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NASA TT F-7 , 16 ELECTRICrrY OF CLOUDS By Ye. V. Cbubarinu, and Ya. M. Shvarts Translation of: "Elcktrichestvo oblakov." Hydrometeorological Press, Leningrad, 1971 by tft VVqW. 27151 F4 ANNOTATION The electricity of the clouds substantially affects their evolution. particularly Clio development of thun4arstorwo and the farvustion of prpclpL- tation. The probability of lightning hitting aircraft and the reliability of the aircraft'n radio comirminication and navigation devices are closely connected with the e1eqtricity of the clouds. In the Brobdi.rignagian scale of the atmos- phere. as eampared with the LIlllputLan scale of the laboratoric". our ideas developed Indijors of what Is possible and what Isn't begin to lose mon-le. The case of ball Ilghtning can be cited as an exa=ple. At the same time, meteorologists know very little about the electrical properties of the clouds. their "clectrical mature," especially modern idea" and data that are not vet published In the widely spread literature. 1"ho bi)oklet "Electricity of the Clouds" to an attempt to compile complete daca on cloudii electrical characteristics and to outline modern knuioledge on the elecrric,il properties of clouds. to deacribe the processes which lead to their electrification, mothods devised by man to change the clouds t~levtrical prop~rtiea and to evaluate the Influence of cloud oluctrical pronertion an th-l~ development The book is designed for tiLterologists and other specialists who are interested in Atmospheric electricity. 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TIrLE--CATALYST FOR iHE SYNTHESIS OF ALCOHOLS BY THE REPPE METHOD -U- AUTHOR-(03)-BOGORADO~,,,Sr,AY,~I W.M., IMYANITOVp N.S., RUDKOVSKIY, O.Mo COUNTRY OF INFO--uSSR SOURCE--KINET. KATAL. L970, 11(3), 584-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CATALYTIC ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, ALCOHOL, ALKENE, [ON EXCHANGE RESIN, TERTIARY AMINE, CATALYST, CHEMICAL REACTION RATE/(U)KU2 ION EXCHANGE RESIN CONTROL 141ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605012/DO3 STEP ~10--UR/0195/70/011/003/05k,"It/,,)587 C I R CA C C E S " IN' A .11 A,, 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCES'SING OATE--O,~DECfO CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0140286 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A3STRACT. THE REAL CATALYsr FOR REPPE SYNTHESIS OF ALCS. FROM OLEFINS IS THE STRONG ACID H SUB2 FE SUB3 (CO) SUB11 (1). 1 WAS PREPD. FROM (HNcET SU33) (HFE SUB3 (CO) SUB11) USING ION EXCHANGE RESIN KU,2. THE EXPT. REVEALS THAT rHE PRESENCE OF A TERTIARl' AMINE IN HTE REEACTION MIXT. (OLEFIN CO,H SUB21CATALYST) CAUSES A 3000 TIMES L3WER RATE OF ALC. SYNTHESIS. I SYNTHESIS IS REPORTED. FACILITY: VSES. NALICH.-LISSLED. INST. NEFTEKHIM. PROTSESS., LENINGRAD, USSR. PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 112 012 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--INTENSIPICATIGN OF THE ION EXCHANGE PURIFICATION UF GLYCEROL WATER SOLUTIONS -U- AUTHOR-(04)-TUYCHYEVi I.S.j RIZAYEV, N.U., YUSIPOV, M.M-, IMAGAMOV, A. COUNTRY 3F INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB., ZAVED*t PISHCH* TEKHNUL, 1970, (1), 74-7-.j*.'_____ DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT ARE-AS-MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--t4ATER PURIFICATION, ION EXCHANGE, GLYCERINE CONTROL MARKING-Ng RESTRiCT IONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASStFIED PROXY PEEL/FRAAE--1994/0424 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NC--AT0114704 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-160CUT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0114704 ABSTRACT/EXTE-NACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DYNAMICS LF THE ION -X(~HANGE PURIFICATION OF GLYCEROL WATER SOLNS. IN THE PSEUDOLILUEFA-CTION LAYER Jr- THE IONITE WAS INVESTIGATED. THE SOLNS. USED HAD A GLYCERIN CONT.ENT OF 11PERGENT. CA PRIME POSITIVE P051TIVE ANU MG PRIME POSIFIVE P0,SlrIVE IONS AT 0.98 MG-EOUIV-L., FREE FATTY AND MINERAL ACIDS-AT 3.28 MG-EQUIV-L. THE SORPTION PROCESS WAS INVESTIGATED !N 3CjTH CYLINDRICAL AND CONICAL COLUMNS. RESULTS SHOwED THE CONICAL ONES ,lITH SMALL ANGLE OF CONICITY TO BE THE MOST EFFICIENT. FACILITY: TASHKENT, POLITEKH. INST., TASHKENT, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR iWQX.-I - UDC: 519.2 "Unbiased Nonparametric Estimates of a Priori Distribution of the Probabilities o-IL' Defective Articles From the Results of Alternative Stochastic Acceptance Inspection" Uch. zap. Tashkent. gos. ped. in-t (Scientific Notes. Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute), 1972, 100, pp 40-49 (from RZh- -Kibernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract--K-o 5V255 by the author) Translation: In statistical acceptance inspection the problem frequently arises of finding an unbiased nonparametric estimate of probabilities of a priori. distribution of a number of defec- tive articles in batches of volume N presented for inspection with the use of a single statistic -- the number of defective articles. For a number of plans of alternative statistical inspection the solution of this problem is known. This paper presents a solution of the given problem for alternative sta- tistical acceptance inspection with a double level. 1/1 - 21~ - USSR, ABDURAKINMOV, T. , IN.A.-MOV, I. "Unbiased Estimates o~f Discrete Distribution of Probabilities of Mective Products Based on the Results of Statistical Plans Such as the Single Sample with Double Testing Level" Nauch. tr. Tashkent. Un-t. [Scientific lVorks of Tashkent University] , 197121, No 418, pp 3-11 (Translated from Referativily), Zhurnal, Kiberneti~-,I, No 3, Moscow, 197.3, Abstract. No 3 11232 by V. Kolchin). Translation: A plan is studied for accel)tance testin.- with two levels, in which of a group stibmitted for testing a randoiri sample of volume 11 iS selected and the groul) is accepted if tile number x(nJ of faulty J)roducts in the saml)le is not over cI; the group is rejected if' x(n) C2' subjected to complete testing if c, < x(n) ~- c". This article prodixes unbiased estimate5 for the probabilities p I X (1) --- 1), tit ~~ 0, 1, 2; 10, 1. where X(O) is the af defective prodUCtS in the ~~raup subi--Jtted for testing, X(1) is tile Ilke.1ber of defective J)roducts ill I-In accept(:d -1-1-c"'11) and x(2) is the number of CI.CfOCtiVC J)l-OdUCt.-; ill a reJectcd J,,roup. 1/1 - 24 - USSR UDC: 519.2:658-562.012.7 INP143V, I., EDEL'NXIT, M. I. "Concernine an Application of the Method of Unbiased Fstimates to Sta- tistical Acceptance Monitoring" Nauch. zala. Tashkent. in-t nar. kh-va (Scientific Notes of the Tashkent Institute of National Econormi), 1970, vyp. 34, pp 14-118 (from RZh-Kiber- netika, No 9, SeP 71, Abstract No 9V273) Translation: A monitorine plan with parameters n, c is considered. Let x be the number of defE!CtiVe items in a sample. In the case x > c a batch is rejected, and in the case x < c it is subjected to continuous monitoring. Let X be the number of defective items in a batch, PZ = P (X = 1). For a given X, the number of defective iterns in a sample x is assumed to be hypergeome tri c ally distributed. Let XII be the number of defective items detected during continuous monitoring of IN - n a-rticles (if the batch is rejected, XII is taken as zero). Let 'U batches be checked with identical distribution of the nuHber of defecti%e itemS in a batch X- Unbiased estimates based on the statistics of X- a-re given 1/2 USSR r'. INAmov, I. , EDELINPIIT, M. I., Nauch. zap. Tas,Lkent. in-t riar. I-h-va, 1970, vYp. 34, pp ih-j-8 for the probabilities PI for these t batches, as well as an unbiased estimate of the variance r,-f' these estimates. A. Zaslavskiy. 2/2 - 9 - 7777;7~ Acc. Nr; Ref. Code b-IR 0239 A'00037015-ft J-~ . PRIMMY SOURCE: Fj'.ziolio-ticheskiy Zhurnal 5S.SR, 1970, Vo-1 56, Nr 2. PP -15* - ;40 ON RECRETORY ORIGIN OF PYLORIC PEPSINOGEN2 AND AMYLASE Korot'ko, G. F.; -Kamakin, N. F.;.Inamova, K. B. Dept. of Normal Physiology, Kalininss State Medical Institute, Andizhan Increase of pepsinogen and amylase contents in the blood after excluding of the relial way of their excretion from the organism and clamping of the pancreatic ducts, was slimi-n to intensify excretion of these enzymes through pyloric secretion and urine. Decreasing blood contents of the pepsinogen after gnstrectomy and subtotal gastric resectio n entail4 lowering of the enzymes excretion by pyloric, glands and kidnevs. The data confirmed by high positive correlation coefficient between blood contents of the pepSinogen and araylase and their excretion by pyloric glands, indicate recret(iry origin of theic enzy- mos (their major part anyway) in the pyloric secretion. REEL / FRA-ME :1972:195:1 USSR UDC: 8.74 SMTA, Yu. K. , INCHIN A. S. Editorial Staff of the "Izv. All KirgSSR" "A Program for Quadratic Approximation.of a Function Assumin.- 'That it Passes Through PredetermJi.ned Nodes" Programma kvadraticheskoiro priblizheniya funk-tsii pri uslovii T)rokhozh- deniya, yeye cherez zadannN - p .7e uzITy (cf. English above), Frunze, 1971, -p 13, ill. No 3669-71 Dep. (from RZh-.Kibernetika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4V562 DEP) Translation: ITe paper &escribes realization of a methcd of quadratic approximation of a function assuming that it passes thrcugh predeterrdned nodes. The use of this method in practice means that the process of ap- proxi-mation car, be made correctable, and that the approximation itself can be made better on given sections. The results of camputaticns which show the possibilities of' the method are presented together with a pro- gram and instructions for using it. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC: 513-5:681.3-00' INCHIN, A. S. , TAffljISOIT, V. F. "Programs for Calculatin'- T~ultiple, Singular and Coulcmb T _I e ,,_l 4 P I (I-; _ S Tr. in-ta niat. i mckli.-All KazSSR (Works of the institute of Mathematic~ and Mechanics of the I.cadeW of Sciences of the Kazakh SS-~?), 1970, 1, pp 140-145 (froni RZIi-Kibernetika, 110 7, Jul 71, Abstract NO 7V7)17) Translation: Several programs are presented for computinc.-, inteE'..rals of arbitrary mul. tipli city, as well as singular and Coulomb int.c-grals. 'I`h e general schemne of integration rep-lizes Gauss' formula with equal Step with respect to three or five points. Authors' abstract. I/i USSR UDC 669-28-051 ZELD94AN, A. N., KPEYN, 0. YE.) TESLITS-KAYA, M. V., and INEENBAUM-L G. V. "Synthesis and Some Pro-:)erties of Mlybdenum Disu-Ifide" V sb. KhallkogeniLv (Chalcogenides--collection of works), Vyp 2, Kiev, "Naukova Dumka", 1970, pp 4-r-60 (from RM-Metallur&i 0 _yu, No 1~ Noy 70, Abstract No 11G179) Translation: A review is presented of work conducted by the Moscov Institute of Steel and Alloys on the investigation of methods of syrthesis of Mos 1'rom elements and on the production of Mlo~ by the method of interaction of ' with molybdates in the melt and an the study of the structure and lubricating proper- ties of synthetic MoS2. 6 ill., 4 tables, 11 bibl. entries. S. Krivonosava 1/1 UNCL, ASS IF IEC 111C1,711ING DATF--17j',)L7,1 TITLE--CIFFUSICN CF CXYCEN INTO CAC!~IUV TEL.LURL ST UDIED WIT.Li A MA")S SOICTPCVET21C VICRCAN4LYZER -U- ALTf4UR-VCCCVATGV, F.F., INDENBAUM, G.V., VAt%YUKGVI A.V. CCUNTRY CF [NFC-~LSSR SCURCE--FIZL. TVEFC TELA L970, 12(l), 22-5 DATE PHLISHED ------- 7C SUBJECT APEAS--PHYSICS TGPIC TAGS--GAS [AFFL-SION, (IXYGFN, CAQVIUM TELLURIDE? MASS S!)FCTR0',1~Tf-Rl . VISIBLE LIGFT CUANTUM HENJERATORt TEIMPERATUVE DEPENEENCE CENTRCL PARKING-,NG, RESTRICTIMS DOCUMENT CL.tSS--LNCLASSIFIEL; PROXY REEL/FRAME--l979/lqG9 srEP NC--UR/CI81/70/012/001/0022/0025 CIRC ACCESSICh NC--AP004R?77 W., C LASS 1,1-. [It-,) Acc.,.. Nr: Abstracting'Service: .048277- CHEMICAL ABST. 5-710 A? Ref. Code: 104045w Diffusion of- oxygen into cadmium telluride studied r wth & mass-spectrometric microaskalyzer. VadovatqX, "P.; ladeabauml G. V... Vanyukov A V. Unst. Stali ~Rlavov, Mos- COWP USSB). Fid Tivid. Y= 19-70, 12kl), 22-5 (Russ). The distri 6n of 0 in pure CdTe produced iis a result of oxidn. at vartous temps. was studied by probing with a beam from an optical quantum generator -and -subsequezrt mass-spectrometric anal. Temp. dependences were detd. of the. diffusion coeffs. of 0. in and x-tyrPe specimens. A. Libackyj REEL/FRAME 19791999 UDC c2l.728 STUDY OF ":KE STRUCTURE AND TUtPERATURE OF THE BRITTLE-!)UCrILE TRANSITEON OF SOME ALLOIB OF TU Cr-Ti-V-B SYSTEM jArticie by Y. S.. Z.olotorevskiyo S. 61.4n1g, 1. 1. Xsrsanov, T. P. Khaza- nova, Moscow Steel and Alloy. InsMu em All of lurgy Nonfurroua, Rare and Radioactive Metals; Ord;.honikidze, Irvestivi Vybshikh Uchehnykh -',ava4~ulyL_Tsvutnnyd Metallurglya, Russian, No :)o 19do Aub%itt,ed 6 March 1971, pp 133_135,) One of the prospective groups of heat-resistant materials developed at this time is dispersion-hardened low-alloy chrome alloys (1-31. Along with good high-camperatura properties, these alloys must ha%m plasticity at close to roan temperatures. This depends on the content of alloying elements az~d thu Structure of the alloy. In this paper the goal was to study the effect of the titanim cnncen- tr.tioa on the structure and temperature of the brittle-ductile traasition, of hut-extruded bars of alloyn of the Cr-Ti-V-B systest in :~he initial and best- trusted states. The titanium concentration in alloys varied from O.Z5 to 1.5 perces%t, and t1tia vanadium and boron content were. cortstazt and amounted to 1.5 and 0.05 percent, respectively. V) 1H W do Z S=ples 10 x 10 K 15 = cut from bars obtaized by hot extruding of in- gots were used ior the structural studies The samples'were heated in the TVV- furnace in an argon atmosphere for ;, 15, 25 ~id 50 Vo.-a at 1.100, 1,200 and 1.403 derreem. After completion of innrh,-! NnIdinz th-e z=;lIcz -~Zrz cooled with the furnace. The scructure was studied by means of light &--d electron MNV-10OV) microucoped. The metallogra-~hlt microsecLions and thin foils w~r~ prepared in an electrolyte with the followin,; compouttion: .96 mZ of cooc~ntzated 113?0 40 51 mL of concentrated 11,SO. and 100 & ot CrOY 7he electron microscope study was performed on sinrle-stage cacbon rclilicas with extracted particles and on self-supporting foil's prepared by t.o procedure of 14). The phase analysis by means of calculatitir the clectrono~t.ims taker. from the particles extracted in the replica wits perforr~ed by the st~nJsrd procedure of 15). In addition. a phase x-ray micrographic analystm was rorfo~d with respect to the debayegrams of the previously electrolytically dvpoaitee second phase powder. The transition temperature from the brittle state to the plastic - 23 - USSR UDC 577-153 BOSTEIR, A. P., ROZENGART, E. V., SOBOLEVA, I. N., KHRON;OV-EO1raSOV, XWW9~p_ H. L., TIKHONOVA, L. If., ABDUVAMfABBOV, A. A. p and TORENURATOV, K., Institute o~C Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry Imeni I. H. Sechenova, Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Experimental Eledicine , Academy of Medical Sciences USSR$ Leningrad, and Tashkent State University imeni V. I. Lenin "Unproductive Bonding of Cholinesterase Substrate" Aka Moscow, Doklad y A dendi Nauk SSSSRp Vol 205g No 3, 1972, PP 717-720 Abstracti Experiments have shown that the rate-liniting step in the I-ftchaelis- Menton substrate reaction is the acylation or deacylation rather than the initial. formation of the Michaelis complex. The specificity of the cholines- terase is also determined by the latter steps in the reaction and it is only the L optical isomer of acetyl- 9 -methylc6line which is hydrolyzed by the acetylcholine sterase. The D IsA-er is an inhibitor at It Is adsorbed o"n the active sites but not subsequestly removed. The system can be generalized as followsl 40 - USSR BRESTKIN, A. P. 0 et al. I Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 205, No 3 1 1972, Pp 717-720 ES k 9 + S ~~i 41 P, ES E + P2 ESB kB where E Is the enzymel S, the substratel ES, the Michaelis complexi ES', the acylating enzymel F-S., the unproductive complex; and PIand P2 , the products of the reaction - alcoholsa and acids. The general implications of differences in the relative magnitudes of k1# k-10k2? k3p and k,, are presented. Actual data are given for five substrates. 2/2 USSR L., Institute of Experimental Medicine, USSI? Acader~y of M dical Sciences "Structure of Corimounds Capable of Blocking Skeletal Muscle Chol-Irle Receptors" (Abstract of DissertatJon Presented for Defense at Lejainer,--d Chemical- Pharmaceutical Institute) Moscow, Famatsiya, No 6, 1972, p 82 Pbstract: A study was made of the relationship between curariform activity and imgnitude of fractional positive charges present in cationic j"roups of com- pounds reacting vith th~! "S-10 structure" of nntscle choline receptors. The relative activity increases in direct proportion to the ourr, of the ('ractional positive charges found tit optimum distances for reaction with thu -1.11iODI.C. SitCf; of the choline racept=3. The co.-,mound in which the chain between the al-1111,tern'l-r- nitrogen ato-ps contains 9 nethylene radicals proved to he the most active. 38 - iill.stx et'.. T, of to C, ic 11 L" if I-, .9 7 1 cati,n in bo'll of uy t;...~ U- USSR UDC 539.67 CHERNOV, V. M., and DIM NB0114, V. L. "Overcoming Point Defects by Elastic Field Dislocation as an Internal Friction Ylechanisrd' Sb. "Vnutrenneye treni2fe v metallicheskikh materialakh" (Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-vo, "Natdka", 1970 pp, 26-32 Abstract: A dislocation theory of the hysteresis internal friction which takes into account the lateS4; achievements in the theory of strengthening by addition and radiation is developed. Nonactivated and thermally activated dislocation breakaway from points of strengthening was considered under rigorous formula-. tion. The form and energy of the dislocation segment overcoming the point defects field are determined, and basic characteristics of dislocation hyster- esis are formulated. 4 fi6ures, 9 references. 1/1 - 61 - USSR UDC 539.67 ALISHIM, V. I.J, and INEENBOM V L "Dynamic Energy Losses by Moving Dislocations and Internal Friction" Sb. "Vnutrenneye treniye v metallicheskikh materialakh" (Internal Friction in Metallic Elaterials"), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka", 1970, PP 37-41 Abstract: Mechanisms of viscous retardation of uniformly wving high-speed dislocations are aralyzei. The dislocation retardation resulting froin elastic wave radiation with nonuniform motion along the Payerls potential relief is evaluated. A calculation of the dislocation retardation coefficientl which is in good agreement with experimental data, is presented. 1 table, 1 figure, 18 references. 62 USSR UDC 617.7-007.681-039.31-02:550.38 ZffOKHOV, V. P., Candidate of Medical Sciences, andvjUUPA~ XA.,L,, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chair of Ophthalmology, Military 14tedical Academy imeni S. H. Kirov, Leningrad "Relationship Between Acute Attacks of Glaucoma and Variations in the Magnetic Field of the Earth" Moscow, Vestnik Oftal'mologii, No 5, Sep/Oct 70, pp 29-30 Abstract: The relationship between acute attacks of glaucoma and variations in the earth's magnetic field was studied on the basis of 1,304 requests for aid in acute attacks of pximary glaucoma at the emergency clinic of the Lenin- grad City Ophthalmological Hospital between 1961 and 1967. The number of such attacks treated per year varied from 154 to 216 and showed a direct relation- ship to the planetary index4loif magnetic activity. Medical aid in connection with acute attacks of glaucoma was sought on 916 days, while there were no requests for such aid an 1,640 days. on the days when attacks were reported, the mean amplitude of the horizontal component of the gecmagnetic field was lower by 1.3 gamma than an the days when no attacks occurred. Decompensation 1/2 USSR ZHOKHOV, V. P., and INDFYKIN, Ye. I., Vestnik Oftal'mologii, No 5, Sep/Oct 70, pp 29-30 in the glaucoma process is evidently affected either directly or indirectly (through variations in meteorological conditions) by the state of the earth's magnetic field. 212 - 80 - 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0_'ii:--30QCT70 TITLE-HYSTERESIS PROPEPITIES OF HIGHLY ELA5121C MATERIALS STUDIED BY THERMAL MEASUREMENTS -U-- AUTHOP-1031-INDEYK[Ni B.A.v NIKITINA, L.B.v SEMAK, B.D. CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-KAUCH. REZINA 1970, 29(3)v 32-5 ------ ------ DATE PUBLISHED - 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, PHYSICS 'TOPIC TAGS--THERMAL CONDLICTIVITYt ELASTIC HYSTERESIS, f~l.-JTICITY CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME-2000/065ft STEP NO--UR/0138/701029/00310032/0035 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0124326 UNCLASSIFIE0 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124326 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE THERMAL COND. OF A HIGHLY ELASTIC CYLINDER WAS STUDIED ANAL. THE HEAT EVOLUTION WAS DETID. BY MEASURING THE TEMP. INCREMENTS AT SEVERAL POINTS OF THE STRAINED CYLINDER. METHODS WERE PROPOSED FOR THE DETN. OF TIMF DURIING 14HIACH TH" TEMP. INCREMENTS SERVED AS AN ADEQUATE CRITERION OF HYFTERESIS PROPERTIES ANG STRAIN. FACILITY: DNEPROPETROVSK. FILIAL NAUCH. ISSLED. INST. SHINNOI PROM., DNEPROPETROVSKs USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDc 549,746 -12MOIEV, L. N., ZHWIOV, YU. YA., KASHMSEVA, K. I., Sju;Ev, V. S., and WL1Yk1tD!', -K. 17., Institute of Geology, Yalrutsk Branch, Siberian Derkartrent of the Academy of Sciencos USSR "I-W,gnesium and Aluminum Hydrocarbonates -- the New Lixeral Indifirite" Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva# 2-.A Series, Ro 2, 1971, PP 178-183 Abstract: A new mineral has been found along the Indifirka river in North- east Yakutia (near the A:ztic Circle). Called "indifix-ite," the mineral is gont, randomly a--xanred aCgrogate. In the center of the a rosetto-like diveri rosette there are occasionally fine "seed" hips. In the fine crakcs, fan- shaped deposits are cleabed by a mass of very fine fibers, needles, or lamina about 1 mm in lena-,th. Indifirite is snow-white, and has a glossy luster with a silky cast. The haxdness is about 2. The lamina and fibers are elastic. The specific weight is 1.6 + 0.1. Indigirite is not x-adioactive and is optically arisotropic. It is Imoluble In watert alcohol, and ax-conia. In acids &-A KOH It dissolves instantly, vith the for-,mtion of ordorless gas bubbles. CherLLc--l analysis gave the following composition, (in wt.%)i HgO, 12.0a,;';j A120 31 14.5&j.',; CaO 1/2 - 74 - USSR al., ZapIsId Vsa-soyusnogo Mneralogicheskogo Obahchestva, 2nd Series, Nio 2, 1971, PP 178-183 0.45% Fe;.O3, 0.64% COV 24.lWv; H20, 44-36%; SO3, 0 - 456- Electron microscopic pictures revealed elongated tabular forms with ur, ven edges. Fine material was noted in the crystalline s7paces delWdr--- tion of the mineral under vacuum was observed. The eters of -16-he de- hydraUd crystals were found to be for c , 6.23 + and 3.16-1- 0.02k crossirlse, which was close to thatoof arti3ite. DeIrje powder pattern-s for the untreated aineral did0not ratch any known mineral or synthetic com- pound. Heat treatment at 100 C also guve an orlgirzl Debye Pattern, but material heat treated at 900% shoued a spinel-type pattern which is natural for a magnesium-alurAnum hydrocarbonate. Heat loss curves showed endothorl-dc minina at 1200, l"00, and Z150C. Very little change in weight vlas not e d above 200 C. A vezy endothermic effect was noted at ~r5o0C for two of three samples. The peaks suggested loss of water of eryst-allizationg bydroxf-I water* a--A dissociation of complex carbonates. Infra-zed spectra confirmed the p=orzsed structure of the new mineral. Comparisons -kmre also =ida with other )-rater-containing rotgmsium or magnesium-alumin= carbonates. 2/2 USSR UDC 5-16-858.?5 DZEGL,Z'6-, D. R. A0 INDULEN, 1-1. K., Institute of Latvian Academy of Sciences - "Fluorescent Antibody Study of the Inhibitory Effect of I-Aminoadarn-antane On Influenza A. Virus" Riga, Izvestiya AkademiJ. Nauk 1,atviyskoy SSR, 110 7, 19?3, pp 70-73 Abstracti The inhibito2-j effect of I-aninoadarian-tane hydrochloride on the replication of influenza. A2/f"runze virus was studied in a culture of chick embryonic kideny calls ly the fluorescent antibodies nothod. 20 g/ml of the compound was added to the ciature )0 minutes before It was infected with v1ru3. After 21P hours incubation at 370 only 2,6,-7j' of the cell:3 fluorenced Compar,-d. to 341;` of thp. cantrolu and after 48 houra specific fluorescence was observed in C and 55;'7, respectively. The absence of vii-is-s-pecific antigen in ce113 trea-Led with aninoamantwiane sugge3ts that the lattar blocks one of the stagus of virus replication preceding the formation of virus antigen. 26 - USSR UDC, DMGUM) D. R. and ITEU-T~H, ILI- K., Institute of Microbiolo,,_~y Ir.'i. Avj-~,Ust T --tvian SSR Kirk-henshte3m, Aca-deny of Sciences,. a "Inhibitoinj Effect of Soi-m-, Adarr-entane Derivatives on Seiidrli Virus" Riga, Izvestiya Alkademi Na-uk Latvian SSR., 'To 3, 1973, PP -39-43 Abstract: St.-Udy of the E!ffect of some adamantane deri-tat'ives, known -to be active against influenza viruses, on Vae reproduction of Send'--i virus in developin chick embryos showed that rl-(adarm .11-1)-Nl-phen.,,;~l-piperazine,, 11-prol)ylaninoad,ir-Li.titanL-, and 3-aminohomoadmmntane inhibited Eendai virus but less than they did influenza A2 virus. active against influenza A, Al) A.2., and B viruses, had no effect on SeneLai vims. This study confirms the authors' carlier finding t.hat tiv! varioijo rm,,~xovimsas (liffor In ",w][JAIVIty to ant;IvIral. prviotrattomi. 1/1 USSR UX 576-853-75 KANEL') I. A. INDULEN, M. K. RYAZAMMEVA, G. M., D7ZGT,7Z, D. R., and .1 ' .--1111 1- .1 POLIS, Yk. Yu.., Institute of Ndcrobiology imeni A. Kirkhenshteyn, Academy of Sciences, Latvian SSR, Biga "Antiviral Activity of 2-Am-inoadamantaue" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii. I'lauk Latviyskoy SSR, No 11, 1(Y-(2, pp 42-47 Abstract: Studies were undertaken on the antiviral effectiveness of 2-11mino- adarantane (2-AA) on the follovirg viruses: influenza t 'vVes AO ', Al., A2, and B, Sindbis virus, and smallpox virus. Comparison with 1-aninoadax~%ntane showed that 2-AA was less toxic for KhAO tissue culture and cultures of chick fibroblasts,, equally toxic for the chick embryo, and evidenced greater toxicity than 1-AA for white mice. The TD of 2 AA for a monolayer of chick fibroblasts was 250/4 g/ml, and 100-15014 for a susrension of these cells. Evaluation of 2-AA in terms of inhibition of multiplication of the different viruses in KhAO tissue culture showed that the greatect decreasc, in the Ig TD 50 was obtained with influenza types A2/Frunze and A92/Hong Kong; 2-AA wa less effective a~rainst AO/' s WSIT and Al/Pan, and showed no si-nificant inhibition of B/Amaktiza i-.tnd B/Sofia viruses. AP hemarrj7 , jutinin titers were also depressed, and the effects were dependent on 2-AA concentration and the dose 1/2 P) USSR ;2N E L T. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii NaWk Latviysko,.~~ SSIZ, No 11, 19-r2, p-p 42 of the infecting virus. For chick embryo studies the ej-,~;s were injected with 50!,)/-/g of 2-AA and the :-esults evaluated in terms of the fall of EID 50- The most uronounced effects were obtained with A2/Frunze and A,2/Hon~; Kong, but antiviral activity against AO/TdS!I, Al/Pan, B/Tokyo, and B/Ami.0viza, was also significant. Again, the viral hemiirglutinating activity was found to be decreased and tile effects of 2-AA were dependent on the size of the viral iro- cululn. Further in vivo studies showed that 2-AA protected white mice as;ainst death as a result of infection with A2/Franze or B/Tokyo: the mortality rate among the untreated. controls was about 50% greater. Furtiler;T~ore, 2-AA decreased the lung, titers of mice Infected with A2/1[ong Kong and P/Amakuza 1)'v about 1.5 1g ID50 in both instances. Thus, 2-AA was shown to be an uffective a6ent a4zains" infliienza viruses and its therapeutic index in white mice was 21. 2-INA also inhibited influenza 3 virus. 2-AA was Ineffective with resrect- to Sindbis and sm-allpox viruses. 212 USSR UDC 576-858-75 RYAWITSEVA G. M., and 11MI311 M. K., Institute of 11-1i(---,Obiola,-,y imeni .1 - I- Avgust Kirki-Aenshteyn, .demllf o? S'(~I-ehces Latvian SSR "Virkicid-al Properties of Some Adamantane Derivatives" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk La-tviyskoy SSRJ, No 7, (300), 1972, pp 69-72 Abstract: The virucidal activity of aminoadamantane liydrochloride, aminoada- mantane derivatives coded JP-6, JP-7, and JP-76, and adamantane derivatives coded JP-20 and JP-56 with respect to influenza type A2 vir-tses of the FrInze.? How Kor)tj,, and Leningrad strainn and Influenza type 13 vi~rus of the To.Kyta strain was investigated in vitro on cultures groom in chick embj-~7os. None of the compounds exerted any sig,nificant viracidal activity. Since xrist of them have a marked vinistatic propc:tty in vivo, it is concluded that their antiviral activity becomes effective in certain stapes of rautiml in-Wraction between the virus and the host cell. 1/1 - 20 - USSR UDC: 577.1:578 CHEBOTAREV, Ye. Ye., RABOVA, E. Z., JI.ND.YK V. M. m .6.mimftp "Antiradiation Properties of DNA in the Case of Neutron Exposure" V sb. Biofizika i radiobiol. (Biophysics and Radiobiology- 0, collection of wo-iTsT, vyp. 3, Kiev, "Nauk. dumka", 1972, pp 74-79 (from RILI-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 12, Jun 72, Ab- stract No 12FZ3S3) Translation: The antiradiation properties of hetero-, homo- and isologic MA, as well as products of thermal denaturation and enzymatic hydrolysis of DITA were studied on a Saccha..omyce vini yeast culture. The correspondinj7 solutions of DNA were exposed to f(Lst neutrons in a dose of 10 kilorads (LD50; the dose rate was 10-12 rads/inin),. It was found that the shielding properties of DiM do not depend on the degree of isologism and polynerism of its operators. The shielding action disappeared completely only when the DIA was broken down to its nitrogen bases. Posi;ible mechanisms for the antiradiation action of Muk are discussed. USSR UDC: 621. 643. 002. 2 4- 411. 4 ZERNOV, A. V., ZAV'YALOV, V. E., INDYUKOV IVANTSOV, V. YA., Ural NITI, Chelyabinsk; and SHCHEPKIN, E. V., MITROSHIN, S. S. , Nefteprovodrnontazh Trust, Ufa. "Possibility of Automatic Double Welds of the Elbow Joints in Large Diameter Pipelines" Moscow, Stroitel'stvo Truboprovodov, No 8, Aug 71, PP 15-17 Abstract: The Ural Pipe Industry Research Institute developed a method for producing autornatic double-V welds under flux .%-ith an overhanging welding head in plates of 6 -12 nit-n thickness with Z -2. 5 rnm gap. I /i USSR ZERNOV, A. V. , et al., Stroitel v stvo Truboprovodov, No 8. Aug 71 ,PP 15-17 With this method the welding arc is stabilized by z, magnetic field created by a solenoid cOncentric with the electrode. The solenoid winding is in series with the welding circuit. The n1agnetic field is controlled by varying the distance of the solenoid from the weld. This method makes it possible to make the initial root vveld either from inside or from outside in the elbow joint of a pipe. Analysis of weld sections showed that the quality of the welds is adequate. The subject solenoids can be installed on exist- ing welding heads. This will result in increased productivity and quality. 94 - Petroleum Processing Technology USSR UDC 665,635:665.644,2:/661,715.7.001:665,4+621.436 and WiNIYELYAN, M. K. "Production of Naphthalene and Marine Diesel Fuel From Gas Oils of Catalytic Cracking" Baku, Azerbaydzhanskiy Khimicheskly Zhurnal, No 3 (69), 1970, pp 36-39 Abstract: The authors investigated simultaneous production of naphthalene and marine diesel fuel from gas oils of catalytic cracking. The initial raw ma- terials were light and heavy gas oils of catalytic cracking, mixtures of these oils and fractions isolated from a mixture. The content of aromatic hydro- carbons was: 33.33 vol.% in the light gas oil, 40.00 vol.% in the heavy gas oil, and 35.0 vol.% in the! gas oil mixture. Tile basic indices of the process of naphthalene production were determined both with respect to catalytic and with respect to thermal hydrodealkylation of the 240-300' fraction of tile aromatic concentrate. The naphthalene yield was 40.5 and 51.7% of the aro- matic concentrate respectively. Mar.-Lne diesel fuel produced from the refined product of the low-boiling,-to-300* fraction and the residue of gas oils of catalytic cracking with a boiling point above 300* satisfies all requirements of State Standards (GOST). 1/1 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-PRODUCTION OF TETRALIN FROM NAPHTHALENE -U- AUTHOR-iO2)-DANIELYAN, M.K., INDYUKOV, N.M. CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-KHIM. PROM. (MOSCOW) 1970, 46(3), 226-7 DATE PUBLISHED- - 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--NAPHTHALENE, HYDROGENATIONI NICKELv CATALYSTo SATURATED HYDROCARBON CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0824 STEP NO-UR/0064/70/046/003/0226/0227 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0124491 tJt,,:C L A SS I F I E D 212 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7G CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0124491 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TETRALIN (1) WAS PRODUCED IN 97-8PERCENT YIELD BY HYDROGENATION OF PETROLEUM DERIVED NAPHTHALENE (III, OVER A NI (GN KIESELGUHR) OR A NIS WS SU8Z (ON AL SU8Z 0 SUB31 CATALYST, IN AN AUTOCLAVE AT 220-50DEGREES-LO7-8 ATMr AND 1:4 (MOLE) if H- HYDROGENATION OF 11 OVER THE SAME CATALYSTS IN A CONTINUOUS FLOW APP. AT 120-400DEGREES-C-75 ATM GAVE 22-64PERCENT 1, WHILE HYDROGENATION OF 1:2 11 C SUB6 H SU86 GAVE QUANT. DECALIN CYCLOHEXANE. UNCLASSIFIEO Acc Nr- Abstracting Service:&-:?e Ref. Code: YV103019_ -7 PP INTERNAT. AEROSM r"ABST. ///W ~W- 11-- rA-30-2EJ97 *V Estimation of the structure of the solar carano fc from a rocket experiment an February 15,1961 (Otsenka struktury solnechnoi korany po raketnornu eksperimentu 15 11 1961 g.). A. A, Dmitriev, R. G. _!ELqAh&ja,_A. E. Mikirov. and S. M. Poloskov (Mosko-iqk-ii 15' Tasudarstvennyi Universitet, _Mosco~v, USSR). AATad_etriia Nauk_.�SS,4, Do'klady, vol. 190, Feb. 1, 1970, p. 803, &A. In Russian. Determination of the brightness distribution in the outer solar corona from information obtained by rockets equipped with scanning devices during a solar eclipse, The problem of 6plermining the Itun brightness from an integ(al equation giving the ielatiGn between the experimentally observed brightnets and the true brightneis is considered, It is found that, starting from a measure- ment error of 9.5%. the reconstructed function does not have any negative roots, thus reliably indicating that the error in the initial data is no less than 9.5%. A.B.K REEL HUME Z- USSR UDC 542.921+547.333.4 MINA.9YAN, R. B. INDZH1KYMNj M. G., BABAYAN, A. T., TnSlitute 0": Organic Chemistry, Yerevan, At atn-y Of sciences Ar-menian SSR "Research in the Field of Amines and Ammonium CO'MPOLInds. 1-%VIII. Alkaline Splitting ofQuaternary Ammonium Salts Containing the I- Alkoxy-2-Bromoethyl Group" Yerevan, Armyanskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 23, No 3, 1970, pp 234-239 . Abstract: In a previois paper by these same authors (IFv. ml ArmSSR, KhN, 11j, 572, L965), it was shown that quateriiary ammonium salts containTtig the I-ethoxy-2-bromoethyl. :;roup, in addition to a group of the allyl type, are dehydrobrominated by alkali hydroxide ,Troupin,f an 3 1 followed by re~.) 1, d splitring with the formation of esters of the free acids produced by ester liydrolysis. It is reported in this article that substitution of the butoxyl group for the ethoxy group completeLy suppresses alkaline hydroLys-Ls, rCISulting &- C3 in the formation of no-thing but unsaturated carboxyll ic acid esters. L For instance, alkali hydroxide splitting of dimethylallyl(l- butoxy-2-bromoethyl)amnionium bromide yields only :.-)utyl ester of butene-3-carboxylic acid (64c,,;). Similarly interacting alkali with bromine salts of ~limethylmetliallyl(L-butoxy-2-bro,-noetFyl)- 1/2 USSR MINASYAN, R. B., et all., Armyarislciy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 23, No 3, 1970, pp 234-239 and dimetliyl-,.( -,nethylcrotyl(I-bLItoxy-2-bro,-.ioettiyl)-amrion-~Ltii-,i produces butyl esters of 3-metliylbutene-3-carboxylic (59~') and 2-methylpentene-3-caeboxylic (63',70) acids. Nucleophilic substitu- tion or hydratation of the ~-I-alkoxyvinyl group may take pLace in quaternary ammonium salts in an alkall hydroxide. Results of investigation of alkaline spLitting are tabuLated for six compounds. Organometallic Courpounds USSR UDC 547-26.iig KAMAY, G. Fn., UGULAVA, M. M., GIGAURI, R. D., ITMIIV-A, 1-1. A., CHACILAak, G. N.j Tbilisi State University "Concerning Sor-- Esters of Arsenous Acid!' Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya Pkaderdi Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 61, Ilo 1, 1971, pp 61-64 Abstract: The tri-sec-all-,lrl esters of arsenous acid, as prepared from arsenous acid anhydride and secondw-y alcohols, were investigated. A suspension of a arsenous acid anhydride in a mixture of the secondary alcohol in n-octane was heated. The resulting tri-sec-alkylarsenites then react with acetic acid anhydride to form diad-koxyELrsinoacetates. Tri-sec-&1kylarsenites also react with acet-YI chlorides I)i-E-.ea-alko)U-arsinoace~uates and especia-ay di-sec- alItylarsinous acid chloride are vesicanta. Me physical. constants of eight compoundB are precented. 1/1 M s USSR IJDC 547.26.119 Kt%K&Y, G. ?7H. , UGULA".1A, M. INI. ,;3T GAURI, Fl. D. CIMCHAVA, G. N. , Tbilisi State University "Some Esters of Arsenous Acid" Tbilisi, Soobshcheni-:Ta Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR., Vol 61, No 1, Jen Abstract: The authors studied the reaction of some secondar, T ale-ohols and arsenic trioxide, as well as pro-oerties of the resultant esters. Heiatin,- of an arsenic trioxide 3LIODenoion in an alcohol-octane mi-ture gives tri-sce.-alkyl t--rsenites. The latter react; with acetic anhydride to rzive dialkoxyarslino- acetates and t-,.o esters of acetic acid. Tri-sec..-alkyl arsenites react with acetyl chloride to give acid chlorides of di-sec.- alkylarsenous acid. The article lists properties of the resultant comnounds. M 1/1 L: n - 1L,! T I f 71 Jul c ci n ta 1 j? i s u b s -rate A S'? 10 T' i -c'-L of USSR 222.26 Zl-iblRAVL7VA M* V_ Lomonosov !NFANT'Yz'V E '- it A MethOd Of 17'-Oducjn~ Dithioaj~I,rl, lechl ophcsl~hi~esll %, , -,:r oz, a'.Cs crM". -1970, a 27~7 C~-, Clazs 12, f-i-led 2~ a!kYienec;:_Iorc O_uces: A tes . terial basse i U S ~:l r g"Ji sh i 1" _eQ, [L-lid the ozll 's S,rPl.i fied by n 1) Q'I t a.,-; ul f j, d -Y h the Pl*Cs~'lZ.l 2. A modj~- -011 Of the 6oaj pr 'C _'! r~ " 'I'll oruanic ~.cation, of oduol, by cc,_,enL~_ - - U-is Z:etnod distin, a 1 -C_ carried O,,jl. at a t'_._ guished by the -act USSR UDC 541-138 LEVINSKAS, A. L., SINYUS, Ya. Yu., and INGAUNITE, B. I., Vi-b-iyus State University "Electrode Processes in Ether-Hydride Electrolyte Used in Aluminum Plating" Moscow5 Elektrokhimiya, Vol 6, No 10, Oct'70, pp 1505-1508 Abstract: A study of the electrode processes in the ''hydride nixture" was per- formed by the classical polarization curve method, and also by gas chromatography and gas volumetric methods. The systematic study of the current yield under gas separation conditions confirmed the complexity of the mechanism of cathode -and anode gas liberation in the ether-hydride electrolyte. The gas voltvaetric data indicated that the cathode and anode hydrogen in the ether-hydride electrolyte can hardly be related to the various types of ionization of compounds in the "hydride mixture." It is possible that gas separation on the cathode and anode may be a result of spontaneous separation of hydrogen under the indluence of the freshly formed aluminum surface, which catalyzes the process of decomposition of complexes in the ''hydride mixture." 1/1 USSR UDC 621.375.82 GUREVICH, G. L.,_INIGEL', L. Kh., KIIANIN, Ya. 1. "Effect of a Nonlinear Lens on the Stability of Steady-State Laser Oscillation" V sb. Kvant. elektronika ~~'Quantum Electronics -- Collection of Works), No 3, Moscow, "Sov. radio," 1972, pp 45-52 (from RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 73, Abstract No 1D882) Translation: The problem of the stability of stationary laser oscillation when a medium is present in its resonator, the refractive indei: of which depends on the radiation intensity, is discussed. It is shown that the instability threshold drors as diffraction losses rise. The value of the threshold is determined fcr cases in which an inertialess -nonlinear die- lectric plays the role of such a medium or the substance itself is active. 13 ref. Authors' abstract. 1/1 USSR UDC 620.178.32 RANNAT, E. I., and INGERMA, A. I. -- woo "Experimental Device for Testing Specimens Under Axial Alternating Loading Cycles" Tr. Tallin. uolitek-hn. in-ta (Works of Tallin Polytechnic Institute), 1970, A, No 294, p~ 95-98 (Cermin swiirtary) (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 71, Abstract No 31909 by authors ) Translationt The article describes the design and operating priziciple of a testing device designed to test metals with a given cyclic load according to a tanaion-compression scheme. The device makes it possible to obtain .Loads of any azymmotry from puluating tension to pulsating compression. Two illustrations. Bibliography with one title, 1/1 USSR UDC 624.07:534.1 KAN, S. N., INGUL'TSOV.-VL KALACHEV, A. Yu. "Stability and Free Oscillations of Conjugate Conical Shells" Soprotivl. materialov i teoriva sooruzh. Resp. mezhved. nauch.-teklin. sb. (Resistance of Materials and the Theory of Structures. Republic Inter- departmental Scientific-Technical Collection), 1972, No. 18, Do 31-33 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V300) Translation: The problem is solved within the framework of the engineering moment theory. The equilibrium equation and the corresponding boundary ronditions are represented in displacements. The search for critical loads and natural frequencies consists in reducing the boundarv value problem to a series of Cauchy problems, the solution of which is obtained bv tile Runge- Kutta numerical method. Autliorst abstract. USSR uDc 612.82-W9:615-837.3 TY~RINJ, S. I.Y BRAZOVSKAYAJ, F. A., 3aLvjju,_5,, PAYKri, D. I., SIROTY[JK, 1.1. G., and GAVRILOV, L. R., Institute of Higher Nervaus Activity and Neuraphysioi-ogy, Academy of Sciences USSR, Central Design Bureau, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, and Acoustic Institute, AcadenW of Sciences USSR "Use of Focused Ultrasound for Local Destruction of Brain Structures Throu,~h Intact Sku.11" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperlmental'noy Biologii I Meditsiny, No 5, 1973, PP 120-121 Abstract: Using a fecusing emitter to create an ultrasonic field, the authors irradiated portions of rdbbit brains 16 to 20 mm from the surface in tile re,ion of the hypothalamus and ,neEencephalon without preliminary- trephination. A single sonication produced a lesion 0.2 to 1 mm in di=_,ter and I to 3 Tmn in length. No pathological changes were noted on the way to the tar-et area in which histological examination of frontal sections revealed a focus of coagu- lation necrosis. 1/1 - 77 - USSR UDc 615.471:[614-777-i-628.191()74:543.1~2.o62 SITEL-NIKOV, V. Ye., M'All-MOV, 0. N., 1NIN-,__Yu.-_S_-, IKOMMOVA, S. V., GMF-EL', A. A., GONCHAROV) A. T., JLWOM11, V. I., FERSIYAMTSEEVA, V. B., and SOKOLOV] B. K., Central Design Bureau ard Pilot Plant, USSR Academy of Ibdical Sciences, Yoscow and Institute of Biology of Inland Waters, USSR Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl Oblast "A Miltipurpose Spectrofljorimeter to Study Natural and Polluted 'dater" I-bscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 1, 1973, pp 65-68 Abstmet: The akva-?-T spectrofluorimeter developed by the authors can be used for rapid dete-nnination of individual organic and mineral compounds prezent in water, for autorratic regulation of fluorescent substances in ZL r~trearri, for detection in lakes and seas of water masses differing in claemical composition and origin, and for stu(~y of the converaion and breakdown of compounds under the influence of biological and physicochemical factors. Analyses car, be made in the laboratory, in the field, or on a research vessel. The s.pectrum. of fluorescent cor-mounds can. be obtained directly at the sampling site. The aD aratus is a single-beam recording spectrofluorimeter designed to function p r_" in the visible and UV regions of the spectrum. With the use of interchan~,-eable attachments, it can record spectra of fluorescence, excitation, and phosphores- cence in a solution as well as substances separated in chromatographic zones on paper. 1/1 USSR UDO 621.114.58(C88-8) SAKOVICH, A.A., !N'KCV, YU.1-1. "Method Of Control Of Thyristors Of A Three-Phaee Frequency Converter iith Direct Coupling" USSR Author's Certificate No 26077,~, filed I' Mar 68, published 11 May 70 (from RZh--Slektroniks I yeye p imeneniye, No 12, December 1970, Abstract No 12B521P) Translation'; The invention pertains to a system of control of a direct frequency converter powered by ~-phase voltage and operating in a regime of natural commutation by means of the delivery of control pulses to the respective thyriators at the natural firing point with subsequent omioaion of a number of operating cycles. With the object of an increase of the power factor and & decrease of the effect of the converter on the oower network, it ie proposed to reed the control pulses In an operating cycle to the thyristore which are fed from a similar phase of the network. 3 ill. I.R. 6p- UDO "I 6L V- 7'- R f I t d t c ~a I c c 1',nd S71t Sur`nc- c. c t Tiie ~cj n rc-. Tr. Feb 72- '.--troc` 11 1971, P.P V~, 1, 1-7- C'I -'nn- u "cl, C. E! -IT. rc_f 1- -1r ull~ t 11 C C r.- C 0.~, 117 it is shown that the air cd6isig of a charge has a significant effect an practically all the parameters of a wave disturbance propagating in the ground from an "iplosion. The characteristic wave processes in ground rnausea from explosions by air-casinC charges can be used for calculating explosion effects when cutting through mine workingt; and other underground structures in compressible *oil. Inegan-, 1. 1. . and F. N. PyW. ~Ic~trtmti= mechanism of rocks from explosion.n. IAN UzSSR. Ser. tekh. nauk, no. 3. 197Z. 77-80. Soviet research on the niecharism of rock destruction by explosive action it; surveyed. Vlasov et at (LAN SSSR. 11?6Z.) shc,.cd that an approxhi-te nolullon of explooltm probicnis Can be obtained by assuming that transmission of the explosion energy to the surrounding medium is instantaneous, and that the medium is incompressible. Principles were developed on thin basic for the calculation of rock fragmentation by an explosim. Tho rranulametric composition of the blown-up rock mass can consequently be theoretically determined by classical mechanics, and the fragmentation action of cylindrical charges can be calculated. However, the only changes and deformation& taking place in the medium which can be evaluated using this model c,f the rock fragmentation process, are the end results of explosive action. Sukhanov (IN: Sbornik. Vaprosy teorii ratrusheniya garnyhli porod vrryva. IAN SSSR, 1950) propoved a formula for taking into account the resistance of rock to separation along the lateral surface of the explosion funnel, and the passage of the gravitational forces of the rock within the funnel. Khanukayev suggested (IN: Energiya vain USSR UDC 622.235.2 TNOGAYIOV.s 1. 1., PYSI, F. N. ItMethods of Increasing the Energy of an Explosion" Tashkent, Izvestiya Akademiii Nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, No 3, 1970, pp 50-52 Abstract: The article deals with methods for breaking up rock in -,.,con~uons, which increase the efficiency of the explosion. In an explosion, t~Lere ts a lag; beUieen the application af a load upon the medium and ts destruction, de, erdinj- upon the physical and mechanical properties and upon tne duration of tne ~%qdosive impulse. 71he intensity of the process of rock breakup increases e4itr an increase in the duration of the explosive imp-lilse. 71hus, the. basic physical factor affecting the intensity of rock breakup under the action of an explosion -is the tire of application of tae explosive impulse. A formula is given to deccribe the process of the explosive decomposition of a high-explosive charge in a rock borehole. Methods of increasing the duration of the explosion are breifly des- cribed. It is found that methods for increasing the efficiency of the explosion energy considerably Improve the degree and uniformity of rock pulverization, and increase the productivity of mining and transport equipmnt. 1/1 USSR UDC 661.832-43 rWNTQV--J1--A MAN -ROV, P. KH. , NIZAME.TDI1,T U 740 1 SU, 'OVA, M. A., Institute 1 or-Chemistry, cadeny of Sciences Uzbek SSR "Study of the Finetics of Ion Exchange in an Ionite-Solution system" Tashkent, LTzbekskiy trhimicheskiy zhurnal, No 3, 1971, pZ) 23-25 Abstract: The rate of ion exchange between the ionite and 'the solution which occurs by penetration of the ion fron-, the solution into the ionite .7rain is determined by diffusion. During exchange, the onpozite process ',.a!:-es -olace: the desorbed ion is diffused from the ionite Rrain interior into the external solution. This makes ion distribution between the two phases a function of the mobility of the exchan7ing ions. The objective of this st,,:.dy i-ras the ion exchanwo rate between solutions of nitric acid, potassium and sodium chlorides Jsing KU-2 cationite In K'+ , N* + and IT + formB. The ion exchange rate was determined from the hydro-gen ion exchange for Dotassium-sodium-cationite ionzi and from that of notassium Pnd sodium J-on3 for the 11 cationite. The concentration i/2 - 30 - uss~ P'TOGANOV, U. et e.1, U,7bel i~hLmichas!~-L7 zhiirn~ 1, % 3, 1971, nn 23-25 of the eXlchrn-ing ions of t-he contacted solution was determined from the difference In corcentration of the initial solution by titration both before and after contact with the ion-ite. It was found that the ion exchan-,7e Drocess in the synthesis of sodiun, and potassium nitrites is determined by internal diffusion. The ion diffusion coefficients of H+, K* and I T.-~ -~- increase in the order DH> DNa > DK* 212 USSR UDC 576.311:591.436.044 ZUFAROV, K. A., SHNEYV9(S, V. B., and ja2phj "VA 7T. Ya,W Laboratory of Electron Microscopy and Cytophotometry, Tashkent Medical Institute, Tashkent "The Response of Ergast-oplasm of Liver Cells of White Rats to the Effect of an Electromagnetic Field" Leningrad, Tsitologiya, Vol 13, No 7, Jul 71, pp 813-819 Abstract: Rats were exposed for three hours to the effect of an electro- magnetic field with a frequency of 1.625 MHz. Electron microscope study and biochemical analysis showed that the protein-synthesizing structures of liver cells were affected bv the action of the electromagnetic field. The most pronounced changes in the ergastoplasm (a part of the endoplasm network of cells, the principal functions of which are svnthesis and transportation of proteins) were found in liver cells just after exposure. There were also distinct changes in the nucleoli, i.e., in the ribosome- synthesizing apparatus. In later periods following exposure, there was a correlation between morphological and biochemical changes in liver cells. The decrease in the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, which set in initially as a restilt of dystrophic changes produced in the cells, was followed by an increase of the content of these SUbst-ances in the liver USSR uDc: 8.74 INOYATIDV, A. I., KANTSEL', A. V., PLESWCOV, M. D. "An Adaptive Recognition Algorithm Utilizing Statistical Resolving Rules" V sb. Vopr. kibernetiki (Problems of Cybernetics--collection of works), VYp. ~5, Tashkent, 1971, pp 78-81 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5V572) [No abstract] 1/1 _:_IZ2 016 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 T.ITLE-SYNCHRONCIUS EXTIRPATION OF THE RECTUM FCR CANCER _U_ AUTHOR-(03)-AL.EKSANOaOVt V.B., FAYN, S.N., INOYATOV, I.M. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SCURCE-KHMURGIYA, 1970Y NR 5, PP 63-67 DATE PUBLISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-61OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CANCERP LARGE INTESTINE# SURGERY CCNTRCL HARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1040 STEP NO--UR/0531/70/UOC/005/0063/0067 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0126678 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED P R 0 '1' E S S I ',j G D A T E"3- ""-- f 7 0 CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0126678 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DURING EXTIRPATION GF FHE RECTIM FOR CANCER SYNCHRONOUSLY BY TWO SURGICAL TEAMS MOBILIZATION Of THE INTESTINE TO A GREATER MEASURE WAS PERFORMED BY THE PERINEAL fEAM OF SURGEONS. TI-E AUTHCRS HAVE ELABORATED AND PROPOSE A DL-TAII-Er, DESCRIPTION OF THE SURGICAL TECHNIQUE OF THE PLrIINEAL STAGE OF THE UPERATICN Cf-MBINED EXTIRPATION OF THE RECTUM. THE REFERRED 10 TECHNIQUE WAS EMPLOYED IN OVER 1.80 PATIENTS. FACILITY: NI LABOaArOR11 PQ PRUKTOLOGII S KLINIKOY. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 547.944/661.2 ASLAIMV, KH. A., ISHBAYEV. A. I., WYAW141 K., YU-U?CV, SH., SOMKOV, A. 3., ard ZAKHAROV, 11. P., Order of the-U-Ibor Red Banner Tashkent State University Imeni V. I. Lenin "New Method for Isolation of the A-nabasis Aphyll-, AD-iloidsil Tashkent, Khizaiya Prircdnykh Soyc-jineniy, 1410 3, 1972, pp 324-'328 Abstract: A new nethol has been developed for isolation of jAidividu,-I Anabasis aphyUa- alkalolds from technical annbasin Sulfate. Direct extrac- tion of anabasi-ne sulf-.te with chloroform yields aphylidne, aphyllidinf~-, and some anabasine. The major portion of anabasine and lupi2iine is obt,-ined by converting them to nitrozio derivnitives followed by hydro1jsis with IE; hydrochloric acid at; 98-1000C. Also a modification w,-Is fd--volopei for pro- duction of th,i arjab:asixio sulfate. Thn. common:~v use-A T::ethod re- quIr--d 40,~, at Vu.-III01C, to of thc alkaloids, coulJ be avoide-d j.,resurving, of t1j) :J.kaJ-uAu'.!, bY Lhu ivil! of 41.0 h'2 --t 50-40f-C- 1/1 USSR UDC 1 947 ABDUVANKHABOV, A. A., ASLjVNOV, Kh. A., SADYKOV, A. S., and INOYATOVA. K.. Tashkent State University imeni V. I. Lenin "Lupinine Esters of O-Alkirlmethylphosphonic and O,O-Diethylthiophosphoric Acids" Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnirkh Soyedineniy, No 6, 1970, pp 771-772 Abstract: To determine anticholinesterase activity, the authoes synthesized lupinine esters of phosphoric acids: O-ethyl-0-lupinanmethylphosphonate, 0-n-butyl-0-lupinanmethylphosphonate, 0,0-diethyl-S-lupinanthiophosphate, and iodomethylates of 0,0-diethyl-S-lupinanthiophosphate and 0-n-butyl-0- lupinanthiophosphonate. 1/1 AA0043380 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, 110 4,2975 IMURY ELWNT for computers consisting of two contitt pairs, and mounted an the inside F surface of a shell, two shells forming a closed cell. One contact pair is covered with a metal filin shorting the contacts. In a high vacuum in the c-ell-current-applied to the shorted pair of contacts causes evaporation of the filin with a consequent shorting of the opposite contacts. 16.11L.68 as 1220128/18-24.A.G.TNOZDnSOV.(17.9.69) Bul 16/5.5.69. Class I 97G1G'4d AA0043380- I I i I I-- v X, 19761650 USSR 6n. 11,OZF-;nTSEv-j B. i., r1--Ls"f'T.,' V. A.. I'OVIYOV L. G.; -and SHMT~`LI-71, I. T. "Computer Davice Using, Integrated Circuits" 1-10scow, V sb. Svayst-van materialov pri povysh. tenTmoratu.-rQ i clpparati~,!.,a :0.14 ispyt-aniya (C-hara C-be ri sties of at 11,147~h Equipnent for Ti2stinff TTLcn,--Co1I-2ct--Jon of Works), 11,172, Avtayratika, telemekhcm-1ha i vychislitelInaya tel:~--AI~a, 110 2, 1~,173, Abstract No 21,496) d4- -i I-al Trann1ation: Thu conntnirlion lncl opuration prin-ciplr-,r o~.' emputer in i, code with a rvil'Irldallej, of 31 (lm, 0c, lkybrid olumunt.,; of 11sed ill thl:.- puter, and t1lic sclie~iatlc of the digit,~I readoleb ill hi~,.Ltn W., thu are giveri. Six 131.-WALof-;raphy of threc!. 11. S. 1 /1 1/2 UNCLASSIFIEU PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--CHARACTERISTICS OF 13 N JUNCTIONS IN P13TE -U- tap - fpr ~lf AUTHOR-(05)-ZHEMCHUZHINA, YE.A.t FIGUROVSKlY IVANOVv A.I., N . ~.INOZEMTSEV, K.I., KIREYE'l, P.S, COIM" FrT-FINFO--USSR .SOURCE--MOSCOWt RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKAt VOL. 15t NO, 3, 1970, PP 546-550 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR., PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--PN JUNCTIONt LEAD, TELLURIDE, SINGLE CRYSTAL, MANUFACTURING METHOD, TEMPERATURE GRADIENT, ARGON, ATMOSPHERE, CRYSTAL GROWTH, ELECTRON HOLE, VOLT AMPERE CHARACTERISTICI JUNCTION DIODEv IR SENSOR .CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO----FD70/605008/812 STEP NO--UR/0109/70/015/003/0546/0550 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139945 UNCLASSIFIED 2J 2 076 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP013994-5 ABSTRACT/F-XTRACT--(U) GP-O-- ABSTRACT. ALTHOUGH LEAO TELLURIDE HAS SOME INTERESTING PROPERTIES, ITS P N JUNCTIONS HAVE NOT BEE GIVEN ENOUGH ATTENTION. THIS ARTICLE CONSIDERS THE PROBLEMS IN THE WAY OF OBTAINING PBTE MONOCRYSTALSt THE MANUFACTURE OF THE P N JUNCTIONS AND THE INVESTIGATION OF SOME OF THEIR CHARACTERISTICS. PBTE IS MADE FROM 99.999PERCENT PURE LEAD AND TELLURIUMt BY WEIGHT, BY THE TEMPERATURE GRADIENT METHOD. THE OVEN IN WHICH THE COMPOUND IS SYNTHESIZED, AND ITS TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION WITH HEIGHT ARE SOWN IN A DIAGRAM. THE SYNTHESIS WAS MADE IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF SPECTRAL ARGON, AND THE OPERATING TEMPERATURE IN THE SYNTHESIS ZONE AND CRYSTAL GROWTH ZONE WAS MAINTAINED WITH AN ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS 0.5PERCENT C, THE ELECTRON HOLE JUNCTIONS WERE MADE BY THREE METHODS: DIFFUSION OF THE LEAD; VAPORIZATION OF THE TELLURIUM; DIFFUSION OF INDIUM IN THE PBTE. DETAILS OF EACH OF THESE METHODS ARE GIVEN. THE VOLTAMPERE CHARACTERISTICS FOR VARIOUS DIODES, PLOTTED IN SEMILOGARITHMIC COORDINATES, ARE ALSO GIVEN. IT IS STATED THAT THE JUNCTIONS CAN BE USED FOR INFRARED RADIATKON SENSORS, LASERS WITH A TUNABLE RADIATION SPECTRUM UNDER PRESSUREP AND SIMILAR DEVICES, UNCLASSIFIED IL; ULC : 6 21. 7 Z7*%MRU%J1' IY, 1 VA NL 7, 1. and KIRMN, P. S. 11"'haracturistics o--f p-n Junctions in PbTe" Lioscow, Radio~cklin ~ -ktronil.:a, Vol. 15), i'(j. 'a i c 5, 970, 546- Ln 550 ,,.bs4u-rac': Although lu~--.d tellurido SoMe inzt.; - --2 s t i n. -r oe U its, :)-n junctions 11~tve n,,)t been enoui---h atteriticn. article considuro t~ie prob]-erfis in thk-, wav ()C monocrystals, tlh.~3 m,-.i.nufacture of thu p-n junctiorl~ vest-izf~--'icin of some o-F t' ~ir characteri'ztics. P-b'2e is 1.1- de frol"I 019.999%~o pure lead and tellurium, by weioa-,-, -e -.em,)I;ra!ure ,;,--,-adient meil-hod. Tae oven in which thu comround is cr.-It",-esi-1--d, and its tumoeratu--c- ~--*i-ctributic-a with heigh-. are shown in a dia- c,ram. Th--~ synthesis was made in an. atmosph,-~rr-- cf sn~-:;ctral' ar-c.-, and the onur,-.~tin~- temoerature in the synt'liesis vone ~::nd crvst;7~1 11/2 USSR ZM-ICIfGZHINTA, YE. A., et al, Radiotellchnika i Elek-tronika, Vol 15, No 3, 1970, pp 546-550 Abstract: jr-1-owth zone ;-;as m--ainzained -.?iGh an accuracy of electron--lio-le juanctions were mride bir t`irUe -~et'hods: dJL-';':.'u--i,-. cl the luad; vaporization of th,;,, tellurium; diffusion o-f indiLL'r, In e. Details of each o.- th,--se me-6hods al-e civen. voll- ampere i'or v.,~rious diodes, piot~-c-d o?*. sumi- -L I- - iiates, are also IL; i v 1i iZ ~t~jt_d 1 ogarJ t1imic coord.L. U11 junctions c~~n be used Ifor iii-frared radiation sensors, -a-sers with a -.unabl~j radiation spectrum under pressure., an.i s imilar devices. 2/2 OPTIULL METHOD UF !IEASURII;G TUE PUAM-M.R; OF A CW;1WtNJ:D P11A.SE OF VO-F1W;C FIAYWS [Abstract of a Paper by ~~_Zfmln, (). V. lroz~.tsrv it. Xrugrr,,kty, Z. C. ~iLllrrvich Given qt tile :,trl Dy using tile results at m"nuring the acatte.%nn ~f lirlit at low atzlex it van d=unstrateJ that it is porsible to dzt~rmlnc tile calculatVd concentration of particles of a condensed phase in two-phase flews simultanvQltilly with determin- log thr diRtributicrt function by the sizes of tlmlt~ parLiclefi. An is known, the index of scattering of light by a polydisperse system of particles under tile coudition of ra/A - I Is defined by tile expression - It 1H JJ(!SQ)n1U)dCL, uti-ra it to tile partic.Le diatnetar; A tit the wave length of the incident radiation; 10 In the incident light intensity; 0 is the scattarLnr anitle: J1 it tile first- order 11cmitel functfon ef the first type ind n(a) is the particleco*ccntratlon with dim"BLona train a to a + da. V.. S. ShitrLu, proposed tile following solution to thl, integral equation (1) : C rlja~- 80 Id Her"Y,,,i~.the,Elr:t-order Beseci runition, of the mccotl~'type.' Thus. by mensurtn$ be in I f ll *it ring of the Light by a polydisporse nymtL-m of particles of ' he Y t condenied ph?i9e in a two-phase medium., it is pc~oible to ni,tatn the distri- butian hinctlon of the scattering particles with reavect to mite with accuracy to a conatant factor. 11owever, giving tile nagnituds of the solid &"1t 60 from vhlch the scat- 't*rW IIght is recorded and the magnitude of the scatterijig volume v, it in possible to ~determlna the absolute value of the fuaction r(6). Then the calcu- Isted concentration Is defined by the Integral N rl(n)tla. 46 USSR. L'D C' 5 3'.,'3 2 DZYGALO, V. I., KO'~OVALO'i) G. P., INOZEMrsEv, V. C)~ Sciences WiLAKROV, YU. V., Institute 0"' Metallu~j~~' im"Eritl:chmuzic of the Kazakh SSR "A Piezoelectric Radiator" ,Moscow, Otkrytiya, lzobrcte-aiya, Promnvshlennvvc Obraztsv, No 23, 1970, Authors- Ce;.-tific_a_t_eNo 277-6552, Filed 11 Nov 6,33, L47 A)s tract -This auLhor's certificate introduces a piuzo,~,,!ccric radiator %,hich ,I U_ contains a piezoelectric eivmenL and electrode plates. 's a "sting feature of Lhe patent, Cie reliability is improved by ;-i-inkin~; each of the wind- ings in the device in the form of a conductive layer o1: JACUld 15 J,jred from the anibient medIUM by an acoustically tran!;p,'WenL imcm)rane ti-diLly connected to the piezoeiectric element around that periphery. 1 ;1 It. US S R UDO 621-~85.6;1~2.12.032 L.G. "Volumetric Abiorbera For Power TdTelt Elektron. telchn.1ka. Nauc'-Ino-tekhn. sb. Elektron. SVCh (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Electronics), 1970,188ue 11, PP 95-102 (froin RZh--Elektronika i eye primeneniye, No 2, February 1971, Abstract No 2_A186) Translation: The absorber of microwave energy developed for a power traveling-wave tube is characterized by high mechanical stability, good therwal coriductivity,and low gas generation. Tne construction is described of a volumetric absorber for a TdT with a ep1ral-type delay system. It is shown that damping and matching with the delay system of such. an absorber is not worge than with a film absorber ob- tained by the method of pyrolysis of methane. The absorber xBkea it possible to dissipate large levole of average powero A volumetric absorber with a delay system of the coupled raeonators type is also investigated and its high-frequency characteristics are preiiented. ) ref. Summary. 1/1 USSR uDc: 8.74 MELIMOV, A. N. , IVANOV, Gy. I., INOZE21ITSOV Z. P. , ORLOVA, A. S. "A Pro6Tam for Checkirg an Automaton for Contradiction, Redundancy and Ripple-Through Jumps" Inform. materia2y. Nauch. sovet po kompleks, probl. "kibernetiki" AJI S,13SP. TI- ~�rmational Materials. Scientific Council on the Coini)lex Prob'Lem of Cyber- netics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR), 1971, No 7(54), pp 118-119 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6V554) [No abstract] 'USSR INSAROV, V. "Living Hydroelectric Stations" Moscow, Sovetskaya Rossiya, 2 Sep 72, p 4 Abstracti Electric eel, torpedo ray, electric catfish, Amrican stargazer, elephant fishes of Africa - all of them are capable of producing elect-ric discharges powerful enough to stun their prey or to protect themselveo In a dangerous 31tuation. The ratio of electric organs in the electric eel to its total body weight is l12.66, and in the torpedo ray, 133.46. In the majority of electric fishes the electric organs are located on both siJes, but in the stargazer they are located under the eyes, and in elephant fishes of Africa, near the tail. The electric organs of fishes are made of columnar cells assembled in an organized system called "batteries." Discharges produced by some fishes sometimes reach up to 6 kilowatts. The electric eel, for ex&mple, can simultaneously light a dozen 100 watt electric bulbs. Along with fishes with strong electric fields there are many fishes which produce very weak electric discharges in the form of rhythmic pulsations, These weak dis- charges can be used neither for defense nor for attack. With special electric receptors under the skin thene fishes can detect extremely small electric 1/2 - 25 - USSR IRSAROV, V., Sovetskaya Rossiya, 2 Sep 72, p 4 fields equal to a hundredth of a microvolt. 1-lodern technoloE7 does not have instruments with such high sensitivity. These fishes use their electric pulsing fields for location and interrelation with their own species. Electro- location is accomplished by a dipole electric field produced around the fish, The field configuration is controlled by the electric receptors. If a foreign object enters the electric field the fish can instantly change the field configuration. These fishes are capable of detecting small objects (3 mm in dianeter). Within their electric field at a distance of I M. Scientists are trying to build instruments using the electrolocation principle of these fishes. Recent studies have indicated that all fishes are capable of producing electric dishcharges when in a state of excitement. In shoals, the individual electric fields are grouped and form one electric filed around the entire shoal. This field helps then to maneuver and choose the direction of migration from one place to another. 2/2 I /Z 034 UNCLASSIFIED ~TITLE-VISCGSITY OF ORIENTED SOLUTIONS -U- AUTHOR--INSAROVA, N.I. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-INZH. FIZ. ZH. 197Ct 18(2), 347-50 DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TOPIC TAGS-MACRO MOLECULE, FLUID VISCOSITY, HYDRODYNAMIC PROPERTY, POLYMER9 DEFORMATION RATE: CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--2000/0852 STEP NO--UR/1070/70/018/002/034710350 CIRC ACCESSIGN NG--APOL24515 UNCLASSIFIED 212 034 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124515 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF ORIENTED LINEAR MACROMOLS. ON THE POLYMER SOLN. VISCOSITY FOR THE CASE OF THE AXISYM. STRETCHING WAS ANALYZED. AS THE MEDIUM MODEL WAS USED A 5YSTEM OF UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED RIGID CYLINDRICAL RUDS OF THE LE,,',GIP. L AND THE- DIAM. R SU60 IN THE SOLVENT OF VISCOSITY N SUBOr WITH THE CONDITION' THAT L GREATER THAN R SUBO. THE MEDIUM WAS CONSIDERED TO BE STRETCHED ALONG THE ORIENTATION DIRECTION OF THE ROOS. THE HYDRODYNAMIC CORRELATIONS LEAD TO THE EXPRESSICN FOR THE EFFECTIVE VISCOSITY N SUBEFF EQUALS 3 SUBN SUBO(l PLUS (ONE NIKITH)GAMMA C (L-RSU60)PRIMEZ), WHERE C IS THE VOL. CONCN. OF THE ROOS AND GAMMA IS DEFINED BY FHE EQUATIONS GAMMA EQUALS I-fC MINUS LN C MINUS 1). E.G.i FOR C EQUALS 0.01 AND L-P SUBO EQUALS 1DO, N SUBEFF SIMILAR TD 4 N SUBO AND FOR C EQUALS Oel AND L-R SUBO EQUALS 100t N SUBEFF SIMILAR TO 80 N SUBO. THE INCREASE IN THE MEDIUM N SUBEFF REFLECTED THE INCREASE OF REAL DEFORMATIUN RATES IN THE SOLVENT IN COMPARISON WITH THE MEAN DEFORMATION RATES 114 THE SOLN. FACILITY: INST* FIZ.v MINSKr USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 681-327.67 INSHENarSKIY, V. V., KUZ'MIN, YU. PA Method of Recording Information Position Number Representation" I., SIKORSKIY, YU. 1M. in a Memory Device with Pulse- Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obrazi.-sy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 9, 1970, p 127, Patent No 264771, fiLed 18 JuL 66 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of. record- ing information in a memory device with pulse-position number re- presentation. The recorded numbers are distinguished~y a time shift in the pulse sequence at the output of thc memory device re- lative to the sequence of reference pulse3 of the same frequency. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, to cut down recordinir 0 time and to Simplify the recording of information in the puLse- position elements, in the initial state the input of the mer,-iory device is excited from the source of the first sequence of phasing pulses corresponding to recording of a zero. To record a number, the source of the first sequence of phasing pulses is cut off and the input of the memory device is excited from the source of the second sequence of phasing pulses of the same frequency as the first, 1/2 USSR INSHENETSKIY, V. V., et al., Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obra--tsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 9, 1970, p 127 Patent No 264771, filed 18 Jul 66 but shifted with respect to the first by a time interval corres- ponding to the number to be recorded in the memory device. In the input pulse scaling mode, recording is done by successive reference to one of a set of phasing pulse trains whica are uniformly time-shifted in sequence with respect to each other. 2/2 J1. a s 0, c c ; r s , - ncc~ they wer. o s s- C) - 72 L L L 4 I- L t ~ 7 c i'D r 0 L - dlic cc ~ ~lblc to pro "n bo o -o Co i UL Lc i.I ct Cl i ij ~ 3r - rOS S r. th c r n n tt 0: C 17 L --L!-S C Z:l L T or thc Zi. rc;zlzons L -at- 0 n U S-1 TISI __1 S E! ELD 1~7 "I "a S ""k e LI Ci S' No I , 1 7 p as cholara-rZ-o(allicil 110-";aver, most _C' 2 t those v! 1-to wo-_'ked 4:1 il 9 013' - 19 09 c 'CIO! cra, C- bur,; wc!i~A~ 0 -cc rit op LI o ii They in,gr cn~~y-~miiLtilc_ actf.vitv -traimi WOLAd ;c:.. -j - - 1: ) L L_r- ,q b -1. 1 1 c3_3 8 , rh a number o'f stra-]'.Is c' 0 4r,creasae-7 to -0. Doa-anbos consdered tilcm to, e. cl-L~' vibrios a c C ed "D 17 P n L L~ cm Th- rst ~ n ` '~ ' 7 o n 0 V _10 w L e. d, U L i~' V C- S z _L L S e co ;IfCl o L -C 1) e j c L: S c 'D y c 0 y t: c V 2 b ri nd I a. i S 'C"'a V c- r S ~2. t o a id 0 'L c m _2_ c- a ""') u C C! I. o f t r ii a vibrios, and was followcd lnl,~ Q Val' Oz~.s S t a n S t e -rd --C) r on.) 1,3 c L t I L D 1) i o c h c;m. c c, o a r-L c! c a I t- u r al __-X: I L: t a a d, e v;a r 10 c CLI -L-eveaLed Lt:"On., 0-111i2r .1,:f L L-1 c-F -L-6~ was vn:-.n1)Le and p '1:~- 1 Zn'C: c d i v ide'd -in"Lo tirncee ~~C' co-t-an~'-1.7 cri'd w4a, LZ A:. no 1 4 C C "ol res S-ac; 1. , 1'. ;-~ ~-- ~,- "-,(D - , ~l - C m e t 0 --C V,'EI3 I n t Cl- -1:7.1 C! Cz. n o a tiao c OCCUPY assicall A nc, Cl a r, USSR j,NswrINA, G. S. , CHEPINYSHEVA, T. M. "The Problem of the Application of the X 2 Criterion" Stat. i Elektronno-Vvchisl. Temin. v Ekon. (Statistics and Flectronic Coliputer Equipment in Economics -- Collection of Works], No S, Moscow, Statistika Press, 1972, pp 238-2LI7 (Translated from Referativny), Zhurn;Ll Kibornetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V37/1, by V. Kolchin). Translation: Results ire presented from application of the X 2 criterion to a number of specific economic and sociological problems to te.:.t homingenuily and compare methods of processIng and plinning of sample 1/1 USSR UD C - 6~ -'I - 396 - 4~77- L",-,"3' INSPE-KTOROV, E. M. "On AccountinE for the Influt-,nee of LCj,-,e Diffractior on tl~,~~ 11o1%--1- Pa-LIx-n of a Mirror Antenna in the Shudow Rc~gicn,, Omsk, Vopr. ra,cyc.,17tir. radicapparatury v inforrj.-iznerdt- (Problems of Desi(:rinj7. Radio Equipment Jn Tnfo---n---n'Acn noloa-collection of -vorks), 1,072, io, 22 27 (fror p 12, Dee 72, abs-uract Na L22,,c,6 *oy v. s. yJnf,, the -ect cX C,,-* f r, Translatio,l: I.. ri,,ethod is coi-sidered for sturl j U L C_7 c o n f i ir a t, i c i r. f c (~ E e.-: c If f ir i Ji t e t h i ch n e s z, an d e 6,g e sr, i a c,~: -n the polar --at~.crn of a miri-cr antenn,-, in the the rac.,thod is to 1%rCe and :;riall- r(.:f*J.f-C`.01-i. AS h. modc-1 the aul.'Incr i;.n Ion- c cy der with edg(.-s of finite thicknesc and arbit-rary E- or H-sectien horns. integral equations are de2Avc,~. for `hc surfac-, cur=il-s , and a Lethc,-1 is civen 'or solvins thi m. It is n3-,cc~ C-i results of the caicula~icn r-Gree satisfactcrily W4tl- j1- functions. One illustration, bibliorraphy of tw~) tit1cc-. 1/1 USSR "On the Mechpanism Of R~e-(Haluic-lll Of !,'i2- Or IJ Omsk, Vopr. Proyektir. (Problems of DesigninL,, Padic, Eau-ILm,ent and Information nology--Colll~ction Of ISY~2, pr, 61-69 (from 12, Dec 72, abstruct No 12B57 by V. S.) Tratislati o,.,,: The autlhc~r ext~i, ;jp_eS tl,,e Euitenna in the ii-mbral ;,.nd per-amnbral rcgicn on -~.he uP -dirensil oral -,rcblc,:i: Lin infinitely long cyl.-Indr~r orii~.,nted alcm- t i2 1- zontal axic and irradi,ted by E- of Th(: patturn of the reflector to[rether vLth the ra-,Jjtor, an- th- pattern of the currtmt,:~ on the r(Al-ec-Lor am, prencyite-A t-,jid influence Of dev-la,-,J*(-)---- in the ois'll-J,I)III'lon of surf" Cill fr"'m 1;,:: Kirchhoff approxim.-ti-ci-. is considered . Five, biblic.--a-ly tax RPOG087Z'9__ UR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Cheinicall, 229745 BORNYL ACETATE is obtained by the con- ventional method involving distillation of pine oil using a rectification columl but its yield is increased by heating the pirie oi.1 with acetic anhydride. Under these coneicions bR'rueol scetylates quantitatively and does not crystaLliae out during rectification (a drawback in the old metho4')- In an exampie, 100g of tech. bornyt ace-tate contg. 8.2% of borneol is heated w4th 10.-Bg. of acetic anhydride for 4 hrs. at 1500C rhe resultLrF, product is then fractionally distilled at 60m Rg. residual pressurcusing a column of 38 the-iretical plates 86 2g of a fraction boiLing at 1137 ()C contg 99.6Z of bornyl acetate (94% of theory) are obtained. 10.5-67. as L154830f3L-16. QTEUBERG Sh M. et at. (19 2.69~ Bul. 33/10.68. Int.Cl . A 61k, C 07b _J 116- L Microbiology USSR nc: 6l4-7r(-G51-4P- PODOPRI&ORL-IL, G. 1. and !NTIMALROV M. M. Datora-tory of E-`Aperimenta-1 Biolo-fical --1-1- 1 j C- 1-~3dels, Academy of VediTCal'5~16nces USSR "Use of Ultrafine-Fibe-r Filter- Cloth to Purify the Air o-? Bac-'Lerlal Cont-amina- tion" Moscov, Z.iurnal I~Iikrobiolof,~-ii Epirlemiolq-ii i lrmumnolbiolo~,Ii, No :12, 19 72, pp 130-131 Tianslation: Various filter iroterials, intended to nurify the air of riicrobial contwlination, are widely used in various areas of experim-ent'--l investirations. and in the pi-actical work of bacteriological la'boratories. The ren.,Uirements h in for the quality and properLies of i'Llter materials are especLall,-yr hig onotobiotic technolo,,f-V in order to assure st--rile conditions for microbe-free Lirals (Duckey, 1962). Standard filters (F[;-50; Fiber--las Co=.pary, Toledo, !21-ia, -Nr F. M. 004 1/2,', are very uidespread in apparatus for Microl-e-free s~ni7 of H-,-:weve,;, the short supply of that r-.ater-ial hps led us to Seek Soviet analorrues -wiiinh would reet all the requiremento 07 F, - tecIlrology. Vne principal requirem,,jnts are efficiency of p1trill'icati.oll of the uix enter- ing the isolator from micrcorganisms and resistance to j_PfeCt of' relatively high temperatures d1li-irg the sterilization of the filter itself - AutoCla7iI16 1/~ 3 USSR PODOPRIGORA, G. I and INTIZARMI, M. M., Zhurnal Mdkrobiolo~-ii Epidemiolo-ii i ir.m.unobiologii, No 1-9, 1c,172, PP 130-131 at 1230C or treatment with dry steam at 160()C for 2 haters is used for complete sterilization of the filters (Idescott and Cordner, 1962). The Petr,,janov filter cloth used T)reviously b,jr us (FPP and IT-N) does not completely meet those require- mentsl as the fonier is not at all resistant to licat troatr.,-.(~nt and the latter, although it withstands treatment with dry steam, chan;-es when tre,-~.ted !-rith steam in an autoclave. Ultrafine-fiber (UTV) filter, which we have used as filter material) has co,,ripletely met all the above-indinated rcquire~-.'errits. It, preserved its properties after repeated autoclaving and treatment ,'rith dry The following investigation was conducted to test the rilteri.T17, capacity of UEV cloth. An installation was set up consisting of a Bunsen fl-ask with a rneditim of liTuid thio-ly-colate, the wide openint of L e fla k was covered -.-rith g a layer of U-TV filter cloth 2 cm thick and one layer of :-auze, and the narrow onenin- was covered i;it'h an 0.5 Cm laYer of the -LMI, the TPalls of ,-,he flask and the filter- cloth were 'nernsatically sealed -with aheat resistant adhesive tape, that syster, was a-AccLaved -,it 1210C for 20 ninutes, and then in the wide opcninf; of the flark t~o-.,ered bv the UPI was inserted ~-Yi elastic connectin;f pire connected to a FLN blower with switched off heatin'tT) t'i-le flask and blo-der were 2/3 USSR PODOPRIGORA G. I. and IWMAROV, M. M., Zhurnal Mikroldolo-ii ',pideriolof7ii Inununobiologii, No 122, 19'72, PP 130-131 switched on for 3 kLaYs- After biowin~ air throii-h for 3 C;---.s tile m-Otor was switched off but the incut)ation in the thermostat continued for 10-L~ irore days and after that the --esults ,.,ere read. No growth of arn, mic roorgani sins capable of beinG ciil-rivatedi in a liq,,Ad thioglycolate medium bras ietected. This result pei-mits considerin., UT11 cloth of Soviet origin -with fiber 0.5-1 ricron in diairieter, projuced by tile experimen- tal plant of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Glass Plastics and Fibers, to be an effective filtering material for purposes of gnotobiology and other technoloilical tasks where the purification of air of bacterial contamina- tion is reqi,,ired. 3/3 'USSR LW 681-3-053 VMO, YU. I., and INYAK3N, V. F. "Prime Number Method for the Coding of Search Patterns of Objects in Informa- tion Retrieval Systems" Moscow, Tsifrovaya Vychislitel1naya Tekhnika i Programmirovaniye, No 7, 1972, PP 104-107 Abstracts The article describes a method for coding the search patterns of objects and interrogaticns which, in the authors' opinion, because of the simplicity of the search: algorithm can be used to program information re- trieval problems which toe a limited number of descriptors to categorize ob- Jects (up to 100-150)- Each descriptor of the dictionary is uniquely assigned a numeric code, chosen from a series of prime numbers. 68 - 1/2 007 UNCLA'ss[:F I ED TITLE--IMPROVEMENT IN 'THE WAXING OF CANVAS AUTH0R-(05)-,LLLU.P-&GQ-TSKIY, F.L., ARTEMOVA, M.F., SIOROVA, Z.A. CCU.NTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--TEKST. PROM. (MOSCOW) 1970, 3012)t DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70/ TENT FABRICS -U- L.A., INVANOVA, V.E. f 53-4 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MILITARY SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CANVAS EQUEPMENT, TENT# WAX CONTROL MARK[i%G--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ?ROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/'1120 STEP CrRC ACCESS[ON P40--AP0128547 UINCLASSIFI.ED 2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOVI C[RC ACCESSION iNO--APOL28547 A,3ST-.PACT/EXTRA(:T--(tJ) GP-0- ACISTRACT. THE EFFECT OF LEVEL RATE (V SUBR) *rO THE COATING ROLLER SURFACE TRAVEL ( 1N T~i"E Sz.i "I DIRECTEON) RATE (V SUSR) ON THE AMT. I Q) OF PAR4FF IN DEPOS TED TO 7 FABRIC WAS DETD, THE OPTIMUM ANGLE (PHI ) SUBTENDED BY THE CLOTH CC *G' ES CONTACTING AND LEAVING THE ROLLER WAS SIMILAR TG 1 DE AF i E' (H) OF THE ROLLER I'MnERSION IN PARAFFIN, KEPT AT 80-9501EGREFS, -,.C-5 MA, THE CLOTH TEMP. 110-15DEGREES, AND THE ROLLER TE,-iP. Q INCREASED WITH INCREASING V SUBF-V SUBR, AND COULD BE REGULAT'ED BY CHANGING BOTH H AND PHI. - UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 8.74 VUL'P Yu. I., MAKIN V. F. "The Method of Simple Numbers for Coding the Search Patterns of Objects in Information Retrieval Systems" V sb. Tsifr. vychis]. teklinika i programmir. (Digital Com- puter Technology and. Programming--collection of works), vyp. 7, Moscow, "Sov. radio", 1972, pp 104-107 (from RZh-Kiber- netika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V626) Translation: The paper describes an original method of coding descripFo-rs when synthesizing information retrieval systems. The authors recommend the use of simple numbers as descriptor codes. The described method may be of interest in various special cases. 61 USSR I: DC 6-11 373 . 4 31 (1083. 8) !NYAKOV, V. G., SVIR,!'~',, V. P. "Pulse Generator" 1,j USSR Author's Cercif-icat-? No 252391, lFiled 1 Doc 67, 1-1U' _I 4 SL7 Ft2b (from RZh-Radic-Lek-hn-4ka, '.,"o 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9G24j-'2) Translation: A pulse generator is proposed which contai,,iis a DC charGe source, an ion corimutator usinc, a three-c-lectrode discharger, a source of pulse voltage, a storage element and a load. In order ~o UeureasL the -,ran- sient process zi*=e between partial and complete ilcjniz~-tioa of the di.scharger, a limiting inductance is connected to the cathode C.'rCUiL of the dischari~er. 1/1 USSR INYUSHIN ..M. UDC 621-38t6l "Laser Radiation As a Stinulator of Physiological Processes" V sb. IspolIz. optich. Kvant. generatorov v sovrem. tekhn. i med. Ch. 2-3 (Use of Lasers in Contemporary Technology and Medicine. Parts 2-3 -- Collection of Works), Leningrad, 1971, p 70 (from RZh Elektronika i yeye primeniye, No 2 Feb 72, Abstract No 2A512) Translationt Some theoretical principle from the field of photobioenergetics are elucidated. ExDeri.mental data are presented concerning the effect of Laser light with a 6238 R wavelength on the liver, peripheral blood, regenera- tion of skin damages, and the endocrine organs. Concrete propouals are expressed concerning use of the physiological effects of laser radiation in medicine. IA