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USSR UDC 77 I'Luminescence Studies of Photographic Emulsions" Vsb. Mezhdunar. kongress po fotogr. nauke, Moskva, 1970, Priroda fotogr. Chuvstvitelltosti (IntornatLonar Congress- on-Thotographic Science, . Moscow, 1970, Natime of Photographic Sensiti ecti ~ of Works), no place of vity Coll 0 publication given, Vneshtorgizdat, no year given, pp 83-86 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12M, Dec 70, Abstract No 12D1317) Translation: Green and orange bands in the pbotoltuninescence spectrum of AgBr(I) emulsions and salts at 770K are:caused, according to the author, by the recombi- nation,of free holes and localized electrons. It is~shown that the centers of this photoluminescence have an Ag-nature,and therefore'the relationship of the intensities of the bands I II - at different stages of preparing the emulsions or gr characterizes the concentrations of certain centers forming in microcrystals and fully or partially determining their photographic sensitivity (S). In AgBr-A92S single crystals the orange band gives a flash of photbluminescence under IR 0 1/2 Br _ress'~o_f~t6 naukei Moskva 1970, Priroda ELOUS, V. M., Mezhdunar. kon. 9r fotog-r. chuvstvitellnosti, no place of publication given, Vneshtorgizdat, no year given, pp 83-86 illumination,due to the presence of A92S complexes; low-sensitivity emulsians and salts do not Droduce this and behave the same undei, sulfurous and reducing L O~' sensitization, i.e., Ag-centers not A92S-centerso are ' rmed in both cases During chemi6al maturing of low-sens-itivity emulsions the change in S and II is the same! i.e., S as a whole is determined by the Ag-centers that or gr form; there is not this correlation for high-sensitivity emulsions,apparently due to complication of the picture by the presence of fog centers, etc. High- sensitivity AgBr(I)-emulsions sometimes give,a photoluminescence flash probably as.a. result of the rise of A92S-complexes in them or the yield of AgBr into a separate phase. 10 references. A. L. Kartuzhanskiy.~ 2/2 54 Luminescence USSR UDC 535.37.541.77 MELINICHUK, L. P., OUOVSKAYA, 11. A., and CHIBISOV, K. V., Odessa Construction Engineering Institate, Wessa, Ministry of Higher and Secondary SpecializedEducation Ukrainian SSIR; Corresponding Member of the Academy, Moscow State University imeni M V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special- ized Education USSR "Mechanism of the Formation of Photographic Sensitivity of -L.romoiodo- silver Emulsions as Investigated by the Luminescence 1"ethod" lioscoa, Doklady Akademii Nauk _SS3,1z, Vo" 193, '-,'o 5, 'tu.:-, 700, PP 10`-1089 Abstract: Da-It"a are reported on the !_study of and j)h6to- graphic properties of subjected to 'U-',-,-e action of a solution of hydrazine chloride and thiOUrel. he resul'11-3 ob%alined showed that the ratio Of 12/11 -- intensity at L ,selected band 11-o t'.-1C r1MYLVILU,111 ir). the nrreen banG froni the ranue of (J'a-r---,C-red lurdrie--,cence -- Lncrease,,; after treatment with ~zlutions of thiourea anci i (i i,a z:i n ec, I I 10 1 G rl I indicating that in case of sulfut, ~;e.-:.itation cenll-er:~ may form similar to tho2e forming during reductive oen:Atari.on. ~~,e (Ji--estive action Of thiOLIMa i8 Eil-0,0 VeVy important in this prcjcesti, The in- aterials it; accom- crease in light- sensitivity of the investigated rfl, USSR BIELOUS, V. 1J. et al, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 195, '7'0 .Aug 70, Dp 1086-1089 par-led by an increase in the Iq/ij ratio. Cn the o -cher I~an-;, apcear- ance of silver sulfide microcrystals on the surface O-L Agi-_rkl re- sults in a lowered 12/Ij, meanina that -the light sensitivity iS prin- cipally predetei.mined by the atom-molecular dispersed silver centers, a Dortion of which is responsible for the orange-red band in tiie lumi- nescence at low temperature. This principally ',holds for low sensitiv- ity emulsions; highly sensitive emulsions did'exhibit, a flash of orange-red luminescence in some casefj, and the reason for this is still unknown. it is proposed that the center of groon luminescence of the microcrystals consists of an iodide ion and some kind of a riefect. The enerl_--y resulting from the recombination of the free hole and the electron localized on the defect is transmitted~to the iodide lon, and exciUes it. Luminescence. U�SR UDC; 548-0:539.21 OUS MARINCHIK, V. P., LOUS, V. M., and BVGRIYENKO, V. I., Odessa 0-&e'sM'4a", Ministry of Higher and Secondary Polytechnical Institume_,., SDecialized Education RSFSR "TemDerature Effect on the Luminescence and Photoelectric State of Silver Halides" Moscow, Kristallografiy Vol 14, No 6, 69, pp 1016-1020 Abstract: The study of charge carrier capture-centers in silver halides is essential for determining the mechanism of photochemical coloring and the formation of a hidden photographic- image. Attempts have been made to solve these problems,by various methods including that of thermally stimulated conductance (TSC). In this DaDer measurement results of the temperature extinction ot luminescence and flash under the effect of infrared light of the blue Ac-Cl band, green AgBr band and orange-red AgBr quenched crystals are compared with thermally stimulated conductance of the ssane ci-yst- als in the electric field of a space charge within 80 - 2500K. Proof is given of the ionic mechanism of the optical flash and luminescence tempera- ture extinction. Tho thormionic nature of TSC~ma_-.imr_ at 1200K and 112 USSR MARINTCHIK, V. P., et a!, Mloscow, KristallografiZa, Vol 14, No 6, 69, Pp 1016-1020 0 -.,18o K was established. Analysis of the TSC curves yielded activa- tion energies (0-11 -- 0.13 ev) and (0.3k -- 0-36 ev) which corres- Dond to dislocation processes of internodal silver ions and -ation vacancies in crystals. A satis-PactDry agreement was observed betwoon values o--;' the DreexDonentiai 'Lactors and temDerature doDendence of io--de conductivity which were determined by elo6tric nnd 1tLminescence .,e thods. 2/2 23 :;POUStING DA TE--16SEP70 p 0 t6 -z '~.:T_-lTLE--THERMOELFCTRET STATE IN SILVER HALWES -U, -(03)-~BUGRIYENK01 V.I.,.MARINCHIKt V*K. IBELOUSv. V*M. AUTHOR CCUIT;ZY OF INFO--USSR 'D. TFLA 1970, 12(l), 46-50 ,;-,SOU'CF--FIZ. TVB ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--14ATERIALS, PHYSICS T 0 P I CTA-)S-THERM~L FF-r-ECT, SILVER COMPJUND, 10DICE, C!-(LjRl )Fv .,,Co,NT;;,0L MARK I NlG--Nj R F STR I CT I ONS .-T CL DOC U-1-1 ASS--Jt-vCLASS I r- TED :noXY STEP CIRC A C F A P 00 46 516 UNCL ASS I FIED ~PROCEMNIG DATE--19SEP70 z-2/2' UNCLASSI FIED CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0048516 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. COOLING OF SINGLE CRYST. AGCL, ~:AGCLH)i AGBR, AND AGBR(I) DCWN TO'77DEGREESK IN AN EXTERNAL ELEC. FIELD _.-LEADS-TO THE 'APPEARANCE OF A THEPMOELECTRET STATEIRELATEO To THE SHIFT -OF INTERSTITIAL AG lOf4S. HEATING OF OVER.POLARIZ.ED SPECIMENS IS 'ACCOMPANIED BY THE APPEARANCE AT, 120-135DEGREESK OF A MAX. OF THERMALLY :.DEPOLARIZED CURRENT. FORMULAS ARE DEVELOPED WHICWALLOW DETN. IN TERMS Or--THE-EXPTL. RESULTS, OF THE BASIC PARAMETERS WHICH CHARACTERIZE THE n TEMP., DEPENDENCE OF IONIC ELEC..COND. ~.: , I ;! . i -- 1 ,W-, , . .-- . - - . .. . I I i ''. . .1. " 1. "1 - ~i ..1- L I ~ ~ - - . T ~11 . ~ ~. ~VTUIFHI - -- . . - - I m i . - 1. ! 1 11 11 - .1 H :1 . I .. I - . 1 1 1 . I .-, i ai i! a!7i!;l idiof - LA: i h i. ~ l;Ali!:! i1 :Ikll ;11-1;% ~id; I 1,11A . 14iiii I 4j s I ! it v; 1 1. ~w if 1 1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 T71TL~--DEPENDENCE GF THE TEMPERATURE QUENCHING OF THE LU141NESCENCE OF 'PHOTOEMULSION LAYERS ON EXCITATION OENSITYt AND ITS CONNECTION- WITH THE -.AUTH.0R-(04)-BELOUSv V.M., KARTUZHA,'4S!.(IY, A.L., MATVIENKOt V.I., SHURv L.I. I COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,SOURCE-OPT. SPEKTRGSK- 1970, 28(2), 311-16 :DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AR-EAS--METHOUS AND EQUIP14ENT .TOPIC TAGS--LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING, SILVER COMPOUNDt NUCLEAR EMULSION, CAPTURE, PHOTOSENSITIVITYt LOW TEMPERATURE EFFECT :CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1469 STEP NO--UR/0051170/028/002/0311/0316 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118458 -------UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118458 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TEMP. QUENCHING OF THE GREEN c STUDIED. WITH DECREASING 1LUMIN-SCENCE OF A NO. OF NUCLEAR EMULSIONS WAS EXC-ITATION D., lHE QUENCHING REGION IS SHIFTED TO LOWER FEMPS. AT A FIXED TEMP.t -AN INVERSE PROPORTIONALITY 13ETWEENTHE LUMINESCENCE INTENSITY AND IONIC COND. OF THE EMULSION MICROCkYSTALS EXISTS. TfiE -ACTIVATION ENERGY FOR THE LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING 15 0.12 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02 EV. THE IONIC MECHANISM OF LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING OF THE AG(aR, 11 PHOTOEMULSION MICROCRYSTALS WAS CC)NFIKMED. THE CAPTURE CENTERS FORMED IN THE PRESENCE OF L,PHENYL,5,MERCAPTOTETRAZOLE (1), ARE NOT ~~VACANCIES; THEY ARE PROBABLY CONNECTED WITH A L-AG PRIME POSITIVE COMPLEX AND WORK AS ELECTRON TRAPS. TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE SENSITIVITY .OF THE SAME PHGTOEMULSIONS TO THE ALPHA AND BETA PARTICLES wAS MEASURED. SMALLER THAN 77DEGREESK, A PECULAIR INVERSIUNTAKES PLACE: THE SENSITIVITY TO THE WEAKLY IONIZING PARTICLES IS GREATER THAN THE ''SENSITIVITY TO THE STRONGLY IONIZING PARTICLES WHILE AT NORMAL TEMPS. THIS RELATIONSHIP IS JUST THE OPPOSITE. IN THE PRESENCE OF Is ADD114L. SHALLOW LEVELS OF THE ELECTRON CAPTURE OCCUR. DURING A SUBSEQUENT HEATING OF THE EMULSION BEFORE DEVELOPING, ELECTRONS CAN Fi(EE THEMSELVES THERMALLY FROM THESE LEVELS AND CAN PASS NOT ONLYTO THE RAOIATION ''RECOMBINATION LEVELS BUT ALSO TO DEEPER LEVELS WHICH DET. THE. .1PHOTOGRAPHIC SENSITIVITY. UIRCLAS 5 IF I LE Ir) 1/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DATE--16r-'CT70 TITLE--THEIRMOELECTRET STATE OF PHOTOEMULSION LAYERS -U- ~-AUTHOR-(03)-MARV4CHIK, V.K.t BUGRIYENKOi V.L.t BELOUSi V.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. NAUrH. PRIKL- FOTOGR. KINEMATOGk. 1970, 1512),, 151-3 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~:~.SUBJ-ECJ AREAS--METHODS -AND- EQUIP-MENTi --PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--PHOTOGRAPHIC EMULSIONI THERMAL EFFECTv ELECTRET, LUMINESCENCE COWFROL .4A?,KV-lG--hO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE;_:L/FR4#iE--1996/17Z1 STEP NO--UR/0077/70/015/002/0151/0153 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118699 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION N1J--APO 113 699 ..-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LAYERS OF NUCLEAm (YA 2 TYPE) AND ~OPTICAL AGII, BR) EMULSIONS WITH A THICKNESS OF 50 MU WERE TESTED. THE THERMOELECTRET STATE WAS GENERATED BY APPLYING A~N EXTERNAL VOLTAGE OF 1 -SLOVI C"'OLING OF THE SAMPLE TO,TH * E KV AND E TEMP. OF LIP. N. TH .14 THE FIELD WAS SWITCHED OFF AND TEMP:. ROSE SLOWLY. THEN THE FIELD WAS SWITCtiED OFF AND TEMPERATURE ROSE SLOWLY, THE DISCHARGE CURRENT WAS RECORDEJ WITH AN ELECTRUMETRIC INTENSIFIEK. A COMPLEX DEPENDENCE OF I -ON T WAS FOUND. THE CHANGE IN THE DISCHARGE CURRENT WITH TEMP4 IS _INFLUENCED NOT ONLY BY THE PROCESSES TAKING PLACE It THE EMULSION MICROCRYSTALS BUT ALSO BY THE ORDERING OF THE DIPOLE TEXTURE CREATED IN GELATINE. THE MAX, OF THE THERMODEPOLAR[LATION CURRE*tq*r oaso. AT 110 AND 0 ARE DUE TO THE 170DEGREESK 6ELLING TO THE AG HALIDE MICROCRYSTALS AM 'SHIFT IN THE INTERSTITIAL AG IONS (PEAK AT 110DEGREESKJ AND THP CATIOiq (PEAK AT 170DEGREESK). THESE PEAKS ARE MUST CLEARLY VIS13LE IN THE NUCLEAR EMULSION BECAUSE THE AG HALIDE COINICN. I'll IT IS IIU(H HIGHER. THE MAX. OF THE THeRMIC)Ntc cukRENT AT rriE SAME TEMPS. AT iHICH AN INTENSIVE DAMPING OF THE GREEN AND ORANGE RED LUMINESCENCE 6A*'_)S OF THE MICROCRYSTALS IS OBSD. ALSO SHOWS THAT THE 06PENDENCE OF THE LEVEL OF LUMINtSCENCE OF THE BA14DS ON TEMP. IS DETD. ~Y IGNIC Pt~LJCESSES. FACILITY: DIDESS. GOS. UNIV.t ODESSA, USSR. USSR UDC 621-039-553-36:620-193-47.4 GERASTI~' OV V. V., GROI'.',OV.A, A. I., LUFAKOV, I. S., K., 3AKXUizVSKIYI A. A., BELIOUS, V. N., and KOLESOV, B. I. "Corrosion and Electrochemical Behavior of Carbon Steels Under Quasi- reactor Conditionsif Mjoscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 28, No 1, Jan 70, pp 13-18 Abstract: The article describes results of a study of the corrosion and electrochemical behavior of steels of the porlitic class in wra- ter at 3000 0 at various oxygen concentrations (0-02-40 and 1000 mg/ kg) at pH = 7-10, as well as a study of.the effect of reactor irradi- ation on the corrosion processes of perlitic steels. The corrosion and electrochemical tests were staged under static and dynamic condi- tion~,, The po,rlitic steels studied included St. 20 (C 0.1T,,- Cr P 1) . Mn Min 0. 25%; Xi 0. 2P~, 0 Si 0.17M ; 12KW4. (C 0, 12%; Cr 0. 94/o, W,-1 ; and 16GINIM (C M8%; Ni 1.41%; M'n 1-185b; Si 0-5VI~; Si 0-35; Mo 0. 0 23%; Mo 0-26~'o)- Specimens of stainless steel'Khl8NlOT (C 0.067'o'; Cr Ni 9:fll%; INIn 1.2%; Si 0.8%; Ti 0.6%) were comparison-tested. ,,i.616 11F - t. USSR GERASIMOV V. V., et al., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol,28, No 1, Jan 70, pp It was found that in demineralized water t 3000 C an increase a in the oxygen concentration from 0.02 to 40 mg/l~increases the corro- sion rate of porlitic steels, with pitting corrosion developing with a -pit depth of up to 0.1 mm. In oxygen-containing water under static conditions a complex dependence of anodic process rate on potential is observed in steels of the perlitic class. In demineralized de- aerated water an increase in the pH to 10 (by introducing ammonia) results in a decrease in the corrosion rate,.with no development of pitting corrosion being observed., Irradiation reduces the corrosion resistance of the steels during the initial testing period. The corrosion rate under irradiation decreases with an increase in ex- posure.time, and after 3500 hours.of teats the corrosion rate for the porlitic steels is practically the same with or without irradi- ation. 2/2 77~ Acc'. Nf*. Abstracting,-Service; Ref. Code: NUCLEAR SCI. ABST. 70 IT 0 0 99 12371 CORROSION AND ELECTROCHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF CARBON STEELS UNDER CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE IN REACTOR OPERATION. Gerasimov, V. V.; Gromovai A. I.-. ZoVar V. Nr. Lupakov, 1. S.; Moro 1, K.: Bakulevskil, A. A.; Belous, K-clesov, _L Wt:'Ediij. (USSR): 28: 13-18( 100). (in Russia4. The corrosion and electrochemical behavior of carbon steels was studied in wdter at 3OOoC with oxygen concentrations Pqual to 0.02 to 40 and 1000 ppM. The samples of carboa steels, ir- radiated in.the reactor and non-irradiated namplea were tested under statIc and dynamic conditions. The increase of oxygen concentration in water intensified corrosion of carbon steels. 'Irradiation reduced steel corrosion. resistance during the Wtial test period. (auth) REEL/FRAME 19760028 USSR 13 BELOUS V. V., KOSTIN., V. I.T. (KharIkov State University) ItInvestigation of the Development of aHigh-Voltage Pulsed Discharge in Long Tubes at the Shaping Stage" Tomsk., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniyj Fizika, August, 1970, pp 128-33 ABSTRACT: On the basis of an analysis of oscillograns, voltage and photometric, for pulsed discharges in long tubes (d = 60-132 cm) in hydrogen it is shcn,-;n that with an increase in pressure from 0.4 to 5 MM ffg:and a decrease of the overvoltage from 290% to 90%. the "step" currentI decreases and the tines tpj, at tst., and t4. characterizing the shaping stageP increase. This makes it possible to assume that a "step" is formed as the result of the transition of an ava- lanche-streamer maximum at the beginning of the shapirg stage to a cathode- directed streamer. In the experiments discussed pd - 300 nm I~g-cm, correspond- ing to this transitional discharge mechanism. The article includes 4 figares and 2 tables. Them are 6 referanct33. USSR UDC: 669.15 Inc, I') It' 281 3-1911: 669 1 lit, olt). 621 PETROVA V. S. FROLOV, A. V PATRAXOV, V. P. , -q!vOY; I A., BELOUS, V. Ya. , KIKISHOV, A. S. , BONDAITW, V. V. , POPOL SK-IY, M. "Stainless Steel" Moscomr, Otkr:,rtiya, lzobreteniya, Promyshlenny-ye Obr--ztry, Tovaimyye Znahj., No 12, API- 72, Autlior's Certificate Ro 3311273, Division C, :filed 2 Sep 68, published '30 l..,ar 72, p 104 Trwislation: 'ilds Author's Certificate introduces- 1. A stainless steel which contaii--z carbon, chro,.-ium, nickel, molybdommi, col-,."er and iron. As a dist-inmdslins fe.,----urc of the -c2hcz4.icr:1 are ii:-xr(v;c:d by tahing tho cm-pomuuts in the following, proporLions in pr~-rcont: carbor.- 0.03-0.1; cop- per-1.0-2.0; nanf- ~encse--less th n 0.6; silicon-less than 0,8; the i mainder irc,-7-; and 2. a mn~~ifjicc~ticn of this steel distJnj,-,uis1ied by the fact the reL.---o is 2.6-3.8. USSR UDC: 532.516.2 BELOUSOV, A. I., GRANIN, S. S. ."Effect of the Forces of Inertia of the Fluid on the Characteristics,of a Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing" Tr. K~ybyshev. aviats. in-t (Works of the Yuybyshev Aviation Institute), V p. 35, pp 48-52 (f- e y rom RZh-Mekhanika, No 9, S~p 72, Abstract No 9B788) Translation: The authors investigate the effect of shaft*rotation on the d4stributicn of pressures in ayisyr=etric flow of an~inccmvressibie lTbri- cant in an annular gap of fixed thickness in a hydrostatic thrust bearing fed through a central pocket. The thin-layer equati6r1s ap PV&-P T~--07r+)-W =0 =0 1/2 USSR BELOUSOV, A. I., GFANIN, S., Tr. Kuybyshev. aviats. in-t, 1971, 35, pp 48-52 are taken as the initial equations, where p is density, p is pressure, U, v and W are the radial, tangential and transverse cor-l:onents of veloci- ty respectively, p is the coefficient of viscosity, and 2, and y are cy- lindrical coordinates. It is assumed that the temrerature~is a linear function of radius, and that the viscosity is inversely proportional to temperature. When the equations are integrated under~stickirg conditions, the term PVaV/a2l is averaged over the thickness of t1he layer emd ex-pressed in terms of flowrate. Formulas are found for the distribution of pres- sures and for lifting capacity. Two numerical examples are given which shov the appreciable influence of inertial.forces of the lubricant on the lifting capacities of the bearing; under certain conditions the bearing may lose lifting capacity. A. 1. Snopov. 122 USSR uDc 621-385.032.21 (088.8) SAVITSM, n, . M., MOROMV, A. V., B.A:,,',ON, V. V., IVANOVA, K. It., ROZHDESTVENSKIY V. M.JI OVCHIINMOV)~ M. A. -iit Of Electronic "Alloy For The Production Of Components Of The Cathode Ui Devicesil USSR Author's Certificate No. '~04642, filed 14 AugustI969, published 15 _e September 1971 (fr m R"Ih--Elektrcnika Iyeyeprimeneniye, No 3, March 1972, Abstract No ~A49) Translation: A cathode-heating unit is proposed by which, with the object of increasing the stability, reliability, and longevity of a component, the cathode holder, screens, and pistons are produced from RI-1-6 or M-8 alloys based on niobium. The RT-6 alloy contains (percent by weight); tungsten 5-7, MoIY- bdenum 4-6, zirconium 2-2.1,;, remainder niobium. The cost of.the proposed alloy in considerably less than the coat of tantalum. The alloys are charactc-rized by highly stable properties and sufficient plasticity, which. makes it possible to produce tubes, wire, sheets, and foil 1-0.1 mm. thick, from them under indus- trial conditions by the method of processing various semifinished products by pressure. Use of the electron-beam method.of smelting considerably reduces the content of gaseous imInaritica, and a three-fold remelting is used for a more uniform composition of ingots. Sheets 0.5--0.1 am thick are obtained by the hot fo ing method and cold rolling with interm3dinte reorystallizrition annealings. __rI M, EtECTRICAL~ EN61NEER1% Materials USSR UDC 621.385.032.2113.6 SAVITSKIY, YE. M.. MOROZOV, A. V., IVANOVA, K. N., WELZOUSOV A. I. BARON, V. V., ROZHDESTVENSKIY, V. M., OVCHINNIKOV, 114. A. "Allay for r1anufacturing the Parts of the Cathode Junction of Electronic Devices" USSR Author's Certificate No 304642, filed 14 August 1969, published 25 lelay 197t. (from Otkrytiyav Izobreteniva, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy,Tovamyye Znaki, No 17, 1971, No R 01j 1/20) Translation: 1. An alloy for manufacturing the parts of the cathode junction of electronic devices based on.niobiun is introduced. It Ls distinguished by the fact that in order to improve strength and stability of shape of the parts, the alloy contains tungsten and zirconium:additives.1 2. The alloy according to item 1 distin-uished by the fact that it con- rains 7-92 tungsten and 2-2.5% zirconium is introduced. 3. The alloy according to item I distinguished by the fact that it con- rains molybdenum is incroduced. 4. The alloy according to item 3 distinguished by the fact that it con- rains 5-7% tungsten, 1-1.5% zirconium and 4-6% molybdenum is introduced. 1/1 Hydraulic Pne=atic USSR BELOUSOV, A.- ., MAKUSHIN, A. B., GRANIN, S. S., ILIWICII, A. V "Experimental Study of Flow Characteristics of Dual Radial Hydrostatic Bearing with Self Chokingif Tr. Kuybyshev. Aviats. In-t [Works of Kuybyshev Institute of Aviation], 1972, No 51, pp 99-115 (Translated from ReferatiVIly), 7hurnal Mekhanika, No 5, 1973, Abstract No 5B709, by A. 1. Snopov). Translation: A description and experimental results are produced of a study for determination of the flow i, --tte in a dual hydrostatic bearing with self choking. rhe bearing has pockets on. the shaft, with oil red into the pockets through apertures in the bushing from a common circular chamber. Tile apcrturcs are covered with a cylindrical sleeve, rigidly connected to the shaft so that the oil, before entering the fcod holes, flows through a circular slit of ase of variable thickness, depending on tile displacement of tile shaft. Th (; C, symmetrical. two-row feed with four chambers per row (dual bearing) is studied. The lengthoE each working portion 'of the bearing is 55 iwa,, the shaft diameter is 50 mm. Assuming that the flow rate depends little on eccentricity, tests were performed for the case when the shaft touches the bushing (F 1). 'rhe 1/2 M MVMMMII~ 4-0 '11 NEW ~ ffift USSR Belousov, A. I., Makushin, A. B., Granin, S. S., Ravich, A. V., Tr. Kuvbyshev. Aviats. In-t, 1972, No 51, pp 99-115. pressure was varied from 0 to 2 kg/cm 2. 'flie pr operties, of the oil are not indi- cated. I'welve graphs are presented of the dependence of oil flow I-ate through each end and the summary flow rate as functions of the distance f-rom the pockets to the end, as well as 8 graphs of the dependence of these flow rates on feed pressure for various shaft positions, A significant divergence is noted between theoretical and experimental data on flow rate for each end, and good (within 10%) agreement is noted for summary flow. Also, certain results of static testing of an individual bearing with self choking with shaft diameter 150 mm are presented, including 5.graphs of loading and flow -rate characteristics, the dependences of pr6ssurc in the end gap at the exit from the bearing on fluid feed pressure at the input, which reached 100 kg/cn.2. 2/2 I P USSR GORYUNOV, L. V., BELOUSOV, A. T. "Influence of Variable Gap Height and End Leakage on Distribution of Pressure in a Radial Hydrostatic Bearing" Tr. Kuybyshev. Aviats. In-t (Works of Buybyshev fnstitutc of Aviation], 1972, No 51, 116-124 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mckhanika, No 5, 1973, Abstract No 5B710, by A. I. Golubev). Translation: The flow of viscous incompressible fluld in the cross connections between chambers of hydrostatic radial bearings, was studied. C rves of the depcndence of load-beaTing ability of bearings on eccentricity, gap width and bearing design parameters are pTesented. The curves have maxima at certain values of design parameter. It is established that the width of the chambers significantly influences the load-bearing capacity of the bearing. Isobars of liquid pressure distribution on the connecting gaps are presented with rec- tangular and I-shaped chambers, determined by the F11DA meLhod. The load-bearing capacity of the bearing is greater with the I-shapod chamber. 7 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 62-567-P ZELOUSOV, A. I., CHEGODAYEV D. YE. and WE MOIENOV, G. F.,,Kuybyshev Order of the laboFIt;Y Banner Aviation Institute imeni S. P. Korolev "Bilateral Hydrostatic Bearing" USSR Author's Certificate No 366286, Filed 9 Jun V ruolisned 16 Jar, 73 (from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 7, Mar(a) 73, claim No 1445447/25-28) Translation: A bilateral hydrostatic bearing containing a cylindrical pivot with a ring-shaped section, forming a ring-shaped central chamber in the pivot, with a radial-throttling aperture, two ring bands with scrolls, in one of which an axial aperture is fomed for delivery of the working medium, distinguished by the fact that in order to improve the shock-absorbing properties of a socket, the front parts which penetrate the scroll band rings, forming with each of them a supporting chamber and two concentric ring-shaped apertures, serving as delivery and outlet of the-working medium for the chamber. 1/1 USSR U DC: 629. 7 8. 018. 3 ~~SOV, A. MAKUSHIN, A, B., GRANIN, S.. S. and RAVIC14, A. V. "Experin-iental Investigation of Flow Rate Characteristic of Coupled Radial Selfthrottling Hydrostatic Bearing" Kuybyshev, Tr. Kuybyshev. Aviats. In-ta (Transactions of Kuybyshev Aviati6n. Institute), 1972, vyp 51, pp 99-115 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal- :Raketostroyeniye, 1973, Abstract No 4.41.,264 by T..A.E. Translation: Hydrostatic bearings can support heavy loads -,vithout rotation of the shaft. However, this involves a relatively high rate of flo\v through the bearing, increases operating cost of high-power units and reduces their efficiency. With some designs high losses of liquid cannot be tolerated. In such cases the-hydrostatic support functions as a bearing and as a seal. At this time, designs of low-flow hydrostatic bearings have been developed. One of such designs is the selfthrottling radial hydrostatic bearing. Investigation results are presented of flow-rate characteristic of ~t coupled selfthrottling bearing consisting of a block of bearings with a common supply of liquid. 15 illustrations. I reference. go EQUIPIS-Ek' Aeronautical USSR uDc: 621.822.5 _BELO-OSOV) A. 1. RZH-KVSKIY, V. P., KASHIN B. M., RLIBINCHIK, Yu. G., Kuy- by_sY;ev_'0'6rd~ f the Red Banner of Labor"'Aviatiowlnstitute imeni Acade- mician S. P. Korolev "A Throttle for a Hydrostatic Bearing" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znak U, No 5, Feb 73, Author's Certificate No 364773, Division F, filed 18 Dee 70, published 28 Dec 72, P 107 - Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a throttle for a hydro- static bearing. The device contains an insert of MP porous material accom- modated in a housing. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, provision is made for regulating hydraulic characteristics and improving operationel properties. The throttle is equipped with a control device made in the form of a washer with channels for passage of lubricant which rests on the porous insert and is compressed by a nut mounted in the housing. 1/2 USSR BFLousov, A. I. et USSR Author's Certificate No 36h773 87 __-.0I UNCLASSIFIED :PROCES5ING -DAT8-14OCT70 -#,IirL.E- ACTIVITY OF SOME SERUM:ENZYMES IN,TkEATING P4TIENTS WITH PULMUNARY -CANCER-: WITH MASSIVE DOSES OFCYCLOPHOSPHANE -U- 'AUTHOR-(03)-ZELVIN# B.M., BEL. U JOVt A.Pej BATINOV# I.N. -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR- SOURCE--VOP. ONKOL. 19709 16(2),'26-9 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-PULMIONARY DISEASEt CANCER, ANTINEOPLAST[C DRUG, ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNOP CELL PHYSIOLOGYt ENZYME ACTIVITY "CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--19951204L STEP NO--UR/0506/70/016/002/0026/0029 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117284 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT70 C'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117284 ABSTRACT./EXTKACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE LEVELS OF THE ENZYMES, ALANINE AND ASPARTIC AMINOTRANSFERASE (ALT AND AST) AND CHOLINESTERASE WERE ..INVESTIGATED IN THE SERUM OF PATIENTS TREATED WITH CYCLOPHOSPHANE 426 WITH LUNG TUMORS BEFORE SURGERY AND 10~AFTER RAOCCAL SURFCRY). THC DRUG ..'~,WAS GI.VEN IN.LARGER DOSES, 2 TO 5 G I.V. EVERY 16~-14 DAYS. ALT AND AST WERE DETD. BY THE UMBRIGHT METHODS (MODIFIED); CHI)LINESTERASE LEVEL WAS -:.EVALUATED BY MEASUREMENT OF HOACY AFTER ENZYMIC 0,ECOMPN. OF ACETYLCHOLINE DURING I MIN IN I ML SERUM. THE ENZYMES WERE MEASURED BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TREATMENT, ON THE 2-390 DAYs AND ON THE 10-12TH DAY. HEALTHY (15) PERSONS SERVED AS CONTROLS. IN CASES OF MALIGNANCY -THE INITIAL VALUES WERE SOMEWHAT HIGHER THAN IN NORMALS. AFTER THE ADMINISTRATION OF CYCLOPHOSPHANE,. A DI,STINCT RISE-OF ALTi A LESSER RISE bF.AST,,AND A FALL .111 CHOLINESTERASE ACTIVITIES WEKE OBSD. AFTER --..RAOICAL SURGERY THE SHIFTS WERE LESS DISTINCT, 1'40~~RISE,OF AST WAS OBSO. "NO DEPENDANCE WAS FOUND BETWEEN THE ENZYMIC ACITIV.ITY AND THE STAGE OF 1HE DISEASE. THE OBSUs CHANGES MAY BE CONSIDERED'AS SIGNS OF METABOLIC DISTURBANCES IN THE LIVER. FACILITY: LAB.~81OCKM.f Ps A. INST. ONCOL.t MOSCOW# USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 'J j1d HK _jdd T T USSR BELOUSOV, A. S. ~Moscow, Shchetchiki Elementarnykh Chastits, 1972, pp 2 and 158-159 Translation: Annotation: This book is an e-xposition of the physical pro- cesses which occur in counters used in registering eletrzntaLy particles. The operation of gas-discharge, scintillation, 6erenkov, and semiconductor types of counters is examined. Also studied are the basic characteristics of radiation-matter interaction and the special features of the recording of various types of radiation. The author describes it series of unique experiments which could be conducted only with use of the very newest types of elementary-particle counters. The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the achieve- ments of modern physics. It will also serve laboratory workers, technicians, and engineers who have- any conct-.-rn with nuclear-radi4ition recordflig apparatus. The chief editor is Ye. I. Tamm. 1/3 USSR BELOUSOV, A. S., Shchetchiki Elementarnykh Chastits, 1972, pp 2 and 158-159 Table of Contents Page Introduction 3 Chapter I. Radiation-Matter Interaction 6 Types of Particle-MattertInteraction 6 Interaction of Charged Particles With Matter 8 Interaction of Gamma-Radiation With Matter 13 Neutron-Matter Interaction 19 Chapter II. Ionization Chambers and Counters 24 ionization Chambers 24 Proportional Counters 33 Geiger-MUller Counters 43 Self-quenched Counters 49 Chapter III. Scintillation Counters 56 Scintillators 57 Photomultipliers 77 Amplitude and Time Responses of Scintillation Counters 83 2/3 Applications of Scintillation Counters 89 -T~VZ-~-- ~ I I I It li I it I! F I I I I iiii M!5 1,11,11A.118.3-111i 1 21111 1 MINNaJ N-R, IhINiNii H,; HN i&;Egki iffill" In! - Jill, ;!I[-. III! Imil lill-11 id"HIT, lld:a Pim v I Fill 1; TI =. S1I USSR BELOUSOV, A. S., Shchetchiki Elementarnykh Chastits, 1972, pp 2 and 158-159 Chapter IV. Cerenkov Counters 114 Characteristic Properties of Ce'renkov Counters 114 Variation in Particle Velocity Caused by the 69renkov Counter 120 Variation in Electron and Gamma-Quantum Energy Caused by Total-Absorption Cgrenkov Counters 127 Chapter V. Semiconductor Counters 132 p-n Junction 132 Basic Types of Semiconductor Counters and Methods of Their Manufacture 134 Characteristics of Semiconductor Counters 137 Applications of Semiconductor Counters 142 Radiation Stability of Semiconductor Counters 147 Chapter VI. Spark Counters and Chambers 149 Conclusion 155 Recommended Reading 1.57 3/3 - 81 - 112 017 UNCLASSIFIED'- ~~PKOCESSING DATE--~-30OCT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF SOME PHARMACOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES AND PHYSICAL FACTORS ON -THE BILE EXCRrTORY FUNCTILIN IN HEALTHY INOIVIDUALS AND IN PATIENTS OITH .AUTHOR-(04)-BELOUSOVt A.S.y TASHEV, Tor GRYUNCHARdVp V., ZHIGALOI/Ar M.F, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--TERAPEVTICHESKIY ARKHIV, 1970,,VOL 42, NR 4, PIP 54-61 ~-DATE PUBLISHED-----70 -,..SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 9,10PIC TAGS--BILEi SECRETIONt ATROPINE, DUODENUM, DRUG EFFECT .CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~.~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~:PROXY RE~L/FRAME-199610439 STEP NO--UR/0504170/0lt2/004/0054/0061 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117675 IJNCLA.SSII:ff:D ;'2/2 017 UNCLAS S I F I ED PROCESS ING -DATE--30C)CT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117675 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS SUGGEST 4 NEW METHOD OF STUDYING BILE SECRETION AND BILE EXCRETION IN,HUMAN BEI-NGS, ITS .,.--A0VANTAGES AS COMPARED TO OTHER METHODS ARE SHOWN. MATERIAL CONCEkNING THE EFFECT OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SUBSTANCE&(ATROPINEt MYCERIN) ON BILE IN TO THE DUODENAL REGION IS GIVEN. THE AUTHORS DRAW THE READER'S ATTENTION TO AN UNTOWARD EFFECT OF ATROPINE ON THE BILE SECRETORY FUNCTION IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PEPTIC ULCER. THEREFOREt IT 15 RECOMMENDED THAT COLAGOGUE 14EANS (MEbICINAL, 0YGESTIVE AND-PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC) SHOULD BE INCLUDED INTO THE COURSE OF TREATMENT WITH ATROPINE AND ATROPINE LIKE AGENTS. FACILITY: KAFEDRA RASTROENTEROLOGII I OLYETOTERAPLI.TSENTRALINOGO~LNSTITUTA ,:USOVERSHENSTVOVANIYA VRACHEYt:MUSCOW. FACILITY: KAFEORA -RASTkOENTEROLOGII ISULt SOFIA. UNCLASSIFIED 7--, FU7~~!- I, um. Is USSR BELOUSOV, B. N., LUKASHENIKO, A. N., and PAINCHENKOV, N. "Lifting Surface in Nonstationary Flow Near the Screen" Samoletostr. i tekhn. vozd. flota. Resp. mezhved. n4uchno-tekhn. sb. (Aircraft Construction and Equipment of the Air Fleet -- Republic Inter- departmental Collection of Scientific and Technical 16"orks), 1970, vyp. 1S, pp 3-11 (from RZh-,"Iekhanika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1B369 by 11. 1. Kholyavko) Translation: By the acceleration potential method the authors consider the general solution of the linearized problem of the hamonic oscillation of a thin slightly curve! lifting surface in a restricted-fluid flm-i. The solu- tion is presented in the form of three terms, two of which (solution involv- ing the presence of a velocity distribution discontinuity on the lifting surface, and solution describing inertial motion) ar4! regular, and one is singular. For a high-aspect-ratio wing (.1 with application of the Prandtl scheme and approximation of vortex inteasity~.along the chord by an expression taken from the plane solution the nonstationary problem reduces to two one-dimensional integral equations. An example is given of the calcu- lation of nonstationary wing motion for the case of elliptic span load 1/2 USSR BELOUSOV, B. N., et al., Samoletostr. i tekha. vuzd.,flota. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. sb. (Aircraft Construction and Equipment of the Air Fleet -- Republic Interdepartmental Collection of Scientific and Technical Works), 1970, vyp. 18, pp 3-11 (from RZIi-Mekhanika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1B369 by V. I. Kholyavko) distribution. In comparison with classical theory, an additional term of order X-1 is obtained in the stationary part of the 4ft coefficient for a nonplanar wing. It is assumed th,at.this.term takes into account the influence of aspect ratio on zero-lift angle. 2/2 013710- AUTHOR- BELOUSQ IENCES CANDIDATE OF, GEOG,RAPHIC SC TITLE-- SCIENTIFIC RESE-ARCH NEWSPAPER--- VODNYY TRANSPORT) JANUARY 24, 070' P 4- COLS 2-4 ABSTRACT- RESEARCH SHIPS THE NAKADEMIK KURCHRTOV".. "DMITRIY -ME.NDELEYEV AND wVITYAZw kAVE RECENTLY COMPLETED SEVEN VOYAGES IN THE PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC 6CEANS,' THE EXPEDITION THAT WAS HEADED 8Y PROFESSOR V. KORT AND SAILED ON THE:wAKADEMIK KURCHATOV" AND THE DMITRIY MENDELEYEVN STUDIED THE SYSTEM OF WESTERN CURREUTS IN THE TROPICAL ATLANTIC, DOCTOR OF GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL SCIENCES G, UDINTSEV ABOARD THE OAKADEMIK KURCHATOV!p DIRECTED THE EXPLOR- ATIONS OF TAE CENTRAL PART OF THEATLANTIC UNDERWATSR RIDGE. 19530651 AN0013710 THE EXPEDITION ON THE "VITYAZ". DIRECTED BY DOCTOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES M. VINOGRADOV, WAS CONCERNED WITH 'THE BIOLOGICAL.PRODUC- TIVITY OF THE OCEAN. SCIENTISTS OF THE OCEANOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IMENI~SHIRSHOV CONTINUE THE EXPLORATORY WORK IN THE WHITE BLACK AND MEDITERRANEAN SEAS. THE NEW SHIP OF THE INSTITUTE, THL"PERVINETS"I" MADE FOUR TRIPS TO THE SEA OF JAPAN. PROFESSOR'N,, VASILJIKOVSKIY~ DIRECTOR-OF THE,PACIFIC DEPARTMENT OF THE'INSTITUTE"OF OCEANOLOG COMPILED 22 PALEOGEOGRAPHIC MAPS OF THE EASTERN--PART OF THE SOVIET'6NION-'$ [Ili[ USSR UDC: 621.395.657.4 ASEYEV, Yu. P., 0 V I V "Electric Pulse Counter" USSR Author's Certificate Number 310408, filed 29/03/68: published 27/08/71 (trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Tolemeklianika i Vychislitel Inaya Tekhnika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 A369 P) -Trans: The authors suggest an electric pulse counter, based on electromagnetic -relays with strobing of the input signal of each cell by the relay contact, in which the output of each cell is connected through tubes to the input of the preceding and succeeding relays, while- the switching contacts of even and odd relays, which strobe the input signals, are connected into two independent electrical circuits, connected at one end to the power sul)ply through a switching contact. In order to simplify the device, the other ends of these circuits of the series-connected contacts of odd and even.relays are connected to the outputs of the first and second counter cells respectively. I figure. A14 0043564~ UP, 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, Y?l 242501 IMFULSE EVICE useful in automation PRMING .J) contains a ge.neritor, a former, register and boosters. The impulses from generator I enter the two tact former 2~of impulses, two outputs from the former are connected to the input of the two tact decimal ferro-transistor meter 3. each decade of which is in,the form,of a ringed register. The required time.lag, multiple to 10,100,1000 etc. of the generator Impulses,are taken off the commutators of the ferrotransistor cells of the register and transferred-to register' 4. 11 28.12.67 as 1206833/18-24. 1,V,BFLQVkOV & A.N CO (11 9 69) Bul 15/25.4.69, Class 42D,21.L. ALAY !nt.Cl.G 06f, R 03k. 197G2021 ~ 0 9Q- - zz UDc 62i.373.421.1(C)66.~i K;-1rAYG01J0-SK!)7, Yu. I. BELOUSCIV, N. A., SHLEN SKIY, Ye. Mr. .e Zacne-tostriction Converter With Acoustic F edbac~- USSR Author's Certificate No 14816509, Fi--Led -2-8 Jul 61, j?-_zb1J1z3i%c-d 126 RZh-F._ad_-cte1,.h--;ikra, No 10, Oct '10, Abstract N'o 10D376 P) rs~ -11 -h-is Author's Cert~_:, 'a 'cn: ificate introduces a acoustic fe,~~dback for autommticn! ly tur,-,ng the frequency of a seif mechanicLtl resonance frequency of the converter. In ord,:,r zc ob-,ain -or ti~b ~s wit- r -Cut suf'iciQzi.. for direct excitation of oscillat e- I ~I a I~ )W~ 0! , r 11 - -1 s t ti1b y Sir, _ , ajLplif4Cati0n, and to increase operationa- U~ packet is made in the form of three electrically arid magrietically v~kich have tht~ same natural resonance frequency. Two af these elener-.11-,; active link of the con-verter while the third, which -is placed betweer, theri, acau~ - _,(-. Also introduoed 1~a a convortbr wrvicl-.. 4"r(_::1 C'ne -tic voltag describr.c abovu ill that thc_. phase relat 1. ons" ~ 11-),1 . bf-, two 1~n! of .,y ccn- vc~:I~azes - ~rl-airicd throughout the wor?J"n ralli.- g frequency necting active elements and acoustic fee~.brx? elejr.,em to 0" th,~, rr~liv-rter the m-x p, uric perpendJaular to the Wrectio,- of long! tlid;, an L v, "' the system. Thu,proj ray ~y ~:O.,4 be use,; ill circuits with autlornat-le frequrn whl,h operate witi, w-Hers. V. 1'. ar;n 7;, USSR UDC-621.039 NALMOV, V. I., and BELOUSGV, 9- 1- "Approadmate Calculation of the Spectrum oE Tharmal N~utroics in a Cell -of a - Thermal Reactor" V sb. Fiz. yadera. reaktaraw (Physics- of NbzLe-ar7Rear-turs Collection-of' Works), No 2, Moscow Atom:Lzdat,. 1970,, L36~-W: (Ebccr.RZh-Fizika, No-4,. Apr 71, Abstrar-t. Na 4V554) Translation: An approximation of the neutron. spectrum- in a thermal reactor - vith.Fermi and Maxwell spectra joined ar- E-,u. 0.,6' ev- does not give a correct - description of the transport: region,. since- indkv1duaL neutrons in scattering by nuclei of the moderator take. on-energy up to 3 ev:~ I which is especially~ noticeabla in high-temperature reactors.. At-the-samettime, exact multigroup methods require large expenditures of machine time. In thiri paper the method of col-lisions, is applied to cal culati ns for a- call. with a graphite moderator. In the method the spectrum is represented-- by- the- s=~ of- partial spectra:.of neutrons arr-P] ated 4 41(l (11)) 4, %_!V0r),!(F_ T! 1/2 USSR NAMOV, V. I., and Yiz:. yadem. reaktorov (Physics of Nuclear Reactors - Collecti.on. of. Works),. NoL 2,- Moscow,. Atomizdat, 1970, ~pp 3-36-143 (from RZh-Fizika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4V554) where OOM is the spectrum of moderating neutrons oni O(n) is the spectrum of neutrons undergoing from 1 to n collision., sy ~TN) is the Fermi spectrum. The calculation for the cell is made easy by the independence of the spectra of neutrons undergoing a large number of 4ccelerations of the capture cross section of the medium, since this permiis separation of the space and energy variables. This also made it possible to tabulate the microcross sections and the diffusion coefficients averaged over the par- ~tial spectra in the functloa of only the, temperature and properties of the zwderator. Thus, the calculation of the- the transport region YeAuced to the solutio-a of a small m1mbe= aE exp3ztinM-- of- the diffusioa. type. A. G. Pramokhov. 2/2 79 USSR UD(: 621-396-983 BELOUSOV, N. N., YELFMOV, V. I., and KIRSANOV, 1-1. 1. "Optimal Algorithm for I-Ireasuring the Dispersion of a Random Process W'ith the Effects of External and Internal Additive Noise Taken Separately Into Account" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ SSSR-- Radioelektronika, No 10, 1972, pp 1291- 1294 Abstract: The problem of measuring the dispersion of a normal sta- tionary random process on a background of normal stationary noise is considered, where both signal and noise processes are noncor- relational. An equation is given for the conditional estimate of the signal dispersion for an accurately known noise dispersion. Although the solution to this equation is well known, it does not take into account the separate effects of the external and internal additive noises. To correct this omi6sion, the present brief com- munication offers a method of,elimiriatinG the effect of the in- ternal noise of the measuring device on, the accuracy of the signal dispersion measurement. In developing the algorithm for the dis- persion measurement, the authors assume that the samplings of the ~112 USSR 621.396.983 BELOUSOV, N. N., et al, Izvestiya VUZ SSSR-Radioelektronika, Elo 10, 1972, pp 1291-1294 noise and signal mixtures are obtained by a number of identical measuring devices. 2/2 120 USSR UDO 621.3-95.~-62.2 r KIPOMYOV, N.I. (Membern Of The SCiO.1It!fiC--TaGhnicaI Soc-oty Of io nginaering, Electronics, And Oa=mmication imen IJ. A.S. Popov) I'Discri=instor Of Trecking I~eacursr C-P The Spatial Delay Time Cf A Noic-c-Like signal" Radiateklunika, Vol 27, No 3, YWrch 1972, pp 60-67 Abstract: The discriz-zinator is studied of a tracking measurer of the relative I - spatial delay time of a noice-like signal picked up by two npnced antennas. A block diagram of the discriminator in diocuoued, The discrimtnatory and fluct- uation characteristics are determined for norual ataticnary additive signals and noise in the case of rapid fluctuationa. Tho exprescion for the fluctuat- ~ion characteristic io applicabla only with vi'eak cignalo. Some of the matorial of thin paper no well as certain experimental rocults wore reportad tit the XVII Sciontific-Technical Conference Devoted To "Radio Day" hold at Tomsk in May 1969. 3 ill. 4 ref. Received by editors, 22-Doo 69; aft"er further improvemgnt, 7 July 70. USSR UDC 669.715.721.725,295.296-74.26.ol8.z9(o33. BELOUSOV_,_&,N. , MIMEYEVA, Ye. N., ZHOLOBOVA, Ye. P.,~KASHHVNIK, L. Ya., T-OF&6V, A. A., YEGOROVA, V. A., YEVSTRLATOV Yu. A., POPKOVA, V. A., BOTY.&INOVSKIY, M. G. "Aluminum-Based Casting Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate, No. 253375, Filed, 19/06/67, Published, 8/10/70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. S, 1971, Abstract No. 5 1670P). Translation: The alloy has thefollowing composition Nig 8-9.5, Be 0.03-0.15, Ti 0.05-0.15, Z"r 0.05-0.2, Mii 0.1-0.3, Cr 0.05-0.15,rernaiiidai- Al. The alloy has high technological properties, corrosion resistance,and stability of properties. In the cast state, the alloy, when cast in a sand moldl~ has Cb 18-23 kg/MM2, 6 0.7 -.2.5%. afl 0.2-0.4 kgm/CM2; when cast in a chill molV- Gb 27-33 kg/MM2, 6 4 12% aH 0.4 1.2 kgm/CM2. Transformation and Structure. USSR UDC 620.187 VIL'DANOVA, N. F., NOSKOVA, N. I., PAVLOV, V. A. BE~ V _And MIKHEYEVA, Ye, N., Institute of Metal Physics, Academy,of Sciences USSR "Electron Microscope Study of Al-Mg Alloys Cooled With,Varying Rates From the Homogenization Temperature" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov iMetallovedeniye, No 6, Vol 30, Dec 70, pp 1264- 1269 Abstract: Changes were investigated in the structure of alloys Al+Mg(11%) and Al+Mg(11%)+Ti, Zr, Be, Mn (0.1%) which result in connection with the use of different cooling rates after a homogenizing anneal,. The cast and heat- treated alloys were rolled into plates measuring 20 x 50 x 0.2 irLm and then subjected to a homogenizing anneal at 4355' C:for 20 hours with different cooling rates: quenched in cold water (+20), quenched!in hot water (+90), and air cooled. Thin foils of the alloys were investigated by electron microscopy. The foils were made from plates, which had been heat treated, by1chemically thinning them in a 40% solution of sodium hydroxide with subsequent electropolishing 1/2 USSR e VIL'DANOVA, N. F., et al, Fizika Metallov i Metallov deniye, No 6, Val 30, Dec 70, pp 1264-1269 in an electrolyte at +70 C. The investigation was conducted with an Sal--3 microscope. It was shown that aging processes takelplace in these alloys independently of the cooling rate and grains are detected in the structure along the boundaries and in the volume of which there are precipitations. Complex alloying accelerates aging: in the structure of the alloy after cooling at.the maximum rate practically no grains were observed without precipi- tates, but coagulation of the precipitated phases tak-ea place. A decrease in the cooling rate leads to a fuller passage of aging processes and to phase coagulation in all the alloys. 2/2 'USSR UDC 539.4 ~LYUTTSAU, V. G., BELOUSOV_ N. N., and ROVINSKIY, B. DI., Moscow "On the Generation of Micropores in Alloys" Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Metallov, No 1, Jan-Feb 71, pp 81-84 Abstract: The microporosity in aluminum alloys was investigated by the X-ray shadow microscopy method. The character and sizes of micropores generating in alloys during the crystallization process and heat treatment were determined. It is demonstrated that an increase of the cooling rate of alloys during the crystallization leads to a decrease in the dimensions of micropores and an increase of their concentrations. The fact was as- certained of the micropore generation in locations c6rresponding to dis- positions of the second phase in alloys by beating and subsequent hardening. Considerations are presented on the mechanism of micropore generation~by heat treatment of alloys containing dispersed inclusions of the second phase. LTSSR UDC 621. 396. 75 BELOUSOV, N. N., K_11rRSXNOV, S. X., ?-RrkV'DV.KHI1N, V. 'I. _LLect of Inertial Differentiation on the'Accuracy of 'Me asuring Delays by a Differential Correlator" Tr. Urals'- kogo politekhn. in-ta (Works of the Urals Polytechnical Institute), 1970, Collection 183, pp 106-109 (from RZh-Radioteklinika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8G88) Translation: In differential direction finders with direction finding by the signal minimunt, the OpLimal device for measuring the delay bettreen cwo correlaced signals is a discriminator with delayed synchronization.. The actual difff-Irentiat- ing device of the discriminator introduces errors into the measurement of the delay caused by the fact that the amplitude and phase-frequency characterIsLics of it differ from the same characteristics'of an differentiating device. From comparison of the real and ideal discrimination characteristics it follows that in the real case there is null shift of the discrimination characteristic and a decrease in its steepness, This leads to a syste .matic error equal to the null displacement and to a random.error deteruvined by the instability of the elements of the differentiating device. In some cases, the null displacement 1/2 USSR BELOUSOV, N.N., et al, Tr. Uralskogo politekhn. in-ta (I-J'arks of the Urals Poly- technical Institute), 1970, Collection 183, pp 106-109 (from RZIt-Radioteklinika, \'a 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8G88) is equal to the time constant of the differentiating circuit, and the random error.can be determined by known instability of the parameters of the device. -11 lk4f.,10, ..J.:,j' Q.-i! I ~p., i ilF. ~q o4.1. e1 t, i,Ll. PR:OCESSING DATE-30OCT70 -112 020 UNCLASSIFIED 'J`ITLE--THE SMELTING AND LADLING OFALLOYS OF NONFERR'OUS METALS -U- N.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,SO(JRCE--SEC* ED., EXP. AND REV. (PLAVKA I RAZLIVKA SPLAVOV TSVETNYKH ~METALLOV. IZO. VTOR. DUP. I PERER.) LENINGRAD. AAS,HINOSTROYENIYE. 1969 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., !NO., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, MATERIALS TAGS--COPPER ALLOY, ALUMINUM ALLOY, MAGNESIUM 'ALLOY, SAFETY ENGINEERING, METAL CASTING, SMELTING FURNACE, NONFERRU05 ALLOY CONTROL'MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1458 STEP NO--UR/0000/70/000/000/0001/0107 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0121906 -,-.-------------UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 2j2 .020 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0121906 '.,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PREFACE 3. CHAPTER I BURDEN MATERIALS, USED FOR THE PREPARATION OF ALLOYS OF NONFERROUS METALS 5. 11 FURNACESFOR.THE SMEL TING OF ALLOYS OF :L NONFERROUS METALS 18. 111 .,-THE.TECHNOLOGY OF SMELTING AND LADLING OF COPPER ALLOYS 45. IV THE TECHNOLOGY OF SMELTENG AND LAOLING OF ALUMINUM ALLOYS 54. V THE TECHNOLOGY OF S14ELT.ING AND LADLING OF MAGNESIUM ALLOYS 77. VI CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF LADLING ,~-ALLOYS OF NONFEPROUS METALS BY USING MODERN MEANS OF MAKING SECTION CASTINGS 89. VII LABOR PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGY OF SAFETY 101. -LITERATURE 106. IN CONNECTION WITH THE INCLUSION OF 63 NEW HIGHLY DURABLE ALUMINUM ALLOYS IN THESECOND E01TION OFJHIS BROCHURE HAVE BEEN EXAMINED IN DETAIL THE PECULIARITIESbF SMELTING, 0EGASING, REFINING AND MODIFICATION OF THESE.ALLOYS AND METHODS GIVEN TO PREPARE NEW LIGATURES. UNCLASSIFIED -biu -1/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 IN THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ZINC CONTAINING SILUMIN CASTINGS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BELOUSOV9 N.N., KASHEVNIK, L.YA. ...:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR Vol ~..SOURCE-LITEINOE PROIZVOD. 1970, 29 6-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--MECIIANICAL PROPERlY, ALLOY DESIGNATION, ALLOY COMPOSITIONP PURITY METAL, ALUMINUM ALLOY, SILICON CONTAINING ALLOY, LIQUID _'..~METAL, METAL REFINING/(U)ALlLM ALUMINUM SILICON ALLOY, (U)SILUMIN ALUMINUM SILICON ALLOY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS, .,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1732 STEP NO--UR/0128/70/002/000/0006/0007 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118710 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118710 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A NEW ALLOY, DESIGNATED AL11M, CONTG. St 7.9, ZN 13-16t MG 0.4-0.06, CU 0.6-09, BE 0.04-0.08t TI 0.04-0.081 ZR 0.04-0.08, AND 8.0.03-0.06PEPCENT,WAS STUDIED. THE ALLOY REQUIRES HIGH PURITY AL (99PERCENT) AS THE STARTING I'AAT ER I AL. THE MOLTEN METAL WAS REFINED WITH HEXACHLOROETHANE AND MODIFIED 'dITH A FLUX CONTG. NACL 62.5, NAF 25, AND KCL 12.5PERCENT. ~ AFTER HEAT rREATMENT, CASTINGS EXHIBITED THE OPTIMUM COMBINATION OF MECH. PROPERTIES. THE MECH. PROPERTIES WERE DETO, FROM MINUS 1960EGREES TO 30.00EGREES AND -SUITABLE PROPERTIES WERE FOUND IN THE RANGE MIJNUS 196DEGREES TO 200DEGREES. AFTER HEAT TREATMENT THE YIELD STRENGTH AND ELONGATION OF SAMPLES CUT FROM A CASTING WERE 35-40 KG-MA PRIME2 AND 2-4PERCENT RESP. THE SHRINKAGEt FLUIDITY, AND HOT-SHORTNESS OF THIS ALLOY WERE COMPARABLE TO THOSE OF OTHER SILUMINS BUT THE STRENGTH IS 1.5 TIMES GRE.ATER. Acc. N , t ~ - '11 ~- S: 17- ; I -' i4 Abstraet Ref Code: 5A INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABST., 0046686- rA70-23194 .4 Some properties ol' orde .,ph s based of the metallides TiNi and TiCo and interactions tween theni, ( vlastivosti vporiadkov.anikh laz na osnovi metalidiv TiNi li TiCo I vzaemodiia mizh nimil. 1. 1. Kornilov, Q- & Relausoy-brid E, V. -.Kac_hur (,~kademiia Nauk SSSH, Institut Metallurgii, Mqscoyi P~~R . Ukrainslk-iFi~tzichniiZhurnaf, yJi. 1.6.Jan. 1970, p.'110-1 12. 10 refs. In Ukrainian. investigation of changes in electrical resistivity of the compounds TiNi and TiCo and of.alloys with deviation from stoichiometry to 3 at.',', Ni and Co. respectively. The measurements were made at room temperature and at -196 C after quenching from 9W C. or long-term annealing. Oyer the section TiNi-TiCo atintervals of 10 mol.% the electrical resistivity of Ti.Co was measured during continuous heating from 20 to 1000 C. It is established that for TiC0 the minimum density at 20 C corresponds to 50 at.% Co for annealed and quenched samples, while at -196 C for~he Ti-Co the minimum is observed with 51% Co. For the system T4-Ni the minimurn density correspbnds to an Ni concentration equal to 49.5% for:quenchpd samples, For annealed samples the minimum is obierved with 51% Ni and is also present at -196 C with somewhat greater concentrations. fAuthor) REEL/FKAME 1914782002 -LIP I R I ["ill; fl IIfillitr THORN m 1 A .11, JM c con Z -"n"lc U~, 1', Z- i 7 -Lon, ol- s V s J r: z Z e]. Lc s WAR ml!mmliummlai ME amemmEa A Afo 016972- V CL-3 3 TITLE-- AUTOMATA IN THE WE7( SERVICE NEWSPAPER--- SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA, FEBRUARY Jj 1970, P :24 ABSTRACT--- THE ENTIRE-PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE SOVIET WEATHER SERVICE AND THE "METEOR" SYSTEM. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED, BY DOCTOR OF GEO- GRAPHICAL SCIENCES YE. Pu. POPOV SMCLN.CANDIDATES OF PHYSICAL-NATHE- MATICAL SCIENCES AND N. G. LEONOV SMCLN CHIEF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AN IS AND SA_Trtt44`E DATA OF~THE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL CENTER., U.S.S.R., 1. A. CHETVERIKOV SMCLN AND:'rORRESPONIDE,\,T YU. GRACHEV. WHEN THE "METEOR- SYSTEM WAS SET UP IN THE SOVIET UNION TH. HYDRo- METEOROLOGICAL CENTER ESTABLISHED A-SPECIAL UNIT FOR TH?_ AN~LYSIS OF METEOR DATA, THIS UNIT IS KNOWNAS ".SPUTNIK VERTICAL". THREE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE GIVEN SHOWING THE LAUNCH OF A WEATHER BALLOON AT THE AEROLOGICAL STATION "VYSOKAYA" NEAR SVERDLOVSK THE WEATHER SATELLITE wMETEOR4 A PHOTOGRAPH OF A CYCLONEtEYE MAH BY THE "METEOR--",, AND A-fwO-COORDINATE DEVICE PROGRANNED TO DRAV WEATHER MAPS, 1:9600100 '030 UNCLASSIFIED P'ROCESSING DATE~--11SEP70 -_T:ITLE--FEATURE ARTICLE ON METEOR SYSTEM. THE METEOR~SYSTEM -U- -.AUTHOR-POPOVi YE.G., BELOUSOV i LEONOVi N.G.j~CHETVERNIKCV, 1.4.1 YU. '.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ;~SOURCE--MOSCOWt SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA, 1 FEBRUARY 1970, P 4 PUBLISHED--OIFEB70 SCIENCESt SPACE TECHNOLOGY STATION, -~'TOPIC TAGS--METEOR9LOGIC SATELLITE, PHOTOGRAPH,.,METEOROLOGIC Pl4rJT0GRA.0HY UNMANNED ORBITAL LABORATORY, SPACE13ORNE EARTH WEATHE _,.~,CHART*, METEOROLOGIC DATA, COMPUTER APPLICATION/W)METEOR M5FTEOPOLOGIC 'SATELLITE .CONTIZOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~~,:DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .~~PROXY REEL/FR.AME--1987/1743 STEP 110--UR/0533/TO/00,n/000/0')04111004 _CtRC ACCESSION NO--AN0104926 UNCLASSIFIED -:2/3 030 PROCESSING DATE-11SEP70 UNCLASSIFIED _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN010f+926 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A SPACE METEOROLOGICAL STATTON IN' RESTRfAL ORBIC CAN DAY AND NI HT TRANSMIT~W~ATHER DATA MAKING _:A CIRCUMTER G 'TCAL IT POSSIBLE TO WARN THE COUNTRY OF IMPENDING DANGEROUS mETE0P!9L0G THE INFORMATION IS TRANSMITTED IN THE FORM OF RHOTPG:.-~APHS. THESE.PHOTOGRAPHS CLFARLY PINPOINT:THE LOCATION OF STORMS AND THEIR -.-DIRECTIO N. THE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL CENTER USSR IS EVEN NOW PECEIV114G SUCHIINFORMATION FROM & WHOUE SERIES~OF METEOR.SATELLITES, CREATED ON ,.7JHE BASIS OF THE.LATFST.ADVANCES-IN SOVIET SCIENCE, IT IS OF THE -1 NG 'r, F ECASTS. GREATEST 5-tRVICE IN COMPIL -BOTH LONG AND SHORT-RANG op ICE --HOWEVER, ALL THIS REQUIRES WELL TRAINED GROUND PERSO.NNEL, SIN POOR INTERPRETATION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS WOULD CANCEL'OUT THIS NEW SOPHI,STICATED SOURCE OF INFORMATION. A SPECIAL SECTION AT THE .-HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL CENTER HANDLES SUCH WORK; IT,~HAS THE RATHER ROMANTIC NAME OF SNTELLITE VERTICAL. THE SECTION IS MANNED BY DEDICATED PIONEERS IN THIS NEW BRANCH OF METEOROLOGY. ALL SATELLITE DATA MtST CORRELATED WITH GROUND DATA FOR COMPILING MAPS-OF CLOUD COVER DISTRIBUTION. THE COMPLEX.TASK.OF INTERPRET *i-t'JG PHOTOGRAPHS CANNOT YET ~,BE.AUTOAATED. HOWEVER, PROCESSING OF DATA ON RADIATION FLUXES IS COMPLETELY AUTOMATED. A SPECIAL.PROGRAM DEVELOPED AT THE CENTER PNSUPES _THATCOMPUTERS CAN HANDLE THE VAST AMOUNT OF DATA ON.RADIATION IN A VERY SHORT-TIME, -THE VOLUMF OF RADIATION DATA RECEIVED FROM SATELLITES .'~EXCEEDS THAT WHICH IS RECEIVED FROM GROUND STATIONS THRGUG,4OUT.THF COUNTRY. -SATELLITE DATA ARE SORTED BY COMPUTERBY TYPES: SOLAR RADIATION, LIGHT REFLECTED BY THE EARTHp RADIATION OF THE EARTH ITSELFt OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES* ENERGY i-imr i- AT F T F n ii~ 11.1 1161141 15.Al~i 1114, W ~d 111 MA&WIll"I'l "TM 11 ~`;-'3/3 030 UNCLASSIFIED~~' ~!PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AN0104926 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--USING THESE DATA THE MACHINE CAN COMPUTE THE ALTITUDE DF THE UPPER.CLO.UD BOUNOARY, THE RADIATION TEMPERAT 'URE OF SEAS, THE ATMOSPHERE AND DIFFERENT CONTINENTS. THE VOLUMEr OF DATA RECEIVED BY THE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL CENTER IS CONSTANTLY INCREASING. HIGH SPEED, HIGH _.-CAPACITY COMPUTERS ARF BEING BROUGHT IN TO HANDLE THE LOAD. 14PROVED FORECASTING ACCURACY WILL INEVITABLY RESULT. .(A PHOTOGRAPH ACCO"PANYING :,.~,THE-.TEXT SHOWS.THE GENERATION OF A LOW PRESSURE ~SYSTEM OVER TH~- P4CIr-IC _OCEANTAKEN FROM AN ALTITUDE OF'650 KM BY THE tl,IAETEOR-211 WEATHER -SATELLITE ON-15 JANUARY 1970 AT 0100,HOURS MOSCOW TIME). UNCLASS I FIED IM -Iii 11 1-1 111 USSR UDC ~621-396.67 ..AYZENBERG, G. Z. and BELOUSOV "Antennas for Radio Communication, 'Broadcasting, and Television" Vloscow, ElektrosvVazI No. 4,. 1:970, pp 47-62 Abstractt A review of antennas new and old, beginning with the first antenna invented by the Russian pioneer, A. S. Popov, which consisted of a vertical, nonsymmetrical vibrator. The author dis- cusses the history and operation of antennas both in the Soviet Union andabroad, including long- and medium-wavelength antennas for broadcasting (2000-3000 meters for the long1waves and 200-2000 for the medium); anti-fading antennas, proposed~in 1.939 in the Soviet Unioni short-wave antennas for communication and broad- castin- transmitters; meter wavelength antennas:for communications; television and FI4 transmittin&antennas; antennas for space ex- Dloration. The article is liberally illustrated with line draw- ings as well as photographs of such installations as the pneumatic antenna mast developed by the USSR Ministry of Communications (location not given), horn antennas used in radio relay lines, a 1/2 12 1---T- IKR~ 1.- -1 1 . . I I - - -,~ I I , ~ ~~; 1, -'t- 6iii'.41A A ...... 4X SIKH' i . ... . . i 11 " .1 ti It I-,.. . I I I . - : ~-, I USSR UDC: 621-396.67 AYZZENBERG, G. Z., BELOUSOV, S. F.i SHLMSHIN,, V. A,, and SHKUD, M. A. "Transmittina Antennas for Short.-i!elave Broadcasting" Aoscow, Elektrosv,.razl, No 5, 1970, pp 4-13 Abstract: This article is devoted to recommendations concerning the application, correction, and precisioning of new types of antennas recently developed, tested, and distributed. These include synphase antennas with,an active-range reflector and log-periodic antennas. The article discusses the basic requirements of such ti-ansmitting antennas in short-wave broadcasting, the parameters of 'the new antennas, and reco=mendations on the choice of particular typos for net"Work broad- casting depending on the distance covered. This last is given in the form of a table, which lists such typos as the 3GD 4/8 RA for an~optinai wave of 12 meters -0 Of 10.7 to 2.0.0 moters, -.omplex arranpmonts consistinC of three in a rant, SGD 4/8 -R:.' or 4118 P-1 D. for opt:L,-L--! waves of 12, 26. . and 110 =eters, and L'he RGD 70/6. -Physical and electrical characteristics, ini,_ludin- schematics the arran~emontz of radiators, of 'those antennas are -ivon. -IT IF; 41`Qi4!'Wl &4WELK, fllq~UMIVIWA IMI! PHL'I'MR911M A AMORMIRRIM"NO PIRMU-911", ~!PROCESSIN --30OCT70 -112 041 UNCLASSIFIED G DATE ITLE-ANTENNAS FOR RADIO ComMUNICATIONt BROADCASTING, AND TELEVISION -Lj~- 10 2)-AYZ ENB ERG,. G.Z., BELOUSOVI' S.P. CCUNTRY rjF-INr-o--uSSR .--.SGURCE-ML)SCOW, ELEKTROSVYAZI, NO. 4, 1970v PP 47-62 DATE PUBLISHED SUBJECT AREAS-ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR., NAVIGATION ~JOPIC TAGS-ANTENNA--ENGfNEERING, COMMUNICATION ANTENNA, PNEUMIATIC DEVICE. RADIO WAVE, HORN ANTENNA/(U)ORBIT COMMUNICATION SYSTEM MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFfED :~.PRDXY REEL/FRAME-3003/0254 STEP NO--UR/0106/70/000/004/00tt7/0062 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0129493 -UNCLASS IF LED-_-- 212 ~041.' UNCL AS SI F I ED.' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ACCESSION NO-AP9129493 GP-0- ABSTRACT. A REVIEW Of ANrENNAS NEW AND OL9, ..q.-BEGINNING WITH THE FIRST ANTENNA INVENTED BY THEIRUSSIAN PIONEER, A. S. ~POPOV, WHICH CONSISTED OF A VERTICAL, NONSYMMETR[CAL VIBRATOR. THE AUTHOR DISCUSSES T14E HISTORY.xAND OPERATION OF ANTENNAS BOTH IN THE SOVIET UNION AND ABROAD, INCLUDING LONG AND MEDIUM WAVELENGTH ANTENNAS FOR BROADCASTING (200&-3000 METERS FOR THE LONG WAVES AND 200-2000 FOP, THE MEDIUM); ANTI FADING ANTENNAS, PROPOSED IN 19~39 114 THE SOVIET UNION; SHORT WAVE ANTENNAS FOR COMMUNICATION AND BROADCASTING TRANSMITTERS; METER WAVELENGTH ANTENNAS' FOR, CGHMUN I CATIONS; TELEVISION AND Fm TRANSMITTING.ANTENNAS; ANTENNAS F(JR;SPACE EXPLORATION# THE ARTICLE IS LIBERALLY.ILLUSTRATED WITH LINE DRAWINGS.AS WELL AS PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUCH .-INSTALLATIONS AS THE PNEUMATIC ANTENNA MAST DEVELOPED BY THE USSR _ MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (LOCATION NOT:GIVENJ, HORN '&NTENNAS USED IN ~....~RADIO RELAY LINESt A TRANSMITTING ANTENNA-COMPLEXIFOR TROPOSPHERIC RADIO RELAY:11NES, A PASSIVE REPEATER ANTEW SYSTEM FOR, RAGIO RELAY LINES IN "MOUNTAINS" (LOCATION NOT SPECIFIEO),.:AND A UNIT OF THE "ORBIT., ~:..CLIMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM USED IN SPACE EXPLORATION SHOWING THE LARGE A."iTENNA..UISH AND THE BUILDING BENEATH. OF THIS LAST ANTENNA# IT IS SAID 'THAT IT IS CAPABLE OF.GPERATING UNDER ANY CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. UNCLASSIFIED UDC 62l.357.8(OKQ.F,) USSR SAMETSKIY, B. 1. , FLa1MMr--V----T. POLYAKOV, A. It. , SHOLENTSEV, G. P. , KONWAS11-- WPM KOV, M. P. KUROV, P. YE. "solution for Electrochemical Etching of Retals" USSP Aitthor's Certificate No 308097. filed 7 Apr 69,~published 23 Au-g 71 (from M-Khimiya, No 6 (11), Jun 72, Abstract Na 6L286P) Translation: A solution containing K?-, nted, for ulectrocheLriical T4 is P"te etching of metals. It is di s tingruis lied bythe fact that in order to inprove (10 has been the quality of imrking a product made of Cu and its alloys, Nal) 3 introduced into it. The composition of the solution (in Z' by weight is. as follows) :- 7.9-0.12- Na CO 1.9-2.1 K SO , and LI)e rest water. rxanple. When 2 30 2 41 2 3 h t 1 9;.* K2so4and the res t marking with a silution containing 80'. Wa CO by weig water at a voltage of 5 volts on plates made of copper and MiM-8 bronze, a clear image of the synbols is obtained which is not rer.,,oved during machining. 1/1 USSR UDC 545.85 SIDOROV, L. N., BEL USOV, V.-L, and AKISHIN, P. A., Mosccr,~ State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov "Mass-Spectroscopic Study of Thermodynamic Properties~of NaF-BeF2 System. VI. Temperature Dependence of Partial Pressures and Dissociation Enthalpy of Complex Molecules" Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol 45, Vyp 12, 1971, pp 3007-3011 Abstract: Partial pressures of NaF, Na2P2, BeP2, NaBeF3, Na2Be2F6, and Na2BeF4 in the NaF - BeF2 system were determined as a,function of temperature (up to.1106*K), with BeF2 concentrations from 0-10OZ.' Using the results ob- tained in previous work, the authors calculated the heat of vaporization of NaF and BeF2 on the assumption that in the melt A Si 0, and of NaBeF3, Na2Be2F6, and NaBeF4 with the aid of Hess' law from the heat of appropriate gas-phase reactions. Gibbs' free energy, Iand the heat of formation of NaF - BeF2 from liquid BeF7 and solid XaF at 1106*K " well as the entropy, enthalpy, and Gibbs' free energy for nine gas-phase reactions involving the same complex molecules are also presented. The absolute energy values for NaBeF3, Na2BeF4, and Na2lleA calculated in this work are S1*106 103.4 + 3, 150.6 + 5, and 182.3 + 8, resp. The assumed structure of the moleeJes are als-o given. The experimental results arv presented fn 7 tables. USSR UDC 5111-11 SIDOROV, L. Depart, ent of Chemistxy, I. se State University imeni 14.V. Lozionosov '.'On the Melting Point of Berryliwm.Fluoride" ~Ioscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy MOiyuii, Vol 114, 110 1, Jarl 70, pp 254-255 Abstract: 7he vass-spectroirietric investir~ation of th,~ ni-yessure of saturatcd vapor of the system flar-BeF., shows that during the ip")tLermal eval'oratioa of melts of the systen RaF-Be , whicb contain 90 7r)ole It PeF, the intenslty'of FP all recorded ions reuuins c6nstant over a perio-1 of ocweral hours. Froir. the obtained e"..eriiiiental data, 8(*~50 is -acceptcd as the., meltint; point of Pe12 'I ED 022 UNCCASSI'f- Ok,OCESSING 0ATE--18SEP70 .JITLE--MASS SPECTROMETRIC STUDY OF THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF SODIUM .:.-~:-,~FLUORLDE BARIUM FLUORIDE AND SODIUM FLUORIDE, MAGNESIUM FLUORIDE SYSTEMS AUTHOR-(03)-BELOUSOV, V.I., SIDOROV, L.N., AKISHIN ~P.A.. OF INFO--USSR 197 ~SOURCE- ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 0, 44(l) 263-4 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY q ,~-TOPIC~ TAGS--MASS SPECTRUM, THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTY, SODIUM COMPOUND, BARIUM -~-FLUORIDEv MAGNESIUM FLUORIDE CONTROL '-',ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--1983/0315 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/044/001/0263/0264 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053300 UNCLASSIFIED _7t,17i _7 - ------ - ------ PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 2 022 UNCLASSIFTED ,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053300 ."A,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT., THE MASS SPECTRA OF GASEOUS PHASES nV.ER NAF-BAF SUB2 AND NAF-MGF SU132 SYSTEMS IIERE STUDIED AT 1160-1450DEGREES, AND FOR THE COMPN. RANGES UP TO 90 WT. PERCENT HAF '4GF AT 1160-1170DEGREES, THE NA PRIME SUB2 AND 60 WT. PERCENT SUB2. POSITIVE, NAF PRIME POSITIVE, NA SUB3 F SUB2 PRIME POSITIVE, BA PRIME ~-POSFTIVE, BAF PRIME POSITIVE, MG PRIME POSITIVE,,:AND NIGF PRIME POSITIVE JONS WERE FORMED. THE OCCURRENCE OF NAMGF SUB2,PRIME POSITIVEWAS ALWAY ::L-ESS THAN 0.001PERCENT WHEREAS HIGHER AMTS. OF NABAF SUB2 PRIME POSITIVE WERE OBSD. (-IS LESS'THAN 6PERCENT ATA.460DEGREES~;FOR THE SYSTEM WITH 90 WT.:: PERCENT BAF SUB2). UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.791:621.642.001.2 BOGOMOLOVA, A. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and BAKSHI, 0. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chelyabinsk Polytechnic, Institute;- SEDY0, V. S. Doctor of Technical Sciences, and TRYKOV, YU. P. and BELOUSOV, V. P.,' Candidates of Technical Sciences, Volgograd Polyt~cbnic Institute; ~ORISOV.A, V. A., KARP11, A. B., POPOV, A. S., and SAPRYGIN, V. D., Engineers, Mos=4 "Practical Design of Welded Vessels,and Pipe From Dissimilar Materials" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 9, 1973, pp 3-6 Abstract: Welding tests were conducted for~velding dissimilar materials to join dissimilar metals in the fabrication of vessels and pipe. k steel+copper+ niobium+titanium joint was made from steel Khl8N-LOT, 141 copper, niobium, and OT4 titanium, and a magnesium alloy+titanium+aluminum+alumi-num alloy joint was made from magnesium alloy MA.2-1, VT1 titanium, Adl aluminumf and aluminum alloy A14g6. The goal of this work was to-determine the proper materials which would yield a reliable diffusion barrier in the intermediate weld layers, and a joint with a strength equal to that of the base metal., Mathematical formulas are given for calculating the tensile and yield strengths of the soft sublayer ~and-critical magnitude of relative thickness of the soft sublayer for w1hich an equal-strength joint can be achieved. For the titanium-steel joint the 1/2 COMOsite llfhtdiia16 USSR UDC 669.2:621.771 BAKU11A, S. F., BELOUSOV V. P SEDYKH, V. S.,and TRYKOV, Yu. P. "Production of Plate Metal Compositions by Explosive lielding and Intermediate Rolling" Moscow, Tsvetnyye metally, No 5, May.72, pp 58-62 Abstract: Proposed are new flow charts for producing'composite materials with provisions for combining explosive welding with either cold, warm, or hot rolling. Explosive welding of bimetal joints from hard-to-weld metal combinations (Ti-Fe, Al-Mg, Nb-Fe,and others) require strict ad- herence to specific parameters including precise setting of root gap openings between the plates, perfect dosage of co=nositi-n and an-iroariate density of the explosive powder, and special surface preparation. Viola- tion of either condition may cause drastic reduction of weld strength and even lamination. The new flow charts offer potentials for increasing the mechanical properties of bimetal weld joints. The complex technology is justified by the savings in costly and scarce materials and realization of new design problems. (3 illustrations, 1 table, bibliographic references) 7191Lrn USSR uDc 621-791s621.7-004.2.01 t:669.295+669.14 ~ELONOY. Y Engineer, SEDYMi,,V. S., Candidate.of Technical Sciences, and TRYKOV, YU. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences "Mechanical Properties of Explosion-Welded Titanium-Steel Joints (With Inter- layers)" Hoscow, Svarochnoye Froizvodstvo, No 9 (443), Sep 71,:pp 19-21 Abstraett Investigation results of the'effect of mechanical heterogeneity on strength and plasticity characteristics of titanium-steel joints with Cu- Nb interlayers after explosion-welding and boating are discussed. The change of mechanical properties of explosion-weldcd joints of Uflt titanium alloy with Khl8NlOT austenite stool with Cu-11b interla~yers of various thick- no is explained by hardaning of the latter as the result of.oxplosion load- Ing and the effect of case.hardening. The gradual decrease of the relative thickness k of the copper alloy in the range-of 0.5 to 0.067 results in a progressive increase in strength and decrease of plasticity'characteristics. Due to case hardening of the copper alloy at k--0.03 an increase in joint strength up to the strength level of steel and also a plasticity increase take place. A comparison of mechanical properties of titanium-zteel joints with interlayers of copper and its high-strength alloys demonstrates their 1/2 ON111M.HIMM HINIMMIUM, I.-A. _`g M MT, USSR BELOUSOV, V. P., et al., Svarochnoye Proizvodstvol No~q (443)# Sep 71, PP 19-21 unjustified application at k