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-------- ------ USSR UDC 669.76:539.216.2:5317.311.3 FErM)SYkN, V. I., HOLIN, V. N.,_DAQWNL E. I., TAGVER, B. A., SKRIPKI"~A, P. A., --au-ctor Physics, Siberian Depart- and ALEKS-N-XDMV, L. N., Institute of Semicon ment of the Acade--v. oil Sciences USSR "Characteristics of Quantum Size Effects in Thin Untextured Polycrystalline -1-il-m of Bis:u th Produced by the Electric Explosion Method" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 31, No 4, Apr 71, pp 725-730 Abstract: Possibilities of the occurrence of quantum size effects (QSE), their peculiarities in untextured polycrystalline bismuth films, and the role of crystallographic anisotropy in QSE were investigated on the basis of oscillation (period v,200 i~) dependences of the specific resistance ~ and the Hall- constant R on the thickness in untextured polycrystalline foils. The foils were produced by the electric'explosion method in the thickness -interval of 50-700 X. In contrast to previous findings, the Hall constant was rotmd to be negative. The experimental results are discussed by ref- erence to diagraris showing temperature deDendences ofj and R and densities of.electrou and hole conditions as functions of the film thickness. Control measurements made on the same films, annealed at 700C, on which the texture 112 'USSR PETROSYAN, V. I., et al., Fizika Metallav i Metallovedeniye, Vol 31, No 4, Apr 71, pp 725-730 originated, demonstrated that the derived characteristics are related to a polycrystallinity. Three figures, six formulas, eight bibliographic refs. 2/2 -53 - - 1/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DArE--30OCT70 .T-lTLE-PECULIARITIES OF FORMATION AND PROPERTIES OF SE.-%IICGNDUCTt)q FILMS DEPOS I TED BY ELECTRICAL EXPLOSION -U- ~AUTHOR-(05)-ALEKSANDROV, L.N DAGM ZELEVINSKAYA, V.I., -..:_~-PETROSYAN, V.I., SKRIPKINA; f_.A.' 'aCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~:SOURCE-THIN SOLID FILMS 1970, 5(l), 1-6 .-DATE PU8LISHEG---70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-THIN FILM SEMICONDUCTOR, TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION7 CRYSTALLIZATICN, INDIUM ANTIMUNID E, INDIUM ARSENIDE, ELECTRON ~-DIFFRACTICN, EL;~CTRON MOBILITY, CRYSTAL GROWING, ELECrRIC DISCHARGE CCNTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~:DOCU MENT CLASS-UNCLASS[FIED ~~PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/L22L STEP NO---~IE/0000/70/005/OOL/0001/0006 _CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0124875 UNG-LA SS-1-F j -I-E D_ 2/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0114875 -.ABSTRACT."EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A CALCN. AND EXPTL. INVESTIGAFION OF THE TEMP. DISTRIBUTION IN THIIN FILMS DEPOSlTED By rHE E-LEC. EXPLOSION METFOO WERE MADE. AS A RESULT OF RELEASING THE CONDENSATION ENERGYi ROM THE MELT. FILPIS OF INSB AND INAS CRYSTN. PROCESSES OCCUR Fj :-DEPOSITED GN ISOLATED NJNGRIENTED SUBSTRATES WERE INVESTIGATED BY -ELECTRON IDFFRACTI(-jN, AND THEIR MOBILITY, CARRIER CONCN., AND CoNo. IIERE MEASURED. TFE UNUSUALLY SMALL VALUES OFMOBILITY ARE DISCUSSED IN TERIMS '.,OF THE DIMENSIONAL EFFECT IN VERY THIN FILMS. FACILITY: INST. .-SEMICOND. PHYS., NOVOSIBIRSK, USSR. LASS F 1 E 0 USSR UDC: 621.387.322.,4 DAGOVIYER, B. B. "On Selecting the Number of Pull-Out Protectors in the Fuse System of a Receiver" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Elektron SVCh (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Technical Collection. SHF ElectronicsT, 1970, vyp. 1, pp 110-116 .~(from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No 7D9) r confirms the advisability of increasing the number of Translation: The autho discharge, spaces in a resonance discha,rger, which maXes it possible to reduce the leakage power and recovery time. The.rates of..recovery of the individual discharge spaces should be close in value. Resum6. USSR UDC 518.9 GAMBROV, L. A., SUMTSOV, A. A., V "The Problem of Distribution of Resources as a Game with Matrix Strategies" 'Tekhn. Kibernetika. (Khaylkov. Otd.). Vyp. I [Engineering Cybernetics (KarIkov Division), No. I -- Collection of Works] Kiev, 1970, pp 10-14 (Translated Irom Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No. 4, April, 1971, Abstract No. 4 V528 by I. Fokin). Translation: The problem of the distribution of several types of means of attack and defense between objects of fixed values is studied as a game with matrix strategies. The case is studied in which the stategies of the attacker ~include the possibility of using special attack devices for suppression of defense. 1/1 USSR UDC: 8.74 BREKHOV, A. M., DAKELIN. A. I., MELAMUD, T. I. "Automatic Distribution of the External Memory of the Computer Complex of an Automated Control System" Tr. Leningr. inzh.-ekon. in-ta (Works of Leningrad Engineering Economics Institute), 1972, vyp. 94, pp 26-29 (from RZh-Kiber- netika, No S, May 73, abstract No SV770 by V. Mikheyev) Translation: The authors consider a machine algorithm for automatic distribution of the external memory when recording data blocks. In accordance with this algorithm, ordinal numbers are assigned to all data blocks during automatic pro- cessing. According to these ordinal numbers, catalog I is compiled which contains the following quantitative charac- teristic of each block.' fr; 1; m; k; A; a), where r is the or- dinal number of the block; I is a data recording tag; M is the number of quanta in the block; k is the length of a quantum; A and a are respectively the number of the magnetic tape and the address on that tape where the block begins; 112 USSR BREKHOV, A. 1M. et al., Tr. Leningr. inzh.-ekon. in-ta (Works of Leningrad Engineering Economics Institute), 1972, vyp. 94, pp 26-29 f0 if the block is recorded on one section of the external memory; 1 if the block is recorded on two sections of the external memory. When 1=1 the quantitative characteristic of the second part of the block is contained in catalog II, whose structure is analogous to that of catalog I. The assignment of magnetic tape volumes set aside for solution of a specific problem is contained in catalog III. The cell address in catalog III is the number of the tape-transport mechanism, the length of the tape in this unit characterizing the content of this cell. 2/2 06 USSR UDC 577.4 GOLEN-KO, D. I., IR' A. 1.3 KU'CHUHOV, YIJ - M, "Definition of the Optimal r-olicy of Filling an Order with a Random 111oxi-C;ta- tionary Demapd in the Haterial and Technical Supply. Systein' Tr. Leri-.Fr. in-ta (Works of Leningrad Econcrdc Engineering L-isti- tute), 11972, vyp. 91, pp 155-163a (from RZIn-I'Vvernetika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract no 7V535) No abstract 54 045 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-21NOV70 _jI_TLE--