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Gyroscopic USSR UDC 62-752.4 IL'OW4INQV V. P., Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Building tolo il-~ "Effect of Forced Rotation of Gimbel Mount on Motion of Astatic Gyroscope" Leningrad, Priborostroveniye, Vol 13, No 12, 1970, pp 66-70 Abstract: It is established that the motion of the subject gyroscope relative to the inertial space is a pseudoregular precession the magnitude of whicil (radian/sec) is EW2 twO2 ~ = 211 + 4H tg200. ,ular opecd of forced rotation of Gimbel mount, radlen/see where: wo ang E JHX + Jfly - iffz JHX~ JHYI iliz - moments of inertia of outer ring about X, Y, Z a7is, A = JBZ + J y gram. cm. sec2 1/2 JBZ - moment of inertia of inner ring about Z axis, gram. cm. sec 2 USSR WCHANINOV, V. P. , Priborostroyeniye, Vol 13, No 12, 1970, pp 66-70 H - kinetic momentum of gyroscope, gram. cm. sec 00 - constant term of Euler angle (angle between the axis of gyroscope and the axis of forces rotation) with the gyroscope axis fixed in space. 2/2 - 7z' - 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040ECTO TITLE--STRENGTH OF CRYSTALLILATION STRUCTURES AFTER HYDRATION OF GROUND UNSLAKED LIME -U- AUTHOR-(03)-LAKINSKAYAv NoM.t MANAKIN, B., ILCHENKO, A.[. -~_COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,SOURCE--BUOIVELINI MATER, KONSTR* 1970t (11t 38-40 ,~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--SORPTION, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE# CALCIUM OXIOEt CALCIUM CARBONATE9 LIME ~~-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFII:D PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605()19/BO3 STEP NO--UR/0635/70/000/001/0038/0040 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP014081)4 (NICLASSIFIED 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140894 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CUBES WERE FORMEO FROM MIXTS. OF CAD, CACO SUB31 AND WATER IN VARIOUS RATIOS, WHERE CAO PLUS CACO SUB3 EQUALS CONSTe EQUALS I MOLEv WHILE WATER VARIED 1-5 MOLESY AND CAO-CACO SUB3 VARIED FROM 1-9 TO 10-0. THE CUBES WERE HARDENED FOR 28 DAYS AT 15, 0, AND MINUS 15DEGREES AND THEN THEIR STRENGTH WAS TESTED. T14E CHEM. PURE, HIGHLY EXOTHERMIC CAD, HEATED FOR 2 HR AT 900DEGREES AND SIEVED (SIEVE NO. 0085) AND FINELY GROUND, DRIED AND SIEVED (THE SAME SIEVE) LIMESTONE WERE USED. FOR ANY MIXT. THE MAX. STRENGTH OCCURRED AT A CERTAIN OPTIMUM INTERVAL OF WATER ADMIXTS,q WHICH INCREASED WITH THE RISING CAO-CACO SUB3 VALUE AND AT.15DEGREES CHARPLYt AND AT MINUS 150EGREES ONLY LITTLE. THE OPTIMUM CONTENT OF WATER AT THE LATTER TEMP. WAS GENERALLY LOW (1-2e5- MOLE) AT ANY VALUE OF THE FORMER RATIO" CAO WITHOUT CACO SUB3 010 NOT HARDEN, IRRESP. OF THE WATER CONTENT AT 150EGREESt WHILE AT MINUIS 150EGREES IT HARDENED WELL (125 KG-CH PRIME2 AT 2o5 MOLE WATER)* GENERALLYP THE STRENGTH OF ALL SAMPLES THAT HARDENED AT MINUS 15DEGREES EXCEEDED THE STRENGTH OF SAMPLES HARDENED AT 15DEGREES. THE HEAT OF HYDRATION OF CAO ELEVATES THE WATER TEMP. TO B.P. THUS FORMING GAS. THIS INTERFERES WITH THE SOPRTION PROCESSES AND DESTROYS THE FORMING CRYSTAL STRUCTURE# WHICH CONSEQUENTLY CAN FORM ONLY AT MINUS 15DEGREESo AFTER CACO SUB3 AOMIXT. THE STRUCTURES THAT POSSESS STRENGTH WERE PRESERVED ALSO AT 15DEGREESt WHILE AFTER THE TEMP* DECREASE THE INTERVAL OF COMPN.-THAT YIELDS THE STRUCTURE STRENGTH EXTENDED THE MORE THE LOWER THE'TEMP* t UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 629-78.002 - 3 LOGINOV., N. Z., IL'C!HENKO.,A. M. "Probability Estimate of the Dispersion of the Fracture Coordinate and the Fatigue Limits in Connection with the Technological Process for Treating Specimens" Tr. Kazan. avats. ir.-ta (Works of the Kazan' Aviation Institute), 1972, vyp. 141. pp 40-46 (from RZh-Raketostroyeniya,otdel'nyy vypusk, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12.41.242) Translation: The basic principles of the procedure for joint statistical and functional analysis of fatigue laws are presented. A study is made of the application of this method for comparing the effect of various progressive technological processes on strength under sigii-variable loads. It is demon- strated that the least diameter of the toroidal specimens is not the dangerous cross section but the most probable fracture point. An estimate is made ol the fracture coordinate and the relation of this variable to the fatigue characteristics of the material. Examples are also presented of the structure of the fatigue curve with the fracture probability equal'to zero urith respect to a small sample of specimens using equidistant transfer of the experimental points and atialysin of the fracture coordinaLes. There are 4 fllur;t:rationr.~, 2 tablea and a 7-entry bibliography. 1/1 USSR UDC 5313-916 BREDIKHTN, M. Yu., MASLOV, A. I., SKIBENKO, A. I., SKIBENKO, Ye. I., YUFEROV, V. B. "Study of a Dense Plasma Formed by an Electron Beam in a 'Magnetic Trap" Fiz. plazmy i probl. upravl. termovader. sinteza. Resp. mezhved. sb. (Plasma Physics and Problems of the Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion. Republic Interdepartmental Collection), 1972, No. 3, pp 147-161 (from RZh-Fizika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11G237) Translation: An experimental study of the possibility of the formation of a dense plasma in the ii-.iteraction of a high-energy electron beam with a neutral gas in a magnetic field of helical configuration is described. The introduction of a neutral gas into the interaction region in the formi. of a supersonic Jet made it possible to produce the necessary pressure drop without applying special differential pumping systems. Conditions for the exponential rise in plasma density as a function of the parameters of the beam-plasma discharge were deter-mined. It was concluded on the basis of the exyeriments that it is possible to form a plasma with a density of 5-7 10 4 cm with a supersonic jet of neutral gas. 1/1 USSR UDC .533.9-03,621.039.616 BREDIKHIN, 1-1. Yu., II'CHEN-40, A 1-1. MASLOV, A. I., SKIHEN-KO, A. I- 1. , SKIBENKC, Ye - 1.-, 13. "Investigating Conditions for the Formation of a Dense Plasma in Electron Beam Injection Into a Magnetic Trap" Moscow, Atomnaya energiy4, Vol 29, No 4, Oct 70, PP 276-282 Abstract: The continuation cf an earlier article by the same au- thors (Ukrainian Physical Journal, 14, 1969, p 1167), this paper describes experimental work they peTformed to study Pe csndi- tions of plasma formation with a density of 10 4-1015 cm- in a corkscrew-shaped magnetic trap into which an electron beam inter- acting with a neutral gaveas injected. The experiments were per- formed with the VGL-2 equipment, in which the magnetic field io generated by two solenoids cooled with liquid nitrogen. Maximum magnetic field intensity is 21 kilogauss. A diagram of the VGL-2 together with details of the equipment's operation and the experi- mental method is given. Oacillograms showing the development of the beam-plasma discharge are reproduced, and curves of the (,rrowth time of plasma density as a function of electron beam current and the time rate of change of plasma density in the ionization of a neutral gas are plotted. 112 099 UNCLASSIFIC-0 PAiCeSSING DATH-13NOV70 r jz -Itif"Ji-I SALT' T I T L E--NU CLE jPH I L I kC S !) 3 S T I TUT I ON R c- AC T 1 ON SP! UNATEI-11-NARY Pil- 4A/ -u- AUTHOR-103)-RUOLNIKO, V..,',I.y ILCHENKUY A.YA., ROZUMI YU.S. COUNrRY (IF INF0--USSR SOURCE-00POV. AKAD. NAUK [MR. RSRi SE-R- B 19701 32(2), 159-63 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT 4'~=AS--CHEMISTAY TOPIC TAGS-EXCHANGE RFACTIONt METHYLE;NE, dRf);-lIillATE0 ORGAN[C C0,r-lPr-2lJ-NDj KuONF, AMINE., ill-ftEROCYCLIC NMOGEN CUMPOUNOt f1b.44ENE i)Fi~IVATIVL, OR()Ai',jlC AZINE COMPOIJ1,10 CONTROL RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIVED PROXY STE-V Ni-j--Ul"/Olt42/*(O/(,3/!/t):~)~'/OL5~)/()If)3 CIRC ACCFS')IGN 1; Ir ID 2/2 0119 UNCLASSI FIED PkOCESSING DATE-- 1.3NOV70 CIRG ACCESSION 1\19-AT0134822 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- AiSTRACT. OUATERNIARY PdE.%AZIiNI,j,',i SLAFS WERE CONDFiNISE-0 41,TH CtliMPOS. CONT'G. ACTIVE 'IETHYLEINE G.410iPS, WITH KEr0.,*,4ESj AND v"ITH AMPILS. THUS, I 'e.,AS CJNOENSED WITH (XY)CH S03-1, '4HE-RE THE tlETHYLENE GR'llJP IS ACTIVATED 3Y 2 ELEcrRcj,,4,E,o',, GRoups, BY Ai)t)f.',,'G [HE COMP0. AND iNA91E TO I (ALL 3 REAGEt,,,TS AS ALC. SOLNS.) AT m0ul TE,%IP. AND THE IlPTD. 11 RECRYST0. FlMi'l. MEOH. THE FULWilING It WERE PREP0. (Xv Y, M.P., ANO PEkCEN'T YIELO GIVEEN): Erco SUB2, ErC'(-j SUE32, 2100EGRCF-S, '5f; AC, Erc,,) SUB2, J72-4D-LlC';AEL-S, 3-18; CN, ETCO S01321 245DF-GREESt 56; AC, AC, LARGER THAN 300DEGkEES, 50'; ACI Hy LARGER THAIN 3000[-';REES, 50; ETCOP Ht 153-5DE(;REES, 57: Ai'll!) ri;Z, H, 2220EljREE5? 60. C01~01---NSAffjP1 OF I KITH BRCH S'J'JZ COR WAS CARRIED OUT UNDEi~,,SIAILAR CONDITIONIS, Ck-YSTG. THE PROO(JCr F;~UM CHCL SUB3. (-10,'14LjtNSATfi-'~',J OF LitHE~'.IYL,5,~','~.F-T'iYLPfiE,4AIf,~[UM SALTS 'v4ITH (XY)Ctf SW32 'o-AVE THE FOLLOWING III (X, Y, M.P., At-if) Pf--!ZCP-NT YIELD tilIVE-:4): CC SU62 EF, CO SUB2 ~fv 1740E-G;~EES, 10; ACY CJ Sij32 ET, 153-51)L6RC-CSY 60; t'l-N? CO S062 ETp 25-tj0EG.--,EESt i0; AC) AC, 1.400EG'~'-EES, 65; AND (XY EQUALS) Lt,',IETFIYL,5tOXOt2,THIOTHIAZOLIL)lt4i4yYLIDENEr 230DEGREES, 50. QU4TEWIARY 3,MEmoxy,PlfENAlINIUM SALTS (IV) WE1~~: OBTAINEU BY TKEATING PHE.-,!ALIN,3pONE hITH PIE SUBZ SO SU134. CGINDENSATION OF IV WITH (XY)CH SUB2 GAVE THE FOLL&WING V (Pi R PRIME1, X, Yt M.P.9 AND PERCENT YIELD GIVEN): OMEP R EOUALS ET, CO SUB2 ET, CO SU32 ET, 115DEGREES, 46; OMEt El't CH, CO 568Z ETt 240DEGREES, 50; MURPHOLLN01 ME1, C0 SLI32 ET, CO SU32 ET,- 179DEGREE,~, 40; AM) M(JRPHGLINOt ME, CN, CQ SIJB2 Er, LARGER THAN 300CEGREES, 40. FACILITY: INST. ORG. KHIM.j KIEV, USSR. U~;CLASS IFIED IJSSR Ux 595-771-19(4-10,61-2.1) ILICHENKO L. Ya. Rostov Sci(auitific Research Instititte of Medical Paras-itolo-, "Culex pipiens molestus Forsk. Mosquitoes in the Citleg of Rosto".ro'?:,~i,va (1clast", Moscow M ledits inskaya Farazitolo-4ya i Parazitarnyye V .1 tD- Ol 41, Nc 5, SeP-Oct 72, pp 60~3-603 Abstract: Culex -ni-iiens molestus Forsk. mosquitoes were fc.'and in ran.-,; Cities in the USSR and in other cities in the tomperate zone. Th,:!y breed in oTtcr b-o,J-Jt:;C of vater in the subtrovical, zone .9 while in the terqx~rz-.t~., ~;or(~~ th,.~y occur in LI buildinLs, imere they nay breed even during t' -e cold season. In conn--,ction with nany commlaints during recent years by the popula-6ion of eitic,,; in Il'o-stov- skaya ObLast' Novocherkassk, concQ-rnin.- f~e- quent occurrence of MoSquito bites in the uriyfter, a V1,11:1 17-1-11C, O-i 11,2 CIIIS- tribution of C. -,,). moleriLus 1"'.0squito'-'s ir, these. Citics unI of their control. Eosquitoes of this specier. were fo,,uid Lo lur:!cd in thc Rostovskaya Mlastl in wurm flooded basements of in -W, 112 rc! w at supply or heAtini, syst-cm pipes lcul-ed, and in bath hpta~:e-. '-dic 2anit!--ly- epJdemioloEic-rl stations and city d--7LSiy the control of' thc r.-.,osguitoes. 1-,~,-ierever the brjedin, placer, wur,,~, a single treatment vitil a 12~1 rd-uct of in the of 0 g/sq. mi. exterminatca the larvae completel,,,r. To ext,.jr;.i-'Ln..~.,,C adu.'Lt lf~- I USSR Vol It!,. No 5, Sep-Oct '(2, pp 602-603 mosquitoes in buildir.~,-s, a P~..,) solution of chlorophos and Uie IX;, hexachlorocycloilexane dust aTe bein,; appliud. '212 USSR UDC 621-W2.5.0~,2-22 "Study Of Resonance3 Of' lieliccn Waves in n-In5b" __j~-,ivev~ no'itaklin. in-to. Sor. radioteklin. i clol:+roakiv~t.. (21illi~-tin C1 The 1~~! - I Kiev Polyte clinic -a I Institute. RiAdio Enrinveritia ~'-.nd -Zloctroaco-,istics Series), 1~7'i, No 8, pp 41-44 (from 11.o 9, 1971, ,~bijtract lio Translation- 1!-,e roculto are pracentod of an ctudy o? the reoon:incea of helicon wave-.3 during, tLix-n-on of en in-4t-,etion coil -uith a riu,-r,~-t_i-.,.ed zi~;ccin,.Bn c-f' n-InSb no an inho--noroneity in 3 matched transmission line. 'he dt-jenvioncc-s- ore fiv- an of the raoom%nco frectiorcy and the tLmn-mitai3ion fuctor cn the ititc.nsity of t1-.-a mngne ti,-,-qt 'Lori field. It 19 noLad that it spacirion of ri-1n.,1b in wiich rer-onunce 0-i helicon wavea iu acco:aolishod bobivDa aivalkirly to a cavity m-r:onAor. The,, do-k-co, of interaction of such a rooonator with an elactroinar-natic fteld evt;lvatrae t--o couplin foGtor of tho resomitor with a high-freauency circijit. 4 ill. 2 re.'. Su-:-iury. 1/1 U S 113 R UDC: 621-372-358.2 ard i.UDIL!,UV, Ye. V. "Threshold Perritc Resonator Powt:r in a UH2 Transmission Line" Kiev. Izvestiya. 'rUZ--iRadioel-_,ktronika, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1971, pp li8-120 Abstract: T"his brief comirunication presents experimentally vali- dated formulas for tiie thre,_,hold power level at which unstable effects arise in a ferrite resonator connected ,,ith a uhf trans- mistjion lintz. Curves -are plotted for the threshold power as a ~unz~tj.on of the distance between the resonator and t6 short- circuiting plane as computed from a formula 1 'riven in The communi- cation. Alzo Civen are curves comparing tho thz~oretical and ex- perim~.,ntal threshold power with the resonator shifted along the short-circuited coaxial line. Th(_- experimental values for this curve were obtained 'rom a ZhIG resonator with a cavity volume of 2.03 M3 and a magnetic suscepTibility of 1250, and from a m second resonator with a volume of 6.4 mm-' and a susceptibility of 1170. Agreement between the values is close, ill USSR uDc Cel.165:681.14 B0GATYFENK0J, K. I., IL'CMEENKO, 0. T., and PROKOPYEV, V. Ye. "Analog Computer Determinations of Elongations and Mutual Dislocations of the Rotor and the Body of a. Steam Turlbine" Energ. Mashinostroyeniye. Resp. Viezhved. Temat. Nauch.-Tekhn. Sb. [Power Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Thernatic Scientific-Technical Collec- tion], No 13, 1972, pp 77-81 (from Referativn~y Zhurnal, No 10, Oct 72. 410. Turbostroyeniye. Single Issue. Abstract No lo.49.42) Translation: An account is given of the analop, computer method of solution of vroblens of determinating eloneations and inutual dislocations of the rotor and the bod,, of nteam turbines. The facility for the solution of these Prob- lems, Usscmi)led Alrom clements of the USM-1 machine, its deserl),ed. Res,;Its are pre5ented of the determination on the basis of a model of the cloir-,ation of the heated shaft and of mutual dislocations of coaxial cylinderq. Three illustr. Two biblio. refs. 1/1 USSR uDc: 621.165:536.212 VORONOVICH, L. G. "Nonstationary Temperature Field of a Turbine Rotor in the Case of Time- -Variable Heat-Exchange Boundary Conditions" Energ. mashinostroyeniye. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. sb. (Power Machine Building. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vyp- 9, pp 39-45 (from RZb-Turbostroyeniye, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8.49.32) Translation: It is shown that generalized temperature functions of similar points are identical not only in identical elements of a single rotor, but also in identical elements of any one-piece rotors. On this basis, a con- clusion is drawn on the possibility of calculating the temperature field of any one-piece rotor made up of similar elements with an arbitrary time change in boundary conditions on heat-exchange surfaces. The changes in temperature calculated from the thermal characteristics are compared with data from direct modeling of the problem. Three illustrations, two tables, bibliography of two titles. 1/1 USSR IL'CIIENKO, P. M. UDC 621.372.822/.823 'Tabrication of Waveguides with Plastic Flanges" V sb. Obmen opytom v i:adioprom-stl (Sharing of E-NDerience in Radio Industry -- Collection of Works), Issue 5, 11-foscow, 1971, pp 34-35 (from RZh--Radiotek-linika. No 9, Sep 1971, Abstract No 9B148) Translation: A method is described for fabrication of hollow waveguides with plastic flanges. The waveguide is fabricated from metal (brass or aluminum) tubes at the ends of which flanges are formed by the pressing [pressovaniyel viethod from press-material. After milling, the ends of tile flanges are cut, lapped, and metallized. The nerits of such waveguides are noted and also the absence of complicated and COStly fiLtillF.,1:3. Use of Lhe plastic filter reduces by 2-3 times the amount of labor in the fabrication of waveguide units and decreases their weight. The technological singularil- ties of the process of fabricating a waveguide with plast1c flanges are formulated. 1 1.11. 1 ref. V. S. USSR CEEBURM, A. V., STUANI, D. V., LUBEEEVA, N. N., ~ESIPEJVIKO. N. V. Y and ILICHENKO, T. P. "Immunoglobulias in Nasal Secretions of Small Children" Vopr. Oldn-any Mater-instva J. Detstra (Problems of the Protect-ion of IMotherhcod and Childhood)., 1973, NO 7, PP 53-57 (from M - Biologicheska,,,-a lai-ILmiya, ANo 22, Nov 73, Abstract No 1704) Translation: By the method of -,:Urple radial immunodiffusion it is not ponslibie to determine secretory irnrautioL;I-obul-ins in the washout of nalsal secretions of one month old babies. Affter the age of 2 months a srall quartity of i=~-no- globulins of the class A and G are found. From the six months on the 2.e-v~31 of I&k is increased, while It-,G rerains quite low, increasinr The ir-muno-lobulins of the class M in nasal secretions are absent in babies. Hitch individual fluctimtions of I&k j=y be explainc:d by the lability of the systerl of local imj.,wNity. The resiilts obtained support the point Gi, view of the local synthesis of class A imjilog-lobulins. 1/1 USSR UDC 539-3/5:678 URWTqSK_rY,, E. S. KRYUCHKOV, V. - V. DEBRIVTITYY, I. Ye. gkjgaEN~0,t_ V :~., and T121YAKOV, V. G., Kiev Polytechnic Institute "Stand for the Investigation of Creep and Patigue Strenzth of Comp9sition Films of Idagmetic Carrier Ty-pe at Raised Tem-oeratures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 5,, May 739 PP 103-107 Abstract: A tvielve-sectional experimental stand for creep a-qd fatigue strength investigations, developed on the Chair of the Strength of Materials of Kiev Polytechnic Institute, is descri- bed by reference to its general view and electromechanical -and functionp.1 schemata. The stand can also be used for testing short-term strength and relaxation. The instrun3n'bation of 'he stand includes ~:,_n automatic servomechanism for temzerature con- trol and registration (exactness iloc) and also a ~nultichannel system for recording deformations on prolonged mechanical tests. Inves'i.,Yation methcids of creen and fatigue strength of com-posi- tion films of magnetic carrier type in the interval of wor-1--ing, temperatures are discussed. The described stand and the develo- ped method m-ake it possible to study the rules of accumulation and diminishing not only of the total but also of the reversible (elastic and hi~dh-elastic) deformations. Four figures, ff'ive bi- bliographic references. END 126111 _W; USSR UDC 539-3/5:678 UWNSKIY, E. S., KRYUCHKOV, V. V., DEBRIVIII'Y, I. Ye., ILICHENEQ, V. I-., an6 TINYAKOV, V. G. (Kiev) "An Installation for Investigation of Creep and Long-Term Strength of Film Materials at Reduced TEmperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prcchnosti, No 9, Sep 73, pp 107-111 Abstract: A description is given of an installation and a procedure, for the study of creep and restoration, at static and pulLed laad,,-, of compcsition films at reduced temperaturen (plij,,-, 30 to minus 1.200C). 1. dint,'ni~uishing feature of the installat,ion is the use of semi conductor thermoclectric batteries for cooling t',-ie working volume of the ch=ber. Corresponding devices and appliances were developed' idth semiconductor sensors, which permitted the accu-rancy of measurement of the forcess and dcfc=-- tions to be con~idcrably increased in comparison to the existinf, nel"r,ods. Typical diagrams of creep and restoration at static and subsequent pulsed load.7 are presented. 4 fi-'Ures. 6 references. USSR UDC: 621.791.0u--:621.9-419 KOTWNIKOV, A. A., MiVOVA, S. Ye., and WCHEMW V, I Polytechnical Institute "Structure and Properties of the Transition Zone in Diffusion of Steel 15 With AMLs Alloy and ADI Aluminum Through a Nickel InLerlayer" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Sv,a-rka,No 11, Nov 70, pp 27-29 Abstract: The welding of aluminum and its alloys with steels presents difficulties due to marked differences in the physicochemical properLiol Of these inaterials, 1nLezaction of aluminum with iron produces illLer- metallides FcAl-j, Fe2A12, Fe2AI5, FuA12, FcAl and others determinin;-. britLicuean of Lhe weld. An attempt la deacribed here Lo producc a qualiLy weld of aluminum jilloyB with steel by diffusion. wLlding in vacimmi using a nickel inLerlayer. The latter was made by galvanic nickel plzlLili,~', (0) a steel Strip with a copper backing so thaL the iusion zone became an iron-copper-~nickel-aluminum system. Emphasis was placed on the problem as 1/2 USSR KOTEL"NIKOV, A. A., et al, Avtorzaticheskaya Svarka,NO 11, i~ov 70, pp. 27-29 to which intermeLallide is deLerminina, tiie optimum viecitaixicaL propercies of the weld. The diffusiou zone was studied by microstructural, local x-ray spectral.,and x-ray structural analyses; the microhardness was measured and the mechanical properties were tested. It has been shown that the determining factor in evaluating the strength of the weld is the presence of the A-13R2 phase; the maximum width of this phase is I micron. 2/2 USSR UDC 533.6.011+533.69.01+533.662.013+533.6.521.661.013 IL'ICHEV X P --POSTOLOVSKIY, S. N, , Moscow "Calculation of "Tonstationary Separation Plane FlaTw of a Ncnviscou~, Fluld Over Bodies" Moscow, Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, 11o. 2, Mar/Apr 72, pp 72--82 Abstract: Relationships are ,even for calculate- the separaticn 4-11IC-N, o', 2r bodies of arbitrary shape within the framework of the t1iecr~, of an idetai fluid. Calculations of a plane flo;-. over a circular cv1ind(-r and a n-1.1,ne plate are given as examples of a calculation by numeri~~Il Tllethad5 usIni- computer. Ten initial assumi)tions v;ere made concem, in- the mation o' ideal fluid under -the presence in the flow of a line of tanl!ential separ-:!- tion of the velocity-vortex shr~et. It is concluded frcm z:he between the calculazed kinematic picture of the flow -laid zl;c- actua.! p-1,-Trure and the satisfdotory a,;Y-~ernent between calculatod and expf~,,rjmen t al n,, J' L tative cii irac teris tics of the flow Lhat, these as:-~Ilmpric;rr~ nn Oit: calculation of~ the ser-.,-ir-ted flow was based and the theri-etical ship thus ohtainr~d reflr!2t the esrence of the process nJ of a nonviscous fluid over bodies in the automodeling re.gion. 9- USSR UDC 612.13:797.22 GUREVICH, M. 1. , LLIV111".t KARTSEVA, BPATUS', V. V., and DUKHIN, E. 0., Institute of Physl_01777 4"Mew!~ ".V . Bogomolets, Academy of S'ciences, Ukrai.nian SSR, Kiev "Effect of Underwater Activity on the Human Cardiovascular System" Kiev, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5, 1972, pp 606-613 Abstract: Hemodynamic shifts were studied in 10 aqualungers age 18 to 29 after submersion, while e-xercising under water, and while swimming with an oyygen apparatus. Immediately after submerging to a depth of 5 to 10 m in a No 2 outfit the men exhibited an increase in arterial pressure, decrease in pulse pressure, slo%,ring of thia heart rate, reduction in the cardiac output, and increase in resistance of the peripheral blood vessels. Tile performance of graduated physical exercise under water elevated arterial pressure, slanted the pulse rate, increased the resistance of the peripheral blood vessels, but had little effect on the cardiac output or heart rate. Underwater swiri- ming elevated arterial -pressure, slowed the heart rate, decreased the cardiac output, and increa,,ed tae resistance of the peripheral vessels. 1/1 - 45 - USSR UDC: 8.74 SHMA, Yu. K. , ILCHIN A. S Vditorial Staff of "Izv. AN KirgSSR" "Search Program of Optimim Approximations for the General Case of the Method of Least Squares" Programma -Doiska nailuchshykh priblizheniy d1ya obshchego sluchaa etod y r- a naimen'shikh kvadratov (cf. English above), Frunze, 19Tl,- 1':~ pp, No 3673-71 Dep. (from RZh--Kijberneti1:a, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4V561 DEP) - Translation: Conventionally, the polynomial which approximates an initiall function f(x) is sought in some e-strip. Hence it becomes important not only to assign the function f(x) itself, but the width of the E:-strip as well. If it is possible in this connection to consider the approximation of the initial function in a tube of diameter 2e, then a situation arises vhere a function of one 7aridible may be approximated by a f=ction of two variables. This makes it possible to impose a cons i derably greater number of conditions on the curve for the same degree of the approximating poly- nomial. It is natural in this corinection to expect improved approximations in just this region. The paper presents the APNICE program for search of optimum approximations &!veloped for these purposes for the BIESM-3y'l com- puter. Instructions are rriven for practical utilization of the program. Authors' abstract. 1/1 USSR ','!)C 54().47'22 GRIGUOYEV, C). N. CH13HIN V. A., UU'GIiKLV, V. P., arid 'kvlwftfa T wrW-t- N. M., In3tituLe of jemidon(P Academy of iciences Ukra-aicin "The Crystalline Structure of Llectroluminescent 4inc Selenide F.LIms" Ploscow, Tzvegtiya Akademii Nauk 333R -- Neorganicheskiye Vol 6, No 9, Sep 70, pp 1561-15b3 Abstract: Th.-l literature contains no data on the structural, pro-Jer- ties of ,nSe films obtained by tne two-step metriod, viz., ion of tne substance on a cold substrate witn subsequ~:nt heat tre:Itment. The present article studies the effect of the folloaing on tne crys- talline structure of Zn-Se films; atmo3pnerej temperature ;.Ana dura- tion of heat treatment, the presence of a conductin.- layer (In2'J3, Sn02) on the glass substrate, the thickness of the ZnSe film and vari- ous activators (Cu, Mn). The batch of Zn and Se was selectea in such a -aay that at different annealing temperatures the Zn anc. Se vapor pressure was 0.5 and I atm, respectively. Annealing temperature varied from 300 to 6501 C in 500 C intervals, annealing time one hour. Ejec- 1/2 USSR GRIGGRIYEV, 0. N., et a!., Izvestiya Akademii NaLLk SSSR -- Neorgani- cheskiye Materialy, Vol 6, No 9, Sep 70, PP 1561-1563 tron-diffraction and roentgenographic studies were made of tile -11-ys- talline structure of the resultant Zn3e films. The results indicate that annealing without an activator in vapors of a metal or metalloid has no appreciable effect on the phase composition of the initial films. When copper is introduced as activator, annealing in zinc vapors contributes to the formation of the hazagonal modification; annealing in selonium vApors contributes to the cubic modification. With an increase in tile film thickness a tran5ition is observed from films containing cubic-modification crystals to only hexagonal-modif ic.Ation films. The transition from crystals of cubic modification to nexagonal modification results from errors in the ap- plication of the layers,~ Orientation of the crystals of hexagonal modification improves with increased thickness, The authors thank N. A. VIASENKO for his advice and for discussing trio results. 2/2 U S S P, UDC: 539-37 MAPYIE-LCV, G . I IL'G! M. A. em~. WAINOV V . A. "L\--flections of Elastic llarallelepip~~(! Urdi3x- Actiozi of Its 0,.,M TJ i'.jllCl' L Kiev Priklmh-iaya ?-'ekhvni-ka Vol 7 No 32, 1971' PP -40 Abstract: ~Eha object of the rj~rer ic to cc?-Pl-r-., a-lt--,--mtc- mathads of setti.n~- up toundai:~r equations. Tile very lont-1 parnllclepii~ea has on-,~- verticol f"ace fixed and ic s-lb*~Ctu -1 1 to its own we.'('Tht. TIbe Z-acia of coordinates coimeid~--z t~lis tl-.-- X-a-lis ir, no-J-.ral to it layi~ in thr, brittom farc. Th,,. "oX .Y 't i'ril- Fl.l.;ite difference cqmitiom, in mutri-,-'. form ai-(~ vriLl'-ri covered b 1, for the nodal pointo, of this grid. Al'Lerriate-, I and R. The derivatur, of the wlih tance along used as boundary condlitions. to th': KIV-1MIte 3. Unilaltuml. differ-wicc equatimis a faces, central diffemict!a ulr)r)G the facos. 7he general solutions of tha difference cq~!atiow,3 ai%~ The,. are expanded in sncrier- Tbe mma-~rlcal of thc (1(-flectl.orls ~'.;I'J. ;'C-r Ymtlhr~d, v- -"inwri on, :-raplip. is tIL'-~ c U USSR UDC 539-376:534.1 SAM~BUTDINOV, Zh. M. , SHAKIR 1 YANOV, M 1. 14. "Nonlinear Radial Osc-. _11ations of a Cylindrical. Shell Filled With a Com- pressible Liquid" V sb. Konf. i:)o kolebaniyam mekh. sistem. Tezisy dokl. (Conference on Os- cillaiions of Mechanical Systems. Abstracts of the Reports), Kiev, "D.Iauk. dumka", 1971, p 44 (from Hh-Mekbanika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 110V2TI) Translation: The paper deals with the problem of forced steady-state oscillations of an ideal comDressible liouid contained between two in- finitely long circu-la:r cylindrical shells. The inner cylinder is a source of harmonic radial pe:rturbations. Finite deformations of a "rubber-like" elastic outer cylirde::, are considered in the nonresonance case. The equation of motion of the ideal liquid is written in Lagrangian coordi- nates, which facilitates satisfaction of the contact boundary conditions. An approximate solution is found by the method of successive iterations as applied to eqUat4onS of =ation of liquid and shell. The effect of vari- ous parameters on the oscillatory process is numerically analyzed in the second approximation. 1/1 USSR GALIYEV, Sh. U 4 SADYKOV, A. V. Kazan' "Periodic Shock 'Waves in a Gas" Moscow, Izvertiya Akademi.". Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti I Gaza, No 2, !"arch- April 1970, PP 57-66 Abstract: This article contains the results of experimental investi,.-ations oil longitudinal non-linear oncillations of a gas excited in a closed tube. 7he amplitudes and profiles of the shock waves are compared with their calculated values at excitation frequencies CO close to the first natural frequency of the gas column ~I =I-rao/L where ao is the speed of sound in the unperturbed gas, and -he lenEth of the tube. The existence of shock waves has been discovered L is t i at an excitation frequency half the first natural frequency. The theory based on the method of successive approximations is developed for the latter case. A gen- eralization is presented for excitation frequencies in the vicinity of to= N ?-L (21H = 1 j, 3) 5, - - - ) - The expcrimntal uetu,p and procedure are described, and the readlr4,o of a pressure -sensitive sensor at the closed end of tubes 3110 and 1:10 cm long are presented in graphical foin, for a broad range of excitation frequencies. The ckperiment shows the low effect of viscosity on the amplitude of the shock waves. 1/2 USSR N GAMIYEV, S'111. U., Izvesti.ya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Viekhanika Zhidkosti I Gaza, L o 2, Flarch-April 1970, pp 57-66 It is pointed out that u-hereas osail-lations near C-J = N 'Ftao/L (11 = lj~'J'3j' ... have been investigated quite thoroughly previously, by repeating the calculations performed in this paper for this case, within the frainework of the theory of an ideal liquid it is possible to construct a more exact solution than was found earlier since some new second order variables are considered here., and the bound- ary condition in the plunger is satisfied for x = L + I- cos cot (and not for x = L). 2/2 1/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--USE OF THE ODD HARMONICS OF A PIEZOEMITTER IN AN ULTRASONIC INITERFEROMETER FOR LIQUIOS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-ILGUNAS, V.i PAULAUSKAS, K., TAMASHAUSKAS, A. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUqCE--AKUST. ZH. 1970, 16.(I)t 148-9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--FLUID STATE, [NTERFEROMETERt ULTRASONIC ABSURPf1f)N CONTROL MARKING3-140 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF(ED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1033 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01316460 . "I V7 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED P~ll D C-Ess ING 9 'T CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136460 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. THE INTERFEROINETIl.fC, ME-TilliODS C~-m BE USED FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS, MEASUREMENT OF THE VELOCITY AND illE ABSOR'.:TION OF THE ULTRASOUND. A SEP,-IES OF ODD HARMONICS OF A PIEZ0CAYSrAL 14AS USED IN THE ULTRA50NIC INTERFEROMETFR, IT WAS SHOWN' EXPTL, IN'T THE ~EACTIDN CURVE ON THE ODD HARMONICS CORRESPONDS TO THAT OBTAIINIED ON THE BASE FREQUENCY; ONLY THE COEFF. OF THE STANDING WAVE DECREASES WITH INCREASING OROER NO. OF THE HARMONIC. THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE VELOCITY AND ABSORPTION OF THE ULTRASOUND WERE CARRIED OUT BY THE Mr--THOD 41~1,) WITH THE APP. USED PREVIOUSLY BY 1. AND P. (LOC.CIT,J. THE RESULTS iezERE IN AGREEMENT FOR THE SAME HARMONIC. DIFFRACTION LOSSES wERE TAKEN INTO CMISIDERATION FOR THE LOWER HARMONICS. FACILITY: KAUNAS. POLITEKH. INST-r KAUNAS, USSR. 01CLASSIFIED 112 020 UNCLASST F I ED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--CLOUD BRIGHTNE'.Sv REVIEW OF A COMPLEX STUDY -U- ,AUTHOR-(04)-ROZENBERG, G.V.v k4 ~HG.K., MAKAREVICH, S.A., MULLAMAA, YU.R. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-AKADE,4IIA NAUK SSSR, IZVESTIIA, FIZIKA ATMOSFERY I OKEANA, VOL. 6, MAY 1970, P. 445-467 DATE PUBLISHED ---- MAY70 SUBJECT AREAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--LIGHT SCATTERINGv OPTIC BRIGHTNESS, ATMO)~PHERIC CLOUD CO.NTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605011/FO6 STEP NO--UR/0362/70/006/000/0445/0467 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP014023C- UNCLASSIFIE-D- 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01402:30 A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. DISCUSSION OF THE PROPERTIES OF SOME VERY GENERAL ASYMPTOTIC FORMULAS, FOR THE BRIGHTNESS OF THICK LAYERS OF LIGHT SCATTER114G MEDIA, WHOSE CORRECTNESS WAS DEMONSTRATED BY PREVIOUS EXPERIMENTS. THE FORMULAS ARE USED IN CALCULATING THE CLOUD BRIGHTNESS AS A FUNCTION OF CLOUD PARAMETERS, ILLUMINATION, AND CONDMONS OF THE UNDERLYING SURFACE. AN ANALYSIS OF EXTENSIVE EXPER114ENTAL DATA AND CALCULATIONS INDICATE THE EXISTENCE OF A RELATION BETWEEN THE MACROOPTICAL PARAMETERS OF CLOUDS AND THEIR MICROSTRUCTURE. A METHOD IS PROPOSED FOR DETERMINING THE EFFECTS OF THE SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF CLOUDS ON THEIR BRIGHTNESS CHARACTERISTICS AS A FUNCTION OF THE DIMENSIONS OF THE VISUAL FIELD. FACILITY: AKADE1411A NAUK SSSR, INSTITUT FIZIKI ATMOSFERY, MOSCOW, USSR. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK BELORUSSKGI SSR, INSTfTUT FILIKI, MINSK, BELORUSSIAN SSR; AKADEMIIA NAUK ESTONSKOI SSR, INSTITUT FIZIKI I ASTRONOMIll TARTU, ESTONIAN SSR* A C C LF_LED UN C L It a -1 USSR UDC 669.721.046.4 KARPOV, A. B., IL'ICHEV, A. A. "Dependence of Dehydration and Hydrolysis of Magnesium Chloride Crystal Hydrates on Gas Flow Rate" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Provektn. In-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn. Prom-sti [Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminum, NiagnesiLIM and Electrode Industry], 1970, No. 72, pp. 63-68. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G188 by the authors). Translation: The influence of the speed of the gas stream blown directly through the filter material layer on the rate of processes of dehydration and hydrolysis Of MgCl2-2H9O and MgC1?-1-170 in the 200-400' temperature interval is studied. Th.c. rate of dehydration increases with increasing gas flow rate. The degree of hydro- lYsis Of ikfgCI2 is decreased with an equal degree of dehydration of its cr-,-stal hydrates. The data produced indicate that the rate of dehydration is signi-ficantly higher than the rate of hydrolysis. An increase in temperature causes an increase both in the rate of dehydration and in the rate of hydrolysis. However, the -rate of hydrolysis increases more rapidly with increasing temperature. 3 figs; I table, 9 biblio refs. 1/1 USSR UDC 537.jl2.62 ILI-19W, A. I., MOLOTILOV, B. V., SUVOROV, V. A., FEDOTOV, L. N., SHIRYAYE17, 1-79. P. "Properties of Superconducting Materials" Fb. tr. TsNII'chern. metallurgii (Collected Works of the Central Scientific Kesearen Insricute of Ferrous Metallurgy), 1971, vyp. 78, pp 108-110 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6D450) Translation: In recent years the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy has developed and mastered the production of the following superconducting materials: 65BT, wire (ChMTU 1-29-66); 50BT, wire (ChMTU/ /TsN1IChM 1458-67); 35BT, wire (ChMTU/TsNIIChM 1489-69); 70B, tape (ChMTU/ /TsNIIChM 1491-69); SKM, compositional material (ChMT.U/TsNIIChM, 1487-69). In this survey a study is made of the technological and the physical-mechanical properties of the indicated materials, and recommendations are made with re- spect to their application. 1/1 USSR UDC 615.471:615.849.5 DENISENKO, 0. N., WICHEV B V KOZLOV, V. A., SKORCPAD, Yu. D., STROYKOV, M. Ye. "Fifty-Channel Dosimeter With Transistorized Detectors" Mosc(,w, Meditsinskaya Radialogiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 Translation: Department of Roentology and Radiology (Chief-Academician of Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, G. A. Zedgenidze) of the Scientific- Technical Institute of Medical Radiology of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Obninsk. Growth of means for measurement of dose fields lead to the creation of automatic isodoseographs of the following or scanning type (V. A. Volkov, Kh. Dzhons; E. G. Bochkarev and V. A. Mikhaylov). In essence such an isodosea- graph is a dosimeter, the movement and recording of readings of which take place automatically. The principal disadvantages of a device of this type is the low operativeness, the impossibility of measurements in solid phantoms, and also with the use of mobile methods of irradiation provide a way so that the isodosograph pertains to the class of single-channel recording systems. Transition to multichannel methods of recording because of the basic trend in measuring techniques makes it possible to eliminate the disadvalltagt-s mentioned above. 1/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinsk3ya Radiologiva, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 In the literature a 10-channel isodoseograph with ionization chambers (Birkner) is described; however, the small number of detectors requires ad- ditional transfer of them which for practical purposes reduces the principal advantages of a multichannel system to nothing ' A fifty-channel system of recording a dose field with megavolt radia- tion energy was developed by us. The over-all block diagram of the multichannel dosimeter shown in Fig. I is constructed on the principle of time sharing of the channels. The commutator Kl, which in triggered by the generator G, succes,,;ively connects the detectors Dl--D50 to the input of the d-c amplifier (UPT). The amplified signal passes by way of commutator K2, operating in step with the commutator KI, through the correcting network KTsl-7KTs50 intended for balancing the sensitivity of the detectors, and is admitted into the recording device. The recording device is a digital voltmeter TsV, the frequency of the measurement cycle of which is also determined by the generator G. The response of the digital voltmeter can be recorded visually, photographically or with the aid of the digital-printing device TsU. During the comparative representaLion of the results of the measurements, the signal JO of the reference detector is 2/15 -7 - - - - - R. - USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 established with the aid of a resistor R, 100 percent equal to 100 units (mv). The sensitivities Jn Of the other detectors automatically represent the ratio Jn/JO expressed in percentages. Semiconductor silicon phototransducers with a p-n junction are used as radiation detectors, the electrical and dosimetric character of which are well known (Yu. B. Mandel'tsvayg; A. N. Krongauze and coauthors; F. 1. Glezin and coauthors). For their use in a multichannel system it is necessary that the spread of the basic parameters -- sensitivity, energy dependence, int2rnal resistance -- be a minirium. The initial choice of detectors with dimensions of 10 x 10 x I nun from a batch of 300 pieces was made on the basis of measure- ments with the aid of art avometer (ampere-volt-ohmnieter] of the values of the forward and back resistances. As investigations showed, for maintenance of zero of an amplifier operating in a compensating regime it is necessary that the magnitude Rback be not less than 50--60 kOhm. After this, the energy dependence was studied of 10 detectors arbi- trarily selected from a batch of detectors in the 13-120 e.v. range. 3/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 19713, pp 40-45 C, Ts- Ts~d 98T Upr (y la v y! C3- 0 Fig. 1. Block Diagram Of Multichannel Dosimeter 4/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 The results obtained show that the maximum spread does not exceed 20-30 percent. It practically did not affect the attenuation curves of co6o measured with the aid of these detectors. The attenuation curves coincided with atten- uation curves measured by the scintillation detector of the NS-200/B dosimeter with a precision on the order of 3 percent, which corresponds to data obtained in the work of V. K. Lyapidevskiy. The geometry of the detector in the form of a plate with dimensions of 10 x 10 x 1 mm is not optimum, which appears in the dependence of the sensitivity on the angle of incidence of the quanta emission. In order to improve the geometry, the plates were divided into two equal halves which then were superimposed one on the other (sensitive side inward) so that the over-all dimensions of the detector became equal to 10 x 5 x 2 mm. Electric- ally, these parts of the detector were connected in parallel, thanks to which the electrical parameters and the sensitivity of the new detector correspond to the original (up to cutting). The dependence of the response on the angle of incidence of the Yquanta during this did not exceed 5 percent (the analogous magnitude for the original plate was 25 percent). The maximum spread of the detector was in sensitivity. The differential distribution of sensitivity is shown in Fig. 2 a and the integral. in Fig. 2 b. 5/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al.., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 Id 20 V7 5 IV 70 Fig. 2. Distribution of Detectors With Respect to Sensitivity a-Differential; b--Integral. *Solid line up to "cutting 6/15 of the detectors; dotted line, after. - `9 0 USSR DENISENIKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiolcgiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 . C060 radiation was used in determining the sensitivity. The relative sensitivity (the response of the most sensitive detector is taken as equal to 100) is plotted on the X axis and the relative number of detectors (the over- all number of detectors in a batch corresponds to 100) on the Y axis. All detectors were equalized to a relative sensitivity of 40 percent. It is clear that during this it is possible to utilize those detectors, the relative sensitivity of which exceeds 40 percent. It is possible mechanically to reduce the sensitivity (e.g., by a decrease of the dimensions of the detec- tor) and by electrical means. We used the latter method, for correcting networks were introduced into the after amplification, with the aid the sensitivity to the necessary tive number of detectors which (for a relative sensitivity of of the detectors in a batch which trical correction) equalizing of above of improving the geometry the halves of detectors wLth a were connected with halves of detectors electrical circuit (tsep'l for the sIgnals of which it was possible smoothly to change magnitude.. As seen from Fig. 2 b, the rela- were used during this did not exceed 25 percent 40 percent). In order to increase che output are used, and the prelirinarv (up to elec- their sensitivity, the process described of the detectors was used. To accomplish this, relative sensitivity greatcr th:in 40 percunt with a rel.-itive, 7/1 USSR DENISEMKO, 0. N., et al., 21feditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 40 percent, so that the sum of their relative sensitivities would amount to 40 percent. The corresponding distributions after these operations are shown in the dotted lines of Figs. 2 a and 2 b. It is seen that the output of de- tectors which are used increased up to 55 percent. Furthermore, the spread of the detectors with respect to sensitivity (see Fig. 2 a) was substantially decreased, which to a considerable degree contributed to a simplification of the electrical circuits for sensitivity control. After electrical connection the final spread of 50 selected detectors did not exceed 2 percent. The detectors were placed at the ends of rods (at a depth of 3 imn) with a length of 30 cm and a diameter of 1 cm, made of tissue-equivalent mass 11-1-3. Conductors with a cross section of 0.14 mm passed within the rods. The number of the detector was placed on the lateral face of the rod. For convenience in exploitation, all the detectors were united in groups of 10 Dieces each, which are connected via releasable connections to the block of the KI commutator, distributed in the immediate vicinity of the phantom. The principal circuit and the external appearance of the multichannel dosimeter are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. 8/15 DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 13, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 9/15 > -f 'R, /? jj Fig. 3. Principal Circuit Of Multichannel Dosimeter USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 Key to Fig. 3. 1. (SH)-l, -2 Step-by-step switch 2. Galvanometric induction converter 3. Digital voltmeter 4. Detectors 5. Manual interrogation 6. Manual-automatic ShI-50/4 step-by-step switches were used as Kl and K,) commutators. Their triggering was accomplished by the thyristorized generator Ll, operating in a regime of energy pileup, in the interval between pulses. The possibility is provided for of manual or automatic interrogation with frequency control. After the commutator KI the signal enters a Type 1-310 d-(- amplifier whi.rh contains a Type 131M/3 galvanometric induction converter (CIP) an a-c ampli- fier, and a synchronous demodulator. The input resistance of the GIP does not exceed 1-2 ohm which makes it possible to assure realization of a short-circuit regime. From the GIP the signal proceeds via the comtiutator K2 to the correcting network which contains the variable resistors R14-R53, Resistor R51, (100 10/15 - 91 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., at al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 percent R) is used during relative measurements. For an indication of the number of a detector being questioned, indicator digital panels were used, connected with the aid of the Shl-50/4 contacts, and giving in digital form the number of the detector being questioned. The results of the measurements were recorded with the aid of a Type ShChl4lDI digital voltmeter, with which an output to digital printing in the co'de 2-4-2-1 was provided. Structurally the multichannel dosimeter is made in the form of the block of detectors, the block of the commutator VI, a principal block in which are located the commutator K2, the d-c amplifier (UPT), the correcting network, and the control general G, the power supply block, and the digital voltmeter block. The commutator K, is located in the irmediate vicinity of the phantom. The signals are transmitted with the aid of a coaxial cable approximately 20 m long. For convenience, in the principal block there was a supplementary pointer-type recorder (SR) (See Fig. 1) of the power of the radiation dose, connected to the output of the GIP. 11/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 ---- - -- - ----------- A .7; -r-2 Fig. 4. Exterior View Of Multichannel Dosimeter 12/15 92 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et a!., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 The multichannel dosimeter can be used with any phantom, both liquid and solid. In our investigations a dosimetric phantom of a human thorax was used, prepared on the basis of this part of the skeleton fixed in Formalin. The thorax wall, the heart, liver, and diaphragm are fulfilled from the M-3 phantom mass (M. Tyubiatta. and coauthor). The trachea and esophagus are simu- lated with vinyl chloride tubes. The spinal column canal is a natural cavity with vinyl chloride tubes lead into it. In place of the arrangement of the lungs, a cavity is provided, with the anatomy and dimensions of the skeleton taken into account. The cavitv can be filled with various tissue-like ma- terials and ionizing radiation detectors can be introduced into it. On the side of the distal end of the phantom there are 50 cylindrical channels I cm in diameter in which rod,,; with detectors can be placed. The direction of the channels coincides with the longitudinal axis of the phantom. Thus the dosimetric phantom of a human thorax makes it possible wholly or partially to vary the composition of the substance filling the "lungs" cavity and to place detectors at any point of the phantom, including the "esophagus," "trachea," and the "spinal column channel." Measurements performed on this phantom with the aid of the multichannel d3simeter showed that int-:oduction of detectors into the phantom did not affect the dose field within the limits of error of the mean u rcinu-n t ~ . USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., lKeditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 40-45 With the electronic stages taken into consideration the over-all error of measurements did not exceed 5 percent. Conclusions A 50-channel dosimeter with semiconductor detectors of the 11solar cell" type was developed. The principle of time sharing of the detector communication channels with the recording device is placed at the basis of the block diagram. The multichannel dosimeter makes it possible to conduct measure- ments on any phantom with the application of static methods of irradiation. It vould be possible to use a block diagram with parallel "interrogation" of detec- tors for recording of the dose field with mobile merhods of irradiation; however, for a large number of channels its creation encounters considerable difficulties. In spite of this it is possible to stress that transition to multichannel methods of recording dose fields is very promising and the development in question is only the first step in this direction. Bibliography KRONGAUS, Z. N., LYAPIDEVSKIY, V. K., FROLOVA, A. V., PhXsical Basis of Clinical Dosimetry, Moscow, 1969. KRONGAUS, Z. N., GLEZIN, 1'. 1., GRICOR'YEVA, G. Ill., Medical Radioj2LZ, 1970, No 9, p 68. 14/15 USSR DENISENKO, 0. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 18, No 2, 1973, pp 4G-45 DZHONS, Kh. [?Jones, X.,'~,, Physics of Radiology, Moscow, 1965. HANDEL'TSVAYG, Yu. B., 'Medical Techniques, 1968, No 2, p 44. TYUBIANA, M., DYUTREKS, Zh., DYUTREKS, A., and others, Physical Basis of Radiation Therapy and Radiobiology, Moscow, 1969. BIRKNER, R., Radiation Therapy, 1962, Vol 118, p 229. BOCHKIAREV, E. G., IIIKHAYLOV, V. A., Medical Radiologv, 1970, No 9, p 62. WHONS, Kh. [?Jones, X.1, Physics of Radiology, ~,Ioscow, 1965. Received 16 December 1971 1.5/15 USSR LTDC 615-849.015.3 DENISENKO, 0. N., and KOZLOV, V. A_ Department of Roentgenology and Radiobiology,-1-nstitute of_~(_edl~:al Radiology, Academv of Medical Sciences USSR "Effect of the Size of the Detectors on the Accuracy of Dose Field Determina- tion" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, No 1, 1970, pp 67-72 Abstract: The authors examine cases of different ratios I where 1 x is the length of the detector and x 2 - XI is the length o the nvestigated area of change in function of the dose field D(x). They show that using a detector in which I > x2 - x1 is equivalent to using a detector with an in- finitely small length. Tile error is greater in the case of a detector with 1-e- x2 - XI than with the infinitely small detector. Tile size of the de- tector is unimportant for several fields. The authors emphasize that in choos- ing the size of a detector, one must take into account both the error arising from its lim[Led resolving power and tho error catined by Its 11m[Led senal- tiviLy. They prenew. an expreasion Lhat taken int:o acc()unL the combined effect of these errors. 1/1 Acc. Nr: APG0347GSr Ref. Code: UR 0241 PRIMARY SOURCE: Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, 1970, Vol 15, Nr 1, ppo67-~1,3 THE EFFECT OF THE DETECTORS' SIZE ON THE ACCURACY OF THE DOSE FIELD DETERMINATION Denisenko., 0. N. ; -I1'ichev,_.kj, V.,L Koz1ov, V - A - Summary An analysis of the effect produced by the detector's size on the re,oltition capa(i~l 5 of the measuring device ff)r different dose distributimis is given. An expression for tli-,~ optimal choice of the detector's size i.S p7esented, which takes account of the effect, oi error due to the limited sensibvity. b- V REEL/ FrWAE 19,71i479 1/2 021 UNC LASS I F- I ED PKOCESSI'~G OAF 7 C. T1TLE--TkANSISFOix1t-*f--L) UF LIONG WAVE ROEriT'Ly'U~l ~,Aijlt'TIUN AUTH0R-(03)--K(;ZLLV, V.A., UL1,ISENKU, (I.N., ILICHEV, 13.1. CLUNTRY 01: MO-USSR StiUKE-MEDI, T % (NIS)KAY A 1,)709 VGL 15, "k 4, "P 61--63 DATE PUBLISHED - - - - - - -70 SUBJECT AREA S--B I OLOG I C.4L A'40 MLDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-RADIATION OC!S Ill,-[ TRANSISIOR, X RAY 1.)EfECIION, X RAY i-16ASUPEMENr DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLA' Sli--fEC) PROXY SfEP %1',J--i J;, Oil W-I i -- UNCL ASS I ED I'!.; L SIC, D,, T? ~~ C 10, CIRC ACLE-SS16i, A 6S I K A C T/ i-~Xll A C T-- ( j) S T k A L Tf I iL' ' U T;- 10 ;,-' S I')SL AII E R wirH tNbl),~Ll) 41TH 0IFFLkLVI THE L NL Kb~ OE P~ 11DE NC E GT f rl f- DO S 111 E I E R DOE S Nlt') T L XL L) PL I J S G~~ I t.*U S 3pE 1%, C j:lpi T IT i !E jL L f ;, U?4;'- fLF iJAL S u UP T;-, oi~LU*k ONE HALF L'I.-IJALS 1.8 MMAL. VA-11LITY; G T ij'L LR i - IN IN _ J L '_' G 1 11 k A 0 1 U L U G 1 1 1 :4 S T 1 T U T A M r D I T S 1 ~N S K U Y A A b 10 L CU IIA PIN S 5 5 I L USSR UDC 577.15.049 SUKHORUKOV, B. I., POLTEV, V. I., POLOZOV, R. V., IL'ICILEVA._r A., Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Pushchino-na-Oke "Concerning a Possible Method of Finding Potential 14utagens and Cytostatics Based on Calculating the Energy of Intramolecular Interactions of DN&- Containing Analogs of Nitrogen Bases" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1973, Vol 208, No 2, pp 443-446 Abstract: Semiempirical calculations of the energy of interaction of nitro- gen bases were used to find potential cytostatics and mutagens. The calcu- lation was based on cons~.deration of analogs which do not appreciably dis- tort the double helix in the DINA molecule. The total energy of interaction of bases T is assumed to be comprised of the energy of electrostatic E, induction H and dispersion F interaction, and the energy of short-range forces of repulsion V. Each term was computed in the atom-atom approxima- tion, using a BESM-3M. digital computer. Following are the most probable potential cytostatics (upper row) and mutagens (lower row): 1/4 9 USSR SUKHORUKOV, B. I. , et al. , Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1973, Vol 208, No 2, pp 443-446 Nil 2 JIM N)~111 N I y 0 -.r(c7Ijc1.,q1) 2) j~(CJNIII) 2) 111 (C3N'Cl I, I 0 _-IyN% LVIII It vu 9NIt, ,C,(jCs) 3) 3) j-jj;)(c,jjU. Legend: 1. Thymine; 2. Cytosine; 3. Purine 2/4 iccb SUKHORLTIKOV, B. I., etal., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1973, Vol 208, No 2, pp 443-446 The notation in parentheses give the atoms and atomic groupings which dis- tinguish the given analogs from the indicated bases, The position of the atom in the ring is given by the superscript, and atoms outside the ring are recorded following the ring to which they are attached without a superscript. Numbering of ring atoms is such that desoxyribose is always attached in the third position of the analogs of pyrimidines, and in the ninth position of analogs of purines. Calculations showed that for all five compounds the average energies of interaction of the bases for Pur:Cvt and Pur:Thy pairs are comparatively close to each other and to the energy of interaction in DNA falling to the Ad:Thy pair. The scheme of transitions of standard pairs of bases under the influence of an analog which can replace both purines in a singular molecular forza is given as follows: Ad:Thy -f" M:Thy Z M:Cyt -+" Gua:Cyt Tj T2 T3 T4 where M is an analog of adenine and guanine, and Tl, T2, T3 and T 4 are the energies of interaction of the bases in DMA falling to the corresponding pairs of bases. The given analogs are potential autagens which induce the 3/4 USSR SUKHORUIKOV, B. I., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1973, Vol 203, No 2, pp 443-446 transitions Ad:Thy-Gua:Thy more frequently than in the reverse direction. Other cases are possible for other ratios between energies. The ratio between these energies determines which base will probably be replaced by the analog, and in which direction this analog will induce transitions. 4/4 USSR UDC 547.825 WICHEV, Yu. Ye., e. RUKHADZE, Ye. G., and TERENT'YEV, Moscow State University "Obtaining Alk,,lvercaptc)ethylpyridines" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XL, No 12, Dec 70, p 2763 Abstract: A method was developed for obtaining alky1mercaptothylpyridines (II) by alkaline decomposition of the salts of S-alkylisothiuronium in the presence of vinylpyridirte. This method assures high yield of the desired product, but unfortunately produces a large number of S-alkylisothiuronium salts. By using 2-Vinylpyridinc!, thiourea, and benzyl chloride, a 47.4% yield of was obtained; similar results were obtained with etliylmurcaptoctliyl-2-r)yj-i(lin~!, using ethyl bromide instead of benzyl chloride, and here the yield was 50%. 1/1 USSR UDC 541.49 IL'ICHEV, I. Ye., and A. P. (Deceased), Chair of Organic Chemistry "Alkylpyridine Derivatives. Reaction of Pyridylethylated Amines with Aliphatic Epoxides" Moscow, Vestnik- Moskovskogo Universiteta., Vol 12, No 2, Mar-Apr 71, pp 238-239 Abstract: Ethylene oxide iras passed throug ,h a methanol solution of munopyridyl- ethylmethylamine heated to 50-550- The reaction mixture .ms heated for anot;her 3 hrs, methanol was evaporated and the product -- N-Methyl-11-[2-(2 pyridyl) ethyl]-ethanolam.ine (I) -- was distilled under vacuum; its Qlinrr roint was 130-131-50AMP 40 1-5264p Q~O 1.0484. (1) was converted to an acetate, b.p. 117-1180/0-5 rrn n20 1,4997, d2,,,0 1.0480. N-Ethyl.-N-[ 2- (2--Dyridyl) -ethyl] - othanolamine,, b. p~ 186-1090/0-5r-n. n20 D 1-5199P d4O 1.0296-was similarly 20 20 obtained; its acetate boiled at 123-.1250/lmm, 9 1.4944, &4 1.0304. Esren- tially the sazre reacti-on was used for the preparation of 11-rcthyl-'TT-[2-(2- pyridyl)ethyl-l-pro-oanol-2-ardne.. b.p. 128-1300/5r-,q, '0 1-5103 d4 0 1.0112 and 1/2 USSR IL'ICIEVY 1. Ye. and TEPENTI)IN., A. P., Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Vol 12.1 110 2 , Mar-A-Dr 71, pp 238-239 20 N-Ethyl-N-[2-(2-pyridyl)-etliyl]-propanol-2-ar.-ine, b.p. 110-1:12'/1.5 mm, n~- D 1-5058 d20 o 9996, their acetates having the following properties, respectively: 4 0 20 20 b0p. 127-129 Am, n 1.49~!4, d 1-0235 and b.p. 118-1200/0-5 M, 20 1.4901, 20 D 9 and d74 1.0091. The reaction of pyridylethylmethylaznine with apichlorohjdrine, gave 2, 3-epoxy-N-Trethyl, N-C.2- (2 -pyridyl) -ethyl] -propylandne, b.p. 121-1230/2-5M, 20 a?O 1.0422, and 2,3-epo)-l-N-ethyl-N-[2-(2-pyridyl)-ethyll-prop'fl- ri~ 1-5184, -4 amine, b. p. 134-1360/4mm, r20 1-5124 , 20 1.o269. N-(2-(2-pyridyl)ethylj- 'D e4 ethanolamine., b. p. 139-1400/2rm -vms obtained by treating ethanolamine with 2-vinylpyridine in presence of HCI. 2/2 USSR BKH", V- V-, KORSHM-W, V. A., MLYUTIN, A. A., 1'-jU'-IT.' KORO N T. G., and PASHININ, P. P., Physics Institute imeni P. 11. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR "Superbroadening of Spect-mum of Ultrashort in Liquid-s and Glasses" Moscow, Pisna v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Miki, Vol 15, No 4, 20 Feb 72,, pp 191-194 Abstracti &-perbients conducted by the authors showed thnt superbroadening of the spectrum of picosecond pulses %',, rather hiCh radiation pDw-ers can be observed in I-a-actically any transparent dielectric. A neody-milm self--nodn- locking laser and two a-raplifier sta~ges (length of active eleMents, -- 300 mm) were used in the experiments, pei-mltting radiation vith a total cnersy equal to 0.1-0.2 j in a train of 10-15 ultrashort pulses. ISP-51 Lund STE-1 type spectrographs itere used to observe the spectral broademInG. Liquids with various types of molecules and optical properties wore usedi carbon disul-fide, attrobermene, 1--n-zene, toluene, izopropy-I alcohol, carbon tetrachloride, wator, and liquid nitrogen. Superbroadening of the spectrum, was fowid in all thene 1/2 USSR IL'IMEW, H. M., et al., Visliaa v Zhurnal Eksperimental"noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 15, No 4, 29 Feb 72, pp 191-194 substances except CS2 and nitrobenzene. The superbroadening effect was also observed in a number of glasses and crystals (in V-8, F-1, 1,26, K2SS-7 glasses and in fused quartz and calcium tungstate). It is sirgested that the observed superbroadening, Is due to strong lasor phase viodulation rather than four-photon interaction. 2/2 USSR UDC 669.295.046.43 REYFNIM', E. D., 1L'ICHEV, V. A., ZOTIKOVA, A. N., LWIN, I. B. - -- -- "' - -4 "Mathematical Model of the Process of Chlorination of Titanium-Containing Materials in a Fluidized Eed" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proyektn. In-ta. Al-yumin. , Magn. i Elekt-rodn. Proi,,i-sti (Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminum, Magle- sium and Electrode Industr)r), 1970, No. 72, up. 196-200. (Translated from Refer- ativ-nyy Zhurnal Metallurg-iya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G212 by the authors). Translation: Problens of riathe-iiatical modeling of processes of Chlorination in a fluidized bed are presented. A mathematical model of the process is suogested for two basic technologic.,[] modes. The adequacy of this model for processes occurring in actual apparatus it, the mode of compicte assimilation of Cl is demonstrated. The modc) dc-veloped allows automatic control systems to be devclop- ed for the process of clilorination of materials conLaining li in a Huidized bc'd 2 figs. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.295.053.4 VLADIMIROVA, A. M., ILICHEV, V. A. "Processing of Titanium Tetrachloride Pulp in Thin Film Evaporation Apparatus" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proycktn. Tn-ta. Alyumin. , Magn. i Elektrodn. Przom-sti [Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the, Aluminum, Magne- sium and Electrode Industry], 1970, No. 72, pp. 201-208. (Translated from Refer- ativnyy Zhurnal Hetallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G220 by the authors). Translation: Laboratory studies of the separation of a solid susDension from TiC14 Pulp by the evaporation method are performed. The technical product has a lower inpurity content than following settling, and does not require additional purification to remove Al and Fe. A large laboratory film type evaporation ap- paratus is designed and manufactured. It is tested under laboratory conditions using artificial pulp and ia the experimental shop of one of' the plants using commercial pulp. The tests show that an apparatus of this design can be succ(%ss- fully used for proccssing oi~' various types of TiC14 for pulp, producing high quality technical product arid a solid residue consisting of a dry powder. Necessary data are presented for planning of a pilot-scale apparatus. 2 figs; 5 tables. 43 - USSR UDC 669.295.046.43 ILIICHEV, V. A., ZOTIKOVA, A. N.., DROZ11ZHEV, V. 1. "Specifics of Behavior of Petroleum Coke in Chlorination of Titanium-Containin.- Material in a Fluidized Bed" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proycktn. In-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn, Proal-sti [Vorks of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminum, ~Magne- sium and Electrode Industry], 1970, No. 72, pp 190-195. (Translated from Refer- ativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G211 by the authors). Translation: In order to determine the influence of the reducer grain size on the technological indicators of the process of chlorination in a fluidized bed, laboratory and pilot plant tests were performed with various grain sizes. The tests were performed for two Ti-containing materials: Ti slag and Ti02-SiO?- concentrate. The studies made it possible to determine the grain size of petroleum coke necessary to provide a high degree of extraction of Ti from the Ti-containing material with slight coke loss. I fig; 4 tables. USSR UDC 669.295.046.43 ILIICHEV, V. A., ZZOTIKOVA, A. N., KLYUMNIKOVA, Ye. F. "Chlorination of Flotation and Autoclave Titanium Concentrates in a Fluidized Bed" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proyektn. In-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn. Prom-sti [Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminuni, Mag-ne- sium and Electrode IndustrYI], 1970, No. 72, pp. 186-189. (Translated from Refer- ativnyy Zhurnal 1Meta11vrgi:.ra, No. S, 1971, Abstract No. S G210 by the authors). Translation: A laboratory study was performed on the chlorination of flotation and autoclave concentrates and they were comparatively analyzed. The dependence of the rate of chlorination of three fractions of flotation and autoclave con- centrates with up to 20% TiO, content on this content is linear. With identical content of Ti02 at 800', the rate of chlorination of flotation concentrate is 1.5 times higher than that of the autoclave concentrate, One reason for the increased chlorination ability of the flotation concentrate is the significant difference in grain size of Tutile in the concentrateS. 1. fies. USSR UDC 598-972,591-185.5 TT-Iwi" V. D. VORONKSYJY, V. S., and GOLUBEVA, T. B., Moscow State !University "Sound Environment of the Lon,-,,Eared.Owl and Spect2.-al Sensitivity of Its Acoustic Nerve" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 50, No 9, 1971, pp 1,358-1,368 Abst.-racti The sound environment of the long-eared owl consists of three components of unequal significance. The most important axe the sounds emitted by objects of prey (squeaks and rusite of rodents), cries of nestlings and fledgliW, and nuptial voices of adult owls. In order to perceive and locate these soundso the oirl's hearing must be very acute and highly discriminatory. Sounds of emergency , alaim, aggression, and other si.-nals of cioam unication, although also important, axe easily perceptible. Sounds produced by tTees, other plants, and nonbiological objects are of much lesser significance. The duration of biologically significant sounds is 0.0,1r-0.90 sec, and the total frequency spectrum they cover ranges from 0.5 to 11.0 Khz. In the voices of adult owls, nestlings, and especially fled6lings, the whole spectrum is broken into four to six frequency components separated by approximately e ual Intervals, due to ithich the voices have a harmonious quality. The USSR WICHEV, V. D., et al., Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 50, No 9, 1971, pp 1,358-1,368 width of each component IS 0.3-0.5 Khz in nestlings, 0.3-0.8 in fledglings, and 0.1-0.6 in adults, with intervals of 1.3-1-8, 0.8-2.0 and 0.2-0.5 Khz respectively. The voicez: of adult owls axe spread over a narxower sound range than those of nestlings E-,nd fledglings. Records of action potentials from the auditory nerves have revealed that the cochlear receDtors are most sensi- tive to sounds of 4-7 Khz. Those are the frequencies in which the owl is specialized to the hiehest degree (sounds emitted by rodents and fledglinGs). However, the spectra of all the biologically important sounds which have been investigated coincide wita the owl's acute hearing range wich includes frequencies up to 11 Khz. 2/2 -81 USSR UDC 591.185.5+591.582.2:59 ILICHEV, V. D., Moscow State University, Biology-Soil Faculty "Voice and Hearing in rhe Acoustic Orientation System of Animals" Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, Vol 32, No 3, May/Jun 71, pp 299-311 Abstract: The authors present a general review of the problem of the in- terrelation between voice and hearing in animals, which is of particular importance for the solution of location and signalization problems in animals, the use of acoustic repellents, sound-isolating mechanisms of evolution, and other problems of practical and theoretical significance. The interrelations of voice and sound in evolution are complex and manifold. As a phenomenon, they rEpresent a fundamental biological correlation, ecologically they link systems which are structurally and physiologicallv independent into a single, biological complex, which assures the use of sound and sound communications in the most important life functions. Evolving as communucation systems, sound and voice are at the same time species-distinguishing functions, serving as one of the mechanisms of the evolutionary process. The evolution of acoustic organs in the different systematic groups is considered to be of a mosal,c character from tile structural point of view (principle of mosaicity); however, tile function.-I characterts tics of heartng and voice, an well a6 their Interrelat Lon.,;, 1/2 USSR ILICHEV, V. D., Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, Vol 32, No 3, May/Jun 71, np 299-311 change in a specific direction, thereby reflecting the characteristics of the use of acoustic orientation and communication on various evolutionary levels. The interrelationships between sound and voice are characterized by a hierarchic multi-channel character, depending on the ecology and phylogenesis reached in the different systematic groups. The interrel&- tionships are realized in three ways: organism-wise, population-wise., and biocoenotically. Several examples from the literature are treated in de- tail: for instance, the acoustic system of bats, for which echolocation plays such an important part in life; the characteristic voice spectrum and the threshold curve of the sound of the grass frog; the spectrum of the breeding cry of the bullfrog and the neuron distribution of the auditory nerve with respect to the! optimum frequency; the special characteristics of biologically significant sounds and the hearing threshold curve of the big-eared owl; sonograms and spectrograms of the grasshopper Drepanoxiphus modestus, as well as the hearing threshold curve for this species. The author believes that research in this field should be actively continued to obtain further insight in the complex mechanisms involved and to discover other possible ecolocation channels, which may be of importance in different systematic groups. 2/2 69 - USSR UDC 5TT-44:598-97 IL'ICIMV, V. D., Ornithology laboratory, Moscow State University flloo~ation of Sound Sources by Owls" Moscow,, Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, Vol 70, No 1(4), Jul/AuG 70, PP 120-136 Abstract: Research on location of sound sources by owls is reviewed (53 references). It is emphasized that the higb precision of location of sound sources by owls, which reaches 10 Y is associated with a number of structural and functional charact- eristics of the auditory system, among which are a) enlarged ear folds and operculum, b) an assymetry of external parts of ears, a) air-filled cavities in the cranium that connect the tympanic cham0ers of the right and left ear, d) a large tympanic membrane with a laterally displaced attachment of the extracolumella to it, e) a well-developed umbo clipeoli, f) an elongated basilar membrane, g) an increased num- ber of auditory neurons, and h) a complex inner differentiation of the auditory nuclei of the medulla oblongata. The specific characteristics of the auditory sys- tem of owls, which aid in the location of sound sources, vary with the mode of life of individual species and are acre pronounced for nocturnal than diurnal owls and for awls that prey on rodents as compared with inBect-eating owls. Preying on rodents at night requires the highest precision in determining the location of a 1/2 USSR ILIICHEVA V. D., Uspekhi Sov-n!mennoy Biologii, Vol 70, No 1(4), Jul/Aug 70, Pp 120-13r_IaA-3ri,",, sound source. The hearing of owls that feed on rodents is attuned to sound frequencies corresponding to those of rodent voices. The mechanisms applied by owls in loca-lw*ing scurces of sound vary with the ecological situation. The fre- quency spectrum &.aracteristice of sound signals are apparently of importance in connection with this. 2/2 USSR IUX _591. 185+ 519i CH -V v J G' 3 . S -Ioscow Stat.a University "Siolo;yical Si-,na-'s and FLnclional ("haractoristics of T-Ine col-I ,-.oscow, Zhurnal Obs"aChey 6iologii. No 3, 1970, vp 2 -2?5 Abstil-act. : TIo 1,.,cquorcy ran;io' spectral ar"J amplitude 4 p cooing, til-ireat anai intervals, arld front of courLslhi pi7eon.5 were All o.'~' these parameters, exce:)t the - 0 L great varia .oiii-v. '2he rela'~-Aonship between the amplit,,~Ua of Llia c3c:~Icar Do-~.antials and evo~l~~d medullar. maesoncephalic, and r7.e-..1JLsp-,C_-re pQt(,mt_,a_:S, ~ne hand, and t~,c pa-_-.-_netors of acoustic signals, on ti-,a were ;,1--o A co:i:par_J.-;on of aoove-muntioned parameters of the biolo,:;cai si,.-:~- conditioned ret'lexcf; and ot~nr functional charactor~Lstics- of tr~(., :kcou~:-L'_~c pi4conz -faile-d- to discloso any si;nifican.L correlation. '2tao for C:4_ -.4e ~he e-clo'-Y o-' the z4geor" ..'-Ose C: does not ro,:;_uiro tnast3 zy~stons to be carefully adlu5tad to team: otnuz-. r J C.-Mr-D-10, '.mlike so;iio other b.rIds, the pigeon does not necd to purcl:llvu ana locatti -Low-fruquenicy sounds, oecau:ie its bioloa-ical sign-'s are normall- --c-, CG- wi4C,'I Vision. =Egfffnmm USSR IPICHEV, V. S. "Polyantagonistic Games" Teoriya Igr (Games Theory -- Collection of Works], Ycn-vavan, 1973, pp 181-185 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 1OV455) Translation: The concept of a polyantagoni5tiC game and a stable situ- at-ion within such a game is defined. It is proven that the existence of stable situations is equivalent to the existence of optimil pure strategies in a certain related antagonistic game. A polyantzigonistic game can be looked upon as a model of decentralized control un'ter con- ditions of uncertainty. Conditions, are presented Undei, which central- ization of control does not increase the win. 1/1 r USSR E~',ICHEV,Y, UDC: 51 "Conditions of Invariance, ol' Certain Properties of the Bel-Iman in Multiple-Step IlItntagonistf"c Processesit Tr. Sev.-Zap. zaoch. Dol-Itekhn. in-te (Works of the Northwest Folytech- nical Correspondence Institute), 1971, No lh, pp 3-6 (from Kh-Kiber- netika, No h, Apr 72, Abstract No hV463) Translation: The author considers a dynamic programming equation of the form fk-l (xt, yt-%) = Fkft (xk, Yk), vhere fk(xk,Yk) is the Bellman function, and Fk is an extrepaum operator of the form Fk~ Val XkEXi,(-rA_d Y&EYA:(S'A-,) Conditions are established under which operator Fk preserv('s the con- tinuity and convexity of the function ,Pk. A. Lyapunov. 1/1 USSR uDc 621.791:669-245 YUSHCEMM, K. A., KAMOYISKIY, N. I., and STARUSHENKO, T. M., Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton; Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Scie7c~s Ukrainian SSH; ZAKHAROV, A.I., Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Mztallur&Y "Weldability and Properties of Invar Weld Joints at Low Temperatures" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 9, Sept 72, PP 39-42 Abstract: The purpose of this investigation was to develop the technology of welding Fe-Ni alloys (36N, 36m, and 39N) with a thickness up to 5 rm and to evaluate the weldability of Invar with a thickmess up to 12 mm in order to obtain a strong and dense joint with the required mechanical and thermophysical properties in the 20 to -2530C interval. Chemical composition of the Fe-11i al- loys was (in %): C Si YZ S P Ni Cr 36N 0.032 0.23 o.43 0.009 0.008 36.1 ---- 36 m 0-035 0.15 0-52 o.oo4 oxo4 37-0 o.49 36ti C-034 o.19 0.50 0.008 0.009 39-9 ---- Samples 'were submerged-arc welded with a nonconsunable 4-unrsten electrode in argon, both with filler wire and without it, with All-26 and ilnF-5 fluxes. 1/2 YUSIEMITKO, K.A., et al., AvtomatichesRa, -42 ya Svarka, No 9, Sep -12, PP 39 Law-temperature studies cf the weld joints were carried out at the rhysicotechni- cal Institute of Low Te=eratures, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallur[,y, and the Institute of Electric Welding. Analysis of the mechanical and thermophysical properties of weld joints at low termeratures where 36NGT, 36NGTce, and 36NGCe filler wires were used showed that alloying with Ti and fn' produces a dense joint where the alloy strength is equal to that of the base metal of the seam and possesses high inpact strength and ductility at -2530C. E:merimental studies of welded Invar (6 and 32 mm thick) showed that the use of 361-IGT filler wire yields seams with defects (hot cracks). 6 figures, 2 tables, 8 biblio-raphic references. 2/2 43 USSR uDc 620.172.251.1:669.14.018.8 BELY&MOVA, K A. , STARTSEV, V. I., and TAVER, t1t T_, u e YE. I., Institu e of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences "Strength and Plasticity of '~%TS-17 Steel at Low Temperatures" C~ Ifloscow, Mct---Ilovedc~n~lye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 3, 1971, pp 7-9 Abstract: A study was made of the mechanical propf~rties of VITS-17 martens2-ti-c n!-,3Lt1r1 sreel in the delivered state (hot rolled products) and its ~,;elded joints at temperatures to -269o C. In the hot-rolled stare %1.',7S-17 steel has sufficient plasticity and is inserIsitive -;_o n-c,ate notchin- at test temperatures from room temperature to -2330 C. In structural elements welded without filler met,7t'- cr 'L--;_~sic composition WNS-17 steel can ")e used to C. I -A tne oras(tnce ot: ~.n acuze not-6a, zhe srren'-!-t:-~ of tho- wi--Ijed -it -2'30 0, and -2690 C is -reatcr th'-1-1 th.2 Streni'th o', ~;L- room temperature. Th cchcmical WM; C, MM, 0.17:,, si, a"i , 0. 07 AL, 2. 1:~ 01. Zr, 000~ USSR uDc 621.785.78.9:539,3,r6:669.14.oi8.8 1--.11.-YA. STAIITSEV, V. I. and SMPOVALOV, 1. A., Physicotechnical institute for Low TeM-Deratures, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Creep of Khl8NlOT Steel at Low Temperatures" Moscow, Mletallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, No 2, 1972, pp 15-16 Abstract: The study on low-temperature creen involved nl8no-, steel (0.1% C; 1.39% An; o.67% Si; 18.79/'0 Cr; 9.6% N-;.; 0.7% Ti) at 77.2 and 4.20K and various initial stresses. The creeD curves at theabove-tempera- tures and stresses show three distinctive sections: initial deformation, non-steady state (transitory) defornation,and steady state of creep which proceeds at a fixed rate and is observed within 4.2 to 77'K as a function of stress and temperature. 'The study included creep under stepped loading conditions at 20 and 4.2"K. The stress increment was 6.8 k~,/rj,12 and the hold time -- 1.5 hr. (3 illustrations, 1 bibl-iograDhic reference). USSR UDC 539.4 L WIC SKIBINA, L. V., STARTSEV, V. I., Ph,,,sicctechnical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, Khar'kov "Change in the Mechanical Properties of Austenite Stainless Steels avd Alloys Due to a Martensite Transformation at Low Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy prochnosti, No. 8, Aug 71, pp 74-77 Abstract: The results of a study of the effect of deformation on martensite transformations in cer-:ain austenite stainless steels are presented. It Is noted that at present ---here is no single viewpoint on -the Mechanism anc, kinetics of martensite transformations although the theory o-,'- defects ill the crystalline lattice developed in recent years more or- lo:!ss satisfactorilv describes the mechanism --'::or the generation of a new Dhase in the deformation of the material. Martensite transformations and their effec~_s on streng-th. an(~ plasticity were studied in steels of the type KM8147, XhlSITIG, KhIEN15 and Khl8N20 at low tem~)eratures and under various test conditions. It was sho-,.,n that the amount of martensize ar--sing as a rssult of t;-e under cooling and deformation essentially depends oil -the composit-iop o_` the 1/2 JL'ICHEV, V. YA., et al, Problemy prochnosti, No. 8, Aug 7/1, pp 741-77 steel and on the working conditions. The exper-iments showed that at a given temDerature the amount c---- martensite depends only on the total de~,?-ee of deformation and is independent of the time over which the ce-eformazion is achieved. The creep velocity increases with a rise in the stress level al- though the rate of creep should decrease with a rise in the martensite con- tent since martensite plates are a preventative to the motion of dislocations and slow down creep. A comparison of steels KhI8147 and Khl8N1O shows that martensite formed in cold working and martensite gradually arising in the sample through low-temperature deformation effect the mechanical properties of these steels in different ways. It is hypothesized that at large 3tresses there may occur shifts in low-carhon martensite and as a result the rate of creep increases. It is noted that these experiments are only a beginning an.-i that further accumulation of experimental results is necessary- 2/2 Mechanical Properties USSR U-DC 539.4-015 YUSHCHENKO, K. A., STARTSEV, V. I., WICHEV, V. Ya., ~IOWKO, G. G., LIVSHITS, L. A., KAPLAN, L. I., STEPANOV, G. A., and GRUDZINSKIY, B. V., Kiev, Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR "Low-Temperature Properties of Austenitic Steels" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 10, Oct 70, pp 113-115 Abstract: A study was made of the mechanical properties of some steels of industrial melts destined for use at temperatures down to -269*C. A low carbon content was characteristic for the investigated steels, and some were also alloyed with nitrogen. The 21-16-8-N type stable-austenitic steel had the beat strength properties and smallest reduction in plas- ticity and toughness at. reduced temperatures. 1/1 USSR UDC 620-172.251.1:669.14.018.8 BELYAKOVA, K. A., IVICHEV V. YA., STARTSEV, V. I., and TAVER, 7 ~ ..1. 4~ YE. I., Physico-Td'cWn-ic"ar-'Tggfttute of Low Temperatures, Academv of Sciences "Strength and Plasticity of VNS-17 Steel at Low Temperatures" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 3, 1971, pp 7-9 Abstract: A study was made of the mechanical properties of VNS-17 martensitic nging steel in the delivered state (hot rolled products) and its welded joints at temperatures to -2690 C. in the hot-rolled state VNS-17 steel has sufficient plasticity and is insensitive to acute notching at test temperatures from room temperature to -25,30 C. In structural elements welded without filler metal or with basic composition wire, VINS-17 steel can be used to -1960 C. In the presence of an acute notch, the strength of the welded joints at -2530 C and -2690 C is greater than the strength of the steel at room temperature. The chemical composi- tion of the investigated steel was 0.014'/10 C, 0.08% Mn, 0.17X,, Si, 10. 28% Cr, 9. 55% Ni, 0. 66-00 Ti, 0. OT;10 Al, 2. 1 -0' Mo, 0. 01% Zr, .06'~~ Cei, 0.0071-0 S, and 0.01"'0 P. 1/1 4 -,~ - USSR "T" I.-9D- 621. 396. SIH M! LEVI CH', :,% S. , SA-13,7170Y, V. J., TL'1CHEV, Yu. "On The DesiEn of S"ir Power IStabilizing Systems" Tr. --"ovosib. elp-ktrotevhn. ir.-ta (WorIks of the 7-,OVOS ibirs? institute), 1070, vyp. 2, kn. 1, T) 119-127 (from F'Zh-Radlc-~~ --nnika, :~'o -11 j ~ I I p AbstracL "70 7D353) TransJation: The basic Drobl,=, in designing closed static sysl~eirz i'or power control of SHF' de-,rices is providing the required preel-sion Ln tn-- condition of dyna-m-ic stabilitli,. A method of designing autoriatic ~:)rorwer eonLrc.: systems is described which as3u--E:s a static error within jTiv(.-rI 113d-~S. C'J ~j I;,-- in addition to the static error, the total orror of the syste.-,-.. crinLain-, which owls TA-t-,ir existerice to nonuniformity of th(~ fr,--raiency rnis:31on f'actor of -,h,- directional coupll--r and the SIHF df--Lectjr, alid, 1,n.. of the transrussion factor of ail elements in the reedback ci-rc--jit. of outDut -oover stc,:bility requir(!s not only a reduction ft. the vazuic (-.-rror of trif, system, Dut also an improvement in the uniformity of the frequency re3ponse in th,~! working frequency range-, as we!ll as in the stability oil the tre~nsmi.ssion fdctf'~r ftr the given circuit elements. Bibliography of four titles. G . 1/1 USSR UDC 547.825 Ye., IL'ICIIEV, I. Ye., RUKHADZE, Ye. G., and TEIZENT'YEV, u ~ ~jLo-s~cowSt`ate UYn3 versity "Obtaining AlkylmercaF,toethylpyridines" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XL, No 12, Dec 70, p 2763 Abstract: A method w;.:.s developed for obtaining alkylmer cap to thy I py ri (tines (II) by alkaline decomposition of the salts of S-alkylisothiuroniuni in the presence of vinylpyridine. This method assures high yield of the desired product, but unfortunately produces a large number of S-alkylisothiuronium salts. By using 2-Vinylpyridine, thiourea, and benzyl chloride, a 47.4% yield of benzy1mercaptothylpyridine was obtained; similar results were obtained with ethylmercaptoethyl-2-pyridine, using ethyl bromide instead of benzyl chloride, and here the yield was 50%. 1/1 Gyroscopic USSR UDC: 62-56 .1 SLIV, E. I., BORISOV, Yu. A., 70ST, Z. G., IL'ICHEVA, A. D., l,eningrad Insti- tute of Precision Mechanics and Optics "Errors of the Extremum Yethod of Finding the Meridian in Initial Orien- tation of Inertial Systenswo Leningrad, Izvestiya VUZov: Priborostroyeniye, Vol 16, No 8, 1973, pp 68-71 Abstract: The authors examine the errors involved in determinins the po- sition of a aroplatform in the azimuth from the extremui.7i of the azin-uthal. characteristic. It is shown that the expected accuracy of determininIT, th ~- L-jroplatform position in --.he first approximation is higher than with Fyro- compass determination since the procedural errors of the methad are lo-,; an~, in principle can be reduced, accuracy is independent of the drift of the leveling (Zrros, and at the svne tire the constructiona.1 errors are ti,c. s.-~~e as in the gyrocompass method. 1/1 1/2 cc S UNCLASSIFIED PRiXESSIviG ..lArE---20NOV70 TITLE--SCLUbILITY OF CARBGN 0IUXIOE IN CHLGRIOE MELI"S -U- AUThGR-(C2)-i~EVYATKIPj, V.N.., ILICHEVA, O.N. CCUNTRY CF INFO--USSR SGURCE-Zl--. FIZ. KhIM. 1570y 44(1)t 253 DATE PUELIShE0------7C SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CAt~60N D I(jX I Of , MELTEN CHLORI 01- FUS E~._) SAL. I',.[-JLU,3 11-1 TY C01TROL PARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OGCUMENT LLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY KEEL/FkAME--3001/0459 STEP CIRC ACCESSICIV NtJ--A[10126211 UNCLASS If-!ED 2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED P R ( I C EI I ~ G 0 A i E - - 2'0j N: 6 i I CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP012621.1 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Lj') GP-0-- ABSTKACF. THE SGLY- OF C01 Wbt-; IN MELTED NACL (1), KCL (II)i ANU CSCL (111) INCREASES LINEARLY ~-ITH INCREASING C:"j, SU82 PARTIAL PRESSURE ACCORDING TO HENkY'S SAW. TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF rH--- SOLY. C FCLLCWS TI-E EQUATION C EQUALS C SUBO Er'-'P(Q-RTj wERE Q IS THE MOL. HEAT OF SOLN. ANC C SU50 15 A CCNST. THE EXPTL. VALUES OF Q (IN CAL) ANL C SUBO (IN NOL. FRACTIONS TIMES 10 PRIME511 VOR It Ili A14D [If ARE: MINUS 5804, 36.1; MINUS 5047, 38.9; MINUS 64341 I"a.4; RESP. ING INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE'SOLN. CJMPCNENTS WERE FOUND. U,%1- L 11 1~ -S I F I F 0 UNA;; bLOOD kl:~%R 1, N:; i r: iLo~lw -Iv,, I 1'-~dl L'i ::-"i ~-n pp 5b-62, mmTmi-t 7L~ for I,- I , cat ion o J'; I':i L: I L IiCCn C. 11~ w Lh, I,! 111-d il,'-:hy --j1,1---C U: ILI L- .71,17,',, .11,ne I -C' 01, ir, t v I Le r ci'~ c 0 ~'t rll'i"z At- w. lliflucv'~,: ct 1:i!'rX-.-.'V "t t'nt t~nvl t. liecyc~'S.~ at l!Iglit. 'Iyclt'u &i'o r1!-, t~ noticvz;!;~r and ch.1-1ger, '-cnti0n.!d V.,Qrv di,.tiat:1- ind~r :;,r I tht' di-jr4n; CYI 14, U" Ili a7.r !.I Ae rn t i ,- ~-c rc Iat cd nc t G.~' t L!~' j :-"l .~7 111.t UISO to th', ilitl~ll SJt,~ 0' Ui~ I!, of thf,; stijoy i;h-~ tho Importan,-u c.' col-Itig Lh~- incv-i: itate of th~ organirm into acccuzt wh~il, formulat W~l -,r- -I'mej, cycl-. A twly Of bio"tc-.U-;:' wallzl'a 12, ol gr..,nt 4.-pvrtmcr. t:: ;-,cc:~~s regulation Off the r.tit,, Of lilLep art! wakeful:IUS5. 11 1 1w (A. V G . N' 4a's , 1 !!3: 1 Lila; Vii I 1e t , I! L a and 0 L~W':'S) , iicrct~,n in (:)vk, L z N." et "1l L. 19~%', In c- ICE -1hin arj~j,, rvnulr~ cf _1r"1:;t 'i hi~t"Jri_ v. Ow activity CZ the cnvrAo the b1Q-1 imroLaiii-n contLIlt ir. h",.,r. 7 717 USSR IL'ICHEVA, S. "Compounds Related to Diavriond" Riga, Sovetskaya Ia7tviya, 1 Jan 73, P 3 Abstract: Aftnantane is obtained from petrole,,L-1. l,ir-.e dia=.ond, it, c3~,,rstallizes into a double hexafTonal system, with the carbon atoms positioned at the nodules of two cuboid grills in,-:erted one- into the other. Unlike di~.mond, a hydro;~'-,n atom is attached to each carbon atom. !~jr replacini7 the hy:ilro- n with other atoris or radicals) adamantane derivatives are form,-~d, incliadin.,; a:rlino- adamantane (also called midantin) which is an ef-Lect-.Lve dr,:-,, ai,-,ainst Viral and bacterial infections. Midantane- does not hin-Jer vj.-nj!-~es From rm"crin,-, ~'-ic host cell bu~ preventn the:ti Prom prorlucinC, viral nuc)-ei.c r--clds- Uic ctall. Although th,: mf.~chrminm o3' action rcmaAm; to b(- elucl~U-Lt,-M, hn!-, shown Viat mida!.mv~ not only curve; but alco prevents otli'--r tory diseases, and parkinsonloni. lUirantladaric and. other derivativet-, uicvclopcd at the Imttitute of Ori-anic Synthcois, Acadom.-I of Sclermus Latvit)n am currently in the sta.;(-- oC clinical. inventigation, 1/1 U 1L'ICHEVA. S.. "TheWonders of Surreryll Riga, 3ovetskaya La-tviya, 28 X'ar 70, p 4 Abstract: The 17~iga Scientific Research Institute of -0-e:12.cs has entered the work- "Done homoplasty in Treating Patients with. -z.-o of Traumas and Ortho-cedic Diseases" in the competition for S--a~-e Latvian SSR. This work represents many years of research on 'Lds::-ue ity by associates of the above institute's laboratories of Con5crva-~Iion of and Organs, Biochemistry, and Acrobiology. and the Chair of Traumatoio~y, Orthopedics, and ivAlitary Field Surgory of Riga Medical Institute. 'A'.1e namo-, affiliations, and contributions of 'I.-.hese scientists are mentioned in arLicle. ANO 01064- AUTHOR-- !L. ICHEVAJ--s. ~ - 7_7=_ - --- - -, ~ TITLE-- THE ELECIFRONIC AID TO ASTROPHYSICISTS NEWSPAPER--- SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA, JANUARY 27j, 1970, P 21 COL 3 ABSTRACT- THE INSTJ'TUTE OF ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERINC OF THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCTES HAS DEVELOPED THE "PPR-.'zK" A THREE-CHANNEL, REVERSING RECALCULATOR. IT WAS DEVELOPED ON, tHE ORDER OF THE RADIOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY OF THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HAS BEEN INSTALLED AT BALDONA. THE RESULTS OF WEAK SPECTRAL STUDIES ARE PRINTED OUT BY THE "TSPM-1" PRINTER. THE LABORATORY OF DIA%rj:'NOSIS OF INTEGRAL SYSTEMSY DIRECTED BY CANDl- DATE OF TECHNICAL SCI ENCES V. F. BAUtqGARTEN, IS GIVEN CREDIT FOR THE NEW APPARATUS. 19G00092 USSR 612.27(23+251) ALESHINA, T. P., BUT'YEVA, 1. V., and 4j,'ICRWA, YE. M., Department IM .Lor Study of Health Resort Resources, C~_ntF~r-Wgtitute of Health Resort Medicine and Physicial Therapy "Dynamics of the TUt-ight of Oxygen in the Air on the Plans and in the Mountains" Moscow, Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapii i Lechebaoy Fizichesk-oy C3 Kulltury, No 1, 1970, pp 58-63 Abstract: Analysis of the weight of oxygen in the a-jr.r over a period of 10 years (meteorological data of the Moscow University Observatory) revealed a distinct seasonal pattern. The lowest values were re- corded in July, 269.9 g/M3, and the highest in January, _IjGl.4 g/m3. This index 5emained more or less the same in the spring and fall, 273-236 g/m It decreased with increasing height of the locality. C3 1:1 The mean monthly va;ues were highest at the plains and low-mountain stations, 30-35 g/m , and lowest in high-mountain regions, 16/5 cr/M3. Among other relationships noted, the weight of oxygen was somewhat higher on sunny, rainless days than on mostly sunny days, but with short periods of precipitation during the day or at night. The weight 1/2 USSR ALESHIN.A., T. P., et al., Moscow, Voprosy RurorLologii, Fizioterapli i Lecheb"oy Fizicheskoy Kul'tury, No 1, 1970, pp 58-63 of oxygen also rose as the temperature dropped. The weL-ht of oxygen is apparently influenced by climatic factors. For example, oxygen in the air of mountainous regions in the Caucasus was found to be 3-4 g/M3 heavier than in the mountainous regions of Central Asia, when measured at stations situated at the same altitude. 2/2 108 -