2 filter-dryers, ribbed air coolers for the hatches. Each system carries about 500 kg of freon-22. The sirgle-stage screw compressor con- sists of driving and driven rotors. The blade shape, plus oil injection, provide a high degree of compression, Cold production is smoothly regulated between 10 and 100% by changing the effective length of the :motors by axial movement of a valve. Experience gained from the operatloji of these cooling 112 W-W USSR KAN, A. V., IONOV A. G., K 'holodilInaya Tekhnika, No 9, Sep, 1972, pp 19-21. installations indicates that the use of screw-t)Te, single-stage compressors greatly simplifies the design and operation of cooling installations, that screw-type compressors are reliable, that direct-coolihg air coolers axe most efficient, and that this freon installation meets (:odays requirements for size, weight, power and usage characteristics. V_ acuum. as: USSR UDC 6~1-385.633 -:IL INA YE. M. TIKGHENKO L P.' "Two-Dimensional Theory of a Type 0 BWT1' Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-telchn. sbo Elektron. SVCh (Elec- tronic Technology. Scientific-recMical Col-loo-1-t-T-on.--Mcrowave Electronics), 1970, Issue 12, pp 12-32 (from RZh-Elektronika i jeXe primeneniye, No 3, March 1970, Abstract N6 3A~64) Translation: A two-dimensional nonlinear theory is developed for a typ backward-wave generator with a zero space charge. The current lowering for a delay system in a dynamic regime is investigated as wall as the change of the eloo,tron.trajectories under the influence of high-frequency elictrical and magnetic s~T focusing fields. The output,parameters are computed of a type 0 backward-wave tube as a function of the geometry,of the beam and its saturation coefficient of the transit channel, the magnitude of the focu3ing aw~petio~field, &nd the operating con- ditions. 16 reference. Sunmry. USSR UDC 681.327,67'12 BRODOLIN, L. I., VAYNSHTEYN, V. D., DRACHEV L. A.,.W .,.A. Z., KUZNETSOV, Mfg B. A., I~INIIN, Yu. P., and PETRUNICHEV, V. N. 1-Iong-Term Photoscopic Memory" USSR Author's Certificate No 260926, filed 7 Oct 68, published 10 Jun 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya.Tekknika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B325 P) Translation: A long-tem photoscopic memory designed fo- storing, retrieving, and selecting a symbol image is proposed. The memory contains a light spot commutator -- for example, a cathode ray tube -- a projection objective with telecentric behavior of the beams in the ftage space, a lense raster infor- mation unit, a fast collective, a transmitting cathode ray tube with storage -- for example, the superorthicon type and digital and analog tracking systems for setting the spot on a given address. The memory is disti-nguished by the fact that to prevent charging the target when retriev- ing the required microframe, the device contains an electronic image modu- lator in the transfer section of the transmitting TV-tube, In order to insure a broad range of variation of the capacity of the TV frame and the selection rate, the target of the transmitting TV tube is executed in the form of a metal fiber disc with a coefficient of secondary emission 1/2 W2 MM 11,1014 nir ty, HIRIM131 ir At tT .,Hfr USSR BRODOLIN, L. I., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 260926, filed 7 Oct 68, published 10 Jun 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika,,Te-lemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhuika No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B325 P) of the side turned toward the photocathod'6 equal to one. In order to simplify the design and insure the possibility of recording the service information used during operation of the tracking systems in the microframe, the device contains a fiber, vacuum-tight coherent light guide with a cross section equal to the size of the symbol in.the focal plane of the collective. The photocathode of the transmitting TV tube is applied to the output end of the light guide, and the input ends of the light guides connected with the photomultipliers of the tracking address system are arranged around the perimeter of the input end. In order to insure the required levels of light flux from the standing light spot, the light spot commutator executed In the form of a cathode ray tube contains a built-in screen which vibrates in its own plane. There is 1 illustration. USSR KAN, D. #Ultrasound Restores Sight" Moscow, Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya, 9 Apr 71i p 4 Translation: One year ago, Satsialisticheskaya Industriya published material entitled "Thank You, I Can See Wellill, in which a now rAthoa of restorin7 vision using ultrasound was related. The newspaper fell into the hancis of the engineer V. 1. Kullbashnyy. Vasilij, Ivanavich had suffered from nearsighted- ness since he was very young. His left eye had gradually goLne blirA. All known methods of treatment failed, but Kullbashnyy did not :Lose hope of secing well. And then there was the article in~the paper. "But, treating nearsighted- ness by ultrasound?" specialists said doubtfully. "No Such -thing has ever been done." All the same, S. L. Averbukh. Candidate of Aledleal Sciences ar-i head of the Krivoy Rog Center 'Lor the Protection of GaIldren's Vision, urae.-- took this difficult operation. But alast Industry still does not turn out special ultrasonic optical equipment. Dmitriy Georgiyev5ch Zheleznyak, turner -;~ murse Klavdiya at the Krivoy Rog Aetallurgical Plant imea V. 1. leain~a Feodoseyevna Chuplaya showed a great deal of resourcefulness~ar4 inventiveness atthis point. V. 1. Kullbashnyy went through the entire coarae of ultrasonic mom, 1/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCTIO .-TITLE-OPTIMIZATION OF DIPPING AND DRYING TO IMPROVE THE DISTRIBUTION OF A BINDER IN NCNWOVEN MATERIALS -U- V-C.,, KAN, G.E.*~.SAMOYLGVAr L-V. '.-C-GUNTRY CF INFO-USSR VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., TEKHNOL* TEKST. PROM,197ov (1), 84-7 ~,."_DATE PUBLISHED -70 ~..:'SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS "..UPIC TAGS-RAYON, NATURAL FIBERs RUBBER ADHESIVE, FABRICt BONDING ~-MATERIAL .-.CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .'_-'~GCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 ~PRGXY REEL/ERAME-200010945 STEP NO--UR/0324/701000/00110GS410087 C-IRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0124605 UNCLASSIFIED w I-11111- 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED p --30OCT70 ROCESSING DATE ,~~,CIRCACCESSICN NO--AP0124605 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ASsrRACT. ~THE PROPERTIES OF THE NONWOVEN FABRICS, BASED CN COTTUN OR RAYON FIBERS.BONDED WITH RUBBER LATEXES, DEPEND CONSIDERABLY ON THE AMT. OF THE BINDER (C),~AND:.THE MOISTURE CONTENT (W) AFTER DRYING; A STATISTICAL EXPT. WAS CARRIED OUT TO OPTIMIZE C AND W. THE FOLLOWING 8 VARIABLES WERE STUDIED: THE DISTANCE TRAVELED IN THE IMPREGNATING.BINOER BATHr.THE PRE$SURE EXERTED BY THE TAKE UP ROLLERS, THE RATE.OF FABRtC TRAVE~ I LATEX CONCN*t BATH SIZEN FIBER TYPE, CCNCN, Of HETALIN M, THE., OA`Tkto~_~ CGNCN~ i~OF NEKAL IN THE LATEX. 'FACILITY: MOSK. TEKST. INST.p AOScOwvUsSR* myrt Arkq IFIFn MOCE$SING 15ATE--13NUVIO ,-AfZ,::-: at 2 t ONC L A rS I F I UTLE--EAAN~11'4ATION 01~ T HE FWCTI!-!N:1L 0~,'--jolifuN 6 FTHE AREA Lil- i~:THE' HYPOTHALAIiUS 1.i f--X?E-4I,-1Er1T4L TUbE-kCQLb-Si~,--U- AUT.*fGR-(,,J2) -6ROUN j G. k KAN G. S ,.:-'COU14TP.Y OF INFJ--USSR s.GU.RC:-PATJ LOG I CH-~SK AYA FlZfOLOGLAY I EKSPEk IMENTAL NAYA T-;:-~APIYA, 1970, 3, PP. 70-71 VOL 14? N~ ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ENCES: ~'~'SUBJ EC TARE-AS"BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCI- T 5-TOBERCULOSISt bRAItyr RABBIT, THYROI.D GLAND OP I C AG MARK I NG--NO r:, S TR I C T I ON S '.90CUMENT CLASS 4,LA5'fFIE[) PROXY REEL/ FRAM-E-300 L/0507 STEP NG--(JR/0396/7i)/(')I,it/ilt)3/0070/'J~)7L CIRC ACCESSION NU--Ao0126255 I. AS S 1 F 1.0 2 2 '0?1 UNICLASSI'FtEo PROCESSING DATE-131NOV70 CIRC 7ACCESSION NO-AP0126255 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. AG U T EEXPERIMENTS WFRr_ CARRIED OUT JH4LAMIG AREA ON PABBITS. THE FUNCTIONAL COMD[TiW4 OF. THE A.NTERIOK WIPC_ WAS STLJJIED m Fr_-Eomc. THE A.'JIMALS 'WITH METHYLTHIOURACIL~, AS A'E:LL AS ON THE 3RD, ' 5TH DAYS A F T L RTFl' INFECTION T A Mir 11TH, 15TH ANO 20TH 2 VIRULENT CULTURE Cc- "llYC03AC TER] UM TIJOERCULOSIS. ThE PERCENTAGE 0 F ACTIVE P111,"ITS ALONQ THE TUINGSTEN ELECTRODE Pi\SSI.'%)G THROUGH THE ANTEdIGA GTHALA IC AREA, SERVEED AS AN INOEX uF,.;rHt- FUNCTIOWL tcoi,4ourioti. ME H YP L -0 TO BE NUMBER. OF ACTIVE POINTS IN THE ANTEKIOR HYPOTHALAM[C AREA PROVE IN FEEDING WITH METHYLTHIOURACIL ANO ~IN IMFECTIO,,,4 lilrH -INCREASED BOTH c: c TUB ERC ULGS f S A POSSIBLE ROLE- OF HYPOTHAL4MUS IN THE PlIECHAl'iT Sill 0 F -ICT[Orl IN 7 UBERCUL-01S Us is. jcGEs'rcD. CHANGES OF THE THY, ON) GLAIN FUN r FACILITY: GTDEL I MMUNOLOG I f I EKSPERIM .ENTALINOY PAICLOGII LENIINGRADSK010 NAUCHNO-ISSLE-0. I NST I TUTA TUPERKULEZ IINCL A S'S'l F 11 1) UDC 632.95 USSR B. V., KAGARLITMY, A. D., Wi I I., YEEEL'YABOY, 1. L. , XVX,2J1Uv;0v, R. T., and PAVLO1V, YE. A. "A 11--ans of Obtaining 3-Cyanopyridine" 4, filed 28 Jan 70, palil.1--hed 11 Oct 71 USSR Author's Certificate No 31191 N (frcm Referatlvnyy Zhurnal Xhimiya, ho 10 (11), 1972, kbstract '1o ION604P by T. A. belyayeva) Translations 3-CXC5H0 (I) is obtained by:oxidativa anmonolysis of 2-R-5-P' C H3 1; (11) (Rpaaml R1 alheny!) over a catalyst. ~52xture- of steam and air (300-500 and 100-300 mole, xrjapecti've-ly, to 0-tioll mole of (II) is used ari an oxidizing sjD-mt* Through a 3n,,%ctitvi -Wba (11 Mi:2 2 vui) filled ~dth granulated catedyst, (V, 05 aml TiO2 in a 1116 nolaz ratios) are passe- d II (ft-Me. R'-CH=CH2)i water Air# and 111-113at q. mto of 23 g, 9550 a, 310001, and 75 g res-p-actively -for each liter of cat~ayst every houx at a terpemtuze of 370o for iO hours (tizie of contacts OAseconds), Vie catalyst is washed imd d~--icid ovex- w.4tb p3troleun ethers extvacted trith MIC13 separated by rectification. The yield boiling point 1.00-4 0/241 meltin- 1,0111t 50-40- 1 is used UQ a plim -43.lowth zIt'.1mul.-itnt iri x wd for t1w pm-,Ivatlan of micotinaidde. 1/1 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 _Lf-' EFFECT OF APMONIA ON THE DETEAHIPWIDN OF SOME PYRIDJUE DERIVATIVES ..a~, "S:LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY -U- Z4OFt-(03)-'KANl 1.1to SEMBAYEVv D.KH*v SUVOROV* B.Va `C-GUNTRY OF 1,NFO-USSR -.SOURCE-ZHO ANAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(2~)_374-7:: O-A T EPUBLISHED-. -70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, METHODS AND EQUIPMENT .TOPIC TAGS-AMMOINIAs, PYRIDINEt, GAS CHROMATOGRAPHYr AQUEOUS SOLUTION, .:'_-LIQUID~~CHAOMATOGRAPHYt CHROMATOGRAHIC ANALYSIS, ALDEHYDEj URGANIC .-NITRILE.-CCkPOUND .CGNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS :,DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :1PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/2168 STEP NO--UR/0075/70/0251002/0374/0377 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125749 ss-If. if -2/3 013 UNC LASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 :(;IRC ACCESSICN NC-AP0125749 GP-0- ABSTRACT. MORE COMPLETE ELUTION OF .-..,.SUBSTANCES FROM THE COLUMN DURING GAS LIQ'. CHRUMATOG. OF AQ. SOLNS. OF -LYCERoL AND PYRIDINE BASES AND THEIR 0 CONTG. AND N CONTG. OERIVS. Wll'h G POLYETHERS USED AS LIQ- PHASES CAN BE ACHIEVED 13Y ADDING L.01-0.05 '113L. PERCENT NH SU133 TO THE CARRIER GAS. A METHOD IS SUGGESTE-0 FOR THE ANAL. OF A MIXT. OF PYRIOINEv ME AND ET DERIVS..UF PYRIDINE, CERTAIN PYRIDINECARBOXALDEHYDESP AND PYRIDINEMONOCARHONITRILES. PYRIOINE 141XYS. ARE ANALYZED ON A CHROMATOGRAPH WITH A 150 CM LONG AND 0.4 CM INTERNAL DIAM. COLUMN, THE STATIONARY.PHASE 30PERCENT GLYCEROL 014 CELITE, COLUMN TEMP. 80DEGREES, RATE OF HE CARRIER GAS 1.5 ML-MfNi OF H 50 ML-MIN9 OF AIR 75 ML-MIN. THE EMERGENCE, TIME UNDER:THESE CONDITIONS IS 16.2t 14t 22.1, 26.3. AND 9.8 MIN FOR PYRIDINE, 2-PICOLINE, 3-PICOLINE, A-PI.CGLINE, AND 2v6vLUTIDINE, RESP. PYKIOINE BASES IN A MIXT. WITH ~,~~PYRJDINECARBOXALDEHYDES ANU PYRIDINEtlONOCARBONIIRILES ARE ANALYZED ON A CHREMATOGRAPH WITH A 200 CM LONG COLUMN OF 0.4 CM DIAM., STATIONARY :'PHASES 25PERCENT TWEEN 20 ON INZ-600, PRETREATED WITH HCL AND 5PERCENT ALCt ALKALle THE COLUMN TEMP. IS IAODEGREESt RATE OF N 58.6 ML-MIN# H ~--~-:50 R.L"MINs AND AIR 250 ML-MIN. THE ELUTION TIME IS 3.0, 6.3, 26.9, AND 33.0 MIN FOR PYRIDINE, 3-PICOLINEP.3-PYRIDINECAR13OXALDEHYDEP AND NICOTINCIVITRILE, RESP. A MIXT. OF 2-PICOLINE, 3-ETHYLPYKIDINEt Z,METHYL,5,ETHYLPYRIDINE9 PICOLINUNITRILEs NICUTINONITRILEs 2.1METHYL,5,CYANO AND 2tCYAN095,ETHYLPYRIDINE IS ANALYZED ON A COLUMNO 200 Ck LONG, 0.4 CM DIAM*v COLUMN TEMP. ITODEGREEs, r%ATE OF N 33.5 ML-MIN. THE ELUTION TIME IS 2-2# 4-7r 6-Or 18.4t 11.8o 15.5 AND 41.9t RESP, ----I 'N&4--A-S~ - I 5-IF-I-Ef) -- AAOO 4800 UR 0482 z 'Soviet Inventions Illustrap d, Section II Electrical, e Derwent, 243915 P0WE?Vk7ER. containsa sensitLve el-paent of a dtfoklutiLon sensitive ipateria 1. Th~ atraln wire is placed between two hard and electfically insulating plates s4ch as glass to Lncrea,pe rigidity. Briefly, the device consists,of a top and bottots glass plates 1 and 2. That. plates are, f ind to the power receiving elements 3 kn4.4. Between the plates is placed a thin conductor 5:with a high resistance 4nd of high flakibility-Whan;a force As acting perpendicularly,,`to the.axis ot the coa- doctor, the conducting wire changes shape &ad cross- section area...~ L3.7.67 as IL73520/18-IO.K.N.KAN & A.F.NIKOLAEVICH.. LENI.NGRAD INSTRUMENT DES.TNST.(26.9.69) Sul 17/ 14.5.69. Class 42k. Int.Ckt:0,01 I. AUTHORS- Kan,_._K,,,_A.; Nikolayevich, A. F-. Leningradskiy Institut Aviatsionnogo Priborostroyeniya VM1632 A004707 I- UR 0482 Soviet Inventions I Derwent, 241776 ~M!Aj!~TION T MOHMM comprises a baste 1, axt.~ actiVe grip Tand pass4vq:"grip 3, loading ' tor mechanism 4 force vess urin ad, cq~peasi~ Oeitce 5 for linear shrinkage ~:6. The; 664ausator is ~,,# the, hallp c of jth: water: form. of a blinder at th& tested saptple with tha.e a res nd46rfac 04 on the baise and a4ally in llne~ 41tu: the kr4#.jg hadght-is equal -to--, rb* -opara ~lzg: h of. le: lengt SAVP 7 and the area.of crossrsect on it. marWtime~ bigger than that of the sampl*e.. The sample is-lowe-red by,mechanisti 4 bond the effort Is awasured by ~ 4aview def armatton in -shape gradually takes -place JA t1* material of the sample and leAds to its shri:*Age.: 42J.67 as IL71877/25-29.K N.KAN &, A.F.HIMEALMICH. LMNGRAD AVIATION IX=Mllr$ INST. (5. 9.69) Bul 141 18.4.69. Class 42k. Int.CL.G Orl,., A&0047071- AUTHORS: Ka K. N.; Nikolayevich, A-. 0 Leningrad kiy Institut Aviatsiorwggo Priborostroyeniya rim USSR UDC 531.383 BARANOV, I. A., KAN. S. SEVODIN, YE. P., YAKOVLEV, I. V., Moscow Aviation Engineering Institute Vibration of Gyromotors With Spherical Air Bearings' Leningrad, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Priborostroyen-iye, No. 11, 1971, pp 86-88 Abstract: Comparative studies of the vibration parameters of gyromotors with air and hall bearings are reported. The studies were conducted on synchronous gyro- motors with a kinetic moment of 500 g cm s'ec at a rotation rate of the rotor of .24,000 rev/min. The mean square value of~the amplitude AE of the axial and radial-vibration acceleration bras measured experimentally and the amplitude spectrum of the axial and radial vibration acceleration was recorded. A Ewas measured in the three regimes of acceleration, working revolutions and coasting while the amplitude spectrum was taken only at working revolutions. The results showed that the vibrograms of the gyromotors with air hearings were considerably different from the vibrograms of gyromotors with ball bearings both qualita- tively and quantitatively. Gyronzotors with ball bearings showed a characteristic 1/2 &LMA M�RNT1111RIN1,11Y, I BARANOV, I. A., et al, Izvest!ya:v'ysshikh'uchebnykh zavedeniy Priborostro- yeniye, No. 11, 1971, pp 86-88 smooth increase in the amplitude of AE in the acceleration process and a de- crease at the time of coasting with a small number of resonance peaks. At working revolutions, the amplitude A was not constant and varied over time. E The amplitude A F of gyromotors with air bearings rose sharply at startup as a result of dry friction in the bearings. After the formation of a SUD orting gas film in the bearing, A E dropped sharply and then rises smoothly unt-,l the rotor goes into working revolutions. A similar picture, but in the reverse order, occurs at coasting. Both under acceleration and in coasting there are no clearly expressed resonance peaks, thus indicating the good damping proper- ties of air bearings. The amplitude At of gyromotors with air bearings at working revolutions is 50-100 times less than theamplitude of A. of gyromotors with ball bearings. The amplitudes of the components of the vibration spectrum are less by an order of magnitude. 2/2 4-47, -9- jr;~. 711ZIE; j 71 1. i USSR UDC 624.07:534.1 KAN..L INGUL'TSOV, V. L., KALACHEV, A. Yu. "Stability and Free Oscillations of Conjugate Conical $hells" Soprotivl. materialov i teoriya sooruzh. 4esp.. mezh'ved. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Resistance of Materials and the Theory of Structures. Republic Inter- departmental Scientific-Technical Col-lection)., 1972, No. 18, pp 31-33 (from RZh-Hekhanika, No 3, Mar 73v Abstract No 3V300) Translation: The problem is solved within the framework of the engineering moment theory. The equilibrium equation and the correaponding boundary conditions are represented in displacements. The sear(:h for critical loads and natural frequencies consists in.reducing the bounditry value problem to a series of Cauchy problems, the solution~of which is obtained by the Runge- Kutta numerical method. Authors' abstract. USSR GINZBURG, I. N. , KAN S. N "Selection of Optimal Parameters of Eccentrically Attached Strin-ers of a Cylindrical Envelope in Elastic Compression" Teoriya Plastin i Obolochek [Ilicory of Plates and Envelopes -- Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 55-59, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Meklianika, No 4, 1972, Abstract No 4 V371 by the author's). Translation: Optimal planning of eccentrically attaclied cylindrical envelopes is stated as a problem of mathematical prograimaing. The goal function is the weight of the structure, the limitations are the conditions of strength, sta- bility and certain structural limitations.' The material of the structure, di- mensions and axial compressive load are considered fixed, while the thickness of the envelope, height and thickness of the stringer (of rectangular cross section) and distance betwc~en stringers are to be deteniiined. The solution is performed by the gradient method on the UTal-2 computer. 'llie -results are presented as graphs showing the dependence of optimal we ht on, axial com pressive load individualJy for thr. internal and external locations of the stringers, and various relationships of the length of the- shell to the radius of the midsurface. USSR TjDC: 621.378.3211 BYKOVSIILIY, N. Ye. 12yumv, -P. G. I,ILTV"STETS, Yu. A., T~ NI, 11.. 1 b�*J'-A-&jI:1. V. and CHEITULD, S. V. "IncreasinG the Energy Ratio of Ultrashort Laser PulIzes to Noise" TO _p 613-70 Moscow, KvantovaXa eightronika, 1 7, 1972, p Abstract: The uurpose of this paper is to the con -st, y to the. background noise i.e., the ratio of the basic pulse energ radiation enerr o f a laser Cenerating ultrashort pv1ses. TIle laser considered uses neodymium 6las's. In real lasers, the lizjit- ing contrast is reLched not because of the nor-liae22 losses in the Interaction of tl-ae radiation -,;J-'-th the optical Tfilaterial of the laser equipment, as some researchers. insist, but, for other ri-tra- sons. These losses weaken the most intense of the- p-alses, and consequently reduce the contrast. This briof communication denion- strates how these losses can be reducbd in ezchange- fur a reduc- tion in the energy density of lk;he resonator. 'hie 11-hoory behind this proced-Lue is presented, and the, j3chemat'ic of an ampiifier for the laser in a stable two-cora-pon, ed. Es -rit modium J -OCILIC ti -S re pl. mates, made froin oscillogrems, indicated that tu-ho cont-2,ast- was at leaot doublod by thiB device. USSR UDC: 681.3 VEPRIK, V. N. KAN W. G., ZHIRATKOV, V. I., MIKIIASHOV, A. I. "Some Singularities in the Construction of Distributed Uni- versal Computer Systems V sb. Vychisl. sistemy (Computer Systems--collection of works), vyp. 39, NovosiMrs"IF-,1970, pp 137-146 (from RZIi-Matematika, No 11.4 Nov 71, Abstract No 11V783) Translation: Distributed universal~coinputer systems are classif ie( ith regard to types of data transmission networl~s. The authors consider the peculiarities of distributed uni- versal computer systems with fixed.directional connections and universal computer systems with commutation of messages. Note is taken of the effect which these peculiarities have op. the productivity of the computer.system. V. Mikheyev. USSR uDc: 681.3 VE MK, V. N., ZHITRATKOV, V. I., 4~~. G. MIMABROV, A. I. "Some Peculiarities in the Construction of Distributed Universal Computer Systems" V sb. Vychisl. sistemy (Computer Systems--collection of works), vyp. 39, Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 137-146 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No ilv788) Translation: Distributed universal computer systems are classified with regard to types of data transmission networks. The autLors consider the singularities of distributed universal computer systemns with single and repeated establishment of co=unications as well as those vith fixed direc- tions of communications, and those with message commutation. Mention is made of the effect which these singularities have on the productivity of universal computer systems. V. Mikheyev_ USSR UDC 681-325.65:537.312.62 KAN- 1j. S., BELYAVSKIY, V. L., VASILENKOR Yu. A., and KAKURIN, N. Ya., Khar'kov Institute of Radioelectronics "A Multiple-Valued Logic Element" USSR Author's Certificate No 262954, Filed 25 Jun 68, Published 4 Jun 70 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Avtomatika, Telemekhanika' i Vychislitel'naya Tekhuika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B144 P) Translation: Multiple-valued logic elements (MLE) whose circuitry is based on amplitude, phase, and frequency representation of data are well-known. A common shortcoming of their circuits is.that they are monof-unctional and not sufficiently reliable in operation, especially when there is a large number of input variables. In order to guarantee reliable operation on the part of an LMLE that can perform a sufficiently large number of multiple- valued logic functions, it is suggested that the MLE be constructed in such a way that information can be coded spatially. This can be accomplished by using cryotrons; as components of the M.LE,~since they make it possible to use a purely geometric principle of-information conversion. In the proposed logic element, the cares of the cryotrons in each line are connected in series. The beginnings of the cores of the odd cryotrons in an odd and 1/2 USSR KAN~ Ya, S., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 262954, Filed 25 Jun 68, Published 4 Jun 70 (from Referativayy Zhurnal - Avtomatika, Telemckhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No BB144 P) even line are interconnected. The ends of the cores are also intercon- nected. The windings of the odd cryotrons in.the odd lines and the windings of the even cryotrons in the even lines are connected in series and joined to the unit outputs of the inverters. The unit inputs of the inverters are connected with the sources of-the input vaxiables xi. The windings of the even cryotrons in the odd lines and the windiags of the odd cryotrons in the even lines are connected in series and joined to the zero,inputs of the inverters. I illustratf6n. 2/2 32 7 r: '?77: -771 r-7 Pkd;CESStN~ DATE--020CT70 UNC L A J.~.TITL~'__NE.W MACHINE FUR PRUDUCING PUBbEft CIN6T -U- TH0P-(Q5)-feURINNYI, A.YE.* KA*qANI N, B.1-11~., KAS4K.O.WsKlY, S. S. , -~_l GR IN TS E V, U 'IV, A. V. _L I I'ELTYUKU COUNT RY 'GF INFO--USSk .~:~-SOM'E-FHIIM. NEFT. MASHINIISTR. 19709 (2) ~42-3 C_ -,DATE, PLIEL ISHEO - ----- 70 :.- -.SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS# MECH., IND., CIVIL. AND MARINE ENGR TGPIC TAGS-RUBBER ADHESIVEt RUMIER WORKING MACHINERY, %IATERIAL MIXING Cf;kTR0L P~ARKING-NO RFSTRICTIONS 00CUMPiT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --IJft/0314/70/~)oc,/no2/oj4?/(jO43 PP.3XY ':-F;~L/fRAME--1992/1505 STEP W ~C IRC ACCFSSION NAO-AP011249~ _SlFtFf!j UNC, 1~ A.) F I PRbcc-sstqc, DATE-02CICT70 212 Oil UNCLASSI E UIRC ACCESSICN NU--AP0112499 ~:,~-ABSTRACT/EXTKACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A NOVEL MIXING APP. WAS OEVFLOPEO o FOR ThE PREPN. OF RU3BER CEMENT FROM RUBBER MIXT. 4r, 1 9 DI SS)L VE I N1 GASOLINE-. A CROSS SECTIONAL DIAGRAM Of THE APP. AND ITS MODE OF OPEPATION.kRE PRESENTED. THE NEW APP. REDUCED THE PRFPN. TIM,E FROM 3-6 HR TO 40-60-.-MIN, Ace. Nr.; 4397V Reff Code; J-PP-5 4'71qJ Extitati'3n of Longitudinal Seismic Waves in Satu!rated Ground (Abstract. "CharaCt'cris tics o*f Excitation of Llongitudxnal ed G:round," by Seismic Waves During Shots in Water iturat, Moscow, Izvestiya Vysslhikh. UchobnyLh Zavcdeniy, Gieologiya i R azvedl, -a , No. I , -1970 , pp. 98-ICS) In seismic work in Western Siberia (i_n aroas vvitho',r rmalrost) shots are ii-ivally set GJFf ;.n W31:eT-,S1aturatvd dulposits:/ e 4 - L' 1. - P usually waterlogged clayev loans or sands, ThIs paper discuss-~-- the behavior of longitudinal waves under ,qucli conditions basec! on experinental data obtained in Tyuipensbaya Oblast J' -n 11967. Shots were set off in holes 150 om in diameter at deliths f--or. I to 7 m, Weight of the TNT charge varied from 1).OS to J,oAg. Oscillations were detacted using a SP IS !-,Cii-,fl6 detactor attached The shol: point wa~ to a borehole wall at a depth of 1,420 _n, at a distance of 800 rm from the borehole. Forty seisrilograms were processed. It is demonstrated on the basis of ft-xperinental data that ropeated pulsations of the'gas bubble occur 2.n water-saturated weakly bonded sandy ground similar to those; Reel/Fram*'! 977040* ATOOOR72 ___oec6rring during shots in water. Repeated pulsa ti occurred as a result oas evidently of liquefying of the ground under the influence of a shock wave. Repeated pressure p~.tlsations cause the' formation of repeated seismic wavip.s with a rruduaJly decreas- ing amplitude. The der~endence betwcir-n the t-A Til e .5hift bet-i-,ec-n the primary direct wave and the direct wave from the Eirst repeated shock wave is well approximated by a t~:ieoretical dcPe7.1- dence following fron the Cole-Friedman~formula -,inder the c-ndi_ tion that the liquefied around is identified i-;itli a1iquid 'having r ~a specific gravity equal to the speCi.f4-C gravity of the ground. The excitation function p (t) for initial propa,,:,,ation of -"caves from a shot in watcrloggetl sapds is satisfa.ctor~ ty appro)Jmatv_,J by a dependence in the form: l/3 1)0(t) pO/exp/exj)(-t/L9 OQ )+0.2 exj)(-0.04t/(9 W h er, e e is a tiric con5tant dependent on the piioper-tles of the ex plosivg. The first component of the excitatican function nds to the initial reaton of high :prei.,,ures and p (t) correspo. (% R -to the charact ristics of e second corresponds e. Pressures t caused by notion of the gas sphere. 'Change in the frequency makeup of primary direct waves with a change in ~weight of the charge in this case must he related tP the characteristics of 1977 -040,111-7_ 1. M111 M111111091 514IMMI ON II I f - USSR UDC-- 538-576,5:621.396.96 VARGANOV, M. Ye., KAITARE D. B., POMEKHIN, V. A. "Trans formations of the Polarized Basis in Statistical Modeling of the Dis- persion Characteristics of Objects" Moscow, Radiotekdin~ka i Elektronika, Vol 1T, No 4, kpr 72, pp 730-736 Abstract: A statistical model of a is defined as an adequate statistical description of the dispersion operator of the target defined in some polarization basis as a random, function of coorUnates and time. In the general case, the statistical model of an object is a multidimen- sional law of the probability distribution:of its dispersion operator. One of the most widely used methods for synthesizing su~-.h a model iw sta- tisticE-l modeling of the dispersion characteristics of tlie object. In the general case, the polarization basis of the radar station may-not coincide with that of the dispersion operator on the initial modeling stage. This paper examines a procedure for transformation of the polarizaticn basis as part of a general algorithm for statistical modeling of dispersion charac- teristics. Principles are defined which govern. the ch&nre in the dispersion operator of an oliject due to trans formations of this type. 7 T 7 USSR UDO 621.396-677-095-1t621.A96.96 POTEMIN, V.A., DZWN'j V.I.PJA ail: D AMY 00onoorning The Choice Of Receiving Antenna Polarization Tn Hadar Stations With A Synthesized Aperture' Radiortakhnika i elektronika Vol XVII, No 3, Mar 1972, lip 488-492 -Abstracti Previous works have shown that in principle the resolution of reder eystema with a synthesized aperture (RSA) can, be iii-provod by the method of polar- ized selection of target and background signals. In tho prenant pLiper the possibilities are considered of such an inorea 00 of tile resolution of RSA under the condition of steadiness and ,i~gcdicity of the interflarenco reflections. 7ha results obtained can be used in all areas of radio engineering where antenna arrays are used (radio astronomy, radio navigation, etc.) for an evaluatiot of the gain in the resolution because of -polarized selecticp, I fig. 9 ref Received by editors, 24 Doe 1970# Instrumontn, USSR UI)C;621,396.6 (068.6) 9 SIMNISH, Ya. Y. , KAN ARZX~41., Xl~ -!P-` "A Device for Checking Contact Between Electromagnetic Conanutating Units" USSR Author's Certificate No 264478, filed,29.1fov 67, published 20 Jun 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Doc 70, Abstract No 12VI;61 P), Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for checking contact between electromagnetic cormutating units. Me device contains an electromagnetic counter and two transistors As a distinguishing feature of-the patent, accuracy and reliability in ~eteimdning contact. are improved by connecting the base of the input transistor to the coil of the unit being tested, while the collector is connected to,the electromq&rqetic counter. 'Phe second transistor is connected between the base~of the first transistor and one terminal of the power supply, and its base is connected to the contact being checked. USSR UDC 576-856-7-095.6.03').33. KAINAMYUM S. K.. Institute of Medical Biological Problems, Moscow tIPLroliferation of Leptospirae on Sol I d Culture I-Tedia" Moscow, Zhurnal MU=obiolcgli Epideniiolorii i Irrm-ninobiologii, 110 1, 1973, pp 90-512 Abstract: The lag phase (period elapsiji--r between inocio.ation of a fresh medium with microbes and the beginning of cell divisiun) ,,,as determined iln -6 pathogenic and five saprophytic (Petoc I, Rat cea-marang, Dabna 3, ESh, anc~. QC-9 biflexa) strains of Leptospirae. On nodified Cox luld UrO01-21113 rolid mf-ldiix~l all pathogenic strains rejardless of their serot,~,,pe hrove a 1,ar 1)har-' of 5-.1q days, vith "he largest r.,=,.ber of colonies (65% of the total) (le-veloping on the .8th daj. In the liquid =--diuri, this pb"ie:is shorter by I ox 2 days. All o the saprophytic Leptospirae investigated have the s=n lal.; phase Of 2-4- davs -111 the licuid. and the solid medium. Mic largest number of col=4 0..'; develcps ested that Lhe d dl fference in the on the 4- 5 th- d --%,' 0 f F, rowth - It i 6rs ug F e lag:periods on the solid mediurn nay be used ar, a criterion in diffdrentiatini-, pathoLgenic from saproph),tic strains of Leptospirae. 1/.'L Racliobiology USSR UBC 577-391:616-001-28 F"M U.11 SIUMPI I., and VIUMER, Yuo "The Endocrine Stress Syndrome in Chicks Following G Ir ation" amm Ray radl Un, Izvestiya Akademii NaiLLi Estonskoy SSR, Biologiya, TAL No 3, 1970, pp 2TT-260 Abstract- A total of 8W whitp leghorn chicks 10- to 35-dayu old vere irradiated once with 700 to 1,100 r of W~ rays. During the first day and 20 to 35 days after exposure, the relative veight of the adrenalB and thyroid mkedly increased, while that of the taytmw and spleen decreased. : But. two yeare 1~iter the weight, of the adrenals and thyroid was normal, but the wpight of the thymus arA spleen remained depressed. Apparently a veight of, the thyaus ana spleen is a more replar.phenomenon associated vith developuent;ofthe radiation endocrine stress 'syndrom in chicks than hypertrophy of the adrowla and thyroldo q USSR UDC: 537.291 RAIIASIMVICH, V. !~LFTEV, S. V., RYBIIT, S. 11. and CHURSIN, G. P. "Measuring the.Paths of Charged Particles in a Material" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 4, July-August 1972, pp.43-45 Abstract: The ins*trument described in this paper is a further de- velopment of a device for measuring the path of charged particles in a material as a function of the particle energy. The method of the instrument involves measuring the energy spectrum of the par- ticles in a cyclotron beam after their passage through a target using 30 pieces of the mterial. Drawings of the instru-ment are given,together with a textual explanation. The device was used to determine the energy of a beam on variouo materials in order study excitation reaction functions evoked by deuterons on a Co nucleus; a curvo is plotted for the energy spectrum of the deuteron elastic scattering. A curve for the path of alpha partli- cles in Al as a function of the Darticle eiiergy is also shoim. The work was done at the Institute ofthluclear Physics, ',fazakb Academy of Sciences, at Alma-Ata. USSR um 621.396.69:621.-3,W88.8) GAVRILOV, 11. M. , SMDRGONSKAYA, A. I., KANASH-UTSKIY, Yu. A., Novocherl-assk Permanent Magnet Plant "A DC Electromagnet" USSR Authorts Certificate No 259274, filed 23 Aug 68, p-dolished 24 Apr 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12V440 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a DC electromagnet which contains a magnetic circuit with pole piece,. -. permanent riap, et, and a -,aE;- netizing coil connected to a F,.ource of direct current ail4d used to control the magnitude of the magnetic field intenoity in the vmxking gap. in order to reduce the magnetizing power, the magnetizing coil ;in placed on a mag- netically soft sleeve which covera a permanent mapet ettuippe-d with a pole piece. --------- -- 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING ~TITLE-ALUMINUM P01"YOLEFIN COMPOUNDS -U..; AUTHOR-(05)-CHIRKOVi N.M., BEYKHOLD? Gw*. I BRIKENSHTEVIr y MATKOVSKIY, P.YE* ~'~'_-_CAUTRY OF 114FO--USSR SOURCE-U-S.S.R. 264t692 08'R;AZYSY, -REFERENCE--OTKRYT[YAt DATE--040EC70 KH.M.v KANASHKINt TOVARNYF INAKII 1970 47(91,, IZOORET,t. PROM CWTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--300710848 STEP NO--UR/04821'rO/0001000/00()0/0000 -ACCESSIOIN -NO--4A0136281'-- 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA01362112 ..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. ALv POLYGLEFIN COMPDS. ARE PREP0. BY POLYMN. OR COPOLYMN. OF C SUa2 H SV84 WITH OTPER ALPH.Ar OLEFINS IN AN INERT HYDROCARBON SIPLVENr IN THE PRESENCE OF AL OR ITS ALLOYS (E-G.0, IN THE: FORM OF POWDER# FLAKES, WIRE, AND ":HAVINGS) A140 A CATALYST. THE CATALYSTS USED ARE TRANS[TIONt METAL HALIDES OR HYDROXYHALIDES SOL. IN HYDROC~AR BONS, E.G. V HYDROXYCHLORIDE.~ FACILITY: FILIAL -INSTITUTA KHIMICHESKOY FIZIKI ANISSSRo ,jf.l.r L A C-L rl~ _t f. 11 L P% -) 13 1 1_ USSR UDC 599 -32-12:6a.6.981.452-036 -22 (252-1025 HAUMOV.9 N. P., LOBACBEV, V. S., EHITRIYEV, Pe P _11ANATOV, Yu. V., and S WIRIN r Institute V. M., Ybscow State University and.Cent al "Experience in Studying the Dispersal Rate.and Paths of Movement of Plaeue Epizootik:s in the Northern Desert" Moscow,, Zhurnal Ydkrobiologii, EDideiniologii, i Immunobiologii, No 2, 1973, PP 78-85 Abstract: Microbiological, immunological, and ecological data were employed to trace the paths and rates of plague epizootic dispersal north-ward across a front of over 200 km east of the Aral Sea in 1966-1969. Data were obtained for the most part from Rhombomys opimus Licht. and its parasites. Presence of animals with acute manifentations of plague and Incomplete antibodies was assumed to suggest a new invasion. Prior to the periodof investi(-;ation, plague foci were noted only on the outskirts of this territoi-y follo-wing a rodent and ecto-,arasite eradication program conducted in 1958- In the spring- 1966 northward dispersal began from foci just north of the Syr-Darlya River. Most progress occurred during 5 nonths of summer and fau and xninged fro~r,, 15 to 50 Im per year. By fall 3.969 the epizootic becwne r;tabilized somew1hat. For- ward progress was stalled in arean that- had been subjected to csne-tin,e eradica- r tion progra~iis, but It was not entirely arrested. The rad"al. d-Wpersai of' USSR KAUMOV, N. P., et al., Zhurnal Ylikrobiologil, Epidemiologii, i Lmnunobiologii, No 2, 1973~ PP 78-85 epizootic that was revealed suggests that the disease is spread predominantly through the dispersal of young R. opimus. This research demonstrates that apizootics can be traced reliably by direct observation in the field. 2/2 --- - ------- USSR UDC 616.981.455-085.351-039.71-07:616.15-097.5-078.7 AYTKALIYF KANATOV, Yu. V X, B. A., SHMUTER and TYULEMBAYEV, M. A., Central 'AsTIff AffEiplague Institute, Alma-Ata, and,Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians, Moscow "Sensitivity of Reaction With Sensitized Erythrocytes for Detection of Antibodies in Persons Vaccinated Against Tularemia"' Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 10, 1971, pp,93-97 Abstract: The accumulation of antibodies in persons vaccinated against tularemia was traced using the agglutination, passive hemagglutination, and antigen neutralization tests and the sensitivity of these tests was compared. Specific antibodies were detected from 3 to 15 days after vaccination by all the serological tests used. The antibody titers were scrtewhat higher in the passive hemagglutination test than in the,agglutination.test during the first few days after vaccination. The titers were highest inithe antigen neutrali- zation test at all the periods checked, mainly due to detection of the total complete and incomplete antibodies. G-11-1-1`:T-:~~;-~ M7- 1---p if Lli-A:li ;if I PH L'PIP11 Ir Ng M fligi fr.H1HA:fiHIWI ]HUM3141 FAII 11 IIIV 1112-ki 1 MIMI 1,-H;Iyl [Al lip 111,11 ~Faifl iqjljlufl~v 1:11 '1,2isef.� ind ~14sors USSR UDC 621.375.82 MALYSHEV, B. N., KANAUKH, N. P., FARAMONOVA, 11. A., KULIKOVSKIY, B. If. "Space-Energy Characteristics of the Liquid'Circulation of PCC.13Sn-ClOd Lasers" V sb. Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Electronics -- Collection of Works), Ito. 1, Moscow, 1971, pp 139-140 (from RZh-rizika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract Ho 7D1052) Translation: The space-energy characteristics of a POCl3SnC141%1d circulation liquid pulsed laser.were investigated and compared at various flow rates of zhe active liquid through the laser cell: at rest and.for laminar and turbulent flow of the liquid. Authors abstract. 7- USSR uDc: 62i.3T3:5jO 145.6 IMUSHEV, B. N., KANAUKH, N. P. , PARAMNO"I. N. A., KULIKOXTSKIY, B. N. "Space-Energy Cl~~Abteristics of a POCl3SnCl4Nd Liquid Circulation L&ser" V sb. Kvant. elektronika (quantum Electronics--collection of vorks), No 1, Moscow' 1971, pp 139-140 (from RZh-Radiatekhnika, No 5, may 71, Abstract No 5DlT2) Translation,: The space-energy characteristics of a POC131-7nCI411d liquid pulse laser.of the liquid-circulation type are studied and compared for various rates of flow of the active liquid through.the laser cell: for quiescent, laminar and turbulent liquid flow. Two illustrations, one table, bibliog- raphy of one title. Resume. 4* Ace. Nr. Abstractin '-8eivicei Ref. Code A00045176 CHEMICAL ST. 91OG-U Rheological Properties 'of- -thermmettint w3las(ks a rotational plastorneter,- Qani.kih, (USSR)- Plast. Vaoy J1 tiq ih-e -ol -o-g -ic aT iis of riiolding mkiriaN~ K-2 -2 he.'d X-1~-2 Proput 14 1 were studied by, means of. a: Kanav~e~s~ Plistornei er at shiar rate (-Y) of 10-2-102, sec-1 at 300-56 k T/cm,- pressure. ncredAL-d defdr- mation rate le'd to higher rigi ity Ond viscous flow jiisistance. The max. shear strength lei 6f K-18-1 ind K-214-2 Agre mra- sured as a function of It- A~ high en6~gh -y, the shmstress Was presumb!V &e to i teas i "polymi inversely proportional to y,. ne ed, densatio-n rates which led to higher viscosity and subseq~lently ro degradation. CKJR REELMME 197130076 ............ IN - ----------- 1/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE$SING DATE--30OCT70 :_:~:TITLE-HARDENING PROCESS A14D THEELECTRIC INSULATING PROPERTIES OF PLASTICS -U- t~_AUTHOR-103)-KISELEVA, V.Aov SOKOLOVY A*Oot,KAN;XVETS,p I.F. C OUNTRY OF iNFO--USSR oolp AST. MASSY 1970t (2), 35-9, ~:DATE PUBLISHED------70 '-SUBJECT. AREAS-MATERIALSt CHEMISTRY TOPIC-TAGS-HARONES5-#--CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICSv ELECTRIC INSULATION, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PROPERTY,. DIELECTRIC PROPERTY0 THER140SETTING :MATERIALt:PLASTIC/(U)K21 22 PHENOIC PLASTIC- (U)KI.8 2 PHENOIC PLASTIC, (U)K'211 3 PHENOIC PLASTIC ~~`.'_-40NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-r-UNCLASSIFIED ~.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1706 STEP NO--UR/0191/70/000/002/003510039 :~--CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112700 UNICLASSIP IED wmm~ UNCL op.OCESSING DATE--30OCT70 2/2 027 Ass I r-.if=o ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112700 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'THE HARDENING KINETICS OF 3 PHENOLIC PLASTICS (I)v K-21-22t K-18-2v AND K-Zll-3t AND THE EFFECrS OF PHYSIOCHEM. FACTORS ON THE INSULATING~PROPERTIES OF PLASTIC ARTICLES WERE STUDIED. THE DIELEC, PROPERTLES OF I DETERIORATED DURING HARf)ENING ll*.~A MOLD (I.E., THE DIELECm LOSS FACTOR INCREASEOP WHEREAS THE SP. BULK AINEI SURFACE RESISTANCES CORRESPONDINGLY DECREASED). PRELINIMARY DRYING OF *MOLDING MATERIALS WAS USEFUL ONLY WHEN THEIR MOISTURE CONTENT WAS LARGER THAN 2PERCENT, OTHERWISE THC PHYSIOCOMECH. PROPERTIES DETERIORATED.- THREE INDEPENDENT METHODS (KANAVETS PLASTOMETERv CHANGES IN THE EXTRACTANTS CONTENT, AND CHANGES IN THE ELEC. CONSY.) SUGGESTED THE MOST,EFFECTIVE HARDENING PROCEDUREY'.Vll-t,HARDENING IN A M13LO SHOULD TAKE ONLY AS LONG AS IS REQUIRED FOR EACH MATERIAL, TO ATTAIN A CERTIAN SHEAR STRESSt WHILE FURTHER HARDENING.,5HOULD TAKE.PLACE OUT Of THE MOLE (WHICH.ENSURES INCREASED HARDENING OF TOE BI-NDER ANO 9EMOVAL OF A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF THE VOLATILE CGMPOS'*)* UNCLASSIFIED USSR PC 539.196;621-385.6 WAVETS, V. I. and UABINIS, A. Yu. ."spontaneous Radiation and Self-Excitation of a Small Volume of a ClassicaliKonlinear Active Mediumll~ Moscow, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta--Fizika, Astronomi.7 No 2, 1973, pp 186-195 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study coherence effects in various modes including self-excitation of an active medium. This can be done in the classical approximation by considering spontaneous radiation of a system of nonlinear oscillators in a small volume. The choice of initial phase distribution of the os- cillators depends on the method of~exciting the medium, although the initial phases are usually distributed according to a random law.. Initial amplitudes of the oscillators are assumed to be equal. The authors begin their analysis by.writing the equation for oscil- lations in a small volume of a classical activemedium, where the length of.the medium is much smaller than the oscillation wave- length, in the dipole approximation. It is assumed that the oscil- lators interact through the characteristic radiation field. USSR ui)c 621-385.623.4 BUMIEYKA, K. P. , KANAVEETS, V. I. , MZGbVOY, Yu. D. , SANDATLOV, A. 11. "On the Optimum Multicavity rdystron Bizichers" Elektron. tekhnika. Hauch.-tel;hn. sb. Elektron. SVCh (Electronic Tech-noloor. Scientific and Technical Collection. SHF.Electronics)~, 1,071, vyp. 2, -op 29-37 (from RZh-Elektronika i yeZe Prime'nej~lye, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6A155) Translation: The parameters of bunchers in klystrons ifith 2-6 cavities are timized for quality. Junerical methods of solving equ.stions are used, o p, employing a disc mdel of the bea=. It is shown that Coulorfo forces can be used to improve electron bunching. Optimum bunching is achieved under can- ditions where nonlinear Drocesses take place in the space-charge waves. Optimum phase shifts betizeen the cavity fields and the current correspond to energy transfer from the beam to the fields of the cavities. T"he quality index increases with an increase in the total number of klystron cavities. As the numher of the drift re,'7ion increases, the opti=am va-lue of the length of the drift region gradually. decreases,, while the alto--rnating, voltages of the gaps increase. Bibliography of 1 title. Resutv'.3 1/1 Z'Fo. S R UDC 623..385.624.001.5 NY 'OVA, V. V., VASIL'YEV, YE. I., KANAVETS, V. I., BUFNE A, K. P., GOLOM LOPUY-110, V. It- "Bunching Quality Index and Electronic Efficiency of a Quadrunole-Resonator 1(lystron" 14oscow, Radiotekhnika i FlektroniPa, Vol YVI, No 4, 1971, pp 561-564 Abstract: The processes in a qua-drupole-resonator klystron with a beam of perveanceare calculated considering the effect of coulomb forces and the retu-:' itovement of electrons in the output resonator. Approximation of the given and the one-dlmeniionil disc model of the beam were used. The. correspondcnco between the magnitude of the bunching ouality. index and the electron ef f ic f Is investigated. Mhen studying the relations between the bunching qualitv and the electron efficiency it is necessary-to consider ~he optimizing eff'er_:~ of the space charge on the processes of forn'iation of the cluster and power off. In the example of a four-resonator klystron it is demonntrated that 1:1~~-_ selecting the optimal parameters of the buncher and out-Dut resonator the val-, of the bunching quality indez.and.the-electron efficiencT annroximately coinc-S-I.-I For nonoptimal parameters of the buncher the electron efficiency can be lar'!C- than the bunching quality index. The two vAriables are.plotted according to 1/2 'USSR BUFMM, K. P., et al., Fadictekhnika i Elektronika, Vol XXTI, No 4, 1971, pp 561-564 calculated values as a function of a variety of paraireters: voltage on the to the. last resonator, width of the output.: gap for various arDlitudes of the Aigh-frequency field in the gap with optimal phase, for various phases uith amplitude, and for optinal phase and. amplitude., 2/2 UDC 621-585.6x2 USSR BUEOWeA, Y. P. KANAVESTS, V.I., NI, P. SANIDALOV, N. Ilynvestigation Of A Two-Se4tioned Frequency Multiplier Basod On A T.;T11 Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Slektron. SVCh (Eleutron5-ca 1echnolo~y. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Electronics), 1970, NO 6, pp 17.1-~9 (from RZh--Zlek-~ronilca __Xey(I primanEaIXR, No 10, October 1970, Abstrae.,. No 10A161) Translation: A two-nectioned frequency multiplier baBed on a T:~11' i5 investiEited. Multifrequency nonlinear one-dimensional TV? theory is used for theoretical iinalysis. The afrect is considered of the Coulomb forcea and the dif;~arence of potenil&-ls be- twoon auctloov, on the procaaaaa in tho dovico. Thu aholGo In conaidered of an opti- mr.- regime corroaponding, to -the maxi=lm value, of the oonveraion Vuclar wl! tho fraq- u,~-noy. A comparison of the theoretical and experimental rq)sulta ohowu tnfit to a large dogrou optimization depends on the apeca chargo paratAt*r. Long livea clusters are generated in an optim-um regi=e. In that cast an effective of' the hi&h-frequency field of the harmonics occurs, in the outp,t aectJon. The part~=.aters of the multiplier are improved by the Introduction of a ch%nge CIV potentialu. Summ ry. 4 UDC 621.2815.6~2 USSR BURNEYKA, K.P., IGC?E',1TG9 L.P., KANhVE VR TS tiEstion Cf T Frequency Corverter '11th Pra-l!odullat'-~'on By Electron Be8m" Inves- 'suchno -lek--ron, 57,1,h (Ele~-tronic!~ Tec'nnology. Elektron. teklinika. 1. -takhn. sib. :I Scientific-Technical Collection. 'Microwave Electronics), 1970, Fo ',I, PP 77/-61 (from Kh--Elektronikti I yey2_pr1meneniye, Fo 8, Auguot 197C, Abotract. No BA14'1) Translation: A two-eectioned combination frequency converter is investigated, which incorporates a klystron electron buncher and an inherent TAT frequency converter. During the theoretical consideration, a discrete model of J.he eluctron flow was used and waves of four frequencies were taken Into account. Ther resuLtv or the c.alculation 'Were.found to be in acoordance, with tho reoults of an InyoutigutLon of tin experiment- ol model. Su=s ry. USSR UDC: 621-385.6 VASIL'YEV, Ye. I., DiIIAVETS, V. I., arid LOPU111,211.111, V. M. "Electronic Conductivity and Efficiency of a Klystron Resonator" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ S3SR--Radioelektronika, No 9, 1972, pp 1146- 1153 Abstract: Complaining that insufficient attention has b;3en devoted by.the literature to U the question of frequency.characteristics, the authors develop in this T)aper.a method for determining the elec- tronic conductivity -and irequency characteristics of an output stron resonator and present some of the results of their analysis. In their computations, they consider the effect of the Coulomb forces and the inverse motion of the electrons. The computation of the electronic conductivity is made for rectangular current bunchings at the resonator input, the duration of t1le bunchin6s being equal to one-fourth and one-eighth the uscil-lation Deriod. Such bunchings can be obtained in optimized buncherB of mLti- resonant kly-strons. The method developed by the authors permits nonlinear computation of the conductivity components, and indicates that optimal modes of resonator operation are possible when the resonators have ordinary Q and wave reoistance values. 1 2 038 UNCLASSIFIED* PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ..,T.I.TLEI-GROUPING OF ELECTRONS IN A KLYSTRON 13Y USINGANONLINEAR WAVE .PROCESS -U- ;..AUTHOR-tO2)-BURNEYKA# K.P.w KANAVETSP Vol. _,~'CPUNTRY OF INFG-USSR .,,,SOURCE-RA0IOELEKTRCNIKAv VOL. 8t MAR. 1970s P. 370-376 "DATE PUBLISHED--70 ,..~SUBJECT AREAS-ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR.v PHYSICS CAPTUREw COULOMB FIELD, ELECTROMAGNETIC TOPIC TAGS-KLYSTR09;' 'WAVE. GENERATION ---.CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -10OCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME-2000/0154 STEP NO--UltIO452/'71ilOOB/00010370/0316 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123925 ':'-.2/2 038 UNC LASS I IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT7C C I A CACCESSION NO-AP0123925 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF COULOMB FORCES ON THE PROPERTIES OF:THE ELECTRON ARRAiNGEMENT IN A THREE RESONATOR TRANSITTYPE KLYSTRONt USING A SEQUENCE OF CHARGED DISKS AS THE ELECTRGN BEAM MODEL AND ASSUMING THAT THE VARIABLE ELECTRON BEAM VELOCITY COMPONENT IS SMALL. SELECTION OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE SPATIAL CHARGE 15 CARRIED OUT FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTRON BUNCHING IN TWO AND T14REE RESCNATOR KLYSTRONS. IT 15 SHOWN THAT THE MAXIMUM FIRST HAR)+)NIC AMPLITUDE AT THE BUNCHER OUTPUT, IS OBTAINED WHEN 7HE LENGTH OF ..THE INITIAL SECTICN OF DRIFT IS GREATEkTHAN THE OPTIMAL LENGTH OF THE BUNCHER. THE ESSENTIAL ROLE OF THE EXCITATION:DF FINITE AMPLITUDZ WAVES INTHE ELECTRON BEAM SPATIAL CHARGE FORiKLYSTRON PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION 15 NOTED. IT IS FOUND THAT.A-POTENTIAL JUMP CAN IMPROVE ELECTRON BUNCHING ONLY WHE14 THE, KLYSTRON. PARAMETERS ARE.NOT OPTIMAL. USSR UDC U-21-,-,35.6Z4 J -TAVETS, V. With 'Influence of Space Charge on Electron Bunching in a TlVo4~esonator Klystron L z. Finite Transit Angle in the Gap" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Elektron. SVCh (Electro ic T chnol ogy Scientific-Technica-1 Collection. Microwave 4lectronics), 1970, NO 2. PP X-C-)2 ,from 1IM-Elektronika i -y Ye primenen!Y2.,140 7, JulY 1970, Abstract lio ?A131) Translationt The effect is theoretically Investigated oA-' the space caarge Oil alectron bunching in the drift region with moduLation of the beam by t,~,e re3onator lield with a finite transit angle in the gap, and also wit;r. asal gament of the Initial rate of modulation at the frequency of the signal, and at double tne fre- quency. A disk model of the beam is investigated. The results, of the investiga- tion are cozipared with the results of kinematic theory. Graphs are prosente-d of the dependence of the amPlIttude of the first harnonic of~the Current and the qualitative index on the system parameters-5 ref. Suzmary. 7W1 E-,~ 031 UNCLASST FlEb:': p .:TITLE---OEUTERON GENERATION ON NUCLEI BY HIGH ENERGY ..AUTH,0R--,(05)-GORYACHEVv YU-M.9 KANAVETSt V.P., LEVIN Bo;V.~I-NIKIFOROVv N.A. ZOUNTRY OF INFO--,USSR URCE" YAD. FIZ. 19709 1113?v 629-35 DAJE'PUBLISHED ------- 70 _::SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS JO.PIC TAGS--PARTICLE PRODUCTIONP DEUTERONY PROTON DATE--160CT70 _u_ BQMBARDME~_,T' SECONDARY EMISMN7 DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTIONs BERYLLIU,-ft C.A.KBON-l ALUMINUMi REEL/ FRA..14 E-- 199 1/1063 STEP NO--UR/0367/1'.1)~011/'~)~')3/0629/C;6'3i ~;CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110753 _UNCLASSIFIED UNCL'ASStr-IE6' PRkESONG 0ATE--160CT70 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110753 ,-ABSTRACT/EXTqACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CROSS SECTIONS FOR THE PROD!JCTION OF Up P9 AND PI POSITIVE MESONS HAVE BEEN MEASUI~EU IN THE -INTERACTION OF 6.8-GEV-C P WITH BE, C,.AL#. CUv Tip AG9 ItND AU NUCLEI. -THE SECONDARY PARTICLES WITH A MOMENTUM OF 1.23 GEV-C HAVE BEEN REGI:STERED AT 15 MILLIRADIANS IN THE LAD. SYSTEM. THE DEPE:NOENCE OF THE MASS NO., A, OF THE NUCLEI Cl"kN BE PUT DIFF:ERENTIAL CROSS SECTIONS ON THE JN T:HF FORM 0 PRIME2 SIGMA-0P 0 OINIIEGA IS SIMILAR TO A PJR[MECHII WHERE CHI ~SUBD EQUALS 1.24 PLUS OR MINUS 0-01v CHI SUBP EQUALS C.69 PLUS OR )41NUS-0.03t AND CHI SUBPI POSITIVE EQUALS 0.45 PLUS OR MINUS 0.03. TH, OBTAINED RESULTS MAY BE BROUGHT. INTO CONSENT WITH rHc BUTLER PEARSON JMEC~MISM-UF THE D PROOUCTIUN TF THE ABSO-'-~PTION OF 0 AND ~*v IN THE ,.;-NUCLEUS IS.TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. FACILITY: INST. TECR. EKSP. FIZ., j~' ~r .' MOSCOWt USSR. UNC L-A S-5 Acc. Nr: W. Code; UR 0050' -PRIMM SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksper al'noy 4 TeoreLieriesifoy Fiziki, 19.70 Vol'58, Nr 10 PP 96 INVESTIGATION OF THE INSTAMLff Y OF A PLASM, IN A. MRROIR TRAP Y&navev. B.IJ.: Yushmanov, ye,_ yq~. The-ion-cyclotron instability observed in tlio'11P-5 lastallallon dIffers in many res- -pects from instabilities of thr. same typo' encounWred in expLiziments with other mir- ror trapq. This implicates a principally differe natura of thi.4 InsLability. In tho pre- sent work the inost characteristir, feature wbilAi- is consideTell is t11-0 wavo structure -of the unstable osefilat, ns; in particular an attempt is made W gns-werthe question whe- .0 ther the oecillations are transverse of possess kil-i 0. The method employed for this pur- pose is based on a determination of orientation of external wagnetic fields of the wave and their phasing relative to the 6learic potential wave. For. kr, a characteristic feature is the presence of a specific effect roNted to longitudinjal noanniforinity of the pWma cluster. The results are in accordance rwith those wideb ono vould expect for transverm m-MationL The transverse character of the ostilladow 1-stability in rIP-5 does indicates that ft jy,7 REE 19731073 7777- r77777-~~- ;AP0038032 not refer to the Harris type as in mso of ndrror traps with external injection of nou- tral particles. Apparently one must also reject the explanation of instability predicted earlier as a result of build-up of transverse ~ oscillations by Lho drift mechanism or as a result of the nonmaxwelliap nature of the distribution function sinca the observed va- lue of the parameter kpi is too small for thils,~ The most probtLble seems to be the expla- nation propo5ed recently by Kadozatsey 9 -and: Pogutse accordia to which the phenomena lobserved are negative mam instabilities. NFMNRNN JPRS S9040 17 May 1273 QUASMAUUNARY C02 IASER WITH PUISED VCITATION [Article by 1. P. kruplyaLOV V X. Ral-llnm.4j-f~ Z:~,Scow. Emg-.-, -~ Zhurnal , W.,.i,,n. N- Si 1971, Itl7l, JP 171-173 Several otethodi of chtainkng high knvprsion pupul3t,Ion in CO 14 2*11C Idners ire d Iscu4sed in t4c -literature j 1-3 1. A ljscr model that combines the Itivalliallt., of poised eacitat Ion of MO.Villes in th~ dischai,rr 151 and nonequilitirlun discharge of stirersoisic flow In a vicuin 11, 'j. i.s Jttcribe-d in tills art1cle. lite A~jicwjm-ttt I% I I lusTruted tn Figitre 1. 'nua %ft-eking mill ture (1) 2"N VIle (Conpolient,ratla in thia,er 1, flowed through hlefi-srt-rd volvo ' (openinr time 5*10- Pro 'nit, Inv,.% stoggle S and was acc~lerate-l ta A velocitv of 5-10' iftlftc, 'nir Initi3i Va"tum in the Systcm was about 10-' torr.. Roaster volw~- t, Is a high- ctlilticity piar. with which free discharge of the f1m ill th-,! vacixm In 20,10""iloc was simulated. Tile stationary. flow wde was estal-H.0tva S-10" see after actuation of tho.Valve and a rectangular pulse w4th a biratton up to 1.1irl 11C Was OdMitt.Cd to the discluirge P;lr%, coorrising gli-I 4. Thr lanith of an individual discharge channel in the dircctien of ftc* wan 2 cm, and the diameter wax 0.5 cm, I%* sumstary transporency of 1hr grid -oA .401. VIC clticf Afference 1'et.con 0 this model 304 th~ one A~~-711-d $A r7 Alsing high ga~ I'LM.1,ing t~4tc* to Incre;till, iischityge tvUer. I& the fact hat the flipht tire VrX;l% Polvollril through the discharge r2p for the typical conditions of the dritcribvd experiments (sumftary densily of the mixture in lite discharge arcA -4-3011.1.s 101* cas") Is considerably Figure 1. shorter than the life- time of the ltvwt 00* 1 of CC 2 USSR PROCCSSIN' 0ATE-020CT70 cis UNCLi ED TITLE-AUOPTION OF A FOUNDRY COMPLEX F(IR REFINING AND TEEMUNG M4GNESIUM ,:.AUTHOR-(05)-VYATKI-Ns I.P.j KANAYEV, I.YE.s MUSHKOVi S.V.1 USHAKOV, V.D., 6 IANDPAN, n. I . LjF INF0--USSR METAL. 1'970,, 4311) 53-4 A T EPUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS# MECH*v IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGA aEFINING, MAGNESIUM, MEtALLURGIC FURNAtE. ELECTROLYTE, MAGNESLUM CHLORIDE, POTASSIUM CHLORIDE, SODIUM CHLORIDE, MAGNESIUM DE, ECONOMICS c0 NTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED UME~IT- RFEL/FRAME?-"1969/0748 STEP NO--UR/0136/70/0431001/0053/0054 ":_r_ IPC ACLESSION NO--AP0I07Zq0 UNCLASSIFIED