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112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--ALFhA,Z,4,01NlTkGPiiENJL INDUCED EXPERIMENTAL CATARACT -U- AUTHOR-bCNASHEVSKAYA, T.1, jF INFO--USSR CCUNTRY "-S0UKCE-VESTNIK OFTAL'MULOGIlt 1970v NR 3, PP 73-75 DATE PU8LISHEG----70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CATARACTr UPTIC LENS# EYEt RABBIT CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/0120 STEP NO--UR/0357/70/OOC,/003/0073/0075 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0129376 UN'CLASSIFIED 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCFSSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129376 ,48STRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. CATARACTOUS CHANGES IN THE LENS PRODUCED BY A LONG TERM INTRODUCTION OF ALPHA,214,DINITROPHENOL IN A DOSE OF 1.5 'IG-KG OF WATER SOLUTION WERE OSTAIINED IN EXPERIMENTS GIN RABBITS. LOCALIZATION OF THE LESION IN THE ANTERIOR EPITHELIUM OF THE LENS AND IN THE SU3CAPSULAR ZONE OF THE CORTICAL SUBSTANCE SUGGESTS THAT THESE CHANGES SHOULD BE REGARDED AS SUBCAPSULAR AND LENTICULAR CATARACTS. FACILITY: PATOMORFOLOGICHESKAYA LABGRATORIYA INSTITUTA OBSCHEY I KOMMUNALINOY GIGIYENY IM. A. N. SYSINAt MOSKVA. UNCLASSIFIED --- - - - - - - - - 112 015 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 T i rLL-[,%H I i*- I I ICNI GF bALTER (A L HIS T I D I NE DEC A RBOXYL AS E .3Y riYjRi),(YL A,,,*, IINE j&R I VAI I V~ S -u- I HO R- (0 26 C NC HAP. 9 NA M Akt) AS HEVS R (~-:'U.~4TRY OF INFC--LSSK S -.UPC E--ri I C Kii I V I Y A i 9 7 03 5 (2 2 24-8 "ITE FUELIS~iEC ------- 70 ~~u.jjLcr AREAS--u [OLGG I CAL AND MLOICAL SCIENCES fJPIC TAGS-IN'riiii[TION, HISTIDINE, ENZYME CC."ITPCL MAR-KIING-W) qESTRICTIONS L;JCUMEN1 CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PIKOXY SFEP %10--UR/0218/70/035/OUZ/0224/0228 CIkC hCCESSIGN NU--;IP0135627 2 0.15 UNCILASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DArE--2-0'Nf)V7C- NO- " PO 1 !~ 5 82 7 CIRC ACCESSICN 11 -.';;,oSTkACT/I:XlRACT--(U'. GP-0- AtISTkACT. MICROCOCCAL HISTIGINE GECARb.D/YLASE ( I ) il~'AS INH 18 ITED 6Y 3ETA AMINOOXY ALPHA ALAN IME I I I uAAMA ANINUUXY ALPHA AMINUGUTYKIC AC10i ti SU!32 iNGH, Oil AMllil,,U0XYACt7TIc TEREVERSIbLY, BUT AMlIN'-)QXYAcL-T'C Af, I G It ANU P SU62 e;JH INH113FTED I ACID INH161TICN WAS CUMPETITIVE. APPAkENTLY, THESE CG~,PDS. CuMbINE nIT" AN ESSEl-JlAL CAfZ81ji-iYL G;~GUP UN THE ACTIVE SITE 6F THE ENiYIME. FACIL11Y: ALV. ENZYMO-L., INST. B10L. MED. CHE-11-1., USSR. "-.L L A SS I F I F 0 USSR UDC 621.375.82 BON"CH-BRUYEVICH,_,A~-,,M-, KOSTIN, IN. N., PRZHIBEL'SKIY, S. G., KHODOVOY, V. A., WR-0MV, V. V., CHIGIR', N. A. "Resonance Nonlinear Phenomena in Elementary Noninteracting, Sys-tems" V sb. Nelineyn. prot--;essy v optike. (Nonlinear Processes In OpLics-collucLion of works), Vyp. 2, Novosibirsk, 1972, pp 75-95 (from RM-Fizika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12D861) Translation: A study was made of nonlinear phenomena in sets of elemenLary noninteracting systems under the effect of powerful radiation as a function of its spectral composition. The displacement and splitting of the D-absorp- tion lines of the chief doubleL of the K atom Jn the radiation field of a ruby lascir were investigated experimentally. Nonlinear phenomena urere de- tected in connection with the variation of the refraction coefficients of the atomic vapors oil Rb and K in a laser radiation field with a broad spectrum (A),= 10 nut) (the variation of the polarizatiou, focusing, and defocusing of the radiation passing through the vapor, induced para--etric scattering). Intense directional radiation was observed in a number of transition.-i of the Rb atom on excitation by a laser in a pigmenL ( A - 775-795 tim) . Ilie pheriori- etion of nonUnear IMI)LIMLI-on of the oxcited states of Che K an(( id) molecules with nontiniformly broadened absorption bands was detected and investigated. 1/2 USSR BONCH-BRUYEVICH, A. M., et al., Nelineyn. protsessy v optike. (Nonlinear Processes in Optics--collection of works), Vyp. 2, NOATOSibirsk, 1972, pp- 75-95 A study was made of the saturation kinetics of the absorption in red bands of Rb molecules under the effect of ruby laser radiation. It was established that the absorption decreases uniformly along the entire band and is restored within 2.10-2 seconds. These phenomena are explained by dissoclaticii and reduction of the Rb molecules. The results of all of tile experir.-ionts were compared with the theoretical calculations. The bibliography has 10 entries. 2/2 - 50 - Television USSR uDc: 68i.14.523.8 BRAUDE, G. V., RnNrITT_T;PTTYFIJTrR_ A- M-, GELIFAIMBEYN, Ya. A., GULIN, 1. 11 KRIVDSIIEYEV, M. I., MIRSKIY, G_.-Ya., TISHCHENKO, 1. 14., TFL-I]Yn, (',. A., KHESIII, A. Ya. "A Television Device for Determining the Coordinates of Point Objects" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobrelleniya, ProiVshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 26, Sep 71, Author's Certificate Ho 313210, D 165 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a television device for determining the coordinates of point objects. The device contains a tele- vision transmitting tube with memory, an ovt-put scannin8 unit, a video signal processin6 unit, an erasure unit, a synchronizing i,,nit, a cadence pulse generatcr, an optical shutter, and a data input ncdule. As a dis- tinguish-ing featuare of +-h- patent, the accuracy of coordinate determ-i- nation is improved by tying series-connected horizontal and vertical -Ln- terrogatIon cot~_nte_rs to the out-rut of the cadence pulse Fenerator. The counter outputs are connected through shaping matrixes for Ilcrizontal and vertical deflection to the input of 'the output scanning unit. At the sea,,~ time, a second output of the vertical interrogation counter is connected t4rough a decoder to the data input module. l/ USSR UDC 621.375.9:535+535.34 POTAPOV, S. Ye. , IQLANIN, Ya. I. "Saturating Absorption at Wavelength 1.06,a in Glass" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 28, No 1, Jan 70, pp 203-205 Abstract: It was previously shown by the authors that th,- spike structure of laser radiation due to saturating absorption in neodymium-doped glass is found only under the action of pumping radiation with ~-< 450 nm. The present article describes experiments staged for the purpose of ascertaining whether the action of this radiation results in population of high energy states of neodymium ions from which further absorption at the generation wavelength is possible, or whether saturating absorption is stimulated by the short-wave sector of the pumping spectrum in the glass matrix itself regardless of whether Nd3+ ions are present in it. It was found that saturating absorption occurs in the glass regardless of the presence of the neodymium dopant and is stimulated by rela- tively slLort-wave pumping radiation. An estimate was made of the parameters characterizing the stimulated saturating absorption in the glass. It is sug- gested that the appearance of centers of saturating absorption is determined by the properties of the glass matriX and is not due to its activation by neodymium 1/2 USSR BONCR-BRUYEVICH, A. M. , et al., Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 28, No 1, Jan 70, pp 203-205 ions. A rod of inactivated glass placed in the cavity together with an active body can be used as a solid shutter controlled by ultraviolet irradiation. The pulse repetition rate of the laser radiation can be varied within a wide range by changing the ultraviolet irradiation intensity, The authors thank I. M. Buzhinskiy for his assistance in the work and useful discussions. 2/2 Acc. Nr: - Abstracting Service: Ref. Co A04994;(;- CHDIICAL AB T -5-170 r,^ 95176k Lasing and spectral characteristics of some poly metbine dyes. BQgrh::nr"jrjgh_ A- ZaBepIrIa.-~Z--y-~ Ra uniova. T.J~:.;_ _Rubanova. T NI.; Tuli5in, I - F., Slitiva- to Y_~ (USS R). 0 Stektrosk. 197 0, 2,S , I ',. I N -4 (Russ) . Lasing %-,as followed for a series of polymethine dyes Ott excita- tion by a ruby laser. :The absorption and fluorescence band posi- tions, stability, and the re!ative transformation coeffs. of the pumping energy are tabulated. For cryptocyarine (I), dicar- bocyanine (H), and tricarbacyanine, the lasing characteristics are given. The quantum vields and fluorescence spectra are almost independent of the diiiec. const. of the s.-fl-gent; the quantum vields increase with the solvent viscosity. ThetranJorniationco- efis. (if I and 11 in M.011 decreow with the no, of the excitation puke, wlicit the laser etnits several pulses in a flnih, proceeding in -1(X) Asec- The degree of the decrease depends (in the excess ofthe excitation power of the laser over the thrcshold of the gen- eration excitation of the dye. 1). Adamek REEL/F W&4 1980, USSR UDC 621.391:519.2 ZHURAkr.l.-V, V. I. , BOXCH-BRUYEXICH, A. M. "Noisep roof ness of the Quasisynchronous Method of Recei ving Signals %'lith Pseudonoise Modulation" Tr. Mosk. elektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi (Works of Moscow Electrotechnic'al ComimunicationS Tnstitute' , 1970, vyp. 1, pp 13-17 (fro-Ii -RzIn-Radiotek-hait-a No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 94M) Translation: T-is article con-lains an analysis Of LhC j3inZ effecr of accuracy olf operation of time and phase synchronization channels with active matc1lied filtration of signals with pseudonoise modulation. There are two illustrations and a three-entry bibliography. 112 C44 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING -DAT&---20NOV70 TITLE-INATU!~E CF THE i3REAKDC'rTlN OF THIN METALLIC L;~YERS D-Y LASER RA~)IATIUIN _U_ AUTHOR-(04)-6CNCH3RLYEVlCH, A-M.t IMASt YA.A., LIBENSONo M.N., SPIRIDONOV, __ B.N. I- CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR i::D SOURCE--ZHLFNAL TEKHNICHESKOI FIZIKI, VOL. 40, MAR. 1970, P. 658t 659 DATE PUELISHED----70 .SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSt 14ATERIALS JOPIC TAGS--METAL FILM, ALUMINUM, LASER RADIATION I-ONTRUL MARKLING--NO RESTRICTIONS 11.,D-GCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY AEEL/FRAME--1994/1255 STEP NO-UR/0057/70/040/000/0658/0659 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--A,P0115272 UNCLASSIFIED 212 044 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV7C CLRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115272 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE THRESHOLD VALUES OF BREAKDOWN INDUCING LIGHT FLUX DENSITIES DURING THE ACTION OF LASER RADIATION ON THIN METALLIC FILMS. AN ECUATION IS DERIVED FOR THE THRESHOLD DENSITY CORRESPONDING TO THE INITIATION OF BREAKDOWN9 I*E.'v HEATING OF THE SURFACE TO MATERIAL'S 8GILING POINT AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. AT THIS TEMPERATURE, MIN LAYERS ARE TGTALLY DESTROYED AND.THICK LAYERS IRREVERSIBLY LOSE THEIR REFLECTIVE PROPERTIES. CALCULATICNS ARE COMPARED WITH MEASURED DATA FOR AN ALUMINUM LAYER DEPOSITED ON-A GLAS SUBSTRATE. WNC L A S S I F I E 0-- - Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service; Ref. Code: 047607 CHEMICAL ABST. 10-4059r Breakdoum of dielectric reflecting coatings under r the influence of laser radiation. Kuz,--t,,o%, A Va.; Poplay- skii, rugvyich,."NII'Iti~asa'.~- Roz_F'dFTt_- A. A.; onch-B I kii V N7_-Tikhomirov,~. - ~4- vens -zf, -Tclf~ 'hz' i~F7b:-46(1)1' 17G-2 Russ). The ,Lhreshold of breakdown of coatings was measured as a function of the direc- tion of the effect. the no. of coating lavers, the tenip. of the base during the application, the purity and structure of the starting materials, the degree of orientation of microcrystals in the laver, the nresence of defects, and the structure of the laver. The. breakdown threshold of vacuum dielec. coatings 'On K-~ glass de- pended on the degree of orientation and tbe structure of crystals in the ZiS layer, and on the compni of the surface of the coatings. M. Tichy 1/t REEL/FRAME 19791173 1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--3COCT70 TITLE--SATURATED ABSORPTION ON A 1.06 MU WAVELENGTH IN GLASS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-BONCHBRUYEVICH, A.M., POTAPOV, S-YE., KHANIN, YA.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--OPT. SPEKTROSK. 1970, 28(l), 203-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--GLASS PROPEaTY, NEOOYMIUM GLASS, GLASS STRUCTURE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0634 STEP NO--UR/0051/70/028/001/0203/0205 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119546 UNCLASSIFIED 212 009 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119546 ABSTRACT/a-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, ABSORPTION SATN. CENTERS APPEAR IN GLASSES AS A RESULT OF GLASS MATRIX PROPERTIES AiND At~E NOT AFFECTED 6Y THE PRESENCE OF NL) PRIME3 POSITIVE IN GLASS. UNCLASSIFIED Crystals & Semiconductors 113SR BONCH-BRUTEVICH, V. L., and VAVILDV, V. S. "Problems of Modern Semiconductor Physics" UDC 539.293:538.3 Tomsk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy -- Fizika, No 4, 1971, pp 7-13 Abstract: This article deals with the standard problems of semiconductor physics limited to those which focus on the theoretical aspect rather than on the practical. The report was presented at the extended session of the section on semiconductor physics and chemistry under the scientific and technical council of the USSR ~linistry of Higher and Secondary Special Edu- cation. The discussion is divided into two basic areas of study: experimental and theoretical investigation of the energy spectrum of matter and investigation of essentially nonequilibrium processes in a charge carrier system. Accom- plishments in the field of semiconductor physics are reviewed briefly, and some of the most interesting problems under study today are listed. It would be of interest experimentally to check the new ideas regarding the nature of "ionization" energy losses as the transmission of energy, not to individual 1/3 USSR BOINCH-BRUYEVICH, V. L., et al, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Fizika:i -N a ~A i-I 971-,p~V`7- 13 electrons of a stopping material, but to collective oscillaticn quanta plasmons. A sharply defined minimum of the reflectance of a semiconductor is observed near plasma resonance, the study of which requires use of volu- metric excitation by pulses of accelerated electrons and the study of the optical absorption, electrical conductivity, and other parameters of the excited semiconductor. The study of domain instabilities such as the Gunn effect is of great interest in view of probable applications such as m1cro- radio wave generation, modulation of light fluxes, and the possibility of creating theoretically new radiation receivers. The broader understanding of the classical concept of phase transitions by which a set of charge carriers in semiconductors can be considered as a "multiphase" system has opened up new areas of study. Experimental data needs to be obtained for various states of a set of nonequilibrium carriers for crystals with large widths of the --:orbidden zone in connection with the nature of forces causing condensation of carriers into plasma drops. 2/3 - 29 - USSR BONCEI-BRUYEVI-al, V, L. , ez al, Izves-tiva Vysshikh Uchebnvkh Zavedeniv Fizikai----TTo'-4,- 1971, pp 7-13 Some approaches to the theoretical and experimental investigation of the above-mentioned and other related problems are briefly outlined. It is noted that the physics of semiconductors, which once dealt with uncon- trollable mazerials, is now converting to the study of controlled, dis- ordered systems. Biological materials are considered to fall within this category, permitting semiconductor physics to build a bridge between physics and biology. 3/3 -1/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE55ING DATE-20NOV70 TITLi:--l-,E-HAVI,_-R OF THF CHAkGE CARRIERS IN SLOWING VARYING RA!koim, FiELD [CAL APPru)ACli TO TFE THEORY UF ELKTRUNIC 114 AUTHoR--bZNLH6kuEvjui, V.L. Vmftftomw--- CCUNTRY GF I.%+Q--USSR 00 SGURCE--J . NC-N CRYST. ~j0i. 1;)S (NETHEPLANDS) r VOL - 4, P. 410-16, APRIL 1970 DATE PU6LISHcliu'----APR7G SUBJECT AkLJ-_'z-PhY5LCS TOPIC rAGS--CHARGED PARTICLE, ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE ELECTRON CHARGE CGNTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTI(IZANS DOCUMENT CLASS-UiNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--3005/1744 STEP NU--NE/0000/70/,OOL~iO(,,'0/04Lo/t)ztL6 CIRC ACCESSIC4 NO--AP0133649 U N C I F 1 E 0 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSP141"i DATE-20NOV7C CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0133649 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) Gl'-C- ABSTRACT. A OISCUSSIGN IS GIVEN OF THE BEHAVIO k OF CHARGEO CARRIERS !N A Di.SGRUEREO SYSTEM WITF RANDOM i\.,ArljqE OF ThE FIELD OF FORCE. FACILITY: Moscow uNliv., (;SSR., UNCLASSIF11:0 112 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--YTTERBIUM 169 LEVELS ARISING DURING THF DECAY OF LUTETfum 169 -U_ I AUTHOR-(04)-BONCHOSMULOVSKAYA, UIRBANEC, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 N.A., GRIGURYEV, YE.P., LIPTAK, J., SER. FIZ. 1970t 34(l), 1.2-28 SUBJECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--NUCLEAR ENERGY, YTTERBIUM ISOTOPEv LUTETIUM ISOTOPE, RADIOACTIVE DECAY SCHEME, TRANSITION RADIATIONt GAMMA Ti~ANSITIUN, NEUTRON BOMBARDMENT, DEUTERON INTERACTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME14T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--19B8/0278 STEP NO--UR/0048/70/03zt/001/0012/0028 CIRC AGCESSION NO--AP0105352 UNCLASSIFIED 2012 0116 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE-16OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105352 -~BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE LU FRAcrioN scpo, uY CHROMATOG. FROM TA TARGET IRRADIATED WITH 660-MEV P WAS STUDIED WITH 6 AND 12 CM PRIME3 GE(LIJ DETECTORS WITH RESOLN. OF 4.5 ANO 5.5 KCV, RESP. LINES (127) IN THE ENERGY RANGE 24,2-2300 KEV WERE TASULATLO TUGETtiER WITH THEIR INTENSITIES REFERRED TO THE 1164.5 KEV LINE AS THE STD. A 'OETAILED DECAY SCHEME 15 PRESENTED. THE PRIME169 Y6 GAMMA BANOS iilTii GROUND LEVELS SEVEN HALVES PLUS (633), ONE HALF MINUS (521), FIVE HALVES MINUS (5121, FIVE HALVES MINUS (523), THREE HALVES MINUS (15211 PLUS (521) SUBV16R PLUS ... ), (512) SU6GAMMAvVIBR PLUS ONE HALF -MINUS (510), FIVE HALVES PLUS (6421, THREE HALVES PLUS t(651) PLUS i6331 SU13VIBR) ARE DISCUSSED IN OETAIL IN TERMS OF THEIR OCCURENCE DUkING UN, GAMMA), (D,P), (DtT) REACTIONS, AND BETA IRANSITIONS, THEIR IAULTIPL)LARITYg AND RELATIVE PROBABILITY. ALSO DISCUSSED ARE THE 960.4-KEV, SFVEN HALV%'-:S PLUS, SE-VEN HALVES MINUS (514), 1449.7 MINUS, AND 1462.A-KEV LEVELS AND LEVELS WITH ENERGY LARGER THAN 1500 KEV. THE 1070.6-KEV TRANSITION (EO PLUS E2) WAS ASCRIBED TO DEESCITATION OF A BETA VIBRATIONAL LEVEL. ACCORDIiNG TO LOG FT VALUES 3 TYPES OF BETA DISINTE_Gi~ATICN OF PRIME169 LU WERE FOUND. FACILITY: OBIEDIN. INST. YAD. LSSLEO., DUBNA, USSR. UNCLASSIFIC.0 112 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-LruNGITUDINAL INSTAalLITIES IN CIRCULAR CHARGED BEAMS. PART 1, EFFECT OF NEGATIVE MASS -U- AUTHUR-102)-b[NCHOSMOLOVSKIY, A.G.r PERELSHTEINt E.A. 7 CUUNTRY OF L;FO'-USSR---l- SOURCE-(UCRL TRANS 14021 TRANSLATED BY T. WATT FOR LAwAENCE RADIATION LAB., BERKELEY, CALIF., FROM REPORT JINR P9 4424. 17P. DEP. CFSTI DATE PUBLISHEO- - -70 SU3JECT AREAS--PHYSLCS TOPIC TAGS-ELErTRON BEAM STABILITYt CIRCULAR WAVEGUIDE CC-NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DUCOMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RET-L/FRAME--3001/2189 STEP NO--US/0000/70/000/0013/00L-1/0017 CIRC ACCE-'_;'SICN *uJ--AT0127553 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AT0127553 A6STRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STASILITY OF AN ELECTRON RING PLACED IN AN INFINITELY LCNGt PERFECTLY CONDUCTING CIRCULAR TUBE WAS ANALYZED (FINITE CONDUCTIVITY AND THE ASSOCIATED RESISTIVE INSTABILITIES CAN ALSO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN THIS METHOI)e FACILITY: JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCHr DUBNA USSR. LAvc IF I ED ,,, I I- 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING GATE--30OCT70 T ITLE--LONGITUDINAL INSTASILITIES IN CIRCULAR CHARGED BEAMS. PART 11. RADIATIVE INSTABILITY -U- AUTHrJR-(OZ)-BC,'4CHCSMOLOVSKIY, A.S.? PERELSHTEINt E*A- CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S OURCE-(ULKL TRANS 1403) TRANSLATED BY T. WATT FOR UNIV. OF CALIFORNIAt LAwRENCE RADIATION LAB., BERKELEY, FORM REPORT JINR P9 4425. 12P. DLP- DATE PUBLISHEU---70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-ELECTRON BEA% STABILITY, ELECTRIC IiMPECANCE, ELECTRON RESONANCE CONTROL MAkKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--3001/2190 STEP NO--US/0000/70/000/000/0012/QOIZ CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AT0127554 UNCLASSIFIED 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS114G DATE--300k'T70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0127554 ABSYRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IMPEDANCES IN THE RESONANCE LASE WERE CALCULATED. PADIATIVE ENERGY LOSSES ARE THEN CALCULAIED. FACILITY: JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA USSR. UNCLASSIFIED LISSR 7 BONDAR, A. A., YIK, A. bl. "Analog Model of a Neuron Net with Distributed blemory" Probl. Bioniki. Resp. Mezhved. Temat. Nauch.-Teklin. S1). [Problems of Bjcnjc4~. Republic Interdepartmental 'Ihematic Scientific and Technical Colluction], 1972, No 9, pl) 97-105 (Translated from Reforativnyy 71IUrnall Kibernctila, No 1973, Abstract No 4V725, by the authors). Trans I at ion: The operation of a neuron network with random organization is analyzed. A model is suggested for learning in neuron networks of anal),Zel~s. 14 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 582.288.577.3191 ZHDANTOVA, N . M. , and +IQZ,7 ";I Institute of I'I:*CZ-OD__'O.LO-_y and Virology, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSi~ "The Radioresistance of Lyophilized Cladosporium Sp. 396 Conidia" Kiev, Mikrobiolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 32, No 1, jan/Feb 70, pp _32-35 Abstract: The effect of gamma-radiation from ~.060 on ti-,e radioresis- tance of dry conidia of Cladosporium sp. 396 was studied. T,-Ie Weston Lyophilization method was used to dry the conidia. F.--periments showed that the resistance of lyophilized conidia to garnma-radiation .Ls noticeably lower than that of untreated wet controls. A dose re- lationship was discovered between survival and irradiation in ci-ie range 130-270 rad/sec, similar to previously observed phencmena !~.,iith untreated conidia in water and on a cover glass. it was sugrgested that the reason -for the lower resistance to garuia-radiation of fun- gal conidia is dae to changes in the chemical sCracture of fungal melanine due to Iyophilization. 1/1 USSR unc 621.8i:539.4 PT&Mi) B. YU., PERVUSHIN, 1u. "Study of the Fatigue Characteristics of the Strip and Wire Mhteriaals of Flexible Hoses" Tr. Ufim. aviats. In-ta Norks of the Ufa Aviation lDs-titute), 1971, V-jP- 32, pp 121-126) (Itrom RZh--Me1-dianika,, tio 61, Jun 73, Abstract No 61892) Translation: A study was made of the fatigue strength of strip and wire materials of flexible metal hoses. Tests were run on specimens of K11il8NIOT steel 150 >: x 10 x 0.8 ma cut out along the p ,eneratrix from tubular billets of vietal hoses. The tests on the specimens for cyclic bending were run on the DIP-5/3 unit. The results of the tests were processes statically by the least squares method and represented in the forn of a graph expressing the relation of the scale. of the total deformation during bending of a plate to the number of cycles beforc rupture. It is pointed out that the presence of welds in a number of the structural designs of the ne"al hoses required additional investigation of the fatigue strength of the roll weld. The tests were performed on a lot of specimens numbering 30 by the procedure described above for flat speelmans. The test results demonstrated the correctness of the preceding relations for the case of multiple bending of a specimen with a weld. The test re:~ults for the plates with preliminary ironing indicate chat during, repeated static clef ormation with V2 USSR BON-DAR', G. G., Tr. Ufim. aviats. in-tta, 1971, vyp. 32, pp 121-126 given deformation amplitude (c = 1.61), worl, hardening does not promote an in- crease- in the cyclic strength of Khlu'1410T steel. - The berx-ing strength testin'". of wires used to manufacture braid uerc run by the adopted procedure in the ma-.-imtum relative deformation range of E: = 0.009- 0.07. The test results are represented in the form of graphs from which it is obvious that the nature of the function N = f(C) has the satPIE! fOrill -iS for platcF. It is pointed out that the results obtaired can he used when planning and design- ing metal and polyvinyl flouride hoses. 2/2 USSR UDC 546.46121:539.4.016.3 BONDAR', 1. A., VOLYNETS, F. K., YDALOVA, L. V., and USACHEV, "Physical and Chemical Processes Involved in Heat Treatment of Polycrystalline Magnesium Oxide" C3 Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 7, No 4, Apr 71, pp 634- 637 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of heat treatment of polycrystalline hot pressed specimens of magnesium oxide con- taining one wt.% lithium fluoride in air at 700-13000C on density, grain growth, and transparency. During heat treatment, recrystal- lization occurred, the activation energy of which was 27.3 kcal/ mol. Recrystallization during heat treatment was accompanied by a process of recondensation of particles of the dispersed phase. The activation energy of this process, calculated from the dimen- sions of the disnersed particles in specimens which underwent various heat treatments, was 22.5 kcal/mol. The specimens of polycrystalline magnesium oxide studied were found to have cir- cular formations larger than grains, inclusions comparable in 1/2 USSR UDC 546.46121:539.4.016.3 A., VOLYNETS, F. K., YDALOVA, L. V., and USACHEV, "Physical and Chemical Processes Involved in Heat Treatment of Polycrystalline Z~Iagnesium Oxide" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 7, No 4, Apr 71, pp 634- 637 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of heat treatment of polycrystalline hot pressed snecimens of magnesium oxide con- taining one wt.% lithium fluoride in air at 700-13000C on density, grain growth, and transparency. During heat treatment, recrystal- lization occurred, the activation energy of which was 27.3 kcal/ Mol. Recrystallization during heat treatment was accompanied by a process of recondensation of particles of the dispersed ohase. The activation energy of this process, calculated from the dimen- sions of the diSDersed particles in specimens which underwent various heat treatments, was 22.5 kcal/mol. The specimens of polycrystalline magnesium oxide studied were found to have cir- cular formations larger than grains, inclusions comparable in 1/2 USSR BONDARI, I. A., et al., Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 7, No 4, Apr 71, pp 634-637 size to the dispersed particles, and inclusions on grain boundaries and in grain boundaries, the dimensions of which were an order of magnitude less than the dimensions of the grains and vacuum pores. 2/2 1/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--INFRARED SPECTRA AND CLASSIFICATION OF RARE EARTH ORTHOGERMANATES . _U_ AUTHOR-(04)-TENISHEVA, T.F., LAZAREV, A*.No, BONDAR, I.A.i PETROVAt M.A. loommoxxv~ COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR Lo:? SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, NEORG. MATER. 1970, 6(4Y__T 766-72 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--IR SPECTRUM, SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSISr CRYSTAL STRUCTUREi ~l GER14ANIUM COMPOUND, SILICATEt RARE EARTH COMPOUND CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3004/09OZ STEP NO--UR/0363/70/006/004/0766/077Z CIRC ACCESSION "40--AP0131488 2/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0131488 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE IR ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF GERMANATES OF THE COMPIN. 4LIN SUB2 0 SUR-3 ;,9GEG SU82, LN SUB2 0 SUB3 GEO SUB21 AND 2LN SUB2 G SU53 GEO SUB2 WERE INVESTIGATED. COMPDS. OF THE '--UkPNe 7LN SUB2 0 SUB3 .9GEO SUB2 AND 2 STRUCTURAL TYPES OF COMPDS* OF THE COMPN. LN SUB2 0 SUB31 GEO SUB2 ARE SIMILAR IN CRYSTAL STRUCTURE TO THE CORRESPONDING SILICATES. THE STABILITY OF THESE COMPOS. WERE EXAMD. AS A FUNCTION OF THE TEMP. AND RADIUS OF THE CATION. IN COMPARISON TO THE CORRESPONDING SILICATES, THE STABILITY OF THE GERMANATES DECREASES WITH DECREASING CONCN. OF GEO SUB2. ANAL. OF IR SPECTRA FOR COMPDS. OF THE COMPN. 2LN SUB2 0 SUB3 GEO SUB2 LEAD TO THE srRUCTURAL FORMULA LN SUB4 (GEO SUB4) 0 SUB4t AND TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF 2 TYPES OF CRYST. STRUCTURE. FACILITY: INST. KH[M..SILIKAT. IM. GREBENSHCHIKOVA, LENINGRAD, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 019.941 DKDARL-L.-I., "Kiyevgeologiya!l Trust, and POLKANOV, YU, A., Institute of Mineral Resources "I Review of a Book by Gurvich, S. I., and Bolotov, A. M., Entitled: Titanium-Zirconium Placer Deposits of the Russian Platform and Prospecting Problems" Moscow, Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, No 7, Jul 70, pp 63-64 Abstract: The monograph consists of an introduction, five chapters, and a conclusion, and contains illustrations, tables, and a bibliography. The titanium-zirconium placer deposits are con- sidered to be a peculiar type of placers with specific conditions of formation and material composition. The first chapter deals with basic principles of formation of titanium-zircontum placers depending on different geological, tectonic, and other natural factors; the second discusses the characteristic of the basic provinces of complex placers, which developed during different- age deposits -- from the Pre-Cambrian to Quarternary period; the third chapter considers the material composition of complex placers, presents a detailed description of rare-metal and titanium 1/2 - 91 - USSR BONDARII, I. I., et al., Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, No 7, Jul 70, pp e3-64 minerals, and also deals with the characteristics of accompanying non-ore minerals, which, in many instances, are of practical interest; the fourth chapter dwells on an analysis of the possible appearance of titani=-zirconium placers in regions of the platform; the fifth considers the methods of prediction, prospecting, sampling, and p-reliminary valuation of complex placer deposits. JVRS S9661 31 July 1973 05 AUIVATIC MO~E-7Mt FQlt MXSURT'll THE TRIT MMLS Oil TRE IMSIS OF RADLATION fArticle by D. 7q. 6- 1V. Y._GLL-ZLja, 1. M. Yu. Hunkla G. F. a, W 339-343, it,, 17i'tlierinformat ton avat-In-Isle) Ille in,,:t lvnp~rttmt t)r,blem in thr vvrotsctr~ of radintion i% mr rmncorem~nl, if -the of a body it. tti- ba,~k ~ r,fi1ntt-_-.a mh.n the radEatlng carvtclty Lf the changez doring meaurtrcnt.. Wv, IWoj t1tat the solution to thin p"hle,, 13 or a theoretIcil tuiture and the only rucceni; thitt, has tPen thus In -,alvinli It 1),,D involved radiators wlr~c surracei exhillt ..,r mirmr reflection tlint obeyn the Laxibert law. In these cases, the minzin4; infor- mation on ra,11ating caTvicity in ul;talned fr~-n the !",th ;f r-md In 11 t onerlIrm a literol "tu,cL, reflectcd 1Y the, -irNce n." the radiator I PlilarEzation of the rmdtmtivn fro-i a netallitt mirrTr war. une I it J obtaLn the mInsing inforrPtion. t It har been shown 1~5 7 that wIthIn the ILrlt~, o,^ ~alldity f tho Dro~d formolm the ~,jluvl fai"the true tempernture c:tn to detemin,J by one ,~f thp mrtAmin of pymnetry on th. basis or the reltL,e dt,trkt t~ 117n ~:f nroctril Pit-!rj:y denrity of 11;qmil radintina. H,.~cver, tt;t- n~th,! o.~m una' be 11ned -it a roIntively 17~ tcmpemtur~ IL has alco been 01-n 7,1_7 th-It 4heru ar" ,everufnev pozttbltttLe5 ,.r me.surt:w, the tr1tr with chnn~%JM ratlinting empaCity, b%sed an noqalsitlfm ~f o,Mltt~n,%' tnf-jr- rvttloti ottnlned directly from the Ilux or polychronatIc ra,llntt~m 7 no the bnnLa or a new form, of dictribaLlon Dfl den-ity Tr rndtntion /~10_7- It hn~ been shown in there paperv that alt'i_-~:,N -.~e %nluea r the tru- temilcilito,'e find radiating car4city cannot be determined dlrertl.~ Iv= the "Itie or the fluxen or Intrinsic radiatim, the -.Iew uhith I~ hell In optical ryrmetry concerning the Imposvibility of esti=tit,4; sej,,j,mtv',v fmo temperature the influence of the radinting capacity on the realte ,f memmuremnts or the rlu aC the timperatur* radiation itself is oat. always Valid. I USSR - 1111 USSR UDC 62l.zl4.61 9.NDAR! , - K. 1. KULIKOV, A.A., KOSTIN, N.A., BERNAT, R.K., B. "Reversable Thyristor Converter For Galvanizing Electric And Diesel Locomotive Parts By The Method Of Reversed Current" Materialy Yubileyn. nauchno-tekhn. Ronferentaii Dnepropetr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d.transp. (Materials Of The Jubilee Scientific-Technical Conference Of The Dnepropetrovsk Institute Of Railroad Transportation Engineers), Dnepropetrovsk, 1970, pp 67-68 (from RZh--Elektronike i yeye primenenlye, No 11, November 1970, Abstract No 11B442) Translation: A single-phase two halr-cycle rectifier circuit lies at the base of the converter. The thyristore are phase controlled by the phase shifter bridge method and an amplifier using transistors, which is simultaneously a generator of control pulses. A multivibrator Is used to obtain the reversal current, the duration of the output pulaeo of which determines the flow time of the forward and reverse currents. A.T. ,7 112 029 UNCLASSIFIEU PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 TITLE--COMP4RISON OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF LUNAR SURFACE MATERIAL DETERMINEO BY RADIOASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS WITH THE RESULTS OF AUTHOR-(03)-BONDARt L.N., ZELINSKAIA, M.R., STREZHNEVA, K.M., COUNTRY OF INFO--USSRy UNITED STATES ro_ms~. SOURCE--GORIKOVSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI UNIVERSITET, GORKIt USSRt 14TERNATIONAL UNION OF RAOID SCIENCE, SYMPOSIUM ON PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES DATE PUBLISHED ---- FEB70 SUBJECT AREAS--AST'PONOMY,ASTROPHYSICS, SPACE TECHNOLOGY, EARTH SCIE~ICES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--LUNAR SURFACE, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, RADrO ASTRONOMY, ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITE CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICT113NS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE0_/FRAME--?000/2190 STFP NO--FR/0000/70/005/000/0247/025r CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125770 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 C[RC ACCESSIO-N '40--AP0125770 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE LUNAR SURFACE MATERIAL UBTAINED BY SURVEYOR WITH THAT BASED ON THE DATA OF RADIO ASTRONOMICAL INVESTTGATIONS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF THE LUNAR MATERIAL. A NEW 14ETHOD OF DETERMINING THE CHF-141CAL COMPOSITION OF LUNAR ROCKS BY COMPARING THE- VALUE OF THE MATERIAL LOSS ANGLE AT THE CENTIMETER WAVE-LENGTH WITH THAT FOUND FOR TERRESTRIAL ROCKS IS PROPOSED, INTRODUCING THE SPECIFIC TANGENT OF T14E LOSS ANGLE AS AN INVARIANT FOR THE C04PARISON. THE APPLICATION OF THIS IMETHOD'IS DESCRI13EDr AND THE RESULTS ARE PLOTTED GRAPHICALLY A14D DISCUSSED. IT IS SHOWN THAT THE DEPENDENCE OF THE SPECIFIC TANGENT OF THE LOSS ANGLE ON SIOZ IS QUITE SUFFICIENT TO FUND THE MEAN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION FRO14 THE VARLATrONAL DIAGRAM AFTER THE DETERMINATION OF THE S102 CONCENTRATIONr THAT THE DIFFERENCE IN THE ANALYSIS USING THE DIAGRAMS FOR THE INTRUSIVE AND EFFUSIVE ROCKS IS INSIGNIFICANT, AND THAT THE METHOD PROPOSED MAKES IT POSSIBLE To DETERMINE MORE PRECISELY THE CONCENTRATION OF S102 AND AL203t AS 14ELL As K-20v NA209 AND FE203. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.787.4t62t.0M.3415301,432 YATSRIXO, V. K., XORENT11MY, YE. YA., and BOMAR'. M. . Machine-Building Institute imeni V. Ya. Chubar' "The Influence of Diamond Smoothing Upon Ithe Surface Qwa-Mty and Fatigme Strength of Steel E1961" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No It Jan. 72, PP 105-108 Abstracti The article deals with the influence of grinding, polishing and di=ond smoothing upon the surface quality and fatigno strength of steel Eig6i (IGU2112VI-P). It is ohown that diamond smoothing is acco An by c Mpal !j ~ 4;h formtion of a high degree of surface finish. and a favorable nicrore-lief, Increases tho depth and degree of cold hardening, and inparts compronsive residual --tresses to the surface layer. This considen).bly increases the fatigue stron~#b of the mterial in comparison to that obtained by grinfling and polishing. The obtained research resultz demonstrate the expediency of using diamond smoothing for the final machining of sh,-fts rade of steel U96i after -,,;L~din.-. It is thereb -y possib"a to replace labor-'.ntensive Erinding and polishing v:!t1&1o-Qt diminishing the necessary omrational properties of the parts. 1/1 uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derwent 234642 FLASTIC CONEPON-ENT4ESSM01;~2 comprises a split'PCase V with'a runner -and a de- mountable shaped cavity 2 made of rubber with a alit 3. The cavity is taken out from the carcass A when the poured plastic is solidified, are Is opened up along the slit. AUTHORS: Beylin, A. M.; Reynsburg, A. M.; kqpdar', M. Yu. -T Ripman, D. IF ; Bakunin, 77N. -;and G07'~M~W' 27,12-65- as 1045751/23-5, BEILI.N, A.M, et al .i (26.6-69) Bul. 4/10.1.69. Class 9a2 Int. CI' B 29c. 3 ~Y-- 1 .1 . .15750 ' I (c:3 -G, 1/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--0ftDEC70 TLTLE--CATALYST FOR METHANOL SYNTHESIS -U- AUTHOR-(04)-SUSHCHAYA, L.E., BONDARt P.Gor GERNET, D.V., LELEKA, V.E. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 264,355 REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYA, IZOBRET., PROM. OBREZTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI, 1970 47 DATE PUBLISHED--03MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-METHANOLY CATALYTIC ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, CHEMICAL PATENT, ZINC OXIDEt CHROMIUM OXIDE CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAr4E--3007/0846 STEP NO--UR/0432/70/000/000/0000/0000 CIRC ACCESSfON NO--AA0136280 UN C L A S S_ i F f 2/2 Oil UNICLASS! FIED - q, PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSI1-1N No--AA0136280 A.BSTRACT1'-XTRtJ:T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE CATALYST, CONSISTtNG OF ZNO AND CROY ~;IJNTAINS NH SUB4 TUNGSTATE, NH SUB4 MOLYBDATE, AND URANYL NITRATE THAN CAN BE BROKEN DOWN EASILY TO THE CORRESPONDING OXIDESt AND WHICH WEIGH 0.001-2.0 WT. PERCENT (PREFERABLY 0-001-0-1 VIT. PERCENT) OF THE CORRESPONDING OXIDE. i2 029 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-EFFICACY AND MECHANISM Of ACTION OF ANA80LYTIC STEROIDS IN DIA6ETIC ANGIOPATHIES -U- AUTHOR-051-YEFIMOV, A.S., LIMANSKAYA, G.V., LITVINENKO, A.F., LAP!~10, LeL., BCDNAR 9~N CGUNTRY 6;qiPttUS~R SCURCF_-TERAPEVTIChf:SKIY ARKHIV,' 1970, VOL 42, NR 6, PP 81-85 DATE PUBLISHEO---70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES r/jPIC TAGS-WAUETES-MELLITUSY BLOOD VESSEL, EYE, ADRENAL GLAND; CAR80HYDRATE METABOLISM, LIPID METABOLISM, MINERAL, RETINA, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, HORMONE, PROTEIN,.BLOOD SERUM, BLOOD PLASMA CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1889 STEP i*40--UR/0504170/042/006/O-.'j6l/~~G~j5 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0129245 UNC LASS-LF I E 0 212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--iOOCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0129245 AE)STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO EVALUATE ThE liMi.MEDIATSE OF MCNTHLY USE OF NEROSOL ( IN THE DOSE OF 10 MG DAILY) Ilt% L06 P-Ti ;i[TH DIABE-TES MELLUTUS COMPLICATED IN 49 PATIENFS Wirli t-lACRU. ANID iilTH MlCROANGIGPATHIES THE AUTHORS STUDIED IN DYNAXICS TH~ r. ? 7 rf~ P CLINICAL SYMPTOMATICS, SPHIGMOGRAPHY OF THE LEG VESSELS, ~- T",%LX-lu OF: EYE FUNDUS VESSELS, THE FUNCTIONAL CONDITIG.`4 Qi7 TriE A D ~:' EL S ;-`4 SONE ASPECTS 'Jc: C-AR8CHYDRATE, FAT AND MINERAL ImET-16ir"Ll S:',. I- V.. ES 7 T CLINICAL EFFECT WAS ObSERVED IN THE MAJORITY OF PATIE,'JS 3it (;~jF 391 ?;ITH 08LITERATP-6 1,THEROSCLEROSIS AND O.NLY IN' '51 ~30T OF 42 PAT;ENTS WITH kETINOPATHY. A FAVOURABLE EFFECT OF NE-RC30L 0,N, SOIME ME -~A-ac'L T.,- -~;`D HOKMCNAL DISORDERS EXPRESSED ITSELF BY A COMPARATIVE l%C.RE:"SE 0i: "ILSU.-N SHARE IN THE PROTEIN SPEICTIRUM OF THE BLOOD SERUMr bY INCREASED CGNICENTRATICIN Z& INTRACELLULAR POTASSIUM, BY A ORO? OF THE 11 0XICOiJICGSTEROID LEVEL IN THE BLOOD PLASMA. NO SUBSTANTIAL ON THE PART OF THE LIPID METAdOLISM WAS 14ARKED. TEH PREL l,"',INARY RES-L-1 TS7 PROVE THE EXPEDIENCY OF USING NEROBOL AS A MEANS OF PATHOGENIC OF DIABETIC ANGIOPATHY. FACILITY: KLINICHESKLY OTDEL KlYrl VS KOGO INSTITUTA ENDOKRINOLOGII I GBMENA VESHCHESTV. UNCLASSIFIED JSSR D. "Generalization of Kolosov-Musklielishvili Formula for Geometrically Nonlinear Elasticity" Dinamika Srloshn. Spcry. VyT. 7 [Dynai-iiics of Continuous Media, No 7 -- Col- lection of Works], Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 146-15i, (Translated from Reflera- tivnyy Zhurnal, Mckhanila. No 4, 1972, Abstract No 4 V105 by, N. A. Shul'ga). Translation: D-isplacemonts and stresses in the planar problem are presented for a particular type of nonlinear elasticity by means of two analytic func- tions W) and ;jj([,) (elongation-shear and angle of rotation arC sligh-C in comparison to unity, but components of linear deformation tensor are of tile same order with the squares of the angles of rotation*). Ifere C is a coiTilplex LaGrange coordinate. The boundary conditions lead to functional equations for determination of these functions: If tile displacements are fixed at the boundary (3 -41) 1P (1) 4- (ij + (f) di (1)-l" (t) + fiJ_1'2 (1) USSR BONDARI, V. D., Dinamike Sploshn. Spery. Vyp. 7, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 146- 153. if the stresses are fixed at the boundary 2y (t) y' J) + /'1", 2(5) --i ~p(,)d,+C %diere s is the len-tij of an arc of contour 1, t = t(s) is the affix of a point on 1, g(s), p(s) are fixed functions. 5 Biblia. Hcfs. 2/2 P1 USSR UDc 577.1:615.7/9 BATRAK, G. YE., BONDARI, V. K. "Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in the Pathogenesis of Mor- ph-11-ne Intoxication" Farmakol. i toksikologiya. Resp. mezhved. sb. (Pharmacology and Toxicology. Republic Interdepartmental Collection of Works), 1970, No 5, Pp 5-8 (from RZh-Biologicheskaya YhimiYa, No 19, 10 Oct 70, Abstract No 19 F176d) Translation: Treatment of dogs with lethal doses of morphine resultod En two periods of intoxication - a period of motor calm, sloop, and slowing of bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex, and then a period of alertness, convulsions, and tachycardia. Disruption of the autonomic balance in the direction of vago- or sympathicotonia caused a lengthening of the first period or an intensification of the manifestations of the second period, respec- tively. Resume USSR BATRAK, G. YE., UDG 577-1:615-7/9 "Role of It-,he Autonomic Nervous System in the Pathogenesis of Mor- phine Intoxication" Farmakol. i toksikologila. Resp. mezhved. sb. (Pharmacology and Toxicology. Republic lntordepartmental Collection of Works), 1970, No 5, PP 5-8 (from RZh-Biologicheskaya.~Mlzaa, No 19, 10 Oct 70, Abstract No 19 F1766) Translation: Treatment of dogs with lethal doses of morphine resMed In two periods of intoxication - a period of motor calm, sleep, and slowing of bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex, and then a period of alertness, convulsionsj and tachyeardia. Disruption of the autonomic balance in the direction of vago- or sympathicotonia caused a lengthening of the first period or an intensification of the manifestations of the second period, respec- tively. Resume 1/1 USSR UDC 621.791.011:6069.15-194 BRAUN, M. P., VINOKUR, B. B., ri I V. T., Institute of Cast- 4% ing Problems, Academy of Sciences Ukr'ainlan SSR, GELLER, A. L.Y Donets Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, KONDIRASHEV, A. I., PILYUSHEVKO, V. L., TKACHEV, V. V., Ne-w Krama- torsk Machinery Plant imeni V. I. Lenin "Strength and Embrittlement of Welded 25Kh2a]T Steel in Large Cross Sections" Kiev, Avtonaticheskaya Svarka, No 3, liar 71, pp 18-22 Abstract: A study was made of the tendency of 25XhM~JT steel toward temper brittleness, cold brittleness, and notch sensitivity in various parts of the cross section of a large sample 1,000 mm in diameter. The relation of these characteristics to the metallurgical nature and structural conversions in the steel during heat treatment of large products was established. The tests showed the possibility of safe utilization of 25Kh2(Z1T steel in large cross sections. 1/1 USSR UDC 621-357-7:669-15'26'T[9(088.8) WIMA-Rxi V. 11. and POTP20V, I. I. "Electrolytic Plating vith Chromium Alloys" USSM Author's Certificate Ho 325276.9 Filed 8 Jun 70, Pi-iblished 25 Feb 72 (fro- Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Miirdyp, No 21(11), 1972, Abstract No 21L-~13P) Translation: The patented inp-thod differs from other by the preoencc of arrinonium hypophosphite in the kxown electrolyte containing Cr,,(SOI ) and FeSoj, 1 3 ' ' and is used for production of the corrosion-resistant, protective and decorative coatin- of Cr-Fe-F rizf7-iatic alloys. Example: light shiny coatings containin..-, Os , P 79!:%3 Fe.1 6-8% Cr, 12-15~ P, with P. coersive force of 4- 1 e were prepared. in an electrolyte (in g/liter) consisting of 200 Cr2(SO4)3 '5HO, 75 FeS04'71~ 0, 10 ammonlix rn hypophosphite, at pff 1-2, telrm,. 20-600C, and D 2 jjit4 ijp - 5-15 a/chm -k [expansion unk-no,,m) - 5-* 1/2 023 UNCLASS IF I EU PR-JCESS[NG 0ATE--20iNOV7C TITLE-ELECTRUDEPCSITIGN (IF IFC.N ALLOYS -U- AUMOR-MM-SIVELNIKOV, V.K., YAGUBETS, A.N., B&NOAR, V.V., MF-UNIKOVA, CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-U.S.S.R. 2640""~*:j iZfJ,,1JRET., PRO~-',. OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE- ZNAKI L970, ,DATE PU9L1ShEU--10FE370 SL-fJJEf.r A1u;-,S--.MATFK[AL.St CHFi".15TRY TGPIC TAGS-CHUMICAL PATENT, ELECTROLYTE, s',',ETAL UtKISIFIONy 140N ALLOY, COBALT 111,i;N ALLOY, PHO-5 I'll 1-~ALJS ALLOY, ELEC fkCJ1:Pi'-1S IT 10-11 CCANTRU OUCUME.NT CLASS-UNCLASS[Ff~-U PROXY REE-L/1-RAIME-3004/1826 STEP CIRC ACU-S-SIEN NO-iNAC132C93 i S I i- I t-. u 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING OArt--MMOV70 CIRC AC'CESSIC14 Wj--,lA013,!'l93 ABSTRi,%CTff-XTR.~'.CT--(U) GP-.)- A~jSTRACT AN FE,C0,P ALL6Y IS OEPOSITEO AT 20-5 A-C~l Pit AiND 50-60DEGREES Fkill AN &LH.'rRJJLYTL CONTG. J~ECL SU62 4.:)C-6GO, 14A HYPOPHOSPHITE 10-15, AND C~ICL SU32 5-15 G-L. FACILITY: iiisfirur PRIKLAUNOY FIZIKI AN PIOLDAVSKOY SSR. U L A-s F- f) 1/2 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 fITLE--ANTIBODIFS AIND TRACE ELEMENTS OF THE BLOOD AND IMMUNOSLOBULINS 1114 CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE LIVER -U- A UTHO R- (0 5) -BkONDM ZOtlIFNITSKAYA, R.P., UIYANOVA, V.L.1 . ..... TV _NK0, A.M. 9FLOKI-INIT K 1). fl. , KIR fl C.111. (,00N] RV M INVO; SOUI~CE--TEI~APEVY.'Cf'ii:S,I,IY ARKHIV, 1970, VOL 42, NR 3, PP 18-23 DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-INTERNAL ORGAN DISEASE, LIVER, BLOOD CHEMISTRY, TRACE ELEMENT, ANTIBCOY, GLOBULIN CCI.T~-IL .00~0.'-IENT CLAS.3--UNCLASSIFIED PkDYY L/14,AME-1 5 ~)TEP ~lili; ACC15SION NO-AP0102777 UNC-Lo~SSIFIED 212 0 3 2 UT-JC L A 3 S IF I E 0 PROC F S S i 11 G D A 7 E - -- 01 ~ D -1 T 7 0 CliJC ACCESSIUN NCj--APO!02777 A3STRACT/LXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHJRS CaNDUCT IMM"JTILLP.-Ill-~AL INIVESTI GAT IONS INI 110 PATIENTS WITH VARIOUS CHRO-NIC DI~FASES IF THE LIVER CC:IPARING THEM V41TH C~INKAL AND HENIATOLOGICAL OATF~. IT ,4AS F)U%i,) THAT IN 4-7.2PERCE-'J OF TH(E PATIENTS ANTIBOO[ES TO TRl;',(-.E i.-LFAENTS WE?cl- DErERPINED, MOSTLY ERYTHRuc-YrIC AND THRUMBOCYTIC. THERF WAS F')UXD A CERTAIL CURRELATION BETWEEN POSITIVE REACTIONS TO ANTI60t)TES AND CY-TOPENIA, DEGREE OF SPLENIOMEGALY AND CHANGES IN THE 4,141:11UNT 3F IMMUNOGLOBULINS. THE GREATEST IMMUNOLOGICAL CHANGES I~ERE 03SERVL-0 IN PATILivl-S WITH CIRRHOSIS OF FHE LIVER. THE SPLEEN PLAYED-A GREAT ROLE iN THE IMMUNE GUNFLICT. A SPECIAL IMPORTAINCE SHOUL6 Be ATTACHED TG THE IMMUNE MECHANiSM IN THE COMPLICATED GENESIS OF HYPERSPLENISM IN CHR3NIC DISEASES OF THE LIVER, HOWEVER THE ASSESSMENT OF IMMU-NOLOGICAL DATA SHUULD BE UUNE WITH CAUTION IN VIEW OF NONSPECIFIC PJSITIVE REACTIONS. t r- n Acc. Nr.: APoo,29815- Ref. Code: UR 0475 pRLX.ARY SOURCE: Vrachebnoye DAN ~0'701 Nr 1, pp(.q-71 STATE OF THE PANCREAS IN LIVER CIRRHOSIS Z. A Bondar-IS A, Tuzhilin, V. M. Makhou, N. D. Belousova and A. 1. Saluen'tia (Moscow) In 80 patients with liver cirrhosis examinations revealed a reduction of the pan- creatic secretory function during secretin. and pancre-simine stimulation. A study with labeled lipids revealed stcatorrhoea. During the active phase of liver cirrhosis exacerba- tior. of the pancreatic process was, found. Examination of 29 autopsy cases of liver cirrhosis showed in all instances different chances in the pancleas- from periductular and inter- and inferallobuiiir fibrosis to pheaorr~ena of necrosis and even hemorrhages in the parenchyma of the gland and adipose tissue. REEL/FILVE :19GS1501 -L/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 fITLE--A STUDY OF THE INITIAL STAGES OF SUCROSE DECOMPOSITION BY THE . STRAINS OF CLADOSPORIUM. SP -U- AWHOR-(03)-NOVIKOVAl S-1.9 RONDARCHUK, A.A., VASILENKO, G.O. COU4TRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--MLKROBIOLOGIYA, L970, VOL 39v NR4~~ 35-41. DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--SUCROSE, SACCHARIDE, HYDROLYSIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICF(ONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0483 STEP NO--UR/0220/70/039/001/0035/0041 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117719 UNCLASSIFIED 212 009 ~JNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117719 &BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SUCROSE PHOSPHOROLYSIS WAS NOT FOUND DURING THE INITIAL STAGES UF SUCROSE DECOMPOSITION BY CLADOSPORIUM SP.t STRAINS 1622, AND 5143. THE STRAINS DECOMPOSED SUCROSE BY HYDROLYSIS FOLLOWED WITH TRANSHEXOZILATION RESULT!Nu' IN OLIGOSACCHARIDES WITH DIFFERENT VALUES OF R SUBGL, THESE OLIGOSACCHARIDES WERE PROVED TO BE MAINLY TRANSFRUCTOZILATION PRODUCTS. HYDROLYTIC AND TRANSHEXOSILASE ACTIVITIES VARY IN DIFFERENT STRAINS AND DEPEND ON THE CULTURAL AGE. UNCLASSIFIED [T 1/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PRJC*ESSING DATE-13NOV70 CS~3TAAL kEGULATIOIN OF HUMAN Vi-E-GAf"i[VE FliNCT!u'.jS -U- AUTHOR-103)-~l;---NDARCHUK, A.N., L.I.t SH:-iAfKCVI YkJ.V. COUNITRY OF INFO-USS.R SOURCE-ZHURNAL .4EVi~OPATi,L(J-Gf'r'fr--PSI(,HIATP*fI IMENI S. S. KCRSAKOVA, 1970, VOL 70, NK 6, RP 852-857 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT A4EAS-910LOGICAL AND -lEJlCAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BRAI,'lj CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTI),",ATIC f-1,"GULATIOPI, L SY,',lP-,*%THETIC NE.-LVOUS SYSTE!4p D1,6GNOSTIC MEDICINE ~CCINTROL MARKING-N.0 r~ESTRICTIGNS DGCUMENT CL4SS---j;*.;f.Lo,~S5llFlED PROXY STEP CIRC ~^CCESSI;j,14 NG-AP0126773 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-;iP0112-6773 A65TRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE PROCESS ClF STEll".0TAXICIAL ,DIAGNOSTIC AND THEk-APEUTICAL j'-'jEASURES IN PATIENTS WITH r-iYPEil-%KIiNESES, THE AUTHORS ACICOMPLISHEO A Cl'li"lPR---HENSIVE STUDY OF THF VFGkYA'lIVF ANO CARD 10VASCULAR SEMIOLOGY GF SOME DEEP BkAIN STkUCTRES. THESE DATA TESTIFY TO A OfFi:GRENT DEGREE OF INVOLVEMENT OF THE B c SO CORTICAL STRUCTURES AND THALAMIC NUCLEI IN THE ".ECHANISMS OF CE14TRAL REGULATION OF THE VEGETAIVE FUNCTIONS. BESIDES THE THEOKETICAL S(GN'IFICAiqCE FOR THE PHYSIOLOGY 0F DEPTH HUMAN BRAIN STRUCTURES, THE f-jBTAINED DATA ARE OF INTEREST FOR THE S;-:LECTl0N OF "NUCLEARTARGETS" IN SURGICAL TkEATME~-IT OF THE CIFFERENT EXTRAPYRAMIDAL AND OTHER DISEASES ACC0kDl.',j3 To THE STEROTAXICAL METHOD. FACILITY: INISTITUTA EKStJFkI"4FNTAL'A0Y MEDITSINYt AMN SSSR, LENINGRAD. 'Jt~; C L AS S I F IE D USSR UDC: 6,1-1.313.522:538.4 BONDARCHTJK -4. F., GARBUZOV, V. N., ZISLAVSKIY, B. I., OSMEDIF0, Yu. S., KHANZHINA, Ye. I., YANT0VSIKIY, Ye. I. "An Open-Cycle MiD Electric Power Plant Based on Natural Gas With Cherlical Regeneration of Fzzdiaust-Gas Heat" Teplotekhn. Probl. Pryamogo Preobrazovaniya Energii ZI-leat-Faigineering Problem of the Direct Conversion of Energy -- Collection of Work-,S,, , No 4, Kiev, Nauk. Dumka Press, 1973, pp 10-10, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Turocstroyen- iye, No 11, 1973, ibstract No 11-49-153) Translation: Results are presented from analysis of various factors: magnetic induction B, quantity of additive, end effects -and air heating tem LI _, U perature on the thermodynamic effectiveness J?st of an MID electric power plant (!XaIDEFP) with a frame channel off the MID generator and a steam t-arbine and thermochemical processing of the fuel (water conversion) using natural gas as the Ifuel. Cal- culations of the 1'~SD power plant are presented for a consx-notion of combustion products of 2000 kg/sec using two types of magnetic system (113): non-supercon.- ducting and superconducting. For the nonsupercondu~Aing Y-;j -17 f the 1~ st , I-EDEPP changes within limits of 50-49% and 51-522% as 13 Is changed 1'rcm 5 to 1/2 USSR BONDARCHTUK) A. P., et a-I., Teploteklin. Probl. Pryamogo Preohra-zovaniya Energii, No 4, 1973, pp 10-19 6.5 T at air temoeratures of 1100 and 15000K respectively. For a superconduct- ing MIS with B--6 T with a power plant capacity of 25CO Nw, li?,t increases by 3.5-6.5% as air temDerature is increased from 1100 to 15000K. It is established that the presence of end sectors causes an increase in total length of the rl-HD generator and an increase in losses to cooling, reducing Injection of ~ 7?st - J K CO with 1 wt. % K decreases by 1.5%. Problenis of water conversion of 2 3 sv methane are studied. It is concluaed that the 1,ED power plant discussed is 1-1. quite promising. 5 Figures; 13 Biblio. Refs. !. Osipov 2/2 USSR uDc: 621.319.4(o88.8) BEIZAICHIN, I. K. , PARFEMV, B. F. , !01~~CqWIV G'. M. , PROKOF I YEV, L. 11. "A Mandrel for Winding Mansbridge Capacitor Sections" USSR Author's Certificate No 275231, filed 15 Nov 68, published 25 Nov 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 611378 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a mandrel -f'0_- winding sections of self-sealing capacitors. The device contains a cylindrical housing with a longitudinal slot accommodating a long needle for holdin5r the ends of the ribbons to be wound on the mpndrcl. ~s a distinguishing feature _)f the mandrel. _-=ravai or the finished sections from the device is simplified by forming the mandrel from two hollow interconnected half- -cylinders with tapered inner surface encompassing a tapered rod with a spring on one end which presses the half-cylinders against a support set on the rod. 1/1 USSR UDC: 621-319.4(088.8) BELYAKNIN, I. K. , BONDARCHUK, G. M. , NIKOLAYEV, Yu. V. , ZHUK, V. N. ;'A Device for Winding the Sections of Capacitors" USSR Author's Certificate !to 266956, filed 9 Aug 68, pulblished 8 Jul 7C) (from RZh-Radiotekh?lika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 611379 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for winding capacitor sections. The device cnnt-_.ns a mandrel- turn in g mechanism, tape-dressing and winding mechanisms equipped with bobbins, and a braking meChanism. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, "he device is ~ designed to reduce the number of tears and "run-off" of the wound tape bY fitting each of the above-mentioned winding mechanisms with a spiral band SDring with one end fastened to the flange support of the winding bobbin I' and the other end fastened to the braking pulley support. 'Me flanged sleeve and braking pulley are fitted with stops which interact with each other vithin the limits of total uncoiling of the spring. 64 - USSR of 1.105fr T-ij-~4 vers "Scientific --oll-CCU-im C--:, -,W'nite Sea Biological S-raticn yj j~y (8-9 August 196,0)" ~Vloscow Ve.-Lni1k. L-Ioskovj*;--aco Universiteta, No 1, jarlFel 5 c:,- 2 b Translation: The Scientific colloquium of the Vrnitle Sea Piolok~ical Starioxi of Nlosco,,. University (Nsu), organized by the managewv:~nt of the Sta(,jon and 'Ube Soviet of Younli-, Scientists at the Soil Biology Faculty of Mosco-,,-, Sta.-U-c- University, made the participants of the sessions familiar w-ith principal directions of scientific work and some of the results ob-tt-,ined at leThite Sea Biologi-cal Staticri (VES) since i-Is incepzion '10 y~-arz a,,o. A total of 65 members attended the col-loquiura, at -vfhich 16 reports were presented. Biologists of various speclialzieS partIcipated (associate5, fe-1-1-cwS, ancl students of tiae C~,ja4rs of Ir:iertr=brate Zoology, HydrobioloE.,, Vertebrate Ey ber Plants and oUer el-z,ir- olf 1--he S L Zoolo:-, , Histolotr_(, Enzymoiom,, Hig~ 7 Biology Facullty of 1~11oscull,~ State University, the C~iair (-,-- 3`-I--j--%,is--I--,: ir, the :,-"Y=~ C~ University, the Oceanc,,q~iy iI,~ir r)f thc~- Geognkpiiy Facully of k%bl-cow O"tate University, Collt~rjon,~4tcn-, th(; In5,,itut- of Oceanology, Academy of Sciences USSR, the InstituLe of Kazan' Unive.-sity stud-nts of biology and others). Academician L.A. '~yei-aiyovich opened the coiloquiiLrn with introductory remark:-,, in whLcii ti-e 1/6 USSR B01M.A-RCHUN) L.L., Vestnik ','.oskovo5kogo Universiteta, No 1, jan/Feb 70, pp 1-2j--125 the for-,~-tion and development of the 1,JTBS-tASU, and noted -*L*:~pori-,Iant contrilb-titions of WBS Director 'N'. A. PLlertsov in establishIng the sciei,*~,~Lf--'e-~ec"iii,-,L~.I basis for tbe s-I'ation. L.A. Zenkyevich called or, ocean biologists of various pecialties to increase their collaborative efforts at the 'eTF3,35 if possible. s The dean of the Soi-I BioloLV raculty, Prof. N. P. Flaulnov, in his int-Iroduct-orv speech notea the great enthusiasm of the group working ;az. the biosta-uion. Good features of life at ~MS are its 'businesslike atmosnhere and real companionship, waich aid in a ,ride scope of scientific studielv, and creat construction undertakings. N. A. Pertsov, Director of the Bio:3t,~-.Licjrl, reparted on. the principal directions- of the work carried out at, the W3,13 . Lin,in'- itz 30 years of existence, more than 7,000 students and of var-ious :--cier- tific research and academic institutions spent some time at the tote.-I of 12 doctoral theoes, 60 diplown- dissertations., and dozens of stud,-~nt term papers were prepared. Three collections of the papers of the biosta,Q-ion workers have been published. Currently the station prides itself on z-af-ficiently well-eau-iDned laboratories, and a fleet permitting bigh-ca-liber scientific hydroIni-clogical studies to be carried out. 'The newly erected aquariLza laboratory shell permits studies on inhabitants of not ordy tiae 1--Fhito but other northern seas. The biological properties of ~~he White Sea IrLA-e it possible to approach ir, as a huge natural laboratory, in which wide-ranit,, 216 USSR 'F-b -70 -125 PA0NDf%!,:C=Hr,, L.L. V,?SInik I-Joskovoskogo UniversitetLa 7T(,_ 1, j~,- bioloGical studies rriay be co-nducted. introduction -.-hL- ~--~-.u,711-iur- s`-,ell -,7~11 in in-Uensified studies in tl-.Le field of e.-.Perimcnt-,~I, the biostation hosts szudent biolot- ~ists from colleIrl,es of !-Ir~~;cow) r d Kazan', and other citie:3 for their praxtical work. UjiL; Dractice i's not just a teaching veh--;clc, but ref;,,~Llts in I-npu~. to the -Icie,"tific studies at the W-BS. At T)reSent invent-ory Of flora armd fauna- of the 1-juite Sea is be-inrf made. It is necessary to compile locators, text-books, and systematic handbooks containing complete informat;ion oln Zhe Ct)N~osition of an--mal and rlan-,. s-~3ecieo ::)-f the 1~4-jite Sea. A ~f-roup of --,~onlr:e,-3 and 0-adents at the OceanoloEy Chair of thle Geography Faculty of 1,10 StuClies the hydrololSical cycles of the biostat-ion's shore regionS. The leader of this ~--Oup V.L. Lebedev reDo-rtea- considerable variations in hydrological indic,%z~ors, temperature and salinizy -In tLe UIBS region. For exanple, at differet- shcre k, -- - - lu locations, ~he concurrently detennined temperature of surface ...'ater differ cy as rmch as 40C. The ----)eaker described also the of low zide- high tide current2i, and ammlitu,des of low tide - high r2h., ,p,,-,, on. studies of in the Miite Sce., carrie(i tDuT, by -,-, lrn-~olj, of the Chair of Hydro1bio- or, I -L _~f workers at 1140 under t1le direct.-Ion 3f V.D. Fcedor,)v, was very interesting. These studies are aimed at dezermdinaLiGn Df relation- ships, between factors for example the effect of light on planlrl,()n different concen -L ration ~ of biogenic minterials in water. V6 USSR BONDARCHTK, L.L.. _17--stnik !,,osIrovosknCr0 Universiteta, 1,o 1, Jan/F.-~b 'TO, pp 12-1-125 is ex-'remel-j, iln 7-his respect. Phy-tobenti-bos Is an in the prim-ry product'-ion of the sea. V.B. Vozzhinska- repor-,;ed ti:at it-, T-Ii-le Mandalarksha -Y there are about !40 ty-pes of macroph~-tes, of whIcia aicu-, d.jzen are the ciniief r.,roducers cil' the bulk of plant's. On s-,Lae~ share the biomass of seaweed and laminaria weights up to dozens of 1:11os Der I rm Quantitative 0earch for diatomic benthos., carried Out by L.L. -_Ro_?,,d_~_-ch-wk, ' u " showed that 1-1hey are abundant exclusively in the shore zone (to the deDth of 20-25 n) ' For example, at the levels of 'ttic lower littara-I and up-er sub- L littoral, about 2 ceils may be found per i =2 of ihe 6round V~.y---. `rtemchuk i-eported interesting data on the species composi-,,ion and P. - - quantitative survey of sea. fungi in shore waters around the biostation. These or.-anisms have very Uveroe composition; the penicil!Ln and fun-r-,it' T)redominate, and the niuriber of aspergillus furlGri is limited (in coL--I-rast to the Black Sea). The fun-gal flora is most numerous in tLe ground surface layer all alorg the shore. Workers and students at the Chair of Cytology and His-~,olo, o--,' MG7U are conducting cytological studies of ~Ihe nervous svE;tems of some invertebrates. It was determined that the general plan of the nel.~rc-n structure of polychaeteS is equivalent to that of the vertebrates; tigroid substances r-rict neuro-filbrialla are present, and the nuclei of these cells are- characterised by polyrloidy. Yu. 14. Frolov reported that 531 types of free- living nematoda (basically of th,;~ arctic-borealis type), were observed around 4/6 USSR B014MARCEMK, L.L., Ve--n-"- go Universiteta, "o I, j~,:-/- -iostatdc-n-, r,- very rumerous tiere. J- I ,[I~ b abouz 1-5 mli-'~ol- s.pocico of t~iese types may be foimd. D--P nema-Llodla .,ms discovered livin'o-r on algae. Ye.D. Val-Ler on f.',-t2 of the nnrtat-ode Contrac-aecw:i aduncum, a parasite of WI-ii-te S,---,-. fioL. Eased on snont-aneous and exrerimental infection of various anim~,-Is, 12' new for C. adunc,xr, were discove--red. T.A'. Bek re7Dorted on some bioloj:~ic~--, pro-----ies (including nutritional habits) of gammarus cructacet,,zis from re- tUS 43 gion. Detri the mos-u i--.-,:)ortant nutrient of rramlu~anlS, fal-lowed by I - various was calckilated Thai- in an area of I Im- of -cne, Uummarus r-n%y di[~est about 8 zons of or-nmic rmateri~:-l durin- a Kalyakina 3tudied the rep-1-oduct4ve biolot5~j of lu~~romio. 1- are capa -e uP reproduction, but LLail-~ III month 1u, I)] tion of the population D; carried out by 2--, year-old specimiens. I-., -,fas not possible to cate-gorize the 1uF,,;orms by -,eight or by the len~gr-L.Ln -f the cLaetc- rn-orous portilon. Tbe Ti--mlte Sea popula-ion of lagwrorms emi-z ~e-,:ual l..,roducts for 3 ,.ee-k3. The Vnite Sea population of lugi-rorms reproduces in july, and not during tre cc-ld a:av Sea -,emperatures, as is tiae case sand,,oims in Britain. collocuiu= ccr-cluded wi-UL a discus-Qion of -,,-a z noted that the important anspects of the work aL the biostration concerned combination of 'field z;tudies with laboratory experiments, and uile use of 5/6 Lis 5 R BOIND.~3(:HUK,L.L. Vestni.'H I-los'-Kovosk-ogo Universiteta, No 1, jan/Feb 70, -pp 12-1-125 matlhe=,at~cal an--.1 vt I c- a I me z; L~ !Dds. it wt~s su- ested that the -ciostation car-r-, 6 - a out year-around studies. The academician L.A. Zenkevich stressed -Ilhe I-P-ct that ~ihe flora and faun of the White Sea represent a sharply delineated bio- ,geocenotic system, in Wailch the number of species is relatively small and therefore suited to determination of the parameters of the biogeoceno-Lic system, which onlybe done by detailed study of the biology of individual species. 616 USSR uDc 615-372:5,T6.851-5511-033-81-018--1. BO DARCMYK, N. G., YP.YZHAIIOVSKIY, G. N., and R07-ANOV, A. Ya., Chair of Biochem- istry, Odessa. University imeni 1. 1. Mechnikov, and Laboratory of the Patho- physiology of Infection Intoxications Institute of llo=al and Pathological .7 0 Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "The Effect of Natitoxin on Tetanus Toxin Fixation by Subcellular Structures of the Brain" Moscow, Byalleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i M-editsiny, Vol 75, N'o 3, 1973, PP 39-42 Abstract: Experimental findings indicate that purified tetanus toxin labeled with 1131 is bound by the so-called crude mitochondria fraction of guinea pig brain, which includes nitochondria, synaptosomes, and myclin fra,,,mcnts. '.Pie largest portion of the toxin ic bound by synaptonomes, a srn.ller by myclin. fragments, and the smallest by mitochondria. Tetanus toxin neutralized by antitoxin is also bound by these structures but to a somewhat lesser extent. No such reduction in fixation occurs when tetanus toxin and antitoxin are added to the crude rnitochondriL extract simultaneously. The data vuppoit the pre- viously advanced hy that , pothesis t the tetanospasmin moleciale has separate sites at which fixation to nervous tissue and to antitoxin takes place. 1/1 3 Oscillators & Modulators USSR UDC 621.""85.6"-621.576.5 BALYUK, V.S., BQTDAREA0, A.A., KOTENTY.0, YE.G., Lljw"SHCHE~10, A.F. 'Thyristorized Ifodulator Of Control Electrode Of Type 1.1 Backward-Wave Tube" Elektron.tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. eb. Elektron. SVCh (Electronics Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Electronies),1972, Issue 4, pp 100-101 (from RZh;Elektronika i leye primeneniye, No 9, Sept 1,072, Abstract No 9A151) Translation: The paper describes a simole thyristorized modulator of the con- trol electrode of a Type M back-ward-wave tube, fulfilled on the basis of semi- conductor devices. The distinctive feature of the modulator is the use of a thyristorized relaxator for production of a series of pulses. The output para- meters of the modulator are; amT)litude of voltage pulse, 1.9--20 kV; duration of series, 1-40 microsec. with the frequency of the pulse sequence, 100--2.5 GHz. Summary. 1/1 USSR UDC 621-375.82 BONTAREW-0, A. N. , UUVOSHCHEIKOV, G. V. , SMIRNOV, V. A. "Pulsed Sources of Coherent Pumping for Nonlinear Optical Systems" V sb, Nelineyn. protsessy v optike (Nonlinear Processes in Optics-collection of works), vyp. 2, Novosibirsk., 1972, pp 377-391 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12D896) Translation: A survey was made of the methods of stabilizing and tuning the radiation frequency of solid state lasers used as pumping sources in nonlinear optical systems. A comparative analysis was made of the advantages of using Fabry-Perot interferometers, anisotropic plates,and prism selectors in lasers operating in the free osci!-lation mode. The complexity of selecting, modes in lasers operating in the modulated Q-factor mode as a result of the high magni- tude of the amplification was noted. A great deal of aLtention has been given to the operation of lasers in the modulated Q-factor mode under the effect of a narrow-band,external signal. The bibliography has 26 entrIes. 24 - USSR UDC 621.357.1.035.14:669-492.2 KUKOZY F. I., VOLOSYUK, YU. 14., "Temporary Changes in a 'I'vo-Layer Electrolyzer" Tr. Novocherkas. DOlitekhn. in-ta (Works of the Novocherkassk Polytechnic In- stitute), 1971, 239, pp 99-104 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 12, Jun 72, Abstract No 12L288) Translation: A study was made of the temporary changes in a two-layer elecLro- lyzer to obtain very flne metal powder. The upper layer in the baths is a hydrocarbon solution of surface-active substance, and the lower layer is an aqueous solution of the salt of the desired metal. It is demonstrated that during the contact between the organic and aqueous phases in the two-layer bath changes take place in the electrical characteristics of the buth. With an increase in depth of immersion of the cathode in the lower layer of the two-layer bath, be--innin6 with some depth, the cell resistance does not in ractice chan,.,ze and does not depend on the area of the cathode inimersed in Q lower layer. As polarizatjibn studies have shoum. the -nolarization is very high on separation of the r&tals. The high values of the 07'rer- voltaga are in accordance with the high resistance of the medium near the grwing metal crystals. The variation in the resistance with submersion of t1je cathode below the interface of the layers is connected wit-,h variation of 1/2 USSR KUZOL, F. I., et al., Tr- Novocherkas. Dolite-khn. in-t--, 1971, 239, PP 9,0~-104 the thickness of the Dart of the upper layer pulled by the cathode below the level of the interface and with the independence of the number of simmultaneously growing crystals with respect to the magnitude of the submerged surface of tile cathode. The decrease in overvoltage with contact time of the layers is in accordanc-a with the decrease in the specific resistance of the solution of the upper layer of the bath. 2/2 - 26 - USSR IIDC 621.357.1.035.14 KUKOZ, F. I., VOLOSYUK, YU. M., BONDARENKO A. -V, b "Mechanism of the Heterogeneous Reaction in a Two-Layer Electrolyzer" Tr. Novocherkas. politeklin. in-ta (Works of the Novocherkassk Polytechnic In- stitute), 1971, 239, pp 105-108 (from M-Khimiva, No 12, Jun 72, Abstract No 12L289) Translation: A study was made of the effect of various conditions of elec- trolysis in a two-layer electrolyzer on the nechanism of the cathode reaction. The upper layer in the bath is a 0.35% solution of oleic acid in toluene, and the lower layer is a solution of FeCl 2with a concentration of 30 grams/liter. Adisc cathode was immersed in the upper layer, it was rotated and lowered so that the edge of the disc was approximately 0.5 mm. from the interface of the liquids. Under these conditions, two paths of formation and growth of' the metal powder are possible: a) nucleation and growth of the particles at the liquid-liquid interface in the upper layer without direct contact of then, with the cathode; b) nucleation of the particles and further grm."th both directly on the cathode,and at the liquid interface in the upper layer. Since the growth of the particles directly on the cathode takes place with hi,-,her ularization of the cathode and growth of the particles at the liquid interface, USSR KU-KOZ, F. I., et -al., Tr. Novocherkas. politekhn. in-ta, 1971, 239, I)p 105-108 it is possible to assume that the most probable process of formation of the powder in a tim-layer electrolyzer is growth of the particles at the liquid interface. The cathode is used to bring the electrons to the reaction zone. The specific nature of its metal and the selective adsorption of the cornponents of the upper layer of the bath probably is a secondary factor. 2/2 - 9 - USSR ux 621-762.ool:669.3 KUKOZ, L. A., and LONDAFEEMKO A. V. "Dispersed Composition of Copper Powder, Produced by Electrocrystallization With the Use of Acoustic Vibrations" Tr. Novocherk. uolitekhn. in-ta (Works of the Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute), 1970, ~08, PP 62- (from RZH-Metallurgiya, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 1-IG295) Translation: A study is made of the composition of electrolytic Cu powder. The process of electrocrystallization is intensified by low-frequency vibrations, which are transferred to the system through a vibrating cathode of toothed profile. The powders produced are subjected to sedimentation analysis on a torsion scale. Within the studied interval of the composition of electrolyte in regard to Cu content (1-4 g1l) the most probable rad-Lus of particles, pro- duced by the application of low-frequency vibrations, is 2-4 /-(. The most probable radius of the particles of control powder equals 1-2 ,a - The specific surface and the coefficient of heterogeneity of the acoustically treated powder are considerably lower than those of the control powder. 3 ill-, 3 tables, 5 bibl. entries. V. Chelnokov 1/1 USSR UDC 621-762-2:669-3 jQAQ&WAQ,_A. V.~, F~nd '"ILLKOV, V. V. "Regulation of Metal Concentration in a Solution During Powder Electro- crystallization" Tr. Novocher0k. nolitekhn. in-ta (Works of the Novocherkassk Poly-technical Institute), 1976, 2W, PP 77-bd (from RZh-Metallurgi , 1-1c Ll, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G333) Translation: A flow chart is worked out for the regulation of Cu concentra- tion in sulfuric acid electrolyte during electrolytic deposition of Cu powder. The presence of the range of allowable concentrations during produc- tion of powder and the static nature of the object (electrolyzer) allows utilization of a proportional regulator, which redistribures current between the soluble and insoluble anodes. The setup flow chart ensures a reliable -reaction of 'the required direction onto input signals. 2 ill. 1/1 USSR UDC 621.762.2:669.3 BONDARENKO, A. V., and KUKOZ, L. A. "Production of Copper Powders by Electrocrystallization Using Acoustical Oscillations" Ulltrazvuk. metody intensifik. tekhnol. protsessov [Ultrasonic Methods of Intensifying Technological Processes -- collection of works] (Moscow Institute of Steels and Alloys, 60), Moscow, 1970, pp. 204-207 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No- 2, 1971, Abstract No. 2 G435 by the authors) Translation: The possibility is studied of producing Cu powders from sul-ohate electrolytes with various Cu contents using a grooved cathode oscillating at 100 Hz. I figure. 35 - USSR UDC 621.762.2:669.1 HQ'.nARF,'k7KQ~ A. V , KALMYKOV, Yu. V., KUTNYAKHOVA, V. M., and KLETSKO, G. P. "Electrocrystallization of Powders of Iron and Alloys of Iron With Cobalt and Nickel Using Acoustical Oscillations" Ul'trazvuk. metody intensifik. tekhnol. protsessov (Ultrasonic Methods of Intensifying Technological Processes -- collection of works] (Moscow Institute of Steels and Alloys, 60), Moscow, 1970, pp 212-215 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No 2, 1971, Abstract No 2 G436 by the authors) Translation: Results are presented from a study of the process of precipi- tation of Fe and its alloys on a grooved cathode oscillating at 100 Hz by electrocrystallization from aqueous sulphate solutions. The possibility of increasing the current density and other parameters during electrolytic powder production is clarified. 1 figure; 2 tables. 1/1 D052673 4A I - UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section 1 Chemical, Dervent, 243794 MIETALkIC IMMERS art produced by aled1frolytit deposition on a cathode *0 improved in that the cathode is grooved amid Is subjected to vibrations, Whereby the falling of the powder from the cathode surface is accel*ra- tod to cavitation and the rate of deposition is increased due to the agitation of the eleccrolyte. In an example, copper powder was deposited from an electrolyte contain.4-7i 1-4g.11. of copper and 15 0g./l. of H2So4, at 20 C, on a grooved steel cathode preliminarily coated with : "layor of copper. The ca.thode was vibrated a frequency t of 100 H2 and an amplitude of 0.8 mm. The deposition rate was 50-100 times greater than in the case when a smooth, stationary cathode was used. The separation of the powder from the cath- ode and its accumulation on the bottom of the ce 11 were rapid. 9.7.66 as 1089857/22.1 BONDAREW -e~- a . S. Ordzhonikidze Novocherkasakii Polytechnical Institute (30.9.69) Bel. 17/14.5.69 ' 7 Class 31b,40c,12p, Int. Cl. B 22fjC22dpBOlk. 1 19821434 AA0052673 Navocherkasskly Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamen., Politekhnicheskiy Institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze Cok 13821435 Nickel USSR UDC 669.24.492 JJONDARENKO, B. I., PEKACH, V. F., SHAII-TO, E. A., VYAZ'MIN, 0. A., YEVLANOV, S. P. "Fluidization of Industrial Nickel Powder" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No ~, May 70, p 24 Abstract: The results of an experimental determination of tthe fluidization onset rate of nickel poulder containing 5-6% Cu and 3% Fe, with 2010 kg/l bulk density and apparent weight of 5.36 kg/l, for various powder fractions are presented in tabular form, together with data on Reynolds (Re) and Fedorov numbers calculated for each test condition. An equation for de- termining the first critical rate of fluidization onset is derived on the basis of experimental data. 1/1 Nickel USSR nc; 669.243,45 VY"ZI~XIN, 0. A., YEVIANOV S F., CGLG~;*i. S. !:,Cj-D----- G and P EK,", C j 1 , V . "Reduction Kinc-icf~ of Coi:nercial Nickel Oxide in a ~'uidliz,_-d 13ed U3inj~ Mixtures as Reducing Agents" F,'oscov, Tsvetnyye .'Letally, 12, Dec 70, D-0 10-13 Abstract: Pes~LLIIL, of laboratory studies are presentea o. 'he -,-juct' f sintered nic'-el oxide in a fluidized bed. Tie experii-, nz~3 conducl~ed in qliartz reLctors, 35-3,b in diar.,,*Cter, with exte~:-n,.I --lectric The degree of reduction, of 'the material was measured 'Gy wei,;hLt differeao_eG between the initial and reduced samDles. Allojances -were made for losses related to natural annalysis of visual observation* of the quality of fluidization and data on the beginnin:- of conglo7rierazion, of the material -providing an optimum v,,lue of fluidization Ot Wn = 2. The 1/2 USSR SWM1jO, E. A., ot al, T'svetnyye Eutally, NO. 12, Dec 70, PD 10-13 results on reducin- nickel oxide with hydro~en-carbon mono.-eit3t! and hydrogen-,-- ethane (F2:C"4=2:l) mixtures have shci-.r,-i t'-at the reduction caT)F-city of hydm-,ea-carbon mnonoxida mixtures depends !argsely on hydrr,,~en content since hydrogen is ch-!iically more active. In the hydro,~,,en-,,.nethane mixlure I-nth ai,: ia-41-2-y act-Lve reducin,q asents. Figures i.1 ti-e- ori~JLT, 6 - I 4al arzicie demonstrate the de-,)endence o--;' the dei;ree of red".Zction on reduction duration with converted gas at various temperatures and t1ne dependence of the dc;--ee cf 6-as utilization on the duration of red,,le-zion with at various temperatures. The gas utilization efficiency is a li:ie&r func- tion of th,, helgliz, of the layer of material reduced. jr. was found that "he gar; utilization efiliciancy in reduction with converted ga3 is higher than that with hydrogen. 2/2 - 37 - USSR UDC 621.335.63 SHUL'CA, V. G., BOND.UENKO, B. 11. "Two-Beam Traveling Wave Tube (EVLBV) in the Large Input Signal Mode. Parameter Ef fect" Kiev, Izvestiya vuzov SSSR, Radioelektronika, Vol XV, No 8, 1-972, pp 1027-1032 Abstract: A study was made of the parameter effect on the output characteris- tics of a two-beam travelIng wave tube in the nonlinear irlode, The nonlinear equations of the two-beam traveling wave tube were formulated previously [V. G. Shul'ga, et al., Nelineynxra teoriya dvaldiluchevoy LBV, Kharkov State Univer- sity, Khar'kov, 1=diotekhnika, No 14, 19693. Since tFiese equations could not be solved analytically, the large input signal modes were analyzed on the basis of a numerical solution of the equations on the M--220 computer using the Runge- Kutta method. Among the parameters defining the nonlinear node, the velocity difference h is new by comparison with the ordinary traveling wave tube. The velocity difference- parameter has a sharply eypressed resonance nature. Vit'l, an optimal set of the h parameter, the total efficiency of the two-beam travel- ing wave tube increases noticeably. The dependence of the electron economy Tj and the amplification factor G for a series of successfve values of the asyn- chrony paritmeu~r b ia cuniideri_-d. Thvre. is a clear maximuia of the (-1ceLro[i ecorloilly 1.1.1 Litt! Vi.t.111.1-ty of- Ole joa r,' "lint, Le r 1) " 0.5, the awpliff.catJon Inaoi- 1/3 USSR SHUL'GA, V. G. , et al., Izves tiya vuzov SSSR, Radioelektroni.ka, Vol XV, No 8, 1972, pp 1027-1032 remains relatively small G = 35 decibels and has a tendency to increase nono- tonically wish the asynchrony parameter b. For snall values of the flow charge. paramater q the effect of the parameter b is sinilar to its effect in the nonlinear mode of the traveling wave tube. An. increaso in the parnmeLer q Ln- creases the cifIclency of the device as a whole. llowevei-, beginnillp, wIth q L; = 1.51 a further increase in the space charge parnmeter !~; not accompanied by a noise increase in the field amplitude. The amplification parameter C of the two-beam traveling wave tube has the same effect an the economy as in the ordinary traveling wave tube. The input signal level parameter FO has a "thresh- old" effect which is absent in nonlinear processes in thc ordinary travelin,-' wave tube. The velocity difference between the electron hea.-Ls undc!r defincd col-,di- tions improves the characteris ties of the two-beam traveling wave tube in the large input signal inode. The theoretical, value of the electron economy in- creases(to 75% without losses), the saturation length decreases (it is cut in half by comparison with the ordinary traveling wave tube) , the band of am-,)I.i- fied frequencies is broadened (the band defined by the asynchrony parameter b). The nature of the effect of the parameters on the output characteris tics in the investitated r..iodes approaches the effect of the parameters in rhe- 2/3 USSR UDC 621.385.63 BONDARENKO, B-.- .11. , SHUL'GA, V. G., KONOVALOV, V. 1. , MILYUMN, S. 1. "Experimental Study of a Model of a Two-Beam Traveling Wlave Tube (MMI)" Kiev, Izvestiya v-uzov SSSR, Radivelektronika, Vol XV, No 8, 1972, pp 1033-1036 Abstract: An experimental study was made of a model of tile. rVLBV two-beam traveling wave tube, and the results are coinpared with the theoretical calcu-- lations. In the nonlinear mode the velocity difference has the defining effect for achieving high efficiency of tile tmo-beam traveling wave tube and it has optimal significance. Tile two-beam traveling wave tube is an efficient centi- meter-band electronic device capable of insuring a hiVh amplification factor of 40 decibels with a sufficiently high value of tile electron economy 20%. The achieved electron economy is not the design limit. Increasing tile space- charge parameter and cite input signal level offers further possibilities for increasin- tile defined efficiency. The developed electron-optical system in- sures sufficiently good mixing of the beams for the occurrence of effective electron wave interaction. The Lwo-beam traveling wave tube has goo(I possi- bilities for wida band amplification of th~ input signals, and by selecting special operating conditions it is possible to reach an amplified frequency 1/2 USSR SHUL'GA, V. G., et al., Izvestiya vuzov SSSR, Radioelek-tranika, Vol XV, No 81 1972, pp 1027-1032 nonlinear mode of the ordinary traveling wave tube. This is explained by the relatively small magnitude of the space charge parameter. An increase in the optimal value of the nonuniformity parameter is observed by comparison with the linear mode. This is connected with the high effect of the space charge in the nonlinear mode. There is a clear trend toward an increase in the elec- tron economy with an increase in the space charge parameter and the input signal level. These results agree with the results of the linear theorj of a two-beam traveling wave tube and the nonlinear theory of tile traveling jqjI,!c tube. A high value of the electron economy and significant reduction in the saturation space length are possible only for parameter ratios vhere tile exis- tence of an "su-miring" electron wave tube and traveling wave tube interaction is possible. On the whole, the result of the numerical solution of the equa- tions of the two-beam traveling wave tube in the nonlinear mode indicates that well-founded prerequisites exist for building an efficient microwave amplifier based on the co:7~)inaltion of the traveling vave tube and tile electron wave tube. 313 USSR BOTTENJENKO, 13. N., et al., Izvestiya vuzov SSR, RN(Uoelektronika, Vol XV No 8, 1972, PP 1033-1036 band of more than two octaves with an amplification nonuniformity no worse than 5 decibels. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical calculations, and the theoretical results can be recommended for use %..lien de- veloping efficieat wide-band iucrourave amplifiers. 2/2 USSR UDC 62l.z85.6 0 SILM'G~, V.G., BQTDAPZ_NTO, B.N. Bi~,HSHTMN, V.I. "Der)r.ession Factor Of Heterovelocity Electron Flows" Radiote'~hnika. Resn. mezhved. neuchno-tekhn. sb. (Radio _EnFineerinE. Republic Interde~)artarlental Sciantific-Techni=-1 Collection), 1970, issue 14, Do 19-25 (from RZh--Ele';'troniT:a i -revs - L t __:iri-enenive, No 4,,31 1571, Abstrac Dc 4A2~-) Translation: A com5utation is presented of the depressi3n factor LkOeff'itei- Yent denressiiJ -for haterovelocity electron berims. in the case under consider- ation the deoression factor for-as a matrix. The oroblen was solved for an arbitrary relative soatial distribution of coaxial beams. The relationships obtained are illustrated by numerical computations which are presented in the form of' charta. 2 ref. Su=iiary. 1/1 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--PH CHROMATOGRAPHY ON PA9ER IN DETERMINATION OF DISSOCIATION CONCTANTS FOR ANTIBIOTICS OF OLIVOMYCIN9 MITRAMYCIN GROUP -U-. A-UTHOR-(03)-ILLARIONOVA, R.P., DYKHOVICHNAYA, O.YE., qgtp~RENKO, B.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ANTIBIOTIKI, 1970, VOL 15, NR 5, PP 415-418 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND ?4F-DICAL SCIENCES -TOPIC TAGS--PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY, ANTIBIOTIC/(U)OLIV0,14YCIN ANTIBIOTIC, ~l (U)MITRAMYCIN ANTIBIOTIC, (U)CHROMOMYCIN ANTIBIOTIC CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/0155 STEP NU--Uk/0297/70/015/005/O/ii5/0418 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP011;t551 U IN C !_ A S S- I F I E 0 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0114551 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF DISSOCIATION CONSTANTS OF ANTIBIOTICS? SUCH AS OLIVOMYCIN9 MITRAMYCIN, CHROMOMYCIN AND AURELIC ACID IS DESCRIBED. THE METHOD IS BASED ON DEPENDANCE OF R SUBF VALUES ON PAPER PH CHROMATOGRAMS UPON PK, HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION, DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENTS OF THE SUBSTANCES IN WATER AND ORGANIC PHASES. FACILITY: KIEV INSTITUTE FOR EPIDEMIOLOGY MICROBIOLOGY AND PARAZITOLOGYe s J!7: 1 E D Welding USSR UDC 669-016-25 BMARUKO, B. P., and LISOVSXIY, A. F., Institute of Ultrahard yaterials wCapillarY Welding of Sintered Hard Alloys" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 8, Aug 73, pp, 28-33 Abstracti An attempt was made to analyze the process of filling a capillary, formed by the parts being welded, with aolten cobalt. The processes -occurring in the welding of hard alloys were studied on samples measuring 5x8x35 Ma fron alloys ViC2, MR, VK6, VK6V, VK8, VK15, and VK20. ~Ietallographic analysis revealed an absence of eta,-phase traces as well as graphite. It wa3 e3tablinhed that for the investigated alloy grades there exists a critical value of thickness of the capIllary that can be filled with molten cobalt. These capillary thicknessea ranged from 2.0 microns for VK2 up to 18.0 microns --Fcr VKZO. Under the action of capillary forces the volumes of the alloy lying close to the joint are in a compressive state which enhances the Increase of contact azea between the carbide particles and & decrease in the thIcimess of the Individual sublayers of calbalt batween them and, in turn, makes it possible to determine the amount of liquid entering into the capillary. The experiments showed that at 13900C and a 112 . UWR BOMARERO, B. P. et al., Poroshkovaya Retallurgiya, No 8, Aug 73, PP 28-33 pressure of 0.9 kg/cm2, plastic flow of hard alloy VK6 occurs which indicates a regrouping of tungsten carbide particles. The mathematics of determining the critical capillary thickness are presented. Thxve figures, one table, nine bibliographic references. 2/2 - 50 -