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2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV7O CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129534 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACr. PROBLEMS ARISING IN THE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF CREEP TESTS ARE DISCUSSED WITH SPECIAL REF. TO THE CASE OF AL ALLOYS. THE DISTR13UTION OF CREEP STRENGTH IN SERIES OF SUCH SAMPLES OBEYS NORMAL STATISTICAL LAW IF DUE ALLOWANCE IS MADE FOR THE UPPER AND LOWER THRESHOLDS OF SENSITIVITY. WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITSP HONEVFR, THE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF SUCH TESTS MAY BE CARRIED OUT ON THE BASIS OF A NORMAL LAW WITHOUT TAKING THESE THRESHOLD VALUES INTO CONSIDERATION. THE ERRORS INVOLVED IN THIS SIMPLIFICATION ARE CONSIDERED. USSIR BORODIN, P. M. "Kinematic Re2ativisip in Nuclear Magnetic Reson,,nce" Lenine-rad, YadernKr 21,'a.--Mitny-,y Rezcnans, No 4, 1971, --D-D 5-17 Abstract: rCimeznatic reiati-~.-ism zay have r--n appreci able eff-ect on cer-lain parameters of ar. observed nuclear magnetic resonance and it sbould be taken into accourat lin --11 cases where miclear ragnetic resonance is ot- served in A n-r,-,Per understanding of the. physik~al mocla-i~sm of this effect will dso help in przictierd applicutions. thin "n mind, the author urese-ts a brief survey of the literature on hinc-ma.ic rela- tiv:is= in- cor.-ection wf---n varicus methods of obsorvinc nuclear ic resonance. Fartieu.1-ar attontion is rivell to tht! t-Arung matic vario= ,r.~A110(dS of u c 1 er Y. 7,: c, ~iJ rer,Ona:lce in, t"L.-c- field. It --'Is t-(:~Cj served effect- du(., to interection of precci;sin~-, men tar:, 1: art f o=s r- 4' M z J .- re ~ c. nC- U!~ ?t :-Z r, C-_- Fou, figures., biblioj,~--.IT)11~' of -10jelve titler- 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--USE OF THE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF PHOSPHORUS TO STUDY EXTRACTION BY ORGANOPHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS. I# EFFECT OF SOLVATION -U- AUTHOR-(05)-ROZ6,4, A.M., BOROOI~Lf~ NIKOLPTOVAt Z-I-, CHIZHIK, V.I., SVENTITSKIY, YE.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-RADIOKHIMIYA 1970, 12(l), 69-76 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--PHOSPHORUS ISOTOPE, ORGANIC PHOSPHATE, URANIUM COMPOUND, NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, SPIN LATTICE RELAXATIONt SOLVENT EXTRACTION, SOLVENT ACTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1464 STEP NO--UR/0186170/012/001/0069/0076 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0135L35 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135135 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE PRIME31 P CHEM. SHIFT DELTA OF BU SUB3 PO SUB4 (TBP), CH SUB3(C SUB5 H SUB11 O)SUB2 PO (DAMP) AND A TRIOCTYLPHOSPHINE OXIDE (TOPO) SOLN. IN CCL SUB4 ARE PLUS 6.3, MINUS 23.3, AND MINUS 38.0 PPM, RESP.; THE PRIME31 P CHEM. SHIFTS OF SOLVATES (DELTA SUBO) PREPO. BY SATNs OF THE ABOVE EXTRACTANTS WITH UO SUB2(NO SUB3)SUB2 ARE PLUS 4.3t MINUS 32.11 AND MINUS 63.8 PPMj RESP* THE SOLVATION SHIFT (DELTA DELTA EQUALS DELTA DELTA SUBO)WAS A LINEAR FUNCTIQNOF THE NO. OF ESTER GROUPS (RO) 9 AND THE LOG. OF THE EXTN. CONST. (LOG K) INCREASED LINEARLY WITH INCREASING DELTA OELTAP I.E. DELTA DELTA COULD BE USED AS A MEASURE OF THE EXTG. POWER OF ORG. P COMPDS. THE CHEM. SHIFTS ASSOCO, WITH THE DILN. OF THE ABOVE EXTRACTANTS ( AND SOLVATES) WITH DECANE, CCL SUB4, BENZENE AND CHCL SUB3 010 NOT EXCEED 1-3 PPM. THE SPIN LATTICE RELAXATION TIMES (T SUBIJ OF PRIME31 P IN TBP, DAMP, THE TBP SOLVATE AND THE DAMP SOLVATE WERE 5.81 50 0.85Y AND 0.33 SECt RESP.; DILN. OF THESE EXTRACTANTS (OR SOLVATES) WITH CCL SUB4 AND C14CL SUB3 INCREASED THE T SUBIr INDICATING tHE OCCURRENCE OF INTERACTION ON THE DILN. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 62.1.316. BORODIN, P. P. 'Experience in Studying Some Operating Parameters of Electric Power Networks" V sb. Tekhn. progress v elektrosnabzh. gorodov (Technical Progress in Electric Power Supply of the Cities - collection of works), Leningrad, Energiya Press, 1970, pp 27-30 (from RZh-Elektrotel-hnika i Energetika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4 Ye 295) Tran lation: A study was made of the load conditions of municipal electric power networks operating at voltages up to 1,000 volts. A quantitative estimate of the active power loss reduction in the presence of reactive power compensation is presented, and the savings as a result of reducing losses are compared with the expenditures on compensation. There is 1 illustration, 1 table and a 1-entry bibliography. 1/1 USSR UDc 547-831-3 LUGOVIK, B. A., YUDrTTJ? 11. G.~ BORODIN. P.-X-- VINOGRADOVAJ, S. M., and KOSTJ9 A. 11.1 Mosco-w State University Imeeni M. V. Lomonosov "Reactions of 1,2-Dihydroquinollines. III. Addition of Benzene and Phenyl Halides to the Double Bond, of' 2,2,4-Trimet!iyl-1,2-dihy,.Iroqijinolines" Riga, IMimiya Geterotsiklicheskilch Soyedineniy, No 6, jun Ill, PP 7545-797 Abstract: 2,2,b,-Trii-,~athrl-1,2-dihydroauinoline (I) does not react with benzene at room teriperature, even vith excess 3* VAhen heated it, yields wroducts of di- and polymerization. On the other nand the hydrochloride or 11-a-cetyl derivative of (I) adds benzene at room temp-~-rature. !,Aa-n AIC1.4 iF; replacad b-v iron or zinc chloride or by stronr, mineral acids) the reaction'doQs not take place at all.. Solvents which are capable of forminl,,, stablu Comple"."'!S with AlCl -- such as diethyl ether, nitromethmne, dibutyl ethr:r, or nitrobenzenc- -- hinder the reaction. Subctituting a benzyl group in position 1 or a methy! group Lnto the ax-yl ring has practically no effect on tiia relaction, while tine presence of a r2thoxy V~-oup in position 6 hindern the process conniflerably. Hence.0 ad-dition of benzcne~ to (1) rcquirea a preliminary protonatiun or acyla- tion of the amino group. Phenyl halides react under drastic conditions yield- 3=1 only para-6ul)5tituted l~-arjl-2,2,4-tritiiethyl-1,2,3,L-tetrahyd-roquinolines- 1/1 37~~,O R -' D 111 YUDIN, L. G. , KOSST, A. y De-pazzinient, 4I;-.oz;Co!u University "A ~iethod fGr Preparing Substituted USSI Aut-hor's Cert-I 14 Cate No 253067, class 12n-, 1/10 (C 07 -.L ~ - Qj filed 17 july 66, published 24 Feb 70 (frcn--, ~.-o 21 k,-T" T 10 N'ov 70, Abstr&ct IN579 by I. A. illellnikova)- Translation: These compounds, intermediate products for thle synthos.-~:.s of z--apellents, are D.-eT)ared by treat-ing substiltuted 1,2-dihy6roculnol~--,*~ul nydrochloride with a of alip'I'latic o~? a-!icyc"L.-'Lc hyd:.,oca'ons in tho presence of AlC13; 78 g of a-'- naydrous AIC13 ad(-.L;("A- to a stispension of 70 g of 2,2,~.-trilaothyl-1,2- hydrochloride in 120 n1 of n-he.ptana. '-Phe is stirred fo~' 30 min at 66-700, decanted, and the ta-.,,ry residue Z 1, C- -f~ r. e Qt h'00, g of -NaOH solution in LLOO ml of icer 6-ratc-- and ex- -rae-e-~ --7 50 r-1 of ether. The organic layar is wazhad with L u u vrato.-, Uith KOHI, and fract-ionated, for-r-ling (i) 20, ",,Li;,no'ir.,), yie'd 1)01.- USSR UjGOVILIK. -3. ~-I. ,et al. USSE Au-'Iho---' s Cerit ! fi a- c !-,o 253067, ci,123 C ~El -- -L- 12p, 1/10 (C 07 d' ; , fi !~- d 17 --j- Y6-,- pub I" Fe b 767- (f-crii R'Z-I-.-!aiir,zi7a~ 21 (1111), 10 -Nov 70, Alb--tzract 1,57c, bY 1. A. T -Kel I nikova) 83-6012, reltinLgr -Doi-nt L10 (from he-otane) and (ii) a I'--action -,dith a boilin- point 0.1. 130-500/2 -e:hich i- dis-solved in the c~-cccss P.-heptane, troat-ed with 15`;~ HCl, filtered, t1he lilquor alkaliZed w~'th E-O.T-.7 solutjion, extract-ed with Gt.':ier. the oz-ga-'i1c !a-%-er was-had with water., and dr-ied wit-3-1 Cr 02 2,2,1~-4,ri.m,c-thyl-7-1,---7otirl-I 2 y-ol- 0 boilin.- noint 125-10'12. The 10110,.14 1) a.-a -Orr )&_p(~;d in a ar lashion co-pou-nds, yield in boiling poir.- in 'OG are given): 1, 2, 3 , 4L- t etra' hydro quino line, 50, 63-V2; 2,2,4- -L'-Iri.methy.-~,--7-cyclohc.x-yl-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydroquir,oline, ~3, 144-6/2; 2,2,4,8-te"u,ra~~,qot8yi-1,2,3,L~-to,k',rahydroquinoline, 74 95-8/2, n2OD 1.53941., 0 963" 2/2 C!7SR BORODIN, V- K. "A HigLI-Frequency Amplifier" UDC 621.375.126:621.375.4(088.8) '-'SSR Author's Certificate No 254573, Filed 25 Jun 68, Published I-I -JO (from RZh-Rad-"oLekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No IOD51 P) Translation: An amplifier is proposed with low-volcage power supply. Tile unit is based on a transistor with a tank circuit in the collector circuit. To improve the stability of the parameters while simultaneously increasing reliability and economy, and also to reduce noises, the collector and base of the transistor are shorted with respect to direct current. Resume. US!` R uD,-.. 533-9.032.5 LqRODITI, V. S., GEBEIOV, V. D., GINDIIIA, V. F., KAGAN, Yu. M. '"Diagnostics of the Plasma of a Pulse Discharge in Hydro-en, Part IV Leningrad, Ontika i Snckt-roskoniya, No 1, Jan 7---', PP 17-21 Abstract: As indicated in the title, this article is the second part of a paper begun in volume 31, 1-971, P 525. The first part, dealt with the theory of plasma diagnostics; the -present half is concerned with the exDerimental verification of Jule theoretical conclusions derived. For these experiments, the authors used a pulse discharge in a chamber made of 4-cm thick plexiglasD, Iflea- suring 20 cm on a nide, the chumber being cubic in i~hape. The electrodes were tungsten rings with an inner diameter of 0.7 cm, placed 1.2 cm apart in the chamber. Quartz windows were set in both sides of the chamber for the purposes of observation. ThLe hydrogen fillinLt-, the chamber had a pressure of 400-760 mili 11r, 11i(i 107 - USSR BORODIN, V. S. et al, Gotika i SDektroskoDiy No 1, Jan 72, PP 17-21 the dis-~.,harge in the chamber was made with a capacitor of 72 /.LF charged from a rectifier. Diagrams of the equipment are given, as well as pulse-shape photographs. -A table of electron concen- trations measured in accordance with a method described in the first half of the article is provided. 212 USSR UDC 681.332.65 SAN'KO, V. S., BORODIN; V. S., and KATKOVA, L. V. "Device for Comparing Binary Numbers" USSR Author's Certificate No 264776, filed 21 Oct 68, published 17 Jun 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B217P) Translation: The proposed invention belongs to the devices of digital auto- mation and computer engineering in which transmission and conversion of se- quential code groups of binary numbers, in decending bit order, are carried out. A circuit for determining the larger of two binary nirnbers made of magnetic elements with a rectangular hysteresis loop is well-known. This circuit permits determination of the larger of two numbers coming to its inputs. The circuit contains six magnetic elements wit:h a rectangular hysteresis loop. The purpose of the present invention is expansion of the possibilities of this system. The essence of the invention consists in series connection of the exclusion circuit and the selective switching circuit and also creation of an auxiliary output, as a result of which the proposed circuit performs three operations instead of two. In the circuit 112 4 USSR SANIKO, V. S., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 264776, filed 21 Oct 68, published 17 Jun 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel,nava Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B217P) of the proposed device the bit-by-bit number comparison principle is used. The larger number turns out to be the one for which there is a "I" in one of the high-order bits at the same time as there is a "0" in the second number. If in one of the numbers the highest-order bit is "1." then this number is larger than the other. For identical symbols in the first or several high-order bits the larger number turns out to be the one for which on sequential inspection, beginning with the high-order bits (left to right), there turns out to be a "I" in the same bit and a "0" in the other bit. From what has been stated it follows that the process of determining the larger of two numbers with a bit-by-bit comparison can begin only at the time of occurrence of different symbols in one of the high-order bits (when going from left to right). This bit can be called the "decision" bit. The time required to determine the larger number depends on the location of the "decision"' bit for a given number of bits of the compared numbers. 2/2 - 71 - USSR UDC 533.9 BORODIN, V. S., CHEKOV, V. D., and _-KAG:V`, Yu. - OHNNOWN "Diagnosis of a Plasma With Pulse Discharges in Hydrogen" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 31, No 4, 1971, pp 525-523 Abstract: This is the first of a series of articles. In this particu.1ar installment, the question of determining the electron concentration in a plasma is examined by considering pulse discharges in hydrogen. The as- sumption is made that the plasma is in a state of local thermodyliam-ic equilibrium so that a set of three equations for the electron, ion, and atom concentrations in tha normal state; for the pressure of Lhe gas; and for the intensity of the hydrogen line applicable for such a state can be used. The further assumption is made that the pressure of the hydrogen is constant and that the plasma is quasi-neutral, thus assuming that the electron and ion concentrations are equal. Formulas are developed for the intensity distribution of the hydrogen line as a function of ti-me, and an expression is found through Thich the initial electron concentration c~:.n be found si-mply by measuririg the relative course of the intensir,. ar th~~ center of the line and the half-width averaged over the time interval. 1/2 USSR BORODIN, V. V., KOZOKIN.A, S. M., KONOVALOVA, V. V., MAYOROVA, V. A. "Algorithm for Lexicographic Processing of Texts" lzbr. Tr. Vses. Mezhvu--. Simpoz po Prikl. Mat. i Kibernet., Gorlkiy, 1967 [Selected Works of All-Union Interuniversity Syn osium on Applied Mathe- I p matics and Cybernetics, Goy'kiy, 1967], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 359- 365 (Translated from Referativny)? Zhurnal Kibernotika, IN'o 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V770, by the authors). Translation: Problems of organization of a machine dictionary capable of performing a broad range of linquistic tasks is studied. It is sugpested that the dictionary be based on list structures using the apparatus of grammars with a finite number of states. It is considered that the most acceptable form of operation with an automatic dictionary is the method of standard programs. With this purpose in mind, a set of operators is given for writing the program. The most typical tasks of lexicographic analysis performed by computers are formulated in terms of the operators. 1/1 USSR UXC 681.3.06.51 BORODIN,,V. V., INMOROVA, V. A., SMLITS, M. M. Nauchno-teckn. Inforin. Sb. Vses. In-t. Nauchn. i Teklin. Inform. [Scientific- Technical Information. Collection of All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information), Series 2, No- 9, 1970, pp 25-31 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No. 4, April, 1971, Abstract No. 4 V647 by the authors). This article is the first of a series of articles dedicated to descriptor informa- tion retrieval systems with positional coding. The article studies problems of the general structure of an information retrieval system in the 'IKOMPAS" series, developed at the scientific research institute for applied mathematics and cyber- netics (WIPINIK). The general structure refers to the formal model and lanauaae of representations. The formal mo4el of the information retrieval system based on the language of the theory of multiply coupled mappings is presented in detail. A representation of IRS by computers based on the operative method of programming and the method of construction of concrete IRS of t~e "KOMPAS" series 'are present- ed. 57 - USSR UDO 1537-226+537-311-331:1537+5351 GAMY S. G.J1 and IGMAROV, 0. P. "Influence of High-Terip-arature Polarization on Pyroelectric Effect and Electrical Properties of Barium Titanate" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekh-n. sb. NAterialy (Electronic Engineerin-: Collection of Scientific and Technical Works on I.hterials), 1970, vYp. 8, pp 92-96 (from R7,h-Fizika, NO 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 10YE61, from Surrqraary) Translation: The authors studied the possibilities of improving the stability of the pyroelectric properties of BaTi. single crystals by selecting the 03 0 appropriate polarization m-ode. Preliminary data are presented on the influ.- ence of high-temperature polarization on the magnitude and stability of the pyroelectric effect in BaTiO3 single crystals. 70 - USSR UDC 621.317.3 BORODIN, V. Z., KUZNETSOV, V. G. "Procedure for Determining the Coercive Force of a Photoelectric Field" Elektron. tekhnika. 'Nauchno-teklin. sb. Materialy (Electronic Engineering. Scientific and Technical Collection, ~Materials), 1970, vyp. 6, pp 109-125 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A304) Translation: The operation of an ordinary oscillographic circuit is analyzed considering nonlinearity of the ferroelectric capacitor. The conditions of undistorted -reproduction of the dielectric hyst-aresis loop, the current oscillogram. and reversible characteristics are proposed. The dispersion of the coercive force of BaTiO3crystals in the infrasound frequency range was studied experimentally. The conclusion is drawn of variation of the mechanism of the repolarization process of BaTi03 crystals in the indicated frequency band. 92 - USSR UDC: 681.325.65-525 CH-APILYGDI , E. !. , TROSHEIT 1 , A. K. , SHI-EIM, L. F. IWMI.Ml. IFt. j SYCHEV, Ye. A . , GILYZINT , A. NCHMNYSHEVA, !.I. A. tzi, Volga Affiliate of the AM-Union Scientific Research Institute of Abrasives and Grinding "An OR-NOR Fluidic Element" Moscov, Otki-ytiya, izobreteni-ya, rron:yshlennKre obra~tsy, tovannyye znelki, 1970, No 33, Sov--et Patent No 285341, class 42, filed !4 Jul 69, pubiishcd 29 Oct 70, Pt~ 118-119 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an OR-110R fluidic element which contains suppl- b ~ Q -- y, control,and .output char2l e1s; a jet Jnter- action chamber; and also channels which are open to the atm3s-jhere. As a distinguishi-ng feature of the- patent, the device is desig-ned i~or iri- proved stability of the characteristics of the element. The imit contai.i-~ an added project-ion on the wall opposite the control channels preceding the corresponding channel which is open to the atmosphere, and also an addition--' dra:::ber made it-, this channel -which 4---- oven to t',e atmos-rhere and located ir.-arediatelly behind the projection. 1/1 USSR UDC 51 BERDICM7SKIY, V. V., BORODIN, YU. M., KRIVOY, F. F., PELIPLY, L. N. "Computer Algorithms for Obtaining the Summary Materials List" V sb. Sistemotekhnika (Systems Engireering-collection of works), laev, 1971, pp 130-137 (from RZ.h-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V395) No abstract 38 USSR UDC 5~5-576 BORMILN, V.G., KARSY, YU.A., KRUGLOV, I.I., I-M~.~LAYLOV, L.I., MVIL~-__,-P PETROV, V.S., RYZFI-KV-V, 1.V. V 'Study Of 'ilia Region 0-1 Radiative Recombination In ElectroILL'Zin0scent Structures Based On Diffusion And Epitaxial. Specimens Of Gallium Arsenide" V ob. Elaktroly:4--inosteentsiya tvard. tel. ('Electroluminescence Of Solid Bodies--- Collec-ti-on-(Y -J'u ~-al 1-1971, pp %,-1158 (from RZh--Elektronika , Kiev, uliauk i yeve primeneniya, No 11, Nov 1971, Abstract No 113~0) Translation: A comprehensive study is presented of the elect -rical and opluical properties of the region of radiation recombination in diffused and epitaxial specimens. !be distributic.-i is obtained of the im-purity in the D-region of diffused and apitaxial specimens by means of a measurement of the photolumin- ascent soect.-a. 7r;e exseri=nt5lly determined transition time is: up to 1000 nanosecond with epitaxial specimens and 50 nanosec with diffused. The external quantum efficiency at T =5LOO Y of the diffused and epitaxial specimens equals one percent ami five percent, respectively, 2nd for a construction with the maximum possible external quantum afficiency/V 9 percent. 05 ill. 5 ref.Summary. 5 3 USSR UW ZP~.qPMA, _G__A_r-4ffRO;I,0VA, L. A., Irk-atsk IVedical InstLtute an-! Irkittsk Scien- tiffie I-R-esearch Institute of Eviderriology and MicrobiolcLy "Effect of the Waste ".;--ter of' the flydrolysis Plant on the Survival of T.,phoid and Dysentery Eacteria" M'Oscow, NO 3., 1972j pp 101-1cy-) Abstract: A study was na-de of the effect of nydrolysis waste water on the -p-a-tho-gens ol' typhoid and c~ysentevj. The s=tival of typhoid a--,i dyGentery 4-a 0 [a r . I_, -n I.e Se bacteria in the waste wan te 1- .-as studied ex-perimen , Ily ir r, no - - ci 1y %to define the bacteria! uroperties of the corunon hydrolvsis wiote with re.,;pcct to t'-,,---se _-icro3rganisms. Zqe waste water of the TlultLn- 1~,,drolysis P?.an-t uras studied because it had not been deconta.,i-inated after passage through the clean- inrr structures. Fi-fteen series of exmeriments demonstrated that the survival of t-rPhLoid bacte-ri-a after 2, 4 and 24 hours is quite hic-li for all dilutions of the water. Thus, the n,=.ber of microbial colonies in- the test tube with undiluted vaste -,,ater by cc==rison with the contral at 220C decreased by q07 on ex-posure for 2 ha--Irs, 3:)7 on exposure for 4 hours ana _C:- For - ),) on exposure I. 24 hours. Consequently, the bacterial properties of the Tulun Hydrolysis Plant waste are unacceptable with respect to such pathogenic microori:--anisms. The 1/2 73 I W.,*:N 130110DRIA.? G. A. Lind 1,1111011011A, L. A., Gigiyena I Sanitarlya, "to -.1 1972., pp 101- 1T2_ resiclu-P1 number of colonies of dysenterf bacteria in all dilutions after 2, 4 and 24 hours is also quile high. At 220C iv a test tube with undiluted waste irater, the nimber of ~ these bacteria decreased by 193 for 2 hours of exposure, 200 for 4 hours of exposure and 260 for 24 hours of exposure. 2,L2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--REACTIONS OF HALOMETAL ALCOHOLATES. XXX. SYNTHESIS OF STILBENES AND ...114YDIARYLP193,BUTADIENES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-LAPKINt 1.197 BORODINAt L.P. COUNTRY OF fNFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. ORG. KHIM. 1970, 6(3), 472-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEIATSTRY TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, BUTADIENEt BENZENE DERIVATIVE, HYDROLYSIS, GRIGNARD REACTION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS---UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1674 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/003/0472/0474 CIRC ACCESSION Ntl--AP0112668 UNCLASSIFIF0 2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING QATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112668 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REACTION OF PHCH SUB2 CHO WITH RMGBR (R IS PH, 2,51ME SUB2 C SU86 H SU63, 3#4,M3 SUt12 C SU96 H SUB3r 2,4,6,Mc, SUB3 C SUB6 H SUB2t 4-ETOC SUBo H SU84, 4-PROC SUB6 H SU64, 4-BUCC SUB6 H SUR4, 2-PkGC SU86 H SU84) GAVE PHCH SUB2 CHROMGdR (1). THE HYDROLYSIS OF I WITH 10PERCENT HCL SOLN. GAVE THE CORRESPONDING CARBINOLS. IN THE PRESENCE OF HCO SUB2 ET OR (CO SUB2 ET) SUB2 AND 10PERCENT HCL I GAVE PHCH:CRH (11) IN 51-87PER-ENT YIELDS. ANALOGOUSLY 11 (R IS 2,6tDIMETHYLl,NAPHTHYL) AND PHCH:CHC'1:CHPH WERE ALSO PREPD. FACILITY: PERM. GOS. UNIV*v PERM9 USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--Z7NOV70 TITLE--STRUCTURE OF AN AQUO COMPLEX OF URANIUM IV -U- AUTHOR-(04)-GLEBOVr V.A.y KNYAZEVj YU.D., LEKAYE, V.A., BORODINA, N.N. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR KHIM. 1970, SOURCE-ZH. NEORG. 15(5), 1332-5 0ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CO.14PLEX-COMPOUND, URANIUM COMPOUND, TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE, PROTON CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1155 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/005/1332/1335 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136575 UP, if: L. AS S I f` I E D - 2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C.IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136575 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE REL -AXATION TIME OF PROTONS IN SOLNS. OF U (IV) WAS DETD. BY THE SPIN ECHO METHOD. THE STUDY REVEALS NONEQUIV. WATER MCI-S. IN THE AQUOCOMPLEX OF U(IV); SOME OF THEM ARE BONDED STRONGER THAN OTHERS. IN THE INNER SPHERE, THE ACTIVATION ENERGY AND LIFE TIME OF THE STRONGLY BONDED WATER MOLS. ARE 11.0 PLUS OR MINUS 1.0 KCAL-MOLE AND O~4 SEC (20DEGREES)i RESP. A STRUCTURE OF THE UfIV) AQUO COMPLEX IS PROPOSED. UINCL ASS IF [ED USSR ux 621.357.13:699.822 2112. V., ~EORODI~111A, 11-7. P., and KOMAROV, V. E. "Diffusion Coef-ficients of Ur--nyl Tons in Melts of Arlkali '-'etal Halides and Their I-lixtures" Tr. in-ta eielrtrokhi.~,Ai. Urallsk naitch. tsentr. All SSR (Stuldics of the Trsti- tute of Electrochenist-r~i. Ural Science Center., Academy of Sciences USSR) v~-p 1817 1972, pp 64-68 (from Referativnyj Zhurnal -- nimiya, No '(, 1973, Abstract Vlo M,27 by A. D. Davydov) Translation: Diffusion coefficienta were measured for urauvI ions in the fol- imiing melts -- 3 LiC1-2r'M; N--C1-KC1; MI; 1TbC1; and CsC1 -- in the tempera- ture interval IP~11-9210C- It was established that the diffusion coefficient of UO-2+ decre-~sed in the order above and increased with teumerature. 2 17 USSR UDC 629-19:533.6 BORODINA, R. M., DOKUCIIAYEV, L. V., YEFIMENKO, G. G. "Three-Dimensional -Motion of a Two-Body Packet in Orbit" V sb. Konf. Do kole-baniyam. mekh. sistem. Tezisy doki. (Conference an Os- cillations of Mechanical Systems. Abstracts of the Reports), Kiev, "Nauk. dumka", 1971, D 12 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 10B1260) Translation: The authors consider the three-dimensional motion of 4-lwo bodies bound by a fley-ible connector for the folio-wing three cases: 1. The bond is weightless and nonextensible, and the masses of the bodies are concentrated at a point. The center of mass of the system moves in a circular orbit. Gravitational and aerodynamic forces are taken into consideration. The regions o' f possible motions and the position of stable equilibrium are determined. 2. 71he bond is heavy, and there are no aerodynamic forces. Small oscillations of the system relative to some undisturbed motion are studied. Modes of oscillations in the plane of the orbit and in 'the perpendicular Dlane are determined. 1/2 USSR BORODINA, R. M. et a! - , Konf. -vo kolebaniyam --ek . sistem. Tezisy doki. , Kiev, "Nauk. dumka", 19t-1, p 12 3. The effect of external forces is disregarded, but distribution of the masses of the bodies and the elasticity of the cable are accounted for. It is assumed that the cable is weightless, stretches axially, is free of twist about its axis, and has no bending rigidity. Necessary conditions are found for stability of such rotation. 2/2 USSR UDc 615-371:576-858.2l].ol4.45 BMDINA,.--T,-,. A., State Insitute of Standardization and Control of Medical --ffi_c;Io_g_ica1 Preparations imeni. Tarasevich, Moscow "On the Problem of Contamination of Rabies Vaccine by Bacteria and Protozoa" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Irmunobiologii, NO 3, 1973, pp 69-71 Abstract: Bacteria, particularly Gram-positive bacilli and cocci, are :readily detected as contaminants in rabies vaccine production by culturing dry vaccine in nutrient medium and by the direct bacterioscopic method. Con- tamination by protozoal however, is difficult to detect in the vaccine because the brain tissue from which it is derived is homogenized durinZ production. Brain tissue from 256 younry rats used in vaccine production was tested for the presence of Encephalitozoon cuniculi to assess the extent of protozoan contam- Ination. While E. cuniculi cysts were not found in 96 rats studied in May- June, some were detected among 170 rats studied in -~he fall-winter season. The need for monitoring parent stock and protectin.- it from protozoan infection is concluded. 1/1 USSR UDC 0"15-371:576-858-211-012 KWVQM1'.K.0, A. T,, ani ~OaDiA. T. A., State Control Tjj5titutle of' Hedical arA. Biological ?reparations ixieni L. A. Tarasevich, Hoscow "Prospects for Obtaining a Safe and Effective Antirabies Vacci-ne" (Review in Co=emoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of Pasteur) Moscow, Voprosy Virusolngii, Wo 4, jullAum, 71, pp 389-394 Abstract: Rabies is still treated by the original or somewhat modified vaccines and methods developed by Pasteur in 1885. This treatment is rather effective since it reduces mortality from about %; among ncntreated persons to about 0.4~~ arriong treated patients. This re.-Laining mortality car4 be ascri .oed to several factors. In some vaccines, the fixed rabies virus still posoc-5sas some activity and causes postvaccinal rabies. The dry antirabies vaccine currently manufactured and used in the USSR has a auch lower titer of fixed virus activity, and lathal results from vaccination have decreased to single cases. Vaccines ccntactinated with other viruses cause severe corm'Olications, and those contaminated with bacteria induce allergic reactions to polypeptides. Current USSR reaulations -_rohj:b!-t the uresence of either live or killed bac- teria in the vacc:L-es. '11'erg_ic reactions also occur tc vaccirzes cultuzed in pure brain tissue of newborn animals. These are allergic raaetions to forai3n 1/2 USSR KRAVCM-IF,O, A. T., et al, Voprolovii, I;o 4, Jul/Aug 71, Dp 359-304 brain tissue, which involve stress reactions and even denyelination of the nervous tissue of the patient. Neither the USSR nor other countries have standards concerning the presence of brain tissue from The culture nodiiza in the vaccine. Statistical data irv-;icate that the frequcricy of postvaccinal rabies is relatively high when a large number of injections (1~p to 28) of anti-rabies vaccine are given during the treatment. For this reason, the Pasteur Institute reduced the number of injections to seven, and its recent report covering the 195Z-1969 period indicates that this xodi-fication totally eliminated cases of lethal postvaccinal rabies. Thus, in order to be safe, the anti-rabies vacci-ne must contain no activa rabies viruses, no other viruses or bacteria, and no ani-mal brain tissue. In order to be effective even "4-hen marked termnerature fluctuations occur during storage, the vaccine should be manufactured in the dry form. with the solvent supplied in separate vials. The prospects for obtaining a saffe and effective antirabies vaccl-ne are quite realistic. 2/2 - 46 USSR UDC 621.762.01(088.8) FEDORCHENKO. MIROSHNIKOV. V. N., BORODINA, T. I., and SHEVCHUK, Yu. F. "Compacted Metal Ceramic Material" USSR Author's Certificate No. 268658., Filed 22/04/58, Published 9/07/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 2, 1971, Abstract No. 2 G421 P) Translation: A compacted metal ceramic material based on Fe contains metal fluoride. In order to increase the scale resistance, Al is introduced and the components are taken in the following relationship (%); BaF2 0.5-15, Al 0.5-25, Fe -- remainder. 34 - uz ZLM~ 7! C t TT- "The Ct~ oil Of o C.- Z T ci J 7-1, Alt sl-, ~7-~ ci ac lit 1 J- OJ! c 11A. c o! !!A. hvdroirxj'-'c c y J 1 c f".L With y L12 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING D.ATF--11'Zr-P7'0 TITLE--PHYSIOCHeMICAL METHOD FOR EVALUATING THE RELATIVE ACTIVITY QF FILLERS IN RUBBERS -U- AUTHOR--BORODINAP--V..N., TOLSTAYAt S."q.' TAUBMAN, A.B., LEVINA, A.YU., 114 1 K I F COUNTRY rlF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KOZH. POBUV. PROM. 1970, 12(2), 37-4~rm";;:~-,'t DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--FILLER, SILICA, KAf'Lll", RUBBER, POLYSTYRENE STYRENE RU9SERP W)SKS30 STYRnNE RUBBER P.FSTPICTIONS 0f2VJ7-'c_NT CLASS-TACLASSIFIED PPOXY REEL/PRAMF--j9.4P/0206 STEP C-IRC ACCESSIC-N '00--A00106862 U_~ir "LASSIFIED 212 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN3 DATE--11SER70 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP0106362 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A PHYSIOCOCHE,14. f~FTHOr) WAS DEVELOPED FOR THEISTUDY OF CROSSLINKING OF CONCD- SLlSPFN'Sl9NS JF FILLF~s (E.G. AERDSIL A-175(l), FINE SILICA FILLERS (11) (9S-150 A~40 KAOLIN (fill, A,140 CACC SUR31-IN' OIL. SOLN. OF SK,tS-30!Z (IV) ANO SKS--Jo IV) RUBBERS IN PHMF. THE EXPTS, WERE CONDUCTED IN SMALL r~,FAKEkS EQUIPPED WITH GROUND GLASS STOPPERS. A PORTION OF A FILLER WAS DIIED TO CONST. WT. AT 120-40DEGREESt PLACED IN THE BE4KFR AND COVE~~ED WITH 10 ML IV OR V SOLN. IN PHMEt THE MIXT. WAS CAREFULLY STIRRED, AND A GR'D-)VED MJCA PLATE (10 TIMES 10 MM) WAS PLACED-IN THE DPT. AFTER THE CROS'SLINKI~4G HAS- B_~Eltli_C04PUETED, THE MAX. STATIC SHEAR STR=-SS (- SUBM) WAS EVALUATED BY MEASUING THE TANGENTIAL OISPC4CEMENT Or- THE PLATE ON A WEILER RERINDER APP. A PLOT OF P SUBM EQUALS F(A) (WHERE A IS THE FILLER CONTENT-100 G V) SUGGESTED THAT THE ACTIVITY OF FILLERS IN ELASTOMFRS DECREASED IN THE ORDER: I LARGER THAN 11 LARGER THAN III LARGER THAN CACC SUB3* OPTIMUM FILLER CONTENT CAN BE DETO. FROM AN APPROPRIATE GRAPH. UNCLASSIFIED USSIR UDC 669.14:620A61 KIDIN, I. N,, LIZUROV, V. I., KAKSIMOVA, 0. V., and BORQDINA, YE. K., Moscow Instituteof Steel and Alloys "Production of a Composite Material Based on the Ferrite-Martensitic Structure of Steel 20" Moscow, Izvestlya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 1, 19739 Pp 134-137 Abstracti The possibility of producing natural composite materials based on the layered forTite-rzartensitic structure of steel 20 is analyzed. The method consists in heatir4g, steel by direct current transmission (v-100 deg/see) up to 750-780'C (two-phzase region), rollingp wid hardening in rollers. After such processing, a low-temperatura anneal is carried out. At optimum processing conditions ( e -40-5Vilt tanneal,250od 0 the tensil stxength P =155-160 kg/=Z and tho elongation iP -2-kl at 10V1. viscous fracture. In this case, tho structure consists of a ferriti- natrix and sections of annealed martensite (H - 530-550), oriented along the axis of rolling. The dimanzions and the form of rartansitic section are detexmined, as is the volume part of the martersite, which equals Ln5W,-*- Critical values of Y, and 1/h vers 1/2 LrQSR KIDIR, I. N. , at al., icvestiya V~Ysshikh Uchebnykb Zavedieniy, Cher-raya Metallurgiya, No 1, 1973, pp 134-137 calculated; it is demonstrated that requirements of composite materials. bibliographic references. 2/2 the produced =-terial conforms to the Four figuros, one formula, seven - 8 - _,P U, 0- S P, YAKCITEHKOly V. e. al (Instit-ate of Radio Pla, -cs In-! 'E-lcc- Mor_d!"76~5~, fuwil-~.~rai~an Academy.of Sciences., Mqarlkov) ys~L - "Iziteraction of an E'lectron. Flmi with Surface Waves i n a Somiconductor Flasnall Lenin- Solid State Physi6s; 'Iny, 1970; pp 11515-20 Xady AMMWT: The interaction of a f1m., of electrons in a vacmr~ 1--,L'Uh :~-,-xi"2CO ,.,ave8 in the plas~ma of a solid in the mllime'ter ranfle wa:3 (lotemined experi- nerfually. As a result of the analysis of the e:.cporimorybual datua cmf~ edsp(-- sion. equation it was eotablilshcd that this interaction Nz, the effect of a:,-~nIij_ Pjingr the iraves of the space charge in a beam in tho vicinity of the surf'acc of a medium with a complax dielectric constant. This ir"'oraction is t'he otrom,,- est near the frequency of plasma. resonance in a scodconductor (wz 8-101, sac-,). The article includes 9 equations and 6 figures. There are 1~ references. 2./1 112 G31) UNCLASSiFIED PKOCESSING DATE--20NOV70 TlTLE--lNTE_!,ACTlCN CF AN FLECTRON FLUW wiTti SURFACE WAVES IN A SEMICUZiCUCTuR PLASMA -U- A.I., Y.:~KOVENKO, V.M., LEVIN, G.YA., MAYSTREINKO, yu.1j. C.-CUNTRY UF l;8'FL;--USSR S C E - F 1 Z. TVERC. TZ'L:l LI,70, 12(5), 1515-20 DATE SU D-j E C 1, AS-- -I ~i-,y s Is TOPIC Pl.,%SMA, SURFACE WAVI:, I-LLGl*R,!N SPACE DIFLE-CFRIC CUNSTA,"J, PLASMA f;FSCi%A,-,iCE 'IT kqC T j;~~., STEP INO-UK/G16~L C I C S 1 C % 1 212 03C UiN-C, L A S S I F I F 0 P ROCESS P'-jG b A r t-- 20',1~0/ 7 0 C I RC A C C. L,,)- S hj,'., NO- A 1, 0 1 i I tb~~ AEST~IACT/~~XT;ACT--(U) CAP-0- At, S rAC r EXPTL. ME INTE~~ACTI(jki OF AN ELECT9zlovv--Ollvl NOISS9DOV D1011D oooo/rjooo/ ooo/ooo/ oz./ Fwio I m-ON d3IS 0174?1/TOOE--~WV'dJ/133b AXOU agjAISSV'IDNn--ssvio IN3wn3on SNOJIDI~JIIS3b rJN--5NIN'dVW- IDZ~INGO IN13IVd '30INVAD '30I-4ins 'AIIIIDVJ HD~JV3S~ll DiovIlV13W wniviiA $IV13W Hl*dV3 Old0l S-iV]'t.13!VW 'AVISI'N3H3--SV3'dV lD3rpns OL'dVW60--03HSJ19nd 31V0 '(OI)Lt, 'OL61 INVQ :33),N'~NAOI '),SIZVURO WO'dd '131~UCJZI 'VAVIA'8~410-3)N3~i3=13'd '060'S9Z ~j*s,s*n--q:)bnos -jo Abli,.noo *d*O 'ON:43inoong ,v*v -n- ~,, N. i ~,, i i x a N vSIN3WD13 HI~WD --,o S3ol2!nsJw-~S3S--31LJ1 -LF L A 1;N IV (1 0 1; 1 S S10 ~i d 0 3 1 J I S SN' I'n E20 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C[RC ACCESSION NO--AA0126971 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THT TITLE COMPOS. ARE PREPO. BY SLILFI[)IlArirj,,l OF O-CONTG. RARE EARTH ANO Y OXIDES WITH AN NH SUR4 SCN MIELT 1-4 A MOLAR RELATION OF 1:6-L:12 AT 170-250DEGREES IN A CURRENT OF fNERT GAS. SUBSEQUENT RARE EARTH AND Y THIOCYANATES ARE BROKEN 0OWN AT 400~-8000EGREES IN A SULFIDIZING MEDIUM. FACILITY: GOSUDARSTVENNYY NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISKIY I PROYEKTNYY INSTITUT REDKOMETALLICHESKOY PROMYSHLENNOSTI. ~:iE ! A'-~ rl I r- 1 USSR UDC 621.396.679. BORODULIN, A. A. ;'Limit Parameters of Ultra Higb Frequency Repulsion Phase Shifter With Continuous Electric Control" Allf-emli~, Jill ct,ll I $ of 1. 1 "~wlit t1 The control should provide maximum phase shift with no change of power output and wiuh minimum loss of power. It is shown that the modulus of the phase shifter repulsion coefficient can be coitstant only if the impedance hodograph of the control elemenl: is an arc of circle or a straight line. Formulae giving the limit values of the modulus of repulsion coefficient and the phase change as a function of control impe- daace are derived. A table Vjve,9 the numerical values of Oic paramete. i-r, obtained fr(m Ott formulae. 14 - 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OC110 TITLE--THERMAL f)IDERATION OF A BLAST FURNACE DUR[NG CO.MBINATION t3LAsr -u- AUTHOR-(0,2)-BORODULINv A.V.t SEMIKINt I.D. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., CKERN. MET. 1970, 13(2), 160-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT ARFAS--MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--BLAST FU'-,.NACE, NATURAL GAS, COAL, METAL REDUCTION, HEAT ENERGY CONVERSION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1403 STEP NO--UR/0148/70/013/00~-;/016010164 CIRC ACCE~rj(jN NO--AT01120196 l)N(_LASSfFIFD 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0120196 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CALCNS. SHOW THAT WITH ~3LAST TEPIP. OF 100ODEGREES, THE COEFF. OF HEAT UTILIZATION OF COKE IS 0.34, WHILE THAT OF COLD COAL DUST IS 0.27, AND THAT CF C IN NATURAL GAS IS NEGATIVE0.08. HERE LIES THE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF COAL DUST OVER NATURAL GAS AS A BLAST FURNACE FUEL. BLASE ENRICHMENT WITH 0 LOWERS THE DYNA-MIC PRESSURE OF THE GAS STREAM (BECAUSE OF SMALLER VOL.), AND THIS ENABLES ONE TO INCREASE THE AMT. CE.14EAT EVOLVED 114 THE FUkNACE WITHOUT INCREASING THE AERODYNAMIC RESISTANCE OF THE CHARGE. THE COLD NIATURAL GAS CAUSES A DECREASE OF THE HEAT UTILIZATION COEFF. IN A 5LAST FURNACE (E.G., WITH 77 M PRIM-P3-TON PIG IRON, THE COEFF. DECREASED BY 12PERCENT). THE COKE ECONOMY DUE TO THE USE OF NArUtz.AL GAS IS PRIMARILY CAUSED BY THE DECREASE OF DIRECT REON. OF THE FE. THE EiNRICHMENT OF THE BLAST WITH 0 TC 26.4PERCENT INCREASED THE AMT. OF HEAT GENERATED IN THE F_;.T4ACE BY 20PEkCENT A14D THE PRODUCTIVITY BY IOPERCENT. THE f,qCP.EASE OF AIR BLAST TEMP. BY 100DEGREES IN THE INTERVAL 1200-1500DEGREES INCREASED THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE BLAST FURNACE BY 4-5PERCENT ANID DECREASED THE -FUEL CONSUMPTION BY 1.5-2PEkCENT; HOWEVER, THE VOL. OF GASES AND THE AERODYNAMIC RESISTANCE OF THE CHARGE INCREASED. FACILITY: DNEPROPETROVSK. MET. IINST.t DNEPROPETROVSK, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED SINITSYN, V. k., POPOV, 1. A., BOT~ODULDI, G. I., ILAL'TSEV, B. N., KkCYIKOV, A. V. 'Experimental Industrial Tests of the INISD-1 Phototachymeter" Moscow, Geodeziya i Kartografiya, No 11, 11071, PP 30-31 Abstract: The paper gives basic technical data and the results of experi- mental industrial tests of the M-0-1 phototachymeter developed by the All- -Union Scientific Research Institute of Mining Geomecharics and Surveying for measuring ciistances in undergrourd surveying Jobs. The instrument has a range of action of 1-300 meters with an accuracy of � (2 nma + 5 - 10-6D). Measurements take 3-8 minutes. The test results show that the instrument Is highly accurate and can be used in special geodetic engineering jobs as vell as in surveying work. One figure, two tables. 172 USSR ux. 621.315,592 ANDRE-LIT, V. M. , BOPODULITI, 'I I. , KONYAYEV, V. P. , Pfil,., G. 1'. , PE 110',I, P_ I., PORTNOY, Ye. L SHVEYK-IN, V. I., Physi cotechnical Tns 4 i - J A. F. Ioffe, Acadenry of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad "Spatial Distribution of Tieterolaser Emission" Leningrad, Fi-.-ika i Tekhnika Polupro-vodnikov, Vol 6, No 9, Sep 72, pp 1739- -1748 Abstract: The Dauer nresents the results of exnerimental and theoretical studies of the luninous field of emission from a heterolaser 4-n the short range and long ran,-,e zcnes for various thicRnesseq of the active region uln(l outside dimensions of the cavity. The distribution of th,.! luni-Pous fic-ld on the mirror -face of the- cavity crosswise of the active region which observed in the experiments can be satisfactorily described "rithin the f'r-ewr - ,rk o-:' a 4-1 at triaxial waveguide model. The angular distribut-ion of heterolaser em-ission in the plane perpendicular to the heterojunction plane can be treated a fair degree of accuracy as diffraction of a waveguide wave on the o-en end cf a f--cat -ME-ts-1 waveguide filled vi+ft- - dielectric. rille pattern of the 1crig-range field is symrnetrilc relative to the normal 41c 112 USSR ANDREYEV, V. M. , et al., Fi zika i Tekhnika Polu-Qrovodnikov, Vol 6, No 9, Sep 72, PP 1739-1748 the inirror. 'ITe directions to the principal maxima are determined by the angle of refraction of the partial -vaveguide plane waves. 14odes of in- creasingly higher orders are stimulated in the active region as its width is increased. The vattern of the short-range field (order or the mode) does not depend on either the cavity length or the pumping. In heterolasers -egions, three-dimensional modes of tou internal reflec- with wide active i L tion are stimulated which impair the quantw!i efficiencli and increase the divergence of emission. These modes can be suppressed by increasing the ratio L/Z, TMI modes being suppressed faster. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.375.82 BORODULIN, V. I.,' MALYMMINA, G. M., PAK, G. T., PETROV, A. I., CHERNOUSOV, N__F:_,_.-9_WkYKTN, V. I., YASHMMOV, I. V. "Some Properties of Degradation of Heterolasers" V sb. Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Electronics--collection of works), No 3, 'Mos- cow, Soviet Radio, 1972, pp 108-110 (from RZb-Fizika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12D977) Translation: An experimental study was made of the catastrophic and slow degradation of beterolasers. It was demonstrated that catastrophic degradation occurs for average light energy flux densities (2-4).106 watts/cm2 and local densities of 107 watts/C1112. Depending on the light energy flux density the service life of the heterolasers can vary from several minutes to 100 hours and more; catastrophic deradation in this case is the limiting case of slow degradation under the effect of radiation. Heterolasers with a radiation power in the pulse of > 10 watts, a frequency of 6 kilahertz,and a pulse duration of 100 nanose7conds are capable of operating more than 100 hours with- out a significant reduction in power. liss R I IDC 62 1. 3 1 S . 592 ALFLROV, _211i. 1. , Al.-O~,EYLIV, V. 11. , ;,~LOUSOVA, T. YA. , V N. P. V. A. , P1,11, G. T. , PETROV, A, f. . , 1101RUNM, YE. L. , CIM-17MIMT, V. I. , Yt-_SLn1UmC)V, I .V . "Effective in'ection lieterolasers Operatin- In the Uavclenjth Band 0.1' 7,400- 9,000 Lenin-,rad, rizilka i Tekhnika Poluprovoulnikov, Vol 6, No 3, 1972, I)p 568-569 Abstract: Results are presented from a study of the characceristics of effec- tive heterolasers radiatinF in tile wavelength _' band of 7,400-9,000 X at room temperature. The n-Al xGa 1-7 As-p-AlyCa 1-Y As-p -AlxGa I-x As heterojunctions wuri_- obtained by epita~zial growth from GaAs-AlAs solutions. All tile investigated diodes hand a Fabry-Pcrot resonator. The threshold cu-:rent density, the e-zter- nal differential quantum, efficiency and the radiaLion per pulse at 300'i, are tabulated for various models of thu lasers. Graphs are presentcd the nean values of the threshold current density and the external differential quantum efficiency as functions oF the emission quannuum, energy in(! the tcmpera- ture dependence of t1he u)-ternal differeiitial quantimi ~.tff-jciellcy. The thre:-,hold current density incroases e~q)oiwntially wiLh an -in temperawre accard- ing to the known Int.; [V. 1. Leskovich, eL al., FTP: No 1, 1440, 196,ij. Up t 1/2 USSR AUE-ROV, Z11. I., et a I., Vizik-i I ToldniMa PO I ILI' (1, %0 pp a temperature of 250* K, the external differential qu.-~ntu.-r. efficiency does not vary, in practice, but then it decreases with temperature. The data demon- strate the possibility of obtaining generation in the continuous mode at 300'K up to 7j700 A. 2/2 86 - USSR UDC 632.951:581-135 BORODULINA-2 F. Z.1 BERNATSKAYA, M. L., Moscow State University "Effect of High Concentrations of Rogor on Apple-tree Water Regime" Moscow, Khimiya v Sellskam Khozyaystve, Vol 8, No 1, Jan 70, pp 22-24 Abstract: In 1966 N. I. YEFREMOVA, a staff scientist of the All- Union-Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Machinery, studied the low-volume spraying of 35-year-old apple trees with Sevin and Rogor at the Orchard of the Crimean Fruit Experimental Station. It was found that low-volume spraying with Bogor in a concentration of 0.6 percent a. i. (active ingredient) with a liquid consumption of 500 1/ha affects the water regime of the apple trees. Treatment of the trees is followed by reduced water mobility, resulting in weakened transpiration and increased suction force and water retentiveness. Necrotic spots appeared on the leaves. Another experiment was carried out in 1967 on 15-year-old trees at Lenin Hills in Moscow. The trees were sprayod with a 112 USSR BORODULINA, F. Z., BERNATSKAYA, M. L., Khimi;Ea v Sel'skom Khozzay- stve, Vol 8, No 1, Jan 70, pp 22-24 Rogor emulsion containing 0.3 and 0.75 percent a. i. Although the conditions of treatment were different in the 1966 and 1967 experi- ments (a ventilator device was used for spraying in 1966, a spray gun in 1967), the results were similar in many respects. 212 USSR uDc: 681.3.o6:51 BOPODTLINTA, N. G. 00--o" A "Requirenyents Imposed on Intermediate Languages Used in Systeirs for Auto- mation of Prograrimang" V sb. T-sifr. vychisl. tekhnika i prcgrarmiir. (Digital Computer Technoloo.,; and ProgrP=,in--col lecticr. ol- v~orks) , v~,T. 0', Mos cow, "Sov. radio", 19 71 bern PP 54-61 (fror, RZh-Tr:i etika, NO 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7V712) Translation: T'he paper discusses symbolic logic languages used as inter- mediate languages: the SSK language for the "Minsk-32" computer, an assembly languagge fol, computers of the IB!,~-360 type, t1rie fG~.IU language for the "Urall-11", "Ural-14," and "Ura.1-16" computers and the tmiverst-d_' machine-oriented language ALI.D. The article is useful to developers of' r,achine translators. Author's abstract, 1/1 - 58 USSR UMC (315.272.2:547,82i.4.03:616.24-(JQ3.662-Cj92.9 KATRIEEL'SONI, B. A. , B.,IBUSHKINA, L. G., AROMOVA, G. V. , S. K. , POCHASHEEV, Ye. N. , SHNAYM-1AN, I. Ya., POSTOVSKIY, S. S. N. , and ~.LILYAREN"KO, 1. S., Sverdlovsk Institute of IiidL!St:r-~*,I.~'*';r",V-g,lz~,I ffa- , - , Occupational Diseases, and Karaganda Institute of indostriaL -Hygietie and Occupational Diseases and Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk "E.~perimental Study of the Protective Effect of Polv,.rinvll)yridine-,'~-OXI~d~-, Against Silicosis" MoscOw, Gigiyena i SaniLariya, No 10, Oct 1970, pp 20-23 Abstract: A I)olyvi.nyl,,)yri,,iinL,-4-oxide polviner with a i:m ~L lecillar wc'i'~htt Of 117,500 was prepared, and its activity and effect:iveness againsL silicosis were. comi-oared with t1tose of a previously prepar,--d polyrjar of moiccular weight 40,000 and the P-204 pol,,"er (Bayer, West 'Cerinany). It was found that th-- new polymer was more effective than eith,~r of the other WO poly!.~.urs a,-ainst: inLr.;tra6ual dusL (cristobali'.-~!) introchii_'cd in rats I.Or zi Period of 3-1/2 zioath3. Development Of --ilicosi.-, was sil-,arDly re- duced, as tn~licated by the decrease iii size and nur.bcr of collular-dust lumps and the reduction in proliferating reacuLons, and scLurotic Shifts. 1/2 USSR KATSNELISON, B. A., et a-L, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 10, Oc, 1970, pp 20-23 0 Dust eii-mination from the lungs and inhibition of the si-licoLic fibrogenesis process are associated with an increase in the resistance of the alveolar coniophages to the cytopathic effect of silicon. It was I-ound that this process was accmipanied by a decrease in the diffus-ICTI of a lysosome hydrolytic enzyme (acid phosphatase) into the cytoplasm of macrophages due to the effect of silicon, a fact which is attributed to the anti- silicosis effect of the new polTii,-,ylpyridine-111-oxic!i7-~ 2/2 1/2 007 UKLASSIFTED PROCESSING BATE--IBSEP70 TITLE--SEPARATION OF SODIUM SULFATE FROM CONCENTRATED SULFATE BRINES BY HEATING -U- AUTHOR-(051-BORODULINA, Y.E.K., GORELOVA, A.A., VORdr~R'b'VTM-~" COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. PROM. (MOSCOW) 1970, 46(l), DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY V.A., SPEKTOR, I.E., FURMAN4 38-40 TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL SEPARATION, SODIUM HYDROXIDE, SODIUM CHLORIDE, SODIUM SULFATE CCNTQr_'L '~"E ST;~ ICT IONS DOCU'-~E%T CLASS--Ut4CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA14E--1985/1642 STEP NO--UR/0064/70/046/001/0039/0040 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0101697 UNCLASSIFIED 212 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AD0101697 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CONCD. SULFATE BRINES FROM ELECTROLYTIC NAnH MANUFG. PLANTS CONTAIN NACL 22.0 TO 2.5, NA SUa2 SO SIJ34 6 TO 71 AND NAOH 0.5 TO 1.5PEqCENT; AS A RFSULT OF EVAPN. OF 5 TO 7.5PERCENT CF THE H SU82 0 (BY HEATING TO 100PERCENT) UP TO 40PERCENT OF THE NA SUB2 SO SUB4 IS PPTD. AS A SOLID tCONTG. NO NACL). EVAPN. OF A LARGER FRACTION OF THE H SUB2 0 RESULTS IN A HIGHER DEGREE OF EXTN. OF NA SUB2 SO SUB4 WITH THE PPT. BUT IN THAT CASE THE PPT. CONTAINS SUBSTANTIAL AMTS. OF NACL. EVAPN, OF A1234 UNCLASSIFIED 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI.NIG DATE--oc)JCT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF HIGH C_"%Cl_'.-NT.;(AfLUNS OF RUGOR UN FHE WATER SYSIEM OF APPLE TREES -U- AUTHOR- (02J-60RUOULINA t F.Z., bERNArSKAYA, "I.L. COU"%41TRY OF I"IF0--USSR SOURCE-KHIM. SEL. KHOL. 1970, 8(l), 22-4 DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL A,!',,'D MEOICAL SCIEiNICES. AGRICULTURE TOPIC TAGS--UNSEC11CIDE, AG1,1CULTURE CROP, PLANT CHtMISTRY/MROGOR INSECTICIDE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLAS.'j--WN'CLASSlFlf_0 PROXY REEL/Ek;AME--1,~90/07-20 S r E P iN 0-- Uk / 0-3 9 4,' TO /.j (31 H /'CO I / J J22 / 0 0 Cl.,C ACCESSiGl',