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USSR DYSSA,,._Q, F. EPISHIN, V. V., POKROVSKIY, B. C., SEMENYUK, A. L. "Use of the Method of Maximum Likelihood for Processing of Measurement Results" Otbor i Peredacha Inform. Resp. Mezhved. sb. fCollcction and Processing of Information, Republic Intordepartmental Collection], No 29, 1971, pp 33-37, CTranslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V127 by the author's). Translation: It is demonstrated that with a known foriii of distribLitiOn Of the quantity measured, tho optimal est.iiiiate of unknown parallieters is pro- vidcd by the method of maximum likelihood, using which the precise estimates of unknown parameters are determined and the position of the true and approx- mate regression curves are represented graphically within fixed confidence areas. 1/1 USSR uDc: 621.373-531 BEIZf 'KIY, Ya. Ye. , DYSSA, 0. F. , TISHCHnNKO, A. G. "Statistical Scatter of the Duration of Pulses From a Relaxation Oscillator with Common Emitter Coupling" Otbor i reredacha inform. Resn. m-zhved. sb. (Selection and Transmission of Inforruation. Revub-lic Interdepammental Collection), 1970, lryp. 25, !-,-0 117-122 (from RZh-Radiotekhn-4ka, No 2, Feb 'TI, Abstract No 2G233) Translation: The authors consider the possibility for mass production of -a relaxation oscillator circuit with common e=tter coupling. 11e scatter of -duration -,ralues for pulses from the relaxation oscillator is deter--ined by using deterministic and probabilistic metliods of calculation. The func- 4* ~X tional relationshiv for the relative change in the output i)aroi2ter as a function of the relative changes in individual circait elements and the ztatistical characteristics of the circuit elements within the field of tolerance are used for the scatter characteristic. The deviation of the out-out uarameter is in the form, of stat-isticall characteristics of random errors in c-ircuit elements related by the functional re-lationshiti. Toleituices are diotributed. w,-,ong the paramoters of' the individual circuit elements with regard to the corresponding influence functions. Bibliography of five titles. Resume. 1/1 USSR UDC: Sl BRON, V. I., DY.S.YY., 0. V. "Optimum Conveyance of Freight Cars in a Branch of a Railway" V sb. Mat. metody v ekon. issled. (Mathematical Methods in Econo Ic ResearcN---collection of works), Ufa, 1971, pp 106-109 ml (from RZh-Ki-bernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No BV589) [No abstract] 49 - USSR UDC 532.71:66.066.6 QYTNEIRSK! 1, Y!;.- 1. , ZAKH'AROV, S. L. , Moscow Chernical Technolo-par instituto imeni D. I. Mendeleeva "Additivity of the Process of Separation of Two Aqueous Solutions of Salts by Reverse Osmosis" Leningrad, Russian, Zhui-nal Prikladnoi Khimii, vol 46, No 7, July 73, Pp 1455- 1458 Abstract: Experimental data obtained with cellulose acetate membranes and K, Ila, and Ca chloride!; ard. nitrates in aquoous solution shoW(--d that the Selec- tivity of the membrane for each salt in a mixture is the same as for the indi- vidual salts alone. The constant porosity of the miembrane was shown by Oe- termination, before each experiment, of its penetrability to pure water. The selecrivity and lower penetrability of the membrane to the ,;trrjnj,.-I.y hydrated Ca++ ion than to solutions containing the weakly hydrated Na+ and K+ icris can be exolained bv a caDiilary model. The additivity of processes for separating chlorides and rli-,_-__;z-~~_-S- hy reverse osmosis makes it possible to calculate the expected separation from data on individual salts. ill USSR UDC 523-71.66.o66.6 VTT T., POLYkKOV, G. V., and LUK4VYY, L. S., Moscow Chemical- Technological Institute Imeni D. I. Mlendeleyev "The Mechanism of the Separation of Aqueous Salt Solutions by Reverse Osmosis" ~bscow, Teoreticheskiye Osnovy Khimicheskoy Tekhnologii. Vol 6, No 4, jul-Aug 72, pp 628-631 Abstract: Results are reported e.~,-plaining the selectivity of membranes based on the capillary model of' semipermeability nechanism. Me penrp-ability of a membrane with respect to the solutions containing various ions is a linear function of a parameter representing the modified ion field energy in vacuum, and the selectivity -- a linear function of the inverse value. With increased strength of the hydrated ion membrane, the penreability of the membrane decreases while the selectivity increases. Furthermore, it has been shown that rema-ral of the concentrational polarization by thorough stirring of the solution increased only slightly -- by 4-5% -- the selectivity of the membrane U towards solutions containing strongly hydrated ions such as 2,n++, Cd+-*, 1.1n++ or S074, their perma-t)ility being increased by a factor of 1.5-2, Vnile the solutions containing poorly hydrated ions such as K+, lie, Br-, or Cl- have their permeability increased by 20-25%, and the selectivity by 25-307,- 1/1 Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: itef Code: AP0047631- -cmmim Am. a ro rIO4122it talculation of the &P P mi-m tine ftctor for abomption I , reaction illustrated by the absorption ampamied q adismical of sulfur dioxide by sodium hydroxide solutions. 9vwer!dr;i- 'Chovskikh, S oe 1. Xhim.-T& 1. Inst. im. Moscow ~14-. Rrikl.. Khi (Leningrad) TjSSR). 7. 1970, 43(l), 174--B (Russ)-.1ate of SO, absorption by 0.1-3.ON N&OH soln.,mu detd. by using the acceleration factor (1965) and know rate coust. (120,W/kmole sec). IA REEL/ FRMI-rE 19791203 112 017 Urit L A S S I F if E P R 0, C E S S I P A T L N 0 V 7 0 P A A T 1 0 F L I Q - J I b" S L I J T I Ot I S DO R 4 6 t V,- "I f 11) IN T I T L E - C P I SM T: E S : T .11 U 'S v i C I U -S -1 E 'M U ~-, i' N' E S U AUTHOR-( 03)-Vt'_'LG Pif V .0. 1 TNEP.SKIY, YU. I PLA'JGVSr(IY, A.N. :3 F --USSR C OU,*,l TR Y INFO SOU-ACE--T-c:F,)P.. 0SN'. KHIM. T 'E K W40 L L 9 7 0 4(2), 271-5 DATE PWILISHED - - - - - - - - 70 SUt3JECT AkEAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-PC~~IISITY, CHEMICAL SEPARATIONt CELLULUSE KESIN, ACETATE C0t-.'Ti;j3_ IRESTRICTIONS EVAPOkATFON, ALIPHATIC ALC0HFjLt DOCUMENT L'LAS5--iJi-.CLf*4S.SIFlEtJ PROXY VF_-EL/F?A4,lE--3001/0I40 S TF P 1'40--UR /04 5 5 70/oo-t 1002 /021 t 102 ?5 C IRC ACCESS TON ;'10--APO 1~5956 If !~-o Z/2 017 C '4SSI FUED L PROCESS ING DATE-L31,10VO CIRC ACCESSION ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-','-- ABSTRACT. THE COtjC.N. PPul:lLbS Fflk 3 MODELS OF ME~!;iKANE S-:PN. WITH HIGH PURE, CAPILLAr-*.Y t-'ORE A"40 POLYMC-R ARc OISCU~SED'. THF SEP.%'. MECHANISM Of 'VIATER SOLNS. UF 'ME? ET, PR, BU, ISO-bU ALGS. Aj"40 LIF ACETONE BY MEANS OF 2 DIFFERENT CFLLIJLJSe ACETArE FiE!46KA%ES WAS INVESTIGATE:1). THE DEPEtIDENCE OF JHF EVAPN. RATE, THE 5ELEC[fvlTy, AND THE SEM. CDEFFS. ON THE MEMBRANE PRESSURES ARE GRAPHICALLY PRESENTEU. FACILITY: r-l.0SK. INST. KH[M. iMASHINDSTR.1 MOSCOM, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.43:62.529 L., LEVIN, I. A., and GAPOYAN, D. T., Candidates of Technical sciences, Moscow, Institute of Automotive Engineering; NAIMI (Central Scien- tific Research Institute of Automobiles and Automobile Engines) "IPvestigation and Elimination of iligh-Frequency Vibrations Originating During the Operation of Wheel Brake Mechan1sms" Moscow, Avtomobil'naya Promyshlennost', No 7, Jul 72, Pp 16-18 Abstract: In an investigation of causes of the origination of hi,,'-h-frequency vibrations of brake-drum mechanisms, a study was made by NAMI, jointly with the Moscow Institute of Automotive Engineering, of the conditions of the transition of a statically and dynamically stable system, constituting the brake mechanism in the absence of vibrations, into a dynamically unstable svstem which predetermines the presence of vibrations. A research procedure by means of wire detectors was developed, which permits a quantitative analysis to be made of the character of the curve of specific pressures with respect to the are length of the brake lining, with its subsequent evaluation by the graphoanalytic method. The obtained experimental data makes it pos- sible to conduct a refined graphonnilytic malculation of thc., forcef, acting in the tested brake mechanisms in the. presence, and in the ahsence" of 112 USSR DYUBEK, K. L., et al., Avtomobil'naya Promyshlennost', No 7, Jul 72, pp 16-18 high-frequency vibrations, and to determine the causes of origination of the vibrations. Such a calculation was conducted for the front-brake. mechanism of the Moskvich automobile, the form of the curve of the specific pressures that were applied upon it (with and without vibrations) being studied ex- perimentally. Means for the elimination of high-frequency vibrations of the brake mechanism are indicated. 3 figures. 2/2 70 - USSR UDc 8-94 SHVEYKIN, G. P. I ilia"" "Thirteenth Session of the Scientific Council of the Academv of Sciences USSR on the Problem of "Physical-Chemical Principles of Production of New Heat- Resistant Materials"" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 8, No 11, Nov 72, pp 2,058-2,059. Abstract: The session mentioned in the title was held in Pervourallsk 23 through 27 May, 1972, discussing the theme "Refractories, High-Melting Materials and Coatings." rwo-hundred seventy persons from 76 organizations of 31 cities from 7 union -republics of the Soviet Union took part in the session. One-hundred seventy reports were read in the two plenary and two sectional sessions, covering the following topics: refractory materials; oxygen-free compounds; oxides and coatings. Subjects covered by the reports included: prediction of the production of refractories; physical-chemical principles of the use of z-irconium dioxide as a refractory; new trends in the technology of densely sintered ceramics; methods of p~roduction of synthe- tic mullite; the properties of refractory materials based on electrically melted periclase and periclase-chromite materials; problems o-f production of 1/2 USSR UDC 8-94 SHITEIKIN, G. P., DYUBIMOV, V. D., Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 8, No 11, Nov 72, pp 2,058-2,059. oxygen-free compounds of boron nitride and aluminum nitride; the interaction of refractories with metal slags; study of the kinetics and mechanism of solid- phase synthesis of oxide compounds; phase equilibria in oxide systems; new methods for synthesis of refractory materials based on zirconium and hafniuni dioxide; the properties of individual and complex oxides. Certain shortcom- ings in the development of work on the problem of refractories were noted, including: insufflicient utilization of modern methods of theoretical and experimental physics and solid state chemistry for determination of the general regularities of the structure, chemical bonding and properties of refractory materials; insufficient utilization of modern metliods of physical and chemical investipatiotm, mothods of experimental planning an(] computers; slow transition from laboratory studies to practical utilization of results; insufficient prediction of properties of refractories considering developing trends in technology; and insufficient coordination of the activities of scientific research institutes and applied research organization. 2/2 - 10 - UR 0050 Acc. Nr- P00:28761 Ref Code; A PRIMARY SOURCE: Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1�70, Nr 1, P P j)vubkin,. A AUTHOR2 1-,70'-N-,S-T,A-B-1L,x',r-Y OF IMEAN MONTHLY VALUES OF AIR TE~IPERATUR*E AND PRESSURE FOR THE OBSERVATORY AT MIRNY Estimates of variability of mean monthly temperature and air Pressure values for, months of the same name are represented in the paper 1cr a 11-year period of observations in Antarctica. Ninety-five per cent coniidence limits in gen,~ral popt.,lation ;:are given both for indivi(Jual and long-time annual mean monthlV values of thes-e- 'Clurlents. It N shwvlt that sharp change of the atmospheric circulation may take place ,'during any month of the year. The confidence limit.9 obtained in the paper for parameters being an3lysed can vvxye as a criterion for reliabil;ty of tho5e values when constructing algorithms for kboth manual and machine checking, REEL/FRAME USSR UDC 51:155.001.57:612.3.1 DYUBKO, G. F. , TISHCHENkO, V. V. 'Wathematical Model of Statistical Conversion of Intensities oz Vibratio-n in Vibration Sensation" Probl. Rioniki. Resp. Mezlived. Nauchno-tekhn. Sb. [Problems of Monies, Repub-lic Interdepartmental Scientific: and Technical Collection], No 4, 19*10, pp SO-S4, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, KibernetiRa, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V678). Translaticn: A mathematical model is studied, allowin.g the probability of ful- fillment of an exponential -rule for the vibration sensitivity of the sL-Di to be tested. - 78 - USSR UDC 51:155.001.57:612.82 DYUBKO, G. F., YEREMIN, G. S. ... Wathematical Model of Conversion of Found Information in the Human Audio Analyzer" Probl. Bioniki. Resp. Mezhved. Nauchno-tekhn. Sb. [Problems of Bionics, Republic Interdepa-rtmental Scientific and Technical Collection], No 4, 1970, pp 114-116, CTranslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V677 by the authors). Translation: A mathematical model is presented, constructed by the cybernetic "black box" method. USSR DYUFKO, S. F., TOPKOV, A. N. UDC: 621.375-82 "Improving the Monochromaticity of Hydrogen Cyanide Laser Emission" Moscow, Kvant. elektronika--sbornik (Quantum Electronics--collection of works', No 1(13), "Sov. radio",-1973, pp 103-105 (from RZh-Fizika, No 8, Aug 7_3, abstract No 8Dl058 by the authors) Translation: The authors study the operation of a hydrogen cyanide laser emitting on 336 /j m. When carbon monoxide is added to the working rdxturc, the discharge current is reduced to 0.18 amp. while efficiency is more than tripled. The width of the emisjion line in operation with added GO is decrepsed by more than an order of magnitude. The paper gives the assumed mechanism responsible for the effect of GO on improving the population inversion of hydrogen cyanide working levels. On the basis of experiments a hydrogen cyanide laser is devel- oped which operates effectively with a high-frequency discharge. The short- term stability of the hydrogen cyanide laser working with a high-frequency does not exceed 10-'(). 1/1 1/2 048 UNCLASSIFIE0 T'ITLE--A SUBMILLIMETER RANGE LASER -U- .AUTHOR-(02)-DYUBKOi S.F-p SVICHt V.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PRIBORY I TEKHNIKA EKSPERIMENTAr DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 7 JAN. FEB. 1970, P. 187-189 TOPIC TAGS--GAS LASERP HYDROGEN CYANIDEt LASER POWER OUTPUT, SINGLE MODE LA5ERI SUBM[LLIMETER WAVE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/1557 STEP NO--UR/0120170/000/000/0187/0189 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106303 U'N'rl LASS I FIED 2/2 048 -UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106303 ABSTPACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION OF THE OESIGN AND MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUBMILLIMETER RANGE GAS LASEIR OPGAATING ON HCN. THE OUTPUT POWER OF THE LASER AT THE 336 MICRO WAVELENGTH RANGES FROM 10 TO 15 MW. THE RADIATION IS SINGLE MODE AND IS LINEARLY POLARIZED. THE LASER LENGTH IS 1.6 M. FACILITY: KHAR'KOYSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI UNIVERSITETt KHARKOVt UKRAINIAN SSR. USSR UDC 621.396.963.3 DYUBURG, 0. 1., PEREVEZENTSEV, L. G. "Perception of Color Marks of Radar Signals with Television Type Displays" Sb. nauch. tr. Kiev. in-t inzh. grazhd. aviatsii (Collection of Scientific Works of the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineering), 1971, vyp. 6, pp 56-60 (from RZh-Radioteklinika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6G70) Translation: A study was made of the basic laws of color perception fo--- the fine details of an image when the dispatcher is observing radar images on TV- type color display screens. The experiments were performed using a color video control device based on a masked kinescope. The effect of the a.-Iditional information in the form of color variation of the target marks on the resolu- tion of the display is established. There are 5 tables. 7.1 112 010 UNCLASSIF'IED PROCESSING DATE--2JOCiTO STUDY OF PIREF DIETHYL PYROCARE30NIC ETHER AND ITS POSSIBLE USE IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY -U- AUTHOR-(03)-ZAYTSEV, A.N., RAKHMANINA, N.L.t DYUBYUKw N.YE* --COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VOPROSY PITANIYA, 1970t NR 3, PP 14-17 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BfOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCFENCES TOPIC TAGS--FOOD PRESERVATION, ALIPHATIC ETHER CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMFNT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/20tv5 STEP NC--UR/02/t,~-/70fok9O/Ot')I/~)-'-)L4/f)017 CIPC Wf:Sfxlfll'q 1',1:11--AP01221-74 212 010 UNICLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE-23COCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0122274 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) rP-("- AliSTKACT. 01ETHYL PYROCA~-,b,,ONIC ETHER (OPE) IS UTILIZED INMANY COUNI*PIFS AS A CONSERVING AGENT FOR '.vIN-ES ANO JUICES. PERTINENT CALCULATIONS SHOW DPE IN A OUSE OF 3.6 MG-KG 800Y WEI:."HT PER DAY CAPABLE OF AFFECTING THE HUMAN ORGANISM. IN THE PkESENT WORK EXPEkIMENTAL EVIDENCE 13 PRODUCED SHOWING THAT THE DOSE OF 3.6 MG-KG OF DPE PROPOSED BY THE CHEMICAL INSTITUTE OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE MOLDAY SSR WITH THE TRADE NAME OF "PrREF", SHOULD BE REGARDEJ AS L[M[NAL TOXICOLOGICALLY. PROCEEDING FROM THIS FACTr AND ALSO CONSIDERING THE RAT&OF THE PREPARATIONS HYDROLYSIS IN BEVEkAGES MAY DECREASE CONSIDERABLYr "PIREF", ACCORDING TO THE AUTHORS, CANNOT BE RECOMMENDED AS A PRESERVATIVE FOR WINES AND WINE PRODUCTS. FACILITY: INSTITUT PITANIYA AMN SSSR, MOSCOW. UNCLASSIFIED MSR V., KOTIIEVSICIY, V. A. UDC: 534-8 "Investigation of the Acoustic Channel of a Waveguide-Type Level Indicator" Tjr- Taganrog. radioteklui. in-ta (Works of Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute), 1973, VYP- 34, pp 218-227 (from BZh-Fizika, No 5, May 73, abstract NO 5Zh600 by V. V. Semenov) Translation: An investigation is made of the acoustic channel of sensors in level indicators in which this channel operates on normal waves. The radiatinz waveguide is a circular rod carrying on its surface a periodic structure com- prised of truncated cones with their smaller bases turned toward a converter located 9n the tipper face of the rod. The periodic structure can be used to change the d-irection of motion of the elastic wavo in the recuiving wavc[-~jide through 180 degrees relative to the radiating wave.-aide. The receiving wave- guide through 180 degrees relative to the radiating waveguide. The receiving vaveguide is a circular rod with a smooth surface. At short distances between waveguides imnersed in a liquid an elastic wave is exciter! in tne receiving -waveguide by the fluid wedge metliod. By the selection of the oscillation frequency and waveguide dia-neter, elastic waves can be effectively radiated into the liquid and excited in the receiving waveguide. When the acoustic channel is tuned to the third mode, acoustic ener,,;y is most effcctively 1/2 USSR DIUDIN, B. V., KOTILEVSKIY, V. A., Tr. Tagmnrog. radiotekhn. in-ta, 1a73, v,3,p- 34, pp 218-227 transffdtted vhen the period of the structure on the radiating waveE;u-*Lde is 0 equal to the vavelen-th. The diameter of the radiating waveguide, was chosen 0 with the condition that the diameter of the truncated cone in the periodic structure be equal to that of the receiving waveguide. An overall view of the radiating waveguide is given. The acoustic channel of the level indicator was studied on an installation which is schematically shown in the paper. For tne investigated waveguide system the optimum resonance frequency is 252 kHz for a structure period n = 1. At this resonance frequency there is a dead zone of 0.1-0-15 m on the ends of the waveguide due to the existence of a zone of acoustic siM.,ial transmission. A wideband spherical pickup was used to j,,ieasure the pressure amplitude along a waveguide immersed in -water. The resolution of the level iry-licator is 1250 -,qslm. The delay time of a pulse in the acoustic channel as a function of liquid level was close to linear. 2/2 - 13 - USSR UDC: 681.121.842 KREMLEVSKIY, 1). P., DYUDINA, 1. A. "Use of Standard Diaphragms for Measurement of Moist Steam Flow" IV Vses. Nauch.-Tekhn. Seminar. Metody i Pribory Dlya Izmereniya Raskhodov i Kolichestv Zhidkosti, Gaza i Para [Fourth All-Union Scientific and Technical Seminar on Methods and Devices for Measurement 6f Flow Rates and Quantities of Fluid, Gas and Vapor -- Collection of Works], Tallin, 1972, pp 17-22 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metrologi.ya i lzmeritelInaya Tekhnika, No 3, 1973, Abstract No 3.32.702) Translation: As a result of theoretical and experimental studies, the following conclusion.,; are drawn: 1. In measuring the flow of moist steam using a standard diaphragm, one can use the ordinary flow formula undel, the condition of application of correction factor K, the value of which is pres'entcd. 2. The formula for flow rate of moist stoam yields, as a par- ticular case, the generally known formula for nicasumment of flow rate of single-phase media. 3. As moist steam moves through a diaphragm, the particles of moisture, the density of which is severnl hundred times greater than that of the vapor, are not accelerated and pass through the apcrturc of the diaphragm at their initial velocity. 2 tables. 1/1 1/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATCE-20IN20V70 TITLE-DETL~,,",INATICN OF UPPEk CRITICAL LOADS FOR CYLINDkICAL SNELLS ON Ti-IE- dASIS CF NCINLINEAR THEORY -U- .!_UTH0R-(02)-0YUGACH, H.I., STEPANENKO, A.S. .:CCUNTRY LF INFG-USSR d SOURCE--VSE5LIUZNAIA KLNFERENTS11A PO PRIMENEN'llU ETSVt4 V STROITELINOI 5THP TIFLISY GEORGIAN SSRp NOV. 25-29, 1966. PRIKLADNAIA DATE PUBLIShED---APR70 SLBJECT AREAS--MECh.r INID., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR ,-JOPIC TAGS-CYLINORIC SHELL STRUCTUREv BIBLIOGRAPHYs SHELL THEORY1 COMPUTER APPLLCATIONv METAL STRESSP NONLINEAR EQUATION ~.CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REtL/vR0lE--2000/197,L STEP NU--Uk/(31()8/70/004)/[)OU/0061/0073 CIRC ACCESSICN' i'lli-AP0125560 4 _. 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ZONOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NG-AP01255bO -ABSTRACTIEXTkACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DEVELOPMENT OF A METHOD OF CALCULATING UPPEk CRITICAL LOADS FOR CYLINDRI~--AL SHELLSv BASED ON THE LINEAkIZATICN OF THE NONLINEAR EQUATICNS IN SHELL THEUJRY UNDER THE ASSLIMPTICN OF ZERO MCMENT STRESS IN THE INITIAL STATF. THE NONLINEAR STRAIN ECUATIGNS ARE SOLVED BY AN ITERATION TECHNIQUE WHICH REDUCES TO THE DETERt,,INATICl\ CF C0R-mECTIONS 'TO THE VALUES OF THE kESOLVING FUNCTION'S ObTAINED IN THE PRECEDING APPROXIMATION. THE LORRECTIONS ARE COMPLTED GN THE EASIS OF THE LINEARIZED SYSTE14 OF EQUATIONS. IN THE CASE CF ZERJ CORRECTIUNS, THIS SYSTEM REDUCES TO A HOMIOGENEOUS SYSTEM -AHICH CCNSTIFUTES A SYSTEM OF STABILITY EQUATIONS WHICH TAKE THE MOMENT STRESSES IN THE SUBCRETICIAL STATE INTO ACCOUNT. AS AN EXAMPLEr STABILITY PfAOBLEMS F(Jk CYCLINDRICAL SHELLS ARE SOLVED ON THE BASIS OF A -16GRAM, USING THE METHOD OF NETWORKS. CORRESPCNDING CCMPUTEP P.~ FACILITY: AKADEM11A NAUK UKRAINSKOL SSR, INSTITUT MEKHANIKI, KIEV" UKRAINIAN SSR. USSR UDC 547-834.4+54-1.634 .1 SHEYTTKER, I-DIMULk 'YE. YE.) I r -V ANIN 1k, A. D., ALEMETEVA, L. M., qYPCJ YEJ. N. YA-lGiON-1-07 L. II., "111 R. RICHAM A. 1h.., and KATPUT-SKIY A. R., .1 .7 .7 J1 All-Union Scientil'ic R-~s;-~arch Phar,--ceutical Chemiclal Insstitute ireni S. Ord,-.honikidze, and Cheirdstury Dapartment, University of East Anglia vt, Norifich ., Great Bri nin "Reaction of 11~cnzo [h1quinuclicline with Electrophilic R-21.Erents" Riga, Miirdya Getc-rotsiklicheskikh '.Soyedineniy, Academy of Sciences La-t I tvian I~o I L9SR) 197-3, F)13 385-38a Abstract: :E'lectro.nhilic sul~stitutlion o1" b-,~nzo (b) quiruclidi-n~-- (T) 7was sztudlicd: brominution, nitration. Lpd stilfochlorination. Thccc! rensults are closely rz~ia-ted to tile ZO-)s-urncne oi' r,---yr e-ectron interactio.-i in I. '-,--hen I is brominat-,3d in several differ,:-nt- solwants (Ilcc~tic acid) ch,loroforl:]) atu. 0, 210, and 6100 Ouit-h or witho,it cata-l"'-sts), on-1.1 t1ie r-:~rbronide of I and a i::olecular co:;:Plux o--~, 1 with bromine ~.,elre obtain-:!d. ~.-ue c:,usence of t"le z)-f-( z2zor~.Irlic effect in I is shown , J;0 1),,O-iiw~-Aion, ni-ration and sulfochlor-1--t-lon of~ I by its pK. T,, L fox-I -Orud,-C-ts -of C-L--ctro-thilic substitution, i -i s tf cai;erl wit'l a nitratin7, mi.xtura at 1'rom -4 to -70, m:-monitro-er.zo [121 q --- i nu - 1- J. a- i n 2 2. 1; formed. T i,; ~Clrt~atc:d vil~h chlorosul.!!anic acid., first at 00 arri then ut 00 bcw~o chloride! is for-~-J- USSR UDC 577-1:615-7/9 PUZI V. I., BERDYEVA DYUKANOVA IK A. T.P H. YA. "Activity of Succinate Dehydrogenase in Organs of White Rats During Intoxication With Vipera Lebetine Poison" Byul. Eksperim. biol. i med. (Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine), Vol 69, No 1, 1970, PP 93-94 (from ReferativnV;K Zhurnal - BiologicheskElya_Khimiya, No 14, 25 Jul 7-0,Abstract No 14 F 944) Translation: Studied were the effects of a toxic and a lethal dose ;f Viperi~_lebetina poioon on the specific histochemical activity of succinate dehydrogenase (I) of the liver, kidneys, myocardi U um., lung tissuo, and brain of Wlilto rats. The character oi' t-he changes in the activity of I depends on the duration and doso of the poison. As a rulo, the droi~ in activity of I corresponds to the oxtont of dir-it-.roplija claingfitj in the paronchyrrXk! organn. Yu, Loykin USSR UDC 598.126:591.461.2 BERDYYEVA, A. T., and DYU a., Institute of Physiology and Ex- "WWA"-X__X perimental Pathology arrid Zones, Academy of Sciences Turkmen SSR, and Pathomorphological. Department, Central Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Ministry of Health USSR "Dynamics of the Change in Kidney Parenchyma and Vessel Walls Caused by Intoxication From KufL and Cobra Venoms" Ashkhabad, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk, No 5, 1970, pp 51-85 Abstract: I'lie dcgencrative changes in the kidneys of white rats upon administration of toxic and lethal doses of Kuf-i and Cobra venoms were studied, with particular reference to morphological and histochemical re- actions of the kidney parenchyma and the arterial walls. The changes ob- served were accompanied by a breakdown of the oxidation-reduction reactions and a change in the nucleic acid content. The character of the pathological changes and the dyna=Lcs of their course depend on the type of snake, the dose, and the time of action of the venom. 50 - au. c a- E~ c c 17 . n s c I' L and in;~ t--ra-c- 0' : i~ ~ c' -P-". clemy 0 c -L c le n 'S Sil Ucc-.- s e ~, C- iv- 2C.' c, I'D y L 9 Z7 1 7, VC: ~n L V-- V Cl C', r -,D To C d 0; -J:--c dc es 7 ~7 V 2 c lef Ace. Xr. P 0 Onvic r Code; UR 0219 PRIMARY SOURCE,- Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i h3ditsiny, 1970, Vol 69, Nr 1, pp A93ff ACTIVITY OF SUCCINIC DENYDROGENASE IN THE ORGANS OF WHITE RATS AFTER INTOXICATION WITH THE TOXIN OF THE SNAKE "GUERZA" K 1. Puzik, A. T. Berdyeva,-,M- Ya. Dyukanova Central Receirrh ln,~Jitute of I'liberculosis, M=i)w_ Instituig Ashkhabad The authors report on results of histochemical study of the activity of succina- tedehydrogenase after intoxication with the poison of the snake "guerza". Marked dif- ference was found in the distribution and activity of the enzyme in various organs. Character of changes of the activity depended on-the dose and the duration of action of the poison. REEL/FRAME USSR UDC: 533.69 DYUKOV A. A I Dnepropz~trovsk State University ANQI~ - "An Instrument for Demonstrating and Measuring Aerodynamic Lift" Moscow, Otkrytiya, IzoDreteniya, Proqrshlennyye Obr--ztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 13, May 70, Author's Certificate No 335567, Division G, filed 14 Jul 70, published 11 Apr 72, P 175 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an irstrumerit for demon- strating and measuring aerodynamic lift. The device contains -- rotating cylinder located in an airstream with the axle supported by clastic hinges equipped with force-mewsuring instruments. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, provision --'s nade for increasing the measurement range by dis- placement of the cylinder in a plane perpendicular to the velocity vector of the oncoming flow. The device is equipped with an electric rotor whose shaft is connected to the axle of the cylinder through a flexible roller. 120 1/3 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--BASIC PROBLEMS IN SOVIET EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DYUKOV, A.I., NEVOLIN, N.V., FEDYNSKIY, V.V. A- .:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :SOURCE--MOSCOW, SOVETSKAYA GEOLOGIYA, NO 4, APRIL 1970, PP 41-53 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES ANO OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--GEOPHYSIC METHOD OF EXPLORATION, MAGNETIC SURVEY, GRAVITY SURVEY, ELECTROMAGNETIC SOUNDING, MAGNETOTELLURIC SU'UNDING, ELECTROPROSPECTINGi NUCLEAR GEOPHYSICS, EARTH CRUST, UPPER mAINTLE, PETROLEUA PPOSPECTING, GEOLOGIC EXPL04ATION, MARINE GEOLUGY, GEOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, SEISMIC PROSPECTING CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0947 STEP NO--UR/0215/7()/0001004/004L/0053 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP012660.? UNCLASS I 2/3 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126602. ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. 4FTER A HISTORICAL REVIEW, THE FOLLOWING ASPECTS OF SCVIET EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS ARE DISC USSED'- ,MAGNETIC PROSPECTING,, GRAVIMETRIC PROSPECTING, ELECTRIC Pr,jSPr:CTINGf SEISMIC PROSPECTINGI GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES IN 30REHDLES# NUCLEAR GEOPHYSICAL METHODS, COMPLEX INVESTIGATIONS OF THE EARTH'S CRUST AND UPPER MANfLE, REGIONAL GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS, PROSPECTING FOR PETROLEUM AND GAS, AND MINERAL PROSPECTING. IN THE FUTURE THE GEOPHYSICISTS OF THE USSR MUST FOCUS ATTENTION ON THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS: .1) C.OMBINING GEOPHYSICAL METHODS WITH DRILLING FOR INCREASING THE EFFECTIVE DEPTH AND ACCURACY OF GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN STUDYING BASEMENT RELIEF IN PLATFORM AREAS AND DETERMINING THE LOWER STRUCTURAL STAGES OF THE SEDIMENTARY COVEPP AS WELL AS FINDING LUW''ANIPLI'TUDE---S:I-IkUCTUR-ES IN- LOWER PALEOZOIC AND UPPER PROTEROZOIC DEPOSITS OF THE RUSSIAN AND SIBERIAN PLATFORMS, OEVONIAM-AND MORE ANCIENT DEPOSITS OF THE TIMANO-PECHORA PROVI-N'CE, MESOZOIC-CENOZOIC DEPOSITS OF THE NORTHERN CAUCASUSt JURASSIC AND PER.MIAN-TRIASSIC DEPOSITS OF CENTRAL ASIA, THE CASPIAN DEPRESSIONP USTYUATP AND ELSEWHERE. 2) METHODS MUST BE IMPROVED FOR STUDYING SUBSALT DEPOSITS ON THE RUSSIAN AND SIBERIAN PLATFORMS AND IN CENTRAL ASIA. 3) THERE MUST BE A RADICAL TECHNICAL REEQUIPPING OF MARINE GEOPHYSICS TO 3RING ABOUT FMPROVEMENTS li'l THE EXPLOkATION FOR PETROLAEUM AND GAS ALONG THE SEA AND OCEAN SHORES OF THE USSR AND TO DISCOVER OFFSHORE DEPOSITS OF SOLID MINERALS. UNICLASSIFIE .A -) -D 3/3 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126602 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--4) DEVELOPMENT OF A METHOD OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH FOR DETAILED STUDY OF THE TECTONICS OF COALBEARING STRATA IN COAL FIELDS TO MAKE POSSIBLE PLAINJ.NING OF A COMPLETELY MECHANIZED SYSTEM FOR THEIR. EXPLOITATION. 6) MUCH MORE EXTENSIVE USE MOST tiE MADE OF SUCH METHODS AS INDUCED POLARIZATION AND TRANSIENT PROCESSES, HIGHLY PRECISE GRAVIMETRIC PROSPECTING AND ADVANCED TYPES OF SEISMIC PROSPECTING1 TOGETHER WITH GEOCHE'-tICAL MET149DS AT ALL STAGES OF MINERAL PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION. 7) DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS FOR TAKING INTO ACCOU.NT THE INHOMOGENEITY OF ROCKS AND OTHEk FORMS OF INTFRFERENCE WHICH REOUCE THE RELIABILITY OF DISCRIMINATION AND INTERPRETATION OF eiEAK ANOMALIES CAUSED BY DEEPLY SEATED ORE BODIES; THIS WORK MUST BE DONE USING PETROPHYSICAL METHnDSt M4THFMATICAL STATISTICS# THE THEORY OF GAMES AND ELECTRO~4~C COMPUTERS. EACH FORM OF GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION IS EXAMINED RELATIVE TO ITS NEEDS DURING THE NEXT FE,.,., YEARS. FACILITY: ALL UNION SCILNTIFIC RESEAkCH INSTITUTE OF GEOPHYSICS. FACILITY: MARINE- GEOLOGICAL PROSPECTING INSTITUTE. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc: 621.374.5(088.8) DYUKOV L. V., TABP.KOV, G. A., BARANOV, A. N., TIKHONOVICH, V. V. "A Device for Correctin- the Flat Section of a Pulse" 0 USSR Author's Certificate No 266829, filed 3 June 69, published 2 July 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, MaY 71, Abstract No 5G302 _P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for correcting the flat section of a power modulator pulse. The device consists of a. con- trollable resistance (e. g. a lamp) connected in series or parallel with the load, an amplifier in a feedback circuit, a comparison element, and a ref- erence voltage source. To reduce losses in the regulator and ensure zero-lag action of the device, the cormarison,elemeat and reference voltage source are made in the form of a capacitor and electronic switch in a Series circuit which is connected in parallel with the load resistance. The comm n point between capacitor and switch is connected to the high-resistance input of the feedback amplifier. Acc. Nr: fiP0017350- "Pli Rle'f. Code: PRDIARY SOURCE: Vestnik Khirurgii Lne-ni I. Grel-ova, 1970, Vol 104, Nr/ , pp&S-49 ACUTE ULCERS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Bv L. A, Slnolfikov arlil- V. S.~i 2.V _U~ Thirteen patients xvith acute ulcers were investigated. Single ulcers were observed In 4 patients, multiple - in 9. Acute ulcers were mostly locatod if] life sloniach (in 9 pa- lients) and more rare ill the intestine. The course (if acute ulcers was complicated by -perforation ill 10 cases, hemorrhage- in :3 cases. The clio~cal picture of ulcer perfora- tion depends on its localization and frequenfly does not show a classic picture of pe- ritoneal shock. The diagnosis of such a complication is very difficult. Hemorrhage, as a complication of acute ulcer promptly leads to grave anernia and oftell results ill pa- tients' death. REE', L/FRAME ,1979087G USSR UDC: 8.,T4 D YUKOV --k M-A T V . "Layer-by-Layer intc-27pretation of the Function Rl,n" Uch. zaD. Perm. un-t. (Scientific Notes of Perm University), 1971, No 2'~Q pp 36-41 (from Kh::Fibernetika, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract !,.'o 1`11033) Translation: The authors consider a method of layer-by-layer interpre- tation of the function n, and generalize the results of realization of this method on the it "' computer. Araeats USSR LJDC 541.62047.819043.4,22.4.6 ZAYTSEV, B. YE., SHEBAN, G. V.I PYUMAM(,-~~d si-amov, L. D., Scientific Research Institute of-Zr-ganic Intermediates and Dyes. Mloscow "The Structure of 2-1-lothoxY-3-hydrov-6-phenylazopyridine" Riga, Khimiya Goterotsiklichoskikh Soyedinenly, No 2, Feb 73, pp 224-229 Abstracts On the basis of IR and electron spectroscopy it was established that 2-methoxY%--3-hydroxy-6-phenylazopyridine exists in azo and hydrazo fonis. Switching from aprotic solvents to the protonated ones rezu1ts in a shift in the equilibrium of tautomers toward the hydrazone form. The r-e-lationship of the tautomeric forms in different solvents wts studied. The stability of both form was established by the NO method, the azo form appearing to be more stable. 67 - Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: AfO100357- CHDIICAL .ABST'. 1165' 23p Effect of the pH of the medl=_ on chemical shifts in the PMIX of 3-hydroxy 'din* derivatives. Lezina 11 P.; Fri Smirnov. L - D V. &,m B strov V ~St Fiz Alcecow UI SSR). I Irv. ~W , 7ew.-wEn. lm, (1),2311 ( ). The NNNIR chem. shifts were tabulated for 3-methoxy-2-methylpyridine, 3-hydroxy analog, its 2-nitro and 2-dimethylaminomethyl analogs, as well as 2-mt:thyl-6- diethylaniinomethvi-3-hydrox)-pyridine, its 6-nitro analog and 4-nitim analog as well as selected methiodides. From the chein. shift data. the electron distribution in such conipds. was estd. for acid, basic and neutral inedia. The spectra of 2-methyl-3- -hydroxypyr:idiae-and iis N-Me deriv. showed the presence of the bipolar structure component in aq. soln. The Hueckel method of LCAO MO calcn. gave satisfactory value,-,-, for the bipolar form in comparison with the results of NTAIR study. Passing fi-om acid to basic medium causes a change in the se- quential position of proton signals froni 4- and 5-positions of the ring. The internal. H, bond in 2-dimithylaminoinethyl-3-hy- droxypyridine affects the chem. shift relation to pH and the de- pendence of this shift on pH indicates that distinct protonation at the ring N and the sidechain N occurs in such conipds. G. M. Kosol2poff REEL/ FWIE .19841777 USSR UDC 8. 74 TYRSA, V. YE., DYUNYASHE.1'1.-V. V., KIRICHENKO, N. LEVYKIN, V. If., RONKNNOVA, A. G. "Analysis of the Accuracy of Analog-to-Digital Transformation with Automatic Exclusion of Systematic Errors" Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki. Resp. mezhv~d. temat. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Auto- mation Instruments and Systems. Republic Interdepartmental Thematic Scientific and Technical Collection), 1972, vyp. 24, pp 103-107 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V452) Translation: A study was made of the method of analog-to-digital transforma.- tion which can be realized in information-measuring devices. For a significant reduction (e.-:clusion) of ;Systematic measurement errors, an information channel is introduced into the block diagram of the converter which permits the code of a standard value in its physical essence an adequate unknown, to be received. Chl- the basis of the analysis of the accuracy of the proposed meLhcd of analog- digital transformation, recommendations are wade for selection of the optimal ratio of the unknown and the standard variables. 1/1 . .... ...... 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TfTLE--HIGH SHRINKAGE FIBERS BASED ON POLY(ETHYLEINE 6LYCOL TEREPHTHALATE 5PHYOROXYISOPHTHALATE -U-- ,-AUTHOR-(02)-DYURNBAUMt V.S.# BOGDANOV, M.N. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. VOLOKNA 1970, (1), 63 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE, SYNTHETIC FIBER, HYOROXYL RADICAL Cf_'k4TRGL -'4ARK I NG--f-4 -9 R IESTP f CT f ON S DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIF[E) PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/1812 STEP NO--UR/0183/70/ODG/001/0063/0063 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100336 !,,,,r ISc I C I E r, 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100386 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. STAPLE OR FIBERS SPUN FROM POLY(ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE, 5ttiYOROXYISnPHTHALATE), (TEREPHTHALIC, 5,HYDROXYlSOPHTHALIC AC I0 14T. RATIO 98-98.5:2-1.5) , PELT AT 280 TO 2DEGREES OR 292 TO 4DEGRFES AND AFrER DRAWING 240 TO 50PERCENT OR 330 TO 60PERCENT, RESP., AT 70 10 5DEGREES SHRINK 50 TO 60PERCENT WHEN HEATED TO 60DEGREES. SUCH FIBERS ARE USED IN THE MANUF. OF ARTIFICIAL FUR, TRICOTS, AND KNITTED FABRICS. THEY SHOULD BE PROCESSED AT LESSTHAN 80DEGREES AFTER SPINNING TO PRESERVE THEIR SHRINKING ABILITY. UNIC L 112 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SE[570 TITLE--PROPERTIES OF FIBERS BASED ON COPOLYMERS OF ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE WITH ETHYLENE HYDROXYlSO13HTHALATE -U- I-AUTHOR-(04)-GORBACHEVA, V.0., DYURNBAUM Ves IYEVLEVAY N.K.t KHOKHLOVA, '. N.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR D SOURCE--KHIM. VOLOKNA 1970t (1), 9-11. ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS "TOPIC TAGS--COPOLYMER, POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATEt HYDROXYL RADICALt SYNnIETIC FIBER, THERMAL ANALYSISt DILATOMETRY,_ MICROSCOPY, THERMAL EFFECT CONTROL MARKfNG--N,) RESTR[crIONS OOCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIF0 PROXY REEL/FRAM~--1984/1826 STEP NO--UR/0183/70/000/001/0009/0011 CIRC ACCESSION ~jr_l--AP01004(10 212 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70' CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100400 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STRUCTURE AND PHYSICOMECH. PROPERTIES OF ETHYLENE TFREPHTHALATE# (1 89 UNIC LAS-ca IF I E 01 USSR uDc 632.954 SHMEGGLOV, YU. V., KOZINA, L. S., YA.XOV=t V. I., NUESPIN, C. I., and DYUSEN' H I., All Union Scientoific Research Insthutebf Pbyto~atholo- yn-Moscow Region, Institute of or,- .anic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow "Herbicidal Activity of Substances Containing Trichloroallyl Group. I Communication. 1,1,2-Trieliloroprop--ne-l-ol-3 (Trich:Lorcallyl Alcohol)# Some of its Analogues and Derivatives" Moscow, Agrokhimiya, No 5, Hay 73t pp 129-135 Abstracti The highest- herbicidal activity among the chloro derivatives of allyl alcohol is exhibited. by 1,1,2-trichloropropene-i-01-3 (1) and its simple alk-11 ethers. ThoEe com-pound3 are systemic herlbicides penetra. ting into the plants through the roots. Replacement of the hydroxyl group in trichloroallyl alcohol 171 various radicals and other groupings leads to the losis or -to a drastic change of herbicidal activity. As a rule, the materials loose their ability to penetrate through the roots of the plants. In con- trast to W, trichloro-finylacetic acid exhibits properties of an active systemic herbicide capable of penetrating through the leaves. The parent 0 compound (I) is about 5-10 times as active as allyl alcohol. In a field trial on buckwheat, (1) lowered by 45-551% the total. weeds without any unde- sirable action against the buckwheat. 1/1 USSR UDC 632.95 SHMFIEGLOV, r-T. V. 7 NIXISHIN, G. I..., VOL'KENSHTZYN, YU. B., SA1,1a%NDRA, L. K., and KOZINA, L. S.,AAl-Union Research Institute of Plant Pathology and Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences MISR "A Herbicide" USSR Author's Certificate No 252757, filed Ll June 68, published 25 Feb 70 (From RZh-Khimiya, No 22, 25 Nov 70, Abstract No 22 N708 P by L. Shchelestenko) Translation: It is sc.ggested that bis-trichlorallyl esters of dicarboxyLic acids be used as a herbicide. They have the general ZOOM CCI = CCI where N an formula: C1 2C = CCICEI2OOC(CH2)n 2 2 integer from 0 to 2. 1/1 * ' i -M. 112 040 UNCLASSIF190 TITLE-EFFECT OF AQUEOUS MEDIA AND ADDITIVES OF SURFACE ACTIVE Ai_z ~-.-s oml) __ 7HE CONTACT FATIGUE STRENGTH OF CHISEL STEEL 20KHN3A -U- AUTHOR- (05)-KATSOV # K.B.v KUSLITSKIYv A.B., KARPEN'.(Ov G.lj'..j E-P-v-lW6"_U~w V..ZH. 4?qw~ CCUNTRY OF INFQ---USSR L-DI SOURCE--FIZ.-KHIM. MEKH. MATER, 1970, 5(6)7 757-8 DATE PUBLISHED ----- -70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS* MECH., IND., CIVIL ANG MIWRINE ENG.-i TOPIC TAGS--SURFACE-Ar-TIVE AGENT, ALLOY "DESIGNATION2 STEEL, ELECTROSLAG MELTING* METAL CORROSIONv HYDROGEN, FATIGUE METALWORKINGr CUTTING TOOL/(U)20KHN3A CHROMIUM NICKEL SVEEL CCNTROL'MARKING-N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PR0XY,PEEL/FRAME--1983/j)636 STEP CIRC ACCESS~ION NO-AP0105615 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 040 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC-ACCESSION NO-AP01056115 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE S-UD WITH STEEL 20KHN3A MELTED ACCORDING TO 2 ALTERNAT "VE ELECTROSLAG REMELTED. THE LATTER S T CIE L H AAD P L~-: S S THE FORMER. AFTER MECH. WORKING SPECIMENS 1.'ERE IN SOLID CARBURIZER TO THE DEPTH OF CARBURIZED LAYE-.':' HARDNESS OF SURFACE LAYER HRC 57 AND 58 (COPE HAR3,%7SS CONCN. AT A DISTANCE 0.2 MM FROM THE SURFACE 11AS 0.8*~`~P.;:Ev.-:,~ HICROSTRUCTURE OF CERENTED. LAYER !-lAS FINE ACILCULA~Z THAT OF THE CORE WAS I*ROGSTITESO.RBIYE. TESTING 'i.'AS CC,lt~;E 0~.' APP. WI TH AND WITHOU7 ADDN. OF SURFACE ACTIVE SUB,57-NC S-`. WATER AND BY USING TAP' WATERt STRATAL NATER ~;TTH A~,.,D THE VERY SHARP DECREASE OF CONTACIT ENOURA.NIC E OF Sr E-L la RUNNING (6ASH) WATER WHOULD BE EXPLAINED NOT 0,%L1' EY 4. BUT ALSO bY THE CORROSION !N CCINISINATION WITH IN THIS CCNT~~CTfOl%l .SURFACE IN CONTACT WITH WATER. .., THE OF S.A.S. IS EXPLAINED BY THE 'FORMATION ON THE METAL SU.'-~IFAC-r C"F POLYMOL, PROTECTIVE FILM, A USSR UDC 576.851-71-097.2-083.3 QDTSAL11EVA. a., Go, TARASDWILCH, 1. V.. and PIOTNIKOVA, L. F., Institute of Epide- mi-M-gy-MUM-croTiology imeni Gamaleya. Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Preparation of Antigen from Rickettsia tsutsugamushi Grown in Tissue Cultures" Mfoscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 7, Jul 70, PP 101-103 Abstract: Soluble antigen was obtained from R. tsutsugamushi (Gilliam and B-15 strains) cultured in a monolayer of L cells and primary trypsinized chick fibro- blasts. Three days after formation of the monolayer, the modium was removed and the culture inoculated with a suspension of egg yolk infected with rickettsia. The culture was then left for 2 hours or overnight at 370C. The suspension con- taining rickett:3ia W43 removed and the culture ooverod with modium 199. As soon as the first signs of degeneration of the monolayer appeared, the cells were re- moved mechanically and centrifuged for 1 hour until all rickettsia and calls settled. The supernatant iras removed. and the precipitate was used as starting material to prepare the antdgen. The specificity of this antigen was determined from the results of a eomplement-fixation test. 1/1 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING BATE--18SEP70 TITLE--STIMULATION OF INTERFEROGENESIS IN PRODUCING CELLS BY T14EIR PRETREATMENT WITH INITERFERON -U- . AUTHOR-(05)-SOLOVYEV, V.D.t MARCHENKOI V.1.1 OYUYSAL[YEVAt R.G., 3ABAYANrs, A.A., POKIDYSHEVA, L.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGH; 1970, NR 21 PP 150-155 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--INTERFFRUl'Jy LEOKOCYTEv MUSCLE TISSUE, NEWCAs'rLE UISEASE VIRUS RESTMICTIONS 0JCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RcEL/FRAME--1990/0745 STEP NO--UR/0402/70/000/002/Ot5O/Ol55 CIRC ACCESSION '10--AP0108951 J'4CLASSIFIED 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--tSSF-P70 CIRC ACCESSI-ON Nf)--AP0103c)51 A9STRACT/=-XTRACT--(U) GD-0- ABSTRACT. PRETREATMENT WITH INTERFERON OF HUMAN AND CHICKEN LEUKOCYTES9 FIBROBLASTS OF SKIN MUSCLE TISSUE OF HUMAN AND CHICK El-.,BRYO, HUMAN AMNION AND CHURIO ALLANTOIC MEMBRANE f)F CHICK E~i-"RYD RESULTS IN STIMULATION AND EARLIER START OF SUBSEQUENT INTEERFERON PRODUCTION IN THESE TISSUES. TREATMENT OF TISSUES SUPPORTING MULTIPLICATION OF THE VIRUS INDUCER (NEWCASTLE OISEASE WITH LARGE VIRUSI DOSES OF INTERFERON CAUSED INHIBITION OF INTERFEROGENESIS IN THEmt WHILE SMALL DOSES RESULTED IN STIMULATION OF INTEqFEROGENESIS. CELLS NOT SUPPORTING VIRUS MULTIPLICATION RESPONDED BY STIMULATION OFINTERFERON PRODUCTION TG TREAT14ENT WITH BOTH LARGE AND SMALL DOSES OF liueRFERON. THE STIMULATING EFFECT R-E-4CHED MAXIMUM AT 2 HOURS AND DISAPPEAi%'FD AT 24 HOURS. THE PROCESS OF STIMULATION AND INHIBITION OF INTERPERON. AND PR3DUCTION IS SPECIES SPECIFIC.- ENHANCEMENT OF INTERFEROGENESIS WAS ALSO OBSERVED AFTER PRETREATMENT OF THE TISSUES WITH SMALL DOSES OF THE VIRUS INDUCER. UNCLASSIFIED 01 USSR UDC 576.858-095-333 SOLOVIYEV, V. D., MARCH&iKO, V. !., DYUYSALI-LEVA, R. G,, BAii-iZA;iTS, A. A., and POKIDYSHEVA, Is. N., Institute of Epne-mi-a""OwdITC1.5-crouiology imeni N. :F. Gamaleya, Academy oil Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Stimulation of interferon I~ormation in Producing Cells by Pretreating them with interferon" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 2, Mar/Apr 70, PP 150-15.) Abstract: Pretreating human and chicken leukocyttes, Ifibrobiast-I's of skin :Trascie tissue of human and chick eabr-jos, human amnion and chorioallantoic memorane OLI chick emuryo with intorforon results in stimulation of subsc-luent interferon pro- duction in these tissues. Tissues supporting multiplication of the virus- inducer (Newcastle disease virus) treated with large doses of intorferon 5howed inhibited interferon formation while thoso treated with small doses exhibited stimulated interferon formation. Either large or sciall doses of interferon stim,:Inted imerferon. production of cells not supporting ,-iru5 multiplication. The sti:raulating effect reached a maximum after 2 hours, and disappeared after 24 hours. The stimulation and inhibition process of interferon production is Stimulation of interferon formation was also observed, after pretreatment of the tirniuos with small doses of the virus; inducor. USSR UDC: 537-525.5 DYUKEV, G. A., DiPijill, V. B., EOYMES, B.,.,,Ya., and YUR'Y_-V, V. G. ".Arc Discharge 'Yith a Strongly Ionized Cesium Plasma" Lening.rad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy F iziki, vol. 41, 11o. 2, 1971, pp 453-456 Abstract: A description is :-iven of expe-rii.,iontation involving an arc discharge in cesium vapor a~ a pressure of 0.1 to 2 r,,-m Hr, .L _, with a potential difference between electrodes of from ~ to 100 volts, and at high current densities of from 10 to 100 a/cm-'. pur~)ose of th,_- exp~!rimentation was to study the characteristics of plasrna.-.~is off short, low-voltage arcs wi-.h high current densitit;s find to irivesti- gate the possibility of r-etting h-i-h discharg,'_, cu.-rr-ent d.~nsiti_~s with distributed t1hermoolectronic emission from a cathodk., without transition t-o d is charp,.-- s i.,i~h a cathode spot. volt-amperc char- acteristics of~" th~_ arc are plott~:d, ,--.nd the curr,_~nt -_,aturalion they evince are discus~,ed. "."h,; authors of This brd--.,~f cor.~ri.lurlicaticn express their E-ratitud,~~ t-o B. 1. Tsirkel' for dev,31opin,~: th,2 _-iec- -al 7u-z)- tric ci cuit., t_- V. _i;ach'_,CoTr -for pre;~a-_rirg -Ih-.~ exp_-ri,,;~~nt ment, to j. for ass:istarice -,.ill-h the 7~.easure.-_ents, e1nd to v'. G. Balksht for hio co=znts. They are ..ith 111c L ningrad 8 c-mi conductor ln3tiiute. 111 112 .040 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING UATE--13NOV70 TITLE-;.AEIAL DISTRIBUT19N OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE PLASMA IN A PLANE -THERMIGNIC ENERGY CONVERTER -U- AUTHOR-(03)-0YUZHEVt G.A.v STARTSEV, YE.A., YURYEVr V.G. COLN.T RY OF INFO~--USSR P 426-428 -S OURC E- ZHURNAL TEKHINTCHESKOI FIZIKIt VOL 40t FEB 19701 DATE PUBLISHED---FE570 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS, ENERGY CONVERSION (NON-PROPULSIVE) TOPIC TAGS-DISTRIBUTION THEORY, THERMIONIC ENERGY CONVERSION, RADICAL ~FLOW, PLASMA DYNAMICS, Ei~ECTRONIC SHIELDING, CURRENT OENSIfY, CATHODE, CESIUM PLASMA MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS iOOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAM&--1979/1555 STEP NO--UR/0057170/040/000/042619428 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0047883 UNC L A S S f F I E 0- 212 040 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV7C CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0047883 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INVESTIGATION OF THE RADIAL DISTRIBUTION OF PLASMA PARAMETERS FOR THERMIONIC CONVERTERS WITH AND WITHOUT ELECTRODE (CATHODE AND ANODE) SHIELDING BY PLANE SAPPHIRE RINGS. .IT IS SHOWN THAT FOR CURRENTS RANGING FROM 2 TO 15 A-SQ Cl-1, THE SCLTZMANN FORMULA HOLDS FOR LOW AND HIGH CESIUM PRESSURES. ELECTRODE SHIELDING DOES NOT EFFECT THE RADIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE PLAS14A PARAMETERS, AND DOES NOT DIMINISH THE EDGE EFFECT ASSOCIATED WITH THE RADIAL DIFFUSION OF CARRIERS FROM THE GAP. HOWEVERt SHIELDING HAS THE EFFECT OF APPRECIABLY REDUCING THE INFLUENCE OF THE LAIER4L SURFACE OF THE CATHODE, WHICH OTHERWISE WOULD EMIT ELECTRONS INTO THE PLASMA. THIS MEANS THAT THE TRUE ELECTRON CURRENT DENSITY CANNOT BE RELIABLY DETERMINED WITHOUT ELECTRODE SHIELDING* USSR UDC 661.666-494.001.5 FIALKOV, A. S., SIDOROV, N. M., SMIRNOV, B. N., and DYUZHIKOV, B. I. "Specific Features of the Structure and Growth of Threadlike Pyrocarbon Formations" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 211, No 1, Jul-Aug 73, pp 158-160 Abstract: The Initial period of the growth of thread-like pyrocarbon forma- tions - the so-called "whiskers" -- has been investigated. The "whiskers" were obtained at a temperature 900-1000* in 10-40 mm Hg vacuum from benzene vapors without any gas diluent, over graphite supports, using metallic catalyst. It has been shown that the actual carbon whisker consists of a central core shootIng out of the surface of the activated support in form of a band 100-200 A thick, rolled into a cylindrical spiral. The formation process of these whiskers goes through several stages: activation of the support, radical-chain type reaction occurring during the cracking of the hydrocarbon followed by chain polymerization of the products. The thicken- ing of the cores is due to the deposition of sooty and pyrocarbon filuo on its surface. 1/1 - 55 - 1/2- 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 ~.TITLE-ALL UNICN CCNFERENCE OF METRULOGISTS -U- AUTHOR-ajU4jLUA, N.T. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-iMOSCGwv IZMERITELfNAYA TEKHNfKAj NO 2, PP 75-77 -DATE PUBLISHED--70 SU3JECT AREAS-MECH., IND.t CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, . BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES .-TOPIC TAGS--METROLOGYt_,_C0NFERENCEv QUALITY CONTROL, CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED METHODS ANO EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY --1993/1550 --U) PROXY REEL/FRAME STEP NO 1/0,115/'70/000/002/0075/0077 CtRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0114142 UN'CLA SS IF IED 212 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0114142 AeSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-Cl- ABSTRACT. THE ALL UNION CONFERENCE ON THE SUBJECT, THE RULE AND TAKS OF METROLOGY IN IMPROVING PRODUCTION QUALITY" WAS HELD IN MOSCOW FROM L5 SEPTEMBER THROUGH 18 SEPTEMBER L969 AT THE EXHIBIT10N OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE USSR. PART OF TAKEN IN THIS CONFERENCE BY 256 SPECIALISTS, kEPRESENTING 80 ENTERPRISES AND OkGPNIZATIONS OF 30 MINISTRIES AND DEPARTMENTS OF MOSCOW, LENINGRAD, KIEV, MINSKi AND OTHER CITIES. AMONG THE PARTICIPANTS WERE CHIEF METROLGGISTS AND CHIEFS OF THE METROLOGICAL SERVICES OF MINISTRIES AND DEPARTMENTS, DIRECTORS OF MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT LA13CRATORIESt CHIEFS OF TECHNICAL CCNTROL SECTTO~S, CHIEFS OF DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGICAL UNITS, AND STAFF MEMBERS OF METROLOGICAL INSTITUTES AND LABORATORIES OF STATE SUPERVISION OF STANDARDS AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT. UNCLA SS IF I ED We im 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--LIGHT PRESSURE EXERTED SY STARS ON SPHERICAL DUST PARTICLES IN INTERSTELLAR SPACE -U- AUTHOR-(02);;~R~Y,N.'6., REZNUVA, L.V. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SijURCE-ASTkONOMICHESKII ZHURNAL, VOL. 47t NOls 1970, P 1b6-171 .,DATE PUBLISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS--ASTRONOMY,ASTROPHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--INTERSTELLAR MATTER, HOT STAR, PRESSUREt DUST, GRAVITATIUN, COSMIC DUST ~CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--L994/1734 STEP NQ--UR/0033/7O/O4t7/OOL/0166/0171 CIRC ACCLSSION NU--AP0115563 UiNC LA SS I F IEO 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSIu;v N-0--AP0115563 AoSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT. DETERMINAYIC-N OF THE RATIOS OF THE LIGHT PRESSURE TO THE GRAVITATIONAL FORCE OF STARS OF VARIOUS SPECTRAL CLASSES FOR SPHERICAL WATER, QUARfZ, AND GkAPHlTE PARTICLES. THE RATIOS ARE CALCULATED ON THE BASIS OF EXACT FOR-MULAS IN THE IMIE THEQqY FOR COMPLEX INDICES DEPENUING ON THE WAVELENGTH. IT 15 SHOWN THAT FOR STARS OF EARLY SPECTRAL CLASSES, THE LIGHT PRESSURE EXCEEDS THE GRAVITATIGNAL FORCE BY SEVERAL GRUERS OF MAGNITUDE. THIS MEANS THAT THE PARTICLES WILL BE EXPELLED FROM HOT STARS. FACILITY: ODESSKII POLITEKHNICHESKII INSTITUT's ODESSAv UKRAINIAN SSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITL.E--A STUDY OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF U. SIBIRICUS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-SOMOV, G.P.9 0ZADZIYEVAt M&F. .COUNTRY OF [-%JFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHURNAL MIKROBIDL~jGlli EPIDEMIOLOGII I IMMUNOBIOLOGII, 1970, NR 4, PP 21-24 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL COMPOSI'TION, LIPID, MICROORGANISM ZWROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1990/1523 STEP NO--UR10016/70/000/004/0021/0024 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109583 UNCLASSIFIED 11 212 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109583 ABSTRACT/EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PAPER IS CONCERNED WITH THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TWO STRAINS OF D. SIBIRICUS ISOLATE IN PRIMORIE TERRITORY (POKHODZILO'S STRAIN) AND IN ALTAI "NETSVETAEVIS STRAIN). THE FOLLOWING WAS ESTABLISHED: LIPIDSt 46.9 AND 32.6PERCENT RESPECTIVELY, REDUCING SUBSTANCES, 5.6 AND 4.OPERCENT, PHOSPHORUS, 1.4 AND 1.33PERCENT, AMIDE NITROGEN, 4.38 AND 4.48PERCENT, PROTEIN, 27.38 AND 28.4PERCENT, AS WELL AS THE CONTENT OF 17 MOST FREQUENTLY ENCOUNTERED AMINO ACIDS. THE BIOLOGICAL ANO ANTIGENIC PECULARITIES OF THE REFERRED TO STRAINS MAY BE ASSOCIATED WITH DIFFERENCES IN THE QUANTITATIVE CONTENT THERIN OF CERTAIN CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 619:576.858.5:636.22/.28 SHICHKINA, V. P., PILLE, E. R., and DZAGUROV S. G. State Control Institute of Medical Biological Preparations imeni A. L. ta-i'asevich "Susceptibility of Cattle to Adenoviruses" Moscow., Veterinariya, No 11, 1971, pp 39-40 Abstract: A study was carried out of the susceptibility to adenoviruses of healthy cattle brought to a meat-packing plant where sera are prepared for use in culture media. Complement-fixing antibodies were found in the sera of 12.3% of the animals investigated. Most of the sera reacted to type-2 adenovirus. Cytopathic agents were found in 21 of 201 sera. In 13 strains a complement-fixing antigen common to human type-6 adenovirus was detected, and 10 of the 13 strains isolated were classified as type-1, 2, and 3 adenoviruses. The susceptibility of such a significant number of healthy cattle to serum viruses indicates a need to exercise careful control of animals intended for use in virological practice. 78 - USSR DZAGUWW,,6,.~-6* SHCIIEKOCHIKIIINA, Ye. A., and OMEL'CHEINKO, T. N., State Control Institute for Biomedical Preparations imeni L. A. Ta-rasevich, Ministry of Health USSR "Principles of Lyophilization of Enteroviruses. 1.11 Mosccri, Voprosy Virusologii, No 5, 1971, p 622 - Abstract: The stability of attenuated poliomyelitis type 1 virus (LSc2ab strain) was studied. The use of mixtures of peptone and glucose or cow's milk and glucose proved to be ideal for lyophilizing poliomyelitis virus, although other stabilizers were somewhat effective in this respect. These stabilizers can be useful in obtaining a lyophilized preparation with an adequate titer capable of surviving exposure to a broad range of tempera- tures (4 to 50'C). 1/1 M ro"N "Ieterinary Medicine USSR UDC Ye. S. , DZAGUR37 5,e ',I&;OVA, N. Ye. , i-40iOZOV, K. V. and IILE-~OYEV, S'ate Ccnt?*T--NIff ML of Med-Ical 3iological PreparatJons L7ieni L. A. Tarasevich, Xoscow "Serological Exa,-,.j-nation of Some Species of Wild and Domestic birds in Re--ard to the Spread of infectious and Oncoaenic Avian Viruses" Moscow, Voprosy Virusolol~ii, N-o Z, IarjApr 70, PP 21 -217 Abstract: Serologic-al examMation of serum speeLmons so.,-.e ~~Ipecies of dc:-,.vziLic an:i wild birds ;ias car--ei out in order to determine tne presence of an7~ibcdies tr, some oncogenic an~i infectious avian v:Lruses. A wide prevalence to tine leukem-la group of viruses was fourJ in all strains and, breeds of fowl Ex~*,Lmina- *4or. of sera- 1rcm janane~e quail from 4,io5ta and ~iaykop farms reveaied no anLi- bodies either to infectious or to oncogonic avian viruses. Survey of japanese quail farms in close proximitj to chicken farms established the c-irculation of a.ents from t4e avlan group. 1/1 PROCESSING OATE--IBSEP70 112 029 UNCLASSIFIED MINATIONS OF TITLE--SEROLOGICAL EXA, SOME SPECIES OF WILD AND DOMESTIC BIRDS FOR PREVALENCE OF INFECTIOUS AND ONCOGENIC AVIAN VIRUSES -U- AUTHOR-(05)-VORONIN, YE.S., DZ SMIRNOVAP N.YE-i MOROZOVv K.V., YELEKOYEV, K.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGII, 1970, NR 2, PP 213-217 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BIRD, SEROLOGIC TEST9 VIRUS, ANTIBODY, LEUKEMIA CONTROL -~.ESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--L990/0736 STEP INO--UR/0402/70/000/00210213/0217 CIRIC ACCESSION' NO--AP0103'342 UNCLASSIFIED 212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0108942 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SEROLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF SERUM SPECIMENTS FROM SOME SPECIES CF DOMESTIC AND 14ILD BIRDS WAS CARRIED OUT IN ORDER TO DETERMINIE THE PkeSENCE OF ANTIBODY FOR SOME ONCOGENIC AND INFECTIOUS AVIAN VIRUSES. WIDE PREVALENCE OF LEUKEMIA GROUP OF VIRUSES WAS ESTABLISHED IN ALL THE STRAINS AND BREEDS OF CHICKEN EXAMINED. EXAMINATION-OF SERA FROM JAPANESE QUAIL FROM KHOSTA AND MAIKOP FARMS REVEALED NO ANTIBODY EITHER TO INFECTIOUS OR TO ONCOGENIC VIRUSES OF BIRDS. SURVEY OF JAPANESE QUAIL FARMS CLOSELY CONTACTING WITH CHICKEN FARMS ESTABLISHED CIRCULArION OF AGENTS FROM AVIAN LEUKEMIA GROUP. UNCLASSIFIFD VII-B. OBTA114ING EPITAXIAL FILMS UF I.P 0.4 C&As SURSTKATES lArticle by Va.A. UAny, .1L. Kh S. Dtamrayev. N,- 1I.Y-atnenko, Vo ronczh; No%~CRIFIiAk, III Simpori= jo -r;`t`s-eMs`sm-Rc-1iir+ St .nikavvkh Krintallov I Plenok. Runalen, IF--`17T-J-=--e-,-1-97-2. r'itcz4 r.i~prvod Epitaxial films of InP were obtained on Rallim arsenide substrates oriented Along the (111) and (IUU) planes. The growth wn. realized by the method of transport cheftical reactions in an open system uiing In. PCE3 and H2 &a the, gas carrier. A study was mad" of the effect of the substrate tarmerature an4 the Indtum source temperature, the phorrhorus trichlorlde "locltv and the srAcln% between the tudium source and the substrate on the structure. the growth rate and the alectrophysical. properties of the (tire. The structure of the film woo inv*sttzated by the electron diffraction and x-ray diffraction methods and the mothod of optical nicrescopv. It van discovered that at substisto x"pstaturov of 400-500% pol.Tcrys- talline film are gtown, at 500-600% textured film. and at 600-750% monc- crystalline film. 100 ZI A) Nuclear Science and Technology USSR UDG 541.15+621.039.05 ,~iN~IYEV KRASLI~I, A. K., NICHIPOR, G. V., IKAZAZYAN, V. T., and SAVUSHKIN, I. A. "Calculation of Efficiency and the Optimization of Parameters of Chemo- nuclear Plants" Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 33, No 4, Oct 72, pp 803-808 Abstract: The calculation of tile efficiency and the optimization of channel parameters on a loop-like chemoauclear plant are carried out on the basis of a generalized model. Tile approximate solution of tile function characterizing in general tile efficiency of any chemoradiative apparatus Is reducud to a numerical summation of the efficiencies of individual chemonuclear channels. This method, in combination with physico-neutro~n calculations makes possible the efficiency determination of varioiw types of chwitonur-tuar planUi taking into account the dof-,age rate, temperature, reagent density, aad other factorfi characterizing the actual coriditions of experfxiienLal and i1WILIfArial cltemo- nuclear plants. The use of this method for the indicated caiculations of the KhYaU-5 chemonuclear plant resulted in optimization cf its parameters. The possibility of the organization of an industrial synthesis of hydrazine on the basis of a chemonuclear reactor is analyzed on tile example of a 1/2 USSR DZANTIYEV, B. G., et al., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 33, No 4, Oct 72, pp 803-808 reactor using chemonuclear fuel in the form of a 41ithick IJ02 layer built up on an aluminum base. The plotted caloric power dependence of tile channel efficiency shows a linear character. The efficiency of other active zones of chemonuclear reactors can be calculated on the basis of this dependence. Four figures, two tables, nine formulas, twelve bibliographic references. Radiati on Chemistry USSR UDC 541.15 ASATOVS 121 0 S111SIMOV, A. V., Institute of Chemical Physics of the Uss~ Order of the Red Banner of Labor Institute of Cybernetics with the Computation Center of the Uzbek SSR Academy of Sciences "Radiolysis of the Ilitrogen-Propylene System. Formation of Nitrogen-Containing Products" Tashkent, Uzbekskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, No 3, 1972, pp 50-53 Abstract: A study was made of the gama-radiolysis of the binary&trogen- propyleng sysr-ent at a pressure of 760 mm 11g, for a dosage of Z 10 electron volts/cm -see and variation of the system composition (1-90Z C3 116 the tempera- ture (20-285*) and the absorbed dose within broid limits. IlGi and C11 3CN were Identified among the nitrogen--containing, products. The radiation chemical yields of HCUD and CH- , I -~tl*cz:ally 0.1 .)Iii GoDend ;_ - co-_-:~-_sition of the N1ZC3 q6system, reaching i peak at 1-5 and 20% C 3it 6 respec- tively. The generation rate of N ato=q during radiolysis of nolecular nitro- gen in the presence of G 311 6 is 0.9-1.0 1/100 electron volts. 1/1 USSR UDC: 539-92-04 GOLIDAKSKIY, V. I., DZANTIYE-V, B. G.. POPOV, V. N., and GAVRILOV, K. A. am. *Chemical-Radiation Action of AcceleratEdMulticharge Ions on Gaseous Nitrogen-Containing Systems" Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, No. 3, 1971, pp 262-266 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to help clarify the effect of changes in the linear energy transmission on the chemical-radi- ation output in chemiconuclear synthesis. An experiment designed to fulfill -'Uhis purpose is explained in the article- it involves heavy accelerated multicharge ions such as C+D, IT+I, and 0+8 with a -full energy in the range of 84-280 Mev, acting on such gases as H02 in a system Of N2 + 02' N2H4 in ammonia, and HCN in a system of N + CH4, The gases were in motion, flowing at a rate of 100- 500 fiters per hour. The volume of the ion beam was substantially sma.1ler than the volume of the reactor. Details of the experiment are given,together with drawings of the entire apparatus in sche- matic form and a crOBs-section of the reactor. The ions were ac- 1/2 - 117- GOL'DANSKIY, V. I., et al, Atomnaya Energiya, No. 3, 1971, pp, 262- 266 celerated in the cyclotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Re- search laboratory, and curves of the chemical-radiation output as a function of the ion charge, the temperature, and the gas flow velocity are given. The authors express their gratitude to G. N. Flerov for his interest in the work. 2/2 Acc. N- Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: APP04135C /7/ CHMMICAL ABST. 41X 100* 84863f Radiation-cheUtical synthesis of prussic- acid uzder flow conditions. -Yu. N. i Inst. K him. "-"1 4 Moscow, L A.Alm. 1W0, 4 ~ 177- s. of N 1-1. + CH" N. + (1). 55-1 Mu ;--aseous mixt NH~ + C:1-1,, NN: -+- CzH4,- N~7H; + C:Ht, and Xt 4- C:Rz were purmed_ dried. heated at 20-2950' and passed at a -ate of 400-9W 1. hr through a, reactor "vol. 9-2 1.), irradiated using a.: tlLctron accelerator (E. = 600 keV. lOt' eVcm-3 sec-, time of the contact of as with irradr. zone 82-36 se6. Yields are given for the reaction product3. Panchartek REEL/FRAME 19751212 1 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINS DATE--11S-rA)70 TITLE--REACTIONS OF EXCITED PROPYL RADICALS DUPING GAS PHASE PROPYL IODIDE PHOTOLYSIS -U- AUTHOR--pj,AN,LLXE)L*__B..G.v DEGTEREV, I.A.9 SHVEDCHIKOV, A.P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. VYS. ENERG. 1970, 442)9 188-qO DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS7-CHEM-ICAL DECOMPOSITION, FREE RADICAL, IODINATED ORGANIC COMPOUNDv PROPANE9 PHOTOLYSIS, ETHYLENEt CHEMICAL REACTION RATE CONTROL MARKING--NO QESTQICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--tiNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1051 STEP Nll--UR/0456/70/004/002/0133/0190 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104449 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE=--llSo-_P70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--4POI04449 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REACTION OF H SPLITTING BY EXCITED PR RADICALS AND THEIR DECOMPN. IN THE GASEOUS PHASE WAS STUDIED BY PHnTOLYSIS*OF VAPORS OF PRI USING A 14G LAMP OF THE PRK TYPE. THE PRINCIPAL PRODUCTS OF PHOTOLYSIS OF PRI IN THE GASEOUS PHASE WERE C SUB3 H SUB6 AND C, SUR2 H SUB4. THE C SUB3 H SUB8 YIELD IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO IOPERCENT OF THE OLEFINS. WITH INCREASING PRESSURE THE ILEFIN YIELOS INCREASE LINEARLY BUT ABOVE 4 MM THEY DEPEND LITTLE ON PRESSURE* IN THE PRESENCE OF HCL AND HI THE C SUB3 H SU88 YIELD INCREASES BY FACTORS OF -1-0- AND 20,. RESP., -WITH ADON. OF N. THE YIELDS OF C SUB3 H SUB8 AND C. SUB2. H SUB4 DECREASE. TkE INCREASE IN THE C SUE83 H'SUBS YEILD IN.THE PHOTOLYSIS OF THE MIXTSo OF PRI WITH Ht AND HCL IS DUE TO THE FACT THAT THE SPLITTING-,.-OF H FROM HX BY THE REACTION C SUB3 H SUB7 PLUS HX YIELDS C SUB3 H SUB8.PLUS X IS EASIER THAN BY THE REACTION C SUB3 H SYB7 PLUS 'PRI YIELDS C SUB3 H SUB8 PLUS C SUB3 H SUB6 1. UNCLASSIFIED 1/3 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI,%G DATE--lbOCT70 TITL:E--STATE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONS IN HOMOGENEITY REGIONS FUR SOME. , REFRACTORY CARBIDES -U- At~'THOR-(03)-ZHUR4KOVSKIY, E.A., NESHPOR, V.S.s DZEGANOVSKIY, V.P-. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR OURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, NEORG. MATER. 19701 6(2), 207-1 3 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--,4ATERIALS R .IITOPIC TAGS--REFRACTOIY COMPOUND, BONDING, METAL BONDING CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CARBIDE, VAINAOIUM COMPOUND, CHEMICAL ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1663 STEP NO--UR/0363/70/00o/002/0207/0213 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0118642 UNCLASSIFIED 2/3 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118642 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE 2 KNOWN CARBIDES IN THE V-C ~--SYSTEMq VC SU81-X AND V SU82 C SUBI-Xi WERE INVESTIGATED. THE BACKGRUUND, THE PROPERTIES, AND THE BONDING IN THESE CARBIDES ARE DISCUSSED AND COMPAREU WITH SIMILAR PROPERTIES AND THE BONDING IN OTHER TRANSITION METAL CARBIDES. THE EMISSION L SUB!Iilll SANDSi IN NHICH THE TRANSITION FROM THE D STATES (D YIELDS P) IS A DIPOLE ONE AND STRONG, WERE STUDIED IN ADON. TO THE K BETA AND THE K ALPHA EMISSION BANDS OF C IN HCMOGENECUS VC SUBI-X AND V SU32 C SUBI-Xi WITH THE SIMULTANEOUS INVESTIGATION OF THESE SAMPLES OF ELEC. COND., HALL COEFF., AND THERMAL EMF. IDENTICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE EXCITATION OF THE L ALPHA SU31.2 BANKDS WERE PPODUCCEC BY NORMALIZING THEIR INTENSITY RELATIVE TO THE INTENSITY OP THE L SUBI LINE. IN BOTH V CARBIDES THERE rAKES PLACE A 3 LAYER STRUCTU,4E OF THE ENEkGY SPECTRUM, WHICH CONSISTS OF: (A) A RELATIVELY NARROW HY6RID 30 GAMMA 2P SIGM4 BAND, THE STATES OF WHICH ARE LOCALIZED GN THE POLARIZED COVALENT M-C BONDS; (b) A Off-FUSED 4Sf 3D EPSILON* 2P PI CONDUCTIGN BA,"40 (THE M-M BONDS); AND (CJ A LOW ENERGY 2S BAND LOCALIZED PRIMARILY 4kROUN0 THE IONIC CORES OF THE CARBON (C PRIME POSITIVE) ATJMS AND, TO THE LESSER OEGREEt AT THE V PRIME NEGATIVE IONS. UPON THE TRANSITION FROM THE LOWER TO THE HIGHER CARBIDE THERE TAKES PLACE A REDISTRIBUTION OF THE ELECTRON 0.# ACCOMPANIED 3Y A CHANGE IN THE NATURE nF THE BONO FROM THE PREDGMINANTLY METALLIC BCNOING IN V SUB2 C TO THE COVALENT IMETALLIC BONDING IN VC SUBI-Xv ALSO IINSIDE THE HOMOGENEITY REGIONS OF BOT14 CARBIDES IN PkUPORTION TO THE FILLING UP BY THE C VACANCIES. UNCLASSIFIED 3/3 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC-ACCESSION N(j--AP0116642 A8STRACTIEXTRACT--61TH INCREASING C CONCN. THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE 30 fLECTRO-NS TO THE M-M BONDS GRADUALLY DIMINISHES A-Ni) 1HEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE M-C BONUS INCREASES. THE SHORTWAVE DISPLACILMENT OF THE C K ALPHA BAND AND THE LCNGViAVE DISPLACEMENT OF THE It K aprA SUB5 AND THE V L ALPHA SUB1.2 BANOS INDICATES, ACCORDING TO PREVIOUS CALGNS-, THAT THE CHARGE 0. DECREASES IN CASE OF THE C ATO-Mr WHEREAS IT INCREASES IN CASE OF THE V ATOM. THE CLOSENESS BETWEEN THE POSITION OF T14E C K ALPHA BAND IN THE CARBIDE VC SUB1-X AND THAT IN DIAMOND (THE DIPFEAE.,NICE BEEN 0.35 EVI MAKES IT POSS16LE TO PRESUME A CERTAIN SIMILARITY OF THE ENERGY STATES FOR THE C ATOM IN THESE PHASES. WITH INCREASING NO. OF C VACANCIES PRESENT IN THE CARBIDES THE SHAPE OF THE FERMI SURFACE EXPERIENCES A CERTAIN SIMPLIFI-CATION. FACILITY,: INST. PROBL, MATERIALOVED., KIEVI USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 8.71, DZEGELENOK, I. I., DOROSHEINKO, A. N., SHIGIN, A. G. "Diagnostic Program (Problems of Predi-cting Myocardial infarct by Using Digital ConPuters)" Moscow, Izbr. tr. Vses. mezhvuz. simpoz. po prikl. nat. i kibernet., Gor'kiy, 1967 (Selected Works of the fill-Union Intercollegiate Symposium on Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Gor'kiy, 1967), "Nauka", 1973, pp 254-258 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 73, abstract No TV693 by the authors) Translation: A recogniticn system of the perceptron tyre is considered vhich is based on minimizing the mean-squa-re error arising when the characteristic function of separable classes is approximated by a syste!r.. of associative elements. The effectiveness of operation with different types of associative elements in recognition of graphic patterns is verified. 6o - USSR UDC 576-858-75 DgEgIZEt D. R. AND II-OVIEN, H. K., Institute of '-*1C2:,j'U1O!OLy, Latvian Academy of Sciences . "Fluorescent Antibody Study of the Inhibitory Effect of I-Aminoadamantane on Influenza A2 Virus" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Ho 7, 1973, PP 70-73 Abstracti The Inhibitory effect of I-aminoadamantano hydrochloride on the replication of Influenza A2/r-runze virus was studied In a culture of chick embryonic kideny cells by the fluorescent antibodies method. 20 g/ml of tile compound was added to the culture 30 minutes before it was Infected vilth virus. After 24 hours incubation at 37 0 only 2.65 of the cells fluoresced compared 4. o 3k* of the controls and after 43 hours specific fluorescqnce was observed in 8.1 and 555, respectively, The absence of viruz-spacific antiEen In cells treated with aninoamantadane suggests that the latter blocka one of the stages of virus replication preceding the formation of virus antigen. 1/1 - 26 - USSR UDC 576-853-75 KAXELI, I. A., 111MUUN, M. K., RYALNINT-SETIA, G. M., gl~.EGUZ'-~, D. R., and POLIS YA. Yu., Institute of Microbiology imeni A. Xlrk1l.ers~ieyn'Academy of .1 " Y Sciences, L%tvian SSR, Riga "Antiviral Activity of 2-Amincadamantane" Riga, Izvesti~-a Akademii Nauk, Latviyskoy SSR, No 11, 1(,T72, PP 42-47 Abstract: Studies were undertaken on the antiviral effectiveness of 2-amino- adamantane (2-AA) on the following viruses: influenza types AO, Al, A2, and B, Sindbis virus, and smallpox virus. Comparison with 1-aminoadarnantane (1-AA) showed that 2-AA was less toxic for KhAO tissue culture and cultures of chick edbryo fibroblasts, equally toxic for the chick embi-yo, anrL erid.enced f.Treater toxicity than 1-AA for white mice. Ilia TD5 of' P-AA Vor a manoloyer of c1iick f ibroblasts was 250 14 fl/111, and 100-150 14 972ml for a suoTx--nsion of these cells. Evaluation of 2-AA in terms of inhibition of multiplication of the different viruses in KhAO tissuo, culture showed that the greatest decrease in the lg ID 50 was obtained with influenza types A2/Frunze and A2/1fon6- Kong; 2-AA, was less effective against AO/WSN and Al/Pan, and showed no significant inhibition of B/Aynakuza and B/Sofia viruses. A2 hemig ,glutinin titers were also depressed, and the effects vere dependent on 2-AA concentration and the dose 1/2 - 19 - USSR MDEL'I I. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nalik Latviyskoy SSR, 110 11, 1972, pp 42 -47 of the infecting virus. For chick embryo studies the eggs vere in.jected with 500 P g of 2-AA and the results evaluated in terins of the fnil of 1g, EID50- The most pronounced effects were obtained with A2/Frunze and A2/Hong Kong' but antiviral activity against AO/WSff, Al/Pan, B/Tokyo, and B/jl-naloaza was also significant. Again, the viral hemagglutinating activity was found to I:-- decreased and the effects of 2-AA were dependent on the size of the viral ino- culum. Further in vivo studies showed that 2-AA protected white mice against dea:th as a result of infection with A2/FrAnze or B/Tokyo: the mortality rate amon.- the untreated controls was about 50% greater. Furthermore, 2-AA decreased the lung titers of mice infected with A2/11ong Kong and B/KT,--Lk-uza by about 1-5 lg ID 50 in both instances. Thus, 2-AA was shown to be an effective agent against influenza viruses and its therapeutic index in white nice was 21. 2-AA also inhibited influenza B virus. 2-AA was ineffective with respect to Sindbis and smallpox viruses. 2/2 USSR UDC 576-858-85 DMIGME, D. 2. an! E-OU12131, 1M. K., Institute of M-aicra-violoZr In. Avj:iist of Sciences, Latvian SSR "In7-kibitory Efl'ect of Scl-11-1 A-dw-m-ntane Derivativ~-,s on Sendai Virus" 1 0 Riga, Izvestiyan Akcaderdi Nlauk Latvian SSR, 110 3, 973, PP 3~-43 Abstract: Study of the effect of some adamantane derivatives, known to be active again-st influenza virises, on the rep-ro,,baction deveiopin~- - .3 chick embryos that N-(ad1a:rantyl-l)-N -phenylpiperazine, N-propylaminoadamantane, aDd 3-aninohomoadwantane inhibited Sondzii vir-Is but less than th(*, did infliit.-nzu fk2 virua. active aLiainst influenza A, A,, A2, and D viruses, had -no effect on Scixtai This study confirms the authors' earlier finding that the varioii* rily-(oviruses differ in sensitivity to antiviral preparations. 1/1 .!-----,Semiconductors and Transistors USSR UDC 621.376 DZEKHTSER, G. B., ORLOV, 0. S. "PIN Diodes in Wide-Band SHF Devices" 2-i-n diody v shirokopolosnykh ust-rovstvakb SVCh (cf. English above), Mosccw, "Sov. radio," 1970, 200 pp, ill. 47 k. (from M-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, ABstract No 1OD355) Translation: This book deals with one of the divisions of the rapidly grok,:ing field of STtF technology -- wide-band devices for controlling SHF power based on PIN diodes. S11F devices based on PIN diodes appeared in the early sixties and found extensive application in various fields of S11F technology: in radar and radio astronomy, radio measurements and automatic monitoring systems. Over the ensuing years, considerable theoretical and experimental material has been accumulated, and methods have been developed for designing and building wide-band devices based on PIN diodes. This material is the basis of the book. Considera- ticn is given to the physical properties of PIN diodes, electrically controlled wide-band attenuators and modulators are analyzed and calculated, and a survey is given of the principal applications of wide-band S11F devices based on PIN diodes. Particular attention is devoted to nonstaLionary processes, and to the amplitude and phase-frequency characteristics of devices based on PIN diodes. 1/2 USSR DZEKHTSER, G. B., ORLOV, 0. S., p-i-n diody v shirokopolosnykh ustroystvakh SVCh (cf. English above), Mosc(7,7, "Sov. radio," 1970, 200 pp, ill. 47 k. (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No 1OD355) In addition to generalizing the results obtained by Soviet and non-Soviet re- searchers and developers, the book contains a number of works on wide-band devices based on PIN diodes and on the PIN diodes themselves. The book is written for engineers involved in the investigation, development and applica- tion of semiconductor devices in the SHF band, and also for scientific workers and students of colleges and universities in the corresponding fields. 109 illustrations, bibliography of 79 titles. Abstract 2/2 USSR KMNTINI, M. M., et al. Plasticheskiye Mas5y, 10, 19'12, PP 31-33 the ability of producing colored surface coatim7s, it could also be u, in 'dine industry automobile, ai rplane or ship buil.,- as well as for construction of furniture or specialized equipMent. u5s"I ijDc 673.or).-678 029-5:669:678-742.2101.'53 M-M-11W.11, V- P-) I-ETRA) A. YA., SOBOLEVSK:1-f-,-CH. A., Jtk~-PRS, L. YA., DZENISI P,. YA., lakGIS, I. Z1J-J1 and M11911-MIS, P. K. "Betalloplastics Based on Modified Polyethylene" I-16scov, Plasticheskiye Massy, No 10, 1972; PP 31-33 Abstract: 9~ie techn-ololn-ica-1 process of the pro!-uction of retalloplastics is U based on thermal contact (plating) between a pretreated metal base and a- film of modified polyethylene. Optimal ranges of the imortant parameters influenc- ing the propei-ties- o-f' metallopRlastics are as follows: te.--merat-ure of then-nal contact -- 203-2500c; duration of the contact -- 30-60 sec; filler cont2nt -eated and passed 8-10 vol-~,,. Me surface or the metal 'base is cleaned, prel throu,ff,h a setu of rollers where the initial contact vit*-, modified polyct-n.-Tic-a is made. Final bonding occurs in an induction heatim;: ch~amber. The material obtained -- Vn,-- unillateraLl of bilateral metalloT)lastic -- shmm, hiEh anticor- rosive properties. It can be procenscd by several methods such as bendinj7, folding, or die stEL.-;,ing. Surfaces can be joined torrether by weldin.-I or foldin- and other methods. This ,::-ater.-*Lal I's ideally suited for production of eq resistant to chemical agerits, such as storage or sedinentation tanks. 71 cc)-.;!' be used for prod=tion of special p-,'p-- lines, ventilation etc. -Due to 112 Acc. Nr: . Abstracting Service: AP0054373- CHEMICAL ABST. ~' -- le Ref. Code: 111f a e J --L, r--' I 14665n Ultrasonic method for studying the surface ,Orro- sion of solids. Dz Grabis, T. R~itzliov V B. (~'Nfoik. Avto.-Dorozh. Elst., N oscG%V, USS ). Za Cf. r"'m '0' 3=3(j, 36-13 (Russ). Pi 'ezoconverters co-Lacti-9 the 4Ldges or a sample were used to me.1sure the propagation vclocity of swface ultra- sonic waves. At the same tirne, the propa,,ation velocitic5 of the longitudinal, Ci, and transverSe, Ct, waves %N-,re alFn ineasured. These measurements t,-, obtain the dt:4;ired _,,ccuracy, had to be inade over a sarnple '_~' I0 cm. All sainples ust-d v.-ere I X 4 X 16 cin. in size and utilized the same ultrasonic genexati)r and pieLo- converters. For all the materials stud;e(!, ccllult!se. acetate, hardened ccraent, plaster' and aerated cenercte, and various Inor- tars, C1 and C, were essentially unchanged froin their initial values ( ' re to the corrosive environment) in con- ,prjor to exposu parison to the values found on the corradcd sainple. Fu- iso- tropic surfaces, the depth to which the surface waves ptneirate a bodV is XR ~i hit :_~ 2 Xj, wlicre XR is the wavelength ;~ad hit is tile penetration depth. Since these values can be corretatt-d to the depth of corrosive attack, all the required ineasurfemenui can be made on a single sample without any need for control denis. Herman Koretzky__/ REEL/FRAME -19831522 USSR SALLT, I. V. , SHVETS, V. S. , 1)Z1-JTZEJ-SKTY, V. A. "Influence of Surerfast Cocding on "lie Surerccnt~uc',.;v-*-,.,- of Alloy" 1,loscow, sl:lal-y i sovedil, 'C Of' ,_C),-)- Alloys aund Comp)und2--collectio 1971-, pp ]IT-151,"i (f i 61 N R'-h-Rad4otehhniha, No 12, Dec 72, c:bstract Nc .1 Trans lat j. on: The rape-r prcscr.,~.s experiment-~~! data fo-m-,6 in studyi.,i-r-, f-Lhc effect o--;') suT--,erfpst cc)olinU (105-10"C/s) r--nthe condbuct.i-,:i.ty of F-_Il-,-!,- 117, )40 r-l[! J1, ~ I - - : of leed with biLmuth -- 15, 20, 25, 'j" Normally (coolud in coiifivi:i H-1c literatu-re (-;;-- the critifal trrmsit-jon function the bismll!-h in tbe i;;.'j.-c;-. TI-. p,,,-;; rs'r , (.r r.,j, r1 allovs, T. derends on the tine of hold-liq~ the 1-~Cm t- e between the rrocesses, of inanufactua7e and ti-cps, biblic-Fraphy o-f ten titles. 1/i ~PO042'631 Ace. Nr. Fourth Conference on Carpathian Meteorology Ref. Code: UR-2,04-7 N -7 P P_ 5.S-V (Abstract: "Fourth International Conference on Caj:pat~htap.Meteorqlogy and Some Problems in Mountain Meteorolo " by B. L. Dzerdze !ME~kAy., Geogra ty _p Institute Academy of Sciences USSR Moscow, Tz-vian~a Akademii Nauk-SSSR, Seriva-Geograficheskaya, No 1. 1970. PP 148-150) The Fourth International Conference on Carpathian Meteorology and -Some Problems in Moun'tain Meteorology was held during the period 15-20 September 1969 at Cracow, Poland, at the Geography Institute of the JagLiel- .lonian University. These conferences have been held since 1959. Dr. M. Hess, head of the Department of Climatology and Hydrology of the Geography Institute, was chairman of the fourth conference. Such.conferences are essential because of the nature of political boundaries i n tile area; op- posite slopes are in different countries and analysis of the effect of the entire mountain system on atmospheric processes requires the integrated e'fforts of all countries involved. Whereas only 10 reports were presented at the first conference, 48 were the fourth. At present Polish and Slovak meteorologists are completing a major monography entiLled "Climate of the Tatra Mountains." It is noted that similar conferences are devoted to study of other mountain systems, such as the Alps and Caucasus. Reel/Frame 13716"__ ;80 AP0042631 Many of the theoretical problems discussed at these conferences are applica- ble to all mountain systems, but regional conferences are also necessary or local peculiarities would be neglected. Thus, many would like to join all the conferences on meteorology of mountainous regions into one large inter- national assembly, but this is countered by the feeling that practical, local Problems would be neglected in favor of theoretical. global studies. The conference was attended by more than 100 persons from Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Rumania, USSR, Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, Austria and West Berlin. A total of 43 papers were presented at six sessions (one 30-minute report and six to eight 10-minute communications at each session). The papers largely dealt with four subjects: 1) Meteorological conditions for the formation of high water, particularly in the Carpathian, Balkan and Sudetan Mountain;j; 2) Effect of the Carpathians, Baikans and Sudetans on atmospheric circulation; 3) Methods for processing detailed climatic maps for mountainous regions; 4) Common climatic conditions in the Carpathians, Balkans and Sudetans. The summaries of all papers have been published and a monograph giving the texts of all the papers is soon to be published. 197GOGS1 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED P~10CESSI%6 DATI-O~DCT70 TITLE--CLIMATE ANO THE PREJICTION OF ITS Fl_L)CTUATla'.S -u- 4UTHfll4--i)ZEkDZEYEVSKIYj 3.L. C#'_!U'vTi%Y GF Ii*.;FQ--USSR SGURCF--ZFM.LIA I VSELENNAIA, JAN.-FER. 1970, P 2-8 DaTE PULLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIFNCES TOPIC TACS--CLIYATF, SOLAR ACTIVITY, UPPER ATMOSPHERE, GEIFIAI~IGNET[S.Nlj tkTt*0SPttERIC CIRCULATIOIN CONTRIll MAPKING--NO RFSTR"ICTIONS JUCUME,NT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/1875 STEP CIAC ACr't-SSI!__)iN I F I - D 212 022 UNCLASSIFIED P~-,CCESS11-iG DATE--021~,CT70 4,CCESSION NO-AP0108205 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-9- A5STRACT. D I S C U 5 5 101 IN; ~ I F F U,,; 0 A " EN T A L C A IJ SS OF THE CYCLIC BEHAVIOR UF CEP~TAIN CLIMATIC PHEN&MENA FR',lk~ THE VIEWPOINT OF-PI'I'SSIBLE CLIMATIC FORECASTS. THE RELATION BETWEEN SOLAR ACTIVITY AND THE UPPER ATMOSPHERIC AND GEOMAGNETIC EFFECTS IS EXPLAINED. THE ROLE OF ,jr - CIRCULATION IS SHOWN TO BE EXTiREME-LY IMPJRTANT, AND FA--TJRS 4TMOSPHEp AFFECTING THE LONG TERIMIS.FLUCTUATION OF ATMOSPHERIC DYNAMICS ARE DESCRIBED. U IN-1 C L AS S L F I E 1) USSR UDC 8.74 VEREZHENSKIY, .A. R., DZERO, 0 KOZHOKARU, N. NA. "Some Experimental Data Processing Programs on the Nairi Computer" Tr. Kishinev. s.-kh. in-ta (Works of the Kishinev Agricultural Institute), 1972, No 86, pp 57-68, 75 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V495) Translation: A study was made of the programs and their block diagrams for cer- tain problems frequently encountered for processing on the Nairi computer: 1) the equation for a straight line of the type y = ax + b; 2) the equation of a hyperbola of the tpe y = a + b/x; 3) the equation of a parabola of the type y = a + a 1x + aqx ; 4) the correlation coefficient for two variables; 5) the methog of variat'lon 6eries; 6) the solution of polynomials. 1/1 USSR UDC 615-332 (Rifampicinum)-015.44-if576-651,252+576,851.42 BOBROVSKIY, M., DZERZIMNOVSKAYA, D., YAKUBICH, P., and BOROVSKIY, YE., Chair of microbiology,--U_nl~ ~-ity~iReal-cM:-School, Bialystok, Poland "Rifampicin Activity.'Against Clinical Strains of Staphylococci and Gram- Negative Bacilli" Moscow, Antibiotiki, No 12, 1971, pp 1072-1077 Abstracti Study of 282 bacterial strains isolated from pus, sputum, urine, and feces showed that all 120 Staphylococcus aureus; strains were highly sensitive to rifampicin in concentrations ranging from 0.005 to 0-05.,dglmi- Among the gram-riegative bacteria, E. coli and Proteus were the most sensitive to the antibiotic. Salmonella and Shigella were somewhat less sensitive, while Klebsiella and Pa. aoruginosa proved to be rosistant. The minimun inhibitory concentration of rifampicin varied with the amount of bacteria tested and the pH of the medium. Resistant variants growing in the presence of high concentrations of the antibiotic appeared at the rate of I per jo7 cells. The sensitivity of many of the gram-negative strains uas intensified by increasing the acidity of the riedium. It is suggested that the therapy of urological infections can be made more effective by acidifying the patient's urine. firum Acc. Nr M34393 - Rcf. Codc: 'UR 0297 PRU%LkRY SOURCE, Antibiotiki, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp ,0 PENICILLINASE-PRODUCING GRAM IVE BACILLI AS ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS OF THE U TRACT INFECTIONS Bobrovskiy, M.; skaya, D.; Filipchuk, Ya. N-licrobiolo.gic3l Chair-o'f-Aled,cil AcademY Of ~Q,';Ostoc~, Poland Pen,cillinase activitv of 73 strains of E. coli, Klebs;ella and -Proteus isolated from urine was determined. No correlation betiveen the enzymat:'c icti-vily of a part:cular strain and its ability to Cause severe infections of the urinary tract --as found. It has been demonstrated t6t P-lactamase formation is not the ,it-,cijarj;Snj of the inseqs;,ti- vit-v of grarrmegative bacteria .0 Penicillius and the intrins,'c- resistance, as well as pena- Mi6ase prod uctior, 'should'a lso be regarded. It has also been ubserved ;tfiat some coils:de. rable differences occur in substrate specificitly and affinity of penicillinases from differ'ent .bacterial species. Y, REEL/FRAME 197,11052 USSR UDC 6211.981/; '~21-395 DZERZHLN5KIY,_j.jL~, ZHAROVA, N.A., PRE.-H01YO, V.P., FG%IIN,~, I.P., FJRDUYEV, To.70.00-- - ___ "Deep-Vater Nrine-Channel System Of Hydroohones" Tr. Akust. in-ta (Works Of The Institute Of Acoustics', 1971, No 16, pp 117- Tf-rom RZh:--"lektroni_ka i I I Drim, _y-~e eneniye, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 1A6411) Translation: A deep-water eystem of hydrophones ic described which assures simultaneous reception of aco-ustic signals at nine levels at depths up to C: I.'- km in the frequency range from 2 hz to 6 khz -ii.-th a dynamic ranre of 10 a a. ith the object of incr-nasitic- the reliability and simplifying ',he trans- mitting device, a syste..: of frequency --odulation is used -,;-ith an uncontrclied center bond. Automatic frequency control of the oacillstor~ is incorporE:ted in the receivinr device. Th.9 lowering devices are distinEuivhed only by the contral frequencies and the frequencie!! of the remote control of the attenuat- ore. A nondirectional cylindricul hydrophona of barium titinatc with celf-- capacitance of 680D picofarad and a sensitivity of EO microvolt/bar i3 used as the aignol source. Connection of the signal sources is accor_rplisi-,ed by a Fen- erator circuit. The noise level in the line because or discon+inuifien does not exceed th3t permissible. In the systen- of hydrophcn~_E !3 type ,.:-.'1L-7 cable-hawser iE used wh1ch has three Mrh-frecuency coaxial core-n wilh a wave in-inedance of 50 ohm and four inaulated steel haweers. 6 ill. 4 ref. L.Y. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.71.053.4 9JN C and NURKEYEV, S. S. ~,j "Investigation of the Agitation Leaching of a Fine Fraction of Slurry Sinter at the Pavlodar Aluminum Plant" Tr. Kazakhsk. politekhn. in-ta (Works of the Kazakh Polytechnical Institute),, 1970, sb. 31, pp 254-255 (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12 G212 by G. SVODTSEVA) Translation: On the basis of experimental data on the agitation leaching of various fine fractions of slurry sinter over a wide range of duration, temper- ature, and caustic modulus, the following was established: 1) extraction of A120 and alkali > 90% from sinter fines is attained under the following leacging conditions: solution ak - 22-26 and A1203 38-50 g/1; sinter size 1.8 mm; temperature 70-75% liquid:solid - 2:3; and duration 15 minutes; 2) individual leaching of fine sinter fractions makes posuible a reduction in the solid content of the discharge from the tubular apparatus and a 10- to 12-percent rise in the chemical yield of A1201, Agitation leaching of sinter fines decreases secondary loss Of A1203 and-alkali.