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USSR DRITS, M. YE., et al. , Struktura i svoystva legk. splavov, Moscow, Nauk-a Press, 1971, pp 118-122 that the indicated alloys ca:,-t be used not only at room temperature but also on beating to 100". The specific weight of the alloys (1.57-1.6 g/cm3)is lower than the specific weight of the pure If-. Tliree illustrations, 4 tables,and a 10-entry bibliography. 2/2 22 USSR UDC 669-71:669-416:539.4:539-52 KOWYEV, 1. 11. DRITS, M. YE., KAMNER, H. S., TOROPOVA, L. S., "Variation of the Strength and Plastic Prope ies of 1~luminum Foil and Sheet Aluminum as a Function of Composition" rip- V sb. Struk-tura i svoystva leEk-._ splavov (Structure and Properties of Ligiit Alloys -- collection of works) , Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 28-32 (f ron P,:/-h- ID--tallurgiya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41625) Translation: A study was made of the dependence of the mcchanical properties of Al rolled material A99 2-0.02 mm thick. It was established that the speci- fic properties of t4e foil (a sharp drop in plasticity and an increase in strength) begin to appear w4-th a thickness of the rolled material of 0.1 =. A study was made of the dependence of the mechanical properties of the 2 mm sheet and 0.02 mm foil on composition for binary alloys of the Al-Cu, AI-Zn, Al-Mg, Al-Mi,and Al-Ti systems . The properties were determined both in the peened and annealed states. The nature of the dependence of the mechanical properties on the comDo- sition is analogous foribil and sheet, but the alloying effect is e/Iiibited appreciably more strongly in the foil. The observed deviations from this rela- tion are connected with the harmful effect of oxidation of the interfaces (in- ternal and external) and the presence of microdefecrs causc--d by inclusions of solid and brittlc: phases. Stress relief of the foil has a cross section. 3 llustrations and a 6-untry biblio~lraphy. USSR uDc 62o.186.5:669.71 DRIW M. je. KADENER, E. S., and TOROPOVA, L. S., Institute of MetallurCy Bp'Lykov "Recrystallization of a Foil of Aluminum and Its Alloys" Moscow, Metallovedeniye, No 5, 1971, pp 49-51 Abstract: A study was made oil the effect of Cu, Zn, Ag, Mg, Ce, Nd, mixed metal, Mn, Cr, Ti, and Zr on the recrystallization temperature of a 20-xe - thick aluminum foil, and, for purposes of comparison, of the rocrystallization of binary aluminum alloys on 2-mm-thick sheets. Results show the effect of ystallization temppratures at the bet.-,inninf; and end of alloying elements on rec-r the recrystallization. .4dditions of Zr, Mn, Ti, and Cr most effectively impede the development of recrystallization processes in the foil. Fecrystallization processes proceed in the foil much more intensively than in the naterial of the same composition but of Lnassive cross-section. T"wo figures, one table7 nineteen bibliogTaphic references. 1/1 Magnesium USSR uDC 669.721.oi8 DRITS', M. Ye. "Superlight Magnesium-aase Alloys" Yletallovedeniye Splavov Legkikh hetallov-Sbornik, ~Ioscow "Nauka~', 1970, pp 171-176, resume Translation: Superlight alloys based on the Yg-Li system are of sWeialists of various technological fields where a reduction of veight is required. Magnesium alloys, alloyed with lithium, have veight (1.3-1.6 g/cm.3) which is lower than the specific weight of (1-74 g/cO). Data on properties of Mg-Li alloys developed in the presented. In addition,uamplea are given of the application of in aerospace, rocket, ani aviation industries of the USIA. One fir sixteen bibliographic references. interest for construction a specific magnesium USSR are alloys cure, two tables, 1/1 USSR UDC: 539.385. RRIIS-N-Y-E., KADANER, E. S., KOP'YEV, 1. M., TOROPOVA, L. S. and DEMIDOV, YU. S., Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences USSR "Factors Affecting -the Fatigue Characteristics of Aluminum Foil of Various Compositions" Moscow-, Sb. "Ustalost' metallov i splavov". "Nauka" Press, 1971, pp 112-116 Translation: Aluminum foil finds applications in the production of miniature computer membranes operated under cyclic loading conditions. There are almost no data in reference sources on the fatigue strengths of aluminum foil. This study deals with the effect of alloying components on the limited service life of aluminum foil. Ordinary fatigue curves have been plotted for pure A99 aluminuin and Al alloy with 4% Zn. The effect of the foil's microgeometry on fatigue properties was studied on foil frora Al alloy with 4% Zn. It is shown that the faLigue ,Lh of foil from aluminum alloys depends oil: 1) foil, composit,ion,, governing the presence or absence of i][Itel-flal defects; 2) alloy strengthand 3) Lhe state of internal and externnI. interfac(,-s. 01 illkl:-itxations. 'I bi~.)Iio. ref.; PHASE WAGRAi'-15 OF 161E;TL.LLIC SYSTEMS [Articlo by Doctor of Tec~inical 5 C ionces I Y S. Guzey , Moscow, Ve~tnlk- Akadpm I lla.~-, s-ISK, R*140,4 ob-'r 1971, ;::, I -Vol 411, I.C The creltion, cf ile,.-, and the im.-provc1ment of exist_ ina III'vils of crlcilic~,:-~nq nc~zc~;-.;jry to develop intro- du~ it Ill C", -l I :' L1-- -11 17 :3 Wi t) 10 C' . Cr' I t e 0! 6tvll technical The rvl~.Itlcn ~,~c -.4-1 1-1 holped by the Of phb!.V diallri1r,"I V!~)Ich rvFrosent summary and qenerali~*jt~ :~r% of res~.1.3t~ n- ~11 ".-h a-yf;t-~In of alioy:* C. - a nc,,entific ban.]n -'or th,! un (if metallic c a n CIO It,. spitu of Lhu t~~ct th.t our cciintry L, 1,3 A 1" tk.-- C~, of our :19l'try 0, :-- 011 Ild C! MULAt attent jon.js ttrw to th,-- G; dhli1y:~.15 IMi r--all-'Ulatiori in the aroa.,~, . % cf of oomponent., oth,i, ti,., l~trt-wt~tiri. o: dintwoms ;,nd the lotc:;t. "I(A.hozin ef inc) ti,:, AIA vevo it the fifth cl:infororirc oil the Hirmz "Genc-ral ties in L110 -tructure. of plot;k- diagia;w, of metallic sysLem':~," huld on 7-10 June ir. ~,- Cow. 1,11(i Cori fcrvric (- was or.cpril-.-ed by the Section of the Cheml--,- try Of D*WtAF, Of the S'CkUntifiC COUnC:"I for Inorqanic Chcmist--Y, tfiv Inst4tutc, of Motallurcly imeni A. t~. Baykov of the AS US5K. -Ind tho chuml:.Lry V,iculty of Moscow Univors*ity; participatinq in it 14CLL 250 of 59 t~cientific ren"orch and e"hwa- ~-!Llo-; o~ thf~, Sovl(~[. Union; it) j7 rcpavt:~ wLra litard, hicluding 17 tourvoy reparrm. 179 4 t - I I't USSR UDC 669.715'5'721+669.715'5'296]:534-8 DRITS-ilf-le- ROIOLI-N, L. L. , BO(_-VAR, N. R. , GU.R'YEV, 1. 1. , and DZYUBEMZU,'Tf- I., All-Union Institute of Light Alloys "Sound Conduction of A1+20% Zn Alloy With Additions of 'Magnesium and Zirconium as a Function of Conditions of Heat and Pressure Treatment" Tekhnol. legk-ikh svlavc,v. Nauch.-tekhn. byul. VILSa (Technolog,." of Light Alloys. Scientific and. Technical Bulletin of All-Union Institute of Light Alloys), 1971, No 4, pp 9-13 (from RZh-111-letallurgiya, No 1, Jan 72, Ahstract No 11727 by I. Yeroshenkova) Translation: The authcrs studied the influence of homogenization, as well as pressing temperature, annealing, and aging on the ultrasound attenuation coefficient in alloys of Al 20% Zn and 0.1-0.3% Zr or 0.1-0.2% 1111g. Optimum conditions of heat and pressure treatment to assure lowest values of the ultrasound attenuation coefficient in the alloys were determined: for A1-Zn-Mg alloy homogenization of ingots at 500', pressure treatment at 400*, annealing at 350' with subsequent cooling, resulting in no signifi- cant decomposition of the solid solution of Al, and natural aging; for Al-Zn-Zr alloy homogenization of ingots at 500' and pressure treatment at 450-500% Four illustrations. Bibliography with four titles. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.71a-.,8) DRITS,j1 Ye K.WUNER E. S TOROPOVA, L. S., KOPIYF;V, f. M., DEMIDOV, Yu. S., -LEYKIN, A. I., YEGOPOV, N. 1. [Institute of Metallurgy i-meni A. A. Baykov] "Aluminum-Based Alloy for Foil" USSR Author's Certificate No. 276419, Filed 13/11/68, Published 16/10/70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. S, 1971, Abstract No. 15) 1748P). Translation: The alloy has the following composition (%): Cu 0.5-2.0, at least one of the REM 0.1-0.5 and Zr 0.05-0.15, impurities < 0.01, remainder Al. The introduction of Cu and the rare and refractory metals increases its Physical anti mechanical propei-ties. '1'hl-~ illIDY Shows ub 30 kg/n)in2, withstands 30-10(l cycles without rupture, and can bi~ rolled into a foil 10-20p thick. USSR UDC 669.715. DRITS, tLje.' K-OANER, E. S., TOROPOVA, L. S., KOPIYEV, I.M., DEMIDOV, Yu.S., tMqN_j'A. I., YEGOROV, N. 1. "Aluminum- Based Alloy for Foil" USSR Author's Certificate No. 276420, Filed 13/11/68, Published 16/10/70. 7 C (Translated from Referativriyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1911, Abstra t No. 5, 750P). Translation: This alloy has the following composition Ag 0.75-2, REM 0. 1- 0.5, Zr O.OS-0.15, < 0.01, Al remainder, has high cb (26 k-/mm2) and high durability and stability of properties with cyclical loading, has good tech- nological properties for rolling to a thickness of 10-20v; the foil has good surface qualities. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.721.5.018.61 DRITS, M. Ye. ,mil. _ - .--- - --A "Super-Light Magnesium-Based Alloys" Metalloved. Splavov Legkikh IMet. [Metal Science of Light Metal Allovs -- Collec- tion of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp. 171-176. (Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 1687 by the authors). Translation: Data are presented on the properties of Mg-Li alloys developed in the USSR. Examples are presented of the use of such alloys in the space, missile and aircraft industries of the USA. I fig; 2 tables, 16 biblio refs. 1/1 USSR UDC 539.5 DRITS, M.-Ye., ROKHLIN, L. L., SHEREDIN, V. V., SHULNIGA, Yu. N., Moscow "Influence of Certain Factors on Dissipation of Energy During Elastic Oscilla- tions in Magnesium Alloys" Problemy Prochnosti, No 10, 1971, pp 62-66. Abstract: This work presents the result of a study of the damping ability of one class of structural materials broadly used in technology -- magnesium alloys. The interest in the damping ability of magnesium alloys results from the fact that magnesium and certain of its alloys are characteri-Nd 1)), high attenuation of elastic oscillations. The damping ability of alloys was de- termined using a tor.~iojial pendulum with solid circular specimens with a gauge section diameter of 6 min and a length of 50 mm with oscillations with an initial amplitude of 3.3-10-4 at the surface of the specimen. The damping ability was characterized by the logarithmic oscillation decrement. The studies resulted in production of a new alloy with good damping qualities and increased strength. 1/1 1: s Ci S Z,--",, C, Li'L! C, cl L al OnLa az-~- UOISR uDn-: 6,,2 4.072 .21) - 0-1 '5 -04 -D. IING A. FEDI).7rIV), Y'E. I. (11-10scoj) "Concernir,~, the Caicui!-tio" of R~~ds of a Nonlinl~arl,y Elact.-ic Ii~:~Lli~lal 11ilk-A. Large Daflections" Moscow, Stroitel'naya Mzaldianiha i RaschuA Sooruzheniy, NO 1) 1972~ PP Abstract: The authors obtain a visible a-a-lytic soLatioz-, c,-,' -ombl.evl in a strict geoi~--trical).y norainear forim-lation for a i-od jnadv~ of a elastic =terial and the Obtained results with tl~-, r~-sa'Lu,:3 of a tion Of thl-, CEIL.-, Dro"blo.-I in P- ge;Lxnatrically lin-zasr deals with an cccentricall,,- conmreased rod of a nonlinearly ela~-:t'c with an ie-eul doliblia-T croGs aection. A closed oolution cf nrc;b-Iam i,- obtaimud in a strict j,cloi-,.:~Arically nonlinear lomvulf-~tim- Four -fi;;u'.,(- E-~~x referencet;. 1/1 USSR JDC 621.585.8-, 2 DRIVING, N.YA. "Forming Residual Medium In Oolor Gathode-Ray Tubes With Experimental Vacuun- Pumping Aseemblyn Tr. Mosk. in-ta elektron. mashinostr. (Worl~n W T~a Mor;cow Inntituts-, Cf MXChine Construction Issue 20, pp 45-54 (from Kh!Els-lPtronil,~j i 2rimeneni'Le, No 8, August 1972, Abstract to 8A184) I Translation: During prodi)ction of masked kinescopes for color teiexrif3ion it -.0 very important to asBure protection of the vacuum space frcm oil vv~ors tire produced by oil_diffu~3ion exhauzte of the system, because tkt-,ee vupor~,; harzt- fully affect the lifetime of the cathode and the luminophors of thc- ncreen. Cr-:,- sequently, a transition to non-oil methods of exhaust (turbomolecular, ion, or m9grnetic s1rutter--ion pumps) is impoi-tent. PreliLinqry tei,-tu were c;" pes wi-L~j the G.4d. rf 1, . thO Mcuation of color television kinerico I airittor--icin pumn. A praliminary diucharge vine attained by the W'Ji(jl ifamp. Graphs are precented of the dependence of' the chan,Te of' j.-repwiro on Put 011' tile OXhaust un lp-nezdol. As a result, at the tcr:a4nal sta,-e of Wtor 5 hourn) it was p;ssible to assure a higher vacuum (aholllc 10 - :11:r, cf, f.erc_ ury). The new method is recormnended for laborutory conditionr of ovacuaticn. For 1/2 78 USSR DRIVING, N.YA. Tr. Moeck. in-ta alektron-=ashincstr. , 1972, Iusue 20, pp 45-1-4 I factory conditiono it is necessar-j to assure a reduction of the time fox, Atain- ment of the necessary preEisure and start-up of tho NORD pump ~-~ 20 min). The spectrum of' residual gasen remained the otandard for Type NORD DUMPs. It is necessary to wake the final conclusion concerning the advisability of non-oil evacuation by Type NORD pumps on the basis of statistical date. A.A. 2/2 112 023 jpIrL ASS IF I EP ll,~ C E S1 Nl(~ L,ATl'----)7,'l0'-J70 C--FL;JX FOR WELO DEPOSIrmG qAk-9 ALLOYS ,!Tl-i HIGH I F N' T ITLI IF, -U_ AUTHOR-(05)-L IPTUGA I I V. ALAKSEYEV, I L. , C FIEREPNEV 0, A OR I VY104 N.A.i TYUTYUNZHI, A.S. COUNTRY OF ENFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 265,690 'REFERENCE--0TKRYTlYAt IZOBRET. 7 PROM. OBRAITSY, TOVARNYE ZINAKI 1970, .DATE PUBLISHEO-09MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., INO. , CIVIL AND MARINE EN!,R TOPIC TAGS--WELDING FLUXi 4ELDING TECHINOLOGYt HARD ALLOY, i'lETAL OEPOSITION CGUTROL MAr_lKV4G--N0 IRESTkICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--IJNCLASS[F:IED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1066 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/000/OOOCJ/0000 CIRC ACCESSION "110--AA0130101 UNCLASSIFIE0 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PRnCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AA0130101 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A FLUX WITH A LOWER M.P. THAT IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF THE BEADED METAL HAS THE FOLLOWING COMPIN.: IN A SILICATE 180229 H SUB3 BO SUB3 58-67, SILICOCALClUi"'. 15-20PERCENT. FACILITY: OKTYABRISKAYA. REVOLYUTSIYAt PLANT OF AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTIONt ODESSA. HiNCLASSIFIED JeRZ, so: PvIL ,0. T~~, UDC, 616-00b-09-2. 16 TRANSPOMIATION OF A NORAAL DIFFERE.NTIXrED CELL OF THE AWLT ORGANISM 1ND01=D BY FUSION OF THIS CELL WITH ANOTHER NOILMAL CELL OF THE SAME ORGANISM 3t7,- W17H DIFFM-NT ORGANIC OR TISSU'LAR SPECIFICITY 1, - Q L -i I jArticlo by L.B. Mekler 11114e. Osechinskiv .-r- Institute ~f Exper=-[-AT!~U f Yj U!).~K Ara emy o -Adical Sciences, Moscow; Moser. Veltnik Akaderalf, MLditsfrv%k1kh Nauk SSSR, Russian, No 4, April 1971, pp 75-~O I Die control position of' the. theor-y of oncogenesis exrounded by one ot the presont authors (L.B. M~klcr, 11)68, 1964. 1970) states that a ncrmal tell becomes malignarit, i.e. acquires thp ability of anomalous grvvth and repro- ductlon, Invasion) metastasem, and progression only whent by virtue of scmw causes or other (L.B. Mekler. 1968, V169, 1970) on Its SUrfACe nppeir arKAn- sp~cific or tiqnue-opecific antigenn Inherent to cells of other tis%uea organs of tile salto organism. According to this tht-.ory, Such x change In antigenic topography of a nornal crll aurface is sufficient, oil the coe har,d, to remove tilts cell from the control of adjacent similar norraol on tho u0otr hanzil to r,~ndtr It -1,1141t. at effLctlng specific ctotazt% v'tr. adjacent or dt"toor tl114 of anc~Oier ti8sue or organ. This must reo-~lt 4P louq by tile altered cell of sensitivity to contact inhibitLun and accuisttiom of the capacity to invade and metastasize precisely the tioiura or crga~s vho,,e specific artti.gmq this cell acquired. Ibis approach to interpretation of the causes of tranoforTmtlon of nonnal cell Into a malignant one is basically different from tile con~rnrLoael vIvws of the cause of this phenomenon which consider appeararice on the surfra" O"f tile Lrallsforned colls of antigens foreign to the organ-int Induced t:y agents such as viruses or chatoical carcinogens (L.A. Zil'bar; Koprowsk- et &I.) to be the bstals of malignant trnnoformation of the cell (referring fimt t2f all to malifnant transformlation induced by viruses or carcinoRentc chemical substarco, 9 Although the literature describer, a n%mmier of factors indirectly, con- fir=ing tile above theory, there is no questiort but that direct evidence to needed to test its validity. - 117 - Instruments and Measurements USSR UDO 621,7ZE22 z 0521 OCurrent C-anerator For Cbservaticn Cf Voltampere Characteristics L-je (Se--iconductcr Davices C,.n,-4 Their V 9b. Polunrovodn. nribnrv i Applic2tion-Colliaction CZ ;orks), !~isua 24, :cecow, "Sov.radic,` 1-970, PP 236-246 (from. Kh--Elell-tron-ika i nrimeneniyn, No 4, ~-.pril 1071, ''ustract No 43600) Translction: Conditions are formulated for o5cilloscoping the voltlampere characteristics oll S-type dotibIc-poles with negative raSiatunce- i practical circuit ia dezcribed for a cathode-ray curve tracer w-ith a L)Jlse d,)rution ad- justable in the range of 0.1-2 microvec. Me, output Lluaj:e, accon~r:lished a tranE!istor and electron tuba2, asimras a differentizil outjut. resistance 0.5 Moin, with a load current in the hundreds of' =1 rel'. > USSR SHLANTSYASK-AS, A. A., [)_RIZHYS. M.-R. M., ZHUKAUSKAS, A. A. "Pulsations of Temperature in the Area of a Wall with Turbulent Flow Around a Plate by Viscous Fluids" Tr. AN Lit SSR [Works oF Academy of Sciences] Lithuanian SSR, 1971, B., No 2, (65), pp 143-152 by R. Sh Baynberg). (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mekhanika, No 1, 1, 1972, Abstract No IB827 by P. Sh. Baynberg). Translation: Mlicrothermocouples are used to study the pulsations of tempera- ture in a turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate, around which water and transformer oil flow, with constant heat flux at the wall. The mean statis- tical characteristics of temperature pulsations are used to produce informa- tion on the behavior of the pulsation temperature field as a function of P 6 and the distance to the iqall. It is established that where P>1 and 1~-,--2-10 the vi~rous sublayer relates to tile area of unstable flow with prevailing influence of viscous flow. Near tile wall, a plane is detected with normal distribution of pulsation amplitude, relative to which perturbations are directed differently: ir, the viscous sublayer -- toward the wall, beyond this plane -- away from the wall. 1/1 USSR UDC 8.74 DANELYAN, T. YA., MEDVEDEV, V. D., DROBIN, S. V. "Possible Direction of the Construction of an All-Purpose Algorithm for Non- syntactic Analysis of Language Programs" V sb. Teori a Xazykov i metody postroyeniya sistem programmir. (Language Theory and Methods of Constructing Programming Systems--collection of works), Kiev- Alushta, 1972, pp 369-380 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dee 72, Abstract No 12V466) No abstract 1/1 USSR UDC: 546-781'261'73:669.018.25-973:620.178.16 SHBYREV, P. D. and Dhp;l~.NI_Hj I.,-N _, Moscou Institute of Chemical IMachinery 480 "Procedure of Studying the Wear of Tungsten Carbide-Coba2t Alloys in a Liquid Nitrogen Medium" Moscow, Zavodskaya laboratoriya, Vol 38, No 2, 1972, pp 239-241 Abstract: 'rhe study concerns the relationships between friction wear and the physicomechanical properties of WC-Co hard alloys as well as between the wear and working conditions of friction pairs in a liquid nitrogen medium. The amount of wear during testing was determined by the loss jr. 3 weight of the specimens. The per-unit loads ranged from 22.3 to 65 kg/cm The wear was also tested as a function of tungsten carbide grain size to determine the effect of hardness on wear. Involved were VK4, wc6x, VK8, VK10, VK11 and VK20 all(ris with 4 to 2% (by vol.) Co as well as VKGOM, vy.6m, VK6 and vK6v alloys with 4% Co. Of all these alloys, VK60A exhibited minimum wear, The tests for wear resistance and friction included, among others, P_ plunger-buskiii-Ig pair of the same alloy. The experimental results revealed the effect of diametral clearance (between the plunger and the bushing) and surface finish on the wear values of the friction -oair. The 1/2 USSR SHNYBEV, P. D., et al, Zavodsk5ya laboratoriy Vol 38, No 2, 1972, pp 239-241 data indicate regularities of changes in wear und potential applicatiom; of the tested alloys in cryogenic technology. 0 jUustrutions, 1 bibliographic reference) 2/2 - 41 - USSR UDC 621.173.162.4 SOTYREV, P. D. , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent, RR1,40MOV, V. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and GINZBURG, M. A., Engineer "Friction Forces and the Coefficient of Friction During the Attrition oil Hard Alloys in a 11-ledium of Liquid Nitrogen" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, 1-fashinostroyeniye, No 7, 1972, pp 28-31 Abstract: The results are presented of an experimental investigation of the friction forces and the coefficient of friction during the sliding friction of 0 pairs of specimens of hard alloys VK601-1 and VK6 in a medium of liquid nitrogen. It was established that within the limits of change of the rate of friction from 0.2 to 0.4 m/sec, the coefficient of friction i-acreases as the rate of friction increases, and with an increase of the load from 35 to 135 kg/cm2 the coefficient of friction decreases. 4 figures. 1 table. 6 references. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.275'25'784'018.25 SIINYREV, P. N. TUMANOV, V. I., GINZBURG, M. A., and SUNYREV, G. D. "Investigation of Wear of Cermet flard-Netal Alloys in Liquid Nitrogen Medium" Issledovanive !znosa metallokeramicheskikli tverdvkh solavov v srede zhidkoF.0 azota (cf. English above), Institute of Metallurgy, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, 1971, 8 pp, ill, bibliography with five titles, No 3214-71 Dep (from R7h-Metallur~iya, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No H820 Dep by authors) Translation of Abstract:: The work investigates the influence of Co content and grain size of tungsten carbide on the wear of WC-Co alloys during test- ing in liquid N2 medium. The investigation reveals that wear increases with an increase in Co content; the magnitude of wear rises with an increase in WC-phase grain size; volume wear of WC-Co alloys of varying composition and with varying grain size of tungsten carbide is inversely proportional to Rockwell hardness. Three illustrations. One table. Bibliography of five titles. 1/1 J13 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 TITLE--MECHANISM OF THE DIENE SYNTHESIS WITH 5tALKOXYOXAZOLES -U- 'ii AuTHOR-(05)-DROBINSKAYA, N.A., IONOVAP L*V,t KARPEISKIY, M.YA., PADYUKOVA? N;SH., TURCHINt K.F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. GETEROTSIKL. SOEDIN. 1970, (I)t 37-42 DATE PUBL ISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, bIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCCS TOPIC TAGS--MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, CONDENSATION REACTION, ORGANIC AZOLE CDMPOUND, CHEMICAL SY.NTIIESIS, ISUMERIZATION, PYRIDI-NE, CHEAICAL AEACT13N NECHANISMP ACETYLENEt ELECTRON DENSITY ~~ f- L f.I -~ E S 1:~' I '."T 1 U'., S 0L:Lij-'Q-,T Cl.4SS--UNCL,4SS[f IED PROXY Vf FL/FkA-~1-1986/136ii STEP 2/3 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAFE--02(ICT70 CLRC ACCESS 110-.N NO--AP0103222- ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE HETERODIENE COr0ENSATION OF 51 ALKOXYOXAZOL.ES TAKES PLAC;'-: IN TWO STAGES: REACTION OF C.XAZJLES WIT14 OTENOPHILES GIVING UNISIABLE -ADDUCTS, AND ISOMER I ZAT 19.-N r0F T~AESE AODUCTS TO SUBSTITUTED 3,HYDROXYPYRIDINES. THUS, ET BETA, ACETYLAZRYLATE (1) REACTS WITH 4pMETHYL,5pETH0XYOXAZOLE (11) TO GIVE 2,METhYL,3,HYDROXY,4,ACET'YL,5vCARBETHOXYPYRIDINE (111) THROUGH THE UNSTABLE ADDUCT.FIIA. THIS MECHANISM IS SUPPORTED BY P1 ELECTRON DENSITY CALCNS. FOR I AND Ilt ACTUAL ISOLATION O~ III AS THEIR MAIN REACTION PRODUCT# ITS CtiEll..CONVERSION, AND-FINALLY BY PMA AND IR STUDIES. REACTIONS BET~.IEEN 11 AND BETA,ACETYLACRYLIrl ACID (GIVING 2,METHYL,3,HYDROXY,5, ACE,rYLPYRIDINE) (IV), AND BETWEEN I AND CYCLOPENTEN,3,0NE (FORMING 5,METHYL,4,HY-DROXYt 6,AZAHYDRI40EN,3,3NE) (V) ALSO VERIFIED THIS TYPF 01: MECHANISM. THUS, TO A SOLN. OF 17.9 G I 1N 20 ML A8~. ET SUB2 O'WAS~ ADOED 8';87 G~11,*l ML ACOHt AND.-'200 1'*4G H-y"bRo~w IN`ON E, -AND THE SOLN. KE-PT I WEEK Ar ROOM'TEMP. IN THE DARK TO GIVE 8 151_20EGREE~ (HEPTANE). A SOLN. OF 2.5 G II AND 3.1,2 G BErA,ACETYLACRYLIC ACID IN 40 ML ABS. ET SU32 n dAS KEPT 5 DAYS UNDE-1 A CA'~_L SUP2 TUBE TO GIVE 0.64 G IVv M. 253-40EGREES IDECOMPly.) ('1E01-0. TO A- SUSPE%-SIOA CF 1.14 6 LIALH SU34 IN 50 ML THI-: WAS A.)!-jFD 0iiDP,.-,lISE WITH U7~[jLIN-.5 2.1 G III IN 50 ill. rHFo AND THE MIXT. REFLUXED' 6 ~i~ AND LFFT C)VFR,\,[(,HT AT RCOM TEMP. TO GIVE 1.74 G - 2,"!ETHYL,3,HYGROXY,4,(ALPHA,HYDROXYETHYL), 5,IiYDROXYI-IETtfyLPYPIDINE,.,.I. 1'12-30EGkEES CETO.H-ET SU32 O)..~. '11/3 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0103222 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--A MOXT. OF 0.8 G CYCLOPENTENt3rONEt 0.63 G 119 AND 0.1 G PYROGALLOL WAS HEATED 2 HR AT 110DEGREES, COOLED, TPEATED WITH I ML 25PERCENT DRY HCL IN ET(.)H, CAREFULLY SHAKEN WITH 70 ML ABS. ET SUB2 9, AND LEFT OVERNIGHT IN A REFRIGERATOR TO GIVE 0.22 G V, M. LARGER THAN 170DEGREES (ETOH-ET SUB2 0) . 112 013 W:CLA~_S I F I ED PQ0CESSI45 DATE--020CT7C) TITLE--VYNAPICS UF ANIUN EXCHANGE IN ALCJHOLIC AQUEOUS MCD(A -U- AUTH_!R-(03)-T0Lf-lACHEVA, Yk).A., DAVYDOV, A.T., DROBNITSKAY.4, \4.V. COUNTRY O'F INFO~-USSR SCURCE--ZH. FIZ. KHV4. 1970, 44(l) 194-7 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SUbJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--IUN EXCHANGE RESIN, ETHANOL, AQUEOUS SOLUTION, CHLO:JINATED 0Pt;ANJC COMPOUND, NITRA'rE, THIC)CYANATE/(U)AB17 ION F-XCHA14GF RESIN CG~ITROL !'~A;:KING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUI~ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RkEL/FRAME--1989/0474 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/044/001/0lq4/0197 CIRC ACCFSSION NO--AP0107080 UNCLASSIFIED 212 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107080 A3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-Cl- ABSTRACT. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE 13A FXCHANGE CO,NSTS. OF THE SYSTEMS RCL-NO SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVE AND RCL-NCS PPIME NFGATIVE ON THE COMPN. OF H SU82 O-ETOH MIXTS. WAS DETD. BY USING THE AB-17 ION EXCHANGE RESIN. INCREASED ETOH CONTENT LEADS TO A BROADENING OF THE SORP-TION FRONT, ASCRIBED TO A REDN. OF THE ION DfFFUSIJV RATE IN THE RESIN GRAIN. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 669.71.472 MIELIKOVICH, D. I., VEDERNIKOV, G. F., DROBNIS, V. F., KLETSKO, N. L., OGURTSOV, G. M., SHIRtAN, G. A. "Selection and Testing of Carbon Mass for Fastening of Nipples in Roasted Anodes" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proyektn. In-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn. Prom-sti [Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning.Institute of the Aluminum, Magne- sium and Electrode Industry], 1970, No. 71, pp. 111-117. (Translated from Refer- ativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiva, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G156 by the authors). Translation: Results are presented from laboratory and industrial testing of roasted anodes with nipples fastened in their carbon masses. The mass was packed into anodes with one square or cylindrical nipple receiver. The thickness of the layer of packed mass was 10-15 mm. The method of fastening of the nipples into the roasted anodes using the carbon mass alloi4ed reliable suspension oil the anodes, significantly decreased the voltage drop at the nipple-anode contact, and also simplified the process of pressing of anodes due to the elimination of the screw thread in the nipple receptacle. 4 figs; 2 tables. 1/1 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ~TITLE-RHENIUM OXYCHLORIDE ALUMINUM CHLORIDE FERRIC CHLORIDE, TANTALUMtV, CHLORIDE, NIOBIU,4,V, CHLORIDE, MOLYBDENUM OXYCHLORIDEt PHOSPHORYL AUTHOR-(04)-DROBOT, D.V., KORSHUNOV, B.G.* ALEKSANDROVA, V.A., SILINA, T.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-1H. NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(6), 1707-8 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ..TOPIC TAGS--PHASE DIAGRAM, CHEMICAL BINARY SYSTEM, OXYGEN COMPOUND, RHENIUM COMPOUND, CHLORIDE, IRON COMPOUND9 MOLYBDENUM COMPOUND, TANTALUM COMPOUNOt NIOBIUM COMPOUND, ALUMINUM COMPOUNDo PHOSPHOROUS COMPOUND, EUTECTIC CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/1186 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/006/1707/1708 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138201 UPIC 1. A S S I F I E 0 2/2 021 UNCLASSI FLED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138201 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT, PHASE DIAGRAMS OF REOCL SUBIrt A fA EQUALS FECL SUB3r RECL SUB5, TACL SUB5, NBCL SUB5, ALCL SUB3t MOOCL SUB4, A"ND POCL SUB3) ARE CONSTRUCTED. THE BINARY SYSTEM CONTG. POCL SUB3 FORMS REOCL SUB4 PO(;L SUB3, CONGRUENTLY M. 80DEGREGS. THIS COMPOUND FORMS EUTECTICS CONTG. 3 AND 80 MOLE PERCENT REOCL SUB4t M. NEGATIVE 10 AND 16DEGREE5t RESP. THE REMAINING SYSTEMS FORMED ONE 'EUTECTIC EACH CONTG. ALMOST PURE REOCL SUB4 AND ALL M. 29DEGREES. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. TONKOI KHIM. TEKHNOL IM. LOMONOSOVA, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR WC 576-895-771-097.22s6l5.285,7 --PRCBOZI14A, V. P., Department of Medical Entomology, institute of Medical Parasitology and'Tropical Medicine imeni Ye. I. Martsinovskiy, Ministry of Health USSR "Development of Resistance to DD-1 in Musca domestica Given Sublethal Doses of Sodium Arsenate" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Pax-azitologlya i Parazitarnyye BoleznI, No 6, 1971, pp 695-701 Abstracti The regular addition of sublethal doses of sodium arsenate to the.- food (milk and glucose solution) of two musca donestica stnu:ns (Norria air-, SPS failed to induce resistance to this inorganic poison through 30 and 11 successive generations of the SRS2 and Norma airains, respectively, flies' resistance to DJYf was increased more than 200-fold. Howeverl sublethal doses of sodium arsenate had not effect on resistance to the organophos- phorus insecticides chlorophos and phenitrothion. hone of the various resons suggested for the development of reoistance to insecticides, e.g., existence of a single mechanism of protection against two or more poisons or closeness on the chrososome of the genetic factors governing different mechani-sms of resistance, accounts for the phenomenon obzerved in the experiments reported (resistance to another insecticide in the absence of the one tested), which the author calls "side" resistance in contrast with "cross" or "multiple" resistance. 1/1 - 72 - USSR LIDC 632-015 DUBROVSKAYA, N. A., Head of the Laboratory of Plant Protection, Kursk Agricutural Experimental Station, and DROIIYAZFINAL YE. A., Senior Laboratory Assistant "On the Duration of Action of Organophosphorus Preparations. Moscow, Zashchita Rasteniy, No 6, Jun 73, P 28 Translationr At present, from among organophosphorus insecticides a wide application have gained preparations based on dimethoate (Rogor, phosphamide, Bi-58 fsic7, and others), whose characteristic feature is considerable dura- tion of their antion. But this characteristic is variable, It may vary depending on the species, variety and stage of development of the protected plant, on climatic conditions, and other factors. We have studied in Xurskaya Oblast the duration of action of Bi-58, used aeninst Sitobion avenae F., and other pests. on spring wheat of the Khar'kovskaya-46 variety and on barley of the Val'titakly variety, Two field and one greenhouse experiments were staged$ In the first experiment spring wheat was treated uith 0.2% solution at the stage of germination (10 May). The control plots, separated by a 5:-x wide protective strip, wore aimultaneously sprayed with tap water. The 1/3 USSR DUBROVSKAYA, N. A., and BROBYAZGINAs Y. A., Zashchita Rasteniy, No 6, Jun 73, p 28 fluid consumption was 500 1/hectare, repetition -- threefold. area of record plots -- 100 a2. To determine technical effectiveness and duration of action of the preparation, the estimates of the number of insects on the plants of a single row of the plot (32 lin. m.) were made at intervals of 2-3 days. Difference between the experiment and control were determined by the nethod of conjugate comparisons according to Student's criterion at 5% confidence limit. It was found that the number of leaf pests already after 6 days, and that of Sitobion after E. days, did not differ in the experiment from that In the control. Under field conditions this could be the result not only of the lose of toxicity but could be also caused by other factors. for example, by the increase of the mobility of Insects and that of the intensity of their nitrations. Additionally, the toxicity of plants was determined by the ne hod of biological tests, viz., the pests were placed on the leaves cut from experimental and control plants and put in the humid chambers, where May were feeding for 24 hours and then were transferred to test tubest and 2/3 - 12 - USSR DUBROVSKAYA, N. A., and.BROBYAZGINA# Y. A., Zashchita Rasteniy, No 6, Jun 73, p 28 after another 24 hours their lethality was determined. The residual toxicity was preserved in some places up to 18 days after treatment. During thin period the green rass of plants was rapidly and intensively increasing and, consequently, the concentration of the prepara- tion in it was correspondingly decreasing# which was not without influence on the strength and duration of its actiono The second experiment differed only in the time of treatment -- 24 June. It was times to that it coincided with a period of the ceesation of the growth. of green mass as well as with a seasonal peak in the numbers os Sitobion avenae F. The difference in thij number of 51tobion and thrips. was maintained for 22 days (further observations were discontinued due to the harvesting). The final solution of the problem was provided by the greenhouse experi- ment, Onto pesticide-treated potted plants of spring wheat and barley Sitobion were placed within 24 hours after treatment, and after 7, 13, 21, and 29 days, and the pots were covered with glass bell jars. The plants remained toxic for pests for 21 days, and thereafter the numbers of the latter sha=ply increased. Consequently, the duration of action of the propamtion may considerably exceed the limits lndicat;ed In the directions for its use, 3/3 USSR I-P-ASUMBERG, B. F., IVANOV, A. 1. , DROBYAZKO, 1. S. "Study of the Post-Cycle Strength Characteristics of Tool Steel" UDC 539.4 V sb. Dinamika, prochnost' . kontrol' i upr. -- 70 (Dynamics, Strength, 1.1onitorinp and Control -- 70--collection of works), Kuybyshev, 1972, pp 209-213 (from RZh--Mekhanika, Ito 6, Jun. 73, Abstract No 6V961) Translation: A basis is provided for the necessity of studying the post-cyclic strength of tool steel. The information about the post-cyclic strength is tile initial inforriation for aptii;iizing the heat refined conditions and selectin,-, the tool steel for specific operating condition,,;. In the example of investi- gating 3Kh2V8F, 5Kh4SV411F and WiNHl' steel, the complex dependence of the post-cyclic hot strength on the heat treatment conditions is demonstrated, anet the correlation is constructed for the hot post-cyclic ultimate itrenpLli as a function of the life of the dies. A ~M~ 1:'W. .5.171 6 2 1319 01 001 TOR GENERATION OF FORCES IN ELF. CrRQ.3-,A1'jr: CYF~~S--,7FF (FSc;) ~~l .1; S111MICAL go [Article by..fLLL.Pr-Db-Lshev, V. V. xoac,- Higher Tcchntcal IIVJLituL~ -7f -- SLL~-' Hussi~n' imeni N. E. Bauman; Lenin;rad, iv a P r it~o I No 9, 1972, submitted 9 July 1~71, rp 910~5', Electrical suspen5lon of a ball s examincd in the nrlicle from tjj~, T~jnt -if viv~ of yoncratiz-n Q&' forces with electrodes of differtnt configuraltion. A fir,,.tv equaticin for i,nginverinp. ClIcillation:' 01 the electrLeal forces, uh~~h takes int. account tht rutual effects of the, jintent'~',s of adJactnt electrode pairs, is derived as a result of the analysis. Analysis of electrostatic su%pensiori of the pilot ball of I-G in the fratnework of linear theory it) may be inadcquate for the action of cunnider- able accelerations, when the de*.-iatian ot' the center of gravity of the sensor exceeds the tolerable limit. Examined in the article is the procinaure of ca'culating the electrical forces in VSG during p"sible displacer,,!nts of the center of pravity of the rotor beyond the TUngC of small deviations, in the direction of stabilization axes x, y, z (Figore 1) with consideration of the mutual influences of the potentials of the adjacent electrode pairs. The forces are determined or. the ba~-is of calculation of the field intensity in the gap of the i-th rotor eirz-.role, pro~ecdinp. from the concept ~f surface density of forces. In -in electrostatic fiold, per unit of aren of a conductor of any shape, acts t!%* force where f is tho surface density of f-lr~os; is the exteirWr normal to elenent dS from the surface of the cor-',jctor. 'No scalar product of the vectors for an isotropic medlu:m is Ei. USSR UDC' 5)i8.o:538-22 AL'SHINI B. I. Y ZORIN) R. V. L~OB~Fq~~) L. A., and STETATTISMIEV., S. V. 9,11agnetic Characteristics of lead Nanganate J-11onocrystals" Moscow? Kris tallograf iya, vol 17, No 3, 1972, pp 562-565 Abstract: The monocrystals whose magnetic characteristics are in- vestigated in this paper have the formula Pbl-In204, and were t,,,,roi,,n from the solution Pbl,-In2/3"'111203 311 a PbO-PbF melt in the foi-Li of a truncated hexagonal pyr= with a hei6ht of about 1 mm and a length of 1.5-2.0 mm along a side of the hexagon. 1,11,agnetic mea- surements of the crystals were made by the Faraday method with twisting weights on a quartz thread in a cryostat to provide a temperat-uxe ranEe of 1.5 to 3000 K. The measurement results -in- dicated that the material transformed to a weakly ferromagne-tUic state at a temDerature of 630 K, with the spontaneous magnetic moment lying 1M the base plane of the crystal. Curves are given for the ma.-netization as a function of the mignetic field in -d v(nich the crystals, (,ere placed and as a function of the fie- at various tem-oeratures ranE-in'g fi,o2~ 30 to 530 V. T11-tiestigation of the ef-fect of an electric ficid on the crystal's magnetic characteristics showed that for an electric field intensity 1/2 U S S IRI ALISHIN, B. I., et al, Xxistallografiya, Vol 17, 110 3, 19172, .t, 562-565 greater than the critical value, no marked change occurs in the ma,--,netization Curves., wb-ich fact is interDreted to inean that at temperatures beloW 391 K the spontaneous mgnetic znomnt is maintained in a definite position by the internal antiferroelectric fields of the crystal. 51 - USSR BELCV. V.; DROM11217., L. A.; et al (Moscow State UiAvorsity) II?raseod7F_-a= _'Hiolybdate Pr 2 ("loO03 It -osco-w., KmsIa_Uo,-rafiya; May-June, 1970; ?p 461-5 TR_,'~CT: AM X-ray and, ` iei-,o7,,raT)hjc study of nolrbla~-a I-as lcd Tho- _-:'o,-,-nj- (jo the xiscovoz-;- of a hithezto ur_k-x,-.m M-nodification ')60*C was tion o~' an "-nodt-~Ific,,iLion with hoat trcX-,-m,~nU above IL U the formiation of an 111-rio6i fica "lion in t1jo jntC..nrjj 732-Q!,0"(; Fdgh-tlenpe_~a-ullre roentgenogrzaphy and thernogranay of the alhowo-,! si7 phase transit-io=s, two of which are accompanied by sirnificart chan,-,-3s. iL__,'Iy diffraction studies of single cry;3tals ol' the 71-modification Pr OC03 were made. The article includes two figures and three tables. There are 8 re-erences. 1/1 112 035 UNCLASSTFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--llSFr,70 TITLE--PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS OF GADOLINIUM M3LYBOATE AND ISOSTPUCTURAL COMPOUNDS -U- AUT14OR--DROBYSHEV L A., FROLKINA, I.T., PONOMAREV, V.I., T0,',lASHP0LSKlY' Y *~' ' ' ~-' ' " ' ' ~~' ~'_* E. N. U.YA-1- - - I COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR D ~SOURCE-KRISTALLOGRAFIYA 1970, 15(l), 68-74 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PAATERIALS, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--PHASE TRANSFORMATION, X RAY ANALYSIS, MECHANICAL PROPERTY, ELECTRICAL PPOPERTY, Mr~LYBDATS, GADOLINIUM compnnr), DYSPROSIU4, HOLMIUMi NEODYMIU.14 LASER CONTROL MARKING--NIO RFSTRICTIONS DnCIJMENT CLASS--IJNCLASSIFIED DROXY REEL/PRAMF--1984/0117 STEP '140--UR/0070/70/015/,)CI/1)")/:)~i/l').74 CIRC ACCESSION Nn,--AP00549t3 LASS IF IFD 2/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCFSSING 0ATE--jlSFD7C CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP005491.3 A-BSTR4CT/EXTR.'kCT--(U) GP-0- Ac~STRACT. PHA,SE TRANSFORMATION'S UIF Tfir- L MODIFICATION OF GD, EU, 1-9, DY, AND H3 MCLYBDATES USED FOP. t~JANTIJM ELECTRONICS WERE INVESTIGATED BY USING X RAY AND THEP?-P.-0GPAPHIC ME11T9.0c,. A RELATION WAS ESTABLISHF0 BETWEEN THC STRUCTURAL CHANGES A'00 PHYS. PROPERTIES OF THESE COMP(IS. THE OCCURENCE OF SEIGNFTTE ELEC. PROPEZTIF-S WERE NOTED [N THE TETRAGONAL L MODIFICATIONS OF EU, T8, DY, AND HO MOLYBDATES AT IS LESS THAN-192, 169, 158 AND 134DEGPEES, AND ON THIS BASIS, T14E POSSIBLILITY WAS CONSIDERED OF USING THESE COMPOS. AS ACTIVE MATERIALS FOR NO-ACTIVATED LASERS, THE M4GNETIC OROFRT,"'G (IF THESE. CO4PDSo AT DEFINITE TEMPS, WAS ALSO CONSIDERED. THE TEMP. CHANGES iF 2 TYPES OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS (SEIGNETTE ELEC. AND TRANSPORP-14TIONS WITH CRYSTAL DECAY) WERE DEPENDENT ON THE AT. NO, OF THE RARE EARTH ELEYFNT. THE EXISTENCE OF A GD SUB2(MOO SUB4) SUB3 TETRAGONAL MODIFICATION WITH ALPHA EQUALS 7.25 AND C EQUALS 10,58 ANGSTROMS WAS ALSO VEPIFIFD. I/? c 2 L A 5 S I F I ~ D P S S 1 1'46 A ri 1 -0 E c t o TITLE--PV.ASE:hjYtl'.IUM; MULY,WATE- Pfc SUJ2, 1-16(l1 SU34t SU63 -U- AUTlhJk-(C2)-t~EL0V, N.V., 0AC;3YSHEV, L.A. CCU14TRY CF 1'4FU--L-;Sk S(jWCE--MGSC'J,,., &,RISTALL-JuRAFIYA; MAY-JUNEr 1970, PP 461-5 DATE PUBLISHED - - - - - - -70 SUoJECT Ak~AS-CHEMISTRY, -NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNUL65Y TUVIC TAGS--SINGLE CRYSTAL# X RAY ANALYSISO THEMAL ANALYSIS, MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, PRASEUDYMIUM GUMPUU:NiOt MOLMATE CCuTROL M_AkKIXG--N0 AESTAli'-TILINS DUCUMENT CLASS--U-INCLASSIF11:0 PROXY FICHL NL----F070/b05)k.3/ClZ STEP NO--UR/0070/70/000/000/Ott6l/04b5 CIRC ACCESSIJN NO--AP0I395;?2 ;j%-___LA 51S [FIrJ 2/2 022 UNCLASSSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--lIDEC7-9 CfRC ACCESSICN N--;--AP0139522 ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT--( U) GP-Cl- A.3STRACT. AN X kAY AND THERN,0GRAPHIC STUDY GF PRASELDYMIUM MOLYbLATE HAS LEO TO THE DISCOVEAY OF A HlFHE:,'T0 UNKNO"4N, LO-MUDIFICATIEN' PRUMOC SUo4) SUB3. THE FlikMATION UF AN- N-MODIF[CATICIN WITH HEAT TREAT74ENT Ab,-,V'E 1060 DEGREES C 0S ESTAdLISHED AND THE FORMATICN OF AN N-MODIFICATION IN THE INTERVAL 732-9170 JEGREES C ~NAS CONFIRMED. HIGH TEMPE~~ATURE RUENTGENCGkAPHY At,40 THER,'-!LJGfkApHY OF THE N-MODIFICATfON SHOnLD SIX PHASE TRANSITIONS, Ti,120 OF tirilf-H ARE ACCOMPANIED BY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. PRELIMINARY X aAY DIFFRACTION STUOIES OF SINGLE CRYSTALS'OF THE N-MODI FICATION PIR SUB2 (M010 SUBL#) Stj--'--'3 WERE MAbL. FACILITY: Moscow STATE UNIVERSITY. L' S I fLi -,j7j CUS 2 13 9 b-, I b 7 DRG3,YS.-,E-V, "e. S. S. VUDR7ASIqOv, A. c. -mpr u-i- -zj, the e 1a bility of Silicon Eie'~tron. ~,)romstl. '.IauchnD-tekhn. sb. (The E--"ectron--cs c f a.,-, Technical Collection), 1970, 'No 1, pp 100-102 (from jj7 h - Pa d i oz ek: iI It a ,u '10, Abstract No 10V170) ran s at i on :The authors d1scuss the basic factors w"n " ch ZY of contacts produced by neans of interlayers of alloys- 17 Au-Ge and Au-3i eutectics made by electrochemical gold-plant'Ing of -~ermar,-'un,. :u,~u silicon crystals. The requ::rements for the interlayers anci coatings of -,~Ie areas of the hou--ing are di!;cussed. Three illustrations, bibLiography (,)I' L-,;.3 USSR DROBYSHEV, YU. P It is assumed here that -F(x), (x), i n, and -,(x) belong to 'he f1i lbert space wi th no:rm h: The solution of- t~.e probl(~an consists of sunpling of functions p i (x) which have tile Plinilp"17STI 1-1.,Z, UIX In the Case When (x-J, i = 1, 2, n is a full systi.-IF. N' P, and 1). , aro determinud from a dClIUMerable systcm of ne,zz ;fln,~. Ij two particular Case:, tre i Hustrated when the linuar V.); of b.. is finite. 1) USSR UDC 628.1.034:628.175:541,13 SHAPOS[1NIK, V. A., RESfi.ETNIKOVA, A. K., ZOLOTAREVA, R. I., DROBYSIIEVA, I. V., and ISAYEV, N. I., Voronezh Technological Institute "Water Demineralization by Means of Electrolysis With Intermembrane Ion Exchange Resin Filling" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 46, No 12, Dec 73, pp 2659-2663 Abstract: A method was developed for production of highly desalinated water with a specific resistance of 15-20 MO-cm, based on a mo-step electro- dialysis combined with :intermembrane filling of the desalination sections with a mixed layer of ion exchange resins KU-2 and AV-17. A preliminary sodium cationization had to be carried out in this process. It has been determined that filling the electrodialyzer sections with a mixed layer of the ion exchange resins increases the specific density of the current. 1/1 - 66 - USSR UDC 541.135 ISAYEV, N. I., DROB Voronezh. Technological Institute "The Transition Time for Ion-exchange Membranes in Electrodialysis with Ion- exchange Fillers" Moscow, Elektrokhiridya, Vol VII, No 10, pp 1545-1548 Abstract: Results are presented from determining the magnitude of the transition time for ion-exchange membranes in the presence of ion-exchangers in the desalination chamber of an electrodialyzer, and the applicability of the Sind equation (11. J. S. Sand, Z. Phys. Chem, No 35, 641, 1900]- T1/2= zFc.0 (TrD) 1/2 21(l-t) to the given systems is demonstrated. Graphs are presented for the varia- tion of the voltage drop on the IL4K-40 membrane and in the layers of electro- lyte adjacent to it With time in a 0.01 N solution of calcium chloride in the presence of iaJ-2 cation-exchange resin, AV-17 anion-exchange resin, 1/3 - 23 - USSR ISAYEV, N. I., et al, Elektrokhimiya, Vol VII, No 10, pp 1545-1548 mixtures of these two resins, and without a filler. Values of iT 1/2 are presented in a table for the IIUK-40 membrane in tile presence of various ion- exchange resins. Graphs are plotted for T - 1/2 as a function of the polar- izing current density in the system made up of the cation-exchange medbrane and the cation-exchange resin for various concentrations of the calcium chloride solution, iT 1/2 as a function of the concentration of the calcium chloride solution for the MK-40 membrane in the presence of the mentioned ion-exchange resins. These functions fom straight lines the slope of which depends on the type of ion-exchange resin in contact with the membrane. The data obtained indicate the effect of the ion-exchange fillers on the magni- tude of the transition time arises from the change in the working surface of the membrane. In the case of contact between a membrane and an ion- exchange resin with opposite signs of the fixed ion charge, there is partial shielding of the membrane surface. The true current density on tile mem- brane becomes higher than that determined by the apparent surface. For this reason, the transition time is reduced. At the interface between the membrane 2/3 USSR ISAYEV, N. I., et al, Elektrokhimiya, Vol VII, No 10, pp 1545-1548 and the ion-exchange resin with opposite~signs of the fixed ion charge, on the other hand, flowing of the current leads to a decrease in the concentra- tion of the solution which promotes a reduction in the transition time. In the case of contact between a membrane and an ion-exchanger with the same signs of the fixed ion charge, the membrane surface increases, and the tran- sition time increases correspondingly. 3/3 - 24 - USSR UDC 911.3.616.9:576.89(571.1) STOLBOV, N. M., and, "RBHSUZ%!A---S-.-.A. "Mass Attack of Dermanyssidae (Gamasoidea) Ticks on Humans in Western Siberia" V sb. Vtorove Akarologicheskove sovesliclianiye. Ch. 2. Tezisy dokl. (Second Acaroloaical Conference-. Part 2. Theses of Reports -- collection of works) Kiev, "Nau'r-1. Dunka," 1970, pp 146-147 (from RZIi-Meditsi-ilskaya Geograllya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4.36.44) [No abstract] USSR UDC 621.762:001:669.71 DROBYSHEVSKIY A. Ye. I'Mechanical Properties of Pressed Intermediate Products of Granulated Alloys" Vopr. Prochnosti i I'lastichnosti Met. fProblems of Strength and DLICtility Of Metals -- Collection of 11,'orksj, Minsk, Nauka i Teklm. Press, 1971, I)p 200- 202, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Metallurgliya, NO 5, 1972, Abstract No S G459 by the author). Translation: Results are presented from a study of the mechnnical properties of pressed bars of granules of the alloys AIS, A19, as as alloys of Al with various contents of Fc. The mechanical properties of" bars pl,oduced Of the granules is higher than that of Pressed bars of cast c(raipact blanks of the same alloys. 1 Table. 1/1 USSR UDC: 533-95 GADINIMKIY, A. I., PID ROZOV, S. I. "Concerning the Effect of Hydrodynamics on the Distribution of Chv-srge Carrier Concentration in a Homopolar Generator" V sb. VoDr. fiz. nizkotermeraturn. plazmy (Problems in the Physics of Low- -Temperature Plasma-:!ol-lection. of works) , Minsk, "Nauka i tekhn. ", _1970, pp 327-330 (from RZh-j,.ekhanika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4E)(96) Translation: The paper deals with the problem of the effect of hydro- dynamic flow on ioni zation-di ffus ion equilibriwm of the discharge in the transverse magnetic field of a homopolar generator. The case where the velocity of hydrodynar;dc flow is comparable in magnitude with the rate of diffusion of the charged particles is considered. Hydrodynamic equations of motion of an incompressible gas are solved simultaneously with the eauations of c'Liffusion-ionization eauilibrium. T-e results of commuter calculations are given for a discharge in argon when the temr~eratures of the ions and neutral particles are equal to 5001K, -the pressure is 0.1 um Hg, the magnetic field is 1000 G, and the current is 10 A. V. P. Shirichuk. 79 - 112 07 2 UNIC L A S S I F I E D PRCICESSING 0;~TE--18SE-170 TITLE--UNSTP-ADY PPOCESSES 17N' HOMOPOLAR APPARATUS -U- -AU'TH'JR-(03)-L),~~9BYS-HEVSKIY, E.M.t STUDENK3.Vg A.M.,.PEKNVY, L.A. COUNTF.Y OF INFO--USSR SOURC:-:--ZH. TFKH. FIZ. 197G, 40(2), 346-54 .DATE PUPLISHED ------- 70 SUP,J!:(-.T fA'r'F,&S--PHYSICS TOPIr TA(;S--PLAS.'lA 0IFFUSSION, XAGNETIC FIELD, PLASMA '~C:ST- -is I cl I f- Dor, -,",-;iT CLASS-MICL~~Sl~:H_Jl PROXY STZ'3 CIRC IF0 p 212 '122 0% C L A S S I F I F D ~J T ~L: P 7 I R C 4C' F- ')S~ I ~jL~- AQ 0 j 47424 1-op-o- 4~%ST:ZACT THE CHAP '%CTr- 1 '~T IC PH.%~ -,V- Tjj';: D11 5CH:,-:~, ~F AT L 1-44) WERE STUDIFD, 41k[) L T I ''t. ~3 T q V - A C 14 It --~ A C: IQ. I ST 1(-S -%'l THE 0 ISCHARGE SP&CE I T F C) ii T I:. TH7 I%ITIAL Pf~'S-l, 2 L) I S T I ~~C T Dt,\'CC;-- S SES AR E CGN NECT E I Tl-' I S jT;' f--py F PLASt".A DIFFUSION IN A MAGNET IC FIELD. A SIMPLE THEOkETICAL NDLIEL WAS DEPIVED FOR THE STEADY IONIZATION DIFFUSION Ei.,UIL. TH& EFFECT 9F IMPURITIES UN THE APPE-ARANCE OF UNSTEADY PROCESS-ES IS DISCUSSED. UNCLASS IFIED USSR UDC 8.74 DEOG "Construction of the Reciprocal Hadel of the Logical-Dynamic Element" V sb. Sistemotekhnika (Systems Engineering--collection of works), Kiev, 1971, pp 241-254 (from RM-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V439) No abstract 1/1 USSR UDC 617-001.21-02:538.3-092:616-003.9 PAVLOVA, I. V.?,D I, fiIIA &tA. , SADCHIKOVA, M. N. , and GEL' R)' , 1. A. , Ins Li- tute of Labor ygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "The Role of Some Biochemical Disturbances in the Pathogenesis of Radiation Sickness" Moscow, Gigivena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevaniya, No 3, 1970, pp 20-23 Abstract: The resutLs, of an 111alysis of hiocheillic-11 h1dices in 70 1);fl.ictlLs' with different forms (if chroni-c exposure to the effects of microwavfts are. i-upot-Led. The patients were 28-39 year.3 old, with 5-10 years of service. Several devia- disproteineiriia, due to increase 1^ tions from normal levels were observed: . - d(_1 - and Y-globulins, and low mercury bictiloride test, while the acLivitj Of ilvk-. enzymes appeared to be normal.. About half of the patients showed hig-111 levels of cholesterol, and 2/3 had low blood levels and high urinary excretion of chlorides. Blood sugar levels after a glucose load were within the normal range, but atypical. These shifts indicate disruption of mechanisms regulating the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system, including shifts in the func- tional condition of the hypothalamus-hypopliysis-adrenaI system. 1/1 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ~TITLE-COMPARATIVE E~ALUATION OF THE COMPOSITION Or- FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION ALCOW1 DEVELOPED USING AN ASP,ERGILLUS, BATATAE 61 CULTURE AUTHOR-(02)-SUKHODOLi V*F.t DROGOVOZo G.K. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FERMENT. SPIRT. PROM. 1970, 36(2), 12-14 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-ETHYL ALCOHOLp CHEMICAL ANALYSISt ASPERGILLUSi UV SPECTROSCOPY CONTPOL PESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3007/2020 STEP i'40--Uk/OC-71/70/036/002/OOL2/0014 C!PC Af-l-'t-~:SS 212 016 UNCLASS I FI ED CIRC ACCESSION' Nil--AP01371.95 A8STc(ACT/EXTRAC;T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT'. OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ANALYLING ETOH PREPD. INDUSTRIALLY IN 2 COLUMN EQUIPMENT UALL FOR TOO SLOW A METHOD. BECAUSE rHE IMPURITIES IN INDUSTRIAL ETOF19 LIKE Ar-fly FUSEL 011-i FREE ACID, AND HIGER ESTERS, ALL SHOW A PRONICIUNCEO ABSORPNON IN THE UV REGION OF THE SPEGTRUM, A METHOD WAS DEVELOPED WHEREBY UNDER USE OF THE UV SPECTROGRAPH IN A CELL OF 50 MM OPTICAL PATH LENGTH AT A TEMP. OF 20 PLUS OR MINUS IDIEGREES THE ABSORBANCES WERE DETD. AT 2200 AND 2500 ANGSTROM. THIS ALLOWS RAPID. ROUTINE ANAL. OF THE PURITY OF THE ETOH. 1041 ~_.' . -ASS IFIED - - -- USSR UDC 612.,357.3Z.014.461.1 SKAKLIN, N. P., and,, & _~_,A, Institute ~"& S , Chair of Pharmacology Ternopol Medical "Effect of Whole-Body X-ray Irradiation on, the Synthesis of Bile Acids in Female Albino Rats (Chromatographic Study)" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii. i Meditsiny, Vol 70, No 9. Sep 70. pp 40-41 Abstract: It was established experimentally that an inhibition of all steps in the synthesis of bile acids in the liver occurs during acute radiation sickness. Female albino rats weighing 130-160 g were used. Secretion of bile in mg/mIn per 100 g body weight was determined, as wall as the content of cholatos. The formation of primary bile acids from cholesterol and the conversion of desoxy- cholic acid into cholic acid were particularly impaired. Conjugation of free bile acids into taurocholic and glycocholio acids was also impeded, expecially during the later stages of radiation sickness. In these stages, the concentra- tion of cholic acid in bile risen, there is a decr"se of taurocholic acid, and glycocholic acid disappears completely from the bile. USSR um 6a2.357.15.oil~.46:576-351.252.097.29 DROGOVOZ, S. M., Clair of Pharmacology, Ternopol Yedical Institute "Ilae EffLect of St,-Ipj-ylococc,,is Toxin on Cholanopoiesis" Moscow, Bvul-leten' EksDerirentallnoy Biologii i Med-itsiny, No 5, 1970, PD, 46-48 Abstract: Sta-phylococcus tcxin 1:20 dilution produced -- sha.-) and -Drolon:-ed im,libition of bile fOrrattion, and synthesis of bile acids in rats. Zie concentra- tion, of cholates decreased rminly due to decrease in the le%,el of taurocholic acki. Uie total amount of cholews folloving, injection of a larl..-,e dose of the toxin was reduced from 12,304 to 8,-,34 m~;/1-00 g, or -J2.? U -J p. There ~qas also a sharp decrease (close to total disappearance) in the concentration of Glycocholic acid. Cm the other hand, the concen'l-Irations of desoxycholic tuid cholic zicida increncled. Staphylococcus toxin appears to inhibit the biochendcal. processes responsible for the conversion of desoyyeholic acid into cholic acid and of cholic acid into con- juggated acids. 1/1 Acc. Nr: Ref. Code: UR 0239 M003-7016- PRI'MuM SOURCE: F.i-ziologicheski0hu'rnal SSSR, 1970, Vol 56, Nr 2, ppoZ73-;2'7? EFFECT 0Y BILE, ACIDS ON BILIATION INTENSITY AND CHOLATE FORMATION Skakun,'N. P. 9 DroR_S-Qz,.,S, Bezkorovaynaya, N. M. From thp Department of Pharmacology, Medical Institute. Ternopol! Comparative studies of bile acid preparation effect (dellydrocholic, cholic, and gly- oll 1114' biliaticill intensity and cholale forniaLion bave biwn (-irrivil wit ill (113 male whil", rat,,,. Dellydrocholic .-iciol has dif, njost warked choleretic vfIt-TI, natural bile acids heing considerably active ill this respect. The activity of cholic, tind glycholic acids in eflilin)(Plecular doses is nearly similar. Natural bile a6b are inorv active in their cholate formalion effect. Even in sniall doses they favoill"I shzl~-p rise in LIte concentration and quantity of This is mainly dup if; the effect of the tanric cholic acid and in a lesser degree to the glycholic and dezo- xycholic acids. In contrast, to nattiral bile acids the dehydrocholic one cawies a slight decrease in cholate concentration in the bile, however-olue to the high level of the chbleretic reaction there is a general increase in the uantity'-of cholates. Dehydrocholic acid stimu- lates the cholate forma~~icin oil account of tlie synthesis and excretion of tauric cholic acid and to a lpsser degree of the dezoxy- and glyo~holic acids. RD, P E L / F MX, E 1,9 221952 US-SR. uD-.: BOICSI-o"o". I. Z., P7--Rov, -fe. 3-1., U10nox-1-:0V .7 V. V., and OTLCIMKOW~'., -I . * Tr.Stitti-tue of Ebidemiolog5,- P-nd M-Lcrobi--Iog:~ J--,eni Gn . L.- - I F - zmlqva, Acada-,,v- of Sciences USSR, and Tebscow Technological Institute of 14-~at and Dairyj industry "Problems of Leptospirosis E~pizaaotiolo&vll Moscow, Veterinariya, No 12, Dec 70, pp 41-43 Abstract: Cattle, hogs, boroes, and sheer, in several regions of the nIcn were subjected to serolog~ical sItudies (microagglAxti-na-tion), culturing kidney pensions, and 7nicroscouic exam-ination of urine, .-ith subsequenA., i-n-f-ect-ion of gui-nea pigs. Leptospira tarzasso,ri and pomona were agents in hogs. jhe possibilit'-%, of infection in the Ulyanovsk region by L. gippotyphosa is not excluded. Cattle sppe-ar to be infected by L. promona, hebdo-madis, and t,--rassovi. Antibodie!-z f~r tarassovil, ic'ue7--ohae:rorr',-i~tt~*j-ae, and austral-is were most --f-requently obb-se-n-1-d in the blood sera of horseo. The L. ballum. group vas found in the sera of sheep and goats. Antibody liters in r-11 serological groups uere lovi. Acute infectionS did not exist among test z-nimals. 1/1 ~112 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 :.TLTLE--THE PATHOMORPHOLOGY (IF SWINE LEPTOSPIROSTS UPON SPONTANEOUS .INFECTION -U- ~AUTHOR-(04)-DROGUN, A.G., SHOROKHOV, V.V., SOLOSHENKO, I.Z., PETROV, YE.1i, "M61- ::C(IUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _SOURCE--VETERINARIYA, 1970, NR 2, PP 47-49 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,-SUBJECT AREAS-310LUGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--LEPTOSPIROSIS, HOG, LYMPHOID TISSUE, LIVER, KIDNEY, HISTOLOGY CfYITROL MARKING-140 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE:D .PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1216 STEV NO--IJR/0346/70/00'-"/002/OCj47/1)049 CIRC ACCESSION NO-'0l0130'--"-:'.6 A~~IFHD 2/2 021 U---NC L AS S I F I E DPROCESSING DATE-- 271NOV"10 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0130226 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. STUDIES SHOWED THAT LEPTOSPIROSIS OF ADULT SWINE SPONTANEOUSLY INFECTED WITH L. POMONA OR L. rARASSUVI PROCEEDS WITHOUT A.NY PRONIOUNCED PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES. THE DISEASE IS MORE APPARENT IN ANIMALS INFECTED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH BOTH L. PO,'-It;-)NA AND L. TARASSOVI. HISTOLOGfl:AL STUDIES SHOWED MOSTLY DYSTROPHIC CHA~NGES AND PROLIFERATION ON LYMPHOID CELLS fill LIVER AND KIDNIFYS. GRANULAR DYSTROPHY AND LYMPHOID CELL PROLIFE11RATION IN KIDiNEY INTERSTITIAL T[SSUE WERE FOUND IN ALL CASES, AND ARE CONSIDERED THE FIRST STAGE OF INTEERSTITIAL NEPHRITIS A(10 A SPECIFIC 51GN OF SWINE LEPTOSPIROSIs. FACILITY: MOSCOW TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE MEAT AND DAIRY INDUSTRY. FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF EPIDEiMIOLOGY AND MICRO81OLOGY 114ENI N. F. GAMALEYA. li'4CI ASS IF IFf) 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE-16-OCT70 TITLE-THE INFLUENCE OF STAPHYLOCOCCAL TOXIN ON THE CHOLATOGENIC PkOCESS _;j_ AUT;1011--DR0GuVoZ, S.m. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-- BYULL IET EN I E_KSPLEQl'-!EiNT~LNJY Blu"LOV'll I ,.El)lTSl,-.y, 1-~7j, VOL 69, NR 5f PP 46-iB -DATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-810LOGICAL AINO MEOICAL SCIeNCLS TOPIC TAGS-STAPHYLOCOCCUS, BACTERIAL TOXIN, BILE CONTqOL MAIRKING--~--"-, '~ESTRIC710NIS D0CfJ,'-tEMT GLASS--U,~CLASSl[-[E_.,._) PROXY R,17EL/Fi-~A,.!t--1991)/021;.j STLP CIRC AC~__C_SSIII:~4 2/? 0 -;, 2 UNCL ASSI F I ED P R 0 C E S S I "qu- Dft T I b ~'l C T 7 6 C I R C A C C t S S I ~.` N A P 0 122 zi 1? 5 ABST~, ACT/EXTr', ACT--( U ) GI-0- ABSTRACT. IN EXPEkIMENTS 60 AL31e,O I~ATS OF BUTH S[Xz:S T~iL- g'LJT,iL:f-' _iSTABLISHED THAT STAP.HYLz-.-C~2CCAL TLjXP~ BOTH THt: INTENSITY ]iP BILE SECkETION AND CHk:j .L A T U G E F) I S K~_-L;iJCTI;JlN JIF - " I J TH - THE C12WENT jF CHOLATeS liN THE 6IL_l- OCCUkS, TO A G r-.kT MEAS, ME, AT r_ EXPENSE C-if T AJi~_'OCH,,~-L IC AC I J . THE C,,,lqr__TqTr'ATIL i OF t)tSCJXyCllJLIC ANU CHOLIC ACii;S ALJGVL%TS. STAPHYLOCCiCCAL TOXIN, APPARENTLY, MAINLY UN H I b I T S T Fll' SE 61GOIEMICAL PkOCESSES iiHICH AKE INVOLVe.0 IN' T~iE CGi,4vEkSIc-_% IF DESJXYCHOLIC ACIL) INTU CHOLIC AND CHGL.IC ~,C[-L-) INTC PAIF:Eo ACIDS. FACILITY: CHAIR OF PHAK-141ACOLUGY GF Ttlt-- AEUICAL IINSTITUT-t UKPAINIAN~ SSR, TERIJOPOL. ti 1 11 C It. A "-C, I F Organometallic Compounds ,TSSR UDC 542-9)'~l~:546.j-~~-.51~7-258-11 11ESM-EY01011) A. If..) NOGIRA., 0. V., DROGUNOVA, G. I., and WKS11111, B. V., Institute of Ifetero-Or.-anic Cor.-polmds-,--A-c-aa-e-n-rf--of--Bic~iences USSR "Bromination. of Pentaireth~,leyclopentadienyltitaniun Tribromide" Mloscow, Izvestiya Akade-mii Nauk SSSR, Seriya 1/ 3-10-3molc/l, and pil 12.8, 1/3 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SCP70 Tl'rLE--PATRlS LUmumBA UNIVERSITY OF PEOPLES FRIENDSHIP ONE OF THE REALIZATIONS OF V. I. LENIN'S IDEA ON THE EQUALITY OF NATIONS -U- AUTHOR-(C2)-PREOBRAZHENSKIY, YU.B., DROMASHKO# V.I. C13UNTRY OF INFO--USSR Z~ SOURCE-VESTNIK OTORINOLARINGOLOG119 1970s NR 2, PP 106-111 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIO.RAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCfENCES. YOPIC TAGS-- E DUCAT IGN 9 FOREIGN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, MEDICAL TRAINING CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFtED PROXY RE-IL/FRAME--1986/0664 STEP NU--UR/0607/70/0001002/0106/0111 CIRC ACCESSION ONCLASSIFIED Z/3 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0102649 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE NATIONAL PROBLEM OCCUPIES AN IMPORTANT PLACE IN THE IMMORTAL TEACHING OF V* 1. LENIN. ONLY BASING UPON THE TEACHING OF V. 1. LENIN CAN ONE SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF THE NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT, THE SOVIET UNION AND OTHER SOCIALIST COUNTRIES9 COMMURIST ANO WORKER'S PARTIES OF ALL COUNTRIES RESOLUTELY SUPPORT THE COMPLETE AND FINAL ELIMINATION OF COLONIAL REGIME IN ALL ITS FORMS AND MANIFESTATIONS. THE TRAINING OF NATIONAL SPECIALISTS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEMS IN THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. THE SOVIET UNION AND OTHER SOCIALIST COUNTRIES RENDER GREAT AID TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN THE SOLUTION OF THIS PROBLEM. ONE OF THE EXAMPLES OF THIS AID IS PATRIS LUMUMBA UNIVERSITY OF PEOPLES FRIENDSHIP SET UP BY PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS THE SOVIET COMMIT-TEE OF SOLIDARITY OF ASIAN AND AFRICAN COUNTRIES, UNION OF SOVIET SOCIETIES OF FRIENDSHIP AND CULTURAL RELATIO'45 WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND ALL UNION CENTRAL COUNCIL OF TRADE UNIONS. THE UNIVERSITY ACCEPTS STUDENTS FROM COUNTRIES OF ASTIA, AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA AND SOVIET UNION IRRESPECTIVE OF THE RACE, SEX, NATIONALITY AND RELIGION. THE UNIVERSITY HAS SEVEN FACULTIES. EACH OF THE FACULTIES TRAINS DIFFERENT SPECIALISTS WITH OUE CONSIDERATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF DEVELOP114G COUNTRIES. FOR A SHORT PERIOD FROM THE UNIVERSITY 2363 DIFFERENT SPECIALISTS GRADUATED AND 187 PERSONS UNDERWENT POSTGRADUATE TRAINING. THE M-EDICAL FACULTY IS ONE OF THE LARGEST. THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF CHAIRS OF THE FACULTY ARE HEADED BY WELL KINCOWN SCIENTISTS. MUCH ATTENTION IS PAID TO THE SCIENTIFIC WORK CARRIED OUT BY THE STUDENTS, UNCLASSIFIED 3/3 -024 UNCL ASS I FIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102649 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--THUS, STJOENTS OF ONLY THE MEDICAL FACULTY PUBLISHEO OVER 200 SCIENTIFIC PAP~RS. THE ARTICLE BRIEFLY DESCRIBES THE HISTORY CF DEVELOPMENT AND PECULIARITIES OF TEACHING oroRHINOLARYNGOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY. UNCLASSIFIED 8 9 U3 .SR m)c 6'z2. Q` "Determination of Ca7apr!.n 1190' in tho Soil by the 1.1athod olf Thin-Layer Chromatography and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy" Tr. 2-go Vees. soveGhch. po issled. ostatkov pestitsidov i profilakt. zagryazneniya. inA produllctov pit.~,niya, korplov i vnesh. or-ody (Work,,~ of t.'13 Second All-Union Conference on Investigation of Residues of Posticides, anJ Prevention of F-_!;ticide Contardnation of' Focasti"ffs, Yo-1do" ,_:id tl:u Environment), Tallinn, 1971, PP 155-157 (from RZh-Rhimiya, 1~o 11, Jur, 72, Abstract No 1111457) Translationt A 50 cram Boll specimen is extracted ifith acetow in a So~,hlf.'t appaxatus for 2-2.5 hours and. concentrated at (500), 15-20 n1 of'CH 2"', 1 , i!; added to the residua which is then dried ovor Na,)501, a:id evapox-ated, t~,,a residue is dissolved in 20 n! of an ether-pentane (211ti) an,~~ 2 agitated with 50 irl of 0.1 11 11C.1 acid), The organic layer Is evar_-rated, sut,lir.nted under bacuum, ('20-40 zin at 100-1100C and a p:o:!ssure. of b.2 chroma tographi cally analy;ed on silica with gypsum in the CHC.1,1,--acatono syl-Ac-i'i -1 (99i1) or the OHC1 )-ethyl acetate system (91l), and atrazine (1) In df7..Ve1C1-,,:i 1/2 USSR. DRON' , L. P. , Tr. 2-go Vr;es. Boveshch. po issled. ostat'kov pestitnidov j profilakt. sagryazneniya imi produktov pitaniya, kormov i vnor-h. crody, Talliml 1971L, PP 155-15? with a 0,1 N solution of A,-~,'O3in 3 It IMO3. The sonsitivity of detetrminatioj is 5 A hydrochloric: acid solution is alkalized with lflij~011 to pill 9, extracted with 80 ml of CHIC12, dried, concentrated, analyzed in CHCl or the acetone-hex&no systan (I 13), und promaLtzLn tIj) 3 N is developed with bromophenol. blue with AgNO, and a 2.5~' citric acid soltition, The sensitivity of determination is 5 Quantitative determination of I and II is dono by H 2SOI, hydrolysia and measurenent of opUc,-:,.1 denf;ituy. 2/2 112 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE---MAGNETIC CRYSTALLOGRAi),HIC ANISOTROPY OF SINGLE Cp'YSTALS OF LITHIUM AND LITHIUM Z114C FERRITES WITH TRACE COBALT DOPANTS -U- AUTHOR-(04)-SELEZNIEV, V.N.-v PUKHOV, I.K., ORONIN, A.I., SHAPOVALOV, V.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TVERO. TELA 1970t 12(3), 885-91 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--SINGLE CRYSTAL, LITHIUMr IRON OXIDE, COBALT, ZINC FERRITE, MAGNETIC PROPERTY, CRYSTAL. LATTICE STRUCTURE CONTkOL t),APKlNG--N0 RESTRICIPINS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCL4SSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0581 srEP NO--UR/0161/70/012/003/O8a5/0891 CIRC AC(rSSION NO--AP0105504 UNE-LASSIFIED 212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SCP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0105564 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. THE IST K SUBI AND 2ND K SUB2 MA~GNIETIC ANISOTROPY CONSTS. WERE MEASURED FOR ANNEALED A14D TEMPERED SINGLE CRYSTAL FERRITES, LI SUBOTIMES5 NEGATIVE(X-2) FE SUB2TIMES5 NEGATIVE(X-2) CO SUBX 0 -SU84 (0 SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO X SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.005) AND Ll SUBOTIMES39 NEGATIVE(X-2) FFE SUB2TIMES39 NEGATfVE(X-2) ZN SUBOTIMES22 CO SUBX 0 SUB4 (X EQUALS 009005)s AT 4.2-600DEGREES K. -MEASUREMENTS WERE CARRIED OUT BY THE METHOD OF ~ERROMAGNETIC.RESONANCE AT SIMILAR TO 9500 AND SIMILAR TO 36,700 MHZ. WITH INCREASED CONTENT OF CO, T14E CONTRIBUtIONS TO K SUBI MAGNITUDE OF DELTA K SUBI AND K SUB2 MAGNITUDE OF DELTA K SUB2 INCREASE LINEARLY. ON TEMPERING OF LI-CO FERRITESv MAGNITUDE OF DELTA K SUBI AND MAGNITUDE OF DELTA K SUB2 DECREASE 3 FOLD. TEMPER'ING OF* LI-ZN-CO FERRITES AFFECTS ONLY LITTLE T14E CONTRIBUTION OF CO TO THE ANISOTROPY CONSTS. THE ORDER DISORDER TRANSITION IN Ll FERRITE STRO14GLY AFFECTS THE CONTRIBUTION OF CO IONS TO K SUBI AND K SUB2, AT GREATER THAN 60DEGREESo EXPTL. 08SO. TEMP. DEPENDENCES OF DELTA K SUBI AK40 DELTA K SU62 IN THE OkOr-RED CRYSTALS CAN BE SATISFACTORILY DESCRIBED BY THE THEORY OF TACHIKI; HOWEVER, AT 4.2DEGREES Kt EXPTL. ANO THEORETICAL DATA DIFFER CONSIDERABLY. POSSIBLE CAUSES ARE DISCUSSED. I INC. I A'~'% I F I F 0 USSR UDC S38.4 BAKANOV, Yu. A_,_.DRQNN1K,_L.,__M., LEVIN, M. N., MAKAREVICH, V. K., -RESHETIKO, L. M., STRIZHAK, V. Ye., TOLMACH, 1. M., TROITSKIY, S. R., YANTOVSKIY, Ye. I. "Experimental Study of Liquid-Metal Induction Machine in Purrip Mode" 7-ye Soveshch. po Magnit. Gidrodinamike. T. I ISeventh Conference on Magne- tic Hydrodynamics, Vol 1], Riga, Zinatnye Press, 1972, pp 20-23, (Trans- lated from Referativnyr Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No 11 R43 by V. V. Blagov). Translation; The operation of a liquid-metal induction machine in the pump mode was studied in a potassium circuit with a working pressure of up to 60 kg/cm2. The working characteristics of the machine are presented for a temperature of 500Q. The experimental results allowed the relationship of the dimensionless criterion R ;7 APV5I/aUll to the velocity ratio V/Vs = I - S to be established (where VS is the synchronous speed of the rotating field, V is the velocity of the metal, AP is the pressure drop developed, S is the slipping, a is the conductivity, U is the applied voltage). As the temperature changes from 1/2 USSR UDC 538.4 .BAKANOV, Yu. A., DRONNIK, L. M., LEVIN, M. N., MAKAREVICH, V. K., RESHETIKO, L. M., STR171JAX' V. Ye., TOBIACH, I. 'I%1., TROITSKIY, S. R., YANTOVSKIY, Ye. I., 7-ye Soveshch. po Magnit. Gidrodinanike. T. 1, Riga, Zinatnye Press, 1972, pp 20-23. 280 to 5000 and the voltage varies from 80 to 150 v, the dependence of H on V/Vs is universal. The maximum head is produced at small flow rates, depends on the applied voltage and where T = 500' and AU ~ 150 v is about 37 kg/cm2 the efficiency.of the machine is about 24% under these conditions. h1lere T = 3000, these figures are 42 and 30'0 respectively. The total operating time of the machine was 120 hours. 2/2 - 192 USSR UDC 669.240' DRONOV, A. I., a~nd G. I. "Ydnina of NP-2 Nickel Hot-Rolled Strip" 0 Moscow, Tsvetnyye Netally, No 10, Oct 70, PP 72-74 Abstract: An investigation was made to establish the geometrical pa-rwrieters of a cylindrical mill with inserted hard alloy teeth. Detailed descriptions are given of tests to d&te=dane its performance in milling U-2 nickel. The strength Of M111S Drovided with VK4, VK6M, VK10, YI, and T5,~10 hard alloy teeth at cutting speeds of 297 and 377 m/min were compared in order to select the optimum mil.1 material. '7he best results were obtained with T5K1(j hard alloy teeth. The optimin cutting speed was found to be between 360-400 m/min. Dal- ling length and tool productivity increased when feeding was increased from o-156 to 0.787 mnm/ttooth. A combination of 150rake and 120 end relief angles yielded the best results. An econonW of 2700 rubles per 1000 m of nickel was realized by using mills with hard alloy teeth instead of mills with high-speed steel teeth. 1/1 us S? R D A V, A. S. , KUDRYAV SEV, LE. DIYAHO T .L t, U 'Gas Dynamic '02 Laser Esca-pe Through a S-Iot of ~he , 7 i I 1-17i_xt-ure -leated in the Shock Tube Nozco-vi, Pis lmav Zhu.,,.-:,.a! T-;'*,?.-.-~,ne.-irrer,~,alino-.--i-- 1.,jol 11, .170 11, 5 June 1970, pp 51b-.t-19 Abs-tract: 1"his artielle contains a description of a-,-- e:me-,--iment and the results of de--lect-ing amplification and gene-ration of the laser radiation of CO;) molecules during e.-mansio.r of a 7as t-nrou-n a slot, In this case greater cooling rates ar(,~ obl;ai.ned -chan -.--hen using a nozzle. A triple mixture of 73 percent H'c, 16 no_rce,-t, C02, and 9 -oercent 112 WrIs used, The nixture heated to i.,C'JQO +20001" (at a -oressure o--F' 25 atmospheres) in a shocl~ 'U'-Ub~:~ beyond a Feflocted shock i-.,ave. -"he shock cube with an inside dianrater of 90 ry, had a T)art-ition with a slot- 0.7 x x 60 nz-,. The Liot was covered with foil (10 microns t-Mck) trhich made it po_-~;Jblo to obtain different -oro--s-uros on each side of tho blot bofo:-c experLmen -l". On reflection of the shock wave t1ale rupti--ed practically instan-Leously, and after this t.-he gas mi.x-tuire heated 0, the reflected Shock wave leaked from the forec.aamber ir.Lo the 1/2 - 87 - Lis SR D20`OV, A. 1~ t I Pi s -,--r- a 1 receiver (at. a o-f -I t-or::,). co-_-Irn,~~d in t-'a'D periments t'nat coolin,. of the carbon d3o.-:ide ,,,-az on of the jet in a vacu,,.,n and (,-ho decrea_-c in dicn:3-14 `-r -,(-ad to t-no fact at some di.-,tance the, --lot in t,-ac a maxl- m,= inversion (and ampliPication) mu,~;I- be obsei~ved. T-he maximun. value of k -10 percent ~71 is' the amnli-ficatior oz, coefficien;t.7 vm-o reach.ed at-, a dist-ance of 3' 'in fro-,- tho' slot. Because of the nanture of the amplificat-k-on coo-fl:'icient the of the resonator was locat-ed at a distance of 35 m4m On, i.-he slot in the e.-_,Oerimments to obtain. genemtion. An o _- c i 111~ o _~-.ram S presented sho-,.rmg a st,andard recordin of generation. Th e I e r, 'u- h of the generation pulze coincide-- with the len,-th of tho _n-Dli'lca~ion pulse. L t, This agrees with the picture of infrared ,-low of the mixture in the receiver. Glow bogirs be- fore th.e am-olification and generation nrocasse.,, and thi-ce rdil-i- seconds aft-er the t-ime of ieflection ile glow of tjh~D mixt-ure (and its temoeraiL-Mre) drops sha.-ply as a resultu of the ef-focz o-f the e)Tansion waves arriving at- the slot. This leads to a reduction in the amlification a.-Id generation. 212 USSR uDc 6l2.ol4.426.o17.l and KIE DRONqV_, ITSEVA) A. D., Central Scientific Research Laboratory, -HC-sia-v-on-Don Riedical Institute "Immunobiological Reactivity of Animls Subjected to Long-Terin Irradiation by SHF Radio 'Naves" Moscow, Gigiyena- Truda i Professiopal'ny-ye Zabolevanlya, 110 9, 1972, PP 15-1(9 Abstract: Effect's of low intensitv SIT radio waves were studied by subjectirg rabbits to 50 rdcrowatts/cr? for 4 hrs/day for 4 months. Group I was irradiated durin-, immization with h~;,-,t-killcd typhoid culture, Froap 2 was immunized before irradiation, and PrOUP 3 vas iimmni,2ed after 3 Inotiths og irradin-111-ion. Another group immunized during irradiation by 10 micrmmatts/cm- shoued no dif- ferences from controls. The others, particularly Gro!'P 3, showed decreas,2s in imminobiolo'cri-cal reactivity. Neutrophil phacocy-Lic activity decreased as low as 21-12% in the 7th week in group, ! (,6-22% in controls) and 15-10.6~d in r,,U, CY, a.) in 2 (25.6-16.G% in controls). Complement content dropped from 13- 2 C'H50 (r; grouD- 2 to 5.2 in the 5th week of irradiation and returned to no=.-ql in tiie 6th. Com~plerreent remained norml (14.2) in grou-D 3 until the 8th week of irradiat-Lon (9.2), drop.-~:-d to 8.9 14 dr-,,Ys after immunization, and rerrained low until norn.-al levels -were restored on b~:)th day. Antibody titers of racro- (1,9s) and microglobulins (7S) were lower than controls in groaps 2 anz! 3- 7S antibodiies disappeared comiletely 41L days after immunization in group 3. In corclusi-on, 1/2 USSR D-RONOVII I. S. and KIRIT,"EVA, A. D.) Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevani,,-a, No 9, 1972, PP 15-19 animals im-ranized 'vrior to irradiation 50 microwatts/cin? sho',.'ed insi,-nificrant. reductions of irarunobiological activity, 'while innni!Lation after ir-radiation results in sharp reduction of antibody fon-natic-p- and complement content. 2/2 - 7Q - USSR UDC 612-017-12.014-426 S. KIRITSE DRONOV___1___S. VA, A. D.; Chair of General Hygiene, Ghair biology and Virology, Central Scientific Research Laboratory, Rostov Medical Institute "Imunobiological Shifts in Immunized Animals Exposed to Micro- wavesil Moscow, Gigiyene i Sanitariya, No 7, 1971, PP 51-53 Abstract: Antibody formation was studied in 20 rabbits exposed for foUi; hours daily for four months to microwaves (50["WICM2 and lotw/CM2) before, during, and after inrunizabion with typhoid antigen. Chronic irradiation at 50/-Lw/cm' simultaneously lowered the antibody titers as shown by both the agglutination and indirect hemagglutination tests. Irradiation after iirmuni- zation slightly decreased antibody ti"U'ers, while irradiation before immunization decreased them sharply. Separate deterraina- tion of the 19S- and 7_13-antibodies showed that chronic irradia- tion suppressed the synthesis of macroglobulin and especially microglobulin antibodies. Shudy of antibody formation in animals exDosed to 10,- w/cm revealed no shifts in experimental animals compared with the control. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.181.001.5 GRISIIIII, A. D., CUT-SALO, G. I., SlITAL'IM, S. ABNYUTINT, A. A., Qg, . G Q)IQV,, N--' - --Taii engineers) L. A., SOL01MONOV, V. X., KROL', A. Ya. and BRITVI , d. V7.') -ffifir Candidate of Technical Sciences VIMREV, Yu. V., ORGI~ES-VTI-Kostromskaya GRES "Results of a Study of the Combustion and Temperature Regime of the Lower Radiation Section of the TG',,fP-114 Boiler" Ploscov, Teploenergetika, No 3, 1973, pp 43-46 Abstract: Earlier -as-mazut boilers of this general type were not completely satisfactory on account of the low reliability of the heating surfaces (Mai-Lily the lower radiation section) and the great heat. flow in the combustion chamber. This difficulty has been corrected in the new main-saries supercritical pressure TGMP-114 boiler by reducing the number of boilers (from 8 to 6), securing maximal removal of the extreme burners from the side walls, and use of recirculation of cold smoke gases into the lawei part of the furnacc chamber. f The direct-f1cra TG,*'-114 boiler has an output of 950 L/hr, with ste-am of 255 kg/cm2 and 565/570%. ttnaly5is of operational data or, clienic,-.1 cr.ntrol 1/2 95 USSR GRISHIN, A. D., et al., Teploenergetika, No 3, 1973, pp .43-46 shows that In 1971 iron content of feed water was 10-15 ~g/kg, 15-20 ~g/kg the previous year, and 20-50 1;g/kg during the start-up period in 1969, with high content of 100-150 ~g/kg in individual cases. These facts point up the formation of iron oxide deposits as a basic cause of the external corrosion of the screening pipes of the lower radiation section, and emphasize the necessity of water control and chemical* cleansing. 212 WSR UDC: 621-372.412 DR-ONOV, N. D. , K011MOV, A. N. , I'llo-vocherkassk "Order of tile Red Beamer of Labor" ec I Institute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze "A Method of Changing the Frequency of a Piezoelectric Resonator" Moscow, Otk--ytiya, izobreteniya, pronyshlennyye obrazztsy, tovarnyy-e znaki, No 12, Apr 71, Autthor's Certificate No 299944, Division If, filed 229 Dee 69, published 26 Mar 7-1, -on 2C06-207 Translatic~: 7--nis Author's Cer,~--",;*icate introd,-ces a T-,et*, of chr;-- 'Ding the frequency of a -niezoelectric resmonator made from a qwart.:-, Qir corn-mic ~,,Iate vincse side -'a--ss iz~~-d vit- a maumetic ccnauctlve a diistingaish;ng feature of fthe pazent, the natural frequency of the Die--o- electric pla-te is chwigred by placing the above-moritioned resormtur i~; w) -al ternating mar- petic ficid. USSR DRONOV S.,, GORBATENKO, L. S. (Rostov-on-Don Institute of Railroad Transport -Qh~eers~) "Supersaturated Vapors of Crystalline Substances -- Possible Meditim for 1~ecordlllg Tracks of Charged Particles" Tomsk, Izvestlya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika, August 1970, pp 66--69 Abstract: The possibility of using supersaturated vapors of solid crystalline substances for observing the tracks of charged particles is discussed. In this case the track must be labeled as a chain of crystals growing from the vapors. Using ClOH8 as an example, the authors determine the necessary extent of super- saturation and sensitive period for various values of the charge of formation ion centers near which occur the nucleation and growth of the crystals. Tile results are shown in the table, 1/2 - 14 - MMM- MIMMIN USSR DRONOV, V. S., GORBATENKO, L. S., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchelinvkh Zavedeniv, Fizika, August 1970, pp 66-69 z PdPO AT t4a R c^'cre sex 2 6,75 35 9.6-10-1 3 4,35 26 5,5.10-2 4 3.30 20 3.8-10-1 2.6. 10 5 2,93 17 3,0.10-1 3,3- 10 Here Z is the charge of an ion; Pr/Po is the critical supersaturation; z:ST is the supercooling required; R is the rate of growth of the crystals, calculated from data given by Barton, Carbera, and Frank in the collection "Elementary Processes in the Growth of Crystals (M., p 11, 1959 foreign literature); and,6-r is the required sensitive period. 2/2 1/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ~TITLE-ON THE POSSIBILITY OF CREATING CONDITIONS OF PERMANENT SENSITIVITY I OF SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS TO CHARGED PARTICLES -U- -AUTHOR--DRONOVv V.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHURNAL EKSPERIlMENTALINDY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, 1970t VOL 582 NR 51 PP 1784-1788 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--?HYSICS TOPIC TAGS--RADIATION SENSITIVITY, SUPERCOOLING, QUANTUM LIQUIDt CHARGED PARTICLE, TEMPERATURE GRADIENT, MATHEMATIC EXPRESSION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCU14ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIF0 OROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/2235 STEP NO--I)R/0056/70/058/005/1784/1788 (*,--. IAC ACCESSION t'110--AP0121597 A F)-')- ! F_ Ill' 1)