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Mechanical and Optical USSR BRAGLNSKIY V. 1111. bDC 534 "Problem of AuLooscillations of a Vibroshock System with Two Degrees of Freedom" Sb. nauch.-motod. statev poteor. mekh. M-vo vvssh. i sredn. snets. obra--ovaniva A~a (Collection of Scientific Procedural Articles on Theoretical 'Iechanics. USSR Ministry of Higher and Iliddle Specialized Education) , 1971, vVp. 2, pp 35- 39 (from RZh-,'-Iekhanika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No IlA152) Translation: A study was made of a vibroshock system the housing of which ro- tating with constant angular velocity is connected to the striker by a twisted tension-comnression-Lorsion spring. A releasing coupling is put on the strjl',C-r in the form of a stationary limiter which resists the rotation of the striker. Point transformations were used to study the periodic movements of the system under the following assumptions: energy dissipation takes place onlY on collision; the collision time is appreciably less than the tine of movement of the striker beLween impacts; dry friction exists between the striker and the limiter, and the iripact nomentt-_i of the dry friction is pro-Dortional to tile longitudinal impact momenttmi. 1/1 USSR j~A=-SZV-,- A-. -P-.-- UDC 627.81:551.48(47+57) "Water Balance of the Northeastern European USSR (1966)" Izuch. i ispol'z vodn. resursov SSSR. 1966-1967 -- V ab. (Study and Use of USSR River Resources. 1966-1967 -- Collection or W~~tks), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 55-56 (from M-Elektrotekhnika i Energetika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2 D17) Translation: This article contains an analysis of the water balance components -- precipitation, runoff and evaporation -- the distribution of these elements with respect to territory and a procedure for calculating them. The water balance is calculated for the natural subzones of the Northeastern European USSR and for the entire region as a whole on the basis of the data obtained. There is 1 table. ill 30 Oet TO 32 Tr~c. c.4--mir w..Urx. i.,. tLza is rcisswrz for tr-ls, ar4 n.~ 3-:;)t hkvo be n 1~-i t a.; td. e4' ttrt 27,a-.L: 4tV4 In 5 ~ a a tLor, ~,lntro I lor, *.a at &:,f r~w t~* 1-t-, t6 64Lrz. PkES5 LCL.'51 2/Z and ',Utl-,.c ZZ. u5sa ='X'07, A., Dl:crtor or th. --Czn7=--t3 L~--).-Atorj of M-2 Y~Jjta, F,): --:ZLlJ`llV. C... De;,!'7 Chlbr t~V radl~ll .,.e C="u-cr In tho ltoott;~I' G4--,ta, 14CO-~,d. =lttt'l h~S~lta-' ':, LSL'LZ a ~ut~,r ro;- prlcoc.,irg. $ever;. ",-Is or exta are 7%. --. of whi.,h Z-~ ,rt or th. con.1mAd ',~, -"~al *;,-- h.~plzal u~~y. im con. pic-ed at dlac~~rgz t1w. C-nt.-~-:.~ uff~.-t tni-. expondid to 1~k, t!;, r0.-; praz~w-aroz az 2,r4 z-l-;:, 41 3t.11.1 lw-s.~ary P~ticnt rocor~. Q- L-1 a or dlf.'ic*"t,.cs cr ermrz In Q=lys1z f =.000 zuth re'0"3 != r"bl~d t~.c hoog-al to P:rpoint typ'la cr v!,.ich ltld tz dlfflc%~ltiot in dis,rw5L. USQO.~LLI 1 !, 0 !Vs 1, i ~Y- Yo . 'Yu. 'XII-- -B ji. and, "O--ptical A bsoi,r-t-jc)n, S'iectr.% of n--!ia.Ll- Electron Bea:,xis-, Le n inr ,~,rad, r---rov- odni-kcv, ic~, lc~'72, 207-1 Abstract: JLs "ivc-.1 of cal 04, - the rc-,r~-Jnj- c)-,- barded by clc~ctrr.Djjs of enc 1.6-1.8 Inc- 1000 0, were te-,Iur-'u-,n ~iy 30 4~11:1:1,:!I,~- :UY, lion. spec f 3 C11 C, 0., c'; o n a t t i on . t, - r c ,bo G 4 IM777777 USSR UDG 621-382 'KO, I.D. XONOZEI~ A "On The Participation Of Doping Impurities In The Formation Of Radiation De- facts In Gallium Arsenide" mL V ab. Rad.itatsion. fiz. nemet. krist-Ilov (Radiation Physics Of Non-Metallic Crystals--Collection Of Works), R-insk, "Nauka i tekhn.;" 1970, pp 91-96 (from RZh--ElektronVKo i yeye primenaniye, No 2, February 1971, Abstract No 2B%) Translation: The effect is investigated of Co6O Gamma irradiation on the electrical properties of single crystals of n-type GaAs, doped with Ts and non- doped, and sin'rle crystals of p-type GaAs doped with Mo, Ni, Co. The rate of introduction of defects and the energy position of the levels in the forbidden band are determined and annealing of the defects is conducted. It is shown that in n-type GaAs the atoms of the doping impurity Te do not partioipate in the formation of radiation defects responsible at room temperature for a change of the concentration of carriers and conversely in p-type GeAs,the kind of doping impurity has an effect on the type of radiation defectee 5 ill. I tab. 6 ref. Summary. 69 - USSR BZ1UiIN V. KARGALOV, "Interpretlirg System Controlleril TJDC: 8. B. , KUZ 'MqN, K. for the 'Ural-lhl Computer Orieifte.d for the Diur-14-1 V sb. Elektronno-vychisi. 11-ekhn. i programmir. (Electronic Con-cuter 'fe-ch- nology and Commuter Programninf-collection of vorks), i,7p. ;Voscov, "Statistika", 1971, pp 5-18 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 1, jail 72, Abstract No lVioll) Translation: The Daner describes the purpose and structure of the !S DIUR-14-1 interpretinG system, requirements for standa-rd programs, and the organization of the standard program board. It is noted that the DIUR-14-1 controller-monitor has a modular structure; the operating order of the modules in the IS DTUR-l4-!-interT)reting system is indicated, and a list of possible troubles in operation of the interpreting system is given. Authors' abstract. 1/1 - 42 USSR UDC 615.9.092:54-162.2 BRAKHN0VA,,_j....,.Z., Candidate of Medical Sciences, and BAZHENOVA, L. N., 1-n`s_titui~ oi Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases and Polytechnical Institute, Kiev "Structure of the Crystal Lattice of Simple Substances and Compounds as an Indicator oil Their Toxicity" Moscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 10, 1971, pp 95-100 Abstract: The structure of the crystal lattice of a substance which is deter- mined by the nature of its electronic structure is clearly correlated with Its biological activity. High toxicity is associated with a low degree of symmetry of the crystal lattice. Substances possessing a body-centered cubic lattice have little pneumoconiotic effect. Substances with a face-centered cubic let- tice have a chronic general toxic effect mostly involving the parenchymatous organs. Substances with a hexagonal close-packing or other less symmetrical structures (rhombic, rhombohedral, tetragonal) are markedly toxic and can cause both acute and chronic intoxication. The characteristics of the crystal lattice of inorganic substances can be used for preliminary evaluation of the toxicity of new chemical compounds. It is reco=anded that the provisional maximum permissible concentration of substances with a body-centered cubic structure be set at 6 to 10 mg/m3, those with a face-centered cubic lattice 1/2 USSR BRAKIINOVA, I. T., and BAZHENOVA, L. N., Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 10, 1971, pp 95-100 at 3 to 5 mg/M3, and those with a hexagonal close-packing lattice at I to 2 mg/m3. The maximum permissible concentration of other substances with less symmetrical crystal lattices (rhombic, rhombohedral, tetragonal, -nionoclinic, etc.) should not exceed 0.5 mg/m3. 2/2 - 44 - Acc. Nr.:APG02q5JL27 Ref. Code: UR 0240 PRIMARY SOURCE: Gigiyena i Sanitqrt,3~,, 1970, N'r 1, COMPARATIVE ASSESSMEN7 OF THE EFFECT PRODUCED ON THE BODY BY SILICIDES OF THE TRANSITION METALS L_ T. Brqkhwvq,,,.G, V. _SaMonov A high fibro~-enic activity and dystrophic changes were defecied in the parenchyma tous Organs of albino rats under the action of disilicides of tit2nium, molvbdenum and tung- sten. Their maxii-num permissible concentrations are recornmended. The toxicity proved to diminish starting from titanium silicide to molybdenum and tungsten zilicides; it Was in- versedy related to the increase of static weight ofstable electronic 0- and Sp3-Configuratiors founed in the interaction of silicon atom, s and transitory metal; and besides it depended on the syrnmetry of crystallic lattice, 91- REEL/FRAIKE 1i3 -029 UriCLASSLHEL) I-Ku~Lss i,"iU UlAl TtTLE--EMISSIVITY AND REFLECTIVITY OF IGE IN IR SPECTRUM -U- AUTHDk-(03)-BE:ZVERKHN.IY, SH.A., 6AAASON' 'A A MOLSEYEVA, YC,V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 5GURCE--IZVESTIYA AKADEM111 INAUK SSSR. FILIKA ATMOSFERY I GKEANA, VOL VI, , 3, 1970, PP 314-317 N 0 DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 SUBJECT A&-EAS--PHYSICS TGPIC TikGS--ICE, IR SPECTRUMP EMISSIVITY, LIGHr REFLECTION COEFFICIENT CO"dTPuL M.4fZK I,i% G-- %0 RESImicriciris DOCUMENT CLASS-1;INCLASSIFI-1:0 PROXY KFEL/FR;'%,ME--1,?9110723 Slf:P C I k C A C C t S S I P 0 1 1 It L I i- 11 L'u' 2/3 029 UINICLAS S IF I ED P.ROCESSING DATE-0*301-T70 C f-k i: A C C-ESSION NO-AP0110454 A6STA'ACT/!---XTFACTl--(UJ GP-0- ABST!--,ACT. THE IR k - 6 ld'N LF [,HE SPECTkUM ICE IN SlIALL THICKNESSES COMPLETt-L.Y ABSORBS THE REFRACTED FLUX AND THEREORE FOtk CASES OF PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE THE EMISSIVITY IS E GAMMA EQUALS I MINUS P LAM-)DA, ',IHERE THE REFLCECTIUA COEFFICIENT FOR UNPOLARIZED RADIATION IS DETERMINED BY THE FRESNEL F131,01ULA. THE COMPLEX NATURE OF THE RILFRACTlt'J~',~ COEFFICIENT OF ICF RELATIVE rG AIR IN Tti-i-m I R REGION MAKES IT f)!FFICJLf TO USE THE FRESNEL FORMULA. A(;,-;,DllLY, AN ELECTRUNIC COE 'PUTER i%AS USED IN TABULATliNG THE COMPLEX VALUES. T HE COMPLEX REFRACTICE INDEX IS DETERMINED AS N LAMBIJA EQUALS \I LAMBDA M I N U S JX LAhbJA, WHERE X LAMBOA EQUALS ALPHA LAMBDA PRIME LAMBDA-4 PI 15 THE ABSORPTION INDEXY ALPHA LAM8DA IS THE ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT, N IS THE REFRALTIVE INDEX. THE [I Z AND XCHI ALMBUA VALUES ARE ESSEINTIALLY DEPENDENT ON WAVELENGTH AND THLIR VALUES ARE FOUND EXPER1,"IETNALLY. T HE STUDIES OF THE RADIATIUi4 OF ICE IN THE IR SPECTRUM REVEAL THAT: 1. THE GREATEST CHANGES ARE OBSERVED WITH AN INCREASE IN THE ANGLE OF SIGHII GF THE S COMPUNENT; THE P COMPUNENT INCREASES TO A BkfwSTER At.GLE (u"YICk0N RHO APIIRDX1144TELY EQUAL 10 1), FOLLOWED BY A DROPUFF, BUI SLO~;ER IHAN FOR THE UNPULARIZED FLUX Oi~ THE S COMPONENT. 2. THE Ut,.'PULARIZED RADIATION IN THE SIGHTING ANGLES FRUM 0 TO 40DEGREES AND THE P Ce-~~PONENT IN THE RANGE FROM 0 TO 60-70DEGREES ARE EXTREMELY CLOSE TO UNITY. THE GREArEST SPATIAL STABILITY IS EXHIBITEU BY THi- P COMPUNENT OF RADIATIOIN IN THE RANGE OF CHANGE OF SIGHTING ANGLES P'll PLUS ~~R MKINUS 10-15DEGREF-S. 3. 4 L 313' 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINiG DATi:--O()U'--T7() CINC ACCESSIO,'j Ni-AP0110454 A35TRACT/EXTRACT-ME SPELTRAL VAMATION OF THE EMAISSrV[TY CF T:E IS LH.ARALTEkIZEj) 0y THE PiIIESENCt of-- EXTERMAL POINTS, FUR Tii~ PAkT SIMILAk "N L,',',),bDA ANO CHI LAI,16DA ",PXI-NA AAD MINIMA. CORRESPONLING To Thj- 'i&-est-VERi THE Lff;~E'.A A.~E MIANIFESTED CONSIDb6WLY 'IONE wEAKLY, P AR I I CU L AVL YFGk LA;~GL SIGHT13NG ANGLES. 4. 11 Il;- Sr1,;RPESr CHA'111CS) ARE FXHIBITEU by rii[- SPECTAAL CHARACTEKISTICS, OF THE P [jF REFLECTIGili NEAR 3RE:~6TEK ANGLES 50 SIMIALLER THAN PSI 5;-',ALLER THAN 600EGREES. SINCE THE 3AE1k,,S1EA ANGLE IS ALSU A SELECTIVE CHARACTEiZISTIC, THEN P LAMBDA YltLUS 0 FOR DIFFLRENF WAVELENGTHS FOR 0IFFtEX.E,%1f VALUES OF ]HE PSI ANGLE. AS A RI-ESULTr ftiE SHAPES OF !HE SPECTRAL CURVES ARe IMPAIRED Mqj A',jDITi1jfiAL M,%XIMA AND MININA APPEAR (JN T~.C CuKVES PSI E~jUALS 50 ",NU 00DE3REES. rfjjE)-,'- IS A RELATIVE OF THE -SPECTF.A%L ,If: LiMISSIVifY AND kf*j1,ECTjvjTy j)j- ICE AND t;A';-R. HIMLVEK, TM- QUANTITArl"JI- UlFFERENC-i: AjtL CONSIDERAbLE, PAPT!CV1.AiUY IN THE LUNGAAVE VAK(" Of: Tlil~ SPECTRIAL REGION. U-.4CLA;S'SIFIED RO 0447,35- BIOLOGICAL ABSTM OC CTS/-;7v' YK (00 2647. BRANMVISM, L. L. VIlvanieamlinitrita nalonomen aalureza, soprovochdavushchii ostruvu isheemn-tt rziokarda I okkl)uiy-u karotid. [The effect of anirl nitrve, ~ fte_ph 01 C_,Lo m;_92-n of Paluresis a -. ionfia nuti car9tid occl~.sjonj - TR R-LTISYSHEV, MED DIST - 43: - 1 -46. 1967. Translated from REF ZH OTD VYP FAR.NLAKOL KHIM10-ER SREDSTIFA TOMIKOL, 1968, No. 11.54.564. --Acute experimental ischemia of the myocardium and constriction of both c_-ot'd arteries in dogs for 20 min caused.a &ange in diuresis and an increase in the excretion of Na mid K. These chan.,es in kidnev function are related to an Increase in the peripheral resistance of the vessels, and rith changes in the blood pressure (pressor effect In the absence of the riessor effect under exTerimentall conditions, no Intensification of saluresis was noted. W~Iation bv the animat of amyl nitrite Q for 20 min with occlusion tf k3th carotid arteries somewhat reduced the usual saluretic and pressor effect. The inhalation of I with acute ischemia of the rnyocardlun) reduced salurests and its appearance was delayred.--J. G. S. 19*77--1482 USSR BRAIMUIT--E- -. I UDC: 51 "On Some Methods of Solving Problems in LonG-Range Intrasectoral Distril- bution of Capit--d Expenditures" Tr. 4-,,, Zimn. shkoly ar, 19 , po mat. prograrmir. i smezli. voprcz -1 1-INTP -.I (Works of the Fourth Winter School on Mathematica.1 Progra-m-ming and Relate~- Problems, 1971, No 1), Moscow, 1971, pp 149-157 (from RZIi-Kibernetika., No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6V436) Translation: A linear model with Boolean variables is written out. ~:"To approaches to solution of the problem are mentioned (ordered sorting and an iterative method). 26 - USSR UDC 669.721.41 ~-fATKIN, I. P. , Kl-:CII-:, V. A. , MUSHKOV, S. V., BW;I)'-tLN, 0. 1., ISONDMEVA, E. P. "Composition and Structure of ifighly Pure Primary Magnesium" Ifetalloved. sDlavov levkilrh met V sb. (Physical Metallurgy of Alloys of Light Metals -- collection of works) , Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 10'5-189 (from M-I!etallur%~iya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G220) Translation. A new procedure has been developed and introduced for purifyivg Mg by treating the Mg with Ti-containing additives. The dependence of the Mg structure on its composition has been studied in special samples with Ti and Be additives. The Be additive used to decrease the oxidizabilitv of highly pure '1g does not lead to enlargement of the macrograin in the presence of TI admixCure. I'liere are 4 illustrations, I Lahj(~,.ind a 7-entry bibliography. 1/1 112 C18 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-020CT70. E IS TITLE--4I)OPTION OF A FPiUNDRY COMPLEX FOA REFINING AND TFEMINr m.45% AUTfiQR-(05)-VYATKIN, I.P., KANAYEV, I.YE., MUS8KOVt S.V.v JSHAK-'-~V2 v.!).? 61ANDPAN, 0.1. SGURCE--TSVET. METAL. 1970, 4311) 53-4 DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSv MECH*j IND*v CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--METAL REFINING, MAGNESIUM, METALLURGIC FURNACE, ELECTROL'.-IT"E7 MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE, POTASSIUM CHLORIDEv SODIUM CHLORIDE, OXIDE, ECONOMICS CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFTED PROXY RF_EL/FRAME--l9a9/074-8 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107290 UNCLASSIFIED 212 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020L'T7C CIRC AC4_ESSION ND--AP0107290 AB~5TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A TEE MI NG COM- PL E X Hj[~S BE E'N 421 ---;) T E 0 FOR PRODUCTION OF PIG MG, INCLUDING A CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING IFUR%ACE WITH SALT HEATING, ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDUCTION PUMP, AND A TE-E-AING CONVEYER OF DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION. THESE PARTS ARE DESCRIBED. TICIE: CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACE PRECLUDES MG FROM BEING IN Co,%.TICT LINING AND THE ATM-, PROVIDES FOR FAST AND UNIFORM HEATING OF MUG T_"~ YHE REQUIRED TEMP., AND MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THAT TELIP. WITH A OF ENERGY.LUSSES. AS COMPARED TO THE LAB. FURNACEv THE CO%i. i-R3rQ_.'_VPE COULD TAKE 1.5 TIMES AS MUCH MG. THE OPERATING TEMP. OF THE ANU IMG IS 700-10DEGREES; THE CURRENT IS 5 K,"4v AND THE VOLTAGE Ls V; THE CAVACITY Fo ruic- lf()l'f3FR 15 6 TONS, ANO THL- AMr. L'111: 1-HE (MC~CL USBZ 10, KCL 60-70, NACL 10-159 AND 13A (;L SLILB2 TH_~_ FURNACE IS 13 TONS. THE TEEMING OF THE REFINED MG CAN i'3LE CARRIL0 G-6i DURING THE PURING IN OF THE MG RAW MATERIAL. THE ESSENCE OF Tr'~- REFINING OPERATION CONSISTS IN SETTLING DOWIN OF THE FREE, 3R WITH MGO, CHLORIDE PARTICLES. IN THE REFINED MG THERE IS LESS TH"A'q 0.003PERCENT CL PRIME NEGATIVE. DURING THE SETTLING DOWN, THE g,,rESC MAT. OF FE,_ RELATIVE TO THE EQUIL. AMT., ALSO SETTLES DOWN. THE ADnPTION OF THE TEEMING COMPLEX MADE IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE SP. CONSUMPTION OF ELEC, ENERGY BY 2,5 TIMES; IT ALSO MADE IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE WASTE OF THE METAL AS WELL AS.OF LABOR, UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 669.721 VV2M, I. P., MHIM, V. A., WSHKOV, S. V., BRANDMAN, 0. 1., and BUIMAREVA, E. P. ~-~-,- I "Composition and Structure of High-Purity Initial Magnesium!' Metallovedeniye SplELvov Legkikh 14etallov-Sbornik, Ibscaw, "Nauka", 1970, PP 185-189, resume Translation: A new method of refining magnesium by processing magnesium vith titanium-containing additives has been developed and introduced. The composition dependence of the magacuium structure was investigated on spe-cial specimens with titanium and beryllium additions. It is rho,,m that the addition of beryllium with a view to decreasing the oxiclizability of hig~2-purity mgnesium does not affect an enlarging of the macrograin in presence of a titanium admixture. Four figures, one table, seven bibliographic references, 35 - Magnesium USSR UDC 669.715 VYATKIN, I. P., KECHIN, V. A., BEWND"WN, 0. 1., and MUSHKOV, S. V. "Variation of Iron ContenV-1n--Refining and Holding Magnesium Melts in Industrial Furnaces" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 5, May 70, pp 47-48 Abstract: A study was made of the variation of iron content in magnesium melts. It is noted that the variation of iron content probably depends not only on the magnesium cooling rate, but also on its state and on the nature of impurities. The dispersion of iron content in magnesium in S111T-l furnaces is explained by the wide range of magnesium temperature variation and the related iron solubility in magnesium. The magnesium temperature stabiliza- tion in continuous refining furnaces with capacities of 6 to 15 tons of 'Mg made it possible to obtain a constant iron content in magnesium. 1/1 112 027 UNCLASSI FIEO PROCESSING DATE-11DEC70 TITLE-ULTRA H16H FREQUENCY PLASMA MULTIPLIEk 'WITH EXTERNAL IUNITIUN -L;- AUTHUR-104)-ERAiNUTt A.A., kELNIKUVt [.I., bOVIN, SoV., TIKHW-',IKOV, YU.V. CCUNTFY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-VESTNIK MOSKOVSK3GJ UNIV. FIZ. ASTRON. (USSR), NO- 2, P. 235-6 .11970) DATE PUGLIShEV------7C SUaJECT AKEAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-ULTFAHIG.H. FREOUENCY, FLASMA BEAM, FREQUENCY MUt-Ti,4LICATION CGNTkCL M4~.KING-NC KESTRICTIJNS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PRUXY FIChE NG----F07C/b05029/D0Z STEP CIRC A"'LtSSICiN I- A~, S TF J 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIEO CIRC ACCESSION Nu-i-AP0141716 ABSTkACT/EXTKACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTkACT. kESIJLTS OF PARAMETERS OF A PLASMA FREQUENCY I",ULTIPLIER WITH CURkENT IGNITIUN. THE OUTPUT PGWER AND HARMONIC INVESTIGATED. PROCESSI~,,,G Jar*.--.-Illj;:c XEASUkE:l'E:,.iT.3 OF AN ESTEI~NAL OIRECT CONTENT AAE tj f- LA 'l-S I i I E D- 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF SURFACE ACTIVE AGENTS ON THE HYDROGEN [ON DISCHARGE REACTION ON ZINCY COPPERP AND ANTIMONY ELECTRODES IN SULFURIC ACID AUTHOR-(02)-K'LRYAKOVt G.Z., BRANDT, A.G. COUNTRY OF INFD--USSR SOURCE-11V. -AKAD. NAUK KAZ. SSR, SER. KHIM. 1970, 20(2), 70-2 DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-HYDROGEN ION, SURFACE ACTIVE AGENT, ELECTRODE POrL`NfIAL, SULFURIC ACIDI COPPER, ANTIMONYP ZINC# ELECTRODE DESIGN -CONTROL MA-RKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1264 STEP NO--UR/0360/70/020/002/0070/0072 C.IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136670 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION.NO--AP0136670 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ADDN. ACETYL-ENE DERIVS. (ESP. THOSE WITH UNSYM. SUB4-SOLNS. 15 FOLLOWED BY AN INCREASE OF CATHODES AT 25DEGREES. THE H OVERVOLTAGE UNCHANGED. FACILITY: INST. KHIM. PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 OF SOME SURFACE ACTIVE STRUCTURE) TO 2N H SUB2 SO H OVERVOLTAGE ON CU AND SB ON ZN REMAINS PRACTICALLY' NAUK, ALMA-ATAt USSR. 1/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--CALCULATItiN OF NIGNISOTHEIRMAL DESORPTION WITH A HEAT SUPPLY -U- AUTHOR-(03)-BRANDT, S.B., VERANYAN, R.S., LEBEDEV, O.L. C13UNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUkCE--TEOR. OSN. XHIM. TE:Q1NOL. 10970, 4(2) 196-203 DATE PUSL ISHED------70 SUBjECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CALCULATIONj DESORPTION, POTASSIUM CARBONATE, MONUErHANGLAMINcl, SOLVENT, VAPOR PRESSURE rONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY RELL/FRAME--1992/15B4 STEP NO--UR/0455/70/004/01",e--,/0196/0203 Cle.C ACCESSION NG--AP0112578 ONICLASSIPIED 2/Z 008 UNCL4SSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-090CT170 CIPC ACCESSION NO-AP0112578 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A GENERAL IS GIVEN F~la CALCN. OF CUUNTER CURRENT NONISOTHERMAL DESORPTION OF GAS FROM SOLNS. C0,.NTG. A NJNVOLATILE ABSORBING AGEhT (E.G. K SU62 CO SU33, MUNCETHANGLAMINE). THE EFFECTIVE TEMP. IN DIFFEREE.NiT CROSS SECTIONS OF THE 4PP. AND THE MEAN DEVIATION OF THE SOLVENT VAPORS PARTIAL PRESSUttE FROM THE EQUIL. PRESSURE WERE CONSiDERED. FORMULAS AND DIAGRAMS ARE GIVEN FOR THE UPTIMALIZATION OF THE PROCESS CONDITIONS 'WITH RESPECT TO MIN. HEAT CUNSUMPTION. THE ANAL. OF THE RECOVERY OF AQ. SOLN. OF NOMUETHANOLAMINE SATD. WITH CO SUB2 IS PRESENTED AS AN EXAMPLE. U1,4r L-LASSIFIED VSSR UDG 513-736-3 BRA09=11. S. (Moscow) "Some Properties of Surfaces With Slowly Varying Negative External Curvature in a Riemannian Space" Moscow, Matematicheskiy Sbornik, Novaya Seriya, Vol 831 No 2, Oct 70, pp 313-324 Abstract: The article considers surfaces of negative external Curva- ture in a Riemannian space with nonpositive curvature. It is proved that on a surface which 13 complete in the Sense of the intrinsic metric the following inequality taken place: stip 11grad-i I+ q > 2W 1/2 USSR BRANDT, I. S., Matematicheskiy Sbornik, Novaya Seriya, Vol 83, No 2, Oct 70, PP 313-324 where E is the complete surface of negative external curvature Ke(Ke < 0) lying in the space R of nonpositive Riemannian curvature, k = V- Ke 0 A and /k are the maximum and minimum of the Rieman- nian curvature of the space R at the point of the surfaca 2 where the quantity k is calculated. This theorem is a generalization of N. V. YEFIMOV's theorem on q-metriC3. It is shown that further sig- nificant generalization of this theorem, similar to what occurred in the Euclidean case, is impossible in a Riemannian space. An example is given of a complete surface of negative external curvature and the enveloping space of nonpositive curvature, for wnich q - 4.5. 2/2 - 23 1/2 OC6 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DATE--20INIOV70 TITLE--6ATA GN ANALYS~-S ;--,F STANUAR0 GECCF*.RCNOLOGIC.AL SAMI'LLS --U- AUTHOR- (05 )-A FANASYEV , G.G., URANOT, S.U., BAGDASARYAN, G.P., GUROK~iGV, L.M., GUKi~SYANv R.KH. CCUNTRY 6F lLi4FU--USSA S(j-tJkCE--i Z*V. NAUK SS'Jilk, SE~~ . GEjL . 1970 4 ), 104-11 d-,ATE PuEl [Sk-.LC - ------ tO sunjEcr ARC-i,S--LART~- SCli::.,CES ANO OCEMNUGRAPHY TOPIC F/%GS--tECCHRO,--,0LU;;Y, POTASSIUM ARGON OATINGr LEAD ISOTOPE, ABSOLUTE AGl:, EA.~Tkfl CRUST AGE C&MCL MAANING-tic" RESTRIC.TIGNS UULUMLAT CL;'.SS--UN(.LASSIFIt-.f) P-tuXY STEP ~.'Q--UR/0011/70/000/00/t/0104/C)ItI Clt~c it_-~. 212 0 06 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESS[NG DATE--- 20MIJV7C Cl.~C ACCESSIC-N NO--APOL375j? AbSFkA,_-T/t_xl ~~ACT--(U) C-P-,J- ABSTRACT UATA ARF GIVEN ON ANAL. OF GEGCI STOS. 1.1,F fiiE SovIET UNICIN FOR K-AR AND RLS-Sil" I-IFTHODS AiND i SEVELi~L Vil',FRALS LF P!1ELAIN,3RIAN PEGt-Wr[TE -USES AIS STD. FGk THE Pi3 ISLITCPiL I,"_rhCU GF A?S. A(,E f)L-*T,,N. ThEY SHOWED A GUOL) A GKEE MEN T Vi IT I i C,Jj%-TkLL i%NAL. MADE 11% VAr_lIGUS LA13S. OF THE U.S.S.R. ANE 6Y THE LAB. AT bhkNij Sv.ITZLXLAN13. TI-1- '~C-SLILTS OF SFUDY GF GEOL-HRUNUL. STD. BY VA~_MUS METHCUS I,'_,'u'fCATE THAT THE VALUES OF CCNSTS. OF PKIiNE40 K .4,N'D PRIME87 t03 Jecily App'-c-vL-u-, esy 13 Sf-:sSf6i,;_s u-F rIjE CuPiMISSION 01% A-3S. AGE of-'rN. (FOR K,: LAMdi.i,~K EQUALS O.U557 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE9 PEP YR AINW E,,.)UALS O.tj72 TIMES to PRIME NEGATIVE9 PER YR; FOk R8 LAME~P-1:)El'k. EQUALS 1.31., TI'MES 1.0 PRIIA&E NLGATIVEll PER YR), SHOUL0 BE USED 1IN PF.ACT[CAL ViURK Ul'IfIL ~k"Ui~E CERTAIN VALUES FOR rHESF CUNSTS. ARE OFTO. EVEI~Y ~sUi~.I. ~''-? THE ABS. AGL D~JN. SHLIAU H ACCOi",PAKIED b'l PRIMARY AINAL. CATA GN l'i.r (:LNVFNT ol PAkENTAL AND DLAIVATED DECOMPN. P;~I`UUCrS ANO BY THE VALUC> uF MNSTS. USLD DURING AGE CALCIN. FACILITY: INST. L; GEOL. i,(L,)D. jAi:ST6AJZHIJ., PLTRIDGR., MINER. GEGKI`IIM.v MOSC01-ir USSR. M oll) I IN( I- A P 0 1 W r $,I, I Nf'r 0A I F - ',I N1 IV To T I I LL---S f AfE ANU VE it SPfL I IV LS 01' RA01OLLitill- '. 101) Ir (V- AUTHOR-(03)-AFANASYEV, G.D., BRANDT, S.B., GARRIS, M.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR. SER. GE e. 1970, (4), 69-84 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--NUCLEAR GEOPHYSICS, RADIOACTIVE DECAY9 GEOLOGY, POTASSIUM ARGON DATING, RADIOLOGY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0568 STEP NO--UR/0011/70/000/00410069/0084 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137653 ()NCLASSIF(FD 212 010 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING OATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137653 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A REVIEW IS PRESENTED WITH 35 REFS. - IT INCLUDES THE DATA ON CONSTS. OF, RADIOACTIVE DECAY, CHARACTER .OF GEOL. INFORMATION OBTAINED BY K-AR DATING AS DEPENDENT ON GEOSTRUCTURAL ENVIROMMENT, AND PLOTTING OF ISOCHRON FOR RB-SR METHOD AND CONCORDANCE CURVE FOR U-P8 METHOD* FACILITY: INST. GEOL. RUD. MESTOROZHO.t PETOGRol MINER. GEOKHIM.t MOSCOWi USSR. LINCLASS IF [FD- 112 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--TANNING OF LEATHER -U- AUTHOR-(03)-YAREMCHUKt N.A., LEVITASi I.E., BRANDYBURA, I.M. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 264,601 REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYA, ILOBRET., PROM. OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, 4719) ,DATE PUBLISHED--03MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--TANNING MATERIALP LEATHERt PATENTf FORMALDEHYDE, UREA, CHROMIUM COiMPOUND CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1995/1.087 STEP NO--Ui7,/04,'12170/000/000/0000/0000 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0116553 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PRGi~ESSING DAl'E--300CT70 CIRC ACCESSION Nj--AA0116553 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO EXCLUDE THF SOFTENING PkOCESS AND IMPROVE LEATHER QUALITY, IT 15 TANNED BY DECALCIFYING AND WASHING; THEN THE CLEAN RAW HIDES ARE TANNED WITH CR SALTS IN, THE PRESENCL- OF HCHO CONDENSATION PRODUCTS OF THE HYDROLYLATE OF COLLAGEN, UkEA, AND NH SUB4 SALTS. FACILITY: LVOV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. UNCILASS I F [ED 'USSR UDC 531-1 BRLTC-,T-S, -V.. N. and SED'YGLEVSKD-', I. P. "A Kinematic Problem of Orientation Within a Rotatin,7, Slvste::-. of Coordinates" Moscov, Nekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 6, Nov-Dac 72, PP 36-43 Abstract: The conditions of stability of the process of orientation in a rotating system of coordinates are investigated. A study is made of the kinematic problem of orientation, it being assumed that control is obtained due to a charije of the angulax-velocity components of the oriented system of coordinaten. An investigation is made of the processes of transforration when the operation J-E conducted on the basis of two control signals. -3 references. 1/11 USSR UDC: 531. 36 BRANETS, V.N. and SHMivGLEVSKIY, I. P., Moscow "Application of Quaternions to Solid Body Position Control Problems" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Tverdorfo Tela, No 4, Jul/Aug 72, pp 24-31 Abstract: The kinei-natic problem of bringing a certain system of coordinates to the reference systen- of coordinates by imparting a certain correction angular velocity to the former is considered. The object of the article is to establish the control methods to achieve the correction process and also to establish the control stability. The Rodrig-Hamilton pararneters are used as the quarternion components. It is shown that the quarternion components can be used directly as control signals. Also it is convenient to use the quarLervions as criterions of correction process stability. 1/1 USSR BEZHKO, A. P., et al., Izvestiya Akaderjii Nauk SSSR, %lekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 1, January-February 1971, pp 123-134 this case, and for this reason the Rodri-hamilton Parameters are advaatazeous. These parameters do not degenerate for any position of the solid state and they are convenient for use in a control system; there is only one coupling equation when these Parameters are used, which simplifies the numerical solu- tion of , the kinematic equations. Use of the quaternions follows from use of the Rodrig-Hamilton parameters. 2/2 USSR BEZUKO, A. P,, BRIANETS, V. N., MHAROV, YU. j., 1. P., MoscOW "Application of Quaternions in the Theory of Finite Rotation af a Solid StaLe" moscow, izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 1, January- February 1971, pp 123-134 Abstract: In this article the basic results of the theory of finite rotation of a solid state obtained in the form of formal operations on hypercomplex numbers (quaternions) are presented. :iew results are obtained for the addition formulas of finite rotations defined by the Rodrig-liamilton parameters. A generalization Of the 'knourn theorems of finite rotation theory is presented, and the correctness of the form of addition of rotations 1,-nen summing relative motions is demonstrated. The application of quaternions makes it possible easily to obtain all the basic results of the theory of finite rotations and, in addition, to describe the position of the solid state in terms of nonde- gene-rate kinematic parameters. In a number of problems the angular position of the solid state is defined by solving the kinematic equations on a digital COMDUter. The selec- tion of the kinematic parameters affects the calculations significantly in 1/2 - 46 - USSR BRANOVER, G. G. and TSINOBER, A. B., Yagaitnaya Gidroclinamika Neszhimayemykh Sred., Moscow, 1970 3. Plane-Parallel Even Flow in a Transverse Magnetic Field . . . . . . 44 4. Flow in a Rectangular Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5. Flow in a Circular Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 6. Flow in a Pipe with Rough Walls in the Presence of a Transverse Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 7. Some Notes on the Thermal Problem of Magnetu-Hydrod~,Tiamic Laminar Flow of a 'Melted Metal in a Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Pibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Chapter III. Instability of Laranar Flow and Transition to Turbulence in the Presence of a Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 1. Effect of 'Magnetic Field on Flow Perturbations . . . . . . . . . . . 81 2. Planar Flow in a Transverse Magnetic Field (Hartman Flow) . . . . . 88 3. Axisymmetrical and Planar Flow in a Longitudinal Field .... . . . . . 97 4. Flow in Rectangular and Circular Cross-section Pipes in Transverse Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 2/8 - 73 - USSR VLANOVER, G. G.,and TSINOBER, A. B., Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika Neszhimayemykh Sred, Moscov, .19r70 S. Some Information on Stability of Other Types of Flow in a Transverse Field . . . . . . . i . * ' * ' * . . . . . . * * ' ' * . . . . . . 115 6. The Influence of Finite Perturbations on the Transition to Turbulence in Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flows . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Qapter IV. Turbulent Flows in Pipes in the Presence of Transverse and Longitudinal ~Iagnetic Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 1. Principal. Concepts of Turbulent Flow in a Niagnetic Field . . . . . . . 128 2. Semi-empirical Theories of Turbulent Flow in Pipes in the Presence of a Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 129 3. Consideration of the Influence of the 14agnetic Field on 'urbulent Flow By %]cans of Nlixing a Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 4. Solution of Differential Equations of Mlotion for Various Cases of Turbulent Flow in External ~Iagnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 S. Plane-Parallel Turbulent Flow in Plane of Transverse Magnetic Field (Hartman Turbulent Flaw) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . * 140 6. Planar and Axisymmetrical Flow in Longitudinal %Iagnetic Field. Planar 3/8 Flow in Plane Perpendicular to Transverse Niagnctic Field . . . . . . . . 148 USSR EMOVER.1 G. G., and TSINOBM,, A. B., Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika Neszhimayemykh Bred, Moscow, 1970 Chapter VI. illagneto-Hydrodynamic Stokes and Oseen Flows . . . . . . . . . . 208 1. Limits of Applicability of Stokes Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . 208 2. Uniqueness of Solution of the P--oblem of Stokes Flow . . . . . . . . . 209 3. Fundamental Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 4. Absence of Stokes Paradox in Magnetic Hydrodynamics . . . . . . . . . . 218 S. Green Formula and Integral Representation of Solutions . . . . . . . . 219 6. General Solution of Problem of Stokes Flow in a Half Plane . . . . . . 223 L Reduction of Non-linear Problem of Flow in a Half Plane to Integral Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 8. Resistance of Simple Bodies in Stokes Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 9. Oseen Flow . . . . . . . . . . i ' * . * ' * * i ' ' * ' * ' * * * 234 10. Flow of Electrical Conducting Fluid with External Electric Current Around a Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Bibl iography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 5/8 USSR BRANOVER, G. G. and TSVIOBER, A. B., Magnitnaya Gidrodina-milka, Nesshimayemykh Sred, Y;OBCOW, 1970 Chapter VII. Nlagneto-Hydrodynamic Boundary Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 1. Preliminary Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 2. Magneto-Hydrodynamic Boundary Layer on Flat Plate . . . . . . . . . . 244 3. Flow in Wake Beyond Body in Transverse Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . 259 4. Flow in the Initial Sector of a Pipe with Transverse Magnetic Field. 261 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Chapter VIII. Results of Numerical Calculations of Problems on Magiicto- flydrodyn,wtic Flow Around Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 1. Preliminary Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 2. Flow Around Circular Cylinder in Transverse Magnetic Field . . . . . 269 3. Flow Around Flat Plate of Finite Width in Transverse Magnetic Field. 273 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 6/8 - 75 - IUSSR BRANOVER, G. G., and TSINOBER, A. B., Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika Neszhima~-_mykh Sred. Moscov, 1970 Chapter IX. Experimental Studies of Flow Around Bodies in the Presence of a Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 1. Preliminary Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 2. Flow Around Bodies in the Presence of a Longitudinal Magnetic Field. 279 3. Flow Around Bodies in the Presence of a TransverselMagnetic Field. 281 4. Flow in the Wake Beyond a Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 S. Flow Around Sensing Elements of Measuring Devices . . . . . . . . . . 297 Bib liography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Chapter X. Streams in a Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 1. Some General Notes on Laminar and Turbulent Streams in a Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 2. Experimental Studies of Turbulent Streams Entering a Tube with Non- conducting Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 3. Experimental Studies of Turbulent Streams Entering a Tube with Two Conducting Walls Parallel to the Field . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 316 4. Distribution of Pressure and Drag Factcr Upon Sudden Expansion of a Strean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Bib liography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 7/8 USSR BRANOVER. G. G. and TSINOBER, A. B., Magnitnaya, Gidrodinamika Neszhimayemykh Sred. Moscow, 1970 Appendix I. Some Special Engineering Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32S 1. Preliminary Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 2. Hydrody-namic Design of a Magneto-Hydrodynamic Pump . . . . . . . . . 327 3. Hydrodynamic Design of an Electromagnetic LiquidNetal Dosing Device 332 4. An Electromagnetic Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 Appendix H. Brief Outline of Hydrodynamics of Melted Metals . . . . . . 340 1. Areas of Application and Primary Specifics of the Flow of Melted Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 2. Linear Hvdraulic Resistances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 3. Local Re;istances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '452 4. Physical Properties of Liquid Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _Z, _JUv Supplement Added After Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~e~ .30e Primary Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 374 Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 8 8/ - 76 - 1/Z 058 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-SOME COMMON PROPERTIES OF MAGNUGHYDRODYNIAMIC !URBULENCE lN TUBES - AND THEIR INVESTIGATION wirli TtlE AID OF CONDIUCTION ANEPIOMETERS -U- AUTHOR-(04)-1lRANUVEk, G.G., GELFGAT, YU.M., K11, L.G., ISINOrsflk, A.R_ COUNTRY GF INFO--USSR SCURCE-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR, IZVESTIIAr IMEKHAINIKA ZHIDKOSTI I GALA, MAR.-APR. L970, P. 35-44 DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-MAGNETCHYDRODYNAMIC FLOW, TURBULENT FLOW, ANEMONETER, 'MAGNETIC FIELD EFFECT, REYNOLD'S NUMBER C(:t!TRCL !lARv%ItNG-NG RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1188 STEP NG--UR/0421/70/000/00;)/00:115/oCj4O CIRC ACCESSICN NC-AP0124842 Ul%'CLASSIFIED 212 058 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIING 0ATE--30UCF7C CIRC ACCESSIGN NO---AP0124842 ABSTRACT/EXTRACF--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORCrICAL CONilDERATIONS CONCERNING THE 1,11ECHAINISM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUPPRESIGN il-ihD TURBULF'N"GE 6Y A MAGNETIC FIELD. THE PRINCIPAL TENDENCIES CHARACTERISTIC OF THE REARRANGEMENT GF PERTURBED PUTICN UNDER THE 114FLUENCE OF A i-:AGj',IEFIC FIELD ARE sruuIED ON THE BASIS OF RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS OF l-JHD TURB'ULENCE BY tMETHODS IN SPECTRAL THEORY. IT 15 ASSUMFD FllAr IS UNIFORM AND THAT THE MAGNETIC REYNOLDS NUMBER IS MUCH SMALLER THAN U.-N! TY. THE THEORETICAL RESULTS OBTAINED ARE VERIFIED BY EXPERf,14ENTS PERFORMED BY MEANS OF A COINDUCTION ANEMOMETER. THE THEORY OF THIS DEVICE IS REVIEWED. UNCLASSIF11-0 USSR UDC: 51 BRAKOVET GORACHEV, V. A., LOPATIN, A. P., POLOV- "Analysis of Technological Algorithms" V sb. Mat. metody issled. i oetimiz. sistem (Mathematical Methods of Studying and Optimizing 'S-ystems--collection of works), Kiev, 1971, pp 71-93 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No BV584) [No abstract] 47 - USSR UDC5J2.25/.26+SI9.3:S30.11S BMNOVITSKAYA "Algorithm for Determination of Promising Schedules for City Passenger Transport" Mat. Metody Issled. I Optimiz. Sistem. V)T. 3, [Mathematical Methods of Studying and Optimizing Systems, No 3-Collection of Works] , Kiev, 1970, pp59-63, (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5VS-2-1 by I. Romanovskiy) . Translation: A method is described similar to the method of G. V. Shelovkhovskiy (RZID,Iat., 1967, 6V286). ,/-I USSR BRAVOVITISIUY, V. I., RABINOVICH, E. L., Vychisl. sistemY, v-~-J_ 48, 1971, pp 3-15 processing information (including programming information) provided in the algorithm for solution of a problem; this processing takes place after input of the initial data and the program for solution of the problem. An auxili- ary processor is understood to mean a device designed for some kind of awdili- ary data processing: editing input and output data, solving central control problems, etc. Computer systems are subdivided into: 1) indivisible com- puter facilities, and 2) systems of computers. Indivisible computer facili- ties are systems constructed on the basis of several processors (includin.- auxiliary processors), none of which is capable of independerit operation separate from the system. Systems of computers q-re computer -facilities con- structed on the basis of separate computers in which each of Ole machines making up the system is capable of autonomous operation. Each of these groups, in. turn,is divided into: homogeneous systems and heterogene~.:us systems. A homogeneous system is defined as a computer facility made up of several identical Drocessors (or computers), not counting auxiliary machines. A hetercgeneou-- system is understood to mean a comDuter 'facility comprised of several processors (or computers) of different types, not counting aux-iliarly machines. Systems of homogeneous computers are divided into: a) systems of 2/4 - 37 - USSR BRANOVITSK-TY, V. I., RABINOVICH, E. L., Vychisl. sistemy, ',-Yp. 48, 11071, pp 3-15 computers with uniform software; b) systems of computers with differing software. Com-Plexes are divided into two stfoclasses: a) Complexes with computers oriented toward solution of problems of definite classes; b) com- plexes with computers oriented for different operating modes. All systems of computers are divided into two classes: multiprocessor (multicomputer) systems and single-processor systems. Single-processor systems are comDuter facilities with a single central processor or computer and one or more auxiliary processors (or computers which handle auxiliary data processing). On the next stage of classification, all systems are divided into two groups: with centralized access to the system by means of collectivized !/0 devices; and with access to the system only through the external devices of the com- puters which comprise the system. The following groups of computer systems are differentiated with resvect to the kinds of connections between com- puters (processors),: 1) computer facilities with data-coupled computers (processors) in which the computers (processors) of the system can exchange only functionall info=at4on; 2) computer facilities with computer's (proces- sors) connected only wit'h respect to control. The first group is subdivided 3/4 USSR BRANOVITISKIYY, V. I., RABINOVICH, E. L., Vychisl. sistemy, vyp. L8, 1971, pp 3-15 into: oriented computer facilities if transmission of information is pos- sible only on one side -- from one computer (processor) to another; centra- lized computer facilities if transmission of functional information is pos- sible both ways; partially oriented computer facilities if the system includes both oriented and unoriented subsystems. The second group is subdivided into: directional computer facilities if control coupling is always oriented; non- directional computer facilities if control connections are unoriented. De- pending on the constancy of their make-up as well as functional and control- ling connections, computer facilities are divided into: 1) computer facili- ties with a fixed structure (if the make-up, all connections, and their cri- entation remain unchanged during operetion of the system); 2) computer facil- ities with variable structure (if the make-up of the system, the functional and controlling connections,and their orientation may vary during operation of the system). Bibliography of ten titles. 38 - USSR BRANOVITS.KlY, V. 1. , 11"ABINOVICII, E. L. "Problems of Class if ication of Computer Systeius" Ifychisl. Sistemy [Computer System -- Collection of Works], No 48, Novo- sibirsk, 1971, pp 3-IS (Translated from Referativnvy Zhurnal, 1,11bernetill-3, No 1, 1973, Abstract No 1 V780 by V. Mikheyev). Translation: A classi.fic,-Ition of colpputer systellis (CS 'I is studied, in which three "levels," are di st ingui shed, dividod, in turn, into stalcs. At the first level, all CS are classified 3ccording to their interde-pun- dence, as wcll as their structural (and propran) homoguncity. At the middle level, stages of copuminity of various computer (Icivic-es included in the systcm are sepirated. At the lower level, all computer systems are divided as a fUnction of the connections between -che devices included in their composition. A compliter system refers to any set of compliter devices vdth more than one processor (including supplemwltary pi-ocessors) connected by information transmission IillCS Mld controlled in a centf., lized manner. The processor means a set of coniputer equipininit (ill tile simplest case, a portlan. of p computcr) designed for processinl- of informa- tion (ilIcItIdinF prog,ram AinfoiTiation) as called for by py,oblem solviiij,, al- gorithms; this processing occtirs after the initial data and 1-,2-oblc~,Ti solv- 114 BRANTOVITSKIY, V. I., RABINOVICH, E. L.,, Sistemy, IN',,) 48, Nox-Osi- birsk, 1971, pp 3-15. ing algorithm are input. A supplementary proce~;sor neans ;i dovice designed for supplementary processing of information, sucfi as: editing of input and output infor)-wition, solution of dispatcliers problems, etc. Computer systems are dixided into: 1) indivisi.ble CS; 2) systems of coll~- puters. Indivisible CS refer to systems based on several processors (ill- cluding suppIcnientary processors), when it is impossible for all)- of the processors to operate separately from the rest of the system. Systems of computers refer to CS based on individual COMI)LItOl-S, -.-dico independent operation of each machine included in the composition of the system is possible. Each of these groups in turn is divided inw: homogeneous sys- tems and heterogeneous systeims. A homogenuous system refers to a CS, tile composition of-' which includes several identical processors (or C0111puters), not including supplementary processors. A hetero.gencous -,ystem refers to a CS, ilichiding sevcrill processors (or comput(.1-SI ot, diffe'.'ent tvj)-,~cl 110t COU11fillt'. IJI Systouls ot- complitcr:; 11 110IN01.C11I.-Otl~, wo SN'SteMS of Ct-V',j1U[L-1-.-; With -71ple-'Les with Compliters Oriented towavd of tasks of definite types; b) complexes with compuLers orj(~iLed tow;trul 2/4 USSR BRANOVITSMY, V. I., RAMNOVICH, E. L., Vychisl. Sistemy, NO .18, Novosi- birsk, 1971, pp 3-15. various operating modes. All computer systems are divided into two classes: multiprocessor (multi-machine) and single-processor systcms. Sinple-pro- cessor systems consist of CS with central processor (or computer) and one or more supplementary processors (or machines performing SLIJ)IACMentary information processin.o). In the next stage of classification, all systems are divided into two groups: with centralized access to the system through general input-output devices; with access to the system only throu.-h the computers included in the systen. Systems can be divided into I-lie follol'.- ing groups of computer system-,; according to types of connections between computers (processors): 1) CS with information connections betueen r,'iachines (processors), when the machines (processors) of the systeni ran exchange C, only functional infoilitation; 2) CS with machines "processo-Ls) coupled only by control. The first OrOLIP, in turn, is subdivided into: oriented CS, if transmission of functional infonnation is possible only in one direction -- from one nachirie (processor) to another, nonoriented C~, if transi-~nissi oil of functional information is possible in both directions; partially oriented CS, if the systeia has both oriented and unoriented The second group is divided into: directed CS, if the control ccuplinigs are always oriented; undirected CS, if the control couplintys are oriented. Dependim, 3/4 BUNOVITSKIY, V. I., RAPINOVTCff, E. L., Xrycllisl. Sistemy, 1,410 48, N'Ovosi- birsk, 1971, pp 3-15. on the constancy of the composition, as well as the functional and control connections, CS are divided into: 1) CS with constant structure (if in the process of functioning of the system, its compositions, 111 collplillos and their orientation remain unchanged): 2) CS with variable structure (if the composition in the system and the functional and control couplinos, as well as their orieritations, can change during the functioning of the system). 10 Biblio. Refs. 414 64 -- 'USSR UDC 8.74 DOVGYALLO, A. M.,1 LOZINSKIY* L. S. "Some Forms of the Man-Computer Dialog" V sb. Mat. i inform. probl. prognozir. i upr. naukoy Olathematical and Informa- tion Problems of Forecascing and Control of Science -- collection of works), Kiev, 1971, pp 184-194 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V623) Translation: A study was made of the following problems: the interaction of man with a computer and his role in the joint solution of a problem by them: a dialogue as a form of such interaction, basic characteristics and forms of dialogues; methods of organizing a dialog controlled by a computer and its role in thd development of problen-r-solving algorithms. USSR UDC 615 .71~7/.779 MOLOZ1141,7011AY YE. I".., REMIZOVA, L. B., and LEVICH L. q., All Union Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology of Pesticides, Pol.,.,.Ters, and Plastic Masses., and Kiev State University "Detoxification of Chlorophos by Soil Microorganisms" Moscow, Kh1miya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve,, Vol 11, No 10 (120)., 1973, pp, 41-42 Abstract: It has been established that chlorophos may be decomposed in soil by exoenzymes of soil microorganisms. The negligible amount of the a-"ent that remains in the soil up to two weeks may be explained by microbiological de".-oxi- fication. 1/1 112 039 UNCLASSIFIF0 PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF PLASTIC DEFORMATION ANO RECOVERY ON THE !AGNETIC P4EPERTIES OF TRANSFORMER STEEL CRYSTALS -U- 4UTH0R-(05)-BRASHEVANp G.A., VEKSLER, A,Z., DRUZHININ, V.V., MOLOTILOV, v '' r. -__ a~ BoV.9 NOVIK V ,V.?* COW."' ');: INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. W1,_,_ cl~SR, SER. FIZ. 1970, 34' DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--PLASTK OEFORMATION, TRANSFORMER STEEL, METAL CRYSTAL, SHEET METAL, MAGNETIC PRCj!"'-::Z.TY, MAGNETOSTRICTION, CRYSTAL DISLOCATION, ALLOY COMPOSITION, METAL SILICON STEEL, HYD?,OGEN CONTROL 4AkKlNG--N'O RESTRICTIONS DOCUMIENT CLASS--0'%CLA.SSfFfED PR9XY RFLl./f:kAMF--llj97/1529 SlFil rj',')--Uk /()01t 64'10/014 /002 / 0321-)/f) ~'?3 CIRC ACCESSION N()--APQ120310 u ,I: C i. Ai iz I F 1) 2/2 039 UNCLASSIFIED pjr)CESSING D-'T[---23)CT7 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120310 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LARGE CRYSTALS CUT OUT FROM TRANSFORMER METAL SHEET, 0.35 MM THICK, REFINED IN H (350DEGREES, 4 HR) AND UNDER VACUUM 11100DEGREES, 4 HR) WERE STUDIED. AFTER t~EFINING, THE STEEL CONTAINED Sl 2.9, C 0.004, N 0.005, AND S 0.003PERCENT. STUDIES OF THEIR MAGNETIC STRUCTURE (BY THE P04DER METHOD) , AS WELL AS OF DISLOCATION DS. WERE NiADE AT THE SAME SPOT OF F;-iE SAMPLE. SP. COREE LOSSESt COERCIVE FORCE, H SUBC, AND MAGNETOSTRICTION .;ERE MEASURE. ROLLING IN THE (001) DIRECTION PRODUCED A STRUCTURE WITH A AUCH LOWER DISLOCATION D. THAN ROLLING IN THE (110) DIRECTION. HO;iEVER, WITH SMALL DEFDRMATIONS H SUBC (001) LARGER THAN H SUBC (110'. THE SIMULTANEOUS ACTION OF STRESSES AND DISLOCATION QS. LED TO A CHANGE IN DELTA H SUBC. A LINEAR CORRELATION WAS NOTED BETWEEN It SUBC AND SP. CORE LOSSES. FACILITY: TSNIICHM IM. BARDINA, MOSCOW, USSR. I S I F I E 1) USSR UDC 60'.085.)/.5:678-742.2 PIYANKOV, G. N., DLBAKCHI, A. M., GOLODM, YU. F., LIkSH 4 , MPATL~, 1. P., YAMMILK(C), 1 t MTeg ~ca' Chei-4 stry, E. G., and BOMIKOVA, A. N., I Acad. Se. UkxSSR "Experimental Line for the Production of Radiation Modificd Polyethyelene Tubes UR-0.41" 11 0 ? Kiev, Khinicleskaya Tekhrjologiya, No 2 ('2), 0-ar-Apr 72, PP 510-5- Abstract: An oxperinental line has been constructed for the production of radiation nodified- polyethylene tubes. The novelty of this process is in the irradiation zmethod. The tubes pass repeatedly through the irradiation zone in a spiral pattern, -with alternating diroctions of the rotation, "-o that ex- posure is twifform to the radioactive source, and daciage dur:; to the radiation heat is minimal. JIs an example, a tube 6 ni in dia.,ieter, wall thickness up to 0.5 am, r-ovdi- at a velocity of Wrrain, after 6 passages through the caamber picks up a dose of 45 Mrads. 1/1 USSR UDC 51 BRASLAVETS, M. YE., KRAVCHENKO, R. G. "Mathematical Simulation of Economic Processes in Agriculture. Textbook for the Departments of Economic Cybernetics of the Agricultural Institutions of Higher Learning" Matematicheskove modelirovaniye ekonomicheskik-h protsessov v sel'skom khozyay- stve. Uchebnik dlya fak. i otd. ekon. kibernet. s.-kh. vuzov. (cf. English above), Moscow, Kolos, 1972, 589 pp, ill., I r. 56 k. (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V404K) No abstract 42 - -USSR uDc: 624-131-43+539.21.c84-492-3 VUL 1 F A. R A- I., GOMWIOV A. S.j VOLYISny, V. V. "Experimental Studies of the Interaction between Piles and Horizontally Moving Ground" Sb. Nauchn. tr. Gos. nroyektn. i n.-i- in-t Donetskiy Promstro-Mliprovekt TC-ollection of Scientific Works of the Lonetsk Proir;stroyNII*Droyekt State Scientific Research and Planning Institute), 1970, No 9, pp 170-174 (from F02-Nekhanika No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9V570) Translation; This Wper gives the results of experimental studies of the inter- action between a Diling and the soil into which it is driven, where the soil moves horizontally. A description is given of the construction of a stand vhich simulates the conditions of lateral pressure of the coil on a piling vhen the head is securely fastened in a grillage foundation. -Expressions are derived for the contact stresses on the lateral suriace of the piling at various depths, and deflections of the piling as functions of the soil pres- sure and the magnitude of its compression with respect to the length of the piling. A 'basis is given for application of the Winkler model to calculation 1/2 - 49 - USSR VULT, A. R... et al., Sb. Nauchn. tr. Cos. pro3rektn. i n.-i- in-t Donetskiy Pro-mstp~L,rNIIproyekt, 1970, No 9, pp 170-174 of a piling, in the case of lateral pressured and this connection on the change in the bed factor lateral pressure, using a special installation, tionship is found, Authors' abstract. studies are carried out in with depth where there is and the corresponding rela- 2/2 USSR UDC: 539-166-074 BRATA1,10-V31MY, V. V., GEINTERMLOVA, V. V., GURSEIY, M. N. , and 7"Tll'iM71, A. V. 111'etrologle Verplication of the State of Measuri4r., Ga.,=.-_~~Ijdiation Doses in the 1-103-10-3-08 Rad interval With Liquid Chemical Detectors" V sb. Dozirietriya i radiats -. protsespy v dozi-netr. sisterraldi (Dosiizi,,~try and Radiation Proces.3es in Dosimetric Systems -- collection of 11 , Tashkent,, IlFanll, 1972, Pp 100-103 (f rom RZh '-.12.Metrologiya i Iz%ierite1'nayp_ Tell-MLIca, No 5, 1973, Abstract No, 5.32.1321) Tranniationt The metrologic verification of the state of iacasuriu,g, ganni-a- radiation dones in the 1*103-10,108 rand iliterval with che--lical de- tectors showed that nearly one fourth of the digital %--Iue.- OIL' wan exposure dose diverge wIth the assigned wil-tie to imgnitudco v.-Iiieli (I'x-Oced Ghe 1110asure- ment error. The mx,.Ober of overestimated rez;ult~; i, ri,~arlv twicc- Lh,,,tt of -Ilh(-- underestimated. 11iis attests to the presence of syotc-:.,,~atic orl-or. V,' s of improving tne atate of jaea:3uring ga[pnz-radiation doses are inJicaLf_-,j. Gri- gInal. article: one Mustration and one table. EWA I -i . . --- . - 1-- Acc. Nr Abstracting Servicc-2 Ref. Code A 01 Os.5 f; 0 CTINTCAL ABST. 41fln I ."1137 Y, Macho" 11*101111agnotic ialsollitac-41 4% lalma dolutlls " in synthatic diamonds. 4rataihevskii. Nru. A.; A. Samsonenico. N. V. 'v !~Oh: : 5;5Tiolev, P,. V1. (Donets. M USSR). lip. AFZ. Ta' k R, Neorg. Mater. 1970, 6(2), 368-9 Wuss). A new type of EPR spectra obtained in nonirradiated synthetic diamonds is discussed. In synthetic diam6nds which had been synthesized witK various amts. of solvents (Ni, Co, INIn, Fel CO present, at