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USSR uDc: 62-1-317-335.3 BAH.-L,ASgQXnY,_Ye~, L. BEREZA, A. Ye., PRIVALOV, Ye:. N., ABKIN, Ye. B. 'Measurement of the Permittivity of Plates Which Partially Fill the Cross Section of a Rectangular Waveguide" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii pa radiotekhn. izm,~reniyam. T. 1 (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific and.Technical Conference on Radio Engineer- ing Measurements. Vol. 1), Novosibirsk, 1970,--UP 77-78 (from RZh--Radiotekh- nika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1A366) Translation: A procedure is considered for determining perrCittivii the basis of platting the field structure in the longitudinal. and transverse Cross section of a rectangular waveguide on the [110 mode with a plate on the narrow wall of propagation for the case where the permittivity of the plate is a conplcx quantity. The fundamental relationships are presented and some co=utational sinmIarities are indicated. ~The results of some measurements of permittirity in the 3-cm band are given. Bibliography of two titles. E. L. 56 USSR UDC: 621-317-335 BARTASHEVSKIY Ye. L. KANUN111KOV, V. P. SKUBITSKIY, V. N. "'Use of Dielectric Resonators With Directional Coupling Elements to Measure -:Relative Permittivity" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po radiotekhn. lzmereniyam. T. I (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific And Technical Conference on Radio Engineer- "h ing-Measurements. Vol. 1), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 75-76 (from R" -Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12A354) Translation: In viev of the difficulties which arise when dielectric resonators in the standing-wave or travel-Ing-mave iwd!m kre used to ntea- sure complex permittivity, new modifications of standing-wave and traveling- -wave dielectric resonators are propose-1 with directional couplers as their coupling elements. Both resonators are based on a circular dielectric wave guide with RE, I vave; the standing-wave dielectric resonat 'or in tuned by no-rlng a reflector, while the traveling-wwre unit is tuned by displacement of the waveguide. It is noted that the.traveling-wave dielectric resonator has a higher 9 than the standing-wave uniti which preferable for use. Two illustrations,, bibliography of five titles. N., 82 USSR UDO 681.2.084.2:541.132.3 BARTAZAROV E G DEVDARIANI I. V. KABANOV, P. S., and "M D: "Input Device o-F PH-1;-.eter 'With Unipolar Field Transistorif Moscow, Izmeritel'naya Tekhaika, No 2, Peb~73, pp 65-66 Abstract: A s'uud,r ,,,ras made by the Special Design Office of Ana- lytic,_il Instrument L'alking in Tbilizi of the -oossibility to sub- stitute electron tubes by field transistors with -D-n tr,-msition of KP102 (TT-.'-!) type in the in-out stage of -D17--metrical ainplifier, built accorOing to the principle, of trz-,nsfoTmation of the in-out signal frequency. Good remdts were obtained nith the use o 'I a schema witli feedback 4-,ervosystem in the in I stoge of pH-mcter. pi t The principrO. ochema rLnd the equivalent cc~ema- of the input de- vice are shwi-in and calculation formulas for. d_etei-,..Anink3 1he ,.q,,in para~am tuers of the device are given. The desbribed in-out device used in the laboratory pH-meter redo_meter rH-673, factorily.- The device nwiy be -u-,cd in warr-s with diffc~rent, types of transducerc of d-c voltage into a-(,, volt ge. T-~-,,o figures, three bibliogra-ohic references. Glassand Ceramics USSR UDC.666.189.212:539.433 BAWENEV G. M., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and MOTORINA, L. I., Candidate -'ie ol~ fences, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute imeni V. 1. Lenin t "The Effect of Vibration on the Strength ofGlass Fiber" Steklo i. Keramika, No 3, Mar 71, pp 34-36 Abstract: Discrepancies in the results. of measurements of the strength of glass fiber of the same chemical composition and even of the same fiber in different laboratories have been noted frequently. Although many factors affect the strength of glass fiber, the principal cause for the divergence of the results of strength measurements is considered',to be the difference in the test methods. This article considers one such'cause. it was found that small vibrations lower the strength of the tested glass fibers. The tests were conducted with vibrations of varying amplitudes in the frequency range from 15 to 3000 liz. The strength of the fiber decreases with the in- crease of the amplitude of oscillations. This effect is practically inde- pendent of the frequency of vibration if the amplitude of the displacement is maintained constant. The maximum decrease in strength was observed in the tests at 110 Hz frequency, the resonance frequency~for the test 1/2 USSR BARTENEV, C. M., and MOTORINA, I., Steklo i Keramika, No 3, Mar 71, pp 34-36 instrument. The vibration itself has no effect on the strength of the fiber, but rather on the test method. When the fibers are initially exposed to vibrations for 6 hours and tested on a quiescent instrument the strength is significantly higher than for the same fibers tested in the presence of vibration. In the.course of stressing glass fibers vibrations accelerate the growth of defects and lead to the lowering of the strength of the fiber. 2/2 39 'USSR UDC 666.117.2 FAVILUS-MCINI, N. and ZHb-?-kVLEV, A. K. "Legkoplavkiye Stekla" (Low-Ifelting Glasses), Moscow, Izd-vo "Energiya," 1970, 144 pp Translation of Annotation: A st -ary is given of the results of studies on the production of lov melting glasses, methods of inve~stigating them, and areas of their application carried out in the USSR and~elsewhere. Theoretical concepts regarding the structure of low melting glass are presented and methods and results of investigations.on oxide, oxygen-free, and oxychal- cogenide glasses are discussed. Data on the application of low-melting glasses as sealing coatings and as solders for various electronic devices nted. are prese The back is intended for scientiz-;c and engineerf g personnel concerned with the study and development of low-melting glasses and their applications. Table of Contents Introduction 4 -F Types of Lov lelting Glasses and Methods of Producing nLen 9 113 0 36 iC )ATE--ZONOV7,1 J/z UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIt - L --LU-w TEAPHiATURE ~,ELAXATILIN PHENOV EiM IN RU i B ER t. I K L- PDLYMERS AT L~J'li--' 14 DEFOR.IATICtl -U- '~:AUTHGR-(02)-OAPTENIEV, G.A., KUCH'Eka-KI Y, A.M. --LSSR 'F INFO _.'_.,:GCUNTRY C CURC E-V~ SCKU410L. SGI :12(li 7~ .r -DIN. SER. A 1910 94-80.1 OATE ~FU(iL ------- 70 .-,;::.,,SUBJECT AREAS--NATERI ALS TOP IC -TAGS Clil-MCAL 30NDINGt L fill TEM P.ERATURE EF FLG T AC 7 1 VA f ION E.,NERGY PELAXAT I CN' PRCCESS, 1A_7FLlR,'-!ATlON RATE~t(UVSKMS30 RU68E (U)SKN,26 IqUdaER :CCt4TRCL_H/lkKf,%G--NCl RESTRICTIONS, OCCUM Ei N T C L A S S C LAS S I F 1 0 :':~_TRUXY L F 8 A P. E- 3 00 1) 13 d 5 STEP NO -REE --UP 45 9 7 0 /0 12 f)() 4 0 M /08 1 VIRC A C C E 5 101 N U- -A P 0 13 5 0 5 9 2/2 036 UNCLASSIFIED P (101 C E S S I N G tj;*% T E-- 2 L)NOV0 ~,::CJRC ACCESSIGN f,4iJ--AP0L735(,51) _AdSMALWIXTRA~J--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT'. STkESS S TP,.-lA I t 1D[AGPAMS ;Jf- SKMS N0 SKt, 24~ IqUo'BERS REVEALED 4,RELAXATICN PkCCFS~S CHARAMERHCD i~,Y A Low 'ACT IVAT 16K ~EIMIERGY AND At)EPENDENCE G FRELAXATION LIN T-iE K I N CT I CSTRESS WAS A FUNCT1611-4 OFI.rEMP. AND.APPROACHED 0 AT 40-60DEGREFS. ME LFFECT ATTRIBuTED TU ORDERED SUIIRAMOL.~ DGMAINS WHICH FORt-10) N,_'-NChE;M. BONDS Z, FACILITY! THAT BROKE AT A CRIT. '-TRESS. 'EGAGGG. INST MOSK., GCS,P IM. LEN I NA, MOSC OW USSR. UNCLA3 SS IF I'0 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING IATE--160CT70 TITLE--HYSTERESIS LOSSES OF CARBON,BLACK.REINFORCED VULCANIZATESi AT LOW STRAINS -U- ~AUTHOR-(02)-BARTENEV, G.M., KUCHERSKIYt A.M. ,,C OU NTRY OF I'NFO-_USSR ~,S0URCE--K0LL(JtDNYY ZHURNAL, 1970, ~VOL 32t NR 2y PP '171-176 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,-,SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TAGS--CARBON BLACK, VULCANIZATE, MECHANICAL STRESS MARKfNG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL/FRAM2--1993/0393 STEP NO--UR~0069/7-3/032/002/0171/0176 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01133Ll UNrLAASSIFTED :212 021 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING DATE--1160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO----~AP0113311 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MECHANICAL LOSSES, RELATIVE RESIDUAL STRAIN AND STRESS OF CARBON BLACK kEINFL)kCc-L) BLITAOIENIE STYAENE VULCANIZATES PASS THROUGH A MAXIMUM WHEN PLOTTED V&~SUS STRESS. THIS MAXIMUM IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BREAKDOWN OF THE CARBON BLACK STRUCTURES .:,AND AGGREGATES. THE KELVIN VOIGT MODEL CAN BE USED FOR A QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF SOME STRAIN AND HYSTERESIS PROPERTIES OF CAI~6ON BLACK -.,~REINFORCED VULCANILATES AT CONSTANT srRA[k'4 RATE. UNCLASSIFIED Acc. Nr: Ref Code: UR 0069 3G52r PRIWY SOURCE: Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, 1970'' Vol 32 Nr 1, '&FEMOF AWACTIVE FIL~ER ON THESTRAiN PROPERTIES OF B q1jA-D I E Pj 4-~5TY-R R U 6 8 E R VULCANIZATES i Barte V ~Kucherskiy, A. M. ne mmary The effect of a filler on the. Sha of. the strain CLINts of rubber upon elongation up to 30 Ok has been studied. The st atn cu'rve consists oVan initial curvelinear section: Wowed by a rectilinear on,,- The. op. of the rectilinear section is almost independent of the I iller nature, being determined by i w1urne- fraction. Tke location level of the rceti- line r7section is determined by the carbin black bonds and structures, rising sharply when. continuous carbon black structures arelformed. REaL/FRAME. C. -,I. Acc Nr: Abstra Icting Service: -7e) Ref Cod e d "041407 CIIE, f V NICAL ABST. 7MO9y Thermodynaxnic description of relakation phenome-. NI - Zele (Dep. Phys na in polymers.. l3grip. Y11 V S atg-ieechers' I Mnina Univ.. Moscov., U:~~S _yolids Lenin St i. Fo(ym. 'NCI, 197U, ~14k2), 393~106 (Eng). Fhe_ ana . Of deformations'of an ordinary elastic body and a highly elastic body a~qompanied. by temp. changes shows that under ad- t apolymer in a iabatic conditions the dynamic characteristics o highly elastic state depend on the amplitude ofthe applied stress or temp. scale), (in particular, their-position on a frequency which is assocd. with the entropic nature of tl~e bi~ghly elastic de- formation. When describing the relaxation phenomena caused by the response of the system of interacting kinetic units to the external perturbation. the upoequil. therinodynoinics relation be- tween the "flow" and the "generalized ibrce" is nonlinear even at small deviations from the equil. state. Creep band stress relaxa- t ion are considered. The calcd. dependencies agree with expt. Rcrr REEL/FRAME 19751272 Re Acc. Nr Abstractifig:Service: f. Code- OD45146 CHEMICAL~ABST- 5~ )? 0 w of rubber mixtures thro ing r 91302a Flo ugh:oles, of vary kvOh duzing extrusion. . Cube F B ze- ra noer, 1. N,; Vershinin U, UN-auch.-IsMed In-,t Re7in. Prom.. Mos ow. UbbHl. I auc - ezina. 1-97'0. ,_91111 2679 (Hussl. The flow of SKS-30 ARKM-15 anti Nclj.,= T rubber -mixts. (contg. variable anits. of plasticizer and Otter) throughdies hav- in a length-to-diam., ratio of. 0.5m-5.0 was studiiid T)~P flow of rutber mixts. through short,dies at crit. pressureis (which caused the accumulation of highly elastic d6formation)~,A~as accompanied by- elastic turbulence The, el4stiti,. turbulence ~vk characterized by slippage of rubber mixts. through the extrud~-r. The surface of the extrudate deteriorated and its diarn~. incria' ed due to etas- tic turbulence. Increased content' of, carbon black OlYbrought about improved suilra-ce quality and inialle~ exiruoate diain., e.g., I filled with,10-60 parts 11 per 100 parts I exhibited mark6dly im- proved properties. Tbus, the properties of the krudates' were mainly detd, by their elastic properties. . The.sbrinknjii of ex- truded mixts. was inversely proportional to the lelig-th of the ex- truder. CKJR 4 REEL/FRME 19780046- I f 2 1 UNC LA. S S I F I E D Pk C~ C E S Sl 1G )ATF-~?"JCT7J TITLL--STRESS RELAXATICN IN CROSSLINKED RU018EKLIKEI POLYMEiS -L)- AUTHOR-(02)-hARTENEV, G.M., LYALINA, N.M. :COUNIRY 't)F INFD--USSR -SC-UKCE--VYS(lKL:M0L. SOEDI'q., SER.A1970, 12(2) 368-'75 DATE PUbL ISHEI) ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALS TUP11C TAGS--STRESS RELAXATInN, POLYMER CROSSLINKINGo BJTAVIE%-'- STYREVE RESIN't NATU RAL RUB8EI(v POLYBUTADIE%4E,,SYNTHETIC RUBBER, VISCOUS FL04, ~L C~. TEMPLFATURE EfFECT, HIGH TEMPEPATUqE EFFECT: 4-AIZKlt4G--NO RCSTRICrIONS i:DGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ._?~RUXY REEL/FP.AME--1992/0322 STEP -'qO--UR/0459/70/012/002/0369/0375 ACCESSION N0-00111516 UNCLASSIFIED - - - - - - - - - - -212 041 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 Cf RC ACCESSION NO--AP0111516 .A6STRACT/EXTRACT--(u) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE EFFECT 5 OF THE SJPRAMOL. STRUCTURE ON THE STRESS 4ELAXATION OF BUTADIENE STYRENE RUBBER JUROPRENE-1500) (I)t NATURAL RUBBER ([I)# AND CISrIp4tPOLYBUTADIENE 2 .,RUBBER IUROPRENE) '(III) WERE INFERREn FROM PLOTSJOF RELAXATIO4 CURVES OBTAINED BY MEANS UF A P&YANI KELAXOMETER. . THE"EXPTL. DAT-A (TREATED BY ~A METHOD DEVELOPED BY A. V. TOBOLSKY9 1959 AND A~ V. BRYUKHANJV, 19601 INDICATEO-THAT THE SLOW STAGE OF PHYS. RELAXATION CONSISTED OF 3 STEPS HAVJNG IDENTICAL ACTIVATION ENERGY (PROPORTIONAL-TO THE MOL. INTERACTION -OF POLYMER CHAINS). THE SLOW STAGE OF PHYS. RED -ION AND THE VISCOUS AXAT FLOW:~OF 1, 11, AND III FOLLOWED THE SAME~SEGMENTAL M3DIFICATION OF T4E SUPRAMOL. STRUCTURE. THE RELAXATION TIMES OF THE 3 ELE',"ENTARY STEPS OF :SLOW.RELAXAT.ICN WERE DIFFERENTI, PRESUMABLE DUE TO DISSIMILAR DIMENSION PCLYM-ERS',~ . OF ~ THE. ORDERED- REGI ON9 IN -THE AT Low--rEMPS7., THE RELAXATIO'*.4- TIME.WAS MAINLY A FUNCTION OF THE ACTIVATION ENFRGY, WHEREAS A HIGH TEMPS.,IT,-WAS A FUNCTION OF THE PREEXPONENTIAL COEFF. (IN THE FORMULA f0k, T14E RELAXATION TIME). III HAD A SHORTER RELAXATtION TIME THAN I AT LOW TEMPS. AND A LONGER RELAXATION TIME AT HIGH TEMPS* 042 -D 1 /2' UNCL AS S I F I E PROCESSVIG DATE 0C T 7 0 T I T LE PUDE L I NG OF THE DYNAMIC MECHAN [CAL PROPERTIES OF TwO ',OMP'3Nc-%lT HFTL;-uGLNE'OUS POLYMER' COMPOSITIONS HY, THE TECHNIQUE :3F COMPOSITE AUTHJE.-(03)-AYVAZOV, A.B., 7ELLNEV,*Yu.V.' 6 ~~. ~T' G~M. OF INFO--USSR -,SLjURlr_E-4EKH. POL1,14. 1969, 5(6), Ili9-22 -_~DATE PULLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT ARFAS--MATERIALS TA(;S--ELASTIC MODULUS, PLASTIC MECHANICAL PROPERTY, SYNTHETIC RUBSER, POLYSTYRENE RESIN, POLYMER BINDER9 COMPOSITE MATERIAL, MATHEVATIC MODEL CGNTROL -MAPKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY RftL/FRAME--1989/0496 STEP NO--UR/0374169/005/006/111,9/0122 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0107101 ____Uttr LASS IF-I-E 3N0 *NMOMI Sl -NdWOO 'dl'9H.1 N3HA 3'IgVl.OIG3*dd -HIVW 3bV S311*dgdC'dd OIWVNAU 'H39W ~819HI 3Vt343b3HI--l ~ oNv snO3N300'd3l3H 3bV *S.IXIW 3S3HI IVHI SMDHS H31HM '"SI)MIl 3HJL ~dcA o3Dro3o svinwdaj otiv svinwbog 3SgHJL, N33MI99 3:)N30NUdS3d'dOO ASO-10-V' s 1 3 113)11. *snanil]SNOD~~*J.XIW 3HI AD Z9nS -3 GNV 112nS 9 :10 SW)131 NI C =10 SIN3NCd'WCO (snincoN ss3i 29ns 3) AdVNI!)VWI ONV (igns 9) IV36 3HI 3AI9 HDIHM 03Dro3v 3;~3m svinwNoj *~ogqns 3~Hnd 01 030N09 I THnd :10 9NIISIS%10:) S31dl-.'VS 311SCdvJ-9"j :40 *013 0 Td3M V1130 NVI ONV 3 OSIV *(I) 3N3~!AISA-10d Hiim sbgqunu 3113HINkS AD *SIXIW, 80-A 39NVU S331103CIO01 Sn-ld ol ool sn.%IW 9H1 NI '0190 3119A (V1190 NVI) (919NV SSOI 'H:)3W) NVI a,%lv -(3) sn-Incow A11211SVIg OIWVN&O Y~IdWOO 3HI *I)VUISUV -0-dO (n)--iovnx3/I3V*dlspv~ TOILOTOdV--ON N-OISS:133V 3b1" OLOOZO-3170 ')NISS300bd 031JISSVIONn Z+10 Z12 112 020 UNCLASSUFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TiTLE--EFFECT OF IRON VALENCE STATE ONTHE ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF .'-:-ANNIHILATION GAMMA QUANTA IWIRON OXIDES -U- AUTHOR- (Q3)-,A!Ugjf_VCM. t TSYGANOVY A 0 VARISOV, A.Z. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -.SOURCE- FIZ. TVERD. TELA 19701 12(2)l 669-70 ~DATE PUBLIS14ED ------- 70, .SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY :TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL BONDINGw IRONt IRON OXIOEv X RAY ANALYSIS C-ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--19(34/0124 STEP NO--UR/0181/70/012/002/0669/0670 CTRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054920 UNCLASSIFIED ------ - ------ - - -".212 020 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--IRSEP70 ~,~CIPC ACCESSION NO--AP0054920 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF THE METAL CATION VA-LANCE STATE IN OXIDES WAS STUDIED ON THE ANGULAR CORRELATION OF THE ANNIHILATION PAIRS OF GAMMA QUANTA. THE~ANGULAR-~OISTRIBUTION OF THE ~_ANNIHILATION RADIATION WAS DETD. IN THE FE OXIDES- FEO, FE SU82 0 SUB3. _FE ND SUB3 0 SUB4. HALFWIDTHS,OF THE CURVES AND THE EFFECTIVE CHARGES A OF THE 0 ION AS DETO. FROM THE HALFWIDTH, ARE TABULATE0. AS THE C)XION. ,,-STATE OF FE INCREASES, THE SHIFT OF THE K EDGE INCREASES AND BROADENING ~:_,~`.OF THE,~ANGULAR CORRELATION CURVEJAKES. .-PLACE. TOE EFFECTIVE CHARGE OF ~:-,.THE0 ION.INCREASES IN THE SERIES FEO, FE SUB3 O,SUB4, AND FE SUB2 0 'SU83-.. THE EFFECTIVE CHARGE,OFTH&FE ION IN THE~~ABOVE SERIES IS, RESP.* 1 0-, 1.67 AND 1.95.. THUS, VARIATION OF:THF- VALANCE STATE OF F E CAUSES A ..SHIFT OF- THE K- EDGE- OF THE X R-AY.ABSORPTION SPECTRUM,AND BROADENING OF -THE ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF ANNIHILATIMPAIRS OF, GAMMA QUANTA JNOICATING A VARIATION OF THE DEGREE OF IONIC CHARACTER OF CHEM. BONOING.~ UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 612.6:539.434 BARTEMEV G. 14. Moscow Pedagogical Institute imeni V. 1. Lenin "Fracture of Flawless Inorganic Glasses" L*vov, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Me-khanika. Materialov, No 3, May-Jitne 70, 'M) 71-77 Abstract: It is proposed that the kinetics of thermal-fluctuation failure of flawless Classes consists of two stages. In the first stage, which primarily determines the durability of a sample, the initial submicrocracklis renerated from relatively weak sections of the glass structure. In the prQsence of a sur- face-active medium, fluctuation generatJon of. the surface alleviates subrdcro- cracks. In the second stage, the submicrocrack grows. Thus, overstressing the tip of the crack causen the critical stress value to be reached and the sub7dcro- crack becoirken a w1crocrack which is propagated rapidly, causing catastrophic failure of the sample. A comparison of theory with experimental curves on the durability of lol;- strength silicate glass made it possible to conclude that in the transfer of a sample from a vacuum to the atmosphere, both the energy;of activation (135 down to 35 kcal/ml) and coefficient of stress concentration,(25 down to 7) are decreased. In the current otudy of flawless quartz Glass, the coefficient of concentration and fluctuation volume did not change; only the energy of activation 1/2 -m"FnImI USSR ux 612.6:539.434 BARTEITEV, G. M.., Fiziko-Khimicheskaya 14ekdianika Materialov-, NO 3, Ihy-June 70, pp 71-77 varied. The above discussion led to the premise that adsorption lowering of the strength in a solid can be observed not only in the presence of surface micro- cracks, as was previously believed, but also in solids Vnich do not have surface defects. From this comes an explanatlion of increased strength in flawless glass and glass fibers in thettransition to low temperatures (1-1960C): when the temper- ature is lvweredthe atmospheric humidity freezes and the str,-,%ngth of glass at low temperatures in an atmosphere coincides with the strength of glass in a vacuum. 2/? 1P 11Z 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 JITLE-MECHANISM OF STRESS RELAXATION IN RUBBER FILLED 141TH CARBON BLACK tl_ ,AUTHQR-(02J-8ARTENEVv G-M-r LYALINAt N.M. -COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOIURCE--VYSCKGMCL. SOEDIN, SER.A 1970v 1214),:922-~31 -DATE PUBLISHED----70 -:-SUBJI:CT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-STRESS RELAXATION, CARBON BLACK, BUTAOIENE STYRENE RESIN, :11ATERIAL DEFORMATION, ACTIVATION'.ENERGY, SYNTHETIC RLIBBER/(U)SKS30A -BUTABIENE STYRENE RUBBER ~,.CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .,PROXY REEL/FRAML--2000/1686 STEP NO--UR/0459/70/OL2/00410922/0931 -CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125307 L'. I r 1 A c -vim 212 .035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125307 -ABSTRA(;T/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STRESS RELAXATION (SIGMA) OF CARBON BLACK FILLED SKS-30A (BUTADIENE-STYRENE RUBBER) AT 20-100DEGREES AND 2C-200PERCENT 0EFORMATfC-N (EPSILON) RANGES OBEYS A FIVE TERM EQUATION: SIGMA(T)EPSILON EQUALS E SUBI EXP(T-TAU SU31) PLUS E SU32 EXP(T-TAU SUbZJ PLUS E SU83 EXP(14INUS T-TAU SU83) PLUS E SU84 EXPIT-TAU PLUS E SUB5 EXP(T-TAU SU85), WHERE T IS TH&RELAXATION TIME# E :SUBI A COEFF. INDICATING THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE L TH RELAXATION PROCESSv AND T SUB1 THE RELAXATION TIME OF THE I TH PROCESS. THE IST 3 "TERPIS ARE RELATED TO THE RELAXATION OF NOT FILLED~RUBBFRt HAVE ASSOCIATED 13 KCAL-MOLE ACTIVATION ENERGY (PER TERM)s AND ARE -4T. -INDEPENDENT OF EPSILON THE 4TH TERM IS DEPENDENT ON THE FILLER Al EPSILGNT.ANO HAS L8 GL-MOLE ACTIVATION ENERGY A~SOCD. WITH IT. THE ~5*TH TERIM IS ASSOCD. WITH 38-40 KCAL~-MOLE ACTIVATION ENERGY; IT EXPRLSSES ..THE CONTRIBUTION OF 5 CROSSLINKS.-MTHE RELAXATICN PROCESS. GNLY THE 4TH TERM IS DIFFERENT FOR THE FILLED AND UNFILLED~~SKS-30A*' ITS PRESENCE :,IS~,:NECESSITATED BY THE UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF STRESSES IN THE FILLED 'RUBBER* FACILITY: MOSK. GUS. PEDAGGG. INST. IM. LENINA, MOSCOW, USSR. 112 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ~TITLE-,-OBSERVATION OF MOLECULAR ORDERING IN RUBBERLIKE,POLYMERS UMOCR LOW -STRESS BY A CREEP TECHNIQUE -U-~.. ,-AUTHOR (02)-BARTE~. G.M., GLUKHATKINA,.L*Ga C OUN T R YOF INFO--USSR .,.SOURCE--VYSOKOMOLO SOEDIN. SER. B 1910, 12(3)t 185-7 :"DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :2 ~.SUBJECT AREA.S--MATERIALS ~T.'OPIC TAGS--STRESS RELAXATIONf POLYBUTADIENE1 NITRILE RUBBER, ~.~,~..POLYISOBUTYLENEP POLYMER STRUCTUREj OEFORMATION RATEt~CREEP/(U)SKB35 POLYBUTAOIENE RUBBER, (U)SKN26M,BUTADIENE NITRILE~RUBi~ERt (U)PIB85 POLYISOBUTYLENE RUBBER -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1995/120-i STEP NO--UR/0460/70/012/003/0185/0137 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116669 ASS UNCL$A IFIEO 2/2 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--L60CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0116669 ~~,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STRESS RELAXATION GRAPHS WERE OBTAINED FOR SKB-35 (POLYBUTADIENE), SKN-26M (BUTADIENE NITRILE RUBBER)p -AND PIB-85 (POLYISOBUTYLENE) IN 0-100DEGREES RAN6E. EACH RUBBER AT A GIVEN TEMP. ACHIEVED AN EQUIL STRUCTUREt 1. E., A STRUCTURE SUSCEPTIBLE ~TO AN IRREVERSIBLE ALTERATION BY-APPLYING A SMALL LOAD. THE DEFORMATION RATE WHICH WAS JUST SUFFICIENT TO ALTER IRREVERSIBLY THE RUBBER .-STRUCTURE WAS CALLED MICROVISCOSITY.: MICROVISCOSITY DEPENDEI) ON THE --,.SAMPLE STORAGE TEMP. FACILITY: MOSK. GOS. PEDAGOG. INST Im. _.,'LENINAs MOSCOW9 USSR. L I IL j 025 'UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 :TITLE--POSITRON ANNIHILATION IN QUARTZ:IRRADIATED BY FAST NEUTRONS -U- ,-.-AUTHOR-(04)-BARTENEVp G.M.o TSYGANOV, A.D.t VARISOV, A.L., PROKOPYEV, :YE.P. ~:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR `:_SOURCE--FIZIKI, 1970Y VOL 58# Ne6, PP 1904-1910 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 IC S -jOPIC,,TAGS--POSITRON, PARTICLE ANNIHILATION, QUARTZ, NEUTRON IRRADIATION, EMISSIONy ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION :_CONTROL MARKING--.NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0029 STEP NO--UR/0056/170/(j58/OO6/1904/191C C IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120729 UNCLASSIFIED - ------------ 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIEC' PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120729 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF FAST NEUTRON ._:IRRADIATION ON THE ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF ANNIHILATION V QUANTUM PAIRS IN CRYSTAL AND FUSED QUARTZ IS INVESTIGATED. IT: IS FOUND THAT THE HALFWIDTH OF THE CORRELATION CURVES CORRESPONDS TO THE VARIATION OF THE QUARTZ DENSITY. FROM AN ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS POSITRON STATES IN QUARTZ ".-PRECEDING ANNIHILATION AND ON BASIS OF THE EXPERIMENTAL DATA IT IS CONCLUDED THAT VARIATION OF THE HALF WIDTH IS DOE TO THE APPEARANCE IN THE CORRELATION CURVES OF A NARROW.COMPONENT WHOSE INTENSITY DEPENDS ON JHE RADIATION DOSE. THE NARROW COMPONENT IS DU&TO ANNIHILATIOi DECAY OF PARA POSITRONIUM ATOMS PRODUCED IN:IRRADIATED~QUARTZ. 'FACILITY: GOSUDARSTVENNYY PEDAGOGICHESKIY INSTITUT IMO V.I. LENINA. USSR uDc 62t .7-029 OBUKHOV, A. P., SOKOLOVA, T. V., ard BARMEV,,,,~. Physico Technical R A c ade`Ey`"~'r'9 c' i e n c e si ''Institute imeni A. F. loffe, USS "study of Pore Size Distribution in Sprayed~Coatings" Poroshkovaya, Mletallurrgiya, No 4t (100)9 Apr 71, pp 46-419 Abstracti Pore size distribution in solids can be determined by several methods. Mercury porosimeter and metallographic analysis methods were coT,-- pared-as a means of determining pore size distribution~in aluminum oxide coat- or plasma spraying. ings. The coatings were prepared by gas flame sprayJ V Determinations of pore size by hydrostatic *~ispen;5ion ind the mercury porosi- meter agreed well with each other but did not agree with the result,-, obtained by microphotographic methods. Gas flamet-sprayed coatings showed a porosity of 12.5 + 0.5% by either hydrostatic suspension or porosimeter methods and 11.6 + C.5% by the microphatographic methods.~ Plasm-a s1praying- gave 9.3:� 0.3% and 7.9 + 0.5%, respectively. It was concluded that the porosimeter method zeastu:ed tbhe distribution of pore ~ size by the "np-rrowing" of sizes and that micro-Dhotographic methods measured "edges."' Therefore, because of the heterogeneous particle forms in the coating opelmation, the latter method is recommended. 1/1, - 6 Zo FO:1, OFFICIAL U'E ONLY C X XTRA L IN T E L L I G Z N C E A 0 Z, N C T L RZFEIMICE SERVICE M: Date: z 2 MAR 1972 M Notice of Receipt of Intelligence Document < T The cited below was received by Acquisition and Dissemination Division, CRS, in a slsgle copy. This copy wiU be available on request to the; Dccum-en* :cervices Brallch/cHs, (Room lE61, Rxto7177); 717, docum-ent Is considered pertinent to your interests. Title: Formtkng in it Vacun a jet Target Fr= Condensed Hydrogen Author: A.I.Valevich, Yu.K.pltpenko. V.V.Smelyanaki Prepared by- AZC' Country: t:WR Dmte.of Doc=e=t: 1972 zt ClAssifIcAtiOn'. T= T-%SSIFIED I%- c-, Cu Co=trol nu--ber AEc/Bm /TR-465-72 -r DistrIbut!o=: L .Izz ACQUISI-10.7 DISSEMIRATION DIVISION DISS-EY12"TION MUCH COUATERAL REPORTS SECTION FO,j OFFICIAL UCE 0~,ILY USSR UDC 6.69.71:620.178.3 OWKIN, B. I., B=1 G. P. and SAVOST'YMOVA, .T. G. "Investigation of the Durability of Aluminum Alloys" Moscow, Zavodskayi Laboratoriya, No 5, 1972, pp 5917!593 Abstractt Consideration is given to a procedure for testing the durability of-flat specimens during the action of cyclical temperature stresses, and experimental data are presented on the durability of,alloy AK4-IT specimpns under the action of cyclical temperoture and mechanical stresses with a static load. 4,figures. I table. 2 ieferences in the form of foot notes. USSR vD C620.19).47 EINHAYLOVA, N. A,j ZFUK, N. P. PBA EWYEVA and TURKOVSKAYA, A. V., Moscow Institute of Steel and Aiipyzi "Corrosion Mechanism of Aluminum in Acetic and Formic Acids and Their Mixtures" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 7# No 5, 1971, PP 575-578 Abstracti The corrosion mechanism of aluminum in aceti c and formic acids and their mixtures was investigated. Grade A97 aluminuin was studied in 43;~.f HCOOH, 505' CH COOH and in a ternary mixture 1 33% CH CO()H + 2,?% HCO011 + 40% R 0 ai seveQ temperatures. Ele trochemical and coKo ion c'haracterisitcs w9re examined on aluminum specimens 20 x 20 x 2 mm in size. When the potential of aluminum is shifted from its stationary value toward the positive side, passivation of Al commences quite rapidly, a small passivity region is observed, and, finally, a region of disturbance in the passiy~ated state. Comparison of the flows of aluminum dissolution in the region of poteatial-independence and for the steady-state potential permits an approximate estimate of the cantri- bution of electrochemical, and chemical mechanisms to the,total rate of spon- taneous corrosion of aluminum. A comparison of -the three dissolution situations showed that acetic acid is the mixture component increasing the proportion of metal dissolved by the chemical mechanism., This can be explained in the lower USSR HIKHAYLOVA, N. A., et al., '"Iashchita 1-1 'etallov, Vol 7, No 5, 1971, Pp 575-578 (by one order of magnitude) dissociation constant of acetic acid compared withthat of formic acid. When acetic acid is diluted with water, the role of theelectrochemical mechanism becomes gTeater. This can be related to the increased degree of acid dissociation with Jacreased dilution of the acid. The chemical corrosion of aluminum in acetic and formic acids is suggezted to be due ~o the interaction of metal with ambient oxygen and is not accompanied by the evolution of hydrogens 4A1 + 30 + 12le 4A13111- +6H 0,. 3 Accordingly, when the amount of solute oxygen is reduced, the corrosion rate of aluminum decreases and in 505' OR CGOH saturated with oxygen, air, and nitrogen is 0.300, 0.097, and 0.0223g/m2.hourr, respectively at 22 2/2 MPFEMM .-IfflMi.;T-1 R RitrogeM C6MPPuMs UICZR UD11,647-571+547-551+666.718 STEPANOVAL, G_ P r-, . STEPANOV, B. 1. Moscow Chemical- Technological !;;t;Riefiffitlb~~endeleypv "A Condensation of Arom-atic- ikldehydes.with-_Aro =.tic Amides of Acetoacetic Acid !a the Presence of HexachlorocyclophosphazatrienalI Lenimgrad, Zhurnal Obshchei- 1(hi mi iV(51 40', No~ 6. Jun 70, PP 1256-1260 Abstract: The reaction of benzaldehyde and-,o-nitrobenzaldenyde with the anilide'o-chloroanilieie, and om-aniside of.acetoacetic acid in the presence aM in the absence of he.-cachlorocyclophosphazatriene (1) vias z;tudicd. An excess of the a1do;*de in chloroform was u~jcd. The r",ction producLs were washed with water and purified by recrystailization. ~ 1: acts as promoter of the condensation reaction of aldehydes with compounds containing activo methylene groups. The proposed mechanism includes adduct formation with a positive charge arising at the carbonyl C atom of the~carbonyl group so that the electrophilic, activity of the aldehyde is,enhanceLl. The adduct reacts then withacetoacetic acid ammido. the,pho5phorus.moiety is eliminated and the arylideneactetylacetamidas are:obtaihed.. 1R.and UV spectra were obtained for identification of the products., ~F i USSR um 621-397.62 ZDANYS, J., MASIULIS, F., BARTKEVI6IUS S "Stabilized Power Supply for the.YIIT-59 Television Set" V sb. Elektrotekhnika (Electrical EnSineering-collection of works), Kamas, 1970, pp 181-182 Tfrom RZh-Radiotekhnika, Ho 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12G179) Translation: The article is devoted to calculating the basic parameters of a ferroresonance voltage stabilizer under the condition that the load power is constant. Theoretical and experivi6tal data.are given for a stabilizer built in accordance with the given recommeridations.. ResUM6. USSR TJDC: 5:L2.25/.26+519-3:330-115 "Settine up Calendar Production Schedules by the Methods-of Linear Pro- gramming" V sb. Avtomatika i vychisl. tekhn. (Automation and Computer Technology- g collection of works), No 3, Vil'nyus, "Mintisit , 1971,~ p 235-242 (from IP M-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12V823) Translation: The problem of compiling P- calendar schedule of work area loads reduces to a combinatorial problem in linear programming. Minimi- zation of the overall production cycle is taken as the target function. A heuristic method of solving,the problem is given together with an il- lustrative example. Author's abstract. 40 U2: ~:~ 0 10 UNCLASSIFIEO.!~ ~!IPROCESSING oATE-30OCT70 TITLE-.1,3,DIEL CCNVERSION MECHANISM IN T IHE PRESENCE Of ACID CATALYSTS. 1. CONVERSION, OF lw3tPROPANEDIGL~ 193PBUTANEDIOL AND BETA OXIDES ON CALCIUM -.,---AUTHOR- (041-FREYOL INiv L.KH.,j SHARFj V.Z., BARTOK* M-s NAZARYAN, A.A. --~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,..SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRr SER.:KHIM. 1970y (2), 310-14 DATE PUBLISHED--70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY _.-;TOPIC TAGS--PROPANEP BUTANE# HYDROXYL RADICAL, ORGANIC 0XIDEj ACID .:~'-CATALYSIS, FURANs EPOXIOEv KETONE -.-CUNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY*REEL/FRAME--2000/0749 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/000/002/0310/0314 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124419 UNCL A SS I F IED -.411 W 212 Bolo UNCLASSIFIED. OROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 ~ClRc ACCESSION NO--AP0124419 ~."'AESTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE PRODUCTS FORMED BY PASSAGE AT OVER CA SUB3 (PO SU84) SUBZ OF HOICH SU82) SUB3 OH, TETRAHYGROFURAN, AND ALLYL ALC. WERE TABULATED'FiOR EACH TEMP. [N 25DEGREES STEPS. SIMILAR DATA ARE REPORTED FOR HO(CH SUB2) SUB2 CHMEOH AND 2,METHYLTETTRAHYDROFURAN# BOTH RUN OVER Z30-300DEGREES. THE lr3vDIOLS ARE CONVERTED INTO A MIXT.~OF SATO. AND UNSATD. ALICS., ALDEHYDES, KETONES, EPOXIDESP AND OTHER COMPOS. .DEHYDRATION OCCURS BY 2 PATHS TO AN UNSATD. ALC. AND TO A CYCLIC.OXIDEr WITH INTRAMOL. CYCLIZATION BEING PREDOMINANT. OXIDES ARE THENLCONVERTED BY -j4PDS. MUCH OF THE SA ,-ISOMERIZATION.TO UNSATD. ALCS. AND CARBONYL C', TO. ALCS. AND UNSATO. ALDEHYDES IS FORMED~BY THE H TRANSFER REACTIONS. 2.2,OIETHYL,1.3.PROPANEDIOL GAVE 11PERCENT 3.3,f)IETHYLTRIMETHYLEriE OXIDE, 18PERCENT ISOMERIC HEPTENOLS,ANO 71PERCENT MIXED PRODUCTS AT 2,8UTYL9Iv3,PROPANEDIOL GAVE NO TRIMETHYLENE OXIDE OERIVS. ..BUT 20PERCENT ISOMERIC HEPTENOLS AND 80PERdNT MI 'XEO PRODUCTS. OXIDE WAS 98PERCENT CONVERTED TO ALCS. AND OTHER PRODUCTS AT 300DEGREES. FACILITY-. INST. bRG.'KHIM. IM. :ZELINSKOGO, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: [625.282:621-438'J:003.1 BART SH T. and I-MYLIMIOV, M. Ye. -1. Ye- "Problems of Gas Turbine Traction" Moscow, Izvestiya Akaderaii Nauk SSSR--Energetika i Transport, No. .4, 1971t pp 82-92 Abstract: Gas turbine engines, as the answer to the problem o. more efficient railroad transportation for a growin,g, national economy, are discussed. Because locomotives of this type burn relatively cheap sulphur fuels, require less lubrication, and are simpler in construction, their, use throughoutl~ the world and es- pecially ~ in the Soviet - Union is desirable. They have the addi- providing higher, power 1e v*els for smaller di- tional advantage of I mensions and weight. Through three experimental Eas turbine loco- motives, the freight Gi-01 and two passenger GP1 built at the Kolomenskiy locomotive Plant imeni.V. V. Kuybyshev-, Soviet engi- neers have gained, a good. deal of experience with this type of de- 1/2 USSR YE. T., and hEnIKHOV, M. YE. Izvestiya:Akademii Nauk SSSR Energetilm I Trans-Dort, No 4, 19?1, p 82-92 P 4-heir pot- -sign. The article discusses some design problems and u the characteristics o-' -his soliitions. A table comparing type of engine with those of diesels is presented. Among the im- -------portant problems connected - wai. th the. - gas ~ turbine engine are improve- ment. in Its economy, the design i of simple. transmissions, and adap- tation to the use of heavy liquid fuels of:Various types. Acc. 1jr Abstracting.Service: Ref. Code: hP0040958 CHEMICAL ABST.- 80828a Drying and handling ammonium sulfate in a vibrating fluidized bed. Petrenko, D'. S.; Bartoshe~* h V I (Kiev N'IIKhP Kiev, U-&SR OMIr-WhIIII., 1), 44-6 Filial G. K 7uss). The eflectiveness of using the vibratiOg fluidized-bed ':0' to 0.1t:70 humidity) of (,NH4),.60j technique in drying (from 3-41/ (1) was investigated by means of an exl)tl. app. having a produc- tivity of 60 kg Air 1. ta, The eon- The app. is described in & 'I. struction of the app- permits variation of various much. and technological parameters, e.g., duration of the process, intensity of vibrating fluidization, etc. The optimal dynamic parameten W, were detd. This teclinique preatly irnproves. the coetul of heat tratisfer and accelerates the j)toQsS 1.0 din~-iil Tl)59 then uses the ordinary method of superconductivity theory to obtain expressions for the Fourier `?OTD onents of the correlation fmYions of the nucleon density.(~ ) and isospin density It is nointed out that the isotonic structure of the correlation functions obtained differs approciably from the isotopic structure of the correlation functions in the ordinary (two-fluid) superconducting,modal of the nucleus in which the correlation of the superconducting type occurs only botween particles of one variety. This difference between the quasi- fluid and quasideuteron models of the nucleus can be essentially e7aibited in a number of.processos of interaction of particles with. nuclei. Graphs are presented which clearly show that in the case of pairing of the quasideuteron type the scattering cross section has an essentially different nature than in the case-of pairing of the two-fluid type. 2/2 7. 1- 1 Tnr~,h I till It- 11 1 USSR UDC 61Z.BZ1.2~014.46:615-357-45Z 'BARU. A. M.,,.and BOZHKO, E. Kh., Laboratory of Biochemistryl Khar1kov Scienti-fic leseW!~' itute of Neurology and Psychiati ry of Some Inhibitors and Metabolite3 of Catecholamine Metabolism on the Processes of FIxation and Reproduction of Memory Traces Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Medit"ny, Vol 70, No 9, Sep 70, pp 45-48 Abstract: The formation and reproduction of a conditioned-defense avoidance reaction was studied in white Wistar-rats after.administration of substances -affecting catecholamine metabolism. It was-found that teturam (disulfiram) in- hibits,the synthesis of norepinephrine and sharply depresses the reproduction of a steadily evolved avoidance response; this'effect may be prevented by prelimin- ary:introduction of monoaminooxidase~inhibitor (iprazid). It was found that some animals exhibited an inability to learn'and:that iprazid was conducive,to rein- forcement of the conditioned defense avoidance reaction. Chronic introduction of 3,4-dimothoxyphonylethylamine impeded the formation of the rosponsd. while single injections resulted in inhibition of prellmina 7,evolved reactions, The possible role of.catecholamines in the prOC435eS Of formation and reproduction of "Memory traces" is discussed. USSR UDC 669.296:620.193.41 FOKIN, M. N., BARU, R. L., and KURTEPOV, M. M. "Corrosion of Zirconium in Hydrochloric Acid" V sb. Korroziya i zashchita met. (Metal Corrosion and:P 1rotection Collection of Works), Moscow, "Nauka," 1970, pp,66-69 (from RZh-Metallurgiya No 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12 1834 by the authors) Translation: Zirconium is stable in 20 and 30% solutions of HC1 unless the concentration of oxidizing agents exceeds 0.01-0.5 g/l.~,~ With an increase in the concentration of oxidizing.agents, pittin is observed, as well as an 9 increase in total corrosion. The tendency toward pitting is estimated ac- cording to pitting potentials measured by~the galvandstatic method. Zir- conium does not undergo hydrogen embrittlement in HCI and can.therefore be used to make insoluble cathodes operate in reducing media. Two illustrations. ~Bibliography of four titles. USSR UDC 621.791.763.1.001.5 TARASOV, H. M., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, and TSEKIL-IfISTER, I. M., and BARUKHA, N. A., Engineers, Kharkov Aviation Institute "Spot Welding With Peripheral-Zone Compression" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 1, 1973, pp 28-30 Abstract. An improved method of spot:welding has been proposed (Author's Certificate No 354956) by the Kharkov;Aviation Institute. A steel die is used which is pressed by a current-conducting rod on a copper strip previous- ly,soldered or tack welded to the piece being welded. Spot welds made with this method were stronger than without compression. The dent made by the electrode is larger when using the compression method, but this is the result of metal shrinkage during solidification and not electrode pressure. Thus, for spot welding of steels with ~.compression of-, the peripheral zone of the spot the dent from the electrode is significantly dimiaished, joint deformation decreased, and decorative appearance improved. Welding with compression increases the weld zone in the plastic state and increases joint strength and its stability. Welding with compression requires increased electrode pressure, more careful placement of the electrodes, and their centering and alignment. Six figures, 3 bibliographic references. USSR UDC 536.24:532.54 B D., VIICWV,~ Yu. V., DYADYAKTN, B. V., KOBLYAKOV, A. If., LOKSH111, V. A., SINITSYN, I. T., Editorial SLaff of inzh. fiz.'zh., Academy of Sciences of the Belorussian SSR "Heat Exchange During Turbulent Flow of Water With Supercritical Parameters of State in Vertical and Horizontal Pipes". Teplootdachla pri turbulentnom. techenii v vertikallhykh i -orizontallnvkh trubakh vody sverkhkriticheskikh parametrov sostoyani-ya (cf. Ir"nglish above), Minsk, 1970, 16 D , ill. (ITO 2315-70 Dep.): (from RZh-Mekhanika, ITO 4, Arr 71, Abstract No 4B739 DEP) Translation: The paper presents the results of an experimental study of heat tratisfer during rising, descending and horizontal flow of water with supercritical parameters of state in circular tubes.; The eqerimentaal values of the coefficients,of heat transfer were found in the following ranges of working param ters: pressure 225-265 bars; mass flowrates 480- -5000 kg/cmz-s; Rev-polds nu--:Cp-r :(12.5-450)-103; specific tlierm-al load 0.2- -6.5 MW/m2; flow teri~erature +50-5001C; wall 6o-7500C temperature + inside 1/2 6o I:- 1A 11 11. .,J It 1.-: 1:1.1 1 1!1 BARIJUN, Yu. D. et al., Teplootdacha pri turbulentnom techenii v verti- kalInykh i gorizontal'nykh *trubakh vody sverkhkritieliskikh parainetroy sostpyaniya, Minsk, 1970 (No 2315-70 Dep. dinn ter of the tubes (3, 8, 20) - 10- 3M; relative length up to 300. Ex- perimental data are obtainedon the effect which thetdirection of motion of the liquid flow has on heat exchange inthe super6ritical region. A made of the nature of the change in the coefficient of heat ex- change on the initial section and around.the perimetor of horizontal tubes. -Bibliography of twelve titles. Authors' abstract. 2/2 USSR UDC: 621.376-56(o88.8) POPOV S. G., BARU ,Z IN.? V., 1. "A 114agnetic Pulse Duration Modulator" USSR Author's Certificate No 264449, filed 25 May 67, published 17 Jun 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 119 Nov 70, Abstract No 11D473 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a magnetic pulse duration modulator for controlling a thyristor current regulator, The device contains a transformer with leads of a two-section winding connected through resistors, saturation chokes and diodes to the controlling electrodes of the thyristors, and the common tap from the transformer sections connected to'the negative lead of the thyristor current regulator. To increase the steepness of the leading edges of the output pulses, a switching element such as a dynistor is connected between the common tap of the transformer secondary and the negative lead of the thyristors in the current regulator in series with a resistor. V. P. Reliability USSR 621.396.6.019.3 BARVINSKIY, L. L., Dal'YANCHUK, V. S., MEDVEDEV, K. 1. "Availability of Certain Repairable and Haintainable'Redundant Systems" S.b. nauch. tr. Kiev. in-t inzh. grazhd. aviatsii (Collected Scientific Works of Kiev-.Institute of Civil Aviation Engineering), 1970, vyp. 3, pp 25-29 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5V292) Translation: Expressions were obtained for evaluating the idle time factor of a complex comprising redundant subsystems and subjected to repair and pre- ventive. maintenance. It is proposed that all modules of the system are equally reliable and that their repair time is distribuutd by an exponential law. The repair time for a failed module and the switchinp tim'e to a reserve unit in a state of good repairare distributed by a power law The time to ready the redundant unit for operation is taken into account. Viere is 1 illustration and a 1-entry bibliography. USSR 62-531.6 RAN Tyazhpromavtoiaati1ca". Ukraini- and G -BERG, G. Ya. an a -esign Institute/ "Device for Reversible Control of a Single-Phase Condenser 1-notor" USSR Author's Certificate No 224217, filed 13 Jan 69, published 21 Nay 71 (from RZIi-Airtomatika, telemekhanika i Nrychislitellnaya tekhnika, No 12, 1971, Abstract Ho 12A174P) Translation. A known device f r reversible control of a single- 0 phase condenser motor with two'unconnected windings Contains a flip-flop with two oppositely connected thyristorz. The invention can be used as an-automatic control element and a remote transmit- ter. The proposed device providesa reduction in the distortion of the shape of the voltage applied to the control windijig of the .,motor. and.,- consequently, results in an increase in efficiency. This is achieved by equipping the secondary wrinding of the flip-flop with a center tap, with one of the motor windings connected be- t-w-een the taD and the thyristor cathodes. Each of the thyristors is connected iln antiparaliel to a diode, and other free tans on the secolidary winding of the flip-flop are'connected to the outputs of the irenerated power un;Lt thlrough capacitors. Resime. 14 1,M, 7, 91- UDC::658.562.012.7 BQY4KH. B. M., GRANBERG, G. Ya., LERNER, 1. U.3 SL(YrSNIK, Ya. Yu., TSIVIYAIN, B. Kh., CHERNKOV, V. V. "Device for Centralized Testi,ng of Parameters of an Object" USSR Author's Certificate Number 308433, filed 16/03/70, published 12/08/71 (trans- lated from Referativny), Zhurnal Avtomatika', Telemekhanika- i IrychislitelInaya Tekhnika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 A371 P) Translation: A device is suggested for centralized testing of the parameters of an object, containing a unit for selection of parameters, an autocompensator with a servo , system, a rotation-digital converter, a unit :for chockLng the accuracy of the norvo systcm of- the autocompensator, a defect indicator, a counter unit, and a recorder. In order to increase tile speed and reliability of testing, the device contains a threshold unit connected to the Input of the xotation-digital converter and a self-testing unit in the wrvu _. system -, and: the output of tile threshold unit is connected to one input of the self-tesiting unit of tile oer-tio system, the second input of which is, connected to can aaditional output Of tile 'Unit for selection of parametersl the output of the counting control is conilected 1/2 USSR BARYA-M, B. M., GRANBERG, G. Ya... LERNER, 1. U., SLOTSNIK, Ya. Yu., TSIVIYAN, B. Kh., CIIERNKOV,. V,V., USSR Author's Certificate Nunber 308433, filed 16/03/70, publishedJ2/08/71 (translated from Referativnyy Zhurr.61 Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i-VychislitelInaya. Tekhnika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3I.A371 to the input of the counting unit, the output of the false balance cliecking unit is connected to the controlling input of the- servo system balancing element, while the oiitput of the signalling unit is connected.,to the additional inputs of the defect indicator and recorder. 2 figures. 2/2 USSIR uDc -669.25: 5 396 ATSKOP 0. 1., KUSHNEREV, V. I., PILIPENO, N. P., G., D 11Aj'jQa. F*.G. T , -echnical Institute. POGORELOV, and YABLUKOV, B. G., Donetsk Fhysicoi' "Study of the Internal Frictionof Cobalt Near 30000 Sverdlovsk-, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 32, No 5s Nov 71, pp 1101-1104 Abstract: Earlier research indicates the 3000C region as the position of low-frequency maximun internal friction.for cobalt, Descr-A-bcd here is an attempt to explain its nature and properties. The experiment involved pecimens of 99.98" pure ~o measuring U40 mm and specimens machined s IV additionally deformed by drawing (by 8%). The specimens were gradually annealed at 3,00, 6ou and 9000C.azid~cooled down to room temperature. The measurements included internal friction (150-3500C), oscillation frequency (7 cps) and maximal shearing strains (2,10-6). Interrupted anneal of the material appears to lower the maximum friction temperature position w4ich in most proncianced at 900C and particularly manifest on the drawn specknen. The relationship between the temperature position of maximum internal USSR BAR'YAKI1TAR, F. G., et al, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 32, No 5, Nov 71, pp 1101-1104 friction of Co, the thermomechanical treatment of the material and the conditions of polymorphous transformation indicate its close association with crystal lattice defects, i.e., the maximum internal friction of Co at.3000C is of deformational nature. It ismost likely to be caused by f rmation of the material, including p lymor the plastic de 0 0 Dhous transfoma tion of Co. (2 illustrations, 3 bibliographic references)-~ 2/2 61 USSR AKHIYEZER, A. I., AKHIYEZER, I. A., BARYAKHTAR, V.,G. (Physicotechnical Institute of the Ukrainian Academy ......... "Electron-Electron Collisions and Electrical Conductivity of Metals at Low Temperatures" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, July 1973, pp 342-345 Abstract: The contribution of electron-electron collisions to tile resistance of pure metals at low temperatures is determined. It is shotm that due to compensation of coulomb repulsion of electrons and their attraction due to virtual phonon exchange, the effective interaction between the electrons is appreciably decreased. Consequently, the conttibution of electron-elec ron collisions to the resistance of a number of metals is proportional toT in a broad temperature range (and not to T2 as predic'ted by the Landau- Pomeranchouk theory; T is the metal temperature). 44 USSR U D C: "Dn AKHIYEZER, A. I., BA10YAKHTMR, V. G., aria INIRI1,11 A. G., Kharkov State Univer- sity imeni A. 11. Go"r "Parametric Excitation of Hypersound in Ferro-magnetics" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdovo Tela, Vol 14,.N0 3, Mai, 19720 pp 889-891 Abstract: The authors calculate the increment of hypersound which is caused by the oscillations of a magnetic moment of large amplitude, It is shown that in a temperature range one order of magnitude less than the Debye tempera- tures the increment can exceed,the sound damping const nt. :Original article: 11 formulas and seven bibliographic entries., 1/1 USOR UDC: 11 one YAIM BAR _IG. BOROVIKO A Ye. and POPOV, V. A. "Theory of the Intermediate State of Antiforromagnetic Objects" 'Moscow, Zhurnal Eks-cerimentallnoy i Te-oreticheshoy vol 62, RIO -6, 1972, pp 2233-2242 Abstract: The theory of the iiatermediate state of antiferromaL.--netics 3-n an external field is given in this artlicle.~ Beginning t-h-eir ana- lysis irith an expression for the various phases that can occur in antiferromagnetics, depending on the direction and maUnitude o--,' the external maUnetic field, the authoro develop a -theory of pertu.2~-ba- tions throu~--.h which the maLmetic moment'd is tribut ion in the int(~r- mediate state can bc found with any c _0 of!L accu:c,~tcy. R'euults of the theory for the case in which the antiferromagnetics has the form of th( an ellipsoid are given dnder the assumption that mp.,-netic r,:om. ent and antiferromagnetiom voctors are in uniform Idistribution. Also considered- is the nornaiiform distribution off these vectors in a. plate, where the free a-rit-iferromaq7netic enerCiy is varied with re- spect to the vectors. B_xpresaions are ob-flaine'd for the cnex.C~,Y. of the intermediate state and for the domain- di-men--lici2s. The authors thank A. 1. AkIiiyezer and V. V. Yeremenko for their C0LiL:en`(,--J; are associated vith the Physico-To clinical Inotituto foi- Tem-pera- t-ures, M:rainian Academy ol' Sciences. USSR BARYAKHTAR, V., Q.. KLEPIKOV, V. F., and SOBOLEV, V. L. (Khar'kov State "Ground States and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Thin,Magnetically Ordered Films". Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, May 1971, pp 1454-1462 Abstract: The ground state of a thin magnetically ordered film in which the character of the surface magnetic.,anisotropy is different.from the character of the voluminal magnetic anisotropy was studied. The distributions of the magnetic intensity of a ferromagnetic film as well as the vectors of the anti- ferromagnetism and magnetic intensity of an antiferromagretic film in the ground state was determined. These distributions are,described by Jacobian elliptic functions. The static local and integral magnetic.susceptibility of a film were calculated, and it was shown that for given thicknesses of the film a phase magnetic transition of the second kind occurs, during which the components of the tensor of magnetic susceptibility undeigo an abrupt change. The amplification factors of the nuclear magnetic resonance were calculated. 36 &W fi.~30C6 -USSR BQLYALLT4Aw.X.CL-, BOROVIK, A. YE., POPOV$ Ve Aep and STEFANOVSKIY,- _YE~., Physicocnemical I m nstitute.of the Acade y~of Sciences Ukrainian. SSR "The.Domain Structure of an Antiferromagnet Resullting From Variations in the Character of the Magnetic Anisotropy" MOSCOW, Zhurnal Eksperimentalfnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 59, No Oct 70, pp 1299-1306 4 Abstract: The article considers.the case of the pha.,ie transition (w.ith respect to temperature) of the first kind Distributions are obtained for antiferromagnet sUblattice magnetic moments at the interfaces of phases and' (900 bound-. ary), as well as 1800 domain boundari e8 in antiferromagnets with weak ferromagnetism. The surface energies-of-the 90 and 1800 domain walls are calculated, and the domain.structures for aTlane-parallel.plate _~~are determined and domain 9ize3 estimated. :It is Shown that a thermo- 1/2 USSR 'BARIYAKHTAR, V. G., et al., Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretiches- koy Fiziki, Vol 59, No 4, Oct 70, pp 1299-1306, dynamically stable domain structure may occur in the phase transition due to weak ferromagnetism of the phase*with magnetic anisotropy of the~"easy plane" type. The surface energy of the 900 domain bound- ary, is significantly less than.that of the 1800;ldomain boundary., However, the surface energy of the 1800~.interfac~e declines signifi- the phase~transition:temperature is approached and becomes ----~>on. the order of the 900 interface. The authors thank A. I..AKHIYEZERP A. S. BOROVIK-ROMANOV and V. V. YERDIENKO for discussing the-reBUlt3e AX Acc. Nr: AP0043583'"" q2j2.-. _M 0056 Zhurnal Ek40eriraentallno :i T oreticheskoy PPIMRY SOURCE: Y~ e .58,,Nr'2, Vp Fizikiq 1970, Val SO (V LOW FREQUENCY ANTIFERROMAGNETIC RESONANCE IN COPPER, CHLORIDE DIRYDRATE A.ND PHASE TRANSITIONS V. G. Baryakh14r, A. A. Galkin, S. N. Kovner, V. A. Popov Antiferromagnetic re-ionance in- a CuC12-21120 single crystal is investigated at fre- quencies of 5.2, 3.0, 1.1 and 0.65 Go/s. The dependence of resonance fields corresponding to frequencies 3 and 0.65 Ge/s on temperature is measured at temperatures betweell 1.52 and 4XIC The resonance field corresponding to the frequency 0.65 Gcjs and tho larger of the resonance fields corresponding to the frequen6y 3 Gc/s within the expe- rimental errors vary with temperature just as the overturning field of the sublattic., magnetic moments does. The maguetic, moment homogeneous oscillation frequencies in an antiferromagnet separated into domains are calculAed. A phase equilibrium di- agram is proposed for CUC12-2H20 in a.magnttic: field parallel to the teasy* axis. Tht, temperature dependence of the lability fieldS is calculated in the spin wave theory approximation. BEE L IMM 197G2055 UNCLASSIFIED -039 UNCLA5S I FI ED' 'PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 EXCITATION CF SOUND BY A UNIFORR MAGNETIC FIELD IN FERROMAGNIETIC SAMPLES -U- ~,AUTHOR-102)-BAKAY, A.S., 8ARYAKHTARt V.G. C NTRY OF INFO-USSR cu. EKSPERIMENTALINOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKIw 19701 VOL 581 _j_jR 4, PP 1342-1347 DATE PUt3LISHED-__70 SUBJECT.AREAS-PHYSICS .LTGPIC TAGS-FERRUMAGNETIC MATERIALt PARAMETRIC OSCILLATORv ALTERNATING MAGNETIC FIELI),:HIGH FREQUENCYP EXCITATION SPECTRO(At ACOUSTIC VIBRATION, MAGNETIC FLELO EFFECT CCNTRCL MARKING-NG RESTRICTIONS 010CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REELIFRAME-198811569 STEP NO-UR/0056/70/058100411342/1347 .CIRC ACCESSIGN NU--AP0106315 -----UNCLASSIFIED Ic~ 212 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NG-AP0106315 "ABSTPACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PARAMETRIC EXCITATION OF SOUND BY A HIGH FREQUENCY UNIFORM FIELD IN A FERROMAGNEr 4s INVESTIGATED. THE SOUNO PARAMETRIC EXCITATLUN THRESHOLD, STATIONARY~CONDITIONS BEHIND THE :.~THRESHOLD AND THEIR TRANSIENT'PERIOD ARE,FOUND. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE MAGNETIC MOMENT OSCILLATICN FREQUENCIES ON AMPLITUDE ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. A CGMPARISON WITH THE EXPERIMENTAL DATkIS MADE. FACILITY: FILIKO TEKHNICHESKIY INST.~AWUKR. SSR' UNCLASSIFIED 112 019 UNIC ASSI~iE -t~ic DATCI---~13NGV70 L PROCESS TITLE-PRODUCT ION OF NEW BRANDS UF VEAY FlNi' 7RANSFORMER STEEL ~i~_-AUTHUR-(05)-AFANASYEVv S*V.t BARYATINSKIY, V.P., GORBACHEV, V.N., YELTstlil Yij.v..i KOVALEV, P.M. top-, --A j:.'.'CCUlNTRY GF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 1970,~ 34(21, 272-5 DATE PUBLISHEG-----70 ';'-v-~SUBJECT AREAS-MECH., E GRI MATERIALS IND., CIVIL AND NAR I NE N __?'_TOPIC:TAGS-TRANSFORMER STEEL, METAL:ROLLING, ELECTRICAL PROPERTY, STEEL '~~'~._~MANUFACTURE PROCESS, STEEL SHEET,- ANNEALING C ORTROL MARK I NG-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUREUT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEo REELIFRAME--1994/1936 STEP NO--UR/001*8/70/034/002/0272/0275 CIRC 4CCESS ION NO--AP0115745 UNCLASS IF IED -2/2 019 F! 'Eb" UNCL SSI I PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115745 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TECHNOLOGY:USE0 !N MANUFG. :-VERY FINE, 0141ENTED TRANSFORMER STEEL SHEET (0.05-0.15 MM THICK) FOR INSTRUMENTS ANO APP. UTILIZING A WIDE RANGE OF FREQUENCIES IS GREATER THAN-GiR EQUAL TO 400 HZ DIFFERS~IN MANY ASPECTS!FROM THE CONVENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY USED FOR HEAVIER GAGE SHEET (0-2-0.5 KNI)t AS THE FINE SHEET ls:MADE,GENLRALLY FROM HEAVIER' GAGEF COLD ROLLEDISHEET OF AN ORIENTED TEXTURE tRATHER THAN FROM NONORI ENTE 0 i4AT'ER IAL.-: I N THE COUR SE ~ 0 F MANUFG. THE- FINE SHEET, THE A110) (001) ~TEXTURE OF THE THICKER TRANSFORMER SHEET TRANSFORMED BY COLD ROLLING~ INTO A DEFORMA TION-. TEXTURE (111) MEAN TO I IS CHANGED VALUE, OF 112 WHICH AGAIN KO MEAN;VALUE:OF C01 BY .SUBSEQUENT ANNEALING K DEPENDING ON THE:'DEFORt 1ATION RATIO ANDTHE TEMP. OF THE:ISOTHERMAL AN4AL. THUS, THE FINAL.TEXTURE IS:THAT FORMED BY ~PRIMARY RECRYSTN.; ITS DEGREE OF PERFECTION.(WHICH DETS. THE MAGNETIC _~-.PRDPERTIES OF THE MATERIAL) DEPENDS ON Tl'iE INITIAL TEXTURF AND GRAIN -SIZE (BEFORE ROLLING), THE OEFGR,MATIONiP.ATIO~APPLIED,,AI40 THE TEMP. AND 'DURATION OF FINISH ANNEALING.' SECONDARY;RECRYS:TN. IS SUPPqESSLD SINCE .7 [T WOULD.BRING ABOUT TEXTURE DETERIORATION. :ANNEALING'AT 950-1060DEGREES FOR A PERIOD OF TIME OT-,EXCEED[IG THE INCU3ATION PERIOD N OF,SECONDARY RECRYSTN. (ZO SEC) OR,CONTROLLED AANEALING, PER14ITTING .,..-;LONGER EXPOSURES TO HIGH TEMPS. IS RECOMMENDED; THE FORMER TREATMENT MAY -NOT BE FOLLOWED BY A SECONDARY ANNEAL~, THEJECHNGLOGICAL GUIDELINES ,..-GlVEN:PERMIT THE MANUF. OF FINE SHEET EXHIBITING SP. CORE LOSSES OF SIMILIAR TO L2W-KG. i FACILITY: TSNIICHM IPI~BARDINA,, MOSCOW9 ,.,,-;-'USSR. UNCLASSIFIED l/ 2 019 UNCLASSIFIto~! PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 JITLE--SECONDARY RECRYSTALLIZATION IN COLD ROLLED SILICON STEEL-ALLOYED IN THE ANNEALING PROCESS - U- _-,_AUTH0R-(05)-AFANASYEV, S.V., dAkYATINSKIY* V.P., GORBACHEV* V.N., ---------- -KRYZHANOVSKIY9 V.V.t MO L 0 T I-cov _f_B_-v --USSR COUNTRY OF INFO -SOURCE-ILV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 1970, 34(ZJ* 276-80 DATE PUBLISHED--70 '_-.SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR --:-TOPIC TAGS-SILICON STEEL, METAL RECRYSTALLIZATION'r COLD ROLLING, TRANSFORMER STEEL, ALLOY COMPUSITION, METAL TEXTURE, HIGH QUALITY STEEL CONTROL MAkKING--NO 9ESTRICTIONS _DOCUMENT.CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY. REEL/FRAME--1995/0190 SiTE PNO-Ul~/0048/70/034/OG2/0276/0280 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115894 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT7C ~_CIRC ACCESSION NLJ-AP0115894 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-(~- ABSTRACT. THE PROCESS OF SECONDARY RECRYSTN. ..IN THE PRESENCE OF S WAS STUDIED QN COLD ROLLED, HIGH PURITY TRANSFORMER STEEL SHEET 0.05, 0 -08. AND 0.10 MM THICK TO DET. THE-EFFECTS OF THE PRIMIARY.STRUCTURE, HEAT TREATMENT CONDITIONS, AND THE S CONTENT ON THE FINAL PRODUCT. THE STEEL CONTAINED C 0.007p MN 0.08t 51 3.051 P 0.006, S. 0.0025, NI 0.041 CR 0.01, CU 0.05, AL-0.01, AND N 0.0107PERCENT. ALLOYING THE THIN SHEET IN THE ANNEALING PROCESS MADE IT POSSIBLE TO THE STRUCTURE AN CONTROL.THE SECONDARY RECRYSTN. oD TEXTURE OF THE .,.SECONDARY MATRIX DEPENDED ON BOTH THE, INITIAL STRUCTURE AND THE AMT. OF s lNTRODUCED BY DIFFUSION. AT~RELATIVELY LOW S~CONCNS. THE SECONDARY H R S CONCtS. RECRYSTN. DEVELOPED A RIBBED TEXTURE WHEREAS AT HIG E N IT RESULTED IN AN ORIENTATION NEAR (111) (1101* A PRELIMINARY RECRYSTN. OWING T&O HEAT TREATti'EN*r-'ANU''A--SUB'SEQUENr, STABILI'LATI'GN' OF TH&'PRIMARY ~MATRIX BROUGHT ABOUT THE FORMATION OF A MORE PERFECT TEXTURE IN .~SECONDARY RECRYSTN., FACILITY: TSNIICHM4M. BARDINAt MOSCOW# _~.USSR. X-0. 0WERIMLINTAL STPUY OF THE DIS-TRInUTION Or Ati1IX1t'K1,q IN M'LTtLAtErED FILM STRUCTURES OF GALLIUM ARSLUJUL GROWN 8V r41! MEninD of H(!tlID EPITAXY jArtIclP by A. A.-DArybin, A. A. Zakharov, I. `t'.,.Kr9tyXQvA, N.-K. Ntdtv. PsItQrNa , L~ningrid. itavcsibirik. 111. SI-1u. 1- -UY Roata I Sinteza Polutyrat -cdnikovvkn Krtqtallov I r1eno Punsian, 1:-17 June 1912. P1.16) Thin paper contain* 4 discussion of the treaultm of an -pt~tm0,ntAI , - 1. t mdv or the sdmixture-dimtributivn- In fi I. siructuTrs of raM (.17 th # h -a-1. A - 4 A r-n-f type and others grown from the mlls-olutions untog tvirced cr~linc 40 d usinit A tetVersturG gradient. Tile cvn,!Ittor;% of epitAxial trc~wth of the Illma. are tile followings tile -tutflLicil te'rrlat.urv. L't tile solution-It. I% 600' to m)(IoCo the coating rate im I-St deltiette. the terperaturt gradient In 2-10 dcr./m. Tin, nenvintum and zinc were used as the alloyine ad~lxtumtt. lite dintribution of the admixtures in the structures obtained w,ut invtstirit,d hy the known volt-farAd and sonde methods eed else uft%nR tj~e tb, ~jcjl dec,,ta- tion procedure developed fur gallium arsenide. The research donertstrated that depending on the conditions and the grewth revinct. sharp tr-n-.01tions of the admixture concentration are obtained between the layers And tittoo structures with intermediate hirlt-restatance And late-resistance lavers. It was discovered that when using the temperature gradient edthod. a onces unifora distribution of the admixtures in obtain4d with respect to the thickness of the la?ars. The onessuressont results obt ain*d by different soathods aitriss, quite well with each other. USSR BARYBIN. A. A. "Interaction of 11( Vzaimodeystviye gt Poluprovodnikakh, elektronika (Radic Moscow, 1970, 13 1 1970, Abstract No UDC 537:226:537:311:.33]:538 icQn and Spin Waves With Ferromagitetic:Scmiconduct.ors'I ikonnykh i spinovykh voln v ferromagnitnykh English version above] (Editors.of Radiotekhn. i Engincering.,md Electronics), Academy of ciences, USSR), ges, (Translated from Referativnyyl Zhumal Fizika, No 10, 0 Ye 1170 DEP by the author). Translation: The method of coupled waves is used to study the interaction of helicon and spin waves. For this, the fields ard.currents of each of the interacting systems are represented_as-sums of internal.and external fields and currents, allowing.thelderivation of excit ation. equations for the helicon and spin waves by external sources.'By Means of the small.-signal energy theorem proved earlier, the.poweTs-caTried bythe helicon and spin ~d waves are calculated,and it is,' etermined that the couplinp between these ~ave5j expre.ssed as a periodic interchange1n power between the Interacting waves is pjaBs.ive in and does . 'nIat-l-'e-ad to amplification of the spin waves. USSR UDC 537.311.33 BARYBIN, A. A. "Effect of Diffusions and Collisions on Longitudinal Waves in Drifting Flows of Charge Carriers" potokakh Vliyaniye diffuziy i stolknoveniy na prodol'nyye volny v dreyfov nositeley zaryada (cf. English above.. Editorial Board,of the Journal "Radiotekhn. i elektronika," AS, USSR), Moscow, 1970, 15 pp (from RZh-- Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 5, May 1971, Abstract No 5B13 DEP) Translation: Equations of a quasihydrodynamic approximation are used for a study of longitudinal waves in nondegenerate semiconductor plasma. On the basis of a small signal energ theorem demonstrated earlier, the accumulated Oy energy a-rid power transmitted by the longitudinal waves:are calculated. The energy characteristics and dispersion equation obtained are studied for individual special cases with the object of clarification of the role of diffusion and collisions of carriers with the lattice,~in the process of propagation of longitudinal waves in plasma.. Author's Abstract. 1/1 USSR UDC 537:226+537-311:33]:[537+535 B RYBTN. A.-A "Small-Signal Energy Theorem for Movement of Carriers in a Solid Plasma" MalosignalInaya energeticheskaya teorema dlya. dvizheni)ra nositeley v plazme tverdogo tela., [E 'nglish version above) (Editors of Radiotekhn. i elektronika (Radio Engineering and Electronics], Academy of Sciences, IFSSR, Moscow, 1970, 16 pages, CTranslated from Referativnyy,Zhurnal Fizika, No 10, 1970,.Abstract No 10 Ye 10,13 DEP by the author). Translation: A system of smali-signal equations consisting of the Maxwell equations; equations describing the movement of carriers in polarization variables considering collisions, diffusion,and recombination, the equations of motion of magnetization in a forTomngnetic3and.equatipnp describing the motion of an elastic piezoelectric medium are used to' d6iii~c an energy ~theorem. no cnerg" theorem concer the mean stored energy, consisting Y of the electrical magnetic energy, electrokinetic energy of carriers; the energy stored in acoustical oscillations of the elastic medium and in spin oscillations of magnetization of the mediumi the.coupling energy of carriers with external fieldsi the of acoustical oscillations with electrical fi-elds and spin oscillations with magnetic fields; the average power carried, consisting of the electromagnetic power, the electrokinetic 2 USSR UDC 537:226+537:311:33].1[537+535 BARYBIN, A. A., MalosignalInaya energeticheskayh teorema dlya dvizheniya nositeley v plazme tverdogo'tela., (English veTsion~abovej, (Editors of Radiotekhn. i elektronika (Radio Engineering and Electronics], Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1970, 16 pages. power, carried by charge carriers, the power carried by acoustical and spin waves, the power resulting from coupling of carriers,with external fields; the average loss power, consisting of the power of losses resulting from collisions of carriers with the lattice and current losses resulting from processes of recombination, the power of magnetic losses relateo to relaxation processes in the ferromagnetic crystal. The small-signal energy theorem proven allows investigations to be performed into the, energy characteristics of waves in various systems and can be used as a basis for energy analysis of coupled waves in the design of.various SHF devices',using solid state plasmas. 2/2 IL-3. STUDY 0 F THA THERMODYNAMIC CONDITIONS OF GROWTH OF EPLTAXIAL FILMS OF CAWLIM AXStXIDE IN TU GaAa-R 2G-ItISYSTEM (1) [Article by A. A. Zarvlota# A. A. Uki,Ar~, N. X. Ned~, Leningrad; .4"abibirsk, ProtseAMA" goats I , i Polupro~odnIkoX11h I Ll P. u a at an, I ~--, i-j-un ;7 -" if.-i-131 nk Tbw thate.dynamIcs of the, _process .01 Iravth_of gallium trstnid-filn,& in 2 system w*I a studied In pop.To by Hichelitsch III and Cottliab 12). In t114 Riven paper a study hOm been made of the thermodynamic a"Iyats of the cl-tcal traomport of mollium arsenide by water vapor in ordeir to select the optiaal conditions of xrowth of spitaxIal films. For this purpone, along ith-thw. basic chamIcal, roartt~a prot-dis" with the formation of the volatile aside r4 10. a study was m44m of two coopotimpt reactions dioturbIng the Ptatchlomerric gas canosttLoni one Is with the fo~tton of the nonvolatile oxide G4 203. and the otherg vith the forvation of liquid galllium. The calcu- latton results on a cipputer p erat tt wJ the selection of the range of stoichlomotric, C-PoOt ti.nq Of the SO@ r $14OOM bounded by. theopsrattript temperature range of 650-900*C and the partial ocesaure of water (tom, 0.1 to 30 tem lit. Gut*Lde the indicated region at low temperature*. Ca 203 in formed. and at high temperatures. liquid stalltuo. The experimental studies confirmed the calculation results. The application of "act calculation of the gas phA*e conaLdering.tha competing reactions p4ruitted the aslection of the optimal conditions of the apitaxtal. proceme. 1. K. Kichelit sch, at at.. J. rlactro~rh-m. ,0c.. ?1o 111, 1248, 1964 (Russian tranalation to the collaZt-Loii , ek1ronIk* (Ketallurity, in - iii. J.;j Cactromical. Isd-va Matallucifys. , 107. 1. 2. 0. Z. Gottlieb, J.-KIectrochem, Pot.. No 112, 192. 1965. ~;4 lz - V-10. STUDY OF THE KINETICS OF CHEMICAL TRA14SPORT OF CALLIUM AILSLNIUr. IN THE GaAs_14 20-11,01) SYSTEM [Article by A--.-.BArybtn, A. A. Lakharov. M. K. 40dev,, LoninArod-, NeYosibirAk, III 51?,,porium Eq Prorat ~,k - , "'- 17 -j~ - L,111!_,;L;M_P_4~~ J Plmak. n;. 1972. It 611 CGICuldtion of the compooLcIon of the rea phase and salectiatt #r the of r-aAs tt2o* off-4 the Polisibility uf daiining_ the diffusion motso transfer Tate by th* Levvr~ltandal theory. The experlmot)titl study of the Ark"th rr"te of GaAs f'1=0 &%I COV.Par""" of It with the CAICUI0jtf4I valueo permitted up to find the strowth r#ml&tancw at the crystal caused by tit. finite rote of the hetarogsn*cmjm~ proc"sats..un the surisce of tha source and the nubarrate. , it turnmi out that unJer actual c 0nd J_ tions the rate of thit heterorenet-4s, serfmce reactions Is on the saw# order 4:. the rate of diffusion inams transport, Th, messuretmento of the growth rates the substrate-* utth diffecant orimta~iTon - (1111. (110), (100) -- &6-t the range of operating amparmaturat Lana W - (0.5-1) kcal/wIt. -The greatest growth rate and the least operating ouparmatur at Ions were observed an substrates with (W) orientation, and the least rate and greatest sup*raxturatiom. an substrates With. (100) oft mintatio". 9" 73 T-15. UPERWINTAL STLMT Of THE HETEROEPITAXIAL GROWTH CONDITIONS Of GALLIUM AMMME TIL)Z ON DIFLECTIRIC SUBSTRATES (Article by &..A..Aarybtn,, A. A. Zukharov, H. K. Nodev, Leningrad; 2"voslblrak, Yl&iakk, Rusaixn, 12-17 June,. 1972, p 661 In this paper the results of an experimental study of the SrL-vth of GaAs an QMcrystailins sub.tratex of AL o3. Mito and Y 4 films 3 _,012--Ore- &1ztuas*4- _2 - The--ftima were strawa b7the chemical tram*port method In the C4A&--4140'_H2 system on substrate* with the following oriefttation-t a-Al203- (000)1). (1110). (1122); Kjtf~--V>M; TyAI5012-(100). (110), (111). The different methods and conditions at chemical treatm*m f the dielectric substrates were tested and processed. Inthe " ltEves 4;60*v-red that the higher quality Mam v*re obtained on substrates with advance application at a thin layer (0,3-0.5 miaroas) of Calm alloy (9.1). The optimal r~vmulte were obtained at substrate tepareturem of 650' to 750%, a source temperature 10-50 degrees hilt,Pr and a V*xtisl ~spar prtassure of water (440) so 11R. The x-ray diffraction and electr" diffraction mosly4tv demonstrated that the GaAs films had in the majority of ceirem Soon- crystalline or lump structure.- The best film structures are obtained an the substrate planes Indicated below with the following crystallographic correspandsoC4 (0001). A110311 (11L)C4LAO, (1110MA20311(loo)-o' (001) M'1011(001)"M' (100) X Al 0I211(IQ0)C"*. (111)T 1(m)caAe. rho alsettophysical Vat&-waters 13 5 YAA30121 of the Mae &T0 the followings W-type Is a (10 16 Cle Ir-**c 1k USSR ijDc 631-542.25 PAR t VPMA 01MMISOV, T., Institute- of Experimental Plant Biology of the UzbekSSR.Academy of Sciences "Pebetration of Defoliants into Cotton Seed" Moscov, Khimiya v sel'skom Khozyaystva, No 8, 1972, pp 43-46 Abstract: A study was made of the residual amounts of defoliants in cotton seed. Magnesium chlorate and butyleaptax, defoliants with,a contact action, penetrate into the kernel of the cotton seed. The penetration rate of these compounds depends on the physiological state (age) of the bolls and also on the dosage of the compound and the air temperature. LKiring manifestation of protective properties of the plant, the quantity of defolinnts in the seeds gradually drops apparently as a result of its detox1cation. Detoxicat-,Lorl is accelerated at high temperatures, Dityleaptax was detacteil in the cotton seed kernels primarily in metabolized form. About 5-10% of the radioactivity of a 35S tag was in the aliphatic fraction (ether extract),-- a lipophilic product of conversion of butylcaptax, The primary radioactivity (90-95,L) was dis- tributed among the remaining three fractions of the kernels: water-soluble metabolites (35-110P, water soluble proteins (24?) ana dry colid residue (30- 35%)- 1,' the experiments magnesium chlorate [Mg (CIO 3 2-6H2,01 was used in the 58 USSR K&& and TUNOL', I., Special Ogonek Correspondents "A Second Birth?" Moscow? Ogonek, K6 50, Dee 71, P 11 Translation# This Is a severe disease:. It attacks the newborn babyl the tiny defenseless person, and does not. let go. "The tivatment is inefi.'ective," prominent physician note. Yes, up till noir this disease could not be arrested. The first successful steps In the fight against It bave brien made only now in the department of the academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Yuriy Mikhaylovich Lopukhin... The 5-year old Petya was brought to Professor Lopul-ldn's clinic from the Pediatric Neurological Department of the Second Moscow Medical Institute. The instability In the boy's walking began to progress rapidly froza the age of 3~2L. He had barely learned to vraU, but his relatiyos imre not able to -e-oice at his fir-at steps. It seemed that only. yesterday his grandmother - saidt "Look, look, he is wal.Ungf" But today the boy did not got up from his bed, With every passing day his motor coordination became increasingly Impaired and his slow speeeb be cam e more slurred'This wwj terrible. A human being was just beginning to live, but oven happy, child-mn's &ames not accessible to him... 1/2 WM~1-10- WIF�R ~M--,Mlb M USSR BAR M N, and TUNKEL, I., Ogonekj No 50 Dee 71, p 11 Petya did not complain and only looked at the world with puzzledt sad eyesi The entire arsenal of weapons avaJlable to to~ay's:therapy was put in motion. "Without effecV was the sharp verdict eritered inthe unim-DasSioned case history. Behind these two words there was the Xamily I a grief I the tragedy of the boy himself. ... Yuriy 145-khaylovich Lopukhin headed the group of surgeons. The operation was entrusted to Yuriy.Ivanovich Morozov. -Having taken the scalpel, Morozov was sure of hinself. . He had occasion to perform rany operations, which were not merely complicatedt but often vexy:rjxe and.e7perimental. Ile is referred to as the "golden, scalpel." : Yurly lvanovicb more than once boldly engated in a personal comb-at against diseases and conquered them. His boldness came from experience. Morozov remembered the words he had once heard from A. A. Vishnevskiys "A surgeon's boldness should not exceed his skill." Yuriy Ivaanovicb now thought out the entire operation in his mind, Le.t from the first superficial incision tothe concluding suture, **aMorozov once again examined the thymus prepared for transplantation. To this clay far from everything is known about-the thynus. "This C-land is a puzzle," one of the professors told us. It had already been proved, however, that the first days andmonths of man's life al -e the Nriodr, of it, 112. C USSR BARYXIII, and TUNNEL't I. i Ogonek, No 50, Doe 71 p ili greatest activity. The thymus is a unique starter, which Includes miiy life-support systems. It adjusts them and gives, thewa definite tone. As a rule, a man with a. normal thymus is prepated for a fight against many diseases, i.e., he has a reliable immunity. But diseases do not leave the man whose thymus is underdeveloped in peace. In the history of this disease,lithich E;oes back many centuries, the year 1941 was marked by an important circumstance.~ The,French physician Louis-Bar described this disease forthe first time. Prior to that date the Louis-Bar syndrome had not been recorded by physicians, remained unidentified, and had not been diagnosed. ("FAicephalitis same said. "Something unexplain- able," others shrugged their shouldem) Alas, they Idiew vexy well that there was a disease that caused a child to be bedridden at about the age of 5, a disease 5m which progressive ataxia, i.e., failure of motor coordination, began. At-axia was the second symptom in the description of this disease. Louis-Bar vas the first to note the inevitably. frequent, incessant infectious diBeases, In the Louis~Bar syndrome the tiny patient loses has strength slowly with an oninous consistency, and not only physical strength. Physicians note that even the child's nental development remains reta:rde'd. He sharply lags behind children his own age. The gap between age and maturation increases every year, 3/ 7 USSR BARMN, and TUML'j I., 0gonekt 110 50, Dee 71, p It Another landmark, i.e., the year 1971t has now appeared in the history of this disease. This date is connected with the woxic of Soyiet physicians, primarily vith the names of the academicianaf the Academy of,Nedical Sciences WSR Yuriy- lWdiaylovich Lopukhin and Candidate of Hledical Sciences Yuriy Ivanovich Florozov. 'orozov was the first in the world to.verfora such an operation, Yu. I. E He implanted a healthy thymus with the bone marrow contained in the breast bone in a child born nitb an underdeveloped thymus. Later on, when this and subsequent operations were evaluatedt the following ira's notedt "The immediate and remote results. proved to be good ... 11 Faxticular.emphasis was placed an the groat scientific value of the work wthyinus transplantation, which Is now being successf ully conducted at the Department of Cliniic4 and Experimental Surgery at the Second Moscow VIedical Institute of the Ministry of Health RSFSR. "The problem has now expanded and many researchers have begun to work on its solution. Obviously, only collective, efforts can bringr success Yui H. Lopu1dLin &ays. Talented profoosorst i.e. t the imiLunologist R. ~.Petrov and the biophysicist S. S. Vasileyskiyj are conducting research that has yielded imporLant results. Our young colleagues are also belping a great deal. This enables us -to organize our work broadly ancl systematically... The thymus is now being thoroughly investigated in the clinic. Lectures 4/7 43 USSR BARYKIEN, and TUI*M, L11 I., Ogonek, 110 509 Dec 71, P 11 in Immunology are given for the first time to students in senior co urs es. "Exemption from taxes," this is the literal translation of the word "immunity." But in what does this "exemption" lie? After all, the thymus -- the switch of the immune systems -- is active only during the first years of life. Some believe that cells together with the blood stream enter the thymus, tELke a 12course in immunological sciences" here, and, after completing their education, return to their places to resist a possible attack- of microbees and to free man from the heavy taxes that microbes impose on him. Othe 'T think that the thymus sends its "teachers" all over the organism and they develop the immunological capabilities of the cells on the spot. Still others say that the thymus is simply a gland that produces a hormone andp after developing, and sending its Itagents," it dies away. Whatever the explanation, the role of the thymus In ail important one. Tho Imouledge and experionce of Lopukhin, Petrov, Mlorozov, Vasiloyskiy, ancl of their colleagues and assistants are directed toward revealing, all the secrets and capabi3ities of the thymus and toirdxd finding the method of controlling the host of diseases described by Louis-Par. "A great deal depends on age. If the disease can be d-iscovered at its eaxly stageg when the child is 1 or 2-years old, one can speak, with a great de e of assurance of the probability of an almost complete recovery", 5 7