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313 .019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE SS ING DATE--230CT70 :C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121084 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--SUCH COPIES PRESERVE THE "ELECTRICAL MEMORY" EVEN AFTER ~11-~~.THEY ARE DETACHED FROM THE SURFACES OF CRYSTALS AND CAN HENCE BE USED A.S. -ACTIVE SUBSTRATES FOP VARIOUS HETEROGENEOUS PROCESSES, IN PARTICULAR, FOR EPITAXY. FACILITY: 'INSTITUTE OF,CRYSTALLOGRAP-HYI, ACADEMY OF :SCIENCES OF THE U.S.S.R.i moscow. UNCLASSIFIED USSR DI=~,_A._O.,-G_RAZHDANOV, I. M., FILATOV, S. M., MAKSIMOV, N. A., DIANOV, and DIIUTRIYEVMaY, I. V. *Device for Simulating the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Aircraft" USSR Authors' Certificate No 378885, (a. G o6g 7/44, filed 15 Jun 71, pub- 11shed. 18 Apr 73 (from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tova:rnyye Znaki, No 19, 1973, P 132) Abstraett The device contains a magnetic cabin, a full-scale research model, a system of conductors to simulate a stationary vortex sheet, a power supply unit, commutators, a zero indicator,and.groups, of sensors. The distinctive feature is that, to expand the class of problems that,can be solved, it con- tains a system of U-shaped conductors mounted in the magnetic cabin in the plane of the system of stationary vortex sheet-simulating conductors, a cixculation monitor connected to the system of vortex sheet-simulating con- coders, and a computing unit connected to the data unit. The full- scale research model is mounted in the maunetic cabin and is connected to the 1/2 USSR DITMAN A. 0., et al., USSR Authors' Certificate No 378885 system of stationary vortex sheet-simulating conductors. The first group of sensors mounted on the exit edge of the full-scale model is connected through the first commutator to the zero indicator; the second group,through the sec- ond commutator to the input of the first coder, whose~output is connected to the first input of the computing.unit, the second input of which has connected to it the output of the second coder, which is connected through the third commutator to the output of the circulation monitor. 2/2 USSR- UDC 681.333 DITKV, A. 0., and DIANOV, G. P. "A Device for Simulating Flow Around Flat Blade Assemblies With an Infinite Number of Foils" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 22, Aug 71, Author's Certificate No 309377, Division C, filed 21 Oct 69, published 9 Jul 71, p 193 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a.device for simulating flow Around flat blade assemblies with:an infinite number of foils. The device contains a model of the field to~be.studied made from an electrically conductive material into which the streamline-foil is cut. The device also includes toroidal transformers and resistors. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the research time is cut down and the device is simplified by connecting the edges of the model of the periodic region of the field of flow being studied by appropriate wiringin an electrically closed circuit which passes through the toroidal transformer, while the region which simu- lates the streamline foil is cut in the form of two parts along the edges of the periodic region of the flow field being studied. Appropriate points of USSR DITMAN, A. 0., and DIANOV, G. P., Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 22, Aug 71,,Author's Certificate No 309377, Division G, filed 21 Oct 69, published 9 Jul 71, p 193 the cross section of the foil are interconnected by wiring into the electric circuit which passes through the toroidal transformer, creating a longitudinal circulating electric field in the conducting medium.- 2/2 154 j?-I'k-.~ 571,131 ~'] N0-Ict"%LvI: ABSTRACTS OF REPORTS PRESENTED AT THE FIRST P'Ni-L-LINION' CONFERUICE ON (IEFAL-DIELECTRIC PN-~SE TRANSIMn-NS A I Erc:c-,pt., -rom Russlan-la~gujvv book: Sbernik Kr3t~.~Ikh Na I V.':c"OvuznuykI Y 0 11 -' 01LLt, '.,'~-u -a. L.11 1 - M e- It nik , I V I i , Acatic ny Ot Z~c;c-xe-- US.1,k, istry of 1110icrancl secondary spttcialized Education UiSR, 4:1-- moskovr,;ogc Univz!rsircta, moscow, pp 8-10, 10-12, CONTENTS PAGE ?Ietal-Dt0u(~trIc mia-se rransition3 ci Mb Alloys in Stronj Magnetic Fields, (N.B. Brandt, A. S-Astova) ...... ....... ................ I.M. Lib;4itx' ~jctal-Dielectric Phase Transitions in. Under the Influence of ?-.~Ssure (N.D. Brandt, ct al. ) ................... 3 On Instabilitv of Tw-Zonc Hadcl of Metal RLIatIve to Annihilation Scattering (m, Chan Kat, Vu V. kopaywv) ...................... Light Absorption in V'O (G. 0. An 4ria;ov, et al.) .................................... 7 (I - USSR - 1) J-RRS 5-74-i'l METAL-DIELECTRIC PHASE TWISITIONS OF RiSb ALWYS IN SrK-SC M.4,CNETIC FIEWS [ArtIcIv by N. B. Brandt, Ye. A. Svistovi, Moscow State University, PhvSICS I CTT Department, 711= Presented in this paper are the results of a studN of the ~agnctic resistance of Specimens wiLh bmall controlled overlappinp ot zone, ;~X"I controlled energy sHt, i.e. , of metallic and ZcMicanduct-ar n1luYt L- bismuth and antimony in which the antimony concttntratirms -.;ary up to ill PU13cd mAgnetic fields tip to 700 ke in the 2-77*K te--~-ra,-ure railge, the purpose of which was to discover effects -elated to r=litativc Chinrcs in the anergy.spectr= of the specimens in the,ultraquartun reglon.of magnetic fields. ~Quanti:ativn of carrier cn e- and the spin di-st"'Jution, af,the energy levels in V 0 magnetic fie lead to Jllsplace=nt of zhe bzL-nd of the energy zonos, (Fi gure 7 In the ultraquantur.- region the displacement o~ tone 1-cunearics (4) rea&es a =a.-altuar Qonpara"Ie to or greater than the Ftrtzi energ:.- Figure 1. in the zones of the ectals or the energy slit in stmiccriducters. ii,:re electron transitions may occur, depending on the ratio of %he spin. and orbital masses of the carriers. concentration of current carriers increase. When If > It..; the character of displacement of -one bovndaric!. Chanves qualiLatively: Thi, vXtrCimm; Tcontinues to desccn'd, btit the extremum 1.Sbegins to rise. Cunsc(;ucntly overlapping of "ones d T vanishes when It - Ilk' and LSan art energy slit is formed when It > 11.1. whereupon the metal becomes Figure S. it semiconductor. ili~ exponential increase of magnetic resistance for It I It appearance cf semiconductor dopendencc of c1cctricul resistance on 0 tonpezatum when It > H I. dependence of field V~. on the contioq1tion of the k agnitude of zone overlapping when 11 - 0) indicate that zone ov r- s alloy (n lapping in the ernergy spoctrum vanishes in field ll,~ and an cnt---&v sli t ap pears when H > Itk. Th,en metallic BiSb alloys go into oe so-.ijconductor state. Alro observed in the work is the transiticn of it somicandactor into the slitless state. This typo of transition is a consequence of convcrgcrcC and subsequent divergenrc of the L S and L. extroma, located at the same point of the phase spsce. If the substance is a semiconductor when 11 - 0, then he6auso of convergence of the extreca t~e scraconductdr. pe3 into a unique slitless state, characterized by an --not=lously srAll energy slit between 'the zones and by increased conductivity. -forent More complex transitions, related to the motion of several dif extrema, worc also 03orved In the work. 1. M. LIFSIIITS' M~MAL-DIELC M.!C FILM TMNSITIO45 IN Bi I-x Sb.., ALLOYS UNDER 7 INFI.Ur 111 ~NCI: Or PRESSLIRE Ko,r v [Article by N!. 8. ~Bnnjt, 131. I'll K!f, S. I$, Chudino~, V. A. Y -'LYniversity, Physles E)eptirt- astruticiva, oscow State 1. The -;ccond and fifth order phase transitions predicted by cc 1. M. Lifs hits, which occur in RL 1-x 'bx alloys under the influcticL of pressure, are analyzed. The Shulinik oscillations of longitudinal and transverse magnetic resistances in fields 0 < H 4 70 Lc and the gRIV0RD- magnetic tensor com2onent (for the case w-, ec 1) in the I bar -c it < :0 kbar a prcSBure ranpe at hellium temperatures were measured in ainnoeryTtalline, specimens of Bi I-ASbx alloys. -3- Molecular'Biology USSR UDC 576-851-47-095-38:576-858-9 PAL"P.-MVA, N. if., DME, _S.Ya., and IL'YASHENKO, B. N., Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni Gamaleya, Academy of Yledical Sciences USSR, ~Ioscow "Reproduction of Infectious DNA from E. col-i Phage in Proteus Cells" -Moscow, Zhurnal Wkrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immundbiologii, 'No 4, 1973; Pp 35-4o Abstract: Studies were conducted to determine the optiraum conditions for the infection of 2 strains of Proteus vulgaris.(401 and 3137) with the circular = (1-7 x job I&I) isolated from E. coli phaga 107. DNA was isolated from ca. 1013 viral particles per 1 ml., and diluted with 0.05 Mtris buffer, PH 7.8. The DNA preparation was mixed with.a proteus culture, grown in peptone broth (Spofa, Czechoslovakia), and 0.2 ml samples were immediately frozen in a Mix- 0 ture of dry ice and alcohol at -700, and.then thawed inLa water bath at 37 - After an additional 10 min incubation period, the.bacteria were diluted with 1%.peptone and the viral titer was,determined by plaque assay on B. coli C. Optimal conditions conoisted of a cell concentration of:1-2 x 10 101m1, and 0.062-1 14glml of DNA, pit 6.0-8.0, and. Spofa peptone. Under these conditions 1/2 LtSSR PANTSKMA., N. N.., et al., Zhurral Mikrobioiogii, Epidemiologii i Imunobiologii, No 4, 1973, PP 35-40 x lo5 infectious centers were formed per~l,/_Ig of 1-4 .phage 107 DI, The frac- tion of proteus cells that were transfected constituted l/lo5th of the total number of proteus cells. The low efficiency of infectivity was apparently due to the.low number of proteus cells able to take up the DNA. The freezing and thawing method has been found to be the only one al-lowing proteus transfection with E. coli phage 107 DNA. All previous studies had consisted of attempts at infecting proteus spheroplasts with phagge 1P7 DIIA. Proteus cells in the lag, logy~rithmic, and stationar-j phases of growth were equa.Uy well infected. 2/2 25 USSR 6DC 621.-M621.-.62 BYALED'D INOV, M.F., KH CRUMM IN, YU.P PZMLLE"All. "Semiconductor Thermoelectric Conditioners And Coolers" Kholodilln. tekhn. I tekhnol. Reap. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. eb. (Refrigeration Technology And. Production Processes. Republic ~ Interdepartmental Scientiric-Technical -.Collection), 1970,~No 9, pp.6-8.(from RZh -Elektronika I yeye,primeneniye, No 11, ~Noyember 1970, Abstract 11B173) Translationt A description is given of conditioners and coolers, the operation 4 of which is based on the use of the.Peltier thermoelectric effect. A number of now developments are described which were produced during the last 2-5 years at SKBPP [expansion uncertain. SKB probably Spetsiullnoye: konstruktorskoye byuro, Speclal~Deaign Office. PP may = Piahche~ yu pro ohlenno'st', I.e. Food a MY Industry]. An analysis is conducted.of the practical oppration of conditioners use in 196'1-1964. The problemlie.discuseed.of determining the quanti- tative indices of the~reliability, both of.ccinditionera:;Ion the whole, and of thermopiles, Liquid coolants arediscussed, with water hest:removal from hot Junctions, and-their technical characteristicssre, listedi Summary. USSR, UDC 517.925.66 t ni 1. 1. 14 i D_IVAKOV -A. YA., Odessa State Univer,s,-,*y ize "On Nonoscillating Solutions of Linear Tlhird-Order~Differential Equations" Minsk, Differentsial Inyye Uravneniya, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 70, 150EI-1509 _P Abstract: Theorems concerning the oscillation of solutions oF a thlird-order ''differential equation d W/dz3 + f(z)w 0 in-the complex plane are presented. The [fill method and,an iirftegral Preen's transformation are applied. Sufficiency conditions are given for the existence -of nonoscillating solutions in the complex region,and their asymptotic proper- ties are studied. A method -is given for determining nonbscillating solutions withthe aid of continued fractions for real.values of Z:~"_ X> 0. USSR UDO 621.A85.21 Y. IlProperties Cf Rectification In Microwave Triodes" Elektron. te~hniku. Nauchno-tekhn. eb. Elektron. SVCh (El6ctromic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Electronics), 1970, No 8, pp 62-70 .(f rom RZh-: Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 12, December 1970, Abstract No 12A150) Transiationi A computation is presented of, the.~rectifier. current of microwave triodeq, taking into account the initial velocities of the.electrons and the ielsnd effect. 1t -is ahown that in certuin regimes the -rectifier current:ican be negative. The ex- perimontal results Eire precented of an investigation ofrectification in a mic rowave triode.The power-tranamincion coeff icient is obtained f or; more units in the range of input powers from microwatts. to 100.magawatte 1 ref.:~um ry. USSR C 62l.z8-,.3.3l UD DIVAKOVA, Ye. K. floomputation For Anode Current Of Microwave.Triode, Taking Into Account The Init- is 1 Velocities Of The Electrons And The-Island-;Effectl 'Elektr6n. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. ab. Elektron. SVOh (Electronics Tachnolog _y. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Electronics), :1970, No 6, pp 78-85 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniye,:No 10,: October,1970,' Abstract No 10AI35) Transiation: Expressions are obtained for the anode current in a plane-parallel triode with.the initial velocities of the electrons and:the island effect taken into -account. A computation is performed for the anode and anode-grid characteristics of a microwave triode with Bw 11 Interelectrode apacev._Thi role is evaluated of ver- ioue factore-(initial velocities and. island-effect) which influence the charsoteris- tics of-the triods. Summury. 280 USSR UDC: 547.963.3 IBRAGMOV, A. P. and DIVAVIN, 1. A., Institute of Biochemistry of the Uzbek SSR Academy of Sciences "Pyrimidine Oligonucleotides of DNA of Cotton Sprouts,in Normal State and When Grown From Irradiated Seeds Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnykh Soyedi-neniy, No 3, 1970,,PP 384-386 Abstract: DNA was isolated from seven-day cotton sprouts, usin 966otton variet'es 108-F and its radio-mutant prepared by gamma-irradiation with Co (budding phase) at a dose of 2 ki-lorads. Base compositions of radio-mutant and irradiated samples compared with control were as follows (guanine-cytosine pairs~ mole %): variety 108-F -- 45.0, radio-mutant -- 469.9, after irradiation vith 25 kilorads -- 48.8. Separation of nucleotides by polymericity showed that neither the radio-mutant nor the irradiated samples substantially differed from control. Thyminecytosine ratio varied from 1.54 in control to 1.50 in radio-mutant and 1.h2 after 25 kilorad ir- radiation of Beeds. Thus, variations in composition and sequence of pyrimidines occurs mainly due to reduction in thymine content, evidently linked with its radiation-chemical breakdown. MEN 11 W USSR UDC 519.24 DIVEYEV, R. Kh. "Sufficient Divisions" Uch. Zap, Kazan., Un-t. [Scientific Writings, of 'Kazan' University], Vol. 130, No. 3.9,1970, pp 51-53 (Translated from Referati nyy,'Zhurnal KI v ibernetika, No. 4, April-1971, Abstract No. 4 V117 by A. Kagan). 'Translation: Suppose in the space (X,S) a setof probability measures Pe is 'defirted, depending on parameter.6 11 and'absolutely continuous with respect to acertain measure ji, 00/dp=P(x~ e). , The minimum sufficient division is defined follows: "Let us study in X the relationship R: Independen t of 0 p. v. R (x, ~e) sn e) We will state that set {POI permits the minimum sufficient division NSD),if R is.the relationship of equivalence. Equivalence of division X defined by this relationship is the MSD~. Any subdivision of the MSD is a sufficient division. -In,theorem 1, measurability - of division ~ (taken as measurability of each element of this division) can be proven with one of the following conditions: 1) IQ is denumerable, 2) P(x;e)=~ ci(O)xp(x,Oi), Oi~h*.., 1/2 13 USSR UDC ~519.24 DIVEYEV, R. Kh., Uch. Zap. Kazan. Un-t., Vol. 130, No. 3, 1970, pp 51-53. Theorem 2. In order for division c to be a sufficient division, it is necessary that there exist a.division =g (x, 0) b (x), P Such that C with every 6 is a subdivision of division ~a, generated by function g(x).! 0). If p(x,O)>O, this condition is also!sufficient. Theorem 3 formulates the criterion of sd~ in'terms of conditional probabilities relative -to the a-algebra generated by division Abstractor's note. 1) The abstractor does not understand the meaning of pv in definition (1). 2) The definition of the msd is related to whether R is the relationship of equivalence or not. At the same time, foT a set of divisions absolutely continuous according to a certain-measure, there is always a minimum .sufficient statistics, the division generated by:which must naturall, be consider- 3) The generally accepted definition of measurability of a division :Ln the theory of measures differs significantly from that used in this work; the latter seems to me to be unsuitable for,any purpose. 4) Proof of necessity based on Theorem 2, is found on the assumption of the existence of msdC. 2/2 'USSR UDC: 533.6.011 Yu. "A Problem in Dete-Mining +he Form of an ODtimai Body of Least Resistance" -~-he loscow Aviation Tr. 1"osk. aviats. in-ta (2ransactions of U stitut 4, _10 I e) 1970, 1,o. 205, pp (from R'*`h 7.elrhani_,.~a, No. 2, 2eb 71, Abstract No. 2B322) Translatlon: T"he transverse cross-section contour of the body con- sists of-two circular arcs with tho.specifted angles 91 and 12, and a third arc smoothly inteCrated writh them. The two paraineter;D:- de- the transverse cross-pection contour are found Crom the termining solution of the Droblem regarding the.form of -the body ~-.rith --ini- mum wave resistanco for a given length, volume, and lifting, force. The pressure on -ktlie surface of the body is co~i-.puted -from Nei-,rtonls law, and the problem is solved with an electronic computer on IV-lle basis of the Pontryagin maximtuii principle. G. I. 14ay'r.-par TJ S LqR UDC 621-378-9:621.,95.623 VAKIMMIKO, A. -M. , __RT_V_I KIY I M. KOVALMNSKIY, D. V., SMIRNOV, N. V. "The TO-2 Optical Telephone" Moscow, Kvantoval a Elek'Uronih-a-, Sbornik Statey, 110 4, "Sovetskoye Radio", pn, 134-136 Abstract: The paper describes the TO-2 telephone systen based on a gal- lium. arsenide semiconductor laser of the injection type. The systeiT.1 has a line-of-sight range of about 5 1W., -whic h can be increased by separating the transmitting and receiving channels, thus eliminating the beam splitter used in the cminon-channel transceiver vilAch introduces a povyer loss of' about 75 percent. The system is designed for simultaneous two-way com- munication. A working model of the TO-2 system -vas:. put on display in the "Physics" pavillion. of the Fxhibition of Achievements of the Illational -7 ' - ser ban a tbret~hold current of '40-50 Econol, .111 1970. The Lransmitting la WOPU) and (.Tflts on u wavelengWi of the: order of 0.9,,mierort~ Power ron- sumption is no more than 3.5 W at a supply voltage of 9 V. Two figures, bibliography of three titles- uDc CAR131AC ELECTRTC ACTIVITY ACCQITA?fMG D=z.FM1 DEM-0.1 IM: -0 DEMPR= V 'r -THE DOM TIM L(A U FUUY OF fArticle by y. o. n and L. TA. VXlp-1; Mo~cow, Xosmicheskn BJLIogi _yaL2A4L _Y" Ye, I Meditsinal Russian, Vol. 6-, No -2, 1972, Pp 3,1-43, Submitted for Vu-blication 18 J&nvary 13711 Abs tract A study was made of cikrdiac electric activity iA% applications or negative prestsure Of -140 ax~_ -80 mm trS to the lower haaf of, the body, The ?,x w_i=tlons rerealed a.sig- n!Ti.c D-nt 'increase in the Mert rate,, an increru;e in the 11 amplitude, and a de6rea:nc In the T w-plitude, wa well as dia- placement of the heart electric axis toward the rvrticml, related to the degree of dccompression. Durlr,6 th* first minutes of expo4ure changra in the R atd T voltzSe and the electric position, of the heart developed simultaneousay but later. Occurred independently: the R variations vere mcat distinct, T changes were least pronounced. These thmagea seemed to be as.-ociated not only with an impeded venous re- turn to the heart and itr reduced blood filling, but alAo with a red1stributivn of the specific weight, of' ccm-,vnents QT the specific weight of' corponent. of the cardiac autcn~xrdc Innervation, the sympathetic innervation being predo~dnwm. The collected dat%. rw;pcit that lower body negat've prevaure If: an adequate model sirvilating the eff"t of longituainia cardiac electric activity. Decompression of the lower half of the body, causing cluxgra In func- tioning of mwW body systems and especially the cardiovascular oyste..1, are regirded as a method for "strencing" of the latter (Brown, at al., ~hirray, at al., and others), simulating the hemadynainic effects of lonaltudinal. accelerations and an orthostatio test. Decompression cLn coriaidernb4 de- crease blood return to the heart and thereby changes ln~rncardlac he-mtdy- namica (Mtter, at al.). 6o - USSR UDC 621.394.1 3229MBERV- a. P. uHigh-Frequency Data Transmission On 14anioipal Telephone Netwoeks" Elaktroavyazi, No 6, June 1972, pp 48-50 Abstrec': The paper describes a me-hod of organization of a direct (non- n between two subscribers at a short com-mutated) channsl for data transmissio, distance. It is proponod to multiplex the existing nubacriborta physical lines after organizing another channel for them for data trIanmission in addition to the speech channel in the audio-frequency range. Sow peculiarities of the spectrum selected, and level diagrame are preaanted.i A scheme is presented by which it is possible to accomplish "rush" and "Yuper-rush"~exchangea of infor- mation between computing centers (comminication switching centers) and their subscribers. The factors are discussed which assure transfer of information by the schem without nutual interference between the channela of data tran6--ission and off telephony. Also shown i3:.(1) A scheme for transmission of nignale during an eynhangs of information between a subsGriber!B station and a computing center with the use of two subacriberiB lines 4.3-km long; and.(2) A block diagr~_m of a high-froquency data tranomlanion unit donignad for a eemiduplex exchange of in- formation In the 8.5--11.5 kliz range with 9-accassive input and output of infor- tion at a speed from 50 to 2400 baud. 4 fig. 2 ref. Received, 27 JulY 1971- ~7 7- USSR KARACMTSEVA, N. Ya., and YASHIN, V. M. "Data Transmission in Computer Center Nets" (book) Minsk, "Nauk-a i Tekhnika!' Publishing House, 1971, 17.7 pp TRANSLATION OF TABLE 5 (p 150); or, Capable o:;.' Scin, C-ainications '3c'vs 0 0 dr fxIrrj:2! '0 0 Type of General-Purpose Computer P "Mimk-2311 (USSR) yes 112)4~sk-3211 (USSPO ILI 8-32 :~i 5! Xt! 32 70. nural-14,, Nss-,z) IG -65- 2-, 31 (Y I . ~ ~ -t'Ural-1611 (USSR) 2 2 ' 131 .1 "S 'I 3 w 3 21 3 1/2 USSR DIVNOGORTSEV, G. P., et al., "Nauka i. Tekhnika" Publishing Hous e, 1971, 177 Dp 1 "Dnepr-211 (USSR) 25 4-65 GZ ,umv-4,c-418,, MA) 1,5 32-131 ;S 0. 7,1z' 1 22 512 2.10"i nmavAc-49m .(USA) 6.7 IG -MI 1 '"UNIVAC-92001 Us 101 8-1(; 'S 1,2 9.11 - 75 A "MINAG-9300 fl " " (USA) U C 52 62 -52 N r (; 31-192 8 0 O 1 VA -9400 M , I M-3150 CUSA.) YWO E-312 2-1 1 .75 2 VX11 CDC-3600 (USA) .12-- 2G_ I 'a'? IM-360 (USA) 0 8 16 ~)j 51 2 Vo Burroughs-3500" (USA) 0 6 0 10: 8 0.6) ";'1 io"' 1021 l "Synten 4-7011 (England) 161%1 "Ino-326" (Enaland) 84 ~"Fakom -230/3011. (Japan) 56 " 8-1 2 1; 2, 2 is 60 i 1 ("Ll NBoule-General Electric 105" 7 (France) 5 2.0 4 V '41 2-'C' 2/2 118 5 UINCLASSTFJED-~~: ,:PROCESSING 0ArE--G20-T70 TITLE--EXT~t.CTIGN OF ARLI.- S BY ACETATES OF P.'ITR-.] ALr0'irJLS MATIC HYDROCARBON -U- AUTHGP-(v4)-DIYAil~W, I.N., K0ZL,JV, L. ~-i. 3UREYE-VA t~.R, SHCHEGLOV L. V. C OUNT RY. CF INFO--U.SSR SORCE-~HIt'. TFKH-NC-L. T MA S E L1970, 15(3) 12-14 I P L OATE PUF.L ISHEO-----70 ~SUBJECT AMEAS-CHEMISTRY TUPIC rfA;S--ACFTATE,- ORGAN'IC INITRO COMPOUND, HYDROCARBON EXTRACTInN, AROMATIC HYDROCiVWON, ~)CTANE, TOLUENE, NONANE, SOLVENIT ACTIJN C0NTq0L MAKKING-11f) RFSTRICTIONS 00CU-MENT CLASS`J~ICLASSIF IED STE P 0065/70 /3 15 /001/0.) 121 ".0 14 '.:~:PROXY. PI-FLIFRAME-1992/1515 CPC ALCII:'';SICIN I-,;0--AP01I2509 UNCLASSIFIED 7- :77=77777;.7:' -;%'77:.' -------- F, E D UNCLASSI 'T* PROCESSINI_, DATE-02OCT70 ACCESSION NO-AP0112509 ARSTRACTI~XTRACT--(U) GP-41- ABSTRACT KETATES OF 'NITRU AL~S- -iAr) A HICH LisSnLVl%G CAPACITY AND GOOD SELECTIVITY FOR ARON14TIC HYDRDCARBONS, 3UT EXTN. OF THE HYDROCARBONS-DECREASED WITH AN ANCREASE 114 THEIR MIrit. THE 4T. THE MOL. WT. OF THE PARAFF111C HYDROCAR~IONS fN THE MNT. HAD THE GREATEST EFFECT ON THE AROMAT IC HYOROCAKSON. CONCN. IN THE . EXT. I HM S THE' bYTN. OF. ISGOCTANETOLUENE (1) AND N13NANE (11:1-1 MXTS. WITH 3 SU32 ~7 NCH -SUib? C1414EUAC GAVE EXTS. CONTI"- 60.2~ AND 83.ZPERCENT I , THE SEPA4. 1. ~- I L. 17 ~UjEFF. BEING 76.5 AND 61.1 VOL.*PERCENTT RESP. iliq THE CASE JF 1 1-1 AND 1-l"O-MENEA 11 1) MIXTS. , THE EXTS. CONTAINED 83-2PERCENT I AND 82.21PERCENT 111, THE SEP.M. COEFFS. B.E:ING 61.1 AND 60.4 VOL. PERCENT, JLVING CAPACITY, THE ACETATES WERE RESP. OUE TO THEIR EXCESSIVE OISS.j AS COMPONENTS OF .RECONMENUED~IONLY SELECTIVE SOLVENTS. WATER DECREASED THE STABILITY OF THE-,ACETATES. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 666.763.46.001.4 BRON7 V. A., KUKURUZOV, A QTYFqPFRnVA M_ T., and STEPANOVA, 'I. A., FAstern :Institute. efractorie's "Magnesite-Chromite Products of High Purity.Magnesite and Chromite" Ogneupory No. 2, 1971, pp 32-37 Abstract: The manufacturing technology, properties and microstructural peculiarities are studied for:products manufactured of magnesite and with low contents of impurity oxides.,, The Products have high refractory properties: the temperature. at which deformation begins under load is,17000C and higher, the bending strength at 13000C is 2.5-3 times ~higher, and the deformation rate durin 3:times lower than g creep tests ordinary periclase-spinellide products. The products~.have good heat resistance, particularly if a small quantity of granular chromite is 0 -is formed.between the crystals introduced to the charge. A direct b nd of periclase --periclase --,,products. The presence of.twoforms of direct bonding is established. ,'USSR DIYONISIYADI, L. N. "Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Tubes of High-Strength Steels" 4-ya Vses. Konf. po Probl. Ustoychivosti v Stroyit. Mekh., Tezisy Dokl. [rourth All-Union Conference.on Problems of Stability in Structural Me- chanics, Theses of Reports -- Collection of Works] jNloscow, 1972, p 219, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mckhanika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10 V378). Translation- The deformed state is studied and the stability is tested of noncentrally compressed and extended circular cro5s-section Tods. The studies are performed on specimens of electrically welded pipe d = 163 mm with wall thickness 6 = 5 mm of high-strength heat-treated steel i6th articulated boundary conditions with flexibility X = 40-80 and relative eccentricity m = 0.5-1.0. Results of calculation of the specimens tested beyond the elasticity limit are presented. In the first case, the form of the bent axis of the rod was~fixed by a sine wave, in a second version calculation was performed.considering the ~true form of the bent axis. A comparative.analysis of experimental and theoretical data is presented, 1/1 -Usq LINKRARD, J. Kh., PK 191drodynamic Calculation of Maximum and Minimum Heat Fluxes During Boiling in an Open Volume" Teplo. i Massoperenos. T. 2t Ch. I [Heat and.Mass Transfer, Vol 2, Part I Collection of Works], IMinsk, 1972, pp 274-298, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mlekhanika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10 B847, by A. A. Ivashkevich). Translation: Based on the hydrodynamic theory of the boiling crisis, the influence of shape and dimensions of a heater on the first Cq max ) and second Nin ) critical heat flux densities during b9iling of a fluid under natural convection conditions is analytically studied. Expressions are produced for heaters of various shapes for the ratio q, /q minF' s~hpre qlnaxp is the first max.. -rc -n (Zuber, N., critical beat.flux density datermined f )m the Zuber equatio, XU AEC Rept. 1959, No Al. -4439) for a flat:surface of unlimited size ag (p, t P; where g is the acceleration of the force of gravity, hfg is the heat of eva- 1/2 '7 USSR LINKHARD, J. Kh., DKHIR, V., Teplo.i M~ssoperenos. 14. 2, Ch. 1, Minsk, 1972, pp 274-298. poration, p and p are the density ofithe liquid and vapor, a is the sur- f 9 face tension. For large heaters, the values of ratio q /q are: 1.14 max maxF f -or flat plates, 0.904 for horizontal cylinders, 0.84 for spheres, 0.9 for strips on a rib. For small heaters, expressions are produced for q /q max maxF which include the surface dimensions. Comparison of the results produced with experimental data from various-studies show satisfactory results. Ex- pressions are also produced where q min for hoIrizontal:plates and cylinders. .27.Biblio. Refs. USSIIN UDC 519. 281 I)JANI, A. al Theory of Estimating the Center:of a Sywmetrical DistribUtion By Order "Gener Statistics" opyt. Primeneniya Mat.-Statist. Metodyv v Proiz-ve, [Experience in Appplication of Mathematical Statistics Methods to Production--Collection of Works], Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye Press, 1970, pp 12-16, :(Tra jislated from Roferativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5,1971, Abstract No. 5V142 by Ya. Shor). Translation: A method of construction of a linear unbiased estimate of the median of a sM. ietrical distribution with:mini.mal dispersion among linear es- timates is presented for the case of correlated random 6 antities. ju 2- 1 ED ~PiROCESSING OAT .E-090CT70 013* UNCLASSIF -TITLE--ACCURATE DETERMINATION OF,THE~DENSITY OF WEAK SOLUT[UNS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES -U- -AUTHOR-105)-TERESHKEVICH, M.O., GARUS, L.I.1 DLUGACH, R.YE., KUPRIKt A.V., -V UL KOV A 9' S.A. 'C.OUNT RY. OF INFO--USSR -70 .'SCIURCE-ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAD) L970 43(l), 167~ ~_DATE PU8LISHED- -70 ,.SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-FLUID DENSITY 111EASUREMENT, TEMPERATURE :Ca4TKGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-_UNCLASSIFIED _PROXY.PEf-L/FRAME--I993/03U0 STEP NO--UR/0080/70/043/001/0167/0170 ,:ClkC ACCESSION NO--AP0113230 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 2/2 013 UNCLAS, S I F I ED ACCESSION NG--AP0113230 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT- A FLOTATION METHOD IS DESCRIBED -RAPID DETN. D. WITH -CM F OR I AN ACCUKACY-OF 10 NEGATIVE PRIME5 G PRIME3'. THE 1). OF SEVERAL HOLLOW QUARTZ FLOATS.~OF 10-12 MjM LENGTH AND mm oiAm. WAS CAL 18RATED. BY DETN. OF THE TEMP. AT WHICH THEY WOULD JUST4LOAT IN H:SUBZ 0. THE FLOATS"WERE USED TO DET. T14E 0. OF AQ. SOLNSI.~_ OF, K SUB2 CR SUB2 0 SUB7 IN THE.CONCN. RANGE 0.1 MINUS 0.2 G-L. AND:JEMPo RANGE 10-35DEGREES. FACILITY: DNEPROPETROVSK. GOS. UC41 V e: DNEPROPETROVSK, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 027 UNCLAS S I F I ED': 'OROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--A SEMICONDUCTORJIME PULSF:DIFFERENTIAL RELAY WITH RESTRAINT -U- AUTHOR-DMITRENKO, A.M. C-dUNTRY. OF I.NFO__USSR SOURCE7-'NOVO CHERKASSK, IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIY, -0-1LEKTROMEKHANIKA, 140 3, 1970, PP 335-337 .-DATE PUBL-ISHED--70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR. JOPIC TAGS-ELECTRIC RELAYj SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, CIRCUIT DESIGN .CCNTROLlMARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1656 STEP NO--UR/0144/70/000/003/0335/0337 ~_.CI~RC ACCESSION NO--AT0123491 UNCLASSIFIED 027 UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSING DATE--30-OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AT0123491 :~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A SE141CONDUCTOR DIFFERENTIAL RELAY "-WHOSE PRINCIPLE OF ACTIGN CONSISTS IN SEPARATING:INTERVALS FROM THE ~CURRENT.AND COMPARING THEIR DURATION WITH A PRESET TIME IS DE5CRIBED. THE~RELAY CIRCUIT IS DESIGNED 50 THAT THE INTERVAL FORMATIUN LEVEL RISES ,WITH-THE INCREASE OF THE AMPLITUDE OF CIRCULATING CURRENTT WHICH ENSURES :.-AN IMPROVED TUNING OUT 130TH WITH RESPECT10,TRANSIENT AND STEADY -.:,-.IllBALANCE CURRENTS. THE ANALYSIS, IS MADE OF THE bPERATION OF THE RELAY AND.STEADY STATE CONDITIONSt,AS WELL AS A BRIEF ----DESCRIPTION OF T"HE SE141CONDUCTOR ELEMENTS USED IN IT.. UNCLASSIFIED WSR UDC: 5-37-31-2.62 DNITRENKO, I. M. "Hig~i-Frequency Properties of Weakly Coupled -Superconductors" Elektron. tekhnika. Naucbno-tekhn. sb. Kriogen. elektron-ika (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Technical Collection. Cryogenic Electronics), 1970, vyp. 1 (2), pp 13-27 (from Mh-Radioteklmika, 110 2, Feb 71, Abstract No,2D582) Translation: The article contains a brief survey of the res,u!ts of studies of the rf properties of superconductors weakly intercoupled by a tunnel or metallic direct contact. A discussionAs,given of the possible model representations of the nature of the resistive state of various types of superconducting weak- contacts. An investigation is made of experimentally observed spectral sinoularities of the various types of contacts Vrhich p,ermit a united quantitative treatment based on, the form of current-time dependence. A new interpretation is proposed for a number of experimental factors observed on tunnel and -Doint contacts. Resume.~ 83 212 028. UNCL AS'S IF LED: PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ,-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0133058 ~.__ABSTR,ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PECULIARITIES WERE STUDIED OF THE STEADY STATE AND UNSTEADY,.STATE.JOSEPHSON EFFECTS IN THE -.,.SUPERCONDUCTORS NORMAL METAL SUPERCONDUCTOR: ( S-N-S). POINT CONTACTS AG7~SWANO SN-AG-SN*. DEPENDENCES~bF:THE CRIT 4CURRENTS OF CONTACTS, JOTA. SUBC7 ON :THEIR NORMAL RES ISTANCEII,i R SUBN, TE..14P. TAU, THICKNESS OF :THE LAYER OF NORMAL METAL 0, THE: EFFECTS OF, RESISTANCE AND THICKNESS ON THE CRIT. TEMP# OF CONTACTS TAU.SUBC AND THE CONDITIONS OF OBSERVATION OFI, INTRINSIC CURRENT STEPS ON :VOLT., AMPERE'CHARACTER I ST I CS OF TfiE ACITS~,. LOCATED IN A SUPERCONDUCTING: RESONATOR.. i',AN EMPIRICAL FORMULA OBTAINED FOR THE, CRIT. FIELD;, THE',,DEOEINDENCE. OBTAINED CORRESPONDS -WELL TO JHE THEORY OF THE PROXIMITY: EFFECT. IN THE'SYSTEMS S-N-S IN THE -(SHOWN ON MICROFICHE) (IOTA,,IS-THE7--FREE PATH LENGTH AND (SHOWN ON zl_~-HICROFICHE):WHERE UPSILON SUBF-IS THE~F. FACILITY: ERMI VELOCITY) INST. NIZKIKH TEMP.9- KHARkOV :~USSRV: UNCLASSIFIED 4: ? 7 ~Z Acc. Nr AM34403 Ref. Code: UR 0297 PRIMARY SOURCE: Antibiotiki, 19 .15 Nr~2, PP LEVELS OF ASCORBIC ACID IN BLOOD, ND URINE --L\ID RESISTANCE A, MA Of SKIN CAPILLARIES IN PERS04NS OCCUPIED IN STREPTOMYCIN PRODUCTION V. M. Sellivcmova,,V~ P Do' M. Chdnokoua bronr Nlational Institute Jor Vitanirolmogy, 2kloscow Examination of more than 100 persons (mainly women) at the age of 18 to 40 occupied in streptomycin production showed relatively low levels of'ascorb'ic acid in blood lasma and resistance of their skin cappillaries. Additional vitaminiz' t ationof the workers:for 3.7 and 10.5 months with vitamin complexes, containing 70 or 150 mg of vitamin, C, IZ mg of vitamin A, 1,7 mg of vitamin B, 2.2 m r, I g of, vitantin B~, 18 ing of vitamin PP and,2 mg of vitamin Bs did not increase the ascorbic acia levels In blood plasma, while -the. acid excretion with morning -urine, significantly increased. The tonic effect on the cappilaries was observed only with a complex colitilning 150 mg of vitamin C. Addition of. tea catechins -in an aniount of 90 mg a dav 4id..not increasi'l- the effect. Vitamin compkexes containing 70 and 150 mg of vitamin C had no tonic elf6ct on h~e capillaries of workers; occupied in streptornycin production, It:is conicluded.that additional vitami- nizationof workers mcupied in sireptomycin proddotion -with ilie, above vitamin comple-K containing 150 mg of V-4tamin C is necessary. REEL/FRAME __197110GP3 "'*'11 1 d AA 0052392 UR 0402 -Soviet Inventions Illustrated, S.ection II Electrical, Derwent, 240735 DIGITA~ CODE jPACK C74CUIT includes circuit3 I & 2 fbd by 'generato.i- 2-, pulse relay 31 synchronising unit,: 5.':delay circuits 61 pulse control unit 7 for the g(!nerator,;de,coder Br,.filter 9, transmitter 10 and:sIgnal':relays 11 & 12.': The track circuit is fed with.-contacts Iof relays 44nd 6 closed Cennutator 7 is operating vhen. the trackicircuit carries current, and breaks,.zhe supply of relays 4 & 6. The delay circuit p*rmits the re4~uired pulse duration in Maintaiiied. 8.12.67 as 1202177/1844. A.M.4RYLEEV ee alia. MOSCOW INST.,OF RAILWAY ENGINEERS (14.8.~,9) Bul 13/1.4.69. Class 20i.jnt.C1.._s 611, PRORUMS OF SIMULATION AND CREATION OF sysnxs. FoR Ai~c iArticle by C. V. 1'. H-Blan, Part 1, 1971, p, 11.0-14 Z 'nie nrobicrA of aktLomaUmv of vcldia~ pr-~'vt~'t zzc ="."l I- ci,~ Ing cmirlexti.. mid rt I... l."ility f 111J'4 r--juiremritn oil t.1- n-Ifabilit-, "~ .--114-1 111--. ."'j"'t cc'.-- binad with h1j;1i,quall-y and reli2bility o! j-'rti Ar, uw- cri- tcriA for tile yi-iarli to nol-,trig 0-tiv ::~ ".i' 't ... ;y m. vlad'! of th~ tho are "e*"~Lv'); hiv~~ -.zr, Len.-, most viJuspread imong al!. typen uE fi-',.n ~C-Ing pra~3&19. -!vt It in proposed that all of the existinc control. v temi for the arc welding protean be Ellp draced Into five basic groups 1. Sypteru for stabilization of the c-ratln; -,3*dr--Cters tho ueld- p. Ing procanui tile welding current, the are zme welding red, aind 2. Tr.ickivir, contr,21 systc ~- for parat:cteri: con-vu- old geom-try of tile joint, and 30 on; 3. 1' control systv.=6 for the ueldin7~ cmditltns and 6ispl~c- vient!, of l.~i. elding hilad. 4. A,!njt've aystev, ~or rc:tul.~c-'riq the ~cA'IiLkelli '~th .'~t- Chi,- illitial. M, -L- r$. .jcic with ri,spect to Al;:oijatic control aVSt..W, iLh -th reip--, -c LI,C criteria. L1.': x1alva" and e.,,ac. -,za'I'm vt the SMir. a,.! fore.11:n. n.,i.-ejvr.Cation of taielr -Ice in th~ ifczm ef 4 distribution with respect to dir~cees ol' coz~'IexitV ~v-i rcalit'It"cin, ~tiich -.':,~s that the center of gravity of tiva work with -ptict CC AuIOM.Jtj~l of :he arc vr~dln!-. procr-.n belongs to NyUL-18 for clirl~c:laj; 01,' tlcctvo,tt, ilonr. tile joint USSR UDC 62-533.65 DUDKIN, R.I., DMITRENKO, L.P. "Two-Position Temperature Regulator" USSR Author's Certificate No 257171, Filed 10/07/68, Published 2/04/70 :(Translated from.Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtom-atika, Telemekhanilm i Vychis- litel'naya Tekhnika, No 12, 1970, Abstract No 12 A289P by K.M.) Translation: The two-position. temperature regulator suggested contains a ther- mal resistor which controls, connects and disconnects thyratrons (T) connected to the coi.1 of the actuating electromagnet in a resoiiant circuit. The.grid of the connecting T is connected to the plate circuit of the control T through a divider capacitor, while the grid of the disconnectiii- T is connected to a photoresistor, optically couple&to'.the controlling:T. The presence of the div- Ider capacitor eliminates repeated switching of the connecting T. One figure. 22 USSR UDO 621-387-~22 DMITRENRO, L.P., DUDKIN, R.I. "Method-For Gontrol Of Thyratron' USSR Author's Certificate No 261553, filed 30 Mar 66, published 14 May 70 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 1, January 1971, Abstract No IA119P) Translation: An imurovement of the method of control is proposed for a thyratron which is fired by a current pulse of arbitrary form an&duration, during which arcing of the thyratron. is maintained as a~consequance of feeding the anode cir- cuit from two sources, one being a source of a-c and the other of d-c. By hypoth- eeie the source of d-c is quantized with respect to time and the power supply of the anode circuit is accomplished,from the,tvo sources, simultaneously._ Such a circuit assures simpl1fication. and expansion of the limits of control of~the thyTatron. V, M. uDc:. 0116.24-~008.4--07:616.152.21 +610-154-19 YAROCHKIN., V. S., and MaTRENKO L. V. First Therapeutic Department, and Labora- tory of Clinical Physiolio ~Ia~ntr stitute of Tuberculosis, Kinistry of Health USSR I'Study of Arterial Blood Gases After P17sical &ertion as a Mdans of Rraluating Respiratory-Function" Mbscow.~ Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentalln, aya Terapiya, Vol 14, No 6, Nov/Dee 70, pp 68-70. Abstract: Respirator-f function was studied in 30 pulmonary tuberculosi 3 patients and 12 healthy persons. Sadoul Is method was,nsed in interpreting the results of analysis of arterial blood gases, based cn the, interdependence of oxygen satura- y t n tion of arterial blood, partial pressureiaf carbon dioxide, and shape of the oxy- hemoglobin dissociation curve. Yeasurements were taken OL-ile the inii1riduals log ere -were resting and after they had pe-dalled for several minutes on bicycle ergoneter. FiMe types of respiratory insufficiaicy, corresponding to the degree of alveolar ypoventilation and dissemination of tuberculosis w-re distinguished on the basis h 0 Ir f t of the response to exercise. The reactiona iwged from no changoa or only a 1/2 AC N Ref Code: UR 0069 WMG52C PRIMARY SOURCE: Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, 1970, Vol 32, Nr 1, EFFECT OF ASSOCIATJO~j ON THE OaGANIC IONS EXCHANGE L. V. DmWe A. Sh. Oetzedi, 0 V. Samsonov Mao. Summary The sorption of an organic ion-oxytetracycline (OTC) by polysulfostyrene calionites has been studied. The selectivity coefficient of sorption rises, with increasing ionic strength of the solution, and the diffusion coefficient decreases bo'h'with increasing ionic strength and with rising PTC concentration in external, solution. Under certain conditions-for io- n j Re with low swelling ability or vilth large ionic sirength-the sorption isotherms of OTC do not show saturation, but, pass -t4rotigh -a maxisnurn, The! results are discussed in terms of the formation of associates in the ionitephase and in the siolution. :REEL/FRAME 19721374 *Acc. Nr: P0044384- Ref. Code: LrR 0463 PRIMARY SOURCE:. Molek-ulyarnaya Bio logiya, 1970, Vol 4, Nr 1, PP AF-127 I N 'VESTIGATION OF HISTONE STRUCTURE Rar.--., Ye. I.; Birshteyn, T. M.; Bolotina, I. A.; Vorob'vev. V. I.; DnAtrenko, L.V.; Nekrasova, T. N.; Vol'kensht eyni, Institute of CiltaInkti and InFWul _01 Hign-Aloterular 'Weight (10,111 011M)l Academy. oI Scienca, an Uwe 01 Alolec"Far --076-y, 11radcrity ot ~iciences, tTSYR, Moscow The structure of four hislone fractions (/*1'.' 12 (a). [2 (b)- 13) has been sludied by Ow inviliods of optical rotatory ~isperlion. potent lometric titration and viscometry. Vic arm- jysis of (ke data obtaineA made it possible to draw a Conclusion that hislores are not globislar proteins. 1he deprridence of reduced viscosity on the charge of (lie molecule and the 1(milc strenr-11h of the s-slution showed that the dimensions of the hi5looe molt!. cuics dirp-eri4 la a axie-t upon llie forces of.rJectrastatk- interaction. This sugvsts that ft h[stone moiccuies are cnnformatinuily flexible and probably exhiNt the confor. matinn of a statistical coil wi(h the Incorporation of hellcal regions. REELIFRA14E 000 -AP0044384 ~he polentiometric Wration curves have-been obtained for all the hi3tone fractions ed for calculating the number of ionizable groups. for dettrmining 'their and have been us PK' and the change in the mean overall charge of the molecules with the pH alteration of (fie medium. Tile effect of pH and the ionic strength of tile solution vi the a-helix -content or varic113 lliStOnC fractions was studied. Tile data obtairted.were compared and a conclusion was drawn about tile non-uniform distribution of We charged groups in tile -histone molecules. On one hand-histones contain at neutral pH roil shaped sequences -enriched with basic amino kid residues with high density of the positive charge and on tile other hand. regions capable to form helical, sluctures, and containing both acid and basic amino acid re.%idues. A model 13 proposed dWtibing the,struciure of h6tonc:l. The important differences between hislone fractions were shown to c;13t mainly due to the distribution of the charge-a along the chain. 157711001 -INN ''112 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 11TLE-- I NTRA MOLECULAR SALT BUNDS LN SYNTHETIC POLYAMPHGLYTE; A COPOLYMER OF 2.METHYL 5 VIN'YLPYRIDfNE AND:METHACRYLIC ACID~-U- A.[., DMfT9ENK0V.L*V.# PTITSY.Ns O.B., SOGOMONYANTS9 ZH.S. .:-COUNTRY. OF INFO--USSR --tOURCE--.40LEKULYARNAYA BIOLOGIYA, 197.0, VOL 4o NR 21 PP 175-183 -.,:.I),ATrl PUBLISHED - ----- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY -7-"TOPIC TAGS--COPOLYMER, PYRIDINEi METHACRULIC 4CID, POTENTIOMETRIC ._,.:''_T(TRAT[0N, SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS, INTRA44OLECULAR MECHANICS, CHEMICAL BONDINGt PROTE(N MARR~&ING--,119:0- RESTRICTION'S CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/1716 STEP NO--UR/0463/'10/00,rt/002/0175/0183 :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100313 NO 212 020 UNCL ASS IF I ED' PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100313 ~~-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INVESTIGATION WAS CARRIES OUT OF ELECTROCHEMICAL ANn CONFORMATIONAL PROPERTIES OF A WATER SOLUBLE COPOLYMER OF 2 METHYL 5 VINYUPYRIDINE AND MIFTHACRYLIC ACID (50:50) BY POTENTIOMETRIC TITRATION, SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC TITRATION (FROM. ULTRAVIOLET AND INFRARED SPECTRAI AND BY VISCO?4ETRY_. IT WAS,.SHOWN THAT IN THE PH RANGE.FROM SIMILAR 2 TO SIMILAR TO 7 AN INTRAMOLECULAR SALT BOND WAS FORMED OF THE TYPE NH PRIME PLUS COO.WITHOUT COUNTER IONS FROM THE :---SOLUTION. ABOUT 30PERCENT OF GROUPS OF-EACH TYPE~WAS 114VOLVED IN THE -SALT BONDS. THE OCCURRENCE OF'INTRAMOLECULAR.FORCES~ OF ELEGTROSTATIC 'ATTRACTION LEADS TO A MORE COMPACT CONFORMATION-OF THE MACROMOLECULE AS -.COMPARED WITH~THAT OF THE GAUSSIAN COILS.. THE PROPERTIES AND BEHAVIOUR -OF THE AMPHOLYTE-PERMITS__TO CONSIDEk IT AS.AN APPROX1MATE0 PROTEIN ~_-MODEL. 77'-- ---------- o'd LASSIFIED~': :PROCESSING~DATE--27NOV70 112 034 UNC 'T.I:TLE--ENERGETIC ASPECTS OF THE DIRECT CONVERSION OF CHEMICAL ENERGY TO CONFERENCE ELECTRICAL TAGS-ELECTRIC ENGINEFRING~ CONFERENCE, CHEMICAL ENERGY CONVERSIONt E--300611664 STEP NO--US/0000/70/0001000/0000/0000 PROXY.REEL/FRAM -.CJRC ACCESSION NO--AT0135272 UNCLASSIFIED -2/2 -034 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C-IR.C ACCESSION NO--AT0135272 GP-0- ABSTRA%~, t rT. THE MAIN ENERGETIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEW US ING AS AN EXAMPLE FUEL CELLS ARE ANALYZ~ED. ,ENERGETIC -~,JNTERPRETATION OF ENERGY GENERATION IN :FUEL, CELLS:~ 15 GIVEN, ACCOROING :_~,-TO_--TH&. ACCEPTED ENERGETIC 4SPECT~ THE CHEMICAL REACTION BETWEEN OXIDANT D'. FU EL IS.CONSIDERED AS ELECTRONIC PROC:ESS.~ , AS, A RESULT OF THE -CHEMICAL:REACTLON ELECTRON TRANSFER IN MOLECULAR STRUCTURES FROM HIGH -ENERGY STORAGE'LEVELS TO LE.VELS WITH LESS,ENERGY~STORAGE IS OBSERVED. TY: I N*r ERM ED [AT E JH E. TASK ISJO~ASSUREPROCESS UNIFORMI, DURI.NG SUCH .~,-_,REAGTJONS. (FW EXAMPLE, PRELIMENARY~ ION4ZATION? HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS 'al:-AND ETC). -'- WHICH COULD LEAD TO MINIPlUf4'_:ENERGY LOS S ES WHEIN COMMUTATING FUEL CELL DESIGN' BEFOR A ~!-;-ELECTRONS IN THE E THEIR RE ECTIOIN INTO AN ELEC-TR. I C. C IRCU f T. UNCLASS I F [ED ..DM17wk_E1Vk0 UR 0482 AA,004345r Soviet Inventions-Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, .7 242996 PULSE SUPPLY LOAD C2176 FROM SEVERAL CHEMICAL FEED-SOURCES i4here to e6sure continuous supply and 1~ in;5;ease average poi;ier and total discharge time, the chemical.sources I are charged g ntervals between dis-* by pulse current durin the i charging pulses. The chosen charge current,intensity is from 10 milliampa/cm2 to.20 amp/cm2 A duration t micro- -aecan-d~to 10 seconds,,pulse frequency. l'KHZ to 0,01 HZ. 30.11.67 as 1201476/24-7 - 1. 1, PYATNITS)ay: & V1. "DMTTRE (19.9.69) Bul 16/5.5.69. Class-21b,21c. Int-CL.H Olm, H O2J. 19"iG1804 USSR UDC: 531. 383 + 6Z -7 52. 4 DIMITRIEV, G. N "On Three-Stage Gyroscope With Flexible Rotor Suspension" Ty. Kazan. aviats. in-ta (Transactions of Kazan Aviation Institute) 1971, vyp 138, pp 58-64 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -Rake tos troyeniye, No 7, ~1972, Abstract No 7. 41. 16 6) Translation: The motion of a gyroscope with flexible suspension, mounted on a mobile base, is investigated. Recommendations are given on the selection of parameters for a gyroscope having a low systematic drift. It is shown that constant disturbing moments acting on the axis of rotor suspension, centrifugal inertia momentums, displacements of ring and rotor centers of mass in the equatorial plane, as well as the acceleration component of the translation of the base along the axis of the driving shaft, do not cause a systematic drift of the gyroscope (12 illus- trations, 3 references, resume) 165 -Or anometallic Compounds: 9 USSR UDC: 542-91+547-244+547-84 MIKHAYIDV, B. M., VASILIYEV, L. S., and ID141 A=ZYiZ,,,_~nstitute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy, AcadeDeof Sciences USSR 02-Alkyl-Oxaborinanes" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 1, Jan 70, ~pp 198-199 Abstract: New type heterocyclic B compounds, 2-alkyl-oxaborinanes (I) were prepared by hydrolyzing Br(CH2)4B(01,11e)k~(II) with aqueous KOH,or NaHC03- 'Hydrolyzing II with KOH in MeOH gavederivatives of delta-(methoV)buty1boric acid. I reacted with MeONa in MeOH to give M0O(C2q2)4B(Wie)Fju (III). Ia re- acted vigorously wit4jCl to Xield 96~ of Cl(CH2)4B(C1)Bu(IV`). The elemental analysis data, bp, d1-11, aL ni- data were given for ID.IIb,III, and IV. Nr. Abstracting.Service: :Ref. Code: CHEMICAL ABST- 11 1545n 2-Alkyl-I 2-oxaborinirn'i -Mikhailov, B. M.; Vasil'~y, L. S.; Dinitrikov, 17 zelill- P. (1~st. Grg. j~film. 1111. s k -og o, A I -o's i' -r 'jVauk SS'SR" Ser 9him Low, 2F' .-1"d. 1070,(I),198-9(Russ). Ilydrolksis6fRII(O.Nle)(CHI)Brtvith aq. KOJI or NaHCO3 gave 2-alkyl-1,2~oxaborinanes with R Bu (1). hia 50.5-51', Wl 0.8523, n2j.0 1.4338, and,R = Cellu, bt.,. 61.5-3.5-, 0.8488, 1.4396. However,: react ion with KOH. in MeOll led to replacement of Br and formation of. MeO(CH.-)iB- BuO.Mc, br, 89% 0.8473,~ 1-4244. Reaction of I with PCIa gave CI(CH-)4BBuCl, bj 64-4.5*, 0.9876, 1-4501, and POC4 G. At. Ko-.olapoff REEL/FRAME 19841G16 USSR UDC 537.312.62 KOLIN'KO L. YE., NARBUT, T. P., BONDARDMO, L. A., BONDAPX-.NKO S. I., WAITRIYENKO, I. M. "Methods of Creating Weak Superconducting Cofttacts", Tr. Fiz.-tekhn. in-t nizk. tcmneratur AN USSR (Works of the Physico-Technical Lw Temperature Institute of the Mrainian SSR Academy of Sciences) , 1.970, vyp. 9, pp 91-110 (from RM-Radiotekltnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 0469) Translation: A study wans made of the basic methods of obtaining weak super- conducting contacts: 1) micropuncture of the dielectric layer or normal metal between the superconductors; 2) pressing a sharp needle to the flat qurf'ace of the superconductor; 3) electric microrupture (fritting) of the ~dielectric layer between the metals. The possibility of using whishers of Various metals as thin conducting couplings is also investigated. The basic characteristics of the contacts obtained bv,the enumerated methods are analyzed, and conclusions are dratm regarding the prospectiveness of their application in devices using the phenomenon of. quantum interference in super- conductors. 11tere are 6 illustrations, 1. table and a 37-entry bibliography. 3 ;Tn ENP.), Al., :U: uR o482 1-96 .Soviet Inventions Illustrated,.Section I Chemical, Derwent- SLAG 4NTENT ANALYSWusirig,spectrose'Opy 239470 wherii a single dfop of. molten slag is taken from the process and,pla6ed in a ~specia Ily - biiilt micro-furnace which keeps. the slag. in molten; state. The bottom graphite plate of:the4urnace togdher with the stag drop,form one electrode;-the second electrode being~made of copper. Zpark or arc discharge across.the electrodes em.ts a Spectrum from the slag-drop, which' then. is ana ysed'and slag icompoeition dete'rmined. 1his method ofislag analysis is recon-ended.especially.for slag welding process. 29.1.68 as 1213751/25-27.. N.N.DMITRIENYO et slia. INST.~ ~(25.7.69) *ul l1/ E.O.PATONIS ElECTRO-WELDIM . , ~18.3.69. Class 21h. Int.C1. B.23k*.! A0 19741102 USSR UDC 621.762.2;660.22 C-HIZHIY, S. P. SFrIAYID ERG A. 11. KAGAN, F. X. , IM91 E. I., S.mas T, 1-k. YE "ZO, V. YEI. ard. LAY1211, D. 1. "Kdthod of Producing Silver Granules" USSR Authors' Certi-ficate ','o 267079, Cl. IM, 1104; 31 Q, 9/00, (B 22f), filed 27 Apr 67, pubLished 16 Jul 70 (fron M-MetallurE-iya, Lo 31 Mar 71, Abstract ri 03&4,OL~p by S. yxivonsova) r .1ranslation: An in-lloy contali)InG up to 50~, A-, the rest Al, is rolle' into strip and treated in anlhali. In order to produce gp-anules with up to 0.5,:!, Al contcnt, the initial alloy is rolled into strip up, to 0.5-5 mm in thAck- L ness, wid. treatment is heated. to 5w-,560,, held 'or 1.5 hr in an, inert atmosphcre uirtUl a :iolid solutiond Ag in Al.forms, and i,-. harldened. 1/1 - 4 - Cardiovascular Diseases USSR UDC 616.127-005.8:613-13+312-21-02: 613.13 GOROKEOVSKrY, B. I., A. A., LOKSBINA, P. L., and RENIZOV, G. A., -Aid Institute imeni . - X. V First N V ifosovokly, Moscow.University imeni M. V. lmnnosov, Interdepartmental Meteorological Laboratory, and First Aid Station, Moscov "L2fluence of Environ ntal Factors on Morbidity and Mortality Rates for N~ocardial Infarct" Moscow, Sovetskaya Meditsina, No 4, 1971, pp 105-109 Abstract: Analysis of over 5,000 cases of myocardialiinfarct and acute sUff4 coronary in -ciency in Moscow revealed a definite correlation between the morbidity and mortality rates of-these diseases and various meteorological and geophysical factors. Sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in winter resulted in a rise in the mortality rate the same day to 194% of the seasonal mean. A lowering of the mean diurnal temperature in nummer by 50 or more increased mortality on the 2d day to 150% of the seasonal man. Magnetic storms Vith a sudden onset increased mortality from acute,coronary insufficiency and myocardial rupture to 165% three days later regardlesa of the time of year. Abrupt changes in temperature, solar activity, and so forth are believed to 1/2 USSR COROKHOVSKIY, B. I., et al., Sovetskaya Meditsina, No 4, 1971, pp 105-109 Impair the neuroregulatory apparatus and/or alter vascular tone, resulting in regional (coronary, cerebral) circulatoryidisorders.; ('1be authors' analysis was based on the phase matching method whereby the day the phenomenon under study occurs is taken as zero, the-preceding days -2P etc.,and the sub- sequent days as +1, +2, etc.). 2/2 40 .bSSR UDC 669.71.472 DERKAC11, A. S.,_M11TRIYEV, A. A.~ XOROBOV, 11. A., KOMERS, YE. G., KULAKOV, A. I., TSYPIAKOV, A. 30[_ IlImproving the Design of Aluminum Electrolyzers" Tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-ta alyumin., magn. i elektrodn. prom-sti (Works of the All-Union Scientific Researclizand Planning and Design Institute of Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode.1ndustry), 1970 No 71, pp 29-36 (from M-Metallurgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G165) Translation: A description of improvements of electrolyzers of various types is presented. In the last 10-15 years, electralyzers with a side current lead- in have been modified significantly. Work has been started on crparing power- ful models for a current strength 0'f 130 kiloaTWs. Since the first series of electrolyzers with top lead-in were put into operation, significant changes have been introduced into their structural'design. These changes have pro- moted improvement of the technical and economic indexes. Operations have developed with respect to selecting the optimal parameters of powerful elec- trolyzers with roasted anodes. Electrolyzers of the given type for a current strength Of 130 kiloamps are being tested successfully. Por further improvement TSSR DERKACII, A. S., et al., Tr. Vses. n.-i. proyektn. in-ta alyumin., magn. i elek- trodn. prom-sti, 1970, No 71, pp~29-36 of the design of electrolyzers of all three types, new ideas are needed based on theoretical research and the search for ne w,wre efficient structural de- signs of the basic assemblies and baths, and creation of effective means of mechanization. 2/2 86- Acc. Nr Abstracting Service:&-?0 Ref. Code; AIVIO3019- INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABST. rA7~0-25397 Estimation of the structure of the solar corona from a rocket experiment on February 15, 19 61 (otsenka struktury f. solnechnoi korany po raketnornu eksperimentu 15 11,1961 g.l. A. A. Dmitriev, R. G~ Ln ftcLia, ~ j~. E. WWrov, and S. M. Poloskov Ilu a V (Moskovskii Go d rst ennyi Universiter, hlosco%~v, USSR). Akademiia Nauk SSSR,. D~ki;d;, vo 11970, pi. 803, 1. 190. Fe6. 1, 804. In Russian. nination of the Deterr -brightness distribution in the outer solar corona from information obtained by rockets equipped with scanning devices during a solar eclipse. The problem of determining the true brightness from an integral equation giving the relation between the experimentally observed brightness and the true brightness is considered.~ It is found that, starting from a measure. ment error of. 9.5%, the - reconitruCted function, does not have any five roots, thus reliably indicating that the erioi in the initial f lega data is no less than 9.5%. . A.B.K tq,, tAq ~Acc. Nr.: 1041203 Ref. Code:qj&~Zoo's TITLE-- ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LENIN AND STATE PRIZESI U.S.S.R. NEWSPAPER-- IZVESTIYA, MAY 29p 1970p P 4t COLS 1-4 ABSTRACT--- NINETY ONE BASI C AND APPLIED R ESEARCH WORKS HAVE BEEN NOMINATED FOR THE STATE PRIZES, TWO OF THESEf OTHE MULTI-R_uREQz.E INDUSTRIAL HET TY-n- VA ~By &__I_.__KAMCLV', B. ALP EROVICH, V-.-X_7ARS_HEVS -KIY., A.. A., DMIfRIY OFFE ~M.__A_. KUPFER9 L,_A,_ROTAS_tfNIK EV I! ~ A7RI M VEDENEYEV ., N. N. PRIOROV, A_._PG~! S7A Qv B. BREN AND V A. NA2AROV AND *THE DEVEL PMENT OF TURBOFAN jET ENGINEA NK-8 AND NK-S.-s. -9 ND THE! DEV.ELO.PMENT AND REDUCTION TO SERIAL PRODUCTION A SYSTEMIF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES WHICH ASSURED "WIDE USES FOR TITANIUM ALLOYS* BY No. D. KUZNETSOV M. T. VASILISHTL4y V..Ao KURGA Avy R.-M.--MARM, A.-A.-AVEHIN - GA SHTTO I. MUSHENKOI Z -A._,5HKo.D0 AND L=0UNKi2t HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED BY THE MINISTRY OF fHE AVIATION INDUSTRY. Reel/Frame ampF m_ m. ..... . . ........... ...... Acc. Nr.: A10104123 "A SERIES OF INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE DYNAMICS OF A BODY WITH FLUID- FILLED CAVITIES". /65-69/, BY N. N. MOISEYEV A. A. PETROV. K,,.,.j,_RyfjYANTSEV AND F. L. CHERNOUSXO 4ND,..whTRA HIGH bISION JIG BORING MILLS WITH I OOOY~.600 AND 119400 X 21240 MAMLIL~TENVS".l BY A I KIR YANOV V AIIAMOVICH. I V. GUTKIN S A. 1~~j~AUQV AND A, S. YEGUDKIN HAVE BEEN SUB.AITTED BY. THE COMPU- TATION CENTEA OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND THE MINISTRY OF THE- MACHINE TOOL CONSTRUCTION AND TOOL. INDUSTRY, RESPECTIVELY. ETHE RADICALLY IMPROVED MELTING TECHNOLOGY OF CRITICAL-PURPOSE HIGH- ALLOY STEELS AND ALLOYS OF'IMPROVED~QUALITY ACHIEVED BY THE INERT GAS TREATMENT OUTSIDE THE FURNACE* BY YU,-K. GERASIE40V 0. M. CHEKHOMOV N V. SIDOROV S K FILATOV, B. A. CHEWfR0kk. ' ___t EV' K. P. B-AKAMOV Kj~, ~NW~HHI~NOV, 1. P. BARMOTIN,:. N, N., VLASOV P. 1. MELIKHOV 'AND, No A. TULIN HA~ RE__ENS68M_IftF_6 BY THE_jLATQ6sT METALLUWG-ICAL PLANT Reel/Frame j< 7- 1987055G ,.,-TO.PIC TA.GS--IR RADIATION9 SPECTRAL ABSORPTIVITY, FU NCTIONt ATMOSPHERE, WATER, ATMOSPHERJC WATER VAPOR ~.tIONTROL- JMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '~_DOCUMENTCLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,.:.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1991/0749 STEP NO--UR/0362/70/0061001/0102/0'LO3 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110473 UNCLASSIFIED mw~ :~_:_2/2 037 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 ;~CTRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110473 '.",ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERDEPENDFNCE OF THE TRANSMITTANCE TAU OF THE EARTHS ATM. ON THE MASS~OF THE ABSORBING -SUBSTANCE.CHI IN THE PATH OF THE LIGHT. BEAM MAY BE EXPRESSED BY THE SERIES OF THE EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS IN FORM (EQUATION ~SHOWN'ON MICROFICH). THE METHOD OF CALCN. OF.THE~~COEFFS. C SUBKM AND ,-',.,-ALPHA*SUBK ARE GIVEN. THE METHOD IS EXEM PLIFIED*ON THE SPECTRAL ::,...--ABSORPTION OF THE IR RADIATION BY H SUB2 0 IN THE 6.3-MU BAND. THE MEAN ..._~SQUARE DEVIATION IS 0.009 AND 0.007 FOR O~SMALLER THAN X SMALLER THAN I -AND-0-SMALLER THAN X SMALLER THAN 25, RESP.' FACILITY: MOSK. ~_GOS.: UN I V. MOSCOW, USSR. . ................ .................... 7.1 -~777777-77~7 FISSR DMITRUEV, A. F. "The Effect of Physical Pressures on Intellectual Work Capacity of Plant- Technical College Students" Moscow, Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury, No 6, Jun 71, PP 59-62 Abstract: The facility used was in the city of Penza. where students are working in production for one semester while also taking physical education courses; students take college courses for one semester., away from the plant, while continuing to take physical education and engaging in sports; and even- ing class students do not take physical education or engage in sports (the control group). The task was to determine the effect of Dhysical demands on intellectual capacity before and after the first and second semesters, at the physical education course (basketball), and avay from any sports activities. The effect was measured by giving the students a five minute test on addition and subtraction before and after hardphyaical effort. Results showed that physical exertions have a positive effect on intellectual activity and e reco- academic success. Th mmendation is for some physical program and/or education to supplement day and evening academic programs, and industrial USM UDC 621.3032.2 NASLEDOV, D. N., TSARE, B. V. DINI I TR 1-YLE',V NKOV2 "Inverse Branch of the I-U-Cliaracteristic and BreakdoT-m of the p-n-Structures in the Presence of Incomplete Ionization of the Impurity Centers (in the Example of GaAs p-n-Structures Alloyed with Si)" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 6, No 2, 1972, pp 345-352 Abstract: Results are presented from a study of,the inverse branch of the I- U-characteristic and electric breakdown of GaAs p-n-structures, tile n-resion of which is alloyed with fine donors (tellurium -and silicon) , and the p-region contains deep acceptor centers caused by introduction 'of Si atoms. The meas- urements were performed in the tempera Lure range of 77-350* K. From analyzing the dependence of the photocurrent multiplication f actor on the voltage and the dependence of the current on the voltage it was estahlished that for all teni- per tures in the 77-350' K range the mechanism of electric breakdown of the p-n-junction is impact ionization. The I-U-characteristic of the p-n-structure at Voltages of U > U 13 (UB is the breakdown voltage of the p-n-junction) has a different form for differ- ent.temperature intervals: for temperatures near roam temperature when a significant part of the acceptor centers of silicon in the p-region are ionized, 1/2 USSR DMITRIYEV, A. G. , et al., Fizilca i Teklinika Poluprovodiiikov, Vol 6, No 2, 1972, pp 345-352 the I-U-characteristic is linear (I = U-U IR where R is the residual resis- B s s tance of the p-n-structure) and at temperat ures close to7tfie temperature of liquid nitrogen when a significant part of the acceptor centers of the SiDSon are,not ionized, the I-U-characteristic is exponential (I exp X(U - U13 )l where X is the parameter of the p-n-structure). -voltage after breakdown of The exponential dependence of the current on the p-n-junction was caused by an increase in the hole concentration in the p- region as a result of ionization of the acceptor ccrit~rs of. the silicon with an increase in intensity of the electric fieid in the:p~region of the p-n-strue- ture (theniiofield ionizatiort of the impurity atoms the Frenkel effect). 2/2 UDC 621-382.2 DNITRIY3V, A. G. and TSARENKOV, B. V. "Electroluminescence Kinetics in Light Diodes" Leningrad Fizika i tekhnika Roluprovodnikov,,vol.. 5, No. 8, 1971, PP 1494-1502 Abstract: In the development of the new branch of semiconductor electronics known as optical electronics, one~of the chief Drob- lems is increasing the reaction speed of the p-n junction devices, known as liFzht diodes, which emit visible light. The purpose of the research described in this article is to consider The-effect of the barrier capacitance of the p-n.junction and the switching modes of the current through the diode on the.latter's electro- luminescence kinetics. Also considerod is the' relationship be- tween the radiation intensity, the flux of injected electrons, and the time. It is assumed that the electron li-E'etime in the D re- gion, caused by both radiation and radiationloss recombinations, is independent of their concentration Experiments perl"ormed with GaAs diodes in which -Che p region was alloyedwith silicon veri- fied expressions obtained for the relative i-norease and drop in 1/2 USSR DMITRIYEV, A. G., and TSARENKOV, B. V., Fizika i tekhnika poluprovodnikov, Vol 5, No 8, 1971, pp 1494-1502 radiation intensity. The authors express their D. N. Nasledov for his interest, to G. V. Tsarenkov for his comments, and to 0. V. Konstantinov and V. I. Perel'. They are associated with the A. F. Ioffe ~Physico-Technical Institute of Leningiad., 2/2 us SIP, UDC1 6~19:614.9_6?:637.547.1 Leningrad Veterinary Institute DMI "Th* Effect of Chlorophos on the Quality of Poultry Products" e 'Moscow, Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 70, PP 104-106 Abstract: Chlorophos solutions are used for control o'ectoparasites in poultry. Since the compound is dangerous to man and, even though.applied externally, pene- trates the skin of chickens, a study was performed to d6termine the presence of chlorophos residues in poultry products. The tests were performed on chickens raised commercially and under laboratory condItions. In each treatment. 40-50 ml of a commercial 0.5% aqueous solution of chlorophos was applied per chicken. Control animals were sprayed with an equal amount of water. Chlorophos residues were found in the feathers for up to 180 days after treatment; however, the first washing of the feathers with an alkaline detergent destroyed all of the residue. Blood choline-esterase was inhibited by up to 33~ for 24 hours after the treat- ment; after 7 days, its activity returned:to normal. Eggs laid during the 1st day,after treatment contain--Ad a permissible amount of ehlorophos residue and were fitfor human consumption. On the basis of chlorophos residues found in the meat, it was considorod safe to slaughter the chickens, 7 days after treatment when the animals wore raisod under commercial conditions, and 30 days after treatment when 1/2 2/2 USSR UDC: S39.1.074 DMITRIYEV, A. K., KON'KOV, N. G., KRYLOV, S. Yu. "Adiabatic Differential Calorimeter for Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Powerful Beams of Accelerated Electrons" Dozimetriya i Radiats. Protsessy v Dozimetr. Sistemakh [Dosimetry and Radiation Processes in Dosimetric Systems.~-- Collection of Works], Tashkent, Fan Press, 1972, pp 59-62 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metrologiya i lzmeritalInaya Tekhnika, No 3, 1973, Abstract No 3.32.1388), from the resume. Translation: The design of a calorimeter intended for measurement of local ..absorbed doses in tissue-equivalent media produced by a beam of accelerated electrons at 1-10 MeV energy is described. The method of. measurement of the absorbed dose is -reduced to comparison of.temperatuie changes in the absorber under the influence of the radiation to temperature changes caused in a control calorimeter by Joule heat. The:calorimeter is suggested for use in calibration of film dosimeters in the 10-100 krad/s dose range. The calculated error in measurement of.absorbed doses is 1%. I figure, 3 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 517.925.3 YECUPOV, 11. D., DMITRIYEV, A. N., Moscow Higher Technical Academy imeni Bauman 'IAn Approximation Method of Integrating Differential Equations With Polynomial Coefficients" Minsk, Differentsial'nyye Uravneniya, Vol 9, No 4, Apr 73, pp 609-613 Abstract: An approximation method-is proposed for solving ordinary linear differential equations of the: form IV Y satisfying the f olliYwing conditions: a) X (0) - X_ I' V), I: b) 11tijuill 1i M are continuous functions c) y(t) is the original of an integral Laplace transform; d) t is a.real variable, The solution x0i_1-110. found in the:form of an expansion in an orthogonal series. The proposed method is analytical but, at the same time, is readily programmable for digital computers. A numerical example is given. JIIHS 57115 27 September 19% 97 c UNDENATER COKIMUNI CAT IONS AND TOWED EQUIPrENT I tp"- trannIation.- from the Russ iin- lang"age p~rioilic"l m Irik, o 29 , 1972, I)oS,%kr Publishing House, Moscow. -n rL c, N ri,4rwd to pro:;n it) Jnuary 1972, pp 26-40~ 40-7. CONTENTS PAGr- Vnder-rat~r -11-7-7, i'=--ni-ti.n ...... .......................... AtL4.h-,~d a:,d TO-d-14 APPar4tUS (A. N. ',~mltriyev) ................... .......................... 13 77 0 USSR uDc: 621.372 DMITRIYEV, A. N., YEGUPOV, N. D. "Problems of Analyzing Linear Systems Which Have Random Parameters" Tr. nauchn.-tekhn. konferentsiy. Kaluz:h. obl. sovet nauch:.-tekhn. o-v (Works of,Scientific and Technical Conferences. Kaluga Regional Council of Scien- tific and Technical So ieties),, Kaluga, 1970, pp 105-107 (from RZh-Radio- c tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract.No 6A103) Translation: The authors investigate.the statistical properties of ele- ments of the generalized spectral characteristic of a closed linear system with random parameters. Bibliography of one title.i H. S. ~_._2040` UNCLASSI-FIEG:;~.,- ~PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 ~.TITLE- THE DESIGN OF THE CONTROL.SYSTEM SPACECRAFT.~STABILISATION WITH HUMAN OPERATOR -U- ."-AUTHOR-(0517SOLOI)OVNIKOV, V.V., DMITRIEV, A.N., SEMENOV, V.V., ARUrUINOV, ~S. K LOBUSOVi E-S. ,'-,LUUNTRY OF.IhF0-USSRr FRANCE ,'-Sfj%JRCE--INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC C0NTk0Lr:SYMPOSIUA ON CONTROL, 3RD, TOULOUSE, F RANCE:, MAR, 2~6v 1970" PAPER, 18 .DATE PUbLISHED---MAR70 T'SUBJECT.AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, SPACE TECHNOLOGY TAGS--MAN, MAN MACHINE SYSTEM, MANUAL9 SPACECRAFT RENDEZVOUS, ORBIT CORRECT lCiNt SPACECRAFT LANDING 4TROL-MARKTING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT. CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ..PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0006 STEP NO-FR/0000)*10/000/00316018/0018 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0117306 UNCLASSIFIED W 2/ 2, 040: UNCL AS S I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESS.10N NO-ATOIL7306, _~_ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT.' CONSIDERATION OF THE ACTIVE ROLE -OF MAN IN SOLVING NUMEROUS SPACE PROBLEM5.SUCH~AS RENDEZVOUSt XIDCOURSE CORKECTIONv LANDINGt ETC. ALL THCSE',OPERATIONS INC CLUDE MANUAL SPACECkAFT.STABILIZATION. BECAUSE-OF THEIR GREAT IMPORTANCE, ~XNA,LYTICAL DESIGN IS NECESSARY.': ATTENTION IS GIVEWTO THE DYNAMIC AND INFORMATION RESEARCH OF HUMAN OPERATOR FE7ATURES.~,: THE' MAJOR REASON FOR MANUAL TRACKING,IS THE NECESSITY FoRzCONSTANCY OF INFokMATION TKANSMI.SSIUN RATE. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN RANDOM DELAY TIME AND INPUT PROVIA)ED,-.AN- OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAINASTOCHASTIC DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE -OPERATOR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 612.821.6 DIIITF-TYEV_,_ A. S. and VOYTYUKOVA, Z. V., Chair of Human and Animal Mysiology, ft-slIfElix State-Iniversity, Ufa "Formation of Subjective Time Estimation in Mant' Mx)scow, Zhurnal Vysshey Nerv-noy Deyatellnosti imeni I. P. Pavlov, Vol 23, Vyp 4, Jul/Aug 73, PP 704-710 ~Abstract: Subjective time estination was studied in 20 8-to-9-year-old children, 21 11-to-13 year-oldn and 21 15-to-16 year-olds) using the verbal estimation of 45-, 60- and 100-necond intervals and operative estimation (measuring) of a 60-second intei-val. Half of each -roupwas trained to correctly estimate a 60-second interval using light nignals, and then given a series of false information as to the correctness of their estimate. Counting was used as an aid. After similar training,' the second half was given false information as to the correctness of their counting terpo. Accuracy of estimation was found to increase with age. Except for some of the youngi;_-tj the chil.dren spontaneously usod countJng as an aid. Training, while quickly effective for tho older subjocts, did riot increaso, the accuracy of most of the younger ones. However this training was quickly Undone by false information, excopt for the 8-to-9-year-olds. The rato of counting i/2 USSR DIMIRIYEV, A. S. and VOYTMOVAI Z. V. Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy Deyatellnosti imeni I. P. Pavlov, Vol 23, VY-P 4 Jul/Aug 73, pp 764-710 was lowered by the false information in both groups, and almost always lead .to a subsequent underestimation of the intervals. :These results are said to confirm that subjective time estimationlis a generalized reflection of time in a second signal systen, usually, but not always, a mental count, Y based on a conditioned reflex to time,. 78 -USSR uir- 636.61p- A. S., Corresponding Member of the Belorussian ESSR Acaderry of "d)M, ~V b 5 t I MT, S,ie K, T. F. "Char he Effect of Hypergravity on the T.Ilotor Activity acteris-tic Features o f t: U U of the Arniion of a Chicken Emb--To Developed Under Ordinany Conditions and Conditions of Constant Rotation" Miusk, lbl-,lady Akademii na-uk BSSR, 1972, vol 16, iio io, -n -969 -p 962 Abstract- Speciall stulies were L,~-de o f th,2 charact ristic -CU.-atures Of tlae te reactivity and adaptation to rot lJor L at- of developing chick e,ifurims in the first half of the incubation period when, as is kriowr [Z. Y.,: K.U0, J. EX-0. Zool., No _321, their ot r actvity -arises from -neriodic contrac 61, 395, 19 n Go tions of -the amr0-on 0~ on -- e fourth to the 13th day of incub lion). Tne iwle,xcs of Ir th t, at -eactivi4- to rotation of the chbi:?(o-. andtIleir adaptation to the acceleratior ZY effects mased. by rotation vere the variations in inte-gral characteristic of the am-plitude and frecuency of the contractions of the.anniatic sac an,~ their tire Dara-yrete~~s in er-frryos not subJec-I'led to constant rotation and subjected to -rota' on from t4e first day ol ha:tion. Illne Jln:U.~. prcsen'eLl indicate tliat inc,,f thc:naturc of the vari;~itions in reactivity of t1w cutiniori to rotatlo,-, rtrictly depenas on the incubation period. "the motor activit3~ Of 5-7-OaY-old. em'br-yoi; is inlhibited mider the r 8-12-da,-- t of rotation, and it is intensif"bed fo 5h USSR. 'i naul NO 10 -065 DMITRDT;V, A. S., Doklady Akaderd JZSIR, 1972-, Vol 16.7 pp 962 old embryos. Durin.- rotation adaptation this nature of vaiiation in reactivity of the wmiion to the rotation does notchange. However, the expression of the shifts in periodic contractions of the amni tic sac cauqed by rotation depends directly on the incubation period and the training tim- T-n the 5 to 7 day old embryos adapted to rotation, the accelerations causacIless.expressed shifts in the motor activity of the anmon than in the unadapted ones of the same age. A still greater increase in resistance to the effects was observed in the embryos in the later periods of developrient (8-11 days) and subjected for a longer period of tire to the rotational adaptation. Depending on the staL;.e of development, the latent period and the duration of the investigated iflotor reaction of the embryos not adapted to rotation gradually increased from h7 (fifth day) to 57 seconds (Ilth day) and from 64 to 75 seconds (fifth to 11-th days) re-snectively. t day o tr tin( B bryos developed in the f irc f incubation in a constwitly 3,C) .1 cent-rifuae exhibited a lateryt i*jeriod of tho motor reaction of the armiotic the acceleration effect which was greater than-In ei,,ibryos not adapted to rotation. The latent periods gradually increased (from 57 to 69 seconds), and the reaction time became shorter (from 62 to 39 seconds). Thus, the embrya has the capacity for adaptive reactions to hypergravitation from the earliest period. 2/2 Combustion USSR UDC 541 124-1f IAXACHEV, V. S. o Z= P. F.j,'Institute for Physical _P.I, and POKHILI Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow "Combustion Mechanism for Ammonium Perchlorate" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 205, No 2, 1972, PP 400-403 Ab8tracti The mechanism is examined for the.generation of the ionization zone during.the combustion of ammonium perchlorate (APC):arri equations derived quantitatively relating the kinetics with events occurring in the condensed phase-and gas -phase during the decomposition. The monomolecular reaction rate follows the equation un1 no OXP-(14;,/kT)dx where u is the rate of combustiOnj n and n are the number of APC molecules 0 and the number of defects per cm3, Eis the activation energyj and 2 is the 1/2 USSR LOGACHEV, V. S. , et a1.# Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSRI Vol 205, No Zo 1972, pp 400-403 preexponential factor. Combiningthis equation with a similar one for bimole- cular reactions, and expressing-E (and the~~corresponding E ) and n An terms .1 2 1 of, the physical constants of the system and*experimental conditions, an equation is obtained which expresses u entirely in terms of physical and thermodynamic variables.,.From this equation it can be seen that the governing factors are the physical and chemical-processes occurring in the condensed phase of the crystal. USSR uDc 66z.22-2 U)GP.CHEV, V. S., DHITRIYEV, A. S., and POKMO P. F. (Moscow) *On the Mechanism of kamonium Perchlorate Combustion" Novosibirskt' Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol 8, No 2, Jun 72, PP 236-247 Abstracts The article attempts to elucidate the mechanism for the appearance of an ionization zone in the combustion of ammonium-perchlorate, as well as to establish quantitative relations between kinetic*regularities taking place in the condensed and gaseous phase during.the~decomposition (combustion) of inorganic oxidizers. For this purpose measurementsovere taken of the elec- tric conductivity of the condensed phase during the combustion of ammonium perchlorate. Experiments were staged ina nitrogea'atmosphere in the pres- sure range of 200 mm Hg - 100 atme . The charges were made of two sallare- shaped tablets, between which were tungsten-rhenium,;wire probes, The potan- tial difference fed to the probes varied-from 0 to 50 v according to the con- ditions of the experiment. At the-same time.the flame temperature was meas- ured Ir y'a thermocouple at the site of the probes,. with the probes themselves being used as thermocouples at the , same time in, individual experiments 9 while the combustion rate could be judged from pressure variations in the bomb, USSR U)GACREV, V. S., et al., Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol 8,.11o 2, Jun 72, pp _236-247 The follouing three important results were noted in the experimentst 1. The activation energy ofammonium perchlorate.decomposition grows as the temperature in the heating-up zone:(Kichelson. layer) of the ammonium perchlorate growss 2. A T)otential difference appears-in the reaction zone. 3. The gas directly next to the burning surface of ammoniun, perchlo- rate is in the plasma state. The following combustion mechanism is possible: le In the heating-up zone of the condensed phase,.negative and positive bn defects are formed, resulting in a space charge;,with high conductivity in the reaction layer of ammonium perchlorate. 2/3 USSR IWACHEV, V. S., et. &I., Fizika. Goreniya iVzryva, Vol 8, No 2. Jun 72, pp 236-247 2*_ Since exchange reactions are hindered in the surface layer? ion association takes place with the formation of ion pairs, since this is more advantageous from the energy standpoints- 3. As the associates reach the surface# thelammonium perchlorate crys- tals dissociate, forming radicals of the Clo IIH4 or HC14p HH3,type and on here o?/r Ization zones in the gaseous*ph~se (of,the chemical plasma, w I The combustion rate of ammonium perchlorate is determined by the physieochemical. processes taking place-in.the condensed phase of the crystal. 3/3 USSR UDCi 612.833.9+612.838.81 _DMITRI S., Chair of Human and, Animal Physiolosy, Bashkir University imeni 40 Years of October Ufa T'Physioloqical Mechanisms Controlling the Adaptation of Man to 4.3 Time Intervals" Moscow, Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy Deyatellnosti, No 2, 1970, pp 293- .-302 Abstract: Human awareness of and reactions to i-n1lervals are based on the physiological mechanisms invol d in. the L I Ve Eonration of conditioned reflexes. This review of the literature and some of the author's experiments -shows'.that man -is characterized by two differe'nt levels of adaptation to:tim'e -the,lirst signaling system (perception of external stimuli thro''ugh the.sense:orcrans) and the second signaling system (speech nd~#ought),~ Both man a and aninials acquirellreElexes to moments:of time and,to 24-hour environmental ::influences, and thesereflexes are important'factors in establish- ing circadian rhythms of physiological functions.: The formation of conditioned reflexes to:~very_short and.shoTrt intervals.of time is based on different and more-compl,e,x:physio,lo,,-,icaI mechanisms, 1/2 87