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USSR UDC 5k16.741821172"21048-313 DUBROVINA, I. N.t SHChEP-n-KINg A. A.. Institute of y;etallurgy, Ura- Scientific Center, Acadelay of Mences ~'ffiSR IsPeculiarities of Spin,91 Solid Solutions in the Ni-TiOFe-O Syztcm!' Moscow, Izvestiya Akaderaii Hauk SSSR, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, No 8, 1972t PP 1459-1464 Abstract: The conditions of synthesis, mutual solubility of components, magnetic properties,-and crystallochemical peculiarities (placement of cations on lattice nodes) in the three-component system NiFe204-Fe304-Fe2TiO4 were studied. It was concluded that full mutual solubility of the components in this system occurs. The parameters of the crystalline lattice of the trinary solid solution follows the additive rule with good accuracy. The concentration dependences of magnetic moment.of saturation and Curie temperature of the binilry system (Fe2Tio 4)C (Fe204)1-c and certain trinaTy, compositions were measured. The distribution of cations among octahedral and tetrahedral nodes of th-e spinel structure in the system was sinilar to the distribution produced additively from the distribu- tions characteristic for the individual components. 1/1 2 034 UNCLASSIFIED. pRorr-SSI.N(,; DATE--LISFf'70 !,TITLE--SOME HEMODYNAMIC I NO I C ES I NPNEUMONECTOMY FOP, TUBERCULOSIS UNOER FLUOROTHAN AND ETHER ANESTHESIA -U- AUTHOR--CHUFAROVi VaN. -,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -,.SOURCE--VESTNIK KHIRURGII IMENI 1. 1. GREKOVAt 1970.t VOL 104P JNR 3, PP 100-102 AT F_ PUBLTSHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -:TOPIC TAGS--HEMODYNAMICS, SURGERY,, TUBERCULOSIS, ANESTHESIA, ETHER, HEART RATE, BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTPICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF[EO PROXY PFEL/FR4llF--1996/0'rl53 STEP NO--UR/0599/70/104/003/0113/31)? CIRC ACCESSION Nr)--AP0I02P14 UNCL A SS I F I C 0 -PROCESS IN' DATE-1 ISEP70 212 034 UNCL ASS IF I ED -.1-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102814 ,~,_ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PULSE RATF, SYSTOLIC 4RTFRIAL PRESSURE, PULSE AND VENnus P-'~ESSU:~E UNDFR% FLUOROTHAN AND ETHER ANESTHESIA WAS -MADE. THE ANIALYSIS HAS EVIDEMCF1) T,44T 'IN CONDUCTION OF NARCOSIS STAGE .111 SUBI DURING THE ODEPArION SIMILAR QUALITATIVE CHANGES IRRESPECTIVE OF THE TYPE OF TH6 USED ANESTHETIC (FLUOROTHAN OR FTHER) WERE OBSERVED. STATISTICALLY RELIA9,LE QUANTITATIVE ALTE-QATIONS WgkE OBSERVED INJHE AMOUNT OF SYSTOLIC AND PULSE PRESSURE DURING INTRATHORACIC STAGE OF SURGERY. 114 FLUOROTHAN ANESTHESIA-BOTH PRE~SSIURES-WERE.7 MM-HG'LOWER THAN IN ETHER ONE. UNCLASSIFIE0 --- - - --- ----- ------------- USSR UDC 669.295.OS3.4.068 PETUNINA, N. I., CHUFAROVA, 1. G. "Extraction of Titanium From Hydrochloric Acid Solutions With Secondary Higher Alcohol" Tr. In-ta. Khimii. Urallsk. Fil. AN SSSR [Korks of the Institute of Chemistry, Urals Affiliate, Academy of Scierices,,USSR], 1970, No. 20, pp. 123-126. (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgi 4, No. S, 1971, Abstract No. S C221 by the authors). Translation: Results are presented from studies of the extraction of Ti by secondary higher alcohols from hydrochloric acid solutions as a function of the content of 11C1 (2-12 mol/1) and Ti (5-160 g/1 TiO-7) in the initial solutions, and the influence of the salting Out cffcct Of 112S04 ;n the distribution of Ti is studied. The greatest extraction-of Ti is achieved by extraction from solu- tions containing 10-12 nol/I HC1. :The presence Of 112S,04 increases the extraction of Ti chloride in the organic phase. As the concentration of Ti changes in the initial solution, the extraction in the organic phase decreases as a result of formation of non-extractable polymer forms of Ti. 3 figs; 7 biblio refs. 44--- USSR UDC 669.21/23 MASLENITSKIY, I. N., and CHUGAYEV, L. V. Metallurgiya Blagorodnykh Metallov.(Metallurgy of Noble Metals), MoscM4, Izdatel'stvo IMetallurgiya, 1972, 368 pp Translation of Annotation: Fundamental aspects of the theory actical metallurgy of noble metals are presented. Considerable attent given to'.physicochemical Drocesses.for the extraction of gold and si- from raw ores. Thermodynamics and kinetics of cyanidationj pa ation, and pro- .,cesses for refining gold and silver are considered. a - Lrections in q , e treatment of auriferous ores using ion-exchange resiss are presented. the most widely used and promising methods for extracting gold from unyi~_ ing ores and concentrates are giver. The last chapter is devoted to methods of extracting and refining platinum group metals. The book is intended to be used as a textbook by students at higher educational institutions spe- cializing in metallurgy. It can also be useful to aspirants and scientific research workers. Table of Contents: Page Foreword ....................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................... 4 1/7 USSR WLENITSKIY, 1. N., and CHUGAYEV, L. V., Metallurgiya Bla-orodnykh Metallov, Izdatel' stvo Metallurgiya, 1972, 368 pp Page Chapter 1. Main Stages in the Historical Development of the Metallurgy of Gold and Silver ...................... 6 Chapter 2. Physical and Chemical Properties of Cold and Silver and of Their Components .............. ............ 12 Chapter 3. Gold and Silver Alloys ............................. 20 Chapter 4. Forms of Gold and Silver in Ores ................... 29 1. Brief Geochemical Data on the Formation of Auriferous Deposits ..............I ................................ 29 2. Cold Minerals ......................................... 32 3. Silver Minerals ............................ .......... 36 Chapter 5. Preparation of Ores for the Extraction of Cold and Silver ............................................. 37 2/7 83 --a 7 7--7-7- USSR MASLENITSKIY, I. N., and CtIUGAYEV,L. V., Metallurgiva Blagorodnykh Metallov, Izdatel 'stvo Metallurgiya, 1972, 368 pp Page Crushing and Grinding of Auriferous Ores .............. 37 2. Sorting and Primary Beneficiation of a Coarse Ore ...... 43 Chapter 6. Gravitational Methods of Extractinc, Cold.From Ores 45 1. Extraction of Gold From Placer Cold Deposits .......... 45 .2. Gravitational Beneficiation I lethods for Raw Auriferous Ores ................... .......................... 47 Chapter 7. Extraction of Cold and Silver by the Amalgamation Process ......................I ...................... 59 1. Theoretical Basis of the Process ...................... 59 2. Amalgamation Methods .................................. 62 3. Treatment of the Amalgam .............................. 67 4. Amalgamation-Gravitational Plants ..................... 67 Chapter 8. Cyanidation of Auriferous Ores ......... a ........... 70 1. Thermodynamics of the Cyanidation Process ............. 70 2. Kinetics of the Cyanidation Process ................... 74 3/7 USSR MASLENITSKIY, I. N. , and CHUGAYEV, L. V. , Metallurgiya Blagorodnykh Metallov, Izdatel'stvo Metallurgiya, 1972, 368.pp Page 3. Electrochemical Solution of Noble Metals .............. 88 4. Hydrolysis of Cyanide Solutions. Protective Alkali .... 104 Chapter 9. Interaction of Cyanide Solutions in the Presence of Metal Impurities ................... I ............... 107 Chapter 10. Actual Application of the Cyanidation Process 122 1. Cyanidation Methods ................................... 122 2. Leaching by Infiltration .............................. 123 3. Leaching by Mixing the Pulp ........................... 132 4. Separation of Gold-Containing Solutions From Tailings.. 147 Chapter 11. Precipitation of Noble Metals From Cyanide Solutions 174 1. Precipitation With Zinc .......... I .................... 174 2. Precipitation With jUminum ........................... 202 3. Precipitation With Ion Exchangers ..................... 202 4, Precipitation With Wood and Activated Carbon .......... 220 5. Extraction ............................................ 225 4/7 USSR MASLnTITSKIY, I. N., and CHUGAYEV, L. V., Metallurgiya Blagorodnykh Metallov, Izdatel' stvo Metallurgiya, 1972, 368 pp rage Chapter 12. Technological Schemes for the Extraction of Gold From Quartz and Oxide Ores .......*............ 229 1. Crushing and Grinding of Auriferous Ores ..i ............ 229 2. Slime Scheme and Metallurgical Balance ................ 231 3. Purification of Waste.Waters From Gold-Extracting Plants ............ .............................. 241 4. Safety Measures in Handling Mercury and Cyanides ...... 244 Chapter 13. Extraction of Cold From Unyielding Ores and Concentrations ..................................... 1. A General Characteristic of Unyielding Ores and Concentrations ........... 247 2. Flotation Beneficiation of Auriferous Ores ............ 250 3. Ores With Finely-Distributed Gold Particles ........... 255 4. Cuprous: Ores ........................................... 268 5. Antimonous and Arsenic Ores ............................ 272 6. Carbonaceous Ores ...................................... 274 7. Sludge Ores ........................................... 277 5/7 -OMEN N USSR IIASLENITSKIY, I. N.,'and CHUGAYEV, L. V., Metallurgiya Blagorodnykh Metallov, Izdatel' stvo Metallurgiya, 1972, 368 pp Page 8. Ferroauriferous Ores .................................. 279 9. Gravitational Concentrates ............................ 280 Chapter 14. Extraction of Gold From Copper Electrolyte Slimes 282 1. Chemical and Material Composition of Slimes ........... 282 2. Treatment of Slimes ................................... 283 Chapter 15. Refining of Cold and Silver ....................... 290 1. Raw Material and PreDaration of It for Refining ....... 290 2. Chlorine Process ................ I ...................... 291 3. Electrolysis Refining .............................. ... 293 4. Acid Refining Methods ................................. 312 5. Carrying Away of Noble Metals by Waste Gases From Foundry and Electrolysis Shops and Purification of These Gases ........I .................................. 313 6. Irrevocable Losses, of Noble Metals During Refining .... 315 7. Treatment of Industrial Wastes .. 315 8. Control of the Technological Process and Balancc of Noble Metals .......................................... 317 6/7 USSR MASLENITSKIY, I. N., and CHUGAYEV, L. V.) Metallurgiya Blagorodnykh Metallov, Izdatellstvo Metallurgiya, 1972, 368 pp Page 'Chapter 16. Metallurgy of Platinum Group Metals ............... 317 1. Historical Notes ....................................... 2. Physical and Chemical Properties of the Platinum Group Metals ............... i........... I .................... 320 3. Alloys of the Platinum Group Metals .................... 332 Form of the Deposits of the Platinum Group Metals in Ores .......................... ...................... 334 5. Extraction of the Platinum Group Metals ............... 337 6. Refining of the Platinum Group Metals ................. 342 7. Application of the Platinum Group Metals .............. 361 References ..................................................... 363 7/7 ............ USSR UDc 621.396. 61-181.. BELOUS, I.I. V. , T, G. i. , 'P 07, A. S. , Pill L, -'G V. "On th-- Proijertics olf* Cori tive Ele,.,,eiits of '-72in-F-ilm ;':Jcrocircuits Made b,r V,-L7)Cj7i~- Nic.-c, , C, -el- a-rd Ele! .-t~!..-n. sb. -ij.2 -1c' 1-c-c!,nical Collecti.nri. rr, 101. All 71, 1971, vyp. 1 (27' -1.09 (from -No, 8, Abstr-act 1.1c, 8V277) Translation a-thors :1-tudied the clectr~~cal. structu-ral, adhesion and other o-f nade by vacuum deT)0!l-it,iCn Of a2ull-LIWI, nickel, con-.en- --nd an n1loy of 9,11.5", Cu, 5','J 11i a,.,.d 0.55' i z, i s slimm tbat With elements h-aving z~ va,,-;or urf~SSul-1,e differs narl-7111,T thtt of the base of t-)e alloy enables ar~ a~l-re- ciable i-l-mrov-m--mt of the reouired -cronertics of the v.-ithjut any prancunc-ed' Ef-fCcE, their cordlxctivfty. USSK UDC S48.52 POLTAVTSEV, Yu. G, ZAKRAROV, V. P., CRUGAYEV, V. N. "Structural Studies of Graphitization of Thin Carbon Films Under the Influence of Powerful Light Pulses" Moscow, Kristallografiya, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1971, pp 415-419. Abstract: Changes in near order structure upon graphitization of carbon films under the influence of powerful light pulses are studied. Amorphous carbon films were irradiated with light pulses of various energies, the process of graphitization being continued to various stages. The intensities of scatter- ing of electrons by the irradiated films.were measured, and the curves of the radial distribution of atoms were calculated. The hear order parameters were determined for various stages of graphiti-zation. A pr7obable kinetics is suggested for the transition of amorphous carbon to graphite upon irradiation of the initial films with light plilses - of very high energy. it is suggested that a double C C bond, is produced between some of tile atoms in addition tothe single C C bond in the graphitized films. USSR UDC 539.216.2:535-211 ZAKHAROV, V. P., POLTSKIY, YU. M., and CHUGAYEV, V. N. (Kiev) "Kinetics of Structural Changes in Thin Films of Germanium and Carbon During Their Interaction With Laser Radiation" Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 5, Sep-jDct 70, pp 55-60 Abstract: The article describes results of a study of the process of crystal growth in thin germanium films during their interaction with laser radiation. An FEU-31 photomultiplier was used as tne recording device. The germanium films were obtained by evaporation in a vacuum of the order of. 1o-6 mm Hg on cold 5# glass substrates. Tne interaction of thin germanium films with focused laser radiation results in the growth of single crystals within individual cells of the supporting grid on which the film was placed. The crystals reacned 15-20 microns in length. Os- cillograms disclosed a difference in the duration of changes in the optical density of the films when they were irradiated with laser radiation in air or in avacuum. Since changes in the ~1/3 USSR ZAKHAROV, V. P., et al., Fizika i Xhimiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 5, Sep-Oct 70, PP 55-60 optical density of germanium film in a vacuum be6in following the completion of the laser pulse action, it may be considered that the single crystals grow in the film as,it cools off. The temperature for the start of single-crystal 'growth is strictly determined. In air the appearance of significant temperature gradients determines a nigher rate of single.'crysLal growth in the-films than under vacuum conditions. Crystal growth within different cells takes place sequentially as.the film crystalli- zation temperature is reached during,cooling. The use of the photomultiplier makes it possibleto estimate mean crystal growth rates. For 15-20-micron single crystals the mean rate of their growth in the film is of the order of 10 cm/sec. The same method was used to-study the time characteris- tics of the graphitization of carbon film in its interaction with a laser pulse. Unlike germanium films, where ordering of the microstructure occurs during their cooling, carbon films are 2 ZAKHAROV, V. P., et al., Fizika i Khimiya 0brabotki Materialov, No 5, Sep-Oct 70, Pp 55-60 graphitized on heating. Oscillograms of variations in the opti- cal density of the carbon film show that the,graphitization process begins 200 microseconds after the start of the laser pulse. The rate of movement,of the film graphitization fiont in an individual cell is estimated to be of the order of 30 cm/sece __3/3 7n Aei~onftutlcal USSR tm%yl~ (Moscow) "The Stability of Small Oscillations of a Schuler Vertical When an Object Moves Along the Terrestrial Orthodromelf Moscow, 1-fekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No Jul-Aug 70, pp 16-22 Abstract: The stability of the solutions of:equations of small -oscillations is investigated for one:class of moments of an object:. movement at constant velocity along the terrestrial orthodrome. In this case the equations of small oscillations of a Sohulor vertical become linear equationstwith periodic coefficients. Taking advantage of the fact,that they can be written in the form of Hamiltonians, the mathematical theory of parametric resonance may be used for studying:their stability. In the-problem under consideration, formulware used for deter- mining the boundaries of theAnstability regions in the first and in the second approximtion._7 bibliographic entries; 1/1 -M USSR uDc; 62,4.131.43+539.21.o84-492.3 2WJAU.V. VYe. "An Appro>dmatte Method of Solving the Problem of Freezing of the Ground Around Cavities Fill6d with an isotro-Dically Kept Liquefied Gas" Sb. rabot Vychidl. tsentra Mask. un-ta (Collection of Work-s of the Cam- puting Center of ~Jbscow University), 1970, vyp- 153 pp 182-187 ( from RZh- tio 4, A-Dr Tl, Abstract No AV507) Translation: An approximate method is proposed for solving the asymme-tric Stefan problem for a region bourded from within by a circle of non-zero radius on which the temperature is constant and below the solidification point. The method assu s stati-onary temperature distribution in frozen and thawed zones. The thawed zone is bounded by the. influence radius to be determined. The resultant temperature distributions are substituted in the calorimetric relationship on the mving boundary, -which after inte- gration gives two relations for two variables: ; the freezing radius and the influence radius. These cuantities are calculated by means of an iteration process which is proposed in the paper and realized on a computer. The results of specific calculations are compared with data from modeling on an electronic integrator, and with the results of computer calculations by the method of finite differences. Bibliography of ten titles. E. A. Ban- darev. 46 USSR UDC 533.95:538.4 CHUGAYEVSKIY, Yu. V. "Nonlinear Theory of Magnetogravitational Vibrations and Wavesir V sb. 7-ye Sovesch. po magnit. gidrodinamike. T. 3 (Seventh Conference on 111agnetohydrodynamics. Vol 3 -- Collection of Works), Riga, "Zinatne," 1972, pp 165-166 (from RZh-Fizika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11G32) Translation: Nonlinear vibrations of a metal drop locaJized in a magneto- gravitational tower (i.e., suspended in the field of a high-frequency inductor) are discussed. The range of vibrational motion of the maganeto- gravitational vibrator was determined for the case of weak energy dissipa- tion. It was shown that the period of the vibrations rises with an increase in the amplitude. The boundaries for the stability of vibrational motion of the system were determined. Stationary capillary waves in a layer of an ideal, conducting, weighable.fluid suspended in a high-frequency field were also examined. Solutions were obtained for waves with velocity c greater than the velocity of the capillary "sound" co and for waves with c < c0. It is shown that the amplitude does not depend monotonically on the velocity and has a discontinuity at the point c = co. V..L. Martsynk'yan. 1/1 USSR uDc 614,-718;576-852-211/-()'18 CHUGIMMMICHMA V. Institute of Gene--ml and Comr-amal Hysgiene i-1.1eiii A. 11. S3. Mcdical Sciences USSR, 1~bsco-w "Comparati-ve 'Pvaluation of Methods for the Datection of Tuberculosis EYcobacteria in the Air" Vbsccrw, Gigi-yerp. i Sanitariya, NO 11 19731 PP 73-75 Abstract: Detection of tuberculosis mycobacteria wider conditions and in the air of bact-eriolo.--ical laboratories, clinics, and hospitals ims studied. To capture the mycobacteria for test cultures, membrane, filters, filters of the type AFA-V-18 mde of the filtering mriterial I"TP-15, and the device P011-1 vere used. The membrane filters v'cre wisuital)le, because their resistance to the air flov vas too great. The material of 1-YA-V-18 filters exerted a bactericidal action. Tne bent method for isolatLyir,., tlv~ iT)rcobacteria from the air war by ii-inana or the PYI-1 df;vicc, -Which "'-as dr--,~;-Lped by the Leniagrad Afj'iliate of the lmtitute of' Medical instri~uw.~nt action of thin de-Tica is -,azed on captitre of the bract,~ria from ti-ic air b:,- of an aeroso-2 by dicperoing R licpid ~iith an atonizer. It consirts of Lin aspirator equipperl iiit)i a rotam(--t(sr and it not or i?rkiirple tak~,~rs in the bacteria tire collect-ed. A sarq)le taker in a plastic cylin(ler into which 7 1/2 JJSSR CHUGUNMINA, If. V., Gigiyena i Sanitariyap L97 No 1, " 3, F,,P 73-75 ml of Shkol'nikova's synthetic medium are placed. The ato-lizer arran~;!nent is lowered into the cylinder. A volume of air amounting to 250-500 liters is passed through the device at the rate of 30 -1. /min. After the taking of samples in the tests conducted, culturing on solid nutrient media was carried out. Furthermore, experimental animals were infected. 2/2 1/3 008 UNCLASS I FIE0 PROCESSING DATE--02r)CT70 PHOSPH130, IT EN'-,DULE S 'ITTOM SEDIMENTS OF THE CiULr T k-Tl. E IN iit 3F A EN ;AUT.-i-_~i- (02) -GEV' -N, V.KH., C H11 GUNN Y.y ORKYA YU.G _~'rCUXTRY OF INFO--USSRt INDIAN OCEAN 1970, VOL 109 NR PP 307-311.4 PJ2LISHED ------- 70 AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, MECH., IND., CIVIL AVD ENGR JOPIC TAGS--BOTTOM SEDIMENT, OCEAN, OCEAN BOTTOM SAMPLING, MINE;-'AL MODULE, METAL OXIDE/(UIMIKHAIL LOPIONDSOV SHIP CONTRCL. NARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMINT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY rREEL/FRAME--1990/1378 STEP NO--UR/0213/70/0101002/0337/0317 CIRC 4CCESSION NO--AP0109451 UNCLASSIFIED 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--023CT70 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109451 A6Slr-ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE XIXTH CRUISE OF THE R-V 4. ~,Lf;MCNGSOV ro THE INDIAN OCEAN IN 1966 GAVE 326 PHOSPHORITE MODULES OF'l KG AND 109 G TOTAL WEIGHT TAKEN FROM 210 M DEPTH IN THE VICINITY OF TliE SOCUTRA ISLAND IN THE GULF OF ADEN. THE MORPHOLOGICAL PECJLIARITIES OF THE NODULES COLLECTED AND THE CONDITIONS OF THEIR OCCURRENCE PROMPT A CONCLUSION THAT THE NODULES IN QUESTION ARE PRODUCTS OF EROSION AND -REDEPOSITION OF BEDROCK CONTAINING PHOSPHORITE NODULES. TIME 3F THE FORMATION OF THE NODULES HAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED, THEIR EVACUATION AND REDEPOSITION ARE PROCEEDING EVEN NOWADAYS. THE~MORPHOLOGICAL AND PETROGRAPHIC STUDIES OF THE NODULES HAVE SHOWN THEIR COMPOSITION AS A MIXTURE OF MOSTLY FINE DISPERSED ISOTROPIC PHOSPHATE MATTER AND FINE CRYSTALLINE CALCITE. SUCH MINERALS AS QUARTZ, CHALCEDONY AND APATITE HAVE BEEN FOUND TO COMPOSE THE NODULES WITH A RARER OCCURRENCE OF PYROXENE, FELDSPAR, ZIRCON AND OTHER MINERALS. THE CHEMIrAL ANALYSIS HAS kEVEALED THE FOLLOWING OXIDES AS THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE NODULES (IN PERCENT): SID SUB2-2.79; TIO SUB2-0.22; AL SUB2 0 SUB3-3.18; FE SUA-2 11 SUB3 5.8q; FEO-0.88; MNO-0.18; -liG0-0.54; CAO-44.12; NA SUB2 0-1..07; K SUHZ 0-0.32i P SU82 0 SU85-23.58; H SUB2 0 SU84YGR-1.59; H 5U8Z 0 5UBCRYST. PLUS PPP-Z.25:'CO SUB2-8.10: TOTAL-101.05; F-1.34; C WAS N;C-T FOUt4D- THE CUANTITATIVE SPECTRAL STVDIF5 HAVE 5HOWN THE ELEMENT~ i IN ?~V~MT) i fil-029OZi -0-91 DDI; VTDAl! ERJD-ol: BA-0.08. THE ANALYSIS HAS BEEN MADE FOR 40 ELEMENTS. -3/3 008 LINCL ASS I FI ED, ~PROCESSING flATE--0?0CT70 ~CIKC ALCESSIUN, N,01--AP0109451 ~~-AdSl~-ACTIEXTRACT--LARGE AMOUNTS (IF ADMIXTURES, INCLUDING 10 To 15PFR,~FNT DUS OXIDES AND OUARTZ, '44Kt- IT 114',J-jSST!ALE To CALCITE, CLAY MATTER, FERR I GETERMI-N.P- A ~IINERALUCICAL FC:k*,t (IF DHLISPHATfz MATTER. BASEO ON THE 'F NC'DULES WITH HYORUCHLORIC ACIDt ?HJSPfiAT: ACTIVE AEACTfON 0 a fSOTRPPY A.,11~0 EhSY S31-UBILITYj TAF PRESENCE OF APATITE, THE AUTHORS ixRE INCLOOLD TO RECARNO THE PHOSPHOL~ITES UNDER STUDY AS A MA~JY. COMPONENT SYSTF14 WITH A PREVALENCE OF THE ISOTEOPIC DIFFERENCE OF CARBONATAPATITr-F:LU'IRI-'4APArITE COLLOPHANE. TliIS DI.SCUVERY OF PHOSPHORITES IS THE FTRST Ff.%DING OF THE MASS CONCENTRATION'S OF PHOSPWIRITE NOOULES IN THE N-QTH=r%%- PAIT OF THE I.-NDIAN OCEAN. FACILITY: INSTITUT GEJLQGICHESv.IKH NAUK AN USSR, KIFV. UNCLASSIFIED 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED DATE--230CT70 1-TITLE--STUDY OF THE WORKING CAPACITY OF AN OPERATOR UNDER CONDITIONS OF A PROLONGED BED REST -U- ~.AUTHDR-04)-ZAVIALOVq YE.S., MELNIK, S.G., CHUGUNqVj G.,.A j j,,j VORONAi A.A, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR t04V SOURCE--KOSMICHESKA[6, 510LOGIIA I MEDITSINA, VOL. 4v JAN.-FEB. 1970, P. 61-65 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLO-GICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~ITOPIC TAGS--HYPODYNAMIA, AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, EXERCISE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1963 STEP N~0--UR/0453/70/004/000/0061/0065 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120606 UNCLASS IF IED 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120606 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ' ABSTRACTs INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF HYPOKINESIA ON THE WORKING CAPACITY OF 6 SUBJECTS WHO PERFURMED VAP(OUS '.MANUAL AIRCRAFT CONTROL ASSIGNMENTS DURING A 100:OAY PER100 OF BEO REST, WITH.OR WITHOUT PHYSICAL EXERCISES ON A SPECIAL THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF HY,POKfN-F-SIA ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SUBJECTS ARE NOTED. ROUTINE CONTROL OPERATIONS )REQUIRING INSTRUMENT DIAL SCANNING AND WELL COGRINATEO PRECISION MOTIONS WERE AFFECTEO THE MOST. UNCLASSIFIED USSR 011- AZ-.M.-vzYz-,,Ij D. S., GUSr,,S-.=, G. M., YERMOI=A, K. 1.1 IMj-~0-yAR-0-~1Y 1. 1~. -.E.Y M10,11-G, i. K. H., 9;,IUC N., Physico-Technical*'Mt*IV 'Ud~tniir)L. 1. loffe, Academy of ScicncesN41 "Quadrupole Mo.-nent of the Nucleus 1-14Cd in therirst Excited State" lxbscov, Pisfma v Z-hurnal Eksperimentallnoy iTeoreticheekoy Fiziki, Vol 11, 1,10 20 Apr 70, p2. 369-370 Abstract: in 'he present work a cyclot-lon is used fo-r the -fi2st- ti;-,,2 to diater.-Une II~Cd. the value of the quadrupole moment (Q,,.)+) of the first excited suatc in I- in order to eliminate the effect of instability of the intensity and of accelerated ions on the results of mcanurcmcntn., the experimp-nts er,-,ployod oirmal- tancous acceleration of the singly charged Oe particles and the triply char.,ed ions of carbon with energies of 8 and 24 Mev respectively. In this care the value of the Coulodo par=Ater ~ for both kinds of particles is practically identical and errors originating during comparison are minimal. In sep---a7u-e C:rpcrir,,ents it was shown that during simLl-tanecus acceleration the ratio of the energies of the light and heavy particles is preserved with a precision not vorse than 0.1 percent, and the error of determining + connected with this does not exceed 10 percent Q2 Vo 1/2 AIMMYEV, D. S., et al., PisIm v Zhurnal Eksperimatallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki.1 Vol UP No 8, 20 Apr 70, PP 369-370 In contrast to other work in which the.spectra of Cy rays were registered in accordwice with ions selected by energy, in the Present wollk the wpectra of back- ward-scat' tered ions vere measured in accordance Viva ,y -quanta selected by ene-rej., Mie value of QPwas determined as - ~2~+ (0-53 t 0-17) baa-.. ThiIs contrasts with three other wQrka in utich the value of C~2+ lies in the limits - (o.42 + 0.90) barn and a later work in which the value of CV is close to zero. 6 ref. Received by editors 10 ~hrch 1970. 2/2 USSR UDC 547.26'118'221.07 CHUGUNOV) V. S. "A Method of Making Fluorine-Containing Bisdialkylphosphates" Mosccnq, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, 1970, No 25, Soviet Patent No 277780, class 12, filed 3,Apr 69, published 5 Aug 70, p 27 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of making fluorine- containing bisdialkylphosphates of general formula ([I(CF2)401~01,1-1 --- O-R-0-4) 0 0 where R is a phenylene or polyfluoroalkylene. As a distinguishing feature of :the patent, trfs(polyfluoroalkyl)phosphate is treated with phenylene - or polyfluoroalk-ylenediol with boiling of the reagents in the presence of poly- fluoroalkoxide of an alkali metal as a catalyst. 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED' ~PROCESSING I)ATE--160CT70 I-ITLE T --13ETA PAPTICLE FLUX ATTENUATION IN A13SORBERS DURING mENSUREMENTS OF RADIOACTIVITY IN 2 PI GEOMETRY -U- AUTHOR--:-CHUGUN(]V, V.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PRI8. TEKH. EKSP. 1970v It 67-70 ~J)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--PHYSICS, NUCLEAR. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOPIC TAGS--BETA RADIATION, GECMETRY? PARTICLE ABSORPTION, ABSORPTION .:COEFFICIENT,, RADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENT ~CCMOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DIOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1989/1882 STEP NO--UR/0120/70/001/000/006710070 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108212 UNCLASSIFIED 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APO L06212 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-10- ABSTRACT. -THE FLUX ATTENUATION WAS INVESTIGATED OF B PARTICLES IN ABSORBERS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH THIN SOURCES OF 2 PI GEOMETRY. THE RESULTS-OF MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATED aY THE EXPRESSION K EQUALS M EXP tMINUS 0.69 D-DELT4 PRIMEI SUBONE HALF)l WHERE K SUBI IS THE ATTENUATION COEFF*t M EWUALS 0.77 PLUS O.Z LOG BAR E SUSSETA BEING THE MEAN ENERGY OF BETAwSPECTRUM, D IS THE ABSORBER THICKNESS IN 14G-CM PRIME2, ANO DELTA PRIMEUSUBONE HALF ILAYER OF HALF ATTENUATION) IS CALCD. BY UELTA PRIMEI SUBONE HALF EQUALS 140 BAF E SUBBETA PIRIME1.31. THE FORMULA FOR K CAN BE USED FOR BETA SPECTRA 1.0 MEV IN THE ABSORBER THICKNESS RANGE FROM -''WITH MEAN ENEIGIES OF 0.03 0.01.VELTA,PRVliEl SUBONE HALF (FOR PRIME91 Yl AND 0.25 DELTA PRIMEI SUBONE HALF (FOR PRIME147 PM) TO 4-5 DELTA PRiAE1 SUBONE HALF. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc: 621-317-33:537-363(088.8) GUDKOV, 0. 1., CHUGUINOV, Yu. J., Angarsk Affiliate o*P the Exzerimental Design Office OfMIUTOMT321~on "A Device for Determining the Dielectric Properties of Liquids on Superhigh 'Freauencies" -USSR Author's Certif_'cate No 263981, filed 26 Mar 66.: -ou'01--shed 24 jwn 70 (from RZ-h-Padiotekhrika, No 1, jan 71, Abstract No 1A3k) Translation: It'he -.ranosed device is one of those insix-r-a's ;ffiich indi- cate the dielectric parameters of liquids as a function of composition and concentration. Trie device contains a microvanve oscillator, master and reference cavities, v-r?, AFC system,, detectors and a comparison system. The essence of the proposal is that the.AFC module isleoupled to and operates.with the master cavity rather than vith the measurement caritv. Instead of an adder, a null indicator is used wit resonance amplifier th which comnares the freauencies of the master and measurement cavities. E. 62 USSR uDc: 621.31T-7:621.317-335-029.64 GUDKOV, 0. 1., CHUMMOV, Yu. 1. , PO'I"A%-V, A. A. "Instru=--nts for .1-1easuring the Permittivity and Loss Targent cf a Material on Superhig-h Frecpiencies, and the Dielectric Characteristics o--:' I%aca an a Freauency o-f 9.2 GH_ Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii ro radiotekhn. izmereniyan. T. 1 (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Radio Engineer- ing measurements. vol. 1), Novosibirsk' 1970, pp 88-89 (from ?2h-Radiotel~ nika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No L4364) Translation: A brief repor-t is given on laboratoz7 microwave dielcometer-s of the "Resonn-n-ce" and "_ -1i "-!-" t-j-pes developed by the Lnga-i-sk Affiliate of the Experimental Design Office of Automation for substances in any phase. Operation of the instruments is based on measurement of the frequency disfference, of t-,ro resonators -- a working resonator and a measurement ressonator. A table is given of the results -of measurement of the perrait- tivity and loss tangent of crIstals of natural mica from East Siberian deposits. E..L. USSR UJX 621.646-529(088.8)(47) IVANOVSKIY, 0. V., CHUGL-Noy- YH_ N_ "Hydraulic Panel with Program-d Control" USSR Author's Certificate No 305460, filed 30 Jun 67, published 5 Jul 71 (from M--Avtomatika, Telemeldnanika T N;5chislitel'naya tekhnika, 2,111o 41 AI)r 72, Ab- stract No 41i,600P) Translation., A hydraulic panel is proposed which contains two plates. The con- trol equipment is located on one of the plates, and the other plate has the in- put and output cliannels to the sensors and servomchanisms. In order to insure the possibility of fast program exchange, the panel has a commutation grid formed by columns (channels) of one plate and ra~ws (chaiinels) of the other plate. The columns are joined to the control equipmenr, and the rows are partly joined to the inputs and outputs of the hydraulic panel and partly form internal commimications. At the intersections of the rows and columns of -the grid on the places there are holes which lead out to a fast-change rigid punch card pressed between the plates. The plates are connected to each other through the holes in the punch card in accordance with the operating cycle assigned by the punch card. 7here are 7 illustrations. Titanium USSR LMC 62i-88-O85t66q-Z95i620-17 GORSHKOV, A. 1. 11TYUSMaN, B. A.f CHUGUNOVA, R. S.f and laRYU111111,11A, G. N. "Properties of VT20 Weld Joints After Annealing" Moscow, Metallovedenlye I Termicheskaya Obrabotka Mettalov, 11o 4, Apr 73, pp 62-63 Abstx-acti The mechanical proporties of weld joInts from VT20 alloy with wand without a filler metal after annealing at 400-8000 C vre-re investigated. It was found that annealing of vrold joints made using V-L?.O-lsi or VT20'41sv filler w1ro and irithout the Eiller wire increazes ductility although joints made with VT20--lsv wire had greater ductility. An araiealiq- temperature of 0 8 00 C was recommended foi- inc_-easing ductility and removing Xlezidual velding stresses. This increase in ductility is explained by- the formation of an oquilibritu-. Structuro of the metal irt the hevt-aS-fected zone tuid scam and also, possible, by t1he PrOCiDitatiOn of the beta-phase, along the boundaries of the alpha- and alpha-prime phases, One figure, turo tables. USSR UDC: 621-378:681-33 CHUGUY, Yu. V. "Optical Signall Processing Using Silhouette Filters" Novosibirsk, Avtometriyaq, No 5, 1972, pp 10-14~ Abstract: The function of this paper is to demonstrate that trang- parents with a silhouette, two-gradation image can be successfully used as a filter of spatial frequencies in the design cf coherent optical devices. This demonstration is theoretical, and begins with the transmission functions'for the filter. It is found that the use of` such a filter leads to the,computation of a convolution, which in turn leads to a simplification of filter-intanufacturinr, technology. An optical system realizing t3he signal-procClISSirl" method used with !his filter is shavin in diagri= form, ~tnd an e-.- pression for the dynamic range of the photoggraphic silhouette fil- ter is derived. The optical.system was uoled i~ experimen"Us con- ducted by the author, and a photograph of the filter involved in those experiments is reproduced. He expresses his gratitude to Candidate of. Technical Sciences P. Ye. TvordokMeb f L or his advice and comments. USSR KOROTKOV, S. V., and CHUG P - ff LV:, - _G . UDC 621.32.004.14:62-533 "Several Questions in the Synthesis of Multichannel Systems Containing One Digital Compucer With the Probability Characteristics~of Connecting and Disconnecting the Individual Control Channels" Leningrad, Elementy Tsifrovykh Sistem Upravleniya, "Nauka," 1971, pp 3-20 Abstract- The authors examine a multichannel system as a unit, thus making it desirable to establish criteria that will reflect to some degree the proper- ties of the multichannel system and permit such systems to be compared among themselves. They select three questions which they consider to be the main ,ones in designing such systems: (1) selection of the basic parameters of the digital computer (speed of response and volume of memory); (2) the pos- sibil-ity.of minimizing the performance criterion of the entire syitem; and (3) determination of the probabili ty, proper ties of the periodt; of discrete- Deno and errors In the individual channels if such minimization takes place. Figure 1 is a schematic of a model for such a multichannel system. These three questions, while not encompassing all problems involved in designing such systems, are discussed and analyzed in aetail. The article contains 7 illustrations, 1 table, and 15 bibliographic entries. 1/1 TrOSR uDc 616-33-091-02:[616.453+616-831-3711-008.1~ KRYSHEN'jl P. F. KOLPAKOV A. A., TKACH., YU, I., SAKOVICH V., and 9..gQXq4j_.N_A. Pathophysiology laboratoi-f, Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Gastroenterology "Functional State of the Central Nervous System and Patholoaical Changas of the Stomach Micosa of Immobilized Rats" Moscovy Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentallnaya Terapiya, No 6, Nov/Dee 72, PP 48-51 Abstract: The i=obilization of rats for 24 hr (by tying them to boards) pro- duced the excitation and inhibition states. The excitation state reached the peak in 4-5 hr. During this period the animals tried to escape at f irst every 5-20 see, then every 10-50 sec. The number of heart beats and respiration amounted to 447 + 16 and lo6.8 + .9 per min, respectively. 'rhe inhibition 3 state occurred i~ 4-5 hr during which the respiration and the number of heart beats decreased to 86.6 and 304, respectively. 'Elie contraction of muscles W.1r, slow and attempts for escape were repeated only 1 every 1-5 min. Anatomical studies of the stonach walls showed the -Dresence of hemorrha-es (0-1-2.5 rm in- diam.), the blood vessels were dilated and full:of blood in the mucous coat, as well as in muscle 1-ayers in some cases. Accwmlation of lyT-mhtocytes, neutrophils, and histiocyies was detected.under the mucous coat. The forceful 1/2 - 62 USSR KRYSHEIP; P. F., et al. Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i EksperimentalInaya Y T~erapiya, iio 6J. tiov/DeC 72, PP 48-51 immobilization caused an extreme excitation of the central nervous system, muscular, cardiovascular, -and respiratory systems. The excessive activity of these systems for 4-5 hr consLured the energy reserves of the anin-al organism and inhibition followed. The central nerrous system was affected first, followed by the Inhitition of the muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. 2/2 USSR UDC 669.15-2J~,1295 CORBACH, V. G., KOKOHIN, V. V., SAMSMOV, YU. 1. and "Precipitation by Stacking Faults in an,Fe-Ki-Ti Alloy" Hoscow, lzvestiya. Akademli Nauk SSSR, Yetally# No 2, Mal-Apr 72, pp 147-150 Abstracts An Fo-Ni-Ti alloy was selected to investigate stacking fault preci- pitation. This alloy had the following chemical comWGItion (in wt %) 1 29.7 Hip 3.62 Tit 0.018 C, balance-Fe. The 6.1loy wa* prepared In an induction furnace, homogeni7ed at 11500C for eight hours, and then forged (at 11500C) to an It x ii-an cross section, The produced rods wom cut into samples approximately I = and heat treated at different temparaturo's or in a vacuum or in salt baths and then quenched in water after heating at- 11500C for tuo hours. Teat resultu showed that In the aged austonite of ths Fe-00 IW-4 Ti alloy there are holicoidal dislocations and stacking faults of a vacancy nature. Diffraction contrast a-nalysis revealed that the stacking faults were of the subtzaction type. Also a now mcclwnisa of precipitation (heterogeneous precipitation by stacking faults).was detected for the Fe-Ni-Ti alloy and it was azsumed that the equilibxluz n-phase (Ili III) Is the precipitation phase In the given case. Three figures# 16 blblioj;;~hic raferoncos. Magi USSR UDC: 669.3129S:539.26 GAINTZHULA, N. M KOKORIN, V. V., CHUISTOV- K. V. , Institute of Metal Physics, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR "Structure of an Aging Copper-Titanium Alloy" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenive, Vol 36, No 5*, Nov 73, pp 1051-1057. Abstract: X-ray studies, performed using an improved method, are used to determine slight changes in the structure of an aging Cu-Ti alloy. Along with the satellites, additional defects of diffuse scattering are observed in the form of stripes oriented approximately along < 110 >. The picture of distribution of diffuse intensity is compared with that calculated for the selected model of the distorted lattice of the heterogeneous solid solu- tion. It is assumed that the nature of the diffuse scattering observed is related to the presence of chaotically distributed equiaxial areas with tetragonal lattice. The stable beta phase with the orthorhombic lattice has orientation relationships with the matric lattices. Ilic results of calcula- tion of the distribution of intensity of diffuse scattering indicate that the additional diffuse stripes experimentally observed near the (h00) and (hkO).reflexes are caused by distortions of the lattice due to formation of 1/2 76 --.::rc V1,14NI, UDC 6b9,Z5:5V,,4Z5 'mF PpocF:ss or PRrcwtTA, rIO14 M A C013ALt- TUNCIISTrN-TITANIUM ALLOY A, L. L. P. Ciin'ko, and K, V. ClioiOuv, ln%litutr of t1w Met;" U~.raini;,n 494~., ~--my v Sciencvm. nubinitted to presn I VO,ru.ory V04: final version Atari% 117Z Pages IZIS-1218 P-i x.eav ,~nd mrthod, In I, cleArbrice the F--- taf alloy was my-tigated. In the temperature, rijigo of 500-600o, a hon-gen-u. formation of an fl '-pha- with a truct,ar,. Liz .;is ob~rr-d. It- cla-po,ition is pr,~sunwd to be Co I (W, 'I i). The origin of fl- c? I-phas, i, atcwnp,.med f~y the appearance of up,,rstruct,irat inaximunis and 4,stellite, on the x-ray photographs near thic ri-I'lections frorn the ;,abic matrix Wit, P -phase). it -,an established 0-t in Inti proce~% of tlw- growth of A particle- of Oct- d '.phase a periodic modulated 4fructurr in form-3. Tocirtl-r with continuous precipitation of the 0 '-phase at tem1wraturcs if 650-700"' a,% intermittent clevay al'ang the of the strain. is .1 so rved with a ba~iir. st-atito phs,"t- of (7,31W. ,rhe aging ta th,. any cu-- w-ri at higit tetop,~ratiarc,% 000-100n) in chiracterined only by continuoun prvcipltixtion. The pmce%% of the decay of hinary atlu" of Cc--Ti and Co--W has been ;uite wtIl Ktudieel ( 1-61. in the first (it thrm~ the f, - cipi t,% (loci of the rx~etis phase (Cts)Ti of typo Ckj3Au-.Lt4) occurs basically with respect to c hwiritogen-un rrwchantnm with the furmation of a roodulated structure 1 1-51 , In it,, aet(irid. it occurs tay a lieterogencous ML-AnS, as a result of which it - primarily a p%eudo-perlit, (cellular) structure that is formed [ 61. It is alternating platecc of the phase of precipitation of,Co3W with a. lAttAce of the NijSn (DOtjj type and an impoyert.hod matrix (of the 0( phame with a GPU lattice). 61 IN Purpooe of 1h1% work im it, a-ertain the to-kilaninn, i,f tjo-tsay in 'e'. try r.,w--'ri aii,,Y' C"', I., in it~g ". H% W awi $. b% 'I i jatr~mjc~. It wa% a4~,111wd that alliviing ~.[ the hinary Co.-W Alloy with tit-i- witay chnnRe %he mech,minni it( jirrvip%ta1;o" from an almost purely hotrrogvn-ju~ mrchani4m toward a homi.iRvil Such.mi as%imption wan ha%vtj on the data front reft-rencen [7, 141 . in -hich high beat. rest %t~an,;r characteristics of thin alloy were ohnervvd, whivit are usually not proper fur systems with a purely lieterogeoeoutt of precipitation. A Co--W-11 Alloy wits prepared in an arc furnace in ;in al-oslil-re of p,jr1fied arRon, rolled at I 1000C in th,, Air. And ann"aled at 11000 for 10 hours, An elect ron-rn Ic ro~ copic investigation in a clearance wan made, and an x.ray lnvr~tig.ittun of tha- coar"e-crystit sprelnvo,n_~. The progrf!s. of Aging W- contruilt-d according to the variation of thi. hardnesit, Thr qp~corntn~ were hardened at 12000 in water in quarix arrificitiles and utjje,;1-J to Aging in th~ temperature ranit~ of 500-.1 1000 for different tim-. The Aging was performed in a vacuum of tO3__lO4 torr. Foil.4 for the eIrCtron-micromcopic investigation were prepared from discs with it diameter of 3 millimeter% and a thicktigms of 0. 4-0. 3 millimeters by means of eleetric polishing in an electrolyte of S-'~ "ulfuric acid, 1. Z5.% by4rollunric acid, And 9). 7.5-176 metiayl Alcohol at a voltage of 50-.70 volts and T~00. The morphology of the pr eti pitation ithe shape of the particles and the nAtUVC of their spatial distribution) was inveotiRated according to the methodology in reference [9). an a rule in reflexes JIOO) of the well- ordered phase. Results of the Experiment and their Dincupsion In Figure I a ciir~r of the variation of the hardness after IS-tichronic annealinsta (I hour) at various temperatures In shown, We may note the rapid growth of hardness at 600--7000 and the *to- drop At 800--IODOOC. The el"trun-microocopic and x-ray Investigation Made It possible to establish the structural variations occurring in the decay of the Co--W--Ti alloy. Physical Properties USSR UDC 669.25:537.311.3 BEREZINA, A. L., CHUDAKOV, A. P., and CHUISTOV, K. V., institute of Metal Physics, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian7tor- "Study uL the Recovery in Alloy Co 9 at. % Ti. Resisto- and Magneto- metric Investigations" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metalovedeniye, Vol 30, No 4, Oct 70, pp 774-779 Abstract: An investigation was made of-the effect of short-duration high- temperature heating (T = 800'C -- 2 min and,900' C -- I min) on the magnitude of electrical resistance R and the magnetization of alloy Co 9 at. % Ti, which was pre-aged at much lower temperatures (500 -- 700'). The effect of recovery of the studied properties of the alloy after high- temperature treatment was established. It was assumed that the effect of recovery depends on the diffusion of concentration waves or separations whose dimensions are smaller than the critical one at the recovery tempera- ture. The possibility of cyclical recovery-R and 1, was determined. Study of the step-wise heating of the pre-aged Co--Ti alloy made it possible to define more accurately the nature of change of.the spectrum of concentration 'waves as a result of gradual heating of pre-aged alloys. USSR UDC 669.25/.295:621-785 BEREZINA) A. L., TKACHENKO, 0 Ye., and CKg~~Tn Y., Institute of Metal Physics, Acadexq.of Sciences ~k;SSR "Study of the Nature of Recovery in the~Alloy Co-9 at. % Ti. ITI. Electron Microscope Study" Moscow, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 30, No 5, 1970, PP 942-949 Abstract: Electron microscope techniques were used to study thin foils of aged Co + 9 at. % Ti alloy to determine the change in its microstructure after low-temperature and subsequent high-temperature heating. It was discovered that after this treatment, both dissolution of one portion of the-Y pha3e ae- gregations (Co Ti) and onlargement of another porbion occur.,~Jncreasing the regularity of tKair distribution. In addition to this, a decrease (recovery) in microhardness of specimens of the Co-Ti alloy was noted~ which apparently can be explained by a decrease in the coherent stresses as a,result of partial dissolution of theY-phase segregations. 63 USSR UDC 669.017.3 CHTJ V., Institute of Metal Physics,~Academy of Sciences Ukr SSR '.'Spinodal Decomposition of Supersaturated Solid Solutions" Kiev, Metallofizika, No 32, 1970, pp 38-56 Translation: This paper includes a survey a"d criticaL analysis of the theories of the spinodal decomposition.of supersaturated solid solutions found irt the literature. Thermodynamic models of a solid.solutioQ in heterogeneous-systems,'which describe both the homogeneous formation of the nuclei of the new phase and the spinodal decomposition of'an alloy, are examined. It is noted that the existing spinodaL decomposition theories have been developed for a solid solution which does not.have lattice defects of the dislocation type, p.acking defects, and so forth. This limits the applicability of these theories to real alloys. 1/1 USSR E BRIKMAN, L. I., TSMIN, V. M.r ROGINSKAYA, YE. YA., ZHUK. YE. B.. CHUK,' V. I POZIUU6MAi YE. B.F and VOLKOVA, A. P._ "Composition for the Control of Household Insects Specifically for Cock- roaches and. Bugs." WSR.Author's Certificate No 251515, filed I Dec 70, published 10 Oct 72 (from M-Khiziya, No 19, Oct 73# Abstract No 191493 P) Translationi To lower the toxicity of the preparation towards warm-blooded animals without lowering its effectimeness against household insects, pyre- V thrins are added to the arosol. preparation containing: 0 -.C;MiTsG fhexachloro- cyclohexane -- HCCH 7. The composition~of.such a prepa-rationt X _HCCH 0.21%, DDT 1.89%,.pyrethrin extract containing-.> 25;-;.' of the active material 0.42%1, Xylene 12- and.. f xqon- 11 55%, kerosene. UP -5-0%, a mixture of freon- to 100%. F"M - - ---- - ----------- USSR uDc: 621.396.6.019.3 POPOV, N. F., CHUKALIN, V. N., UGRYUMOVA, 1. A. "Alaorithm for Designing Radio Engineering.Devices With Regard to Meeting -s" Reliability Requirement Tokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po rafJiof,,~z-,Ijn. i -vrqe-ro-rI1 KT-ni- T. 3 ports of the A11-11nion, 6cientiric and Technlcal~Confen--nce on H.-Ldio enf;i- ncer~ng Measuremerita. Vol.. 3), Novanihirnk- , .1-970, lip 161.-162 (fTf)m RZh- -Radiotekdniika, No 12, Dec '[0, Abstract Ho 12W167) Translation: Existing systems of requirements which guarantee high quality of production output (the Saratov system, the flaviess yield system, 'the Gorlkiy KNIARSPI system, etc.) include special jobs to assure reliability which are performed in the development or manufacturing stages, but do not account for the developmental process itself. 'This drawback is eliminated ~in the proposed system. The paper tells of an algorithm worked out for development of equipment with regard to reliability requirements. This algorithm was used indeveloping equipment with a larpe number of elements and excellent reliability indices. H. S. 'USSR UDC 620.193.013:669.295 TOMASHOV, N. D. CHERNOVA, G. P.) BUDBERG, F, B,, and GAVZE, A. L., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR "Study of the Corrosion Resistance of Alloys of the Titanium-Tantalum-- Niobium System" Moscow, Zashchita metallov, Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 3-7 Abstract: Tantalum effectively raises the corrosion resistance of titanium- base alloys; its use, however, is limited due to cost factors and scarcity. The study of the ternary Ti-Ta-Nb system is essential for determining the feasibility of partial replacement of tantalum with the more readily avail- able niobium. The corrosion and electrochemical behavior of the alloys was studied as annealed and quenched in a 5% HCl solution at 1000C. Analysis of the phase transformation and microstructure of the alloyAndicates an isothermal section at 600*C which is characterized by a narr(Xi region of a-solid solution, a wide two I -phase (a+~) region, and a wide region of a-solid solution. At about-the same average.compositions, Tj.-Ta-Nb alloys with single-phase structures exhibit corrosion resistance values which are one or two orders of magnitude higher than those shmin by two-phase alloys. The higher resistance is characteristic of annealed Ti-Ta-Nb alloys wiLh 1/2 USSR TOMASHOV, N. D., et al., Zashchita metallov, Vol 8, No 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 3-7 a more stable ~-phase. Alloying of Ti with Nb and, specifically, with Ta results in a considerable increase in corrosion resistance, the total con- tent of alloying elements, ranging from 20-40% for annealed and 10% for quenched alloys. The study demonstrates the feasibility of replacing tantalum with niobium without reducing markedly the'6orrosion resistance of the above alloys. (3 illustrations, I table, 9 bibliographic references). 2/2 WI- Instrumentation and Equipment USSR uDc 669.721 VIKHAREV, A. F., YEGOROV, A. P., ZHUKOV, V. P., ChW.AL'SXIY, YE. If., and LEBEDEV, A. 1. "Mastering the Continuous Refining of Magnesium In a Mixer for the Titanium Industry" Moscow, Tsvetnyye hetally, No 6, 1972, pp 44-46 Abstracti The mixer is divided into two zections and filled with electrolyte (chloride salts). The magnesium is purified by passing it throu6h a layer of electrolyte under the vertical divider from one section to the other. The 4150 sludge is collected bottom of the in at the mixer, irbich Is inclined at each section. A special automatic grab bucket facilitates sludge removal. The mixer is linod with graphite and magnesite In order to vithstand high temperatures, Pipe heaters containing molten aalts M, Ila, It, Ca chlorides) are used to heat the mixer. The magnesium is transported to and from the mixer by a vacuua ladle equipped with one or two tap holes. The magnesiun Is protected from oxidation bf a flux mixture sprayed Into the mixer by compressed argon for 5~-10 seconds after each teeming and evacuation of the magnesiujo. Analysis of the mixer sludge showed that ra&nesium losses ar-ounted to only 0.22,16' in 19701 it varied from 0.1 to.O.roo depending on the frequency 1/2 - 4-) - - - - - - - 77- USSR uDc 669.721.372 BA-BLAP-NINEK, 1. A., Z. V., YEEGORO%T, A. P., Zmmov, V. V., BOGDANOV, A. P. ml Cm 11.e "Industrial- Inv~-stil-ation of 'Ube Influence of Titanim.1 imu J` es Electrolysis of :.'-nesi=. Chloride" Tsvetn,y-- Metc-.lly, Wo 8, 1971, P-1) 40-42 Abstract: Results are, presented from La chemical analysis of tte pre_=-,an2e of titanium in tiae -,!-,d nroducl~s of elec~rol-ci t e r i a I ba nc e s It is dermonz-r,' r~-6ml-W.ci3s of wie content of f' uorine in tt e c - trolyte, ti z,_,aL_nesium per ciu,rzr; .L; ma Y --ac- when E: eiectrolyzer. _L-'i,._- irfllu2nce of metallic titn-n,'-.-. -,..raaker. On the basis o- an a r.:-:;. 1 c f results of ,-~ieccsoary measures to cc,:fbut ~~'Zne hla=ful in- fluence of tit,_tni-~ on c,.---rc_,--!.Mn are discuzzed. USSR UDC: 621.791.72:669.293+669.292+669.M xiB.8 VEYNIK, V. A.J. Engineer, D'YACMIKO., V. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and ~OUKANOV, A. P., Engineer "Electron-Beam Welding of Niobium. Alloy and Stainless Steel Through a Vanadium Iayeet Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 5, May 73,, pp 16-18 Abstract- The-authors study the interaction kinetics of a solid niobium alloy and liquid stair-less steel through a vanadium layer. The study -was carried out in a chamber at a residual pressure of 5-10-5r..m Hg. The vanadium was applied from. a melt by the vacuum condensation method onto the niobium backing surface which was first prepared by a mixture of acids, h0 percent HF+60 percent MIO 3 This ensures the satisfactory adhesion of the condensate to the surface. The specimen., consisting of stainless steel, vanadium layer, and niobium. backing, was heated by an electron beam in order to approximate as closely as possible electron bear., welding conditions. The heating temperature of from 21100 to 15500C was regulated either by focus or electron flux. variation. The results show that vanaditm should be used in the electron beam ~welding ofVN-2AE vanadium alloy and Khl8HlOT stainless steel 0.5mm thick with only the steel being melted.. The vanadium prevents the formation of an intermetallide layer in the fusion zone. In welding the indicated materials, a three micron thick vanadiun. layer makes 1/2 USSR VE)!NIK,, V. A- et al, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 5,.MaY 73., PP 16-18 it possible to expand the welding current by a factor of three in comparison to welding without vanadium. Barrier elements should be selected on the basis of graphs for mutual solubility of elements in the solid state. Such graphs should be constructed for the individual components of weldable alloys. 2/2 62 FROMMEIM USSR UDc 621-374-32 'AVIN,.G. T DERBENEV, M.ASHCH MIN, G.-V., CHUK P. V. "A Magnetic Pulse Counter" USSR Author's Certificate No 333711, filed 3 Aug 70, published 21 Apr 72 (from RM-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Kvchislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9A40 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a magnetic pulse counter which contains a storage transformer with recording, readout, feedback,and output windings on a core,with rectangular hysteresis loop, a slave squegging oscillator,and a transistorized recording circuit- To improve reliability and ensure stable operation of the counter over a wide range of temperatures, a resistor is connected in the emitter circuit o-' the transistor in the recording circuit, and an auyiliary stage is added which is based on a transistor in a common emitter circuit whose base is connected through a resistor.and capacitor to the emitter of the recording trans-i S4- or, and the collector of the additional tran- sistor is connected through a commutating capacitor to the base of the transistor in the squegging oscillator. -One of the ends of the record- 1/2 USSR NASHCHIKHIN, G. V. et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 333711 ing winding is connected to the slide wire on a va riable resistor con- nected in parallel with the power supply. A ca pacitor is connected be- tween the slide wire of the variable resistor and the common line. 2/2 USSR UDC 616-08-25-022.395-4-2 CHUMINA, A. I., Professor, Chairof Infectious Diseases, Izhevsk Hedical "Tickborne Encephalitis" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Sestra, No 6 1971 pp 35-38 Abstracts The principal agents of tickborne encephalitis in the USSR are Ixodes persulcatus andp less commonly# Ixodes ricinus., Infected ticks are found in most wooded areas of the country. The disease rate Is highest in May, June, and July. The d1sease'sets in.acutely after an incubation period of 7 to 15 days. Five clinical forms are now distinguishedi meningeal, meningo-encephalitic, polyencephalorkyelitic, radiculoneuritic, and asympto- zatic febrile. A characteristic of the disease is its,two-wave course. The first irave of fever is usually short# from 3 to 7 days. The second wave follows one to two weeks later and lasts~q to 12 days. It is invariably more severe than the first and is characterized by pronounced symptoms of meningitis or meningoenceph,--litis. Analysis of the spinal fluid is the.principal method of diagnosis. Specific therapy includes the,adidnistration of immune gamma globulin (3 to 6 ml) Intramuscularly Z or 3 d;kys in succession. The use of repellents, wearing of proper clothing, and refraining from drinking goat's or cows# milk when in tick territory are the most effective prophylactic measures. PaIthology USSR UDC 616.61-002-151-036.&o?i6l6.6l-O73.916 CHUKAVIKA, A. I., and OSINITSEVA, V. S.,-Chair of Infectious Diseases, Izhevsk "Results of Investigation by RadioisotopeRenography,of Patients During Con- valescence From Hemorrhagic Fever With a Renal Syndrome" Moscow, Klinicheskaya Keditsina, Vol 49, No 4, Apr 71, PP 76-78 Abstracts The functional state of the kidneys of 78 patients during remote periods of convalescence from hemorrhagic fever with a.renal syndrome was investigated by radioisotope renography, using i131-hyppuran. It was established that return of the functional state of the kidneys to normal generally tool-, place within 3-6 months after onset of the disease and that it required up to one year in some cases. 1/1 USSR UDC 616.988.25 022 395-42-07:616-36-003-072-7 CHUKAIILNA, !., Chair of infectious Diseases, Izhevsk x'ed.Lcal Institute -,,ave Course" "Liver Function in Tickborne Encephalitis with a Two I-loscow,X 'lin cheskaya eledit"ina, "'o Z, 1970, pp 90-93, Abstract: Liver disturbances were observed in a group of patients suffering from ticlCoorne encephalitis ;-tith a two-wave course: theLdegree of disruption varied with -the stage and severity of the disease.. The shifts, which included a lower- of the antitoxic and absorption-excrotion functions, and impairment of car- bohydrate, protein, and trace element (copper, iron, aluminut) metabolism, were F netions returned to normal :u most pronounced during the second wave of fever. during the recovery period. Ref, Code: Ace. Nr:' :AP0045595 V4 0 7- klinicheskaya Meditsina, PRIMARY SOURCE: 1970,.Vol 48, Nr ~pp :17,0 THE FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THE LIVER IN TICK-BOR'NE ENCEPHALITIS WITH A TWO-WAVE COURSE A. 1. Chukavina Su M'M 3 ry The author conducted a complex investigation of the liver functions in tick-borne en- cephalitis with a two-wave course. There were found marked disturbances of all the liver func. tions depending on the stage and severity of the disease. The most marked changes in the liver functions, were noted in the period,of ttie second febrile wave. Restoration of disturbed indi- ces of the functional state of the liver.occurred at late periods of convalescence. REEL/FRAM, 19780,572 USSR UDC 621.31(47+57) CHUKAYEY--7,.t P "Development of Ukrainian SSR Electric Power Engineering" Organiz. i planir. otrasley nar. kh-va. Mezhved. nauch. sb. (Organization and Planning of-Branches of the 11-lational Economy. International Scientific Collec- tion), 1971, vyp. 22, pp 32-37 (from RZh-Elektrotekhnika i energetika, No 7, Jul 71P Abstract No 7E4) Translation: In the integrated power system of the Mrainian SSR in 1970, there were 8 rayon administratioas, the installed power of the electric power plants reached 28.3 million kilowatts (24.3 in 1969), including power units with a power of 15.2 million kilowatts, output 140.2 Twatts-hr (128), including power units of 77.6 Twatts-hr or 56.57., specific consumption of provisional fml 377.5 g/kilowatt-hour (in 1965,' 422.1),, coefficient of centralization of generation of electric power 98.5% (95.5% in 1965). In 1964-1968, the L.'krainian SSR Ministry of Power Lngineering accepted 224,000 km of 0.4-22 kilowatt over- head electric power networks from the iolkhozes, sovkhozes and ocher deparc- Ments (42% of all the networks of the Ministry of Power Engineering). In 1969 the Western Ukrainian system transmitted 3.35 Twatts-hr to the MA countries; four of the thermoelectric power plants of the Ukrainian SSR had an installed 1/2 RIM M USSR CHUKAYEV, Z. P., Organiz. i planir. otrasley nar. kh-va. Mezhved. nauch. sb., .1971, vyp. 22, pp 32-37 capacity of 2.3-2.4 million kilowatts; the 300 megawatt unit of the Tripol'skaya Thermoelectric Power Plant and the first 800 megawatt unit in a 2-shaft version in the USSR were put into Operation. The 150 and 300 megawatt units did not achieve the designed indexes. In 1969, the utilization time of the units -- 5,520 hours/year - was 11.7% below the planned time, and the calorific value of the coal was below the designed value (by 92 at the PridneDrovsk Thermoelec- tric Power Plant), and it is continuing to drop; as a result of equipment de- fects -- plant and after repairs -- there were 490 forced'shutdowns with a total idle time of 25,100 unit-hours; at night and on holidays, the units were unloaded intolerably; thus, the Pridneprovsk Thenioelectric Power Plant operated at a load,below 50% of the installed capacity. It is urgently necessary to con- struct a pumped-storage electric power~plant and gas turbine peak electric power plants in the Ukrainian SS R. Economic indexes with respect to the fixed capital are presented. 2/2 M. lissrC uDc 62o.193.ol TOMASHOV, N. D., QY_9XAYA_ CH OVA, G. P., FLAVNIX, G. 11., KAZAROVAI P.. = F=,aE SHESHENINA, Z. UP., Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Physical,Che'mistry ~"Structural Study.of Surface Iayer on Ti-Pd Alloys" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 8f No 3, May-Jim 72,. pp 291-294 Abst cts The article describes results of an electron microscopic, elec- tron diffraction.and X-ray study of the surface layer forming on Ti-Pd alloy (Ti-0.2 percent Pd and Ti-1 percent Pd) during corrosion in 40 percent HqS04 and 20 percent HC1 at 1000. The electron microscopic study of the surface of T:L-Pd alloys after their corrosion confirms the supposition as to the accumu- lation of palladium on the surfaca in the form of very finely dispersed crys- talline formations. After treatment of the surface with hot concentrated HU039 which dissolves Pd, the electron microphotographs show no mrticler.. In the case of Ti-1 Dercent Pd palladium mainly forms very fine particles on the surface. The_Pd accumulations on Ti-0.2 percent Pci alloy reveal a tendency towards the branched growth of primary crystallization centers. 1/3 16 USSR- TOMASHOV, H. D., et al., Zashchita Metallov, Vol 8, Ko 3, May-Jun 72, pp Z91- 294 The results of the electron diffraction study of the surface of Ti-l percent Pd alloy show that after corrosion in 20 percent HU at 1000 there are strong lines characteristic of Pd and very weak lines characteristic of Tioz and TiH?. After treatment of the alloy in MIO 3i the lines chaxacteriz;tic of PcI disappear,and only TIH2 and RO? are found on the surface. The rela- tive intensity of the reflections characteristic of Pd increases with an in- crease in the corrosion time, while it decreases for TiH2 and TiO?. After 0 - corrosion in 40 percent H2SO4 at 100 reflections characteristic of Fd, M2, and T102 are observed. ffowever, the intensity of the Pd-characteristic lines It considerably weaker than after corrosion in 20 percent IICI at 1000, Z'nd they are of a diffuse character, while the intensity of the reflections char- acteristic of TiH2 and T102 is stronger* X-ray analysis of the mowdered surface Ix yer that forms on Ti-1 per- cent Pd alloy shows that after corrosion in 20 percent HU al. 100o the alloy 2/3 W t Acc". Nr. Al5stracting 01 ef. Code ~erv;~bo: R V V 9- E7 AP00,48838- CUMICAL ABST. 91100h Poly mer-an alogous rvactions of polv(tt-chloroac- r lylOnitrile). Chukhadzhvan, G.A.; Kalaidzhvan. A. E_; Petro- - I ~j --T Svan 5ohomo[_ Soediri., Ser. A 1970, 12(l), 111 -6 (Russ). The. dehydro- ciflorinition of I_CH2QCN)C1_1. (1) (K. Kubushiro, et at., 1964) in HCONW, soln., with LiC1, NEt,. or pyridine at -60' gave f-CH:C(CM-1. (11) which is sol. in HCONIvie,, and at 150-250" cvclizes to 111; which is a semiconductor (sp. vol, resis- x x (111, X - H) tivity 8 x 10'i), not Sol. in HCONN1102, and stable :5600'. 111 was PYT~lYzed at >600* to a graphite-like stable substance. Heating I gave III directly, but [CH2C(CONH2)C1j, on heating lost NH,, and partly decompd. The rention of I with HIS gave I-CHX(CSNHj)CI-J, which on dehydrochlorination gave [-CH:C(CSNHjj-J_ The chlorination of 11 in HCONMe2 gave f-CHUMN)CI-J, (IV), which at room temp. lost HCI, form- ing I-M: C(CN)-J, M.' Thermal dehydrochlorination of IV or eydization of V gave Vlw'hich is a therrnallv jitaW semiconductor. Chlofination of V in HCONMe, gave [-CCfQCNjC1_j_: 4AF66-FRAME G05 i;~2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ITLE--POWER PLANT USE OF SULFUR CONTAINING PETROLEUM~ RESIDUES -U- T UTHOR-(05)-KOLODIYEVAf YE.V*t KUROCHKINv.A.I*r.ZHAROVAo M*N.t A KASHURICIIELY-t A.P.f CHUKHANOV# Z.F. RY OF INFO-- SOURCE--IZV. AKAOw NAUK SSSRf ENERG. TRANS 1970Y (1)r 85-93 DATE PUBL ISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSP PROPULSION AND FUELSw EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--PYROLYSfSf PETROLEUM DEPOSIT# GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONr CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONt ECONOMICSt FUEL CONSUMPTION# STEAM:BOILERt BENZENEi TOLUENEf NAPHTHALENEt ETHYLENEt COKEP SULFURr POWER PLANT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1544 STEP NO--UR/0281/70/000/001/0085/0093 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118527 Lh 212 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--300CT7O I.CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01185Z7 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, POWER PLANT, PYROLYSIS OF S CONTuco MAZUT IPETROLEUM RESIDUES) FROM ROMANSHKINO AND ARLANSK CRUDE OILS AT CRATES OF 1.3-4.7 G-SEC YIELDED ACCORDING TO CALCNS. GASED ON A SfNGLE PYROLYSIS CYCLE 57-78 AND 55-78PERCENT GAS AND 31-40 AND 27-38PERCE14T LIQ. PRODUCTS, OF WHICH 7-11 AND 9-12PERCENT B. SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 230DEGREES WERE RECOVERED BEFORE RECYCLING. OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR MAX. C SUB2 H SUB4 YIELDS (22*8 AND 17.5PERCENT) WERE 0,02 AND 0.08 SEC AT 945 AND 930DEGREES WITH ST-EAMt MAZUT RATIOS 8 OF 0.66 AND 0.49 KG-KGv RESPo FOR ARLAN MAZUT-C SU86 H SUB6, PHME, ME SU82 C SU86 H SUB4 PLUS PHETt AND NAPHTHALENE,. YIELDS WERE MAX. 16.0, 1.61, 0.2, AND 1.4PERCENTo RESP.) AT AN C SUB2 H SU64 YIELD OF 13 8PERCENT WHEN THE CONDITIONS WERE 0.24 SEC AT 960DEGREES.WITH B EQUALS 0 519 WHEREAS THESE YIELDS WERE 3.5, 2-lr 0.5t AND 0-5PERCENT AT AN CL SUB2 H SUB4 YIELD OF 17.5PERCENT WHEN THE CONDITIONS WERE 0.07-0.09 SEC AT 920-50DEGREES WITH 6 EQUALS 0.5 AND THE FRACTION OF THE ORIGINAL S LEFT IN THE COKE WAS SIMILAR To 30PERCENT. THIS FRACTION WAS MIN. (SIMILAR TO 11 AN$ 25PERCENT) AND C SUB2 H SUB4 YIELDS WERE HIGH 127.6 AND 17.6PERCENT) WHEN THE RESP. MAZUTS WERE PYROLYZED FOR 0.03 AND 0.06 SEC AT 915 AND 945DEGREES HITH 8 EQUALS 0.75 AND 1.0, BUT AROMATIC HYDROCARBON YIELDS WERE REDUCED BY SIMILAR TO 33PERCENT AND POWER EFFICIENCY BY SIMILAR TO 3.5-4.OPERCENT. IN COMPARISON WITH SEP* PRODUCTION OF POWER AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTSV POWER PLANT PYROLYSIS UNDER OPTIMAL CONOITIONS REDUCEO BOILER FUEL CONSUMPTION BY SIMILAR TO.20PERCENT AND POWER COSTS BY S1141LAR TO 50PERCENT. LIN L-tAss-If 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING-DATE--i6OCT70 TITLE--SELECTION OF THE DESIGN AND OPERATtNG PP4CTJCE FOR OXYGEWLANCES ':AUTHOR-105)-GLINKOV, M.A.9 DEMINt G.I*t PERMINOV, E.M., CHUKHANbv, Z.F., E.D. OF INFO--USSR _':'ijURCE--STAL' 1970, 30-M, 119-23 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT.AREAS--.MATERIALS9 MECH., INDot CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR -TOPIC TAGS--OXYGEN, OPEN HEARTH FURNACE, NOZZLE, ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT -...CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 ,..PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0214 STEP NO--UR/0133/70/030/002/0119/0123 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115918 UNCLASSIFIED 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED DATE--160CT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115918 ;ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE RATE OF CHEM. AND HEAT ABSORPTION AS A FUNCTION OF1HE DEGREE~OF LANCE. INCLINATION TO OPEN -HEARTH BATH WAS DETD. ON MODELS9 INWHICH ABSORPTION OF NH SUB3 IN WATER FROM ITS MIXT. WITH AIR WAS MEASURED AND THAT OF HEAT SUPPLIED BY HOT AIR*TO AN OIL BATH WAS EVALUATED. JHE ABSORPTION COeFF. FOP A SPECIFIC RANGE OF OPTIMUM GAS CONSUMPTION1 WHICH INCREASES WITH A LARGE NOZZLE DIAM., REACHES ITS MAX. VALUE WITH VERTICAL NOZZLES. NO LOWERING OF THE ABSORPTION COEFF. AFTER REACHING ITS OPTIMUM VALUE WAS NOTED FOR -NOZZLES INCLINED 30-75DEGREES TO THE VERTICAL.:'GAS CONSUMPTION AND NOZZLE DIAM. ARE ASSOCD. BY THE ARCHIMEDES CRITERION AR (AR EQUALS W PRIME2 GAMMA G-GD GAMMA L)- THE MAXo ABSORPTION IS OBTAINED WITH AR 100, ANO ABSORPTION COEFF. N CAN BE GIVEN WITHIN 5PERCENT AS N EQUALS 0.96-(AR PLUS 4.55). FOR A GROUP OF NOZZLES SUFFICIENTLY DISTANT l(SIMIL-AR TO 10 DIAM. MIN.) IT IS ABOUT THE SAME FOR A GR~UP OR INDIVIDUAL NOZZ.E THE ANGLE OF NOZZLE INCLINATION TO THE VERTICAL AFFECTS BOTH THE RATE OF ABSORPTION:AND.THE DEGREE OF STIRRING, THE OPTIMUM FOR THE PURPOSE BEING 55DEGREES FORCLOSELY PLACED NOZZLES AND FOR MORE DISTANT ONES. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. STALI -SPLAVOV9 MOSCOW9 USSR. UNCLASS I F AAr. q I FROCURZOrls sys-EM, b-- ....... I* datcs ofitho *Coln=ic,;, -unien as the C'.-za- -aa atL 0. '0 7, 10*1 7 Tho or tho 24th C:-Z,U Cor.,=-ccc pozai an EL =3t '='.0-'t=t tack of tho ztt.' Pl= tho i=,.vma:nt of tho zt.-"tt=o o:~ rntl(.-,-a cco;izz~io U=I.: iv in ima~.IZLZ-, a7v I.:.o tzs=` ' "n to 'Lbn Lrd 0! tho of t:3. vor., of th. =d rld:111o of brr-nch oao--C--'c rz, =d tho C4~ * o: a=d o" euu reczx(i to tLa L?'.4ific Of -Zr!L,= br=ahas. tU plu-3 krz~7, z--d rarublic (I.M. z=- pro' -ats :as, ju t~~ wy-l- 'Iti a-Z tho hintia%rl of ?.-c~:-=: ts Ma' *,=vo beem ;;h1flud, with c-o --o to tl"~ir vr.~z'A. to tha c'n6.iticra of ;a--m a..d vitt"- Fnw~vort c,zLzizi=s a in tho ef--2ctivcz~= 0 f c = --,* a., , - - .Pz-oduct40-1 '.2 t:::, c;-:,tc= of tha Xi=ct.-7 off Uct Cr:jfj-.'Z"; t~-=Zz'_-Z 1-4 oco=0:3. r:,.1 ic %;=t is alr,* ccco-xzial c=a iho c=d iz---')LUctirn Of =-~ez'~rua to cz-r-:r,2 tha L,-.zlv.7.'.Int crd cD7r:,.c-z f=-ctio:Liz3 of t-'z cnrcr;~rizzo undir tLa rc.-j az'~' in t's t"a ,h4 cnte:~wil;Q1, Ilith a viev -0 and. &zd to raiz;:~n3 thL afz'icionzy ard cf"tivcno.~a O~ =amA3L-- mfjri,. In Gc=o iz4uutrial brarcchun (nomfcrrous wtzCaurgy, pot.-olc=, and ot:iora), ruch work 1= bacn dcaa in rocrzt y~azs: 1-1vearsive ma=a~tmeat .7 USSR UDC 669.721.5'884.01.3.8:620.193 GLAGOLEVA, A. !1., CHU1,111N, B. D. "Lffect of Some Alloying Additives on the Corrosion Resistance of 'Ig-Li-System Alloys" Metalloved. snlavov It--Qkikh met. .-- V sb. (Physical Netallurgy of Alloys of Light Metals -- collection of works), Moscow, Naukan Press, 1970, pp 195-198 (from RM-Metallur~!iva, Vio 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 41756) Translation: The corrosion resistance of binary, ternarv,and higher cor"'Plex-al- joyed Mg-Li alloys with 5-6 and 10-14% Li and Al, Zn, Cd, Ce, Sn, Rn,and Si additives was investigated. The corrosion rate was estimated by the amount of 112released in the hydrogen corrosion meter. It. was demonstrated that the corrosion resistance of LI-Ig-Li-alloys depends significantly on tile chemical composition and, above all, on the Li content. The proposition of the possi- bility of creating Mg-Li-alloys with corrosion resistance on the level of series Mg-alloys is stated. There are 4 illustrations and an 8-entry biblio- graphy. USSR uDc 669-721-017:620.1-93 GIAGOLWA, A. M., and Ca=, B. D. "The Effect of Some Alloying Addition% on- the Corrosion Resistancerof.Alloys of.the Yjg-Li System" ~Metallovedeniye Splaroy Legkikh Yetallov-Sbornik, Moscow, "Nauka's',.. 1970, pp 195-199, resume Translation: Results are presented of corrosion resistance investigations of binary, ternary, and more complexly alloyed magnesium-lithium alloys with 5%- 6% and 10%-14% Li and. additions. of Al, Zn, Cd, Ce, Sn, Mn, and Si. - The corrosion rate was estimated by the ruzmtity of escaped hydrogen in the hydrogen corrosiowter. It is demonstrated teat the corrosion resistance of na,~piesium- lithium alloys depends substantially- an the chemical composition,, and primarily on the lithium content. The hypothesis is expressed or the possibility of the creation of magnesium-lithium alloys with a corrosion resistance on the level of mass production mgnesium alloys. Four figurev,, cight bibliographic references. 1/1 USSR RADZIVONCHIK, V. F. , CHUKHLEV A. N. "Effect of Deformation Rate at Various Temperatures on,tbe Structure and Hard- ness of Armco-Iron, Nickel and 1KUMT Steel" V sb. Vysokoskorostn. deformatsiya (High-Speed Deformation Collection of Works), Moscow, "14-auka", 1971, pp 112-114 (from RZII-Mekchanika. No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3V1471) Translation: Metallographic and! mechanicai studies of nickel, armco-iron and lKhl8N9T el deformed at rates from 2-10 5 to 200 m/sec in the subrecrystaiii- zation temperature range are described. An increase in deformation ratc leads to a change in the plastic deformation mechanism of the metals and alloys. -ormation in -the vecry~;tallized tempera- Recrystallization occiws fully upon def ture region when the deformation rate does not exceed 3-10-1 sec-'. Authors abstract. P. 01 X T SO-..3P4k'3 4 F64,, 90L. LMC 613.693:616.981.25 > DWELOPSEEN1 OF STAr1M=OC=. INFEMON IV 11WN SJBJECrS LWER THE IM-LuENCE OF SME SWIMIGIM rACIOPS Al- /'%rC1ci` by B. A. Chukhlovin P. B. 0 'strowjov and S. zt_~exa; Moscow, - - - .') fr-qkna, ol No 6, 1971, submitted , for publication 27 June 19,69, pp 61-611 tL Ahatract: Healthy =1e .st. subjects exposed to extended bedrest. partial or complete isolation and inadatiunte per- ionr.1 hygient) were studied for the size of microbial foci In the nasal nizcosa and pathogenicity of nasopharynseal AtAphylococci. Most cast subjects exhibited an increase iii mize of titaphylococcal foci and an increased presence of ntaphyloco.-c~ producing congulase, hyaluronidase and Ircithavitallase. They also exhibited an increased level of anLtbOdids to stApbyl0CDCCa1 enzymes In the blood. Ilia carrying of a main, phagotype Was UNUallV 00tajllibh~d Iii luointed groups of~ Auh)eers. The po:;,Ii;iliLy of ru- t il infectLan of hurian stibjtict~ by pathogenic i)tnphyla- cocel under cite influence of certain vpaceflight factors war dc;:ionscra~ed. Aft~iq: the problems involved in the medictil support of prolonged space flighi:3 is Om development of measures for the prophylaxis of autainfec- rions, especially scaphylococcal infections. It Is knci4n frcn the literature that a fiLatu of prolonged hypody"amis, and also the influence of oth~tr rpaceili&t factors lead to a decrease in nritural 1tody ranistntice (0. G. Alekoeyeva and A. P. Volkov"; M~,haylowV_Iy, ei. al.). 1.r, ttii. .y th. can be crCALLd for the fiCtMitlOn Of pOLencially pathogenic microflorn (B. A. Chukhlovin and S. P. lviinova). An incroaLe in the size Of 91-Aphylococcal foci on the mucous membranu Of the TIONe and in the pharynx can acrva as fin index of an increase in the il~tivity Of microor~,,ani~--. Tkicir Ncrease to levels oxcueding the - 91 . SIMDY (h! VOUT11Z.., _5Y VII.,lochUn, A. A. 1. :01ch! ~3 mid )rOv", un w0 3 05Y 11T. Ponn nnd ~'orou:j :'1a.9tIcg rarod op 01- Unt, ar,:~ .'clv- uro-Inno Pald.iV; Into necount the llocullavltllt,~i ',):' pr:ictiz~_11 one can conztrtici-ion -matoriala to Im nf':'c=tcC by different environmental factorc, c"colally tcnporatu"'j. Anc oxPet-lenco domontvalov, tho lattor'lond:i to tho formtion and rolonae Of -,rcat nuantitiox) of valatile ~)ulb::tzjn~eZ Yablochkin, 1969). ThT objactive Of ti*,,i:- _-;U4_y wan- on in,.*u:;'.-,'- rption 01,* a conpiox of volat-1,10 I aubll~arlcca rolcauod bv zor:a foum and porous placticu undlor condltllon3 sinulatinF~ _,V! par-1- motors of the qurvaundir~, of them modLun In th(i course ir tlao. 2L,=Crimuntal rnrt In our atudy we roloctod n -,roun. of nino zanploz c~' fow: anul I)Orouo pla~tlcu ol, thp b6:)1;1 of ft,am pO1.-,.jt,..-eT1L 12-11 Conn-po.-OuLl pnl~urcstharlu, form pl;lotllcls u:,. the 1~a- nis O~ Onulalon arld arut hard foom plaitics, pol-y-urr-thar.0 clrj.-Jtic p1n.'Itic, porolcm, ".,101 -'Jf1.jtIc by moam'.. o:' imaod 0?1 20.1U'iOX1:, Of DilIC0110 'Ulobora, porolcn az-.4c1-):: raado frarl It mattint;). The nethod for forriulc~tinl- ara , kcal ,, and th . lyt invoatij,,ation of the volatile ak%~~-_tanccc rcleazod 1,,,. ncl-7,ml, ., chemical., jp,,c'.1,o;hotOrvt:,_, conctmiction naterialr, includ~nr c and gazi chromator~rvphic analy3iM, did not diffar from ttiat de- 0cribod In co=unication 1. Z~ P R T* 126 ::Y~A L q c3L- Ic 11INESTIGATION OF COUSTIVICTION 1. A. Zhchirskaya, Yo. V. an-I Chulich AictunlIn ~o Vonrcinv 'Zo!~:,tchen%o_., :41olo, 1-2 C. ur., C! % ~. t 1 ~C. 2927 on I it 'Inc L. Block,_.~htlot aq!i GmnulatLd Plarlics ye,irs tncrL ',az I:eon a conni,lur , --.j During rcuont - rb~ b cnin(t of t~c field of applicni-III-Itl~ of plastics im nateripla (E.13vhr, 1967~- tic-, oil he lulwi:t 0; carbonates, polyaraides and conol:yno-s of the A5C ti~rpc 1969) have shom the grentent of unt, 1.". ilb-IC d-1- roction. The content of volatile vubstalices !'I pol=vrn n nub3tantial effoct on thoir physiconachanical to7icity (C'. F. ~,-Vyat!~Ovslcaa, V. V. Lapshiz-1, 1961J.; V. ,;. 'i blochl:in,. 11~169 ). Accord the purpose 01, this at..dy "In-, on invostIgntion of the combination of a ccnplex of voial:~-_-.) nul~- ctnnces relonsed by uomo bloc'., sheet and jranuloted under conditions simlatin;-, the external mediuT. in zh~_ ~rcMo::- ;of ualn,,-, polymol, cormtraction ntitariallu. 0 stucied i ~roun a-" sheot nnd .. atorizil , InclutUng IC Smnples on th6 Of triletio 3 phonol-formaldohydo ven-Ina, Polycrirbonate (01flon), c, polymethyl !7othncr-:,,Iato and b ut ndi_~ ne. -e tyreno - an ry loi I.C_ pollmor (A, , C verin). All the ,nTr,,)les worc LnveotiCsted at noj,-,nl tomporsture and with an oxpoz-,;re of 10 dayn. .111 iiJdiltlono :-,05t~ of the materials, other thnn prersad powdar aitd material an the Ionnia of ABC copolymer, we- inveetzl,,atod tit Increr-ced 118 L4_99 f L+ ~ZY" L. -4 Q_ STUDY OF THE UAS EDWATION OF A ITV!IRF~i OF POTYMERS DURIM; /R~tlcie I~y A., I.. Glorohunova and E. 1. cim%'Ino ;.10:3cow, Aktuallm-vn Voprouy Kosmich~skoy pp 89-917 The polymers used for outfittin,~. tho cnbIn of a s;7:~ce- ship can ro2at!sa Into the surroutiding Fatnosphorr. differtn' subatancur which ave toxic to man. A Un i,,Iv,.-:i rize to u ilccel!- :;-Ity foi- atudying the qualitative Enid a.vantit'ativo cC'.'jP0S'_- tion of the vola~ilo substances reloasod by polyif~erz and fc:,~ predicting their gas emanations over long porloda of t!no. in thio study we invemt1pited ttia chnnga in the qufl2l~- tativo and qunntltativo tonpos&-.ion of geseoun producta ez- capIng, into t1jo surrounding mediun from polyrmi,3 durizu*, the-ii, prolonged retention undor natuval conditions. The literature contal.-i datn !zidjcatinF,, that synthalti~: materials are a :iource of prolonged (up to throo-five yenra contumination of the atmoaphn. harmful Imptirltias 11. 1. -a by I Yokimova, et al., 1969, G. N. Ferizina, 19",7, TaolldrovzkaYn, ot fil., 1969, L. M. Nnclm)~, et al., 11~6')). In t-.Oditlon. atuotoo havo bijon mndo mrtaini-mi-, to tho dynimic:j of th', emanation proconn. 11or exiin.)1c, A. 11. I`01-'ov W;67, 1969) 11 ion of polyriora an tionu that the dependence o, gas emanat I the time of their two u3uall-y hpn Lin exponential naturo. flo proponod n fOrMUILL for computir_- tho chanFa in roncontratior. or formaldohido in a kindarFrrten rocm dur-ln;, a period of timo fron nine to nineteen =ontl= after rabritation of the materials. According to data published by V, Ya. Taondrov3kays, Ut al. (1969), during the firettwo or three montha after the fabrication of polymers there is a markod decroazo in the 33 !7~- C_. LC1 9 14 STUDY OP VOLATILE :V~*-,7--7-11 "Y NIT, 0.1 P. 0 LY -.7 i 7 j ~T 7-,rl4ii ~Articl~ by %'f!. 'Yrbiocill;Ln, Z-A. .2'cftir- 'IM, :I~ 7~iocow, (r c ~n e 0 41 nd 16 qj !;-I t Fit, 1-:;nd In j -int. halogena are uzc.-~ in natiollill ncont):!I7. Their uzo in worittini-, livini: an~! ~cctovy rcono I..; nccom- panica uy tva po:~elull!Ly o; by I,ro ~-O MfI111. volatilu jjro,3o0!:j containz: 11-:-:1ted inCormation cin the onn- Itnz,y Gild chemical chat'natevi.7tic* of thvvc ~Voupn of P01-- .I(,.rs,,In atudlog publi:ihod durirl,,-, recent yonrc vnrioun aothorc mvnt n Lho po.9.9ibility that rmt.~.--'alc with ,I polyvinyl clilor ido 1onco can relanco nuch to:~!c compo=32 a, cnrbon monox1de, dlbutil phthalate, anmoiiia, c~;Iorido, chlrwocarb~. compoundn, lf!itty noida nnd aldvh-,-dr~a 'I t,il; 1966; V. 1). Yablochkllm, V. L. zallmimov 1;mdov conditlona rmt,~L-Lulzj on jjojytatr~.'juoj-ocL!jN I based -Jorc. re'c'.-co into the ittivim3ohore only Invi,jnificant Outintitirin ol' carbon monoxido flild hydrocar- bons (V. 1). *Yahlochkin, 1967). .111t, to tht- t~?.tomsl,m %,.-o off no!-.-norz bw)od on pulyothy- I". davivativou containinC, halor',anz it zlenjolod doal.vclbla to .ntjnLJ11 Of *~!Jt- J;w; r('11"Anc Of an-nn1wi of n :lum- bor of Lho 'polynor con.-,tx*ucllc;n mrtoriala norl. I'Vonliontly Imcd In indLlI?1;j-y Whiell r-ro bamed on polyvinyl chlorldo lino polytetra- fluoroothylone. ]It tho vanitary-chomical InveatiCation 140 avInctod a Croup oV six rintoriala, throo namplea Ouch from. tho polyvinyl P L4- 7Z~.- ~A L ~1/2 ~.O 1T 'UNCLASSIFIED OROCE'SSING DATE--300CT70 TITI_k-ADSGRPTIGN AND CATALYTIC PROPERTIES. OF HEMIN ON CARBON BLACK AND SURFACE, -U- ~AU HR- 03)-POLTORAK, O.M., CHUKHRAYj YE.S v VESELOVAi M.Ne :.~COUINTRY OF INFG--USSR. MOSK. UNIV.v KHIM. 1970. 11_(l) 14- 17 DATE PUBL ISHEC.--70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES _.~.,TGPIC,TAGS-PHQSPHGLIPIDv CARBON BLACK# ALUMINUM OXIDEt,CATALYST ACTIVITY# IRON COMPOUND, ADSORPTION RESTRICTIONS :~.DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,,~IPROXY REELIFRAME--3002/0453 STEP NO-UR/0189/70/011/00t/0014/0017 C IRC ACCESS'ICN NO-AP0128023 UN'CLASSIFIED ~212 '017 UNCLASS IFIEO, PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0lZ80?.3 -,.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ABSORPTION AND CHANG3E OF HEMIN .--CATALYTIC ACTIVITY ON LARBON BLACK AND CARBON BLACKtAL SUB2 0 SU83 SURFACES CGIVERED PREL11MINARY BY LECITHIN MUNULAYER WERE STUDIED. -.COORDINATE BINDING OF 2 FE ATOMS.RESULTED IN DE57RUCTION GF HEMIN CATALYTIC ACTIVITY. PROTECTION OF THE HEME GRoup BY NONPOLAR RESIDUES, NOT TAKING PART IN COORDINATE BINDING WITH FE ArOMS CAUSED ACTIVATION OF HEMIN.. UNCLASS IFIED A/2 623 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 1/2 0 2 T.ITLE--CATALYTIC PROPERTIES OF ADSORBED SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE -U- 1 T iE__ AT' TA U T H:)R-C(02 -.AUTHOR-(02)-CHUKHRAYo YE.S.r POLTORAK, O.M. F 7-CCUNTRY,OP INFO--USSR ,S OURCE--VESTN. MOSK. UNIVot KHIH.~1970, 11(l)y 10-13 ~~'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,"'SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~,;,.TOPIC_ TAGS--SUCCINATE DEHYDROG,ENASEt HEART MUSCLE, CATALYSISt ENZYME ACTIVITYi SPECTROPHOTOMETRYt PHOSPHOL17P[Di SILICA GEL .,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0250 STEP NO--UR/0189/70/011/001/0010/0013 :.-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120940 UNC L ASS I F [ED. -2/2- 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINGY DATE--30OCT70 ..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120940 ,,.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PURIFIED PREPN. ISOLATED FROM SWINE HEART MUSCLE WAS USED TO STUDY CATALYTIC PROPERTIES OF ADSORBED ~SUCCINATE- DEHYD-K'OGENASE. THE AC.:rIVITY WAS DETD. SPECTROPHOTOMErklCALLY AT~.:600L,4 MU IN THE PRESE114CE OF 2,6,01CHLOROINDOPHENOL* AS ADSORGENTS PHOSPHOLIPID MONOLAYERS OBTAINED BY ADSORPTION OF~CEPHALIN AND LECITHIN 0N.SILICA GEL AND CARBON BLACK WERE USED. TOE PH OPTIMUM FOR THE ACTIVITY OF THE ENLYME ADSORBED ON DIFFERENT~ADSOkBENTS WAS EXAMD. UNCLASSIFIED USSR ~UDC 569.112.227.3 L. A. , MILYAKOV, A. P., KOROTUSHENKO, G. V., GRIGORKIN, V. I., QJUMP, KUZIMINA, T. M., KRIVONOSOVA, L. F., Murmansk Mari~~'.Tngineering School, ,Lipetskiy Affiliate of Xfoscow Institute of Steels and Alloys "Cavitation-Corrosion Resistance of Chrome-Nickel-Tungsten Austenitic Steel" Kiev, Fiziko-khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 8, No 4, 1972, pp 92-93. Abstract: The author s studied the cavitation-corrosion resistance of type 30K%14N5V austenitic steels made in a vacuum furnace. The tungsten content was varied between 0.5 and 5%. The tendency of the austenite to form deforma- Uon martensito with 50% compression and with cavitation was also studied. The studies were performed in a Waqueous NaCl solution. Tile greater the tendency of the austenite toward the formation of both I'volumetric" and 11surface" martensite, the higher the ca-tritation-corrbsion resistance. The maximum cavitation-corrosion resistance corresponds to the optimal content of tungsten in the steel, approximately 3%. Further increases to 5% cause the resistance and quantity of "surface" and Ivolumetric" martensite to decrease significantly. The reason for this maximum, on thedeformation martensite vs. alloy admixture curve has not been established. The steel with the optimal composition for corrosion-cavitation resistance has com- 1/2 MM W__ USSR UDC 569.112.227.3 KOWIMSF-ENW, G. V., G-11GORKLN, V. I., et. al., Kiev, Fiziko-khimiclieskaya Kekhanika Materialov, Vol 8, No 4, 19712, pp 92-93. iDaratively li--o( corrosion rate in sea water. -the steel with 310- tungsten Zherefore has the max-im= cavitation-corrosion resismice., superior to Oat KICIT steel by more th,~m an order of magnitudL-. 2/2 UN E- :PROCESSING DArE--20NOV70 I.- --.T-ITLE---'r-.C-ACTICN OF INDCLE vvirH ~ALPFA,DIKET&%JES -U-: AUTHOR-102)-ZHUNGIYETU, G.1 CqUKHRIYv CCUNTRY OF IN-FC--USSR VSES* KhIlll. U6SHCHEST. 19 70v 15(2), 228 :,--"DATE-* PUdL ISHE D----70 SU BJ E CT AREAS CHEMISTRY ~-.'TGPIC -TAGS-INDCLE, KETONE, BENZENE DERIVATIVE, ORGANIC COMPOUND, -'EACTICN MECHAIqISM CHEMICAL 11 ~CGNTRCL MARK I NG-NO RESTRICTIONS -00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -,-PrR'XY RE-C-L/FRAME--3002/1162 STEP NU--UR/0063/70/015/00210228102-28 ACCESSICN NU--AP0lZd564 UNCLASSIFIED -.212/2 ~011 UNCLAS PROCE'SSING DATE-20NOV70 SIFIED ..:C I RC ACtESSIGN NO--AP0128584 --ABSTRACT/E:XTRACT--(U) GP-0- AtiSTRACT. RtFLUXING 0.585. G INDOLE AND 0.215, G AC SUB2 IN ACOH 20 MIN GAVE ON COOLING 68PERCENT M. '197CEGRF-ES.. BENZLL SIMILARLY GAVE 30PERCENT DI(3,[NDCLYL)PHEi'qYLBENZOYLiMETHANE, M. 316DEGREES, WHILE CYCLQ[4EXANErLt2,DIONE GAVE 35PERGENT :2v2tDI(3ilNOOLYL.)CYCLOHEXANONE, M. L66GEGREES INDOLE AND BZCN IN.ACOH',GAVE. ALMOSrilOOPERCENT -3,BENZOYLI~DCLE M. 238DEGREESP,AFTER SEVERAL DAYS AT ROOM TEMP. OR AFTER BRJEF REF~UXING IN C SUB6~H~SUB6. i A REACTION SCHEME WAS PROPOSED. FACILITY: INST. KHI,4.j KISHINE.Vp USSR** U!4%'-"L A S S I F I E D Power, Engine, Turbine, Pu~V USSR UDC 621,436-13-723 PILYUGIII, A. A., 1URYUSHCRENKO, A. A., and CHMIRIYEI"""O, S. I. "Diesel Engine Cylinder Lubricator'l USSR Authors' Certificate No 362970, Cl. F 16n 23/00, filed 15 Oct 70, pub- lished 20 Dec 72 (from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Maki, No 3, 1973, P 76) Abstract: The device contains a case which is mounted in the cylinder sleeve with a cavity for feeding oil to the sleeve duct and. a check valve placed in this cavity. The unique feature of the device is that, to make the feed more even and the oil usp-ge more efficient, the valve is situated at the cavity exit on the side of the sleeve and has a spring-actitated shank in the cavity and a rod in the duct. A second version of the device has a damper iflowited in the cavity. The device is illustrated. 1/1 -2-12 UNCL AS S I FI ED: PROCESSING DATE--lIDEz!-__f70 ~'o:CJRL ACCESSICN r-.0--AP0I/i0367 _-~AB S TRACT /EXTRAC T-- I Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT.:, :,-THE TERM 'IF L I NT CLi--~ IiSED IN THE TO rHE TERIM U . S. ."A'. _AND.,SEVERAL,LJTHER CGUNTRIESP CORRESPONDS VERY CL0_ - !.TDASTED BREAD (SUKHAR) CLAY.11~!'IN BOTH U.S.A. AND U.S S.i, THE TYPICAL OCCURkEtNCES OF '-TOASTED CLAYS" ARE CONF I NED TO OF THE LOWER ROLS. - I N THEIR PROPERTIES AiVr,*,bCCURENCc- THF WELL sruolEo _~TGASTED CLAYS OF THE 80kOVICHY DEPOSIT (NCVG(3RO0 PkIiVINCE) ARE HIGHLY ~.Slk[LAk TO THE FLINT CLAYS OF MISSOURIt. OIFFERING SIGNIFICANTLY GNLY IN HAVING LOWER BULK SP. OR. AND HIGHERPOROSITY THAN UU miSsouRl FLINT '.CLAYS. VARIETIES WITH EXCESS FREE,ALUMINA (DIASPORE, bDEHAI TE) ARE -1 "TOASTED" AND~FLINTZLAYS. i v OBSC.: BOTH A!,CNG SU THE AurH('k -GESTS THE TERM "TUASTED CCMPLEX". (SUKHARNII -KOiv'PLEK,S) WHICH CURRESPOAD5 TO Wo 0. TERM "FLINJ CLAY FACIES." THE CLAYS OF THE "TCASTED COMPLEXII ,:-.--~.ARE: SEIDIAEiNTS GF ANCIENT SWAMPS AND LAKES WHICH C.CNTAINED ,.ICH VEGET4TIGN. THEIR SOURLE M04ATERIAL WAS~l -INELY UISPERSEi) SILICATE FROM DRY LAND. THE.STRUCTURE AND PKOPERTIES OF TO,ASTED CLAYS ARE EXPLAINED 6Y THE.PPTN,, OF KAOL rINITE AS ClJLLijIDAL :CLUPPS IN WFICm CRYSTIj. OCCURRED.WITH: FORMA r ION Gr- INHMATE INTERGROWTHS .~.,.~ANVVAkICJLISLY UkIENTED SEGkEGATIONS. FAC:ILLTY, ACAD. SCI.t __IlGEPq-A-,CSC0A, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED Magnesium USSR UDC: 669.721.41 KECHIN, V. A., VYATKIN, I. P., CHUKHROV, N1. V., SHPAKOV, V. 1. "Relationship Between Quality of Magnesium and its Degree of Degassing During Refining" Liteyn. Proiz-vo, Metalloved. i Obrabotka blet. Davleniyem.[Foundry Production, Metal Science and Pressure Working of Metals -- Collection of Works], No 6, Krasnoyarsk, 1972, pp 46-48 (Translated.from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8G205, by the authors). Translation: The influence of the degree of oxidation of Mg on the effect of its degassing during refining is demonstrated. The degassing effect of INIg raw material is twice that of bar remelt. It is recommended that raw Mg be used as the raw material for the manufacture of Mg-based working alloys. I table, S biblio. refs. USSR -uDc 669.7`21.4 KECHDT WATIMI, I. P., arid "Degassing Primary I-Lagnesium by Different Refining Metbods" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 5, Wly 7_30j iv 52-53 Abstract: This work was devoted to studyin- tbe rhange of Gas content (hydro- gen) in the refining of magnesiun by seLtlinr~ and bc treatint, with VI-2 flux find a titanium-containing flux. The raw mtEneaivin -v.,as heated to '(00, 740, and 780()C and saturated with hydrogen. Results shmed that -the amount- of- hydrogen remaining after refining was least for the tilUc-mium-containing flux process while the settling process left the most hydro-mil. I figure, 2 biblic- graphic references. USSR uDc 669-721.4 KEC=, V. A., WATIMI, I. P., and CHU] "Degassing Primary Magnesium by Different Refining Methods" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 5, May 73, pp 52-53 A'os'ract: This work was devoted to studying the change of --as content (hydro- gen) in the refining of magnesium by settling and be treatin,-, with VI-2 flux and a titanium- containing flux. The rau magnesiimi vao heated to 700, 7110> and 78OPC and saturated with hydrogen. Results showed that the amount of ~hydrogen remaining after refining was least for the titaniixii-containinf.,; flux process while the settling process left the most hydrogen. 1 figure, 2 biblio- graphic references. l/l vagnesium USSR WC 669-17 CHUKHROV, M.- V. Modifitairovaniye magniyevykh splavov (Modification of Magnesium Alloys), Moscow, Metallurgiya, 1972, 176 pp Trans?%tion of Annotationt The theoretical bases are givont for metallurgical and physical methods of reducing the structure of various types of maenesium alloys, Technological processes are described for the modification of pro- duction processes on the mechanical ar-d,technological properties of magnesium alloys is shown. The book is intended for technical engineering workers in foundry plants of tetallurgical and machine works, for scientific research institutes, and also for teachers and students at higher and middle learning institutions in metallurgical and:machine-building specialties. 89 figures$ 36 tables, 144 bibliographic citations. Table of Contentsi Page Foreward 4 Chapter I. Modification and Its Role in Technology of Producing Magnesiun Alloys 5 1. Classification of Production Magnesium Alloys and Methods of 1/3 Hoclifying Then 5