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USSR UDC 615.373:616.981.553-078.73 RTJTJTQJA __T_ T_._ IVYiNOVA, L. C., and MATVEYEV, K. I., Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni Gamaleya, Academy of 'Medical Scierices USSR "The Use of Highly Specific Antibotulinus Sera to Detect Cl. botulinum Types A and B by the Fluorescent-Antibody Method" Mosco-w, Zhurnal 1,fikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 9, 1971, pp 101-106 Abstract: Inoculation of rabbits with 0-type-specific antigen isolated from Cl. botulinum types A and B yielded highly specific sera suitable for detecting the microorganisms by the fluorescent antibody method in envir- onmental objects. Study of pure cultures and over 150 samplcs of soil and food in which C1. botulinun types A and B were detected both by the neu- tralization test in mice and by the indirect fluorescent antibody Diethod confirmed the high specificl ty of the sera. Cl. botulinum was detected by the fluorescent antibody meEnca- in ever-; one of the samies containing botulinus toxin. III USSR -,;C 576-851-55).097.2-9-074 FAVLOIVA, 1. B. , arki BUIA I.nstitiita of Epidemiology ard, Microbiology izeni Ganaleya "Electron Microscope Study of Type B Clostridium botulinum During Toxin Formation" Moscow. &urnal Xdkrohiologii, Epidemiologii i lu.-aunabiologii, No 7. Jul 70, pp 109-112 Abstract: A study was made of ultrathin soctions of botu' I typo 3 (strain 175) cul+urad on casein-musarooz; nedit" for 24 to 48 hours. ~'.USt Of Lho colls were fouxid to be :Ln the veget-iva stage; the cell -walls of five layers 300 Q 6-4 u a ~o 3:W thick. Toxin -~'ormation was most intense after 5 to 7 daYs, and many bacteria! calls were simultaneously undergoing lysis. 'Wit*.-Ain, around, and between -a crysta-'s. The periodicity of the calls were osmioDhilic masses . t often formc the crystal lattice was about 150 The lattice was syrunotrical in three dimen- sions and its construction was like that of protein crystals. The osmiophllic zasses are 'Oulieved to ba the protein-toxin prod-aced Cry tho cells and released into the medium up-on complete or partial ly5is. 1/i USSR 5 -16. 65i . 55-1. 09 BLIATOXIA T. 1. and PI-Eq0VA, Ye. V., Institute of and Microbiology %no =iniGa=aey~, Aca6e--,-: of Meiaical Sciences 'USSR -ucture of Cl. botulin-wm Types E and .,ntigenic Str Moscow, Z"hurnal Mill-robiologii, Epidemiologii i immunobioloo-ii, NO 4 , 1970, pp 1. 0 28-32 Abstract: Study of nine type E Cl. botulinum strains (138----u, ~.;',naimo, 4240, 809, 71-4, 153, Detroit 8, 45) and three type F sr-rilils (470, Craig, -'Eklund) showed that their consist of two toxic components, a Fn~in or homologous component and a hecerologous component present only in vLry small am-Ounts. The toxins of the three zype IF strains we~-e Jdenz.4cal in anci,!enic structure because they ware comqplc!~eIy r.,~:urra1iizeti 'by Serll"11 strain 470, and vice versa. SLrain 470 is Ltlicreior~! sul Lablc for in prc- 'ds a~ II as ch ic sera. Cj~ * ileraDelatic an - ~ :~-.e three s ,;a=E: roxci we d diagnosL- trains, only strain 470 has nontoxic solub'Le an(! insoluble antj...,,enzi in wirh Cl. botulinUM LVPes A an,I B, but it has no nontoxic anLigi2n:5 in cO;x:-,,IiI %,!iLh ciLher pe E strainLs 130- the Craig or tkiunc sprains. Of the nine tv- 6 20 seems to be the most suitable for preparation of diagnostic c-,- 'ic 1) e- s p e c i Ianribotulism serum, because iL COnLains an insignificant amount of the toxic componenL of type F. 1/1 112 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 TITLE--ANTIGENIC STRUCTURE OF CL. BCTULIMUMt TYPES E AND F -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BULATOVAt T.I., PEROVA* YE.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SCURCEI-ZHURNAL MIKROBIOLOGII, EPIDEM[OLOGII I IMMUNOBIOLOGtll 1970Y NR 4w PP 28-32 ~-DATE PU6LISHED 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINU14, HEMAGGLUTINATION, BACTERIAL TOXm, ANTI-GEN, BLOOD SERUM Gli 'TROL-MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS C DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FPAME-1990/1471 STEP NO-UR/0016/70/000/004/0028/0032 CIRC 4CCESSIC-N NO--APOIC9531 ~vc r__rr 212 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109531 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BY CROSS REACTION OF NEUTRL IZATICNj REACTION OF AGGLUTINATION AND HEMAGGLUTINATION THE AUThORS STUDIED THE ANTTGENfC. STRUCTURE OF CL. BOTULINUM TYPES E AND F. IT WAS ESTABLISHED THAT BOTULIN TOXINSt TYPES E AND F CONSISTED OF TWO TOXIC COMFCNENTS. THE PRINCIPAL IN EACH ONE OF THE14 IS NO-MOLOGOUS COMPCNENT. THE AMOUNT OF HETEOLOGOUS COMPONENT IS IINSIGNIFICANT (0.005) A PERCENT) IN CCMPARISON WITH THE HOMOLOGOUS COMPONENT. ANTIBTULINUM SERUM, TYPE F AGAINST THE STRAIN NO. 470 COMPETELY NEUTRALIZES THE TOXINS OF TWO 6THER STRAINS OF THIS TYPE UNDER STUDY, AND, ON THE CONTRARY; THEREFORE, STRAIN NO 470 MAY BE RECOMMEMDED FOR THE PREPARATION OF TOX0IDSj AND ALSO OF 'THE THERAPEUTIC AND DIAGNOSTIC SERA. OF THE THREE CL. BOTULINUM STRAINS TYPE F ONLY STRAIN NO. 470 HAS NONTOXIC SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE ANTIGENS COMMON WITH THE CAUSATIVE AGENTS OF B.OTULISM9 TYPES A AND Bo NO COMMON NONTOXIC ANTIGENS IN THE F 470 STRAINS WITH OTHEk TYPE F STRAINS (CRAIG ANEY EKLUND) WERE DETECTED. USSR BULATOVI C,._.J~~len a UDC: 519.2 "On the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity of Random Fields" Mat. vesn.-(Mathematics Bulletin), 1972, 9, No 1, pp S9-65 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract N-o SV141 by M. Yadrenko) Translation: Representations are derived for regular random fields which are analogous to the expansion of a completely indeterminate random process given by Kramer (RZhMat, 1962, SV20). 10 USSR UDC 543-544.6:546.8-1'185 D01211.4TOV) YU. D... B.ULAVIDLik, Z. 'L%,., and DOLMATOVA, M. 111. "Structure and !on Exchanr-e Properties of Zirconiiun Phosphate" Leningrad, Radioknimiya, Vol 14, No 4, 19"12, PP 530-534 Abstract: Structural and ion-exchange properties of t,,Io sa"ries of zirconil-Im phosphate were investigated. ZrPC1 was obtained by precipitation jith H 3T'04 from a solution of ZrOC12-8HoO. ZrPS sanq)le was also precipiteted with 113pol, ,411~,O solution. Both samples appeared to be identical by cheri- from a Zr(S04)2 c cal and x-ray structural analysis. Data from the differential therral analysis and thernogravimetric analysis showed similnrities in both ZrP sampless, and some differences related to the dimensions in their crystlalline lattice: '"IrPq has a more precisely de-fined stricture of crystals. The ion exchanCe -propei-tuies were investigated by the ability to separate Cs, Sr, and Ca ions. 'The differ- ences obsei-icd in the sorption capacity at pa 4 and 7 could be relattd to the crystal structure differences. 1/1 ............. 1/2 -019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 --TITLE--EFFECT OF IODINE PREPARATIONS ON PATIENTS AT EARLY PERIODS OF CEREBRAL ATHEROSCLEROSIS -U- AUTHOR-'iiULAVKO, YU.V. COUNTRY OF lNFQ--USSR SOURCE-VRACHEBINOYE DE-LJr 1970s, Ni( 4, PP 49-51 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--t, ELILGIG I CAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-ATHEROSCLEROSISp CERE5RUMI, I00INEy ORUG TREATMENT COWROL Am"~ZKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UINICLASSIFIED PROXY KEEL/FkAME--30o2/I693 STEP t"40--UR/0475/70/(jOO/004/001~f~/0051 CIRC ACCESS101111 NO-AP0129063 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION N!3--AP0129063 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. IODINE PREPARATIONS wERE USED FOR THE TR-E-ATf-IENT OF PATIENTS WITH EARLY STAGES OF CEREBRAL ATHEkUSCL~ROSIS. THE IODINE P'~'EPAkATIONS e;ERE ADMINISTERED GRALLYj INTRAMUSCULARLY AND INTRAVENOUSLY. RESULTS [,NDICATE THAT. INTRAVENGUS AOMIN[SFRATION OF A JOPERCENT SOLUTION OF SGDIUM IODIDE EXE ERTS, A DIS1114CT CLINICAL EFFECT AND POSITIVE CHANGES MANIFESTED, IN PARTICULAR, IN MGBILIZATION OF THE ANTICOAGULATING AND LfPOLYTIC SYSTEMS UF THE BLOOD. i-t'ITH OTHER METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION THESE CHANGE WERE LESS DISTINCT. UDC 678.5.06:539.4.011 CUMpp,~;%SIVE Sjpj,.jMj Amn IIEFrijiRATto,; Pj~nrFRTMS ()F cARrim-rIBER REINFORCED PLJUT I CS lArticle by Ya. V. F__Y.1. R'313". G. *1. 4; "PI-ler Hechanica InSLttllte of the Latvian SSR A-15171-vIlt Urn.. M'13 EO!.kMWrt7v' Runotan, Plo It 1973, nuh~ltt&i 75 Atril 1972 . pi, iq-351~ An exportme"tAl "tud)P was nade of the deformational anti strength charactorintica of unidirectinilly tarbon-fibei reinfocced plastic under untaxial compression in the lorleitudival antf transverse directfuna .1nd at an angle of 45 dqgreca to thp direction of reltirnrciric hoth turior short-term and prolonfeci tests. On tile ba!sin of the deformational properties of the components, an effolt won made to d"cribe tile cre,-p curves of the plastic In all three loadtnp. directiuns. When C.r.CAftLInn tile compressive strnnfith In the dtrecclon of the reinforcing and transverse to the reinforcine, thr Mahr tb-rv as uned. liter e are three tables. five 111untrations and a five-entry bibliopraphy. CArbon-fiber reinrorceirl plaxtien are a prospective form of composite slaterial. tile mechanical propertien of these co~op*alte nstertals have still been Invowitiliated "ttremply inad-JUaLCIV. It turns out that thr use of carbon- More &A the reinforcitir loan not lead to 0 proportional chante In all the w-chanical characterlatico of the plastic by cotnrlson, for a7tample. with fiber0ans. 11w pitt,nne or thin p.tjo- In to stu,ly a nt#~Lcr of mechanical prnperti.. or unid iroct tonally carloon-fit-r reinrorcH flLintirs In the pr-ence of cll-ptphnjon both under %hort-tern anti rrolonred londs. Ice the experimental study of the dvfo~tlooal propertittl of the cArbon- fiber relofor"d pla:;ticn, priar.,itic arecIremn were Prernreti 511 Jena wit), tra"".roo .41.,nolms of I - 15 Anti 5 . 15 ~, jt-jmtnnce selittors were to both lateral surfaces of the specimens in the direction of effect or tile load and perpendicular to It. The deformatlann were mansureJ by the TA-2 electrowchanical strain ptaugetil vend usins the 1516 type strain gauge built by tile Brit"I and Kerr Company. I to d' t"M I W, tll:- l;:i.r_ t i-I i, h., r,,,t,r HL I in t W- I, res-ce of -,,r"it 1,,,, pe I......IL,"It , t ., Ir-tion of t!"~ 1,,.t an or. lot, of, -,, In rt~ "adert L4Yl'j t";t,r t'. t. 101"al'-ph, ~~ F'A- I l"no I (). ~ d,lerml'l t c . ft)rcl'.1r., [", Int 1cm under c(misretol(lo Ili flit, ifircatiori of thle reinforctrip. , the specimens wort, IonAttl to 1W Werti-nei-forre/cm Tllr renliltn of itudying the Younr.', -Sulus of inidirectionilly carbon fiber rciafor ced r, Inatic In tile direction of tile reinforcinr. (F. I ). nerpl-ridic:lar to tile d1rertlon of the relnrarcinp. (rj and at an anmle of 45 dagroan with respect to the direction of reinforctn-, (r, 5 ) and the valo-to of the roispon coetfIcient V 21 are presented In T-ible I where each of the deformitional characteristka Is defint-d bv Oil, renulta a! teptior, three ilpecimens. The theoretical values of tile staiduli calculated by the formulas presented In reference III are Aloe pir"critad in this table. values of Comilistrianin tit tile experimental and Iteor t tile Yourut's inodult and rainaian co~rricj,,nrm E -: 1-0-6 I r-2 -force/ kg-rar, ii,_ k r at/ 1C.2 /Cm2 'Oo S!n (I (k. t' 01111. gl~ftlw' OJW 0 O',14i 00.10 6,111; OAJ Wol lpl aL.I. I'th 1110.1 jott. Tlw speclm~-n d1mrnilann v"e .50 x 15 A 7 arid 50 w 15 x 9 mm. The binder 'p yarc:ln. V.Iien cilculating tile theorcrical v.,ijues of thr moduli by the 1:1 eIA: I eference D I, tile elantic chiracterIxtics of tile transversely Isotropic carbon-fiber were,the followinn: V kg-force/c.2: 12 0.079-10 Akrforcelc": ~P.7.1 " ". 115. 1 T%'.chnr:tter,1:,stic diarrama of the deformation of the cArbon-fiber rein- forced ill it Ic dur A uniform ltindinj to rujit,irr are illvintrated in Firute 1. ImAte the effect jolt the ti. : It n the dieformiational I" order to e:t :ctor,o I a of he c-r Int rce p a't Ics. th ettal ns warn creep tested properr trbr . d for .load I",Iovals smountinr, to 0.3 Ind n.6 ,f th* short-term compressive at renath. 1ho temporsture of the experinents, ,tam 20 t Oc. The, experimental results are show" in Firure 2. 2 USSR BULAVSKIY V-A. "A Model of Planning of Deliveries and a-Method for Its Solution" Sb. tr. In-t mat. Sib. otd. AN SSSR [Collected Works of Mathematics Insti- tute, Siberian Division Academy of Sciences USSR], No 1(18), 1971, pp 134- 157, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, 1972, Ab- stract No 3 V397 from the Introduction). Translation: The problem of planning assignment of constwiers to suppliers is studied. The problem in linear programming which arises in this case is formulated and a detailed algorithm is presented for the solution, written in the i_nput langwrige of the ALIFA :-,ystem (a modif:icatjoii of ALGOL- 60). Ilic algorithm is based on a method described in an car-lier woii-. by the author (Abstract 3 V396). USSR BULAVSKIY, V A. IfThe Solution of One Special Transport Problem with Additional Limitations" Sb. tr. In-t mat. Sib. otd. AN- SSSR [Collected Works of Mathematics Insti- tute, Siberian Division Academy of Sciences USSR], No 1(18), 1971, pp 7-21, (Translated from Referativny), Zhurnal, Kibernotika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V396 from the Introduction) . Translation: An algorithm is suggested for solution of the transport problem 0 in a network with additional general limitations. The method is a general method, but it was considered in its development that most junctions on the network are only assigned points. USSR uDc: 621.372.413 BUL/,yEv,.,,V. ,P,,_SHUROVA, I. G. , PANKOV, L. N. "On the Problem of Reducing Emission Losses From Circular Openings in Coaxial Resonators" '31b. Nauchn. tr. Vladimir. -politekhn. in-t (Collected Scientific Works of Vladimir Folytechnical Institute), 1970, vyp. 9, pp 74-77 (from EZh-Radio- tekbnika, Ito 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B162) Translation: A solution is found for the problem of minimi--ing the level of emission losses from circular openings in coaxial resonators. Three tables, bibliography of three titles. Resume'. 1/1 ri I A Y l-, S e9~0 10 dV- -1 NO'l SS 'DDV Dbl:) dJIS 9li9O/8b(,I--2nVdJ/lJj?j AXL)tfd o3i 9AVM 3ovibns 'NOIIVZ113N.VW `13N9VWMlb3:J---S9VI :)IdOl SDISAHd $S-lVlb3.LVW--SV3bV 103r9nS OL ------- 03HSI iiand 31VO 908-66L (Z)ZI 'OL61 V131 *Ub3AI *71:1-3:)MIGS -n- S13N9VWOb'd3J NI S3AVM OLa3SII--31VG ONISS3001M 031=IISSV'1:)Nfl 8ssn--O=INI =10 ANINAD3 *N*l 'AINSA37v in g.:..-boH-Lnv. 3ovibns DIIVISO13NDVW--3'1.Lll 010 Z/1 212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--IISF--P7C CIRC ACCESSInN NO--AP0105625 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ROLE OF SPACIAL DISPERSION WAS INVESTIGATEn F13R iSUPFACE MAGNETOSTATIC MODES WITH SMALL WAVENOS. IF THE FAEQUENCY OF: SURFACE- MAGNETOSTATIC WAVES DOES NOT COINCIDE WITH T14E FREQUENCIES OF VOL. EXCHA-NGrF WAVES OF MAGNETIZATION? THEN EVEN APTSR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE SPACIAL DISPERSION THE 14AVE REMAINS A SURFACE WAVE AND THE SPACIAL DISPERSION IS NOT ESSENTIAL. BUT IF T14E FREJOENCY OF SURFACE MAGNETOSTATIC WAVES FALLS IN-THE INTERVAL OF FRE,~UENCIES nF- VOL. SPIN WAVES, THEN IN THE COMPLETE SOLN. OBTAINED WITH THE CONSIDERATION .OF..THE- SPACT-AL DISP-ERSIO.~,. FONCTIONS-OF, THE. SURFACE AS WELL AS C-F THE VOL. TYPE ARE QEPRESEN'TED WITH APPRIOX. EQUAL NMPLINDES, AND THE PXACT SOLN. IS NO LONISER A SURFACE PROBLEM. THIS SITUATION IS 09S0. IN THE SYSTEM OERROMAGNET VACUtJMj AND NO SURFACE MAGNFTOSTATIC mroDES EXIST WITH SMALL WAVENOS. UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, SUCH WAVES APE PRESENT IN A SYSTEM CONSISTING OF 2 DIFFERENT FERROMAGNETS. A T Ft T F USSR uDc 616-oo6 KORMAN, D. B., Q1rT.AYFVSjQ-f, H, -L,, and EMANUEL, N. M., Institute of Chemical Physics, Acadeq3F-of Sciences, USSR "On the Evaluation of the Efficacy of Antitumor Chemotherapy by Patient Survivar, Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 4, 1971, pp 596-606 Abstract'3 The paper examines the quantitative evaluation of the efficacy of patient treatment on the basis of the supposition that the survival of a patient is determined by the formula tj~ - -C Y , whera-~-/,, is the duration of life from the beginning of therapy until deathl -e is the time when the tu;%or is doubled, and Yie the tumor's growth factor which depends on the size of the tumor at the beginning of tbe--apy and at the time of death. It is assumed that effective therapy prolongs life by destroying Dart of the tumor cells. Two plans of treatment were considered. With a one-time therapy course the following quantitative parameters were determinedt number of patients sensi- tive to the preparationj numbercf patients cured as a result of its use; number of patients whose life was prolonged as a result, and the extent of such 1/2 USSR KOMN, D. B. , et a1.# Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR, Sorlya Biologicheskaya No 4, 1971, pp 5905-606 prolongation; and the average decrease in size of the tumor from the effect of the therapy. The second plan of treatment (therapy continuous up to tine of death) maltes it possible by comparing the survival of treated and control patients to determine the proportion of tumor cells destroyed by the prepara- tion at any instant and to establish the time of onset of resistance to the preparation. Investigation by comparison consists of several stagest 1) forming a test group and control group of patients, selected with a similar extent of the procossl 2) determination of a reliable difference in the survival In these group3l 3) detorialm-tion of quantitative characteristics of the direct effect of the preparation on the tumor. Survival of a group of patients is characterized by three pa=meterst number of cured patients, mean logarithm of period of survival, and atandard deviation of the log-normal distribution of vuch period. There are as yet not enough data or, survival of patients treated with chemo- therapy,, but its widespread use should soon yield the necessary data for evaluation of its effectiveness. 2/2 - 52 - USSR UDC 621.375.4.001 PERFIL'YEV, YU. S., BUL'BIK, YA. I 1__~ "Analysis of a Balanced Amplifier made of Transistors of various Types of Conductivity with Application of Anomalous Elements" Sb. nauchn. statey Elektrotekhn. fak. Krasnoyarsk. politekhn. in-t (Collected Scientific Articles of the Electrical EIngineering Department of Krasnoyarsk Polytechnical Inscitute), Krasnoyarsk, 1970, pp 132-138 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 0101) Translation: A study is made of the circuitry of a two-cascade balanced ampli- fier made of transistors with two autonomous bias sources (one bias source in the output circuit and a power supply with a zero point). A new analysis technique is used (using the so-called nullors), which, in the opinioll of the authors, is quite simple. The investigated amplifier can be used to amplify signals from thermocoupJes and other low-resistance voltage transducer under operating conditions on an emitter follower with a high input impedance. T 1he bibliography has 4 entries. 7 USSR uDc 613.155:656.i32:62i.),-,).ol,).i and S1,11MEVICH, V. B., Institute of Experimental and Clinical 11~~o_io-g y-,,- _,A,ca_d_,e-r"T__ of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Contamination of the Air in the Drivers' Cabs of Buses and Trolleys" lbscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 1, 1973, pp 87-89 Abstract: In work in which the Central Scientific Research Automi-obile and Automobile Notor Institute, Ministry of the Automobile incPastry U" SSR, and the Laboratory of the Prophylaxis of Cancerogenic Effects, Tistitute of E---peril:;ental and Clinical Oncology, cooperated, a study was carried out of the contaniAnation of the air in drivers' cabs o--:' buses ZM-158 "V" and LIA-Z-677 and trolley buses ZIU-5 that are used in the municipal transportation system of Moscow. The Y:-.ean concentrations of contaminants (in mg/m3) -in the air of the drJ:iers' cabs %..,ere in the warm season CO 42.3, total hydrocarbons 177.2, N oxides 1.5, gasoline 166.8 in buses and CO 22.1, total hy-drocarbons 128.0, 11 oxides 2.4, gasoline 89.9 in trolley buses; in the cold season CO 56-5; total hydrocarbons 216.0, N oxides 4.2, Uaooline 114.4 in buses and CO 11.0, total hydrocarbons 64-3, oxides 1.9-(, gasoline c -5 in trolley buses. The mean concentrations of ,52 benzo-pyrene (in g=ma/100 r.J) in the cabs of buses -were 6-3-7-5 in the cold pyrene in the season and 1.8-3 in the warn season. The concentrations of berl.7.o- 1/2 USSR BULIBULYAN, 1-1. A. and SMUZVIC11, V. B.., Gigiyena i Sanitariya) No 1) 1973, -pi) 87-89 cabs of trolley buses were lower. In the warm season the contamination of air in the cabs of buses was lower than in the cold season, because the windows of the mCbs were open in warm; weather. The reverse was true for contardnation o f the air in the cabs of trolley buses, because the contp-mim-nts wcre introduce-d from the outside and mre outside air came into the cabs when the iindows -,,ere open. 2/2 USSR UDC 669.75.1172 BVLDAKOII, A. A-.-, ROZLOVSKIY, A. A. , VIZATSKAYA, G. F. , DEMINA, Yu. V. "Resistance of Refractory Materials in Antimony-Salt Solutions" Elektrokhin. Rafiniroviniye Tyazh. Legkoplavk. Met. iz ]Zasl)],,Ivl. Solov. [Electrochemical Refining of Heavy Low-Melting Metals from ]used Salts -- Collection of h'orks), Kiev, Nauk. DumIza Press, 1971, pp 169-172, (Translated from Referativii)-y Diurnal, PIetallurgiya, No 5, 1972, Abstract No 5 G4211 by the author's). Translation: The corrosion resistence of structural materials in tyPe SU-2 Sb melt and an equimolar mixture of NaCI + KC1 is studied. The following technical refractories were tested: pure oxides, ceramic construction materials, oxygen-froc C01111POLInds, 6j.talls,and heat-resistant concretv. The -resistance of the materials was dCtMllined from the change in weight of a specimen following repeated immersion in the melt and long holdin.g. Pure materials of the oxides Al 2033 MgO,and ZrO 2 are recommended. 2 Tables. 1/1 1/3 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--CORROSION RESISTANCE OF REFRACTORY MATERIALS IN ANTIMONY SALT MELTS _u_ AUTHUR-(04)-BULDAKOV, A.A., RLIZLOVSKIY, A.A., IGNATOVA, T.S., NAZAROVA, COUNTRY CF INFO-USSR ,SOURCE-OGNEUPORY L970, 35(l), 35-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 SUBJECT AREj'%S--M.ATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-MAGNESIUM OXIDE7 ALUMINUM OXIDE# TIN, ALLOY, PEFRAcTJRY MATERIAL, ANITIMOINYt SOLHU,'l CHLORIDE, POTASSIUM CHLURID~l ELECTROLYTE, LEAD, IRUN, COPPER, CORROSION RESISTANCEi METAL PO'A0EK1(U)SUZ ANT114ONY CC.%TkCL MARKING-NO AESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY STEP NO--UR/0131/7010',5/001/0015/0037 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0114373 UNCLASS11-111) 213 . 038 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIPC ACCESSION NO-AP01.14373 A3STRACT. CORROSION, R='SIST~,NCE UF A LARGE Ab:STRAC-T/EXTKA'CT--(U) GP-0- Nu. OF REFRACTGRY .1-1-ATE41ALS SLrMULTAt4EOUSLY IN CONTACT FUR 250 "R WITH S8 'EGREES IN AN EXPTL. j~!z)usrqIAL SALTS AND NACL PLUS KCL SOLiNi. AT SbCJ E'lUll-'.ULApz tAlxr. OF ELECTRULYLER WAS DETD. THP- ELECTRULYTE CONTAINED , TE--H, GRAGE INACL ANU KCL. I.,NfERACTION OF THE MATEi,~IALS US~--O GCCU;.~3ED- NUT ONLY wIfH CHLORIDES 3UT ALSO' WITH SOLNS. OF NA AND K I.N, THESE CHi-GRIDES. THE ELECTROLYTE 'WAS SATD. WITH IntiPut-KITIES CONSISTING OF Po 0.25-0-6c, FE ij.~iz,-G.2jj (1-ti 0.006-0.07, NI 0.0011, 4S D.CL-0.054y -L'k'%L) S 0.14-0.595PEJRCENT. RECTANGULAR PRISMS OR TA6LJID SHAPED S',-)lL-CIMF:-NS OF MG0, AL SUBZ 0 SU83t AIN, SI SU83 N SU84v bN, 8OBN PLUS 20S1 SU63 N SUB4, 60BN PLUS 40SI SU83 N SU84r 78SI SUB3 N SUBIt PLUS SICt 20MGG PLUS A aoSl SUB3 1% SUB49 40MGD PLUS 6051 SU83 N SUB4, KMG SU63 51 SU63 OALO SUBIG F SU82 AND. OF CEMENT Of MG PHOSPHATE .,I-ITH CAR60kUNDUM FILLER WERE TESTED. THESE WERE PLACED VERTICALLY IN A GRAPHITE CRUCIBLE OF 30 14M HEIGHT AND Zo j4M OJAM. WHICH WAS HALF FILLED wIfH POWDER OF S3 (SU-2 GjP A t-~ E ) .4N. OPENING GF 4 MM DIAM. WAS PADE IN THE UPPER PARr UF TliF CRUCIBLE FOP, CIRCULATION OF THE ELCTROLYTE. THESE SPECIMENS YiERE THEN SU&JECTED TO IHE ACTION OF SB MELT AND THE ELECTROLYTE AT 600DEGREES CRUCIBLE ;NAS HEATEO IN A SILIT OVERN. SPECIIHENS WERL THEN IWEIGHLD AFTER BOILING IN DISTD. WATER FOR 14 HR AND DRIED AT 150DtGREES FOR 10 HR. THE OUTER APPEARANCE AND THE CONDITION OF SPECIMENS AFTER TESTING HAVE BEEN GIVEN. UJIICLASSIJ~Ifl) 3/3 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0114373 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-MG0, AL SUBZ 0 SUB3, AINt 20MGO PLUS 80S1 SUB3 11 SUB4, 40MGO.60SI SU83 N SUB4r AND KMG SU63 SI SUB3 ALJ SUBLO F SUB2 ARE RECOMMENDED AS QUALITY MATERIALS FOR REFINING UF S8 FROM ALLOYS BECAUSE UF THEIR GOOD CORROSION RESISTANCE* FACILITY: VOST. INST. OGNEUPOR., SVEkDLbVSKj USSR. IJNC~ LASS IF I ED L12 024 11NICL ASS IF I ED 2ROCESSINGS DATL-13NOV70 JTLE--EXP&,,I-'-iENTA; L STUDY OF 44DILENUCLIDL T;~A~~_!_ER THMl(jU6H rHF !'-[;`(_E-':TA 'AND THEIR BIULOGICAL ACTION ON: THE FETUS -U- UTH0&-(05)-;lCSK4LEV, YU.I.p 13 Ku'j i L.A.9 LYAMGINSKAYA, A.M., jVCHARENK0, E.P., YE(;OijtlVA, T.M. OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 0URCE--( CONF 690501, PP 153-60) .ATE PU6L ISHED ------- 70 'UBJECT A:~EAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEOICAL SCIENCES, NUCLEAk SCIENCE AND JECHNOOLOGY OPIC TAGS--PLACENTAL TRANSPORT? RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE, rRANISUkANIUM (N ISOM F '114 C -)PEP ELEME!,lTo FETUS, ST;WN-11UM ISOTOPE, A,,iE`I(:IUMp 100 1 Sli T! RADIATION BIOLOGIC EFFECT GhTPG-1- !)OCUMENT CLASS--Jt,iCLAS.SIFIED :.)ROXY REEL/FRAME-3001/2183 STEP NO--[J-'~/00~30/7(,%/-jOO/001)/f)L53/C)L60 :IRC AMESSICj% l*,'!,l--Af01275li-_t ti 2/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED P,~CCESSI!*116 UATE--13~-ICJV70 ,:IRC ACCESSION] '110--AT0127547 A13STRACT/c-:X'FRACI--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LEVELS OF RA01ONUCLIJE FkA'6F~~RREO TO THE- FETUS AND RAOIO~~UCLIDF RETENTIDN IN THE PLACENTA ()Er"',40 ON THE CHEklICAL CHAi~ACTERISTICS OF THE 14UCI-IDE A-%Ij THE PFRIGO OF PREGNANICY. THE PLACENTAL TRAN'SFER OF ALL" NUCLIDES INCREASED 3ETWEEN' AIOTE,~t'l (11 TO THL KATi 15 DAYS OF GESTATION) ANO THE END GF PREGNANCY, OS OF T:ic.' NUCLIDE TRANSFERRE0 TOwARD TERM TO THAT TRA-.',ISFEqf.EO EARL[E'.Z --tERE PRIME239 PU, 1.7; PRIMEZ41 AMY 2.8 TO lt.5; PRI14LI37 CS, 1-irkl, A-ND PRIME237 NP, 5; PRIME90 SR, 20; AND PRIME131 Il 1700 TO 6000. THE -COINTENT OF Tt-ANSURANIC ELENIENTS IN THE PLACENTA AT ALL PERIODS OF PREGNAINCY WAS 3 TO 15 TITIES HIGHER THAN IN THE FETUSES. RADIOINDUCED CHANGES 11"I THE El-'4BKYG L,,EPENlj ON THE A-'lUUPiT OF ACTIVITY I!NJECTEof THE D[STRIHUTION PATTERN, AND THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE i~AL)fG~iUCLIDE. AXSSOCIATED WITH THE VARI()TJS THE MOST Critt 'ACTER[STIC CHANGES RADICNUCLIDeS ARE: PRI;-41-c-90 Si~, A DECREASC is',! THE TPANSFER 'li: NUCLIDE FROM PLACENTA TO FETUS; P11-11ME2,41. 01, EARLIER INDUCriON OF ;"A.-)IArfjN DISORDERS IN THE PLACEtNTA THtA,",l IN THE FETUSES; PkIMIE131 1, Cj'~'M~RENCE OF RAL)IOINDUCED E,'-ibRYJP-".Th'f DEPENDS ON THE PRODUCTI(-JN CF DISG~~D*CRS IN THE MOrHFRIS THYfOill); HTj, VASCULAIIA CHANGES IN THE A,3THEkS AND FETUSLS. Fi~CILIIY: MINISTkY OF PUBLIC HLALTHP MOSC.'ilei. USSR ux 621.397-132:621.316-722 V- V- SLAVIN, V. V. "A Device for Regulating the Levels of Video Signals in a Color Television Transmitter" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izabreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zna-ki, No 7, Mar 71, Author's Certificate No 295207, filed 2 Apr 69, published 4 Feb 71, p 170 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for regulating the levels of video signals in a color television transimitter. The device contains three kinematically interconnected potentiometers and a drive mechanism. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, separate regulation of the level of the signals and the adjustment range is provided by fasten- ing gears to the potentiometer shafts which mesh with racks connected by link to the rim of a disc which is set on journals of the drive mechanism. Coaxial with the disc is a screw couple, the nut being eccentrically con- nected by a link to the disc. 1/1 i M I Nk 1. C', I I i,at kmve I .1""M u ( a, t wu 111" e-~ I- f- - "v( c"VQ I I I - , 1 1- - tv. I ~, .I. Ic".,, wiv o I .I, I , 1, p,I I ., I ,, .,I th, I" -.vlit t i e- to , lo~~ 1 fligitt safety of sujlcr~ijnic transports. Vr-tunat%l~ it ~M not. b~ Iul~g -pvr--.-- ~111 I . lAng 1~ - , plic r. at ;0t i I wd eOf al-I t 20 kn anj tot di ~taj-, of III thi, I m, I Iul. Ili, vother -- i- , I I I t- -qoii d ti, i-ir,-lk Information and rorv-st,i Ve,taining to -thr distrilikitlLill Or IV111'erottlitO .inds, Wrl-oletice zon" i I otl-r vI ts ,nd phrnott-;, .1 111, ---.j,lv,;.l,jv l'i"t ,f it., --, thern I I., th, I.-- ef up to altitude, Of JO to :. k.. l" mdet to 5.tify th. mp',5"l requi'-w.'s it ill b, --n.. i I t" tho f-tuivs of it,io,plivric cir~ijl.ktiwl it Ike tt*.Ito~j~licrv Jus'Mi: tl,V Jit 1, r-it M the yv.t'. tl,-- ro-lat h,-hip bet.ven th-v pro-,~- ai,l pr ...... --, ;1 the t-j-plt,re, tb-- of s mid pheno- 1 00 "'Al" ......... i, glit cei,jit loji, juring t.ikvot 1 .-.1 Owl -if: th, la--l Og to il- io- d", it,,- Ini Ge.physl,,ul te,.r Year of Inter,i:'t, I bQ%.II i;I the !;: , , 1: t in other -u-,tvj-, c,,,:yrvhcI,-vt:- li.ilv b-II ~f TI... Z.MGr. ,Jlorl~ ~i-111;gtlbn 211 111C StrAto.,pherv and its inti-r.ict-Oit -rz- 4,4 iii ih~ ;ropo~oicire'. rosu~j~ or ttit- ~,n f I n - o r I ond. " qlOgji:~l CopjItions n:i,l %61ar (!;!r'~s . C " 'A -I M, prrml im-F-11fo, lwv- lioc!i J,q!jj :q :pul ;q jI,I I 'k - lit, , o., qr1f!;ltMc vIInfFFpnp-. I110 '11ir lwsw rrmotti of olyvAtigav ions tlmT lio,o 1-ocp con,wovj J-0 Of ;is- culsipill 'Its! prv-sriltvil Ill this lwoll- 000 Thorvfort, fl;o,04 lit' ;i ciiii,liv TrAt for Rviallpa p)loti w14 oflicr arrnn4ull4v4i sil-WIi.,13. Ch,slitt-rs I AiA I 4ro irtit.n hy I. I;. VcbvIW, lliapws 1, 4 4,1.1 11 1,y N. V. PVIrvIlw and (Impirr 5 by G. S. lbo atithOri vi,prv-, thoir in"ro gratirts4v to S. V. -I-Mn. Win hiMACIf tQ TOViOW the preliminary matittsuript ut' this vwnggraph thp final w4imscript, and alsq rar ills villw4hip liavicti, which fQi:i it tod improvement of tho cotuat of this ;vxt, USSR UDC 621.373.58 BORODOVSKIYP P. A., BULDYGIN, A. F., UTKIN, K. K. "Series Operation of Gunn Diodes in a Coaxial Resonator" Kiev, Izvestiya vuzov SSSR, Radioelektronika, Vol XV, No 8, 1972, pp 954-958 Abstract: An experimental study was made of the operation of two decimeter- band Gunn diodes manufactured from a single n-GaAs crystal included in series in a coaxial resonator with spacing between them much less than the wavelength of the generated oscillations. On series operation of the Gunn diodes, the output power is equal to the sum of the powers generated by these diodes on inclusion of them one at a time. With defined tuning of the coaxial resonator, nonsinusoidal microwave oscillations were observed the period of which was approximately equal to the drift time of the domains arising alternately in the series-connected Gunn diodes. Oscillograms of these oscillations are presented, and the amplitudes of the microwave oscillations are sh(nqn as func- tions of the resonator length and bias voltage. The nonsinusoidal nature ef the oscillations at the microwave resonator output arises from the significant content of the harmonic corresponding to the drift frequency of the domain. On tuning the resonator, the amplitude of this harmonic changes which leads to variation of the shape of the oscillations observed at the resonator output. Excitation of the subharmonic oscillations in the resonator is facilitated as 1/2 USSR BORODOVSKIY, P. A., et al.9 Izvestiya vuzov SSSRv Radioelektronikal Vol XV, No 8, 1972, pp 954-958 a result of the external negative resistance of the diode with the traveling domain and also the negative resistance at a frequency half the drift frequency of the domain as a result of the parametriz effect. With appropriate selection of the microwave resonator and the degree of its coupling to the load it is possible to achieve effective series operation of Gunn diodes with noticeably different parameters at moderate bias voltages. 2/2 USSR UDc 621-382.2 BORODOVSKIY, P. A., BULDYGIN. A. F., ZII~EIKOV, V. A., Institute of Physics of Semiconductors, Siberian Department of the Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR, Novosibirsk "Effect o-f a Magnetic Field on the Domain of a Stronr, Field in a Gunn Diode" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluproyodnikov, Vol 5, No 9, Sep 71, pp !7o6-1709 Abstract: Experiments are done which show that a transverse external magnetic field has an appreciable effect on the frequency and output pover of a Gunn oscillator. It is found that the emi2sion fi-equericy Jn a trannyty-w.- fit.-Ifl ja increatied by a reduction in rJonain due to domain broadening. An increase in effiinBion frequency by mor(~ than 35 percent was observed for one of' the diodes when the transverse magnetic field strength was varied from 0 to 18,000 oer~;teds. The threshold voltage and frequency remain practleally unch-~ingc-d in L lonp-i- tudinal magnetic field. With an increase in field stren~rtlh, t~,.e sion nower at the oscillator output decreases in both traxsvf-rse and longitudinal field.,;. 1/1 - USSR UDC: 621.315-592 BORODOVSKIY, P. A. and A. F. __~LLIDY I; "Microwave Amplification by Periodic Excitation and Suppression of the Gunn Diode Traveling Domain by an External SiEnallf Ijeningrad, li~'izika i tt~khnika polu-provodnikov, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1971, pp 247-2q~O Abstract: This pap,_~r '1~ives the experimental results of an investi- Cition into a i~unn diode parametric amplifier with an external microwave pumping sig - j rial whose frequuncy is t,..iice that of the do- main travel with the diode in oscillation. In the experiments, the diodes were of the dtcimeter wavelength range, operated in the pulse mode. The measurements made are given for a single di- ode with specified parameters. With the bias voltaire 2.5 times the threshold value, the diode osciilated at a frt~qlaency of 1.2 GHz with an output pulse power of 1.8 watts. When a signal with a frequency close to the domain travel frequency was introduced into a Gunn diode resonator at a bias voltage less than the thresh- old value, a synchronous amplification effect was found at the 1/2 USSR BORODOVSKIY, P. A. and B=Yrj .-A, F.,_Fizika i Tekhnika poluprovodnikov, Vol 5, No 2, 1971, pp 2 7-250 output, with the amplification factor a function of the bias voltage and the power of the input uhf signal. The authors note that the amplifier works best with external rather than self pumping. 2/2 3 USSR UDC 519.2 BULDYGIN, V. V. "Convergence of Series of Independent Random Variables with Values in a Banach Spa.cell Teoriya veroyatnostey i mat. stat. Mezhved. nauch. sb. (Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Interdepartmental Scientific Collection), 1972, vyp. 6, pp 32-40 (from.RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V11) Translation: A study was made of series of independent random variables with values in a Banach space. The necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for their convergence with the probability of one. 3 USSR BULEKOV. V. P. (Moscow Aviation Institute Im. Sergo Ordzhor-d~ddze) "Transfer Function of Pulse SystEms with Polynomial Parameters as a Solution to a Differential Equation" Leningrad Izvestiya V~sshikh UchebrVkh Zavedeniy: Priborostroyeniya; January, 1972; pp 45-9 Abstract: The aixthor presents a differential equation which satisfies the transfer function of linear discrete systems described by a difference equa- tion vith coefficients expressed as time polynomia3s. Thr.- order of the dif- ferential equation does not depend on the order of the difference equation but is deter-mined solely by the highest degree of the time polynomials. It is sho,,m that the transfer function is the stationary part of the solution to the dif- ferextial equation. The article includes 16 equations. There are six bibliographic references. The article is recomiended by the institute. USSR ux 629.78-0.6-2.2 AIMSEYEEVY K. B., aFL-_KG,,rA 11. M and VASILI)EVY V. 11. "System of Extensive Control of a Rotatin- Solid -1;ith -., S-', erl-cal Tr. Mosk. aviats. In-ta (Works of the lloscow Aviation 1--istitute), MD 24a), 1972 '- pp 127-133 (frozri Referativnyy Zhurnn-1--Rafetost:r-o.,"c-ni:,7e, 7',o 5, V--,v 73, Abstract 110 5.41-235 by the authors) Abstract: In the varied technic--I resources providin.,-, creation in internal moments for control of tile rotational movements of -1 solid, the spherical fly- vheel possesses vast potential possibilities. However, its use in control systens with angular movements of a solid have been associated with considler- able difficultic,-. The power and. weifht -ain f,,cto--.-, which ,Tivu the in the essential ni,,3tlod of control, all.-,- gulnr ITritions of' U-.L! solird, do nDll com- pensate for the difficulties of its structural develap,,-i.,~,nt. IDulveirip.-i. -nt of a, u method of extensive control MI-j-ZeS it possible to eva_Lliate tlic, advanta-,es ol- the ~c-.Itc fl-rieheel, but only fron the positions of the theor.,,, and n actice of E -i systems usin- CU-JI-a-ters. An-! it was not eccludQ.:1 that -I t ~o-~ 0~, P - or S-JC;1 ~L -:2 - I ~ control the realization of the mentioned -oossibilities. of' the fl-jw'n~_,el. I-C!cUives sufficient validation. Tne present investif~atioL is dcvrt-ad to tiir~:oretical prolw_ lems of extensive control by ri-~~ans of a fl~~uheel an', s, culd J prur:li -ses -. 0.,,.t the tuchnical. content Of Uic problom. 3 fitlitrus, Ip. USSR UDC 629.7/8.062.2 ALEKSEYEV, K. B. , BULEYQj!t--E-jj- and CHESITOKOV, A. G. "Investigation of Routine Eytensive Control of a Turning 'i'llaneuver" Inform. Materialy. Nauch. Sovet po Kompleks. Probl. (Information Materials of the Scientific Council on Complex Problems). "Kibernetika." AN' SSSR, No 6 (53), 1972, pp 59-68 (fro-m Referativnvy Zhurnal, Raketostrovenive, No 5, 1972, Abstract No 5.41.128 by T. A. Ye.) Translation: An efficient method of controlling a turning mai-w-LIVCr iS tensi-ve control, in which selection of t1in controlling niomentt; that ar'.~ applied to the space vehicle along tlie body axes is performed on the basis of the condition of reotation of the space vehicle along the Euler- r.-Xis. Consideration is given to tlie possibility of realizing this condition with the use of flywheel.& ass the actuating devices of the engine orientation system. Included in the investigation is a derivation of Oe diff(trential equation of motion of the space vehicle, and its solution. 2 referenceg. USSR UDC 632-95 GILIER, S. A. KORSTANTE, G. G., KALE-Ill', 11. M., and If,*. =-~' SHIMMSYMYA, "Gas Chromatographic Separation of Organochlorine Insecticides on Various Columw" Tr. 2-go Vaes, soveshch, po issled. ostatkoy pestitsidov i profilakt. zagryaonenlya DA -DrodWztov pitaniya, kornov i vnesh. sl-adY (Wor;--, of the Second All-Union Conference on llivesti&it-ion of Rer-idues of Pesticides, anJ Prevention of Pesticide Contanination. of Foodstuffs, Fodder, and. the External Environment). Tallinn, 1971, PP 51-53 (frora RZIi-Dimiya, No 11, Jun 72, Abstract Ila, 11114-03) Tmnslationt Excolllent cqrazation of ppp'-DDT, o1r.-DDT, p,j)'-])D--,' arid -hcxa0Aoro(;yclohoxunt7 la achlevod ori SKTI~T-50 flmorln'atod rAllcollo ingrad) applied (5;Z) oti olltudzed chrarawsorb It, Tho rolulAw, tlmr',~,' of retention cvf these pesticidas are given as well as those of linclane and eldr1n on various fixed phases. U S IS R UDC 620.19-3.43 j5g~:-!R I TOPORISHCHEV, G. A., YESIN, 0. A., 1r.OFYSOV, V. A., J7 an V B Ural Polytechnic Instit-u-tLe imeni a S. 7-1. Kirov "Anodic Behavior of Nicl--el in L'Iel-Lued Sodi-LL-,- Tetlrabor,-te" `-~illov, Vol 19, 1',-.Io 2, I'lar-Apr 73, - -198 L-1 o s c o,.,.; ashciilita ':e L, 01) 196 Abstract: The ~inodic ol--.idation of nic!,~el in meltued sodi-a-m tetra- borate inventig,,--,ted in air at (8-00-90C) 0. Tho --no.-Ilic prol-n-~ri--I- tion of' Ni (curvas,~,J-i) w-,.is detei-mined under g- nol'o-ent-iostat-ic conditions, The cur.-ent ef"liciollcy 01" fined IL-rom the rLriodic decrease arand the, officicncv Of 0 from the volunme of seP,-.r,-1ted Tile, nn.oclic of Ni in biv?-lent. form )=jtTi2,I,+2e) --,J--UIIi 80-85 current Offi- 1. - Cr ciency is cha, acterized nrincipall bir +11C ill.it4.71 _:~'t aation c!;--Ves. Fo '-'-) o-.-,~e dby concentrat-ing pol ari,-- a-b- ion, the anodic 2-t-- -Lesds to the develo-zon-ent of a razsiv-tin- f The latt-er, a hole conductivity, becomes tl-.o outer surface ,c- of' oy,~7~-on ion-, is rc:-llized. of the elect-rode on i-.,hich the discharg Togrother ,-ii_luh thio -process, a Darti~-! M'OCCeilts of b i va - -T I lent to t-riv-.1ent ~~I on the oxide-electrol-y-te bouliel--vIv. Three res, L12 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-300C-70 TITLE-GRANULATICN OFF RUBBER MIXTURES IN A GRANULATING MACHINE OF THE SHMGR 380-450 TYPE -U- AUTHOR-(02)-MAMONt L.I., BULEYKOv M-Ne COUNTRY OF INFG-USSR ,.SOURCE-KAUCH. REZINA 1970t 29(3), 29-32 DATE PUBLISHED TO ~SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS-NATURAL-RUBBER, SYNTHETIC RUBBER. VULCANIZATE, THIXOTROPTE. GRANULE FORMATIGNt RUBBER WORKING MACHINERY/(U)SKO SYNTHETIC RUBBER# (U)SKMS30ARKM15 SYNTHETIC RUBBER9 IU)SHMGR GRANULATOR CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0970 STEP NO--UR/0138/70/029/003/0029/0032 CIRC, ACCESSION NO-AP0124629 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--APOlZ4629 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SEVERAL RUBBER BLENDS, E.G. NATURAL RUBBER (1) PLUS 30PERCENT SKDv I PLUS 80PERCENT 5KMS-30ARKM-15, AND 100PERCENT I WERE GRANULATED IN A SHMGR 380-450 GRANULATOR IN ORDER TO DET. THE PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE GRANULAORT. THE PRESSURE CHANGES IN THE GRANULATOR VARIED EXPONENTIALLY. THE NONUNIFORM PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION IN THE GRANULATOR DISK WAS DUE TO T141XOTROPIC FLOW AND PULSATION AND WAS PROPORTIONAL TO THE I CONTENT OF THE BLEND. AN EQUATION WAS DERIVED FOR CALCN. OF STRESS EXERTED ON THE GRANULATOR HEAD. FACILITY: DNEPROPETROVSK. KHIM*-TEKHNOL. INST., DNEPROPETROVSK, USSR. 1/3 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF HEJ TREATMENT ON THE MECHANICAL, ELECTROCHEMICALt AND CORROSION CHARACT=_RISTICS OF ZINC AND SOME OF ITS ALLOYS -U- AUTHOR-02)-BULGACHEVA, N.M., LAYNER, D.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUPCE--TR., GOS. NAUCH.-ISSLED. PROEKT. INST. SPLAVOV DBRAB. TSVEY. METAL : 1970, NO. 31, 3-8 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS JOPIC TAGS--AETAL HEAT TREATMENTt MECHANICAL PROPERTY, CORROSION RATE, ZINCv INDIUMv LEAD, IRON ALLOY, ZINC ALLOY, CERIUM, TENSILE STRENGTH, CORROSION RESISTANCE CGNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0577 STEP NO--UR/0000/70/000/031/000310008 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0134343 UNCLASSIF160 2/3 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0134343 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FOILS OF THE TSO TYPE ZN AND ITS ALLOYS WITH IN, PB, CE, AND FE (0.1t 0.37 0.07p AND 0.1PERCENT, RESP.) WERE ANNEALED IN AIR AT 100, 2001 AND 300DEGREES FOR 3.5p 3.5, AND 12 HRt RESP. THE SPECIMENS FOR ELECTROCHEM. AND CORROSION TESTS WERE DEGREASED FOR 5 MIN AT 80-90DEGREES IN A SOLN. CONTG. ANHYO. NA SUB3 PO SUB4 45 PLUS WATER GLASS 5 G-L. A PART OF EACH SPECIMEN WAS THEN ANODICALLY POLARIZED IN 10N KOH SOLN. AT 700 A-M PRIMEZ AND THE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF THE OTHER PART WAS ESTD. BY THE DETN. OF THE VOL. OF H EVOLVED DURING 3.DAYS FROM THE 3 OM PRIME2 SURFACES OF SPECIMEN IMMERSED IN THE KOH 8.5 PLUS ZNO 0.22N SOLN, THE METALLOGRAPHIC SPECIMENS WERE ELECTROLYTICALLY POLISHED IN ETCH 65 PLUS H SUB3 PO SUB4 35PERCENT SOLN. FURTHERMOREr THE TENSILE STRENGTH SIGMA SUBV, AND RELATIVE ELONGATION DELTA OF.THE FOILS WAS DETD. THE RESULTS SHOWED THAT THE HEAT TREATMENT AT 100-200DEGREES WORSENS ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS INVESTIGATED. E.G.* SIGMA SUBV OF ZN-IN FOIL DECREASED FROM SIMILAR TO 14 TO SIMILAR TO 9 KG-MM PRIME2 FOR THE UNTREATED AND TREATED AT 200DEGREES FOIL# AND THE RESP. DELTA VALUES WERE SIMILAR TO 10 AND SIMILAR TO 6PERCENT. ANNEALING ACCELERATES PASSIVATION OF ELECTRODES THAT SHOW ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR ON TREATMENT AT GREATER THAN ZODDEGREES. GENERALLYP THE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF FOILS TREATED AT 100.DEGREES IS WORSE THAN THAT OF UNTREATED ONES BUT SOME FOILS SHOW BETTER RESISTANCE AFTER TREATMENT AT ZOODEGREES. THE CHANGES OF PROPERTIES ARE ATTRIBUTED TO A UNIFORM GROWTH AND DISTRIBUTION OF ZNO SURFACE LAYERS. UNCLASSIFIED 3/3 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSIOn NO--AT0134343 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--THE MEASUREMENTS OF ITS THICKNESS, CARRIED OUT BY CATHODIC REDN. OF SPECIMENS IN THE 0.1M K SUB2 SO SU64 SOLN. BY USE OF A PB ANOOEp AT 0.5-4 MA-CM PRIME2, GAVE THE VALUES 15-20 ANSTROM FOR ALL UNTREATED FOILS, AND 25-30, 35-6, AND 300-400 ANGSTROM FOR THOSE TREATED ~AT 100, 2001 AND 300DEGREES, RESP. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 033 UNCLASSIFIEO TITLE--EFFECT OF SOME ADDITIVES ON THE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF LINC IN ALKALINE SOLUTIONS -U- kUTH0R--BULGACHFVA, N.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .-SOURCE--TR.i GOS. NAUCH.-fSSLED. PROEKT. INST. SPLAVOV OBRA8. TSVET. METAL 1970, NO. 31, 19-22 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS-MATER[ALSY .11ECH.1 IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--ZINC ALLOY, TITANIUM ALLOY, CORROSION RESISTANCEY TIN ALLOYr CADMIUM ALLOY, INDIUM ALLOY, LEAD ALLOY, CERIUM ALLOY, MANGANESE ALLOY, INDUCTION ALLOY, INDUCTION FURNACE, METAL MELTING, METAL ROLLING, MECHANICAL PROPERTY, CORROSION RESISTANT ALLOY CONTROL MARKIING--NO RESTR [CTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0592 STEP NO--UR/0000/'10/000/031/0019/0022 CIPC. ACCF-SS[ON.' NO-AT0134-357 L, LJ 212 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIPN NO--AT0134357 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ALLOYS OF ZN WITH TI, St~, CO. IN, PBY CE, AND MN WERE j',lELTED IN AN INDUCTION FURNACE AT 450-90DECIREFS. THE CO;*ICN, OF. ADDITIVES IN THE CHARGES WAS IN THE 0.05-0.3PERCENT RANGE. CHEM. CffiMPNIS. OF ALLOYS ARE GIVEN. THE 12-24 MM THICK INGOTS WERE HOT ROLLED TO 0.7-0.8 MM AND THEN COLD ROLLED TO 0.07 FOILS, EXCEPT FOR THE ZN-TI ALLOY WHICH WAS ROLLEO TO 0.12 MM. THE MECH. PROPERTIES WERE DETD. TI, PB, CO, MNi IN, AND CE FORM SMALL INCLUSIONS 1,14 IN 14ATRIX AND REFINE ITS STRUCTURE, WHEREAS PB DOES NOT AFFECT THE G'RAIm SIZE. A MEASURE OF CORRODIRILITY WAS THE VOL. OF H EVOLVED DURING 3 DAYS FROM THE I DM PRIME2 FOILS IMMERSED IN THE KOH 8.5 PLUS ZNO 0.22 114 SOLN. AT 20 PLUS OR MINUS 2DEGREES. THE RESULTS OBTAINED FOR ZN AIND ITS ALLOYS WITH TI ly SIN 0.12t CD 0.1i IN 0.1p PB 0.31 CE 0.07t AND MN 0.07PERCENT WERE, RESP., 1.6-16.6 (ZN)p 1.0-3.0 (IPERCENT TI)7 0.3-1.6, 0.6-1.21 0.3-1.1o 0.3-1.8, 1.5-4.07 AND 0.8-2.0 CM PkIME3 H. 13 Y CONSIDERING THE MECH. PROPERTIES AND CORROSION RESISTANCE THE ZN-PB 0.3PERCENT ALLOY FOILS ARE RECOMMENDED FOR COM. USE. Acc. Nr: Abstracting S'ervice: Ref. Code: A?0053752- CHEMIg~ ABST. 115636r Obtaining x-ray diffraction patterns of liquids. Zorkina S. A.; Bulgadaev, A. V. (USSR). Zawd. Lab. 1970, 36(l), Ti~4 (Russ). A methoTlor obtaining x-ray diffraction patterns of Oqs. was developed in which the patterns are obtained -.from it free drop of the liq. examd. Thus, the iuperimposi-ag of patterns of the hitherto used capillaries is avoided, and the diffracting surface of the liq. is increased. The schetne and de- scription of the app. are stated. Successful expts. with castor oil and oleic acid using Cu and Fe radiation are stated. The exposition time was 50 min without filters and 1.5 hr with filters. The diffraction max. were 10*9' for castor oil and 9*30' for oleic acid using Cu radiation and 12*10' for castor oil and 12*48' for oleic acid using Fe radiation. The periods were 4.590 A_ O.WI and 4.369 :~= 0.002 A for castor oil and oleic acid, resp. M. Kalfus REEL/FRAME .19830815 USSR UDC 669.28.172 BUIR- 'V., SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BELOMYTTSEV, Yu. S., SARATOVSKIY, L. N., rPAVLOVICH, T. IM. , and I-EIGLAYLOV, S. M. "Study of Structure and Properties of Molybdenum Single Crystals Produced Under Oilless Vacuum Conditions" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkilch Metallov (Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 671-70 Translation: Data are presented on the mechanical properties and structare of monocrystalline molybdenum, produced under oilless vacuum conditions by cathode ray zone refining. I Table; 4 Figures; 2 Bibliographic References. USSR UDC- 621-391:519.27 BUIGAKOV, A. A., PICHUGINA, L. V., SERIKOV, V. A., and SMIRNOV, G. A. "Detenaining, the Current Characteristics of Steady, Ergodic, Random Processes ".1ith Respect to Long Duration Realization Using the Razdan-2 Electronic Digital Computer" Tr. Leningar. in-t aviats. priborostr..(Works of the Leningrad Institute of Aviation and Instrument-Building), 1972, 1vyp.74, pp, 98-102 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11 A17) Translation: The authors study the use of the Razdan-2 electronic digital computer for calculating the current characteristics of steady, ergodic, random signals ob- tained from a receiver, noise generator or magnetic recording instrument. Further insignificant improvements in the computer make it possible to register signals in real time after their discretization and quantization directly on the magnetic tape of the storage element, thus bypassing the memory unit. This increases the length of the analyzed realization by approximtely two orders of magnitude. Recording- in a single 4- and 8-digit element raises the higher signal discretization fre- quency. It is shown that the indicated impro-iements wake it possible to carry out a broad program of statistical studies on realizatiow, up to one i,,linute in duration, at a discretization frequency of up to 10-15ke and quantization to 256 levels. The accuracy of characteristic detennination is evaluated. Original article: one illustration and two bibliographic entrica. Resume. IA USSR no 621.214.61 BULGAKCV, A.A. "New Theory Of Controlled Rectifiers" Novaya teoriya ucravlyayemykh vypryarniteley (cf English above), 14oscow, "Nau~a," 1970, 720 pp, ill. 1 r. 48 k. (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 12, December 1970, Abstract No 123497y) - Translation: A feneral theory is given for controlled rectifiers (r,,R) which are considered as elements of a dynamic automatic control system. An analysis of the regimes is presented as well as a computation of the parameters and churacteristice of CR for steady-state and transient processes. The method ic used of separation of the current and voltare at the output of the CR into a continuous effective component and noise. New presentations from the theory of slectricul muchinee are presented. The effect is considered of the circuits and parameters of power tr8neformers on the commutation process and the characteristics of the OR. The principles are ahown of the use for planning of the problems considered. 176 ill. 41; ref. A.S. USSR UEC . I., Elecrric _j- Trstit,-e L*AAT:/_TNI B. S. V. P. L'=-ODUY, J '~ - -1 i=--ni Ye. 0. Paton and ZETIZA_KOV A. S., Ural_mas'hzavoi ir~eni' S. 0~-Iz'lnoni'-idze Weldin- Low-Alloy, H-ILL-rhly Darable Steels l4F'h2G',2 and I 4'-_~'.'.:D.FR" Kiev, Avto,",atiches.-kaya Svarka, "alo 6, j~,In 70, DI) --g-42 j Abstract: Tne steels referred to in t-he title l,4_C-_2G*;_'R and desi-r-ned for various ty-pes of welded sti-actures: bridges, hiL~,h-pressure vess~-1--, sto---,.-e tanks, hydraulic equip-ent, transport liftinL~ --achanis-o.s. rai'lrcad Cis- terns, and the lilke. 71ne purpose of the article is to rational C'noices of urelding rnateri-als, lweldi d sr'eciai technical oreratiion3 to ~-' .nG noaes, an '_~arantee that a union of the two metals, will ha-ve the s=2 durz:bilit-v of tne '--a--ic ::~,2tals and that it will be swfficiently resiztant to cold. TZ',Ie following_-' _-ec' - L 1: tures are discussed: 'lectrodes, flux and wire, neasures for preverat-n'.- crac, forv.ation and -weldin'- zodes. illustrations include a dravinr, showing- t,~:s-z;s for deter;.-_rning the tendency of welding sez=-is to crack, a schem-atic of a ~ n=eter :'or det-e=ining transverse snec4men deforz_,t4ons, a d-' a:7ralm Of te L L transverse deformtions in I steel durin.- and after -weldinc. A t~ab'_ of reco.Tz::ended prelirdnarj heating temperatures for the t"ro of steel :~,:ent'ioned in the title is included. Vi USSR ux 0. P.., and EU!,"AKOV, D. A.., Lcninsrad Carburetor "On the Possfoilities of Increasin5l the Technical-Econo:dic Ch-racterislics 01' 'Aro-Strolke Diesels" Moscow, Avtomovil'na, 1) " Q 12 ya Prom._vshlennost', Tilo 4, Ai:)r 73, P __ - - Abstract: A pneirnatic corrector has becri developed for t'-c engine folzccl. SCI-j_eS a) which lower.3 the S"Iecific cO-.~I,11,:,n,,,-, I J, . ho~Ar, aLr.-,ost as lot! as wituh a seric-s 0"', i'orce increcasiii[; air use 'Exie anount, of 110; CO tuvi C in thC- Co]Oj.CCtQ,__ -S Ej_S0 Sj,-4 r~ ~ , (I, lar to taat found usin-, , e - and Power a-_- z-1pproaciiini; ',Avat of tli.~,, high rom. Thc Urc, of a Cm-,, force with 10 in -,-,c cliesel was- also i-,,IveSti,,-,.,~,.!:-.d. VC-locity con.,-ii-tioncz horsci.ower co-do ',)-- obtained witilout increq_sinbp- the linolit of hou-11'.-Ir CW11.1r:mrion, Or V-Ler,vil st'rens. Applicat'lorl of th~,sc JV~ip I W'I'lp. tic titv two-2trol~,.~ Y"J_Z, ]'I.: of tn,, folir USSR UDC: 542-973.2 BW,gANV,_1.V., ANTIPINA, T.V., Department of Physical Chemistry, Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR "Investigation of the Adsorption of Benzene and Methanol Vapors on Aluminum Hydroxyfluorides" Moscow, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya II, Khimiya, Vol 11, No 1, Jan/Feb 70, pp 27-31 Abstract: The authors studied the adsorption of benzene and methanol vapors oil specimens of aluminum hydroxyfluoride with different fluorine concentrations. it was found that an increase in the concentration of fluorine in the spc!~cimens re- sults in reduced capacity of the monolayer, adsorption potential and total pore volume, whereas the prevailing pore radius is practically inde-pendent of fluorine concentration. As the capacity of the monolayer decreases, so does the specific surface. It was found that a certain quantity of adsorbed methanol is held quite strongly by the specimens at high temperatures (3000C), irreversible adsorption increasing with an increase of fluorine concentration in the specimens. There was a considerable difference in the adsorption parameters determined from the iso- therms of adsorption for benzene and methyl alcohol, probably because of the difference in the nature of interaction of benzene and methanol molecules with the surface of the specimens. 1/1 USS3 LIDC 621-791.72i66QM95-001-5 GRVZDMf# B. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, XUDOV, YE. I., BnGincox$ and BULGAKOV, I. YA., Engineer, Ufa Aviation institute iment Sergo 0--dzhonikidze 'ISome Features of Electron-Beam Welding of VT5-1 Alloy" Moscow, Svaxochnoye Proizvodstvo, Yo 2 (1/60), Feb 73, PP 19-ZI Abstracti The advantages of electron-beam (EB) welding of VT5-1 alloy in vacuum, in comparison itith manual argon-are (AA) weldiner, are discu-_!~ed. In EB welding, the part of initial and additional matlerials r-articipating in the develontnent of the joint decreases bY 73 times and the content of hydroggen is 2.5 times lower than in tA welding. In a comr.,arlson of EB and AA thermal cycles, the volume of melting metal ard the magnitude of the elastic-plastic defornation zone decreases considerably in L,~ vieldin.g. !'Cc);,-_n1ca1 test resulits demonstrate the nuch higher strength ch-aracteriz-Ucs of EBB welded joints. The application of EB welding for 10-11-mm-thick joints of VT5-1 titavniux-. P-1-loy is, from the standpoint of quality and econopy, mor-e expedient thar. AA veldLrig. Four figures, four tables, -4"ive biblio'-raphic references. 1 //1 USSR uDc: 621.373.431 14__ LYU! , V. B. 42. . FREYI WWQ, "On Optimizing Supply Conditions for High-Power Pulse Installations" V sb. Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta (News of Leningrad Electrical Engi- neering institute--collecti.on of works), 1970, vyp. 66, pp 49-5'_3 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12G235) Translation: The authors discuss various methods of feeding the load in the pulse mode from a limited-power oscillator: directly from the oscil- lator through a shaper, and through a converter and shaper (the converter keeps the current at the constant level required by the oscillator). It is shown that the second method is more economical since it permits reducing the power of the supply source. Bibliography of 3 titles. 11. S. 127 USSR IWO 346.824-31'42'#539.23,537.226 BMCAKOV, If. A., DUDKEVICH, V. P., BOVDARMO, V. S., ZAKHARCHENKO, I. N., and FESEKKOT-YET G. , Rostov State University "Structure and Certain Dielectric Properties of Strontium Titanate Thin Man Produced by Cathode Sputtering" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Naterialy, Vol 9, No 10- Oct 75t PP 1833-1834 Abstracti Strontium titanate (ST) film, 1-12 microns thick, were produced an titwdua substrates by cathode sputtering. From this experimental work the optimum mode of ST film formation was selectedi 900 v, 80 ma# residual air priessure of 0.6 ma Hg, distance between anode and cathode - 12 c, distance between cathode and substrate - 6 am, and coating rate -- 0.2 aleron/bour. It was determined that the dielectric strength of ST films in a constant filed amounts to about 500 kv/ca which is higher than for volume ceranIc samples for which this value dooewt exceed 100 ky/cza One figure# thm bibliographic references. 44 - 112 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--INFRARED SPECTRA OF AMMUNIA ADSORBED Oil FLUORINATED ALUMINUm OXII)E AND ALUMINUM HYURUMUE FLUORWE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-B UVAROV, A.V., AUTIPINA, T.V. COUNTRY UF INFO--USSR .- 6 ,SOURCE-ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970y A4(1)p 17-ZZ DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE, IR SPECTRUM, GAS ADSORPTIUN, FLUORIDE, ~.AMMONIA kEs,ra I C T I UN JS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY KEELIFRAMC-199310290 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01132ZO U11, C L A S S I F I E 0 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--O9O%'-T7u^ ClfRC ACCESSI6N NG--AP0113220 ABSTRACTIEXTRAC-or--(U) Gf'-O-- A3STRACT. THL 1R SPECTRA ~;-: %G SUtIA3, PDSJR~BED ON AL SUB2 0 SUB3 (1), FLUORiiarED. AL SUB2 L) SUB3 (11) (5.4 AT.PERCENT Fly AND CATALYTICALLY ACTIVE AL HYDROXIDE FLUORIDE (111) (28.& WT.PERCENT F) 1,NERE STUDIED. SPECTRA OF 1-111 AFTEk JESORPTION, AT TEMP., 150, 250, 350, AND 5500CEGAEES ARE REPRJDUCE0. AbSORPTION BANOS OF COORDINATELY BONDED NH SUB3 WERE FOUND ON THE SURFACE OF ALL SAMPLES, ANJ BANDS OF NH SU84 POSITIVE WERE PRESENT 11~ THE SPECTKA UF 11 AND III. I SAMPLES WERE FLUORINATED BY A PUBLISHED METHOD (CA 69, 30509 0). THE IR STUDY SHOWED THE PRESENCE OF APRGTIC ACIDIC CENTERS ON THE SURFACE OF I AND BOTH TYPES ON THE SURFACES It AND III. ADSORBED NH SUB3 BANDS OCCURRED AT 3100, 1580, 1550t 1497, AND 1455 CM NEGATIVE PRIMEI, INDICATING THE INSTABILITY OF ADSORBED NH SUB3 MOLS. AND A POSSIBILITY OF THEIR REARRANGEMENT INTO DIFFERENT SURFACE FORMS. THE BANDS AT 1456 AND 1497 CM NEGATIVE PRIME1 WERE Al-TR16UTED (J. B. PERIs 1965) TO DEFORMATION VIBRATIONS OF NH SUB2 NEGATIVE, BUT THE PRESENT STUDY REVEALED NO ADDNL. BANDS IN THE REGION OF THE OH VALENCE VIBRATIONS TO SUPPORT THE REACTION NH SU63 PLUS 0 PRIME2 NEGATIVE YIELDS NH SUB2 NEGATIVE PLUS OH NEGATIVE. IF, INDEED THESE BANDS ARE CAUSEU BY DLFORMATION VIOKATIGNS UF NH SUGZ NEGATIVE, THE MECHANISM FOR THE FORMATION OF NH SUBZ NEGATIVE IS DIFFERENT FROM THAT EXPECTED. THE APPEARANCE OF THE 3100-CM NEGATIVE PRIME1 TOAND 15 ATTRIBUTED TO THE INTERACTION OF NH SU83 WITH THE SURFACE IONS OF AL PRIME3 POSITIVEt GIVING RISE TO NH SUB3 POSITIVE, WITH DEFORMATION VIBRATIONS AT 1580 CM NEGATIVE PRIME1. FACILITY: UNIV. IM. LOMONOSUVA, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 TITLE--ADSORPTION OF BENZENE AND METHANOL VAPORS ON ALUMINUM HYDROXYFLUORIDES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BULGAKOV 0 V ANTIPINAP T.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VESTN. MOSK. UNIV., KHIM. 1970? 27-31 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--GAS ADSORPTICNIt BENIENE, METHANOL, ISOTHERM, ALUMINWA COMPOUND, FLUORIDE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0598 STEP NO--UR/0199/70/011/001/0027/0t')31 CIRr ACCESSION NO--A110119516 U NIC 1_ Af 1 F 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119516 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADSORPTION WAS STUDIED AT 200EGREES FOR SAMPLES CONTG. DIFFERENT F CONCNS. BY USING A MACBA[N GAKRA BALANCE APP. THE PESULTING ISOTHERMS WERE TREATED 13Y USING THE BET EOUATION, AND FOR C SUB6 H SUB6 THERE WAS A DIFFERENCE IN THE STRUCTURAL CHARACT6alSTICS AS A FUNCTION OF THE F CONCN. AN Ir4CfREASE IN F RESULTS IN A DECREASE IN THE CAPACITY OF THE MONOLAYER, IM THE ADSORPTION POTENTIAL, AND IN THE TOTAL PORE VOL.p WHEREAS THE VALUE OF THE PREDOMINANT POPE SIZE IS ALMOST INDEPENDENT OF THE F Cat',.ICN* FOR MEOH THE PREDOMINANT PORE RADIUS IS SIMILAR TO THE VALUES FOUND FOR C SUB6 H SUB6. HOWEVER, AS THE F CONCN. IS INCREASED THE TOTAL POI~E VOL. INCREASES AND THE VALUE OF THE SP. SURFACE, DETD. BY THE THERMODYNAMIC METHOD (A. KISELEV, USP. KHIM. 1945t 14, 367), IS NOT RELATED AT ALL TO THE F CONCN. THE DIFFERENCE IN THE AOSORPTION PARAMFTERS, DErD. FROM THE C SUB6 H SUB6 AND MEOH ISOTHERMS, IS DUE TO THE DIFFERENCE IN THE NAUTRE OF THE INTERACTION OF THESE MULS. WITH THE SURFACE. UtjrL_pvSSjcfED USSR UX 621.;~""'e'.;;.002 ANTROPOV, V.D., NIKISHIN-, V.I., .-NOVROV, -..A. "14licrowave Transistor Prepared By The Method Of Ion Implantatlon" V ob. Novoye v tekhn. polurrovodn. proiz-ve (New Semiconductor Production Techn6fogy-Collectilon Cf Works), Vorenezia, Vorcnezh University, 1971, 1)'3 1;-2- 157 (from RZh:Elektrnnik~! i veye p~jimer~eniye, !~o 4, April 11072, Abstract No 4B423) Translation: The production is described of a microwave n-T)-n + transistor v,ith the use of a method of ion doping. The ion doping waE conducted on IIIJ-3 eqii-j-,)-nent. The tranoistora wge prepared on -.Pit2Xi~91 Si films WIth P- roniotivity of' 2 ohn.c.:!. B L 11 ~~nd P' we're used ns the doping admi.yturc. DopJn,-, WUD dono at room tomperatura. Tranoistors obtuined by tha, combinorl iori--dj!'~.'uoi method and by the ion driping mathod only were comparerl. it is s!-iowri -,-:1th the aid of the latter m~et.hod transistors can ba obtained W.-th a frecuerlo- of 1-2 GHz with de-.rvloned power on the order of I watt. 12 ref. S.I. 1/.L Z. Mathematical Models and the Application of Operations Research USSR BULGAK2Y,_~ KUZNETSOV, 1. N. "Deterministic System with Repeated Servicing" lzbr. Tr. Vses. Mezhvuz. Simpozz. po Prikl. Mat. i Kibernet, Gor'kiy, 1967 [Selected Works of All-Union Interuniversity Symposium oil Applied Mathe- matics and Cybernetics, Gor'kiy, 1967], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 1-16- 150 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernctika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V565, by the authors). Translation: A deterministic, one-channel queueing system is studied, ill which each request is serviced a fixed number of times. Problems ofcdeter- mination of the optimal order of servicing of objects and moments of beginning of servicing of each of them so that the total servicing time of all requests is minimal are discussed. ill Miscellaneous USSR UDC 577.4 BUWAWV, V. A., and KUZNErSOV, I. N. "Deterministic multiple service system" V sb. Izbr. tr. Vses. mezhvuz. simpoz. Po Drikl. mat. i kibernet., Gor'kiy,- JcA7 (&lected Works of the All-Union Inter-VUZ LHigher Educational Insti- tutio3n Symposium on Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Gorkiy, 1967 -- Col.lection of Works), Moscow, "Nauka," 1973, pp 146-150 (from R7h-Matematika, No 6, Jun 73, Abstract No 6V565 from authors' abstract) Tran-O=Mont The article considers a deterministic single-server queueing system in ~~hich each demand is served a fixed number of times. Questions discussed are those of finding the optimal service order for objects and the moments for starting service for each of them in order for the total service time for all demands to be minimal. 1/1 oil= on,"Itwool 112 01~' UNCLAS S I F I ED, PROCESSING DATE--13NUV70 FOR P k Ar, 1 N G ARCtARRESTER. CHA14BERS FOP, ELECTAICAL MIAPPARATUS -U- ._.AUTlH0R-(04)-NAMITQKOVj K.K., BULGAKOVt V.A., MITSKEVICH, G.F., BREZINSKIY, OF INFO--USSR S.R.267,436 IZDBRET., _,...tEFEREi4CE--0TKRYTIYA, P R UA JBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, _.DATE PUBLISHED--01APR70 SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS ANO" ELECTRICAL ENGR. TOPIC TAGS--ARC DISCHARGE, DISCHARGE CHAMBERr PATENT .-CONTROL MARKING--NO PESTRICTIO14S .00CUMEOT CLASS-UNCLASSIFILED PROXY STEP NO--UR 10tt8? 70 /000 /000 /0000/0000 REEL/FRAME--3005/0685 GIRC MCCESSION NO--AA0132975 C t. AS, r Fr_~ il I C IF I ~'D - -- - - UNf LA ~.j 1: Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .TLTLE--STATISTICAL SCATTER OF HEAVY ION RANGES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-KESSELMAN, V.S.r BULGAKOV, YU.V. :COUNTRY OF INFO~-USSR SOURCE-AT. ENERG. 1970, 2812), 173-4 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--IQN DISTRIBUTICN, ELASTIC SCATTERING, PARTICLE TRAJECTORY, GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTION CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIGNS OCCUMENT CLASS---UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-200011155 STEP NO--UR/0089/70/028/002/0173/0174 CIRC ACCLSSICN NG--AP0124810 UNCLASSIFIED 212 . Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0124810 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MATH. ANAL. SH0,,-;S THAT THE ASYMMETRY OF RANGE DISTRIBUTION CURVES (FOR HEAVY PAR11CLES) IS DUE MAINLY TC SEP. FLUCTUATIONS IN ELASTIC COLLISIONS; WITH INCREASING PARTICLE ENERGY T14E SHAPE OF THE CURVE APPROACHES THE GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTION (BY ASSUMING THAT MULTIPLE SCATTERING IS NEGLECTED. UNCLASS,-IFIED USSR UDC 557-1:`,11-~1'5116.205'28 BARINOV, YU.B., WLkLu, YU.V., D81-11YANCHIK, D.V., 14.1., WIN, M.A., NASAGAITOVAY M.G., PA,7=, N.M., SOLCMATIN, V.N. "Effect Of Irradiation On The Physical Properties Of Hexagonal Silicon Carbide" V ab.'Radiate. fiz. nemet. kristallov (Radiation Physics Cf R-onmetallic Crystals- Collection Of Works), Vol. ~, Part 2, Kiev, "Nauk.du=ka," 1971, pp 105-110 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primenaniye, No 10, October 1971, Abstract No 10B76) Translationz The effect was studied of irradiation by cf-particles and neutrons on the spectra of electronic paramagnetic resonance and the optical spectra of n-type OC -SiC doped with nitrogen and p-type doped with boron. In the spectra of the electronic par=5~,netic rceonance of n-type speciraonEj, the irradiation caused a docroaoe of the old and the appeurance of a irumber of new lince. Irradiation of p-type crystals by cf,-particles lead to an increase of the optic- al absorTition in the 2_25 micrometer region and irradiution by neutrons caused an increase o.11' abborption at A < 0.55 micrometer and a decrease of absorption in the 0.55 < < 6 micrometer region. 1/1 1 WA-0 M "1 111 In 1 1 1 r Acc. Nr. Abstracting Service~K2 -;_7 1;7;gl 7 APW48839 CHEMICAL ABST. Ref. Code _qq C)YSq 90908r Poly(keto amines). a newAype of thetlerochainj Poly- rm 1r. vinograddova, S. V.; Konhah. V. .; Lebed A. S.-,.Bul eva, -r ,- A akovit ili (]nst A = di S Nlosc - - . ern g oe n.. ow. Ut . entooEA. h). y YOR I. 50eal-11_ bier. A 1970, 1"(1), 16S-70 (Vu:;s). The conden- sation of H,.NRN.112 (1) with BA~14,CORLCOCH213r (11) gave H- [NHRNHCHXOR1COCH,.,LBr (111), intended as intermediates in the synthesis of polvindoles, The reaction wa~- Isz studied on model.compjds.: the cond,ensation of PhNH2 with I (R is P'C6H, or 4,4'-C6H40CjH#) gave p-(PhNHCHiCO)2CJi4, m. 193-5% and (4-PhNHCH2COCqH4W, ni. 186-8*, resp. 'Similarly, PhCO- CH.,Br was condensed with I (R is 4,4'-CJi4CiH4- 4,4'- CdH40C6H4, or 4,4'X6H4CH2C6H4) or with -(4-MeNHC6HA,.- CHz to give the corresponding model compds. The condensa- tion of I with 11 gave the best yields (70-90%) in PO(NMe2)3 at 100'. The following III were obtained (R' is 4,4'-CrH4OCaH4, R iven): 4X-C.;HX,,H4. 4A*-C~H,OC6H4, (4-CC14JICH2, 3.3- f is(4-phenytene)plithalide. Alit IV was prepd. Thermo- HJNMe-O--L-H..-O-N,NteCH,CO-&O-Q-COCHI~ Br . dv) mech. anal. (change in elongation induced by a 100-g load on a 4-mm-diam. sample with temp.) and thermogravirnetrv showi-d that III are f;table to.-500*. CPJR REEL/FRAME um, 6-;,1,.olA6 MVERD'170., S. V., Engiueer' 1"'OSK"TINP V. M. Doctlor of Technical Sciences, BU I ) 1.11. G., MrZE)EV, Ye. A.Y Candidates of Technical. Sciances ItParticularities of the 1.1ork of Prestressed Blements Urider a Prolonsed in an Aggressive Meditur," 14oscow, BetoD i Zhalezobaton, No 1, January 1972, pp 18-~O Abstract: At the Cunt-r~tl Corrosion 1-%borratory of the Gzr-trv.1 ~Scicntiflc Research inctitute of Cun--r?tc and. Pk--inforced Con-,-r~lte. is- on the influence of sim,.iltaneous action of pi-olonlicd roid P,n aggressive madiluir, with high moisture, upon- the limit statt-s of -prcstre,,~sed reinforced-conc rate c1eit:~--mts. Results o' Pasearch on btamlir~- of p-restreeced rainforc2d-concmto eler---jits durinj.,- tneir ip=lor,~.-ed in an ag.-ressive i-re preseDted. It is :7hoi;n that mirbz:r tl-,e infl,.!,,~nce of high moirituru. created, by the dispersion of a " -soil)tion o" radi,-m chloride, the -xiTcnit of crack fo-rimtion 0.~craas----s sr)-.~!Wiat., t'ic of beanns increase- -Vith loading, and rr.:::idual defut--- after co'-niet~ It is notcd th~'.t tile nected with adsm-r-ption, z~t.-(!nr-,th docrecsc~p and with, im iii t~i,2 bility of cop--ret;-~ in th,, eniom:,ate-'l zuva of the elc,-ents- It is prjint~-' out 1/2 USSR KIMED'K01 S. V., et ni., Beton i ZbclezobetcL. I Janullr.,~ 197"', that account must be tak n of the particulajities of -tl-..o wo ]z L, t uctur :r 0 S r _C in inedia vith inoisttire wh~en clesi3iiing, thelse structunas. li f1pl-re-G. I table- 5 refeivnce3. 2 /2 1/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---040EC70 ,,-T-ITLE--SYNTHESIS OF TETRAHYDROQUINOLtNES AND QUINOLINES -U- .AUTHOR-(02)-CHUMAKOV, YU.I., BULGAKOVAI N.B. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-UKR. KHIM. ZH. 19709 36(5), 514-17 .DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY :'TOPIC TAGS--ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, QUINOLINEi, HETEROCYCLIC OXYGEN COMPOUND, CYCLOHEXENE :CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _DnCUHENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFfED PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605019/COI STEP NQ--UR/0073/70/036/005/0514--/0517 CIRC ACCESS[ot4 N0--AP0140913 -2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-040ECTO CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0140913 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. l9ETHOXYCYCL0HEXENE HEATED EN A SEALED TUBE AT 210DEGREES WITH R PRIMEI CH DOUBLE BOND CRCHO CONTG. 0.1PERCENT P-C SUB6 H SU84 (OH) SUB2 FORMS DERIVS. (1) OF 6,ETHOXY,516,TETRAMETHYLENE,5t6tDlHYDROl4H,PYRAN. 1 (0.04 MOLE) BOILED WITH 0.75 ML H SUB2 0 AND 1.5 ML.HOAC UNITL HOMOGENEOUS, PDUREO INTO THE BOILING MIXT. OF 3.1 G NH SUB3 OH IN 25 ML HOAC, AND REFLUXED I HR YIELDS 59-76PERCENT 516,7t8JETRAHYDROQUINOLINES 111). 11 UAN BE DEHYDROGENATED TO THE CORRESPONDING QUINOLINE BY HEATING WITH SE- IN 9HN0 SUB2. I CAN BE CONVERTED TO 11 IN POORER YIELD BY PASSING A MIXT. WITH NK SUB3 OVER PT-AL SUBZ 0 SUB3 AT 225-30DEGREES. FACILITY: KIEV. INST. INZH- GRAZHDAN. AVIATS.v KIEV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 669-713.1 SAFONOV, V. N., LIMWI'S11Y, V. A., KLYLISHKIN, V. P., LEMT,01~, _YE. G. $ BULGA .LO,~A, IL'BIN-SY,,-Y.A, G. I., BOIRISENKO, N. A., and E-VKOVAI A. _L "Physical Proper-Ues and Chemical Composition of Dust Formed During the Production of Aiwiin"- -nd Silumin" Tsvetnye Metallv, No 4, Apr 71, pp k3-44 Abstracti Since the physical and chemical composition o-.;' a dust dicl-a-tes the basic cha.-r-acteristics of the dust-collectinE aDDaratus needed, a stuay was Lade of the-se ch;?ra-cteristics of dusts coliccted during the Production of electrolytic aluninun and silt=in. -!:~,o met-hods of bility were studied -- usin-- tri-ile cyclones and usinF: imT)ac~orz. The la"er I - - u uu were found to rive the nost reliable result s, The svecil"ic clectric resis- tance for the duzts was reasured -and found to be 4- x 10i - 4 x 1.08 oh.7s. cm for clectrolytic aluzin-~a and 5 x 109 - 2 x 1010 for r-J!,.1min dL:f,-L 0 ,,its ir, t~e tentpeara-qt.-urre rarr-e of 20 to 40'C. At at the dew DoInt of the ~ lCo C both forms of dust have a sDecific electrical resistan-c;~! of less than 109 - 1010 deternined vere derx-lty, b-olk deri:Aty, -uic-le of rest, poronitv, and moisture. TTe electrojytlc alui-in-'ai duvt , Q -j 1, - - - " -2 analyzed for total fluorine, A12031 ILI.90, F02031 S102, CaO, i"40, ~~'csJnp Suj; and calcination loss. 1/1 Now LA L W 01 P% T. 1. z l.14. USSR -;A L F2;OV, A. A., BULGAKOVA. T. I., and KULAGINA, 0. S. (Xu--cow, Novosioirsk) 'r'n the Froble= of M~-dellrz the E-olutiorar7 Pr--ccss, W'-t- a Cons ideration of Selacticn4 II )toscow, FroblemT Kilbernetik-1. Vyp 23. ~Xauka" Fublizhing Hcuse, 1970, p0 2~7-260 Abstract: This articlr! is a continuation of zin article publimlicd with the sacle title In Vypusk 20 of Probllorrs of Cybernetics. It trace:; in &reater detail the stntistical mechanisms in divergence of forms and formation of geneticaliv isolated "relic", groups within the rr=ework cf the population., with different selccrion mechanizm5. IISSR UDC 51:155.001.57:612.82 BULGAKOVA, T. I., KULAGINA, 0. S., LYAPUNOV, A. A. "Problem of Modeling the Evolutionary Process Considering Selection. II.11 Probl. Kibernetiki [Problems of Cybernetics -- Collection of Works], No 23, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 247-260, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V665 by the authors). Translation: For Part 1, see RZhIMat, 1969, 8V482. The statistical mechanisms of divergence of forms and formation of genetically isolated "relict" groups within the limits of populations are studied in greater detail with various selection mechanisms. 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PRiICESSING 0ATE--l'3NGV70 TITLE--PliASE EQUILIbRIUMS Pll THE FEERRITE REGION UF A SYSTEM -U- AUTHOk-(02)-BULGAKOVAj T.I., ROLANOV, A.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -..~'SOURCE--ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(3), 693-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT APEAS--MATERIALS .TOPIC T A' S--MANGANESE, IRON, OXYGEN, SPINEL, FERRITE, PHASE DIAGRAM CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--U,%CLAS5lFI_:_-D PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1102 STEP NO-.-IJR/0076/70/0,:*4/003/0693/0698 CIPC ACCESSIGIN "-l'0--AV_)123094 L,, S f 0 212 022 UNCL AS S I F I ED P--~OCESSING DATE--BNOV70 CIRC ACCESSION 40--AP012-2094 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EQUIL. IN THE SYSTEM ~N F- E S U 6 N o SuBx H SUB2 H SUB2 0 WAS STUDIED AT 969 AND 10000EG~EES Fl'i< 3.852 LARGER THA-N OR EQUAL TO N LARGER THAN OR EQUAL TO 1.130 WITHIN THE LIMITS FROM THE SPINEL TO i-*,NC) PLUS F-E. THE STABILJTY LIMITS OF THE -SPINEL AND LowER OXIDE PHASES W&iE ESTABLISHED- THE PHASE DIAGRAM IN THE FERRITE REGION OF THE Mfq-FE-0 SYSTEM FOR 9690EGREES IS PRESC:NTED. M. -10NUSOVA? MOSCOvit FACILITY: KHIM- FAK.i MOSK. GOS* UNIV- I~ L 0! USSR. Explosives and Byplosions UDC 5112-91 -5-4,7. 72? -,:I". -,rT D. 71J. PEI~E. S. J-1 'r VuLiDD V . and PTL~ , .1. YA 1: 1 1, -'. u tf C 11 i c a I I'h-,;--i-cs, Se. US~-t - "Synthosis and Stucly of t-he Dctonation Pro,)crtics of Moscow, ~cdi -,auk S3Si-t, Seriya ihirdches",-aya, IX )r 7-9 PP 96~-96111 Abstract: a-I Synthesis of C%-"") has bcon, de%rc;-;-f~;-----!- 'L"h- is on th;~~ rivaction, cif .3 ';ulut; On of' c acid. in r 'l'c in a 24;:) yicddl frcm. a jndxttui-(~ ~ccton~;, nitro- acetr 'ne. truated vith a oj, IIIAro-cl-) Ind A. --a LICIZ!t of 0.2 cn a 1 py o.- fcr: A cn, ci;* 24.1 o. -i-jo. c ?c USSR BULINS UDC: 51 "On the Possibility of Conbining Main and Auxiliary Strategies of Competi- tive Development of Economies" Tr. 4-y Zimn. shkoly T)o mat. programmir. i snezhn. voprosanz, 1971, vYP. 1 (Works of the Fourth Winter School on Mathematical Programming and Related Problems, 1971, No 1), Moscow, 1971, PP 158-165 (from RZh-Ki-bernetika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5V449) [No abstract] :L/1 A. Graph Theory USSR BULITKO. V. K. "The Problem of the Finiteness of a Graph with Fixed Surroundings of Points" Obshch. teoriva sistem [General Systems Theory - Collection of Works], Kiev, 1972i pp 76-83 (Translated from Referativny Zhurnal - Kibernetika, . y No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V330, by V. Zemlyachenko) Translation: The "graph" concretization of certain problems related to the study of structures, all local substructures of which are isomorphic, is studied. In particular, an infinite class of graphs N1 is constructed, such that for each M there is an infinite graph, for which the surroundings of all points are isomorphic to M, but there is no finite graph with the same property. 1/1 USSR UDC 581.132.04 CHIKOV, V. I., HULKA__ M. Ye. .12 and LOZOVAYA, V. V., Kazan' University and Tatar Agricultural Rese_irai~ Institute, Kazan' "Effect of Insecticides on the Distribution of C14 in the Products of Photosynthesis" Moscow, Fiziologiya Rasteniy, No 1, 1971, pp 190-193 Abstract: In pot experiments with 10- to 15-day-old bean (Vicia faba) plants (Russkiye chernyye variety), 4 organophosphorus insecticides slightly stimu- lated photosynthesis at low concentrations (0.1Z) but inhibited it at high concentrations (0.5%). Treatment of the plants with the insecticides affected not only the intensity of photosynthesis but also the distribution of C14 in its products. Concentrations of 0.5 or below 0.1% suppressed the synthesis of sucrose while increasing the incorporation of the label into amino acids, organic phosphates, and organic acids. The nonspecific changes noted in the chemism of photosynthesis, like those brought about by high concentrations of ammonia, drought, organ oph ospb orus defoliants, etc., apparently result from a deficiency of ATP caused by unfavorable factors. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.65/-('58.621-3-078 S1,61MINITSKIY, S. G@9 Candid.-ato of Technic-:,1 Sciences, alb 11' M, I , ~Y., Candidate of Technical Sciences, P.LNIOV, V. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Gusa-rov, 0. F. , E~i~n-inoer, a-ijci V. A., Engineer, I-Joscovi Fower Engineerin,:-- Inst-itutle , Heat and E,oscovi ReCional Ad:.-dni sILL ration of~:' Po,,-rer Slectric Power Plant-22, System I;-;anarI-c--entU "Electric Auto.--latic Control and Protection- Sy-steri of OVPT-500- Type Turbo-pump Peeder Unit" Moscow, TeDloenergetika, ffo 6, Jun 73, PP 33-30' Abstract: A ne%v electric sYstcm of acutorpritic control and prote-c- tion aith coinDictc elirrination of hydr-,lulic on the turbonLimp feeder unit 1111ol, OVPT-500 tYpe, of the Heat and Elect-ric Povier P17,n-'U--22 of Eosco-111 11?eSional A d-ministrat ion c--F Po-.ver System 11-'i-~,,na~p:--~ontu, The syst em is mainly b:-~.s e d on typ ical auto-,~ U tion means used in t-ec.anological Drocesses in electric ro-.,,,er U - plants. The viorkinl- oi~ the 3,73'UOM io discussed b,,,., rcfercnce to its -L -.9 he dip-aum of COnturol 7--nd the ,,,o- function7_1 c*rcui- L, --,D- wer suT)-jly dia-r---am off n-lectroma,,,z--ictus of -frictu-J"on Lrilves- 2he -"e:3- cribed systerm considerably oininlif-Jed the o-oer7.tin-, co.,I(II-itio-Ils of, the turbop=ap feeder unit, in i)-articulai, it:--l rc-.ote control. figures, -.'Lou-r biblio--!r-1phic reforciaccs. 1/1 - USSR UDC: 533-9.o8;621-373-530-145.6 MARIPOV, A., SOLNTSEV, G. S., GINZEURG, V. M. "Singularities of Diagnosing a Superhigh-Frequency Plasma by the HO, M10de in a Circular Waveguide" V sb. Vopr. _fiz. nizkotemperaturn. plazuy (Problems of Low-Ter-aperature Plasma Physics--collection of works), Minsk, "Nauka. i tekhn.", 1970, pp 75-78 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1D131) [No abstract] USSR uDc 616.9(075.8) BUKUiA, I. G. , and POKROVSKIY, V - I Infektsionnyye Bolezni 8 Ukhodom Za Bollnymi i Osnovami Epidemiologii (Infec- tious Diseases With Care of Patients and Foundations of Epidemiology), Leningrad, "rlieditsina," 1970, 317 PP Translations Table of Contents Page Forewoid 3 GFUEZU SECTION Brief Historical Outline 5 General Epidemiology 9 Epidemdc Process 10 Epidemic Focus. Investigation of Natural Foci 16 Keasures of Control of Infectious Diseases 20 Measures of Control of Sources of Infection 21 Measures Disrupting Routes of Transmission of Infection 24 Disinfection 25 :Ensect Extermination 38 Rodent Extermination Iq Measures for a Susceptible Collective 42 1/6 USSR BULKIKA, 1. G., and POKROVSKIYj V. 1. 0 Infectious Diseases With Care of PatlenU and Foundations of Epideriiologyo Leningrad, "Neditsina," 1970, 317 PP Immunity and Ways of Increasing Vaccines 43 Toxiods 48 Foundations of the OrGanization. of a Sanitary An-tiepidenic Service In the LJSSR 49 Germeral Pathology of Infectious Diseases 52 Characteristics of Infectious Diseases 52 "Basic Methods of Diagnosing Infectious Diseases 57 Classification of Infectious Diseases 72 Structure and Regimen of Hospital Infectious Disease Departments 75 Treatment of Infectious Patients 81 Antimicrobial and Antiparasitic Drugs 82 Antibiotics 82 Sulfanilamide Preparations 85 Antiparasitic Preparations 86 Bacteriophages 86 Sora and Gamzma-globulins 87 Vaccines 94 lion-Specific Treatment of Infectious Patients 95 2fi USSR BULKM, I. G., and POKROVSKIY, V. I., Infectious Diseases With Care of Patients and Foundations of Epidemiology, Leningrad, "lieditsina," 1970, 317 PP Patient Nutrition 110 Care of Infectious Patients 113 SPECIAL SECTION I. Intestinal Infections 122 Typhoid Fever 122 Paratyphoid A and Paratyphoid B 135 Food Poisoning 135 Botulism 139 BacterJal Dysentery 143 Amebiasis 153 Asian Cholera 156 Infectious Hepatitis (Botkin;s Disease) 167 Poliomyelitis, Endemic Poliomyelitis (Heine-Medin Disease) 171 Coxsackle and Echo Infections 178 II. Blood (Communicable) Diseases 181 R.Ickettsioses 181 Epidemic Louse-Borne Scrub Typhus (Typhus Exanthematicus) 191 3/6 USSR BU11aNA, I. G., and POKROVSKIY, V. I., Infectious Diseases With Care of Patients and Foundations of Epidemiology, Leningrad, "Reditsina," 1970, 317 PP 4/6 Brill's Disease 190 Tickborne Rickettsiosis, North Asian, Tickborne Scrub Typhus or North Asian Ixodorickettsiosis 191 Epidemic or hurine Rickettsiosis 194 q-fever Q-Rickettsiosis 195 European Epidemic Louse-Borne Relapsing Typhus 198 Tickborne Relapsing Typhus (Spirochaetosis acarlm) 202 Halaria 204 Leishmaniases 220 Visceral Leishmanasiz 220 Cutaneous Leishmaniasis 223 Pappatacci Fever (1,11osquito fever) 226 Epidemic Encephalitides 227 Tickborne Spring-Summer (Taiga) Encephalitis ZZ7 Sumer-Autnn 11--.osqulto (Japanese) Encephalitis 231 Hemorrhagic fevers 2.32 Zoonoses 236 Brucellosis 236 USSR BULXIHAj I. G., and POYROVSKIY, V. Lp Infectious Diseases With care o--,- Patients and Foundations of Epidemiology, Leningrad, "Eeditsina," 1970, 317 PP III. 516 Rabies (Hydrophobia, Lyssa) Leptospiroses Swamp fever Ronicteric leptospirosis Weil's-Vasillyev's Disease (Icterohemorrhagee Glanders (11alleus) Anthrax Tularemia Plague Foot and Mouth Disease Infections of the Respiratory Organs Influenza Parainfluenza Viral Diseases Adenoviral Infections Infectious 11ononucleosis# Filatoy's Disease 5=21por Ornitosis Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis 244 248 248 leptosphorsis)250 252 154 260 268 268 269 271 274 274 276 27? 283 285 USSR BUIXI11A, I. C., and POKROVSKIY, V. I., Infectious Diseases With Care of Patients and Foundations of Epidemiology, Leningrad, "I'leditsina," 1970, 317 PP IV. Infections of the Integuments Erysipelas 292 Tetanus 294 Appendixes 302 Appendix 1. Special information concerning infectious diseases, nutrition, and acute occupational intoxication 302 Appendix 2. Isolation periods of patients afflicted with infectious diseases 303 Appendix 3. Map of an epidemiologically investigated focus of aerial- droplet infection 305 Appendix 3a. Map of an epidemiologically inVestigated focus of intestinal Infectious diseanea 308 Appendix 4. Incubation periods of different infectious diseases 312 6/6 USSR uDc: 678:E621.01+539-41 TARKOPOLISKIY, YU. M., PORTNOV, G. G., SPRIMANS, YU. B., and BUDMUS, V. N.1 Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR, Riga "fhe Supporting Power of Rings Formed by the Winding of Composites Reinforced by High44odular Anisotropic Fibers" Rigaq Mekhanika Polimerovf No 4j Jul-Aug 73f pp 673-683 Abstract: The authors study the particulars of composites which are related to the intrinsic anisotropy of reinforcing fibers. The effect of twisting and reinforce- ment stretching is studied on the axisymmetry of the field of deformations, and the moduli of elasticity and strength in the direction of the fibers under external and internal pressure loading, while taking into consideration the increased pliabilIty of the material in a transverse direction. In the case of modular material, the authors obtain numerical estimates for the moduli of elasticity E and Er for the coefficient8 of thegmal expansion(CGandcc I and for the initial temperature stresses cr and a' . The dependence of thi destructive pressure on ring thickness is describid and tRe conditions for fai-lure are formulated. In all the studied problems it is shown that it is necessary to take into consideration the increased pliability of the composites in the transverse directions 1/1 USSR BULMASOVA. S. P. "Effect of Lead Intoxication on the Aspartate and Al an inamino trans fe rase White Ratsff UDC 615.916:546 Activity of the Mitochondrial in the Liver and Kidneys of Nauch. tr. Irkutsk. med. in-t (Scientific Works of the Irkutsk Medical Institute), 1972, vyp 110, pp 112-113 (from RZh-- Farmakologiya. Khimioterapevticheskiye Sredstva. Toksikologiya, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3.54.663) Translation: In the suspension of liver mitochrondria of the rats which for seven days were hypodermically injected with 40 percent solution of 11b (NO )21 O.S m.1daily, the decrease in activity of tile alaninamingtransferase to 41.6,Y of pyruvate in a 0. S mY suspension (96.9 control) was observed; in the super- natant, the activity of the aspartaminotransferase dropped. The activity of the alaninaininotransf erase in the supernatant of the kidneys to 23.8 (54-8) Y of pyruvate the dc,,rr,cc of dcaminazation of the DL-alaninc decreased. In the mitochrondria of the kidneys in the supernatant, the DL-aspartate did not deaminize; the level 1/2 USSR BULMASOVA, S. P., Nauch. tr. Irkutsk. med. in-t, 1972, vyp 110, pp 112-113 of deaminization of DL-alanine was very significant. The con- clusion was drawn that for the expressed Pb poisoning, the pro- cesses of reamomazation in the liver and kidney mitochrondria are disturbed. 2/2 - (j ". - 1111YSI( S Op ~Articl,, Vaiididatl- Of A. wich an't A. 1-1,o Sciptitific far ti r; Moscow fit, In-IP J,jnwi~-y a conf,-roncc on t!i~ ph~ eics -1 gv 3z, .1 IZ va r -'s i en t I I c iris t: i ut 'i rill of -4n t I-V co~...- f i!,!n rd wi th ;-, rva t i tit 0 r., a t t I- o Y V., .~, rI 0' V. A. rroitskayo alid Y.I. 1. .T,t,t i'l t I., 1, 1,10". t..! I, I'.. bo i i t, o r 4:.. 111.11Y. 1, .111 Ja t .1 1 a I I ."1 111. t 1,r Itj cootioettim nr var, .... phy,,ical pror,--;-!r in tho e"rrn's .1-t 1, t, I L.1-11I.- 1~ I)- ILA1.1 o1 1 1- i. 1,1 1 le am- Lt... .... ' jt1~1 cu r t i 12 Al-, ilotly 11r"WI-11 1'r 1-0 1 1, '1 "ZI I ~ U'ra, 3 i ft a raO, j ir~ t rann I ,- t i,7,,d T n t of re I tn nvcv-at-~* t" t7..a th.-I Ill tho pl.,mwa I3;~111.taol ov ort.i! i , to I 'o r t 1, - it I I 1,u t I i. ,I, f I ct I v .4 tit' t!- it is N ') I.- , i v. rv-t. nt' data til'.111SInitled rr- t 11.1 N.1 t v I I it n Ija t a . ........ it to obtli i it n ab:.),ut L tw .5tale, of tho cinly ,t : , i'Co m :i t i~ti " - - %,- -i~ L., , !Ly I I 1,~~r oV J-in- S,1.,601, )c h I'vol t; 5 ." t).! "'I"l'Actecl i o" I., L c r t wi. i rls~ ne of Sta c stations as i red 16) CO USSR UDC: 8.71; BF I LOVA!7 17 V YAS I` "Resull-I's of an Digizal Computer Study of an Algorithm" V sb. Vychisi. telkhn. 7.2 (Commuter Tecimo-Loq-T. VC1 2--c-clIection of works), Kaunas, 1971, Pr 572-576 (from '.RZh-;,.-ibI-rnet-fka, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract 'To 1VIOL3) Translation: The paper presents the results of an experimental study of an algorithm for minimizing a linear functional. The linear inetbod. problem is solved Ly the r-radient i In order to dc-terminc- th,~ maximum of t-he functi,cm~.1, 11 Certa:111 function j'!' !'orm'C-A, and, "he maximum is then found by moving along this function. The Pine meth:cd. iS used in solvlnig t'I'c problem. The equationv. are discretized for dip~ital comDuter realization of the algorithm. The described ti!Forltham wao checked out on Ilh,: E'-.- erimental results Pare P USSR BULOVAS, V. V. LMC: 51:155-001-57:681-3.06 "Algorithms for Selecting Model Representatives of Sets" V sb. Vychisl. tekhnika. T. 2 (Computer Technology--collection of works. Vol. 2), Kauras, 1971, rp 566-571 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract iio lArlooO Translation: Two algorithms for selecting model representatives of sets are considered. The results of an experimental check are given. Author's resum6. 88 - -1/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATq--jISEP70 TITLE--FUNCTIONAL INtifBITION 'VP 'THE ADRENAL GLANDS BY ACYTILATED DERIVATIVE OF THE ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC H3RMONE -U- AUTHOR--T)ILMAN, V.M.9 PROKUDINA, YE.A., BULOVSKAYA, L.N., KONSTANTINOV, V.Lov TUGUNOVj S.S. ;.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BYULLETENIE-KSPEIIIMENTALINOY Blf)LOGII I MEDITSINY, 1970, VOL 6q, NR !-~39 PP 69-71 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBjECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--INHIBITION, ADRENAL GLAND, ACTH, HYDROCORTISONE, GUINEA PIG, RAT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTQICTInNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY RFEL/FRAME--1982/0842 STFP NO--()R/OC'19/70/06~)/103/001~Q/')071 CIRC ACCFSSlf"N Nl--AP0052276 U'.! ~ LS I F r ;f,' 2/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATF-11SE-070 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0052276 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ACETYLATED DERIVATIVe OF ACTH I ~' N WHrM ALL FREE AMINOGROUPS ARE ACETYLATED ARE ENDOWED WITH THE CAPACITY TO FUNCTIONAL INHIRITION OF THE ADRENAL GLANDS REDUCE THE LEVEL OF HYDROCORTISONF IN THE PERIPHtRAL BLOOD IN INTACT GUIN~A PIGS C)N AN AVERAGE BY 37DERCENT FOUR HOURS AFTER INTRODUCTION AND THE LEVEL OF CORTICOSTERONE IN RATS BY 29PERCENT UPON ADMINISTRATION OF THE DERIVATIVE FOR A COURSE OF SEVEN DAYS. UNC-L-IASSIFLED-----