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USSR PODDUBNW, 1. Ya., gL_!l, Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 6-9 viscosity of homogeneous fractions with known molecular weight in a G-solvent, as well as combined intrinsic viscosity and sedimentation constant measure- ments. Experimental studies of the branching of macromolecules of synthetic rubbers obtained in the presence of different catalytic systems established the following: 1. Macromolecules of SKI-3 rubber synthesized under ordinary conditions are linear; disturbing the polymerization regime in the production of this polymer may lead to the formation of highly cross-linked structures. 2. Macromolecules of cis-polybutadiene, obtained with the use of a catalytic system containing cobalt salts (SKD-2), remain linear for all practical pur- poses regardless of the polymerization temperature an moderate conversion. 3. The degree of branching of butadiene-nitrile (emulsion) rubbers increases with-increnood acrylonitrile content. Methods were developed for studying molecular chain flexibility, the homogeneity 2/3 Phytology USSR UDC 581.132 NASYROV, Yu. S., Corresponding Member, Academy of Scienc-as Tadzhik SSR, ABDURAIMMWOVA, Z. N., _UGA_aU-Y_,A,_and ALIYEV, K., Institute of Plant -_7""ciences, Tadzhik SSR Physiology and Biophysiocs, 17caJemy o "Mechanism of Action of High-Altitude Ultraviolet Radiation on the Develop- ment and Functional Activity of the Photosynthetic Apparatus" Dushanbe, Doklady Akaderrii Nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, No 9, 1971, pp 53-60 Abstract: Ten-day-old etiolated pea seedlings were exposed to sunlight for 4 to 5 days, during which time measurements were made of the photosynthetic assimilation of C1402 and content of chlorophyll, nucleic acids, and proteins in the subcellular structures. Appreciable amounts of chlorophyll did not form until 7 to 10 hours after exposure. There was a carralatLoa between the formation of chlorophyll and assimilation of C14 02, which persisted for 20 hours, after which the pigment content stabilized while the assimilation of carbon continued to increase rapidly. Total RINA decreased sharply the first 10 to 20 hours and then increased. Light-deDendent RNA synthesis in the chloroplasts was much more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation than IMA synthesis in the nuclei. The protein-synthesizing systam of the chloro- iDlasts was more sensitive than the other subcellular structures. The 1/2 - - --- - ------ USSR NASYROV, Yu. S., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, No 9, 1971, pp 53-60 incorporation of C14-labeled leucine into the chloroplast proteins was sharply inhibited by ultraviolet during the first 10 to 30 hours of exposure of the etiolated seedlings. It was concluded that the molecular mechanism of action of high-altitude radiation on photosynthesis is controlled by the inhibition of li-ht-inducible transcription of RNTA into DNA of the plastids C7 and suppression of protein systhesis. 2/2 ~n MM2 A MMEEMIUMM I USSR UDC:SS3.982.2(575.15) AKR49-HOD7HAYEV, A. M., EHQ&SHEV, EDOV, Kh. A., WAY, V. F., BAZARBAYEV, E. G. AKMf "Evaluation of Prospects for Oil and Gas Content of Eastern Portion of Fergana Depression in the Light of New Data" Tashkent, Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal, No. 6, 1970, pp. 15-19 Abstract: In spite of the significant number of prospecting operations which have been conducted over the past decade in the Fergana depression, the prospects for oil and gas finds in the eastern portion of this depres- sion have not yet been properly evaluated. 71iis article presents a des- cription of the Suzakskaya structure, which has been a judged promising. Based on the description presented, it is concluded that the formation of the overwhelming majority of oil and gas deposits in this region has occurred primarily due to migration of hydrocarbons from oil and.gas con- ducting suites into collectors within formations, as well as due to lateral .1/2 USSR UDC:SS3.982.2(575.15) AMUMODMAYEV, A. M. , ERGAaf~IbEV K.1 A. , AKHMEDOV, Kh. A., OGAY, 11. F. , 'I U dy Geologicheskiy 7hurnal, No. 6, eks BAZARBAYEV, E. G., Tashkent, Uzbeks 1970, pp. 15-19 regional -- migration from the deeper portion of the oil and gas forming area throughout the entire history of geological development of the structural plan, i. e. both before and after the morphological formation of the structural forms. 2/2 - 100 - USSR UDC 681-332.65 EDIANIS, Ya. Ya.,-ERGLIS-, U. Yu. "Controlled Decade Frequency Divider with Variable Division Factor" USSR Author's Certificate No. 270354, Filed 13/02/69, Published 21/08/70 (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychis1j.tel1naya Tekhnika, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. SB245P). Tran lation: The purpose of the invention is to increase the maximum permissible repetition frequency of input pulses. In the controlled multistage frequency div-ider suggested, this purpose is achieved by pecularities in the construction of each decade and the special structure of the connections between decades. I fig. MUM I USSR UDC 543-544 (Deceased), BROUCHEKJO F. I., ERISTAVI, V. D., BERISHVILI, L.A., 'AKAR021-~,. G., and KUTSIAVA, N. A., Georgian Polytechnical Institute Imeni V. I. Lenin, Tbilisi "Investi-ation of the Uranyl ion Sorption on the Anion Exchanr-,e Resins Saturated With Anionic Ligands" Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khinii, Vol 46, No 5, Miv 72, pp 1165-1167 Abstract: Using the roentgenoyrvphic method, the sorption of urany! ions from aqueous solutions w-ith p1q. = 2.5-3.0 on fluoride, carbonate, and ethyl- enediaminetetraacetate forms of anion exchange resins has been shown to take place. On the basis of the results of IR spectroscopic studies the follo,.r-ir-,,.r stages were proposed for the fonrztion of anionic coi-Tlemes of uranyl in anion exchange phase: 1) Lor-mation of a neutral conplex of ar-anyl with the anionic ligand; 2) association of this complex with anionic lir-and in the ion exclian,:e phase, and fonan-tion of an ionic pair "anion complex-cation group R+ from the anion exchange resin". Starting sorption curtes were plotted for diff~!rent hydrodynamic conditions and from them the values of dyn--mic sorption capaciti-Is for uranium of the anion exchange resin AITI-2Fg, A.11-16, arld AV-17 have bee~n determined, establishing effectiveness series of the SOT~DentB Studied. �r c A of 0l, Tui I mLtc condJ tion~,- USSR 1JDC 543-544 ERISTAVI, D. I. (Deceased), '_BROUCHEK, F. I., E V IERIST51ILIJ, L.A., J" MKONME, A. G., and KUTSL4,11A, N. A., Georglan V .1 PC 4 %o itcft ?c"A 1Institute Iryani V. 1. LeninP 70ilisi "Investization of the Uraryl ion Sorption on the Anion Exchange Resins Saturated With Anionic Ligands" Mosco-%.r, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy KhiTrdi, Vol 46, No 5, MhY 72, pp 1165-1!67 Abstract: Using the roentgenographic method, the sorption of uranyl ions from aqueous solutions i-rith pH=2-5-3.0 on fluoride, carbonate, and ethyl- enediaminetetraacetate forms of anion exclia-n-e resins has been sho-vn to take place. On the basis of the results of IR spectroscopic sttidies Vae follolin,~- stages were proposed for the formation of anionic complexes of uranyl in anion exchans-e phase: 1) formation of a neutral complex of iLranyl with the anionic ligand; 2) association of this co.-.plex with anionic liL;ard in the ion exchan,,e phase, and 3) formation of an ionic pair "anion complex-cation group R+ from the anion exchanSe resin". Starting sorption curves were plotted for different hydrodynamic conditions an-I from them the values of dmamic sorption capacities for uranium of the anion exchange resin AN-2Fg, AV-16J, and AV-17 have been determined, establishing effectiveness series of the sorbents studied. 1/1 E T 1T t-l-a of E-": 1 '312 co 11,0- ;is oi pp uc:cd to -lr re t- 0, u-ni- USSR uEr- 5Qc).4 REHYjLL,, DZH., and ERLI, K. "On the Dependences of Applied Ultijrat.- Tensile 9tress, Critical Tensile Stress, the Yield Limit and the Coefficient of St-ress Concentration for Steels" Ibscow, Novpye nietody otsen-ki r-oprotivIeniya met. "Idarulpirlomu rz,.zrLzsher-,iv-CL (Ile", Methods of Evaluatin,-, the Resistance of Metals to Cleaya~,e Fracture, Collection of Wofks), Yir, 1972, pp 193-2-12 (from Referativn~~ Murnal -- iNehhanika, No 1973, Abstract 1-10 W1369 by P. F. Yoshelev) 'Translation: Experivants were conducted on goomet-rically bitrdlar to Sharp type with a wedga notch and dimenGions of trarisve7r;~~., f~cctiorl 10--,:1-0 and 25):25 T--:i, divided into three tz"Pes of labo-ra-Lory fusions of' c.-in- Gealed alloys; the sanples -were tested to destruction in tfirc:C-point Lendiir-- i-rith a static spaed of loadi,,,,- at terTeratures +20, -73 and -1960. '.` Ie 3cs ions wid t~e samples for determin-inC- the necliri I -,)r of snrall dtmens were divided from the destroyred half of the lazf~e st--:-ples. it is sho,2,111 .L the value of the destroying load durinG bendinC tests is c-ecrcarcl-I wit--h a--1 increase in the yield point of the cteel hiGher- than 320 k6/LL,.2 of the inethod of Y.~easure.~,-,cnt of this ch-ameteristic. The baf;ic relations-~.ios 1/2 911, USSR a kh RENDOLL, DZH, and ERLI, K., Novyye metody otsenki soprotivleni,, met. k rupko.= razruslleniyu, 1972, pp 198-212 between the normal- ultimate tensile~ stress, the critical value of the ma-xirnal tensile stress at a certain point around the notch, the yield iiiult and st::ess concentration in the -plastic recrion are detennined. it is also shown that the decrease of the normal tensile stress observed with an increase in the yield point, can be explained as the relationship between the coefficient of stIrt'.ss concentration in the plastic region and the value of the ratio of raximal bend- t.~ ing stress of 'he notch foundation without a calculation of the elastic concen- tration to the yield point of the material; a niLmerical evaluation of the dependences derionstrated is conducted. (13 bibliographic entries) 2/2 USSR ERLIKH, A. 1. "A Problem of Simulating Multilevel Systems" UDC 51 V sb. Detsentralizovan. metody upr. (Decentralized Methods of Control--collec- tion of works), Moscow, 1972, pp 86-92 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V377) No abstract USSR UDC 8.74 EFROS, L. B. "Introduction to BESM-6 Progr mming" Vvedeniye v programmirovaniye dlya EVM BESM-6 (cf. English above), USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division of the Computation Center. Algorithm and Pro- gram Libraries. Computer Software, Novosibirsk, 1971, 66 pp, 28 k. Knizh. letopis; 1972, No 7, p 36 (from M-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V491K) No abstract 93 - USSR ERSHOV,__At__ K. "Axiomatics of Memory Distribution" UDC 8.74 V sb. Teoriya yazvkov i metody postroyeniya sistem programmir. (Language Theory and Methods of Constructing Programming Systems--collection of works), Kiev- Alushta, 1972, pp 3-21 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V429) Translation: A procedure is discussed for constructing a correct and complete system of transformations which for any program system permits systematic con- struction of any admissible memory distributions for the arguments and results of its operators. For admissible memory distributions we mean those which re- tain all the information links available in the initial system., The basis for the procedure is the method of equivalent transformations of the systems. By the transformation rules for the system we mean the logical calculus which in the form of an axiom postulates certain elementary equivalent transformations of the individual fragments of the system and permits derivation of chains of equivalent transformations of the systems as a whole. 1/1 USSR UDC: 51 VEX, V. L. S -ERL 1, A. I.- "A Linear Model of the Production Possibilities of Industry" V sb. Progra=ai. metod upr. Vvp. 1 (Program Method of Control, No 1--collec- tion c~f works), Moscov-, Computing Center of the Acadery of Sciences of the WSR, 1971, pp 46-58 (from RZh-Yibernetika,, No 6, JLm 72, Abstract No 6VL67) Translation: A method is proposed for constructing a linear model of the possibilities for production of goods based on linew.- models of tile produc- tion capacities of enterprises. The concept of technological sectors is -itioning industnj into generalized, and an algorithm is proposed for part, such sectors. 33 - 7 USSR uDc: 621-319.4 KOVALEV, K. S., ZHIKHAREV, Yu. V., NOVIKOVA, S. M., ERLIM, E. A. "Increasing Cold Resistance in Foil Tantalum Capacitors With a Working Voltage of 6 and 15 Vol-LIS" Nauch. tr. N.-i. i proyektn. in-tredkomet. prom-sti (Scientific Works of the Scientific Research and Design institute of the Rare Metals Industi-,r), 19TI, 32, PP T6-83 (from,RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5V327) Translation: The authors investigate factors which have a considerable influence on the electrical characteristics of tantalum foil capacitors with a working voltage of 6 and 15 volts. A new grade of paper is selected for the liners. The optimum coefficient ~ for the paper and its thickness are determined. The tantalum foil oxidation voltage and geometric dimensions of the plates are more precisely deterrained. Two illustrations, bibliography of five titles. Resume'. USSR UDC 621-372-85 GOLOV/diOV, V. A. , MISNOV., YE. S., MTM, E. I.,, 08NOVINA, G. 0., POLYAK, M. M. PROKOPMO, V. G., and ERLIKH, E. I. *Adhesives for the Ferrites of Super-High Frequency Instruments" Elektron. tekhnika.. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Ferrit. tekhn,. (Electronics Technology. Scientific-Techni,cal Collection of Articles. Ferrite Technology), 1971, vyP.4 (31),j pp IU-114 (from RZh-Radioteldmika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11 B154) Translation: The authors study prcblems associated with the selection of an ad- hesive for mounting ferrite inseits in high pover level, super-high frequency in- struments. Test results are also presented for various working conditions. Ori- ginal article: one table and three bibliographic entries. Resume. 1/3 026 UNCL ASS IF I ED TITLE-STRUCTURE OF TSI.-JLK,.IVSKIY CRATER -U- :AU) H'J~ (04)-GCRSHKr)V, G. S. MILEKESTS EV, IV. , CCDT4T'Ky L;F INFO-USSR SUUPCE--M0SC0--v, IZVESTIYA AKADEM11 NAUK SSSR, 2, 1970, PP 13-lq PATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 PROCESSING DATE--02,)CT70 SHTEYN5FRG, s. , IRL,L~LH SERIYA GEDLCGICHES AYA, No. SUBJECT AREAS-ASTRONOMYtASTROPHYSICS, SPACE rECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--LUNAR CRATEKt SPACESURNE PHUTL)GRAPHY/(U)LUN[K 3 LUNAR PPCBE, (U)TSIOLKOVSKlY LUNAR CPATEPt MA~CHIMEDES LUNAa CRATFq Ca%-TKCL MARKING--NG RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFTEO PROXY REEL/FPAME--1992/1020 STEP NO--UR/0011/70/OOV/J(;e'_/0,013/()~r)lq "'IRC ACC.CSSIGN NO--AP0112171 UNCLASSIF[Ff) .2/3 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--02JCT70 I RC' ACCESSION NIU--AP0112171 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* THIS ARTICLE GIVES INFORMATIDN ON TSl0LKOVSKIY CxATER, SITUATED ON THE FAR SIDE OF THE M09N. THE STUDY WAS MADE USING PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IN FEBRUARY 1967 6Y LUNAR DR31TER 3 (PHbTUGRAPHS FURNISHED TIfE AUTHORS BY THE GODDARD SPACE ce%jru~). THE CRATER IS-ROUN-10, 230-250 KM IN DIAMETERtSItUATEO IN AN EXTENSIVF MOUNTAINOUS REGION. THIS CRATER OR DEPRESSION IS SURROUifllf)EU BY A PING MOUNTAIN SYSTEM 40-70 KM WIDE. A DISTINGUISHINt~ CHARACTERISTIC ')F F:rilS CRATEf~ IS THE ABSENCE OF A SOLID RING WALL SUCH AS AROUND ARCHIMEDES CRATEP. THE RING MOUNTAIN SYSTEM SURROUNDING THE CRATEP IS SIMILAR TO THAT OF ALPHONSUS CRATER. THE DEGREE OF DESTRUCTION OF THE RING MOUNTAIN SYSTEM IS NONUNIFORM: THE SECTORS ON THE NORTH AND SOUT4 ARE MOST DESTROYED. IN CONTRAST TO MOST LARGE CRATERSt THERE ARE NO CRATERLETS OF SIGNIFICANT SIZE IN THE RING MOUNTAIN SYSTEM OF TSIOLKOVSK[Y. THE FLOOR OF THIS CRATER HAS A COMPLEX STRUCTU~E. THE DETAILED MORPHOLOGY OF THIS-FORMATION CANNOT BE EXPLAINED ON THE BASIS OF THE METEORITE HYPOTHESIS. TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE TECTONIC NATuRE OF THE RING MOUNTAIN SYSTEM SURROUNDING THE CRATER, IT ~~At% '3E SAID THAT IT IS MUGH UNLIKE CRATERS OF THE ARCHIMEDES TYPE CHARACTERISTIC FOR "SEA" REGIONS* THE RING MOUNTAIN SYSTEM OF THE LATTER HAS AN ACCUMULATIVE NATURE AND UNDERGOES A TRANSITION'INTO THE "SEA" DEPOSITS SURROUNDING THE CRATER. CRATERS OF THE TSIOLKOVSKIY TYPE ARE CUSTOMARY FJR THE "MOUNTAIN" REGIONS. THE DEPOSITS OF THE DIRECTED EXPLOSION, ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEPRESSION, INDICATE A MAJOR ROLE OF THE GAS PHASE SEPARATED AT THE TIME OF THE EXPLOSION FROM THE SILICATE COMPONENT OF MAGMA4 UNCL ASSIFIED 3/3 028 U%CL ASS IF I EO CIRC AlUESSIi-N NJ--AP0112171 'ARSTf',A,--I/l~:XTI~,4CT--U:40ER TEkkLSTAAL COND'ITIGNS 4SS~-~CTATED ~vll`H 4Cfi,'IL PYRIUCLASTIC P119OUCTS CAN .'~L ASSUAEL; BY A%'"'UJGY TPAT THE t)CPfi5IT.S EX016SIVE PHASE nF A-CrIVITY OF TS19LKf)VSKIY A Sl'~ILAR TYPE HAVE A SIMILAR LAMPOSITIJIN. Vf-*tC4l%C,L6GY SIRE".14N DEPARN-'IENT ACADEMY OF UNCLASS IF IEJ P 4 [; C E S S I N' 1'-- 1) A T0 2 3f T 7 0 ~'JC-'i 9ENISITS ARF USUALLY (PWIIC~S, IT ~SSGCIATE.l, nIT4 T,-iF CRATER A.741fl) (ITHt:R C-~!'TEQS OF FACILITY: INSTITUTE -1 SCIFNCES USS,%. 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE-CUMPUSITION FOR HERMETIZATION -U- I ol~- ,AUTHOR-(05)-ERL.1'Hs GIrINA, I.G., PETROV, - VASILYEVA, I.N. COUNTRY UF INFE~--USSR SUURCE--USSR 265,344 E PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 G.N., RAPPOPORT, L.YA., _RFFERENCE-0TKRYrIYA, IZ06RET., PRJM. OBRALrsy, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, DATE- PUBLISHEC--09MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-HERMETIC-SEAL, POLYGLYCOLt PLASTICIZER, ORGANIC ISOCYANATE, PATENT CCNTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RtE_EL/FRAME--300Z/llt59 STEP t4O--UR/0482/70/Cijf,~/000/0000/:)~-00 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED P RC E S 5" IPJ r- P, A T E3 0 P; C T 7 -C CIRC ACCE55JUN ,~J--AAC-128858 ,~BSTRACI /EXTRACT-- t 0) Gf'-O- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE COMP~Ii., vll'ifi LNHA!*.C~~._-!) MECH-STABILITY, L2~-:,sriclry, AND ADHESICN'v iS BASED 3N LIN-SATI). -J - AND CON - I ZER, POLYGLYCOLS OF REGULAR TRUCTURE TAINS A PLASTIC PGLYISOCYANAIES, A-N~D ;V`1 401VATING SYSTEM. FACILITY. KALININ, Mi. I., POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEr LENINGRAD. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621-3.049.7 RKM GOLOV,A IT EREMIC =EA, X. A. , KRASITOV, Ye. S. , T _,0V, v. YE E. I. , OS1,101-TE.-A, G. POLYAZ-, 11. 1.1. , and ZLLII~. 1.I. "Adhesive with Bpoxy Base" Mosco,,)F, izobreteniya-, promyshlermyye obraztsy, tov,,rn,,Iye znaki, No. 33, 1971, p 200 Abstract: This adhesive is designed to improve the operation of ferrite UH2- devices in the face of low and high pa,-:ered signals as vell as temnera-L-ure variations. A recipe for its manufacture is given. 1/1 G., --n-inicer V.'.'!!El3O (AU-Union SClO.IlLj.*,'JC ;.c:;UZ~Ml ln3Li,~LE; Of IIT~ chino for the b1trasonic '-.oldin- of Natals" .e ;-;o5cow, Svarochnoye -r'roizvod~;Lvo, &4'o 1, ,lay 70, pp 47-43 Mostract: 1, de3crio-lion iz; given of the ZTU-0.4-3 nac'hinc fo-~ woldln,-, of of -~h~6 macl;irla urldol. inrju5L,-l-.!l 4 r i:; sir-,plc- and rulJable -La its optrat-lon. r,,,-Ay prolucu up Lo id,000 -,,i.,o-' L-alds bo~fora anl uu ',.a ',L~Q,C~Xj buij,.,r ropi"Icou, Tiv.--. (J~~ "fl-i lrlc~dna in tho production o f1-.50-6 a-la -wainwi rulectlrulylic cuz,.df~ii,;(;r.,; ruoultod izi a re'uct.ion oi' rojocs, in increased rciiabiiity, Grua'Lur survico lifo c,;" L.,io artic;L,i, nil~l a incroaz;e in lacor productivity. Spoci.ficationu of tihe mac~diiu aro az; !"ullowli: Pow,er in 0. 1p 22t7-5"" D::-ora tiona- Ifrequency in kc 1/2 U. s5?, KhOLOP07, 1U. V., %Au al, Svarochroye Proizvoistvo, ~1`0 5, Ij-) 47-41'~ j co.-It-act prossure in Rg 6-6o Thickneos of weLded art-Lcl-es j-1 0.01-0.2 p r odu c t i V;. 15-90 -pots par :uin. f;-,,-,din,, in. rn 120 x 47 or I.,_6 x 74 Giap T-.-Ps in mm 0-20 Dix.,ensio-io Jn ps U00 x 600 x 1?)5 GIs U,",iCL ASS IF [E. 3. PRUCESSING DATE--ltDEr_70 L * ----K T U C3 P0 U L Tr. I C m E T A L W t- L j I NG - U- C LAYTSEV, M.P., S.'41R;,,0VY ~-u.-J R Y L--USS 9 U'41TED KINGOICAt U%ITED STATES C!URCE--~,.-JSCG'ov SVARfjCHb.C;YE PKOILVUUSTVC, %13. 5, 1970, PP 47-48 ATE PUBLISHEC------70 UBJECT AKEAS--MECH., IND., CIVIL AND FARINE ENGR OPIC TAGS--PATENT, WELDING ECUIPMENT, FOREIGN TECHNICAL kELITION, ULTRASENIC ~dELCIMG, MACHINERY MIANUFACTURING PLA,%T/(U)iiTU04 3 ULTRASONIC :WELDi--:k -NTRCL IvAFKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'CUMENT 1 c CLArS--UNCLASSIFIED WXY Fl%'-.HE 140 ---- F070/cj050'tI/f3l0 STEP NO--LJR/0135/70/OOL,/(~IV'5/("047/0043 IRC ACCESSIEN NG--AP0IA(i2720 2/~'b 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS",NG DATE-- IIDECT,'~ IRC ACCESSIGN NG--AP0142720 65TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A5STRACT. THE M4CHINE FOR tjLT1-',',SG~jIC i-iELDING OF VETALS CC%SISTS OF Ali ACCUSTICAL SECTICN, USING A AEC W. ICAL. Y 3SCILL4TOKY SYSTE,'-Il THE 4ELDING, HEAD, FIXED TO A TABLE, :iORIZONTAL CRIVE SERVO FOR THE ACCUSTICAL SECT[CN, A CONTACT PRE~5b;1" SER1110, CC.4"f'TkGL EQUIPiNENT FOR THE EiNIEPGY FEED SL-;URCEt AND CONTRtCL :IEDALS. THE ACOLSTICAL SELT[CNI HAS A MAGNETOSMICTIVE TRANSDUCER, A K~i!FE EXPLINE.NTIAL UNCENTRATUaR, A14D A RESCNATING ROD OPERATILG I I THE BENDING -OSCILLATIC,,i MWE. A PHOT6GRAPH UF TPE MACHINE 15 GIVEN TG-ElitEP vilTif FURTHER CEIAILS OF ITS C'JiNSTRUCTIGN, AND A CROSS SECT10%AL 014LGAAM OF THE ACOUSTICAL SECTION 15 PRESENTED. OPERATION OF T14E `iACAJNE UNDER PLANT. CC(,.DITIC.%,*S hAS SHO.-tN TAHT IT IS SIMPLE ANU RELIAIr'LE ;N UPERATIU%!, EXPEPI,'-1ENTS hEkE CONi~UCTLD ON THE .1-11ECHANICAL STABILITY OF ."ELDS 1*11ADE 6- Tf-E MACHINE IN THE COURSE OF FILM TRANSFORMER AND ELECTRICN-L CAPACITOR 1-MANUFACTUkE., TPE RESULTS CF THJSE EXPERIMENTS AkE GIVEN IN TA13ULAR FJR^t, ASSEVDLY LINE MANUFACTURE UF THE MTU 0.4-3 MACHINE HAS BEEN J"tGAINIZED IN THE "(:LLKTROSVARKA" PLANT 1% KALININGRAD. PATENTS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED +0K TItE P".AChINE IN GREAT ERLTAIN AND THE UNITED STATES. ..FACILITY: VNIIESO* W.C L A S S I f I E 0 PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 '1/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED TITLE-KINETICS OF BENZENESULFONAMIDE SOLVOLYSIS IN DILUTE FUMING SULFURIC ACID -U- AUTHOR-(04)-RYABOVA, R.S., VINNIKv M.I., LAZAREVA, V.T., ERLIKH, R.D. COUNTRY CF INFG--USSR SOURCE-Zh. ORG. KHIM- 1970, 6(4), 797-800 DATE PUBLISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TO PIC TAGS-CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICS, AMIDE, SULFURIC Ailr.Dr BENZENE DERIVATIVE, ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUND, CHEMICAL REACTION NiECH.ANISM CCtiTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/2153 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/004/07V7/08rj() CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125736 u, ! 4 C L ~a S 1~ I I - 1 E 2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI~%G DATE-30OCT70 C-IRC ACGESSICN NO--AP0125736 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SOLVOLYSIS OF PHS~) SUB2 NH SUB2 IN OLEUM CGNTG. 0.01-1.63PERCENT SO SUB3 GIVES PHSO SUB3 H Al"I'D !i SUB2 NSO SUB3 H AND IT IS A IST ORDER REACTION v4 REspLcr Tj PHSO SUB-2 NH SUB2. TFE EFFECTIVE RATE CONSTS. INCREASE WITH 50 SU63 CONCN. IN THE LINEAR FASHION. A REACTION MECHANISM IS PROPOSED INVOLVING THE FORMATICN OF A COMPLEX BETWEEN PHSO SUB2 NH SUB2 AND H SUB2 S SU82 0 SUB7 (WHICH EXISTS IN' OLEUM AND ITS DECOMPN. TO PHSO SUB3 H AND H SUB2 NS SUB2 0 SUB6 H WHICH REACTS WITH H SUB2 SO SUB4 GIVING H SUB2 NSO SU83 H AND H SUB2 S SUB2 0 SUB7. UNCLASSIFIE-0 ~' 21.7 (113 X I V- 13. STUOY OF ME CI"LrLRISTIC MATUUS (IF CRY57ALLIZATION (IF MCPLQILIP~Ps uFrn mLi:r os ThK SWIVACI. U1' All 1111.1'I'MKIAL SILICON LAYLRS tArticle by It. H. Erlikh, N. A_Ilelov, T.. S. Kcn0ratIy=va. V. k. S.jrIrnAhlc,,Ich. l4ningr.d., n iko"Ith rrl,,t nl lt,~ I Pl,t-k I IW- Imt . I - 1 7 1 1 P Dntn arv prertentril from a statinticni mnal-t~ of the frequctiev of en- coutnterino rro~th u,-fecto tauuoO by cryatallizetti"i -I of the =IL all thr murfarv of atitoerlt-LAI 0111-:1 I.Welli o!?tnI:-J III, the -01"d of re- doctor. tile 911ionn trtrnchlorfOr by hydrtiren. The tro,wth conJittor% of Cie, autm-pitattLol layera protIntinK the lnrt~itlot% of mictedr~r~ of the mlt were simulated. filicaq plitten alloyed with irt,n and Rold -titaketint eviltsmination by rotal, graphitu, dunt, and traces of wtinhing solutiviis oti the vultact, were uied a-i "tibstrate in tile experitwnt.ti. it was dene-trated thAt in,, femticli of icrodruns of the relt is ftimoreA by tile presence cif sucIl x4mixt4re. as lr~. gn)J, hydrogen. oxvi:cn. ootIckiriv and others. Vie sources ol whIch can I,& tile cr"tal itself (above all, tile contamination of the jzr- turfate) tvld tt,.e c"stAllitntiott modium. Itic moveix-tit. of tile microdrers of the vlt wit"A rcs- Poet to the worpholorical charactr ria tics of tile defects (otd cotles-o"'Is to tile directions of pr(!JoMijlllnL growth -11" and buildur, of the vtarvs It was notCd that the cry " ttillization of microdrors of the tvlt can be *cco=xoied4 bytloft ,,let " ffect of the admixturt,it frtm the surroondfrip regions of the rrv- tal and can serve as a cauxe of the famatlan of rrovth defects of the folle- ing type s plitteatt-like eltvationu, (elected whipl,,tv, tong-d, gtoWt hills ,! pyramidal appearance, and couples twillot -- trIfivravda- VIocordtotit the =r-h- lor.icni characteristics of tile relief connected witit tile presence of the ll,.uid phpar all tile ,rowth otirfaco of thu c""tal slid ~ Its bacL siJo -- the *&o~:wich layer -- permit judrmont of the conditions of the Irr"th process of the autc,crl- taxtol miltcon layers, In this paper tile ponalble usechanisms, of crwfitollialor, sucradrop. of tha selt are discussed. and the difforoolt 1-rimolopitill methods of lowerini; tile probability of their occurrence are proposed. 210 - SrSSION XV XV-1. RAMIESS OV AirrOEPITAXIAL SILICMI LAYCRS jArtIcla, by 1. 1, Y-IrnCy-tt. N. A. R.. 14. Lr.likh. L, rkk"va, Lm ningradi Novo,,Lbiri~. III Si.M. -- Protnessac Rests I S-r- f, -Yj K, 7. p rhis P4"vr to devoted to the study of the hardness of silicon crynt.:A used " sub.trato. and autonpItaxial layers grcwo by the pwthoi or reducint silicon tetrachloride by hydroren. Experimental data arLprerjentcdonttlie,,hnrdnesi of crvatals cis a tin" of the - rhan,., Ichr cat nod cc rnc emic at procertnic and with ttN- pect to 0:r effect of different types of treatment en the mechanical vrorcr- ti., of tit taut-oltaxial layer. It I. demnntrated that the onl%otropy of th"hardness of the crystals and the autoepitaxtal layers of silicon has an anlorous nature -- the sarnitudo of the hardness (h ) decreases on going ften the illil facets to the (110) men. The magnitude oV St. to defined an a func- tion of the concentration of the allaying mixture In the lovers., Ilic data cb- tained uIre checked by calculating the Kolinogorov criterion am the "Insk-22 CO"'Puter by the M. M. Win procedure. lite statistical analysis Indicates a decrease In hardness with an Increase in the phosphorous concentration in the lovers. 1he variation In hardness with respect to depth of the layorn was ob- served Which Is CAUVCd by the affect of the substrate properties: the ty" and concentration of the allcryinp, admixture. the type of surface m,achining. In title paper it to demonstrated that the tautgnituda of the hardness Le Vorunxt.r which parvits astLawition nf the perfection of the 4UtQQpIt&%&A1 laye re reflecting the interrelation of the and structural pro"r- ties with the crystallization conditions. 217 USSR uDo 62i.315.=92;%,6.28 CHETYRKINA, N.A., KARACHMUSEVA, Z.V., MITROFANOV, V.I., DEDE(MAYEV, T.T., BELOV, N.A., ERLIKH, R.N., VASMIDIA, Z.V. 'Carbon Insertion In Epitaxial Layers Cf Silicon And Effect Of Growth Conditions On Their Formation" Elektron.tekhnika. Neuch.-".ekhn.eb. Poluprovodn.pribory (Electronics Technology. S cientific-Technical Collection. Semicon~_uctor Devices), 1971, Issue l('518),pp 47-50 (from RZh.Elektronika i yeye yrimeneniyq, No 9, Sept 1972, Abstract No 9B79) Translation: A study is made of the defectiveness of epitaxial layers of Si connected with a high carbcn content. It is shown that in the initial state .epitaxial layers grown by hydrogen reduction of tetrachlorated silicon have a microuniformity characteristic of the presence of finely-divided insertions of the second phase. In the process of heat trectment at 11500 C in an orygen at- mosphere, a decrease takes place of the density of microdefects and an increase of separation of the second phase containing carbon and orjgen. The results are presented of tests of preparation of epitaxial layers with a reduced carbon con- tent. 6 ref. Stly-n-ax-f. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.115.592:546.28 MOKIYEVSKIY, V.A., ERLIKH, R.N. '14echanism Of Formation V Packing Defects In Autoopitaxial Layers Of Silicon" Elaktron.tekhnika. Poluyrovodn.Rribory (Electronics TechnoloD,, Scientific-Technical Collection. Semiconductor Devices), 1971, Issue 1(58),pp 58-61 (from RZh:Elektronike i yeye primenenip~, No 9, Sept 1972,Abstfract No CB80) Translation: A study was made of the effect of an oxide on the formation of packing defects in autoepitaxial layers of Si. A mechanism is suggested Which accounts for the appearance of twin -islands--nuclei in the autoepitaxial layers, which are the reason for the formation of packing defects because of epitaxial coalescence of Si with crystallographic films of oxides. 11 ref. Summary. 120 - USSR UDC 621-315-592-546-28 BEW7,AT._.A., ERLIXI R. N. KAZANOV, V. M., and KOMDRATIYEVA T. S. - U=ZZU'aa) .1 "Properties of Autoepitaxial Silicon Layers" El-ektron. -Drom-st'. Nauchno-tekhn sb (Electronic Tndustry--scientific and technical collection of works), 1970, No 1, 99-100 (from RZH-MetallurGiya, No- 11,.Nov 70, Abstract No IIG388) Timnslation: The layers were grown by the method of hydrogen reduction of SiCI4,-in a unit with vertically and horizontally distributed radiation cham- 'hers-.. Under the conditions of decreasing temperature in the process of grow- ing (down tor- 11700), autoepitexial layers were obtained with flood reproduci- bility of results and a mirror-Ginooth surface (dencity of grovLh fiv-,urca and packing defects ~ 10 cm,-2), and the -width of the concentration transition sublAyer-autoepitexial layer was reduced to 2-3 /(. Daring growth under con- stant low te=erature conditions, the production of layers with perfect struc- ture-was.hindered owing to the necessity of rigid stability of the paraneters of--the.process. (From RZh A i R) 36 - 7, Acc. Nr: AP004417r LRL1&ff___ Z146 XVf '.=e: PRIMARY SOURCE: Ortopediyaiv Travmatolniya i Protezitovaniye, 1970, Nr pp THATMENT Of CLOSED AND CompouND FRACTURES OF THE TUBULAR 110NES 01F'TKE HAND Z. -A. ErUch The author believes that in multiple closed fractures of the metacarpals and finger- phalanges the conservative reposition and fragment retention does not aiways, end with. success. In these cases the ODerahve treatment. is indicated. Though not denying the role of metal fixators. the author prefers osteosyntheiis of tubular bone fractures of the hand- with aid of biological fixators- heterobiological rods from feather. Primary tendinosuture it indicated in combined injuries to the bone and tendon apparatus. The primary suraicai debriderner.t. of open hand injuries should be niaximum sparing. Frequently, in indicated cases, the excision of nonviable tissues necessitates substitutive skinplastv. Primary sk-in- pla5ty is considered to be the final -stage of the initial surgical debridement. Remediai physical culture and phvsioiherapv in treatment of tubular hone fractures of the hand arc important iacturs i-tWuring restoration oi the hana function. The treatment of 92,8% of the injured with closed fractures and 82.9% with compound fractures was ambulatory. Utili- zation of the residual working capacity in patierits with trauma of the hand tends to accustom them to work and solve one of tife problems of medical rehabilitation. RE WFITUM 49770664 M0047088- ~2 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, 243012 CIRCUIT E% SUPPLYING &NFORMATION.T0 A TEL AIM. The readers'(3) have their digits of thd'ame value connected in parallel to the first stage (8) of the commutator M. The inputs of the readers are connected to the inputs of the second stage (9) of the commutator (1). The outputs of both stages of the commutator are connect-ed to the input of-the-amplitude decoder (4) which is connected in series with the code converter (5) and the- (6). The Information is recorded in the module (2). 6.6.66 as 1082311/18-24.G.I.STRIZHAK et al.VOLGOGFLAL MACHINERY CONSTRUCTION RES.11,4ST.(23.9.69)BUI 161 5.5.69. Class 21c. 74b. Int.Cl.G 05g. G08c. AUTHORS: Strizhak, G. I.; ~yabov,__K. G.; Ernandes, L. F. VQlgogradskiy Nauchno - Issledovatel'skiy M-TI-R-Tr'-feTh-56 log i i Mashinostroyeniya AA0047088 ~ 'L/ I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..I I LA - - - - - - - ---I -4 I'l ', I I -- I L- -'- -j I I I " I L-- 2 mm m I . 19790570 ' USSR UDC 547.26'118 TSIVUNIN, V. S., KRUTSKIY, L. M., ERNAZARUV- and KAIMY, G. Kh. "The Reaction of Diethylamidoethylphosphonous Acid Chlorides and Ethyl- dichlorophosphine, With the Orthoformic Ester and Acetic Aldehyde Diethvl Acetal" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XL, No 12, Dec 70, pp 2560-2563 Abstract: For a comparison of the electrophilic properties of the diethyl- amidoethylphosphonous acid chloride and those of the halides of trivalent phosphorus, the authors studied the above reaction. It was found that ethyldiclilorophosphine reacts vigorously with the ortho- formic ester, to form the ethyl ester of ethy1d! e thoxyme thy 1PhO.-3 ph f iii c acid, and with tbe diethyl acetal of acetaldehyde to forn (depending on the ratio of reagents) the ethyl ester or the acid chloride of ethyl-l-etho),yethyl- phosphinic acid. Alcohols react with the latter to produce the esters cf ethyl-l-etlioxyethylphosphinic acid, and also the acid itself. It was also found that the diethylanvidoethylphosphinic acid chloride, as distinct from ethyldichlorophosphine, reacts with the orthoformic ester, but is prac- tically inactive with respect to the diacetal of acetaldehyde. 1/1 Ussir KAHAYI G. XH., ERRE, E. A., and KHARRASOVA# F. M. "Synthetic Method for Aaidoesters of AIkyl(aryl)thiophosphoric Acids" USSR Author's Certificate No 367112, filed I Yar 71, published 12 Mar 73 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 19, Oct 73, Abstract No 1911504 P) Translationt The method is based on the reaction of acid alk-jl esters of alkyl~aryl)thiophosphonous acids with amines or hydrazines inCCC1 4C' RP(S) OR') + 2RI12NH + CC14 --ftF RP(S)(OR')NfV'R"' (I-) + IV'2NIf-H 1 + HU3, the folowing I being obtained (R. R I , Rot , Irs I or R" R" 1 14, yield in %, b. p. In OCAM 0 20 20 or M.P. in C, nD J, d4 being reported)i Et, Pr, iso-Pr, Ho 72.8v 78-80/it 1.4804, 0.99801 Et, Pr, Ph, H, 57.4, 118-120/2v 1-5532t 1.217; Eto Pro NHPhq H, 73*69 72-3p -s -; Etp Pr, Pr, Pr, 64, 88-91/1, -, (n23 1.4?60), -1 Etq Pr, D morpholino, 63.2, 101-2/1, 1.4997, 1-0976; Ph, Et, morpholino, 79.1, 75-6, -,-I Ph, Et, iso-Pr, H, 68, 108-9/0-8, 1-5495, 1.0924. The synthesized -I are interesting as possible pesticidal agents. 1/1 USSR UDC 547-241 YWAY) G. Hh. (deceased), KRARRASOVA, F. M.,_LZjTzj_E. ., Kazan' Institute of Chemical Technology imeni. S. M. Kirov "On Synthesis of Dialkyl-(Aryl)phosphinic ard Thiophosphinic Acid Amides and Alkyl-(Aryl)-phosphonic Acid Ester Amides" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey laiimii, Vol 42(104), i-io 6, Jun 72, pp 12-55-125~9 Abstract: Amides of dialkyl- and diar-l-phosphinic and thiophosphinic acids and mixed ester amides of allwl(aryl)phosphonic acids were synthesized in order to study their pesticidal properties. Oxides and sulfides of secondary phosphines, and also partial esters of alkyl and aryl phosphonous acids reacted with amines in the Dresence of carbon tetrachloride to give an-ides of dialkyl- (aryl)phos-Dhinic and thiophos-phinic acids, and amide esters of alkyl-and aryl- phosphonic acids, respectively. It was found that sulfides of secondary phos- phines react with carbon tetrachloride and trichlorobroii,,omethane in tile a1bsence of bases to forr. the corresponding dial-kyl(aryl)-phosphinic acid halides. USSR KAMAY, G. Kh. (deceased), et al.1 Zhurnal Obshchey ltaiimii, Vol 42(lo4), No 6, Jun 72, pp -1295-1099 R,P-H x Pi x + ~~Pp., -- RZP(X)Ha-1 + P, CCL3 (2) x 0 CC'63 H Q x -0 uru S - CHCL3 + R2P(X)fi The resultant compoi.1nds are herbicides. 2/2 USSR UDC 547.558.1 KIREYEV, V. V., KORSHAK, V. V., ERYANA M. A., and MINAS'YAIT, R. M., Moscow Chemical Technological Institute-U;Tn! -D f. Mendeleyev "Aromatic Bisphosphazo Compounds" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 2, Feb 73, pp 434-435 Abstract: A new synthetic route was proposed for 1,4-bis(triphenylphosphazo)- benzene (I) and tetraphenyl-p-phenylene-bis(phospliazophenyl) (II) based oa the Kirsanov reaction, The phosphazo reaction was carried out in refluxing anhydrous xylene using excess diphenyltrichlorophosphorus in the synthesis of (I) and an excess of aniline hydrochloride during the synthesis of (II). 38 - Phytology USSR ESENOV, R. "Wilt - 'Plague' of Cotton" Moscow, Zemledeliye, No 12, 1970, pp 42-44 Abstract: Fusarium wilt is the deadliest enemy of cotton and some other crops grovn in the southern regions of the Central Asian republics. All efforts to control the agent have so far proven ineffective. Even specially bred, apparently resistant cotton varieties succumb after a few years. To cope with the problem, the USSR Academy of Sciences, All Union Academy of Agnicultural Sciences, and USSR Ministry of Agriculture appointed a Coordi- nation Council for the Control of Cotton Wilt. The Council assigned re- sponsibillity -for supervising the research to the Turkmen Academy of Sciences. Most of the research is being conducted by the Laboratory of Physiology and Biochemistry of Fungi, Institute of Botany, directed by Professor Zinaida E. Bekker. The work done by some of the sections attempting to grow anti- fungal agents is described, and the use of trace elements, creZition o[ anaerobic conditions, and alteration of the toxic structure are covered. The foll(xqing measures which have been found to provide partial control of 1/2 USSR ESENOV, R., Zemledeliye, No 12, 1970, pp 42-44 the disease are mentioned: planting of green manure, use of crop rotation, proper proportions of mineral fertilizers, and prevention of salinization. 2/2 USSR ESENOV, R. "Wilt -- the Plague of Cotton" Ashkhabad, Turkraenskaya Iskra, 18 Jun 70, P 3 Abstract: The fight against cotton vilt (especially in the last 3 years) has been carried on under the leadership of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences, supported by special funds from the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Science and Technology. The USSR Academy of Sciences, the All Union Academy of Agricul- tural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin, and the USSR Ministry of Agrriculture organized a special coordinating council for this purpose. Wilt seriously threatens cotton production in the Central Asian republics, especially Turlanenistan (current annual production plan: 150,000 tons), for even the virgin soil in the region where the MLrakum canal -is under constructIon Is Infected by a saprophytic stage of the fungus. So far, no final solution has been found, either here or abroad. To date, a thorough biochemical study of wilt (mainly Fusarium) has been made; there are some practical suggestions for reducing the damage it causees. Some wilt-resistant varieties of cotton have been developed, and different varieties may be rotated to delay the rate of infestation. Use of trace elements (zinc, cobalt, copper) in fertilizer, use of ammonium sulfate, crop rotation using alfalfa and other green cropn, nnd lortching and flooding of the fieldis help reduce toxin production and -i-j- Fl-w-ul of, 1111n Flm,~Iln. USSR MWINOV, A. I., ESHK4LBYLOV. T. D., and IIUKHITDINOV, A. G., Chair of Patho- logical Anatc_-~j and Otorhinolaryngological Diseases, Sa-rkand 2XIedical in- stitute 'Toxicological Characteristics of Sevin" Tashkent, Meditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzbekistana, No 5, 1971, pp 18-20 Abstract: All but 1 out of 18 rabbits chronically poisoned with sevin (5 mg/ kg) for 6 months survived. During this time their general condition remained good ani the hematological indexes were within normal limits. Alanine- transaminase and aldolase activities fol-lowina an initial increase dropped to ,3 near-normal levels by the end of the experiment. In another series of experi- ments, 11 out of 18 rabbits given much larger doso5 of sevin (50 m,-,1kg) died t~ within 94 to 179 days. These animals ate poorly, lost weight, and showed various symptomis of poisoning. The hematological irdexes were abnormal and aldolase-transaminase and aldolase activities increased considerably, pea&in.- at day 80 and decreasing slowly thereafter. Pathological examination of the aninals of both .-crouTs revealed vague degenerative changes in the liver, -,yo- cardium, kidneys, lungs, and ears of those that received 5 mg/k.- of sevin and much more pronounced cnanges in the parenchymatous organs of animals poisoned with the larger dose. 1/1 MEDICINE Diagnosis USSR uDc A,, 0. F., KVITAISHVILI, G. V., and DEVDARIANI, L. G-, Institute of Sani- EP)LAY Ilon an Hygiene imeni Natradze, Ministry of Health, Georgian 53R, and Tbilisi Medical Institute "A Case of Listerial Angina in Tbilisi" Moscow, Zhurnal ~Likrobiologij Epidemiologii i 1.9munobiologii, No 5, MaY 71, pp 144-145 Abstract: Listeriosis is one of the diseases which have not yet been in- vestigated among the inhabitants of Georgia. One case of listeriosis was identified in Tbilisi in 19059 in a 6-year old boy who was admitted to t'--e City Hospital with a diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis. He was successfully treated with streptouWcin -- a total of 4.800,000 units given in doses of 200,000 units (every 12 hours and supplemented with vit-a.-ains -- and recovered after about 2 weeks, when he was discharged from the hospital. Bacteriological examinations -performed on mice caught in the house where he lived were- negative, and thus the sou--ce of infection was not established. Reports on the study of listeriosis amon:, farm ani;Tals in Georgia were published in 3.953, 1957, and 0 19055. Evidence suggests that human listeriosis in Tbilisi is more frequent 1/2 USSR ESIAVA, 0. P., et al, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i immunobiologii, No 5, May 71. pp 144-145 than the officially recorded number indicates. Therefore, whenever gram- positive motile bacilli (some coccoid forms) are found in throat smears, further biochemical, serological, and biologicAl tests must be performed for proper identification of the microorganisms. Nitrogen Compounds USSR ~"(1.6f 6K UDC 542.91:547.824 AZERBAYEV, I. N., ESKAIROV, M. E., and KUATBEKOV, A. M. "The Synthesis of Cyanoethyl Ethers of N-Alk-vl-2,6-diphenyl-4-ethylpiperidin- 4-one" Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 2, Mar-Apr 71, pp 68-70 Abstract: The addition of acrylonitrile to ethylpiperidones takes place in 40% aqueous potassium hydroxide. Acrylonitrile adds to the hydroxyl group to form 0-cyanoethyl ethers of I-alkyl-2,6-diplienyl-4-etliylpiperidin-4-one. The condensation of freshly distilled acrylonitrile, in the presence of stannic chloride, with 2,6-diphenylpiperidin-4-one and 2,6-diphenyl-4- ethylpiperidine-4-one yields 1-0-cyanoethyl-2,6-dil)henylpiperidine-4-one and I-B-cyanoethyl-2,6-diphenyl-4-ethylpiperidin-4-one. The structures of the compounds were confirmed by infrared spectroscopy. The products were separated and identified by thin layer chromatography. 1/1 AADD52625- ?4 fr' uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemic&l, Derwent, ;14 L4 A HEATING SYU'Fal reauces. ne&Clng time, C;?-/70 prcTducTas A'required thickness of the hardened layer and permits local hardening. It consists of a heat source I and a body 2 which focuses the heat energy on to the product mounted inside a quartz tube 3. The body is in the form of an eliptical cylinder with end covers 4. it is water cooled and mirror polished inside. For local heating a suitably cut-out screen 5 is pos- itioned between the source and the prodticc. Quen- ching bath 6, mechanism 7 for feeding and dischar- ging product into the bath, the temperature sen- sor 8 and the ligttheat controller 9 complete the installation. When the correct Cemperature is reached, the product is discharged automatically into the bath and the heat source is switched oLf. The heat source can be a super high tension arc lamp of 10 KWT. 22.1-68 as 1213610122-1 G.V. ISAKRANOV et aL. Strength Problems Inst. Acad. Sciences Ukrainian 2 SSR (29.9.69) Bul. 14/18.4.69. ClAsg 18c, int. Cl, C 21d. r - - ,- 7 o, AA0052625 .C* I I if:. I I J~ 1 -.1 [ I ~. I I I . ~- -! 1[ 1,, 1 I 43. qll~ 19821333 AA0052625 Isakhanov, G. V.; Lyashenko, B. A.; Eskin, E. A.; Rodichev, Yu. M Institut Problem Prochnosti All Ukrainskoy SSR _ 11 19821334 I-V 11 USSR UDC 669.71:669.046.517 ESKIN, G I., SHVETSOV, P. N., and IOFFE, A. I., Moscow "On the Relationship Between Cavitation and Degassing During Ultrasonic Treatment of Aluminum and Magnesium-Containing Aluminum Alloys" Moscow, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, No 6, Nov-Dec 72, pp 69-74 Abstract: It is sho~,m experimentally and theoretically that effective ultra- sonic degassing of molten aluminum and magnesium-containing aluminum alloys requires treatment in a regime of developed cavitation. A dependence of the threshold of cavitation in molten aluminum and maunesium-containing aluminum alloys on the concentration of solid nonmetallic impurities is shown, a fact which leads to an assumption that propagation of cavitation in molten metal is realized on nonwettable solid impurities of the A1203 type. The analysis of the results of experimental and analytical investigations shows that under the conditions of cavitational regime treatment (P9B>> 10 atm abs.) cavitation cavities, approximately equal in size to solid impurities, multiply rapidly (hundred- and thousand-fold) and gas pressure in them decreases to 10-6 atm (abs.). This leads to formation of relatively large gas bloi-.~holes due to rectified diffusion that leaves the melt or as a result of collapse lead to multiplication of cavitation nuclei in molten metal. I/I UDC 621.74 SIDORIN, I. I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, SIIAYEVA, V. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, SLOTIN, V. 1. , Candidate. of Techni- cal Sciences, V-,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, ard ESKIN G 1.$ Candidate of Technical Sciences, I'losccr,7 111i'aher Technical School imeni N. Bauman "Obtaining a Co:-.,ipoGitc Casting Alloy for Percussive Rock Drills by 'Means of Ultrasonic Treatment of the Melt" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshykh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Mashinostroyeniye, No 8, 1972, pp 116-121 Abstract: A composite alloy for cumulative-a ction percussive rock drills is obtained on the basis of alloy MVTU-3, This alloy has high bardness; and strength values, and possesses considerable brittleness and frag,"Ientability. In order to rall-e the allov still stronger, and to increase its brittleness and fragmentability, refractory carbide particles and oxides, of varied dispersity, were introduced into the alloy in combination with ultraLonic treat,--ent of 7-he --olnn =2tal. Best results were obtained with silicon carbide. 1/2 SIDORIN, I. I., et al., Izvestiva Vvsshyl.-h Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Mashinos- troyeniye, No 8, 1972, pp 116-121 As a result of ultrasonic treatment in the molten metal, intensive cavita- tion processes ori,ginate, idAch brin.- about dispersion and destruction of the refractory particles; this facilitates x,7ettin-- of the particles by the base metal, and facilitates their uniform distribution in ~he composition material. Study of the mechanical properties of compositions of varied content slto-117ed that they are determined by the nature o_'L_ their componc_-nts, as well as by the quantity and dispersity of the strengthening particles. The properties of the obtainad cc-..iposition alloy in a cast state are pre- sented, before and after ultrasonic treatment. The obtained composition is recommended for the production of cumulative-action percussive rock drill parts Operating at hib-ii hydrostatic pressures and temperatures of 100-1500 C. 1 table. 5 figures. 3 -references. 2/2 - 47 - USSR UDC 669.71.042.6 CIC DANILKIN, V. A., ESKINI G. I., BOROVIKOVA, S. I. "Study of the Process of Formation of the Ingot Structure of Aluminum and Its Alloys under the Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment in the Crystallization Proc- ess" Tek-hnol. lepkikh snlavov. Nauchno-cekhn. byul. VILSa (Light Alloy Technology. Scientific and Technicai Bulletj,'n of the VILS), 1970, No 5, pp 135-136 (from RZh-MetallurQiv,-,!1o 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G181) J, Translation: The quantitative relation between the ultrasonic treatment parameters, the chemical composition. of the aluminum,and the intensity of development of cavitation in the melt with refinement of the aluminum grain size was studied more precisely to define the ultrasonic treatment parameters to obtain fine grained structure in aluminum alloys under laboratory condi- tions and on an experimental industrial unit. The optimal conditions of ultrasonic treatment of aluminum and its binary alloys with Zn, 'Mn, ZrPand Si are defined. 1/1 - 12 - , t ru c L:, -T o v - n V,2 S C,:, -;n,.Oz ' --:1 L Q- -,Cs e 1:0 b v a I c-za Z.:- ZZ Sound c e LO C ZT 4-1 - '- 2/2 m Miscellaneous USSR UDC 621.9.043.6 ESKIN, G. I. "Ul'trazvuk Shagnul v Metallurgiyu" (Ultrasound Has Taken a Step Into Metallurgy), "Metallurgiya, " Moscow, 1970, 192 pp Annotation: Information in popular-scientific form is presented on the use of ultrasound in the principal areas of metallurgical production, from metal-bearing ore dressing to processing and controlling the quality of finished articles. The mechanism of the ultrasonic effect on the develop- ment of various metallurgical processes is discussed. Technological schemes involving the introduction of ultrasound into the production cycle are described. The effect of ultrasonic processing on properties of articles of metallurgical production is demonstrated through numerous examples. Ninety illustrations, 12 tables, 81 bibliographic references. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Chapter 1. The use of ultrasound in metal-bearing ore dressing. Chapter 2. Ultrasonic treatment of molten metal 12 1/2 USSR ESKIN, G. I., "Ul'trazvuk Shagnul v Metallurgiyu" (Ultrasound Has Taken a Step Into Metallurgy), "Metallurgiya," Moscow, 1970, 192 pp Chapter 3. Die casting with use of ultrasound 52 Chapter 4. Ingot casting with ultrasonic processing 69 Chapter 5. The use of ultrasound in plastic deformation processes 84 Chapter 6. The use of ultrasound in metalloceramic production 106 Chapter 7. Ultrasonic heat-treatment 122 Chapter 8. Ultrasonic welding and soldering of metals 138 Chapter 9. Ultrasound in production of coatings 147 Chapter 10. Ultrasonic cleaning and etching 157 Chapter 11. Creation of new materials with the help of ultrasound 167 Chapter 12. Ultrasonic control methods of metal quality 183 In place of conclusion 189 Bibliogr aphy 191 2/2 73 - USSR UDC 669.715:66.065.51%621.9.048.6 LUIN."J". DANILKIN, V. A., SHVETSOV, P. N., and BOROVIKOVA, S. I., All- Union Institute of Light Alloys "Influence of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Crystallization Process of Aluminum and Its Alloysil V sb. Modifitsir. siluminov (Modification of Silumins - Collection of Works), Kiev, 1970, pp 148-157 (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12 1742 by 0. PIMENOVA) Translation: Results are presented of experiments involving ultrasonic treat- ment of crystallized ingots of aluminum and alloys (Al-Ma, Al-Mg, Al-Cu-Mn-Zr, Al-Cu-Nn-Mg-Si, etc.) during continuous casting in a water-cooled crystallizer. The authors determined the shrinkage, hydrogen content, structure, chemical compositicn, and mechanical properties of the ingots. With ultrasonic treat- ment, uniform size reduction of macrograin over the entire ingot cross section can be obtained. The effectiveness of modifying additives (Ti, Zr, etc.) rises, and the hydrogen content of ingots declines 2-3 times. Apart fiam a 10 to 152 increase in strength and plasticity characteristics, ultrasonic treatment rwkes it possible to equalize properties over the cross section, which is of the greatest practical importance. Seven illustrations. One table. Bibliography of 13 titles. 1/1 USSIR Zj"` 5~7-944 ESKIN. G. A'. (Moscow) 'Tegenerate, Elliptic Pseudodifferential Equations of ?rincipal Typell Moscow, Miatematicheskiy Sbornik, Vol 82, No 4, Aug 70, pp 585-628 Abstract: The article studies systems of pseudodifferential opera- tors on a closed n-manLfjold F elliptiic outside a certain (n-l)- dimensional submanifold WcF T*( r- ) is a cctar..;~ent 1"iber bundle 0 on F , consisting of nonzero cotangent vectors; A (x, is the sydbol,of a certain order of a system of pseudoiiffezential operators,homo- geneous with respect to- It' is assured that at those points (X, e xjE L,~vhere detA(X, ~g )=O the derivative of detA(X -.1 ) vith i 2ect to non x zero and transversal with respect to CO, so that the sy-.Y.1.)*1 A(x, iG a snabol 1/3 USSR Irk 0 ESKINP G. I., Matematicheskiy Sbornik, Vol 82, No 4, ~w- 70, Pp 555- 628 of the principal type in the sense of Hbrmander. ?roof is ~_-ivea of the solvabiliLy in Sobolev-Slobodetskiy. spaces of a sysLem, of equa- tions of the form: i1a + G (P x(o)) Ba g X, C. w.' where B, G are systems of pseudodifferential operatora on F u(x), W) aro unknown Alu rc r. i on s, x4); -"(x), g(XI) al'o 2/3 USSR -te ZESKIIN G. 1., 1140 maticneskiy Sbornik, Vol 82, No 4, Au 70, Pp 5 5- 628 u)) is ti2 delta function of submanifold t0 The symbo15 B and G are subject to a certain number of boundary conditions on The article concludes with addizions to noncoe~-cive boundary value prob- lems for elliptic differential equations in the .-e-ion E C hn-fl vi th the boundary of F in which tae Shapiro-Lopatinakiy condition is violated on W C F 3/3 USSR YOITDITWS).qOV I N. S. uDc 624.97:534.1 "Free Oscillation of a Sand~,dch Rod -Ath Dry Friction at the Contact Suar-face" lkybyshev Tr. KWrbyshev. aviats. in-t (Transactions of 'he YuZbYshcv Aviation Institute5, VYP 51, 1972, PP 35-44 (fr"om Referativny-j Zhurnil -- Eck-lianika, Ho 4, 1973, Abstract No W342 by Yu. A. Belyayev) Translation: An approxirrate ,.,.ethod for solvin,~ t1ne probler. of the free oscillation of a iatltilayer constructions irith dry friction between the layers with arbitrary initial and bcundiry conditions is described. The nonlinear characteristic of rigidity of the systems being considered with distributed parairzeters, and in the general case the nonlinear bounda3~71 conditions are replaced by a plecewise-linear condition. The notion of the systen is deter- rdned successively in staves. The partition of the systeni zf:otion at t1he dif- ferent stages is produced by the value of the increment of the zone- of lamina- tion, which satisfies the requirements of calculation accuracy. At each star-e the sallirtion is constructed for a linear system. SoLAionn to the T)roblen,, are obtained accordin-r, to the conditions end solutions at each stase. A inethod for evaluatlngr the error of the solution is griven and a nleans of evaluat-in!-, the accuracy of the calculation is deiLonstrated. 7he nethod of calculation ass -wme s 1/2 - 'USSR ESKIN, I. D. and KORDRASHOV, N. S., Tr. Kuybyshev. aviats, in-t, Vyp 51., 1972, PP 35-44 the use of a hiiji-speed commuter. The essence of the methoa and its use are presented in an example problem on the free oscillations of a sandvich rod. 2/2 - 86 - USSR UDC- 5334 ESIMT, I. D. In-VeStiratio.-I 01' the Forced Periodic 0-Scill--tiors of all Elastic -F-ricti 0-11 System. With One DeE7ree of Freedon and With Hysteresis Low's ill the 1PO-I"IT-1 o' a Paralleloi-ram" Kuybyshev, 9-1r. Kuybyshev. aviats. in-t (Transactions of t`ie IC-x-i~ysliev Aviation. Institute), ',~P 51, 1972, pip 24-34 Lro::! Eeferativriy-i U 110 4, 1973, Abstract Io Translation: Me foreed, periodic oscillations of -- s~ of freedom is examined in the presence of nonlinea-rity of Lhe iiystercsis t'y7t~e in the forn of a paralleloirram around the unloadera position of the syste"', k 0) under the action of a hamonic excitinS force F,(t)=Fosin(pt+ L-) (FO > 0) satisfyir;,; the con.-lit"Lans C)( to '~ t < t2 > o(l'2 ,diere f velor-'41- op th'!2 t-' LI-Z S-~C- -imela -kale Systc-m. is oun cessive I.r:7;Cnts f a i 0 =I q are the EeLerall zed di 5-1-acu.-a-, t;,c S, SzC".". q:--qO --nd q=-q USR General ' UDC 595-799t638-12091-58 ~ESKOV;E. K., Scientific Research Institute of Agriculturet Rybnoye, Ryazan _Y15T1r2.c'F. ~m "Sound Signalization of Honey Bees During the Swarming Process" Moscow, Zoologichaskiy Zhurnal, Vol 50, No 5, 111Y 71, PP 704-712 Abstractt A detailed study of zound communication was done with an attempt to code the acoustic information and the character of the sounds themselves. For this purpose, a queen base was placed into a metal enclosure at a certain location on a test stand. In this way, 16-he experiments could be repeated more conveniently. The sounds made by the swarming bees were recoxded on magnetic tape. Tho sounds made by the "quartermaster" bees -- flying at dis- tances of some 50-200 m from the swarm -- and the sounds issued by dancing "foragers" were recorded also. The signals carrying specific information are characterized by a stable frequency, amplitude, and time pattern. The spectra of these signals range from 100 to 660 cycles. The spectra of the sounds traiLamitted by a swarn taking off or I'landine' has two peaks at frequencies of 235 �40 and 470�40 cycles. As soon as a cluster of swarming bees has formed, some of the bees fly off in search of a home. When they have found one, they transmit signals and a "dance" begins on the bee clusterv which may last 6 1/2 ESKOV, E. K., Zoologicheskiy Zhurnall Vol 50P No 5t YhY 711 pp 704-712 seconds. The Dause between the sound components of the dance is 0,6 seconds. The various sound patterns were recorded over the frequency region from 0 to 500 cycles. It was established that the collection of swarming bees is stimulated by sound signals with a carrying ft-equency of 150t50 cycles. Flight is stimulated by sounds with three peaks in their spectrat at 175-+35m 350�35, and 525+35 cycles. Sounds with two identical peaks of frequencies at 2001-10 and 400+50 cycles serve as calling signals for swarming bees. 2/2 92 F,5MAAJ USSR UDC 523-164 YEPANOV, V. A., KEYS, Ye. M., KLICH, S. M., MOISEYEV, 1. G., CHESNOKOV, A. A. (Deceased), and ESMAN, A. F*' "Radiometer in the 8-mm Range With a Parametric Amplifier" Moscow, Radiotokhnika i Elektronika, Vol 15, No 3, 1970, pp 627-6-29 Abstract: Although parametric amplifiers have been successfully used in contimoter-wave radiomotric receivers, no information has hitherto appeared in the literature concerning similar use of these amplifiers in the millimeter range. This brief com- munication gives the characteristics and some of the results of a radiometer used in the 8-mm, wavelength range with a scmi- conductor parametric amplifier at its input. The observations were made with the radiotelescope RT-22 in the Crimean Astro- physical Obscrvatoxy. The amplifier in question is EL single tuned-circuit type with a circulator and ferrite valve at the input for additional decoupling, connected to the modulation radiometer with no change in the latter. Observations using 112 USSR YEFANOV, V. A., ot al, Radiotekhnika i Elelctronika, Vol 15, No 3, 1970, pp 627_629 Abstract: this device were made of the planets Jupiter and Venus, and of discrete sources such as 3C273, 3C279, etc. The use of this amplifier improved the sensitivity of the radio- meter and the reliability of the operationei `7 USSR UDC 621.762 OWEV, R. K., KOLOIMOYETS, G. G., TER-POGOSYNN, E. D., ESTRAKH, L. M., ANOKHIN, V. M., and PEREVYAZKO, A. I. "The Effect of Technological Parameters on the Qualities of Construction Articles Obtained by the Method of Compacting Titanium Powders" Moscm7, Metallurgiva i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana), Metallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 94-97 Translation: The effect of the features of initial powders and the techno- logical parameters in manufacturing construction articles o-.- their mechanical properties is considered. When identical compacting pressures, tile density of articles made of electrolytic powder is greater by 4-77. than for similar articles made of hydride powder, and this gar) decreases during the vrocess of heat treatment. Increasing the sintering temperature of the powder metallurgy titanium leads to an increase in tensile strength and elongation per unit length. Vhere heat treatment is at a temperature of 1,300%, the and the elongation per tensile stren-th is equal to 55-65 gigacalories/mm2 unit length reaches 11%. Two illustrations, one table, and three biblio- graphic entries. US SR UDC 621.762 OMEV, R. K., TER-POGO-SY-LN, K. D., KOL0140YETS, G. G. PEREVYAZK0, A. I., ESTRAK11 L. 14., and ALNTOKHEII, V. "Paider Metallurgy Filters Made o fTitanium Scraps" Ytasccrv, Met-allurgiva i khimiya Titana (lnstitut Titana), Metallurgiva Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 97-99 Translation: The effecz: of the technological parameters of manufacture and properties of the initi-ni tiva-niun pu.~der on filter productivity are studied. It is discovered t1lia-L It is expediezit to compact filters at pressures up to two ton3/C-n2 ant' to sinter the" at Cemperatures not exceeding 1,100'C. Filter productivity is deter-mined during, filtration of liquids, and the deDendence of on a drop in pressure to onte acmiosvhere and on the size and shape ot' grains olf the initial Do-wder is established. It is determined that the inter carrying capacity of filters manut"actured from hydride pc-ider ir 2-5 ti=as -r(iater than siriilar ones m:ide, of Ol.ectro1vLiC pm-rder. Tuo illustrations a--i ="-o biblf'ogrznhic entries. USSR UDC 518-12 -ions" "Approximation Using Rational Funct Uch. zan. Pen~~. politelhn. in-t (Scientific Notes of the Pen-,-- Polytechnic Institute), 'No 3, 1970, DP 3-6 (from Referativnv V - T Zhurnal -- Matematika, No 7, July 71, Abstract No 7B991, by I. Shelikhova) Translation: Properties of rational Eng m(x) functions which represent a generalization of asymptotic first-order polynomials of the first type are studied. The asymptotic properties of En n(x) functions were investigated for the approximation of Ixt for different systems of cusDs. The sufficient condition for the convergence of 1~n,n(x) to jxj was derived. It is shown that, in the case of Neumann cusps, En n(X) uniformly and vrith any desired degree of accuracy approxi;iates Ixt in [-l, 1] and, for the case of equidistant cusps, En,n(x) converges to )xj at all points on the real axis. 28 - ~112 021 TIT.LE--GLUCOSE 6,PHOSPHATE `MEMBRANOUS STRUCTURES OF AUTHOR-(03)-ETINGOF, R*i*14., COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BIOKH[i'41YA 1970, 3j(l), ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 . ............... UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 OEHYDROGENASE AND LACTATE OEHYDROGENASE FROM THE RETINA -U- ZHUCHIKHINA, A.A., SHUKOLYUKOV, S.A. 15-41 UBJECT AR_E-AS--51:__'LOGICAL AND MEDIC-AL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE# RETINA, CELL PHYSIJLDG'(r ,MITOCHRONDRION, HOMOGENIZATION, CENTRIFUGATION, ISO- Y ME ELECTROPHORESIS CONTROL MARKING--rJO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FKAME--1996/0640 STEP NO--UR/02L8/70/0'2j5ll)rj',/0035/00'tI CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117866 UNCLASSIFIED 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117866 ABSTRACT/r-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MITOCHONDRIA AND t-)UT,---R SEGM~i*%,TS O~: BOVINE RETINA POSSESSED GLUCOSE,6,PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE M ANO LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE (If ) .. ALMOST ALL 11 PERTAINIiNG TO THE MEMBPANGIJ~ STRUCTURE WAS RECOVERED LIN EXTS. AFTER HOMOGENIZATION IN 0.9PERCENT NAC-11- AND CENTRIFUGATION. I 4AS RECOVERED FROM EXTS. TREATED WITH lPERCDNT TRITON X-100 IN 0,9PERCENT NACL. EXTS. OF RETINA AND SEGMENTS CONFAINED 5 AND 4 11 ISOENZYMES, RESP., AS REVEALED BY AGAR GEL ELECTROPHORESIS. THERE WERE NO ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCES IN I ACTIVITIES IN AQ. AND SALT EXTS. AND EXTS. TREATED WITH TRITON X-100. FACILITY: INST. PHYSIOL. BIOCHEM., LENINGRAD, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC, 621-375.7,621-382 MANOKHIN, V. M., Strukov, I. A., and Etkin "Investigating the Saturation of Regenerative Semiconductor Para- metric Current Amplifiers" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, No- 5, 1970, pp 1068-1076 Abstracts This paper investigates the saturation power of the amplifie'r named in the title when the amplifier is operating in the current regime. The assumption is made that three harmonic voltages -- the signal frequency, the difference frequency, and the pumping frequency -- are acting on the p-n junction. The authors begin heir analysis with the experimentally determined fact that with the application of a positive bias voltage to the p-n junction, an excess capacitance appears which is an expoential function of the applied voltage. This capacitance is in parallel .vith the barrier capacitance, so that the total capacitance of the two is equal to the sum of their individual capacitances. The equivalent circuit of the amplifier is given. It has three reso- nant circuits, each connected to the parametric diode capacitance, and each tuned to one of the three frequencies named above. A 1/2 USSR MANOMIN, V. M., et al, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, No. 5, 11070, pp 1068-1076 formula is obtained for the diode admittance in the current re- gime, and the barrier capacitance with saturation is computed. The authors conclude that their method for computing the satura- tion power of the amplifier agrees with the experimental data. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.762.01:669.295 OGNEV, R. K., KOLOMOYETS, G. G., TER-POGOSYMN, E. D., ESTRAKII, L. M., ANOKHIN, V. M. , and PEREVYAZKO, A. 1. MW "Influence of Technological Parameters on Properties of Structural Products Produced by Pressing Titanium Powders" Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-t titana [Collected Works of All-Union Scientific-Research and Planning Institute for Titanium], 6, 1970, pp. 94-97, (Translated from Referativnyy Zburnal-Nietallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract No.1 G453 by the authors). Translation: The authors studied the influence of tile properties of the initial powders and technological parameters in the manufacture of structural products on their mechanical properties. With identical pressing pressures, the density of products of electrolytic powders is higher than that of similar products of hydride powders by 4-7%, although this difference is reduced during heat treatment. Increasing the sintering temperature of metal ceramic Ti causes an increase in ab and 6. With a heat treatment temperature of 13000, ab is 55-65 kg/MM2, 6 reaches 11%. 2 figures; I table. 1/1 USSR IJDC 621.762:669-496.29S OGNEV), R. K., TER-POGOSYAN, E. D., KOLONIOYETS, G. G., ~LRFVYA7)-'O, A. I., EST ~~,Jj,..LM-and ANOMILN, V. M. "Metal Ceramic Filters of Titanium Wastes" I . Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-t titana, [Collected works ox"' AINJnion Scientific-Research and Planning Jnstitute for Titanium], 6, 1970, pp. 97-99, (Translatcd from Referativnvy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract Nol G,175 by the authars) . Translation: '5e influence of technological parameters of the manufacture and properties of initial Ti powder on productivity of' filters -is studied. Pressing of filters should be performed at pressures up to 2 t/cm2, sintering at temperatures of less than 1100'. The productivity of filters is determined for filtration of fluids. The dependence o-f productivity on pressure drop of up to I atmosphere and on size and sbape of initial ,~~ghput capacity for water of powder particles is determined. The thr I filters made of hydride powder is three times higher than flic.- throughput capacity for filters made of electrolytic powder. 2 figures. USSR UDC 678.762.2/.3.002.2 KROL', V. A., and kATRI&._4,.1, All Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev "Production of Stereoregular Butadiene and Isoprene Rubbers in the USSR!' Moscow, Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 13-14 Abstract: Research, experimental and planning-and-design work on the synthesis of regularly constructed cis-1.4 polymers of butadiene and isoprene with the use of complex organometallic catalysts first suggested by Ziegler and Natta was climaxed in 1964 with the creation of large-scale industrial facilities for the production of isoprene rubber (SKI-3) at the Kuybyshev and Volzhsk Synthetic Rubber Plants and the production of butadiene rubber (SKD) at the Yefremov Synthetic Rubber Plant. These rubbers are now being turned out by six major enterprises. The proportion of stereoregular rubber consumption waB 30 percent in 1970 and is slated to rise in the future. Industry's mastery of the technology of stereoregular rubber production is evidenced by the fact that the technological cycle of putting polybutadiene and polyisoprene produc- tion facilities into production was accomplished in 20-30 days in 1967-1970. The article describes the principal properties of SKI-3 and SO rubbers and 1/2 USSR KROL', V. A., and F4W& A. S,.,, Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 13-14 their vulcanizates. The following directions for the further development of the production of these rubbers are listed: 1. Expanding the assortment of rubbers with the optimal complex of physico- mechanical properties for use in different sectors of industry (cable, elec- trical engineering, light industry, etc.). 2. Mastering the production of rubbers with non-discoloring antioxidants, as well as oil- and oil furnace black-reinforced rubbers. 3. Improvements in manufacturing processes for the purpose of raising the quality of rubbers and improving the technical and economic indicators of their production. 2/2 ~ UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 :-:112 021 2 TITLE--PROTECTIVE ATMOSPHERE ANNEALING ELECTRICALLY WELDED PIPING MADE OF T L T EL' STEEL 10 -U- T S AUTHOR-(03)-ESTRIN, B.M., GLADKIKH, B.S., PLETNEV, V.I. T8 AOR U COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR CCU.NTRY SOU.4CE--STALl 1970, 30(l) 65-8 SOU4CE .DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 A _ PUl 0 TC SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--PIPE WELOING, ELEcrROSLAG WELDING, STEEL PIPE, STEEL HEAT TREATMENT, INERT GAS WELDING/M10 STEEL COINTROL MARKING--ND RESTRICTIONS OCCOMENT CLASS--LINCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0297 STEP CIRC ACCESS[ON %fQ--AP00532a2 ill"it-1 %~sil-I F 1) -2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--t8SEP7O C.1 RC ACCESSION N10--AP0053232 ABSTRACT/EXT-RACT--(U) GP-0- A3STRACT. THE USE OF FLAME CUiRTAINS Ar htjT~i ENOS OF A CONTINUOUS FURANNCE WORKING WITH A PROTECTIVE AT.4. PER-Mm A ~ EE: 1) f) p~ CONVENIFNT MAINTENANCE 1,qITjijjp,,, IT OF 0.5 TORR PRESStWE I - ", E FO FLUSHING AIR FROM THE INSIOE OF ENTERING PIPES To KEEP 0 3ELoW 0.004PERCENT IN THE FURNACE; THIS PROCEDURE REDUCES THE TOTAL CONSUMPTION OF THE REDUCING ATM. ESCAPING FROM BOTH ENDS OF THE PIPES. THE AMTS. INVOLVED ARE SHOWIN BY CALCNS. AND BY DATA OBTAINED ON A PRODUCTION FURNACE. A SKETCH ILLUSTRATES BURNERS TO BE USED FOR FLAME CURTAIN. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 536-42:62o-183--5+669-017-3 and SOSIMIKOV~ V. I., Institute of PIIK),sical Vctallur,~y ancl. Eletall Physics and the Cen.ral Scientific Research Institute o--,' Ferrous Metallurgy immeni 1. P. Eardin "Kinetics of the Poly-n-m-phous Gamra.-Alpha Transformation in iron4,-lic'Kel. Alloys if Sverdlovsk, Fizilza IIetallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 35, 1~ro 6, june 73, rp 12271- 1277 Abstract: Tnis work, wms devoted to studying the kinetics of the pol-mror gmma-alpha transfornation in Fe-11i alloys contuainin~, 5-2rY,', --.7 ,i at a static pressure of up to 20 kbar. Ter!.Teraturcs of the and 11-T111,-j- gmumm transfornations are lowered by 9.6 and 2-~) d(26/xluar, undcr presmirc. It was eutabliO.'("d that the giumvi-al.plia in Fc-ji. alloys can occur by the-nm)-ly active an~ 11 atherifil"l." jlf~:~J.!)Z- The themally active transfort.Mtion possesses featum!c disti.n,--mish ill- from "norml" yolymorphous transformations and arc- ch?Dractm-!.r;tJ.c for bainite and ilsothermal ,mrtensite transforzym-tiois. It was cstalblishc-41 t~;at) in relation to ailoyim~, or -pressure, the nutual. c-' te=er intervals of themally act!Ae and athermal Fax,.m-a1ph-- trailsfolma-tions can V~T'Y- 5 16 biblio(r.raphic references 1 1 USSR UDC 5-36.4211 . 1: 539.89: 546.8 ZILIBERSiTPEYN, V. A.Y NOSOVA, G. I.., and ESTRDI, E. I., Institute of Metal "M U Science and Physics of Metals, Central Se Institute of Ferro s Metallurgy imeni I. P. I~ardin "Alpha - Omega Transformation in Titanium and Zirconium" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Pletallovedeniye, Vol 35, No 3, 1973, PP 584-589 Abstract: An attempt was made to determine the Positions of 'the thermod~--;Mic equilibrium of the a - and to phases in Ti and Zr. TiLanitu. i and ~-.irconiwr. iodidec were studl(~d by the follavring methods: electrical reoiL-,tance, x-ri' --*y diffraction analysis of phases, dilatometry, and shear strength. The electri- cal resistance (given in afnitrary units) of Ti and Zr as a function of p7essure (up to 90 kbar) at room tem-Perature with a constantly changing pressure by 3 kbar/min increwl-eil consLantly when the pressure wus, decreaow-d U, -.1.0 kbar. The breaking, point for the electrical realstance incrcwe due to cc-tj tralv;- formation for Ti was a prr--F:;ure o-P 63 '--bar. A shari) decrea-se in the electrica'! ,nificant chan,res in th(~ resistance for Zr tcv)k pIttee at 38 kbar. No oig I., , electrical resistance of both ne-tals were observed duriii,- tLc cyclr-- of coimression. q7ni--- indicated, that the Dhase w-as abSent. A sharp increase in the electrical resistance of samples at -2500C umas a good 1/2 USSR ZILIBERSFTE-M, V. A., et a!, Sverdlovsk, Fizil-a Mletall v MetaEovedenlyc, vol 35, No 3, 1973, PP 584-589 sign that the cL - w transformnation took place at diis tem-p(?rature subjected to pressure at roora temperature al-so sbowed thr, (--)f thc a tran,~form,atian- '.'he >:--rn-y diffraction caimlysj,; of' thv.~.-v~ indicatc-d that they Consisted almoot critirely of' uj Phase ,at, ICYC) scant amoinit Of CL phasc~ imas present in them. The dif fraction I I,- data were used for caiculttinC, tile. lattice Iyarc-umAerg fr'r 'butil m-24k '-. .; meters are given). Dilato,rvams showed that an Co - OL tr~-,~;fortil,.zILIon Ln conium took place at 2-050C bind continued to 2550C. Data c~n the shear stri-A-AjU of Ti samples indicated tile presence of QL -W and tj - Cj- tran sf orl,"n-, t1i Oil., at 20 kbar Dressure. This means that appearance of the t,3 phase in Ti at temperatur-e 'In(I P+2c-Ssur~-- of > 20 kbar is t4ermod,-numic~a-Ily jiDs-SiDle. ture - pressure diagraw were plotted for both metclls in- the Of* data. 212. AA ~f uR o482 1,7,00407 rfq IAI V r 70' Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chernier-1, Derwent, 241094 CHROKAXOGRAPH for gas impurities analysis, consisting of the enrichment column unit; measuring unit with a recording instrument; thermal conduction detector; recording potentiometer and a power pack with a control unit. The enric hment column unit comprises an electric motor with a drive, electric heater; chromatographic column; a liquid nitrogen tank. This unit serves to enrich and separate the analysed impurities. The measurement ,unit records the isolated impurities, and the potentiometer records the analysis results. ' Gas*from the tested cylinder (10) flowr through a reducing valve (11), input adjusting valve (12) and rotameter (13) to the detector comparator cell. The gas pressure is controlled by a pressure gauge at the reducing valve. Then the gas flows to the chromatographic column and from there zo.the detector working chamber and through the outlet sontrol valve (14) escapes into the air. A gas merier can be placed after the outlet valve. The -12 control valve (15) Is tised for blowing out. The :1 19"OYS0045-A A0040761 residual pressure is controlled by the pressure gauge (16). All gas pipes are metAl capillary tubcs., Some of them are flexible. The chromatographic column is in form of a coiled copper tube filled with a sorbent, e.g. with molecular sieves 13X. The column can be moved from a liquid nitrogen bath to a heater and back again. 0 Thus a variable temperature field from -196 to 300 C moves along the sorbent layer. i .,, - 2.1.64 as 873985/26-25- GENKIN,Yu ',*ali -~. EXPERIMINTAL FACTORY OF THE INST OF NATURAL GAS. (12.8-69.) Bul 13/1.4.69. Class 421'. Int.Cl.G Oln. AUTHORS: Genkin, Yu. M; Sheveiev, B. P.; Sidorov, A. P.; Podol'skayal Te . V . ; Ma ks imov , P . K - --- IN . . .; and Es_~~k,177,t--,---- Opytny,j Zavod Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno - ISsledovatel'skoao Instituta Prjr-oTn-o-go-"Caza 19750452 AA0040761 Yj Z4 13750453 IV-7. SOMt KE'DIODS OF LOW TEWERATURE EPIT&'(V OF SILIC04 (Article by ~. N-Mtkhaylov. 4. Ya. Emtrinj A. S. Adanin, V. V. Pondarenkc, L. 1. ruz'mins, Moscow; Novosibirsk, III SimpoLtuopq Protsessaz Rohts I -t- 972. 481 A study wan made or the temperature depemi"ce of the Fr"th rate of th4 opitaxial layers In the chloride svstem for aPit&xv vith high tmr,rioturv Im, oculation. The decrease In apparent activation ao~arjt!o of the stcwth procass was noted for high temperature inoculation, ultraviolet radiatica and praltalmry heating of the hydrogen to a value of - 5 kchi/mole which Is *xplaln~l by a dtcresua in the gas adsorption an the substrate surface. The use of a mixture of mo,tumilane with an inert sea (Wium) 4160 10,d to a significant reduction in the epttaxial growth temperature. The rorfect epitexial layers were obtained for a temperature of 8.$Q*C. The reduction In growth campdrature in explained by a significant shift of equilibrium of the reaction of the decomposed monomilans in the direction of formation of elementary silicon and a decrease to the adsorption of hydrogen an the substrate surface. Conclusions war* drorn reSarding the possibilities of a further reduction 0 In the opitaxy temperature. 47 - USSR uDc 621.357.5:669 715 WBMIS) Yu. S., BYATTOTASY A. K.) KANSIEFEDAS, Z. P. PAPILISKIS, I. M.,_ and ESUMET I. YA.. Institute for Chemistry and Che, logy, Acade=j of Sciences, Latvian SSR "Process for Preparing the Surface of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys for the Application of a Galvanized Coat" Av-t. sb. SSSRJ, (USSR Authors' Certificate kl. (expansion unknown]) C23 b 5/00, C 23 c 3/00,110 336375, applied 26/01/70, publ i shed 19/05/72 (from Referativnyy, Murnal -- nimiya, Ito 7., 1973., Abstract No 7L356P) Translation: A process is ratented for the preparation of the surface of Al and its alloys for galvanization by treating the surface in a solution contain- ing the fluoroborates of zinc and ammonia fol 1 owed by cathodic treatment in the same solution. The proceso is distim,1,uiehed in t~aat nickel elluoroborate is added to the solution, the forration of the Ni-Zn alloy on the surface of the A1 providing an increase in the durability of the adhesion of the subse- quent galvanic fJ--'-,-,i to the substrate. The reaction proceeds at- a temperature of 20-300C and a current density of 0.5-1-5/decimeter- in a solution containing the following (in 9/1-. zn(=~O, LO-80; ITi(BF4)21 100-250; 5-40- For example, parts rade of Al or one of its alloys are degreased in an organic 1/2 7 I USSR EnYALIS,, YU. S..9 et al., Avt. sb. SSSR, k-I (from R---Lerati,rnyd zhurnal U i KhUiiya, No 7, 1973, Xbstract No 7L,~156p) solvent and then treated in a solution containing Na2CO (56 g/1) and 111a (sic) -It 700C for 5 Mantites. Men the -nart , U - (56 g/i) s are trehed in a 5c,1' solution Of NaOH at 200C for 5 minutes. After washinG-in water the A-I rarts are treated for 30-60 seconds dilute (1:1)11:110 - For parts rade of the Al alloy D-16, hovever, 30 G11 of !THIEF is added' ~O the HITO3solution before treatment. IYhe parts are washed ag-ain with water and treated for 10-60 seconds in a solution -- having PIH 3-5-4.5 --id a ter.-oerature of 20--400C -- containi,.4-3 the following: Zn(B-046 W-8- g/1; Ili(n:"4 IGO-250 9/1; and -40 g/l. After this 5 the parts are ca-thodically pi-ccessed in this same solution for 10-30 seconds at a current density of 0-5-1-5 aI!Ts/decim--2ter2 and transferred to a bath for the application of the galvanizing coat. 2/2 USSR UDC 612.741.074.45 ESYREV,_'-0.,L.,V..,4,and PAK, A. D., Laboratory of Biochemistry, Institute of PWs ,i~logy, Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR, Alma Ata The Effect of Toxins on Acetylcholine Contracturet' Leningrad, Tsitologiya, Vol 12, No 10, Oct 70, pp 1,343-1,345 Abstract: The effect of NaF, monoiodoacetic acid, 2,4-dinitrophenol, CdC12, NiC12, and Pb(N03)2 on the course of acetylcholine contracture of the frog rectus abdominis was studied. It was found that NaF, the respiratory toxin Nah, and dinitrophenol by themselves do not produce a contracture of the muscle. In combination with acetylcholine, however, they enhance contracture. The extent of muscular response to acetylcholine under the influence of these compounds depends on the acetylcholine concentration in the solution and the period of action of the toxic compound, Treatment of the muscles with d- tubacurarine reduces but does not prevent the contracture produced by acetyl- choline in the presence of the above metabolic toxic compounds. USSR uDc 617-ooi.17-092.9t616.42* r-Pingm- and EME111 L. F. 9 Department of Norma.1 Anatomy, Therapy Faculty, Tadzhik Medical Institute imeni Abu-Ali Ibn Sina, Dushanbe "Vascular Changes in Some Endocrine Glands After Experimental Burn Shock" 61 Leningrad, Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologiit No 10, 1971, pp 5-12 Abstracti The blood vessels of the adrenal and thyroid glands and gonads in dogs were examined after the animals were subjected to burns covering 20 to 25% of the body surface. The vascular aystem of the glands reacted to the burn within hours in the form of severe circulatory disturbances, hyperenia in particular. The arterial bed expanded due to enlargement of the diameter of the arteries and appearance of numerous accessory connecting branches which are collaDsed at the ordinary level of functioning. The venous and lymph beds also expanded as a result of dilatation of all the elements from capillaries to large t:runks. Venous and capillary stasis and thrombi in the large veins were common. Hemorrhages were fairly frequent. The vascular response to the trauma wasmost pronounced in the adivnals and thyroid. There were some indications of increased thyroid function and decreased generative function of the ovaries and testes. I./1 USSR Ulr- 6Li.-12.6,.Ll : 612 .014 -45+6112 .2'7,t,-,, - 1 ,&21:~'.--~`,' 4. ;-,7- ... and :Ej:',l,*.--.Dl, V. Sh., Chair Of 1,02.-:~,al Arato:r,:~, Faculty, Tadzhik State institate inieni Abu Ali Don-Sina "Ilorpllolcc-~,, Of, the L-l'u-;,ad-airal VasciLlar o-_,, E,hc lica-l-t Verticzal Vibration at 11ii'li Altitulle" Anrd~omdi 6~: J%j ,p 27-3-5 IF` 'te, -ii to daily C/sec e:~%,, to e 1' A Sub ,ec4-ed to ~7tc -vibrations afbai, 2-weack lonr" to hic-'a docs serrwi [L.-, f4 ce,- i~ere Were sac dye soli~t- ~i tilssae, lworc extin,' ncd. in -he- ves-,c-. ar nard, 'Ila-rics of ""r--d into lcops, &rd r-m,-, lmfl ly,iph veint; ziljx) 12a,'! ruf,-;l~jnt-al v and lod h.v blo,)J anJ dy~.! In .1/2 r USSR ET11013141, L. YZ-. and BBLKENI, V. SH., Arkhiv Anatomdi Gist-olo-,,-Li i Vol 63, 110 9~ 1972, 2,p 2-1-33 L~, -.? u ikvocardiwr. was d:.--strophic. In the second group, 4- e -.c,- - ch, n - s 103-0 j ~j L C were similar but miore proiomiced and further com.-po-mded by Im-Le lac-,,,nae- in lYrm--h vessels and interstitial edema. In the cmtrol aniv-als.9 the patholloj--~Z~ was less pronounced vet clearl~y visible. It is concluded that acc -limatizat ion if; not accomplished in 2 weeks, and that the effocts of IK-.-pc)x'p- caused by vibration are wu~gmented by the effects of hypoxia caused by hi,3h altitude. 2/2 USSR uDc 611.45:613.1 RAKHIMOV, Ya. A., SAPIN, M. R., L. Ye., Tadzhik State t4edical In- stitute imeni Abauli Ibn-Sino I'Morphology of the Adrenal Glands of Dogs Under High-Altitude Conditions" Dushanbe, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, No 2, 1970, PP 1?-23 Abstract: A study was conducted in which 150 dogs were kept at the Anzob Pass (elevation. 3,3?5 m) for 1 to 60 days. Controls were kept in Dushanbe (eleva- tion, 800 m). The climatic and geographic conditions at Anzob had a definite effect on the adrenal cortex of experimental dogs. The principal change noted was in blood circulation, as manifested by plethora, hemorrhages, disturbances in the permeability of the blood vessel walls, and edema. Granular dystrophy occurred in the zona glomerulosa, with occasional necrosis of individual cells. In the first few days at high altitude, the DNA in adrenal cells and the FLNA in individual glomerular and fascicular zones were lowered. The DNA level returned to normal in 3-7 days. Fats were initially lowered to some extent and after 15-_',10 days became markedly low. During this period the more import-ant-shifts associated with adaptation of the organism to high altitude took place, accom- panied by a sharp increase in the functional activity of the adrenal cortex. 1/1 Biochemistry USSR UDC 577.153+57'17.150.5+612.343 DUMLER, 1. L., and ETDQ3F, R, NT . Institute of the Physiology and Bio- chemistry of Evolution imeni I. M. Sechenov, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "A Protein Inhibitor of Phosphodiesterase" Moscou, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 213, No 5, 1973, pp 1197-1200 Abstract: A protein inhibitor of phosphodiesterase (PDE; 3',5'-Dhospho- hydrolase) was isolated from the tissue of the outer segments of the bovine retina. This tissue also contained a protein activator of PDV_ which was similar to that contained in other tissues and corresponded in its proper- ties to that isointed in the present study front rat bratn Lisstic. The inhibitor had a molecular weight of approximately 38,000 and the activator of approxiMately 15,000. leflften amounts of the inhibitor and activator that separately exerted equal but opposite effects on PDE were added LOgCther to PDE, the inhibitor effect was sharply increased. This indicated that the activatcr -was a subt-m-it of a single protein complex which as a whole exerts an inhibiting action. The assumption to that effect was supported by data obtained in the electrophoresis of the inhibitor fraction. Some results indicate that the cyclic nucleotide 3',5'-AMP participates in 112